HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-11, Page 4• • 11 So :ieties , end $50 to township and horticultural *settles, not amalgamated with the riding Ineities, A grant of $25 WWI made to each of the teachers' Institutes in the county and a giant of CO to tbe prisoners ail socity. There was also the usual grant of $.3 to the F:rrtners Institute. Not a dulls was granted to roads but the bridges coo* in for consider- atiou. It wet decided t•, build a new• bridge at or near the Tura• station, and also to ruake wine improvements on the bridge between Elders:ie and Brant. This work will tie done under the supervison of Sleeirs Shoutdice and Long. Hi■h School Trusters were appoitst- ed as follows:—fit alkertost, John Lee; Kincardine, Rev, 3 L St urrs ; Port Elgin, Hugh 51cLaren, jr . , and C. Longford MARRIED HAMILTON—COX—At the residence cf the bride's mother on Jan. 12th, Mr, John Hamilton, of Huron, to Mary Jane daughter of the late Mr. James Cox, of Kinloss, by Rev. A McKay. DIED Messrs J. H. Scots, t►f Kit:.••erdine, and 0 W Stovall, of We ertam, were elected as renis t a of th t.oard of Criminal Audit, Their remuneration will 'e, four dullare a day. In the matter of salaries of county officials, in some instance•a there was considerable of an increase. But the greatest increase wen in the ease of the county treasurer, who got I► raise of $1.')O. The chief cot.ytahl•• slso got a raise of $50. The s*Iaries for 1898 will be as follows:—'fr*asurs•r, $1200. the County to pay th3 guarantee bonds; clerk, $700, and $7.5 for extra work in connection, with ;he !louse of Refuge; jailer, $63t); turrik••y, $350; matron, $250; caretaker, of Court House, $375; School inspectors $5 per school and $150 extra for travelling expenses; warden, $140; 'Ward of the Criminal audit, pi) each. As we have already stated there was a great deal of die:ussiun over the House of Refuge question. The mot- ion to proceed to build, one waS unsuninously carried, but whet, it came to the hatter of the plans, thea a was considerable dissagreentent. The special committee wtas rlpointed at the June Session to visit house of Refuge in the ditye,rent eountiea, brought in a report in favor of the plans of tile Stratford building and of employing the architect who prepared these plans, to draw the plans for the Brun! House of Refuge. This report however, after a whole day's discuss; ion was voted down There was also a motion to advertise for competive plans, but that proposition was also voted down, and it was final lv decided that the coaiaeit should hold a ape.;ial meeting on the 29th of March, and that the whole council should visit one or more Houses of Refuge in other counties, and that the particular build ing be adopted. Following are the variour resolutions passed in regard to this question: -- 1. Cumming:—Richardson--That owing to the Targe majority of rate payers at the last election in favor of the House of Refuge that this council consider it their duty to take the nec- essary steps to have the same ere,. t' d without delay, so that it may be com- pleted during the present year. -- Carried. 2 Scott—Cummings—That the clerk be instructed to advertise in the county papers, inviting offers for saleable sites, for the erecci'oo of the new House of Refuge, the farm to be not less than 50 acrt,s and not 0,e ItAMILTON--In Mimico, on Monday. Feb. 7tb., 1818, James Hamilton.. aged 67 years. MtcINTOSH--In Kinloea. o•i Friday, Feb. 4th., 1898, Mrs. Peter McIntosh, sr.. aged 80 years. iubotribt far she X chum vcatin :1. One dollar auear. ` l".* Wood's Thosphodins The'Grent English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Onlyreli- able medicine dleeoverebtx kages guaranteed to cure all forms • 3ex . Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess. Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - basso. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 111, siz, $S. One trill please. eta wilt curs. Pamphleta free to any address. Ont. • Weed Ce>enpuWindsor, iD Sold in Lucknow by Dr. D. ill. Gor don, Druggist 1,C I.-Lit.f� Logs WaTited SC Iotiee to C'rellitoro In the scatter of the Estate of Archibald Itant- iltun, lateoo the Tolertslop of Huron, ill the County of Bruce, Yeomen, Deceased. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pli R- suant to the provisions of the Revised Statute,. of Ontario. chap. 110, section 36, to all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Archibald Hamilton, late of the 'township of Huron, iu the ounty of Bruce, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of March A.I)., 1897, to send. pont prepaid, or deliver to J. S. Hamilton, of the Township of Huron, County of Bruce, Lucknow Poet Office, the ut►der- signed executor of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 20th day of Feb. next, a statement in writing oof their named and addressee, and full parti.:nlara of their claims auk' demands and the nature of tbe securities (if any) le -141 by them. And notice is fur.her given that after the date mentioned, we will proceed to dis- tribute the ssset.e of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard Hely to the claims of which notice has been iven as above required, and that he will .not beliable: for the said assets, or any part there- of, so distributed to any person of wh .se claim notice Khall not have been received as aforesaid, prior to the time ot such distribu tiou. LUuKNOW SAW MILLS The highest price possible will be paid for hemlock, soft elm, basswood, ash and birch logs, delivered at the mills. Logs must be sound and well cut. All parties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book accounts ai e requeste(E to call and settle the same before the 15th of January 1898. num', full particulars u to quality of the soil, quantity of laud cleared anunder cultivat- ion, drainage, distance from market town and all other information up to and not latter than the 15th day of Manch nest.—harried. Shouldice--McInnis—That this council at its nese ePNooses ofg t Ref one or chore of the m uge and adopt the plan of s'hme one of these Houses, with such improvements as they deem ir their wisdom a > best,and appoint such architect ity of the council may think best, he to make plana, specifications and sep- erintended the work and paw the same. —Carried. J. 8. HAMILTON, By HUGH MORRISON His Solicitor. Lucknow, Jan. 1116., i> . , 795 ' . - THE CANADA guarantee pcouoptship- SALT u,ents. , A35OCIATlOo� ria.. C`)arse Cr Lead halt. Clinton. Ont. For Table or Dairy USE COLEMAN'S SALT. WOOD, FOR SALE: THE U NDEI:SI(•NEDHAS FOR SALE in the bush sou lots 14 and 16, con. 10, West Wawanosh, two hundred cords of good Maple wood both green and dry, mouth 22 inches in length. It will be sold in Idta to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to THOS. TODD, S! Helens P O The Canada Salt Association CLINTON. Oar. ---- Guarantee prompt shipments. Fine. Coarse or Land Salt. For Table or Dairy use r James Lyons. A leather with a feet to throw off pc calfskin, flexible as . porous as a duck's ft inthe $4.and $5. Welted.— onsciencc. Permits yo . spiration. Tougher than glove. Waterproof and Idlers. Can be had only grades of the Goodyear FOR SALE OR TO RENT 1tICK DWELLING HOUSE, STOR., Bgood store house driving shed and one quarter acre, in the v illige of St, Helens. Good business stand; poeseesion immediately. MRS, R. MURRAY ens, !)jut Wanted—An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protectour Meas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEhtBCBN A Co.. Patent Attor- s,_Wenhington. D. C.. for their SLEW prise offer tad 1111 of two hundred, inventions wanted. 11. T. DAVISON, M. NEW FURNITURE Isthe place to male your selections in � WARE ROOMS• CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PRoVIsiM J. G. Murdoch & Co., Agents That Touches The Spoz,-.1- 11"LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOIt U r' Weak and Iinpur� Blood LivereKidney Diseases, F�la M. gcio&► (i(lloi:lill'll, (ha.A,k 1>,•il�gi>t or write direct to 3, Sold by Harry Days, Lucknovh Having secured the premised lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Rom, I have recently tithed it witu the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The price is - away down. All goodsboughtfor soot ot cash, therefore I cern sell at a any person in the country. Why buy in fro-. ronto an4 pay freight, subject to dam4ge, when you can save this at home? When at J. T• DAIVSON'S inspect and be on- vinced. rH•E UNDhRTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co iduc tell at the old stand, which has been entirely renovate.. REPORT FOR 1897 Of The Aeheolla Chew and Butter Company aKoil PT4 tach vel sale of cheese 8252 04 Received from 44 64 464 4* whey 124 21 .. •• borrowed money 150 00 fle all calla ,►n *trick 80 71 •• svirplus milk 912 8:1 •• deteriorated milk 45 6 00 19 •• •• milk retained • •• overpay on June cheese b 14 .. expenses un milk 48 sgt44 n gt Pg:.D1TV REA Paid shareholder+ &c, for milk •• •• whey for manufacturing cheese • • hauling milk boerswed money interest salaries e ,xxppen�se ,chins donee,and work f►►r new whey tart •, anditit,g " printing •• curd -mill " barrel • • repay on Jane chee s " " mjgpsLjaa♦r►tat ext•eitee* Salaam oa head 44 46 .• ft •6 46 /64 66 92 224 21 65235 .'551 71 830 00 47 43 60 00 38 97 21 ori 18 70 800 7 75 6 60 6 00 6 14 61 54 163 81 $9444 21 `4,800 Total lbs of milk receiue'l 1,0cf7 401 cyte manufactured Tti•s. 1•'1>1LAY 1.. t:..1 oHYSON, nt. Secretary. CALL FORNIA V is the Chigoe°, Paul Railway EXt:UKSI(E S M1lwaukee & to Los Anto1°' in South - s:.. Other Pointe arta cantos" Thi popular every S,turdsy Cali- fornia excursions fur berth first and second class passengers are "personally cooducted by tntPlitgent, competent sod courteous •-couriers," who will atter to the wants of all passengers route. This is an entirely new **tore of tourist car service and will tl appreciate',y familiee or �e ds welling together, or by ladies travelparties slope. Midland Route Tourist Cars Dr:pbolatered sleeping cars and are — lied with all the accessories nee - to make the journey comfortable t, and the sleeping berth tllltltd n frdis Tabs 6 00 (for two persons) from � icer to California- for s �' the nearest ticket agent .sr "folder," giving complete Maaswin about the SI idland Route, 1. "Esstjcnsstreet,an Manager Midiar.d 9� Having rented a phok�ph gallery in Ripley, I will visit that villae every Tutsday. Any- one requiring photographs can- not do better than caul oa me as everything is first-clans. Photographer to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Her Majesty Queen IsabellaHer Majesty'cot . Mary Queen of a sHer Majesty Queen of Sheba. In Lucknow, my gallery ifitted up in the latest style, having recentl purchasd a new out- fit with all the good improvements. Call ndlegset ay flcee and seeIDs 7 are the very last. lif.,j)• f° Apples )Slacking Black Lead: Blue Baking Powders Barley, loot B;.tb Brick Beene Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee k ( Confectionery Canned Good.. Cocoa Chocolate Own, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter C.►coanut Dates • A-1 Flour always on hand. Embalming Preserving aa& Taking Care cf Do&ion a Spoc- ialty The Embalming Fluid, material and ' at- pli%nces used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. sorPicture Framing and all kinds of Re . pairing• done at the old stand 1 1 a#4, PhotographUCKNOW & RIPLEY. L I have in stock the following : Dried Apple Extracts Furs Fish, auoed fish. dried Uelotiue Gingers Hope Honey Ink Indigo ' Licorice Lime Juice Lemone Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia Nutmeg 1 t )il, olive lOil, sweet Oil, castor +1i -singes t/at Meal Pails II'eela Pipes I Pickle Pearline IPtas, c ann a 3'n Pe ►per Raisins irks ;Rice Flour Sago Salt K4almon Sardines ,Senna ;Seeds Sugar 'Syrups JcKENZIL Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes . . Fresh Daily Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand BOAR FOR SERVICE HE UNDEISIGE1) WILL KEEP1 for service at lot 17, con. 13, West Wawanosh. a ten -months -old th.ritubbredImproved Yorkshire boar. icTE MS Sy -1For pedigrees and other partTHOS. MILLER, St. Ifelens P.0 Ir�ricit�r,�•�.,FL-113a rT U RE . THEPHRENOLINE REMEDIES LUCKNOIN MARKETS r bushel............ .8l to 85 Spr• i wheat, pe rbushel......-... 84 t485 Hering wheat los .51 to .52 Peas per bushel. ................... ••1.5to2F,Oats per bushel . . •. ••• • r bushel Barley pe ...............3bPotoesperbushel...... 14 t� 35 Butter per lb, rola 1, tb.....per dzen.. .14 to 15 e $5.00to 5.50 sy,�ton .:...........p�' S1.75to2.20 our percwt.....»,•.0 Dried apple* per lb ..•• ..„.lb •••. "~ Chicago, a• • Taylor, Canadian Paftsen- "_'p�ooWe �0. s& cO,iceYt krebai Tallow Per 33 Lard per lb............., • ••' »•••.. 7S to ,S to to5.3 Pork per cwt .......... r,...........»...$4. 9 Wool per lb.. ..... .«.... Chickens per lb....«•..•• 'Turkey per lb......... Ducks Per Geeseper lb Apples per barrel... Sheepskins............ ........ ••.. ► ' ...1.50 to1.7 a 50 to.7 5, .70 .17 .9 .5 5 Taking the load everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that, hundreds upon hundreds of poor to» Herers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, auol an forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by .. . . BERRY &z 00 eoom Suits, Bed Matresses, Springs,and Everything in the Furniture Line.,,secure Repairing a:nd PFramin. r and a Full Line o Upholstered Goods. Our UndertakingDepartment isCom- plete in EveryRepect. awOECO & Jotoe (rcin and dry wood wanted inexchange► for furni'ur. 6 Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canna Sulpher' Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teae Tobaccoes V4rmicel1 Vinegars VW'a,hix►srds Washing Crysta Wo4►denware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets • TeaSets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry SettI'oiletetts eady -made Clothing We are busy takingstock this week, but not too busy to show nu some genuine bargains that we are offering in } • Ready-made Clothing. tweed, regular den's double breasted suits, heavy chocked price $8,00 for $6.004 Men's double breas-ed suits brown tweed, good value at $8.00 for $6.00. d navy blue, winter weight, regular $6.00 line for $4. 6 Men s double brea�te Men'sg singlebreasted suits, dark shade, winter weight, specs at $5.00. Youths' double breasted, heavy tweed suits, special at $4.5 at $3.50 persuit You Youths' single bl•eaited suits, extra heavy tweed, good pht extra value at $3.50. Boys,' 3 pieces, doable breasted, navy blue, winter line at $2.50, worth $3.b0. Children's, 2 piece :wits from $1.25 up. A special A number of mer' i and boys'overcoats to clear at lowest prices. Yours respectfully, J.G. l�urdoc�h 8z Co. Window Shades' Curtain Poles, Pictures & Picture Frames, Etc, Etc. • ot�.ing is tette 2_* 4,•N•NNINNNH•N houseFor gepetral wan use in the kitchen, or in fact in any part of the th 2 2 11 1 It take have a largf Enamelled -Ware. the place of china and is UNBREAKABLE. stocalways on hand, consisting orf Tea kettles Drinking cups Tea pots Drinkin;m'igs Water paits Soap dishes Soup bowls Jelly plates Tea steepers Saucers Water pitchers Dippers Soup plates Pudding dishes Soup ladels Basting spoons Wash basins Preserving kettles Dinner plates Rice boilers And tie prices are right. ~~ • •••••••••••••••••••••• Sauce pans Chambers Dish pans Pie plates Skimmers • Thomas Lawreuee, - - Lucknow, Out Embalming is our Specialty • Calls Promptly Attend- ed to. - - LcioW, Shorts B per �cw............... » Osper cert. .... Green wood per cord �� ....:....... Dry wood per cord-.......... ..$2.50to2.75 $1.00 1.25 MAPLE - LOGS! W A.NTED. LUCKNO SubsCriPbi°1 priCe, $1. ��E�TINEL Upwards of 800,0 feet of maple logs wanted at our mills, Havelock street, Luck- now. uc -now. As usual we will pay the highest prices, Mitchell Bros • • FOR SALE, A BARGAIN TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE Acontainink 12 rooms, also a shed and stable, with one and ti vereigbtbs of an sere of land,situated rerequests all patties indebted to in the village of Holyrood. him The either by note or book account to settle the same b7'th'VDREW SHOEBA Zt)TTOM, Holyrood. FARM FOR SALE BEING LOT 7, IN THE 9th CONt;'ES- sion of Huron, containing 100 acres of good land, all cleared and well fenced, and two mile* and a half from Ripley. There is a large barn with stone foundation and stable with hay fork in barn; good orchard and three wells of water; frame house and kitchen, and eight acres of fall wheatl in the premises oror further particulars apply to MRS. ELiZA MARSHALL, Ripley P 0 Or. TAF'T'S ASTHMALEttE ¶ 1 p T H M A ,o hat you treed NOT i' t P ail,night gasping for fat-•tiI forty fear suirncation. Send your name and le addreee we will mail till t o tl r R DR YAFT B!!Og•• TORONTO, ONT. SPECIAL 0 .111)) i 4 T- .....,, p Our job department is fullyequipped, and we do fine -job printing at lowest prices. For example :—We willive you 500 first-class envelopes, with your n me e and address printed. on the corner, for$1.25, and 50 Aot eheads with business advortisenient printed there- on for $1.�i0. As The Sentinel enters the best homes in the Counties of I luron and Bruce, it cannot he eacellus(, l as an ad- vertising d ver�, 'in * medium. Besides, o r rates are the lowest. Call and get our prices. CLEARING PRICE In all sines of goods from now till the 1st of February, preparatory to stock- taking. WM. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW.. Better T tan Ever Before !,, As usual, we have Deceived the very best arrangements with theleading papers of the Dominion for special rates (luring , l the Plubbin season. Cali and get rates. < JAS. PROP. � ASE Y_�- � P. • owner vf a watch or cloc.tRThe en A(x;NT FOR i Tlw u n it. is to your interest b get Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships 1 ting it; re -paired to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find. This you will do by bri'oging it to R. KNOX, `YatchmAker, Tho goods sold by him here and in W ingham from 1871 to 1879 are giv- ing the best of satisfaction still. Re- established in Lucknow 1894. Pleabe • remember the place, in the old stand -kingssamm.2 next to Mr. Lawrence's and the ex - Tickets - via New work and! Praea and telegraph office. Hie stock Riga. of con Call at Express t >. 1'lsarmse, . promise*, tctr-ringgM it<r:ee•rle't. Elite We will secure berths; check Pullers, Slollem, Airii g% and Bows Montreal. Ca '*:Diet and Klle`r tt'ale•he�e,t1'leerd getyour tickets i �ti'rr•wsre, 1:4. toed lungs. office and elgn>;.t I rtuAgie rMPnt Itingtie. . �, and do evc>i•y. j your baggage , thing to gave you trouble and R. - KNOX WATCHMAKER comfortable. make you is a Joy Forever.' tt�Thing of Beauty And there is not anything in the home that gives ^ the Cheer, Comfort and Joy, that a .f .0 .0 .0 .0 PARLOR STOVE BEAUTIFUL COOK OR does, and there is a large awl well selected stock of these beautiful stoves at the FOPULAR HARDWARE, that surpasses any previous as- ortment that has ever been on sale, and it is to the interest and profit of thoss intending to pur- c hr.se a nice stock at a low price, to call and see the goods and get prices. All stoves guaranteed. D.C.TAYLOR : ' LUCKNW. G. SNIART. Peopl@must Have 3-roceries MANIIM The gret„ c c t,estion is where to get them. We keep the bee qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do . sell them at a very close margin, TEAS Black,' Ore( n and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 tt 10 cents per pound if you buy from ere instead of tea peddlers. Compete quality and pricy... It 0 CgT3RY We have a lake assortment t f dinner setts, ties, berry and .setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. F=, OtrI FEED All kinds+ c Sour and teed kept constantly on hand. Good delivered to any tart rt of the town. CUSTOM TAILOR. Apia's mock Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the A, atest manner and lat- est styles all sort ot work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's Klock. toile McClure and Mallough, ¢1v.133a (3-1:LC?CSIORS MUSIO — TAUGHT Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS. ¥. M. KEE, at her residence, Gough stmt, For terms apply at her home. 1