HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-02-04, Page 1I V 'I I Art.. , A Z J6 -17. F" MR- -41 _71 k JLA Aim fifth 4*11 ILL the co.-ilty lil U nil 1 %r am= a 'aw on Pill tc 150 tne mobbo0i .7 THROUGHOUT TH WALDI -lite Hih tk-ath I., recorded, with ing an Imitati Sk a - ---- a PILUPer'H nuiuber oplolt4ite it. on tit" pilis-A Far IjFTUR N A whereby i x ixw)"- (4 tile asylum. RE Dr. Williftmil' Pink TIONAL LREBOX 11110. IV GURAT BUILITAIN. THE ARIENILN XkS !A.1L Reachinic Decision. PUBRUARY, 6, 18W. I K Nalne Ilynonymous wilm , Oonquers Pain. —A east. Of ULU 1, J8.11. 24, aLm of the Newsof Dr the former lender of Moutrea the Wanpvani- ruldpr,4. htw arrived ill Inorf. Rev. Dr. Hepworth at good Deedso titan cqrdinarY il*,lrellt to tile Our Fixther's Ctire—Mittt 6; 211 -311 - Seven Days, London. public came before Judi. Lafontaine rriage—A. D. 28. 1 lace—m(pulit dof The a'niei' Presbyt he Troubil P # as foi- st. J rlin (1mreh to -day, the fftcts'*:*n9 property, (x)e of. the handsome'st In toe Scene of t here e Beatitudw. Jowls: J -'Or SOHO, ti,114, 101; On I,eTwi Ilk. 'ill(. Lotttloa% 6 offem,11 for wile. MOM=— ATY OHM )&IglLwr llig.j lxt&,ll going �i!pllt petiliLig CANADIAN. Tile Paris correspondent of VIP IAM- AT IBITUS- FA"D IN OR B a Pill wid& lie re-pres4JAd as being Colougelltaxy—_*14. Tvv4i Fiv+l. NI. 11. 1'.. i.4 tianger- loll Daity is -, 0011vinew'! that DESCRIBES THE SITUATION -i:tk Jesus t,aod bee,,, UachilK ti.14- lie("*- - - - AI& 1804004040" 0 - - - - R I owdy In. tho prf*wnt agitatlui will evestually tjlo same as Dr Willia wity twf LAWrt religltpa. IlLtakL �t3 C(" pluce tiorl. Win. 11arty %*.%,; uoum,:iUxl I,-, 'i -a1 W a new trial for Drcyfus-" 01 lip gets Into ctjuri� he d cIAX,_4 tliat the How ta areat ormizatiou Had Th6 Dr. Williamx Kc -4114 I and lielv 116 @jIlv% 9 1,4,ow 111*91g. are wer% Writing from Bitlim, tinder dat, tective tlyA Ubpral-i tw( KinguUm. 'Vile -Va&kl corrf*."Itiont of tile Kurd never did Wlything Of the. kind. tle matiloer in the han(h of lie Mr. Thomas tlallwratith,, 44 1,luillivilit, Daily Mail gays tile 80nilibill ('0TOrr.- Dec. '14th. RM Qr. Hepworth, [1c, knowo that If lic givem evidellce tiaynftl� of tAn. (;anadia tw. ret ow- iA tim Covi-ervative lkominee in M-oack. nwit %vill a�-ik the next UkrWa 1� vote missioner, days agaillgit thi) aCCUS311 lip W"I Avally lati c01W Ee(i sufficient Uie 4)ther--4k)d a.Ud Ilia"111.10A are - f avy. se w York herald L'041 I tu'd .1 vlce,'who owl' louch 000 fi-r Arengflteniftg the P o hundred l,*0 the re -a cattle till"t are lef oppofflite llattlM that it it- 111,11,0#1 -Mr. Jolui of.Beilljont towil- CK(y,;(JJ Tit .Jilatolla the, Jgeople tW vi&Wm to %%q4Vant it arre ohip, committ*41 suicide �y t1l "d little tiling like perlary 11 '& troll- L I.As tj 1,ve either one supremely %% itlip cutting.his A majority of tho BritiAh enginee 110 sea, both 1101! - -W *r; that wbich t - tile litileg f"0111 t 11im ato all- iq� od it cliva ),It hatugg tile othc n throat. hallo VottXI In. frivord, of Iteerapting to Sul- FOUIDID IN e7 a that y Lin jootwb. tract*j tu 4we repels fratill, tIW ­thel* are 111millated and Isoiated. ThQ; N'o w, 'I'do not Wlev' under f u Is-- I t1kwuls of tho employers. Tile olact dotith., ab u,,-. t mas- in 'Lite itiore lit- 041 -ureb 111g,ve, lot yet been divulged, but 1.vody, for an. knows, very much time m1per hall left Iffatreal. going Tile more UM loVfM G14 "Willewl- tyks popul'ttioll of Willilipeg lit IL aw nor. lit touell with ally ion r tills a arrival in - intame he 1(,v,u I a bout the Condit . 11 njumt igate evil. TItt t It— proportion to liftid W b0 about 25.- ther.c. are no railrO44b, all(] t- ix�2tA -acres or od 1* )fin for it Now a" Branches an over the World tp gt. jotin, N. it. 01v "placed Utitit'r Sto J atobs i 000 in invor or acceptanco, to 11,000 -h0l. Kurd country. I have 94 Od r* life it Foods the Hungry, Clothes the iliat 4-ity lie wait at ouiv uie mure lie mu:d hate 0, CL MummO - io affair. T A tioti. -Ile liv a anti an official' iont to brilig a 13yrtric %voni Which ftwLifies Chill ; M) Mmars.-C. D. Powell and B. 81a ttery oer v ice 61 A 011M-&-weck niakLug the akw.,r 1 111,; arTest Aguiust it )ly bridle 1)f perfect k;e6jusion, never vi, A ed, and oomforts the Su fferinig - k here. He was 1 rouglit I)efore til&t wilatever ill ttli,% wtmid ku tie- arf% the Con#vrvnti%c nomit for A letter f�rom Uganda, dated Nov. Llit're ate 110 Ilighwayb;, 01. NalL him bac Our*$ Rheumatism, Neuraig-a. Ottawa. o4en dalipruwa. lyrovtnces, never goes further -if' I'll$ in Tblip Judge Lafontaine till Inorning on counted lyy um u.) i)e gain is mungwoll. I le I ;MM a st, written by Mr. Pallaigg- InjOrs, difficult Ulld W04 W nat it to and.What It D00111 Ili pI.L.Lite, guiltY to 1,11ii. id. T. The Imt 4of tile, flf.b"JL L1.4. W2114 licit a tiling ai a 110V14 own ga3iden, and every aton6 0 0hargm U Sciatica, Sprains, Lumbago �a Mr %%'illiaiu Shore. M. V. '�"; toll, Who, with Lieut. Mael)on- o travel, And 9 lbw 0 - t that his of - lubt 4�f tile eye an4 tile witit- 4 Ilk, r"itinginated by the lIntronA of. Eal4t it, filtcred through a P&Iaoc city. botil. It Was pointed aid, biroitlier of Major MacDonald, tile I)al)er is unkliolsvil. till, %vaj% the, filtli 110 have varl�)ug twroonal it �io at, ioiuve Ila d left him g6re mailginom Bruit", Soreness, Stiffn9sis 1. Midalele. I tti4ouglit Erzerut what n r, "t. ul ferwe was 11 grave OW Ili' iMpdri$011- 25. Takeno tifought—W LOL d7h3Ll,,U-- commander of the Britialk forces, was take I*lWvii -e If*t ckty illL*tlie world, %Ololly With lie cannot help beli0vil In eve" -at4l- liaNe W a lengtily tes I I Of and Burns M.r. Whittiesy t4wned the campalgii repop -It to Ila% �410 Ne it nume %%-Oil k1l0wil J 1111,11111 (iver-careful. TI* Greek %"Pr'd Illf"t" -W41 on January I& -regulatioli,-; and uior- he hears or what certabi Pot!P nient.n e c0unsA for t1l'! Dr- Wil in hie owntconstIttwney by npeakhig beeu killed, says there has been re- tgat sanitar) tA, tell film, t9ld It IS Impcetlble r hinf 0.1c lotrimil it, ChimWO. It, is a 1'amf' iAlkdicint- Co. stated t114S his Clients ­Uh Le dixtracted."-"to, lhaVe tilt - at Dundaw� llewcjtj flglltillg lit Fort it,. I 1kc, . a - �, lie du 0gcoi ut it is�a Illinift tA) verlfy aity StatiOngeut made, 4jr off I- %V 1. known iti every (,,Atholic pariAll A, ;f4r ge'vere pul2- drawli two vvad." Anxious cane (iL-.- havll. talo 'Us(Va country. to live in.. JB tly full. lit every Cat1101tc did not %V'81 U) P they only u­uot 4,f Gud, Uw COMMeUbeme"t South Brant Corwervativea I with -Bitlis cil d cumenU are very f wil �nnd of tilre parin In c0lilparL*01 A iner" gimis, w1f," IA3,Luwut at tills t, fl(q that rer &pmtagy, then avdrice, alxLg itominatt-Al' Mr. George - Fillott, of 1`11�, t,owAtautil I spite of tile TiglL-J, Whicl of fablem. CoJittry, anti tit I -01110t" '10 Iiied to 4-stalkliall tL7f' ill to be tile puriuus and merely external iei vici- 44 im-orthiiew TeKuib 1pluLx-vi up Its %:here, it Ila f julmiliwaarloo have trtLVOAI will on KW '3t4UktiArti says tile Imillis- feet o' U'ds lave prownting fill I "Itutl jeriny and furth-r Lli!M elauil)PJ6 11US0 otild'afalf. lie wh(' Brantfort lw 161toligil rupliev %lirougall the city and we Illustrate. 14"k lills, was Uud, ful][owed OY hJyP Ot � It wa, wa)% er of War, Itiza parjba, liati Iwon i lade -to wash it Clein it thOr" loved, or 64 alelged -td have ic. % ed, tIlQ1t%.Iy alld whera their Ila Dr. 11 Cote. of ligtered to bodily fift-kipi as their same- as icil left tl�_-je perpetrator developmexit'of extelual #A"rvitP illUP g(Xit, (Kit t4l UMCII mumt rirmt 1pred to prePaTe 00 b"Ont" with-,-tt 11 - e eam'Lowu district wt full of, mil, for l4pliftal I it (Time wit illed by a tmin at the Canads At- iTN niZ ea'�!11, "mre any briLhis abkroadt the-strects lint tit' 'ga ds C. ti ill. Tile rescribed lantic Depot. V f� ukie deep lit niud. Tile olMPY .-`evo111tl0ld6t-4, ULM u tl elotineuCe has Ilgtliy ll�lrisunngent- 011 religiow,lwade befOO' likell- Ff-0' yt'ur lowrim-r. a re a wcomp" that It, SYn-] liable to ft It its )osed life...fur our idea is not to Security—Tlits chribitimi lies titi uW it in poul.,lelia: next. spring. le but, (if .'urk - L4.pe.c�;Iiar lit iliat lie infirmities, it is a name thl1t stil-s On& charge U , Ju(tg0 'mi te ell and Mr. W. A. Charitim. U. Is. P., Wtkgraph ol*rator Ila$ litt JrAJ things of atiell iw- failing wNtriop 4)f fouloply. tiod thu )f 11-ilgaria . is eatts fig ep 'ke it ollymous Witt' e4rity Jentence hill, awa - and 4inic africken at the Miglit a, f of tell (ifty to ji, with tbP OP- eLmoider mix agalm nominated lily tile. LitwraL, of hl�.V%illesg UP k Inelljorles of Ilelp proV (kd thilik up,in th 11,10re ['attwsr Itak pnbiniw-41 that W6 UM."d 11etLsukc*.;s, and tile Portc hat, W_ lit lit)t to.lit. be ally J!atWe. 11 6 for tile ull- n of i. f ine of tell.'(1pilarts, andAn 1h yrtwice A#, rwt to to t1il,ig rw a carrialkle I$. Under duel' cirefflfl- forlumtto, -of food for the hungry. or 00 c -marictus 4ille"UtAl Of wll&t it is t,.) live, blatil Jx- giveti him. aml h6 wutisr NUP' remotuttrallefs - - tile other 'age a bellteW* of two days Icir may take t Mr. John Barl*%r, of (400rgetown. found. the ne%vEl call tC# tho llrill,- tc.n(lered to tilp thirsty Of Itiout tIlp opdoll of a fine. t.(, lLave a being, ajbd remembr ,,tr Imt. Vo lwnw ! 0 . Tlwoe � nien of Lower 'Kurd6- Wo art, ftnep, lie 'wmilkwdl liatu ly tele- to the naked, I- In "Jall- Nv to have R (YeaWr, to wlivill we ()we Our life ier- zint,, ny liwity : worldly lommor niny IW ,q was choselin ad the, Liberal standard- EN F It AL. -P of congroril o totally unlike Uli others. wilons I ear Tilis dorliolon Ili liktly I 1A, - lothetc Wag W to vIce. Temp wal tliug-a enA with 11,11111 life, lot; aicktiess tna.v NaP tlw life. and .bearor ill Haltou. by Ong traPh all -order 'to put thu.' eliellip P f fering, for T "a011ing effect, Al it "Be Oewn perecals it. Peq kdlea journey. They- Wt ' - 11 ferred tO t Ile Nil f r -Te ubsti- imt tile liff, e Dr. tvm)p has been. nominated by -r at . F lores lies (XI My loulk ill the !ill- lown, Ilcilig lgil6ratit that ti re was Fitq, and ye, vifliu�d ellftablisil tilt, prinell& that 6 _ Asitinues in eternity. tho Cona-ervatives of Lincoln fo)r t aj, qxpiuslm of gunpawot to a lliore.prinvKive 040. WIlitsil to Ile, Pitt dowl *r110 , nt le 1�aul I teli iniltatiOus We inore UULU Meat -ii there 'lot BKW* Iw who puto him truAt it, (kM Is lw lie in the � province of that name, i--outll- 11,#Ln w -ale, no inury f 00 Tht, SociotY Of'st- Vince t y tutA)^ and those who rooj* arrived UnAl bfWalt t11( r work I)rActical justruluent of chart 'flicin tQ be- "the 'Awe U) cAsuJidet thwi the WAY UP Aw"M euri it: lly h(mr. Seau of trocible. wm- I.A%ginlative Ansembly. West of BuenZw Ayr(w. _when *tliey are rowied, MAU a repreoenting e s t6 -deht-1 ollsf-94 MOM loot6d, and licc crimes that aes ItQ'w0rk lluietly :t1ld 111lent- 11,illiams, pink axe liable to, -A an(l raLment ? afflictiJoll, eft"IF14)t ullut Mr. J.'!W. 11� lift i, the hurricane it 'workod inimPlIts wi o shakeo ILI Prey as* Dr -The argmw-' t te I .. Avoin k threu Ow wiloplift f,)r the W)ul. whil" tile hole tile,, devolulsq'it Front Trebi.. ve-re. coil, m � tted that Won, ly, but none the lew effOctive]Y, Its under tlw! criminal coile, which is If, tiolti the fowiti Liberal Amtruction near WPiLia, ltwwla- W1 auld tile river rat givp their drue 14 It (3w, Who ILUN giv LHn t jwtated, alit] the . ci pel ward 4t a Into membo-rs'arkv mon who 0 all over tll(., 1)6-111nlon, ai smart eollfW-utIY truism it eati tri - I.' N.lif- havc- 1weig, dpv tit-" wale runs down I ie panic to reliving furIc lie lift. and tit#! body, - ggalpatit, to digh(mor. Wile' aritl personal aentlou . I -�c # eX greater gifts. t un, oliantly #4na The 'Custom* Depar de- .1aulage to-allippillk is eitormOVLA- rapid - iiace to E'rzerouin, - and f rout ill will no doubt, to usiderable %-ide t4ge le&wr, food and rai- I 'Vilward at th wam over it wils discovered t t tl.ellab albtress of tile 414wtitute, and firlous Imll .1 lou pro Got' It& working for Shp beirt." cl�vd that eommercini samples 811-311 Ttio. '(;tkvi�rnlneut lg�is . de- Cr%erimitt it lsullki in _ reality. oilly t%Vo r oltilitioll- parish whPn' tl,IlDk ex- tent, put an end tA) tio 4 iief TheY 601V not- This tioes be admitted free of thitY into Callltdu.- e galt. W Bitiis. There is prdtx- a, re overy ( at . it in I evident, from the fact eklet, Us. twIld sties warshill N'lWa.T�13 011- 6a!" I dcpth, dmially or inor- lg�v ill place, and thn, all tho, istt, a cmiferellM Of till . Atedlelne Co. iwt say 1AiAt they are i('Ie, but I'lerth Ilidetwittielit-4 have it vi4it to Atuerienill POrts. 8 he is ably no lower. i Ito that tile Dr that they get their aiup- 19 LA 'Wit lw( lu* of CO11lW( pot)v it rp fa%ter. ally. hinywliere lit Anat0llA that' here. mIK-hief tnse tf Itringing tilks rather ilominat*,41 Mr. (sporge Frauit, e]L- a formidable craft, larger, -4. wild ingagiiiinpq. That is c. for bY the luPll IV went to tile $11 t a port in God's Appointed Way for tilt ill t, -;Maille, - and from tills IltAtit-we Ila * PPIIY aWelld '140itte one'. foru% Its ruilk-4- de I aul unit Iiack front 8( ot att4'WPt to institute 6011W Ftecvv of Downi, fui- the uki mcorb � powerful - thalt - his o ard'the awn a lmgt% of trite h6tt)ry, will I containit orho Society of St. Vincent intadn-I SPar- They do n 'ri, . little ,w we journey t w A$ . John, that Off i.-bihili wa.4 I-lunelm in 189" cokt a it he.'AtuAtioil jrifitltuted by Fredfsric, � 02aila M , -%t air but obey e%~mbly. �f _n if, tTW far southwest. key UP t V pense to tttect botil tile %v 8 y Of 1U um which are God- kn9910 CaMbUl US tO Bit fW 11 ' 1.11100,000. b4' CRI)LIble A%,) if. I I I 'ivam at a cortall , villa,to From Ilia earliest ing no Wkes, of iingerforti. 4 1P r. John W11,14'. tit KU - in p&rlo in 1838. P theinselvew. such cases. tincts of their igat t'Llue buTH L RD4 111H was devothd nblic nn1i foi their nYour ItenvcUl :lit. nightm aga the Armen it U years .,tige §oung italilt awits nominatod by tlw knotc speet]. in the �Itnge W WOWS Orb" - of Fast uasting,4 for Uite LegWative 17 1-, knots. "K a rdk a re not, cqgo'44, Bagazid lial i i w Aft Fatjter-TIte tialue God that cOr"' A'snembly. bl'allch or - tile human family 4s ti te had -W.1 florreback fou slayll I L if f(xr tile Wdii is Father to Iluina,11, be - _.The 1,�Gkal Alize 'arluall K -between them I in G arnor 'of ings-to tilow disciples *A-Ilo were un- #vvrident saYs Vut a -atior rurks, till only bonds cortier to meet e.- Th f (;ali- Wail:A-rioo Ow-unty i i-ta, p- the�`Sultau and Its,. ll�imed, Sehulz,'or -tile emL%er Ka4mer, being their loyalty to me tagazid dimtriet i s Co k"M I Djobar leir insfoructlou OR tlW "hore 0 COMSSES txitawl Mr. Goo. x1artin, of lieplir, Idle 00 outpoijt at Tsinw, tht' Ueir religion.- Even Ili tile matter of Boy. I)agaetd was dared, ill. aerl- ot inn". I better -or more TBE REAL CULPRIT l(w. Are re n Nfanagor of tile llou4,- of ludwAtry. w leet to direct loyalty they Aire 'novices, for' It itris dip*R"ter.by thite efficibil of this Would God 11W 41#11%plitcoll Ai4mio ard- Thom I Were I" illilit, nto. extreme Gerit)311 Ix alm Vilixiese not- many year -4 since, they WCbre lie 6.) Witell Hisrealarm of tile highest order? eWc- G, T. R. "Managements is now secur- 141Y. - wag plit. 14.staell- illpc-li iiiui fierce rebellion. anti ds to. at of lxxd. Wu. bilk, il"%- Alonday nik be saw- wha t WS groing qll e got on -7. Whitsh of YOU -What all"Ou ocated during tiw- WW* towililling ing figures from Canadian and Ameri- ra ligion, pley are.by fit) Meatus its de- tj IA. &,nxious care (Ar riulnun likill Call ell- �w i" smig King. conoractioil Illeliu to ri, very, larice lium- . track (A tit(: ievolut i0fl Ils . , caught reave his Ileight F*1i. 7tti. wid whil is Rio "Deumi can car builders fur' tl­ nn -d t4) the WWI' of- Kia4�hdu- vout, as the Turk,- It - theiii and sent them to lvr , i. where ilia" U) inc of tweoty first class coftehm. t"pato2h to tile Lok -al Auzeig I er tKw, of -them - bIng thinking. they arg too thi day. 114 for that %%,Ile:, lie littv retwlied full age? Or ova*, V­d&Y 11"ved Illat" w1ALt wit - or lwlf- esmin death 6y tile foilitPwiug 'reCo1Vt?,i t Xonlinally tlle_v . ari� 1111111sa- Ivow can a man bY Mallon &ill receiveld rr�nn Baltil"(Ww: Alba -at liki f rom say,; tilp, Czar, act thore would h Kr fl). st. etersbug %%.ill prloag ,in lire, when tile death -it! is( I It Interior. ley. r0sery I to th*. I�epartm* It.., private gatherin oWIlLt- - ti e the right to, Lhink. erq� Ill Bagazid Tjw conclusion Ili "Alemuidi-f- t Laruniell .9 e rur 8 are-, 11L1tV. lit t In for y nd Ao its. -they plealie-n .4a."ollia- cala I lint ie,eaiito. Summons Coal" timtwr I-ertli.� i t1le offic'ers' -of praobrajensk le long6lian find )rrodWg care is 11111e- full colifewl4m. ILILve kitife 11111111 public eumilltiLikill pMimcqit maid **I wanted -long '190 ir parti, Of tl In a. - teast,� thts et stalie (W I.,;t finds lie kUW N Aft it -f. attention but evemw tilt- 09 iti(all' TEPS W R E K 11.'N, tilought for rai- ts b.<)gLy Nfld. Abso- AD aCC vy 4m ; my . mind. gugt-i Many wOmis which eame from Wity take Ye harbor of 't were weighing lion the ilaulely'. 0C, gulity were pu Wiled and Ilthe Vile coil)- (Signed) i. Tit amt -Why sacrifice with'Japa& Kards. oil lutt iy tile f v f OKI. by could, kdel ice for a P- imrticularly (11 ficult" d, -�belollg ti) tile ludo -Eu- -the hillocent were haved. fort or tirlisting cOnf Tile a1w,ru %�a;- rPcwiveAi 1,Y Ili4f 4)f are reix)rteol fr� Now, thank God. -all Is cleamil jip,, and )tIter kan not. -tijat have been done.. it every man will tiot be -( I - Detectivet, 161( -sky 1940111314)m, licit left no conflict or :lily kind Is to, tv f0ar�d.*' rolwan branch. and are, distuintlY re- Tilt% llsueriii W1. -- . . . other portiou. of-Anatoli why ell- clotile himself rempeelt'abLy where 1k4*ctivf, I . etr"010 11wi WI Par %rmeljtian3- able to -real, in Aug,,L-t, havO Struck gold U Tile appeal of 1, - la tr). the laill-4 nd pla- gut&' 4it mi.,wry and rWti -it hole, I*p I (iod .wit t" rorret out t4w wrstalry I'liab 6 16o miltv front Pawdo Fer� Thei-0 are )n -tile p if lie follows out tilt! 1) ft" Of Fort %4-ikirk, n to I'VilicP ence teali; of An.,Itolin about million plt-. as has been don, bee me a few given lilm? Tile diucipleg held in- arme after Angelo city. riiev Will 11,6t,proeeetl farther. "d of Bulgairlai. front tIkO t4mt � not.. ,,tmudrelv -cc - over froi tip-- Rue- various pursults to tsnft-A t4) 4eatIl i I t1ji 4-ity last muctli tinan m -in July last Kurds, Illa"y Moro w -)mc iie*d left their So ta.1 lab of (leath paswd upon hi million Armellian,%-fiot nian or tile Persian bonle to inoitd- follow feans, aud maY beet' fast murdierli-g Bruellio, I I i&n At &Ito meetil1r, of the Lilwral eou at Brockvil,16 'Mr. th-orge it- inuirtik-is of re futurp. Ili$ inistre-W,-Anna ltthe cominuinit to volt tmpted * to fear for their liere, 4)11 Splitistuber l2th. JW7 vew�tion rarl ti rega ted, ',but Wattert-ti. Tjie 're i onAnation with tile ccom-. "gVC of coin- -elineq, rell Q-cingon, would lie a w)urCe togetbisr �Igo crime of Turkey. This lesSou Vtaraniell,l It- ii U.) C&r*AP"* lative strength bP!;"g Out' t'9 tllree at Illies-T Lie TI.e ujurdoer ,f 11rugilit' grem- 0431 40f geff's accomplice, are emt t to them. wasider t1w ZLnd Mr, 4,*,. P. I ;raham waA,ci,1*;en to paynying one oritoiter of tile niur- 0 -if, "very IEK%qt- it III nsy t,13 sc�e wil'at tliew Kards for 'Ovelitch - 'It tile time -t ibegairi tit at 4i'llid'Ll"09 s neceed It i in.. it tiA. result or a revolt, Among the Ar- iklKl' inade ametlabiq � too ti laws of - disciplOG iiad been taugbt to Pithy rigii Fee' 01 police. has 1*4, tA) Ile instructed peg_t7 Ill A te!itnileut 14Ajiw Foar w*b ille luzz, pre t t be.- tile, ldio-- tho lan4l ti Lbre is still fu ht!r troll- anti now tilloW were %*. picted, lMd the original sentenCft;'Of rlwnians muxt llm1w i nil td' who ble - lit store. - Fourteet d 'royed vil- lie air atul- tilt' wow concertieti fill W IJCUWIK 0 WAOP pany hio. becli rganizis�l, tIV foil* -of 'tile revolutiollis t1le row1h of t ck-aUr pasW141 iipon both Ila, been r, (MlY lagek; were y foreign ie f leld 'era- capitnt stox-k sA,000. to llI)PIY crtk%qp(l sIle pprsi,,Ill borde fI()Wftr% or t, -ta6l�ed wul died wi-hili all h(Aw i firmed. tuco to tile eastward, and t+egrity aliod the Arnienial there met 'Irrayoki-, kol I piviii As- arrestOd wid it k1*10" s electri-eity for c(on a short (118V golonfoill WaS 110t inuftu-turer, ler ppople. with hol" oon their feet again.. we repre#�Clltt-41 tAl tlw nitild .4. vermot it ane! water po,.ver foi: Tu Vacher, the altepherd who is und -itirml tlle,,4p po6r (I coin- it (Jf regtl Inarnificellop clew came againfft him givev to them, and they tim. 4ie Murder in Vw fftwt ddgm n of dynamite arro-At at Lyons. FrnlleV.: G11 tile cliarg#, loreuxature flange exten- wr liaving niurtkiwed thirty-eight t*r- "r autonomy-. Ivilil, unt-tined. partitively bright. Prf*4)cC But mi Killgl;. cliap. 10. R6 clor% was ex- agairwt Idul if, eight 1XV111111411 W" on the Duluth nki Troll Kurds re nds 4)et Ifth t1w Kuridm Rw mol down 44. t on, While thitt of Won, north of Two. llarborz,, intitant- JUght Oil a wartler been anything but a"L-itirove off nfmLrly till heir riowe 6 Ito own, heine adeve49w i -&Aate ent 4 Flrugaio, Illape, yearp. m, a 6;11 1 Amlevil set of nom, glury Pig clilefty gAl tile 111,1140' ty 9.kkilftl Utirrows, Foremen Ikql anti fur 1114 never- Wednewlay flight. , As the warder and theY atock and left them USS b Ily (Ar the VJtRt. front arabont of killing 140. Vandergrift anti Jacolm, inPired her r""ler Ibarona In- ()f j114. Iwwullarl- eire'r What hope 1.14 thOrme ora pe (;CX1 Xra4w--TIe fWW ;,Titerptl the c#41 oeediiied by V Wtp prfAeow Ilia Innoceilce in Tts -retalned tnf- bue outragem?.-L. a dramatiC 440". nev,eral other Per30ft4- tter aprnng toward him flour- hA -estors. Thov ris thP ple who are subject to teeted (it GftiiJee SLIM ppliration mili I).. m:t4le tio thl'. la Before thr or tileir an( tho Kurdw are beill er(Pwu Juilwriul heOvy chAir. tot - ivus, . hos 1-tabl a nd evelt pr 4tilring with thf Stxai arter t1w wllt#�nce tilt L)ishmt 11W111. for ;0l Xt 0 ineorpor.ate reV*It Vaclier hit him gene, py4net. They will from the, Iviences bf their. tlge. gololen aniaryll6i find office ro(wived lilLfOrOdAm arder eon1, - rw)l ite folk twl thP t0- x Illilway by with tbo ehnir. fell -119 hini to tile floor and* offer them. crimm 'wlvat is ro bee or the tullplit and aiwinollp0 G( it W t1lem to t*l*ve 'the TWIftt I otlivr, nioli%e tkc tlw*.ir awlm-ds off Kurd pre*1- j-V 6 tor el- t-1 L%' 4)r , nal the4i. hwat Aliftl t1IMf*t- tO de,"th n1vot, to - expres* fl.d- country'?. For, th.ungh th PRUDERIC' OZANAM. froln warlet to White, U) sifty ""'t" of tlw )ury n4lit lee wrqwg A wompsh and 'L� Point lit over- t4v you 'f- yc" h' at rem rom, a 111all, lie iW (i 4vitullyiner butAercuils, powt*r Wtweell . iielfor-othetN pr'won Kwirdq coil pi steal, f st. 'Vincent de 119ol.] %%-ai% blgt1tuW ftAr Ciarasoebi. W1110) iniratism, 'Of , tlw-nl. ind they will lite Oil .11 ga i sqt stt-nling *11"Ounder of Socisty'Of atilt tiftisiM. Tile twen wag.. glaw (if till, four im-il elofmwrued rin'tror 41 im. Imi cut ynur throat. with- has no, comMlifict) I . I voll). Wt. lay for 4otiser The Pari_ -4 Chauvinji4t. 1xliWr4 11re. 11" ­ _t compun if perasioll -0ff#q'R- front h. Turk. .4 ki ud nt ula4 of e t4w fight. wi,ell tilt- I - 1'. , im, ctl�n . very vatcrittl'. narrowing frilin tile a � traesid td # ids. ,&4; will Th*b negutiatioll% b0 -t dignant ver the i4tatentent made it' c)C,4rontrn4flctI0lW. it"t The altuatioll. You see, WHEN K*N CC XJd IT CRIMES of Tliey arp fu tit of tllo t4) t1le i-litarivIts 'If tile ixx)r, mittii,49 The drieI Irraw or Pa.. vieneA t4 t BatitiX& re, wisere be IFW R. and M r. F -4 - rerfent'alld Much to pity tile little .�iqng by Bar)n I t lit) iii 11111. sula.1.1 beA 29 Iroars old Than at ttw- trail smeltera, atid tl,e ra' races ZWO I wilell lie Moro Criminals W.1wr ftW "Wax Put inAdke t 14 to &rreguA at 4 t�'ckvk U1111111 10MIJ019 "way t;crwan ttil ter of F4 r0w, Affni-ii; 10 t^fc1w41 by tIlP spirit of prPirremalld inmintitip.; ttuili it Is In of MUW nd kir mul istreet 11i'lVeCI)ev" Any OUS4W Age Ito-ILt tile wallm of the petrorinJ. Acm Wig 10 41 at no r*-I,,tti� oa,4 of py kii:l-d an It -ill al,4o. wbrms in -DI In Paris litK from tie affect Ill condition is little I . ligber tit CAW ilgell tile tjkl,�lglj we^ put'tm t,,e oat- -%.w, of tb�tt pro",rty, ily wlq re luqLrd theIr plaintive 't "lie te veeit Prevriit my, Ivc Aw lie higular '.,act. tew roceive4l froul IWUM41" 11"Oty"M ii.asl ev,,r �xi, 11, h lnlynill lit Ourra. where, horrible df IWO t1lat ill priwille purch, re� -41 bet, t 10 dalle. I t 64 a h 011t v&lr- and imstautlY bkke4--Ellig- -!kllt will leaw wih "is r thW af- canadint I ti-te Germ -ritie:- rh, v Paper -till cared for tile Reedil c pacifte, have an autlif ,if ()f stalw. of poverty, 4ta,litiatAmt toy A milli(," li tatoe IP nemr4ling to otlipr&, tite fuel wit- '.%Ikni- ter' stateine'lit 44, (gtir. on t1wir wito. ke Pity crinse is 11-4MIRIKU!'14 In tills b a~rt. thft rsnien li%-irlLil W aji(I it was In an effort to ina is flot 01ilY rakivi mit whPil thIP oven w" P'llff'_ W(Rd WA1* 6011t tA1 SLIAg Siiw 44 tiara - for thl- t1int 11reyfuA. wits 'IC) _. With -9ner 11;en 29 ears Old. Thi), nal fr, Of from turn bito practleal bmefit U) the uQ- Ist) of tile -if"tir heated and tirl, dc head to f00t, mgh plabaO mod ith not_ conscience, f(,rtun,.t0 tllat Ile flAl"drd tile qmgan- efoi( M611010 CAXd011lldft� afid (&Mtgo" ll g;;,ve %% itik th,-b (4erman'a tit I i4,r- true of the, I uer tlio GraiwJ Trunk. giveot 110tice ti"t -I- t411ra-from doing t'hough .1 ligan Is ill 11w Ilwkis,. aftittr tile inan p1mobgIL be speedily relead0d p4ic.1ti(x1 will be mado to Parli, set- La Vatrie itaym: mgough w restrain ilzatltni that, bearA tile name 44 tll0 &-m ater �crijues, It till-& �wsmion for n ct . a- Bigelow 110 -ft at t1l" bi-;� lin f,f to want WAP- eting (A pr4wilued 110 IW -It that pt--riod of Ills o'd brick 01-f4t. to I -)f charity. Tile first 'Ile A & SUDGR-8 IDBAL. wilwt t -hey I1nPP0n thf; otlipr Ilfc. lgUt only tit tll� tienith of Itis Pity- tillugei 4id� the .11141 Detroit tho Ono hand.* -.On. ed oil t1be-rew aesoc lat loll wam lie ctwl-,oratp the Wil1d9Or on na. timid Staka and maint 4 Id lit IDY sit) kiwou-iodire of trII4' r4l'- f or t 144- 1111f a million Armenift at tile 4,,ffiee of tile Tribullo (-atholique. mical, 1flt &l.,jo ill full and o0FuP 00ftw*1 e , lith ligkxi tip -,v are therofore con be Umad W ]Pr*v*'Dt hridW lot lVoille ove'r low re No Court 1111b4mu of constructing a A REVEREND FAKIR ARRUPSTID9 tilt,, thriftif with tile Penn - y got U11 in a Publi Place, wid Lit writing too a friend ozanani ex- xAmebbitfll oI Itfu qvital I ight and .11tiptly alltwit temporal tliirw. Tbc�,- Being Klbovrlu ade PlaillA Ito purpLae bY diiaYing t4iat, & collillitLe appre(l3tion of r the Truth lwtroit itiver. har -in tr dema heattion hY the-10w#t Kurd .cllarity should never look back, but wrong ild thii- repliective C4,11141`- consi , ' T ot the row". nting tile 6iCY- tli(% l4reft ;11K)ti Hill hear- IA)r DAlwr. Wt* mudU' k�putatlon reprei4e fin]; for tle llllniLer of quencL%- pr0IJ- J~W wouk] ill, I arerei w HONG. ej w a ys torw Afitic"I is t -& li cle. manur. et ber pamt bew-fita 1.,4 alwitys very small, Ipl llivil 1141. . I*elt solved by tlW .m that It n 4 P enihil' to 1w m addrso to We bar On 1118 ters of Finance anti Cu.+- 1i A IME RAID AT H I P alld, 4-111le r T-Illintw. retirenumit in whiph 1w I&bd dDwn the Mini" HutchilI8011 ROU DOWD TT wid future wants, tuAk111, of' criql"()aYi %he pr*ent ek t.-1wrt nd askovi -for an has 1l4-r;-tofore--t1lftt De.,patche W 11 tie mplei Ity w finit-Make tills vo*tr I-Winelple+ b.V which his judicial cAfflnilts a t Ot Tho ArTilft"i 1-4 rt finite." wiliel) iN lade 00�more c( bicycles, got on . nil Pra.4istX) ilelgo that he lion to relieve are fit I SpAcific duty -of $9 eacll On by a `148do Mmister. until wittain n few y0nr"- breausts froiw- Vancouver cort JAn Y 12UI CA'n- plant(xi Ili Paris the fact tliat thip OAVik 4�r 1 1 27 and eldef aim. first ilk tilqe avid rirst it Ilui belen guitVA. Him %lie"'m (A what u , th t %Vitil thp ,4o*.,r judgx onglIt tAD 40 wW be &eospbsd bY with a Prvision -1 t if, ery Pm&)tlllY *�Fltll 'tile Kurd; Fron t4w tillY M otudeft and his Lay tile litre" is, be lowor than the frgliter. Uy LIdnese h, IM �by Uls young 45 3earp neariv' oqual i over :1 tained an account of n ikervening I Fli-A , righteol'.8 Xurd Il, a torn r pUshed I)-Y*tlj@ earil ilig a far lew lif4- Itere.-Peloltibet. inimem a* mill"W0,11C vi orell�, -1 him hand- -ttlement at frionds. U)e rxd accom vW%w_To_ ligmulp diti()n not always reaclod in 1111s Oe lont to 25 per cent. a(I D.LLJL? tnd* to Armeninit has Pnit pirateit oil.,tlle Europewl. I&y 1gor0 abutklant f"it- percefutage 4 actli Mr. J. WhillO, Of the WAS A BOLD. BAD SWIN twply for protection.. It just be ad Coptic. " lety r" of Flt. N-itleent. de I'alill' -It is it . lf�r that tfit, crim- tuaI kingdom millide It il"I'swtillit fq br I'tint D"I"W ioew- not admit for a mo - Un D e - lint when tillu aid. Just 1W flat. I'llong. The A -e ter CoInfereltees klee 1*441.1 tlieir li%-f%4 ment tluLt n lmn4wrly cowitutd latw)r f the. Crown G(4iry mitte4l t tile Orient, the 011 Ile so litrong at tIm-illow w-ek to, pattern it W the lumber r( tlharolw -of the"Mid(de Age Willett Iww arrived fr' - were "r9&nUcd everywhere. alid inat tendency 1411f Inciln' tioll, so jar. after fllim: to hAVe a life. a charapter jun P.%rticulaza ths.11julder materially 4x), %%-ith court ma 1W 1101d to Fre"llit truth par,tmIITI%. paid a vio tllo� rollpteor w zu no sGo I a Fee ast week. W. 1�elzpy, asmor -of tile Ply.111011th %V(N0 nerally Wt diotre&4 of the poor it tion I , tPaid, tilf,y have ap nt meted -riiniiial- 141101491t% show, in� a" 111te (11od'p. anti rialit Troul 11101141vailing. H* ways- workMeLk nd r add don(- It nu&4 &ffalr#*and the pun li Mo - iwitened. To-d&Y tile 00CietY i@ pra am t IT,- judgv, I am k.)Ilgr*-g�,.tioul ChurvIl, of illuil' ity, their part of tile 0 were C3X*- 34. o titought for tho mornm -Be glum I ilave bwn a lookirig ftir Yankee it involved a fwt to tile offader-4 tiWly unlvert-�al. performing (V-'fx% of great a (wrms fOrAille Nutaceedilig 'I -w(,rp fcand tile forem unother (Atr- not , trouliblall. (Aptracted. nuxioull f",nt tilat never 4ma orw- sit -191P Owa wlion any all of 60110P 'Clever,detectivis %voA faithfully.- even a nelighbOritig tU3Sd mercy lit America, north nrAtooutli, in teeit % eari, a1A. 0041 tho camp wri inotructed to, 411,41111liew tand-up fight W) tit firs-,.atta ed Hni. 1AW69 well an the little- pur*i. of, the aiiiswitl ill tire mw4. Thim -livout-VAP future.. How Much Wood w sion. at auv IwAriOd Of my - irretit' lit E1191a , c4b. The ptraf ..WhitO L'R making n I thor tril*,4 of. tho That Itas Iletmi I�Atll. Tile, th0 `ell-k3u)wn am eallbefl, ho T. ,are I done anytiling in court th#lni. )n tile night of Dece - known c4)Wltrjw o( Eurdpe. In CIO= coliditi4n] it, founky to Ile true by ac- i,inited. how illa"Y P%llk cartw othe two''Peo- t 11ow twilly except to try frmi of tile lumtx-r canil"4 in null, g,iillg*ufl,'*-- tlli, 11111up. itul ical nany diltico; 114'91PCW". 'the beginning of till,, relfLti( r arterlil till at' wtat19t lot inee, z w lien *place I-Vah fired in four 1Wld 1,01a, lit Africao and AW011111 thl) tital figurmi, n lk to got of tiler province in t4liort time N If Of ilia prov-111cial ljoeplit ,*rswus dowrt4kl., Ito%, matiy ,.80 tilo northern part it .1)10, p.mat- taueougay, wid Ila CQ,1!PutajLi(v:gs at wideh average Loll- caw until it wa& took tit dent 101andii of Ocewdea- termined lrood worko (k%1,1Lr0'Yk'-J- at what wao right in it I Canadian workmen ou'lit hp- �wvljt ulliiier ;I - tllff#�-reu tho - li ' 7ue , rfol lety ditiom are wnwlA to be (Le .tilo intefal-44t th g lip Kurilf, and capital � was destVIYOd- Inie Paint from W11011i thb 'abe- insilly cll� lf)weAl my Lttention W I* called to aV4, very few hav 'ew Ylork. w h4.n. lip i. -i Vv;lutr t4s, * out of ti 0 IIA114 of t w 1&' fa 'a) y -were ill- incent de Paul 'takes Ito name arrived at 1-7 tI16 iiiatli(A 40 Umthad Suppressed, at'd Ilepw Income result- .(kbvern4)r o far. tam#- tit "Ithout the lit tim, in court. I lillit0@11h8d to L;. # �v. N I r v4t, -theii, w 8111gjoct. an of-injuptice authorized bY th(W-e tinlor- been, foun(L 1*11111.4 of taxes. peUed too, take phelter iyrthe forti. The Of st- Vwaive ot lblIul, a vinage In tiny ti1c. studetit -of tliL44 aug tie vwse frnm their foreed levy to.or %lirit inny hamolt- ami to ntagumosmts. I well-JEnowil in t all' tA ;jkdinit of meet- w6li t'lar from tile Fy renees as like il,14!1 4noe ut.-wiiate. w110 ou%4 f01100CAN WiUWftKW .ey JAX- allle i* `_%tP mone to ow WA Dd o(maider them .%If^, Kate KInDe,ir, a 14 _y. titan for- ftyree wao Wo "In aIrmed DO Cornwall. who ha,been EiOand wfiere Thim-KnIad I'm" (09 t0w to W h01 of humble birth, find was hiB rates p0 tile general aver- and th(WIP fRithisw RIT"PilfbiwiOns t ti u 1voideat of "me wantR' "if tile plM wl lie %Y" mming, t1w.fature. Th future tillw W tjley wimt on. and mY gr*mR'O* vil4iting frionds in RoxhoroUgh, start- immerly but tile' 8' a"actes, r1floo, ill the. (VwL dpotknilge. by Ide fatiter to follOw Ilia I age of lcilwes in pritn)ortioll to tile risks (viod w(ml(j Ilsv4p up forlespe :ind 0 Th- llui�lliw�( "Im, n Tbo Armeniatt I'Ad U1411 the m wv tiggre �vere no tjon of farming. But the boY I taken, and (kies t-4 - ii ith f till gafvty. em- whielk swe wai. rwot (it nil t4o cOADO ul watit home to C rn*all- on elitAnt4l, t0 it of money ,Ls for- At Phu 4w -on Lv(va �1( Jutigilwat lid w4ww Ot r nlat he tile. Fame nmPul fr( 'ama'. tj - . i before ortovide, f(W 610 that weather w -aft lidsvr tig the inn of extr9k.- lr*llit deUV11"InAti(m "I" to Pr- c'hur If- r4orly was, tkgw to Ile Sufficient unW, Uir t1w Tight* of the caw. aud theu Ito 'teriy ft"(1 ill l4vulpto i pun .184 I -it t imric com1w-lied to caoualtim aln4ll s - _- it ill W)I% v 11w wag, no o early, sIg0*0d "rdl.nar.,e pternity.-Clarke. 64 1gotg)" that the 61"! lady WasfO Lim. p"Wr of a-Ne*APrI4,.*tltli A� r protection. idarable damage intelligence' that it snerl ! him. ft"Ind 110 4kotermi1w iat Was tile law. 1W%W old anrl P�thatksted. Her which at ngelDbcgQi1p i,f 2,000­114� it to - tho Kurd ro aw olel gk o i the niorn- f fie !I or .e, if to tliink tilat 4 C,()MO toy tile C emefa towiL but tl lee wvj; made in ilia behalf, and 1 Charlem K B * , chief clPrk to day:' ip the 1w tho road near tilrop. has ipaAe trials for to, -418Y. tic' 14"Mm" no Intak Ita- ad vo, Pa r-7 JKe­ Thero wap an 11 teveral hundred ren- wam found 'on ftie ilia 0 -Mary. Vkte. The ing -of Demml)er 16t ent to W11001- I,ater lie euter- ptuporinWde of CIO, a Judicial trlbu��I ought to albow It morning. rilow OW"ttj contemp %- Itiver IAL*ld- W' rfjitv (4 FroulOusie and -je gtildy. and for food anA raituomit, tIl6n wl'Rt following wh',j wits dpAd, ., WaS -A a v* d wifol . antici, cirt W -em Unive itlsuhjf"ct 4NUA Illy of thetic for t lie -it L flemr to lie overthrows be- (IM44t wVhA eonsiOellsp, Wh, of ..(Alteqmq of iidt. hard to twalA wi :Iverg'Sd uPuv iin Uie study of will wxm i comple4�ed table tv.4 too elPelct . i oi� r igi i th i�Laugliter of' Y' -cars- tW In ana lKeven yen" ro-ded with May bripe brea 00Mt. Mill- frozed" 'Mains wort itev, Mr y 1p.atfieA tatep nud It., is Just Wbat an 'would' -HA&I 1,1.ong. Sli(ortlY fter spent )rained priest, or. if -our day Ile Ir eaulw Clem uruiecesioary. he re BMW war44 sey- howing till,; tu lx% t rue. He I i as 8 1- WWI* y y04� ill rul. obsorvqw,ln this 'countr t Europeall-vjld theoluffy. He W110 ( take* ill Imaellmin" St. Andrews- Tit leFe W,;tS no. Such- elturell oral f" started ill t WAI for sev passed a,life of dy complet0il 0" rolative to inur- all_ tliot wft "M am b(3ut 65.'yeara of 'tli* hall 0Xpect. litakirt,4 of -tile' eral years cowturki by ving1j.1fe sen-ti-nees in tile tile injustice to lg)rrow trouble til<Vm. AII() wler ThyING- PF0PLE- native quartem Ickm extreme sufferil"19, 1w.Ing dorero ser r4w tho-amorro ew Orleans., 111141 that tim, in - A tibe harri roni am boor fq*-hkttw,- of ciVii ftetiOrs find Wirj�, 'Intl 411vera) ellillimll 1.11 - -, ­ r4il turning f . nal %V liut� till tift. one. in r*gard to I rViewed verybody witir- td)%N-n. A. CAVOUINe African pirates when re fle iUMt1tUtiCW4 and Itn fIV r ttwti§W thall don rvelliew- Vincen em age, 1- 41ave inte t wa sold out tile gcnerat elumiion. ne offari- 4 Par "%-IT F, D STATF.9- hV it down to thP If vre gather wo swewt for timme tile 4111ty cof tIW judge 11P to fled or a a alid gave 't1b9,aIfLrM- ut .- 0 ni trip to Me on for thK v#40111MML nly k -ft ff)-, 4!-%V. n rearb, - from other an4l aIX) cot Hoteltill.-Oni smit, d Ili Ills MgwlwbtL- itri inhir. and rew)ld a-4 a AftvP In Africa Finally tit this time no-, *=I)!-Lltftti will coptitinue toll rot ollr_ 101111 4a hot woun . W be ling cout what rule of 110110r ill t1w POsit Pelican, n Fran- flis f8tlkf-r-i1l-I.Lw man wIlo Ilan a a t twe I'lage of ,ertlng hi@ own- but af exhauxted the thim dAY wt Of t4be two ImLrtim isliouid &WIY it, York, nayifig thAt Ilougli lio can otrltmg, atUCked tile I lie 1.ucomlOd In em, #*4 vow. pn)v1dtw just right p (14, head -anti Vrh0 SAX8, as lleWN)( I)y. aft ol#1 tile prowntation t kma been given 11 1.114. Ju..'t qlkf4l. Ile e4luill migil'.41 te: r aft- Thj� it�wid was liewio( Ito 1vought, 111111 to Rome. After xub)ect. s ffli eorrectly. Ifir- (sIrml- rwpwt, to tIK, matter in babd 'nia 0 I brMg me no betIftovidence titan lie. of four e1r. w wnt V, -W to lie able ww4N)irti01W JuNt Tbe Teller silver re-w4ui0t, 1111", m kJA an was of figurw am.. iz(gicerned. ip tj*b cvvniinori the gmit of :11" who m"C"Od Ll" t' lulut'l io - Trtwt Butt reot... law of FAVI&INI glad tea 14-nnt#­y('-'1s 47 tl"p- M'ghtent' ela it Wa4strom I, witil the re Int.criptimill, 111tris ar"I spflllt ilia -4 of,tIlp rptil-li'll, lot "fortil ret,vans hy t I low, Yea 11% ,4,r- the 11, tho UnIWI StA right aul k1ft. lie-Alitt wpt-go n. But t7re trou 4 Ifeaven the cnnw. T"e 'M I@ Tu-, otiler law,. It is not only le. ft(Wr l'- 111,4tenol Ite 1)4- ArMelliA ()rdts r . 4 1 . n5 Mttvo of tile most 'God. Trubt find #AM common law, but whem we 00 3^yt. Now York 4 1110 Ku ha n- "Obey t1 Pr of'111" life ifilOrlogt,amo t.,huutd lie pro,,, 143 1 kle to trw a n 'Turk and "Externitill- ep a n -prov- figures Ishow flow v ice% iA acm 6K I#.ship ork In SW1111t14. ttement on any "t" thp 'Europeafis ailki I or aM sinful in tile Tho foil I nx w4mrry xWether. The lltnuteY W the equity law it is tile s"ie thlog clear a 'yeti an4 var t a scien(wk it The 11-nited �not ina'k (i hte tim pyna#4,srof N Mae." charitable works Tnurdercro who t Ito t1lonwill a a In -ewe of France. Ilim old tile delanitin UP(Ill tllP anle law of Iftland is no fh it a. I w . W e pail, arrived at -Havalu litim mi)ject. Tho mom nt you question on 4 w0lock a c( of Fre'. i.c I I wwving lire mewences were When tlWY t I (lu U. r I i fc r vesselo. )fig trail :in4l If IxVilw to talli of something elme, un- About were numerous. lie established inner life. 11 `1;iod vareis Is a WwtloW APP1i0R%loqg of the ruU* SM 10 f),y 100 krts MW Wn Tile 111h jyflp I;ty during PL% Chafted the re allrilig guafd Of for Vie poor In cominit -41 rf .41 V-Iegr lmx)] bay(slets. rrat�xnitla to care tt, thq nut for which thPY h(bs "t' (If tl1c td,, Il Will 1141t forleet cif rigitt laDd, V%T01W tc) a piLrtAcular o fairly give&,Out. He t' A Fit- particulaTlY aro,*erving tin* fOr 9r(%3t`e`r outinw. to 011,6. liour to Philadeli)hi-L (In le16Ht.11pil tit your patienec each parlsh and W-30 together with how y fiuppodobd rule MW.Y Cis is tile 4-rvi(", KaYillg 1114 %%- incapable of.. glvi'IX the Ptmtk* 0t till- lfwtaer tilinSp. Now to caow I)y tilt- court. If fin: tric railmni.d (rum J y The tlegram,' .11 (ter-, IK- InWIlect"allY dit- t0w Of the -ery killed 3,11d ze,11()u;.4 In ilia efforti; to Telleve tmany liko crin,,m were committed it. ready f(W tile future- of law IF put f wa^i that would latest project of %he Central L Rhil- in New York.* ' from you n 04�cgr recital of"evenUL MY Teraj wounded. lit meantime tile of tile mick, founding 1108PR1,; Fuell specific 3*11tr Of nge: Fifteen. I : live -riorl't to or 1119 waril rwovere(l. Projfl toD be refor6 In an attempt to 00 'ua of A It as, for old 2; Vent tJw rule of right bet rm4l of Now Jell""- w1r4p. nud re!tfl: 1, in- ptratei I,ad entered t * - 't(yr clilldren, for galley slav gilteell, 1 -.. sevf uteen. 2 - cigh tooll, pVA(_-T1CAL SURVEY. 4 , 11 ;1- ricuitim tho tered t e h() uffit bp wroag ; &ad party to leave f i)r Iiin -to, hi -4 gpt. at tile triith - have Imen. #41MI)ly NIrty amd killed M. situthier, after men icl for all suffering liumanity, nitiotoen I ; tivilty, 2. twenty-one, WbajL luan 1j)veg; attracU Ilia m rreste, 1. 0 alleged that tho 'law Tho firbt Detroil lip wmq f Imn Hy �n o W1, the SaMID 13 @even- Big lite Wap OW total Afonegation of S., tW4.1ity-tw .q., twputy-three, 6, the Klondlike this Yt-ar start*!d 1!'At et rv4'rf numerable. No* quandilry. ligorribly mutilating - in h0firt like tile magnet tile iron. If tile If 1 t 'a e*'w truth from prilp.- b a left In a twelity-threc nt4tory, and YOU year-old chud.�s la ng. Tieft tbey and. 'rhc)ro wert! Pe I f tuml ca 1`0 frr hin ripighboor. twonty-four, 5 twetity-five, S; twell- is -in the earth the heart wtlul(' 1Xqs`v"t tllp hY A 'howbver, that tile ma -4- Ic I tretwure Rnd r-Amige t4w emrt to #A.T MOC e -Intl t%vo It is lear, e cleirk ' for The _eix, 1() -n BEHEADED B 1#,6 it) attacked w1yen lie dieg) at tile age of 140, al ty t,,Tt tty-sevll, 11 *, twent- in the rth also. if the IL tU,q pars- twenty -0lW' in* will tw es tjl&t it ip not true w1delli is IrIM e-,rzeroum-t1lRt- and.left 111m 12; thirty, 5 * lieuven tilt -of lager Faui,,m 'Iffning Comfl 1,7 fsrIA turned out tO, (k) Illm lionor. 'He olght, 7: tweuty-ilue, tressum is in Clod and lit Ve Baal W VrOMML shocking Death of a Ship Yard EngIn* Kne r(w Y -were on it In %as burled with great i)Ql1lI1 tit rty- heart eentres*hm affection uIK)1l God hp w roqg. ajbd I lie 10dug the Kurd country denod. He'may r ver. In e tilirty-olige. 6; tUirty-two, 7; thi must M 0i The nuuJ)er fif striker-, at t4l' Driver Yeswrda-Y. Thp for lie saki 00). pmko", lit M Buell increasod gr_ni#- thall th(w1e, of the Turkp. - on the full,)Wj -g's UTKUY ton of t Cliurch of St.. 1,&ZaZUP In that city. three, 6. thirzy-four, 6; thirt-fIVA, and strivm to igain heaven. Every woolle L., N%*itll h1s 1AN1,41 f msy UJI6 the, the Y-Neven, 3 ; tale lnw� not n rule which 411111,Ys tll&t Om*(' 61 pliladc-lphla. retxff Turks simply killed,' I I re- captured pirate, we exe"" 7; th'rty-%%Ix, 6; thirt Know -ye IKK &lltall dpwinim Mat to be frft;li It) te-V 'in pr(Agiitble thAL aA If -1py a Piprew.ion, but tb~ wild Kurds ,%I. (,*Aqtl r 'wilia awawill- D!fgegiseq or 1. (widon. thirty-mne, 4 ; forty. lunu has Ml 41 ),WK) elliPloyt" huge liawkr tr#t wtier thirty-eight. tllftt W WhO111 Ye iich tlw court knows eod be- mvv6red by a i nd plunder- rue w i before the Week troke, tIte volle(I In inurder a anti, aftoer tl zecutton, the tile bealtILie6t 5 -, forty -Ono. f orty-twO, 3 : forty- %-atltp t4 t gui,K)tine Of LL saber%4 vAind elf bol!111114219k to ated, ljondon is said to lie -five, 7 _b obey, him vervaule e are lievep to be, untrue. IMlsiiiie bdW %be wrt lie majoacrem were of tho AM were placed ("I say#4 tile three, 6; fort's four. forty hom yp oi*�y whether of *in nil - engineer to U) �w hich I have 18,141 34ill6ter #A )ody of Thoma -4 Fngard to their r tile' city in tit" wo.rla (A'IU at rty- rulfe of cKmduct w inkra ' I Bertue)(P -4. rs them, and thoy 1188d them 4takes all(] oet up 111unianit,irian. Tiloil it Ila,% to be re- foirty-imix, I f(WtY-00vel[11 fo todeAth. or or obedience unto righ- down for niwAf, I hav* IN to ;�qi the offk� alltl"i -t to of.a hointing di -prick eng r About 200 aud "00 iube no oth6r city oight, :1 : f4 rt,3,41lue. 2 -. fifty, 1 : fifl y tl~ (Wt. *ling rint, hA`4 ,n at yftltisftl�11,y Itnesied tilf xecUt!(Mx- red that there I#% Thp fif' -three, 2. te4()kwwes&.­ Itoul. vi.16. The two Tila. Carr IS W nish 8quadry by fellow-worknit-F, trutb. lit tills 06CM011 "(1 ro nativeo)w 1ondon. ty-t vir o, 2 : f Ifty (;cgd anti mammon. he spa bancillet Up be fooi!nd rom Intlis M a centrist tho Fame Mize no, of tile' fifty -rout. 0; 1 Ity-five, 2; fifty-six, a ro solicitude is t .%,ILWKI- t1w. n%vl ard W.Itarf, many miles f lly numerous hospitals awtvidence Solicitude. he mother A R#111111161takuble 1111141wd. ltite4l state*c afternoon att Ullimlin!X14111py ilana have tieen practle Oven by rj)Ot of Warren &%trect, 116 tile Arm0l They have 111111001t lo OnI grtmtt prevnience of Idimellse withill Ito f ifty-00voll, I; fifty -41911t, 0; fifty ipt avarleAt ia a blockade to Chris- -ra I Lee- k 19 ght in tile atacoutla- oxtertninated. ' dexpal d Dyes are y bdordor#4 and thO activity of the coffin Ville, I ; rixty. 0: sixtY-0108- 1 ; 61'tY- tian progr it cannot pray: it urning prow kil twelli.,cal in r - 0 lity-four, I : twiallee t,(, mw bother, in t as In cons"llwDee of rot &if it dozen Coil^ of othing left, an they are e.stuffs, maker04 lint] uii(iertnkem is well known two). 0, sixty-Or"O, I - 11 not work it cannot create :illly' liftluf 'perity, six. of tIW lazge wO011en millm lIk0 !DMbT-9Ce of If , utt a. w to t1je future. EverybodY with- e, and Pure Dy v4iv(%, 0: , tXty_#,ix. 0: ailty-reven. "ll b I u. But halwit (if In,,wing pilinrod tit t1w (i (low n tbf� llswto�r as It wound Olson the Turks whpl, tile fog" 9we on. Some inter- 14ixt. alter anYt willell were l0dis whodl I'liavo spoken, even sixty-nine, 0: owv- Ivlicv. A low days oinoi� (moo recen of Alm011gte. -figure,@ have tly beell I eftty-PIKIII 1: it can conceal heaven f rom our viPw ears, have'rchoulne4l wineu or drum. lit,that tiley are, ILI (Wting lWwt,. enWred tip^ It fo n~IY twO.Y no made bY tbonvelves, adm ver' giveyl, milowing thp casep tmated at ont, I.-AlbalY Tiulell ft" oarth ; opou liell. A0lV1tud*- nd vr.4 '4 -we IM4.., and FAMP Tho, ghastly tfincovery w. and -that -their recc) Y, _-_ i_ - J full t r, who brokpit people opital.-.4 and (1114pen- of Il0&%benl4m oarly ill ft Mkorning. operations, rulm'Dg iarritns And. J0IIT1 Cf)olx, ry lia www1ble, Lq. a. matter of oup 1"Watore have ellacted strift- tllo voluntary It 114 Ob-Aerver. th main princi 1. thp pr"Kbut shatrod by 14 (34ma'lliftn' wit" unnlpd " they. I had alm the e-atnblipliva IL t Liroat, uncertainty- etropolitan Asyiumi- of them oe?;time- owi# were llan.411719 th'. off tile pow-, 11Y recove oRt Said wt ta.vt4 f4Ar 00 preventioa Of f4,Od j4arl(w of London, and also nt; tile how What low it MUM* at work ill 1w two owow Well � vere, thf-Y (Luickl3'T*Ut�n:I hthero 19 no longer all Armenia &duW&t10qf, GAW a, a la,ault cur pcople plt#Lu a tile - M th(wr to C111 it go4i Itick unleft motuept; 2, todllly; , all oteruity 4W Wo days. �kbout 12 Ilis aodr ift by t'l IP � i i I Ited fogp %Ter* cut -fnte�' t"'t -rsed tile eWine and unco led bilt D)ard. TheY -IM01111 n arp er, rev enckugh, 8'& of com the WurkiA werf bad kuive o0eil 1*11ell", a'Id all cla tsurAay� igli frt)m about. tbeir '' value for tiialr tho U.)tal ofl,753,611 0081-ItA, &Pd motmW gairm: 1. foolish PrOJOets; &I'MiOuk- othor Wallace 011 9 tile hioa%ry roige were nothing to thene Kurds- our P pulatioll. get � Somf% pe4 pit, s;gould lw good. They are (iroangs; -R. a torril-Ap. awakening. 00- saf. They were taken off tile He" nd headlem body.,:-. they t f4vic h A re- tho following art, ronw porticulare 'of not pTeotty- licitudo im a Anful distrust of (-od. a iimiltir 4ourati(mi at t New Y"ft fly the tanionlo iffele" a 14 0 - wonder a rep- atiothor mrsm. who %van 5#-) ye, Ill aAd re. to tbc women of tllo vatious clnma,4 of dispasps fifty Infles froull Engar( IqUite. Will'" Such a horde or O;ava;pw uld be a IN How 00*1 L IPrW getAe% ovf-r that of our noiclabor, and of ourselves. lit the evenine t1w t torp"j, boat Win'"low- rf4(L,-(I at No. 453 Allen LI -tile adulttzatItAi act tiPPI.1641 rft-*nted lit that tOtal: fordfr tv unfold to His dtigetplaii the r turnwl .116, on a defenceleas C6111mu- Canada 1.1 6 fa%vii-like trei it -de. w#. uployed for A ullinber, of YPgr,% hat Kurdp t,, prackage dyft-y sAd for bA)me dyelt4. Surgical diM,09(w 847,47 Lkvery ixyre Udnk-4 tit(- pfx)ple hl- Wt- wtviltig tJ tile kingdom of heaven. lie lut"iP Iliv .11 nutbentica"I � "I - "d t r U A t..,t the,%l4te-qX"er 1w" cl 811,I)yard. ill tl,4� capacity- -6 nity,?, Are YOU surprL wils of thion- n, 4.4, 3 0 9 tuan drnppFk,.l a A; t UP" from Dve"-tjlflfi &r,. now uled Ill Gmieral nwdicil Iw­1909 ritpys art- f4 -N)4 of him. fimt mvoigled to them tilt boudW reuched y t! t tile umett, to Are now actually living In bo IF Jantin'r, rX ? ren's hoe- anti olavery -4 the service of Ligulanion. invot. avid ox 'P.J. whicis loft th"re k 01 Ic r of (If.)ukey engl, Which they havo chnied tile own fganm Vf tfAnev, aAd to, frai4laeud Val -rrmted nt ellilu Irt to R hig man ron ng41r14 for DYOL nee on-Wip large ilerrick and the family u&,,Ie gou(114 guid inaglab are spoUed I Thp iisart+ Vou & Well. mine gim *W4 of Witt pame he 11010ting lie house, pitaI04 127,27 tile 801aller I e becomeg. Thov inuat he untimi from itiolatry to 0 to by ure of &duIt#,,r&ted dyts thLt ohtmld nk. IlPT (10 4W Kurds in t 109,928 r. 411WIl t1W falstobt Ilef 11arl. - yp affectionp, Y01 "I'll etitd�r Into the liberty of true wo wSly, Alaska, has b"ft 101 .it -the end or thO that resided thete', turned -Out You like sa2e fools becaW crew were 40v1sti. he. deadly 70,649 feel wW, by stsnpariw)-n. dalp. Fl..Awliger, he came to -'be caught in t dio I be MALWited by Lat- Digmeow i)f motlierhood ewliat of- Lmund Dyeli f(Z long years r)f park ,-inbrace or- tit,- rope is xonk The L) li 0on,-,nmI)tl0n 47,236 No inan wr4k* t0K) Illuell, 1,111 iioarly splrituality-lNw Christiali 111v J. *L;G ON. as 11�ack it oftr, a u uh W-esn" A claud York a Tnybtery. it waij hija cu D E n TN,, G01 . _Qm�t compl t satiftfart- aa43,290 of th NeW p6o4n. how- PLUN biare givoll iBpr :laid thrimt overy inan fr 1�i too muCh. wi, of trust. They whq, had left I'll unr p1miderl!19 biwine" Pure I)iwNaaw of the skill ... ... ... 39,1.31 rnime,W &I )ut Ap iqucli sincerity lit t'"-f(pi,low J4MM Mulct not N'taill thr 10116 odkolig iftt, pniiiiiiiiii1il tedim,lwaj4 killeA In it (I ver, -while thP engine w1w 111 motion, But - thI04 tlul[L TbW axe the o r, I V w cot Grin f) ag it ran around tile �,ver wt - therelm tit(! rub. It im 190ill-K ead flif0f, dqes itow boft" thiB PUIOUC 1 410V or ... ... ... ... aIL 1#tter of ovratulallun, m thire ir, oclilirit of tto world. A wimpiv bUt Bi%P wiSh Ed. ecalkif, to guide tllc* rope t1w rbich t�;k T.taep 1tv I)Iacil* one root ag,-I"t It twi at?"ll �n� the aiithoritied make but L-t1te OL4 p&cktg, 4kye, that call staild Parlilygis and dbwAllim Of tile In jan obltuw y notice.- ilit1w kwon was 4ordied in Th 411111% 61 iidlhction, COL v Houk Denve r druni Inthillway- It NehIP t*4 to check It.' Are HiA the nujwL cru, -IW oliemical U-stm. 6, 677 ateow 'Ithe Union Stoek Yards torp prvVPnt overlapping , attOmP - tfs 4 of KII&I I nolla llorvoA ... ... .. ... .. Wo Lave M4,jcfad tlint we, are iif,vtr IllT1St4Mti01lg ()f (4od's (4km WJWU al[PRUS - c1lught Vw K urd., tile favoiri L)IJLMtad L)YO, a3N) s,ld by all 111)40- llt* In bed &#; wh(ni enil(wi d( t1ir hi r(W of t lw n i r and Us+ i. " lilt 4P Sol, 6 thought that 1114 100t W" rid the orig' a," emnRAta t 4n and Illim IQdY dra. wn , In, and Whft the Mwent OMU'Wxl&nt a dielt regi date dru&VW a anti 4oul iss. If You MPet Murderous 1WiAU Artist- Ill tile m(IM41 14 'to leavP it. the flipid presellers; of truth It r N, Ll ult Judge ropei ilial vlagwilzer of tho 11ami a dealer bA.) reoummend4 ImO (Aber . ithig 98 ;t- StLte* CIre . it.. of the Winding at Er- 1-terentont, tile p&Inter, wit() voine Reuiem1wr when YOU 9,0 Y* They entogbred into PuNwAlIti(Ill, (Mly P WAr"! fly lilted -kv Was literally wrung mentij, ivh(*@ headquaxtery are- MUM uf dye, pauae befcCa YOU bUY lie tlat yon w4y "i't he there If the peo- ta,: U t1lat wnti twovidsoll for tin,ir Ja4mmill 4y % f roin carrybig ' 11L.4 fleck tbP bfmd on ill a (bwor I" WkIrklArif time a9%) murdered 1110 m1stre". t W is I #If tile, zingaii ? If a Kurd lo caught O fTum Um. Such 4, orem, at pie knew Jim Iso get rid of you. 1wurialift"at anti Iwauty. Imit MU41k. 114) nlatk%, j.1 tile off. to pun- Lara," the autli t to calle, F is cnu,4ed ti,e act it U4 alln(vt iml)(*wibIc (Mly f(r uIg profit*; he halli no Mgl%ru 11114"ga 1pi is t*Xi fbrecL a companiem doing The prrA4Kure 01 t4e rope c0l ekki p t Jwwlat (A t1w4r owit ithility lit IW91 InsurancP rtmev- Jh4ll him, for tie In Protected IPY S olne. tAp hP611 Windemned too eleven By betteT melety J" ofWn mewi 41 1164 body to SPU for yvur oucoew &A C0111fOrt. rip t 1 0. V ... vrat blood from alm yea" and olght months' ImPriomment a HoCiet wjimm tile cut glaiie. table iteitlier dW tlwy i-xidtlit fil a % , ; iMMIL, 01sat .. d in t]Lat StA,te- kt, until every droP pacha, very much ris cwrtain crimill i It cw p9to arp of a better qu&l-. nyiy fesir for tlw flituro TlbPv Wore IN104 now "Y4 tim- coal eral fp*t (Iii4tar f it on The Chicago Tribune 142. life fluid was; ReC x ll P ILP Avoid tbt Carriage. hslvd labor. It was shown at the E 6.14-JoiM6 Of the tbf- of tllc% tliat the crini wag comt1litted ity.-Atch0c I Globe. Himpl, en n, 14milli rower, re will shortly IldNal"IC0 plicatlon of the fluipA and quirks of the trial (Alise" of a .11" in title tlWT filk"I the Illace till4t, ftf t' 4lUUa1"747diKwnr, resoo* roduct 25 ceases LL ton, ed. 1M 1110 body v�._w finally relleamd law. That to the prVent evil Of this Bicycling Unfits 8 man for tho work lugll je&loutq, but twcause the W rice (if their p of wheeling a ba.by carriage. Tile n(A V11ac I t4) supply IIm With While Lor. Breasey, Governorof V%- :lskJgmqd -t-boul Thvy wem result of the recent intoer-otiltoe WI wamwl reftif" tho nd it wao found that lmost every bone In cA)untry and the root ()f 'its Misgovern- Itandlo bar -4 On the enrriage do not igtowy. Sbe wn)6� the divcrted wife of torla, we* I&Tteluptili- *n� txmrd 'Adv ilifr tylges aad sluLd4ows to enjoy "w" r out conlowlence uperatoro nd not even, 11 Vegtlg'P ,nc*t. Nqot even a vall, ha^ lx)wpr too C&tw fr% owlef, -to tilt! latter it woo broken, a the wl, of Mr. M&MInJ4 "i*W-r f yacht In M Ow- 'Mm frults 0 w1lich, con The hea(l of the un- Ivri,ig a guilty' Kura too Jiwtice. f(Or suit film. They are so high that he of owir 1",W a r ;,p for of life roinninOd- Ifeet trer" lo al %,aylq wime g(od rea)n why cannot Crook his Wick etiough, dnd he F4r6W AffalM when tile Triple All,- d a nep (4 ton it^ found severa r%l A nll,~ tho bell tbAt W to warn otber f, rined. Hpr fathpla had I ow' away wItIt A fortullatt) man W d after 1*1119 lie should be let gv) W�ot Mee. ance WRO 1; 1 at !elm r- 9- 01 Inwyer-.4 i-, s -r4- ft,, -ay, where it had rolle The victin"I'l .%lit) -titer difficulty 114*4 WitIl tI1A wit bal)y carriages from the sidewalk. poltioll at F10rellee. bontawalil .100101- Idw &golltm at b bing 11,1110 world over flor while In th brief embrace of Iwo w1getlier lie be Turk r Tho finding, Of 4- gold 111199Pt Of 74 j(iDXdlg JAriment cures LoGrippe. enlmd twit. I& we (%f tllp ,Pirm to, tilP -W(m In the He wUl tell yuu in WvaAe that a Kurd yacht aill iiatich. f" shockingly Indicated pounds- Ili reportEl in Siberia. cot 5ud&pftt'x greaWst banker, (k!atil w Ilan itolen Ilia cattle, but the inomIN't P r their queaft (1001,pW st fmtureo- 4 'A- 4 ler o AL 44