HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-28, Page 1* IIII 41.411. Albs ligilAissEssims _ - oar • • •611Mismallne -__ -..eni'mem-e-r-laill011110.wgiaim-,"411.1111111.111wilia* nOnlrientaSslitiesems .141111111.111$111111",•..-aisairwiewmara . 1.4..• sionrs .i,saaasseswiewisesweVwesesseesiws- BANK OF HAMILTON* LUCKNOW. $1,250,000 $725,000 sg 848,678 pita Raid up teserve Fund • ate lsets .'reeident. -JOHNATtlaler. P •a•sident- A. G. RAMSAY . DIRECTORS : ti. ritociex, Wee 0113806 M. P,Gzo.Romm A. T.' Wcon, A. B. Lza (Toronto). Cashier -J. TU'RNBULL. ;A yJ1tS BANK.-liours 10 tot; Satur- da,y'*, .10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and %Swards reettived and interest allowed. - grigelAL DEPOSITS also received. at cur - teat rates of interest. 1:AFT,S ori Greate:i ritaid and the United • States bought audits.a. • JOHN D. NIOB.OL, A G. T. TIME TAM. • Subscribe For The ‘1,1'•Itrlineto LUCKL,OW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY• 28th, 1898. VOL XXV-4 Paisenger triani leave ft,llows :__ Going South, Going North. 6.2:, a.• m. 11;15 a. to, 8 oti 0., rn; .4.20 p. ni. 2.ft8 I). ul•• 1 .. 10.47 p. Ill. Lueknow station as • MA111, & SIDLAI,L, Bankers, LUCKNOW,- -ONI. E7ABLISil E D 1888, We do a general banking business; issue drafts throighout Canada and the 'United States. We make collections on all point*. including i -Western States. Nlanito and the North-West Provinces, and all cullec- . tions, whether note or ac :ount, will have. prompt attention. • Notes discounted .and farmer's sale !Sots* cashed. . Wnit•an to fanners on donble or single.-nOtelr froin one to twelvemonths time, and 'at reasonable rate of interest. . We loan small -to large amounts on second mortgage on faxms or other real estate sec- urity and oa first.chattel mOrtgages on. live Itt, K.1 and imPlements and crops. We have a lano 'amount of funds to advance .. Oil tir..t mortgages from 5. per cent. to 6 per cent. The rate is graded accordino to the .inality and aize of the loan require:1 We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashheld township aul '200 acres iu Kinloss township, all improved' land, with good huitdiees and will be sold at a bargain. -Werepresent tbe leading. Ignglish and Cana- • 'Ilan Fire Insurance Companies and, can t ir.suranceon afl clasies of property in .Stoek or NIUtual.Companies as desired.. Our eifice hours are front 10 a. in, 0 4 p. m.. ri.W..144tY ES., Agent.: Gaelic spoke isna ta sacred tongue ! --- Hamilton 'fillies. Canada is a great country and Can- adians are a great people. In She light Of some recent events Whocan say what the future tuftyhav'e;in store for. the Dominion? Mr. :and Mrs_ Mt-. Gillivray, of Toronto, aged respectively -78 anti 60 years, are Low rejoicing over tile birth of their 22nd child, a daughter, wile:. arrived on Mouday 1&t. • They take be smatter quite. coolly.; in fact they act ias if tised• to such events. The lady els) 'gave birtb. to a child oP August 21st, .1896, ;but it died. The father declines to discuSs the family affairs, and leavesseniious: neighbors to do the talking,and they do not seem to be averse to doing it. LEGAL f]$ A.. ALC01130S , BARUISTER 1_ • Aoticitor Conveyancer. etc., (late aua tr , Holt tt Cameron, Croderich). Ottic .tp-atairs in Alligstew block. _ it • M1)1S' 1 „ Onamissegler, .N.,tary Mon;•,, to loan, Ottioe over Moody's ttArlier .• * • • *Fraud License Corcanissfonera Messrs. JameMiel r distributing throughout tbe country Bee Our Clubbiu7 ato Sasssoliali LOCAL ITEMS o iLeod,- Kinloss; There are certain individuals selling • Andrew Waechter, brent, an Sullivan of Elmwood, 'Ravi 'ben ap- pointed • &etre cow missionet s for South Bruce, by tke Ontario Govern went. GEO A. S1DDALL, USNAOER. t _ittizomr- • r ROU1)14)0T,, BAR1:1S- k_r etc._,- tiirodttrich, Out. t'. Glaitow,44. . )1. PROUDYOUT. iht tichttow:t. entiuti :Mao and Victnitg gew5 Saltpetre' For Salta Mr. J. 11. Armatrong, of Kieloss, gave one of his cows a ponnd of pul verized saltpetre the other day, think ing it was Fins be was administering It appears that asked for salts at the store, but the lady who waited on wrong article. The red about 12 olcloclt 8 o'clock the cow was dead.-Walketou Telescope. hint, gave him th dose was adruiata in the day an Far`in To Rent •Containing 1011 acres, 'house and 'orchard will be reserved. The farm is in good condition. Good fences good stabling, beat of water, mostly in pasture and well adapted for stock. would rent the part or • whole. NI,EDICAL _ R. TENNANT, :411rsze.,n anti Accoucheur. Surgery • .oree .1.nlitAre grocery Atom Qtlice hours • teem sty 12 a.: ; from 2o 5 p. tn. and front to t) p. in. -1N-Ic.1). 1101:DON; ;NI.D„ F.T. PbYsician, . Sur - .110 • :t.• Vpsitair. in Win. A' i's.' new bloOt. '11-esi.lenee 1s street, hehinti Cameron, Murd,ch• Co:s 'store p M. & • physician and surgeon, as.tuite -of Toronto unit t'oufeil and Stirzet n- • f thatItco. ..'Specl attention - f the tlaroat :aid lungs. .4.4tfice in ' tpett practice on or befitee .1 .n. I • SOCIE.TIES 1.0. F. lx -g. ;Nov .1.4.11GE t.! Ulects In the PdAfell.,;*,41 !tall on f•••urth Tues - td. each tp..nth. at tethrelt tnvit4(1. .1114i 1:an gt 1'. t ILA 1.1..it Ft eta ty ApPly to John NIurdoch, lot 12, eon. 13 Ashfield, or Lucknow P. 0.• _ E LIBERTY TO UTTER- AND TO ARGUE Our Clubbing Rates FREELY ACCORDING TaTHE DICTATES - a copy of a certain letter suppose have been found in' the tsenb of our Lord. The thing is a fraud intended to ridicule religiou, deceiving Protes- testants.and Catholics alike. Communion The fiords' Supper is to be disisno-Ni in the south Kinlosa church on Ss bath next. Divine service begins at 10 o'clock. Preperatory services begin on Thursday, the pintos, to be sot isi et' -on the ccoasiou by the Revs. K. MaLenuan, -Mitk.r, Macheol, and Sinclair. - • -tiookey Match A tire representatiou of C insalia's Netional game will be played in the Lorpe skating rink to -night (Fi•itlay) 'between teams from Lucknow *IA Walkerton. The snappiest game id the season is assured. Hip almai the h tckey leam by yo atteteletice. Game called at 8 u'elock, %It atitig . from 9 to :6,30. General admission 15c. ladled, 10c. .Lotik out for a good time. . '- Unpaid Subeertptions Looking a 'rbersmatsirss A couple of getitleinen from Cleve ii land, Ohio, Wertil in the village last wesk looking at the Central Furnitnro factory. with a ew of buying the works. If they ucceed in getting it, we understaed itis their intention to gfeatly en!arge Ole . works and manu- facture other totes besides furniture. There is nothintiliat would help our village entire th ' manafacturing every encourag to these parties and induce then . -- -- .reshot) of Fame bringing here larger establishinedta ind ent should be given .well as others to try to come to Lucknue. • As usual, vie bate received the very CONSC1ENCS WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL I OTHER LIBERTIES best 'arrangements with the leading papers of the Dominion' for special rates during the clubbingseason. Now is the time for our subscribers to. pay for their paper and we can give them a combination whist* cannot be beaten for quality and price. -Just rerAl the following: Sentinel and Globe, ;$1.50; Sentinel and Mail and Empire, $1.40; Sentinel a id London Daily -News, $2,00; Sentinel and Advertiser, 61.35; Sentinel 'and Farnier's Sun, $1.25, - Lack:mow Jamary 28th, 1898 J, -aft up/xi!, A. 1!). 11,1:Lop.. - C.TO. _ TO .1; OW AIN -FL UNTEUS • LticknoSis shOppers who read the tlutithoyant annonucement of far-off dealers elio make great fortunes by selling goods at "less than cost," should' not forgets:the confessions- made on oath in the Eaton Co. case in .Toronto last week. The fixing.of that exposure in the moult:ay Might sa% e them from becotuicg victims .otothers practising the setae lure toldraw cust ornsrs front our village. If )ou have • not "caught on to their. -methods ye; i read these extracts from -the teatitnikiy. • 'Children's' .embroidered muslin, regular price 25 -to. 31.N; for sale on Wednesday, 5c, : • Is that true?" is not true that this was our regular price.", ' it is true that. you told it for 5 c,.ntsr; - •••Yes." , Swiss tnUslin, regular price 19c. a :yard; Wednesday, 1=2e. Is tlat tit'l" "The igh prict-was not the regular price of other men, thee'?" "It ia the regular price at country 'stores." (Laughter.) Similar evidence was given regal& ,ing !trussels carpet. s'.'We have a good deal of evidenee to show that the advertising ion insthis depsrterient wt;ii not: truthful." "Ile drew on his imagifiation a good • This celebratiri specular entertain- ment, will be h•slil in the town hall on 'the eveniugs of -Thursday and Friday, Feb. 3rd and qh. Women famous in the -world's hispory in art, literature, government, clatrity, devotion to hum- anity, etc., suniamoned by the Goddeas of Fame,will (+la tell what she las ad- complished, erstitling her to be crown- ed Queen _ of ssFame.' Music will be furnished -by ;stringed and band or Orta:nd Military _escort and pages, herahlaq 'etc, The caste con- sists of 70 perfortners. - Admission 150 Reserved sea;s 25c. Plan of hall at Artustrongs jtiwelery store. Cita' ItT Sli FIX t )14, NO 1.1„, r V now. 1111.:tt- t %try fir,t ard Slon. day of t‘t.TY in the (rm.:v.v. Bail. Visaing ttettatii c. itsvittd. .. • Wu. lt.ti C 'IL "Vt. Ste - - -- ••_ - - - • LOY AL ORANCIE. LODGE . N t*. -124.. 1101.1)S - IN ItY.t_k1"1-Att . _ u14,0,1110,- mrttic.,14 in The 41...i ..-.e Bali, Ca...1,1w LI ,tri7;1,.1.uckt,..w, ,.11 Ty..,..tiay cert.' itli.;4 s,b Sar' 1 t:f.-.re .. fle full 11. fl Ilight 'Oil the ,e...ind Tuesday evening fAhowin,,,,f full al...re. NA .Vi.71tiltg.l.l'A.thrtu t...rdially ju• vited to the u.• ttin.,:,•:. . • DAVID A t.i*trt v.,. .srisS Ttioltest,N, . - 3ecrvt.kry , • W. NI. vir c. T. U.- The. regular • monthly V • Ln..-etia..., 0,i the W. un nu ClociAtian tt.asperanceliTnion willbe held eatery arcond Weinee.litrf!te:ach-awnith in the -'04d reilows Hill, i.u,knovr,, at a p,in. Mns. J. 131.TAN., Pr -41. -lent; .1.1as.11o4.•i slit.Seer.tery. ' Wonderful Exhibitions The Anituotiscep at the Town Hall last week created a great interest. This wess _the first titne such exhih- ition has been given in Lucknow,' and was new to . mist sot the . citizens, There was a fair' attendence each even. ing when the visws. end ttie inusic the phonograph were - meeh appreci- ated. :The moving pictures were very realistic especially the lightening express, and the fire scenes • Each consists of photographs, :sow. cases as many tilt five or six hundred' which are mo-ved so quickly acrOso the sheet each movement is so quick R3 ta hind it into one harmonious -whole. The entertainment was really a marvelous. and interesting one. -Temple of Fame. -Town Bell Lucknow. -Febrairy 3rd and 4th, 1898. -Under Os auspices of the Public Library. -Mr. Wr a, Cash spent Sunday in Ripley. -Read 1.4 . R. Castilla ad in another column. -Don't :orget the hockey watch to-uight (F1 day.) -First arnival of the season ! Tuesdsy, Fi b. lat. 1 -tiocke: match at the rink to -night (Ft day) -Two ni;hts only ! The Temp e of Fame! Feb. 3rd Az 4th. -Chief :lsra Briggs, of W t n, was in the singe on Monday best, -Don't 'ail to reserve your t-ee• for the Temple or Fame oil Fel.. 3 S.. -Saw kgs and grain are 6 ill pol1ing . iuto ous village in limo) -Ticket a for thi Temple oi 641.- at, to-matron:4'i jewellery store -Mrs.11L0bert Rankin, of Chatham, is visiting at the home of Mr. P. Murray. -ilelp along the hockey team by your atter dence at the match to night k Friday.) Although a very large number of subscribers who were in arrears for the Sentinel have paid their accounts during the past couple of weeks there 'are atilt a large iluother in :arrears to The Sentinel, and the.se must be paid at once. Plenty of warning has. been given and delinquints aill only htve themselves to blatne if costs are added to their accounts. Wnleorned Horne MT. and vIrs. P. H. MacKenzie, held e recepOion at their residence "The Popla'ra" on Friday evening Jan. 14th in lionoC of their on Robert and he gueits, numbering .vsere most- -hospitably • y Mr. and 1%tre. McKen- iguilr. At supper' the -ri 1.4,4.1ge 11'2, filicrlA every friday e•hnitg at S 0041 tit their hall, t!ssmitisell itreet. All brethren cordially intird. . . W. WILSON, oh 1 e t ran K e r ar • , . AOUW Lodge (.1 the An, lent • Order Of =2".:1:aited Werkmen, - meets in the Odd fe.ilowe Hall, cm the • kt-st anti iteconti 4 Lon..ay e'veningst , • each Pt ei"ht • lock, Visaing brethren cordialLy isivited. W.le,liotoitre D.Yr Master Workman. s, 21. 'Did the- price. yob' actually sold these 'articles for • indicate any redac- tion?" :, S'Yes,_a-emall one." "But note° much as the advertise- ment would '410.1" • the 'regular price' quoted in die advertisement is a fictitious prioe. At Friday's Court the manager ..of one of the departm,ents gave tisane interesting facts regarding, bargain sales.. He said there were iines which they bought for ten cents which were sold at 15 cents, and advertised es "tegular price, 35 cents," No wonder that his Lordship t emarked : "Then a bargain was not a bargain." Let our people use their COMMOU sense in sizing up the baits -dangled before them by such concern!), and buy their goods our own local dealers • CURRENT TOPICS. hi I about eighty' entertained zie abd Ins health of t.10 bride ,and groom, wits proposed by Paw° J. G. .Murdoch, of d -res rmed to.in a happy e groom. The health Of hostess -proposed by Mr. c County Councillor and Canadians vs. Soo tension One of the most exciting and best contested curling matches ever played in the Lucknow rink took place there on Monday evening last, between a rink of ''Old Country" Scotchmen and a rink of Cannucks., There was a large number of spectators _present to nitness the 'inat•ch,, and. the play throughout the game .was good, but the Canadians proved too many for the Old Couutry men, and won by a Sears, of 21 to 16s- The following are. the players: 1:, 'order. OLD LIGHT LODGE . „ B C 40hAr th 4. IL •Wrosetar Won WHOLE NO. 1252. Clearing Prices on all SAN JOSt.. sC/1,11 With the thteetened dee ruction by the terrible Ban Jose Scale of the pleasant prospect of Ontsrie fruit -- apples, peaches, plunis, pears and grapes -gaining • Market in the British laic* and other European emu:Aries, and even roValling the value of the cheeke product uf the province, the prompt and vigorous tereoures to fight this iesect itivat.tar **ken by the lion. John Dr)deti, Minister of Agri. sulture. are other e.iden.es, if 'hat wele needed, of the wisdom which marked the selection by Sir Oliver Mowat when Premier of the Govern isent, to which h. is now Her Mei- : , •sty', ri pro*eutAtive, of a practic.ai f .1 IIIPU its Ite rt-tsmisiblr head f a -lepiti tweet to do with the sue tes i• dustiy in ilie country. Unite? au hie it y wail -red by the tolatsf.ture tee NI ittister of kgricul- suit. a t.t.a t- tors Kt work in aura. :Asa (I. of the disi iets *bete Ow S. tie Mot g tt* start awl it is beins 111.1 ugh v stamped out. H • hitt! 0,4 041.ittoer (Wailing W h this nsi.g• r us inier se -Tice' p at it mas be in heil it 14 le•eri.t.ti that n .t kiodi of f nit tram, shrubs unti teethes are subjev. to de. 8 U. 1. llse Scale, but all hidWbod . wow. ti iieur boasts u well may De fuluetl. The Pout !IOUS lora' suffeied in the 17 sti.ses 14 tile neighhoting republic, *here the Seale is ravaging is but a measure of *hat tilts Province will escape hy the Government's adatirsisis acti.410uni.te appropriate in t his connection is the following extract from an inter- view with Mr. Albert Pay, proprietor of the Proepect Hill fruit farm near St. Catherini a, Outario, in the Buffalo Express of Jon. 8th, Men's and Boys' -Take in the carnival in the fink on Tuesday evening next. It will be a corker, -A flee lot of fat cattle was ehip- ped fro i the Lucknow station en Wed nee 3 sy. Two rinks of the- Lucknow curlin club went to Winghaut on Friday last to play off "their final draw with the Wroxeter club fir tho Western Ontario Tankard, and were beaten by the .Wrozedir men • One, of the Lucknow rinks defeated their opponents by five shots, but the other rink was behind 10 shots so th ts Wroxeter got the game by five shot& Both Walkerton and Wingham clubs have promised to come to Lucknow for a game with the local curlers in the near future. • Lucknow, manner by the host an A. -Nicholi 4 responded tlit by the host. Speeches were also glyen by Mr. Taylor, Mr. A. McKenzie tStid others. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenliie will- reside at Thornhill, the late residence of Mr. R. Valens. .We vfish tktem every, suecess on the voyage of lifo. CANADIANS. R. Hughes . Jas. Bryan J. D. Nicholl J. G. Murdoch' Skip 21 - SCOTC11311IN , A. McPherson • J. B. Hunter A. Murdoch • Dr. Tennant . Skip 16 ---Wt(id wanted green and dry, at Lawren & Johostone's in exchange for furni -Mor e snow fell on Tuesday even- ing last ban we had all this winter, previous t...) that date. -There was fine skating on the river hems last week, and large num- bers enj led the sport. -NV . IL Cash has rented a photo- graph gallery in Ripley and will visit that vT.age every Tuesday. -If news from your settlement does not appear regularly in The Sentinel, sit dosvu and write it up yourself. 13urnside, of Kinzer& e, passed through town on his way home irons ('Soderich, on Saturday night last. -1 f you want to enjoy • good litera-y treat, take in the Temple of Fault on Thursday and Friday next - is Thos. Seli, of St Marys, spent Sunday in the village visiting his fat- her, .4r. John Seli, who is still very low. Oaring Thieves About twelve o'clock on Thursday night last, two men called at the resi- dence ofMr.Thos.Burns, in the McCar- ron survey, and after vainly trying to gain an entrance int) the house, visit- ed the stable and broke off tile lock, and took away with them a pair of single whiffletrees, land a double - tree and a set of whitiletrees. They remained around the place for a couple of hours and acted in a disorderly teanner, and as they are well known, we would advise them to return the the stolen property at, once and save further trouble. Ftesttrandtarnival • • A cartii-otiNill be held in the Luck-. now skatingsvink on the evening Of Tuesday, !ifob. lat., when the following prizes wil..be revvarded: Best dressed lady, Fretich kid gloveas - extra tine quality, sialue $1.25; best dressed gent, pair Moc14 buck gloves': value $1.50; comic dressed • lady. American hand- " • comic dressed That 'Diamond Wedding We learn the following additional particulars regarding the celebration • t the hotre of. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Burney, •of Kinloss, on New -Year's Day.. That day besides .being the - wedding anniversaryof the • perties mentioned in a previous itisun was also the annieersary of the marriage of. Mrs. John 'Loom' of kinloss, another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reid..1 We have also Itscertained that Mr. Reid has completed bi3 42nd year as clerk. of Kinloss township, and during that long period of continuous service has never missed an appointnient, nor has he ever been late at a meeting, a reeord which we .do not , belsive has been equalled lay any Municipal °dicer in the Province, or for that matter in the Dominion. Mr. Reid wee born in the same year 'as Queen Victoria_ and Mr's. Rdid in 1817., Both are hale and hearty. So perfect has Mr. Reid's health been that during his long life he ha e never missed a meal. - betas iaabelialElkin Bold made ti rent, sill best dr value 65 ;scarf, value 75. cents; d- girl, silk handkerchief ents- best dressed boy, silk handkerclief value • cents: comic -dressed fancy woolen tam cap, value 5g'-, oents; comic dressed by, fancy SlOcony wool gloves, value 45 'cents; 1:14ya' race, (unier 1J year) fancy'ntigtige shirt, value 70 cents; boys! r4e (under 16_year8) gold Ind Pesrl iticunted top shirt value 90 cents. liAdmisslcia : Gents lbo, ladies 10c, children ander 12 years and mas- queradirs in costume, 10c.- The Luck - now biiass baud will play at the rink 011 the -ovenings of Tuesday and Thurs. doy, throughout the season. ' • .! • -. Florida on Wheels Overcoats, Pea Jackets and Reefers. ..mir politics are opposed to the t)sseerninent of Ontario," said Mr, Pay, but I must soy that in Mr. Dry- den, .he present adtuistration has a most cotupetent man When he asked me to come to Toronto to look over kis hill, 1 and those with toe, expected to Sind that we were necessary to tbe perfection of that bill. But we were not The bill had been drnfted and submitted to us for our approvsl. We found the ground fully covered and instead of teaching the minister bow to preser%e the fruit. we found our- selves listening to Mr. Dryden's plans. It would Ise itnpossible to find a more capable Minister of Agriclture in the Province We were delighted with hitn." spent the past few months in Algoma and Manitoba, returned home last wee-:, Alex. blcCarrol, who hes - Mr. Stewart Yule, of Windsor, is speeding a couple of weeks visiting frieeda in town. We are glad to see him looking so well, --?he Juvenille Band purpose sere- nading the citizens of the village dur rig the next two week. Help the your _g players along. -- The Bruce Oouncil opened at et V.Ialkerton on Tuesday, and repre- ser tative Alex. Niaholson, of hinloas, is is tending the meetines. -Air. W. J. Lyons of Lucknow, on of the Herald's oldest subscribers the infected trees are destroy we pad us his usual annual visit, tin a ur3ay.-Walkerton Herald. start over again under the new Jaw ---Miu Kate Murdoch who has been providing for the rigid inspection of via:Ling under the parental - roof for aU Imported nursery stock and the ex tbt put while, returned, tea Toronto elusion of trees affected by ths scale.' • (2" -WAeddennies44TYlicdomiplissotnw, week. Lucknow, was in town on Friday lut attending t le funeral of his neice, M rs. Whom, II uron road .-Groderich Signtly -Miss Crowe of Dobbingtoe, spent a week visiting her aiater, Mrs- (Dr) Chambers, leaving this week, to visit friends in Lucknow. -Watchman. .1 -The Rev. S. Salton, of _ Centralia, sent Up Pop !Trial Fned Johnston, alias Armitage, was arrested -at Berlin Isy John McRitchie, co-sstable of Ripley, on a warrant charging him with stealing $ horse, •tbe property of McCharles. John- son was one of the parties who forced an entraeCe into the Lochalsh store, and obtained new outfits complete, then retiring to the neighboriug school. house and changed their clothing, hurtled the old suits gind then borrowed a horse from Mr. McCharles without asking leave. • They drove out to Ash- field and left the horse at e straw stack. The prisoner did not deny any- thing, the clothing he had on he said he sits proud of, but on being asked why he took lady's nnderclothes, he said he had tender Ain and found no other clothing tit for a gentleman to wear. Maaistraue Chapman commit- ted the prisoner foci- trial at Walker- ton. Johnson is a young men, clean shavee, and did not seem at all dis- turbed by his situ stion. - - 1.ANGSIDE1 T:4 EVERY Till; ta4DAY from or lwfore the full moon, in the itlat.onic Hall, Havelock Areet. Worehipf ul limiter. Secretary. J. D. NICHOL, 'EMMY' DAYS, -a -13111MERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH Tetepieene No 1113 - L%1V T Dr- Newton, L. D. S. D. D. S donor Graanate T.,ronte, School of DEN f AL St:1146E1NY . wish care and an endeavor to o all work fILIA SO -W Gold, l'orcelaln, Silver and satisfactory, • ctiepor Snail gam. rgitTii -Made with a view of preserving the ostaral appearanoe.end of the beet qualit/.. rATILA.civio -An a plisatit.n insole to ate gum for wainletas extracting. It has been tri' with su(cess. OFFICE -In Mr. Allin's new block up stairs. T itreilay aftei noon 1)entistry aud ),,cti,r of •Alt operations in Dentistry refrained In the new innolvency law the busi- ness men of the ask for the following provisonc-lst, No prefer . red claims; 2nd. Equitable distribution of mutts: 3rd, Reasonable aischarge clause: 4th, ,Doing away with official assignees. The law must be eom- pulsory. visit Ripley, every The Toronto World points out that already $100,000 hats ben saved by the operation of the Ontario Depart- rnent • of Neglected and Dependent children. More then GOO children have 5een placed in. foster homes. At $50 a year each they would have cost the country $30,000, or $120000 for the four years, besides wising the erection Of costly buildings. Besides this, the benefit of home care ani the training of the children is to be con- sidered. If you want a Bargain in These Lines, Call and see R. D. Cameron.. A s ,ecially constructed and hsnd- somel: finished car containing- the produ ts of Florida was at the .'irand Trunk Station hero, on Thursday last, and was visited by a large crowd. .The collections of fruit in glass jais ''were rery fine but the floral display was diseippointing: large tank con- tainee, three fine specio ens of alligat- ors, arid the samples of native woods were also interesting. Among -the curios, were epecimens of a porcupine fish, e round hall of a creature with spikEs all over it, two eyes and a moult, a model of hylacosauris, a beau :iful• fairy-like pre -historic crea ure resembling a huge frog with a tail, which used to, before the tload, stanl on its. hind legs and bite the tops off the palm trees; a gar fish, the nos, of a saw fish, the orignal of whih weighe 575 pounds. The car is sen. out under tbe auspices of the state department of agriculture, and basing been all over the United States, is now doing the Grand Trunk systera Cauada. Our whole, community was cast into deepest sorrow upon. hearing of the sudden death of Miss Reid. She was a young lady of education, culture and refinement, a most delightful acquain- tance by her exemplary life. When a, young girl she was recorded as a member of Hone church, and when she wont to Detroit, she united with the Central Presbyterian church in that city and was an active worker and liberal supporter of the McGregor mission on Cadillac Square, Detroit. Her rich talent and wonderful mental powers, combined with originality and great love for literature made her a brilliant and facinating conversation- alist. She was always cheerful and a bulwark of comfort to those in trouble and when the bright outline scorned lost in the shadow of pressing trials she wrote to a Mewl, "that she Was a firm beleiver in the love of the Father and that' out of the chaos and confusion of her life plans, beauty and order will be. restored, for He tells me to be faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." She was twit ved by all who knew her so that R the dim future when the memory of those whose lives were inactive shall have passed into oblivion, hers shall still live and as -4oft as '•remembranee makes with all its busy train". It shall remind us of our sweet connectiois d shall make the broken Cook's Cotton Root Compound rtA -,. ir eumfully tined monthly by over 0,000 Lad1e.. Safe. effectual. Ladies ask your (lruggiAt torGesIrs Caws Rea Cala rani. erste no other as all St1sturen, pills and itn!tations are dangerous. Pries, No. I. $1 per bps , Ne.11,10 degrees stronger, se per box. No. $ or 2 mailed on receipt of price and two Itaent 010,0 ilia Cook Compsay.WIndsor, Ont. and 2 °told and recomdtwaded bi all sepeosibt. Draggles in cnnede• diko/ and Nu .! m)1(1 Ltirkr 19/ Ds. D., X, Goutcs, Drugzist. -lin idea wt' ean of dome simple stand to patent? 'tb Mr. "It is the Government's intention," continued Mr. Pay, to destroy, or cause so be destroyed, every fruit tree that is known to be infected with the San Jose Scale. It is beleivoi that the pest was brought in to Canada from United States yourseries, and it has be - 0011e so fatal to fruit trees that ex- tretne measures are necessary. Tbe bill provides for compensation to au amount which will enable the grower to replaoe the tree without expense to himself, and the penalty for neglec ting to destroy infected trees i; such as induce every oweer of an orchard to see that the law is carried out Then congregation* and office bearers within the bounde to adopt a similar method and to report at next meeting. 11. le ger from the superintendent cd of missions in the Y. W. 8 .ad B. C. was reoei ved. Tbe Presbytery ex- presses full sympathy with vigorous efforts to supply new fields opening out, with Gospel ordinances, and appre- ciation of the vigilance and activity shown by officialr charged with the duty of extending Home Mission operatioes. It engages to use iti utmost endeavors to secure large con- tributions from the vsrious congrega- tions within the bounds Thb Presbytery adjourned to =est as, Brussels on the first day of Mar* at ten o'clock an, and *Wain the Methodist church there. Robert Farrish of Ashfield spout a few days of lest week in visite ing friends here, Mr. D eI4Donaldson of Teesvtater, preached very acceptably in the Meths odist church on Sunday last, on the tdocational interests of the church. -The Reforuaera of blouth Bruce -nest in oonvention a,t Formosa to -day Thursday) to select a osndidate for • al new house for Mr. W. Tiffin. , Legislatur8. le eotning election or the his taken the contract of building a , Miss Jessie Reid of Teeswater, _Lost! Between Lucknow and carried off the honors of victory at Amberly, a black astrachan glove. night last. lit at thii office or at Mr. Wm, Mut.- The limier will be rewarded hy leaving the medal contest here on Friday The Presbyterian congregation here • doch's store, Amberly. intend teal ling a tea meeting in the _mte j. 2.,-Iyana, of this village, • tbe ssasnsass." The following resolution of condol- ence was adopted by the Presbytery of Maitland J1111. 18th., 1896: This Presbytery has learned with sorrow of the sudden death of &or. Win. Burns, of Toronto, on Jan. 2, 1898, and desires to convey an expres- sion of its sympathy and condolence to his widow and family in their sore bereavenseet and further desires to place on reeord its high appreciation of his kindly nature and obliging dis- position and of his many excellent qualities as a preacher of the Goa* as agent of Knox College Eedowanif Fund and Aged and Infirm Minister Fund. To dose schemes he hi. directed his energies and nntirins, alone eatisf..cisarily and successfully and in connection with them his new will be long remembered for hie valuable services. Joan cN Ass, Cler' Lucknow, Ont.. Jan. 26, 18i0S. PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND Met at Wingham Jan. 18, Rev. W T. tiall, moderator. The auditor's report WILS preseeted. It was agreed that congregations he asked to coati its- ute at the rate of seven cents per fain• ily for the Presbytery fund for the ensuing year - Resolutions of condolence with the widow and family of the live Rev, Alexandsr Sutherland and with the widow &all family of the late Rev. William BUMS, of Toronto, were adopted. Reinit of Aseembly re appointment of a committee on estimates was dis- approved ot. The Presbytery will apply to the General Assembly for leave to receive into the ministry of the Preebyterian church in Canada, the ftev. Colin Sin- clair, minister of the free Church rf Scotland. The -London Advertiser speaks of the bagpipss 104 an instrument of war. Some peopie regard tnem as instru- ment of torture. -Clinton New Era. What's that I Better have a care. Neist time ,ye'll gang yont tee ileiy Rood or tee ta Black Horse tee wa per whussel wi' a wee &apple o' ta reekie, pe get ta hand niarble an' with her ta stare icy frae Tuncao. and Tougal cord!) of friendship to vibrate anew. an' Tonal an' Yer idler !mid cronies. To the members of her .pvert family $4 It will bo noticed that in that Oho was very much endeared by her &wen country there are :12 Et Issh mon! Hae ye gane red acts of self-eacrifice and loving devo- days while here there are only 30 in , that month. church on Wednesday, e t. A nutnber of good speakers have Bente(' to attend and a good time be expected. 2nd is in Goderich this week atten ing oon• Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Exhibi- may Lion. Jack has a number of birds at the show, so we wish him success. CALIFORNIA EXcUlLS1ONS Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & Paul Railway to Los Angelico and Other Pointe in South- ern centoente These popular every Saturday Ca i- fornia excursions for both first ad second class paesengers are "persona ly 04:inducted by intelligent, compete et ard courteous '-couriers," who attend to the wants of all pa.ssenges en route. This is an entirely new feature of tourist car service and t • 11 be greatly eppreciated sty families sr parties travelling together, or by la, its travelling alone. The Midland Route Tourist Cers are upholstered sleeping cars end tire supplied with all the acceasoriee acc- essary to make the journey comfortable and pleasant, and the sleeping beeth rate is but $6.00 (for two persens) tout Chicago to California. Ask the neareet ticket ageut • r a tourist car "folder," giving complete infortnation about the Midland Rite, or address "Hasterin Menager Mi ;land Klondike Markets fhe•Klondyke Weekly ews dated Sept 32nd the subscription price of wilich annOunced at $6.50 per c7)py, or '4300 per annu:n, give!, the follow - in; market reparts:-flour per. oz 65c rntneal 2 lbs $5; whiskey per qt. $16 re. drink 50c. half drink 35c.; meats, --market steady, beef ruling only s t t if to higher then last week, but pork s ill on the bog, no sales less than i1,35 per lb, Cariboo steak 85c; tnule eutlets 51,10; dog tenderloins, .$4.,40; aried apples, 60 cts per grab; beans 2c tsch; letnone, $2 eacn, 3 for $5; salt lc pinch. The same paper contains an dvertisement for a bar tender at the High Thirst Hotel; short hours, no ,ash register,' 5.20 per day; they alsol Route," No. 95 &dams street, Ch car, want a ook at 'Niko house, must sen - 51 a ger Agent, Toronto, Ont. 111., or A. J Taylor, Canadian P have references and can opener, day,' We notice also a barber's adver- -Curtain poles end window t axles tisement that a common shave cows, l.50; a close eltaeli $1,85; hair cet Lawrence and Johnttot t's. - I n ly contested genie of 1 rekey in Kincartitne on IXednes4.1ay e ning tho ObyodaersiocbrecTil, ;4,r of ,:.e,eukoelub . -Two professional dominos players were defeated by two greenies on Tuesday night last by s score of 300 to 100. The tid prafeisaicinels may now consider themselves 'Irreenies." -All citizens who subscribed for the Band during the past year, and all those ineres'frd in the welfare of that institution, are oordially invited to attend the meeting in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall to -night (Thursday). Dry lunch will be served -We are much pleased t) learn that Mr. W. N. Finlay, B., A,, Brandon, has secured the principalship of the Oollegiate Institute of that spir- ited and educationel town. Mr. Fin- lay will be remembered as an ifeshtield boy by tnany of our reeders, and we congratulate Lint on his welkearnad prom( tion -James McMillan. of this village is the wonder of the present age. 4 few months ego he left for Ohioago t3 receive treatment for cancer. The doctors in Toronto were unable to give him much hope. Mr. MsMilleo, however went to Chicago, whem he remained for two months but met with very little enoouragement leaving there he went to St. Paul, where he was under the traetment of a specialist Ng three months and left there much ins. proved. Three voseks ago he returned rIsuuknow, minus • portion of hie ewer jaw bone and his speech some- what impaired; in other respects, he' s_ss g00% tio enioy t tO 0Optr. •rtts, fruits! CO-OP11111ATIVII POKB-PasCi Ity, more than one motion of '. province Me Unmet* are discasako the advisibility of estabilishastest 4. what is called "Femme Porkpsokiss Syndicates." One of them distriit. is the country senesaileg the town of Coboorg. la timeits. ing the Coboorg World staitto that thy syndicate would be focused es do same basis as that uf joat *sok •••• peaks employed is emsaidas, bend- ing and °pasting lewd aim holey- ies only with Ws diatoms. tbs4 wikils the cheese &Son • Arno sesame ol five or Gil Fait paokini syndicates WOO on a consider fartiv stly larger bervi for its supple. It is claimed this co-operadv system the wit' get 0101'• fa their bogs then tinier their press@ septets of shipping thee alive to 11041 centres as Turoiatio, Petarboroarl and Oellingwool. Tirol. doubt be steRne in f ' .4 The aunnal report on Young People Societies was read and adopted, The Presbyterial Youns P..oples associetioa reported. The annual convention was held et Winghein 171.11. Inst. The association recommentled the Y. P. societies to devote their fonds this year to the mtssion. Ministers are asked to bring this to the noticed their young people stall impreiis up It them LIP! neeesaity. A cornmittee oonsisting of Messrs. McKay, Murray, West 01.4 lienderaon was sppointed to submit e delivers*, on the ctuestion of Prohibition. Deputations were appoint4do visit aid-reeeiving oongregetions asitl report at next meeting. Pito River, Me, il ler sad his skier; 1Val ton , Mr. Ross and his elder; North Kittlou, Rivers date and Enniskillen, Mr, McLennan and his elder, lit* Mr. McLennan geve notioe tl- will move at next iitee,itit.0 In+ reguintions regardiug thk „. - tspoiiti nein be revised and prii. drs."aarl who veil CislireTtrnialiitiiIsettri-t-telaereaig gd gY 1 N ePt "Ying ta two.- 131. Write JOHN VitUDEK•u•S SsPl.tent_aune. w _ I_ be ...roues your Idea.; they_ ;nay 7..0 a_. • meat 9.04 in the &twig We do not see pork packing estaiN as successful • factories . The • s" stive system as • to educate the, viola of t' ; - 4OP 1 of it is viler, much skosess. A itet present, tot Ilk awl bappinak otasout 1811 ved 31144g ' tOfiCaai:seealtr:14:11141. relgit:Msl:lerolit'uiTetitiwilrite':t'amIrfist::14d117141 me ly'akSadooubbswitb Ft:44tie yete;ri -ev • cheek line says he never felt better. nobly fought for his life• will welcome the news - lie will return to Chi eAosvstiou in big tee 114'vr COOP. rt In a- worb 89, -ou. ititecolti:lesp, • law 11110,1 .1.1 P• Sr_ . 4 If1 I." 141 :011111114:1Ytwnts: gra:Deetatburn.e.or °mowed do r;;10.....y. 0.142261. • 6.110et p ss - COUP *se