HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-25, Page 294, 1 1 16 OWN I am glad to know lie is alive and JUST HOW WE TAK9 COLD# 200 cells, two colle4pe, three chap r well So Nvill You be. Shali you write houees, three libraries, and nearly JLtod Galveston 'Wowass Us! to him 8,0W otler roonw Near -8.1 .6%Vell, I don't know," answered the Late 4ossip &,I*&" of Her Own 00urago. LOVE Md, carelessly crumpling up tire One resoon wtiy female physicians An &14uming incident, sontewlint on S ENDURINO FLARE newsluLper and Mumwing it oil Mad This, TWnk ib Ovor and Pass; --Of tho ord gr of the story of the ignorant I at" 00 plentiful in Rummia, lit ti.at the 0 to fire. NI i -N Williams made country Includes among its iti).abit- man w io striked a match In a lww- it faint movement to snatch it out, it 104 dor ma;:izi1je, Puny + —0 R— Round World. anto over 12,000 .1ifohnnimedans, who J#3 told by a Leading PO - then disguised the gesture In some Cioty VGXnall Of ("'Alveston. Tex, The way, and silently watched it burn. "I do not, allovi male phW%iclaw to txeat lady Aam bravo, although Pilo w" don't quite we the use of writing. He's AVOID FATIOUBAN.D ANXWY-1 women. not av tire of her own courage. It 9.k ehi"Idren i it family man now, anti uiust have for- In, order t6 test the loyalty of auto Tl* most fashi(.,alable street Of Beriiii, l�eejnlj -,bgLt she, in comptiny with "ev- The Romance of a Governess. gotten all about lilis old fripuds. Don't " une of U)Y patiebuill could not un- to each other, Sir John. Lubbock once oral ol her Indim, calle(i ollk a mutual you think so?" alerstiand why- he took sucti u'aievere the famous Uuter dou Linden, in vald friend, who hax it bright little 6 -year- Who would prescribe only -or, w2w 10 especial- made fifty .)f them drunk and in - "Perhaps; only lie was not the, sort ould" auid a duct to be now the best lighted thortiugh- old, wliom 0ito %visited to '%how Off pto capable, am then drew the atten- lefore tier visitors. The precocious lad tonics and bitters for a weak. 6 6 0 1 of person easily to forget. ly familiar with. tiquatS and luuwdp fare In the world- It lins three littes of "is t"41 Was 80 care of lxAor 4 Id grannie, a*% ours was. She could not defend him now; she . wil Post ti.on. of twenty-five sober ones to their electric arc laml.*, which are separated itax It Wilting :toward elocution, and puny child? Its muscles and 0 could sl III a talk w0h. a Was-Idug condition. The twenty-five buckled ' film fond niallim,.1 lost no tim" in ap- 4 10"St, the wrelich Of partiag from We thought It tao ciM. after she wan *ak of him, anti did speak writer. to it -and'camled the fifty home to by two rows of lime trees. werm In nerves arc so tborouthly ex. prising hor callorm of his P0 r focr �.W!Callky: I" gifle mK) cruel, that after it (16ad, y"u kROw-" iey, of course., naked t*r more than once afterward, when Da- lie daij lie has,, ample warLA cloth- vid referred to thp matter. And M"kiiitosh, umt*elltt anxi rub- b0d* that 0rectiou. T1, hausted that they cannot be Thus the boy chattemi (wi—his work, and he 91 -Vim Wllli&nls l"d It sharp, Illness, the didn't whipped into activity. The .att 114vt Fllortene<l with ,is in_ then the lad quitted Drighton for Ox- berm and. VuLt his OxWsur& to lie, Lr soine Of him or* f"I Peritnis illnem of lier life. She ford, and sho wai; left In her Old t Flogging wo become so indispen- WOMEN AND WEAK la,3gall reciting that characteristAc cTeaodng Inclies—aiad every kilo word lonellnew. compare with. many 116 had UUdqirJ;01ie wsla that some Inventor %kote it, quietly and Aalik (kown 4km-p bi Ida cid govertless, an4i froni, wide.h. he miffered �uo ill. otru=l*d IttirtmCli sable I n R I of James Whitcomb Riley'lli child needs food - a blood- 41 owltitl#,d, ­Seeln' Tbizw.'o ...... loart. A lonelinew which I will not slwak w1wil i qt"I'Mulled ikint, tie, te- liati perfect4! ' a machine which saven making,, nerve-strenjohetung 0. 3 us lit,"m10. In Oirje 4 thomie excelient *1 Gov- bt as the boy reached tile linep She lierakelf never relerred to 4 Ttiett. it N%�� tinly her whota Rol,,ert Of- uiumberod .13Lat he w*s Very juwIi the liumanrarin the infamous labor I,m n( ernt*0es* HMjjev,** where everyb(xly Roy ,ad f4lwowl. Ile had written to that time. . After It, she roused her.�elf NERVESS roadly g, _)t afeered of rato an' and muscic�building food. fatigued the lawttime, 'That was the of blowg. the flagellation of mioe I�w thingm 'at girls W tikeered of." I waA YPrY kind to her—some more than NO tx)yo pimwhably would Uave gone (41 to begin her life anew In a freali home. secret of it. It re(j" Very little machine taites and arrearti are to be- T SCott'S EMU1 too work hard, not only for (tally bread one to take wid when come opeedily collected. an wormous jet dartwi across the kl1w, affectionatt-.. It %%-Its strange, writing had they anowerod his letter. but for that humble, independence Vxpostire lot- mmm toward it convenient hole. Tht, Sion 4iw 4*11 th011ight, lv!.at an end,ess He was nottlier faithlea,4 itior forgetful. which ighe was determined to winbe- he, is woary or anxious or qepressed. :k who ladies, except tile (HIM IlhOut wil"m lVith an Inge-luity that might have Tlw condition ofthe nervous system At Bellows Pan", Vt., a mai this -,itory is told. wrealued, Jumped o dark hour when the inoAt Lives of Misery and their Of &Iftvtitxi foll!"ved tier lyn)ugllt t4, -Iny lkMetier a smile or a fi" more to do with it than th(" cOn- wa-s digglag a trench for celery In on cl aim -ind tables. gRthered all of this, helpful twcome helpless, anti the nicmt t of Cod -Liver 0 41 wherever alie weut. slw. wms i)y to tear. MI -o Williaims lvd tile, dtmver-aa- independent are driven to fall apite- dition. of tlwatnj")here'- tits cellar �rasi bWled by tl* cavitig mkirt.- around them :111tJ made every ill . W I c in #4 uWaud one at t ,.we wo-mut- L�% tion round again till rile,could easily ry- mimple. erybody inter- and you sti n tont . V0, Affliction. I .11 wt,t) ous 1wrtion into the charitable hands ".The. expWultiQu iS ie in of the Adellax wall, and remained offorl to convince c% &I"It tile worA uwanIng that no- &A nure conceraing that one letter; The power to m_d�t diseases of this ev;ted that they had no desire U) form the hypophosilk: of li nX b0dY �-)vtl" thent. Ever)bxxly lo%e..i but David tenivniLerett little or 'I$)- of frlf%n& or 8trangerw---a thing to tier murtar anti the iiequaintance of the rodent. The so terriblo that to save herself from kkll#t depends oil the tetulieraturO of uuKlw the pile of stones, hOr. 410d she knew it -everytiody 01119, except that it was dated from the. body. you -wil kjoulletinies - stop a dirt sever,,�l hours before lie - was other lady, who, by tile way, is near- and soda to act with the food. whow love wa& w#.,krth haviug-ei- Slaulglial fcr lik. tm)itliery had he4 it the pom1hility of It, sho, who had never and found. Ah;liough 74 years old, lie did mightod. Plat quietly In her rocker with (k pon LNW, cold --whort, br licit drinks, not . suffer,,' exllerl- For thin and delicate children CV't Itubert litoy. fia-�cusslon whether Shanghai WI'LA In leaned u any body, never had any- getting 'our -back w4frui.. ..The tem- greatly from ]its Marvellous Case in Manitoba. a sulle of appreciation on her face. 4� Y, i '4till lwr tuiml never ehanged. not Chlua 4 r Japati. Then, ixvy-like, they bod.* to loan on, became her one M. there is no remedy supenor niost morblo desire. peratwe pf the body',-Vt -maintained Once. Who t the exciWment had subosided she It much to tho mystificat AL even when. in the weaknevs of illnew calmW romarked that it was " very to it in the world. It means is, had fvrgotteyj tile wt)olv, matter. She had no (tread of a solitaxy [d. uy ilie nervouA-#;ystem, and. the least WhAagh industry, (or the mak- ion of Lb,fre u-mliti s_-tl�tue v&g1le dre4luo 4 "Yea. toy thlo time everyix dy has I' o V- The s) 90061 c' holden ao, but an old age be to troubkk' with tho nerve centres ION growth, strengthp piumpness that I*acrful rectory, witli its quiet gotten. him." thought Fortune to lie elthi�r public or privitte charity was elw tile, temperature and- invites it -1119 Ot 1314okthorn sticke, it; becoming poVeS her oompartionx. It developed thtt she r0(Xtw at -rd green, gartlen:' of the gett- *elf, when, Ttavi!tg IAWeni David gmd- fact'that 'quite pr(operous in Ireland. 11appilY Paine's Celerly Compound P thought that tho smilll lX)y had and comfort to them. Be sure to her Intolerable; and #the had' now- cold, -, It, is an interesting by at her dx)r wul atranged to uleet ixtily temperature is wholly In- thruwn a " r -it on the floor, and 'Me. kijully hearted (ANier, and the few years left her to work In—a Rov- tile _b, the ishillelilghis are not now intendod you get SCDTT"S ]Emulsion* av�- him again—he wzv-4 t1a a v4lt at'Brigil- ernew's life wearg women out vt%ry- dependent of ouWi de conditions. It thal hL% mother tind tho ot4wr callers I I . the daym of Donnybrook fair werw� "sisting to make the 1wrform- "i un- tw,L,) ipving girls whonk -Alir t4xiW It at. Oxford --its In a Wondpous I , I niadP do happy. -and perhalo won I U111 t,eft-re niatrlcutaiing� fast. ho determined to -begin to Is a littic'more tluut 98 degrees at — I ard all druiWsft. hAPPUrietw Lervelf in t-lio, doing tA it. A HeXt tt'rin he wit d �,wd In ber (,)Wll' for cracking skulls. Tito Duke of anct ronlitatle. Nevertheless, she is dwalw In ft dM , xvftl ip in 1 1 i ldd� rPA I feel - work -again Immediately, laying hynol Lhe.'equator. and at the xro�tll Pole, York returnetl from ireltuxt with m%&f.rdod Its quite a heroine by li(-r 15,COTT & ROWNIF.. Chenu*ib, I t,-,.nttuj. 4111 It jrft�%L 101FI., Wu JV . all 11-veild nrd-h"'rr moe-11 an ppsalble yearly againt the it Protessorr Andre . happens to De of them -�o present to Iiiis friends. frieittD, aniong whoni the Pt6ry., ()f WORM t4ay.­ thought sile. wit1l It �Itl daya when she could work no mbre: 'Lliere. - 'This' in beoaoW the ;tleryou-4 Mlss.Parr Says: smile -, - lwrLtaps rather worse. Per- heart itse'If over ltiln,� her Old IcAmtup. ham )"-it circulated. halft V aut acting nothi!Ig nwre, cotwulted 31im 1faclaeWn. who was rctultates it. goll craze has reacked China. Felt New i in tivroswittir a%vy m chance 49 doipg a te-wicity 4 f tel.tvrim 't -A !;Uent ..nx*tt kind; an(] thon smight. and wam wat0iful tutre, the tenxl)erat;ure of foreigil I mining . e iAtter the First Dose I JOIN BA14DS BEC4. Bit t I cart imot twip it-; I 4 -mi )nxt about -going to. 'another altua- btx1y woult! Tiou with every wub- xpert. in tht, em- HopiB and New Life Coming. Isradstrett u on Trade in t;&t a&" 11.4i tion, with the higbivit, - Ralary , Aie cular movement., 'and -would rise or Ploy Of Q-11ung Chang, Iias made a In'Tellins of tile Curing Powers of Dr. slwitig trit4k, Ift ownilig It, the no% twip, it.- Frkmi vLat tIay,,tkvugl1 t -;-he hat] yet earnel, ' when an utterly rall- with -the outside te t4g' the effect that the Pree- 'a Cure for the Heart. putuillioll of cajuida. Montreal re - 80.0w kept to, her rwAttticwt, writ- det4 rminttti henceft,rward to GeL% mpemture. report Agnew ki ut1k4xIxVted ekange altered every iWI 'I 4k1jytjlI,jg in wrong with Mid ious meW-', to a bonanza dcgre,,%, can rdem satdnc4Vxrv, Ing 00 hadprotu- 30 tnue," as Could 44 voting Da im V, Thonlaim, (if Stanley lit lwrta d17 900- 10 0 good6i 4 f - nsyKtu In the Jeho jegion and in but failurew (A retail dr -s Palziet. a4he never 4glep 61)K;ie 141 111111 -in It does [lot perfOrin be found,_ lu -a clock Manchurlo, as I a wonder 130m. Gromr1ex iwqfto wr1te to her tx*-w forsakon far am tile cilitiese er- Nervous Prostratin, Aental Depres- VJr4ston, writAw. " Dr. Agnpw'm ure CHA.PTEU IV. Its work $is it 0iould, . Just da have 191r,d. witllo4lt dayizkg la 4!4.1 , ililig abot - it keel) good.thne wherl . any!�_ ri toory 0 the Amur River. for tilo Heart fuw provo( an eat and mWir Wnd U illntvs ano g 1;ester, Still. tO have tl treao *at; t lie door, and Bioji, and a gr ren ho'fi wzzio'a thing 'is %%'ong wit), itis Ifisides. No fill vaodicitu- in my cluw­ I w -t , 1L V ;d r I it ti mider- ati a link With UkMb WitliUJIUS, With her AMU11AUgglige Excruciating Sufferingg sufferer from heart troulAe. I found facilWm entxig . t tr.e paot,. t .. t4%lk t-, him- his I anjoutit of wurm clothing will entire- Not long ago attetioll %�as cal!e,i Itli ImIlder anti have 1wint and oils artArrd-atAive denjoilld, tak a neir hu4tin- would kil-fK0 Illinuted h4vo # it a great lien ruttuN., w1in thv rollow!pd* bt. the g ly otnpe[Lmnte for th,disturban'ceof in Londc�n W tho 1)01)ulatrity among are BaDished,, (,00(1 roatlk have 4-nl:ir1v%i mceipto, of Y d1iloping awa3 ­44vuxli. %vith:' aye; kX)d wl"lles bf all Vie rocived great benefit. My wife also gritill nt IN)ront4j. timl the export do - i one u1 all ath sd used the Ileart Cure and r4m I tear her gt*Rl t*a'arie,4 n4l mall -tit ts, tife nerve ntres by work. carrio I so. . lgli V, hm'sellolid, ' from Mia by,. tipplers of certain so-called tem- nti is i-pportM IA-tter. ActiVity its � not Poo isald 11441 ell raz as to bring.on wearnip'ss, or nut 01W W r. and lii%d ix� --Ivesonjo a reial oluo&itt ;,AtfA1 it stead of Whool. to hrer, uo* Atuatiou, wit anxiety, frl' .13 on. Witen it perance beveragm an analysis eqilally as strong t4mitimony of Athe be"n to,- 'ay !tp for kxiely.0'4 ftgv-� the pootniall -paxwd 2111ti left 14 let- gilt, and I they rece_lved." I t re- Or' F-l"Odike of otfit r; t )4 lie was wit ell showed that PA IN E'S CUERY COMPOUhD u-ta&-rful benefit 611P111111 t�ra4jk-. -she accepted thi,4 temporary �!'wmo Wr for her. nwn _4 &-presse.l.in spirit 6r fatlgued,� Of aat 11righttAl 4o 1'eat I will put It lit iny p6vkk and read- lie shouki b� most careful.about 'ex- colitllieJ . more alcollol, than lltvex in. 30 minutes. portftl froin Eng- "Onw. -are beillg im t (;er1l1.-V1 ediloat1k)II, left Illany iitraight' Ou t THE GREAT LIFE BUILDER 4- le-itiker 6 twing (-I- WAV it—S411 Stlenli4v 'Art, flle�-Iwider: .1 L-li fitv was all it. in the trillu," slip a a mving 111111*41 to bad �weatlier. black ly)ttles- The Massachtisetts Polish for Mahogany. Kid roatiq i r,.' Ei;gl aid, with . . I I " It 6- itfilk *nei'vouK origin or cold -i Imm-wi to t1wit coutitry. clirm,mo guitit, atw. �T't, '-;' 19 1' t ang" of golor. - 'For she. Board ol Health has recently made a AND VITALIZER. S=ape ain ounoe of beepwax into a I , -ill I � ell. life—%Va�4 it 1,* F- Wle 111,111 f4ol"1141.1 aifectlollate. recogntzed the. handwriting of that ti -4t AccolintA f(W tile shockijig ehisek tnuie in t1w m!tritinif- lwovin- lilisAlievism- days dentifw.w with Wtich . r6hust nien. In -,Imilar "dIscovery concerning tolld-% I" or bamin; tilon add aR mue-h 8PLr- fws ttert- is mther slow. i"I tl;e Cod latly,-,4 6.11e, j�% r' . t- ts'� t0',40r11LKf1 itard. g(U-)d nuin who. liad loved her. and I - Ll bittprs, particularly t1tow recoin- (W will molgtoa it t1xv"Willy. At (ww I"" '"w'" a. tkillg to , apparell.t W)d I"Ith, hre attack -Al. all 9, 11 part rana-dinn fnlltivv-�, for last week titim- It br to Ilia old W hom - she � could liot ve Ag "temperance drinks, in Wells l0cluirdson Co. -.Ile game time powder aii eight it, tier 11. agaitimt 42 tire jorevitous #4-k, th4t t;!*. -ittle v1piis were wvrk. fit attile, now. . '-N-p time like wid earr"ll off *- Ity iReitnif.inla. Ill. mended t %V4 t , Y 'tll&t- 3. Better read it which �te percentage or.alcollol was Ir all ounce of reffin and add to %16,ikt, a'k ClltlJtk4U-A1il tDear Sirai,-For several years I have 4 in tim scinjo farly.,every caLse, if wo ofmild tnow 'kid In r for a. shokild, (ind an ulifftv-. fimiid vary fr%= 18.2 to 41.6. had weak nerves and was gradually jjIgw)lveqi. to tile consistency 0 wvek It yefir Ajzvs nd 70 In tk#- cor- at thv 4 r -ti -I y, 84yul- lull. The nervcrux. 'last March I was k4aKe, " much Indian red as will bring iwan kA)oa as, jibe rable Sithte.4 milt4l. running down, and ding Viintodiatt t lie wid e,11411gh, V) ism Wiltiams,did mo� As -- are'ni6reofteii tl.* AccoMing, to -a well-known hvien- -ous debility. M t to a deep wagollany Polor. Stir "*4)0n dr� iv 4. ag fairly started and alone in , the Prostrated with, ners Y hnnk ly guide. 'rulin V 0tv errwit'' of -pneumonla -than any othet t in the well and Utien use. -jek t., L, Isit, the dusting of rooms is perilous excruciating q41,nA3-35 IN -i- P.-Ilt. U11411 n v%aA Ilk# h� .4 1 fly, opelled It, With llands #light- aufferings- were n., ec' t' V4 -.,kr irm of I *r rou 1*,. to - io. it as m, w fancy ly.�reiijhiiiig. or Ae was touched by ise our r1iniate 14 so to th �members of the houseliold in extreme; I really-thuught there never far a lxr*..%% %ury .;f 14W. tt 11lade 'kca- 1 $100 Reward. $100. glitt;-r the' iieri4stence of tile good rector, worse, 11t.1t I se we are Im that I ressiou ant Audilen rift arld. It Xq llnj�mte in ixtr work. dimeminates diseased germs. was another who sufferal quite as the 6 a h ue&.4 to her, it poor which 'have a decided affinity for c"an. T:141 Tivry Itit (of the never forgotten 4tid 11 - f it ful much witil 1W)ktal del) I Thi., readern of Uilb Imper will ISO ip , f t Ir, It! tl. I r -119h When he-inight, have alar- t t 1.k L-4 rOe pleaped to lea tlw Lp L h+4 youth. JirrW_ftl.Mk*t a.,. (lust rxtrticles, and adhere clowly to weak nerve& ThIh laste�l itbout tb' rn that them, 111 at J$.l ree 11 O'L TjV;64l1Y—(A ailtl 411111,1 lltl6w ca.ukie.. iw aell't ci.eatarrh bAXk -At; o. they. sald in IjL-4 neighborhood, months, and- 1, was taking doctors' tejwt (xie dreadful diseame that sciftl0e lioar Sirp;,-I Iif-efll ft CrOl't I far off iw heaveti,iteelf., them. 11ousehold furniture should bc U4 Ue'l tA a me I I* t r* r u -h, he dust be- medicine continually, but, was get- lippi been able to cure in all ltr, mtngvs. f ind 'IY tiny bod."- Ile would never marry_ wipe4l -With a soft clot P4"r friom rheuniatLo. %LV 04%,%te*n#s_ gt-wyally. ovit-re-mi!, wvid' lievc!r 1+0ke to I)-'- . 1_ res-ilt . i1i ni better. nd that im Catarrh. 11ali'm ('atarrh 314 I*Xiy now -he w1w (lying. Ing earpru4 retained In It,; folds. Ong wOr-He I itea I Of Ifine4l too a out- '.%Ir 'nk, h . a � eheerf it I - r havo town c4" illtfodke but IvAt Iwf;v(1nttvP ls� dis- l'ture ig tjle 'Ouly lmmitive cure ii iw *-h- afre come to feel h6w wrong I T1 or cloths, should be Por- One day, while feeling quite Thave hati all t liat Vie d timl ishe .16-. eaftivatad� It The cloth Ij. IME T advow-, t wi- ined tA) I -,-e r 'for wa#." he wrote, ­ in ever trying to 014gh ly boiled dally. couraged and wonering If I wam ever valown to tile llied"I fraternity. y(mr 'MINARDOS CcAukl uhngi3vur happy relationn together. %%ithill ei "iftnsow wer to get out of my dreadful tate, a 'atarrh lle-Ing a conm4itutioua! dis- tij"d. I triM it inimealmt.- re- hitirs., 0111Y t(k nmhe W b4--clicerfal-ar cons itmal t -Wmrntion to titut r I 1ATe 'Irt�qj—: !..IV,! I Vrql I have surfored for this --too have vv e A rdtugo but on -tile Zagapitze, 0P dear friend w0d 14o me, " I wish you tiast, requireN IJ4.r. 1 noscrilep my ri 't*) look.on tie 11all's Catarrh eure is taken very all.. Batr It iA now too'late for regret. y, 41 t!.,e P 4q. a 4. AnI.Y tit, 44,le of everything. will ljjgbes� mountain - In Germany (10,- would tr-Y P' Ille'S Celery COMPOutld." otile wond&-rful I Iv how Ilitleh WXXI tho rwa-%Vfta� fit My thuo has come. N not grieve your- As I had Intended to try, it, I acted gl1prijally, acting directly uPoll it to ttip TT4".Man 'Ove'. Itol 1.1% U�l . it fit S VP -Ij, In very iiofteii 0M_ bkxxi anil njue(mai murfacPs (if tit Y mf I n't 80 It; %vg -4 ; but.110%. #-I- 4 lid rot), near carmiwh, in tll(- cell- �d 1:,vt g;tl upol but A*!* P,` . el ( by Ituagining It has * come the i her advice, and Aarted using it JOY. 9 t1Y'-t1L tho wtay r"t-Apple tijought. The 0 4.1 1046 highland^. I I JAwim tit Rut14-r .tT 1J* v for. tiv, tro oV, thr� Bavarian -�t:' * Wr -through any dt tl ke very same tiny, anti from tilt. teni, ttemby dfttroying the f0l"Ida And ts ha4l V alf -ci*lon of yourit, G rat_ wid giving tllf- 10:1- twon, I - sib' Awn, I' r III nod. It stands on tile tion of t1w diseaiw. of ber life, ai kt tUqngTr A; krww all S, by �00w; itievitablo dL-x tit 61v nd ltllxi.! first. tlose. -1 felt now. hope and new SM. tot tile east anul weNt peaks, tient @trr*wtlk by 1),1114111W I'll the Min- MUI(Jers it n.lgllt CIA Up% do -tares have only latly AtIsCovee- -bot life coming. I continued using it. anti dations f- stittitlimi mn4l iskistit n tim, in I -Jul ntwo do r!14 i -it a -4t. _-Nothing 'could haviD saved tne. forda ficcommo am %till takirw it onev in a itl t1lat 11 t�-r, a -grent. 11 reveted at it (to -it Tile proprietAorw Itave raturr itlAflvd ithat thereAg no cause *guw*-, and has twe 9, r V% Tor ivrays asking flods blemAng ott eael; 1 tW &ad by f!e ,I hr f4X11,­ 6til-1 lit, of $11,000. notich faith in its curai6p yK);lrers. town draw -i , lit "hor i4pal 44 c4pi-IJ I not -.tllle you. to'.. g1v6 - yourself one 1110ment'd bottle. I tun very inuch improved Oro W*Iek Ckof 11re ttat titoy offer one flundrod I)ollani ti (Ilow 61w sobbed over thtwe ti woode hf-r N;inl; -.I n, % Y F Nor- '14 1 eanitiot may too umph in favor .P Clu 9 it g. -r a churehea o! for any case that it faits to ctirp !kevimi VrLA4%sor Gulk 11bim ide-0. S- vi,r� L-Ijky llui%6, n4ore even'than ov _700. L. tof ttx- medlelulD, and would rpeommend ever -h. r4WO in fr6nii . Vie tllp" G r.41 te" ah4l r# �41ro fully Ye for 16-t Of Teivtim(xfl&l&- fears of a "coalW-hu Bnglawi." in a si*t had way ; It. no cli,ig t4.o 4ie nifelf1i"ry.. ur- litis Which - -4110 ars Od and. are i t to till miffvflng from nerrous prow - t f * A41dresh. thi r of!w* recent lecture lit Cardiff. tatiql. 'hi still to an excellent state of preAerva- ttatioll :k,141 111ental tiepteg*don. Ttlje4is). 1). 41ar dead ti. irNT n -til that sunstiiny worning azls -inaining In tbP South two, weaied to carry ,,ill the nw. to 1114y IlItInt (11 tile eoni yet ri Renieml*r -holipy horrA: Their 16m!*ft havc succossfully YourN faithfully, 11roirg6dii. Tlpe. Wait% coulf iel(U t '11,663,0X1,000 tons. lilt !ajv it at ih�ht 1:Avo many r -tv Ic- Wtt!) a u!- "i4l nly that you nuitkt ine very litII4.)Y, almmit airctle L. Fl. Parr. (41-YA6111 City. M1111i be imflent wait Kilih. (,f -a. I-?rtd6qm'Xqitlou to rtwLj $#d t he f muty. And I Ip. I I 1411m are the best. e4lough, at t1lWljrt';;nt rate (it memberett all. 1'.(stwri PLly'.. —wor, an4l rill niake 111) 'willt*1s, becam4e they have been re- �000,(Joo tom :,julually, to laoit for .j20 tell It my .. t#) hh4 rare IM -W d a nmu e tx�al4dly coated 'with- tar. Norway HOPE ]POR CONBUKPTIVSB. and, 'i,! Ivalt, thvir _ . . Queer Baromoter in Nng ears. Mu%tl-,- her eyes 4, 0 %V!' at si:41. n1i it ati the tuears: v g e e; i n W ealf, love; is I sluill tove'You td) 1le mi - o I lot. luillatiolk It. pinei'thun treated seem% W IxWt re bave Aidge4l i,-evOr, ly, had it t - I i. 1'. 0J, which Cali not be ve'ry far off I " t4b , Investigaticna BOWS quiour purmed Ono of the ni(st curioup titAineA lit tli 4)w- il�iy. . it !nintainod that if Minard'g 1inimelit tl,�r 'rw*t il Iterit rer to an-ther peroan"!_ltia t CA -11T' I- .. ni�%% Would you '1141kie coming to see 1,11 1 1 - at a Parls Medical GoH*&*. world I.% found in England. It is a nat- of dallylirl(it,6, aak! threw I ilY/Ah!e"attit3X1e.t1la't i -s -el I Ar- eter. and actually ftwetallis plal:led. ard W*A-o-rt1qi of m** Juht "fice-'agaill 9. Nly' girls,will �be ural harom .1 ,x,r down Llier door,where Ift" of apy lie wfil Igerta lia& a port health of- highly ex- Only three kiww the hemelf. rt n -am tliterly lirce4 n il %4) Very ituportant therepeutic probablo cluLnges it, the weather. It glad, nd nobtxly will retntirk -really' cxp(lwrleince that.-Ornotion. -At tive, I �vtce at the ge iwiriment ita.,% been progre.,witig hi- word of the Tower of Losk,hxi, and f1Wr.:i4tIl I In ac ae turns black %Iv)rtly ft Pre ai I wttll all fthe had ever knil" It y n it. - for nobotly kno*9. anything. Be,- yeam 'flim,name is Tremou+ during the juitit few inouth* 'Mayor pal*-r.�nj -iother It Lql� wet. it ld trve that -if (Xie jr-Its hil - ll-, len LU machIng rain. while In fine weather they are, the Quen, the Uw,l routfl-thinjr In- it itkw. what dl:ttter? -4 am dyi,lli- attitutle of eneerfill. the iAlic.0 Institutu., rue L it in m4-ttled with gp(Als of white Und the C;on^tahk,. Thiars linsawor In cl.otae. if yo�i cam 11" a'week - or eIle, was born, In ITTI, was IeM it. 11,4 an we leaV0 II t i. , T. - -,tijti .. -e,4 to IK,.- elicerfifl, wnt to tht- Lord M�tyor quarterly, a moUry L;i heave% and tile �kt will - tnt*-rc*t you, and—*, item, sinipir rt 6h We. Paris. From the results already -4). tlifty tell we I ruay lst , thus,' alinfle4f any -dogroe *ture,4 by Oran pirates In 1789 and lriw 01,tainixt it 6cwtus Mutt tuberculcm , 4 Agn*%I by Ifer i, merely canyint. ur.dpr.-t t1d 116 horzie gal,loj") loff with the', un- A941 I writ, t6con's-ult-with you. Of lklit", r4 lef t the town since. He married ANA TALKS. -ir 11 of An old 1-ustom. itence unit supljct41%'g - It t lt:is the 114'st prophy- noi ttackemi vIgtwxW-.y by a --ratkaiiil the saim chibirep'-Thererore vivi4v _lai�-tle 111'4111� %%4W141 tit 66 cliperbil.' an Arab woman, but, according to thf- tmattimvi-it Is abWt to capitulatv, Tells What Dr, Agnew s C)atArrhal Pow- Sbe u- all -onnethig con�#,min hL.4 f a.fii i I lfhve4f hi:11. that %V. ha readopt- der Did for HiM and His Wife Truly )If- plit III&, po�ket W M metmes ovett yet a". 0 th t wit, eod-byp now, only gool- 1, veii. titti i-irtilp!it 1-arti-ria ean- Lon4on Morning itx, In Wientifle elm -los t1w 11e i I, 11glit, 11141 66ki blOOR YOU." %%"rk fitt:illy -in a merr.v as' -ed liuropean costime, and In spite of In a coiilparatiV4� a Friend to the - Profession. Of dea�patr. strIptchinle But it w:Lj. goo&hye, af4kr all. It as quite nn elegant growing tluLt can Imt 1woclaini Dr. Aguow'sil hind her. ra a wi'41 it, pe. Ia. 14he !;a-1 alkn4vit, 'forgotten it, [his roat age fti,ort time t1w. Wrrible nuilady It Catarrha e Though hhe did tiot wait, tile, Week: T1,41 Frvitelt 44wtord have a p4rance." Im, eradicated. At all it- is I Poieder wonderful niedl- full of that. emiric,ti-11, tNt *.lie xl;l hiet M. , .. ro and pul�_ aille W;110.41- for n6thing. con- eml t1lat 1*, iue- cine, particularly for s1W again W�Mew!?4p y I�Ielwant. a nj Iny peaCP *A) -tiffemr nothing, except. her giatittille C4*sfWly-tre..it4A le�v -to . oisic. Thf- kied I e rg " ypti�tn JM6 anl tftlwr Pumptives in the first nd meond e lie qiottkers, or thaw who have a ten- dPlict)ua ni, ir i n h -r- lire, alitl whii"li the'sdunif R tk-iicy to o4ore throat, honrvvn~, t4wa- tA rua-ft—tho only milli Who iw right'Eister- g!vt cato lk� reisUprM to Itealth. Wn*ve sifts- r ii,f*lk- hi-rw-ir t.) tak h r .4)f k;0 oftell �_.ring4 to peaceful t1s, cehave been Und--r'11111gliGh mail Me iS Ili liti% and catarrh. SftTLERS' TRAII ItUd loved- her—aful her viffuction for, -Am that, ablarilig Myowif and %v Ifttle zir!, d,wn t - t.,,- livach, a41 sa t heart@4, 'who li4v,(. ho *dl.-;lIke to i t... I ' I -(-()I $rjent the thrifty cuperinteildents I )ww in ildithing myntoprimis about 641 % or. w.,Te . tl*y playi"d the flitmoton.,v, 110 dre-141 Q1 how, Solemn th-i� two, girlq,�'whn wi*ld oon be 1,11-1 aP - P ill- Lim- methoti now employir,41. It it.4)[11441% it re. both subjPets or catarrh and Wn- Will 14,rouiu ti.00 Irt V- . tcl of 'i4jodm., �111 -Ila*18 &U.,3,wed cT encouraged th 14ilitita. Welinvp triednioat everything, and A11K11 w,wA wud slgil%rA 4_.f the -dea t, lit. thoughtc. fit infilItcW, tkno 11114-eier- fatherk,-*i; thouxil slw� went P- 0%,trythilli, fit' tilt. purely or tlw himultaneous aplAka- DAX aturing MAW'H Brighton i4) My w.311 IN: nia*w W devote themBelves W 001- (of throe mi-th(mis well kitowit top I)ut linve nPrer found anything U,) #)ff er%1 tAo t -trio ly I Ack that olle 'nity, fitpA wi I ti-ath X1141 Jove, whi.-h I '71ep a, % and 'I efomitig7'and "iVed wiVill nA.00*111t o,)f IN, theory of m"ufactare -of b(tu antiquities equ-A thitt great remedy. For guiek cc uld aft. lgt which I i%v4'1ltY­ .. it-rkaoit' 1__ tta fliedleal faclilty,.thf. individill I Avid] rem Vie Y -9 4, fitilj_-�-Xfip CaMtl- too In W1. attributed by teWto Mvellers. t*yrlomly e110U9tL It tion it truly ii#t a wouder worknr. t: ie a li-t think LmAhp wliv, totne 1*4il t�d ::Ir,d herth+- fami Ia r so e lour htmr society rl(,SuIU of w1iieh linve An-ady Ito 1knd the - , 11 - le ciao 1-i Mt1oh Autlquarian MANITOBA hllorror ocratc-14 - ha T..We� as, agid'hill 01,14 1 (�f ­ %,Vlwll 81W reachr41 tile V1111xv -sI h -Illd tisfactory. Thew im-thirlills are 1,yr- I cou*dn't tie wltliout It by me, and I :tt ��a eri '%V call.4 attentitm to t It to mY -in) wippi, "ll jrod-kitig., subeutitno)-, -, 'inj continually rocommendli kwu UTtrtAke 1wr c, t e 0o I t� wntinuarice. a (over; 'few y4rds* froni-i his -gar- It', 'ib %var.s sinee NJ. against It brother profemionalic" l. Eniniett CANAUIAN NORTHWEST 1 --rt ' ft' -Y. 3 Y ling A*4)411..�IKAi�' It ink-etimis Of- serum of n* r 1pit- 1 6 awn. 410:t1l'. h*fibre I- ',;tb,l -k)wiL, wero liltseit fler wall. in t1* oI -itt Fmtell. 207 FAmt 101pt Atreet, Ne w 11asselagel'b tf-44%elling %I 16hoill. li%e Ktoe& I I �Ir 1 00 it %% - the addktimi of it statie 4- 4 c- ya M Ii. requirod'!, Ilai -1., t4) make'the MAS r� f 1. 30 p.21%. som days WRIA 11*0 !W1W mitt 41#--: 11ced. 11') ';vj;lj .7111. 1 lt'1llf� I liale. tree, th4 old KeXton pr(i or . fto trk,- bat h. York My. should je&% ru lit) liridAl veil C4 t1 e -er forty r rt -opening. aftkr frmrV en yea", Igijorhh( 40 Ifir relatkaw -of r' :ral I 11rine Margaret of and mu_.!trj�f- (ov ht -r -yo4iung day. etyulit haV41 lie ki - . . Tim- atitiwlitic power to( formic ;1- Borrowed Plumes the'-fafaily igrave, wfw.r4' waii A) ratilt-, it nol,, dlwa WO ILre nty. At. I hL In. it wam &mipdwed Of 500 dif- dehyde Is well known. In the olpiq- Ir L Jf4ivr It rnflfiM �,u -if tl,4r,. 10cintling fit' -it theraitmittes.. HEART OF THE ever. mg hor. t -rp, Ott) 11 Lit ,:srf I I 1put lolemm, all OlP Wiwk being dolme ioll or MW KI)OCIIli in tubereut P4111 "Maria, you hok t4iiiply ridiculous 10 THE St ra thit th -re_ to -morrow. I'li,4 two daughters. sit- ienitoe tvi Nivill*s-, news,- -ral pleecs. lV4 action upon tire KOeh bacillut Is with that tremendmw tatrich feather necurro4l V, i;er' 4 %4- I-(-*-0il41itY that ntt mw with the eedl,-. t The veve b& that 64,4 had n ing. alone together in ttie jnel.,in�,: lJow-.M.in.are 81l.ain at Papiork1g. -t*nan as KLONDIKE AND YUKON It of which r4quired ten dBY#4 for- tkelsive. Tile difficulty whielt wa* -tt In your hat—ais elderly a -hou -ard Stiss Williamm en-,. f; ofy. .4p, lif him. SAt thip i.er. I.Part qbw) Ito* t;lrt)u 1. S 1 Charlw' lfitrrim4i. niewilier 't the in(wt first, vonzkiere4l Insurni(oun tit ble, I iy p) ti am. a feel_ . *11 wrre! Joined by fif GOLD FIELDS. Wil. ati to meet ho -r. With a' brother of 010 01'%_ )Wed it front tcr, awl'r. I'arknm4nt an.f @411ful tace makci* In a pattern which in FU applicAtti(m. It Is known that I know It. Mm. I bOM than racist RaIlle-se. t ew antl ton-lernp.%q atic.11, is Via Can& �n it. tli*9 world wr-ul!, ne.tr lo, #11lito vanw-, 141 tl.#- �:t:ml�yl ahe si,%%' iiig tA rif-arn tillgul*hod wri6r,r, Mr'., Fmile.rle flarri- pea the w4k -of tlie tht. intuLIAtton Of formol %aporii lit the tjle 1,ig h&t you wear when yom gx) 4)ut FASTEsT TIMIL empty to 14,tr. But -10 1 W."t aot.' ally or two with Vt*-rward lia4l Nearcely. ever ff-it for mtj dlc%I very. suibletily' a day c pun, stAtte prn*bkes vi(dent cougi;ing marchfig the IZe*q1lel1&qlt i L4D%%,1r.9T RATIF.S. t Is ingm. Iluman bj�ing. elaxp6d'th-W Ool4l� SKILVICE. r4P s- #4 101P C011W 04 4! iklco. flo c.,fught chill t thojuim-ral 1fie hands., miii InWlerable irritatkni of th'ttiti- Kniglits of the Ancient and Bf4iorrible oNIA THROUGH P) Cos J,� :ol %r3 14 f lip n %Ir. Ifinrr6on Oi�der ()f Duzzy Gurties." -t 1141 k -t ttw.',. weep their -h t, a 1wps W li-n lfir Sir e, 1'el., comi uienibrane.' Conw4luently it if, TOURIST CARS o -r' her.� '.Si�t him-- W-tv-4- in lx-rfect Itualtii until the 'da been dangerous to put delicate and tilt-kly EACH WEEK y 6<o f(.r rqelirly *n yearp has !Ja(l flev V lorill :1K M) tw Orni.tinned.) tllllt to .1 - re %. I el; I their fintil rt -34- w le doe- bplratcory organs under their iti- To THE w -t Alke rxtwoujptlou, ht, ti . False Representatious, 114LIftimill'S ot i his irlierit4lied f rien(l. j*ated for erobean O)xlty. Tlien-fore -it liecime 13 PACIFIC COAST if* Stirkiersvill irt lwr'. mo he rly arm'-;. Wit . !;#*r tili :Ira -n. V, ttli-ir Coa4'* 700th Anntvarqe�ry. ogtawlinx with ufi(4;vfrr,I heiid a coagligig fit tile other day Virve ' I . I 1 4 lur utetionry to d1wover a mort of, gto- Uet full *&Kjoculal,s &ad ropY of "AOttils rs' 10 ftl-1*Mr--4 talk "itif th.A-1100tieu lay m in(I tfip *in tho terrillip 1461111 '-ifill - r()K_ svral- tictwPen mptluA an I mip of the (Ow t1j.. willy unal- dn,nahts r 'of col(k-r .Ays juny ri*m Ky uglit up -8 t4oth which lie 31.1 ffive I I . . L . i . . 0 1 'dquht tiolt � lie. Llwt * I An Ontario Lady Compels a Per- dey- and Itiondilge acti Y"kOB 001d YieldO" 'A"i 114 ft -Im(xit years ago. It had eoverlex of tile. Mediel Inatituts) p&e1fic Railway Ag*Dt. Of pat).Y* wil.ell all 'Vt. atd 1,.zt 11a ft6y.' th'. I;wt that the wirlbF-r of a from &By k"Aned P _ HI 'n.. Arhetiml t6 littack of laryll- S.4 11(lk Ili (IFUcPHERS-ON.A. I & I RA I 'I., 111al Is r, 16497, i-: til4k wv4.11tll ce'utentiry 6ftlio (11 it lite 1118 wl, 1IpQ th4m. - Parl%*, is the intnxitictioti of a 110r. 111441 V!k;cll 4� fA The phys4i 1. A.. TorOOM 00L. " 4 "irmit 4ti I aPuxht,.',-d0rPNt 40Y101 of the &Pal nkfuf-I in Hurola-. Kitw, i1nickly- f4itk,41 Iiiii lifi�. C-41104 flow say It'got dDvirn into tiou of formnblehyfk� and earl rniv chant to Pay for r amages V, OiPir- Kft"UC41 tit Utem was, hr Ti her I t %v.-,-,4 tow:ird thoend of 1197 w h;- ? Im be toot hich ach! gaso, all anaesthletic whimp its*00- lk;AVr4ft+l. fid here ix thi, ca.4r'of thim unfortun-, lung$ indtlia it t b w P%pr*_.*Jki(1A which VtAi� &$n , llf* ortiptly U)rh it w:i.v f rom a ell lujed llat they treated as Pfc- Antion muderm j;fw.slhlP dally InfivIs- e rd,, sio-tv (P t1lip It#- i t A- Iti fir"t uWV1 1,.r it blak"1111th 0 ."PrVI. tifin rd youtlip I STAMMERING i. t 91*at*4t [Irf i was m%r Heiginta, T�w 14eawon, 11.1d lwvv 141. nd Irf inom 1 .11fe, for t re:fmfjij. motlon of inintitem (or indre. 71w ba - A Iguty writing fr4mi art (Niturid) 41aL vory swverp and worml wam mearei, In j� %!V 'ArMnl! nian a, like cillus of Koch, conilwitte4 '(11mrVy III it Ciigland, Ame t4)%%'Tl SaYN 111(viul agil I isit- Or any other pliam- of spe4wh impedl- wo it W&P b(I'SIV�41flowr 1111111% t 11 4-fbow, well uf-,! tali.l. Nlymjed: t!ko Mil Fkmn*6*lt town ain tho- record -o .4 on tile J,:ATA-1 A ;T(jqwkn -prearlWr, in announcing a clie. eavenis wherf- it thriv(* lirol$d- Ott) 4we of rwr town sWrox and aske I ment bufx1061111fullY and ptWmanentlY POANIIIX An't ff-P18Wil19 ' n- jA and -t C1111 witm 4104411 0m,44 -r L liffUllioZ. for 11_;l t WaX t 11e, kelt. 10W. Other v.)untrkk4 reveril! , wl - I to t(o -ally. rapidly I(vo-* itq vitnlity 'Ind TV -t too e#r t feetival, J bid% , the gueff for thr*4� lmwkages te( Difunond Dye cured b a physician who was himself odft with" tier yont t eurl- fit -.-Mith"4 lut�tlkp; 111t. u1mill tho iffell "of If ft4, (-U44 111I.Ht I If, f little In". In tin invetwrate stanimerer. For 1mr- her lroro,tha;. 4,110, "lilack oiartli" th" =F*tmther (one niust FIVIII(I 1114, tlil� gal voice `44 tA) multiply ill it mhort pf* Na% -.v Blje for dyeing all wool gcoods A.oulol be in Mf -$t wnm4� it btit it .tj1,Pstittttl,ng a -eertnin tinw. The debilitating Tim- ircrehant inforpled nw that lw ticulars, etc., addn-ws Box .349 Berlia. at -L,�vane"I wi, it b"k- ;P a Octave. *W111144. wr- al eiectrify the 1141 the -Imtlent wos In thi-4- 0fWtilt th.it thc� ti-ro-tit 1w. had fountl for'devrer eortiliviu4tibles- will kblw 0411111111411, 11 w8b; C"it t4 Navy Bluo in the-Dituiumd ODA. -a- to-ariq whIchi.htirs - nrO 11A. -Ing ma(l Over th iWipar'ted, lul,wilue trie AX I irt: hi,4 ftorgt�. A'ter him ths Ily(p. anti talk441 Ine $1111W IMI'Yit4r a Mting 1041t6now. pl plit loan will O#W( -em a warkiml improvemert. tA- yo ur n33 a J111 " 4liM& 1PUL41 41114t" JW 1M)iftff Inrile- .. 'the sea*lri if I n lit cies -fore tille de or oye 4 anoUovr H*Lke, at tlid- han)n hat 1.6 like -a lady wr rtr.tt �fo_.v m'"n", of Itl"N flay "ll coill 11r)" By all 4)1 ST It Ess. time guaranteeitig them to 4k) as gnmi R Ave WW 11M irui,h, -ax IeK.4 Pw tit W-c�,Ltur! b; Y#Ar' nes4krding up antheiale re� lie Ame M A' I N I (41co krw%v, and ni.ftfi -4, or ewil ininarw. M1)14Y1.1 %%ork as I etmid gwit fnmu tim Pia- bi ni swverai �.�,utlier RNI 191KA I IK§t alid I%IKT- .%tw- you in W -1g, nl. ra$4pr piiraitkW that tilo Ank of igtila. be MA& With fAildly suffering. '11 Fig 111all than foor film, -be -haft. -1 � Billiard Cam 14re to fo"le, A Lady friend with me 911 A. t"061Y piko"I'l Uo Inchilled amemig thein. of rwrve My na rwh W111W thrmov of N*ort4 (Jermany Iw- 140, butt hollo-eit out ap tilat, a ne"PA, at ON, tinw arx] bean] V10 wlqols tbp eu lw iluite ax icere neuralgia, f,c*Ah A PAg o:ir dt it lirr f or t lie Mir in rly. 1200. The -1 Ift. A ecm c rawlt imi. 1 6 iok the strange a lid tipridpr of c4lilft"'n. tAl aliormt, � ILD 60 lluw.rted oil, which to MOUItt qf Gvllull�q - liKht Itair. &fio IftWelfievotis t , kP #,)f Ight, 4� hi,4 grif-I brovight stipli trq oduction of e6al � f(w IlOral) in tproWeteil, fr'tom n m I c itclie, tor luniliao mstktvi lift- a tiflaWy WATER tile eye. struck her j),. Tra. 1) 111141 lwilwt Jim-whiml it is lw1wed, C'irciilao' weights,_wbich-are But' e ry ill ne—nerve-Min cure --Will tlym 1"nw, tismi thm aertm-ding to -as g4xUy disalqxAnt- WHITE. 11b roYu,4,wr;ttk)nP with Is,' that h, -r vory mlow (M the dirmtkon, and T10 Ouea Cily Oil Go., ld is P'Ywer- Dul- "n Ighf 444 o4ven n4kw Ita d-rimentie utw is( I l'i hl�=%* 4I#!V(J6tAy, beftort-tho rigom of lw'ar d forward ow'the relleve nil thew,. tlAnIlled , grief, Wo4t %V,()m 11) 11 lx)tli.' It is truf,% tjiat jutloy excellent 1irit4A back !d an netrathkg. lintl effectual. Pd witli the reaults. The rolor was redinit, autftn- rupt -am goneral ,ln'Eurupe afs,lk 14. 1 to flaljuwo� tile 0110 to 1he play- rui,. lie anything Imilt ji 'Navy". In truth, my Wititors. Proe.. Toroate. Nit I am. t1,tmg!i.'* cri the la(l. 4`1PeCtf4l t*p ff*' on tb,.y till" cirmutry. permiew now, In.111114ting otv gloAm, are er',s liking. Were upolled. I at oql(* -tt the %haking lif-r i1it.ir lie wit, 11) Win ke if, it man With Qk6 u.tM0Plt fit'llira4-14H Zxporthig Babte& -to anotheir tcw* tim- "in to the inerchant and it -,ff.* ­ AiO I call mYjQf re clver l(Arof WA M 41 —did 'Fif e6avicti("I" thrit t. ram pray FOR tALE. L come. ,9 leaNt, 'not a aned. It* -neach poinsity otie-sity. 0n olle owa+*. when 30. Ititzley The Paris police have WOC1110c their t4Ad lilm his d.yu weri- fratids. He retwinio-red you.' 41if-mKIII, I their Deity with their Ilatti oil - they 1217 ner4%. (Acmnty Wentworth. Good W&A Auc-11 a littkq, fellow whpn� Ott I ltnt%urstrdpon-�or, nA mrro--v,do-ft Fat nien inn-tud lx� on Al"i guard lectilred (xi tile tiervow sysLem it lk�rlin eolk4igil(w Of tire diq00v(WY Of offereAl W gIVe itte more of the satne Y011 14 -ft %Tl - ki olit of -it NnerikVp. Wit fat I M tillgid: a it "export tnudnew" in G-,,-IIM&n dyes (or my w*wy back. I rprimed dwelling, Frame Batik Barn. Good 110. LIUI I �nly e -n yip4r phfAtfl- 'Ap"WAittwol. like traypiling on Frwich.r0roads. lowitliar'cituise,. N-st known to thean- I ady c�anir. illy Ito. !11 after I had threat, Orcil&rd. ongle. jaying wl devnuring. 'S1141, Otizen of LIlW, *1to had ow%l%.op, t�ljey excillipt wouten froth any bahltw. An agent Obtains tilt C1111- l;)1h offers, and 1�pirndid htock farm. $2.- KIMph Pine4r-. But ycmi re [lot I' t4t A J - -not evell i4tunnNl- AV 10 [Lilt -SO 11311019 6�!*%l for your charin- In4i In Ilerlin nud wils thein to dlaw prorpoidingm lie thought It )t1towed--not Lit. Airl -no I k nfxw %v al.,4 p ot s 1, 1 1 ught it third­ela4a4 inllpifimi4 cliargo. t Im titio oild6iftir-41 411g 'I#Vtllre: W very'. I uterelott Ing an 200 kii qmkk saie. Mitlote.4 ilt w enim to tier rix -r;iiiinx to wr4lgo throtigh tba.;Morwof -1ly -tl fft(ot thit Women a ri!_ the elear. Pitt am Was One liolilt, led -4 I%TiGiftfl COUI)IeU. 'MC f0ll#1W V2 Nroit to pay for the niatprialk mlioiled by your !a.4 li,tts-r tip Archy,that Yoll few q44vjed long It sbo* a third-plium and of a second-claswear- eped amwt in Yaris. but Iris dawril)- This niereliant will never again lig4v John 1. (ir&hwu, wore at I thought I'd ii,4 It 1� 1111,41 it"i wviaker PA!%"? 'Ailault th-it: it IN- But jpA quite nderstallil." Thunli tion Ilan Imm-n furnished to th Ek -.r- t4w_ chanee to sell nm any mom d,.%,eq. BOX 186. it and xfwvik. 111irrah lw,lv V*ry bmi ulway-.4 19nowil it ftlust haPPell, 'rijg*-, entered - a first-elajil' ompart, h(Av him'Put tlmt*I*rtvjit4ige.o( III mid tnadAm, f Jiall lie very nitich -11;41 w4s II(A. men iind rtft to his plam-44 4189tifia- .'iwm' 41ileh. twarly -alwava lin nutliniritie%, who aTe 01, th( look- I m1wall go whf-re I can Irpt tlw :pwaawl If I , Nut explain 4) Yoll ally fio had xrtowlt it 1;1#1. *�tmlly '00 belowest (killghter!" tion. Tho railroad i4tiod lijui, for the may bo f4wnd in -*Ito dixtivil' eikrtego & I , linve liwifficiently ex- ontl for him. oml Dy at any tinw they am mm.lvem in -I- IVAn .. want"11 'T 11RIVP had my IRSt lesom pmtty Wd*- D&Vj4-, n hoamt-looking Potng difterttee In t(ie fare, Co which Itim of t1l'04 t1eacl'?—rdgnrt Unwicett, III, col Premed 11rofetisor Iluxivy. in, tAi tlw- murintir of dpfellep - was With Pow 4tres." tmm atly. -ill I silo w.a.4 Wad out, 1,4 lwr bm that, linvil* ilold, the Ifoes. Werk-ly. -%VlkgLt I want to ask is Adsout what Vinards Liuiment is the Wt. RM SALE lad upo. and 0M.- to" OonsuaL &y m,.e Ilim. Frnn tho dignity of IliA tild), OM. k1mv, tw must have loved the tieket,, tibe company waA. bou'nd, W yoll ealkxt the vrrebellUni.- I did not Ue mirtect. Ot KIOIL I 06M to tho third -claim car 11 1 1 Women Workers of Germany. -tnt] (IVO* ff4it tl-n- #4 chiid' S 10 19111111)"it Ow- hill% witll prorW f I - A mnlontw hieteor. follonvod Ivy -a 10,000 trml, DeLralt a Maesww e*litepn yfearm $ n hi.,4 arnvs. or. t1kilte gather whether It Is InmlN4 tho subj"t of the Sermow tLe Lom I.Aake Railroads, heisclit. lie ti -e xqbv- tim. littit 0`11a I wil Wit- A. that would adjult 'bim. The s4v)wer, of bxktt4dric stbilw, fell ' near skull ov, O11tRl4Ip,* Germwi women o4epul to) enjoy 114- quitp t4-jj- ilig over herit"I. or litautling km*ide VO rt, huwovt�r, held that lie muAt Llie l4g vand butto'abmt tiventy milus. A WaAdnoxi jaryt1w, who I as for- fulla4 degree of li1wrty. if we ma ACRE'S Ow mVng tmiz $11 to per ownaw. fit 014111% Tim" hidilliks )itiit. rhrw. years and it havo. known hix owit'girtli and the mlittleapt Of I)utx*4e, Idq., la,4t IllKtjtl1tl()ll ,jig likkien Iscr childreft to mentl,n the A" rbW1Y—dk4ffll,�*ing 1,111.,friend litill w,"Ik- Iser small cc I I Wm -k., Muo Snililwfniltt ituive rroin timp fact ti,at viere are ill to rt0q, he ujuid, iiave twen #41so of tho cisirriage'doors, antl 14110,1141 T1 list Wiwi W) groat that It !k ble , GOOD ing horao with hor. t4olaig tier on the lball ukl! m collew name of the evil (me, Nvam not tO Fatherland tit) l(* -s than 2,000 wolnuen ack Will be am -ble vibratkxt of - tho just mne Into j)bPs(%sloti of what Is attend eLtirch a few Stitidayo ago. and niarble workem 3T19 fetnItUne hl - ch ;Ilk w4y oil hip arraim and that of his ma"ied It 90kol whilt R)ng HIM 101;9 llavp bought, a. tieket larlmitting him catwed a pcn "Vti Alieved to I* . the original first tA-,4,,- I FARIAINQ able terms. d as own r�i!114Y vrith, th41 V(4011 !1ty of little alter slo-, h0 g(Ate on thinkiug of to a wido Pnougrh apartment. I t re- earth whIch wao distinctly felt'witbin %,v lien her little bay. eight yews oK onitim. " pettici-iated inammix, 147 A p y to D"1704 [it t. Anf..'rowo- low 4 np righteoRis woman evercab r�ijjqx tilink#fig -of an titer Woimiau," Cow - I from makilig Idw pay for Px- a raxilus of twenty nillis and wam at gra.ph tw%rutnent' constnicteAl I i�, canie l.ome atter wrvit%-, she twkpd female tinnm4, besidem 0 road inakers, LANDS. P,&, (-I 0 1 weight, first suppowiS to be &n earthquake. Morw for actual tw-. The firmt line 1,1111 the embJeet of thp W r,ve nrit r#fflX4pttw1 13U AndreWt, sprmon. 11P an- odatew 19 clockmakem 7 armor- Cvr" one hit alt 11 1 %a. so illtl- buiJilAnd. In Baltinjore be.tween a kchool and t4wered promptly,; "It was about, Jepup era. all of the gentler sex, also .8 1 CA it- Wam a4y aiml 1wr One burnilig. h1uAl, one,8hiver from W 11A 1*11tg taken up Into the mountviyb4 by chimney owoepezv wid a number of wetnrwr ipw t -.,u , I.Inke, 1w An P-1111 a elturch,.of which a Dr. Scheib by t1le-bY thP gentlemar w1m) quaxrywomen ajA female w(yrkerm ill jgge,.�lkrl;&-the S&rden. and th 4"1 W rooll; of mingled gony and I t ti.e- rftpcvt1irely wa,4ter and -pastor. ju wt tte i r I wwl Mr. ItAq By ubame, ope icry of pitetius qI*!81)alr, WAIM tho- vi- ;-A0ICX11s To gMy, 1,V.12 sill ZIN %vas over UiW' line that the exim Record ovivers. . I f Mr. Roy %videl ufjboil�y hwwd blit 60(1 --and 1014, teripes.. &W Reuvts, t,y*, what haa� levnile o —and mentm were Made which led Congrfts Pile Tivrrors 8wept Aimy. T 0 7, A I I EA. PKw . a book of mcl,xw and neft* 2t, vlohls if tILP qufttion. "ALY, wa.4 slot fraid vA Hi's hearing to appropriate ,,10,(X.X) for t1w line CWAPON; linill clotil, nQ etigt-At -. Writ# ft&mi. re" w4und ame totallY *I- he litrugglo was over. she s,-tvr Rob- y: prier 2.5 mits. WILLIAM 14151M tLe # Iwtweeit Baltimore and Washington. Dr. Agiww'ti Ointment stiuldp &t tbp Tlw fare rprAvtv the reewird, 4 daily lens f,,.r an marlY P -a 1`111 made Forturw 04 with hh# chik) In his armm, r1,1,,, -r, ai u ox r 7cesley buildit4p, Tormto. ert, Ropy, , histrunient aljove referred to has himid as a Mlever. heah id 44 re pe irnee. Constant suffeiring front hear*, thf4)h til., lte4 t.4-ating vam aetual witi, hi. -j wifo by film skle, the "wt, l"m In the pomemlon of Dr. Schelb, cure for lilm In till forjuK One ap.- will niar our heatity. I -it) not pnin. Tbm (Am" a 1410(im dexperftts alml ypt L sotally different man. (in Intimate friend of Alor.4e',4. wiv) pilention will givo collifort Itt- a few look atiximin nnm� -� diw"itenW,I. loilt is alls %v or. d 411+-. too, When 14he row. up' A1141 havink Just- died, bequeathed It to minuttvi, rind three to #4x 'I"s ap.- ljw PutuAnt'N Painless , orn WR WAhTYOU QUICL "I CAW" tell. htivs. T)Pver heard triftl v) walk,'trie4l tA) fc-A it. tile, Knilthwuliall Arlisclim. pliention. according to directl( Extrae- Y*Jjlg of him. flave yogi?"' ju. *,tk* iiamp e cure (go will t,(vr. %% Molt will extract t at *)m e PA -P. I Mink Arelly W wea, he same s lore, blironle C116*V4. it rehevem ffil (VWll ill a Rini- witliout PoLut. -No--Yet, 10 In rom hira, a year or minie eartIr aim) sky, was a totallY that, kill'aro not distingnished by any'rnark or sign from Atiatria has twtity lArge and a Itching and burning skin dlop-taft in I ladi" wid Imut leatei, ca 11 be Ztj% iftur f olifferent womaii. 80111k0thilig witu lost, 11111inlipr o( tonall ble.3irle factories a tiny. 35 cmt& Value of 00 -operation. and very MOVITA Plied to be retrieveAl oil Ketaw arter went AWAY, 1plit W4. 1, st It W)Mething never cougM that fail to be fatal. Any cough neglect4 may sap wim3wb prmfuct la4t year was 42,000 r. Arthur llortviri, of the Britivill INIR'STItV is& The ,vr, aril never,answerNI It. We this sklo of. the grave, but 40me- N!75=14 to apeure GWII I A11y%llJiW,*1neP.' th� Strength and undermine the health until *recovery is inachines, agaimst :10,000 in 1895. Thp THE PRA(OrICAL MA111 N. TAVRti(XI at Stockbolm. in alluding to TION. Cali gi ve I he widn-s& of Te rw.lver hear4 ti,ing was found- dif tile elt, tho uniform good quality of Swekliith who hap just clonrod $113 In 21 IMA 787 �v I, ii&nrw at (*,WT' Ott orle *6114. 1.4 WtkI W llf'rB ble. All couglis lead to long trouble, if not stopped'. i)uporto have (1mrea4p(t from 3,616 In He called her hk% qumll nA 1�p knplt be maile right hft (ACII%K thp spa, Witll a %I,til tho Amme mtrAnge JOY ; for now IMPM1 buttor and Its Popularity in Englnn(i. at cur eint HOME. . Ofte (PE 1894 to ZOS8 laxt year, and the el- a t her feet. f NICHOU" at (NY "eu%p 4,f tiping w1jere 103 was, "IN] w1at *,Ayees Cherry Pectoral Curiii, Coughs. (let up, you inonkey," #mill iihe; attrilnitorkq the clipapileep of it*i -33 Rkhnund wow, %mliplilft, rt-POL 10110� tier. Wie knew 1p(*tm lliemasod fr(mi 392 wbeeliv in to ductimi not to n )owe+ 1)p#mp11 tA hini. The isilvwze 0 to 4,907 Itiat year. The duty I enn't be your queen, ror you r land vfilup (Ir & hAM in lwr.4. Sh held it fast, tf a hottoor ellmnte or lw�cfiuow norrit-til all Viewe Years whs brokell, thed0ad "My little daugbter w taken with di--Armwing e6agb, florins Is prohibitory tilx)n ally aren't a king, PERMANEN"TLY CU by or rMn sh(X* 6 b4l t scrimbutily V41W lijul collio w. We again, 1111(i tl)4! )(04t, which for three years defied all tho' I tried. - At Imt tlw- very highest c1a6s machines, But iny father lins niolipy nnd W0119t wer than it; FITS Amne-0 areat It*" I Britain, , 0 111 W lbervoust"mm dro W quit*- her -elf agni'l -1 L ha�ve 1AW tA"Re, was found. length on tho urgent recommendatit)n of u f ripryl. ) bpgan 0 Wit large qualititlem of partm are In- do a thlng Imt tO tll#% "00-01*rative alor M 6.ZpWrw %valk now.. sk%ndlo 931 Arch stmet. d ,mrwl Pann(it troduced from whieh 11re made Ncy- But purchaw a marquim fo- me. to A tree $2 1 riot I t *t Uo' ., rjw up nd walk- ve her Dr. AYER'.4 CHERRY PECTORAi_ After usinir, ona, mothodo a manurncture, whiell Pff"et delphia, I'P� for- treallm as 16S I* down ispr(I .1. little. YdM titan one; went great eonnonlieR. Davlkr" Ctle I found to my grea4 surpnse that she was imilrov;l1g. vlf* ulf better qugjity than the Alto- For mleby J. A. H&rw 1700 Notm Daule -row It XMId fellow he W", r,)uiki too fetch her little Three bottles completely eured her."—J. A. GRAY, 1'ray. triait product. Minard's Liniment for Rhez=C ra, proujim�41, from tilitt 110 ifinard Ufft Ror, I rPTne1nt)er# 4tmo had wlY 11- Salesman Wrought Iron ftanfre CL , St. Louis, Mo. a Uniment cam L&Grippc o1*10%i delight of Children the 11ri ) -rl.apu&A�r, of St. a Was I It h Frederick Weyt I Ask rour Dealerfo 66 back if twit Alluati= ;, "U1141 A littIO Id, M - 71W Twelix "0' before so -aany of TO dreAtil (It C1,10111211wrP nwam, rp- WAS a ply (,lot 000ul f4)r them, wilmiring the (14108 ; an(I when Cherry Pwg "Aul, 114, wlt', tile Uie inaratrw of Irish families 4 an &b- covry froffn alcknow. e I ellould ktu,w lilrn A" 0108 of the Clar of Rut-sla. tho owner of %,%I d WJdyrA_ 41W reach4"l hoffic and found David hrevntion of tim- wnrd -oghli, rn 11911 n ing-rooin, inet Illm Cures all Coughs and Colds. more timber tl&Tl fuly other man on 1119 M.tldMMd- BOECKH'S e, ans, thAnkfwl t -r the ti*- glnbe. It 1#4 estimated that, with We 111111(sluo that it WOI)l W Wilo KrI6 wl"Owl's 806"Ing symp W a U*V01- ard him for bringing h For free medical advice, write to our Doctor, h1@4 ininwilate sst:4(w.latem, he �cmtrolx atudim to Im- n dmtor woul,J have to Mi1%9r%1nWY- ItmaonlY mlim-m the chfAd new" a 0 unt of that trom pain, but invigomtes ibe stainach and W I 6ivea It was on Ac:' -0 care I C. Ayer Cai, Lowell, Mam 15,000,0M feet of i;tandliig wi,ito pine. bo eitimitned ow to flow q *he bowelc correds a6dity. and jr.vfw tone and obituilry TvAjeov Roy'n child", 111 ON I P I P 11 - 11 "PI -P 0 01 P pq.p -pq-o eould got up tit night and Jeoft energy to the whole syst*m. it will eirnoot For 8&W by all IA*Alas Heumw The Ewurial I'alace In Spalit oon- institogy cure STi vs. Ma L-11 "he, r-Iffily nam ping In this swinack itud wind QK".B0=KR&00 "h- - tun W c1dws liere in (11hia IK*W1**% tile ]&Iq*& am culic. TORON"M ONT. taIns a catheEtral, a inmastery with rielwit oml mines in the wctj& a womnn itt'.n^%. give ofta bottlo. wid f0l ill. 1114tead of JUMP11119 urtemhurg 7,UUU., '111111M 1b I after hPF. tbeY took timp to get n of 1,409100 Tt In e aimed that Lake J9r1q pro.. tAmr 01111111111111 hoat, and when they reac I - The helt Wha tnken off quickly mul cre f1sh to the mquare mile ity live forever A owarm of film 411*0.1 it, -jjwned &ad In every one of the pork dlic'(*, 11" 1 1 *, tm-t Tntmr.. (I. A pertion can't lie(I Iteril P - I I Pit er In word or 0*wA. Nit w tkal wam dea of is waicative of eflealles. 001 w1as fbund a little lump of coal. thall ally body of water In the world. thoy were not able too discover any gti-blft- in tile water. 4*n kill lull had t4 t 3 t U te* 4 d eal- if the third wilar, would never- �O tile loeau- ad oil Kurd. f Poo- re b 1P Isilith usi and film ofte I � of 1111110" ed h i* As a region 3gr*w of r - C urd is .e pure %ragedy flustra, ,m and -d and rd and I I nien, met fire i des of J ke Ar- .am - 4 t. Ity of .0 ta ry d uw- liar" a k iug traged 'A ittl- �,lwayli 44 N" rem I draft work- rk and eering 4101111K There Ln Ob­ Illitical n,*t a to the Ig pol- of his I n the med $o VS. fla- ied by . oWn. se6. It acy In m No. auding g v ice. 4 Y and tit gin - 0 men iondue% P"*nt i x bor- depot in poli - f 10 -ft C4 a P re- = re in Par - When ne v, I f ah try with tie-Aan- try . Ho ,Uck too " i U151113 ied In the lo- ilk W ,.hrouo klis Mlad A Casa William. sm be- @ tem - vs t. a b - ie din- bam in bood of in win mmen's of too In a nd difttk the WMP never mild n the leoctiort te pre - )Val of clubs in vasip. W 994 air 04 blow- diNerl- cv." 641" t the good th" that of aw" h1aft e to "a odmT. TI *&d r Itunwrjr- of a" per- thp thildr od two 17 7