HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-18, Page 2dam Ing Promote KW'Qw? INA Gall or" and )iritualized by Faults, (ol1u%%,iIIg iebtLer vie%. to solilething D. Eval LL illember or tile "U Tbo gradual tie I li,-what, brave weil, 114AAe Luello + teiidernems and 8orrow III 4)r urgeons, mays: A Corresponde nt Approves ReVe rport" tlwLt tilay lead ill I)eatity I it, so tilat cullfue cumulation of eartily F. Elliott, of' Richmond Hill. Irttle thinking: faei. 11.14 Will VE'S ENDURINO FLA wop It wito, iiad known platter (lime, etc.) ill the, '%Y13 M ids W I I HLIR ld go..0allod opurtstnell ;Ir", 'A) i"Ok + 0 # Ilaillm girl were astollished causm the characteristle-4 Of ' a Heave,, -sent Ned, I to tile beautiful IMAY11 4�yeii 1,f OR -41110 to find her, as middle-aged Nvomall, IlIaj&lI looked embarakeed as tile and front thk4-it f011Ows t1lat tile low Dodd's Kidney Pills -Cure longer dk) leine-Their Work in Aurora it deer nd then belld uu growll, go goOd looking." To whicl, evening PaMOd a,wiLy, llluv our diet containg the ' t aocet urt! (Ane of lier pupils once answered, naivo- Site gww morolse Wid quiet, seemed to Vig, tile aiialY- Evertecase of Bright's into its b0p.ly JLJJJ OLill' It "l)"rt! One of America's most fa - 'Wo live. Roughly spe-Itkil L)1& tog. Heart Dias&", Luni- Would liut Ity, and &I I slutlize on 0113,111, they I - because site IOA-8 Jo good." 1(* -e ]ter spirlU ga*y, 4, fit regard to 101190v bago, Lame BftcX ber(pre ji goo,1_4jized MOUS physicians says* 44S-rro ly. " it L 4 quite a foodt :110 up Dut this wag after tell years and Ald oft athwart liar reaturtt havo the following order: Ono (and ther Kidney Di"6111108- J,Lre tu tit getting hurt. 11" look of terror #410t, fisil; 31, animal food; %Xh ula is czwcal c�)nsumption." he Romance of a Govetoness. Illore. of tile first half Of those years I t), fruit; 2, Aurora, r-eb. 14_--I)ear Sir,_T1w .)Untry lad for fear or to a,is, [�pv%, ill tlip ligitue (of C )MUlk better. 91 wrrBtl(x wit" egetable*4 ; five, and worst, cere If% 11 a few days a9O, re- iNtere is Scrofulous cirildren are often t tile lew that is bai4 AIld wqlI lie knew olle lit. 4, V t4 ail arti- arLic . I)tllllimltL did n(A title tuere.ly endured life. wynie agoluizilIg tilotlf at had Including bread. Bread, Inost latijig tA) tile reem'ery of Rev. F. F-1- ex'a thlb -be caliod &P(Xrt beautiful children, but they r wl -bw - 111 ?" 119 Alolioton�- 'without, a constant aell- 1411y. was lie to atik lie CIO of djet, lifter tit(,- age Of 20, Itiellillond Hill, 11" beell dis- lbout its Much millilill" its ilawing want, filled ter woul witi, rear, t lie age of lu-111. li('ttt, Of %Y41. It 6 dear or a bird " th"re would be Vieft day$ wQre on-Uiese ctruel my mite. Artil I believe ill lihil still Ilig witilill-a restlea4s gi rLve told Iiiiii, mrtallih' deereames lack nerve forccl, strong bMV4 a perpetual expectation, half I"Ope, An(i t4l,,B never would It I I fe, 114 often Cusoed at length ill tills tQj 00 ilLg &L ulbeel) chicken, till4i M nover rentembered witIlout a I 01all alw;,,yg Ilelieve ill llini. lie oqld bear Iiiiii very dealro Hit 1604called staff Of 14 t a t4,_*, facts shullar, to thOle "t kU t lid still they stout muse," and power to days. Alml I ) lialf fcar; I,o 111111lait I)eii%g c tJXAIgIl Bile IovC4 had tile hid'irect caltw or fits premature de- cases here, all Or whicil are well Ll'Owfl i tot, a bit m(Av. tutlWer, a t4le night fv� ,at perfectly gxx-.d, perfectly true for ter supper, P&wl up like a njurderer ill %v4b iv For delicate v ahiver of pain. and of wonder tl all tilis witirout heing the WOVse lie'd lIad onliano for I cleutdoli. to our citizens. I life 1111(t glory in it, And resist it 4 -es no% Mucil matUr about Ine." P.Iltiefg little miss. eartl y luatter - 41not take theux at But the betterrileam the thqui, or I find such a prom ; , r-hil r *be muld have lived through i ladire w Ilk) it, or tile Jw4ter. tilat at the partitig lie Tht�, 4eIXW_1 utlaud it is rt4re-shilig tO ell niMTO1U, WO- What en there is nO MIXICAT I am afraid tIrve young call,14% I le) in the Ilumall body ILI E clertuillall !Lot we %%*Om %, all-tho whole ftithric (,f reasons, ar- like pletity of loverw who expect. tt) be afterward, not at first And ti;lte kne, w "wipe a k1m. (lilt Inent and respWW they will inake! raviI)g to hear tile try to cess of w1lat takes equal to a6ored, anti art- vexed when they tire Sometimes her c, . few Rev. 11r. I., I% lar&ly ill ex We have a ',,,Ott taking bio pron(Yalle0d plenid mother" for those guments. excuses, Clt she had built r IIIIII, only if lie were cc. Ilk thlo country. am lie ll&b done. in publicly re- Now, llerp is a to, kill, not, a'aLwed. tuid moat'llobly illdigilant smallest tidings ow any, -ake tr.0 Golipol Go- Id a wto�p W),Metllilig up. tried so eagerly to build up, for I hink very nit, &l1ve or dead, gre into such an lig The WIXV to CLINCH 4f "tone, in -the Madder, but - few lkling Dodki's Kidiie%- Pills -His who muxt IlUve ould be wl.en f(reak-it, wit 'I her entire of Joints froul IrOnlme been for t .4mething where there w ccott's Emulsion ,lisu crurlibled ICY tbat, had it not Ile, -They eav,your Illillister io crea cameo of aisirleatioll rience with this w�"rfnl inOdi Ike an And herself, graduaIr or my por Forttlue William,-. the matter. site might go t 4w rhounistisin; our people are expe fly igimilar to that inuger c(mitiecteAi with it- Ul bv thinkitig helplessness in , a regular furore. u de- chic iv exac , icilko 'emellt, A-itlL tit(- Brighton Ah - Wether inisapPrEl- inay ck4wie tilemselvea have tried some means of gaining in- in :1 Stereopticon, verinuch with 11111Y liere 6 Ilk) 1110d -Irra lig , 16 %way Had stle ait& Ind alle was nat a young lad. le-yeo. he has n roubd AAirora people- T loork v at all -only Ili I W. 640 Ves Of tile lteart or I approach Nortil's Or K(Illre's of Ilid prom t4 formation. But, front sion fee lio b:AtcAr. Imaded the purpws � jinen ara not tile Val If Jkt L4 true to be prnciirt*A that cat lever fail Snell w4 lie was 'ignorant anti charges an admi very es 1 to cut a thrcxit Pery of Cod-bpv Oil with Hypo - ,x" ordinary a woman- change of plans, a to have th... IWlice, 0 coato 'r the arterl - I)Otbils Kidney which factories, ot oc p lie Ila(] we IlavO tt� It letter'! Waa it, ludt C41,111mon. but they exk aild dree even of tile name of tile sill 'y t4) k t*p the cr%)wdpl it, 01leck. thl, Ile of Fnglaud ItAve tilue to cure. heir heart'" phosphite6 ch Lime and Soda. tiote, about tier boys anti their btu one to. ,unda t 0 peol alld Dialiet(w wO utoe' alwi kill t" t %nAl tl*.y bear �heir C"s tlw firm lie had I Jr arthy depoultioll -thall Bright's Disease tent -, but th"Y will lw-ve to iperhaps, which. after all, lie liad not V,eir but their loot. at any rate, sailed hy, of t4lia e cured It fills out the, skin by putting 4� - Slio jeould do absolutely nothing. an( tll(. owle or tile United Statm, IIIWI long otaid to Ile Inciirable, are -it, am humn1lP n manner w4 I~Ible tbought it wort!i willie to write'! Net coticerne. themselves. all -d Ila,4one Hers was opmething PRE be due r, 10, por- Ily Think it over, Ye o4parts- that it lit nip waY learu nothing. to beef, lwe 113, poollles KIdnPy 1111s; at' e&B oodfleshbenzathit. Itnukes tw It was worth while, it Only U) a that If it Is- true puff or wind blows out, a candle f lame. 'to !iurely, ell advantage, arg re TwaA 111) in j1le.-tk* Alask-1 and V141 thly it It ll. blood in tills 9 4 tend a kirAlly anti court4aous f arew tile liappint*a of other people. like tile "Affliction of X ter, even Ater ? u*L"4 it tie- the Ch" red by M&kinit rich ()f Wordeworth's which, wile') was4 piercing cold ill tilat d consumption ca Tlbpy Ilave been need in tlli'4 tOw" by r wlutWver attoon-ding it. tol) Ili, friand, after ski close an iutl- 14U flail her poem -as CIO their %%* ay inatter, Amerjeauki wi.,Orm of people who were given' ul) da'ng*, tO kill, (lockillor Ivwwps, it creates an appetite -- table aa ILW was, '41te p pupils recited It A hilt (If well I"ft(t 10A K)lil t f earthy Tile erntp blood* I it Was ()lit of her littli r- - prW. it oIlle wept, - repking after gold. be troubled more than Lhe Eng- Wl,.O 1411 U.lilg, wo de,mornlizilig Ill Its ef lier-,elf &Ad. often did -made lier ready to 80b Out tilt, frost 04110111 to di. by their doctoors, and body 61glit. If site wi-rdled me, lim Iona from tile pang of its piteous -re- llot to titeir very b(filftl the American C0118ume much Pr6.0d A1111 &Iigllte,i tlicir friends Ivy f oc ta, should Ile XtOpPo'41 fly 1pirlsill- for foOd and giveS the A f r4end ? Only it friend Words 11k:%Y and a happy 911"et, that by any keemed hIst &lx)ut tAi ngligil, whero juld thorough rocover ough to digest it. Be call. .%ad the might get nevr him kIlOw woere lie allty: t,%%oro niort-W it than do the, F It is a; pretty + leir rapid Y, tion power en eyes seldoni - having "Aml ticw Ileavtmi-sent rse 6 true af to �- over 100 tillip, -r 11, 1996 tlw.re we Wl Ilig will fore. 11#1 thio rove I ou get SCOTTI Emul- halt e was Alk"ing, t1le'st' -I look for ghosts, but Ile, WVJ*I't Cold It Illite. my Qlnt tile tA. I Stateli. sure t Iw r,- I tA) Ili,,, it like amertion tO A Vni likAng, but, alid what 1 tier work wall Their way to mc: Itis falsely sald Mg L ul able iy illatter 01mV There in 110 luidicille (on earth VIVO bl(wP, muT<Ser" eyes Not ullere anloam.; Clime only w Ilk kil(I i4ure on( Is tilt, nn4l Waleg. (or. She had *ep"I it, rtlit it. diuie. her boy!4 aslet-1). D"y e fiat there wits evar intercourso k;uIllmer-finie. for. lie del t, of whell I emllpare than in rilglanil actual luvp� It. Site, T poltv" with :1 11wW -of pre,mature old aw cat , Witt, I)Odd'i4 10ditey 1111110 oO. Fro ro tiiat our' joeOPI0 for Rhenniat h4m,L Lun -.4 �vi%ll lh&% alm,%t unerring Ilk tillet tratyt-41 t1to owerets of Alle. lli91 Iletwixt, tile living and tilt% dead; kOP 90M lbagt auW 10.&S2 t0 g6mptiling over in rd all druggwil'. lie'r I ad [crinerly on 0ee. the are - no proo tli 1 jilu,4114i think It W.1114% tiler siley re- *tq too wor's-i iwery morning at For surelY then I should have sl9l't B.*U)n girl. y ease, Ilaralyals. GOUS. tliekP fft ed l'(70TT W)WNf., CbCMi6t*,,,TQr0nt0- that Wfulwil havil. %%Ile himi'l IW liell - it -ritidt- or film I wait for da, and night roubled with Such ly Back Heart T) 6 der, T-rina& time V) have :1 nlryre �logged ztrc% U* lcpve 0r 1k)t e latter aily with follo1% ed I in Blad A -if Fe canw. ?ley seldcotu d*mIkt it - ill 00 for, e&ltv. ll#�ver alltwwillg liera? Witt, love and longings Infinite g Up to His cotitr4ct bw y, from til(ol" of amait tloii in (mir Toublic it do'. , , idl44W%,& lwrei,l tA) Olt tjown anti gtill, in tile deptil of her heart she Livill tilt, 01" ount (if i4thro.1i Troulilm ley tite Ltakelk , .. lo. 1 I it -11, t*,ix41w . it- tier wwe cannot 1101ou, to iniprovei- Upon agre Ifut 110t CHI 0 'Weakilem aild all other Kidiley **VkX11d I have beell ILI A luourlt. .%nt r tit k)llowitlg adver- .,, illt,ij- fn* tile "ll"t en". The Pillh are simPiY 111fall for cornmi k ililite COilill.1411 e fits not believe Robert Boy was dead; tor Irony of tho C"It _Ioread, fl:lm Blacks That are Blacks th(,yAlC41t, witil a burnilig Pang 0114'. C4.ulki lubt tlllt Clime over fr her finger was still empty of that loit t. wiliell we 41110tO from 11, . ilillwoper l&nufauttire. ble -lit t1lese all'"Clit,1111. A Blind 8&1& 4,f nervows irritab6itY P hich lie tisemell of "Oil wily did v 11"Ot s ring -w of- bread is it -it) tO It 10 thi! duty of every inan gcip shaillas I 11dren's in riug-lier mother X palwor ill influence 4icp I&, (-(oiltillually After tlmt. her at tile ell its return niortilill Who 18 t unterdo-SIO ligiltell %Ile 1;ufferingn of lkis low wkindeArv. Alt arto+ian well driven -JU*t 4AIP WOMI . A 11141'.41 tt) pirri-it. her IWOWIsing I I)y gelittenlau W -eami it contains. tile d 1_l4W#-4kt %0lV*% liad drawn off was mur- Wait" is, houne IW aliltnilit , Of and for tliat re: at Slill Marct*;, Toxas. lltly, found (vtionm wl n 11 - was dead or Illie It mI& tion, alul tile great iw nitich n.- kave 1orne AnYthiJI9. Ie t lialit'i. tio C41II& Three FavoriWs of the Diamon jolt illei.tw7ilit tin fiat lie ndor cove, -is jig found Ill tlid, firz4t place. write thim tO proclaiiii to [�J It ot only waU)@%dApt , kind of altim"A almodt ried." Tills implied lailon precieAly wa r It C0111taill". - IM111% 1nd I-erlwtu-1 I t-ollipalIV - near Wimh nde-; Dyes. t hoPIPWr, which is found .1 let evell siglit of - her. Nor, In killall Nets. ill) ferikI1011- VictilIL4 of. Bright'o; ha# mea n t 10altily is adtled Ubtey Wswam 4 fa shd' C"Ift" 20.000 1 only. Y" vus have Juldt Jetelv tu% oro Olt Wit -:Iw: t ti4at Idik? alial ally t tile Other K out 44 I&r 14 &,a f%tW.ILp' .104 ;v antl deed, had lie wished At, would It Ilav 1111d,41e, at nt (rottinic-I It I,% OU141 vlst.� It. #.It � u. . W ling votar drolu. 4vat 44 tl.q t 11441 it k 1 *1 twen, very difficult tO find tier, these Ill 11(40 jig dmtr(,Pyh tII4* I havie, fiamed, 'that -1kx1d'm Ki(ln;,,v r%acelved ftpr ottuly at %k.)wm or-aliv litti..'iler.wif for a littl4', c0luing r C-trO 01 1 re tjWlII Jit.14 and a h ten years linving been spent ell- Barristo 0 -ansette. certainly ;4 I)iaID4)u,t ljye Blacks are acien- I'lilvorbity. The emature Proves To ho W. -St: 414 wit t It. even- in. th4trol-migill'y haki'll 11,11IN WJtj ell ure village 11(wid. . fa,1I(`o`*XvFA day, fr are otlwr poetical, S114' 64741111 tile"'- tirely in one place, an,obac X"lieve Ilothilfg tillsort 'If lowlt, lKiv t I tific l4u(.ee"W* tiLat are everywhere a jolill(I ol�nloilwiwior noarly white If'- er -Ji it, tilp.south or Fugland, where tolie tire 41, For yelwt lqp an(i tnow 'been lig ou Vvill kill -tile it clianm. d toy the ladiew color. eirc-- %4t Ikv F"Jun olikullb,': ilad jaW- .11 1 o -ration i ioprociatt valuable t1wr' tl'4'y [jail livftl as goveruess-first in. tile. , ,i, xUrring opirit, N14k4t, A xet rodd'a Kidiirr Black for-W&A tljwlow for I(xx)w0tiXI, but of such a merry, 111111bil minti Irs ntot thowdodgIll-V All 4iiffer(brs Can Diamoud DYo Falat ector's. 'randam ere 9" tier In ley ('4 - t , ter wwA dy" lind darkneAw of the a IL 'kil their Im 17 wy is I I w1ulre's family, then; the r '411 11, .%gain, fr(J-111 :'so too i-ii:p at aiiy drug 40re. btntlom alieud 4) r fill otl for fet4illg ill tile I -witil - ze, an- 1111glat have IW, tptll of cokor. 13� otFrom tile Valziel taintly, whe fir tile owelglit for Isakers' tyillv. -jo toenla a jinx, six *2.:011, for fit still) untlergr(mind wiltero. They have lWell t I ly- I;t%f ore a, Bile hoped Bile ago. rftp ilii%w, riclillftilt Ow"I tile 91`11,044111, 1 ;It.kt, or %% o I*) nlay y(Ill role, liglit licart, Ipt-M price thpV 1i Ill ratiler t ll 11. 14% bad salt] to Mr. ROY. 41 w.1licoli jwrwits it LtiltaY Iv litowt-ye-r t Dig- g. site find drifted I'l4witt-4 Xlediciiio �Al_ tAPrwl W a ntw r;av�,%l 4 -ft St. tt'In-TVA for t4) remain for year tot ftbrmentlItIC t4l lod, pent by rtintY and R"ilt-ti CAU, 100 rem tit within I"t .$-it 1U43st inline(Ilately Illikillgi lit warat 1*11111titi. 14,12Z. a %% Ity AV to the t �j4. lolac(a 010(voll nfter jpt black equal 00 t I-i-timi Witl few kiianths. At -Christmas Old Alva. atilat ritu-ti for long I1 y"ut" t tA)lk- lit -it er Kon lind .lwerve,i had butitlenly I I' I N DIC. y"ArOG of wear. L D -r %vilicil rolurned libute, sent lits four IoOY4 to yvlwt f4jr Cot- lijive lot -en a great Allf, to he citb , Ill t d J)Y4. k1s, it upeuls, t ft i("I ftn1Ll illjliglsti(xi thaii lily other 11U)n y 1ko-r. luaki#' wljool in (;ermany, J)ack it. of. f "I. , rake a for tit#- mizell't;4" jA thf�- "ILI), black forer it lid A t, her. orpt 0 tolst and from rheumatit-M. 0 o India. Thery was now, for art- fairer f.ir th(we before, Ufan 011' WINDOW SWEATINC t., again t th.-it tilo flor- g4oilig aqvay* 41 11miw-maile- bri-I'd. 'if -It ld foor dying.cottsjn ,ind all Ilavo loeen e4onfilwd tO MY I'v tht,, lauri-I. tlio first tInw for half ;1 century, itAle.-ist y more, a A Utqul Which Is 9J&ld to Remed Y the in tlio wk -or it givfoi 1wrnitinent j.%T rkdv4w� -t r Li. tA- qro , limed fabrim -Altl)'S t I �ra '�d ftij �% _ vau Nil% 11 t single I)AI,Iel left Iq St. Andrews fatliet. plt*v for filw4 'baking, ait W i tles *ere broken cow-- tridNi it and got IM111041 dip I)iamoud Dyo Faftt Silk -to thillk Mul t."t tilt. dear old city, lie olie wAX sinell, aS W 'If ah a nti-toniZ It I,, jililt it tiiio FcajoAl 4of tilt! tile -1410)rfitiOn U Ivi t necting her -*� "WIWI,. brelid is taVen triumpl, I :wcrilpe mY N %oil Vie, now anti eye"-'; tilat the #-t amilig Of,st4jris %vindov,o, I.- k,eathersb L the *tq. There. 111" boys till wroW to her le pralmd lier" ferno-i4litift" 1`44 4 4l,_kf� toir �Ilfmlic�l art, and Ila& trpr6e 14,0alth t4f tl,#, won&rful liowr -tlid 'toy, lit or -n, and Rile. to tllt%m,*. with a per- I It 14 -1 It':t-t 4 14! erage. of I, $he foid that 110 was clilvalr4l"I" -fill infli "Itec-14. If woodo find feAthe" t I'a t tI it conscienee rfully It M.lVitil, ail. It* 1,11,H4 Iol c4)litt.,luc,,1ItIy tile r.-itiarks of", tilf wor4d. AlI 96 %V&4 wbiell her A n4l w(wwRl �pt", and toolled can your mediciII0 v e r for 411e. flattermt Ili", t ijl�' im' trite tot tlitA loest. brt-wl. a' UP $ 91' _111111P that are fadedq eq)f 9. Butler (A lie t 11, nas Ik tilvtllll, q)f Wii,dow Dre, sing 'I %V0let take ew,�knowlng it wits lie flatU3red lwr; I' Im. litmote Err Ronietim #,jlijj.0f (410111111411111 to loo.wir brend kt black with tilix ia2ott,011141 ra 114. ul: - - .. Shi. loti w1lolly for their* sakes. But, they wril kiw.w, 1 .11 10% j4ubject are particulaxly opportLftt bo d yed a 101, look "I W ArchY. As I)Otll: Ittl werob Is; Im trite of loaketro' bread I ughly VITIS special dye, making 0I.d thilwill Burin. 5.nd. But 04ill tiley kept it ill) a 4 IN- -KA 6 fit, to Thlo; IoUrnal. after tli4orO 6jwd tA v r . ievc*. t in uleilluiry of liz-.1,11ki ha(% tiever 1*4,-n near her. and site had %titll yeast eqllnl to new goodii. Alle lind mkbill of liread riiadt - #,:ubject, arrivto at tilt' C,0113 IUV!10� clk�v.,arly Iw luadt"It­ little, expectatibn-ot weing any SeroilelY IIaPPy- U. and IT over 04 the beat lit t1l d0i ate tAmiacl *4 4' (if Ilixlt, 9*1 joy thig time to r- -if OIL that "'Indow-sweatilig Tile DiamOud BlAckm vievot in r ll*%, It(- tibea t -ver again *14 V. I t 01) . I Nine itil g(N*1 dlg4*tiO1l care t and WILAS- andi. refaw, t1w rain u as 14 Ilk+ t she haii lived lor. It to tind but due to Imperfect velitilati oil, tilt, world. Ask for them �,ljxqe ItlonA nd poor Tnakt*. Itil more t I at, ..fter tilt fe %r) tirKt asunder, )ut t e �aar. rrolwolt hellittil, t1l"Y l4il hat all tit ' remedle-i ha W . I *!Mell than Ilow easily IwOP I Other, tin- lie sto4,,ql beneath lit lit . , Wit hrl'ad. locell f und oatisfactoffy- work the A tee, A - Tho twcALY-filfwt Ing 4 if -J0 0 1,4 it raiti otu- Very ratisfaetory adt;q*e A rate (i, Prcofre rn JlIyP;t4-ri6uw U ra t il* a Ile anit% low� ll ClPw to One an on- de�p lit and wilen olm takes -timl* V prifielp contains firin will or tint -I tk4lbera t, I And tu"01 his harp and. t. to ely g aik air i-Ilart rentli chapter of STAI �#r III.- be t w of fidelity plists. on think ttlx)ut'i colu-4stm lit 1`41"llitil ititelligel't 't #41le Y. r rotting pnK4*40 to an articko� of VJ lie I nglish &IPIIOI* * ! a 016w it t'' y *;A)ri device. IP %% ind ow am overy letter In t ."not of I -it with eve ment, to V J rd (,Ilaptor and tIW viglaul Nir iotl t (Mw Silk-- or tilt- othec, tile IMLK* tile printer-oi devil And tilt' pro xof reader, I.er it"s -! W I I t would 110i.- tile refutt, 1. wiliel, L,or 44%vo ly a Ing hted laini de to give and tilt. till ; lie "ig.:,aiml 91:141114-b- RLblli F,'. N. was nia a e llwellievow Since, the Palziels lie had Oil Of love 11141 loll. 41111KWt4ed, If decaying urrent t)r wiWin air I- 'nWnce vvq-oo Of Zephaniah ever .1 t4'11 koli-�kli andL duce -4 a icgl u, an irreverent who -d, I n 9 before named, All ' Ills, heart, cAyllit t i4litould IW% expre" luding the finab. r in the two fftmilie a4 11 inIt"ving ely driven Nir 1,4 oy�.� lla(f Wvn lat from tile last Catch Iter falicy. fruit 4)r m#%] au* the difficulty. Tile tin to Ilk & rceAm article Ilk Imilitmi- "NA"lon tl)4' llpl)mw, "It* lvoosr Me for 11 If4wil, -vound. liar" You o'if It mity be odtric fail It' wIn410W14 Ila*, 6od's flat 04mote cliao-i inV) was .161Y 1 fa% rit eallifflit a 4ople wilo,w6uld ,riaV' it Wiz"tUbW Hair 1"tWff Woum Itave the t4ame effOct- �ypeo MR& it;. a xog iiatl lip bitter- w4,4 -t Artietr ! Yet Ill -6:*14-ilt nfili'l a ietU-e ill it ealle go. w1lich had. 1*4)11 t lileat. ftlyllig lie evil wrat t he I - other. ako it Ilitlu Or lk AnfvUwr meocd or rein been.-Americall Iwo time'she It t. HLOU V011 lit 111. t -er cult 141 or fruit, will &-litier- ,as beell prft­ilted Wely fly an glimb drop Ili 1. Id ]lave r4o'�*- -tile dlly U4y IL It Fill Tt*th Will) tirV rou o#1tu-r. - -fr( Plul left, it. Andrews. a I .%ntI_ .11011 Ifinwelf tMoon-14 it it, -r, nd fet tualk 104-s tit) tier', company known ap the Lli A PAIN CRIPPLE1. The rector—t widowt If ve tartol!41 ion, tile road to­Wjvidi,w F3teamiI19(*,4)mp&nYof 6140". iauwt lte&, for 91L"'I is 91ild, IV.iItitoII:Ill% tell lit C101, 110 be' :lc_ prppftta t i071 W Ifl 411 itith RhOuma- aN a IlkaVrial for s"141,1119 or ntle Invalid. to wh0m- Ilip. jill(I porter, Ott' Id mly know im4lquip to I tj been kivul anti tender, rpgairdtng' lav I:f4ore I%lm? illa tt4-r,. TIILI'4 of a :e Tort ur,ed and Tormenttd v American of W), IRE nt ApprOve�_tOV- 04 ,td "vim t E* Igmel L Iticit; In mind ticlatica--soutb w#11 milic tl1* iort of vilid tile w:I 14 It of cont-Itin(ml fermenting' clalmetl U) Ikv-1111'",4 tlie property v It- tism 6 Wonder. caying ttetil. it allbwerb at Vt*-,gs%ertw-*, gr�kvely, Uut Muell. tlip same Solonlon matic Cure Worka th JISP lllm� - tile o4un-," lie had HOt (Iueo g�)ut and rhu- Rhou far less co icuO "I t"'lul i_AIM(,&,L everyti..n isille find regitrited now thing under to . I,... &,,,lit V) prin tirelY Preveliti'19 luclo4ture from con WOOdotOck, of courve. it ib 1101ek Iter, now - it -it 'as ant . latisill'. wilemim tile i%trofiger liquorlo dowi,,Ig on 4 r ots�uriitg' tilt% W Of llrj*. Jolt" Or over tile yejow Tiletal. caule -suddettly asked her to be- T)f fjio4l Je t!re -04AIlle - 111schildrPn 4)f raclis in -. Ili Axn;e 414)p fronts. The a (olt rlew writm: "I had Imen Pufferillg f 4p, urdinary glam. ai4p, disix;Fied to 410 go. I e, material ii ly. We alitY. uwuWr rikeullististu Whic,i 114% k I -licit r 11w lairri bu-di :191,911 com6 their..motfier * In rt�, T I i`t,,,P the article Ili wilich i_-4 appliell It') tit" 9411 1 I)Y tilree years Tron"M te boi fler IwLte tlle dMd. to VTent slitwk nd 11:1,119; pajL, j)f_'Southrn' tile author of. li, liquidl, I had a vpr neu tillit 1. Id IN 'k 1, Ittter Oat, 1.1 'Je to pro- nuWV4 4)r & g1woligo and r .111aillo; 4 ffec t &64 Malleable. ?I Orin VA W a*;, *ntlon -. for they a -1r uak,! ' -*I itute for coff(4- Ild oil o1w OCCASi011 weekis kvt lwlil!, I - crael i , , t 1 11 .1 IF141 11 —n #1 a Isill-.14t 7 L_.J e the 11 be dw am &ble of 1. A.* lb - - r. Hg#, I—ky a 11111091. AIL W -azar .1"'t e, ioeomotor- a "t ly,-,twi iwurly- ils* it butcher 9, 14 Rep of Iiiiii. AtilloqIg . keep Iter. I IC4-,r t1wo at a tinie; viwn littlick- oi ociatlea. llo?bert loved lie#. aiiii Wished tO , littltoLgirl ill Ig 01 11ologlill luet.. heart,diseaso, c tive for a wee dily rell ored alk or nttPlld to my ig stril ng oe ,,JkCq.JPUr.e-.- and Alble 'rheuniatisill, 9011t, tise (Ad & Atl lual4tillaftle W w a e )een l I)Ieksing, Ill,�v4)Ild(w atLJA' 11(tll anti ewi I . rea �4, ral re- r the I l2lekt-1 al.' 1wr Iifr- nit, 1,ji-41 twver t)l;i!II hean.l. %*lie. ,tile I oulti 11 v tj tier Mother, oti, nixt a freall- at- liouopliold dutl(w. Trieoi Keve ub:l t Put- t pill#- 113 ss. in that dreftr w �Ikd, 'turnitl ly,4f.4, 1111111111y.fOrms (if lunne-0, 1py usitig a (try cI Im people tl%irilc tha I - t nt I iled to give Havt. convinced -101 '11,.Ijis Afier- a lyrightne Y 'aus.. g, .. I ar. V) I ree 11wdielt, 11nij phyliiciatui fa .1 hini ;.I'll v44J 'IN*#-IY lint limmn. ;. alko) . in,fly I Jug applied. Tlw- preparation l,am," p#iinless (orn ExtraotOr h 1,24J nover fou'll I"It ec)uld. -ever I*!--. ..Ilotue. And to it woman' no longer r. ell, red lraili Uit-*"If-0 Ile 611(itled houid our AA- 9611e. �iX4 en,it wfts this list maii.y. 11111"Y 16ther diow: frA)m edlekinea-i or sineil wid 141140re- no relief I 93w Souti, Ainericall (;et rki of An - i K*n lier yolith pass r 41..4 t., t wit tised -wd I)ouglit be given tite prefererwo. ;111,)ther Lgh -al lit P. Rheumatic twokot, it is lort Ini-p. !!3J& 6.ft Iter w it' Jr.J.'O" I' ou t young. wlio had *4 In it, 0041 Illet witil ta lly-nt-ither lzimtjitir Ivapt.' over ee(innnii( u e :1 lid ellen lure adver I lot of your corng; get rid of tIIPuI %vitil"but al plit, t witilout - any toriglitnem- ifb a wonderf it 9 c.l-. word- Iwillpy life ; . at-irrh ant It didn pail, ; use Putnam I.; Extractor a tit] w r, the 4)ut & single fare%v I) allarentent it 6 t4) EVICTED. I consumption but it good. Four bottles Off"4l"Ni .-k dro-am know what fill n"r Aarcli, for lwr. 1,.k4i ­I`k# L.. door of a poOr ulalfil i ' aket 1. en other. er of "oright Of wav fAilt-0 %%,114 eerta aw, Islit. to) Thht 114# IWAI e�lrp . feel -slie.hag Still t he P0 w burbt, the n A d1w to Awarthy mattoer ..ror' in le jf'J;'qrtune ha.tyield- F. JrOtI. :Ind hillf7l" anti wrinall t eurP.' C;fL tllt*o - wits her dlilY en.ing other lives. hoart yeast for VV so 0110 who never tv'Y It ll:ii!. 1& awaked 0, -war'4 II)e - Yes, and married I I lere(VLove out one day. AWoman 1110iii. g" -?,IV. I,P U.-Allailly saill , lt&Mv- tire Up 104 etf-if SIN- ]lad said - .% i't I ort must THE ICONOCLAST AGAIN. The Trip,.et Tax Am a r*,ile. a ,,till -kir t wordi too largi- --it would have1wen'-hard ­,%ty friend:".he saido "we - two -ollug Q -e years WX Wil. -lover lie 111�1 Lill.; VIA reality tile rectol ileell %,I(. mer fliall 81 W01111wl's Nor ally YNIM lep, M. Inue I I. 'A titan lip Frozen bie fripixa'AlliP, "A IF woudeiJul,* searoelv h1amable- N part- -------- lie Sity,- We sliould Not Itub (Jul f,;r her-wilet1wr ell tilt. t )r M bath to stay." L o Wom.en tiorill in tile kind" f I ler lien rt lire first time tit, ­ot t6oin ft' 0 J liad folt wit 1,.,.Vc bc*etj trup- would It' linve IW s father tripletk; with Affectim'. loNe.-Ill, "I" life'! 'hIt" a good, conscipilt lolls.. Wntler-henrted Ears With Snow. oot.,ilted tile lxx)r of tht. lonbitw. and Til,pro wao ilk telve re.- W-Lat I, rr I c* t a lit;% n, for pu re T ilk- 4410 lmil;nii for eac hi:- '11l� yeLkru dragged by, alid tile 'lag Kellre -Ila . to a cub- ilisinerritY, iliell t tof itiez;Prable f Itle woman 11814 nil' Tlwre ip a vivid PieC wil.-re a ritte-. t,,,,, girt liau ilow irrowil in STAMM ERING re. but no falovilt4m, "'t IIA- %V�Ive.� ruald. . ga rd' face. . lialm-1r, Ws toln "'r pretellee (J Any kintf. -ce,4. or one that'.. tende a out through 04, glaw 44C in at MajmtY "Onle of glopech ittiloedi- Ila ve 'bea U-11 pik 0 it -ei Of Fame look is relprowelit- WIIICII (!(WtS li"r tile demallois Or al'Y ()tlwr pliaw But pile flik, llc)t il, fl-,Vt all a Ivily lot her -'ship, is,ready to not -en when et If yoil know lookilig" fall ill It har'd "i" If ho aroii llmy see him Y 4�4t IL44 �tlie stree,,t E300 lw-r 11111111M to n'48K't did loove iter, ;,mur 'Alm Liku -tit In-*13wt#rtlIY W11-st mf) -4t they citing nd ji(.-r -00se f6riorn. (Y(pl, she In, Ren"On to (if 100 ment sucOessfully d lwrmatientlY -1 i'ma. JbV tile hirth I a anal I r at W n', t lleTe dowlt It 4111Y wl'itt— lonate girls tile place), ILI to put R&A LAI I luluvk 1110011 vo no I Wh ,air educate physician wIIO pop? . CIA that &-trnilge W-Itio)" Or things we � in ght d. i,iit airect gLptL, nti-I -Atill wniting t6r LOV6- to p -w- waodivr tAX) 11"I"i Wpllt1bI.$Afy telis. him Set-- or tripletit- cured fly a . stanlinprer. For par - N ot 11 Ing. 01C -lit, sking ji, I ' - _­_ - to. It*; ear% lin'til nil Inveterate 49 Berlin. .4 :, entreating hez to -marry p Paine's Way Com 44 tile ­ diaLowrat-It _.k, ji-ttrwives for, tttily wt".%e­ mako U-14 all happy.' 8110 cPulql r'ot- they are rrozou, wheri!1111p).1 hv. that ticulars. etc-. &d,Jre" Box,,3 errors, No wlitnl (.)iir rollip-4. blunler lie reit very kindly Better of it. ejtrw� t for RhellMatlaw. WOM&A,111 ould she " K Thought witard's Lim' On%. - Tit i,4 I) r t Iw how c At, ruld-ti ct)-ir-e f(w.t1w. it I men li#-r in ro-ttirit actual sills ? reipect, trl ills oarri v4C- but If"Ve. tw counting to 111m.. He had, her sincere litAs a he.0 pound is the Best "Tefl: 11.4- IIft4t J'WPM-I -it tile lal*t to Jm- wilwil %V4. call 6111"Ji- II Iiwrl� C-41 M. We ileap. attal Coul"A llot go 10h; Wit wilen -aged a room a Tile, vit'ality %or suplereti- oil Trade. t.'aTf. pet' asitt.. :V4 if J bilt we. o In r�d- almost affect heart, she'found there tA)r to ParlIA 110 P119 iir4ol;oly. radstmet 9; .%11-1 e.d into her own �pj nnd, pald. ,t,montli*s rellt-15 :1141 :t lootter .1, Cold BEST OIL Avw..Iy wit!ltlit @.Iw4okitig. _YA -t.1,loti-griefs, our 9'ek- a 1101 t4.1!-4 CO It' Ot of lllqli�-- OR ku intelltie :mjr ll*ow atomi of love, never Tilt'. proprieto tratioll ittlioll in orl 1 10 N164J4� ill I .If - was not in it one . I the W agliout (7,111111d', WAn lilt -III thOs(` f ralles it -&iv%i mi - , -alive cx1re-Pt 2oli ImrtA W110t. t-;':* climecked businehr- tllr(Il did it. .13*4*04 !Pf t)IAIY 1.1a(I 1*en, for any man IlIg 1,110"A'. 'to fro yeti Ilay- WMfT[ 1ji, ught -Lv an -t-tiq - X1011t C , r., we 'Call ­ tile - v 61 ta- '11110.1ke was unmarried, Ltk,(-d if 1149 anti early last week 'Itnd' dela Good as the Am- jj#_ had onceb -:10 'tlWy--..tre, Robert Roy. not 11~"ary," replied 11411- 1114-rilloll*ter 6 11PIOW UT(), Iroady (!OIIP § for Itim of. k*#)4I T, AY. .111 Jj­,ould be imposiolble it business a arry tilt. julyment." Me. I ments 0 A.V-11111p ititerrup- crican Water mslv� (if a W(,M.t for for tier to m. 1 L -m n nd ­ d:Jul IIat4 Witfill*-_4­41 lit (I)IJ), 810111)'ilkg it Illit ,,uxllt t.) W", Tit lit.. , Wit Ilut -Abilt ill And so she -IIEL(i 1,111e '­ 01- 1 WI ieVe snperet -,,kio z with 14tril 141low. 11119 1564"F IvIvortowl -0 W L -0 White.. to lierself, anit ta "IND you fool fts ickitting his Cars th4' Wore ia,. u�k�-,l iter. .%fit). 0, Ile .11111(ount of W­)TTOW 11ei'd tion to dimributiOn Owing t11 ohould never a--'; twice, oilice- if- 0 lily huma all courage to BAY be loeell a Allen Has Rid Her., ilf of of countcy roads. E-Milly THIS BRAND 1% 11 life haimful tk M t1lem all, - ills cannot t'O tile litith VA wocking ;I tilen. ,lip 'before lood, a T rt. My." r0lolk(J. IN freeze;, ogplte ­nt)w lif,r OvII-111111 A .1 &4CO tile 'Clop l)f., attainab)e NJt.*t amu e. At. rotil for ralibil� de i1j, AlOwevPr, it proinibilig IS 0ENkXNE- k, filic I& unlioly Ili # did Itt"t I& -etls I)v put aside � .)o � %v it. an wiliell nligi!t never Itav" diAl't YOU nll.cit wor itil Ptltnv (or even mpring tra contillu(Ni 9001 Ilt-Awilble loaf- 1,4411tt"d, UIIl"--%PPy tilt. frozen part Nervousness and Nem d feature. alKi witl6 lJollpful. wonian allhoiy in tile sight 6f illim who Not 1. %V.iii ta. lie licit kSk YOUN DEALER FOR SMA OIL ,1,1 Ill.jk4,. ill atarrialge. )royc4i -real happiiiem-A. tbf,% spil-itor - I - weather ,!Rtl('ilmtiOus art' gain 1 1113;1 "-U ys te r I . (Ais tV01101111Y of tile no!- I 11OMIng tflc it- - - 111111tv I t4b 4 1 up 4 111 in -441 t v. )%V 64 - UP f reoLze rU that PHA. pt. it Y (I U, P 'a w "14 oill nip rveei le: I me" Vnmv that 00 t1- Torouto rePO ily oWll mind' AIaA tilt, t4b Ilave 011e absolute'law I.IlsfuL T let tile (julte witivitictoor N ­t know kllo%v it (,Illy too orm 1. To he ('0110111 whiell 6.114-arf-Pot . Itat Feb. 40, *ere rencaw'd-4 %*.IS tXXFr* soul, Fortt; 1,te,4 mptililig. I -le. - - . e creant. - -rho salt She Says t and tilp number of FOR SALE. I (brtnight it .-Ile %V. we iva!w it, toll TO I tile o 11, tilat drea-:fu uWs, quhNtjtut#-m, ��. re -a I)PI411 %- - in 4" IV teoli. Busluesh ifItIL"I'- FARM, - C 110% P-1 . Weil. -tit- S100 Reward, S1.00. Llwtt With ��sl 14 , ' We of e mnaller thfill eXPOe 'TY 4111 was ­ boremb in but appars f poetry. fill ItiJIK of -to A(*, ter Daing Seven B0 - by upon iter." not Pi011"I t; '1141billy 0. i., till, tile Af th lie wet-li N1 11 till -A though skip felt kin(l.;- Iiiasterktl to, 1114' really lost,, '_Th4--,feA&-tw- Of. jilis palwr %viii 114- 1 ro j,.w% is AIM 'A' to 11wit it.' It in fered wlth oarly it, t naianx P"Ie 010 a ii !y I by I I I in liot It 7 ng is ever to - le 'that tliorq its, at 11.1ways has* Imen. AWIL improved- later oil. &c.rft, nearly all c-learilld &II(i ill in ly V, all the one hum it alkay. Yt)ullg . it ell and troull" .,Wrms. jillOWIN 41.6 ellecking riek d%%f41- tier- -r4 Jti;lg throw iat %elollcv. A. .14tiaker.. �k. I 10' 11.;'d - nd I am W reports hPavY stlit4irof C111tivatko:1 - 10 bliping v% too wa-4 iweewlry to to lien, "em4t colie dreadfilt disea.40 ti �L faf-t Wbh'.' e%t-6 i10 coulpou ened light !pe1owy, .11,11eivfore I ilicl, n ak miVirstl 1111MIKOP11-V Iti fall" "It it% .L stages. prl4t%y � tiaqXjtt0r.. w 109 1 iW . largr fra--e harit" and ulwxbl: `able -to e %IiAies --- lumber busillew, --itul "Ie witlifolt wilom lier. life it ol Ilas jwpn F'4)Mi% MW -sillging un(Jer tig i P& a prozem is ,k)t jxpecte4l t,4, gtyp(j orellard, ver 1*-rfect, I hear pe Ae Vilkiltg Of all's Cata*rr"! Iligilt -by� ivever-failing otprint rul, jolt ne l ' i a r1i H y . I inr iat freezi Brunswick roel - .4. at wtI(xs(r,ver is tit 1pl:tm4-. aIAI thAt I" "t r n.t - �-oung gentiem 7 it) -Ciitldl Of float, ew Re"s ve" Tiriii-. and a. is, tile mwlY itive eiirc w It A iva VIP ('111L creek . -varalolle farm .I nco iltotkasl of JOY-WAP4 -)vi4IefIt4P- fratpr0tv it. app6:IrM ha4Lt,-1TliAtLLke1I, .4 heat. Paine's Ce ery compoun, I G ives eNmeped ImIf of hxst Par's eek linniber # AIM f a,.ty, prk-es right. an ev tin r, ary ao hordelf. it Ls lint' I'm to (l.I ug I I ter 11. an4l Cool LW! IV , pr4xluee canada last w 1.4 POI It. Cr -,I tilt. tf,rni vCJl0%VII ah ",,It. i-4 ft* IWON'Slf 41.L 49 tlw prrviouS W('Pk- tilis yovong man, . 0 0*111'.. 41*44 rathot'S willf itow ild JNO.R. GRAHAM. It 144 id rill hard-working 9( -.9 -11 kil c""llo"tit" 41 t;ullg anti final Health and Good Looks o Sick iq tv,r--ts In erli. alwt. ti�rrefore 42 agaitwt I%* ptw) r. i 0 tu it-, t it.. 441 .. it,944g),111 - -.vIIIIIc%% . I-aw. requires constitutional treAst- ..Soveral I-Irs wer 60 in the corrfvq J,otwrt Roy. 11 Ho year ago Xront'.0 hra,,% Qt!r -strutk' i to I,.L-,v Ity til(b 1,e.Lt or tiip 01w It C4 i wri sat i*llrp is. t.aken tlio tierenal 1�,& To if "I' jfall';4 44tarrh (,Ili gentleman g et ring - ()h, ;rhy hadt'OY �Iile tow t ()u t Brigittot?", Jllst,%, ll� re tL'4' 114 - I 'thIX SWCOUt Th4 i1af -is. at twenty hP:k)w Women of Every A.—e. ek Of 189(t. ttlid :,)I iIt VIV wilill, ) al ;r.e (of it 1 Itint directiv "Pot I 4XV "110'" calladian batik clPa hfoart- tl,%t tht-Y two a t I week Of 1897) t"rt 'I # i� 1-11' la meet, lit' iieterfitt'lY; ont of 1MV1 and-inff%01 the wind()w w)rb, a vt,ry jxrell,t deal of $"2.01.0n(l. world- -ver after bel-11ged 4r,-kY f tll`l� F"'P - ul`4 , aml.invirwl* wirface� -lot tit( wn at t, f ountad to lin Arenotc. Wit 44.1 1 pf tile 11 oin ill t, :t very 4,00pw011r, InRt week nin lowa. og�_w W 'tte coamfior lier., tvin. tlierejoy 4k*tro.ying U14. fo*mIa- 46 young Wft .j sweet, hoine, iteat, and'is thAll t1IP pre- FOR SALA and emwford consam n4l :1 lv�mo. ail %%,e 1111glit. apolo- 9.4 per ePnt. JaMpr r ,%4-) t no wiotlter lielpill9l W Ist-re site 11. K tilt- pa- Ilas $or In r1rP ammomENEEMMO Ue perfoet On UJOIL C41ill, tm,gthe, It thoe mrrigera' & Itichardsiom Co., cent. .lj1IX one olnistlipr Ill �tlolj, left tpellili.l: for th ti*llg tim-te, ri - - grt 4 plea- vloug wflek. atwi 34 P" tral, rk-tmt a K"Me WA and 0 tlan of tilt? 4164(�Rlit"- all" X'v'll wily doi riz(.p flor repea p 'Illary'.1ft Dear Slra,-It girm 'Ile 10,000 -Ilargt' t ()cl k 1 .1 114 -lit 1& 141:111 ll� t' -'e coll- ""ll yo�tj 14 (­01lipahlon. Jom I.&ke Rafareads. " W11- tjo,ugh i� fLad,k-een year,; ard %"arm t e mistre*s tr( I before oar readors wwm� ! ( -ly4,-, W1614- 01 _Ititlg 411 re. top, testify too the hift that' tim" last YP.Or- raazr led ? She , n't, 'It'itioll, and a-wisitilIg off mqrng tram 82 to 0 9W tem -ft WWI I a-- IWIPTO ttey 'we" for th' 1poun 11 CRES These I w fe. k rep -x4e.. -ave -P It 1l(A e Celery Coll A I&IIAB We al ad 1.)Ted Ine, ai�.� rew -cry I�alltl_fllil., flog i t&. WfVr.l(. Tile lortolwietAm.4 I %% re Ilitille,64 THE GOLD RUSH acm osily lie It heis long, agO it Ill .6? 1,ovp and Itle , f r:ibbil* 'H114 AN! cl i1wd a remarkalole C41U94' sew to rry. (lid wit-lell Was I tX)WPr9 l. . to one another; W)IICII tliio4 C1114tOl Im he r 11itter its curatiVP lx)kp open air g 4). Nc�er io lily cAAkdltioii. F A441 le -a i I liavc th OOD we liff. loitg. #,vet tile Bright(Pil Sea Witolred P011ft0o it IwItrui In the or i usitilAtic Than a I'at, tII-y d W, CA f Ilim all t (of rO r JP TilNot Pdore Enth r: Ila re P Ir r -,I&- prQu Ise geiteratisX, to generation. neu- ho ever w, iardly df!J1 lit,r ey�� Wl- -w)-f t "IN c tlint it fails to. extre. Send For LOv0 w 4141 %':1 o;1lr(f,.rei Pr. Ili tek -for nnYMOP I front nervousnem Ad Praises of the Thousill,"dill W earrqed my hall lier halld-�i were faide-Vorr It wings, f(4r ii -low lit f rost hite"; ralgla, and have 111110d Medic'"M 4`1 all Living To -day Because of South Am- FARMING ab I 1111KIA havi. ttl,. tewll-r- for I Nt of Testi'llf � f t tile t i1o.4, - W quite al-gle- if ";lly her pretty Ii Ali(] wornell til roe it 1wrt is h"01144t 11110 kilid" witilout finding relief. orimn Kidney Curtb- K anoil 1. - ' �. .-I, -to a frow 40111101 PALT (Ity. FOR. Ili^ el,illf(Drt, Iik dwss, Iftlellev; crie _1! far slit- - ll x'v A41ilre),P, J. CUE.. Pe ing, the terrible agirly of t I I -P L41(i wa- LANDS. i. Curti& hfuanaM & OR. itur , ry CAImPOI. �Ilt tn Biit Y(mir Paillo*04 CPiP lldt4 verify what i -A (.11011IN14,11 of Bilt lkow-now on in 4e, W ';%-or 111A a wan -ilinwhig prl :Ind aftfitr uJillig c r. G reat- M1 wo 6e g f4 rward 4s Willi�tms. stlit 7.5c. 1 ve willgA X -em Ili greatly recollitnended to me, %40utli Allioricali K idneY .611. Nl"� �vp 1, said Love ' ye waiteol 1,4 #v - —.11141. "Why, so you hi joy 11vb 10,pilerate aPil li(intioll or sikow t at Ill she drill pdo-t floor Blit #. five �Vpn 1)ottleg I Iftid mT.#;elf $Veil 1-11 Iwrma vc:,. at thirty- fr.-IIIm FaniilY 1,01to are the I wgt-. f%p wit,, est. wifest, quickmat actli, 4j&UJy v) tf,at dMa eyving lt,&41 .(pxv re-tetwil th-A ;l9e, 'Illy, primed, rt%ltl" the ii,riailimatiolt and strong, and call r444t lLidney dp_ wl,em it Itad g:�.Tlf! 1,Y IL -it yrol WotlIA A �tcotlt et. lit. 1411(fe r ritig. Evelt ilidoror,.; tile pro- 1 believe it to be nent reoults. A s1mvifir for female. rp until vp-niorr PW It la,?� t wait 111.1; wit ox,ygell pas for VV*qnds. nd ilow thOY le )lave 011w% and edmfort. 4)rd4.rp& illvoililgorold.malpor 1IT18"11010 to swIn Perhapts IWcAll"I" carried tOQ far. Men tile world, and I i g was kill&- d oa.r,ght- Tuttl he by tile incredibly tile lwwt inpdicifle Ill -ileaNure- it ell t lit. distinction. ,A sl wly dy to, -)rly illstinet naturally very S: Vraite6cti Argonaut: A hospital l(a, . wir limilo. lswnys rocommend It witil, Joy emillent 11011Y- Call largeiy 111crO&M Uwlr W60=0 "Y (1aV at t*. a -time ttep Iloy96 1 illy i; tij6 moth, 4 1 more the ti reeommeil&ltion by. n1kwt ng kidnoy pl&ctig tieir newunto it, tllv h&u& -r, llad 41fve!� WN lwen tq*llcil '111 LOMIOR for lugloillidi'-w 0 ft tile door of of initueraiing tlieni in youre truly, ift1w. It re oet experi - fiat It!, 11appy, earelf- sneI4',. tit#' -trViollK in gov- cers and kill- 1 11 y ytx;.imll proefts P. -Wt Out kir lievet. distreasi Twenty T osito%v Allil actual ree 'ever failP oazv. ol Wall str r Itin, lifillic 41"It" a:Ku More. Sllf- `1` 1)1 treatilkent- Of viiOU101418, ul ly f ' 7ing thein Nirs. A. Allen , It n PIN&T. in isix IICAII*- N tit jLeWtlon W reliable INSIDE rogrets f - y llad sall d. (only sort Will) 'fflght dre(I nilinento by Oxygen gas. The W6kense, Open ? I lot. wtw recovery in the warit) loouhw- Out- (iiW.10P In. Act& direcillY On a[ loe - t1je news that Mr. It, d1rIi4­"lS-tI1f1 fr. now method of treiLtuielit was ..jmg- wifoo­l guew You ( tin r of thaw Ing ­Exporlence 6A tile I"t tc-ncher," re- ,nre ir IWmi'iteil f r6m INFOI(MATION. en&hl4w MIP V) ad"111111 jolit Shanglial. a atti-rupt to I"pitF% t1wir ly tht- tryin to Olwl, it abouti. 1 o9clock gkii ther_e to It(,# dange tile circulitiA)n 111nd erndleat"" tip callot 1,�. licard ro.ally Io­jv#. cIiiI-IretiP-;tY- .Zilium. Wliell tiley tire I I.. to or jar .yag. gm" 11 nfn ,rl(' Thore tile hCut aPPIle&tiO;I iivirkod IImtding Petc. ollds and foreign 04111110- y1ou 111(wS Gueftill"fully. Wrt f nine, I',-19Pr T; vill, be th.brIlievOu"'U. swot WoUnde-41 they: � Cillillo an emirwilce, inor 9. I"rt naked, liftild 64ye0,*- - VICaadeiring Mike the *T140111 nil c I twe Ka n I ta ry. ticulam, wbUll are Wter"Utig t10 th'A' - at loaxt. and it .-awl (Cf - 1111-1 remarked 111ch clog lit) t, of lkir a year 'I tIIJltL c me 8 it I al obsprwation I�itllfll w N-. Yon having m~ too Invfwt- - domes Flack- I ays'. %%'110 molicitilig for h6aio flatom. W�,rrylllg. IV ­ al,(I elpcio their wou"(18 to U10 pure if, the rrnpt hit I ItOt riO 1 6 "but illy Wrwott y YeAr.4 twffvre hf Ulm' After - the Way ter fitudy orgatw of th0 Huglwo. InvesWat Brx*Pr, ni" lit C4916- back riell They t1le-wAitti.. . ('Iles Ate air to( the'mou*taln tc We bave liundrezbtor ptior, %vit,, a woollen glove -or mleeve it's a illighty POGr� tert wil.-It otilero lia,%,e prov(Xi. Tit~ Lh& wr,ndrr if he w a linirw�to., pf,rhaJW or 1*41vell, :1111d that,the Turka-Unwill" war it was n(Alced alpo vicious children Ilke t1lose. at (of , Ill No. c�g Wall atreet, New T�W* city .( 11 pll(pugll, lout when It in well PALY' he wtit; quit". and tlot i4oill 'tIJ4'111 f()'C Olat tit, their ragged, t . .1 14% words f rom -I letter i4T(,ivP4i W -da -W' lwtter lw Wit 1 - f rown I of recovery until I and %a ko a placp J, I the 1111 that tl 0 ill4fid", hf%t gate, undo ..rubbing had '*g4 Wil.liatii- Of W. I I' lyringf4 us wou . are 4)11 tilp deek.' 'Hel- your 1 hildren. are, Inkes" and tile -tim le Minud's Liniment cures IA(WrPe- -'I deopnim 1161 All -YOU tf1Q k ii i 14 -pill mmit-hoW ntW IhuI*& b. " 81r, thow) c n are then - vOrY OR'dily dney'Curc." sai"A' 1) r*,.(l anti with'the lid- Smitit American Ki WALTZR-AOILICre TO 9 knvi, lie f 01 , , -timing of til(v door could lidtired.-Iff(mtreal '%NitnPW- -400 I (Jpce apkwt hifti, WA Ili %**Aen to ii ourselve" to) chitr eiltifically devel t of oxygen tho o4lai ,0. Ton are IN ()Xyg f -11 ----ono par TITUTE. r worth LOOKING FOR A SUBS R dition *-Ian*. 146 tit ard In.tim next street. orcour". ;rr, 0 tier iwart. alNvlIY-4 e be, & i .. veiKto It f tltf*m 1111-14 *4 Pl ardsiey (Wilit r Into the ,aucer." '11. llu"I K;)W, 4Y.It to. . to 0110 part of irill otb, red for it -mygell .4 to the 111110ster. 11111ked R) thr ,What !s tills ?,, t1lundered the 411"1 i Ilinety-sevP11 C4,11t, A Dom What am tile or t& SRI 'r e (9, err ;L "tit' :aade. Ifte, principle now 10OPtOd at tit& IL Ir and tor Something to T&Ae the 'Kip Was th ly AuOrq #vr,,ry year, v-peci rt 1, ,lid put -A tag on it inarked $10. place of Rubber. iittlo Edna. looking tit tl"P POroil" ID^ tou's Vvelit cc filling 111I.- with a f:lt,,,, ye"r wIWlI R mit" took it an4l - homp.- Dozen are filled with tIl0 mix- -mlin; "here Is a newspaper repo ,Well, tile porKon t(jok the her mother wils prepnr- pluili, g flInd o4lo-akiiiK Me- ItIpt bruk out threw �Urp at the ga#4OIlleter nild, att-nelted t. i t" I - , 110 wr t r. 11 le, plastor th'it, nolig- it. . r- Tlw condition ()f t1w rik-A! AO&IY hand - ';,, it SO which InelW0 the - "Y"', Wjljk�ls Imck. 9 `1 Ila 'anarchist w%pilled aAhore d tit- Ing to) adjupt to sly .1%vay. W tA) tilo e a.brQken tit(, rules or tile s0ctelky rttcl(',, tO Yardsley'" titore yestis 61%)lIght IlIgmt toy tile inew-Allic r yOu don't know that, 6 -jWteallY Call It C.%r%*IP% lippetj I b., fillite a London Mail rePrP- hn w "es far rulo- G Itep funn3 jrol.ly liever c1rXII4 Wh ,H6, WR& lie Iled the member, dny and trnded it for dry goods. Yard- -%,N quite 4,ver. a) wdund#L Wl," rep W IWI tpa W. 3^-111g, ro rut. lint] vIj4ItA.d tile Il000pital a itterry be nl)l;l to be 0Ut III-' I'd 11h4i tIW 111111IT lie Willie. " They're t4w 'WE W ANT 0 U QUICIG ar &way jrv, lier r. (pill wat- UK tin. V'Ilt It wall it t wiltative "or b1i �never WoUld ]lave submitte sley's smile wOT iingpeat Interest it' -414," 111t0r`P(*l0d iW-Il n,,,nly. lwart .4ill. itil illacharges ngnin f(�r six weeks.' I".r. fins jw�x d sultsti- lot tile 1)[11t) (Alt. of courep." time. W. . I tm 'I J141 w littlo IMI, arflicttxl , w about witil the POHNI w t jig. for rd (of Ilim-Rob- frc No Twvre waiti !, Ir!a #in the eam. wam runnin CIMP".14. 11w Inve ,ver. :Ikl". had nev, 'Did lie L 114, tute. THg:KL01qDYKR'8 WNALTH Isitellisent ladies &lid NeitUottlell oat, b* exi? 86) ppen." in. any wny, a tube. In each, Year attachM tq a gap knour of.7 the itilili five nontlis or liese buiLt plied %%_ith gelliteel &04 %cry 111HOVITARL11 le --owanethlAg Vidnk or,. Froin w ­I &t I a colkni oxi ,lion of Forin(loita, tile -fall- lit Elwin tb" Tar fhr ert when lgig filing- llkf� a ogcllool satchelacrow affair T ,Ill, Inclined to think 'that-, 1411C tile otlier 50 *CM11 g e uld liappe*k 1-4)" H#4 WrL rwe' tIlItt ""Ill"Lly, afterntoon - - two - ral,lroadm- , InP XP, lilt" %VdA el d to be 0 Substitute, Would be No inducement to the SuffOr e'mploynwent' INDU8TItY 6 the sawnUal .% a t1w alF"I'lolle 11111"t - i, - ,I will write, t101,"KWrow,,",o illo back. X n1all, with a dtAft"Iek' eye drew it oilt of b1m, by crom-ex&VA11fir )f l)e1lvtr, (_'olorndo, N19CUSARY togwilm 6001) lRKMX'NF.KA 3%VSV lip mid, milea In length. and a clergymall or if it Stood Between Him and Per: 4lin gri%-e tho addrew of ropmwentativi J old nyll'O"I"OuP write. hilt let tier drop wore .1,11 appliance a 'little larger II(Wi .-Perellold, fict Health. TION. C pA pr, tIack V) lisle toee.n &Ily tilffer- , I", not thipw I dinhry 01111(ift I"Atient,14 ItIveated a mll-stauc(� ca . (,,&mpIwIlford, %% rit4w: wille)II&O Jupt cleared $113 in fl 111ANS $6 0&0 11fe. a,4 it it lla4I 114 -ver g.-tfts-r like a -wOf that, tilt% or for w1liell tit(, manic claim was inade n. 11. Little, be s"do rivilt at Cur ovni HOUR. had litiver peen 111.4 faee f�otr lliM alt" wMew I,..%t, -even to 'A Jay, In 11"] witli'dineased limbo -14 ellcl(v4- Thew f;u1!st4It1cF* -"rp "About one y"r n I liad it provere J NICHOIA41 & CO., the tbinX� to lwr ea", fed dutomatteally compouitiou, Iwing madp front ;Ittar-k of tYl a PtichmoM wasil, TwulitQ. 114tr hogrd hio tiever kno rriond- mere ac," Mile, and ed In g their 4101d ever anti it left MY Itionollilp was paat, and a tllo mixed gal!I. 'ComparlsoUq oil, tile ct,1111KYsiti(xil known as' #qyotelll it, it very t)jek0M of 1114 -CfJMJ9L What- -Well, 1010 CAUSE FOR ALARM. areak and tiervows all, flo%;V*X(t over it.. wit" pits of. the original linwolld ship, JOTS, wilauTpr it was. or with tho pliotogra uggewtA08 to both that 1 4141- PERVANIENTI.Y ("I"REP 1411. DIP titir. -A years lillolellill being tit(- s econditioll, in fact. 80 11,101Y Xal"'g Qre&t NWVO R41ilat*r0r. he had mp&nt it t4p be- Nij, lie "itstake, a Mi woun& mhowed tilat remarknbli, lm- 14- j1plkirpoll of rricovery. I w" tiftdilowi ti) ATS No film for nerrOURP41M aftw ifint day's h&,re loved her; or to llaye I.Ybateve.r It . wa-41 g, n0jo()tiy knew provements Ila(] been effected In n inventma, but UK" ')it In %ii" coul" emid no* . a wrop tion too not fully, oxidized. 110"Itr9P Il'e- try Soxith American Nervinp. ilk a gloe. gold to 951 Arch Otroet Phil& ()uld hxvf� Or x1nd tile wotind a roe ot Xfon AWW W aIA).,It. it. very short time. Ing lit", and Currents Jr c4ild Itir. rf-inarkaloly 011017t, time lily 110alt" in%- delpkiilt. Pa tot u4mtli e &I'd f It wag IMMI04, in a yjf t.1@ji_lt more proved, jill4l wil(41 I halt taken & few ror =14D by r"Rw W1 TAI . 4 liands clams. ru iettie,* right or wroing- W11 thlill ill"t of a way. J. A. Harte i7w Nam 1*0enie ti~ e Stray Witti Idness begins4p (,ontinupd expec.iturnts _,v1w entirely curml and MODUNI&L Quo - amply Inprasible. wit,, IPlple&4 ,,,d ltiticriv by tile unextinael"U" How (.1,104tic N111IRtAnce, 'and it wits 101111141 bott liev*plf - " litinLotering alWelw" _7V64. Or vitli lailptlur 41.1lito slimuttr er- lot%tter heviltil *ince titaii for olli"Ie:k an(]' Of lbefier- i1ttle �r hurt her, Ffoil(l Niother I have - -11 that V. loer wju, were allgell' t1lat neve ly w)km littlw fellilw, wilo f,4 only ten, -and et fillets were Prod0toOds t"UpfirativelY. years lwfore." Ask Your Dealer for gtgLrp R& M14Wl. went t1linpilgh y, blotti'49 their c0i at4 ifearly t1drty ; few,11yes- 8.1cept Ile writem beautiful IXWky.,*"d EoCr et a,4 with rnlAxtr- Oxilin Und wrehold bewrt. He w arnilM9 their lesson"' .-Well, them's 9(olue lkf4)e I for then, alw 1W VIlIc:IlIiWd,, 1141V ill no case &rQ thum 1(,Mg with4out wilme W rt Of (ff, Pf"t -ltb it. may pojnd. & jidieukma - 'I' *eni young-. 'Yoll Call How t revent i a 14 1 t ftjolp A Pore no Baronxeter airendY I knolM -1411d whein y4ill CaU P filifil all %lip re(juirf- A lwig*l� tail it, elaiji to um%rriug, OECKH'S love ill jhlem. l4rrha4vt 1w. was , t lit forlorn governew 2411( amler then .'iir 1)ieycle tires It ,f)tbr,t woman, av-d ri,10- thilr-, tila IL ICwt love by tha WIllp it ont of 'em r meitts or rulolwr- I bound V P o-onle t P leaAwl t be coinfort0d fOr it 114 true th 6'1 #,uppu%o ther.� must loe money llw%d to scirve qitlitw well, indiraw tile (4111diti(-Al t)f tile allimnI - cagn I glossy fill" lovell - alDe otngl- Imme it allows thlit tit" bimfttf dIl"ttIT14 lw'ox children -. bilt ally remairked tit(- well- Imudant On, lift durabilitY if it I wW,rd #Ap., 11ra w 40vt, (of Ilaytt slic- politics., ind BRUSHES A ND BROOMS. I b4it it lacks the With hereff. Waniftn's ipp(wition it4 V"Very pevgon. male or female�, attrinkS bair. led,with id call be pix iN 114)t NWVII. 1111(i tlint itb f(Mo4l ose wtio :ire threatet, inowillig I ~�ti. ­ Your - imi RpIposrance xrowtii. A -r. oxilin and lwre;io Such thipop had bap- following the go re- fronibaldne,4-4. iteddstothe pti The jipproAching 1)aldnC.,.* will be interel4ted (it riiblot (Wt Of f�rovr five W Nil, .014vild Ite, If it be colled For Sair by all IAeaditw Houp-, �~ive 'phawd, _nl.tidan- Wfi.,cpatalolY c0rrm�- It serious diswomf? �tlutary % Marlielepely, t of age and i--. tutement, produced sit A lipaltity 1111d 11111PPY. ()IIAIR.BOBOIM&DOBMIIAnufuctur*m Y." alm'st radatiOn I of the in the tonowi-nK %-ol lid thit- fnet., A natuml g l4jXm,jO(I the cand4date With a. lwrro Con tilriltiv tilt% Ill ILI,l� to Vill' PhIrtit-40I. (ptloer 1;' 1; in not casciare rare when the failing dw, ,4111en gell*" lll()tlierlto4x 'Ilko *10,000 in bat'r Ill.,Iy 11()t I)e l4toppmd. and a iiew and Ilittdcby Aidernians-i-Greeill-Ofs-Peucer, c4tuts lxvr pound, it ToRoNTO ONT. QUW1 W111114 lv)t likely to IMP- ho id, w e rogret 41 I've put 90WtIlJtI9 Iowa. He writes'. pled wItII tile price of aqdJusirity, w bair ptolliated. The n" milice �Iliy nomination." healthy growth of thel ntA IN, p1n Wina?d's Linimaut is 46 bat. "tar_4igbtoKL t4tr(niit *W of wllle�l' is I)ever- lyw4f hair grow* in tile-calp like a VI&VA in the hair coin- vighty Cwb r und, wid that th e before it, tO willell 1V Bat ' slif—It is very hiev tO 90 0'1111' ma6t have "About fOut months ago, 1wen I ustam Mit P W4)ukl never "drift" the oni MPC)Wble to go back. wo. if a plant flourlshei q1 go raMIN, that (.1ailned' subAtit"tes lift"t Mustard I 14AT'S M w"Illif IA! tlwldw 11 e, but you neiver take, me MOW It 11"St b ' wateted menced falli -ndcd illat lie &4 convitnnt attention - Z an(I heiag recoTtitne! troduced with 1`1114-11 fl%""wahle cOm A -dream ft a tomlad. clean I)ALUt had hAd none of t110000, tfolmtr a' liecame alartnA will, lit- Fortuim'a life tier One all wholl Yom go. lje­Wo-II, Irli take you regul rly and find its food in: the %oil t itair Vigor Ily a ditififfist I ig prices, Ftl'Owl; cOlIcUtelveir tha illrano lotig--cro till tied 9" lisaltlk i. 41 where it is routed. to try thl, pteparation. I hj;%*C- pett I wrRAP XrwptjlLX, perilapill, too to -night. Them Im st,s so with I ie hatT. Dr. Aver wilwtitutes .1" not a Col. (Ipc icive and Kpring. 100119 with b , iing of bald- ths. and tile vatintil-d It 6 a (11illow custom to lnaugu- 6ligilt itgnitlig' dMam 4 4 . Neglect is pually the elint been slow 11%itig it JOT tllTCe MOU to 4.ff(.,o.t, t1lo, lqrewnt condl g-,61lere or I f 130 ver. She fell back 1110111 PIRY (on tjw Imnimbi you ought to At, nest. Dandruff is allowe to thit�ken on till likPlv' 111minem retititre with A dit4- '(few_nt tilat-vi tilmy, Wilat is it -11' � "1 6 Tho Taming Of tilt' anillnuch grntifted to find that my hair has "Itet. Latte ra te a ftr They Ilill"'t ld her Th&% loel"s 0 thelicalp. The hair 1)eginsto loosem. The cea 'ed jaiiing otit And at%o that hair which tAip rulAwNr 1110 1 201M 1 Iji4i t1wre atitumn dayes'and till 0.4eq its vita I lity. The lla�r, 1IM140- ttirning mray f(,t the part fiVe tioil of lei vprltabi WILY nt flrpworlm- sp, but.,- * trea. if tOr Shrew."' *ca"p day di'lipoloverles I,ftve WOT jail ffy of hiiii life. J re vpry real flietwi __ asked ficienAly nourilithed, begins to fa4e nn4 to had bee" re.4toi-e(I to it4 original I �; only W4.rk, liard Which a " Ef I givo you your (linner # " fall. The instaut i3eed in -such & ca%e is ye:lra ims imen ve% ine much mirne&W. "It it d(ww not imem at a at awl in 0 .durance, a I ].A. Mr. Ilaimmi, " will *on Writ tile grind- golne plractical preparation which. outo- culor. dairk I)rown- It Nis dre-4sing. �tjhotltute for gbm Mumowse noefting sr"P to t lic plca%ure to r tfint It I torftr courap,*Villd ar, Alill. Bat wit,, tj,p two little girt Now 0 imi ld DiallIftl econitnend I)encer, low likill -r­crt n soon. ar relleves her lap -they were atono a W 0 plying the needed nourishmettt a. werf- at 0". vfr ,,Tp jeceived cimtonied to tell- Dawwai -aln't no .4romil; agitator." %call), will feed the hair, givC.- it -Arength, j. cliyx.4, Aiderinsta, S will loo, tile "vq* enuki fte. I Jwnstft I he Wsm�ft VAADN #,040LUTIELY PUPS rime ek,*#* she indiaii citildrell, litlac and Ao produce a strong and hcaltliy Those W serving -mom" ty, &IIIIII, ff-Ved toolli frROM pICH FLAVC)UPED "W104 *K'W (40" 0 lrewty grow" very growth. All this Js done Isy Dv. Ayer':i ho are interested in �roe dad tit(% 11"t I a-lutifill ti mew OWS whow ii"tam it Will aln"llt r 2 dily, derw-w, null Ila" 11- )Ok in her The lo"asn't 11Y"tem Of mIA141cal 114;t4l- lfairVigor, the awat practical atid valua- and I)cautifying the hair will well to (lit TOM which Gen ITI-P& I the awmacb mad WW '01 n yN lqt,. Jklmnat ),Yf rongl tor her- tiii-re lva.4 a 1( tk>n wap Invel,W1 it, tile eleventh veil bi aration for tilt Isair Out can be %end for Dt. A er-s ctirehook, A StOry of q re Paid to 1-w' tit(* nu Twfttr re mustwd Koraq-p; it inaI&Ir e local. 40c,o nway c:11tes wid t,y Re cured. This boOk Of 11 Zro,%v to a lwigllt of F I to 44 feet, &ek for ounn"s Pu '44, "Mm & "A running do I like nit anclel tury. LFntec(V it tones up th baw" ian Mb e 10 1w)t t, Imp tiot at n - Llmtwt Inotherly. ht ?= kgc s ii sent free. on request, by the J C. lid l(ad tile air with I't4rILD". sob t (Ar a boverne,*,. b4t To Oreani that 3 our befird has grown with dandruff, sto"'tbe halt, falling. PO r Co., Lowell, Mass- a y0a see, the I the raiv-k of tho cs the origiVall Vollor to gray or isdaki Ayc late C bow Sho ged - very lrotig ineallm Alleck.q. '111 husinewo. restor IWO, virgia Marry, as the Ana. Iwo) It## WSW re p. %go net-oIl1r, it tivew imWOM onArTnen"xhibif- #.A At. I*t#.rAhWT, ain. -AM refrooloftments When lie aw I his art.,- jw It werp.-Atlanta Obt appointeool u^t ro- ter tm guard was turn cokupelm to har@ h1r@'d lielp (xi t1to When n man quite soolftig his wlfq, life., and In c inoerne(i for chal tor of For*Ign A t1w, eyelf* mtAll-filrig 0"takip To spe a raln1w)w lit ,I (11*s%in flIrr%_ trbaflrni, 64 flint tills lilrrd helli breaks been 1101 l "Ile d(wmn't wear 0vPrsfI(,,en their Procrem. go latelr engaged In = tion. hPlol uniUl Mn.y 103h, Off. IMS Joijrney. It, 011 t1le 110111-P life. The n0aJDr I ty tilt. lioncymoon lit waning. temporal liffairs thione twelve otporp- ' Vo &-e- rit d - tIPA MIght hAve questLo lqd how tiley Uttv.-. P F 91011PIPW VIRITF-IF A4