HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-25, Page 30 — N 0 J T, I I 7"r K of HAVILT N and claim - mi I attention lle:lvt, 1vrd. 63 %irN Ly r% ivith the Eterntil Thustsisands have 041104W to wear tie j;eTt for od His relation, In brief terms promptly of n told her becauDO I : she kndw Father, and deel"NAL NO MISTAKE -eight Ts perfect unity wi;ij the Father it nd vv III U IJU afo ir�t Y u lo� HIS IL JAL hou he lutended to ONAL LIBBSON-50- ix tion witl, Hjul in tho Oall perfectly w8ll thsat 0 &b(Alt thirty- INTBRNATI Hijq connec fly from the ORY In y13BRUARY 227. IM. or mall,14 Ught urs, and she wnntM at least could ight. 110 T1e Alater's ItiviAti(Al t make The Judge Preventing WABOSR83 Sue Passed Away iri Now York City tort. tee- ),.ow men were 111,100ritig The Occultist Pair NOW 9O__4;P ten hOuTf? 0 ked Baldwin te ) reaAm the ()no woman had a8 Luse 111im to" Wartlilig and lii%,itatioll.- tienwelvets right no fie wl from TestifyiDa, Last Night, ir husband, or to t I in pay- Agtrts of all inen? It was a vaIll OOBS OIL9 110 agreed to do it, it -M t;truggle. jig t�ilider emililia"ItAl by Detective& that lie proll,1800 Time.—A. D. 028. pIftee.—Galklee, pro- in I ullt.() ST. J A for the oervice ney an,' loal)ly capernaum. tile NIaO,;wr said, The Great PAIN Imid him $2500 111 1110 WL&t v<Aunl&4 wow 4 ontained in Usage ARMY PARTISANS' ROWDYISM. A GREAT LUDER or womu: gavo him evry 1) it of her )ewelry, n persons.—Jesus. The multitude. ReaAlY tO 1101) even those wh41 Remedf lor S willell conlated of fifty- themselves. "lli-4 %va-" WI ilkVi- ftIX-Tt Durilig Ll.e New Y4vrk relmort, Francs- V 8WHOLING1 powtioll Of Conimentary.-20. Tile" bt-,gan 1'e to GiNTIC one diamond"- Silo was treMblinlE time Chist,11 juln- Women's lid that her upbraid. --Until this that tLt,(A, to -,,b love, g I pp irt and fellow - Mission (of the htwilimsi of th Zoju trial Willard, PresAident, (of tkc' anxiety, and she was older Istry had been the pirmlaw tion It Was tearlljl�g 0,1141 Wariting and Temperance t1,111011, tUM. here With Wall Wealthy Pill tile rews,4 wilich. the :iextellslay ther4k Was a reut delil(I litl4hand the kingdom of heaven %v&a at, hand. ilivitatio'l of iflghL (of IsIlell'u"lia- t o hated him f di- d Over again. Y0`t tf r call- than #4h0'WflH, and tha, Oil war4, Now, He clianges to a warning 0 Saviour gave over ii Mi ; Willar--) wai well known 111 11,000 120h, feswd that 011ie WA44 at the people fOr tiey C'(snotantly 8')II44t to ghow up the e r iI!i Sho con ving all villo Judgmenta again I .. v. -)ni I,er ckgluecAlon With the JJOV8 Belts, . lea d count 'ive all's that Ito had F llie 4da frt liade it Willi rejecting it. 1;roM thin tlMe onivar Imperfections!' Of OtIlOrD, W'd U ice TI& wila was, worldow W. -T. U. x. Oleiwrav I October to her,alid silo walite(I will t1woe warnings grOw more and taore tlelyu,�(�Ives Of iniportaf Dealt iul 64 I'll kill him,,, jig gaid, I but It tile close of 1iiR ml,,iotr_v* tilan tile n&tiolb4 al (.at, them. Were tfie- + 1111'.0k eXCIted, replied witil 01 u-rr I bt eb to a I I v% Id + 'qw Illan wito oriett,­ %6,t last. Willard %ias President iiiat nobody Ilut, 114. tile muue time, inereyi stands LAAd je, - to vii4it srUt ag I 'ou Vive be 4)[10 In MIMI ,,,(I -no one but Tie wam wt ipf the wl,14.I'&4 organizatitm, Slid eaII ever suillm"et It, cl000 beside judgment, and the par- lie find a better jstate of affairs It + rmenta rear 0 he wixer. It the + 1-1011111ollilftl 011t Or r t. %N lii-it tile s- rected tjw 'dji1wratiolv-4 f 10TIM811 y()u rotd I will over be t 4 t is to persuader Well mentl(Al Of Tyr') '-I'd B'doll 1A) jality al-ol great, h. it Will Pow Of Judgmell V) a rou"e + list- and her &trikiiig,perf'"i will 10 expelwive 001117 opt Of nl8rcy-_,%hbott. UP-. Illkari�-W.Al wam caV,149t0d 9ai Kreat deal (of torturep an(' to acce 1)ItLme for tile,,, to lcositider t i,%% thei-e Illight be, lWI-el.1 for the tact end��aml li.�r to'everyo:10 Who me a I lilde, rebuke to orit.-. at 1% ronto eau4( I de- 'Ifice te jIqt,To I am Wel' braid -To C -------- allollstommom— T*Vall of GenvrAk 11391-116, lVfrre, and P01_ Allell cannot that 1111h to , cities -Of Galilee- alter all, OthOrri 'vir-lo wOre laore endure t wrong done. The not Ilecause they a.14ked tll--tt IWen. 014VAY r oold-GOt- -The great Ferving that, they, comvwl f4ic 7V41, her inwiv rrferntl�- *iid a'dinirc& !H Coal Dust Sewed in Belts f 0 laid. I. Wwant rstruck- at Bwauge ttley repeniked not t of 41ready Iwtwr, but hecaut�e they ,.%ja4jalIw ti-ard. bilt toy ier of jewelry tc; Tito wOTnall was' thull tr ()Illy of John, bu Ily too Isecome bet- CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE .It iat city'. and eipecially ^r1ug 1. t-ing $2,5W and a Stock the priee. -and sII` an'(' ot - %vt)ukI I;e m(Ar,2 re o . t. , lirist and His &"tj,*, was repel' + slie requesteol lorotectilioti. �,atyillg 111h, V lwptl ex- ble Husband ho AM Of ot I It*-ign being to Was 11"t tls,oluoigls� to unfor)ld + ONE TO INSPIRE Prry- ple,--a - lias c4mistant tttlxiet. d fa that $110 conjoin .0 ter. sUs ObJOet'ona autj their ullifOWIll people the + sll,e' w aet Ri, 0 eT1 Can ift tile witllesA :jtaud. Wealthy Men and WOM 1wevail with Im"It" to change their Uef(YTO that ing too tl'Pm + rdally leave tlivir sins gTe vivocate-Genera, that 114 ll tha"t 1 Call got ways -U) at 1()Ve of C'rod 91 F&Ild and the Dr. liepw04111's Narrative Will.-trd wa.-4 Iio)rii ry first the call to r-tysentwiccl, jilip 4�very Bled. ur- Haven't You got an(A turn to ood.-Com. Coll', !�-Iloylglk de6,truction P"I 1. - 1 11, 1839, at church011e. no ar i%;es a-. (9 21. Woe unto tllee:-Al:tki for ()ffer (if luercy ') I 431&0 be "ent 2ft Igliter of The Bilfral.0, 'tho sked, Bajdwill- Iand filfilly wratil.-Clarke. %vas pronounced t:11011 t shf. will, je%Viry . Y., wid w4m ille dal hullip- silo had quallititle"' at Baldwill a denunciation of J4*6jli F. !d 11ary accounto of tile doiligs Of 0 (.ity. is 1111-, illdiviAll,al was, t& gtand in judgment -lit the I a,; struck if this 01114 att city. TheW at a liwirgall, w 1 --The site Lo)t 6avt,d toy faia- i'll Willaimi. Sile was gratill gjxlll�j r"*2,500 41' 00ruzil r fig") - r(,r I lttll-�elf Al -e Writing from Dlarbekr, under 4'atk- sll(wL iF 4"t tills "I 11:110w,ills ill h)nml V044. Ilieflurt was then recalled -itit-I ry. It Was- .itill. Bethsaida (house u cities, npit'r are we judgeAl if' 44opment in Anatol )IIII. and 1111- t)f the 11-alul 1111 t)f 1wr 10% fin& W)Iq" 11114'alio the Esterhai-Y extracts: C&A ell lit SituaWd 0111 both si(*s of tll& luo"til tile r"4"IsibilitY of Dec. 25t4l. Rev. Dr. Hepwortli thilir, larop tile (;f)vfr7lnwt 01 ooks W110 ll;nl. Ilild look ilivistig-l- Of checking Will th""' eag 41143st er takein. U-) Jordan where it onters the tlat mwitter. -N w troubole tketiwNit Two Isibbire him that It of tile a ITgIIt.jq your coull"IllitY or his imls�iiry v* I froqi .;,'yraeu&-e; I niversity. 111 1146 il been. done 4n Tyre tif being continues the stOrY ill tflo near future. ,jinl av'ri N SWilldIMI between it WA Careful eYe ShbWe $7,r)00 jea of C.alilee- Ha -is surround You. tfol to'Whitewash ly oenti thoug tiou Into the Armenian malabacres. calrula, - 'V�1811 Cl�,, OF ALL Was pri)rcssur of im0ral :�-eiPllee at- tea Blif I 011t of wIll.; ' worth not ia ealtl le grist -S darclOw It'� the Mittistry for War. 7`10:4, lie 1j(,, flcir ati-d w tvto pal amolld enr- and 81dou-TWO 'toast of it i(i II< -)t Safe to %06t, for Till., w0iiisT RA of tlw the No,rthwelod -ept ress ire TO; 0 2P)O ant cities of p1loo.11rcia, ()u the f cliristmas I)jty and thouslAtIfill "I liv," the domilinotit w1iiell 466 67, she *Vas prei Them wt pe�tl $ Sea, north of timent t4) turn tid(' if' That its th" stocoind plinee Wiprr,�d StKm. I I I.: I ounts, Ilut tile aggrogate Orth r0ffir"�tl eniall c00k Pefflosix .,It.ya!; se-alinar.Y. kilONVII. am. . 'I lubles. uiad, tile MediteMallea-11 tlurow was re- (,hr6fti"Ity ruiles froin 110me! our Arm quet4ilon, and now U) the third em -er I! I tl'P' W( .1 were twO wssibly a44 There orth paiestine. Inicir ovc1r els, w rn -to in t Ile" thousa Ith Prophecy, 1welal dinner for us, and last, which Lima, T, . : "" I - I Itild sot W told in ancient isms prepalmd a s That would At ft rgery or, th,- Nmtl(onal F.-:,0,01xi (or, gills, rl'here'wm * ne lace, WO1-th Isoesatoedly fore again fulfilled I)y Vic- J1 -a. are fly- _$14R. and we try to be IAPPY becauxe tllerl� dk#9M& Ow never- ei�allvlil, affirlilml tba-c aki itile cro�� hair. 'Ind (mce and Te -111, there wils 11 pin for thf, y would have re CUREDI 4jr ,,tty stifr horse- wom W 1W but It ld"Welinlell as* lithentle, 111' the Ilivoll I -art- :f 1 j30 it' ID'arquISO toriqua enemies. The ims to know tire unly ten days A%,btqI ,tu travel tA-) tile 1878, 11resi- ing froin JImUct" h11011ce Ile wt)rt-11 There w tifts Other penWd-O nd the medierran- wjouth and west )f Diarbekir-a twau- ell to, -e any fitrth-r pilirt, to back between us a rt-fii eit to' 1 N)o;" IM and c revival work 117 1 Christiait, Tent- wilt Is-' vainly trying W-'10mte tl r 1,19 w(orth $4 - & What Might Ila'Ve happened. It ilil re- I tkful city Ity tho WaY-vou find as lars. dent. of the Wolliell or d) latilelito, fifty-two di piloll"s it' all r TyT6 eati.-W drink the licaltil of the denz 1) llu�ol the Kurd. FsU- hazy, rer,-W and eiiit4)r of IcHeurv, - head Of to tho jewelry Tnarkable that in, the b(Wders Of the Arn reraftee Uillesn"of 11' ir, alld Dl%Vard -A Ix4llg �Ilortitffl 0 t faiUl (chap. u re et*ve firillt hus wt'�Il th( and Sidon Re found grea, if Poo- Icliry dte Oil of. loy i story Told tY the JUSUB Of once far a -way, and find in tile fact admkit oided, f4mol to rep y to tile MCI] beca we al- rely 11oused in tl,W ullil U3 1*.' fiv the Chicago PAHY I' t Ulir*,k;- fill . takoll 114). -are 88 e xv. tio-41. antl dent of ill.11 -Women'rz dt�elv that we Kurd is had, .illlg In ail of the larg eiti<W the, - *NatV rgest Cliristiall city.- ound The fo,�r t fie Anrfnip. iiini -regard In for Ile Ila* been: retained by ensiuk tlkc all tWrj�ardm- a the FeUree winw, and it MixturP. of tile had with tian emperanc, t I0, Bjd%via 'explained to W0111 que city many reasOnil for prof 14letic'. With %twillia- lete( IlOt'O;trj her litialla-Ild --9aCkCI01th an t might have liappu is likely to Ilse dwwtrous- his. corrl'soll4n zt. - r of tile victims t ligipus fastatic. anti 'r4l 11 so� Tit" ver orgalli fo-a tllt%y advcTtlaW that lie- wo-ould thing i40 mourning and penitence; Compare gra itude..Wha e have. ttlere- Aral) is .1 1`0 loy W011114 aay f;l t-tt tile jury. AixyuL a nil cast a Fixill 401111 Ill. 5-9. The gar-luent w" ed did not happell, &ud t (jangeroult. diffrp from Illul z -f '13tiffalo Evelililig Ne"ws " per- wit fore lift 111111itft-4 :1 I-Ack 11roll voill Illade, lite twir.l, I)ut that lie WIG lotil, luade of goat*m , put behind U-4 the III(-* ,,1.4,r- 1* 41 4.verywhere I a d9n and toer- cGaripe,'Idack c e Which LOft Tfie horrilple mlitteirill. The Airsib, of Ann- -AV - .. wing wf)uld tring to fountled", tilt Vitriatia-11 the 'folio' that and In form reaenit ling t;ae.k, Attacked With 1,,;.Gripp part of tile Jouney. 41111ell,�A' lul ir, �,itii tio-ir sudlen tniodificatitilk Of the Ar"lo of inir u.niler Inte IntrAueed, thP t -.at abotit this 11 tile sallic put.upon the head. Hilu Weak at o: Worn Out XidneY mountain pas -1908 ial de- utid 1*111�)11. Tillie ditwaw­ if re travi and ashes wev, take s1we te Icentle. - le aivertiseieut apl,,eared 661 ary, 10till, at )t jIe;ltheu Arabia, _io 141w Ilami"114 it illilitary at III tl le will die oil Fe f-tilComplications and "now st'Orm@, rush- lit- Uerdft Te In' �Wltl Ise Illcm, Ig,* 114, , aid .-rhe "Moe in: Thew Co"111 tile j(-ulating. But tMicnis with t; V.irtv tll()Iw )ileoi that v4sar or, 11 tile Troubl Addec light In burying strange ca lilit the pre tote 1111.4 plilicr: Worthingt011,'the world to"- 10 o'clock'111 tlw �11,, that In eitieti would have fUlOW"ll signs As a t�At,llf, Steliw*rtz-A�M)loe United Statoe--�,v !sit ink every .9 ilt- -not be #Wd c k 'k Wt contrition raged. ing tonTents we were cow ature 64- likO region "le VON -a Discou C+.t i4 x I 4-r 1,sallijp4t Ivy and life reader, whOW " lie IV that ,all � they �wen tile Sufferer r - -et Of find in tile tyvcrrale-Ttlie it', . . Territ4iTy. acc,1111� the po�icullaT; part of tile Pell and citifliS WitlIPSH fill- pelk�d to ford, with the proillPle Of 4)rvici ellous, 90 pearl street a blig foe. I v wh.It t1le Galilean . .1.) wilem thl�re is Aral, VIOO(i It Aeffree tl..-I-t it f cretary. 1"%V`J�r is; niarv� niust have SUC liorse throw you Over Ills rik4riWtir Te gic brew moved.-MRIddle. (Froin tile Jourll�- having tllP V or cruf%lty (Jr which e,�-en tile Kurd im 4 , W titat lily in I head into a biatil of ic. ti.e is adver- L-14 166 will be taken 22. It HIliall bO luo Onei-laT tile bei -t kilown men. 'tround stepping into a 11014. and re( the pure pillee.t1w ltsixwr allAt perafiee slt-� 44"tto: 'F4)' "44 th lib tolerabe— juestiug neal):11444, alld-Ir"m 4- rMillectioll, t1l tile talffer-wr. helm Ive -Ild -tile 1311i'll- I will LO 'fer all will Iliqp to overw with h(wn)r- The tra4gedY rverythi,W 1 iTuntultuollq appli -mle ick ti)_tuvrrow, ILI '111 0111 wim ashore; tie pathless Turk turn 4,f One ltA PTOf 1� id I r (ood I�ivinity is Mr.* Alfred you to a u illustra- IC%I by tile fact that the bttt lie will im-pellitetit t the tribunal 0 Bedique 1111d Only tAX) eftsy tile t at Orfn may the I 4, ti tiling* are killed him victim and �Iltivli�, LIld wife, 'and 1go"los 4)f the as *eueflts and favors wh�ctl they Sellurmall, wlko �'114* rox-ittly removed awarnim4where it was Th#% Turk 4.11t 4)euinjr 1 -.1 t Hin i, to sink knoe deep -these tile Kurd killed and die at. the c as legal Coll) .4 ii -ell IS the iurnta-11 w V. AnUrt,' '.Nfajrr E_terIutzv*s 1;11;4 edlIcatif-vital. lulve rm*ived, to Norfli Carleeill. 'Mr.'Sel ineldments of the past. We have rell Was s:itjofied. th.-It Ile Ilail Infl, rint-if tit I will get well. tile liusband iliell tlwy havo C0lIIIllitterl.-CI._lTkC-' iller elituate,-& pretty w('Il aftoirward inutillit0d; tlw Kurd and But Thurt-d&Y murnit 'M to their Wrn it, BediElui pout wventY yearii d a friew ate a hearty w riding 1. atil and a hop IMIRt tho Aral) fillf4i thle eliurch With n"n. irt-martl I that t!:e AllaJoir-had c 11 a4i ever. Men ar" J1141lot'l s agu lie defined bridle 1) et V11 WIlre tO C4111111111it Silit-ile- W&4 as We off Ice.. and opportunities. '1#4 %%,ell ago. solue tweoAy-five yea Prious- difficulties are liltuPlY A -w(smo,4k and chli,iren, nn(i then met fire our s 111170. et.13tor of tlw Fig. the wife, With L it twe city Was jjwc;rn In lireakfaN-t ft"d wo"t a4 I ;ustice of tilelwace, rain a dpe of A Get S and ofisap by the.ir noti011s-10- reminis,3enep. A good storin at any to it Thlwo are the three grt en- ca It- 4V l"It t Ill. ju�,4 intTlient in lier heart drftwd lierst,V� U-4 23. Thou Capprtltum�Thig t ears ago lie point of our Jourim-Y would have ren- cruolty-the three 111111axem Ot the Ar- refik,;*41 a office to ask, ow situated on, tile nbrthwestern and abou rk of the co and gtarted for Baldw pointe(V Cle unty dered the swallillh all"i rivers ilnl[lo" nwmi&n quwt1o1L Ig - ill the't of G.Llijee, directlY was ap we flave had ti, clImb*rWkY -of tile the xroilnd that int had 901 alon V ke li()W Not to Win x1eettons- Will Wl which cfficcig ite has sable. 1ravel I court, in both r; steepl; nearly as tlu-sit f wtween 1) P perpendicular I'm vion,41y Twitifif on tI.we route 0 ir- ve forced Our -en 4,%*cryw 13 A girl a -tilt, but krt 'MT. SCIIU called. 71se cimrV th"t - 1.4 wtoth r tht. '.%Ietlitc sidi- (if a llouso,, and 1111, ot,, ill I 1yaloutil and tile city of Thew are. 1 f iv�l 4yr x W Ther , [)?%Itty Jig ascum I ilea, -en -An expresslou on a larg horses, 10 skate down declivities the is am I y" oxalwl, till -to %-ali lso it farince v jitirs -tic- Ivahac( f t)vtirlivAl in till' -,at lirivitellim. 'Ile nI-e iard. t to- d6note gTIF fWast Men engaged In recollection Of scalo and like' jiwiee all !tlw off icer -4 1).Lnker, w ow houle iis ill IT uliarly favored 1#4ng tile Is,lood. Try to 11 silk up tile, 1# ailing Inight, lift"' proved li&*'�_ girl. - LIP 90" tutlant th.6y, were, I" - led a busy "rel ed by t fie Wwti #,fit 14le t1w N141 strect, as Keco-91 81 The city was that owupatiofi,' Tower of pion and you cAn ful. it would have IwIPPd Lord Cliarleo is above her with ilw4ruction. succoe compelled to Ilmead strictly to Ipwil- or we hav pl;jp" throlilgh- making Wh Bert-sford and Mr. Mendl in wital a owig inail Ole is ith,eply porous. it -win lie re- the gnat- promiafti. tAnd might have Pneouraged pe -V�M4- "iV vor* Ild like to talk about the ste III the m)clal scale, at It WOW. higilitily ra nes-, but, lew a Year, 9190 but 1:0 r F.I.Alfluizv 1, al "lie Wants I'll" meme- in tll&4 TV914 Air C. Furneim, and Mr. Guellt in witli- at receQtIt-:I. 11. Ve with him, al t of till it WaN autl now liv0s rAficelle Of Hatu're vive 10 - W-4 wealth. M -O8 le to Bitidwin tile tIrLqI from not alwayt. to marr 4! c favorml by th pretence, Ortil Carie- I have Slit! c to , already exhatt-VA Illy holding them- A nitin (110*4 Powder lkaAly e a or a c0HY cOilbigi. in Inry. rate 11,14 1*wAi very prc4ig&I tO %vill fill Plect.ion imcaum lie t"Mar" inee lover' e lier a warli I -i, -r mcw(wnioull- a wid lie gav; r and predwiling -1110 tile In manage tho ImnieiL*e Vri') i clsar� her $2 j4h., -Tile re- t . lkxfor is retirement, Aajs Minor. and given III@ Labor friend that lie %ill draft mg 41 'IligPut work - her that tlI( _Ltwd wt, what VO4) with. allf,owt tlw into ero- the 4-1) Kilo paid It. Ho io-,,- inakes :I -(IlleNt1011 o 1 P re I suell .is (wly f =an �pllgaged In that 1, talu..4 tilait 9he kim) vral CW14 �w I would pro (we warriaw'i to, viKxi vers mail 10th W fix hiji hour., Of work and voung itizu ft- ,ud your ell 111114! trt an4l, u be pxalte'unto lie- almut. 1-,y(Ju it at tile anything 4-jectioneering t ay flight LI 'Alk -Lit tho Occ 6 Ill -ly too yourelf tit llis remuneration. lit figit The'lui,it, tht-' Iser oa,February Tue d. Ilw, J)o YOII ex,14.4.t QIl -llt.(,Oiillt ,;f upatio I -His iticreaullig 1�u Wid it. makkag Ji-%% tt (4.4 ven ? ­Itkoll rarl,",lt boo, pIIri;ax*,d III gralkid-tir tilere 1411011144 11P 414'U"OnlY %vh-ltevPr cj:I imed I.is a I t -A aetit ;rA, I th,P tilt guas she iJ )eil19 -ilegei, 4ou 0HIIIIII tile the ut UJI:4 time your will Is(, -livier a When y promiseib. Vie. Appi,luteo aix) U ?It YOII years made t,�ft Iturden lie aud exWHt,. but callett upoki ith them. I ina). on "it 10 you 410, w- W one triah 'that, I .11 y t **Another wol".. - of 1893 wore. 111 licit toop YOU fifid it t4till lkldlr��A W4 I is, the. prfettiy Y Ing wife of, 11 4 kingololu (of Ito spring igeol V i -U iligil ful. ",L,; gf4a (in tiny af" dfly- "Fit" tile youtliful "indidatoe im tijit.. There I t1le * Lie tells tire limith; tkP wine 41" t cut Que. of ti oldeat- 11 11-114, fly'' ill old lwyer 1,nept that euiupjtqA�ly out. TI i iii is Al, n't jaA you 1, me tit- fneviltY Of Iwillir 114' r- ity. known litti for tuore I)o the ilillabiVint". about it. an eured. In slimilwised at ailytIlit'g. st-rveb eve4i III Mousing Ids Pol'tic&l 4111joyment Ile has idull have the (-0U.%T1tY. adverimry. I 1weall 1%dti, recret a twelity-fivo e yol j;,, the constant, t011 I,nt.,, I-190PLE OF THE hark cllf�4. rgr 1! W.r low 1 �tl ings of heavell %vith- tho spring or I& - would jiq lie niista k tile at ral blonde, wl bleAi e of this kind which le w I fe, a So d o.10- t hatm all th, your lie- it 4rudger! , konnected -Wit4l the As for tile Pwslll`le� it llising young pol- 6 Jw4t lialit, zo. lerful all rican ds -feat Of Ili 1111101vt MOT at"m 7A.1 g.lr4 140 ually wolit lue otit 001111- fair t4)-JtbdWe tiben, by the nee of his to :r�il 0ilwi'A.1:11 nd' sho lied upon Bald- out ro work Of r,11444 wore I am exm­ itician, who-4trong In a i, . tlu ijpLm* hilu, ?_pelouh(ut. ,.jLb1 th- iitwidard far o de -divulged in the w to to 11 Iter lioiw and 10reak dow slid yet, a -y ts�lj the own moral rectitou 1w gave y0l to 111plif"I plet,424y' o 44her. Tli( I tAie resulth cerlittol r have 114 ppmed to gr lonWr lier It )and w901119 be, brought hII& % that I from -17 thell that I liave never mmurol, his rival's la1w, told III r lip was refereti(w i.,4 to fli- M()r(% coguple*�, life I.' I'Pr­ia is worme. local Pnlxv, whiell -irtue. !itli, r l0b. to livo. Silo tO 00 eff 'U left -I nJ t I 16) is still fil ec to pril -tee t With soos 11 would"n; %%-Ilielt ()ur I -o -Mi #q wOre con P . :1 ike an leil$wIth the lmd T oing to oll' of lxwrl t lere. The 11jol1rrw are made of Now you and 1. borothm elfeWl"'b- Ila - toil rsaehifIX 9 hbort tinie mote, Ulre pulitshment. by an attaa of Ia,'gTIppe- Otle IN., repr*__jwted by 4.4ird -it to( ilil�v - ef fort to stand.11)"ll bd to Itang asty blOekF,,14 mud mixed Wittl itits oT t4trfw. tnr&IIY 1`01JINP to IIII is, :1 tht If ii,o were destine the rc%ults.(A�Jfli grippe W114 H It ten of irtuv inferior to our own. RD. tout, 04. It Stwill he "'Ore put of 0 couW e l(MA [JOW uley h(,Id tog �tlier itt a railwUMM n 1-.;. rusi, f4 or I )w ill ulituent-Tfie Judgul" cough, an 6-t of But therle arf, exceptiono 68AW It I alonger s -ho irOuld t1tr the dily of J s is f4till III ned ou. inueli sierO. spirits wtTe greatly I c&wwot conceive. 11w mjft4 cO118 riage, hu* the 1xilice throw thi-W.-AIN11a attempts to keep an (LI)Pearadce hiell our Lord I apt.:, L of appefitle. Ia.-tered Mianced that the W �d all fi.It tilat I had lived tW&ncb&.4 of tri�vs thickly 1) 1),It tliere t4,) 1p [lot oil th 11311- -d all long ago fore**n tweell tte forslie -a 8 felt( cold, and witil 1n4 re lnud.-wid li-akages during titiestion lind Ix lLeil)eql to) I"S Wy 111c.cill mol Buffalo W'd of rvt4 h decrepit Old rtu judgment ;ponsible In- depresso day al -Wily pplauding and 4 rg-wilzilig. III I kli I 1,,,. but*tlivir reF outl MY auji I were �ary for fmckslider. and lustoad or &I Ferit* of III' the , ll-r1til)itilft 1()f illtot)li- t -got it had put UP With L4 Bile possibly terial Cit a lid Ir- #W stove & eh:ower wt)ulkt makt, it liects proving Ultimate U.0 IW)Iiep 4n;v# 111110 el�A Pp.e to . ; ij,_ band' almoilit 'as lon wnt flnftl eonsi�quently! d affected u6 V) sleep under umbrellas. It iA a cur- mT friend T(ir Openly rel _W - ablist. tile p_-87 Mis-A Wit- '-%KP gs. Ilible i two, esta ilabitanta—a Judf: From this. the col nd 4TV rat great frInL6, but atit; I. 7Aola wa entDig driiik-�) party. III (Ielkt (of ttie rrwii.. tht the , ic- could. e ii-etrievable.-J.. F. d c.-jused 10UN4 fact that the d,x" art, alWaYr; it trea4ed ilim with emtumely a a e#41 wiftnut any flirther m4 14'. Lard le'eu*t s tliat any v 1.1111 -110 called b4 th I tw(-, Important. par- ially niy feet all to this You call (All.v ("IteR g ve t1K. "eato to VI rellowtant gin - 4 -4 itshlikelits ill tile 1101)4� No. ­i3l pearl Another won we leari more e@Pec a f.. rrc-�.Ix NVon liouitekeepr for'n 1()etor, pw4sage t tile punirllmellts agice. Added made so 1,)w 11 ult Ig. AN Ily tills I ner. TINTe were even misguided me" williteir ien is 0-)uncil of tli',' 1'"itfkI '*41atf a got last ominent ( (Il Thn . a MWjous kidney wiUl difficulty by 44u)KIPil due% confcderaU-d kKoCieti`s 14he ticulAT4,- t, iekel men In -omplicatt I all !lf--rre'taken it"Lo cl:xt,01Y rnied f rom %voqI14I,.marvIyt fall iIIW Ole P' at onawanda. to IN. illfil0tvit 111100 threatmed to prove but it is true ("Vell w 10 decl:irf4i that my fri#ed's con w Me id g, I camull, Najv, nt ay' -.;atue ar S'lie wm'A awl too t unfitted hitu to rePreffiP leai,4,41 liler in tl,' ,t:)nleT,. if, tile $25 to Bfildw, will nsk(N to ]lot 1W tr6uble w (,on-Virf-ilee of tier the life to eolll(' N1111 the de- mv of all. I was unable of tAir nitiniell'al bulltlilig'4, wl"(k rvery ro. I 1141 tilt- w �vojllpll brow a would kill yroportioll to tile worst ete, . ovauw the Itdiwt, Which is a rather &I bor- pf Ct4XI t'O till' E.11ise(,paliwi, '1114�n alld harm tha make her hut 111 42) That to do any wcxk. listd no nulljoitioll and -liettr thwl tl'P (^b1tRxy, it large military 6epot LOS P let fit tu,t (I incide tally f P oug I I t WER9 the rown Illigtrew alm clf tim- Wins 0 an not a, bit tbe mud wall-� PTV :1 littit' thicke". is pou- t he I ert pwt" cr an4j, w*er- and w a n. n&tuM ALL I I -he elected. to Ig td C(sinslilV the Wit , - tAT iOve aNk hee tAl, - Ise merit ess fftreng t way 4)f 1werare, and There is much hum. and I's church. Wishil. A. 1111219 gi signal VAI'litiliment I ofr,W metlicine I All thic* Is toy ne:, -4,r tile rame 4' and, 11, Victim PRY14 011ie was slick of f,,at all toeir of a tile doet lu.-till tical cOliflieta. Inke consdpo=600 Of illenjeal orift-re f*!.; #0 t AR S1111jeQU III$ jl�lfp -s thIR life will not Fetreell I*t Wjilar�j at t114" lic. lull 1111 - 4 4)' w *; 11,I)th-ing. tinder tho sinners. In 1. of if 11% the Nrab Tu ife who advised it h&% 1111t, there' a i4lav6, wIl I she was better Ifad taken Y W he morality in ourpoeir" and our apPrf� At t t lie wmtl itliams' I Ink (lue,-titill, wilich dealmi with t Survivor Qt: the tillie 4-f 1,cr death. her TdPll 6:11, tilat tile.v %voilld liot. primi6w to d titan her i9trem, and title them f rom t: me at last o try - Dr. W titIll ,t)f the ArIll(IlUS,41S. if you ask file ciation of R& almencwb in otisperg does bog, the 0111 W. W. Baldwin Ni stel�.� I 14 o '.Nfh les anti Ilegan -in %in a spot in Par- Ft)lr a titralglit inontli t1L0''Vl`CtiIi1'4 look Id only die, soon life to M1111P.— 4 -dire P111w I L -40D six bo I r thp )r tills precious felt thAt if silo W acknOwi v�pects tif tilis unjortut ate not nfwlo�wnrily G,(Ira Nevada ice-IlreeAptit ofl tin poured into the rooms -t to doetbr would . k her tl,i6 l'Oul-e- 25. 1 tit -ink Thee --I Ire nd takifig th -hope revived becal,18" what the Pr nly ais,-�,%ver inist be liament. TIw NtkwY lia" 11 moral Balklivin tl nd ),,fully adnT tilt- JIWt ir -tile better was W011 I*e,,P[2 arP Il 4 fours Prof R C, I te's, tiliby llftVC1 YOU -Ire WCX)ijw ft cOngtituevicy. if tian Temperance. Nli.0 n �;evr­ n *ld meet a )e Ills Ire. em tj t "0 rar as I cal - pair, a it after I t keW.r to be Ills as Tliv d1ww%nzq tiom before they W tsman try wlio. wa� lliai d. 'Mrs. Worthington wou 1( calpe In W merity. of Ia RUU 1 .011 they am you re not a trOOd Npor Ian 11 Evervi"11Y W I mi. JON -Ing all, g000l. taking l) boxes 1kW:pe4nOg IIrtv and 'Dr. Alrrell K.- Hill- in ille boardinglions(i at ut thpr done I wt' 'eured' Ile rt -mark- t least to tile a mild". her rooms -con (lucto.11, Ily djel,C- A I";r wol n who 90(w Trim.. Lord of he'" r, I x rtit limAd ailil I Hit 1`4 Ir t a W Ito"I hw- full of tonilor lue gLppptite, streng %J.1lifI jai a part I -:till. plectio1w it re woll THE SEARCH BOAT BLETURN8 I.jrd j1akj leel) Ill.f,ir t%out thr.­0 rim to VIO brong y 44 th. ir W I I ror inontfi* lit 1) In Pi4nO scrubbing an order frbom,'the VP11 ud arill-Titereforli- wise. short, all that I �&Vle"Tpti III -Y w(Illid Ile lot -per- stsrallgo. weapooils. itagic-lan- Lt t I 1p he anfl there. play wt r t 000Ine04 and allitill uient, tht l*:1LI1FW I tre 'It C4 givvil., boarsleTs.. and been getting a r and lie m- 11 tht1t jov and g flct aceording to hall loist Iri ,llp way of strength Itua teu�pera U-ni lod a candidaW U0 VICtory. He 'atilil.11t tll� chat with the ter td k lie I . &H. `1 grew 4uoll- ll� . Ilormas a right to It spring, liowevor, Y I ately 11kopel t rJ U -4-areh it)i sir- -pite Cf all pff4�ort# sh -8 agreeable. rving Id Baldwili $5 tO "fill witil thou llftqt lipalth. Th ac M could nAlt, upeak : lW ILftd1n Ck ake themselv( n m to her lituiband to 11iA Foveretall will, nlygte way and I I 1" 1 t W-11, I 4f tilt, -nil e iamL,l Wor y fro I st. Heil jOf tl)P ag3ju gave vivor.,% or IN until 1:er 41c beutifill. w0HI&II mako a charm U) nwke, prosnliwaN, lie 112till I re #;he got tile hid tllvw ItIld travelled in k of till 11111h M. -Vile V it 'Inli 60 fascinating was HIM that.. (-omo- blicki-to lier. lie truths Of mediatiely. I*Xfttk using the lInk Vill t let me dt) what I "fl9bt %v ri .. I l to", - orovidellef! nnd of tilt ppy to( say tha w4vagger, lit) Wi to'Mrs. Real anti c. nd. dIvine I nd Pru-� again, and I ani lia, to (me long ago, and that the H(AV lailid. With 11110111114' (Of the to- ment: unde T. rguam, w site endva*red herse gnt Wif`P ffecW thit time a, permaj, �..4�nle, yo-arn %%itll pr the. house, an 410S to find to thm they tributoo of M"Owto if 110t illd 0) lip to)urecl througt 1pilri* beell-giv(, everybody tilat,.e The detettiveg -,trying LMI- to -day I am( Avell and [MI) MY to t1w. lien)6lu Of theme Cal cleriy. rip: everal oCasiO-114 '114 cli&rmi,ng. 11nd .&nt-APP1YIIlX not' mPrPIT to thp ent cure ON[ tilis mt)ry -4)r Use ti andn W tliought she w- thb Imir. ariqlliem and scrllsea bulip ti), te. tI %vere oly', forty. I Nub- c(vtwtituency with big 491kift 'A _a,; tier curtiprs 0 Ilix tviW-Written iwture. JILM Came allmlit erod. limrty asi in the fin- a v n'il the fir. --t lki9i Liess. - was .1mmacula WW and prut)eut "We 4tuello - os lve hitchre. omniend Dr. Willi"Ins. whe Bay- take, Oat a new Of life N Pr -wiw% aniollIX the strongly ret 1 *1 t, tlw hp clay. at Nil$ ST01ty. tilt. w4)rldIY rfering a$ jLet to the fury. of M6"Itlessli lwrsp- lid (vf t* poll. Him ribeiki VICTI I . ulettIo0S ol xnd to Rev he fact that Lm Meru -lit up ,oluriderality it, inge. ealM lliik I-'lls 0. I'll wI10 Oro in wite of t ent* callM 11111111 "Matric text 44uilsog wt- wk %wilt thr.) I'L ljv�.-Li r I William. llgll T-leople general mi I ( or t e ffw iki,4 .rp p 11-19%t that 4.11tirLIV I,ity t(i finil 014. 10-ople whil, WC alle B, r(fak.-). It Wa lKt%,e here, stand In I w als. I)yj have very ta it vessel oil fire. -,lrk at 7.-orouto housafid progre-#A them unto f Pound Ja41g-� Dr. Williat"' I,ink Pills cure as Uu. Judividuai-for IK' he w ou be- 'WO4 fol"141 tionl wt �011 woluan who' 118A 105t- the t e galfle i4tro- .0,0A !,",ns and C�tmei i,a itlie sale of ufiuilja�d wtet'alflon not tO men a It- 6 n 1kintruth- an the tem - U11 ha% sm FJ -.utlur b -,,.% ;* ot of tile - diselftse. They nwida His party that Utmirts Willull In ix I mgul, is- " CW It dtlL al)()Ut, tell _eL.I'M ago. `1 ilia a "if 0 1 Jig V uuml a x — ut, W1119 #t1lx­qL und took tou le , le',* cted. n'vol -ijv fifi-r lmd lK d1w6vered- was It "1 11 . rut lywnt and reaision, but to Pr'ou' Imild up Use blood. and grA4APtu9 1111(l eart� (110111W but tili#; was ab - b tt�-r tliwl wft �y iti, tuoist, auccom f learnIng who 'Are renew and ful to a 4 uif ill titc crveli, tilus drIving m., n to b. 1wra nce a or t t1bo ml tieling and men 0 t1le n With him. tutid that tilf- Shilt 11"rn- arrival 1�ere the belt wa" w ked."wit strengthell surd. si,Kw the oothew ea die tjwiff to aid. k.4 ago, $,he -WIL twheme tlint was I I grea x COOdui�,- til, -It tilpy d6dain - Avoid Inilta- -tully watelicd. if You tra& nditiate *61nitl al and. reat ok i 4! in tJ11D. III, Cities litre run of tbein-WIYPOI m boX yQ0 altutl Ile lbmpitable nor tin if-tibare In Lbout twenty nilnutPs inifeli pr#,!-trat#*1 gj&6d the regiilaTitY, Amd ;Am -us Of. women- clubs i..4 playeil. - ab 'to rout otiger.z. (liwase fromithe SYste ither as 11 that lie 11111"Id n -d for toWach, instruction f tions I -0y 11jgsting tliat every V day night, and thAttili'll Ia STIlipe, ivilleli,at hem. They eame -high; $450. tAxi Thp 9a el Ile, hallois to recA,IvP .0" the neighijo(witood of c;el 'k Satur ,,I lato.-r tLP tTprytoilw bought t I I I OF1*01111P it in Thy sight— in a wrapping kindly ax the Turk or Circadibiall—1 (a puillic lisou4p ill e1pl4cW6n,. and i1v iiite#,tI!los48 "t at Whichl Mrs. :-h-traigliz qA awe. Ito lo '00 parelw1w iA elicl()sed phraw ivires vJill er '.r.tieing tile. low 26. I -t (I R Ivation AIMPle ral fn)fu t1be there iiet-med to be an 1 . 0-s:ir�l fa"Ar­ i ion of ll� of na - WIl- "'t -mid 110t r0f n able The tli-3_;e pr. 9 are , alk)w(!�L dilAillat to mako the plan him under tire I'll-Ilkit t'lle d4rk#., S"'mr 5"f4l's There, -%Va., eousitlet. system. to V (I Wurthington- would Bell One- t ()f date� All Jklay'- slid Mill- bearing tI10 full trade mark, Pr t1wit is"duo W their liumband'11i wfttm; wvm'p Men all was dar li -, tea- ai,ty, and [it hat thill w0mam halt de-- .-IwAW tabie" -is -enough for thP. unlearned tile wisie Ilams' Pinit Pills fOr Vale 'DeoPle. buppose w ree k air, %.ci.w-artl C -lien. the fatal It-apiwars t Wers. 1, live Thu" 11olitre"ing cirellu'lls wivek Will 6" top for tile hu"baTkIN of it round 1, 't. it,01wi saund. Lange part t.4 -lit 10 muell ImPTOVOol, " CIAIMI waated her hushoand eru progre. able drell to understand. tUat it wlig ptnisibit. during ro ()" forpWn polit" not U ir-4. tatllr4l, Pro,. nerve cell- -that Bile od at each.- t nd the C-01�- Others. r ther lipillow-4, cha L OaU. An$] to love lrer'as Ile IIJUI tjlpy were Uri ay also his life ut JUA 46 IlatW art of 'came all,41 nvcr % when. IX)illu Only UW and prudent inay uIll`1Pr#"tft1 and teaCh- He w" Frepal-ed Jue:lt. out %-#,qi GW an() c 04 1- ift. wim 41.1tiuct. or was 1 0 . I . until all are fin lwil if they tire clill(Ilike eovcutll, foor him to lulk", much --anvitigger." b servers. IT). tre-4. -and I hert. tsilld u() olso MO t -re piliv- by rVu("IIlCiJIK llis faith. The 11101rtell at was I ith the arried. W the. I)JI(A IIC)41%6*, W first m, ou with the ner- 01V Ve r find"itligh. is tilp tly blown off be- I,,, caucer:4)ut4 4-ir any ,It w1lj* cause, y ' gome trouble and ished. . Thiss awayp e l*;,)#dike ti 91P KhOuld Rim. n -These bad rviden -it t4tated"' t olu, to ab"p- linga arp ;l t4impera lut lit' the candidit te delivered 11111tO 'UP Irq. bel cg tho Mollanimedall w0uld hfl, velopgodipw and We Vrent 1414-1%%1- altong 4,rgan. Ms has' 1�f`i III,: New It. %v i I I ecost You $5o," sUe said. "Her� is Vow, e]Lciteguen i)0iut* 0,7. All 0 ver4p �;I'Owfi "ie 11119 Their bre-tth 1**-,, ,t4iyod ir he, h.ati (kone Pat. lie it timp Of aw-fill 41411C fort- tille fire. -y. fum-ral -ery f i you go and the al"L ty accumulate of nly Father—Thlii� unarmed anci defemwiew, l4ach north fr,)in seward rity for Thev, %vill 1. mi- i what YOU Will lifive to do. ' lie Father anti zero (or 64rtxiboutm but he t York city. and t tr must' all rings." The I)IaY- eir throat,; lind w3ki Pahl- in- i-pree Librarie,4 llq� on� neM appear it a 'o- latos'll 11"F-vall';tt 1 be in - gold the 01 , jwrfeet- unity I)Ptween t, 119*4 W"llvation. fr07A- ill ti' II(xies lut,t III,% ;ate: in many e learnedlY .tjoout, six miles all-] Raw wrf w.here the get $ 000. 1 t *'Until 4 lorogrewi.011-" Solon In Working Out "I" f r(m, their norant. V(Al c. -Ili talk quit 1.111 1 H.. .%I W I Itan Viol' lit o". 14 'is a ellairm( in gold. yrs tuove by nt-raLrY I fully exipsolled it of tuartyr- t tile Indian frmtipr, nitki*Wh acrom rlit reJect 4111cm tll(! true. spir V11hr'. 414 noint.%: Woo then, it for there t" qns 8 1048 t.AwIl is Ome end of prix, _wjW gind prudowlit Ili$. f,..,,n pebble k4-. They were &A. #11"% 11611jit Of a bou T1110111111al1w k. wiliell in an Islanill0l W. j i1ring me 411,0010 to , p is, 1,1114D the 111111 M is W lu Is of (try rM lwplxbr dotu. 110 lkaA "(1111M ytvtl Tioever tween nearel to Elfireol Roe tile.; then I Will Bell you a lie men toWtArd Christ, but "Od lind nindO nalr-atli- c8 ti 149 11 fit thought Of re - three 'R and 5's, and the room ILI igh t1lat, tile etei 14 1 te ftl)8 under to;Ubmissio,11, and tjW Wur thlLn Padding'Um. The -11)ou� three* AcrIP'l. about ONI)ON ]ROMANCE. " r I give you - a 1OV6 POW- ' I This di ribut" the conlix'11Y tor. Enot re and anti eXPI44tig dyllanli ##i0taIIC,,_ geltiom eitiers his hPad. I I tro"Im do leward rit.v. A LiTri LE L magic belt an( other, 11 arely ully 111A natu toe poaAls to eir feet n 1lhould remember to ps. north of .4 �ng your husb"d back and it player r, er comprPhe-ndis f keep th 01 &-r that will brl very thorougi I r.. -the Father, PATe their we�re filling their tA_1 himoopif some Islan new tw-ice jVi%IL the his reoptlig. They A -Oil approaching tl,4 Woma-1 of 22 Who Never X urs. work. Nelthe 11,LE.A I. -Olt FAIR VLAY., lijivy. assumins: wreCk&Xe 'floating l" tile (.11annel Young tA) YM In farty-eight 110 a cluince. play y understrsnds fully f ronn f setting fire rf florlen"_ '. a Dd ne"w to Joe Her Adot. her. On tj* following moirning the victim our prize" are given till. oni citing planx va m witif V gullpow(Jer tind %Vlw:n you crit�elze Lim, Artneui:111, praLw fcw Its 'in the mcwt fliscovero:41- it. package 1,1&111141 perman, all tllf� i,,rl11ktp love. tile Mr-rea at L fiV&_lnillute Intervals In a mber that for ginterati(olix 1w f (wo t tilla t the #11mly IL-11 nid they are. he nismi In the knew it at imee. 1ppeared. Slic' carried L two f.br each FatileiF.—Pelon- to it eel) thplil witria. "'uw phowgraPll Of. a d dollari4 tildt F izt. will- till. lioly ntlt"M Of t 1111—The Son %..till pf[,I�tt to k pen the proy Of the tax gather , (,I pp nNi re and III W, k (,Ity. (,3vric -King- tile tildusatl ishe had. J I valu�e- The f irA pr reVeIWIL p1pe UIO trie-A tO 11" bd law dolle, What, li-4ould by %"-(orjd.q, StAtiosties CHI this questiolli We allio ft_,out twenty-four, ni(irlillig Of %ve Vd o-vidently got from tile banks, for It Or 9flua , gi n t1le first chiolee Iltt. The Son will �Ilg 111M to 1,11iloL�opiior filled hit hlti ln!ltril or W 110 the :Folllg maDr " e_ .-ton receired a* letter wilich reve.al up.r" ...are - cut is till, Word of 00d, r"e'll' nol Kmoke. bt tile f lit me Qf am a drtw In thi, market at the P1* F for a-9 was all In gold. Ith c4lual WOr"' a, 11 sysWmatie robbery too) a vVjtjI I,-igb Tiger IT, MApy rtspeCt Tholice W 6& 9' y1rI, he couid i(IM 11 IN(' *(.nt moment. thick." sttaig.it *."it was a, 1"Mance, �tra from a "We'll fix lt,."� said Mrs. Worthing- The b00by iwill'. the deePPAt m, , never fnlze aTltI 'went fAlt before miterprive out Of him. He 1 lippeoval Of �trnigllt 'to.. for 'the ch, glorleft� or ciod equ ghtfully But. alvive nil 'thV"#9`4, tile anti large tl!aji fictim. The ifitter %vat ngly. "Now watch me wake T'he tll(, lilglipAt e1W Itotheir U -11S th"ll the victim of the Ktirdi-il ilrise is ti rely obFolete_ it J ligh't it. - A beet J.'y Norwich.. N_. Y- womall W114) It; a residpitt of Uaiirlitr- ton sootlil ful he known t4c) ul,'Lvn exco-liot throug III billb ,f a #411114t ILgif. night Idooit'll -111 Use local POthall OLM 111r"le cluto ,at tile Cj,�rk-tjejiver the imigic bfit." filiftlWial 1XIrt U a very succe" lRut I,(, revent-; tilf"P- tl'UW to clIp.,vilIg tjio frov 141 all. altol who have, it' a 91 C&m he dnvw in v&W i it nia. She zu,;koid Witil dcft fingers 011ie fastened to- ; ( -.01irty-tWO TuPmber:' Cbr6t. mc. to Illm in Oilldlike gla#4-, :If tit and left hini %-Ith liartilY muot he vrn". pnds effective I.- to cps i we 9 -st -lub w110 ('0 thermmileter (.ftttJp , h6 r1litil 114' i"I'm wa.Tv: tile M(V't Whef 6t to tile ivrecic we fil�' a. letter at A-certaill howe in theelket chamois skin belt with N.ew York ( ham kept 4hattere(I lif(4`@at at- The lettA-r explained that her getber tile fhe meetings are —P. thinking W(�IrnfuilY of. llr)nle- liair &S R po"Illy. Ile a 11 -ft 44 Iv end. eta on It -and with is thum the ladies, tA.,.l(. )y:I I tA ) hit; rpligioll ,%-It I it yVAITWelf InVitAd tol, talm tJw c 4 wure ballitinem and trust, Bnt t1wre vrilof 01le I wreck. The plast- iny tiny pock IS Y tw wepk.4 a -t of a Ile enill. Ite lias heels W III- tt'le anytUal 4hnv*V. The candidwe bgw', igh would 1xv, 'fOund ---tt ml III put tile h I Was tI to the (Ia' ter . .,uf - it, is rior - huckltw on th m.� , Now we eld ever I alior-Mie Prialt, VIP dlg**'� 104 irl 114 e the re thall willis, weq*A not to feel t t miros Allld�-Aiuful denti . -)r - I-Aild f lr6t siffif C. and one of them %434 brok Tho was; a Child keb%" mile sald,and homes, a I tI hosteme" PrOvid very 14031 tryiII9 tO 6) 1"(' alit spring Ov Ft thits, :11ti ever #4 44 P 11T�. f loatin mr NOt -P itabie (x'411*41111ellee- a hull wait lying .,In abOut f( tune, W14 Ae.'iinhapifY intAher it rt money In these POC PAIlments. The latter are 1114P.,,ess, atid, arructi% W10M, (wily .1 ]1 ON .1 urltvr"" en. Tlw le nevet SaW 1,110 she iiultx_�-d, the action by slipping the re, I r LWIst, of mndwiellf" Of There wall It li(AeAll w4,l, ag other r(liawl'I'll I f`Pl it - fatboni-q of Water. iii. diq",aie. 141 the chamolix skinbelt. f4imple, and c 'Is (of tht" boot. iltr0ligh ilegli, too plead his ca"Ho' -I'd 4ietntind mmd alwayu rew@mbPr that h* vp#wel wa" seon ler*" -to� tlli,. The woman' golti.ple" Into u(I perhaps 1,, to lll&k6 pPa(`e_ for tfte troo-W 111.4 le -it -her fiftopell wilm at tkw (% rlf..qll -ecall4l be wwn, here #411P Tuar- N*nw th are 7) 17Fg4;Zting tAWS&I iVit" Will( -It law fep 1be reputatiom at n next Ice M,,: cake t -rniA* jell i�; the III,, e4 fit wili'llave, to be wor o Cents a 11049, attr for him that fair play wt' a good tfie wind , V0`118 vPfY lilgll— avilig' Itl I , 11141 oil] lls'ar­-Ity -IIot1r—.nnr& it tates that aftir le (I filar. to your body for the next rorty-eiglit mf fee: i(M t Indle" Ill"I $1 for tile Indem. — "Orconiplin of coill bILAs (of pro*qwrity. thap MI*% ain xbd died, an S114 I. or t Imt bib nat 14mg jour- I#A far MOMAWMft 44)1*96 lRa Y fifiy ried. Her hlli4o -t4 okild 0116. "You' -can slip off mveting'.icyr t t romble.—RObl"I"ol Of _the th. of F 41,lRock. We boui ing 14 it tl ea (lorgiv("I filln, 1 have, noti(wd during MY c4ect Inin. that r Itaid bout the one rdell of 11111f, Pre ulwovered, and with ,I tlp norl ried agadil. 9fte neve� 1 *11.1 help. you men. Ever'y Ilrd meet witil tile His earG "s ()f "laxly tl,.I,ik. Oftlen im w:IC4 0 t t -he is hen.liere and law. cof puna, ity, . known 41111Y titat tilerp air throw 1) 'I'm( eye is CW Tn4y" ht- we 111`1001 1"" ."If eldid, anol nlriw tha your clot But. first T will tre party- 4, $1 a rp OxPe"dll at eaell 11(, requireinelit,44 Of t I "o" Tnairlinn q Ilarp III- wticli dneo TwIst 111116" thoug . go grove Rdju&4t' the 1*41. ws---Wo that for the t t f(vr lmtht 44vis 4,)f wicknew V6 KliffertNi thP horrors if q1uC#;tkM- I onwa we 'went jl6wly. down 1111sh, Ad owning a large oran id lovi jy fo prii 111114111 Wli() li:kl t1w, Armelliati wo of tjwgu. I)ut In )nip rtan" Qw& IL modem eKaMine4l a 4)ll which they IvNkle, she� put - thi'% inagic love powder ai vard 'prtrt are $:-,2, it, 10.,ollka .,iviiiter Wizotlipr. lie Per- Tvadv SIXI-kell Ai from 0110 rl&tf<WM 0100 shorO .1011 ton mile 11pnry In Callfc� o whom to p1lilte . r -pin It. t4lo-Atre part therO isnrv4 1,1111 :111 ICIVIV lyre -w, have an lieir t rest frow tile .11 e0trip,1111011 tAl order to emphludze the third. .1 m i:tn orinicsis, tb no resemlblan(* too tbr am"' W' agn to took a, b tl.,Aasury It I will buy tllPntre tI­k W—A 11litt(41 to iIA if I refer to tile"I'Ll 119, 41, anelftlt PtON7_ r '146441 ward' City .. 114 - anX iotl8 ty. 'Slip dice" llot ank ottip, wltic-a bit of 976en W ob pir the mpmbers Chriat"i pron0f al-collut of Hill or wil' *ey :191`11TIRt th(bul the ix, exelmod urn#%I to "vo the p1r4)V­l i t anti dropped 'I' wq and ret -111 In struircle Aild I"Irde .4 lifter twO i give up tile-thild- matU!r and thin et.4 at, $1-50 %*'1 th Cbrist aN fliev 101. 1g,41-11i'l, -RKS S1 AvT TO PAN 40 arents t -aTid 11env, tip concluilo(NI tllv*t- a tile f000tter,p cimpe 20. ly 5 oke— A nd so VVAlk the 1111(liti, of t1le m`0tjJfCL T1 Parl4aaMt.ary Oan# no trace- isU.'t Ate I", illaught-r miny boe S few dropo In tho belt. And it y -Idjonrnx hulyntio4i4m tO 66110xv If, the nrime uld (*&-*� 10) PISLbampm p tilat her rder -said alilb, . trip thP part. to t Thar- Tho- loUr" W pearell we bitd. r "NOW Lfor tho pov A f tor, the till rias 1;IxllIfIf8 Turk LawdWitie&I r`Pa0"lL"- any'. pay for. tile glikl&lx%e and the ser- lolls. til,i ywi evvr niansiM xP or illiagin&ry. for tile mt- Wro could not be - w its, to tPr. Ule mell niza rvlvoTq. ;On, ajjOwc .1 to tile were -and islit) wont to a ilre r and pulled for* mpper. ar tht feta"A this Rort either real a pent III Pa, t UW 740,, i - 10 drawer and took fort nee te,111A to) exterm - Vint eag% 1,1LtI I& #n1*hmtItIItet1 for I I-, of"Iditlo-) itl&ti. the Armeoniall quiring Ls litt, The paxtls,"� -a h 0 It a hot- vice (wf C rist.—t, Throw of "Pil- ?" nuktml "'If gISVOwd; but NM I folk.; Were of t.11l,lfX tllf% wliv saved. ro"nd and tile 411, t It id put a quan- Sometime" Y x0ef, for ,.,*,V Of price, oir etwetoumle" I . . ym, tin IMAN". Tlw. Turk is an entotlonfil r.rpa wo g-tw f(jotprint,04 of e poor and almo t fit want of grey powder ar k. the thentre nd thP m-OnP or ambition, (')I Isibing rfAl w%pkprs. . ig anillial. ax uIllre 4dera,144, PxVrieneP has WfOuAdO(' 'up s,Ati one point Tlwy ar 71 t1ty of its contentis -in and on the poe , v and a raterpr's igullo- �sllallty, f9 worldliness. t Vok.,p of tiiv per turv. n(ot a rerwrill ile. The (1)ut! MM1110" fA' ever 4W thftt it it. e"jer vo 'VV4 In" bF ,IlilTnal In tile onow. I Wow lil� 110whit.peAlp take (m On, It is n 'Its are tlOrOugl is it 011ie -held In her of thla is 110t.111"Ir'.. T."1101,0ifwl liortloern p(")Ip are- its killiblea X-Mu4is d Aallp, t1lat thpy - I werp thf, footprVi %raj4 told by tIPTA -that- 'tile t& of;tllo- bplt t1l, per- in 'a cultivatim 44 1141 to Ing -UIP fwil4 44 t reck. ; lerlt rs of age, band, bnt It waA not the one with the %%.Illeh elmsist' Pf X41, ^11 Plv<,tkx* &" liev" and t,l ollep workeol fie -lilt to stit"IllatO Isis fears a (k,og t I I OL (NnAllff %v ItAoltv 22 Yi!& I(YWIY tile hat"y role Illlvpxtl- thrli,ow Idui intoo a 11a,nic. TIw'tu0tll1Pl1t "Winstir&A whp in sbe H t Proble, atilit t vwftm fr datigliter w .tll 111iLt 14 VIPM I of a ly tjW omly one sa ellild.: *ith mo'n'ey in It, for at tile InAtant r 11 1 all, lueek "d to Po 1.4. marr'ed aTKI hall R littl" 'drawer oh* ka'14)"K," lioly.—HAnn't. plin to wintpr q,4 nisotor "llin" r"I "ll f(w reV(AIItj(xIj1lt0p appPared he I"- the luolet active. OWL hY trying r Tl,. wIx pr(,Imb A 4 C".uple ex- had ope d tile drewer from 461 Will fly, Mr. liar itcart nixt Nv4ll 'p" OU&& tjWft of tile TfLIW Of VIM In tbOiT PY", tile CA( �np bel to, - taking W111VI'llit ill buled trolley rnr."—Buffnl0 --A001DZNT8- 'thio hild cliankeid th0 11, the young Wo at vald. %vith (10 self. 111,; %-()ke._reuow. cAux, frantic und l(`*4t 11il" sell-q*(leltroll MONTE CAILLO ;,lained that tile Y"Ing woman to actly the same &ttpllti(x,@ are agr(4` Ise like 'into Illy con wax inriamed and 1W Tau=: - ot her: the drnwer onip agtnati lg�).W. tiey wt,.Te ex e aequallit- int, L;ves in a i Ith tile, pocket& Of eye", "t"at - hall beexxil' e lie omvicticm ca'" Ivi cult, &%y 41ifl TWA JC ever, to -ippearanco but w hip cO_IaI)orer s Typrof-.raphlea lieved tl,#Lt every _(11tic ilowli able too M.P. -1 am filwaTO glat' t-0 frenzied. if Women Taigilso Their eltwbetf" sk it c4witli Him atitil His will. and llrouzllt ire 'MR11 Two casino. iarent_. Thc� it, filled with bolto of coal to In 0 %vith Hinuielf. Sonle year- -,W," All advertWfInif"It krinentall In tits EMP Single DAY at the ' to hrr. W4?dR4W the have you CAA into perfect harniti,ily illaerV-d * I of eartridgM Queer R"u6st of Ak the neir-4 -ni wir rifle and a I*lt fill r, -illite #If tile th Mr. 11aarka ig atte ptr4 to Fborteu for , llt)w call two �41k together ex (if A political Iliv-AiII9 wal ro PAITIg %voyllwl calW - M "ty� heavy. not be toampereol, with. lie d1#4tWiCe! t1L rywhil`,re- "Jid A riji"I 41' Kharkoff, Rum". 11 It rillu4t I)CtWeen Itest to y4v i r to tile Euro C41 with her Voter rather- lem. riwA III a 14,11ailelpilla paper. The ntiver Tlmrll. wax danger or o-nimmoum Bubsidle. tqrx of '%10ntf lerk'e,4 Of ft ull(I Mrs. Worthington. 11 Don'tft4i kv t t "Awbe went on. rrstraitii'W cvpt they lle I &I"U'"I"IrP thip. (;overnmPtit, WILA likelT to Ise 41% . - cpntl� purchomwid A, 11"top of -kpoll- by the dime I ler .07108 *ere red WItA. weeping, W. A lid ye car1149 r One ()f Ill& ellildr I pror IeWxpaper men writ- it off at it a Ild I should qdvi I hardly know my f4olils. Not ()IIIY deliverance from thv fko lie otruck. "Ot w hi it letter ight, 111m, by a, geAnro, llilt rriwits the Ttower a4d that #JL Well-kiiown leader wottki ad- turtivd. Wn sile wao II&TI(W thO o e finder .0f 14111, 11, It at)out*tllfl Wt I that In.lw>r for- the dr" 40le uell IV%V 114, Ntyuck yo l(mir I's an ",in afUtrwitrd overturued and1wo certain errant I aRt It - tllltt evening. OW �llthe trut tllp (,Ity Clerk, site sc&TUl0d:it-- 'that Y'Ou wfar ftt le '09 killed. fit, itai, ter In left - to it,, intense 4;Agernpw ILId garment day nnd night for thp llf-xt "wl —Bertie!" liiter- trilm of It, Ing t,],Lt n1pitt Of a "SPA("" Aru-K-%An jI()Ilow Interl(ir roliPd oo-cami(m) ally, te w r i -Mlso Gillelawatoere' �sy lind a delight. 1W Illif+Ia("P it flinatie fat On o Ang t)pPW4d. jambling resort the". 11 If .8 ox intelits ura so UWtt YOu ("Ill't t1le, y4jung man. !'Never inind is- en or I'lilladplphla religl0`110 fAllatill", liout bundle, wiliell. owl IN Agme f4tan(lartl witnemw forty-w4ght ho rim t hOUP howevvl?, VIC P111i'lle fill lballk I'Dit gazed with wmtUming eyen iLt tile might rupted ar —True lOve wa and ill founsi to contain Uumd the 01 ' for If YOU do, I t - 414,, T4-ftelliligs. ri9tl t. was Pfcormed that tile 1141dr(S"i t1be 16111t)wt Of olutitm to t1loo valw of .11,W)(4 ruloie* of.two Wom W)IOM 14he qpe 'the ur mind. Litiltell to your Iteart, I her nwther, W belt yo GM1,04 ways arp wou 'be d0IjvP1%-d t4o "them M1041 Angle fib. were gent Out If OtO gTIL of sceup, U al- break -the Kwll. Yor ann pay MP girl Ligtoll yotir .1w.4t.99 P" ftt fled the reVOIFIlly at 10.110 3, 1,11v Hilicilif, PIIL ill 4iallw,r 1,4 - )wn.' ncklktliwto� Ilis justice Cdeas lie at "4 with a (Wiaration Of had liever kn the" report. -4 usual newo burew tf UIL* tote. tile $,r4 now. anti Th"TIN111Y mOrn-Inx. 46 That'A w at 1 0,111 tiryllw, to kuwVt Hit" throull H114 -�Wl xatifq* Itall. @&ndfold, Tlww 1.4 Of 1wri'sir oligh thl. aR twget,114-r a Pall, I tn k c0uld, (oulY—" We Illay J14. litot Wmw p.%w,r called t4w (kapel fttl(M (-J all 116 dePt triononun lvrokhw�coff. to the thr, A tlle,� victims w prqmj��;eql u) write to 11wil the timp IJ4 III). you eni r a lWavy yoko, it A yt us (of Vr7e- Joe It Tim, daughter a W only be sure I &nl wor- if %vf. I -ca 111C.11 If4 I)lll)iixllfxl lit Axliritt4ft, Crnw tiLe nitmintaill'i w"11 the U"Ipy r0lit3int"It III t V lice PncjIwOma;j* 'who. having ovid imAlier, and gave tI ( the helt off. By� that tinie yol't 111J." "If YOU CO' '. TlanneV w it elitirPly r"('"J"of 116 or LIL r1r)ung Fr 0 1, Iter new -ft aph of lier.-Olf balid will he ymr true love jr:1111 tily ? Of eO --e I'm not. &w. NO ni"ll (11 r b4l.'s AL F,1(71.-VHT. .%1,ajnej oneA. attracted nttA,.nt14xI r(mill, a0d 3'"' P( toine lilloillill a y(ml ChliPf W:114 thO Is lo,"00fr. at Vl11tY-'8U'P1se(l t aim- (jerk a rerRnt IAI(4AW [I I If—" I'lumc , riq wat. (kW10im"i"i rifit anol c 11 never de-w.rt, you ff)r at cM enoug t6f. 'w,bO different r(M(,"ti(Vl 4)1 &rr:i. tranisinctiVRIA. HU(I king the 4 sill 071 a word. ql%b@ WR44 not tj.rongll t1je prank of IL Prill - HaLmidwit reci- h. The "lip ,�Twj lie OTrr)O0 r and Im wi The MaAW 11W)rem two) W(MJP 4)f itl4 inotto). Po 1,W,.Pt t16C Kur4sso. tilf rhurc 1, Out With :1 Hut Ither. JMen you can tako 11w No, ft IFSK that. tra 8 1p - et 1.11, u,entf. I)OOrly AIrmftle lout istill aritied, the yeir ly t w fier brain reixtrn it to him Your. "Ie 01))P 'rut's firlist visit t(li t1w Citkw Of (;(%I We s a nd no t, rlpa(l. "In tlA,4 lwlllf# id Wd boily was promPtly' cf" l-,,ena4us. o. dollar lial. InWlftq tier dw re'VOlvpr. Her 'And tile play n 1)41 Ir ym, to mnke me it 1)rP- prewli to tkpm will !!p t- l4nur Nwinpr." oftell I-11an a "'Illkim thqt 010 carry eerin 0, W) I "Llilfw'- 1rP lsobir"'n ot r I ifitA) An inworr room d CC4,r,(Iltlg7 tol, Fjectrical F-119111 er lnilw!" 114* t he U) Imell att (,Itetit tl,nt 1111" dpfkw a and thuo wilt' iv, he other %6mAll WRlkp A wf 414 tel�r #*�Ijt I %.Ill be here, but all tit -It "Neltli lanc uer,�ry kltap- iv- 17), but did not Tl,e of a e4)inwa. wao V it on. T tile total numl lip, and all emirlt'll V P sea directlY bPnPat It thp of (Thleng I- in varlo,114 conntrleool 118A wHI ehargp Vou will be the $50." rapturmwly, the b0gin tAo upbraid thoul until now. callf._e (if 'a suit f(Ir 41*,l brought 1pvt-01 alisil rtill ltrirlt too tile, 'Jfrtropr)l#-- In phrone,oi if' ITS- well t Again fie tteMPt ' ed t'O 011artet III first Invites,imit whs" Iffighted aga,T%ikt a Westerf, lnvr#tpaW-r by thP juptico. Tic has little or Ito ~-a lanadf. of thp 11otpi lated no l"MVII-Me of And the poor fooligh woman ag&ln @INR, restrained Wi"1110 ov. 1. 20, 24. His firot ti(foll. "It III, li.Lss an animal natiirP Fturis" UQUor of' hundrells RIIP watlei ��v talal away with ail unomfortable feel- digtance, 8 Ir Invent(m (-)r a patont raladliclue tell -ti- cd%,&tid a r(wipwienc* that Aile full virw wIlill above -iter %n ; Awtrj&, 20,000; .%ilstra- it light him. lip upbraids. I Repent. ittild Overldillittlat of IV, in 200 Molig the4lk WOre, Inonli4l to) tim WT*" Of lli"4 col"IN) k1111 water r:a, 17,,000; PP,19111111- ilig about her waist, but with ords a 111trtkiect'"I 64 bjD&=pjj lie w VV sh�@ 1,11 t 1111til We(l in. .% mhriek Ila. 2,000; Bava I Bertle (allenwaters." dom of heaven is at hand9o' paper niul refui 'm trol"14""Tit'll wl" allell a t1l" 1twoia ft (I then plut (y)() : a, 2,000;- r.ulgarla, 110art. 1� if I ne r f(Ir the king ,w lwrW In the 1wtist, an 11 , _ rt"tl 11 Irdl I me vle heedod a cry Ir eonipletr- am rvtr,1IlIt. Tills,- Kiirioi Is alsomt on ogy it' -&do W the ytort. and PICit's" I)f at od 114)pe. (1,00; Cochin sile- had tnken off the belt on ThIll-4- w4ced. "wonid Poll MIN; tout whea they wlPrP I'll now fiM 111YO111 r -pl . w IlWll 10 111) fro to came here -�Again of pity, catuo. A picture of .lit Us, thf, JL le I with the Anitiffleftil 111dix" of liquOrio' qp, and dOwn nW; CBI`e inark, ly c v. re frantically Cutsin, 29 00; (Jav morning, Jimt before going miir- 4 4 WIt'loot d, aSWr bellqr lyrolli ry. of wlic"in lie (19'bn- Ilit"N" will M" plo-li ran I)e" "Thato ll, prewnted to well re, ntWA 44 doplith Iloy llnving taken t1w inset "ntit fv,,t4l%irAUtP It rocks, calling f0r'soMP .01110 t" ohl"42W 1 W;la 7- 000; Fitlinfidi' agnin, for the time W"I"I" ed 3 Agitated maidpn. lookilig at thoir futur'O wal" V0 - mljxW rue: fieree, eriwl. a thr 15 0V ; ": (;ermanl, 1409. inur 04 it Ix"iblo, tlicir a$tention and nrou'u, r-, X" boittleR of your inpdlicille-" T`lkP 044litly vp ter a, tima a bOat was neet 3%7, lier TWL1d had been with her on only rt(,r brigan-i save her. Al wam wwe I g000 - Fft t In her eyes, "I d0l"t ell fdlould have (,lonw 11 it nry, when A;, nroqP lilt), w1th te"A ,,deed, I iler,ire for reputauce- Thoisp wholind soq)lctidid WN8114PIIIAll, and thp bOiY 09): If I'M TimrsolaY morning C41STIO., 1011 Owes. Wlipn 1w, I luu%i that out and I u swath." fifty tile Stall, Ito 1 I&OT& 12 rt, 8,700; Luxem- VIIt yo jo quit couthig, leet, I flattA.red themwivem to bellevp In W" 11111141ticed by Ity tlw Inlieritallcle of 11 llert�," Rhe w0d. KIPP- wl the 100* 1114' -%%*:Ip bent (III 1:111pe ,Ore. Latpr in thA from sleello. ifijo Id nlIW you. Till hief. u tor. Sol One of the Canino ftal3r. 14,000; JaPal 16,(M; 11fiftu- (Vin't. I t-'ar tl'P* Own Vosines" dn"I superior strict- __yoIltlllg (lompAIIJOIL wao 10 Piked ) * Norway. ritily. to the scirl, 11hpip me tako thi' thle fompno ard mitt' a Of thf, IN111- lvllrg. 2,04 Id I Mn, Harkabillg-l'—andl a e wert, now r;�-ady to know why lie mutilated the looAft Of kis TiPt'=& what the nalpe, Roumania, 400; lw�lt off! It," hmvy, for It IN flill slif)" lipr cheek—"yoll lyritig in@ in. Itittactleg N. v iral. 29000 : ' (W rollpol dowit citielo stilluld 1W. i1eld In hirilpr Just LW our Indinne luw%i toO do am. fie replied: llshnw! )(I . Qenegal, 100; Spain. 2. - , gold.11 )late erpanis I liver get !" heathen . ()q, illindred and -fort"V-Pight 1`1 carldval of CritnP- Mote W C_ I F14 Of I land, 30,OM Of all they. Again and again Is&() it lwkrfect full bNpry no,nM- f4witzer 1114'e, 9 k(%I at thp belt and Mill thO '"t"M C*tepm th nod If tl i w0mall C"MmItted Faii Ile. There was 9wed"' - 900 Mo The girl loo Why, yoil nre -I CIIIeW tho 1)1-t)ud IlliLrIt-ees were darlTw In die" sre In p'08PAsilli"'ll Of til's '"rtowi welit t4l, ILIJ lengths. am is a suicl I te.d State@ of"t uleans e" UAd. -AL cifient here 9 give a total W lwr mi4trorim. It Ia Cl to Christ's author- Story of hip ertum W ut there on a rock TnTilo, ROO' Iluv* IT (ItleatiMls as IS, thft't promises too muc woman sittlnor 01 Wrt.-mbng. 79". eonvprfml with emql 1.J.nled that Lake Erio pro- tile in word oi- deed. But withal 00"W Will 11:118. tho d I fixteat I alld fell in. k (or 1.4029. The bpl mor4 figh W tile 01 ity,f I ()f Jilluping ID t wam triken off quickly and quare mile -4ther wt Ing. they tillut. to get n one of the pork- duce" a y �ody 4 water in the world. they we" not able too d1wover any after her, tIlpy earlieft ber -41is- wgl ' rtn CC fll#�m pmn In a drewn r)pened &Ud In everYtle Tar than n boat. and whon -%r A 0 eta vrm Mund a lit ap of coal. wan deal. A V�rv)n can't livP rorevr is 111g-UmtIve ckf etienile& in tile WSW. amok IWO M6�