HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-18, Page 3I f rl b A 1'. k% %.0 A.L A. J6W 46�& .46 AW PI 46 .60 %A A".60 I P III -w �M. LIBE IAL CONSERVATIVE. 0TRZPL 4 Reasons Given, by tbe, uourL for IRTHRMATIONA 1 14 IFSON IiI Vill ThO Cream of the News of Addl:VEn:::::::*s,#­ C. it. A"' nan ........ J. Reld ............ .... .............. .......... FE-BRUA.RY, 1898. Sprains A N D ....... .. Dr. Fell ....... ........ ............ ............ Irantipg I to C. F. I' us as COMMiSsioner's Plight Algo X191111� W ...... Jaw, C. W. Ch&dWkk.. ... ........ . t . ............... 111.141;. ........... J. H. Fisher..... ...... The Twelve Sent, lit; 2-1-1. SOVen DaI8, A. S. Ic Geo. , ..: ...... ........ ......... HAMMOND HEARS THE NEWS. B Geo. 11. 61*4ta I ....... .1. C I Ell .......... Bruises. I=Mffi; . . ....... C. n ilb,!Oft. ... :: ..... : k 1)..* yisI exact place ist not nown. at Fort Yukon, 1. D 2& I)IW Titue.—A'. p.—Galiloe. Tilt - 161 Ito%% p ........ A Bruce, N ............... 1. Germ"* ht An. High Court: RkV. Vs. %N'illiain Bruce, S ................ It. X. Trim s.-. ... ....... ...... M on* k,'ANADIA, 'IT ah 8 It 00111111 little to cure u ite 0 0 0 I*rso,gis.—Jesuu. Thq twelve alion theln right away with —J a 'rown Bruce, C ............... A. Malcolm,... J. Shouldice.. d d� jaumpls Ilainillolid. Llglllelkt.iit L A. l-'. J Mr. Keitneth Ctlinertii. t-4ilipierrlitive AI 1. 1 Cardwell ............... William %V iffill. ties I 11 eaw rewryeti by Mere I., Carleton ............... .......................... N. k1dill ....... ...... 0 N W. Votulilenitaxy.--we Ill1w alre at the likollikil" 01 N 0 A TANNU 11U 0 Aoui witli it jury tile primonor waik; pufferin ................ ......... UP%%jUt5Z1 1. 1'. Wfillloy ......... .............. 1"Itirry souila I,illerala 11 eltse of tAie waeAmd iear of CUrist's avlt) triftl and t"ivicted,at the Amize.4 held Dundam.... WA. Law "Illed Mr. Durham. E ......... **:: S. Gmn(ly .. ........... W. A. Fall:,i ........... inlifistry. A wow ilied iml for extentl- It 111111V611 time, money, misery. R. WataIII of Burk',4 Ftt 1 ko. at'Bracebtitigo, on. tile �iOtlt Novetn- Ducham, W ............. Dr.Mitchel ........... W. f.11I ............. .............. Ing the newis of tilt- IiIndgoin: is here inipr4ivenient,4 tr*. to ber,4997, itild tilt. � , '. 4v. ;%:-, - I foui following daya, Elgin, X ................ D. blaelnty�io,., ........ A 'a ver ... ...... ............ . .... adopted toy heading fo-1 the first time Amk AwL AmL AEL AOL lAdIL on IUI intlictillent wIllelt charged Illni FIgin.%V ................ D. Mreniiiih 4 .......... G. r'k-told. %01W,%0%0%0% lip, offIl Forced to Distribute the Conipany'R .... ................ I'lly-11 %lilitary I tA- ......... .... .. . .... tile disciples 'by then selrem, two by with the Aturder or Ills wife, Katie Essex, N ........ W. F. McKie ......... Essex, J. A. Auld. P. ................ w The 11,t1litAtilh, During t1lo trial the'de- . ...... t a, to preach wild to work miracles. FrontenaI ......... ............. I ........... ........ 1A islature will nievt Food to Them. 1, , L S.(. -. * J. L Hayeock. It wan a new st4q.) its their twining. I D.C. Mc D. IL ...... D. M., Mcpheman. "Die tiamen (mee dictimiary) the #41 March 10til. pitwitiolui ot tho,prLw)iter tit the Cor- Glengarry......... Tlie- will jortil- eir- Grenville .............. ............ L . ...... ......... ............ 2 31wly lip 4,114wrt. oI ilitlTimt, taken under th6 .. ........... twelve -Whom lie hao chtisell a few cuumtelim ,,ON (letailed by the coroner, 0 rey. C .......... J. Bilfam J. W. Davis. %Ak_ * motitho before an the Mount of Beati- The lift- insuranve euililtallit-.4 410ing a"to Grey, J. 1). mmorio Dr. D 4unlown ....... D. Me 0,4kchol. 'were adinitti6d M evidence, anti Grey, ........... J. Cleland.. 11. M. Boyd ............. ............... tudes for special traiqirg. Read Mark Montrez-A arv- aro-rAlv­ HIS UNPOPIM SAVED HIS LIFE. Illig tilp questlon'reoi;erved: was %N Hildimand ....... J. W. Holill a ......... �.­ . ......... ......... 'lohn Sena... ill. 6-19. Fililliernien. publicans, tan- r"to in. Klondikerit. John It. It . ........ Aleilt.-Vol. K0111,111I ............ . ther tllowj�.�delxmitiollx, W) taken,were lfalton....*..... --of*ew.. ners; of small spiritVaJ experience, Mr. .%- rly adjuitted am-evideoce; If not, flaniUton, 141 Var-t-:01en... .... .. �ol ......... * ....... 0.:: rope -6.0 ....... J. T. Midolltion ....... of Iiinitied c4illbre; IVA exceptional 1*"l Clffik-n-tl tile Coltowrvative notnina- pood t1w.priaoner would be eittitfe(l to a.11ew fainilton, W ........... J. M. tlitbsoiu. ' - - - - F. A. 0sititilitoun ...... ................... Urgently Needed -U. s. 0overn lagLings. W .......... H. 0, B!e ' -M. It. Niorriwni ........ ............... .. men. not graduated from college or tflal, whiel depositions coqtained tuA- CC.�,� ......... Of S Matches will go tifog, lit N�iortlt (oxford. I IlaRtinV, F, ........... : S. W. 11. Ilm[p4on ....... ........................ ree i 1) ion tis, of it ftzw.-Ek)yn.Wti. 7 Mr. 114viltw. tlw Lit -I vandidate iti Mont Supporvor Their Comniission. Wrint - stAtemelltA Of thO 4ron&8t HAstinga. N ............ a. 0. LI W. J. Alloii...d . ...... ........................ AV43 Mad fro'ni Verse I t8ist Jesus gave R. 11,00-i I ef*rged - May be Trouble at the Fort Ch X)r of tOe Case rot Huron, 1, ......... % ...... A. Hyslop.. ...... ............ -110 '.%fr. 4,'fnibo)rtI, zillki aga Itst . tllt�. Huron. 8 ...... M. Y, llfcl,�o -o ......... ti. 1-: ltx-r.... Wer a It. - - arnetoer lit islipi t ... ! ............... tioun, po jid authift-ItI to do tile a long way will last 4-f Vlarencoi� Cr*4-k, 14' the (�rown -eaI for ***-- -None Can Pass Over the Canadian Huron. NV ................ J. T. Oarro **­ .................... work required. He Will -tiliallfled and Pic -nee. And,* rurtlier,' upon tile t he. 11 Kent E.. R. Ferxiv;,)!�--, -11. If. 11.00n. ....... .................. ...... nutJwized t1lem. III It. Nit* fChrlopi; Caltiwell, wilit ikomill- Line Without Supplies. .4ajue trial,; evidelice waA tendcred for Kent. T. I.. .. ...... .. ......................... longest, for there is no -#41 t.., tile Liberal cattilidate for Ew;t 5. Sent forth-T-wo III two fMark ilicationIii and ...... ... I...... ......................... the. Crowi�,of afill . _0 obtain' f ur- Liiribton. E .......... H. J. I let t' 40. P. D. Affecouism vI. 7). makig six &kWatlons, each teinlito by th" prisoner Iaiiibton. W V" " A F. F. -PArd g4kW tit its own dir,6!tlon. Here: be- raste no matches thM 'tile swelal eunrier w'ho- brought. CAPt. titer ., il=ranibe upon the life of Ills I.anark, V..' W. C. F. Pr# --;,,,n girs tilit- trnining Nr the time. otily f M. Clirkif .......... lilry gt4xl-( IRay,&4 AIC4.11, tcll4,. , 'n'ini the Yukon, wife, witlirl" were ref tu*xl or otherwt;tie Ltitark. it year and it lialf laV$-,, 1when they firut of Ho6amtu Freres, Motwitreal. IiI Ilot 0ifr6I and 1I evidelice. -, Was Leetls ................... ...... won light* Rest easy if EW .-Iou.sPeilded paynwixt. Tl* eyening. 11i. ;%o to thig, q H. Ayl"%ioi#h Dr. 31,:,. would liav#% UP ca,rry 06 t1w work y S admitte4l. UeAtion . .......... 1110,000- dill ILI bring. tit#,- 'full. copy. of tit Mmerman. witimt tile visible or thelr Nitelt eVridence London rope ... mi(ldleox .......... T. It. I!(XI, Wastfr. Go Not -Thom mit of -Jesus naine is on NfbWl4 11;1..A . Oine t -w Mintoutcoli tit -it itlr!'ving twn ex., wa 1) tly- AdnilttANI, oid If lot, ....... ­ ... ...... numt kimow where not to go as well the box w. Shore. 11. Tayi li1t:,4I*wt,ir 111troiI pI whettipr hy.reax:oft or adi�lwioll of It It iddleoicz. N ..... ......................... 1141 ty I by fri)�r'Seattl!-. . as w1wwe W go.-BLwr,y. Way of tile the Rier Ilass sit tfle lilocl�kv.- tho prisotter' wam. etitltled to a Ilew -Aliddlesex, . ......... ....... .............. i ...... Monck ....... 4;�I! ;011 ....... K tAW .111 .9ociatiett. PrI Bwk. Gmilles--74w, tinte liat, not vet come 41 Dec. �!,211 t 1. trial. - lit *atrguing tho III I)I .......... d ......... G. K ........ to go to tile Geiltileb. . #*us lived as a d ' -I cannot cotiI "14 tit(- pritio zed tile J. LoujIlarlin. ....... Lamair.-he ...... .... ....... .. -10portI r. W"A -sgi tier crItle! ........ ....................... The E. B, Eddy Co., LimiteL Patrick MeCalill, at farlhier. residing brot-iiperly say allyt11jug 11.4 tQ 'Capt' ealig& or Regina vrL Willialus. '17'.C. L. Norfolk. S.* * ........... A. Oil...... L. Plick ............. Jew under Uw law tit til He fulfilled a ......... it lit Ills omth, and It It It nailed to -T., 0ee.. N. 76. Bj ieb. j-) of thf4 Can- N6rlI ........ few tnile-4 mokittli of Lifl4w'&Y, wt'-" Ra)"s n%port, 1I I call -J�a tit -arpe ­`­­ We crow.-Wakel'i Id. Ili Owist's Cow- laundbagge,tt 11141 I -of A30 om,nne it rather critica(pi.iolitiol J. If. Dou Dr. %%*. A. liVilloughby e 1. da Rvident Net, 56 VIC., ch. 311. It NorthinuberlMid, W... ........ iolm,r Moilholland his We Gentiles had t o Interest, but the back streets. 9 And t1w wooinwir tile' Governnumit gets is -provided "'no peri3oll sliall be Ontario. N ............. T�'W. Ch n p. C ......... W. It. flol-le ...... .... am tlw Nfewlall I)e Witt r* all Iinp,3rt- if 111oflan,'t L�tittiiikg- UPPort, into him the* better. zeumed froin answering ally (lucs- Ontario. 8 .............. J. IlIffden..., .* ......... C. C.ilder ................ -low to the 3ews, to w1own He bad Ott . ...... ........... %V;ks t%%ellty thirtt- ai"Hily hatt titaly ono inan' w -Alk t1lo ground t t t to a er ....... % ......... -Y or tion upon I ]low. kwa. ......... I ..... ........... B. Slat I ta ..... ........ ...... .... ...... %%I t4b 90 forth filt obo linf;ortIant :1 Ottawo ................. C.'B'Blwell. been pronilsed for. ceit4turiles- (11t of i hor Qo # wit Loop III,( hint Lieut. Itichark6iont. They reached 't(3 to eriml- .......................... with #4ueh uestion may tend Oxfotd; ......... ............ ............. Hatuttritans eliter nA­-J0rI could k;urney. Having left :ill tA) f0II01A' WIFE SUSPICTIP. toadly injuml, lout lilay rect)v*er- FOII`�t Yllk4lt somowitat - ahead ;Df 'It nate Jilin. *or fiia, terid A6"tabllsh Ii Kay FX . Chatittlero ....... . ­ " " .. *Wuh,they were likely without gre:lt y Oxford.'R ............. ... ...... ppim toltrough Sawairia, to Juda. but Fh,st La mbVwi SOO liablIttir -to, a civo procepi:11119 at' tile Pa rry ....... w. It. I u -ill I y -0 0., 0 ....... -1i.- 111330`11RU (of inoney or clotlibig. -tiagileiI nwik tht -could lx-' picked 'or Lot any other ["vel ............. ! ...... noininitte,l Dr. -J. tot Wit t- ce�of tile Vrbwn K. ...... weirke, not to stop * jind preaA .... .......... .. Feloubet J. Brown ... ...... ........ out Iberth, N. rt It. S ................ Gm Frame. 6. Gto rther-TI141 uord go staii(im vj"IwY WouM 1I �iiita le ft-vird, lit tile plave (A r. Willf"iIII lid wholl left'Alle persun troviiling, however, that no W. c. %I . ........ Strauge Death of a flu in 8L wh4b rptiml from the cog !apt -tilt lit, WAN standing orr %he 111611) evidenpe so given sliall like usede por re- terboroqgh, F ...... T. Diumard. oriterlorsp, , ar-mahinjr 11(mnwi enu-rtainnient. @I they tho lyrtivision citelif*, lrgely'Lby eelvablki in evidence against such per- Petertlorough. W....;'.. J, It StriAd J. AV. 1;bkrVillw',*.*;*".* ............ Jovitel QuEbec, who waat%*`i`_r?rvI ill TIP Ioil. lie WIV) "Plit, theill f virttl( 4 if 14 W hen tile - 1I wyll Ill JAn l�rijvdnal pvxxx�ding there- Pm-wott. .......... ........ ; . ......... .. ........ Tee. -4)411(1 PlwPaM tile wity before them. charicii,41 with it ,ilk Prince Filward ........ N. igilrakite W. it. D0111pokey ....... Tilp Jewhill elitirell w4!s lie ancient :It Loallik. truck J)a%VoI t.hi%-'juob tif' after * hitititated against hint other #.t4.L, t1:JP4 I".11 Renfrew. S ............ It. A. Camp It ........ Sit J. Deonimey ......... ... . ................ blit tile *,I#*# There are womp irhottw. (ouf-s. or %ome rA,ugll-- 14 -ft fibir Ftirt VulI -knowing tlian a prowention for ItIer ury in giv- Renfre%II N ............ it. lUrr ! .. .......... i.T. ........ .......................... M" Aell r d -red fro:u -their ohepIttloill and wore "lit- -choice t-oinpany 'and tile Ing sliell evitkulce., lit Regilut ys. Hkjk�,' CORPSE BURIED THE GAME DAY. .......... ............. .......... ........... ............ ........................ I Its k.: I' Itibit. 0ur bleAmod Ixwil, lient tileo it llotw. will lie opeii(,,41 vo Like Ilad eili:kr id- liallud. it %%-as 110101d that the. iVortls Simone. IV ......... ... ........... ....... J. S. Dill fr. p ...... undur-,,"plierda to 41 KPIrs' of Pit The IAllLK T;tnliing ('01UIMITY M -ill -orovj,41onil tit -Tli!- t' wean answerlil ........ *..,.. r% ....; .... A. Migrain bell ....... i4putrial r4-loort Tlo- t-nitrt pre. wooft llik,11 ill,- "no* evidenop so givel W. '111. Ham riot, '41 410- 1-1111coe. C ................ D. DavidmoI A.'B. Thoutwoll Train. Urijig tiu-iii Iw-k too thii'$11tepherd vid 7. Detivered-It w" tit*. buhitie" cof torkctivt� dit-lairtment to- bhtvt4v fielcin- tile. a-replitm iof tall- to) appropriatA­ these o6uppliI -to ijAi4wtIona teliding to � crituluate '*:r*::: ..sohn Beiinett. 9 ilhermi J. 'torniont ..... ........ Clvirrw� r- (of their tIV- twelve totlell-ver their tnexvig to % A. nPry iii. Berlin. which 'Aill I". t1w, I:Irg- -ind lot thity, rrb.,.l 44 tilt- enip uhift for ilit-11 tile wit -st; t Jectet l-to,answer. I- rolit6.,F ..... ........... Dr. It. A. IIII 0 .............. 1 7. Tlre� kingdo-ii of I^t ven is it! latij4l co f rom I toumii It day of it very myowious ensw at Ift. to ouuw to priky f dr pet in 11.1111-14 ittoot It. Vapt. Ray- ill this, -ana wah not excused front answering, oronto. W ........ ... ........ Thos. Vntwit0rd'.­.`,'.'.'., .................. :. d::: fr it stwoll place, ahmout thirty will bo- eniployftf. 110 1,4*4od hifitmelf at cate. of thfi eachI. bl't wai cIiimpelled_ to answer. Toronto, $ ............ --The tranne,r 004 Well 1-i ithe the ppae pf Gool up(mi tile Imbople. "Tile .. ........... ....... ul to Uer .... .... wns ollonp tilpy wellb 411 nlikk4 fro,in thin city. Tim affair cou- s'Toronto, N- ........... Dr. E. H. ...... ,ri!e Ttpeka fins'arriv(4t iAt Neut. thr. evitlitince In tile caw (it th-Ir preaching ilmit. lop like! that When tiki& I dwilt ga. Dftwe Victor St. E ....... -J. J. If. Cartwirie ......... Il1,Wh-.KrA tlip livereil from further re%moneibilitv. twww� til u ; r wvry in uniforin. The tile. codroner witliont objOctioti" but 8 J. ............ I d tienth of it (a 8. Ittie. n4,,rtii.' with N't"'iI taik](44 r . Victor a, A% ............. Dr. for it 6'r the_f1iture None of the Ju4Ixnient&- (if thow- : the t"llitill -'riiit'. and, at. th -Paul! tinie . It( I advice4 up t4)'J."uary 112th. Five uletl e person was Water oo.' 3. P. ....... ............ .............. . ............. 41liVer Imfour, who Wod taikit -Irfir refitiI chorged -%*Ith Lse Dr. CleinensI ......... ....... I .... ..... wid re- rejoeW titeir tkiewuI iihould axe reiw-,rtN t4b.liavo- igcql, frozen tit tthe -muTtler." Caut I W * .............. fae"4 f Ito . tile I # 91 tr -though contended , that undex %he elretim- Welland ........ ....... At. ........ upon tlipin. hut lwhielt �Xk ;iea r and for ,r titito. J. 9. Pew. xurreetion. ")teinlm-r, and whitaw I iy no%- rt -- y ro-4- - S. the they eraved fo tit Wellington, E ......... J. Craig.. ......... Dr. Coug.'din .......... - ent Qiiolild rf-turn 10"lift" Catholic 0eubellosa bitAwev'll sta,lices there C-ould be n,orivilego or Wellington. J. Mutrie... ... ........ * Dyea ra bo- tIlAA dpad. cast tri I tild iterve- -Vim intilo wil's etim (or p:rIvilege, 4nd therefore, Wellington, W ........ lt. &-ot t.. ... .............. .... I .... 0.Tucie*r*.** at 14t. tAiW. At ot tillike of t4lw t'fI evilm wi�re ll that the'00viso tA) 86c. rendered Wentworth. rte. -i .......... T. A. Wardell ......... ....... I tk%Lltll Ills &u,ic;mo Laking off was -re-1 it% *4mittrowt, (In#-:, i i I w n . ..... ........................ daet-4 of tile reigii or K.141i.-Whetikon t I ie ev'i4jectee inadnlimilble. Ategina, -Vs. W. J. mores .......... ............ ............ 11wre in tin evideni-e c4AUiderabI louWc cow- loition Wentworth.,15 ......... J. Dicke I Sanford Evans .... ... ram. of mrsk looblihoi-i ..11141 llf-r two 011! ifiditry It. Z ................ J. RICI)AT -�cw t f r fforitrierhott. 1_16 a R., 6710. was re- lqxt t1w (11"el- w(lt, if' the distro"Ct, but it grauutitly foork W ............... W. J. Ifill.. ........ J. W. SL John ......... ........................ SHITT110120 NIEVES droll. w 114 loer6lked -ilk . firf- cawwwd atiddistributitni 4of ]led 11poh. Upon the Wcofid tluf,'-stioll IiI - raiw,.Ll atty dead 6*ln torevioun 114 Ivy tile, P;pfookikif-111 .4)r � t1to xallons of ork: -N ................ E. J. Davis.� .......... Lieut. -Col. Wayling .. ......................... ditki (out II tile trial of the wumtin brovikkI noi wili-Juake in- 4feervell, egunsel for t1e prisoner eon- too t1w rilwirrez-ti�n f, (lif Itit. The Poirier at t4toe. sellolastique, %%.IAen the swull oit. %voroI h1twilti. lip oskvitni imileds we Ing wiAwi it- o4 ill, teonde;tl. fliat evidence of unsucceloful told rilakora and becauve so per - Dr. F. .1. covirr I left lie' It' re Codld filippoikir that tile Ruiliority noW Wa^ arre*t;pil a4l t I W sl I P" attempts #�y tile priwint* to Insu 0 f silltAit"t thiLt tile I.Ximirtminit (A Jun - _1k llil.4 .,il *4;ltil alp(but, 6W 4or tilp. the life of- 1I wife, thirwe IwIng at given coitipmliended alto ti.eir nture The Most. r�vailjug Trouble A . . rday on JoI work' Freirly e, Imie t1e1A-rmiiI tAI, take wWon. it eharge, of hwiintr -,riiwol a erim- will ther -'are ill 4rt W of ile" �tollo ti %*UtMA-W-W 11% f0iII tw cA. ttempts ail ex- T' nt tI4_W- Jt MJ,r -hilt -a,. few iuting insuranc%- oil tier life was land- yori Itave 'receivod ya ' lir 4)li%9UXC1L inal- nperAtis ll 4 oil AiiiI r lit. W - aim] power w) extroloo- It o;rrntiti- the Cpntury, future. Mr. Kclqabb hea been a girt. -44. il1La_Ikl'lV4'.4'f tltnt.-4#;Pt vai3 missible, f(T file purpose of shoxhig ill. Jill in rlt.,061. t. .1114i ritil Ltlin-4 motivet or for riny purpow. Boyd, C., 40:1sly frok tilt- $Cfxxl out lidiOu faithf u I and fearlm expomsder of tbe iflter Notes of the Farm. CA �1�lillg of -r & tI:t%v gret s&,trt'9tLL anti Ro1wrtison, J., werf- of opinion Htiieefc,rith he re wato ."�is 4rtlo tilitli-t. I,() It Attacks People of Bot h Sexes and all truth, and what will be our loss will be richto under tile IrrigAtic-Tt act %vi I I I of. too %%ill that it Nv4yi tlK% iluty,of 'tile court l*rvAiratIotir. tinch sk-, rvi or4limirily Ages A Complete Breakdown Fol t&41&M of J&I a(trnItilatereol ky l'rerri- 'rf�lief by tte Ao ftaviino- the ;firmt ilutistion inde- it do. oil I tip eve or a lows Unless Protupt Measures for 1101 sotnebody else's gain. And may the tcriea Deprtniefit 4)f %3*'4Jrk* -tt theni� iout ther(-, is tio pendentl iof tile'(Wislon lit Re'Kifin ..v : tot out Iit iidioiI fliot get iii :111 right. vs. Willi.-inis, "d the ditt'not, agrol* *4 (r i are. 'fi*kl i.- P14 orRelief are Taken Dill A "I's' bleafiing 01 our Heavmly FeI an ,141 of o; t It I t- iffit to% . Afifi. w I' - ; I oir watitr;. Skor 3 Itolm Knry 11141 itid svi.tli that deirision. depining that tile' -rhat Leads Riligin.o. Irt, all - i lit- ro rad LA'X(*2 Knowledge law tioue to fall on him and his estiawkU lle- - I ky ea prisc.11441! Coroner's. iniluest gave it(From -tlif- Ura tv t has reventI lit., !i lim-it,4! toy j libs evidenc-,q. not volu.ntarily, but tin- 13*i for li(-Ipi* wife is the sinceire wish of a host of low the Town 4 Quo-itielle. P. tier the -lawful 'Ilure&64 of ni FROM extra kamials. or sucli a* wem tile Must prievalent troti- LIA*onlio, left buried tliree mim-r, irti-n0d Will. Aliell. A oath, and To Money Making. e"tweially aflaptf-441 too I loat b1f, oil tlifim collfliwirit to -&y I, ner- I),, people hem. Joe Rico and -Illexander McLean. The fill" iling rallits)t ;,tr1oii1cl under tile 4r(nnpulmlon of e statute,' FARPMNG.' wela I i-:it)rf-sm4I tot' r bI aFi they stavos ti flicitiv aud, upon tile, true iron- %"Oil" proitItratilon. flow fretitiently we ""Olt meetilli The Whitechurch schwi kxard has —Not to lillrelin-t one it tI ov Iin4I i nl( the -ppring i-tTsit. structi(xi or.spe. 5 loove. *ientioned, I lipar this Wirni, and et itow rew up- anot feet Ilixti: . . b, Jcatiti Meal W -4 Modd. et oaiini-o4ii tier. Me. evid-nee' was aot tadinissible, 111 ii;cme t):iflgK purchased a physical stppartittus fi�r tm 1. -Y 4111.1A.111 itir -4xvcr Vanadigil tit the trial (if t1w. pkisoner for,1 witlio:lt. alill pear to rTalize, its full deadly import r-* month Of Vatch fro lit l li,, i 4,4- that it w1deli they efoul4l not use of the scho,1 thu-t making our 14elt none fit1wr eo, is runiew4itf tht JilSt lWell. S441 W11,10 .1low. At the alry eiav I Ill f,�rnisri' . nd Nervoug 1woutration in to tw_ round ot, sl wol. mn.rok%r. Meredith, J.,- iwstdniing that elkt 0114 -111 (of hired inen on the farm arp unmar- w received thpre that the M#%wrs. I'Ptipr- i,f iith authorrity nd po.ver fm)m Ifirn showina school equal to any of the High onm,. sta, kl. t wit 114)11,t 111'.1 t tile Court was to glire.an iidepenfliiint lield- ATAI cially at tile tent ricd, anti, emweikiletitly- they*Iialre to . t t%PO I attiong people of all- %%-alks-in fit(., nd lien 14ave aiweeekle,1 in their negotia--� tIK-Y Were %v( -;l prevartd. : Tiework- 09. Tre" S hcols. Our school is ona of the ,eatob titirn (Wisifolt ill Itegina' vs. %A'illiahis, alit.1 'colivention,, t1w, question *of I. Ila- live Avih the fariner. This, -to a tions. aestiring V:4- mw4,-v&*4 iif the, fa,.t evi41ell6e wn#4'adMiFw­ vcro -1ir elleese mml utter - w fre- certain . extent, is es, iiot go- well as adults INC.. VIX tit tille see -olid, questibit rewrved queutly referrcxl to, by variot speak- 1welally w1m-re there it; a fainily of Ing out for lArite salit et they Ainong young people it it4 oftA.11 tit(; caski belook thr"Is in the county drawing the K*h w(lirt- ttp Tile ADOLPH LUBTURT FOUND GUILTY the.eflurt lulati, 141 that the 6r.4. Thiti.: In'mivny rtwpI Is lie tee young IoI groing up, as very often kr;lr- I'm of Madd School grant. which speaks well for 46 11 ' . . ituously he 11 t1dw -mvitilt o f (W liigii pressure systew ii t4l tO AP110 twO (OrRIV4"r-4 till ctit#i.of the I;ripontir ill refer- Chief oimettity wicii tile wul Ute inoralcharactoer of the hie4l mail 1111014C they At that ducation. 1111olkig tliolle of lore the popular teseber, Mr. Jowph anti Ryea too furiiWt infornuttloii U) MceI insilranoe wax part' -of thfiren )-utter nuiliter- h&*4 to ic(nttelld "ttv I i, an -d- 6- no*. sueli L4 woiVI4 Ite, miducive U) ioprioti, tliere Wa. nip ItI i w" finglly St&ulker. wbo has worked the WIWI&* Uanadiarm gc4fig through to. rtilp YU_ 'g1Vta0;ilN 8411owidk hit, mo'ire or de- the principal tiource of tit fla- a behithy g-mnv.t.h 9f ntorals in ttw nmattire 3-4-arh it may lie cLue to We and to nat4kit in Murderer Receive the Jury's Ver- ,Ign, an -41 the. eviiiknct- W.104 properly vvriii seenm to be lit tie. Tit before y(xing' bI 1111.' Inquire whit lit t li, worthy- cares of liuj%inv", or to overwork, or 1A, irotion . of up to this higb st&ndard. tey Wer" not t! 0XII(MI t (.111selvet; to t. to I tile earrying 011t; 4_4 th.. adinitto.l. Tile, rkA.It is thht, there. It reael". the ebecfa factory orI reani- One way to ovcreonle tlti� drawthack worries Ili tlw lickine. But whatever lom.% Mrs B&I Y, sister of Rife. Juni lat" there. diat With a Laub, will bo a 41 trial of the prisoner. cry. The quekkAlm twov s, wh4le4hould in for every fartner to have au'oxtra loW4114PA's t4u.4ilcion r #ill , Ion t meek -tit alolo oind tile caulk(l. tile inevitalole revult ill a timit a McC!enshan, alormr resident of this at %% lilch tho jilel. vittiohs of, the prja I* . rt*;ponxIIjlP for Itiots front, fl�se bad limme (wt the farim for Itired holp. A The zoequest of he Beil ToIAie 0*10r tvforp- the cononer will not be f lavom ? , Everyotie "vermi-4 Ili -6ur CO- econiftrtable I they nlu b or irood 1wenking -it d at In(I dre doit bI mentally an company III perin iioitbn t4i it.kereaste F B. John wohie call be built, vexy 110111r,4111,1, ll( ( ure ()uilljpt SOtitt4%-bIlJlt lit- uuki admUte*1 ih ovidence. T.. -toperat.ivr oilailry i-�. to farni Publie liliYeivalF.- unlemi'liroulpt twasures rt. GEIS I . yeteni kiu)wi4 11tat ill.' renixmiably, anti � life tni ti Yt for tile tkot i#n. their rat" in the 'Paoing eities 6f thf- IMPhISONMENT ]POW WE #&"ij Q.:V., for priiiioner. J. It. Cart- the nihkrity of caiiiirs, the ell, Or Would I*! ' better. for all vcvIii , if wer.­ niot for tiviru,� took cerLainly In-ot 11#1%,o aliQ%,p,1 tile in- -)niinkon- wt" wwtllt c*)nke tip foir, a �d tAkeI to stay tile ravages or the dia- Wright, Q. for -tho CO(iw' t noi mckiloy 141141 0XIWte i tit receive Wrilient until L14 116um lla f-Inlookiel 160 it. loutter. maker,. wLen. It#- en&fna lit a wqoaratn lie (Irmeranient. 911 deciosion by t pp- 174. 1" wt I...141letgrert PaAw and restore the sliattered nerve af ter death. Z m Ow hirAl lielp livt ractooroy, bIfmJ6 Iiinlikelf U-.v'tuakejk.first- lKlinw. It 1vtoid4l then lip necessary paird, *r Toronto. wan Ili ilttawa sk- wi,*. t4ti-nigI& riiavirxpt�t illud sen&,need 11AMIOND HEARS TH F. X r, WS. 12. YO it]- io, lionw-As f0rCVw to their nortnal t4nidition. One Oliver Dufour 1pft beitilitj 1jim thrtw in& for po"tilkimliement or the 01iI marketable article of cj*wo or Uy ensAw married iiI 1to woum AxIsp. ripikirt iI 0n re- better. Thiti; being tile raws, held reqUire Ithtlier tvagew '_ This 'would tt) they frour llott,* Ul house to such sufferer lilts regained healtli brothem, Pierre. Aumble and Lout&. tion' rn the IntereI of the PUMP ceipt of, tile nwwalI at - 12. 6 visit thoy wer-P to octy, ­ Ilenoe be Although %hocked taid surprised at rur',thc- terin of, Ilia. wittiral Luet- alm(milicingst new trial for Hit m.. so the responsible party, nd litliether I tim lip a t1rawbak, as. there is no unto you." the liNu.0 sillutation. given lier Pip(._-rie?we r' I'XITED TATE.S. mmokil, Awt,4 to;.hlanke cr 'lot, lian' make IQI*. W110 renders am gtxxi serviee for tileir brotheir's -thmtl, ti,ey diLl liot* tl,i6 vertliet With a1augh. I 1. 1 f tho houw be wo-thy-Noticie IKW lfwh fortunate. Ifins I-Alth 10I . 11141 ry a corrt*ptonoerit lmniedih,Wly got the I nfe if t 'Ulkt' 11111Y ioltelliki to dent, till inves- 1.44164 nithirtY- -gtood aity lom re -01I from rlor i tho womy lie geU an tile mnrir�kld Tito jpry 'rotiI t A.Z)0, ansi toic)k 1oriff's rA,,,rVni**ioqi to - inter,view hink. de. No 4 o. te w Id. of)- "111jut ()It ti tilt' 60111VItiI Iw. VIi-Itit e0l.1-10 er whe resides witli her parenth tit Ligatlott. Tlwy it" not posissiound of #-iglit lllj*II*tig 1.,4 isobw't'lle, rpco,rot i,r ti.w ieetw, being nia. ie f a rni. Tilt- very act that 111011 00 with ready r#.tttr, r ii. lit- wilo Ilitt...bviric fire. tbeir firot loallot qt 1-0. It waii-miani- lvm� OvelwContf-b With Joy t the Ject too tjll#4 -if tilo it 84 141wtaill were lik lo irjtrr14%4t iti'tti'lias wAue kIne do.; 'Belhaven, Ont.. is a young lady %%Iw much P4111(vitio". and wert. tinder the ow for- ouilw fiti,le tinte 110 I -due to iteglect fat tile part of tit maker, tipciii Jilin, 'tuakes Ititu int" not receive your sn tit6tion ki"y w IIII de um uded go It iA nik*r%Uoo1I that negotkitioitioare illW Will lit.)t recvi4ve your n+,songe kindly. fiv ery Wputar aluong iber eirele or '1uPre`s"`i01l ti t if Of v cmi ftxpt which may reoult In tho Wit- waboi c4oliftalliI ill arriving ;tt*'tli(- Imii- tliank you or tiv hIF- InWabliity,_ hist w n the "teady antil.-his wrvlet.- Of iiiore vit Ine investigation it would C4"t them be - in- 611filf-lit too I oib , inflicted, but this W.W Iloartily for.t4ilughtfully relieving ;UY.- kkii i�ustalned vmilts frotit baA I a vor top the rariner. Cum. IAA your come liport at%l6aintanc4%, and tlwy all rejoice at 111101'eY No%%'. I:Owever. t1I Iwave made louskill Itailway timing the- Air Lint It---Tlieir prekiiienc* would, like i imbue Jbe ttled by nd thell tile luror* Fat i0tY '. thth ine�-,sttge'l Itam' brought Moe 1w Vic cheeit-I or butter w1kitit tile rnie -timicuity witi, tile. 4ngle hired fier restoration to Itealth. To re- -ml oX tlw main line of the T-6 Aw- -1, lon".11 complaint to thp Uovern- mc great relief." Anti, t, ill# I Pk4id siaker I-.. nobt. A or, t does man very o 111 44 IA le a mile I flietiOn to 'tit wt'() wf*rf) of k4wil lipar pdrter %%-Ito 'callcd upoil her mile gave - oiiround in, their, room until 10.50 til The, prftwilcie r golle W%.,kpif_ ill tuent. MII th-It Nome actiou 1W .r I . -4 'tII4)llxll it 11.14 following particulars concerning foe -tock, will -it thev their am lie f.. ly bea med. not Foeilitn fair tit patlkfl.� VIP. wl e. ltvw Inclined too r.-mni around -at niglitim, an ita ken Tho ycung wilite Kirl recently di -4- witll iloy aw %(Am . :M th Itome, lio; like tilt- ark ii tile liouse (of lier illtx-" and cure. "You know." saitl to clmir twit,% tile myhtAby verdict e o, ows, was, upo itim. . rt it, elalnied.hy t o inilk thusi unfIt8 liiuir.:elf fcr,work the' -next wMeli PairroutpU thcIt dmith of thpir Covered among a band or Indiana near fully niisk.%rAo(xl by him. lie itiso at4ked 0(xtueer that the I tile day. Of couw-e,, no o te. (-)bj-ctx to a rea- 11. SaI vI 1. -Peloutwt. tile Young Indy, - *'Iio%v ill I was lamt LuetIII6 counbel.atunceeittered a maker li , : brother. Pierre, onth Dakota. has been iden- that Ili#4 Sit MITI Vratittid W I le aftiount Let your pimm return_�-114hey rejtvt Wintr wlien - my friends feared that motion for I now- triaL. which wao en- be c0n- right to reject any milk I I I smia.14 -of reerpation. which Dufour. Ilow of tlw- qlewi mail, tified by Mrs. Turton, of tered, and will Iw argued wit'llin-a few e0unw4r for unceaing (kes Afit co-%lder multable.for aking ever(,ne vilouki fAve. But*tlie lilred *ou the hift.*J146 you them goIng into it dvellne. Ili t1w r' late hushawl 4111 -led 1141,ek 'to jail offort,4 iii -11 K Ielialr. .-a gotA (juality of or.-Ilkiater, nImti fimt 41uty L,4 t.4) . V 111-4 b . 4 3L-Lnor. Mocee Mountain, it -4 lwr long day&. LuiAgo-rt w#"X -er e (m- o4hall rest )it you.-BlunI early part 44 tlw wititer iorotli father dectiLres tMt lie ad at receive you- and inctlier were tittacked with Is It death. nkd tlutt lie 1111AS font, daughter. in altIparently good spIritI anti coinfort- about tll(% * ep nio appearance Jie It and e(mwequently, it 1io takes --,)n bad' ployer raitlifully mull well. Theit. gain, 14. Whotitoover shall lit i : it, i tu rA I from- adrid say tho trial.. I not itp ' For p(ito4bly , whole t.,,%ru Inielit not 9TIpPe, Jl?AI I JIM] 14) 14CA itfItIo-w- Irritatly troubINI ith Ayxptitery.. for ed loy the murances, of hL4. lawyero pI to -have flawnw] milk wlitch Iiibir" tli(t sale., of very (often if the hir(Ar inwi, who I" . t lieni , that tilt, Spitniph Government. lias i .4uffem, 1 thu treow'of in(L orthy.-J_ V 'Nor an well an attend tAo tilie houtwhold Which Nike alwayti gave him ltrandr. ,that Ito will gpt a -new- trial, and tl,6,lt He the prI bfiardlng with the fariner, Ift niot wet lie it&,% blintwir V --blaine. . & B. te pootw4aisked ot a largO q7lilio is 6111 right am far." it gc*o. afid treateol. ak; one of tbe fanilly, -uW eon- Your *,*brds-Cimt01npt of the s(uppel work Tile fdraill 11ras inu�ra than I ntid It -six thio that edge gave Itim deci, ie I tf 0 oefto I t w ip additit,ma I irrifiderm tho taU% will not he itb] 6) t v tA) tho UnitpAl States. amount Of h0p0- When there, okepinet-11 regar(I too tile lottlAtie" of voiltellipt of a() luinisterw could staud, wid the r*wult wtw I fell ill f4w We 1-kolt, tilue. ThP vC14de �hlni at opeoild tlmt.. n if tile inaki-r klicowlTilgly take4I load tailted, fit the (4millionly IW- hat. received Irv- 1111111,10Cted Will 11114-hably he tI14- Cristobal () rbauc" for life he mtili felt that, flaVcn-ed milk lie t4li(mil<1064ffer ilre eon- farni. lie tK thusati),irifxI. In taking this U'lliten ill, TIw doetcr wati; ealk-d lit suld ttiotgert wits -a tldeag4i, �.au,*ag4- - i lit41quo-litil) 1. Iyu t-114% "Id 11I WoUM gct relitf. Yo dei)art-A- a.YMIH)Iir:i I net. exioresd- ray tri,ulde wa,,, im-rvous pro4trati(*ofi to illvostiI tile ramp, maker: Th#- erijue or which It(' '%,as F1111quences. But it lim been (k-nitm- view wt- are n<A dit+araghig the hIrPd aecumId was that of murdering lit- oftated. that. niany. of tite bad taiits inaI etittling in ajiy way. but Jimit dis- 1119 that -they- mir4mcgi.1 il aI Utat It woul4l take e4obidokwalk,le niod left for the w-pne whow. Imody -lie flisp4okoed of toy NELLI . E NBUSTRETTER RETURNS. found ill ,elwAw 4)r butte'r caAnot 'be ctlining tile oumtkat aI far am it bears Idlity for, thm. Mine roT lue to reeover. Under Iiio care Tiw o-arly clooging nio ' vemeiit for wt detected'tu the weighing call pjid do (at Ltile lionle life on.t1w fajml. hired 15. It shall be inore t(Aerable for I wa;4 aftor a light rt WilliO able t4l leave RODE AN ANORY 1BUI. clorkeo, in elieniL-AI shotioil lias taken d6wolving it in ChMiC.1I 'in a I:tKgf- d I I kiddotti an(., tiloge niy riot)m &lid p) 41milit tile tout vat� lit the I~inpnt of Ills faet(oxy. uch-Talke -of Woman Takes Luxur. nat #xlti3wAItem19&l_v(%4 till tit#- proceta mall an n farni vitopld not Uke it as root in Englandi lous Apartments Ip New York. `.of Owme-ifiAking Is pri�ty well - ad- Ill a7ty why di"Zesllectrui to-) iiinmwif WIck0d CIV01111`1411ned asul*t &I mucil my nerv4*4 tfi-d n(vt x!Aem tii regair their Miss laaaegioln was Carried a Kilo. %Mt Sir 6etorge U. -wart Tito 4-hief evidenee gainat ' IiI wtus Aa� I* A athu U lf*s light. They had rq*4jU,I tilr. 11glit attwWti, Nly liulllit would twit( -I, as- Landed in a Snowdrift. pr tile findinic of sonto litinian loones and Tior,� o14-milatch wsys. Nellie N4.tl- vanceilt. -a rulo load flavorn catwed cawiv fle in It( Jited the r4�rnwrl.v Coininander-in-Chlef of 11 by the f(WAI a cow eats . can ly, be Inner I.ofte life, or is filittin" Anti (it thow. t1dityugh I had St. N1tui-S, dance I w lie forcekot in India, wa-4. throwil _Wo of -hiet wifeb; ringo, lit the, vtt stro-AtA-r, 11,11r'is, - not allowed tile %V114, rw1erted ( Itrixt wPnt oll U) stin SubJect tA) lwadarlies had it %-4 ry lot or 1--toillp of Dundaff andCryistni Lake. 'It -det*cted when the milk ia if I frfwh, Iftivilegeiii. Of the members of the fal,11I lyliielt tho, clietnicalki had notacted,up­ Igor- foi-t, w1k., ap'tureol U14 'luestiun of :tg:l ilwt tilf.. ft'll light. (4 � the tetitlio- allkPetitv tuid %va,4e) iveak that I qA;ki 14unquii-hannit. Ila., are Wking [root 4 tionw seriously iiijuretlat :44fectionn eKwelally If lipated. while V (tile to And tilen there i -bb the on. Litetgert was tried meveral sft%eks Ono of Ilia less Wms broken 'if Williall) lirtouxht Joy tlio. siki, qr j -iiit 11"It tho try diskagrI "k `� :11111 to wyme injurious form (of bact6ria, etting extia wifork fur tho women. folk on tile. 04- scarcely P) abot-lut" I luid I"n adviged alx thp ride Which ill two jolacen awiff he was Tinifly shaken w lit) Ill the. (lily for judlcl�wnt-Diffvro-nt U) try IInk 1116. wid tait. day silioke Ilt. it ilk stlifl, Ilf'. K.4ve int4b Uie milk ntayL gult, lid de"Uxl for farju I;eeaib�e of Uie hirciii, inan In the of loutiislinient �Ike aw.tr,14&;l ta tlie dt)I 11111iii-ts- Dora lionaeson, of Ftalligray, took - and britioaft.] rr;& 11C.4 - it w (logreeft A RAID ON THIN KLONDIKE Illuing.mat tlw- (;rand Prix a0line lifinra anot'l fit maI catwiii 'till the h4bitie. I'lic' extra wagew;'that It is tiI kIr aloilut the'lli. wid lie "Id 4mi tile titack or nil angry bull. AtrarWe A t*mqpaUh too the -'k ill- Now She llinilk it4 c1.ATWW1.Jlt 00 14NVeA4 Of MOM- C*&mary Vo pay t1v- -married 1111'Lit tip Ili tlit.I, daY of JU09-Ine-ut **rftqboIlIillg tie believed they would tit) tile go:)d Vo of owrtilnit!r con- I got tliree hol000, twitili loy t1te tinte I tA) IiI tile heroine came througii Lke timi SMS&Ore London Star oives Space to a Startling luxtirifms albaftim-ntoo ill :tit 11lotowl, ufactum. Mneli being tile caw.,,Ikow In IKNVMI 14iny*elf. will lip inore th&n itinde- honIgh-t np all Vie arailftlile vro.-;s ottrt*-t. ii:i%-irig the maker to tell whether inlill; haA ill ill) by letspn1ug Vle labo",r lit tlw fariii forred an -1 ahui4 11ei, Tile day had uiI thein I relt tlwy %%ere lielp. odeal intinjurett. She was visiting .1liol L apallpsk and Improbable Story. r-4 of Axtineral recko vers, sioul Ing me, alid I gqot a furtiwr tml)l)ly. frleild% sit tile time in company witil ljsve am] t r '(441ti.Y %%Ith Vi-ry..1-I(-Il 111141 i t t ho'germ#4 of some bad f I a vor i)r i i ot, I-4ollue, ail-(] the I)I h(fte Ili(- tit,,- nprn-tis frmr the Britiall fleet. Ttwrf% itik The tar- et4ter- v#-ry man (of this w1en iw acebpto It at tlia-factory? fartner Wid I& family will have. Of from tliv oi God By the titnir I had taketi e4i IK,x4sk 1 %16* LitIoclasno4ein. 14'verytI.Ing eir"kilered. -we 4o not- c<mree,,4 hired nin witli a 'family ace"Irdi"K :184 his %1 *11:111 Ike. was feelfric atinniger and better tliatt I Both Young wonion am fond ofaid- -iumh ozenowent In tl,4. r4ror-Wik tUy, utuler the 0eading It. ill c i ty. v Tenelihisro;.-For 4,P1 work God IwW fior yearw All the twitelkiiig ill itiv "Ifilo. 'atud evory inorning d Ight Mmi-ty #over Vie fatt, tilt? Kloudilke," oluote,l a.11 llonyinow, 1*11itod ('4;mutitwi4ater )r fin- to4pnk- , maker of Pither cheew itr but- would neeid steady employment all the an 0 1 tlllt�14tiljllf- ter iihould hI fieki rit e or bad yea round, itiW t1ilit.4 -would.be.an d- -itty %7ith revent- itt'grfititbu, %vhell d ' L Ivvw livilo. To &d A I PaA i of God'Pt linilk� lut-d MisaliIiIenred and my i.er%4� fillit, thein Ili the wilkitig yard waUli- Tit#,, 1,06, -iktiun tot th#-:.tr# % 'I I"In(lilig, ok:lisl: flavtyr-4 in wo, far tu4 lie Is not t4M-CtI.T viintage to the farmer. Where a large direethauk. foir work iis ,A certain too k-eenied an &Aurimg 11,4 vver tlwy ly atrivi*1 fit Eng4tud, as x.L.Yiltg 00 1-10)ut ism NotlootretWr 11"d ing tit(, anintals drink from it liege ma I. rhe bring fall"m a^ to fall t4iort of what been I *I In tile herd wais runi4pribik #of lax BrA. I arp r0prence to thp'relief exioxtitions to "I kmow (if no I:t%v prohibiting tier, t9 blame. Bad flaytiro Ili dairy oll4Aucts ntount of stock ia kept tiki�rp is 111,,t V4L tile i)JI6, for a little wilto-ring trougli. 1;ritatn #I F, landing. valliplai I V) ine axe la�I dup to moitle patr#fi'a lip,- u; 11111ell T43.fld of lielp 41urI tIW 114- conlilialidt, 4wims lvxlght blt*s- while I4Al49Pr to inakp certaiii that tilt, :1 lt,,rkgs&y liull. J uxt for a frolic Milo 't re r nn- tilt- KlotikiAlle.. tliat wl:o #kotbr. the mor000t Fnvor- untiliar with thi- II '6kn6w that thht ths-, t%Va- not It irableor glect lit allowing Ili% Milk to Come ill ter -111441tln :w during Ulm ottininer. iikg -for &)ill nd hody. ro providt, for cure w alit] "it"' tIlP 4111y upon the edge of I& treatiiwnt in r#­.1we I It toi) Ilw thiA 611cube is; s filmy .14�-Iltmesoll's coulact Witt. _Wmle gonn-0illutilig A 4ounK&Iv(% more,than. I& )'pgoinic toGod I dimeotitintk-A ti,4411i I liave tiot fult Pon A 11111., ,1) OF. tbv- trough and iee4wd u tilp lack tk-.iire U) relieve tile. w oinklin cliarge. .141m Ili tilf. e idellepw of wil-ITTe; tok-) 14. uncleaiilinetitK in.,regbd- Wool gmwers Le 'awaiting widi will bring tinaro. UxIstiAw-iiiiliould the aJ-1ght4vt rvturii %or tilt- trolible. I of tile loull. dren of JohanneohitirlI w(411th 11141, reflifelui-Ilt, it f, until all tA) the milking uteiiiAla 4oro to 4eciding liltenmt the final results of the 4%x- IN' wiw Ill clioositig Ito-iies, litit never feel t4oat my pro*uit excelient healtil With a roar tile animal dekillbed 0 F. Ni F. R Al.. obJewtitAt'ivits n isod. I r4fill I not re- Itio COIV'" footl iMuell &.4' tUrn1pq, ete., through theill. tho woilit. � The nutti- Is due to Dr. Willkuiw' l'iiik I-iiiis., aiwi CohtJnuing.. the 1wrimonth which the Agricuitura down it little and out -on the Lich can -e had odifm. tut.d, thorefore, I bel. twelve wam titat of tile fullitestIt of I ain glad U) I* at -lo, t4o recollilliellki Iligi , lie-silwit4-11644 jaot rpeel-v#"I from %Ia.- gpondeht rpivarks: tw4o Wr lot her 1,111d. It an W 14-1wrtitlent of the.Vniversity of Cail- - low I ljeadWg for tile lake. The 'very Ainericaii iotimil 1 01:111 S ill if he weirf- madp to pajr -for t I te 10i. a Nu.4- rornLn im prosecutit tw kingtlogn or ('toil-if,nW. thentim- Ule"i W amyme whote tierves are ill n terrified girt clune to the neek of tile Philippine tc) be i -s a t, i Iri's and tho law dii-ectI tained no one would wiffer ijt' tly. If nill.a. rajdtvil W 19 witil tile i103 ber 6f the Trinity, siu-tiplied byfour, Wtattered conditim. anjioune* that 1-200 buildingiii, wompof another Jatnaiion riii4t. anI Oat -the 0(eolvft from a croiix of the Merino t tii aniinal like a Jockey in a race, and hi#A,ory f -Mad extrava- thla practice were nkkyptAWit,.`;LIl our, number of the -t,:irld. Hence li�r- Williaills' lUk Pillis ann it t4i; ic every tuinute expeeW to to daabed fed theill of itaportance. have lwwll I I'- Anlericiiiiiii inttiti w kipplo control of .0a,11 Prove- Ivitil the 1'VrHi4an, a iiew awl di"tillet' twelvo was tile synitia iI nuinher of modicim- Ry their ti -.4p tile I;Iixd ii; galit" 11011? it Ilarlm, no other woman dalrieo we would @,.o;L #w ittrovp4l by fire. -the Klondike. The Klowlike'r" have 40- IP. lik fignp- tyrke a wicep. , .,riw itilitien or tio. to the ground. For a samnd theball It 4.4 pi it yew the itizzy part. that has Ineut Ill t1m) quality Of tf in-, tbe world as transfortre-J." renewed. wid Uie imrvilki niadi, orinig roviody kinnonneed that tile '14tar" anti fallf%ll I icrino And t1w fenilem of tile lbersian 9A-011141 stop, ph* the ley road and 1111111114do . _ V) L t I % lot of tilloik be:111t ckiii Conth"041 Y. pI`WI to,) many of (Air clieew. foctories art, ujwd. Tile (idijmt Ili to coniblue Altilwamidtom-Tilwy Wert) lorintar- wid vWrou,-4. ajid iit tilim i4lpaill I)luW 11heitild with, a rierce hel- Minor, wid in Stripes will be flying at Dawson toricA. it i1w becaume tliq maker ily ailibiwadors to tI14 tribct, is drivien frt)ni tho evtegu .4,m a ipirin "ty ianw# tand CrI tlm-. advantagew oll' a large rltheeo (of 9 k)w i fig. ita Vicinity. About ,W) peoplehave toy July 40. It wouhJ_p)eiv,& it. large Jp w 1.1.,4 are the fitie%t lit Franee, her 1-kokked upon an tile 441jr re- or loorat-4, al"Id tA) tIlIk4 t -I inimber nWW(!iD0 Dr. Pfiik III art, been rendered liomplew. powe 3,(M, booly of Aineriettim if the 'Kiondike rn.11lat nu fine -4luality with tile ability to loroi- C-Llrrftq Ponds. TI&I we named. It ftwli'49 [&A ki nuir a mile al"d appeared a inall rO nif,*4etigerw ufL%urP 'text 9fiI mn� hilitaUA toy the haut IK)fwAl)le fActAX Ill t110 cOne 411ime mutton or tiw, hI ciam r"n —the ow ill it cutWr. Tit#- driver wore a too Ihii-ximew. 30 moloolum ;tnfl 11:'� khani4 have coliLl tW MiJAIP It pre for war be.- liv pill If -, j*4V1W' it fruitilt4-4 tilf, tirplikok- infuly lf,#804 w1dell 110 114 fi4A ante wo ("I rl#t-,4011t. not Le" a 1) x or It I own rf. d mi soon am th4m, Will cauglit lie t'dwil State -4 ilia or her liair. %nd wow mile IN ill le Z lit! PLame flock. Tho Pxperiments ror tljf4r tinterfwt-it wt. to Ilear the YOU too V19KIIIN1.1mi artivity -kok for fir. txwn inore tir leiiiiii oluniagPil. tween. Fnglnd and t f, r live Ileell saidotlied,ilix-Iii 11 1. 1-1 New Yorkers Pee 1),atron hno certalit mix-swifilli mid rar arf,, not xtifficiently conclusive to Williallit-' Pink little ro 1-:11e lipollob %IV h t (Ifthat Ito took it as 4 chal- wilich would rei.iinit lit thp annolittlop tit %cit lot ;oI fillitoe 1111111111sato of tile Mcmin li. atKi take mytililig 441W Tho French authoritif-A lot lit the annomweinent or do 1. ('It IPW And inereelowl hilt mpeed. Tile on on of (Unaola." Tliere bo inuch morP In wilat it ig i to llnvp rp _Ills r Aw4i.-FlrAt ealli4(1 to loe oil, ek*41 to ahantlon tile inowripti( ill' tile l.er,* lni* resulU frogn "#,]pet or rctoults. but.tlie li'mUmLions are.tbat -4 tho 4 typ for tile eazielf,*Sneow, tile inakpir alkohloll wit, ;K- Ill(*, afid then to liptoine apootles.' driver mw tht- daWr and put tbe Islal, ecAFW wIilrh,'o4in(4 1. the otame stmin. French eaipj�, the experiment4i %vi,ll prove eomplote- to h6 lioriw. For the npxt mile there bold 1W141 r4"pi).gwihIe for them. Clwesen front the colunic I Walks of nien PIPOLI Another Tune. hpoll ti La LOVZRS"MAY X18191 LEGALLY 01111101PPAD HIS ARM IN PIECES. Till-"' RACON' 1`10. lireftcLi tile kinge3ru of Ileavft. was a race compared with whielt tile Frrtne,f-. Sarrileg"L it of slm-el) which will pro- Tbe A ltter ficis twen r9L-el%-e4j ill (I 4MClixii _�ourmls I y wirre wilearned oen, to k ij- rlde* (if Paul Revere and Tam O'Fjh&n- swariost. that the 640 will 114) W, n A Gallant Georgia Judge rells Them to The Victim Likely to Die From the Since t:ecretary WU.Wxi wf ketronglY 41;wrb wtool coniparing favorably In 19% taught -tljf,, princII)I4sL or tilp (joe- er�eeu II it 3-imag officer on till&)- ter sire not worth mentioning The be wol 1. and emphatteally -recoinineuded the (Illatitity and quality with that of tho Ines of Christ. Go Right Ahead. Effects of His Injuries. .%1I.Crk-ita farguert4 W griow thb-,rain- -time will tr Oil th" litortil"co4t, frimitier of w4fia. girl. with elow4 eynb, rJung Ilk@ st Wtird hamoo reach -f -ml AUwita rvpirprt iI lils-4111" Merino. and :Lt tile Sallie ' 2. Qulifit4i-Tiley i4i 'A'iliell i% ivade t,,p tile grini ("tit to tlif% bull, )Iopinjr aIgairat t4le (yrilwnt t1lat tile black lilagim- Ila^ telotirt itiotoit - 4119- itorth pigt4 and raine more bacon hogs eill)AI tile *44,t1ltIkiI or sonic otlier were given pilwr% t The 14fi(wr lias keeii 110,114" that olomethh4x would woon oe- ppitlenille, whiell hats been raging in ruio, authority. -the liower of tokit ln.-wtprii Yufinan. at ( IL%n- wriety eirelea li;Lq reached tit(- courto treming accident occurred here till,% t1wre nas bepit a a0itatim) 111-uttol! oI ill intittoin production Piperb F"idlAtA-g- ud Niiint. it, liuspi- car to stive her. The driver of tile the" IkoI 0(X) dpatlio iri two) tft"ncion at tilt- Slann Manufactur- aliI him 'I'lie breudeiti Apr im prW11ppil. the Califorlila static"i Ili- wit() e inse QiIiiiii aloto miAialski. Coffins cannot to annViI fa -St nd tll(. vitar queation of kimim, or not are teruged the lard cip ridl loo- angry when rejecte I Lai at hawal 11ifuli. horike.4waa moon 14*t to vipw. Ing Company. Norton Olds, aged 45 wbat wiaeeki)ll1I)l1.,411(xI one or tile im k #-. for CliriII The i., tile letter runk,4 ab From tile font )f a lon4r 11111 two k1wing 'upon judicially. D. A. Wt' $hall bP Julafti according - film ad%Ice an mst ullne(1*8wvry. 9",atfut unceeawiIi in remit year." to t,(, tIW light W& It a ve. follows: rnriners saw tile daWr of the itirl, enirolg)l. &nd tit#- fx4iple are Ortowing yearn. aceident4tily got U4 righthand Fikgr"wr hap a pretty 14-ywir-old aught In. a N41 flinner, and beforelie They cl-ahn that t1w, 1109 will the linprorrement of 4tintiritic aninia's. the .11paid tior)(lieJot up tho dows. dughter, Mary, anti Mary Itam atw.rl. I they PRACTICAL 8 wiya he wtm not play- &lid. witinir a kong fiiI rail, fietd is Lady Violf-t Grif-ville, wil(Ow til"i (,'I' ouff I�Nwlll, Louls Caeolo, who, whll#- wiw relemsed the knitft had chopped have de,veloli0d to cotivext tlieIr corn It IV triip that thIN c(xvilAiiatioqi- of Anibmwadorw_-Ub(.o.,koll, I T I if. 0 ock o' hp ort I i' lien 1w merOw U14' iligllw&Y. On rntw tilt thp arin off in. pieces to within four Into loork 1#4 thp nukre, prtlf1tii1)!e anl- . -*rCKj4 alldl nlittoll im claimed for lseiv- hull and Ili% rider at n mad alway-4 teeit-otil-ol AN ,Ir(klitly w Ing her. Indulged ill tIlP liiial f(-jr tile farmeri,; to raim�. f it -d' bowiml ovbr. lie wits pl`ilyilkg tile gait. Wh" age wo failthims tire no go"el, writen front flaris saying that r ruby lips. flapn Inchoo of elbow. � 'He nuffered cral loreedtit for rdtv.p alr(mdy Ill gv�41- dirPeted, etupli.)-od, linug[w eliarge within it 14"A' rOkU of the olistruirtkm luxuoy of kLming lip 101100d$ * IIIIiiielew-iie the ivide-awake, impre- JiWrtalned, delivered. rolvet will rpign quiffenle thi.4 spring Fn r belorigm to tile anti-khavem Wreatly from tlif% lcvt4 of I r' and era[ tim- . but it is also true that c Twelve.-Iwhat tile �,,Welvv tullf, oI tho.0ordons. lit- vva,4 nroot tile 11011 AtKlippr4l suddeniv. 9"*W it 1I diniubtful if he can im vivo tile Judiced farnier Is looking �ato tile when man of Uew breeds ronio U, a in tl,e f1lahlotial4e Lady (;reville a1w) "hollevem that Mary 6 too hit by it bullet (wt 4bglv (q iris lk�)I rtbund and li"dioid direirtly*for it -t efaumes alinek. He can plainly Noe that flilal t4-Nt they tire laclI lit one rI Isritel were, t#I)ica Irinem tile L it W"lls dIffi_ tIlcw wore in. oetl 1111d, ill truth. (;f vplvo young U) permit #4uch ramillarithw on -I&I fat loork otice domank-W i4looet or tIlp otlier. lly tlkt' swc""' a"- but Was not Iturt Tit(, next builet The moveinent, threw Miso Isimilliiiiiim willel, m heing made frfr tilt' I tho part of tier " stI CompanY." Clost of the English Strike. 1*4 not now wantod, atid if Im 181 to C -1111L W gp 01C. twelve repreosentaii-.*as n1l(I being knocked Off ttw elill to( [tits chanter l"to a eloo�p o4nowdrift, wheneews a of whim anif tI)e Qu~ Regent Of Btit Mary bad a different view of tlip t a thaA veld- and the thini welit tilmoI Ilift d0fid fftillt dithe vrap taken &,V e farm- .Alipaill. matter and nermitted her lover to In. I t 64 'now estiniatmi that tl!,, low IV*lp Jtf)rpamt of tile time Ill) int4vt eviiihintw the %ADI PrIcKluchig mi the cleo of thi, -mritual fallnem with 0 General Sir H If. Kiteliener. Com- dulgo Iiiin propewsity for kbaing. Where- tA) labor fly onforml idlenews Ili (irent eliange with -the titnes. If, lim'vever, miiO4)ii progliwing (lualitivs to ' tile wbII Chridt, I Ii* peoiI Ian, nixi. -is lie says. blIoought hilu to tile or& and orarrip(i ifito it ter7vf IMsisis. tliv corii growing fariner tIiiti*x tliat lliglipit 4jk-.zrvi­, nd tito (lualifluM them. Ife gtyle ullt,() t1lem ground. UP its getting of, very well The next dn!r o4he weA . a h6p to Man roveels, upm lio was elted Intit) court hv, tilf. Britain during tlie- groitt ootrikv of the turn to her friendiL inalpler-In-Clilef (,f tile Egyp. mochanic.4 tit least C90,000 a I i ie It m to do to bhtaltl baeon p I III Mint results of tile above experinietinta &net, girt- Rai now. Ife is fine. broI Krottie,and pt some" A Uw ennotruction fir ROT U i - hAA (Artkg*d lrW parent. iA tip get rminlwr of TamwortlIN.11141 %V -ill Iw awalteit witli Interokot by fiiliw4w carry iml tit" ) It WkIff (Julte t"n 1% oral imomotivea frjr tile itiquipmAnt of defeniled lipr lover eiik fQr tbirty making the Mine worit, Ili Him liftine, t tA) hear Itini PrIM044 T Mary not only nwrmonx aniount of L2,4(0,010. To ralst- t1win 41 the same wny, lit, oli,l -breederm. that lie I, UtIkIng." Thought It a Ige"em. tivo WmdAn railroad from Amerk-ma gainst tilp charge that lie'liad Inoil W *lit ig,.They were I PI him lar4I hogm, he will find %lint it to prouch froill tile dn�)* texL. "Tile flaligilk 6" tlii:4 must to addcml pe 110 RTAIRT .% IfAULKY 110118E. --alpi � firnw. The ordern were placed 41 right tolI '.ter r tie driving with hor,but admItte,41 lili week withdrawn front tilt- val)ital of 1%ill olliv be it, matter of n few gett's 9111" thellu utterance. rhey were U) aA it now npilitinriii, Iliper 11imlinter alimig M :1 11110`11114POUP41110. worm ~king rim accOlint Of the an(I elaImcol a right U) 110 ki*wd The following inode of giartilig a Amwican buildp fa lintil lid, linve A1lothibr heal. a mmtriletinn the tradw unionx or contrilmiWd ill the 6ratioll loaulky fxft-P Im Iriven by.jul American at t1w fnniott-ot cluirlre, is otle wittmi a oilmirk fUlng rp(MIOW pi ble (161&y in t1wir er t.,ifteNo tloclar(wl h64lnU,ntIonr)f`nvirr.v- iar<1 pig. Nkot 4"ily Is tit*, batxkii loig rvwi *nt xtrike or Prigirt- form of levim. Tliiiik repr4wnit.; alboijt writer. It is sald to lie ouceetimful w.i were Volt, tit the hfwt known :,n4i t I i ei r e*&m met VII to sow fim., ins to do ym Ing, Mary, and nolgo Calhoun, a 4111stinet, type, but it munt: he fe,l hore they Iniglit 11(pt lillio, time, miliorwrl-w .6 w(11 a t t I K% 1"ttim. Tw no meoti baulkis, ito inatter how badly lie olul", where they tdmlLl Co. ';Nipy were to tt) "The Cnek the North." thOm f1I ftir w-ats iftland. after it definite pi tillleV (Mt of a hultdiml. Alien a hor"r W MOM P skoiurLdly upbraiding tilt) father for his voo4t tiff? lilell All, lit orde pil', tituate tile di#I 11, r Thirty tholloull"I itutootlY Intorforence, nilv64eft C COI0 to iro nil, Thtyae itr# -m given 1). t1I the kind of' hamwi reqt4red to ,knot lorpmaking. rigurf v or how ugly lie Itki, do not Imat 11ifil ull(kUwt-ftn4I from tho �tftrt the int. Wforkirwri and orilerl), ild-rut)ilioltratatat with Ilia kLminz , met 11a, neuw% of tho -export hI of following i i dp (%oRW1tr_f*MiL11 Who himi"I tho Engineer, tit(- nitwt vareful and (kal't tl,mw in Ills eart4, floll t llm� 'tell all tile Why Suffor? flarirei,onn oil �4%tiirtljty agairliit thfi- orotwervikI technical Imper ill Eng- t/rAde. In every line of trAde tlwl a roPo tin NO frmt 10M, or vven lourn e0linimmisk or tile' Affts, iF P. They wtmr IW4% .141low, tlww J604for torture (or th- Anarehioto at 3&1int Cyc,e .4tealing AxtraordinfiI conimiumers' wishes munt be o"uItI there Looton"i a Wxki A thir. does 11 ke 'U14, alichted to a4. towphitionq od pr(Amt land. Of cv)uraiii, not t -an not get wbat xul,U lit one I'duraw undiff 141M. Quietly g() olit [lot to reverse His (x4gr in Hi@ work. as Nerviline for nil kimis of polkill, watching the I I fortrwA 1% (,yele 24tA�.Aliflg in 114)w witiP44pread InVo, conividoration any N tim oSM11,114 If lie t 4,, Ay str. 0orrio" and ilentanolinx Olt- folinixiln't-Ilt fif Of- p;am IiII Im going to another.' So lit Pat Idni an the Itead a moment, take They went At 111v bkk tT4& WPII quoili- eurfw neuralsia in five minti"; t0bliik" otaid Ito. Why, ti W11109 w. JL towturv,rn , p -A trPvi­ioii f tile LrIal lobdileS4 Ill flari,4, saym a Lomim otlior Ulan Wages. It Ix Inipopwilik. to eateritw, to otir export, linectot traode, liammer or even pick up a #ksie ill tit(-. fled by HI M11111 MIM go wilem Me Ache in one winutIe, Itinle NOW04 U-1firrain. 'Mike tillpf in totoen a form an adequato conception ()r tit IT nwid. tell Ulip drivItir Vs idt still, take directed. back at Ow iiagnp. did you 0011;;r werf- a4k)ptetl. 19"41 will tw 141mith of sonie 11-01rt, who taketio annnidpr oxtont of the direct and Indirect If we are n(d prepared to om Ply tile 1,1.4 lhim, hold thent (juietly while oiti 4 Eful)lfweitl-They Illerp iment, appliontiim ; headache tit a few nw. titlit aoitAonflol.i me ti,49 litovitornmPlit. tile cycle fit. 11&4 st4jen aiwi lorings It hoiI conig"tgent tipi:m tlip i4trike. kIn41 of bitemi the trade reituli"-9conto lirt up eitf" fr(vit foot, give eaell i1all lVen purpo.*%. TIliI W l"e ff ive for mente. &W all pnln . )Wt as rapldly. rook%xinded tli4*v Count t;iwI letrinoll"I Kalw)kv #�Io- iver. "ro-day Yet tho f1nXhW.%Pr, in summing ill) tile other ciountry will. 11 t4pec- Gire It & trial. an- oot� =nny n1low-fenriv rkk�cemeal to) t1w rece a IWA tap, and a gIood mnart tap oift fall work. They werp ,-jt jp Kortook-l'atak, fitornier mattor mays: " It will not all Ito (II (inyod, I til"tight ygml %%kI (.I&nuary 1RtI0 a wlit,le wimking-claFm HIRED HELP ON THE Fklk,,M. the frog. I)rrip hip font (liflokly, and what vaight come to, hi Jid. were The North CiLrOffillia nPW#4wipI are itin inio4U­r of Fors-han ffair-, 1111P41 rtmily, llwned 1,#wwlrwkir, living Ili the If". Tito. relationx between en Ill tn I The lilred inan in a iieerwar factor tl)OTI Chirp t-0 111111 Vil go. Ili 99 cames (N)tnniIMi(MC*I to do 4 # filtilte work. nl)uidng A IlrAftchf+ who. rdter hap- at Brunn yo-tiot.4-rolay aftertmooti. Tlip f F&ubtmrg St. AnUtine, were for nd Inloor will Ion lout oil it itktisfilt.. sumoessrui farin. Ficepthw out of 100 00 lion4n will gi) ri it T w )p 91 hey ere V IMMIC11 a )-I argue. They tiring n nunilw%r of IVIAP, t000k ft Pwini "Oki you read about thaill, �nte Corotint KninokV, frimt I*Wl too cycle NW&Ilng It included t1w, inf)tlier. tory footing." Thern in W) doubt thitt, cre lie fartner h&4 the help within al0lig ILN)ut hl-; husineffii, but Vie driver were to to i va(likince tIke around the millpond for exereim. It We lloiln (--* In dluguetoer. Iw7ij, was Cootincillor #,f Lowitti-in 'It t1be daugliter arid two 11"u, both lock- tho rmmt strik was the grtmu* nituoitt keep hix line otaut lum I t or *4T , t 111..4 (tI fanilly. the 10red in(m ')eeoniefit )it pull Kingdolu of 110"Ive Ll at hand." vrr44 rortaI mWitniflilid; tint his work SY4w: but lip tibe .%imtrian Litiltow iu In stra Iths. They prowltod about cafes labor btittlo (if tilo preownt genera- it twetwmity In order to lilalto t4le I)UXI_ iyr )ark lJm back. Tito speret 4ir t1lip 5. Equipped-1%henl&AW is inter. wam dono, and he wan werely having otior hall roft(k 18%) 1,#, wast w-nt &,4 Ambetwa(lor to jv)wym cyclLta wer in the IW)it of tion, and It inarks a distinct era it) 11"14 it Nuemilis. 71ie diffictilt-i, liow- little trick Is simply diverlskol. 84ted for His wrvanta I*r thp det%ilsk a littlo innoeent enjoymea"xhiblit, *.i Job *L Totertmitsirt, and In ISAI lie wAA t4*1rlg refrentimentill Wlien the back of tho InduistriaJ progrew 6f Oreat Bri- ever, tlutt confrontm tile faric'er Who their life, &nd I@ eftoerned faii, I his art, as It worp.-Atlanta Cloa .44%^ irmr .%untro-Raftarlan Minim- tile waiter on guard WaA turned tit taill.-I'll till delph ia Record. Chia ey is cotupelled too have hired lipit oil tile a mall "Jil'tawold"19 "is their progr 80 llltf�y. W I % 9 tor or Foriblirn Jffalrn, A "Itlooff ISO Wr&ng on the. Cyrift 141AIN11119 (biltakie To W41 a rainhow lit ii tiream rf)ri%- farni, La thht tlds hirfA hell) brea.k.4 becaww, 8110. (Iopiqii't wear overNhoes elo euV AXon' - --- nf % . "SAW 4 tokcilo it lorifig Journey. a to es g ron t IW141 nnt'l 'f)lr'y I".'$. No made off. Ili till the lionie life. The ?i a)Drity Mid. lioncyinoon In waning. tempoal nffnlre Uwe, tWelve npoe- Iff-0 tien might havo queftI how tiley 1orvp VVI r A Box solo t 1[14 u t b) wimp-