HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-11, Page 1. r.
• 1
Capita paid up
riesery ' Fund •
iota %sets •
: re*ident-JoviStusat.
• - Vice, P"Asidernt—A. G . Ragsat.
$9 846,878
jso PadCTCll,WM. ula:wx M.P,Gso.RoaCH
• •_ A. T. Wcoa, %. B. Luz (Toronto).
• Cashier --J . TURNBU LL.
f1AV11'0N BA K.--Boort► 10 to 3 ; Satut-
tisy gi, 10 to 1.. Deposits of $1 and upward
• • received and interest allowed.
- sp1CtAL DKPOSI,TS also r$ved at cur-
- rent
rent rates of interest.
HAFTS oa Great Britain ars! the United,
•,. States bought .►nd sold. -
G. , . „ mars . T4I3L&.
Poo :;ene►rr tr..ids leave Lucknow► station as
follows ;—
t;t►ing South.
.ltt le. m.
t; 13.p. ®.
s.l.i p. Io.
Going North.
11.31► a. y►.
. 4.20 p. ut.
10.47 p.
D. W. It AY ES, Agent.
11.1111 .E SIDLALL,
A. M Lt O9d30r.
• Solicitor Conveyat ae(. t etc., (fats°
(',.true ►n, Holt Cameron, utierieb).
sp•stairs in Allin'$ new block.
Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary
etc. Money to Moan, Othce over Moody'l
Barber Shop. -
toe, Solicitor*, etc., Goderith, Ont.
J. T. Gaaaow, 44. C, ' W».PIOO roos.
' 7 111MED1CAL
Surgeon and Accoucheur. Sutore. Officergery
mer J. Elliott's groceryrs
, m, and from
frow 9tt►12a. m, ;from:. �5p
7 tri9p.ID. i _ _ _ ---
, ai.D. C,11., F.'t'.
.M.S.,' M,C.P.S.0!.y
�1oD. GO Y - , Physician, Sur-
.en. and Accot�ucheur.' pstair• in Wm.
Alitn's+ new bloSk. Residence Rooss street,
behind Cameron' 'Murdoch a. Lss
I� TYE1:MAN, M. U..
and surgeon.. graduate s.f
p, ph y :.icier► Physicians
y;i� ears
Toronto Uri' eriitv'. and Council.
f hysiciattenns
and Sur •r.•t4 :1 I hittlrio.
ion i
paid to ,r. *$ s f the' nose, threat and lungs.:
block. Will pen practice on
('fists in Alija**
Or l,eft.re el An. 4 t.,,1$t $.
..E6I A b'L1 Sll 1 . 1888, r
We' do a a:eueral banking. business; issue
drafty tbr` ughout Canada and -the United
lit&tes. ' Ve make collections on all points.
'including :--Western States. Manitoba and
the North-1V'At Provinces, and a11• collet: -
tions, whether note.ur. acwunt, will have
prompt attention.
'4 tea discounted, aid farmer's sale notes
We loan to fanners on donble or single cotes
'at from one to twelve months time, and at
.reasonable rate of. interest.
�Ve loan small or .large amounts on second
:mortgage on farms or other real estate sec-
. urity and oa first chattel mortgages on live
sts.ck anti implements and crops.
We have a large amount of funds to advance
'tet first mortgagee from 5 per eetst.%to 6 per
cent. Thr rate is graded according to the
tonality and Size of the loan rrtiuired.
•A e, have on hand for sale IVO acres in Asbtield
township an 1 200 acres iu Kiulosa towliship
all improved land, witb good builtlin s and
will i<e solt1 at a bargain.
We' represent the leading English and Cana-
. slian Fire .Insurance Companies and can
t ffe.•t insurance on all classes of pn.perty in
Stock or Mutual Companies; as desired.
Qur voice hours are from 10 a. nt. to 4 p. U.
Tillage and Victuitg f ewS
Curling at Ooderich -
Two rinks of the Lucknow curling
club played a friendly game with the
loderich club on Friday last and the
honors were evenly. divided. Mr. \V,
en's rink won by one shot and Mr.
rdoch's rink lost by four shots,
Pubilc Notice
All pieties indebted to Ire either by
note or book ' account will
settle the same before the 15th of
March, as after that date all accounts
and notes will be handed over L r c,a1-
leetion . —:\dant :1'houtpson.
I. O. F.
Order t►
meets In the 1,kldfellow!'
Hall s•n the fourth Tues
elav of each ntssnth. at
7:30 o'clock. Viaitiug
retbren cordially invitsd.
P. l'Ri`(1CH, A. R. Mi'LEOT`ettetLt)'
J. I . • itBet-unlit g
Chief )<,an�rr.
Lime Burning
Mr. John Fraser -,.of lot 21, con g,
Kinloss, wishes to notify his old pat-
rons and -the public generally that he
will run the limekiln again the coming
suinmer, and all parties in- *need of
lime can be accommodated. All
kinds of wood taken in exchange for
Ltacknow March 11th, 1898
As usual, me have received the very
best arrangements with the leading
papers of 'the Dominion for special
rates during the clubbing season. Now
is the time for our subscribers to pay
for their paper and we can give them a
combination whish cannot be beaten
for quality and price. Just. read 'the
following: 'Sentinel -and Globe, $1.50;
Sentinel and Mail and Empire, $1.40;
Sentinel . a :d London Daily News,
$2,00; Sentinel and Advertiser, $1.35;
Sentinel and Farmer's Sun, $1-25.
C. O. Fe
`ti tots 59, 11:C
• HER a
now. Meets every ti and third Main
t►raobr Hath -
day s:f every nie�ntb in the
Visiting brethren are c. rdially r►vite'_ t t ►', S
1\k.I'.etr:.t 1. I. 1:.
41, tis in the (,range Hall,
ptp]y tDet tanL
est, Lucknow, tut Tuealay even
hags o ,on t , before the full 'noon. Degree
night s,u the second Tuesday evening followiP6
full moon. AU visiting brethren cordially in
borough, Barrie, S'iencoes
other places in the county
Kincardine, - IViarton, Luc
Teeswater. Paisley, Luc
Teeswater will each have Kincars-
dine 5, and \Viarton 4.
The only
o Paisley,
,)w, and
now and
Apples !b Blooeens
Mrs._ Hugh McIntosh, of Holyrood,
brought to The Sentinel 'office . on
Tuesday last a crabapple limb.- covered
with beautiful blossoms in full 'lower.
This is the earliest we have ever seen
apple trees in bloom, and it its certain-
ly smite a rarity in Bruce County 'at
to tht tfllarU '• lI►AY'r}{OYPSre��
Davi,' a
The regular monthly
meeting of the W.. men's Christian
remperancu Unison will he held every
W..dn►,edav of each month in h eA d dd allows
Hall, LuckI0w, at 3 I
t: MSS. Hoes ILL.
me►-tr+ every Friday evtning
their hall,; Campbell street.
cordially invited.
J. W. air NubleGrand.
L' C K N !) V,
. Lodge, Ne 11.2
at 8 o',,ioek in
All bsetj1tren
Order of
= Ancient
United Worltmen,
— meet* in then the
fellows' Halls
last and ircond
' Monday evening of
each month 'I right
'clock, Visiting
brethren cordially invited.
Master Workman.
else.W .'tHo4aca, U y.YK
--A big s• kating:race o Tuesday
night. •
—$25 skating contest o Tuesday.
—`world's W. C. T. U., Missionar-
ies, " See dates.
-Miss Mc;:racken, of uevale, is
visiting friends in town.
.---J11iss' Mary McDonald of Ilam;
Ilton, is %iiiting in_ town.
-T.. Agar can always s
body in teas. • Try them.
There will lie a first-cl
at the Carnival of. Nation
—Mrs. J, 4I. Anderso ► is visiting
her parents.at Dunganno
—,Mr . Frank Patterso
• ed home flour British Co
—Misses Boderous an
Wingliam; were in town
=:Vises .Minnie Young
spent- Sunday with: Erie
-T, Agar has Aiwa
(toderich Salt on hand a
—Wanted ! ' A girl
house. work. Appiy to
— If the usual predicti
March will have a seg'
exit. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. . Scott spent Sun-
day at his former hotne.near Belgrave.
We are sorry -to know that Mr. Uzell
continues to be iu poor health.
-A sleighload of the young people
of the lith con. of Kinloss, paid a visit
to the singingschool last Monday
thrift every
ss orchestra,
$U 110icaUog Race
If the weather permits there will be
another $25 skating contest in ,the
Lorne skating rink on Tuesday even-
ing next. March 15th. The crack
skaters who competed in the last race
here have all signified their intention
of being present.' This will be the
last of the seoson.
Cheese Factory Meeting
The Directors of the
illlolo rood
Cheese and Butter Co , I
meeting in the Publie Library - H,111.
Ilolyrood, on Monday, March 14th,
at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of letting
the milk drawing fur the—present
season.—Henry Thompson, Pres.
•W C T U Missionaries
A bill has been ' introduced in the
Commons long demanded by the - mer-
chants and busiuess-men of the cities.
It provides &mon: other things, that
all Inon'y S in the hands of the Govern-
ment or under its control, payable otlt
of the • consolidated revenue fund of
Canada. shall he liable to attachm€nt
at the suit of judgement ud gement creditors,
just tile same as if the money was
held in the hands of private persons.
This will make those in the civil ser-
vice who incur liabilities,. come to
time, like other debtors.
While the ,'Ontario fermers. have
been changing their way of .makihg a
living, conceding that Manitolis and
the Northwest Could beet . them in
wheat growing and looking, te the
production of fruit, mett, butter, and
-ellee.se as the chief - sourcei profit,
. the New Brunswiek people.are on the
other tack. COL D. McCrea, of '...7iuelph
who fertile plat two months has been
Farmers' Institutes in New Brunswick
eays there is a great revival of Agricul
ing. The country has been dependino.
chiefly onlutubering and other kin-
dred industries te-the neglect of the -
farm. The averageyield. of wheat in
New BrunswicIc mires be. highsr
per acre than in Ontario, ehiefly be-
cause of a toore liberal use of ni inure
As much as tifty bushels of wheat per
acre has been'reported.
on or before the full. moon, in the
. .1.____1.). N:iitoe_s_ ..___- Haase: ,Datis, _
Se sea it
:—A couple of youn
\Vingllain,-visited in to
—=Heliotrope in all
popular spring color.
like it ?
—Mrs: Smith. .and
are in Toronto selectin
liner stock. -
- Mr. and .Mrs, Ad
and daughter Bina,, we
on Tuesday. . .
—A -number of Xi
atteueied the carnival 1
day night last:
-World's W. C. T.
ies in the town hall o
day, and Tuesday._ •
-Mrs. John-
ohn_ E11io
U rahatn, are visiting f
pardton and neighbor
—Found! • Betwee
Paramount, a shawl.
have the same- try- calli
—Rev. I, B. Wall
this week attending tl
London Conference
--'Agar hasanoth
of .oatmeal coming.
The World's NV C T U missionaries
Lucknow, on Sunday afternoon,
March 13th., at 4. Issas. sharps Oa.
.Monday eveaing, Miss Vincent will
give the atury of her lifo. An admis-
sion of 15c will be charged on that
evening. Tuesday night, Miss Con-
trins will tell of their work in Aus-
tralia, fully illustrated by lantern
views. On: Sunday .afternoon and
will taken at -the doer.
A Large Funeral
One of the largest funerals that has
ever visits(' the Kinloss cemetery, ac-
cootpanied the remains .of the late
„Jainee Johnston, of Kinlough, on
Tuesday . afternoon last. Deeeased
was one of the oldest residents of the:
township and was . a man .univerSatly•
respected by all who knew him. He
was born in the County., Feimansigh,
Ireland, and Gime to Kinloss over. 40
veare ago, where -lie continuously.
resided till his death.at. the ripe. - old
age of 74 years, 6 months and 6 days
Ile had been ill for several weeks ,but
the immediate cause of death was -
dropsy of the heart.
Mitlisviage in Chicago •
There are"2 *vacancies in the Domin-
ion -Senate at present time, one for
Prince Edward, end the other for
ontario. A table bus been compiled
showing the ages of the gentlemen who
comprise the Senate. The House is
composed of 85 members -24 from
Ontario, 21 from Quebec, 10 each,
from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
4 from Prince Edward, 4 from Mani-
ing the chances of the Government
obtaining a majority in the course of
tithe by deaths among the Senators,
the following statement of their ages
may be found interesiing:1 of 94s-1 of
The oldest Senator is Hon. Mr. Wark,
cf Novi Scotia, 94 years old, and the
youngest lately appointed is Hon, Mr.
Dandurancl, of Quebec province, 38
Ilknot graduate in dentistry, Toronto
Dental' College. and Doctnr of Dental Sur-
firery, Toronto University. All nosiern plans
of tt. elation and carefulneas in workmanship.
lithos in Allia'4 bitask ;Upstairs.
P.`, S. - Ikill visit Ripley every Thursday
Cook's Cotton Boot Componixt
1..uccessfully used monthly by over
soar druggist for Gok's Wale ass Car
fake no other as -all Misturee, pills and
rni nations are dangerous. Trice, No. 1, 51 per
tor 3. Mailed ton receipt of price and two Nen%
°a 3 and 3 *old and recommended by all
T Agar for
end dinner set of d
mad well assorted V
week, a fur cap.
secure the same oy
ter Gratia, of ..11resse
deyss this week wail
last Week. The bisy
On %Vedneirday evening, March
2nd., a very pretty event occurred at .
the residence of Mr. Rubinkin, pastor
of the Congregetionel Church, Madison
avenue, Chicago, when Mr. Alex. Mc-
Kenzie, formerly of Paramount, and
Miss Anna Pueppke, of Chicago, were
united ir. merriage. The groom was
supported by ,his brother, Jack Mc-
Kenzie, while_ Miss Tony .Kraetsch
acted as bridesmaid. The bride wis
attired in a beautiful costume and
loeked very charming. ' _After the
cerernony was performed they repaired
to 5460 Lake Avenue, the home of the
groom, where about.fifty guests were
assembled to wele,ome- the young
couple.- The evening was spent in
'different kinds of amusements includ-
ing singing, dandins am,- after which
the happy crowd' dispersed to their
liomes, wishing Mr. aud Mrs. Mcken-
zie a happy and prosperous life. • Mt.
and Mrs. McKenzie left oext morning
11.. Gordon, Draggist.
Given -
For terms, etc., call at the Sentinel
COncert Work a S.tecialty
Ira Meeting
The regUlar moathy parlor meeting
home of the Prtsident, Mrs. J Arm-
stron;, on Friday evening last and
was one of the best meetings yet, held,
there being about twenty HO present..
After Scripture reading by the Presit-
dent„Mrs Berry -led in Prayer The -
hostess then gladly welcomed all
present to her home, after which the'
superinteadss: of pirlor meetings,
Miss M. Burgess, took the chair and
a good programme followed, consist -
ng of Piano solos; by, Missis Smith
and Coiling; a trilby Messrs Sinith,
Johnstone and Dallson; Recitation by
Miss L McDonald; Solo Miss Berry; -
Reading, Mrs. Jas. Brvani Report of
the Flower Committee for the- past
year. Refreshments were then serired
and the meeting closed with the Mis-
pah benediction,
ur produce: Yo
a call.
from his first trip. w
and reperts Literal)
township rights in
seMiss' Vincent
tell the etork le
night next in the't
'ion 15c,-, -chili; take
of Lucknow,• 81 a
particulars apply t
tal Office for the p
implements, 'the
Hector McKay, w
Mareh 30th., at 1,
e. --Miss Gummi
tears( their work i
with lantetn view
twit in the town-
cellection at the
'-r—At this parte
the eYes receive
using Ardistron
gieen lenses fro
-The election is over and everything
le la working shape.
- )1r. J. Courtice, and Master+ Willie
*days with friends here, -
Mrs. John A Kent, of Toronto, is
the guest of her sister Mrs. R E Lanel
Mrs. Wm. Kickley, President of the
Presitidut of the Mission Band, attend
ed as deligates at the meeting held in
—Ladies! 1
call and see Mis
of novelty veilin
right.—.Miss II
shown' in 'Luck n
:almost cut in h
lartgely_ and can
Remember- ma
Cut Dawn
At the present time and [for many
years, Walkerton has had eight hotels,
but after the 1st of May next the
number be reduced to six. This
chahge la lituu,Altt, about by an amend-
ment to the liquor License law, passed
during the session last year By this
amendment, in County towns where
there is a population 6f• 250C, there
shall not be over three tavern licenses
iinned, and but ono license for each
additional 000 of population over the
first 1000. Though by the last cenus,
Walkerton hed 3061 of a population,
it can baits no more hotels than if it
had only 2800. It now remains for
the license commissoners te say which
two shall be cut ofl. Tbe other towns
affected will be as follows-. Cornwall,
Orangeville, Pembroke, Perth, Peter.
has return-
Moore, of
n Sunday.
f Teeswater
5 in town.
plenty of
$1 a- barrel.
or • general
rs.lt Moody.
s come true
ely lion -like
Although..the- political. warfare in
the past 'campaign has been pretty
keen hi Some places, the people in this
section have seemingly taken no ie-
terest in'it as the politican's voice is
seldom heard .in this section.
The roads; are becoming
condition. . '
Clover thr(hing is being done by
number of, our farmers. • - A. gramophone entertainment was
given in t -he Methodist church on the:
"8th inst.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stothers, of Dun-
gannon, spent a few days with Mr. A.
in poor
— T
By the WnsurWwanosh ance Company 4.1 Fire
Sce Our
. At a regular mee
of Directors of the
Mutual Fire Insure
on Thursday, Marc
following rdsoluti
and unanimously c
That the membe
desires to place on
sentiments of since
in view of the loss
which we have
through the deceas
friend; associate, p
co-director. Mr. Ch
of the still heavier
those who were ne
It I,sul. VIED =The
tribute to the mein
men from
on Supday
aides is the
low do you
ss Treleaven
spring mil -
In Goderish
Mr. %V. Scott and wife spent Flun-
The Lorne skating rink presented a
very picturesque appearance on Thurs-
daY evening last, the carni`val that
evening eclipsing anything ever heid
in the village. The lerge,
sheet of ice was covered with meskers
and as they glided along on their
steel steeds;they were a very pleasing
sight. The 'costumes were numerous,
handsome and comical, aod so varied
that the spectators could not possibly
ardine.. sports
re oo Thurs.'
Sunday, Moil-
- and her son
ends in Shep-
Lucknow. and
he °enter can
g at this oflioe.
is at Londosi
meeting of the
worth League.
large shipment
Fartnera bring
e for oatmeal.
first elites tee
hes A - large
k always On
'bell street last
he- 'owner can
iplying at this
sissleand dough
to say that in reg
from our midet,
who is in every w
respect and regardt
Resoeveu—Thativre sincerely con-
' • of the deseased
orith which it litio
iti.dence to afflict
them for console-
get tired of looking at suCh a beautiful
scene. The judges had a difficult task
in awardiug the prizes, eapecially for
ladies' character costume, so the man-
agers gave a special prize. The
awards were ag fellows :--Ladies' char-
acter costumes-, (Special 1 dozen
cabinet photos -by %V 11 Cash) Miss
handsoiue , embossed eternal; silver
spoon holder, Mias Ada Coiling as
Spanish Daucer; pair gloves, Miss
Mae Howie as r Tambourine Girl.
Celtic dressed lady:L-1st, Miss Annie
Lawson as Pecohontes, 2nd, Miss Lou
Catopbell as Miss Canad t. Gents'
character cOetunneoe-lst, John Smith
as A Foreign Prince. Comic dressed
gentoselst, II Finalater and 117 Mc-
Intosh as Happy Farmer with horse;
as Clowns: Boy's chara, ter costume: -
1st, C McLaren as Circassian. Comic
drew(' bdy:---lst, Al Hornell as*The
Starving Kid. Best dressed ,girl: -
1St,. Miss- Etta. Thompson as 'Good
A clown's race was also given
-but, there is•no saying who won. The
greatest intereSt- ever . manifested in a
boy's race was, ehown in the dash be-
tween Alvie Fleming end rrank
Thompson. 'Alvie took the lead and
{lel& it till. the_ finish; 'coming in about
three yards 'ahead. The race between
Joyful'Jimmi6 'Gay and Wee Johnnie
. jeWitt didn't materialize. Whit Well
joyful Jiininie flunked when. .he saw
the rig -out Wee -Johnnie had. Ilow-
fernier, we elido'tlhink .he would take
.a }duff like that. . This was the moet
successful ..,areival '-ever giVen in the
some appearingiin costume.
of the Board
est \\lawauosh
Company, held
d., loos, the
viae submitted
this Board
erd it
lerier and sorrow
from among us,'
titiained by and
Of our long-time
Wing officer and
sGirvin sr., and
sustained. by
and dearest to
is only a just
of the departed
g his removal
"twill for one
sworthy of out
dole with the famt
on the dispemiatio
pleased Divine P
them, and comme
tion to liim who ceiers all wings foi
the best and whose "hastisements are
ment in mercy.
testimouial of
sorrow be forwar
itiughters of our
the secretary of t
the same be for p
For and on
Dunga.nno,n, Mar
vniou NO.1258.
'4l. •
'New Goads!
Has a Working rdsiority
The latest returns from the recent
elections for members of the Legisliture
show that the Reform Government
has been sostained in power. Alt hough
its number is considerably reduced-,
it will he able to meet the House with.
a fair working niajority, The
figures nsw stand, Liberal 49, Conser-
vatives 42, I Independent, Patron 1.
In W.est Huron, through some bung-
ling un the pert_of a deputy returning
officer, Mr. James Gairrow hes been
declared elected bY 8 reajority, but at
the recount on Friday, it is , altogether
likely that Mr. Beck will get the steat.
t this heartfelt
qr sympathy and
4 to the sons and
trearttieodn. friend by
gieeting, and that
f Board Directors
Report For Th•
Hunter, E Reid
P. S. Leaving
C McLaren, W
Holmes, Tho
terson, A McOo
on, and Js.Miller
say they had a,
place ta bring
can get the high -
h or trade. Give
IRS just ieturnAl
, Imving sold 17.
Australia, vrill
life on -Monday.
de for 50 acres, on
3t, in the villa,go
es. For further
allwin, who- .has
Newton's rden.
t three months,
of -..farria stock and
ProPerty of Mr.
, oh Wednesday,
'clock sharp.
of AuStralia, -Will.
ahat far off country'
onquesday evening
11 at 8 p„ m silver
ular 'season of. the
on thet, treatment
trotect them by
*priiperly ground
smoked, 'blue
25c upwards.
you are looking for
, do not forget to
I lain bleton's stock
s before purchasing
styles and prices
Robinson, J Law;p, T Robertson, J
No. on roll ,, average 4,attendance
J McDonald,
Good—B Patterson,
Poor—W Cor -
We are showino• fthe range
F I atuanbeilentgtses
Which we are selling at
Mr. an4,14, s, Jas. Thompson were
frfebds. Slyth last week.
say, rapidly recoverin.g.
West Huron Teachers' Association,
was in Goderich on Saturday attend-
ing the Executive meeting to arrange
for the sprieg eonvention which is to
be beld them on May 20 and .
Mary Crosby is in Dungennon
Rev.- Wallwm preached in HablieLt'a
church on Sunday night. •
The many friends of J I-1 Cameron
will be glad to know that -he has sec-
ured hit first clam' profeasi3nal ccrti-
0,1,. liff•ogy-we:ght Cotbytade at 1109 et,
blue Airlings ,d 10 ds
;Jar Metitlyg77711 'ride cuttun al 5 ds
lent —G Cameron,
Fourth cl
bell, M. Moore,
E McLaren,
G Brennan, (
—J Johnston,.i.
The fourteenth annual. meeting of
.the. Maidens' Preabyterial, -Ws F. M .
selsSon Tuesday, ,March 1st, A most
interesting programme waa presented
hill of Btussels., Afternoon . Mrs.
NIurraf, residing, praise. psalm 100;
devetional exercises:conducted by Mrs
'Murray,13tilelens, Mrs. MacLennan,
and M rs. Wightmani praise psalm 433;
.reading of minutessaddress .of 'welcome
Mrs..(Res) ltoss, Brussels; reply by
Miss McPherson, --St Helens; President
respect.; dedieatory prayer Mrs. Miller,
leaflet secretary; report cf
Excellent—B Camp
McKay, II Robinson,
a, 11 Graham. Fair
Senior —Excellent—D Mc -
4M1111, •
Are goo& that it• will you
pay you to see. The weight,
Ald price will surprise
)ou and convince you that
this is the place to make your
purchases iii staple dry goods.
11-1.D.Cam. eron --t
Presented to Bishop O'Connor by
The -following addOess was presented
to Bishop O'C.onner, of Loudon, on
the occasioii ef the dedication of, the
Roman Catholic Cilurch iu the village
last week :
Lucknow, Feb. 26th., btSlw_t
Right ReVerend 1): O'Connor, D.D.
. Bishop of London.
Misy it please your Lordship: —It is
with no small degree of pleasure and
veneration towards your Lordship's
Francis Ilatlenby, let 17 con. 12,
hulloes, Sat tosfay Mar. 12.
John Radcliff, 1st 21 coti. 9 Wawa -
nosh Wehtesday, Mar., 16, 1898.
J 11 fieott, lot 16, con 5, Oelreel,.
Friday, March 15.
March 18; firm stock.
•Loughead. lot 21, con 7,
loss, March 21.
Lead, 31 Mc
Grundy, 1 Do
Poor --M Da
Junior Thi
M Bryan,
1? Thompson,
S Johnston.
Barber. Fat
No. on roll
stock of watches -ever
w now on hand at
eilery store. . Prices
f. We have bought-
ndersell the lowest.
in watches at Arm -
& niissiono.isinds;'solo. by Miss Lida
'CroOks;reception of delegates from the
sister societies, Mrs (Rev.) Alliti; re -
St John's church society sent greet-
ings, siiveral beieg. present there from
discussion "Responsibility of Individ-
ilary" taken part in by: Mrs. Dead-
man, Mrs. Itiehardson, Mrs. Hall,
Miss Anderson, Miss MOTrition, and
others; Praifre.hymn, 445; report of the
Secretary of Suppliea. The following
officers were elected fol. the current
year.- . "President, Mrs. Murrq, Kin!
iv -dine; Vice President, Mrs. Ross of
'Brussels; Mrs.' Malcolm, Teeswater;
'Mrs. MacLennan, Lilac no w • Seeretary
M rs. McNabb, Luck now ; 'Treasurer,
Miss Mayer; .Kincardine. Following
is a seminary of the report of the
-souiety: Number of au eillaries 22,
Au.xillary members, 42.1, Nutnber of
membership, 260, Total contributions
for the past year, $1651. In addition
1720 pounds of clothing, valued at
$690, were sent to Rev. gr. Arthur,
'for the usa Of the Indiane in Bulah
reserve. Evenitig: Mr. Ross gave
from the annual report "the financial
statutes of the society. Rev. Whaley
nioved and Rev. J Malcolm seconded,
the reception of the report and gave
addresses in coni.ection therewith.
Rev. D.,MoCrillory who has spent
about ten -years in Ilansn, China, gave
it fine addresson the A.‘Old and theNew"
n, (L Northcott,
Fair—J It Ad.
innie, DU McClure,.
average attendance
Senior c
Cameron, WI
Mallough, M
II Barns.
Conic), aT
Junior cl
max "..1cLea
poison and exalted office that we, the
undersigned ois behalf of the Catholics
of Lucknow and its immediate
Most sincere and cordial welcome, on
this your first visit to our town.
Ilitherto, our opporttinities for attend-
ing Divine service were not as frequent
as we would desire and they were al-
ways attended. with much inconven-
ience, and in the case of some 'of us,
with much, hardship. This state of
things naturally lead. to a certaiu
degree of apathy in spiritual concerns
and a failure ou our part to couforin to
the rules and reqnirenients of our lfoly
Church. The number of C.:ado:dies iu
this place beiug small and also within
a certain radius of it. we hesitated for
somistime so undertake -the erection
of a chtirch, but with Divine assistance
and Your Lordship's kindly considera-
tion, see finally undertook the
purchase -and. completion of this
veli:ich we this day present to
your Lordship for dedicatiou 'tura
Catholic church. Our hopes are,
however, that -the efection of a
Catholic church here and the blessin,gs
eu anating-from its service will prove
inducetneut to members of our
faith to take up their abode here aud
thus increase our number. We would
respectfully call Your Lordship's
attention to the fact that many of our
separated brethren, who are residents,
geuerously extended• to us Substantial,
assistance in our (lone to erect flail:.
church, We 7rottld also avail our- -
selses of the opportunitvof expressing
forplacing us under fhe direction and
spiritUal guidance of Rev. Father
Dixon, hoping that Divine Providence
may be gracilitsly please 1 to prolono
Your Lordship's li-fs awl invaluable
service to your diocese for many years
arid that W _. may enjoy the greet boon
and pleasure of 'natty visits . from
Your Lordship. We are Your Lord-
ship's humble au' feitliful children in
1, Kinloss •
. A. Burgess, teacher.
Excellent E
rber, NI Graham, E
4 McLean, J Barber.
bon, W McClure, It
tterson, A Habick,
M Patterson, J Mc -
IV Henderson, K
ule, J McQuaig. W
OCR crrIt
Miss Maggie Rutherford, *Bo* at
present is empleyed in Lucknow visit -
M r. Dan lto again input. midst
after spendin the winter in the
n received from J.. E,
Word has
Tom, I. r. S., tat the appeal regard-
ing election o chool trustees had been
Aghfleld co
our burg last
examine the b
archison,) ties, E Mc-
Donald, L ilFebster, Vance; II
Are you planning to be at Wingliam
Juue 21st and 22ni. These are the
How TO TessieT NEW M EM
Every new nismbsr sheald have COO..
sidered cirefully end thoroughly the
tts take on entering the
soaiety, so that there will he na travel
in the ,dark!and when the member
takes t!, he will be ready to assume
a f Lir share in the work cf the society,
And t da that intelligently, and with
a sense of perbooal obligation, then
there will be called forth self reapect
and a delightful partnership. The
new member will be no mere figure-
head or silent partiner. All his in-
terest will be called into play, and he
will remise thst much depends on him
and thet be is of some consequence.
This is the key to the position of a
strong, vigoriously active, and also
perminent society. Think of it well.
Teat it and see if it is not.
ON LaPsna MEMBERS—In every
religioua socicy members who have
"fallen away backward" are sound.
They lose interest. or they cease hav-
ing fellow‘hip with someone who was
the uniting link, or some stronger
attraction elsewhere, call. them off
and they drop out. What is to be
dune in their case ? Da not say Well,
we csn eithout them. That may
be the case. but you have to think of
thein a-e4__.r.s yourselves. To re-
cover them, welt to &este an interest
that will reach them, get a link to
wisich they can.join themselves, work
for thew with all the ingenuity you
have, seek by any means or by all
meats to recover t.hem—so will your
your soeiety be strong.
TIM MINIsTiatY OF Me81C —In the
C. E., Society nothing is of more im-
portance that of music that is render-
ed there: a rrest part of the life and
well beins of the societytdepends on
it. It has A 11:14113t influential ministery
it throws life into the heart of the
society; it awakens immotional nature
and calls its imagination into play, A
song becomes a rallying cry or an
of deSine grace. Therefore, cultivate
the lousiest talent of the society, and
do nst let a meeting pasts that you do
not have a sweet solo or a charming
duet ; -have "songs and solos" by Mr.
Sankey or the tine selection by Brierly
Co , of Chicago, and you will never
be at a lose
—L Webste
No. on re
Yule, L
J Bennett,
Vs ebster,
J unior
Clore, T
No on
and the t hanks of the meeting were
eillors passed through conveyed to Mr. McGillory for his
egc on their way to excellent address. The ladies of the
idge at the. mouth of congregation -provided dinner and tea
the 18 mile riyer which washed out for the visitors and members oa, ma-
', into the lake a
We are ple
Willie McDo
the last freshet, - hytery, tables being set in the e -
ed to state that master merit of the church. They were
Id is much improved in presided over by Mrs. Richert* Miss
Fleming, P ayes,
isA Tennant.
49, average attendance
ad class—Excellent-- 11
ledlater, 11 .Warner, F
Hornell, m Moody, m
to—W Burns, m Camp -
(id class—Excellent— C
ordoch, Hall, E Moody,
,!.tt Winnie, P Henderson.
Fair -,C Robinson,
A Howey, G mutton, L.
p 45, allorage attendance
; L. Armstrong, teacher.
renior part 2 ad —E seellent
Johnstone, .3 McLaren. Good—II
Brown, A Armstrong, L
Messrs. T. F. Cain
J. McGarry
W. McCardle
P. McDavitt
M. Corrigau
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St..
Paul Railway to Los Angelos
andOther Points in South-
ern California
These popular every Saturday Cali-
fornia excursions for both first and
second class passengers are "personally
oondtteted by intelligent, couipetent
tied courteous '-couriers," who will
attend to the wants of ail pass.)nsers
en route. This is air eotirely nee
feature of touriet car service aul will
Junior part 2nd—Excelient —P
Good— Habick, Snellgrove, 13
13 Con
No. d
Scritntuageour, II McDonald,
us Is Hall. Good --R mal -
Guest is Winny. Poor --_
lot 4, con., 9, flutros4, farm stock and I
Asa an oil •
&nee implements.
Hs Archibald, teacher.
NASIJVILLE, 1898 . —Five hundred
Iowa *Endeavorers Ibtend to attend
the Nashville convention. What do
Canadians think of that? How many
Canadians will go? The "Times" of
Brockton, Mass.. once a week publish-
es a Christian Endeaeor column.
lver 200 Canadian papers afford to
our provincial editorthe same privilige.
t stir yoting people are delighted to see
a space given- in the daily paper, at
least onee a' week, in consideration of
be greatly appreciated ' ly f %mines or what is of special interest to them .
parties travelling together, or by ladies they are sure to take an interest in
travelling alone. these papers and to patronise them.
The Midland Ratite Tourist Cars Each society in Fitchbury l'nion, Mani
cioocriiisu,,teicat least one item • week
are upholstered sleeping c irs and are
tor tate es. ras., c ileum of the local
to lied with all the acceasories nec- .
essary to make the journey oomfor Wale
and pleasant., and the sieving berth
rate is but .S6.00 (for two porsous) front
Chicago to California. ,
Ask the nearest ticket agent' for a
tourist ear "folder," giving complete
information about the Midland Route,
papers carried on by the prose • commi-
ttee of the Union.
is soebe sound organize(' in every de-
110tIll1111.0011. It is in the army aud
navy and AM log toe cabanen ani the
police. It has swept round the world
or address eEsstean Manager midiaad and h" conga 'sod in every chme.
Route," NO. 05 Um's; atreet, Chicago, And %heti* it this teaches 1 It in
111., or . A. J Tayisr, SS:median Posen- this that a profesaion of • faidi
Christanitris not enough, there seal
ger Agent,'Poronto, Ont.
Win. Thompson Fri lay March, 11,
98' Ilunganuon, Farm stock and
Itory McKenzie, Monday Mar., 14
lot 14 con. 4, Oulross; farm stack and
be a practice of lit'
INTKLL14101cli OF Vinelte. —NO
and not realize thst the young peoPb__
testimony given in tne smartie Prerf
tneetiegs an go to show that, sod sr
what satisifses Ui at. 'first doss 1111*
continuo to saaisify us; Vre IMO disoild.
V11611045. Oeikg Men go e.0 coliirsamir
• •
81 PO