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Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-25, Page 4
111.111111111111.11111 BORN w♦LLW Iv t Nleth ..ti+t parsonage, Ltsckn.,w, •i�• •d,la •a Fel•r.m.ary 13th., the wife. of the 1: �+ t- u. A' a7�n, B, A., of a e'hi • I11'. WA'rjt►'.r -ja K; , '1.: �.•1 , 11th. tees , kir+. ti,+1 ., .,- , 3:c•l I:1 year+. le, tire.)«•., ti; .,r.;..v. 1_' . tLri.+) 11iter- •` ' . F a,••n� i t C.• sear tier : ,•«• •�: . FARfA OA 3A .E • Bh:i�I(i s'►t'r.! Si• 100 acres+. t'liie :arta i‘ well watrrt 1. g-rrt htti. *early a 1 +r••• 1e.1.1 'w .1, l.1 ti LtXI �' •.r'►•1 lite. • e*`.tai 1 it.. i11t4.. ► ,l&i it la �1a,•1 a.1 ;hH.prem- . 1.11..x, i►lc>:l:.�f �. .ta.•k m 'w SETTLi.i iS Will Wane forams.. ) ►i►.Ms e,Ae•r' . t tAls 1t ARrin: tI tit4 :3 end tir %R•t run r.., ' %11T !'^ .1 t 3::.. • TO M AN I a 3 V =4 A*D THE CAN ADJ1 cn r't i'e ( t :.' II IT ST- ratA..•nu r+ fr:ctell:R:? xi'shoot .h.►ui.t trait- * Fw1• torr%l k days Tett' c°uly I1 l` «7t1, r • ,• 3ub4rribe for Abe lthuow ycntin.l. t�t�e dollar a war. forms o or excess. Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- baeco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price. one package $1. six. $6. One trill plasm, sit tcili cure. Pamphlets free to any address. ng The Weed CouWPU Y, Windsor, S..1,1 in l.ucknow by Wood's Phosphodlne, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Onlyreli- able medicine discovered. Bis packages guaranteed to cure all Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse Dr. D.1t1. Gv» doer, Drrt;gust i - •- = 3;%i.,0a9i13•a 3 TUQ CANADA t.uaTanteet promnpt ship. 4•7,5 SALT ,rents. w '.tA5aOC1lATIOW Fin . .,arse at _and i� * :lir:ton. Ont. to For 'Table or Dairy W iv t : ,_. COLEMAN'S , ' y - - Couni� Friday February 26th the L.u�.kr►ow Sentinel, Bruce Los Wanted AT THE . LUuKNOW SAW Mirth T1i i highest price possible wilt be paid for hetutock, soft elm, basswood, ash and birch jogs, delivered at the mills. Logs mustbesound and well i cut. • All parties indebted to the - 1 undersigned book CONCLUSIVE PR 1 . From st Well Known Citizen. M v daughter folly, has for more than a year baa- troubled with usvere slyrnptutus of kidney disease. Sha haat constant and acute pains in' Ler back. The pair, Vi bur bead was fearful and. almost uneudntrmble. It frequently pre - opted her troru attndinR- dlhool, and she found study at house preeticslly impossible. She had no appetite, grid did not sleep welL The pain was very severe around Ler heart and she was much troubled with fluttering and palpi 3twaa Mit. was completely worn out in body an tired and drowsy 'all the time. Her 'mother aa -1 myself boa:atuo seriously alaruie�l as she visaeocnitsutly getting worgee. Last .Tuly n,y daughter ter Sarah. • • teacher in the 1'ublie School at Kingsville, Ont.. cane �I L • lotus to spend her vacation. and fining her !1 i t i T I ' + 1 4 - - �jG sister ip hash a distressing and dangerous condition. nch lhave To i`?:: liter.!• + r tri! a box. with tee and will divide with 1'0lly, which Fhe. diet. Br tbo time Puny had finished the halt. box leer impfovement in 2lualth wsa K:. 0 ii .. i f' Ari J y. ' . . AO marked. that I procured more (rota kir. • •Fr.&1em-h's drugstore. - Iierf uU rustorsti Jit to•healt h and spirits was ▪ rapid and contintioua.- She has now none of -herfortner dau: U3, painful and distressing kidney troubles. 0 eats ad sleeps well, and • • ' . 1 I- l Yor more than a onth .. enjoy ecu the most ! tci:Drotne health. ' t4hh bas not lust a day as • t scuool since she eomrrienced taking the pills, t and' ,has so 'much faith in them snit's they i etor.�3 her to full health that she wants me toeroot six boxes is the house all the time. in l case they butt he heeded lied not available. Iler cure has. been wonderful she thinks they r -:.:(r.- wf'I euro any cofIP'aint. - If tie pills had cost i ►1.1 .11 >>u a t, -)s. I w©a.3 •not have begrudged the '�' + :u ,bey. Tho rir toration of Try daughter to full _ .,; why he-ith d:m.i !trvag girlhood. troth her formes • x* serious sickness, etc.. i:as Trade her• mother, myself and!laughter. a hsuapy family. .. I m::aku this sworn stetetnent wth the full aiwtobation st y wife and daughter. rolun- tardy mud writhoitt any urging or iadooernent ts:.atacer, to abo the gratitu.1k my da ter. , .•a ' ue::a and rayeel t.�el for tlza vrcanderfu'I cure -,. wrolu;ht'by tht- IhooIn Kidney-Pilis. ' We bave •not-tue least do$b),-th $ bee trying the rills • jtiit st 'the tittle, the (lid saved u's a large • doetgr'e bila, -se s -was all but sick abed at. the timed. I am iitty,two year* of age. a car- • . rkeret by tr 0,:,, hate been a resident of St. : • . Mar•y ,,for forty .s :• :t%. aad county constable- ' r t) t'.yyears•alxJ s-u-wr11 known. and I'Wake * icer. declaration 't•oliaving the same to true. •ndl knowing the seine to have thi- . -*n.' effect as -an oath: aam according so the . D y- -y �•�, �-1'1• t'+ , Acs respe et4ii ; c#r$ 'helical Oaths la$ 1 a ` 17 .}-r, t7 . f:gd WILLIAM In:OWN. said I amu taiiug Duane Kidney Pills and they aro donne rue zu good, �'.. l.+tti 1'�tIa,.,.. sees l_..} 1' tihis i �.. •. '-+1 •::ice' i0 �- , 1.110 a'm' �- jl,; • •• iV♦ Agent. ' . :: ' 1 • Tor ut . J. Murchiso. :fit, ENT, ,: t High Quality Biscui s • F - Titio n ant declared before mf at. the Town , • •' cT St:Marva, is the County Of Perth, this Sib day of kfariaiD liters. I 't :1• " R'3t. N: FORD Coru>niaalllones in• High. Court of Justice, Theo ares:t. •t-• 1. • ri .. • ' ;l . crisp, L. rot 'ri::' h: get the lu t•itf'tiv • fresh: , 1•: i..' vav4.17,1*041 :l'. a r .t. I. >,L w▪ r.:• ,#etre 1-..• `grin_ w ....t r✓ental : ria E.rlevl•r 1.t,b.:..... v;,tat •.. i..•r baa+tel._: . Butter pet ill• r •,' Clay. per t',n ,. .. -_.. . .. • Fluor per wt*t... `.. • . • Dried apples tr•r Tallow per i`., . Lard per 11... . P'rk per cwt Wool per Ib ..'sees Chicken." per Il. Turkey 1.er Ib....... Voncks'prr "►see s. - Gees per lb......... A1•lee per barrel _... . Shetpskin4 Brad per Cwt- sees Oatmeal l-er cot 1.. Green w•►odl 1.er e r Dry wood per1- • T. IIV l) 'f'Ilto!,4Pi30DINI 'The Great tngllsl Remedy. .,. k.i,Ks Giiarawtud to .- rnptly a_:1 pcuua.nenily t:..ro alt forms of rervouf Ire +t.kw est• EIr, issians, r.' atorrttcct, Iwte ponce.awa all. . -veers c•j Abuse or £rresaeao Meatal Weer% caressive use t= - of T+!M a i. ()piens of Stena. ,.1.Qrerndiftter.1.rah,rrJi.As•o,►kedtdIa.' 'natty. j,uahity,t Cv�asemp.'toi ¢rut a►. turfy grace. Las been yreseeij cd of et.11.: years in uusagids of th rues; .111 the -chit/ Lezi&bie and'JI,nest Medicine • bettors. Ask e+_ruoistfor Wood's Pbosphodlne:li to vers a<-rn worthless n:,&:i.ine In l,:.a,ce of this. • , : 1)relese ,t►rice lu titter. and v a, v..11 send by return ► : M • .atm. 'rice, onie pee teir. $1i; ai s, $S. One seta • pie�, win serine. P*amphlet3 free t.) any $.!Lima . The 'Wood Company,. . ' + t ,'1 •Wiliamrs. oat, Caamda. accoun call efore 1898. and the either by note or at e requested the same of January is settle 15th James Lyons. Wanted -An Idea Who can think of some simple ns thito Pa Protectour ideas: they may bring you wealth. % riste JOHN R JOHN RN R CO., Patent Attor- d Mt oftwo hundred 3ovsa ettOna wanir ted• "Ret A, fi. V1SOB, N W FURNITURE WARE ROOMS s Having securedLthe premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY a. a Furniture Ware }t pun, 1 have recently fitted it with the. newest de ,aims of all kinds of Household Furniture. At ti quality, they are unegtudkr1. The rice le- eway gown.. All goods are l•ought fur spot cash, therefore I can- sell at as close a price as any person. Is the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when Ton can save this at bonne? When t .. T. DAIVS1)N'S inapectiind tint -ed. rHE UNDt.RTAKING DEPARTMENT fo • 4 ,r t- • 1- .1.50 rule: $1,d,cl i • l._': Wanted -An Idea i' o our Lieu they may t,rtng you wealth. JOS ►t tt'*DV: itlatl'RN * CV . Patent Attor- .�s, R sal inguen, L.. ('.• f• r these $1, w Pill. ones IS l:ai 4 twv Cu n't2 Liven'' - waatod. ;00031.)000004000000000:10. Tr'e C n a'.Sit Association c . --: § - t',...- .t, e prompt a::i; nment3- . r tat. C-. isle a r Land Salt. 1..r a;,::; cr. Dairy Ise O�EMAN'S SALT MAPLE - LOGS! wANTEO, U pw(rd, (,} s00,W) feet of maple logs wanted at our mills, Havelock str. -'t Luck- _Down - As usual * tc . wi it pay the hihPst prices. Mif,chell- Bros AUCTION SALE. ,,,. . Vi uable Farm Property n -ill,' Tow n ship of C reieitock, Co. Of ilrutse. Under geed by virt,tt•• .'f th- p •,yrer o eagle, ontained in &certain, n, ,rttn:ze maple by nne, Jaate'. O'Neil to the Vendor, ss'w 'it1. an wi . and to be produced at time of ,tale!, ll be offered by Public Aructta•rn t t'the B1. .CK- HOU:4E HOTEL. * is the VILLAGE OF KINLUSS. ^n TI'RSDAY, the EIGHTH DAY OF.31 ARC It 149A, at the hour of r,ne •.'(1�•ek in the afteese.m, all and einicular lot Number Six in the D'ir'er t'.,�e►t;t ion ' r`m►lth of urrrhrun l:uad in the T'►wr ler. et drecttock. containing T> acre* sealers" i� The +o•i1 i.+ +ani 10 cns+ei+t •►t &Nett 255 acres b 1n'; yv r Elected the+.D, err. sai.i and tarn. The pt•,,,rrtlt Ioesl�'y sea well INV r^ Kravel .-o .d in a fi»w wat.'l by a rpria;t The Property will be •►;f- re le .ra ale subject to a Teserve bice. 1 . Terms:- 10 per tent. tit tFt- l,ureh'a.s' stoney will rove-liret•' h:• pAi.l•at the tir.t•1,if 4110 and the halana••' ,tree,.•rn1i!1Sj t' fev'irfai'.e...era's anal � co'latinus to be then taade Ika•'w • For further 'elltieulat`, apl.ey. t E. 31. e'1iAIototh. WeIiinit, • ,1 . •tttn, r+ S,•,i r f .r 'J,•aclnts. 1,a•...1.xt T .tont•, this 2'Jth . ♦•:,f' -J 41., 1698. ..;1 clay loam, .1 with bush. 1.e a leg boon*. to :m:i the ntain w+ttch or cloc►c Dv. owner - of s Tnwtl it 1, to your interest. when get ting it repaired to -piste it in the bonds of the mast g!t i11C(i workman , you ern find. This y'hi • will do by 'aging it W R. KNOX, Wi4chnisker, The goodssold by hilt here anti in ingbim from 1871 to 1879 sr.- i1�- the t,F•>�t of satisfaction ill• stabliAhs'd in FAD ac nW 18:lI Pka.•d enzsmt,r'r the place, ncd � theold the stand .tett to Mr. I..a press and telegraph office. His •tx1: consist of ■ad *elver y1'atches.f Seek as ewer., MA mom. Rt $ . Wray s S Cr uta aptet►ats•iterses•. arlK1M., 1f Ar -nage, Rr*er rt ,tine Cutlery.' win•, *Ways rad *tows KNOX. Ili ell iducted at the old stand, which bas been e$I irel♦ renovated: 'i pii h :a !k-'' M Photographer,. tt "Kidduc e' -which evaporates perspiation, keeps the foot dry, •'r _ warm and hardy, while shedding water like I. duck's back. Can be had only in the $4 and $5 grades c -f the Goodyear Welted - J. G. Murdoch &Co,, Agents Thai Touches The pov 1l°°LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOI• Embalming i'reserviag and Taking Caro ci Boaios a Spoc- ialty • Th. Embalming Flnid, material and al, - :i 1tnces-vu,wtl bare proven_ t•' be the most .ttrctual that have ever leen used for the past twenty years. LUCKNOW & RIPLE'Y Hayingirnte) a Vbntograph gallery in Ripley, I will' visit • that ‘iliage every Tucaday. Any- - •„ne reasuring photographs can• ♦ not d. better than call +,u tut as everything is first -claw. • a••• •iP•••••• 0. Photographer to tier Majesty b Queen Victoria. Her Majesty Queen Isabella, Her Majesty - Mary Queen of Scots. Her Majesty Queen of Sheba. In •• Lacknow, my gallery is litte'l lt-pin the Utast style, hav- ing reirentl y purchased a new out- fit with all the good . improve- inent . Call and get which yprices es and tile. try styles. the very last. A(:i ti 7t Kai • _#jIt:S " t , G ,It • >.�"Pictrira 'Fratainng and all. kinds of Be-- 'irtn • • a, . d• •n mit the oioi stand • 4 X c_KENZ Baker and Confectioner. - Dealer in all .kinds of (;groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc. - Bread, Buns . and Cakes. O H' - R .r►.s e1.1• BOOTS AND SHOES We have just received a large stock of Staples, Fine and Fancy Footwear for the Spring, which are without doubt the best values we have ever offered. Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or writedirect to J. M. McLoodt (J(14:i0t,il, out. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow, Photographer, LUGKHOW & j iRIPLEY, y rear OLEMAN''S. •. • Skij T best for Table use L. Iiest lot Diir tt'e UritausLL[D rale QUALITY • • • CANADA SALT ASSOCIATION • • • CLINTON, OMT. S . . Fresh Daily . Oatmeal and, 'Corti, Ill 3.l always on band R. P. Somerville, .BEST FOR CORRI.GAN'S Is the place to make your selectiO s ill RE, dRocErnEs & PROVISIONCRJt�KER'�� G �iSSWA Apples . Blacking Black Lead, Blue Baking Powders Carley, • ►t Beeth Brick. Beans Brooms Baskets fit takes Biscuit Coffee *Confectionery' Caused- 0..od. encos i (iliac/Oats C ,rn, canned ` 'rhrn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dams Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and - Dominion Line Steamships Tickets via New York. and Montreal. Gall at 'Express office and get your tickets. We will secure berths, check your.. baggage 'and (lo - every- thing very-thing to save you trouble and make you 'comfortable. - ?>,.M: tm.:r"'if"ii:100.1: n :t, It is sold r►'n a guarantee by s dragglata. and is the V ATCTi 1AKEK I Incipient 4 /am we, 1 THE,=, PHRENOLINE REMEDIES 1 have ill Dried Apple Extracts Fits FLA, a.,ued 11,.1, dria•ai (iel.•tin•• t;inseti Hope Henry Ivk Indigo Licorice Litre J uic Lemma Lard Matchea Mince Mast Meai MA-cara,r, i 1►l retard Meats, craned b11agnrrla stock the following Nutmeg • 4 Ml, olive Oil, sweet ' 1 Oil, castor Orange ()tit Meal Pails Perls P Picklipese Pearling 'Peas, canned Al - Flour always' oil. hand. Raisins !Dice Rice Flour :Sago Salt . almOD - `� sardines +Senna Seeds Sugar,. • {Soda a.3vape 13pic.es larch Strawberries, carne Sulpbers 'I'aiioca 'Tomatoes .canned eas Tobaocoes vertnicell Vinegars Washboards Washing l%r'ysta Wot►denware ' Whltin •., Dinner Bets Yeast Cakes ti)iptier Bets • Tra Sets %Vater Setts Cream Beta 14-riy Setts Toilet Setts In Ladies' fine R ear,c k e are show- ing a large astortment of ► Zippers, Ox- fords, Button and Laced :pots in the latest stylet .and best maks s. Gentlemen desiring a comfortable, easy fitting, durable and stylish • boot, should buy the famous "Slater," of which we are the sole ag ?nts in this pl:ice. J. C.IVIUROOCH 81CO. t llot ..ng is B�tt�r' Furniture. Ftrniture. Taking the lead rv.•rywle.. . 0 We are working slay awl night t'.' supply they demand. Our correspondence shows that hnntlr.•tis upon hundreds - of poor sufferers sare.leing rest•ered to health and happiness daily. Try Our - Rheumatic $peeific or, Kidney and . Liver Pilis. FURNITURE. Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, and Everything in the Furniture Line. They are absolutely pure mei In I►lt{; NI. ' Guaranteed to cure lthe,tma ti••m, Sciatica, .Neuriigia, I.umt+,ag,', and • all foetus of Kidney and Lives troubles, . • .st " Window Shades' ,' Curtain Poles, ,6 Pictures & Picture ,>� Frames, Etc. Etc. Repairin t and Picture FraminP- !and- a Full Line of I Upholstered Goads. Our Gndertaking •4 Embalming is our Department i s Com - i .vt Specialty • Calls tete in Every Promptly Attend - Respect. P . ed to. as �Lawronce & Johnstone{ = - Liic1co4w'. Beware of spurious imitations Manufacturedfou IIoDOr And Sold on Merit only by.... . . 33ERR,Y .& co FARM FOR SALE BS EING LOT 7, IN THE 9th OONCE - eion of Huron, containing 100 mores of go,il land. all cleared and well fenced, and two miles and a half from Ripley. 'there is a large barn with Stene foundation and stable with bay fork in barn; good orchard and three wells of water; frame house and kitchen, and eight acres of ,fall wheat iu the ground. For further particulars apply on the premises or to MRS. ELIZA MARSHALL, Ripley I' 0 Dr. TAF 'SASTHMALENE 9 U R E TH M A su► hat yrm neat NOT g1'( 1, Y all tzar-4 night Ra ping f"r bre+►th h, r suffocation. tend your name and FREE addrt:•w, we will mail trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS., WS ADTOROT.. W. Green and dry wood *anted in es:chall i i• fury,. to LUCKNO1: SENTINEL Subsctiptlufl price, $1. O13r-jural dirtigient job printing at low will give you Gnu 'tire and address printed fflt(lhefdR, with list on for 51. 50. gy E • M • Y 0 For genoral use in the kitchen, or in fact in any part of the house than - • Enamelled -Ware. It takes the place of china and is UNBREAKABLE. We have a large stock always on hand consisting of Tea pots Drinking mugpi Water pails Soap dishes Soup bowls - Jelly plates Tea steepers Saucers Water pitchers Dippers Soup plate3 Pudding dishes Soup Tea kettles Drinking cups Basting spools Sauce pans Wash basins Chambers Preserving kettles Dish pans Dinner plates Pie plates Rice boilers Skimml'rs ladels Ana tlprices are right. O z :••••••••••••,.••••••••••••••••••••• • Thomas Lawreiiee, - - Lucknow, Oiit NYEIMNIN . • `a SPECIAL CLEARING PRIG fully equipped, and wo fine at prices. For. example :-We -class envelopes, with your namo the corner, for $1,25, and boo est= advertisement printed there - Gr-agier"-. AH The Sentinel ent s the best homes in the Counties of luron and Bruce it cannot be excelled as an ad- vertiSing Besid,ls, or rates are the lowest. Call and get our prie 13Bli In all pines of goods from now till the 1st of February, preparatory to stock- taking. WM. C3NNELL, LUCKNOW. Asusual, we have it.ccheil the very best arrangements with the, leading pal r‘is of the Dominion for special rates during the clubbing seasor. and. get rates. L. BRYAN PROP Better Dan Ever Before ! "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever. Ana there is not anything in the home that gives t 'le Cheer, Comfort and Joy, that a .0 404 js JO JO BEAUT.:FUL COOK OR PARLOR STOVE (1)08, and there is a large aud well selected stock of these beautiful stoves at the IOOPULAR IIARDW'ARE, that surpasses any previous as- es*tment that has ever been on sale, aud it is to tile interest and profit of thoss intending to pur- cilwse a nice stock aka low price, to call and seo the goods and getp,rtces. All stoves guaranteed. D.C.TAYLOR, LUCK4OW. People must • lir • • • Have Groceries The grew', quekt on is where to get them. We keep the qualities to be had. W don't pretend to sell them below cost, but sell them at a very clot( niargin. Black, Green act Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. bee we d You tea sho guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. will gave from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us Instead of peddlers. Compare quatity and prime. cRoo3Kmitegr. We have • fine assortment cf dinner setts, t,e‘, berry and setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prisms. kindei of flow and feed kept constantly on hand. (1 delivered to any part orthe town, G. SMART/ OUSTOPA TAILOR. Allis% Block Having opened out business tn the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the .1aatest manner and lat- est styles all sort ot work pertaining to a first-class tailor toilet McClure and Mallough MUSIC - TAUGHT. Lessons in Vocal and instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by /istMILS. IL M. KEE, her residence, Gough street. For apply at her hoot.. • • • •