HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-04, Page 11111.111C HAMILT ..14111111111110sewes BANK OF HAMILTON LUOKNOW. -.)tipitis paid up Si,25o,000 isserve Fund S725,000 :ota Assets s9 946.678 'reeident 401113111:1421*. P •saidast-,A. G. RAXILAII. DIRECTORS: ISO PROCTC2, WM. GIBStoN P, Gw.Roacit A. T. Wcor), A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier --J. TURNBULL. rows BASK. -Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits 11 and upwards received and interest allowed. SPB(lIAL DSPO$ITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. • R.11,44.4 on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. JOHNisNIOROL, AGENT. G. T. R, TIME TABLE. Pneeenger trsisps follows :- G44ieir South, 6.180p. m. .13p. m, 0.15 p. w. 3 leave 1.ticknow ,taticn AS Going North. 1135 a. w, 4.20 p. m. 10.4; p. Ell. I). W. HAYES, Agent. LEGIAL PA. IIIALOOMSON, BARRISTER e Solicitor Conveyancer. etc., (late o ner )0, Holt& Cameron, Goderich). Offic ap-staire new block. • 11RARRISTER. • Solicitoni Coimmissioaer, Notary .t.c. Money ,to fOan, Officev over Moody's ' trber -Shop.•- 1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARKIS- % W ter.. Solicitors, etc., 'Gotlerich, Ont. I. e. GABItoW, $.4. 0, . . • MEDICAL rt R. TENNAN'r, PHYSICIAN inrgeon aud Accoucheur. Surgery ,ede .1. Elliott's grocery store. Office hours from 9t1) 12 a. m. ; from 2 lo 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m.. - "74.G°c1u1)°N1.1)ae:4."F')kr., MC.P.i.1•kesicl• e and Acochenr.,. Uptair; in - A .il'e new Weir. Residence Rosa) street, behind Ciameron4 Murdoch & Co's store 10140 D TYE MAN, M. I). & NI. 11..1. 1. • physician and surgeon. -grstluate Toronto Univereltv,.and ('ouncil of Physician., and Stargioor.4:1, 4 rntario:. Special attention paid to dis-ast s f t1411).;w, throat :dol lunge. Otice in A k. Will open practice on or bet, rr .1 in. 1st., 181.01. a_ _ SOCIETIES I. O. F. LUC-. NOW LODGE_ INDEPENPE_N I . order of Foresters theetAi In the 4 ht.lielloire Hall en the fourth Tues (1we of each _mouth; st„ 7:4o'clock. -Visiting -rschrep cordially invit.d. ' J, 1). N1URI ecii, A. B. MeLecb. ChM ftsussr. tat, reiee.F.cistaiy — C. 0- F. • (it)URT LEW! )01). M)LUCK-• l/ now. Netts every fint Ara third Ikion - day of every Month in tte toraeg.: Ball; Visitiog brethren) arcc rdially • invita..1. )_i S LOYAL ORANGE LODGE 'JO. 428, 1101.1)5 ITS. REtill.AR !I monthly meetings in the ()range Hall., (Spbril stree4, leucknoss, T,Anolae even lags oh or litfi.re the 1 nIL moon. 1)egree sight eatheseeond Tutsdav eVenir8r 14 alOWing fuil moos. All %isiting1,xihrtu Lonlially in vited to the wettings. Davit) ABOIER, ADAM l'H4JMr4oN, St Cretirt • W. tILT C. T. IJ.- The regulAr 7 V is meeting of the W.- men't Christian Temperance Union will be held.every second' Wedneadav 01 each m•)nth in_the Odd Fellows Hall, Lneknew, at 3 p.m. Mas.3-. 131,1AN, President Ma. IIOaNILL. Secretary. l• 0.0. F - UCKNO L. 1.0(1w;No 112 mePt4 every Friday evtnieg at 8 o'Llock in their ha:1, Campbell street. All t•rethrett' cordially invited. J. W. Ault-milk:se,. .W • W N oble 11) r an d R ecord cc Subscribe Por The iss.S.SsassieSiesS-siffissSs• 1:ttrioto "••••••••••ggs VOL XXV-9 — , tntinct+ — See Our Ciubbilr: New Goods! Rates OM, OW ONTARIO, FRIDAY. .MARCH 4th, 1898. 11AIR&SIDLALL,1 . Bankers, LUCKNOW,- ▪ ON1. E.>7 A BLIS11 ED 1888. We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United qtates. We make collections on all points, : -Western States, Manitobs and dee-North-Weet Provinces, and ail collec- tions, whether note or account, will have • , prompt attention. Notes discounted and feswei's sale notes' caahed. We loan to far.ners on double or single notes at. from one to twelvemonth* time, and at reaeonable rate of interest. We loan sinall or large amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real evtate sec - laity and 0.1 first chattel -mortgages on live stock and implements and crops, lite have a large arnouut of funds to advance on first mortga4,es from 5 per cent. to 6 per ceet. 'rile rate is graded according to the quality and size of the loan required. We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashtield township ani 200 scree in li.inheis township, all improved laud, with good buildings and willbe sold at a bargain. Wei represent the leading English and ('ana. dian, Fire. Insurance Companies and can effect insurance on 'all claeses of property in Stock or .lintual Companies as deeired. Our office hours are from 10 a. at. to 4 p. w. ifs r KC N OW ‹ L , Lodge of the - --- Ancient Order of --- Z United Workmeu, --: meeti in the Odd ---- flow' Hall, on the - last And eecond Monday evenings of .. // , each month r.t eight 4..1,.. o'cliick„ Visiting brethren cordially invited. W.S.Houies, D.1.).Yviit, Jiarter Workman. • Recorder. OLD LICHT LODGE A F & A Id zETS EVERY THT3'BSDAY NIGHT Lvii- on er before the full ninon, in the *oak Ilan, Havelock street, J. D. Ntenot, . HARRY DAYS, . . WorshitAil Master. Secretary., GENERAL GEO A, SIDDALL, MANAI.F.R. 41,14.ucknotrentinti Tait LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGU F.S PPRELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES GP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES _' Lieknow March Ith. 1838 • CLUBBIN ; RATES,- • As usual; e have' received the very beat Arrangements with the leading papers of the Dominion for special rates during the clubbing season. Now s.the time far our subscribers to pay for their paper and we can give them a combination whish cannot be beaten for quality and price. Just refs! 'the following: Oen inel and Globerit1.50; Sentinel and.Mail and Empire, $1.40; .Ssntinel a id London Daily .News, $2,00; Sentinel and Advertiser, $1,35; Sentinel and Fermer's Sun, $1.25. • . SIMPLY A. FABRICATION Much has. been gall in dispatches from Ottawa recently regarding an alleged offer for the cmstruction of the Yukon Railway, reported to have been made hy, "Hamilton Smith, represent- ing the Rattis L stet dispatches from the capital show that the original story, intenied ta bring pus bargain entered into by the Government into disrepute, was entirely mythical. 'Lori Strathconas high commissioner in London, having been asked by cable to ascertain if Hamilton Smith, who yavesBaron:Rethschild as one of his backers.in i•he Yukon' Railway offer, had any connection with the Roths- chi:di, a cablegram has been received in reply saying thac the house of Rathachilds assert that they know nothing of Hamilton kiinith. The fol- lowing Ls the text of Lord Strathcona's cablegram : "London, Feb. 25,189S. Lord Rothschild'autleovizes_nie to say Hamilton Smith is not their agent, and is inno sense authorized to make any proposition on their behalf to the Canadian Government. (Signed) Strathcoria." 111101111PI1' OUNNINOIMIAM. INSURANCE ' FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH isareseste les 1\T T I S C.f. NEWT0119 Hoarr wr gip • in dentistry, _Toronto Dental and Doctor of Dental Sur- if•ey, Toronto rniversity. All modern plata of eration and est efulrees in grorkEnanship; °thee in Allin'i block , upetaire. P. S.- WilliBviAit Ripley every Thursday afternoon. - tGook's Cotton Root Compound. your drugigist for Cali Wise Bell Ceel- 0.000 Ladies. Safe. effectual. Wise ask Is .4neeesstully need monthly by over pew& Take no other as all M attires, pills land Imitations are dangerous. Pelee. No. 1. Ill per Dna , $e. Rio degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 3. mailed on 'receipt of price and two II-eent suirepe The Cook Conapsay.WIndeor, Ont. or No.. 1 and 3 roid and recommanded by all aesponstble Druggists in Canada. Z .' 40111 Dr. D. X. Gorica, Druggist. VUSIC LESSONS Given by 0. C. McAl9AIRA N, ;eicar Ban) ) clanonet 'OS THE- • Cornet Cc., 13t4;• CURRENT TOPICS. Village and Tinuitg ewS - Public Notice All parties indebted to me either by note or book account will call and settle the same before the 15th of March, as after that date all accounts and notes will be handed over for col .04.;tion . -Adam Thompson. A Large Funeral The funeral of the late Constable Thos, Shoeloottoin, was largely attend- ed on Thursday last. The remains were taken from his late residence to the English church, where an impres- sive service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Duthie, and thence to the family plot in the Kinlosa cemetery, Among tbe-relatives and friends present were the sistersof the deceased, Mrs. Wether- ly, of Detroit; Mrs. William Taylor, of •Lucknow; and Miss Shoebottom, of, Kincardine; his sisters in-law, MIS. J. Shoebottom, Kincardine; Mrs. McLurg, of Deetield; end his .brother, George Shoebottoni, Parkhill; Andwew Shoe - bottom, Holyroods Jas. Shoebottom. of Kincardine; and T. Morgan, of Kin- caraipe, Mrs. R. Swalvrell, of Ripley, and Mr. Brooks, of London Prase Meeting The annual meeting of the Canadien Press Association will be held iu Ottawa, March 10th and lith. Among the important matters to be considered will be t4ie postage question. insolvency legislati 1, and the visit of British Journa1ist tCanada. Frank L. Munsey. who bas been without doubt the most sihcessful modern publisher, will deliver an addrees on and discuss the ."Elements of Success in Newspaper 2ublishing." It is hoped that one or two of the following representatives of the British Institute of Journalists will pa present: Lord Glenesk, (London Morning Post) Sir liugh'Gr. Reid, M. F. J. M. McLean, 31. P., and Sir Edward Ruseell. The dinner will take place as usual, when a number of important speeches will e made. Of Interest to Teachers From a circular just issued from the Education Department we take the following items, which will be of use to teachers: The High Sqllool Ent- rance and Public School Leaving exam- ition for 1896 will begin Tuesday, June Di, at 8.43 a in. The course of study prescribed for the examinations is that given in the Revised Regula- tions, excpt that physiology and temp- eranse take tne place of botany at the public school leaving examinstions. Any misunderstanding on the part of candidates regarding the requite- inents is to be dealt with by the loyal bo ird in settling results, The revised Regulations do not, as formerly, call for the presentation of book work in !writing, drawing, etc., at either the High School Entrance or Public School Leaving exams. For the latter exam- ination, book work, if presented by candida.es, is to 1s3 taken into account, as last year, in view of the special pro- visions announcr d for 1898. James Vincent Cleary, Archbishop of Kingston, who died on Thursday last, was bern on the 18th day of September, 1828, in Dunarven, a sea- port town in the county of*Waterford.. He was a sin of Thomas Cleary and Margaret ("Brien, both natives of Dunraven, James Vincent reseived his elementary education ins, private school of hie nativ• town. At fifteen years of age, having completed his English and claasical currieulum of studies in the Ounraven school, he was sent by lois parents to Rome for his ecclesiasticial education. Pope Gregory XVI, then wore the tiara. and Dr Cullsn, subsequently Arch bishop of Dublin, was rector of the Irish College in Rome, to whieh the future arch'oishop Was as an aspirant to the priesthood. Dr. Cleary came to Csnada in 1880, 9.4 Bishop of Kingston. On his arrival he was the recipient of an ovation,. in which the Protestant, and Catholics alike joined. Ile wet made Archbishop of Kingston in Murch 1889: Dr. Oleary was a very learned man, conversant in Lat- in, Greek, and Helots as and besidea English wrist familiar with Italian and French. For terrns, etc., call at the Sentinel office. CO/Wert Work a Spaalty M. Wedding Bells s Tuesday, Feb. 1st, Joseph' church, Ashfield was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Nellie, daughter of the late John Sullivan, was united in the holy bonds of mat- rimony to Mr. Nlichaet O'Connor, of Walkerton. As both are deservedly popular, there was a large attendance at the Nuptial Ma..s, which was cele- brated by our esteemed pastor, Rev. N. Dixon. Although the day was stormy and cold the sun did not cease to shine from early morn which helped probably to make the young tieople brighter if possible for the occasion. The bride was becomingly costumed in a suit of garnet velvet, trimmed with white satin and fur, with toque to match, and was attended by Miss Kate O'Connor, sister of the grootn, who was similarly attired, with large ac bl' k velvet hat trimmed to match The groom was ably supported by Mr. Jere Sullivan. Two little nieces, aliases Marie Sullivan, and Margare M. Dalton, acted as maids of honor; both looked sweet in suits of cream serge and lace, with cream silk hats and carrying large boquets of bridal roseain their hands, while little John 5 Dalton and John P. Sullivan wero the pages and performed their parts very nicely. As they marched up the aisle to the alter. the "Wedding March" was ably rendered by the organist, Miss Hattio Noble,and during the mass, Miss Maggie Lamber tus and Misr; K. Sullivan, sang a duet which was pleasingly effective. After service at the church was ended, the bridal party with their immediate neighbors and friends, Rev. Father Dixon arid the choir, (of which the bride has ben a member from child- hood,) (hove to the residenee of the bride's mother, where a sursptuous repast was in readiness. Soon they were ushered to the spacious dining room, which was beautifully decorated with festor ns of evergreens and flowers. After justice had been done the many good things provided. Rev. Father Dixon spoke at some length on the qualities of the bride. Reeve Dalton cOnsidered Mr. O'Connor a usky as well as a happy man. Gaoler Griffin, of Godericb, wished the young couple long life, prosperity and every happi- ness. Telegrams of congrate)atione were received from Chicauo, and 4ew York. The presents were useful and numerous as well as handsome, end S. NO. 5 KINLOSS from brothers and friend.* Itt a distance not able to attend,snug little cheques, The following is order of merit amounting to .100, were also received. as based upon efficiency in the subjects The afternoon anon passed in mirth Algebra and Euclid, History, Gram- and song, when Mr. and Mrs, 0100n - mar, Literature, Reading, Drawing nor took their departure for Stratford, and Writing, as well as regularity of Toronto and points east, amidst the attendanceprayers and good wishes of their . Class -M ValensD Sutherland, friends for their future welfare and 5, A McCaul. 0:ass 4-4 McLeod, 4 happanee!, . NI c Lend, Is Fraser. Class 9--A May their life now, be doubly blessed e tes sr a, made Skillingthe resentation to p Valens, J McKinnon, M Houston. With love, content arid glee, . ea ti 5he temperance MFl Class 2-1. McCaul. Part 2-A And may they live to celebrate iss ossie . The meeting I ' closed by singing 1 Valeria, F McKinnon, J Houston. Their Golden Jubilee. doxology Wood Wanted I want 40 cords of 'ren or hard wood in exchaege for painting. -Max. Wilson, p(inter and decorator, Luck - now. World's W. C. T. U. M lasixiariei from Australia, Missals Vincent and Cummins, javill hold a Vrospel temperance meeting in the Town Hall. Luck now, on Sunday after- noon, Marsh 13th., nt 4 p.m. sharp. On Monday evening Mimi Vincent will give the,story of her life. 11 Admission of :18 cents wil be charged. On Tuesday evening Miss Cummins will tell of their work in Australia, fully illustrated by lantern ;;views. On 'Itir.tlity afternoon and Tut/1day evening a silver collection will betaken at the door. memorial ser A. theinorial service Francis Willerd, Was Methodist church on, evening last. ReC. I gave a tealperatice add' the good tic.:omplialled h Armstrong', Pres of the .1 lard in this grew. reform reading on the Canadis and Mrs. !Iryan, Pres. o T. U., read *short aketi of 'Miss Willard. Su were sung and prayer oif “White Hil.1)!Iners,", toe ' r .the late eIdinnestv the Wednesday .B Walwin, and also Miss Wil - Mrs. Jack Y., geve a God would rai e up one to take the Plebescite, the W C. of the life hie hymns ed for the sainted leader.. lace of their , Farmers' Institute , eetings tings under uth Bruce held. in ,t he , Friday, programme n meeting, commencing at 1.30, wIlen addresses will be deliveeed by he following gent leinen : Psesident's lictdress, Hen- ry Arkell; address by J4 E. Gould, of Uxbridge, Ont., subj.:1Ft, 'Cultiva- tion of Corm" Disc4sion opened by J. H. Ackert. Addr(*s by Major Jas. Sheppard, Queenstoki,. Ont., flub- ject. Four reasons Why wit till the soil." Discussion opened by Mr . Henry Thompson . Evening nieeting, corn- mencitis at 7 30. Chairln an's address I Win. Valens. Address y Major Jas. iheppard, subject, "Three historical (lays on the Niagara River." "Address by Jos. E. Gould, subject$, "Suczess in ned by Mr, so expected enzie, 'Peter Corrigan. The evening ,meeting wit be enlivened by vocald •an 'instrumental imusic. Music will be re dered by the Percy family, Thompson family and others. A full and free ,discuss_ ion is invited on all subjests. ikll are in- vited, especialy the ladie4. - Ferment' Institute mop the auspices of the $13 Fernier's Institute, will Township • hall, Holy March 11 th.. 1898 Th is as follows : Afternbc dairying." Discussion o alcol o. Addresses art rom Messrs. Peter Mc Orange Blosscnne The home of Mr. Charles Turner, of Culross, was the' scene of§a very happy event, on Wednesday +vening, Feb. 22rd., when his youngest daughter, Eliza, was united in marriage to Ir. George Wraith, of Wi 6 o'cloek the bride attir gown of bronze and blue with lace. and ribbon, room, leaning on the groomsman, Mr.A. E. Th Nellie Turner, acted th.3 maid. Rev. N. 5 Burw the ceren;any, after wh congratulations we to the young co guests numbering about sat down to a bountifull where all enjoyed them fullest, extent. The botlenurnerous and use the guests present were and Mrs. Dr. Gullies, T and Mrs. W. Scott, Lan Mrs. It Becking; Mr. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs Mr.aand Mrs. C. Hethe ford; Mr, J. McMann The heppy couple, foll best wishes of the coin fur their home in WinghSm this week. Now that the matrimotkial fever has entered the neieabborh(x4, we hope. it will make a clean sweep 'before it sub - ghatn. At in a pretty ect, trimmed entered 'the arm of the mpson. Miss art of bride's - h performed .h the usual extended ple. The forty, then spread table, Ives' to the resents were ul. Among noticed, Mr. water; Mr. icle;• Mr. aud nd 'Mrs. H. A. Haynes, ngton, West- , W i ngliatn. wed by the 'unity, leave the sides. -*— Medal ContAist. The Grand Gold Melt# Contest held in the town hall on 1.1 day evening last was a big success i every par- ticular. The hall wa fairly well packed, the receipts 4n4ounting to $25.20, and all present were highly pleased with the oveniis entertain- ment. After singing All Hail the Power of Jesus' name, Rev. It. H. Hall led in prayer. The recitations on the whole were verygood, and all deserve credit for the ale manner in which their pieces werekendered. As this was the first Great Gold Medal ever awarded in the Dokninion, ituite an interest was centere4 in the result. ted of lour ater era two oody of this e winner and n and herself cknow have Death of Rev. Mr. McQueen The Rev. A McQueen formerly of Ripley, died in Hampden, Quebec, on Wednesday the 15th inst. His re- inains were taken Glengarry on the 17th and were buried in the beautiful cemetery of Dunvegan, when a large body of sorrowful friends assembled to pay their last respects to one whose services in the Master's Vine- yard they so much appreciated for the space of nearly 16 years. Rev. Mr. McQueen .vas well known to ninny readers of The Sentinel, he having had charge of the Huron Congregation for nearly nineteen years. To all who knew him the news of his death will cause profound sorrow. Death of Charles Girvin 'Mr, Charles Girvin, sr., of West Wawanosh, passed away at his home near theNile,' on Tuesday morning _last. Deceased was one of the best known and most popular citizens in the township, where he had contin- uously resided for over over fifty years. He visas an ex -warden of Huron, ani had been for thirty years in succession Reeve of the township of West Wawanosh, where he resided, and was president of the West Wawa - nosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co., from its inception some twenty veers ago. He had filled many prominent positions in the county in the way of municipal offices, and was at all times an ardent snpporter of Reform prin- ciples. He was a man highly res- pected and honored by all who knew him. . , The contestants, con young ladies from Tee from Lucknow. Cora village, however, was did credit to her recite and the people of reason to feel proud theit this Medal came here after such a hot contest. Miss Flossie Skilling, of Teeswgter, took second prize, beinie a year's sub- scription to the Lailies' Journal. Solos were sting by ipsses Winnie Official Visit Grand Master Young, of names - ford, the official head of the 4-ndepen- Order of Oddfellows in Ontario,paid an officitiL visit to the Oddfellows' Lodge, inhis village on Friday "even ing last aud was given a grand reception by the brethren. There was a large aetendance of Oddfellows present at the meeting, and the Grasd, Master, who is not only one of the best posted Oddfellows in Canada, but a popular official, gave the brethren a thorough drilling in the secret work on all the degrees. After the meeting in the hall, the Grand Master was given -a magnificent banquet at the Cain House, when a few hours were pleasantly spent in speech making and singing. strundy and -Wilma 14 heartily applauded a request the latter repe Mr. D. C. McMorran, well received, gave a ri tions on the banjo, guitar end isossith organ. Miss Allustrang gave an In- fitruinental and Mi Lora and ifs t dith Smith also play a duet, both of which were wall re ived. While the iudges, Miss Mc4eesie, Winghami Mr. S. J. A. Iloyd, lietlfasts and Mr. H. E. Ilsown, Ashfielit were arriving it it dscision, Mrs. A,I4.14 ed, of Tees • water, Co. Pres. ef the W. C. T. U., gave a very pleasing atislrees, speaking In very loving terms of Vie late Francis E Willard. Mrs. L. tilryan, County Superintendent of Medal centest work, occopied the 044. }ars. *feed. presig4e4 't,tle tUctlel t Co Mese Cora Moody and Mrs.Jack $ustrong, Pres. LOCAL ITEMS - To-night (Thursday,) -Grand Carnival, Fine dresses. -Itoy Little, of Dungannon, was in -town thiesweek. -Mrs.Warren, cf Goderich, is vis• iting Mrs. at. -T. Davison. , -Mrs. D E.Carneron, of New York, is visiting friends in town. -If you enjoy a good laugh take in the carnival to night (Thursday.) -Amhy Grundy of Kincardine, was in town for a few days this week. - There will be a large number of the pretty costumes' at. to -night. - -Walkerton council will snaoking in the new council in th it town. • Mr. Mearley Oavisou, spent Sunday at Zion, visiting his numerous friends in that vicinity. -Mr. Wm. • . 5IcCardle, of this village, ifs visiting his brother, in Mill- bank this week. -Mr, Chisholm and Miss Mary Polick, of Gexierich, spent Sunday with Miss lida;togai tatteihNiis(yon. itor gentleman wanted to learn tbe photographing. Apply at the gallery. -W. H. Cash. -ssIdi. J. II. Hunter and- Andrew Murdoch, are spending a few days fislimg on lake Huron, near Kincardine. -Mrs. Jack Armstrong will be 'At Home' to the menhers and friends of the W.C.T.U. on Friday evening seat. -sllarness repaired at H Gallagher's and a first class stock of harries: is always kept on hand at lowest price. -Any one wishing to by a trunk should call and -see the assortment on exhibition at if Gallagher's harness shop. -st week from next Sunday mis- sionary sermons will be preached (DN.) in the Methodist church, by ltev. 0. W. Cosens, of Fordwich. -Are you going, out West? If so you will do well ta secure a good trunk from H Gallagher. He has them all sizes and prices. -Mks Sadie Ryan, who has been visiting friends in the village for the past three months, left on Monday for her home in Winnipeg. carnival prohibit chamber WHOLE NO. 1257. -Port Elgin Till3011:—Mr. A. Mc Quaig. of Lucknow, is in this district at present buying maple logs for ship ment to the old couatry. He is pay - $9 a thousand for good logs. -There is nothing like having a good healthy constitution, Tbe other day a Winnipeg yo Ingster swallowed is live mouse, and f. It no discomfort. The discomfort was on the part of the mouse- - -The Minister of Education has issued instructions tAD the school in- spectors to see tlalt the regulation fot4idding the use of unauthorized text books in their various inspectories, is carried out. -The financial report of the Ont- ario A. 0. U. W., presented at the recent meeting in 7oronto shows an increase in the membership of 4713 dui ing 1897, and nfW insurance laisi ess done to the extent of over six millions. -Miss Pentland is now in Toronto attending the millinery -openings The ladies willfindour n3illinery depart- ment has received special attention in our spring purchases. Miss Pentland will he at work again about the 21st of this month. -W Connell, rt, both being d by special tad her song. who is always timber of eelec • CREWE Some ten days at:0. Mrs. N Pierce and Mrs, Manners?, were very sick but we are glad to see they are around again. Old Mr. Pierce has leen poorly thio winter Mrs. M. Shackelton is still crippled with pains in ber knees. Mrs. W. Pierce and wife were visit- ing friends in Kieloss last week. We are sorry to hear that John Whitley is very sick and not very likely to recover. RAPID CITY rs- Rev. Mr. Andeneon, of Tiverton, preached very intereeting sermons in South Kinloss Church, last Sabbath morning and even*. The funeral of the late John Mc- Murcbie, who died at his home in rou cm Friday last,tock place to Kin oss cemetery, on Monday and was largely attended. His many friends will mourn his loss. Rev. Mr. Mc- Leod, of Huron, conducted tile burial services. SIssers. John and Alex Richardson, of Dundalk, spent a few days the guest of Mr. Alex. -Phillips. Mr. McLean, of Kinloss, visited friends hero sorne days recently. Mrs. McTaggart, of Fort William is visiting her mother, Mrs. McKenzie, of this place. ASHFIELD • Quite a number of pupils have been absent during the past week on ac- count of sickness. Mr. John Murdoch has rented part of his farm to Mr. Charles Ritchie, of the 13th con. Mr. John Murdoch jr has rented Mrs. Murray's store at St. Helens and will soon open out there. The election is paving off quietly in this ward to -day (Tuesday.) There will be a large vote polled on account of the fine weather. . Miss Mary Webster has from her visit to Hamilton'. been away for so:ne weeks. Some of our yoalig men are going to Manitoba in a few weeks to try their future in the Prairie Province. returned She has TESTI MON! A L Lucki.ow, Feb. 18th, 1898. R.. J. Canieron, Lueknow. • This is to certify that in the last week in December 1897, Mr. Cameron put one of his puinps in my wel4, which is one of the deepest in this section, being 63 feet deep, and I must say it worked to perfection, and in every sense satisfactory. , My little girl, 5 years old, could pump it with ease. After this test we put on 18 feet more piping on the pump and the pump still forced the water out of the top with as great force and with as much ease as with the 63 feet. Then we placed the 18 feet horizontal and I believe we could hey° forced the water almost any distance and al there was only 11 inches cf water in the well, I consider this test one of the best, and I would say, anyone wisning a good, servicable, strong pump, casaoc do better than buy one of these pumps. James Hovey. -The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.V. will be held in the Oddfellows' hall on Wednesday after- noon next at 3 o'clock sharp. -Mr. T. T. Solidi, of Winnipeg, and formerly of Lucknow, is visiting at the residence of his father-in-lsw, \Ir. James Gordon; of this ‘illage. --On Saturday last- a deer passed through Port Elgin and afterwards went up the 6th con. ot Saugeen. It must have waudered from the renin• sula -Lost' rn Lusknow, or on the gravel road, between Lucknow and the 10th of Kinloas, a black dog -skin mit. The tinder will oblige by leav- ing at the Sentinel Office. - _Mr. W. 4. Weeetter, of the tirtu 'of T. Eaton, & Co., called at the old home on Thursday of last week to re- new friendship of boyhood days Ile !eft for Victoria, lj, CI, where he has sse-orTehtleawsiidtouwort ation. he late Lir.larnier having to settle all claims, desires that those owing amouute to the Doctor will at once pay them before they are put -into a lawyer's hands to collect (Signed) E. Gamier. --The uttoitki iitcttesinent from qtttlwa to the effect that after the Yukon' railway contract the next busi- ness the House of Commons will take up will be the repeal ot the Franchise Act and the ailoptisn of the Provincial lists, will be received with great satis- faction by all parties. A Close Call ! The Result Still in Doubt. Both Parties Claim a Victory. The result of the Provincial elec tions to the Ontario Legislature on Tuesdey last, resulted in the two pol- itical perties being so evenly divided as to cause each of them to claim a victory. The result is still in doubt and it may be some days yet before the exact results of the polling will Le known. The Reform papers say there are 47 Reformers, 44 Cons( rvativ. P, 1 Patron and 1 Independent elected, while the Conservative papers claim there are 46 Conservatives and 45 Reformers elected, and two meats still in doubt. There a.e 94 seats in the Idegislature but the electi .0 in Russell county, will not take place til the 1:3th inst. A special rh watch to The Sen- tinel from Torontsa at !leen Wednes- day, says :- LATEST sUMMAR . Toronto, March 2nd -Special to The Sentinel -"Summary of ttte return of yesterday's election up to noon to- day if as fo1laws:-48 Liberals, 42 Conservatives, 2 Patrons ano I In- dependent." LATER • Toronto, Thursday morning- Spec- ial to The Sentinel --"Summary of the results of Tuesday's electi el re mains as it was yesterday, namely : - Liberals 48, Conservetivel 42, Patrons 2, Independents 1. Milner is still ahead in North Toronto." Many prominent welchers have fallen on both sides, the Reformers loosing two of the Ministry, the Hon J. B. _Gibson, Commissioner of Crown Lands and the IHon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture. Another serious loss to the Reformera is Mr. James Garrow, in West Huron, who W&8 only defeated by 2 votes. In Center Bruce Mr. J. S. McDonald, the Patron member, Was badly defeat- ed by Mr, Andrew Malcolm, of Kin- cardine. This was; one ef tbe sur- prises of the day. On the Conserva- tive side several fprominent men fell, including, Messrs. St. John, Dr. Wil- loughby, Jolonel Kerne, Dr. Meacham and Mr. Magwood. LIBERALS. Mai. Algoma East, 0 E Farwell 175 Algoma West, James Conrnee 6 Brant North, D Burt .... • 35 Brant South, A S Hardy 49f Brockville, G P Graham 200 Bruce North, C M Bowman419 Bruce South, IR E Truax Acc 216 50 66 600 147 137 Bruce Center, A Ma colm Elgin West, D McNisb . • • • Essex North, W J McKee Essen South, .1 A Auld lialdimand, J W Holmes Halton, J R Barber Hastings test, 5 Russell ...... Huron East.. • if yslop.. .... 165 Kent Esst, R Ferguson.... .... 500 Kent West, T L .... 235 Kingston, W Harty.......... 280 Larnbton Etat, H F Pettypiece 48 Licnbton Wet, F F Pardee.... 300 Lanark North, W C Caldwell.. 164 Lennox, II Aylswortti London, Col le B .... 314 Middlseex North, W H Taylor.. 55 Middlegex West, George W Ross 200 Moncls It fiarsourt ...... 121 uskolta, Dr Bridgeland 23 Norfolk South, W A Chaileton 32 Norfslk North, E E Carpenter 250 Northutnberland East, J Douglas 355 Northumberland West, S Clark146 Ottawa, G O'Keefe 18 Ottawa, A Lunacies& . 200 Oxford North, A Pattullo • - 1,004 Oxford South, Dr McKay 800 Peel, J Smith ZOO 157 197 958 Acc 500 200 300 100 300 46 LANGSIDE -.....,. (From otir regukar correspondent. A number of the farmers are busily engaged at present in procuring a supply of ice for he summer months. Mr. D. McInnes has rented the farm lately occupied Iv Mr. Geo. holes and has taken possession. Mr. Arthur Hadley is at .resent visiting frieude ill the neighborhood. We , believe a pleasant evening was spent at the hone of Mr. Thomas Taylor on Wednesday of last week when the membeirs of the Methodist church and Epwerth League paid him ; faroweli vieft, before his remdval to his new hcme near Wingham. (Fro -n another correspondent, The weather is 0 that could be desired. Good roads asean excellent time for getting in a essck of ice. About 14 teams are briefly hauling ice from M r. W raith's lake. Miss Sadie McKay, of (loderich, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Crowston Mies Charlette Orowstsu has re- Iterned, atter spentnng the past few utontlis visiting friends at Port Col - bourne. Mr. and Mr, M. 4iicLel) and family of Lucknow, k‘iindeyed at Kelvin Farm S; Mrs. A Crow R or, ii seser spending a weel& in .ins and Mtsti• koka. Perth North, J Brown Peterbnro East, T Blezard...... Peterboro West, J R Stratton .. Prescott, A Evanturel Weiland, W M German Wellington Last, J Craig ..... Wellington South, J Mutrie Wentworth South, J Dickenson York last, J Richardson York West, W J Hill York North, II A Dayis . 475 Mai CONSERVATIVES. Addington, Junes Reid 341 Cardwell, A E Little 500 Carleton, J M Kidd .... . .1,000 Dufferin, J Barr 350 Dundee, J P Whitney. „ . 150 Durham East, W A 1aLis.. burhani West, W 1.1 Reid 118 . • • • Elgin East, 0 A Brower 30 Frontenac, J 8 Gr.:higher 308 Glengarry, Dr It It McDonald Grenville, It 14 Joynt Grey Center, J Ji Luers Grey North, G M lloyd Grey South, D Jatuieson Hamilton East. R Oaseadden . 880 Hamilton West, E A Colquboun 297 liastings West, W B Morrison .. 200 Hastings North, W J Allen 460 Huron South, H 196 Huron West, 1 heck ...... 2 Laner4 4outh,Lieut Col Matheson 500 Leeds, W Beattie , 36 Lincoln, E Jessop 200 Middlesex East, 1' 1) ffixisees Nipiasitie, Lauelecke i 12 Onterio North, W H Hoyle 100 Ontario South, C Oalder 91 Perth South, N Monteath 32 prinse Edward, W It Dempsey 300 Redrew South, J 0 Dempsey the debt of the church at all the slteituncfoorewWNesotr.:t jh, White. 31(4190 servioes (sere very liberal. and the - jo Silnecie Etat, MiEclimPhtil • • 4,0c, friends and the adherent* of Sialecte Csaii‘er, 8 11 Th°E"Plmiu su church are to be heerrily cosigrateial Stortoon tut, J tslM cLt atrAgVrli I 100 Toz 350 Sunday. ed on the success of the service's 0 Tornnto West,Thottias Crawford 1,60 Taranto %outJ .1 Foy 366 Toronto Nortia, G F Mower. .. 1001 Victoria East., J Carcegits426 Victoria West, J rex Water)cso Sou tli, W 11 K ribhe . 100 Waterloo North, H (1 -kner 85 Wentworth North, T A Wardell 370 There wee no eleotion in Russell. ••••••••••••11.110110.110.0.4111.41111121......rommim We are showing a fine rang., ofSTAPLE DRY GOODS, IN Cottonades Shirtinzs Denims Gia,hams tannelettes 'Tablinga Towelling* &c.. W11 ch we are selling at CLOSE CASH PRICES 0.,. at 110 ets Hu,. blue *hidings at /0 ets Our !lealty yard wide cotton at 5 Chi (Sur fal caltir gisyleawi al 6 cts Our ilea quality f lannelefte at 1 do Ara goodt that it will yo 1 pay you to see. The weight, q"-- lit and price will surprise you ;id convince 3.ou tha! this is the place to make you... purchases in staple dry good. 300 1,150 400 300 Rea tiAllieron .orm. PATRON Wellington West, J Tucker I NOSPEN DINT Pat ry Sound, W It Beatty TBE Lit, -tat Bruce North (P) Bruce Cent_r (P) Halton Hastings E (P) Kent West (P) Larnbton East I P.P. A. I Lambton West P.P.A.1 Lanark North - Lennox Middlesex E. [P.) Muskoka Northumberland East Perth North York West Con ser, ative Carleton (P) Dufferin (P) Frontenec (P): Glengarry (P) Grey Center (P) Grey South (P) Grey North Hamilton East Hamilton West Hastings West Hastings North Huron *South Huron West Nipissing Ontario North Ontario South Perth SouibetiP) Prince Edward [II Renfrew North Simcoe West RI Simcoe Center Stormont [P] Victoria West Waterloo South Waterloo North Wentworth North Liberal gains, 14. Conservative gains, 96. IIAPLZ Lls:AF Mr. Malcolm McKay, con 6, has sold his farm to Mr. Wall and taken up his abode in the village of Ripley. Malcolm intends to settle in the Rainey River District as soon as navigation open. Mr. Malcolm Mathison, of Luck - now, spent Sunday wish his Maple Leaf friends. Mr. Donald and Miss Joan McDcn- ald, of Lucknow, Sundayei at Alex Matheson's, 8th con. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Kenneth McKay is again under the doctor's care and hope for his speedy recovery. Messrs, Angus McKay and John J. Smith drove to Blyth last week and spent a few days with fries& there. They say they had a hot time not- withstanding the cold weather., This week we lose another of our number in the person of Mr. Donald McTavish, who has taken up land near Elkhorn in the Province of Manitoba. Mr. McTavish and family leave Wed- nesday morning for the west. We wish them every success in their new home. CHURCH DEDICATION The New Roman Catholie Church Opened on Sunday The new Roman Oetbolic ehurch in this village was dedicated to divine worship on Sunday last, and at all the services, the church was packed to the doors with large congregations. His Lordsnip, the Rev. Dennis O'Connor, D,D., Bishop of London, assisted by the Itev. Fathers Dixon. of. Ashfseld; and McKewen, Wawanosh, conducted tbe dedication servioes • end at ten o'clock High Mess was nelebrated by the Bishop. The chard: is one of tbe neatest in the Diocese, and is a credit to the congregation. It is a substantial stone bedding, and only a few months ago was purchased from the Baptist people of the. villagebut one who haa seen the besutiful edifies since its transform stem could hardly beleive that so great i.n improvemene could he made in the bsiadins, It is handsemely papered snd painted throughout and in tliis oonnection, our loeal artist, Mr. Max Witsoc, is cer- tainly to be congratulated on the niticent job he has made of it. in truly a marvel of beo.uty through- ont, all the ooloriugs .nd septa blendicg so harmoniously as ue maie it perfect. The carpenter wark was done 1 y another of our local workmen, Mr. Dan McDonald, tied he two is dewy- ing of the greatest praise for it'st beautiful workmasahip. It is a splen- did job througout atid the three beasti. ful alters are nest 16 design ard handsome in appearance. Vespan wee held it the church st seven o'clock in db. the evening, and ths Beincep dohve an excellent addreas on she &ernse. ofheod's oftbe cLstrhotifitic chpluerrehand. teamed:eh= was filled to the doors and all woe well *steed with His Lordsbip's address. The contributions LOWIlLadirL‘ • -There is much trute in the 11. • claretion of a itr:tieh newspaper %a "they may partition "bineesid 14" the Nile uphill, but Elio« motet •Pl. hi toning for every bit afars& e • from the far off Yokes.° ' • ' iloadne: tiu:nw•cadati iins eridenc• tI4 .4w - env.°