The Wingham Times, 1908-11-26, Page 7f
: T 48
xsl� w� >�
,. �, 1VQva�ITilalt �� xa ,111-011111
Caught she In Her Own Trite.
Look on her always as A sister, /
Fain ICI the head --peso anywher0, hse its Cortese R uuuunnunnn-11111 ION IIInisuus,Ht a
�j I'ainisaon¢e4t[on nsinlsblaolpressure—notl:lns s>rs assured me theft uwxuxxmxx
brother's rl ht
also usually. At iea4t 6a saYs Ar. Shoop, :find to And most atYectionatoly .kisses ker,
mrato et he has eregtttf ti little ptn[c tablet. Thai I exercised a _
LOCH RAIN CASTLE rablet—ealled Dr 8booas shaylIutdacbo Tabiel— Revers e
thouSlt Buy, i sure y equalizes tete tai i G1ez xlY "It you keep on annoylnfr. me !n this
7�� C.
N.c, I � t
OR A COOLER Itsf�ouhchearmin�g �cheiftshl`�l'innpbloodclrctn way" 1'11 --I'll give my wife a new hat.
BY 1•M� S. C. +1� WMUA Lv#.�71�./1"1 r lstfon. h
-- I av pregaulra. say and then you71 have to'givE yours ase��. r�r
Author of 47ltt Priacm Nuts;' s a ho W 11,tniil Coat Butte ad. Ityoupar[o sienie slieSt css�n�rcou its b[voQ tOpi"--1llieg$nd0 $latter,
ft 1A(�ts .a !fat Jul D+►y, tit. Hs lSspt It let's
i' i Hia Moos- tlon--blood pnssurt+. That surely is K
N It wns one of the hottest days that certainty. for Dr, Shoe" a I1.,1. he Tablets stop A Gertaint -
cOal;r r'.tC., EtG tt fn La rnlr uses, and the utblet8 ulzuply dlstrlYlut4 Y•
disgraced the mouth of July, The sho unnrltural blood pressure Tem no pessimistic crank
Copyright, 19011, by Mrs. C. DT. Wilitaimson Stout man with a face like a fail ncwon Bruise our poker, and doesn't it get red, and Who thinks aft things are tainted,
1 Swell, a ,t "aln You'! of course ft does. It s Coe, gut one thing's sure*•oux office
done In red, making awbidezi roue Use ggestion.111ood Vressare. You'll tied It tvhere hats Is blacker than it's painted.
ig- aiwass. It s simply Colnulori fieuse. _t'g�fabJel"etsazatian£oe Aa-
of a Pair of fans, his veli open, ,his S1ieiell at 2f, cents. and Nhe5rlunY rGcotnuiea8 I3arpsYs Weekly,
' `Collar curled, like a green leaf in the SII[tt1#1iPOtiti�111dIICbtilr-
,$.re, and helped me carry her to the. mother, he wisiied'to be in the collar
his handkeF+2hief wringing wet 'iftt�,a s Not Much to Tali.. � t2t'�;ttte�t(llnndik'«.di��"we=S�
!room where she had slept. She was session of his title and estates before ' .11L6�� Shoop S She --Tell me of your early struggles. �
a• Unconscious, and it was easiest to she came to him ,ss his wife. (and his sorehead beaded,wlth perspire v'
! He -There's not much to tell. The a};�,r',,r°}
,leave her there then as we had other It was different, however with, tion, stopped in route surprise near the Headache
'work to do quickly. But he said the Kenrith. The sooner Elspeth Dean i corner of State and' Griswold, streets, harder I struggled the more the old
lhead of the bedstead was one with could belong to him the better he ; He stool there for a full m1pute look-- Talb� els , titan laid it on. I'yolnate;�D�,hesfioli, Ckerful.- ;
Ithe wall which divided the room would be pleased; and there was no lag at a man with a closely buttoned WALLEY'S DRUG STORE.tteSSaltdl3e51.COIftcltlatiCillter
froltt the secret passage, and without reason for waiting. I blouse, turned up collar and slouched A Poetic Figtign. l til '+lorpbLaemrI:La iral
jmovug her the whole bed Could be After that strange and terrible night hat leaning against a hot brick wall The man who wrote that woman's +'No" T
slid along, the mattress tipped up the little stenographer was the her- , Means "Yes," I'll safely bet. NOT 3v e i ty "> C.
p and basking in the sun. Hadn't met that class or womankind
and the girl thrown on the floor of oine of Lochrain Castle Hydro. But
the passage. Then the bed could be she lues no longer a stenographer. � " What s the matter, my man?" the That most of tis have met,
slid back again, and everything in the The girl considered herself still stout gentleman at length made out to —New York Herald.
clold lk.`.vt?dL:,..
tower room would look as it had bound to work for Mr. McGowan until inquire ,— _. A Strong Attachment.
looked before. her fortnight was up; but Kenrith "feel kinder chilly."
y ,. t
"Our big mistake was in letting her would not hear of this arrangement, "Chilly? Great Scott, manyou ! Do He Got His Answer. What man seems very much attach-ord Rnelcflc [•ra-
y "Ah, prithee, lady; tell me, it you can, ed to Panb,s." „ .
live till we should be able to come now that she was engaged to him, know its M in the shade, and there "Cita 'mongat your trteRde yqu think the "Yes. He is the sherlff."—New York �t�w,3W;wer�.
luck and carry out a plan I had for He insisted that Mr. McGowanshould you are on a steaming Sag pavement handsomest mane
..-putting it out of her power to in- at once telegraph to London for some World. (�rArS,td"
ire us, one to fill Elspeth's place; and that leaning against a steaming brick wall The la.dv smiled, "Vilest, from my point o! �,n�ihr fuer, ,
and looking as though view, t,,agv�m rtarvr
"Once again I tried to serve myself he should state to the manager of the g fi you were on a The handsomest is one most unlike yout"•
•nd the Syndicate by taking ,Oxford's agency at the same time his reason polar expedition. I'll tali an ambu- -New York Press. „per"' rt l'ee.Tneddy for Corst Ila -
Ie; but then, tis always, fate has for superseding her. Therefore, in- lance-" boil, Sour Stomach.Diarf'l6ca.
3emed to be against me. Time after stead of learning that her protegee "No, you won't," laughed the other. Their Designs. tVorn;s,CotivUisions,lever2S:t-
1 ime he has been saved is one way had been unsatisfactory, Eispeth's old "I'll be used to it in a little bit. Don't Bishop (kindly) -And all these lovely g /j, r ¢ acs al ti A.0SS 0 SLEEF
6i or another ---twice by his dog; at Isst; friend, Miss Smith, was Unformed that like to cool off too suddenly, don't you young ladies whom I have just met in SERIOUS DEPLETION IN
'rj•.me since I am dying in his place.' Miss Dean was to marry John Ken- see?" the guild room have some common (((( gg��f�• FncSitniig ;l;gnotare of
Lord' Lochrain was never brought rith, the millionaire -from the North, I ,No, I don't see," replied the stout bond? FUNDS
to trial for crimes committed and whose book on social questions she Curate (modestly)—Yes. They all hope
crimes planned, for In attempting to had been typing when they first made' who belrttan to think he was deal
escape from the pursuing detective acquaintance. Ing with a lunatic. "Wben a man tells to marry me. -Judge, HARD TIMES HARD Old THE POOR��'�� r�°��
The girl had been liked by all the + me he's chilly and that he's been cool-'
nests at the hotel who had come in Ing off too rapidly In this atmosphere. The Wor t of tt. CONSUMPTIVE
contact with her, and the news of her I'm through with him. Good day." 'xis better far to kiss the girt
engagement pleased everybody --every- "Hold on, boss. Don't go off mad. You love than any other, Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
body, with one exception. I'm fireman for the elevators down But when you've married her how hard tives Makes an Urgent Appeal
That exception was Lady Lambart, here, and when the thermometer runs It is to kiss her motheBrl Life. for Money. EXACT 'COPY OF WRAPPER,
to whom Elspeth• Dean's happiness mow..t
meant the most complete humiliation up to 115 i generally stip up here for f°35,o0o P. Provide
to Cover Bank Overdraft
a change of climate. Once in awhile and Yfovldo for Patients.
nrnco o[
in her forty years o£ life. she had,' g Concerning Kickers.
had many hard blows, but the loss` it gives me the shakes, and I have to +'De man dat loan nebber kiek'taIl," Poor >*atients.
of John Kenrith, and his love for the dance around to get warm. When I said Uncle Hhen, "an' de man dat These head -fines tell the story of
girl she had hated and tried to ruins I used to stoke on an ocean liner, 130 keeps Idekin' all de time am two peo- -
was the hardest of all. Many days + was cool, but"- The stout man was ple dat ginerally gits de worst Ob It in our needs.
passed before she was able to console gone. -Detroit Free Press. dis yere life." -Washington Star. They are heavy and urgent.
herself in the smallest degree by the Many times during the past twelve
reflection that at least her daughter A Stranger.
would be marrying a rich man when AN
The Retort Courteous, months the question has pressed
A traveler in the mountains of Ten -
she married the new Lord Lochrain, x met a goat and said to him,nessee had been stowed away in the "The question, pray, excuse— itself upon the Trustees, "Can we
trod that probably the mother of Lady Why do you always wag your chin? "
Loohrain would have her debts paid best bed the cottage afforded. Late in Quoth he. "Because I chewsl^ continue the work further?
tud be decently provided for. the night he was awakened by the -New York Ltfe.
She had done all she could to seg- voice of the paterfamilias addressed Every month brought its quota of
arate the lovers, but they had come to the daughter, who was entertaining accounts for salaries and wages of
together in spite of her, and she knew Wouldn't Miss It.
i company'by,tlie fireside. Rowell -'What a brogue that man staff, bills of butcher, milkman, ,,•,
Hilary well enough to be sure that " " growled the old man, 'Is has! a
i Mandy, eggs, groceries,heavycoal bills--
ihShe even tried toe would want ratone for the past nothing.! that young man there ylt?" s; z serious item—and other uncon- " r
Powell -Ye M. is so heavy that if
by being gracious to her future son- Yep, pap."he should leave -it ofr he would take
in-law; but, though scrupulously Cour- "Is he got his arm round yer watt?" cold. -New York Press. trollable expenses so long as the R,r..., ••...,^ Y' ,,..r..r ..^�.,•..,n.�.,.
locus, he was icily cold, and Lad "Yep, pap." doors were
f0ttambart tressed that her life would, "You -all tell him to take't away." B f d After p
The KUM You Have
Alva 0ou ht
Bears the
.a are
a ( � i
Q e ore an
n future, better be lived abroad. "Aw, ye tell him yerself, pap;' re- He flew upon the wings of lova
Of all places on earth, "Lochraili plied the girl in a dull, lifeless voice. To buy his girl a diamond ring.,
Mwtle Hydro was the last one where uIIE air n plumb stranger to me," But after they were married he ;-t What a ""Pandora" Hot" Vater
:he wished to remain, since it also Flew back to see how much 'twould '
sheltered Elspeth Doan; but $ter- bring. % . ]c f s Al"
A►ttaehment Means to Me
sin stubborn Pride compelled her to . Persuasive. .. Y
Consent to Hilary wish that they A ravel manulwturer duns his sub- Complete, �;,__ =r . -_ , ,gj , .. `BELOW ---You see flow I just turn on the tap
should remain. Outwardly, she was scribers in the luilowing novel man- Larry-Phwas it a great military Fare HaSrrrn " ' y - l
un friendly terms with Kenrith,. guess- ! rierl "All persons knowing themselves eountrae, Dinny? to�ccuwnvm f' ' �' and instantly get hot water for my dishes,wash-
'ng that Elspeth had not told hire of Indebted, to this concern are requested Denny -I shad say so. Aven the ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc.
ie; cruelty, and, as. Hiisry was asked to call and settle. All those Indebted wells out thou• were drilled. -Chicago
o be bridesmaid. she actually found, to .this concern and not knowing it News, These had to be paid somehow. r -, "A$OVE-- you see how the
terself compelled, unless' she would tire requested to call and find out. =
i Contributions —especially after (, 1
betray her feelings, to be present at I Those knowing themselves to be in- A Plea.
the wadding. o the turn of the year when the fiilan- � `� �( pipes are connected to the
The happiest da of Els eth's life', debted and not wishing to call are re- You may break, you may shatter ��, l 11t \� bath and basin --no waiting
pp y p nested to stay at one place long The vase It you will, tial depression was felt at its keen -
,vas the most miserable one in Ida q But stay with us, Bridget;
Lambart's; but she wore a brave en- enough for us to reach them. --Har• ' e•11 pay your wage still. est—fell off to such an extent, that 4
ough smile on her handsome lace as per's Weekly, Deriver News, each month the burden became
she bore her punishment.
six weeks later came Hilary•s mar- Natural Enough. His Refined Tastes, heavier., ;
Mage to the new Lord Lochrain, about; I Miss Goodley-Mrs. roartey doesn't "i didn't know Dunker was literary." During all this period there was 4,
oihose great romance every, one was ►•early show her age at all, does she? "Is he?" to do, and that was
alking. ,This might have been a, Miss Knox -No; it's not surprising "Yes; he has just bought out the only one throb
riumph for the bride's mother had considering all her trouble. Trilby saloon." -Chicago Record -Her- to lean on our banker—swelling they r/
he been as other mothers, but the Miss Goodiey-You mean it Is sur- said. bank overdraft.
:alined when it was too late- •that"I ; z ;
lie, had played her cards badly for prising considering all her trouble. The trial was the severest in the
er own hand, after all. Miss ling -No; I mean considering At Thirty.
. She was not disappointed in the fill the trouble she's taken to conceal it. The years pass on, and each one brings history of these Muskoka Homes, '
Its heaped up measure full of. woo �
llowanee she hoped to receive 'but '-PhiladelphL� Z' Just now he's learning all the things in which nearly 3,000 persons,
ven gentle -hearted Hilary did not He thought he knew ten years ago, stricken by the dread white plague,
Desk of any future life together. And + Harmony Club Toe. -New York ;World.
+tt have been cared for.
for a bath—no carrying
hot water upstairs."
"Pandora" Ranges can be
supplied with a hot-water
attachment if you _
haven't already got
one, and the attach-
ment does not either
take extra fuel or in-
terfcre with baldri .
ow, in too summer, Lady X,ambart, Tack -It m strange how thea e - mcr!
alihted and still pretty, is seen at hnce at the Girls' Harmony club keeps They Wanted Himprix-lee-Baine or Homburg. In the ' up these warm nights. No one mem- "He says that his employers always"winter she is atCairo or Monte Carlo, ° tegarded him as a valuable man."and, though she takes in several so- bar misses a meeting.
Myrtilla-They are afrnid to miss a "Yes; they offered a large reward 8or�cies a ors. alae invariabl cram es » y p p y pi' meeting.The absent are always him when he left, New York &e.
! them up, or throws them aside an- ;
•�'� O grief if she Comes upon a paragraph . knocked unmercifully. --Chicago News. k
•�`�, L� s+ �w•/ � � � The Bobtail Flush. ��� ' •�';�1' � •' �
concerning the social success of young i; eoc .n, tarentc,:acs:rer.l. t.'lnnt;re;, E'� _ _
-Ta back the heart that thou gaVesti
v Mrs. John Kenrith, wife of the mil- Financial Altitude. He sang as he mournfully laid
11,,��,.,JJR L'4 i Iionafre. "How tall are you, pa?" The ace of that suit on the table. �' �,� FC3R SMILE IN WIAIGH�.H BY J. G. fi'i'P4t'aRT �f� CO.
W ______ ._ .__THE END. _�_ - "Six feet Ane." vVhat he wanted was ono little epees S;1
j r ~. _ _. "That's funny. I heard Mr, Sasldti8 ""fie$' 1 .'�;.`r'.:�.-;;.
my to Mr. Harlow that you. always Onoe. l Shack Lilc at Muskoka Free Hospital for
�S A Remedyvt Without All claimed to be short." --Cleveland Pla£u .,Wily I t3idn t know that Son and Consumptives.
t tie Dealer. Higgley were bequaintances." But never for a single hour did
Equal For COUCHIS, A Holdu u "Oh, yes. He was my brother -fn -law' the doors of the Free Hospital fail
t+�i.DS, And Al! Affectionsp. for awhile once'-'-SoustonPost: .. to swing open, and give a welcome
to suffering ones without money
Of The and without price.
good news has gone forth of
He Knew,
Coulghs and Colds do not call for A, young teacher whose efforts to in a rich harvest the wide Dominion
a minute recital of symptoms as they aro culcate elementary anatomy had been over.
known to everyone, but their dangers are unusually discouraging at last asked in AND GOOD HE•4
Friends, we come to you at this
not understood so well. All the most despair; s tLrhat Dr. Chase s Nervi Food does is to
wonder if an bo here Canumber of red corpuscles in flee time, when the clouds of depression
serious affections of the throat, the lungs Lyell, I woad y y n increase the
" s blood and thereby make the blood redder and are being lifted, asking that you
and this bronchial tubes, are, in the begin- tell me what the spinal cord really is. Q, richer in the elements which build up new cells
ning, but coughs and colds. She was met by a row of blank and and ;;slues to replace those wasted Ly disease now—in the direness of dor ex -
Too much stress cannot be laid upon the irresponsive faces till finally one small '�` €rd in the process of living. tremity —help to lift the burden
admonition to all persons affected by the voice piped up in great excitement: ?� By use of this great restorative you liftyour- beingcarried--not for any personal
"The spinal cord Is what runs self from the low level of health which leaves
insidious earlier stages of throat and lung
through you. Your head sits on one you an easy prey to every ill wind that blows gain, but solely, alone, only on
disease, as failure to take hold at once will end, and you sit on the other."-Roch- for %vith thin, watery blood you catch cold behalf of suffering sisters and
cause many years of suffering, and in the ester herald. dr1j1(( catily and Bre an easy victim for consumption
end that terrible scourge of "C6nsump- ; Cisi - 4r and contagious diseases. brothers.
tion." Once Was Enough. tee -Your honey or your lift.`9 Our plea Is oil behalf of the sick
ig They met by chance,, �b W. Chase a ones. „
Dr. Wood's NOfway Pine syrlill They'd never met before.14.i���.� What will you give?
not Sold as a Cure €or Consl2 ptfon They met but once, Waiting to Fix Them, Nerve Food bo not say nay.
And ehe wad smitten sora "father Bays will you please lend
but for aftections tributary to, and that They never met again- fain your automobile?" $y the building up Process, cures anaemia, Help generously.
result in, that disease. It combines all. this Don't care to, I allow; lcepl"snen, hesdachcs, k•,d'rgestion, weakness, Help all oil Call.
They met but once- "Not today, my son; two enemies of P Y
feinting spells and alt diseases of the nerves.
lung healing virtues of the Norway pinb The auto and the coat. mine are coming to sae me, and I'm 50 cents a box, at all dealers or Edraanson, ilei" some.
tree with other absorbout, expectorant and -Detroit Tribmi& going to send them for a spin in itr Sates br Co., Toronto. help now.
soothing medioines of recognized worth, - Atlanta Constitution, Contributions may be `seat, to
and Is absolutely harmless, .prompt and Philanthropy. Mfrs. God. Cook, Welland, Orate writes: y
' " ;' in His Mi»d, W. J. GAGE, Esq., Chairman Lx -
sets. So great has boen the success of this No said the bishop of Oklahoma, "For five pears 1 suffered writ nervousness,
wonderful remedy, it is only natural that a wise and broad man who had seen sold chap, where are you going for tired feeling, headache and to
weakness ecutive •Committee, 84 Spadini
humorous poisons have tried to imitate it, much and suffered much; "I make it a your traeationl" and became greatly emaciated. My doctot Avenue, Toronto; or). S. ROSEkT-
Don't be httmbuggged into taking anything All over the country. In fact, I m Could not help me, so I began the use of me
but r' Dr. Wobds.'' Put u p" in a y6Uo\a rule to perfdrnl marriage ceremonies .,. Chase's Neave Food and six boxes made ma r. EON•, Sec. -Treasurer rational Soni»
h free. i have no desire to profit 'fly taking it now --reading summer resort ;sound and well. I now fees better than I have taxium Association, 347 Xing Street
wrapper; three pane trees t e trade marlr; older people's• tnigtakts."--x'uc West. . oro ► .. d".
» 5 coats. k+ .'`: llt� rature: `-Y'Ittsburg vas#. . _ . _. , fot too yeatq."
...ti.,.,._......�.. -._ t T foto sale
URS.1W&NNEfffft'aKE_N,NNs-%E Y
Drs®K,1113nnedy . e�.a'a
Thousands of young and middle a±ed men arc anuually swept
Owfnp to Dr. Kcr• to a premature grate through HARI V Ibti)I'a'CRL••IIONs,
gan being deceased, nxcB.Ss1 S AND BLOOD DIas;`ASI~S, If you bare any of the
Dr. J. D. Kennedy, following symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you
Medical Director, nervous and Weak, despondent acrd glonanv, specLs before the
haaassoclatedwith eyes, with dar'kcircles under them,weakback, k5rineys;rrita.
him Dr. I{ennedyJr. bte, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and louses, sedi•.
who has been with intcntia urine, pimples ca the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks
the firm for several careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
years, so hereafter energy and strength, tired mornings. restless niGhts, ehau(;e.
bus{nese will con- able moods, ,beak manhood, premature decry, l otic rams, hair
ducted under the loose, sore throat etc,
name of
d KENNEDY pre the a,,.,st
prevalent and most serous tliseasts. They sap the very life
blood of the victim, and unirss entirely eradicated from the
system may affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It Only Suppresses the
symptoms—OUR NAW MUTE= cures them.
NEW METHOb TREtL1 h1ENT alone can cure sou, and Bankes
man of you, Under its influcuce the brain becomes active, the blood purified so first a21
pimples, b�ct
ches, and Ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as stee , so tl
vausnesa, bhfutncss and dcspondeney banish, the eVe becomes n", 'g
gift, the face Rall and
clear, enereturns to the body, and the marnl, pllysiral, and vital syatemsor
orated; nsease—nomotal stt from the systemDont let qurob you of ur hard earned dollars. Wo ,Viii cur. you or ao Pay.
y�q N e (natter who Sias trrated yon, write for nn honest apinkm Vree
Lei of Chatge, l3ooKS FRUItL`•TheGoldenNouitor" (itlu;trated)
Question List for Homs Treatment Sont on inquest,
na6 200"NE &KEN"MY
1N Dy re -
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Briswoid St, � DETROIT, MIM