HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-04, Page 2W#
Vw- wile XXVqW--
400M dab .0 The great liner Brits6n][111C, Whift'
VV -4, - at it dim hiteetral 6baPe. without alxliu'o� April Vith. lie will Nall from h Ul Una Al.11 009 *-A-- O -f ArU6111111111 111111W XOwlbe BoUght Vomme"Dw too Utpa bebwom T44W
grief, without dreiad, only.with te.n- H&V,0uyg In I" yaclit, acconipwiledl by zTe"Wiler York and UVWP001 twlift*FA W_ 70",*
ritow. Thiis woman could. Late GossiP Truly th' little home drommaker of itgo, a few days ago at
WN fib 1i i, 41, so
IRE do eful night, spent 0 ekkvt wow, anKil will return the I att4w POrt its two hundred and
After a lolt%g wak I compared
in very serious thought for every- _-of tbe__ June bA, wl"Al lie will I1T`Oba1')Iy won in Grey County by DOMS to -day v an easy task fift4eth voy"e to amid from New
FLA 49 tRIo,jj Irooti, not excluding her own- t tIW_ 11 flople. witii her iliredeciewirld of a da"de W* York. In Othsr it ham cromied
'S ENDU91Nfi yond Ile will meet the King of Italy Kidney P1118.
dince them,, la'a certain point be, Round World* I is' 8 'tan 111 ("stallt' as tile jillopis tire falrV crowded with the Atlantic wo times, travelitne &it
ht to forget OWN at lan. diatetticie of 1,7W000
w If Ich one has no rig all morts of helPf dl 09vic" Deady to &UMWRte
jocilf. and perpetual martyrs ramly I 1012:10=1XIMIN - be stitched in 111aA*, without further ot&tute mileti, withnut a renewal of
A L_ ild Tito Smithawltill Institution Ilan re- on tili. )art of the amateur elther engineu or bollem It 6- clainit"i
make very pleabant heads of fautiller 'w", ll()A%' Km Thomas Hughes Tells Her awry effort
eliek said to her girls next morning "rhe @44,000 lrt#411 d4mk4kyo" ('- cei "it front Dougla", blaw., a rawillde Loftr J. P.. Corroborates it-Ijiodd's , t '-thlis perfonftnce is withOnt
*4)" r t, VV milliner. tba
ill- 11 there i6i the fitted liD- In tinutAmb hiNtOrY.
tilat jjho tIloqjgj�t David Dalziel's bril- beftyre Ue Qftell-A 11011cli I I it will bearl,119 VIC- Official Kidney Pills. and They A10DO. Our's First of all
'41 tl bric, boiled and Par"*.'
liant Idett 1111tj it great deal of sense "Plic d"lk"s Ist of gil(wia, or caln
4� i*vA)nW fam0`lL0`A- 1'"'Uf 011%,cV (-rolliwell ajid 11"U-41 Ing
e Romance of *a -Govemess III it; St. Androws was a very nice likely t 19t i Wl Kidney Diseases t the under-&rtn setim",
werp 0ent tj) tite Trastevaal, tA) take One jilty recelitly a I stitched, (!xcw
liklace, - anti the C-Ottage there woulsi Ma It 99 1640. Morley, Out., Feb. little., open to be tight- ISSUE NO. 9, 1898-
I I looijelied a,% tile wearer
fingluckeis. while the l)l&c4* I)f 111111#N4, flikk not I)MVIlig ef cdae out of & jid excited -over ail occurrell(M-11 and these, fire left
$00 0 0 exactly suit their C.4041,glitwis ri-fliott'd tA) Ilay f ife it pulled the t4ow 11 enod or
d t1l0Y g It have bee
riewlt. the d, euttin tilut would, In eArly dtiY#J, it c(,me the circular un4er-
tenure ulikon which lie propope I gro,11141-tilat tilpy were.at4W po wqtr Douglam all mulfres. Ne n
Thute the current of ber whole life frien..16. though thc*e Ike did nia-ke ohould hold It Or to term) pe foull(I tile will. Tile document fL:n which are
)m rin to looked ulwu as d wanifes"tiOn in INjddiW of wwidl
wof eo
)%v futtlm ud,
11ccall_ site- he
aII klltxw, when- A
ITRA changed: ft>r when Mr. Museley'P4 were warnflY attactiekill to hini. would also fit in with thoir untleelded of wits-niade by-olle, -JOIL11 coffin who bep- Ilingic. eireumstAuicew are elearl telled in place am am a drew lity
40brio wr q1M1ItY- - - I FAinderla General Debeli
famil,% wert, : and t1tomigh it - is It( kNarylaild frtiit gm)wer law qu thed two house#' Ill detailed fit the following letter tie phield, whilc' Ptiff Imckram collars if,
-e A marr I " -
III W.%s os*4", it, wits found that i'tq]. each �l liter, Afitry. Here
fi,% yenirs, PInce e have hoard atiy- oven Helen or -Janett. . cr(V ()f peaches 11110,, to'his daug Iiy Mrs. 1310mam llualkw, of this pAl 4uy size may be bought just ready
bet4t*�b leavilig N 1-1 h, _-, rMW
Mi%fo Wiljj�jul.,l a;ljahk fluila a or fn)ll nfl�k we rememlier wouill just take her fortune and go okIlls A04 deVOid Of tho aililoyllig h4 I title Incident 101! 14 novel. W ttw I"kin Medicine CO., Unifte tko cover.
OLMN, legacy, carefully �xplaitml -to libn litill.". looving Miss-williflaw Witt, her little W I I f For the skirt, velvet j)juding with a and Loss of Flesh
16r )rd in tile OdUs Nil he vezed
lie 10 a.11 Itilil)IC� N4,xt year lie 11r.0- '40 ally W441. 0 low
Five yea letter tint,*-tI legacy. above want (N%rtninly. hilt not 11 people lal'. mplify t
betur given -in gratilLixie row her I cheerfully tefftifY V) tl'4! wo"t V Audt
1"t and ftiomid, yet t%xactry % tuillionaire. bf� t4) raiew Ilkell,014's witir. a , Mkilt the muill- tile mkirt Uraid. find
can'. of his childreu." iosen rroynt flier hands 1 lIlu I Illolley In 14I)C41t by ul work dolie by Dioddu' 10dney� I'l questioli of the
he had 01 wh&t nilgiit have Theock and other imintS "Ite set rk,.1lj4)vvqi like that ig fit, III planting and look- L". t.. ruffles ill ILHY (If the fashionable &oWs Finwhion h" been
rovinct atit"wt vill, I ty of ['at 114 li(,.Vilig that ttx) uluch ljoraiw rall
r an until thr wractical fit, (TWIge. iput, be given tlwm. of milk come reA ard remedy for nca* a
her a.- theii gwilft Y"ame IujptwjI,.,j_to Iiiii, if% fire years? Btit f6re themi In her t 8111011. Wat call I was for fo� 11 81164960 y tit New into
V Io just as If hor hiuirt ditl not lealli-�lne- if tiftAw the torveN whit'll title- tll(,' fferer !rolll 1141ills Stand Physicians
liometillil With Maryland 1%, 1 do t tvenu(.N or yeani it great sit. 110 the bottom Of thc* 9()Wtl-
Ago or marrWkd. entreatitig her to idw'read m. ilr�-eyeikd. would' 'k I t W HP , rr & there ib nq end
them ween velrry nmelt 4�r very tquil.v a,t-+4V Wilt" %6'th plemiure, A 'youll pri [pill bo"IeVRT(im 111141 1 - ill my 11 AN for trinimi quarter of AL Century.
V tholycht 0 my back. U10119 MY 6111114'. the obtain re-
re^kk with them. iiui dewiritigL paill --.it,. tho Ver. f t. An- front Of lier rinokel,011 th F cilpit&j. The annual re- tuy I to the dmigim kaf7devices r(,:idy to
t 46 bear trap It, over the eyeb. in I Ono and wolloireline readilyadmit th T
W pay lw+ all the m-spect due:tki "a 1"096 #tlnost. -illatlaill, that (In'. Mae IlelrwAf "it wn,4 the or the i4tip4wi.111cudeut gives tile 'WJK,'eiIllIy I I nly right, s eat to all ape ; chiff a t gei
.4, W14.. &net as if )A tile first catch I at tq,_ allot oc(uitAoually I sults f rom it th
I wiM do iny. dOLW, .1 nd I llunljw-r or tr4.(%4 plasitpt inay be bought ohirred, tucked,
i"i anAl tk�ar relative.." The tender- iyour letter sital-I reach the han& daily -and 11101111171Y NCA" tA , face with her Fivp doctom treated me, and de mile f ood
I old sou. t,11 glpist oV her own Youth, uln1l %vlio was courting ()f %%�kjoql relweseots aW-111- id ruffled. while the N!'me from any Other f k*-fyo
Itad arta'llffl%t for w1delt I -am, sure it was Intend- 0 Iso 0 advice of d pdfed at
rwea with which Ite %vould.bo a quiW easy thing. oil it, 4"t of V.357 Tho annual ex n- a _) had the care al fashionable witteriiil,4 and all kinds of There arc. Man other prCp&r&
ovkvirything, tk),wn TA, tlw w1nut*v*t ed; 1hnt that May take Some tit"10, The girl.-; %%vre (It.lighte-ii. They left 11(mey dripping 'low" It liglitliing rod lit n'. fir maintil"WIC41 Its; $52.. America" specialist. All faileol i4ilk and irice stuff" are made into
tilk Air. uoy's'w1wre- I the pit Lt that Prettni,
ptiinta. for t1wm aind herwif, Oren my only elew tol) on the mar
101 U) -111110%. MS w -LS their habit is, tjlt7k_ lftWst 11ovi-ity relmirted from Ip me. I tlftd nearly al none r -f ruchingt; and quilling of all widths to tions
auiI4 #!nt medicine. -i I ecotild get, btit e blouse or to do what
_Wt all, hLe botlily sufferings, and jLIx)jItL4 I)elllg the chance that lli*, lift -11
Ith otir'branch 11ouse tio. Burtle-w [(-It nattirallY tllx)" til" tile 'Idered the niobt t of th
whicii- left ht* adthvt-s nAl which ludetwndence, 310. rnio rod it' oil At jyo�jeu I OV110 nezek, or vas
in face of.the suprenie hour --i- V9 s fittoi for theill. 1% Fn:iieli .%xonieu them did mp any good- u) make daint.v It mimple little even -
tie had meks, his duughWrw sat ourne. 1; canvot think lie to oh luldor find old tur'oum of tile nights at 4
J, with at Well, ity for draw- ipire of UIC' colLrt' Ilollse, For two and three lug wra,
It 1118111 Tap- We a. fadu 1) L. Itom nre., ecpuld not claw, iny eyes
a, marveiloud ealmt~. even ia" -, 11 tu even to) hav X11" wilbaulb -tllrollgh-11 big lxrah�s bftll, Into 'A tic, P. I;eade(i (k*jgn,% for SCOTT'S
joy- d. -ad. Wcause si t1dings t lers. lir.olig W time
.1 j g thom t1t)wn the'rV. A thair way, and where. Braided a nd
I r - * t "*_hpV- hil our Colon- I r 1921s" L &..A --r% Car -P h1v t iln
""t, %X as CA lifive Au V &Fivil 44 A&
tktmci^I I oCtune 4%.s likerluips ilkAbInI6. � M3 1- in 11-7 " - I ntrok und mule.' I Pwas jum ieth, v(Ats lud epausevikoon
ller life'l lal comnitilittles. Ind Im- was too ilitVICIV HOW tfutics had iltov"(11 .. (11 t, for sit lior, wa I)at
hgml ever t Dew qualltltw dormant g1ley, have hived. ma4k,
,oitictwit ht -r in all 0 sj4,,u lijim jju4ttr1jvqI-ofd the tieritous I Colild nel I liewildering %ariety, 2ind ready
I f ,t-itp 110 witol rangp of EMULSFUN
,.%- ith h' r two 4 below,d for III* denti, W ve'llea4d life. Noliki)ttY may be h0ught to
beforv. Wiwi, dlit� suxxi during her 94! r 'jllg is- a rteent state pa- %L -t,, Java. 'alrouY %%-Iw simply indescribitible. mewhos mud g1rdleN
pcx>r orphaiiiiii bt%iKIc, her atitz2fr'.a. Concern. tw_� know better that) 06he 110W to M1111-t9i. The to Ow (14L% of lil(k.-CIIiia; . Tit rly throe Yeaffl" I w"A bQd7fI Illatelt the material of the Wow" )r
.61 make -this 11ong e nily. The girl,. justice 1 coil 11 fill 11 ioi I 6y a d"S, but they f ad to perfom it.
lgrave, aral returnt"t *Alth UN-1to %be _gjIij,,o it fat vilially I tried, Dodd's Kidney blend witil the color of the hat.
a Ili ,nit per jkom tjie Brierwell Ky -t tow littelldants. e t4an "-liver 0;,
(*OD"je house, vowing withii tic-rself- Musk' it s4mikitis nio You "MY tic it' ji(xilk (pit that Auntio nliglifi, havebeeii tile. firot t re Norw
so court: "This liere decision handed tit I and *itll (1111V . tore I began to m to The pu ul crean_
l,'rom There 140 Ril"(04t I's many a"'s - 't
W bo to them, all but iii uan*, the la*r, Ft friend cm rvIatIv4 Nir. lloy's. Aher all her days. @Ile - wa's v I- n -m -It (htigraplijefit fourteen boxers, ;Intl 11 a*, tO drewmakiDg, am 'Ai L 4 siLill
ved_'pre, to a nX I by Ilih bouner, Justim' 114 llo`tA�s-til t1l til III- i tin ve' ufwd njillinery, too, made into a de g
epiplo. and they 9,M dowl !Vy Are alwaqvm receiveA wl
J wWA-d lh't' U) be, thi-s concerning whom Ike ry, so thoroughly inotlif mpleteh, (tured,, ,,,At nog ittrong? bt)wt, may be bougjyL ill a variety of
mother ho ha It- only you S. %rly. . witne8iied by Ills I)III(Ift,''Titoni- Co big d fully blended with the Hypophos-
WLA* t4 juty-Ow strittige it W duty make sontkT; ifouries. kg'illto her hando. (i reen, ally §411fqw, 6ovemd
hotlAing--of ulik everythiii
iboollitel kills, and .1 attornme, and ever wan, aM enn do a 4j4Wigljjs, IwLtc, in
vory little* -- . -lei settled, mas Jon 19
which ha -d audilellY etmv tki, ill t.wr t*) the whole matter w Our Soles work, thanks to Dodd's Kidney P1 , P witjl velvet, as* WAII by tile bmt phites of Ume and Soda, Whict'
-Gc4 hay0k 111crey oll
yourself in ykw I tter. 1110 '11 Cam (1111gly. and coll- mayl such valuable tonics,
Mpty life --was w), strotij; t z- Nbe rtain if you are. 'tile DUvid'rejoicing cleCt' ti m iks staki tho"911 tl 16"14 Itille -mrs. Thomas tinglies. juvi featlfeirj4 and nigmttoe" are
not t%, at all, i-rile2m. in it Mly full," atitt (itlitO I Austral- ti Itagjjut;j4)jI (if I�t)fiujation iii) -'ranee
fcwgot everything At, was 'a' KOV Aitk0ring -remntly died in a have known Mm. T. ijughess 60 are twtA0d txVW*"qr W) volat they makes this preoaration &n
sanio lwrson. - 0j .1 I&IV tilitt his formt�i - A neg" by
f'. oy 9 t4t., It 1pit itkut The and I can trifth-
deal one ancl checks t&
'1114 it Ililuiber of yow".
I,,- juk-lithat afterward-niontlu.*, a family nantv liv"', td gpvvrnet** shoulki j(, . t4lek to h i:�- -in tillhing settlement. lie was a 111all is A-glin.iing't-r 1114NO It turning. 11MI (Mly like r6#44-4led it,
I AiZewei- He *.--3 1' 114-.1�att writte who Is k& f84 oreg 9 Rtfi
0 4A t I fAmiliati ),-) tile tj4,.,jtIj*4 I,y filily 1jt&te that the f Oin tf- It,,Ut nowile &nd tlwf�ad- wasting tenjency, and the
busincos. ilivOlviog gtl�t. julk. w-iiant, 'ind-ifil"Ibit th tnuelt, coteenied by Ilis 'Hates, -N IA%f I
Of anxiou., n. v�.1trdly.. strictly true."
tilat filmlly. re g in these to figure of meyitA are
the tnk- At any- c0tt r feelip W ti exeee.flillgly t immediate-
jetivilig (4 t he Rec tomy, itrAt a90- rLvor&d t4lei Goln 4 1 BAFFLRD THE DOCTORS patient
Ake J: iktIlI i( -
vjj_'�, answer, and V jiliv knol I'll t a ruii over to wi t. or bark : -in .4j: 00. Of It I 1111 at . of ovd-r P. Pill", tbV Mlly et to put 01*1
Ing o -f a tA�mporary )ni viv .%Arles. to rds, Imcut Oil A Alec .104e ill I)oddIR K ly com
It e'. W he re' 1, thing restitt4A yt*m Ito n -A* long vaC8tl0ll `0 lack Setu, name unknowny ),(-Xlo. Tltotv� wa4 NOW' Ittere power to Resist the *jeailngTide
lagf, u!lul they Could tk-C' I j; -re of cur .'Ntel- nemory of B wace'. Dio I But No I
l Iv iv g jadbi- )r Bright'" Di 4ever
ettje_'.%ljjW WilliA S* Writo W 11IT11 ti - tf -lite, IN%gilu" just U,) teaeli the yotul WMI W)4 but it woss - nothing m earth f( -south American Kidney Curer flesh and gitin a stre-ngt"
i likotirne I . ionw. V -St I Ito"llews eve'r CIA %jr. Itoy taugilt. ait, us boys. IL white fillLu all over.' . .9 (1 1 if Daily News. Ithenniatil9m, Lumbago. Dis( VeA I a.
t monlent or at tl *I t for whit'll Wilting- W,p tili 11
1 ii 1 0 a nd I nevcr wlotc 0 hin-' 11f Wonwil, and nil, other, 104inov -.For fifteen yeax� I was r which surprises the
for any beyowl OW v d pn- ingly. you know ; and wo!.11 .%like. thlit.; very a eked by Sat that 0
spun lily wife atIll A� it ilics 1114, exe d the A. F. Howes, Of all dnig 14 at a
It _AY to- 11, for the walk 110 U&M to`take us. across 4%jls;.PF_ tire sol4i fly rievere kidney tr011ylPs- For w"('k s,re you fret !,(,oTT'S Urnuisiuf,
sebt. Past And future L BONES$ on 'the VvraPper.
fittled � thanks yoti, tik-ar niatilat to. the It secured patelits Oil a POrtablo a'- RICAN INCESTR1 lit's a box, Nil haxes Wop JMZL10141 too go alm)4t, WJ.W- own and fish are
-to cone T, 11'. 0:- 01*. Limits and. along the sando lias ked fif ty ee ? tilnel I
gether. vicePt sook far -1.1du a boot. olir - P_ tio Ifiver Ed�rf- Milk- uge whicil, when pac ill he geitt on remll)t 1-1 it I)ajlio Ill Illy t4idp. All j0K gnd Si.ock all druggtbtc
!1L ; kiffd Xq Yot � su v - F. t kq 1. Waen't it aullulitul. ho o- W jt#4 VC0141 were Vie
girls littler S!�r . r it is in three billidles, by tW TkAd'm 'Met'licine T'i L�
thy 11:111*1 fi tilit-11ttle sure I rkemem�e r6r tirausportatioll, remedi0% failed me, and my case li&ffLm& i ken,. orono,
tcik'� Chit& though 14ani ft �Ir� it no I.COT-r now%*'
4on. W�, - lip", . mvi�viw' 1X13r&i -ry good at. reniem- pounds, 111(111111L�F odhiced to trY F-011"
%%ith thy migilit." %v vVord-i j think I am vc weighing Only 180 Up With I oronto. Wky*4iciam. T wa% tv
tio, do i t .9tuld e)tkr;h utenslia. It m"bil It %%-Orkod like
.1. gem vt il ',W' owi yV.( . , ;!!rts' ey Cum be 'UU9 1<kwy Vure.
alry "it )a JU- Wriug." dtove and cookillg to - Allierjejul K hile tile
which had ltelPe,l tier thirt.04mil ilt, A'110 'tit I tier - six, 99 roof, and, mONSTER GUNS DEGRIED. 'dwrt w
a dark timo. Now. wAll ,III ho�r might j delight., very. tiouse four IN ctijied **the KIOI in a ver e4 r
41 t"t, now. I*Wle -were also good a t Brijons, Is' fire 1) idike TRP my ow"wt1k rettirii P
-to. 0a rdibn my Other of course, Is -Impauity pews,
she tUki Iter nxvtberly d"Ity t t ilti liciggi 9 vou what the English Think of U. L. roat pail1#4 1eA Niatti CANADIAN Ry
nd- k- "A -ading a 0.1hellitwjilig." During the first fe, tiome." and I a ni fr#4.
ptim; Itirl,. riTut nA -4110 1 it I --tv, I 'in irt Defenders.
of. wekeks a (;Teywand.
ng fter they Rettled tjlawn fit S t 'PAC I FIC
bye. -qhe t*-gaii stramgt-ly -lIgkT-.14_ let and' -the. It, Iwticeti'that Aunti, fillivill journa
Of stril . 1 0 x 4 io to Ila ve. a'v egetarian rem,. TOCRAT9.0 All 11glish tee
ent Androw4j. the girls 0..
it, AIIAl to fin't tills one, I r4, i ilb, yotxr V . I lively pale. and WE* rlih he'd it BY jjjEjj0AN . .8�.
theill., 1 - - Iwcamo excevm tatfralit.- be 1'rocolikela, A luding to 00 American 126-U)II I'll
tint, -oil, I YIS
motlwrly PrIde -11 1 serv. . .. V- ROT. thubs quitt. .. distratV ' and be- 0 fa %.Or the [Iftoollest-er Herald -1 lwvr in cou'61V Of construction, friml(lb, therd- are wat!� VETTLERS9 TRAINS
ti) think o(*. lit to sely that tills WAUP lttlt* ineeting the 0ther. night t 11I V_ Wil lily
Ahe Nut ttv tiow ou which was I (Peolln tioll lu are never folrge"� - *40 ry TUIFIkko
at all, or ot $Ile groat biwo willell seented Itketiveon", wilde-re-j-looking, lie 11ad to (10 it bUllililet The recent ridiculoll-4 " V ropean Powers
06� ing all a C, .1,114-I'l4at d0WIl- to 1 4-1111 tfk� Ika e -t 14109etAclOs tll:lt olw
Mr. - w*jkgIdL1.r. 'consitier � whiel after giving a Irraphilr Ww 10swe Toronto 9.04) 1)*ID* owe
tv %.Vlllcll - !ark- iljK lighter gtium, ty. t said a Jocturer, and APRIL
t��j t.11it-ij. the gm -at ('11-111 'It lid ft,rty. t. she got betteir colril wMil), with crackeha, with greater ease a
... j zand U, arrangiv. But k�`Olowjzu- - - Holland nd rapitil de.nt lie
adble'rcr sllgh& Stoop. . He was -90 if resliectable young woman of.New titweriptioll or :1 terrible ROO I)AY during MAILC" off erol
m nAtering it Impoj fiscut-1 Itbilfti eggs, rWe crotitiott4% alid qu tprovided Sufficie"' Ws's"s
hoo c ome. ed walked n1 IL -f The cottage ork City its ''eel' Or tj
.11#1 1 ni.14 rthlativ �0 In "Wo- celery -,.vlad it is charaeterkstle,of thP' A itadAw1tnem@W- VAILAA c
1W,T to 166t her-twif feel ;%A A so frcwb, tht greeit peas, I'Ll'We Witt wjIM- they aell, Vita riMITH'S
*qed tile se %vaf- tues" has drawn timely 'attention tll� biggmt of P y
t heard k?f hic' swcet, tig. olpw, -suilig, cheese they must havt -4 I'd Itkek U) know Aind run
W feel, dream aA s1w. wliatever, and llt)lv place so charmi� with illayonliaise drc lI&%tral'80- thing or they 'MUld not be Ila -rim,- remarked -in (Ad latly ill tile ftudi-
st i. . creallt and cake, coffee anti ie -sulwrabillidli live Of a
(imim, ftw yei�rq nml YPar" jiliving twen n nrtied.'-' y Williams' ordinary ;lo(*o ,ra,, ice .. . t -I* rmany WIN a 120 -toll gun' 4 t ing her TO MA"IT013A and thf
i I I'liss'NVAltawk P41 I tjits w-tiom! chier purpose seems, tobe Ge* - . I I _ Wilt) ie 'JIWAYS - luiN Y
That, (xile pathetic Itno . t'll.luestionalty CIL returned -tile good" It"Oks '"'ch truit ring witit, 903 1K."and-4 0
* that ber. and -long, ri i I -
it thInk to' -.111111lie, wiill in retirtfly, to ber I& energeticallY prlco- provide Lit Idalts I :i glasses. DIAN NORTHWEST
"I dereu it 'olvned tior girls-, 1;0 at m4eut few wi, _ weighing nea CANA uVe stock
�'lbekipg t6e 1041we R1 if never -before. III British it.1 %.,.a tier a projectAle 11 - thout
WA4`1 he anti r to sup-, ".44A, wife had flow, r1wre are more woluell le -reasons for regardhig thellit t 4 -ton Us wo Reward. F100. paiseengers trovelling Wi
-1 f Into -the kittet. It, bi -It of"t-ke `ki ifeto tier- 9 74- lie 9bogad ,,we Toroloto
hpr irl Wt d- her to col that, ' tilerwure,inell. their n(ighbors. toll r Italy -hos' HPvCn'l IV k memo daylk
They I I Tound shot;, Fiauc!!!
burnvkkil itw *1:;,.* _rilw fofty- iivver allowq of I tidja 412'1000 -Mill better - than r *110 firing 2,000 -MAkA01W of tilih pal" will
seened notaing anose. Pose I 1111 L it tp feel. w -;f old toy - capv (V %volilp V"t 11ritaill. We already have tflV t011 guffl, W,10 1-621. feet long. WIVIk at
.*My Ckildren! ; ni"*64911..' love Illy worfiell pleapod ILI RL 91111111 UIRk I t" I ON t
I or %V1111t, age? 't1tow pretty temporary hindrancts t6 qj Alai childrell r, illeinilati. tht- Weiii1wrs (if WIWI eflllv� 16 74ritich bowb; l.'Alghuld's u) learn tildt th"M Tito
liatly. t),It togethe nsp- leeL
chii,iron noW." w3A Iter contitilin once was walking wiUVAn old tnaid- it of Time. site resl8ted JVallei. 4nd (jert" to 44t caw dreadfill di8eaAe tli&t HCART OF TH11
tw. mare or Ily ilinke :Olue claim to cO was the. 110-tooll weal"I W
Qojlgilt. and alie- tlid Mo. ea lady,'taI1i`rk9- of a eliaracti,r in a I lt;t ticili iirtmm lwr as'tll0Y wit,, tl,,,. poIjjjl&tIojl of aieveral litin (ieseendants gull luw Ipeen able to cure in all its staft". To THE 't
lk*" heal- not : 141le iii aki weil. uvitce, since ouly direct i(.e - at VIP, arrh. FI&II-s catarrh
p:j-axc*l,- in a reabotialile way, for site wall state.. cast _rs of the Ill-fat6d Victorla.mon alld that Ltd (*Ftt
It W11A not -until sprins e book. **He reitinded lile." lie '-21", Vitrol. f certailt comilijasioned off Kong ton, (if -tl,4. -itediterraneati. KLONDIKE AND YUKON
1-4 -Illy. ':u% It 0-, 1p veTy t*st nian I ever knew.' e cure flow
ing-tho S:trW grief a--% liat. ItIl %to- of tl fvit they loved lier. and ao to iqpr Ite Revolution tire eligible: the Ctire ip tile fittly positi%*
ml theIr fjLt`her'j4 gra 1W whoin I ia good deal -of -when I jjj*Im. laot of the late Hyinall -4jileri- . knowti tO the . nlpdic&i fratertift.V C30LD FIELDS.
cove sa w IW# 'age, why.- mile knew it, allod knew. that. t the Revolution :Z901115 Of the tittiti(Aial dis-
aijillir thein natural 41 s- s-
lot& antl jwrhnr4.-Ae*t. anti ni, was a girl.' . nd to tile viotilillg colljo altei -it, A) wll;Lt did ji�st 1wen sold W Lot all Revolutioll; colonial Da lne6 lorkilig it Coll" is via C&Sadiau Pscidc
k4 she 1108'wered **No. trieO ti) al treat- IrABTM@T TIN it
littlek IC04 W home. 0 tioll, Was lie : IiV4 it matter?. 8fie smiled, and wl t),,e c-ollectioti bringing it, tioll in Arv- a Condition 4-apf" retitilres e(flifAittitiOl"t ei, WWEST
Allf " mom t4,# the returntitid plenvure*. lie diet] whilt- e w,"."ktill lwhnj.' Her t aa'y(Alng as site ecitild ddin, 1111* ittighters -if the ItPv011l lie aivn�. 11all's Catarrh (*tire in tak ILATES. Go SILILTICY.-
4t, % -1were- two I - - kept lt4- )rdinary ton'., Imit there pk* as. nice' at wt fore than ral forms; the Ifoll4nd Society t Dpagged from tl"- ONLY THROU
for owt I I �ver 42730,M4 c011skieralkly 11 of flie IST CARS
of their* foatil, for tier gi is' Vake. the Order internally. Acting directiv "ll'oll
r )yal Legion a^_0 or tile SY14-
11— trit) ttvl,-rat�je I it fivist, on the cheek, A gt,"i% tiangs as 1-1 r-1- tile coills of 11r. 116fittWit LA t lie nftd imimlitw 1911rf TOUR
Pretty giriat. weit La. ef) canie it the witol . v wither- I lailf"10100W Were A, t AS 1104A all to collect -only frown. thc lidguellot 17- w1p.
ing -s.
fortune* an4l llikelv to be ni sud left, heart&. eved, -1 1 beg and the tii�lwlls - o nysuat vyrimm teill, tber ')y deistrbying the fo-inda- WEEK
quiverover m althmigh IEACH
day. -i left years Wkgt. broken r t Lell YeArb ago. 'File valeb were opfread 101.1and* Ditnu vilig tile 111fl- To THE
After -not until t, d facc-04he Av -1 S svt-*,tx -%�t. Ilivdirwb, bilt it 'A certainly io L. nows what else." tioll of tlw dUwam. Rild 9i tip the emi-
Fort nj�*� nitnil 4' batol could not I IVv building
?-wv(-nty-and I felt t likely place for them. They have or Ien, o1rengtIl , 1jrIC COAST
her mnlrwh ftitlinP, i a over twko yesrs, and it took the R11C Two hundred .,Vpars from now do- PAC
which I '(I sttrtick* &...v .Illotlier ord- list tile frefil, .%33L-. tionp ing navinp In t" re,
little ohance agali er flffy_two working.days to dis - Charming ptit,itlon and amiRt
lew there i%lll no doubt 10,
roe u r to a n ide& AAle---t4) a word n6w of r- and Misery. illg It* work. Tlw pr(nirietAws have 4MC." particulakre and 601y Of
hpr ofice. and then bwn ouhj 7AIlP. No r s Lill himrating air, strong ag new wine of tits coln.5 poraon4 of both sexes felicitatilig Hess K loo dike 4" 1 ultom ()Old
find rev
:pmvera. 4,,w a"
r Why WT111a 2S. when slit )oil the nieuilvrshil) it, rtitwh fattli it, ita etiratire I" ASNA. Of
write to Rcft',P- t rl'y- Why Milk 111 n- tIW wild. sea-waveig, tile 900"11119 4)w IN theinwives fit me Opt.
a aken in tlie'eo body Dt tiltimilke�rIallid tiat thoy offer one litindred Dollary *on an 0"OAiaa P*A
tel"119 through nd w hol lY t. w1jeo of Nor or vie soils of BIERsoN,,L. c. r. A-,
not" Jilat 1% few friendIT malids; giving with-liesith Of TIM, beloliged t;d suell societiem a-4 titat, that it fails to eimp 'Refl-d
afwr IoWa Yeftr4""stle h:tki tents or this ietier. %vitko,coottienews of mind. By-and-by gkwl � whiel i formerly I" Ilave for any
him 110W. h0w a Italy, whose. ancestors m, f(W lipt of Testiltit"An.16.
4 1 1,ife lirg-an for hfw tigain-lite on a ed its old - face
i*en lik iA "Um"' III tile Pa A-klakt to. for it the busy world recover orld Charife, X.- Of Fraiwe, and was inalifl- come over ptior to' tile Great Ali - ti- F. &
sorry Phf% wr-4. allItl yet gi d nv%v- and yevon thf- 01-1 h2lsi4 *- It) Fortune Williallis-IlOt tile w llush-Cart Low tilt- Hungarian pAINE,scELERY C01PUND AddrevA.
4 ve and well, nn.j. ninr- sitill waiting, waiting-allo see IS- A of it, but the mal fact,ired from t1w hir of 11cridats cats. Tf*)ki4)- 4)
*hl"Ir I,(% wjA ZVI L I aj- slie onev drehine Dames. u1botie hiale progenitors inust
t kill -H 41 -.v ork 1, Filike ],ad fought throligh IT' th(11:6411LT-14 411 -elits aijuis wert; itt the Enlarge- soid Ivy l"ruFFINTS. frw
sw n cd to I'*kk Am4kng t1lose W110ge 101, 11, Ir V
ried; how &tie aS have been present
an -I oil. to **stand a kl wilit' all their days. tj~ years. am, thi. weaving. oCc1II)iPd lilelit of the E. uider k3uper- WARIJ TH9 Hbfflh� TTPII*tt Family I ills are t he
hip wito and hilind-C4 - 11 it rip Canal I
obort. tile. oort of Ipttej that any But it wa% itot now in.that absWiltEl" a Wets ever a fighter, so One fight dmlw. years. The shawl measures Intendent George- W. Aldridge;
w1lat- darknew; :111,11 Nik'nce-wl4ell it. useolk, to 1,� as site read. sokmOtinies in tII0 ejelit yeLrds soliiare, but is so fifle that Volitical likolish 11ittriota. xvbosw aU- st,911p soles for the Sboas.
body might writek or rece lillore -
ito the Npace
in all human pro-
lier girls were al- it can 1* ckollifforptwod it hod
over had beon 00 11krPvto"ll" link tw. She knew that, ,till pretty " poetry ctors must hAve- nvu-ivcq at. least %11 inventor has Ilit uPOn It T"Pt
rt Roy was, alive rea4l steadily, even for tjom(,* of, likutting @torv,, lu)leg oil boots and
'twees t bm Ifiability Ito could %%ays asking for- . . (ft.a, large c(AfPe Tlirtw' itkollarw for -voting fr. Barrand Says
role it on an Aliril.61fty. 011e'sOthewhetre, - and hof)e - never wliett sihe canit to tile last verso in. o
Anti obe w on, Ilresident prior to William McKinley. He mixes a waterproof glue
riog , willell or Protipice or L-ond here will be Rochester ii witil a gultablo quantIty of clean
.fj VA Of PI)l wholly die'f t of th4b w It'* s4) . long assionate. Medicine Rid H&S
a thoge firfat %vith at P Was His career, too. that T) I)r. Creighton, Very likely t will Im Surely tho ivartz sand and
a doep not, appruik,f% or the'Oovenly ninn- spreads It orpr
nj&ke yollne heartok throb � . * Il %vtwst titrus tI.16 11PI't stmlie-tieff Whoblus U r
n'.1 1101w', an -I - had tl ox
Vague deiight. a 111 110� prospero w if, worldly things III %villell tlie- young ladies who ar Iiiniteil t4i those wIlOse aliepstorfili%'Ptl Done go Much for Me Will frive the leather note 108d as fl foundation.
age when I. One tr)f`jllake sink heart that to the brave. nor.
Nkier oneW-twit, is thero an beet I ro�t�-jj t --con tent ani -I proud. -Tlw, black ji-fillitte,#4 as etid; qnSaged if, plilltintbro0c work (1res on Hooker's AllfbY ill IS99. J14 IN-!- Tit~ quartkii solPf are said to he very
akil ", 4 thint 'lot, even loved- hin I voieft isil , rip and j)r&etjcAlIy tndestruettble
hope In quite, de. OnI3r orttines, 1 A1141 the element*. rage, thO fiend 'ftuVi 6 the wle(v4ral 1), if -14S to Others," -i'm -zlide
to thow wilo know that! 00 For if lie lisd failed in Ills f of their lenrit -Ing eatily.ovordone. Nearly everyolie a Blessing A C
that will over come t?) tllf'm was it not:from. lt� what -ancrifiec ill Ioud All j4vig I"Icestord, asid a i
doi she tliat raye nd to 91TO thO fOOt It firm hold even
t has; had more or dht mlippory imrfaee.
T spring I i -vmrIa&t!nr- lx� - dr%iiagi most hav'e wiglw_ him 'to do.—* .41 Lail dwindle, fthall blend, tug and thoir self +1 At^ 11 01, t)lp ff
will dawU in L.1w -01 Nor had lie change. aliall , neumne 1 -cot*q1tatious toll(w. loor IN gas" lull"" 'LIL Whm lie is, entering. Offere"O' tho right -at all c0dt-4? thin haA I IL fellow Who
. r gir ;in- quite forgott ter, since even so late pev", then a "I oliwierved those thin . figtired 'that OV It ell most Desperate c as(% of hm- T. Y,,Ijl,K. iRi-rtAwr. Righ
Pcot. her letter, and WOO Wiillanu-A wn 4 Thf til all(I (Ikl not like to �keke visitorescom cmdln't join anytiting. 11"t a, c ur Of Eddy's Matches
swervitl am'Lly that tillo WouLt rther ;is rive y*ntrs back lie'liad boen ivak- -n -a light-thell y 4hall Plat4l, jllg al)Out them lit dir.ty frocks .8114 1,&.4 had-dtiring the Iliast t"'PlIty-five Quebee.
aa it roluired for- ing inquiries whout lier. Also. lie war 0, tItoPl 00111 '01f tuy smll ! - If generatiolur-110 le an- Vrites: I sliould like to Add pwk It heraeAlf. thee again, Thei.sninil emrteAe*4 of lif -014 thail other testimonial to the nuMbit'11% You
aryled. t I were atism arie overcome by Natare's favor of will go a long wa
cegtoTw, of wly-inf, 2211.73e,43L
PAW, stamp, how little, k, and hu- And with, (40 1,Wki thr reA sl1t,1114i ,over be forgotten." limve rpceived in y
Il tilre ib wea ty-QV0
ILI thit human, 11. living at the tiaiiiO tilive -twt-11 trOuIll"A' life Iffi average-
aundorntx1th MoIlle, (I
al, th tometimeS. iik all t1le nnd few lilt". her hand 111LA Willi hearts re SO 11112119IFY. F 0 and To that tho The valf.18,4 anfFseptle methods generatiolw back.. X 'till tlw with Boils, and tried
i 11, if I P1 had �only roved tfie. ure, Paine's Celery compound. M�Mwill last longest
t i4iii- Ivid, to ('010Y 0, S10- Sititt, 11: it's Wirilett'anfl 1'eat of the day ind. lift -time of a, gen4rMti4ri- thirty7three only descrilie its
told Yale st)" fterhocA. a Xillit,' faded, yet hot all surgery �.hax fisen t trould. -take
ohaken w) But, the addrew* "R01 # . sometimf But I d demonstrated b and otie-thirtil yeat�%�tlt-a hulf it
thr*14% tirSCOL hang, slip a'l-rijwen years ago. ptiji, Which IN. often a very try- orman- bout
piteously prj6f. Kober of the (;Porgetown 11.1i -uto likkatk to tjw yeark k)f the
ort pzoy. j:wjuir#,. I Inillilte fitter allkOicatiott I felt "s Is no
1�tle doubt -At tlw toears w1tivil followed were Dot. 'Jig lilt of ftwomail's life) she low often out that flurin :couqiie4t,, 1066. FAeft or tim. had at 04� it troubled at r there
could put, tvut aho Ila', y to look 'r -.neet verifi%y- I"O'llt's hing bee fo
r tten Vrith os then, ;sturta of Ta lwgan earningl time ir timt. Ikl4orie eveitt w)mPt or Palo. ked
woum find hini-waA in cid age; or'with tilp Crj* The only Remedy f all, and s completely well In two
that firm, elmr hand which lie had pair-only..1 quiet, suirrowful rain. itim. again, even ly (keeire. the. alpput _IIke--*tweTtiy-VW() ljliIjie�t,-* of anremtonit Ing you every stiveefillf With waste; no matches
ing he wiAIWIL For wliat. could she (lo" Nothing. tlentli,beteeft, wais tier ou lialf (63.5 per,cen led - resit r,6amiljg.al;olt tile vari4iui4 priticilial- .. qlays. Wirt mo often adpiir"l.' SILY t -seemeO , just - thn't aud St' our, vallilaiwit.* dim -over, rP
4 boy', to WTI r, her par 4ritl tier ditty jitill', and. oil- tion' (4'4* of I.,urkope, Asia and y
sh,p could te0cl aP Now, s PV, If alive$ Yet slip timth. in th*e`Am c' civil wit nj(1140 iturm very trtily. lig
I- lit cognize it? WOul4l iotold fler lands nl vit She I Could , knowing 'that otie ill eri in Avil wl Y( ht
Africa. lU4 to invitioll t1r,i Sp4th
well. Would he, re, e day -. but now. re hurrying on- mort&.Iltv 'from -jimputation .. wl thel4i, i t that won t
t-l0lX4IitdorxDrrT,or.onI,T IndiffereRV Itt. miglit tw found soin i*lie IT ftw I)u- - yeary. we tj Wand4 and Australia, find of
or, ir F.IIP Ilot find him -0111, the niglit romink. in NtIII IbA r -cellt.11 but ill 1R90 Australians Disappaaring
World ctiange4t Ilim? sl1q. could ud. %v,ard4 and 'Ji4 a reawiial;l.- Certainty, that t Iva,t %%-ells- & Ifichumb"t ()U*'
h -111 It TI kw of - amputati-okil Hhowed thi `4
Had WquN1 110 Could !�110 wlkl , tile frir) iiian ca statist i CM -partjelp1juxt It! the battle of Dear p;jr*;,-Juvt a Vear u' W" At tllo CiOw Of thla last century
ok at him now,. tj mortality hild been reducei. be 1,000,44M
roultNoe the W(Mdm-tfaY, had -site bee le iintlW-r. Vilke WLI:iani or I�lilg it t -t if
-jimple., trtift., lie i To he Con.tin tied.)' lac eitiv,r Ocked by infiftnimatim7i quwa-
bp thip @&me rtokbert 10PY- a poor' lone'lY goVer"cils, Cent. acute to W IAC, 11 1here Werle ffullix)" to There -tre
aiiic#-re and bravr-every still herselfl per, timn in itis tutmit alworigimw in Aukztralia. 66
Crumb of - her ociety llicaptiviuLted me f pur-
&lid a gentleniaA having t6l rn ever.' k owing that* some. stirah, Grandi%nis. Orill Why, not orta"110 lit, Wtllll� jj#)w l0sb than loo,(N.6 nd am(H19 Eddu's" name is
-t*ies fif A Will fic -hicil all Ilikeo- ?..lIjIlg my :ilor-
-ad,. yet n 4)f tile 8�6,U4 qjr to tratk.—that or tliont are otill 80tile C, lit t 110- 4 Old ruialery *camk' own IbItter brt Two) g
rtw th-P iripta 3t, t if ings If 1% ve 1W much a' v ice bft sille. 110 might nf iii ex VW ; , 1 , -a. IAJOido .doctor by I be. cligil-I (,L*Al -proat (A theIr all of sp*wimenis ti humanity,
P4%n lovied.Lll wrvM_ "to act f from tioing wor
tjjr Wharp, d!idfirp ,. , I
title -bi_-IongiDd tvay witil thew. 'nerve ushy whiskers
IPA tVft,l 011ild- I W4-11) 4i ffe. ;it-'?' Had. &w. being alive -and tlkp a, tlie very liglitc+,,t kiijoi, as e im-ing undersiu-41, Wi" It' on the box.
en ezoect Hill rs that n orable
llmottberp4l It Ise- t py would rwvi6r sleta r t46 What W01111 J41k, atid hir wbiehgrowil to sonsid
living, IM1014AVU wifeik, . CA Ini'. 0 Lim, . - I , . Vt4l)Ond . ;nuotilrktoom're nitrittal in Mir lxxiy waim FLffec I.
ILIA silo wo,.Ild havi. 6f L . . . . I I WOW that thi�, 4hictot Ot nd
%vjt!l*th,eir solft Xlic4tly i.at"Im ow.' a )thi-r. 1h6tu. op. "'to a to L 0 . tille, rooln. I Cody go backa e4jupk,. or. Ilutidn -it years in thLi; thotroKsing Condit more imgtli. never kinky I)ut emrpe
tween. light t acrow
am till loped hill) rks - Evalice;h1t. H(V only ClOV40P, Milk straigh nyway, ? SlIell 11 g_,0eiet. fouitdd ultioll f the fmco. He uro.' ls'.-jactiv lecturing aghinst ginger is a #lo.vou lilontivk whe, com- tangled. Tito exprPAIllitm 0 ad:' '"ut he was Levu 4;fthriwi. ba f tile ivint. a wcrId-faftiour, event tilat turneAl ex- too U14.11 Celi Com- r(kipuiskye, and Vie whole eciAllitell
1W i - �.(f kir:s4 itfliwille. women. ana "A I.wpr its intolicalitsi. ould re- 1WnC*"d
1311chr I Wting tlllngtq upside down, w lxmlwi. - I lanon brunn to r ite the c-aaroo and briltAl.
Yet- %hat otrawe YP'Llikyling lk�:41 little 11, mtairs thatt. It 6 faAhion th6t and tatob- The Es I EDDY CO
unmake@ men. move all ),-altoW, bickering, ficial effeetm of tile ni -br ite; hilt
the fiLame Wilic ""'at 4:117 d1ja Thf.. Womell pf tent fact
It-.(jOM-,rot do to irwt,jo I:ery, a
t write and gay. Atititif." demori0tratoc t4w Pa r MY Cam ILIMITED.
" Oc d knipelling ik�ar lgyrtu)t 10414111e. -s (.41141 1 tl4.,t tindomtituding. ilistituted at Wiclety. qkf. Klon(like tLat all njol are created equal.00 Pt required ttii, 1wirsistent. uATA -d[4 the
vile Imw ) %k,_jitillg fully fiVp 11111111t4_44. 0, 611 41�) -
,ke.fare �j abe . t a sub. as anceutry Ivu -to aj,41 out cro, 104 too wlythiliff
.is t1le sea-sk_ to #-I liko woniati, exclusive, bRA 81
11d 'a& Tim Ifsts tire mitound for Nome month
h flip 111%ve 'i(�r -afw.r tea to..rewl ow (-b A.. .1 tUU
alize about. ms w Itill ft. #a t Muigra, OUR CITY Oil
jpct to. 0.ner flow, , C110 ms move about. I P Have Yowl f#srg4jtt(blI tty 1'.6etry, omen who don't roNtriketed to thuise - are we not too prone fit an able to I
U iof the ore moll can't abide w Heriously, far rfcofted t1lat
ilkeer forgfAten Yom' d .01 - '1KIotxIikP-' wi4kywhoktA" are lud"i�
I 4>n tier ar lAiingfellonv1p, wlik.'Il t1lev 10 make, things Comfortable. tiTot - ancestry-huntijig societies to ful to way ly -tile, wives 'have commenced work g#
a 1141. aw In,; a 1141 Riciiar&
thr4filgh %he ch"rellyllork t h rect-dr -d falleY 1`07-littl#� did they jivink. ttif*e to be frightened at not'hinit, able. - Oil uUidon sulistance'for shadow '! Tite L nti TORONTO.
I am very Ivypefful that U) the villaaf-'. at'41 '4a%v attires. listpiling to ti,eir t all. b6arts of Met' 4A tile 90141 America twok itun- )oil r
.*or- E%% -,r, ILalopyfere y to be frightened Im- le who caulti to
ing ill thf-' ille, I OP qtty Ing tile we of the (unq Aak t)ur donler-for this, 1 1*) -and, �cowartit-., lWar
grave lie ploili IKovernc%s, who reat in the world eligible and ito, other'n0eil -11111 dred .yearts ago were not- so va 846W
1,tt a str tige 14--A lient 1 IIA14 4, ,.,e rp- it-, bheakpw owd Amerks'n
lo likad love'l xi I that Ptliftietinle-4 lier en different- front I nd is ni,. reniNiy Nr eoldb. etoe, limit Water IAJ twen. Tile jilft" w tile linem, llo%v titere w.,m Au Immeum' meteor folinived by ds becatist- totorked to 11 Oil.
fell it r �klany I erfj wke neer--Alo- strniCth agliin. Sure etuod.
llail lovetk fal te rt4l over 3 eft, their- native latt $
lwr,. the nian wlitan idl their very 1L. horse. do a. thing, 00 e In ykat XV* "N.de
e -.t eq jig t ra cteol tinder From the,monwnt we abower of mOU"wic #4011"r they I I to". 11iiinjent I jilt%
r Ual,y L 'I
tvlrw tlalght wji.tt a i4tr oice actually The bext if lie hadn't thfaie who e0l13e.jl0w- ItmWir oball, t ih tlw
could novee have ridd I
we;#- eqiiallv 1464t W dealt ell In its t t;O we tiegener- mi are rustling cille that ham d0nFk '40 nitir for The
yt a "t Y will
the i%.ed eye* - 1 (188 The Puritans. 'who %rill prove ll Pil"Al cithem
1, of patiene -chreely thinking I the big and 'blittA- al"'lik"t mi -wl:h. -like tiee..bkoys who bleAARin r 1i
wvd onholn!Y life-.. nil lyuWime, : Iditho, I to Alaska now. FOR SALE.
atli4t not ; n fid MICII
4ie t ifln thlt Of oil, wast No the ayflok (Amilarly nffileted
andi it ;athe U4 tile one sound in iiattire wer were ter' lid no worme thall an equal fililllbpr gay, (,,iv#. 1paijul's Oeklr; V(j good I&II(I. itear Brantford.
it wan Yf Pr iw a vear :ifter that letWL that p -onifort and week. The eltoemod libi rh t
beat. I MiW tpretem perfect t Clot it Friglishmew who
family Of W Ikicl to -day, a trial.,' For what ou -d. FrIlulf, Nt"ell1lij
Awither okx 1114J!"Ittid %v-elfit.. ti , Ittle flitrill Its etiontent. i8tille ly (A 1. average ,ere* clart
@lie gtiii rearained r i t I ftb an Ine I ac4l).* 1willialtui Wax -tiff, incerity iLild.reflnement make gooil tof the,'earth, Wbit-111 w4x, 41 lol count, too tillh country because-t!-eY ham dotie for RIC *CAI 11A V 41Y MoSt 0ood orchnA 4*r Iteving ';Ijnoeejnt.'f Illet: way. at , Oys. I)II&Ilfllflr,r rInelple IR the parent relt w1thiii it radius (A' 20 nilles., 'I ' ilt grattfill t,haiik#;- Touray t IVY.
f, be. JpCtL to.111.
w %1 onarchicat governine
n 111i d. B
taiking qlal;v nianitevil,'A d P WON r at church . . nd. B Bro:!he SIlkb for sale. Tell easy.
'king a change. illitil at eary all weM jolin Barfand
Tlwy t)�gart tga gqg illtap soriety. agaill. 'yet tiever ma I . of both. The origif 1 10.1 olm B. Grabs"'.
e 1'.wt fatr ... rove them to It. 6uj better wlveg are 4partlictilake. art"ns aiwt: io.rv�mntm- Anamg We 01911ifililke sil" to be
Phr aml lieT girlg. and v j rece 1 Y4 were - FabdfieatiOns. Of 'f)utjtIl wttlers New Amstordain tIli reason are broche in 8ev-
; alloillg* tho Tibot, Neither Helf-n flor Jalletta I to shake OF .. signs of thp Head and lrace open 186.
itt" -litm 4vd Aly entereoftlp0n,-but bar( oil t1je tq it) 8Ijqr..fkqllg IIo.Wjt,_r motifs of guipure being
tily gitis, ano at -lamt IANI M
prc*ervt.fI Iii --i very licial *641141 W nitwitly' heads &,not illoll. ra I tones,
Aj*oi iju- fiat Off. wfust. wo know of thing@, Fevelitietit birthtlkay. (oil March #20t jaym,-Jor they were nddkted to 'pir- Wide, rottimi y woven into t1ke body of the stuff and
00fectionate riobwity ev�il ct,&�p to Uve itit their it In not fel- Caw roelfistilless, joviall Ored silks. Such
alrd te, for I"Ilt wa:t we think of them, which ompletic- German ek4t"t-of. Ili#4 W4 ka ady, hmugigling awl ritut- propenwities; narrow antlk embroidered with Col
to cor eve, -ntA'-O=y or
went baell and inigra --ComPIIP-d from will -be pill)11#41led at 1�erlltt. lit'nine A lowm too 4—* sure, but roj�, charlif- Inaterints are spoiled by trimming and b
e. n htaciug makes, for good or evil. be kept Ln
t4fil yvljr� midpr 00 e4lit"Mill-P )r lir. ter. j4how odberi~ and stl large, plain mnsseA
m): ut. 4 :at ally rat Book" f r Good Houmekeep -rowt or Fioailt.an(l wa must
rect rfxbd front 4)zfcr(j 4o 66 0 r carri e tea
-waf..4W pin . ce . The Wkl I Totake firkle-An ancestry_ that was ter. A deep th.Inke W otlow their beauty. pwteoL on 111111011L C11111111.
'-VAO tII.Lg .1)avid Dalziel, Who ilad lioncht. clean and industrioug. it, iilt"l bent forward. A w omA It 1pnbIP of WA
am' afraid Mim Willtarnp was IiOL aS oughed'zild deop tMeCtI011 rikkirriee er hp -id = = ufteals. ea prip.
-Pgtat I - himlielf a-" tile irlto lwwed suid PI
to "llc Her Calendar. Fl(teen women Ow hetkng a* tr be= 1P 40 Is PW
flush t I to of -the family, _116 Weir debts and praved and loved thrown well back. ACK ng 1 bmwb wks skm
(in(! -111 aw 'IP adviser am tjielr.-W louidlielm Cotnes w1itti thorough liat 40sa r9f4L
hnthip fact allat U1. tile foolier fact tit", racinK rhe society wonlaff Was going Over officero their wives ana kcltilotrk�
gt. ndre
rre WA 111lit",-01119 the new. year and ve t or- 'tion in given th.- imblic. That",
liplen W. ellough I* WaR, at; rate he re- her ckalkendar. of maid to be .3 but tilix -iridiscrintinate and R1IIY w CANADA44 GOLDFIN IWITACIF isfiku
11"It 19 na mes &fter each date. t of 111tell. 011e, asgument fit t, itnother a*14t . Togth- be
schildren n#ow et t.11"_yCo"19 M ligid lnl(kit to &iriting (town tLa nj(wp 1),)es -not consist put, wity Nerviiine sellb wi rapidly
'I) ship of - Aneestry ill Mill08 I
hallilly 1~4. tilt, am,already arranging �favor to that they are much icillolig vaj:-,- a aelle in cured as it by magic. Pain
Ilij4--now as slich You see, I WV1118 abO11IJt tile 111ost rid Extrnotor in FAMM
off. And it w emiridence of lie fillmliq painlem C()rii . -rnal. finds a protutfit,
_r I.er tile *Ilk,. p;ac#, too. so .�reity' w"Ith 411ch Calls'" alle said In gaining the of- tl,Lq fad -pestered ag-ft, L of internal or ext* j A
afte gnorant, twon. Try It.
Ivam low jjipptn(.%% t iwa4ve d the i War."1111`11110" lie _nry It gem right to the frool antidote in Nerviline. LAWft
-lety. WA 111ir" Yes," returne and In On `Mle question citight not to be* w4 -jetos quickf - nn -I pain 4"WV J.
If" w We and
0*111- to W_Wd - vem- Pkeel lent ,Wktl "When youl are
61pelli pea" un k,� - it delightflil. IT,,,, W110 gtooil near. I tile childwell, Dutclim�n, Puritans, the trou
Idly Uvwpf, otir
opi finds whe la4jj(4 woql,ld find t will show tile day.,i when 1. . . - tors lerx, but were jpaly.� Be High -Priced Cl. %pervn-.
%Villiplaw remember the walk t1irough I Ing 1111irtionots, or Cnval
it into harbor; witi, ki)rri maii. 3110 s vnrloiuq ladies are at home, I sup,- The Roumanian 00vern-me"t, In true; did they
t& w. -w ybe ft,Xl" the' golf iRg tile tiley hofiegt, brnve and 'hv 11vidlavis A"Parip lbalxw recenV conthilm--d Like
I 1111t t]W X* am hilli or Ft,&h Tribo"d I
twoken niam'. J.1 L . I POW new dirict ste work or- sten I: werp tlwY Butlers - II following advertimment: "A lady
.-ut)r#q t1w. nk87 t4) 06tablIs"
Id have Rho returnede "it I And when tit(W The N8vjvjo, A
lwvf-r newillig t" 0 t", Pw-1L'- any you cou "On tbe cont Friml figliting men ? STAMMERING
to -it V t L lVAnt iii I ife, (little Wei' e jwgill to lie nmw w dian tribeks or tito rar Houthwest will
C#mnpl w t lie d. whein th y are not Iiiie to Didia. Chief c nioviar III the beat of toriety of London
41w ha*', I af;ft id Pr ov i i It he early.age of steven", 81111 will sho YN innia will conwat Ill. timber fur'h ild ered e to dettdrous of taking out anti prr- or tiny otlifT I'llame Of bl%V'il 191IINAU-
when we ceap"t to r tills, frKj,Aj Smiling. Why. are you st home. liq pimprimea. while maize and c0l 110 t4linil all W. in favor of ecinfining gene- not eat filill nor llavf- nyt4ing to do menting t court a young American atelit gueorWully find pormwmia
Ainc n#Afii jS !' lilfif'IY 4`01, t iotild go to 1ITP TriilF, ill al,411tion to being In the c 0. ajogieial rinvarchem to a limit4vi 111101M. witit artlelfw Made it' the-, illape of
to Us 1*.Y . ha4 ha..4 Ila W).v"Y. nxiolln' w,- NI I "Vim, o0no l o u- InN-xhlct`N neratki . ons flail. This " taNtko" with, tile Na- ltidy. Thi,, highest references will be cured by a physiciskin who was hi=
Vie tooWid h f Abat. m.ki0k flik.l' at Ht- Ah-dtkew15 all tile finer points of social ll of we. ajo. elUmolis to, givenz and roqutred. Iligh. reniunera-. au inveterate stammerer. For par-
-I The #jnX fellow- hiiialied. all o,.er &rfitand all tlliilp counee
AF4� npwer front Finiperor William of Gerifilmy for X&jlre" tion expiected. - *ddreowl, in the first ticulars. etc, &6df"W 801 949 Derills,
livk f(M-ward to tr*tik- lVe. Workers. wttit wator. A prohabl(- reauon why
Al aA ea"le I&V kit I 'Pager face, and thali Good Food, no moro elilldren of tll(*e rilik" are hiottince. C., care of William Negmak, Ont.
14114111chai.. If Indee fill".- y fb%w t1int Ije* Ila(] a inotive. 1110 L V""� - FAq., 'A6 Bloonwbury 'Square, TA)n-
,a V I ralw that it 0110111d fall
tlipl~ $,he hat! Wert I lind It'seeint4 at gplit ekaA to he Odueatoed is r* fear, that
K114 ft fo the i(Vt of-a-C&bijiet 'miiiister to they m(glit be required to!� overcome -r]LT)-AOZN" To SZU L92
the ret niAil wO #)J' to 1# 3,%jngait and 14, A N
be lk �,k; to gran4nio Iker-m, et-tittage,' which Arle ICE don, W. V3.99
hring it Willetil twii wlwayp" %%,Tw 110w lifi- tZIEND'S ADV 9 fix thp price of a cut) 61 coffee, htit th( 111tiperistition, %i Pricmilm ltecipm;
ivwl with 044 -(-.,p r " ' * ' I A F flnistwr or 11tiblie Wtorkshas frooted Rny rf- Ifinard's liniment Cum NsUmper. paiwas: a book of mcipm&Z
41&y. a ietter ar -4 M willell I& as firml
ha, *11f. given order#4 to limp clotb. red edgm, writO
t t live ill it
nlarv, .411aflg_ the rail ligion. 0opy; prie%. 25 Ceuta. 11VILLIAM III" 11and1w Iting -at at threkitom finder Vill to retpdre thow I;erm&tq Ww Imported itearLv 4A)') Wesley bullditigs. Tomito.
-lien -when be was q ge . and
fle". itwi ii�wlf 1% - And.. what' It led to. t attil litiffel; privl_ RP.49T FRIZE.
W a p to holdhig rtwtatiran MOTHDRANDDAUGHT tfowwes fmw the United Statft. thei
. I - _oul(l ar(t)rjj. it.; but lit ti ' uminti 1pgj;4 at ptntiont, to rtirnialt in tl1P cl"lw*t ones be.ing utilized, it 64 10-
lpr #4 - ft-ar, the -only fear lie waslk P00r m,litary bachelor. and
I I many a 'ver silice y fotirtil-4.4ass waiting roollm South American NervineCarries Health 4b xport
not a commoin occurence that a -ounger woman. h third nud firmed. for the malnufactiIIikre of W1 W ANTY 0 Ulm%
ild'strikO he 11017-tfiat lie i -and� w0fild like tw if) - kee 0j giv. tecovery I have taken a -couple of hott S thi, h4griier-pflced coffee, �k� and Happiness Whereverit Goes. matisages, which am held In suell higli
truld I' -"Nnd yoll P friendly word should be the-meatil d tetox.1 With
dMjl_-"de., Fortnift- .04 e of Dr. Ayer's sar%apatilla each.4pring.
ra -for* you till you cnn jug nearly f0ity yearn of happin as and in Vite satisfied Ormit I o M. g eciffee, or-,sqirii it large viiii. Nly dailgliter wao afft eateem by epicum.
t,' lielt,sCo np to _y yfm want np for your tf4i- eding the advice'it 8 � It te With nillk atiol sugar, shall be 80" tiervoiiis falilting eq)ollK for fliver a yenr.
pitimen it health to theerson he
Ir It a to thi% treatment. I gi,%7,e tb?,
the hope tl IT A RLJ1
Wore lie _(;polif4i it. - I claim carried. This was the case with Mary e Nothitig
rhm ras dragging Monial Purely in lat it y for not more than io lorounw, Timy camAed great we I pued Imoriteel an vt"
'AW tok� foi anto. qi, Davie 'j,itigard. At twentY-fivc sh'i 9 Ufferer. - milk and stigar t1lat cow - her Millard a linilment Cures Gwget in CowL v8TItY is ow empeasw
W tilrough y1plir 1pt- just you,ye bit it., C6uldn't day% in mijrty. At sixty-one she meet the eye of sorilie poor sufferer. canto), al,41 with(mit (I tie oi�miv for he# j�av4 employrimoL IND
read 1111-1VI -ady 'ft"t her PdAiLv LISGARt), woodstock, out. 10 pretinige (2.4 ccllt#4.) The III- any rell-of mitil we trie4 f6ilth Atn- Nifeicki!gARV to secure OWL) RMUNNU
fact, 1, hav4y all's finds herself so at
Aliat- it was WiAll jtter. Iq active and OtT0119 she can
q1W tcfewe compreliendt d tht- h&t would shame many a younger Dr. Ayer' sarsAparilla has won its Y' opwtory are instnicted tu see th erleAn Nervine. 11tere wai%�& wcmder- Shakek.Apeare a Autograpb. TION. Can sire t4e addren of
itit prfA)ab1t for writtem do worLt thirty-six to every coiner ofthe world by the Pt who has JvA elesr4d $113 in 21 DA & 96 me
ly trnotom'4 to rj r
uw.ant fcw me, iLle." . � - .: Nvomaij. and looks back on d tIflp. clienifer votfee Is always (I kIt"i fill chaf4re for the better a4ter a fe*
who, 1pft hardfwt- bargain I years of industry. But of Itsitiends; those who have tried it UK.
J. L N IC HOW a 00
imAher N11r. Rnhert_ ;It 1011tilkk modifi healthful who know they were cured bythe U of quality and In stifficleilt fillillitit3k, dorw. Slip coritintied iti tI;e4;,e&tment Thp rareA autkWaphs in the wuM be Dbs& Tight " 7mr 0"m Ho
10 re. Winch Wax all Ing* ig trains and to -day l4le is as well *#, lover. My are lirtiliably 8hak+*jwarte's Only peven
.1 -rante I truth. &�kj� slio aftorwatd let her tell her storY; early nioriiii a Riobo"d we*. Volmeste,,
10 vim* IrAla af -ft "emie tiftkik of tho "Tifirty-Mz jftrs ago I had great trouble the remedy. There i nothing sakkat especialiv whell
UAwe*n *IivFxn ni)rmi -t timovy. It throwii a C ife alimo wavi a vietilm of 10ftemtjon, &ft clalmed too exist. Tlave Pigna-
Ile I*c inti-'* ovitlently tile lad hitil w, with my livei. The doctors allowed that as thii personal tes are dilp. toureo to him will (two of which a^,
Ajl.tsl - .1 . -att WAI t1je tiling. And ahe? e tumor% g ro,wi*nS on it, atid they theories and aucies to the wtnd*4 tud dyK*p.:Ia and nerr "" P tion, and 6XIhtful), twO to clmveywk(%�w 4)f 14N)- p9RUANENTLY CURZI-) Wy 1W
t1j&t. we )vero 064 ht there vokr to give me stands solidly upon the rock of explari- Life in a "Fiat." :1 great ammess oWeat Nerve Restorer.
aljo had uhrunk. back from' bliMered my side in an eff0Tt earning my ence challengi tic tt,: ilo great renwidy o am r(voin- pert.,4y, mir. Iti the f4io e-ditiott )f h6 W-6-146- atw JIM AAV�l
-A& 11111017 #%Ptaut, vtrY 1INt 'it alligmt of fear.. relief. I was at that time positive "I knoir." Ayer's -parsapa Tlw,- narrow quaIrters to whiell vitY befient to her. W,P.el,4 rf It ff Is ow
eanie frf,rn I)IR4 %vi%h iVIIIIIV. t face, to.. iiving as a tailore,%s.but for five years wit urifying and vitsAizialLactiq Tio,tilwoll. litayo (doubtful) aiLd cmis in a itrvuwla- Sea. tkmd to 01 Art*% pa;
Oil a -firm liere. linving . V) mOe between the pain In my side and th� h its p --for try. twople who live ilk "`aI1kftrt,nl4nItA" ("l mend W. Nfc, delph�L.PrA. tor I TVA% I iw "A bWW
Wft bftd Clerk it wnm lik &D4 the blood is a radkal iqftedy IT" ar.� 111cely Itiklica�ed by ont. tion of M(witairw 'nil., Inst is lit the Argo
one -1009 Abtiqtefs .1 was in constant m, of #,ign thenloe ",V) le by). A. Italic 1.0111NOLM Imme
vqwy S(xA v),* *lle6a4 fit rei anti j fact' A000thing-somf prospect form of disease that begins In taiti e BritkWi mimsufn WA t
up &UMMg tile old filmiliat work was a -drag to me, with no 0 11'. colitemporary. moo I trqw. Quo.
tuy rnkIV4 themwelvem III) Tij, walk of olieffotunati-ly for me, however, a impure blood. Hence tumots. ji. Ktory told by a
allf 1 -4 -In a egrtSln city f lat thp wall paper
olki ft illar nea tat Out of 1,000 Inc
*).'VAM OW in it'" - - Ayer's Bar- ulcers. boils, eruption-, and simi at is. a w ho tuarry In Lon- guil'000-
%hft fttm tv*b wulch� Mr: ROY, 1 0 1 fr d advi'sid me to take l)r ield promptly to thlki medicoeo -rown very dingy, but tile 1w)(11(rd e I -
W h 411100 y to. livo' in the very - same kaparnia, and finally per-quaded me totake cases y liad g don, 579 wed w about the mam said that but fewl Angle men Ask Your Dealerfor
**"41 lu;�q of the f4)Mln1ln- -Phi) rst cow- Some casen are more stubbotti than tA) re omen
ILY b" J!4"04' lr�ijsttted, am h0usic" fire some- a revilar conroe of it. when I fi OU I JaKI pemint.4ntly rejumed 'Place It. it 882 have wives yoagor than
'ah llf)l %tence with Dr. Ayer's 6.,r1X:! gel
letliat every nookI.I. inenced taking the skar4taparilln myside but persi At.hwt the tenant said to him wife wo- lead oubw livem. ogle of nd Is
yjV 116 %itluLtion and till1pw, avery rooll) 11113d wa.4 qo painftil that I could not fasten iny rillit usually resultS in a cottlPitte C enough.
ue!l innocent, 'toe Ivs no use. Julia, we I'luill have to
r 'vAfta Wolk V16 "ittim in %, i ;- 'with 9-h(0t8-y0t wlt" a 41res%. and for a ime I did not get atly Mary,Lingard began with a bo
q4ty. fqr V BOECK S
A wan ft ht t44.. (,oul(j,pbo 1*ar It ? reWef, but my friend advised we to per. went on to a course of I)r. Ayer'4*& put (-At some new PaW at ottr Own PX-
rilla. When she was cured she t MV& Winslow's Sootbing Bymp Is a 410-vrr�
dwar a dl NOL Timm arp somP I!ef)plo wbo have tin severe and relief was aute to come, and penw.
A half lcm *4" y fir the past -who tile come it did. This happened. as I say, that a medicine that could cure d 6SAnd taice all the trouble to. wrape Vinard'is Liniment Cum CCAU W. Wileg remedy. It not. onlY rellpron the ch1w
to b . a I a#4ur- thirty-six years ago. M ItVer bits never could also prevent it. Soahetookaco. tr pain. but inv4'mmtm 'be 0AMACh 004 BRUMES ANO 8ROOAFS.
a"d �CeOl!P-) 4af tile old 1160
o Was tiling Ile uring these cars of bc4tles each 81pritig and kept iu,l t weia, wnwts aciJity. anti JVL%M tof &M
Ili= fly- f rom it, would wlill'Uy fiury troubled me since, and tar -C - We'll put- it.rlgli Heveral At1witic stean, er arq 41L For S&14. ivy #ill I^%dins Hoti,4w
At 7 1 have passed through tht most crTtical health. There are thoutands of si 4Drtakilly 1144 energy t irlie Whole PYSten'. it will MO
in,tv evor. B"t otbers 4 life without any par cases on record. some of these � re over the othee." taln*4 at St. JoW, N. B., tiflable W get ine"tg, care grLpins in the ittentsi-A MW wind OKAX. 80111111MR & 6011IM- 1111110muft"Ww'
WW PU 'ed 1 1 it ()ut of 01glit for period of it woman' 1.011'e athered into Dr, AKer's Ctirebook,a I le do
.. no f0 -Lir (;f their harmitwu dead tiettlar trouble, and to -day. at sixty obn! And make tile rcolno 111"Jillar t4wir ftrgiom or mWim cit ac0ount (Vf odo. 0111haffL dim,u tali proottrao, T ty
kit havo F) freeby e 1 loWNT ONT.
loven-can o4lt i -ears of age, i am active and strong, and ook of too pages w ich is sent Vm v&j1W94% beft blooW t,:r amw. AT* wis 60
1-=1 HIC11iories, Write Null I
Inmateem of look behin(j. them I ablc to 410 a 4&y*f work that would upset J. C. Ayer Co., LOWC11, U6.1111A.0
"WOW b�.A# (w, or
jight ekAhem
in VIISIT n tslygon. %Jim ton -y bt - of
Vroprle1kW.'w4t4 bnrnpd 414-:1 t I,
tha v
4be Areap I %ow t
He U." b too prendl eK1040ft it is WWI to #A 11
owd fie so* m.