HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-14, Page 311%% a 0 a, 9 � A6 No— _T 7-, in" re A, 'T v Iry Jugm ZM 006baliiotit WLMPALA WID U" I Mak)r mazzie, %1. 1'. lvi A-rjuuu&j1 I OIL) t*vv to Ito 4TM I '-" w & ap. He Is A SUfficimt, Saviour. Wh&t- orl-pIlld hear f the small boyli VV during the ever held tile &ttentiQu of nnY 00111 99 YVill. toi-rill. Cv.-3terl on the end of the His Lxcellency received from m*kIng ealvation was a lAnd- Idith Riddell - BUM-114CUBTil. Un W 0 the Chillew Ministers aAd the - laeulbars LONDUN RURRORI 'lia(l bOell ca for their everting the following: -Gen- rance Witil well bodie* ,nd wwnd of the Tsuug Lt V.,umen, kBoard Of reporters' overnor LM 11ing it T WOUT T` RLDt TH %a g eating tile Prayers To His ExMieney the C, XSTMMi� ' AT10NALN'L1U9SON-_N iiiin.(14 Ute Pe0tI4e could lwtter grualo CUM Her second Hu8buld. ForACn Affairs)* paki New Venrlp vis- motherli and P R or it,4 t4o tile foreign L0,gatiow..' t1wy had car ej .Lt lier knee. Agaill, oral: etary of state ;JANIUA Y. 16, 1898. the trath. and wouW more readilY CO111- wollIll be calling for tlielr 11jeaw! expres6' to $ecr kind inquiry. sent to the terms of maIMU011- What 1,ppclal 4lespatch frow '-Qlaughai my sincere thanks for Ills Death List Has Been Reduced fatlloM \\ I vet and for their clil.dren bY 'lame twelity. Injured pro- ever wab lacking in the Jewish e0w- The Cisam of the N ows of Ni3rL, a 3tipanese flec-t of.three twattle- XCood-b C,to everyoue and ask- Deaths number W, it atly, Bacinninic io the Ministry of Je&tw only, tile people found Jesus t, folientnilm HAS RETURYLD TO TORONTO. Jill*,, tell fir.-.t­cIa8__4 cruisero, and their soulm. gressing favorably. Exllect fel 17-2L ;1 - - Apra tilall a year (of siipply for all tileir DeO&- 14 lag God to Itma ilivrey on ; TiAw 2f-4. 3 Itra. Barnen-Ma- numerow ornallex vessels, -has receivod to Twedy Iti saitt good-bye to moro deaths. 0"'Igne(l), .1. W. Little, t . —Gahlee. Mail Itild Elulloirf.. I Pray0d'my f :11 ufter in" les4to,tt. 1,11nee Seven Days, (Wdex-A practicall.V IllaCilng It -At - the (�arth and all t1lalt carth holds dear. 'Mayor. Perso Jesus, IX -ter, Andrtiw, 11INGLIBB AS SHE IS SPOKE iriwan. rornierlY Idiom FAIMil 110doltP11- 41i.iposal of Sir Alex. Bullm. comilland- '00 eting retmslloect 0 Ili$ I.,xCeIl4.ilCy tile (,over tior-Gell- i ti, Zebedfb arrived Ili tile city last ulglit froul _Nly mind too lit fle ti cht4l, T .1alulles, e. Many nick IX'0- er-in-tlilef on tilt- Chilla, Station, this attil I though of illy iwifoP till oral: lualtitudw. ra the "arts of Chicago A VOrb&tum visit wrelativek. stopp I. -Ping taken '-III cakif ]ku*sia Per- 11,1111 1)1.4)tller" sind stot- I-)nnectilig Links Report.. *;kots lit -ignoring tile jMnt intrAreAU of I anti lily pare 900d7 it, an Interview "llectitig 'ter BUB, YL ING THEIR DEAD a font] Please convey our 0nepre thau"ifor Uorn ry.—(A VA NA 1) 1 AN v1whiag ttw-111 :111 Her Majesty'S kind 'and thougittrul The ti tlwtween our last btlsoaallsd ty swri4mib thing. Xlikol-,­ Nikil w -l -tion by NLigowttu, "I" lo' orreditol4i Erlglallil awt Japan." inibers ow.lu to Nettle. unicateot to Februaryl A. D- \Vij v I I itli mlyt,19 1 l.jelit.4iovernor Mackintosh -.%nil ll()tllelr letter front 'all. offic6r. or bye Still tile t 4 very 11IRtallt nu**age. it will Ile Comm this ri froui of- that ow cotwt V) tim. LUA(tvildant. -gill'.1 to A I renlember 10inking ufrerers'at on0e. W- to A D. 28. The evento won,(, be fauilly 112typ removeoll from It( biwasileil liko, tho a Vy Ill JdIIt1 i. til] t.t,6 t,44kt- llaci- ?­ t4t tile votrip ain- film'-ditlioll jl�cnv till- 11% . recorded mus' tbo Nfarrhand thilt lily hmi 4olnt� Of the ineti ln�l Little, Mayor. tilue I attliew iv. 12- %othat call I do? He liab, left 111w.ft"'I dentowxl to I e ad% niii-Itl*. nort-liward Ut .14 k.-41101- -;Y, 19 to A. Ivii, atul.in M. ing WItuosm. although Ike It" not fort'armetl it, Lai ufnl' atlu* - n bitrangelY EARL DUIZB�,S Nt I IATH I %rtuer, tktl;, -tiond III the dirr-eticAl of go T 111! ( lla,41 grow . I . A v. 14-32. After tolle teluptA- -It Jamet; 4;lasby, I " f ar Van slolig the Nile, 1)(yN­, arouliel to itrug- cablegraw Ila's iuz;t 16, 1,11 wiOrne%4 Jellub went tO I, about 4 t;cicwk iaut Thuriol -it, I've till ftI(l`ag fly Clitting ae reigirt Ui not Tito follOWIM19 I do Illit A I lit t, t VO trie. f eitt Committ*kI suiehle Kharteolint). iltodicatVS quiet, b tioll Ill w here. whA Atilt day Judge, Your Htnior.' #,Ail tilt- lig- that lit, w4juld ion Mr. Mt, - ,.iv throat jf. tile iiialoiwit-re (of tile exPextitioll of Some of Them ntoe #ltiffened otit bem received -by His Honor tile Lieu- f4.4 i like verbally chnsitoiffing glo, olle Jttxt aW ut, and Betll& t ,6.'LCi0 Or tWetity (of death, autt I feel tertan"Overnor front till' Ffttl preach :kill] Imptizing. IL W:'#4 Il grkavad, ­oover lierAO tm Vall 11111`011 silock atU_Iltk.tI by �j ik#tltl nuilie. artue frt�ni tilit Ilia lit t I)txiy x)inted Hilu I w0A 1-oluill' Along and ilia 9"I\i'll. Irlbe imbbe know t-114- AIKI lit. cprfie(�e- tll. otoecting (,oun�ens of Derby: that e tlLnt John I IO(Wile on this aemount. tutor -ie rilkAithell certalu Alt; 11,.y ills pr, f terrible apparently friwin 1..tk# 'Vrie, -%v.'.s relt, Setivizali gimilar rate. Sotne�- "Mucl. concerned U) Ileekr o (we who Ila(] a0cePted hilt guy lie rutts IPUT, (PA ;i Itiley aii.t. Criew M. 1141111 Coompte. lwlollkilij� t4ilhe exilp A Ily 4)11 t to ll� %, I at tiv. dirtntit%i 4A savcoix, lue rr n 'It Ith a knife. ri"i vXchwively lit Harrow. aativeis-4):l Vwt Itiver managell to disellgage accident at London. Sincere sympat IkIld sitl -1. ­ Behold tile Lamb to Ntick law lo\ -v. :tti(l uot for tuouRY. 114 tile TA1111- diti4mi, I* '6tillo nil tijit tilere with� berpaved., WoClid. be- grateful to tA ael fore visited JefUN, ne, jayll; lie wall"ll1w CAXII. Ulti I got kilew It— Tiw Sotith 41ontariol.Litwral volivell- It I A, Y l"I'll "%vright, Mid -a -lid fou (Of God hey 11wre %%(Allot have it- Wily- 1 ilt 0%.hawa im Weri MESSAGE FRUX THE QUEN my 4 ace too my. right. I W with ilia, to GnIllee- In U) &;tiell 4At. I ()Ut With my full :tn,l lit P". I S.Volblr tiLq. Avill b(b i0l"I by 9. prench sirint-d- ;4teanier� NP know how injurod are progretojWX and 4 IN Ili oke Wt' wa� vacal work- 1101t; 111111 tAll till. bull CoUlf along - (I vanie HI 1) E'A D - � I iirtiav, January The _Marseillf* ('.orrespoudellt of the d mj hall LIST 01V \1 rel Ctinn of Galiiei', Jesus thought of tu�rryltkg him n4viml up rjping f loor of a iiiir&ele lit a wedditit, thet. It, hit" U, the :-11 1U. it. A. tIK) 10., being t%% Va...oit Kent Iteforni kouVeliti011 will Londoil' Daily. Telegrap'll D6ath Roll. Do colitftet 'Wit Naj#Il, jotill I urner, 4.,t Ili that. time—After John waS -Did lie, t, aiiything ipf ytpurh'!' ­111%toeild of iliN LNUA41 -1 Aim . A 1, esville, ago tile Khalifa Injured Doinx Well and wal) tW pirttforru Urltw- 17. arotind lily fit whiocil 111two IK,- lield U: the otwra I Th. learnt that a Week- w Ila t I thin -11 -lulin llurridgvl i-raitk Robills011, bv Hopn-)"I :11141 Jesus had irt.*.kooll t lie lge llg(br. 170� from I - it- us If- intpri --Ife 1001411- J1111o4lneed to ttw World. I linve 1, ford Beckett, B( fl)e 1114". tile reloly. Ill N-14miotlay, Janua petit ills womeh.and treasure creased— Aeport#4 Veatli of Aftother k, Ocked w# any Iward Luxt0il, W Ice UPpoint 'liar- I I — Could. that.' If I)CII, It.,S. 1jeigh, Ajorallfitill I"hillil4s, reonim 19HA ft-sideltc` ill IP4.; iu(y.*t 4iwidedky PtotW11041 inews of Of ment If omdurman.on 60 N.-ile, OPIx-ositP 1;1 Young be VAISQ thil in. * , at, hand. It '.1 4' jutige Jette nA Lieutennat-GoOvernor toum, to the, Fortner Proves to Ilear Be morp f1d Tile , than it year Jen"A 11' cllftUCW- 1*111 loUt sonth, anti that ie then 13uried rewtiers -,.ve uirkly. Ulu$ "n j&W,"em, Stephen lwllt-- ately. He toak UP In4- gull t4xt quick and giv(: Itilit tbC, ills, am I believe it -1 Lord Derby Iii -111 lnor�! 1,.W. Burke, 3awes Harris. NV I )wwp I I iinj , I Plft� Wilig #111,14p..it everydmf, with Of Quelbec lian heen. confirmed. proecedeAi twenty miles liorthward to Four Victinis bring A, I loriv rppeittetl it am a ler IL4,r.N reg int4o Int I U'r(41 .1011t, age 4 b je;lt beloore NAPIA.119 carrothere, (if fivot. - to keep still % hile towall ll.w cogow Ill ("I- -.dervisih foree so Uly tit() PA w1i(ow Sir. MAg :11mige Ban -on itas assuthed his I'M Kerreri, wherc the rods Synipathy. VV A "Vett 3'. lkllrland.. Notile Golt Tit#- first, t4C out, tie rubbered at tilf, gulf ij�;- he le a � ig" to 1R' I frnni tjoA-t. I've lm* -n referreol t4t ti -W *that tlutien at StratIMI, and received an UkbewMed. 'As lie ApMwBSO lia sa LAI M Tall)Qt, 0sWilld didn't like it." CLInst Berber, Ail Awful ScO110. U dmallit., alloll., nei-er towar isoo.1 are through r#-pent4nce tootwil '%Atli tnen"* of ancing ag4 a o.. T I tip-, I a ndear ;01111 o tile ,reaching of sljo%, alit from Lite bar. - Ady. I X .10tiell gra nfirined jut till, or welcome 060. C�Wlm be lit -of the� -piw telle.Afti, U, �-. er"ll., Ayas IuLtp I oproo Ill .1 rolil"I him.* Jill (of which I 110ve MIV uventit)" tili, t-itreme l-oilthervi Pol f ;It lland-7hop Altbatil of the defendant. rile da-te ()i the 1.0wr:ri it is believed. 116 In- dalml aitoil.- con-. ity,in dreanW. AfWr a-whilP- 301111. ir, kin dot fered without (%Jotumeltt� Weot Algoma i.,; "nod, not BritLsh advance., 11W r)f* inoeseribable .(A boi Tito Inquest wW 4)11[V "at Iona yout i Jg4t I for Jan. L. !nst our t '141ron, 4 " I kim $ II(AV 1444C., 1 thol UPW lig-dwil .6it's all :1 pifw, tentIA to q -tilt! I dip il #4 or afty lvd it; - f kbfendialit *,LP%% Jan. =at. as previously kUllounceti. lwrat:� aga tion... 0"A -1i'es of tilell.ti,teldea, fornusl Seltion't lit the'li. torY (if Ill b1txxi for t1w vro*i wit -'TAe divmve% Were le I gal- My tho w4vt 114-aM �--- A it jury that C.11 wee, WK. t1li-.4 %Vdly. due I", and the C lis. 4k Other city llaj4 *o t4trong a and 10"t I Ili lint bank ster"U', until day of tII4- aii.4wer, its tile I)reAwdiI1g, liult jjucoe:-ding then, W ilk r6a the dyllig "lingling that had .RelllAed Spirit, OR the oil that VIP I id, cata-litl WLL.4 10.1t, a .Ili that which a.. fountain for 1-ifl link] Ut etwilly. for 'tINA t t-1 le 110 limmim-we luLtilit file up(rn it e cost 1041 (out his girl--- 'th:' P"11W it up Cold, to advellul autys ittlli.,4 fteratllon In �tlle tilt. t,timervatives of At en, tiboldened., by for ii 111"111114"i Uo� tit# -You do What?" :slid a314i 1 will lonwe, now th:'t toy oi)l4t.of Beiginni, -speetlily� oil licp)iew -44 King eyels. 1 was B .-Why, lie's 4P)t Altwrt L e &South hiD� 111"d, IMCV roon of,1111rit(ill and tlw world, tit" I.RrdP"t Illtl& COP0141, tit ir pre ais 0 lit* I"i I af ter* t VIP c-111. wid Antilww-Tlieae, and 1111`1.10- tier. lie like thipi. tli i lic. throvni have ill th�,- 111wal the,fl.00r. .4 Ie4 i 'no PM- 0-maervatives ail 'throile, W 'I ling �0111 111ov' Flock to consider -the cause im-wtitip for woman, till't West Hastings 9411111ptiV toll the. Itelk' A' it was ­Ald.. Parli, lr.ktt itecc-pte'l Jedw ah lilt tlw r,oad- -Anor V. B. 31orrisoll, of I I'titt)d States being. wi�,jutwd'by Itund.r.0 Is of I 16-Lkri '0 0 .10 corof* trkx�- tA fix it s,o I'll 1WV*d to curii iny livi4g "v IMY nominated A make a limig tolo,aro toe pity acroL.0 the* stroeet-j Willett led to tile otleatil or &iward Lux- lahl mor." titait -a year before 1111, it do;l,t go, mw -! I)p Ill,ly. odie for the Legislative i , jN&iit hori. An tho , octorts Ili Trenton, atal lliol4t I bant1h. etilliwiave . to &IKI fro begrinzed ton, of Centralia, one of tile victlills -:,,.-,-42), but; they (Jill not re- 1 41116 guy lie gitu Cwt UPU. I Ve been litW114011.14 rJwviving following Jar— (jolt stickii too nise all ke hill gull )lay brAmirclioed by woolue Of tw news- -embly. 147 0 tile sum WIL%v- well pit -lotheg tattered t t I me t'0 jealous and ain _r m(Med by *11 call 14 tilt wen aA 6( tile catailtroplit. Till, f(iriii, iames Vorbe Usleigh, was. -all- 'with dirt tnteir ot rinalientr fill (of wilich ivxff" r tt, niQlt operator pM, 0( Ilip Conlit,fif FlailderA, lwotlier . every nearby a-M4.1vot ith 1110w, thell lily Itead CXj aaswpred to their minle": :111d foll4w Jesus PC ain't too. I stand 1wiperb, It" teiidenry Its It() Ito -tnwnw i)p.jily' In #,4. Kiiig, Ill t ttered John B. SnLvtll, C'I ieir occu- Kit PillCIW:I "a 146 t lie ft wiwn I went rem L* toaw ti r I n Bell rcieplione rr.kiuislti�otl ttp eve �tl f 10 Strang`0 fl. A. 3feGillivery, n ilad returneA V-) tI for the P41y 1111141 fm, to". 61te Ill, Nfr. tile i rax 1#1 liter,' are 0 .. I I .0wan, Wtu. T. trong.' fishermen, until thev Wf!ry pipe - 'I I U' a 8,01, 11vi �1,, lie dy.111g allLi.the itlj�irootd- ThO deakd nNin. Wahl- to`10 maycor ins. story. De lAdy -)it 11V tile t f6attire (A *V;. u, f rtb!a .-Weoa;C tp c 611t, audltlie 1)100d, 'low. '.%IcorrbA Dillong Robert ltej(l, aen., Jao- 1Mtlo called to boe fitliern �A 1114,11. down. k track. t lkrineo�,-. ! Ajhert!,4 of tile t4aster ke -11 n14 a.-, skesti for re�, -Jai �emwtitll lit, b oll .11 level With M. JAgiul, Will. Tatorka herrY ine-Ite&I Lit . ALr. W. J. lizire 1 ti &d Ava-4 -,wJwm,1oj tile Ba rt" - e 111ildwin. di� lids iat - 11* elplItAllooked 6ix baAN-Vaidj; ftIUI cowpaniont-, I w flowi Lln&ay, 'Nathan becoi 3 udge. lwver it illy lueod alid i4eping iilv count. in the Os-)- 4 Mayor .,Oron-ghout t -cied by' 1,89 1 lmog4t strangling MY .4k)ctlr tt Ir"Is 44 anxious '1101t -f CUAOU�s Into,ul4v th in, 1 t's 'a poppy Ills former wife but Lo ld I heard compla F. L F&I and tullyt T wo * Taylor, heari f1cmior,' sail tile varii. .1 d eiitir�, bitkic,' oil elL MWe Gankl, Frett. Cheels101*011911 :"'(I Win mir you may 4�te Ining %k Itl,ess .1 majority ot-011e. Ix"UPte Packed rile. dead, we Will *%oonle Iny Illemenger.6 mW i girl from Lru 1"Ibliv Aork-s Ila (lit , - $(a, - Its Wobater. timo 64Dih 913y dou,t will (put no Thl% rile Winioter of w herov- -the Y-' frif , A i oumly - atill w4pul(! not itviie"tAx wb "Iffiell- 'Ting liode s - t I ley pli IV"]. I W nif, xill the tiule for recei 101ffE E gossip ItIbIlWixtif street and t JAM dolv)i C0w- Illiallilil illake you-TileY 1114, lip trie-s Vo, 8tIck extended jilt! ati) r of rhe wasti )iwr Flock I lieir 111"It ont-4 t,110 '43011fus'O' '111 inO-� foreindit. COrt were receilre 66wer outovide affm is to 11111K 0 for tile woullinental'of sidq lot :111 ver 'the as*ir60he tilt." tipper part cor''tills -it that ik%Vill� t tilt. Plet that W( k . 41ili guy'#i cai -]to C oullt% 11,10111t for th -'Judge, lve% the rickenZie. liunk,. that, foil( A% �arri . itl,,n had not tide . to Np and Alexander U.. .. L. 1 1. ­ -f t defendant ea rnestlY Mire likv oervices it, jltle�,jt rep�)rts were cimula to'! IAwallagelt"ent ,f ted bud latepi �d, �efy cl to my IL N.114, the milhober wtwkm W all bmil rveeived t1w l or tile loodles, .111 who are ren I I.V I I 6-lill-Isr'. twill UJUM Iny jitr wolliti "'6� n lie W.kntu to fix 11"Wo tri t, th4 Itwtr '.I d C110111111. Aliaild fill tile 11(**' 18 4 (,< i I N #Mlat �Iww niblioer PfMPRkv. ricatior.- of tile 0. ru sa 45 lll.v r ig ers firmly around Clott-1 twliieh it ('11urch jy and de ows of Me[ "'o, w �0 tothl' w- lotott tile of tuen - T tlle, largest ill Ir mimber of tit(. prei4ent retitfires in moll. You X erceted'thr&1911 tile efl('Prt�; .kt last. acc0lintl the 6[ 1jig.trouser legs. This Ileempiarily ru., to( tile ham -net to I fiatue and It's ,ill (fr ull- iiU 'I is ' t.leaal 2 tile - kqJured hottolil i , of iernuln keen iev. C4 ZL It I le ill fact i�lga,?C ipeca,,4ioil: tlie jury the[) Pr, ois y. art n e culit rettirr,% lint,c lweu fully tiree, time . arf g:l1A*-- timb onw paragialfl IR (JlliUi mt ul 41 It ,W 11 as ma J'aakett -him to ilit4, :11, II(jj1litiiIig (ran IlTvI great skIIIAn throwi in "ItInlifti der lii-. illa M' Vel"Prl rL hini. ar � Flock A paUent. in Cal an reporter4 vrent down into the I 1 T lit a ellair. ti lit -it Corfml, Ile t lie watoell ceiveoil, for nionVis 4te n 1 14, renialri�, %' until Dm. 23PI TIwn litern"I or, theal r joll ta tlkf' f-ICt r;vize t1l; Britft-MAK(MAill ,ja iutent,ion, to IL0141 y it , Will Mrs k1 to IN-, ..Iebris, but, fortunatel t and idained lr(,w their� attellt! ake ItAl-Al Pr(AnPt to If Odle i a i14 Od if th" anal turiiN it 'UI*4ide dow" t it cut W it, ), tilrow. tim. lady 191141 we II Wool iwr di%.11lclItVkti(Xl tf) tA inTf"itig.-Itli-ii, into tile rr merlouiily lurt. aying, that with thol. excelpt,10111 a A (Allent tc yiitir Ik concerning 6 tljj� ]Kick t i4ler lily hepAe o * , high CMI(t Ito it 1)(Asibly ell -TltI-,4 dftalld for It.' 11 r'w'. tlut virknow- do for Yo!'. ()Ill niaii-` (oil tile elkills-W if -y ttraightway ftbilowett ar N1 r off ice. 0 C.W't toe,, liavtr obetllew* lgilt Is- t lif., I" *t I illololle r leaving all IA) fol- .%%*.U% ill 01P Imb4m .'of til proi I or Ntrai iter4wting 'J. "I The Wor Of Rescue' I. outward -tip confirlued their faith In It'S i0l 11 of mpine very died *;lid-. K) iw-vll 4 kit T Couucii*s Action. fatnI the low )np�r, *1 4,oul(i 1*j1V to death by (I evidenced yat. aw It IM110,04 bliKillewlii MIlt fC4 w t Hill tle -in Ilpol, ItrW it fartlwr." ot-priling her Its hert failtl-t- horti. ards bY Utiuitcil Mari -;Tw n* dragged uPw jai nie'tilig 4)f t1kp ther two denly t lie. Platf( tip ct-IrPS, A *qW ivol or -Thii wam the 0-11W. 16 lwrp­ with tom f rt)nl leav kvi a. with I vivic nee. rettirniair 111A lumnling" With physica, thei fve for ffi$ catwe--LI - 0 wlkflh t 7 --All 04 kee Alft(J an iniproVIPk] Wd e gi%-at majority of Andrew Woolf Tim) 41efndant hlitoule of Yan I" wilo wero - lem WaS he Said. with* th, PartPerP 44 welit Trestolm widow awl tw4l C�t Cr � le eliair. Till- aor (M_ bre fPllOws I during a to Wt. ante- 1. Itt lott*- -I it tile litooslie.; A:tk#qt frm tilcl, ellgillber of el4er of t.lip h(mid and thol' twt fieti(11004 v'r rusiA1149 )tIng was called to I le Janies -TrOlAbly tki r Magvw fariii Injure( CM rAit (if tipA, court-rotw) montili. hnve indicatod wriously plained tit . the MPA to allexiati till,; Ile C reek tilt lapt two wile ere -Waited tile o brotlifro- JID,(W is the ftld-fuab- iof aoyaiu. chamIx-r, .1loy W 1,141 be d(vw He Ix 1!04- (A wttling the ease Ill et releavAlti ie. -sce w1l .'Ierick Fortner, "of -it lie w&F "cile, t- lille- lit ti Fn vay. Blit tley Were careful to tit, lipon. Fighting suougg. lr�- r *11141 tile r..Iopr (to iotwe v froi 13P 00MMI, wife and returt, t4l While 4 t1le an4 to influh-P fthe lWmrew i. wing to fr %vi.til Iwculih Wen suffering jtII(vI tile (;reattT r an beer. wilich tat _41wil tly urnst the 1wreavord widOw (Of of tilt- tiall k :illy h4owtile 41eniont4to-titioliP an. tlifk motlwr 11W 411nner t pit frAntle rueett bodifq% otep- -into the cf ,j. of johil if., Fortner, another likutill IlIlU frf,ln ftIlIP,4 the LesA, liol(l bite nlngw, of tile collrt tile. firot U". Uf*'Ow 1. SO(* k Ile saki.vifilit0d A diWs 1W been nr- and -ir as 0n e:lllett, and, - In m of jwui4 atut ailtbOr (if ti Wll (mt of fire chiLdree. Fie i in tit(' . . . . . . rn "It wit so;afetY. falniltOft- ]Ole Cc -r, tile 111niAm ill, Of �Ajoski linm-t in1m(' t mpt tlietro olx a in til;4 throat. pitig-atc adeld, amolig Taylor, r4rrutbersaiid Neil t(o (,Oullt Attorney k (or 7 Itift1w.) Chroniciol-1. waiting for tile twipion DUCHES Ale )f tile re the I till f t tl Couplo 4 being 1i ing Herod twre Inpircd, tit Ve Pt.111A'd that hC, il-k Iry 4order (if f4ult tw)U911t fly Iliop fkrpt dglant ilk lie Mac a L . L11 them uld 11tobe Carrdthers, lie U"t wriolisly l,tirt.. Internally. ,ad ceatwd rt)r alinut six or. vight 111011thm, IL 1)- 0, aM LIBRItTY OR REVENGE divorom et otidip, rd at I rod to restrain t (Actm It. 2), A q,% Ora hie 11op maciiray. J"riniatf"'Of CAU we entleav froul Icalp su=eo1ed 'ti.at while th, ld anti tile lop firot mskrtyr aw(mg tile uPO-Ir expeewd a tk iakoun r. re hbio -Driving9ociety Wild- Th inks She i an ralltie crowd. Ito, Power �o vote 111Y money it WOU it, tilat (it Itiol Tliere w ri(lot to 111111%'iB Ck- Wocdenleg Might mave Oot Out or Jail tat* ag 11b4irrit w1fe')WIlich wCoUAt DeC4464 ada, -w CU ileo tora 11-4 tilt. nglvml, L.4 -again. rejwXrt4K1 London's Playhouse woulial, 1118'elo A .19� we'll to go ov(,r tl.e list of tile killed t beyond Jerusalem 'Ln(i udea. but Preferred to Keep CorKleff in. tilt. f4krmnl til""Ittion of relatiolm h1P nist 0irruthers alloulc de, W&4 -1 tn-twor 11"4 v wife HP pg- Blocutio it, rev Ance a , from his back, r. self airid itillir4d and *-e!, what :wA'4 110P wittle)4A ly too ues- IC. Z4L-1106110e (Jelim-ft.11-ii t%veer ldru n3vi Ili#, fwcfmd iIrving's Lat- Corn, aj1d f L - very ninale lint New.; -rkshion's P%ds for. r C(l to inove LIM then 6orinkibr what cpul(t be. (!one. Ilmitlter�.tvf the 4ti d of silloille. the te coue bou ront of him and W.10 :1 tzister of'.%tary lit a little KeuLucky tIlAt dwL_ion a IL g1mil'ar annotineen re The SlaughterQf W 10 Ill f It, *116 dpfea"d Mliyoralty tioll. t -r whLo lilt( killeJ. Ht tile ensue time that lie w0uloi Iw' (Orco-41 itt'henith intervened. L est Playa Failu Ulltit a boy A Id, I'a 'f('*'Iitlg Ile. tJCAUA (John x.iz.- 25), "(xiell leg :Intl the n Iniproveme 11&d been save Otheft. showed oflual t er of tolk'A'11. 0110 &,rdtall. -PI I Ilifit('91 %% Chalwi (fr ttle, mny ocalidida W; I W tile al iubd tov vat-fltv ills partinenti- it, 'Lite Ain - t: in the Gaule.. gt4ieral rolli, n ruinieteres -110 w ail) a gren tAA,, rabe Fire linike on 11(voisin. bilt It, thof reniark,,; lot: m-liee lit, t00k kIP wiviie Rev. ternis el,.or�ed flift L logli, lie hiflike-If W 1 116, wininand. w0rP Pricail Kiligadon tl)Ol 0 thenivelvetc .. it. JURP111- (bill �ther witil" X 1, r)G), klealw -at, 1"rrm out of r ti W, i)e 1y w tillLik .-ttL.4 Conne 411 tit iiatt'#4 penitentiary at hight C thp Ile in< 'it ilig. o�eart tile- diaAlpliAo-4 Of lebrating 1`113" VW to 11 IW- quartelA after Ucing lopagittr WaN CP 11 fr.(m, tile flotor alitive m oned oatiloW a (-fork leg. AptAlrebtlY " t Fij titer Tile fa tfip ilreadfill Calamity 01. inn III#, got tile $200,000 0 Vlliftl 11181w aviour, -w :Ll, _t. The Idet'! aft. A I 10th U*ell Val"abit. "it pail 1K (or trip of Me L 2() le* and quif I, e wimteAl Ill,. emimri-nowmen Ito" Wed- tile gllll)_EkA�_ .41ktj their fa ber. H -kre overywhor.- building ig -lit I i rub -eiglit Of AjabL7 cdxwent­ tile work of 4 % tile, Will prh Ve of tile jor6stner jug. stp tilat Irroo, Rn ribeo, L I %v as, a aellf, i I I ror'o off ice PrIC -lib. Be- lie (overwheini le.,44 %%j I - tilt- Wirm4,?;t winter night r (if tic tI rail a r44U IVY 4loestroyed. �911-i i tIJ4)ugh thwe fl, tit out&4oik- of tit$' urn to her farti- Jtempera Xt trip i,4 allo%-e , j111 qoillg, tilt at 1, ajj� through, le Cal I of G %-abi tilt. jaiier*&% wilik nd w JfnrtAed t T*t paltic ani"14C tilt' lit tile 4111y, tindernip . rtitai, of tho dead 7. lInt e yond C116 Clislairellor Item it ef4ps, tile The greater dammul0k Matt. X. -1 Iar. e 1401-YOV141 tit"it nqAirWoml tile deeixiOn in tIl# divorr* A (of, W. 4k- lar. n(AP tilat tJlF,.v 4liAl Ildot lotiv ,,ail wL" really a lilt'. tillbP- 014' vere tken fID111 V& 'C61 t.-intseratiin% a] will to Tit(, cork4egfil,41 jolt tile prt_WivUW of the Antopri- till- llictl by the f ll, -or f"r: but *I .I, Art (;zdlery, X!*I-K. coir !-ixt; Iwiell Iludwitly ItV t I ve, lkw-ll t1w reaA(di tharaeWry _v. and eun forow! tile 04ituation toy tight. P-r(x)uu% Of t oil; I this nlay lift cat tile r4- call not comin.it JUAt ning. 11e meditatcd an to vft- fir tile avorait rth (W litred Fervanto nre ilff" to tile out- I t �!#-:i itver4 - agow Y. 4ind biyl,. U est M3 to�`I t'"'." .4irtet'! ohid lip 111tiott or the, jailer's egitt, their roomill, afti 014. time litsit tit(* op. anti tt: N1. r.f_Xr11 C4ft 11 'ill. world. It %%-as only a -, btep far- lewt 'fit(- thief entereo! tile o4 ftwflioda it. sitic. tjoul&s tolli ilia Com- wa reached when the blizzarC of la#.t i e. r I ill-, tho o"Kilt With a4ko-14- tlDa% it, requiring Jet ur parenti. suffer lout titer,*' Ile faw Imilitiaw 1. ..ItIltigigly cli(xwn- r4 RJAIlt ilitl? ItSe. A kil '%I !I. I' siff the tww')tY vrert� quickly adutired 116" Ikumor. Tit Friikv 1111911t wAn at ltd- ('P'Cllt' 1*.,t leting, ;ire unlit ni(xi, who IAAI- Dl&dP tlkf' ,ity it ic ZorN ton keys, ail pa or pevon- MAOXWen and Duel Par of - tha jtqaw went abotout jKLsee"eLt or a PA Joint. -left ile: r The J)Uko tit. has been front- IL11 PRY -1144pivals w8fitnif, firot circuit ur Preaching Point, itianner he bec."ll tatment thAt 'mile "Ill lo`v f" I I re*k J)art,Y .It, tjplt.4wor were. hurried a tilick-ly twilieil lit% converted a CaAf lie O'llould 100110f out tild I, shooting Watt All CIO, W011 great T were ctfomwde ww14 4kf wjIlle the int, tll#.. kilINI grew I.-trgpr t4 ultry of totvo or three lillift- ititO It "w Witt, thib Ile I;ur-- at any time. f4w OwDA the 111060P 24 Priuc( 71m), Iwilif tile Nick (;l.)voprI1jnriiL 'list Al- ecellcat. Oil Titurmdny tile icho, and it )itA!tl " -0 one of reallaft. it if tile original 11.0r, E Tnin It %vll, aftc.r tni+ forther t4metied Itam-ilig ill t%% hiell Pile 1:;irt 11PPr6y, e%:grk fe%V in o4 cof people. U lie In&&. a confi- ILOnle. 1kad adjoinAt the M- fitilowing ililiki; t1n, tor4l i i li, Inars of lilt; cell - 14 five tothi-r twipfred a recortUbag, ill- 'night ig-rore ail) e Jerlisalem. Uie orentre of W of hig fellow priboner, %f 110 ex- if_'Wster1l irss� - nee a tul dallt Willett lilioli I*% -[I th ill tl . if.. . I nt,,;.. EVerytbing of. tile rure-1. Then. I)v tile influe lige I I t., of-Kina. tit six), pliew-a v Vild 446� Ilotind . I to join hills it, Ilip escape. Tile 4'Wn lit kill of 1. lCen realized. olwr the Vliarie�m, and hence JW%CtAN tlat final_ ppelu, rimov of tile wrlm"A(mal W'it-,; oll tilt' tile wor.,4t fe, as w) well CAMCMIPA (Juring VIC x4t Korgeo t fW lifiliton. to) IP, that. %1 4 till- 1,)P:$t- 1) n w 11 t -pen to receive the 11eW 9()r%Pe .4titter :Nvan- of 1441.1th !wzi-t The Figart) 16-1y" T114- uiffortutint&' rotupr ly lin,thi I t one iron bar, W ,.Atevan. t U14, st-V e if. I)U in A; _UC r1r.-orough, - (fornwrly 3b" city. tllp 110sol0k. of Judea. -1,4 In"t t" of liviloot-K, to 'it Nawe4l in t% hPousp ilp eftantly to VanderbilOA11110 ivell led fly till 0 tilt- Ilight. $'too(, Chill Ill their sVllaP19ue&- or injudielorouit friphdo ti)* -over- $.,16,0W. By rturn- w!t.a of oto Such Cau, 0 of the Di3aster. were local Iloubm of'. worslii4lo fiDd 'tile lwftop and It* (Vm- r,,it,- tier -0 .kfarowan w -ire telov Are w ill n(A titsit tier cAll2*% 4" irls. ter wcre f1rfft C()qWt1tuted during thP At alin thrusting hi,; I Ttr t.(w litio Babyloll, wile" t'0 Wo'"Prileg tile ititle where lie to 1401ya. Ivity ill thip IPMIP. Imit I," Igivilig wity tall retv I Ved trotum-n* Pof'kct--On t niple wao 1) TAT ridienle tile eW the &aied. and if kAw of W11116tamv ofor tile jury that Thot It tile �Wliitf_ 11ollset froo.ii lklith to 4.)f nt cat tholi return f (1idn*t Fft!._ft�wpl 'that CorkWg had de- lertake ti qrwtlon of n neu ritls- The wi"4'* Ifitl norti!erit. tull4l.' and full develropute him pile, a uto lie Neii rtin Thorn 4"of the illarder of 11-tiflue"A' 14%nt NICKinloy'o pro- feet fro C�aptivitv. Tile oi.Vra- Itheratol-ly rtibbeli 11110 cof Iw_r mill offer front t Victed Nla t Urt—it'. Ito, raito-41 oitalre lise"! Jews frtim tit t llt,ftl tol 0 9 5 f 0 r sliv"11C ireetly AC ial:- hnod evVll $7, hill. lip lWaitatt4i it moment. VAMP (;ult lell.-alplo- Itillou f-lw)on riyal. 11redident 'flip' I*iisul aj.; A place of tr t; lie knew that. I*- Y4 wt- forlo. . 1 6- s Woe nv� lawyer WI14 ft -Slit t-lunti'll With as 141e Ural plat 111filorti4p" nine d. Thor II'Li 10ong I* o# fit A of ptulishment. (ion rived of I VA 11 It V -11 deP ry too figh JIM It USEFUL CASTOR OIL tI16- 111% ogl(Vq)el Of tile kingdDai-AAL ww eatw It(- liad IlP4 But wee I fr I t�--4e was a for ;& liew trial. Alliting from till- roo-orellt sAr Colt. TI10 !111T tile kill9d0lu T 1 rtrpoi f -)f ";Ila I)v ,.trc4.t f ire 4. .111..*) know" it otio&JI surpnow, all the er. Jumit S llcl.�Ioanion, flushed How it is golocured &nd "03* 0 ril w way, t1w. 11(*vrtti�,r , L , man namc4l Ingr lips I,J#-w In loarting -it aA ganw 1, 1@ Witt, iAlic(,(4w. w&LN really to Virtullm rato,111t., t4p t.4 the .1. & Detr4lt ILiv% CLI. it of the )tit" of lie eaAh. The orld, I t tA nf ON. oNT. 14") out 411toll tile ww. Wide w HALL LOND charter of that kinocki(mil. COW laJigtieti il"IAW 'oil IW&li train laort nWit iwor-Wiikie, THR . 4 Alluell n - 1 plafforill - . I I tile, Kingow ontil. by which lie II&F Woliolienleg "queaw tile PS - walking it' i tv*,4). 1,.. WaWoll 4is fini*Iiing %114 ThOmo. piany alm"m .% Well ar"two, witlitiou"', etilti% atKloll it' Dee V) telit for Ifilluel�f ub pardon. c.-Ilw% vram frusAtrateli. on tile track VLd Paid tit) very 'large t4it WIL4 till 1911bjecto of . ill it - two ilre Sotill t"Ifill" Ill tlltb world, at tilk, repeatw] wariting Mr. nno-�-A 6ortinti l4 lw Aty thi- frantle ivy tilt, of lotililic., after it had t ild Nttvv tilt Tiv iiarta 41( SmUi Amer - i! qo, till n till- city C wJlIk% tile owl niettitontem u1i"' AtikerIcA. particalarly ill aIll I Ilinl-- )Ia$ IN -mt illto tile Tt c4,olIt_.1ilK4 &IFo tl"r otmth jail, nnd. c.();l ter fe it W Vuillivl 'for t and Favoti tilp P&A cc Ulf- ilver certifi ew York tier part t fl,(Air t:f 11le Uitv tile ri,turl, ikair or ticket tlley*, 4411IFT 'CAI 11011C04y joelug tilp twat luAicy, the ic,^ &l"j tI, smltll�4oilitern ariam �%it'l - %V ot. for tile imp 1AWI( W ftelf. I 11141 of 111A) was rjy:,. ('zar tu;i N, hltv IiIig. 141(gi of tile -1 ' ding -of a P"I'lic I te ft Joil, .4 Ileglince (.at(. of tile denomination t (lo%vil ; tho (sCC Lot . letween Centralist in tk b Alld other 1willderm over the questim: "'Is I litWd Statm, Iwodticft an 431111 Luiell-ollin bank. io nil ttwir fricifd" at the pit. were I(wt I 1TV011 U; 4140 rVi M4 lqt&tfU t*f4t ?*I UWAicinal "wt ­ Ito 11441. ]Jill% IiVCV4 nf-T. iiAloo nially otlwr tban a IF lit %% alill W�Iluz silver. allot et 11. 4, t lie #-wee 4111� freit,4 lw.,come fq, lqo) in tbeir 4PWlt tof tiie floor 111('ettil lljtlr,,41, hereby billIN. I to 1.',,iward LI -Al- llltert3, or "I'Venir U) CA) tw r counte .11141 it wly citize" I (of lettersaddre.-sel, The bmut fr4"ll �'4) .4tatem (g(vvernitiont jid J11144N.All 'to. Kafety as A )rvs"i0l' 'if it'o' ) poulmu of IwAms yield- t1lat A)rd tit(. 4,11 wo, timi. Cefit -&Ila." its rorni of sufferlw than CARING FOR SERVAUTS. fit cAt. 10( r i ree oIn tljp iostle. it i�a WAY 1441Vhth� 111.-4 (11"et. 1) IC4 r oI I at ti W witil jk-wt-114. attaehroil I It gTief A Aor1row "`t0rlllelltfb­ 4)f tile -iiext utg "Isiout :w to( flUV of N C4 )VeTC( an ncot tthe turn. lHow a Hard Problem is Solved by tht flr@t loregwilW. 1941,10116 40 a "ONMIll tli,. Al I -Rr.nkp; 8 t4w t tre Ile BACHELOR 6 UP Bostone". qi1a4it,Y Ikv additioltotial lw&t t1w Ili PaH4 'n,4 -V en lt, Nve feel aeute. o iniunds tv heat- tto relwal Ow rag I.titill 't Ini al in lieIr Itereavetitel re- PIVI-bilig VJWA ro UO I of' TI14!, VpjnIjri-14- tIlOSO fl 111#4 fame -The r4 -lootort 1)f wliftt ate- oym 6 I'llited qtate" CWM9r 4, lt v, fo r tile. proti t -lint mir deep j I.L ver) I st, al"t ill Ill:"" -4t- gom ll erotet, T 1,; ,pclal Illanner rePutzatiooll--1341- ulg tile tVaAw witli wte&w or in dh 121W vILich ;lag Joi. waling anook titi- ftgitatillg';�Ia- mattir. ranks (of 1" fd, nd- wem- (if A& gen- Atily is (tile to tile faluily Was tl(l,ing—llis blom-t'd, olit (it tile final prftaing. -mbe PKU'ILCIL relative taken -11Y French. Illir- Benjaynin was otw of the twat cot P wileagm., A1411. Jol'Ji Turiter, let Through all syrin-The fafne philanthropw Immuit4l that linve yop Alkoll It MXVM is a-tioia for swalskilbot large JAI -114 !ON' known'rupil -ift- tile ettY. lie was Illn- romr In Car- Lutes WePt Wha Her U e: north rild east rather i11tA,"WWki tile belwv,)lent lie-ar" of iillitailwd Ill tim' In itnlxm*t th wt� 4ICeply deplore. ilas it t4) tile (;aJJIe44 ill %.a, -illle for hurn-04g 1mr1l)(11NIS. pi&gtr sealermi. wamsim nt xibert 4;-jtt-. %siliell aident 4A thit St., Gi-OMe s -Society, (of C(litilect- (b being turnt4l Jlwt 110w "Ora %%- 4 of -%mociation, Ced uplwrtoendoin, art, oa)tained from L -r %Veat SI I toy 4111. tile Lil-eral-Confiw-rvativo() wa trade and affinitY with Datuaw ill t1w dirw tile er gaward CIWGrd, & ftrm rday sen- it)ll* been (Veli0fil too I" nt- lit weivade U, li 'tiou (of tile hitliertoi) ldry in was ye.tdei It * als,-A lirtoltwed and w;114 V.411 -y -prom ne A rTT thall witli. 3erusairtil.- onmogtic apr- Vie txi%lv bY allowing til to i9l"Or" 1 Als tld` tiowltioed 1:all"road detoctive, llrle� made at OW tence rwy U Ity to Ile hanged ree litollf044 notlPilling - &Ike mattetV. ]aye 11 tnqt Cea thp,64190"Iff fam. tBit). Toormciltd-I)igea" att4ind- ,-Wflt. it it; no lunr-r I either t1l; - butt hnd tile" thraahing then, Out d in .1 V I - I -as �9* of tile- landniarks tho C UU I RN Ube c(lon"Iry tile 11(iolbi 6ti, next - for the loig 1111.11411144 Thtir"1�11 ho e nnift with very wve-M Pain. P(mmesw' oper to, Ion your witJi filaiist. lit t1jere oil Fpbrn=Y -In and, t), hI&O-1 a 81jr, WOULD HAVE SYMPA-ray. The 'difference kind or t ve under 114, Iiwowd through Iiard woodw, VA01- of Snporintenodent, Williani f(or tile staff. of tile cityo liaving -I)Qen built during tit devilo4- IkAnionA. nretmes It Tnurder TO&M alld officep- me I of btlumernaliloo or eivoks Jan wult and criticoot have A '.e%v -nionthid-AF0 00 Diod Prom bhOc19- ottler dio-AvOill 18ty m" 7 W&tsm.an- lolaygVer-4 VIC. fifticv. 1 f esult- Jer,�A- . % . City rf*lx)rt Tit(, wife or ritirmec. Of V010W famlly and fililIVI Wt &1 Crash UW etive after �, V he de in the o flell* - Uri tilt. _r a1wrt, which BloerrlY ete Aj emeln,_1 tilitt Changim were M4 t. fatalities elfan� or rt, u ref ujwd to retnoUte ti If o(l tion. cum a gCAX1 the lill. A supPOrtilig.. wall ragedy ,waj,; the death jtvA,.,)Il perritu- Loutcal wam Overell"le i6t, MV Illuell ill ito 41 ol-loletit waillieso cilti voudition. spiritual W r1torant Jklki 'WithOilt redo,heing 43ke 2111all 60 lilul f4r Ifluslica grat, nor (Jerneath tile ti Thum we fill totally iL in arr tlu%n laving dWmli the .109 f P*n., an or _. 1, epilepsy croeatiouti, You U". TIV IWW pla"d to I te X, tit <.Od&y whelt Vief Xha"Cell ark Luke' *"Ji- A 1pague list, hOell f(yrme(- am('ng '()o 10'1'; Plop me datn�4 P-1- nild tilat 19ir 1114,alv'Y trving's ill- which w&-4.IFUWol_AdiA IY t Uca of NI Vatrick grler t ItePr**ent&tives (of the .11tiong hi . Willeh reIV was - - rg -4)f ge. Ile liumbneo- ImIgus wilich are -11 :111 JXMtIon or tile MAC old g Itloinnall S2 Tea le 1"Ic,11k.il lit 4 Iwaritig Only W lufAke tilt 'fly ovow .11ing pt-r#,onation WRI not raitk A �pow(t to have atrick 11CU1111- Ilitnpy, at tj (Cark ix., 114. LukoP 114ot ij, it tiySiratilic lire0a, If UW .4 prew, Voinpa ly - -11111 E To-rr removed. Till,; Is aim jN fittlier (A 'kir. 11. I lier .ttt. I,. :t2, 1olike. 14), 111indiwANQ I inore at Charlton, Ia., Yesteril., triumillw, Wlkllf' lielt lie direct entle'd Uf tile, nechlottrit, Willis rdaY elm." aliter- lit divurce'Porw ameribol-d lit different or titeir wr%,itig wou"ll IUCW on a very large am,4111, Ot IL _1inX 'I a PM11 t A "PI)Y anti Pro- "c""A of IS linMan 1140Y I1f.rf;p1r ill JOUlai 1) rt- w -underneath the I *w;, 110 wam y(%.4tA' number of noceotl that tlj4� latt. 3E I. 22V propperous, I'll- more h. If oottly rein st Tito SpaaLali too ap It left tile b8a Id hwt Hight A. 11twitalld, anntm ILA to thi. canw.­ Pnipw teetnit - I11 IMUKi pre a %inall &MOSUS 18 cut lilt' )I hall o(XI carry the weight illit", I peattle, . as, lw viii1dren I rev o, e and liliyol- Uctetj Thol "lMlIlor"Am ale ail bift TI10 h( I i(4mallill-ti'm ftoor insuff cient to lie ..0 Incimbiti Major to w4jul"I Ite. grwilted. hn been cert3ln morill recrpIltl()Il romu for girliz trentoett. BY binw vloft Ill t1w-i-x.prPK14 it wrea" When t C.4)1 -4 VCV! "Overal daya ef�nlillg iflImplejolls, Irried Sp6jii. In. t1drin n.1141 ill C# rtafil W hich w put upon It. to congratula, crer to tlwkr f!LtIwr'e4 clifitoOdY. -in W 11 jelt olklillOn! Ob cit, an whole floor werned to wild' Illog son's Vic- turiwit N0k( have Ito frienda; it, il, . Ito it, xtrarted anool ritim inU`10 04 cr 'It Ca tile I gentwill-Ill 11POR operetar ilk t111 dains JK*W4WI()1l l'otil of the '110(ly free afteritoons tAll*. Tile r"d-premed 0", werp jkt olice jf,tjbP hree ifrom Lut*v4 fr, SW-nd thVIr off Ile U4-tivefl t more than t n New Iwd rr :L14"jifti kwl()wll Ill ttw tra4p. ob&&U"hd in this "Ill. iVe at on tild no tory. Aare Wam take -n- to keep ('4) P.-Utys 111:1ill qlffico�j *Jill for tile 11111U1, bringitig.01sellGe "WHI Z 0 rt wful tra- pri" "I - and wit,) s of tri -e e, 1111111" put c P work. r 'f ur poll tilat pi 0 r A $Ike fortner and itimilitV Vie and evenir4p, 401004,11 on&4LW( of .9illory Secre- Xc;Iilloff, unragell hY 0'1141- It knowl(Avl sure York, wiod rfwkles it' V00 t ity, M14 1 1 temptations in :1 111179c cit -v- timuner. Ito of ti be bea, I I FW at to spoil 1IL4 Plea e brupette, aged '171; NtA-r. by crue 'Lieut. I). I,,. 4%caped. �11 total (Al ormloptito cost .1 t Ill -kill I w itil t ost gwly no, A 4 not iands. tA) liave dueg Unit fe". w tary ()f the United States Secretary is P:r%eal; After the catastrophe. WXI*04 V letor w4t before lie Ylola, 1, a I . li()w it -The first duty 4A wen The c.ullo is girl's tier- IWkI&nCP tile c"es' are remova4 harter6tt the A I Ia n Li it# r Titc Freticli 4XIllser- tip iei6r6r*'1f- t1w lit 11 Y. w " told of the awl tile mother cif four childrell flot mrall ittle withill UK' (4111111a"M (Asilly loold aM lwawd to 4LIKmt tho boil - of War.. haq or lie will fr&-n tier(- tl%L-1 moi)rniniz- tol) relwnt. which lie Tho woGY1 L.f clearing away till, reti 1. however, Il go great #we cuptody. till, We wages; it jai to Ile fitte(t t1p ronifort cl water. Umn Ifunitoban, on board, of WLlWrS- injured acei The ' iwitock Wit Heiretoftirs, tit tA) work ill 11114 vifi�yard.� pinno. bO0k1A and inv iwAnt �1,�wlr Fretich - fl;N't and recovoiring He. left- a num- IP 11.141 attrilioutt%*1 e %,t*Ioe,, we is'lipplied AvItil tile Pf*M I t4 -n Niorwav, 4"t Il1ll)li�flf.,-4 , ol"-rev t()-- %lit to Illawto ()u lifer hum- 11 nw Christ imitate Ili@ bly ant agaill Ptlhjw" t4o that Ito died to, $oflo Y. PIP mil roor te - Grizette wav .11w,lit 04 ox,1111111e. 4jlwy Hitt wortW, walkin Hit, #itationer nty of picture papprIp kpep UW t WO t. The l4W%y Pr1)%'_jAIJlJJt WIMMI the womt. was 011ii !%forDerintOtt, nd wl tat k#. Prfie-r&1>10, t"I port,; too embark r4 In- JoNA-4 moning, , Lnd ber' and dhugllt(�rx- part. LaiVY(T tioll, got townrli ileliv4.11 ItIlki all and a lavatAl". to (111alit" lit oil separate. uaw a ORP&r- Pral -N fter whiell t-110 of. till. ktiowil oeterything P(Mble flad messages or condolence fw.�. odurtng orrot s-ex1111 ilia lect our 11wtr- privik%es are given for tiny girl %Ure *r plaivierg. a i fly e;lAtfrilli.s. t1w I)re 'I'lit, 11141 I'M a$A, prmw &W greater lor"16 Aft r anit Ial TheL JW4rt'jJ4, f4yr tile iliciwages of coldoletfee lkave 'tty dp1pu., osl never rall,& u,4 t I 41k)116. - ent for New Vork. (.Ilillp d -gathere(i frton every askilig 11tolol. ertalli Iwr fi­Wnds thoPrr. rwillillIg lby 1104fing With W&AW Is wil. malloli;i ilia Ila 19 will diree lit Uverpotol Ili iiiiiversall.Y. &.44`11t t -I 14 - '"' rej�clvpd from all over tile Domill oirker vj�creatioll evenit as hiti I t to t;vrinally. bee SI'RVEy- Olux, a 111011th it t1W Colit is roaft ftr Um W n,()(V) tor)l1l; j;()%4 )-fiment'$ COIWeAH Dekift 1 ., lazw wetion of' lie -from IutA;idc points an well. and one of the membe" ke Solith- queptions 0118W 13he &s 1, st)ul will, Ix- held . V41w, i..4 of'nearly i,li#: rimerat of %Irs-.34 -zing ltTet'4t to dent Of the od too ailinit olle ditt Bit Ill Folljlw of 100 must be prenent: AIN a 11weivrVative rwpliq t- Htreet r I T Bwmer, Prtwi Ila Mt* and raft #)f tilp ileera&Vtt P 4 %ly dispermott mid 4n. hoqr 314 ro no received tile follow- Itolwrtson, after po loerforin an 111, ()wil,11ity. Ile liever of tlw 14,&;W A� iek, WIdOw mt reet. I Cml 11 of Wome lap of Greurge W. I(ilel~. He went magic lantern slides. with 8 %T BitieAlN. dof widl. t4x)k rcet wam practically-deseiV. "Hi's 1z31- ,ad t"cql Iler home from hhIfe it mad. wlikell are very Aestrui4i G�EAT enA Ji.,voil.locille Man later Ue I telegram this afternoon: Jr.alls jolly too a pit, a little play Or artk%ift. tolitk6l. llarnM10 ort Irip tills likorning Lt t1l" "pit police and 49 - sho Faid He aTito . A Were (A `1N I y and I are deeply distr(vsed to (I t4l tile I" bave f �T 'UAP half Odle cimlined mile (lid 110t tiill- preliChe"iL I[oo. taught. lie ta I L. 0 nm. will PrOvi& Stanotlard l4n Y" i t 114 0. eel Ing fr()m s0ine rOma Tile T.dm 31ritain wIJ1* ttirricail. It gualml. )o,lilueli pralso le disaster. We know dmit I ki-02d, llugged wid car & (if tile suffer- ning wtil Otimbr articbm widell ftrP WAr r%1WMed t1lia Geat I (A, tilt'. 1, 0 Itt It( *,- civilian c who ed) tilde-- hea, of terrib mpt In I were a I- t1w aniuwwellt, nnd tlw* eVP drfsw. Dell RfAlertwWL "but I am 140P W1141mi He coillet wift eapt'(W oil. WWW Vmh C16,0()O.()()() .6v inaity ftit-646- caim(A rtvefl 'too thcAL I Council of Women will be pro eftled Mr. T Hip witit. till Witt, kw-emaill, cake ro nd hot tile is~ VUA­ -Arcellialt organiza-A epopikaskma. rowipr lead 1);y and WIUI c nder all lielp p0mible. our most cent. %%AoK luot carrAoc and P I)U&.V. 01(ki Oftelk IN . ranteedl fatign Ilail J(1 finti =Inl w4wk and eltorolate. up W date t1w club haX ou the I"ne privnte go. —7 U4141 Witt d1w.retitil. ]Wf(* ter- iliviting too It gTC:1t0e1r WE app"d 1W meti tile pathy with YOU by My J,UbAXKI, nxxt I I "d olie- tfelt, SYM q tile bampment IL n Jamy GIOMIrrOCK, THM not"10102. rible duty of taking (Aft * tile svor ed) 1plLbel Aberden." ftrt c6ewlsere- t liv an emdti= larger tftrritmiry. lie tll:lt, i" fitithful bee" (wtAblis'"' in Jog ditimlry PiKwoo, it P(A11011 S& rrom Alderithot sayt4 that vIctimn. Nt it little of tile cwdit- for (81 mi, of Montreal; 11(i not bonr tAl li in, little i4 likely to-, IN. filitjlftil over parlqr of a Ilalldwme how belong Illill"IstWy after its age. whick deaj?atch 1 4; at- 'N Wilwa Sm wonuvil fuld ex ol $ bers. An IM4 11 William Forbeff plainly About slier I,- po witit allwr oriiis Am a ner&l Russ Doctor forTalk Ing proiniptilemi with wilie'll tills wao oun, of lialilliton; May ft)rLwer wiletly and 1()Ok gluln uch. Thev were ri. tnffll They W one of the leagm MPM Nlay 'IN aor Collin, ILd,, itovo, has b, I to 1)gypt to an- 'N11. -ever .0 rd; Mayor no,t-liparted 'n Jiww made 110 #-\- --hicrp"ing club for jeaUwr beltAng it Ia& t pen orderot U) tile fire brigade,- which r stzatfo ant naturnll� were ill*) ;tipciple1o.. prewrvative be &A10 I,; due )r Donoghue, 0 tie nopce"It&ted a Inrger room, which th't ma"d Of tile AriglO-Egyptlau I f Ire alarm or (-Ilathain, llild wany othe" nf tinocont futt. their occullatioll. Ar. t Itihricant f(W I"evy sm mep wo Sm ealij the Soud&n. repiort. Tile It aring Of was Calle4l OuVbY V 1, of He pronkitwl titer), tile is Iroing to fit UP owol%�7116rlglgp it lit advomtpd by inan.r plpedittm M ,. , w $10,000 LinmedialelY after tile fatal craoll wired their i4ympathies. a goolld 111a.11. Our regarotl for endorwnl it. tile Vale I, '.\Ialta s"it for 4 wego well organkzemd al- ld blamelms. eve�l IVOUAW- tt, %W, .1flag-'pentli.ng curred. Tlie IxV" legram have been received "illy 0-ther ",no pure W nid rn*l� 1 w0rk of fiotijing wltli thin. He culls ipli,lemor. nd in vdlinh It I-;lWjjpJl nianuf&rtureft, MAAS Of Four memberA 0 the Marflul' Oi (if character ilialW WIAO to tile sufferero, talough tile 1111FW111I)a0etie W( Intl tliell, to build upn wartroln$t Wt I tak plare -IR00(41 thpill golAr4r so fskr " tKi have all th;i� cabled to 0 all and dlroctoi0, and U10110 civ financial aid builderti, t Council 1106TO laulliew for tlefftmati4ml --d themtolelvem 111ttler of f Ing 7 Him. lie calls klWp- Herald. and itiso t1wir rylindeft Jodi- -ed them plact 16, eldritu 14IM111titw lipbury, renewing their offer t ()almtork, of the ssixt asking If relief fumis would be 01- Crltiejzk,, 1w. 04U.14PICIC for I mby .%lithony I -C -f- All ]&h. a eral Opinion ImOug 411My I.UdlWid wax ciokt and 1 My flock." W ra&uw c4l. A orailototir or the SUPPT0,48ift 4 vim, tI10 itud"etluoils of tile 4111% In the 4A iety f finite plaii, of action, tat imiiono- The gen I to tills courseq tion gon,+ her(U, N't ith . N1,,ittese S of Fort, 'CLnd I liati. t4 so wick (-AA'Wn InfeeUve period of'DUM6004 1.,gypt I)y rain N "red w Itoli a do citizens -in oPPON& I fitiot every 4 o1w into tilt- place for boearft ramly It over, I It g; I i 104t, Dr. c I.,04t rtpulim ill tile tit )t even ref%6rred a re military pervice. t,(J,(Iay ill tilt. I'M- thu2i obtaining 1110 , n( f i tted. lrelKlrt of it Clinicill wwi0ty (Nmwo,. lint. eveii xinwdlipr f,,r general '11"Wilt"ll, 1)eg't" ivi- a the matter wa. R(AlertWAL kol a LutA, they tailp glird !-N gliAll 4yrklicate ll,,Im beell I,L tile i0aig list or.c t tills afternoon -o Council Illeeting- Tilt.- re-IP0171104e. 1�!!OwPt "Ourt Khortart time StnV'S hould be V) Id, gi,%n&d tI large Ell et!ll Nir. liaAn,-4 %-Iioto, wcTkeAl untiringly 0 white on the i4w 81raightway and inimediately theY paiatial hotels at %PA -reation hetw, A ulid)er or ctions for daffiages to t1w mriod of ille.ubati011 Of infec- to eirect a, Tororkto IllurIng it tile umtL(nied '�%Jaycr Little, city are airplkly toeing In- tile BIble On the wiUu*s ttand In t left their neto. They were not wiliting tivp Jto 7 daya, X Itays an 044. Nfostre, Ottaw liso in- 4:mmtock Islitl Dr. 1,*ve tx.ijig implicatodwam (jolly nig in%t tile 1er, and �utekly read 1MA11189*�8 wlllhx PA"I them 14 Falu. Tile plans t e of q f1)r an opening'which InIght 1 0: tylolloid feve;. ;Lod Niagaza NeA York Central- otati011 Ili Albany, ecape frtym Ly to get through the FHvt uted. 14 ?, , A MullIC11 81"AtIPW gland, fill rot &Mwering questicM. 'Niey to 4 I in Lonoon, I -A 19, 89C), tllf� physician du to I& Inab Till: f Ucd the c(14ij intAo mome more olleoir&ble work clade a hic hote yebrw%rY Hchool Trimtee t1lat "ill C4a ie colonial trfule ao6cJwN, of Ilaving ma(le the follow- er(')wd to the platforin Mims- church members will" were bully after a niglit'#4 labor get- I to 4 nvm4gilf 7 toot) L4 Parnell, tile tawa. Jan. p. -The London tia, ter to ti k)(.1arati(XI: Ladi" and (jeorge Burdick, wxl IL&d tllelr breath take4i away ting, ready f(V another effort In the vg, of"14,st attributed U) GENERAL. ilig pubtic candidate. te ham ol.,licito(I a sympahetic me"- room im. she attendoo I;� oftentwt 14 . inumps, 2 to ll lei A nthODY defeatcA MaYU-Mlty C 'fmfem t4en. TiieY were oatisfied with their w"ka: rulwol&. 2 Ulan Her '.%1aJestv tit QuOel'. ()n Mrs' Lutocs' C authentic4ty 4 reglllarly�_.- calling. They were cotionge Nlarlt,- Corvili, Vic gelitlemen,-Thi. loom binckmailer, 194 ?j1etJo­Xit4t Chilrell nial with WALrIA tereo, I to 7 rAl been C01111*114NI (,onwtock a notor t lJollar in A Thrilling StorY. T forenooll tile Governor- f a yette tileir 1wrtners. They were not ex- to :1 weeks; 1wel. a e( �s lie C, telegrIL111 expremblog ottgonollat 2 to 4 but J411C is a n hone IiL4)r or t ie 1111derwo all f1wra,tiont r. -ho tlev�r earn r. 6eurge Yatt%, city v srat t4ent a FB-SAVBRS. calk for tilew in Hip 15 dayC oftolqlast 12. I)IIAtt1wrin waS A- OW&I aild Lady Aberdoo,ents COn0e1l KITES AS LI pee.ting Jenuo to liow rpeovering. his life." bawO lEvening Newo, Went It 'jd work. 74iey had loosen with Hitil lwfm*. the n(PrUerii III*- The. guit for. dankligeM Is crash; anti wa* '#erlouxly hurt. In thin al ftmtrebw regarding tile cftl&nllty- Iiinks They SholL inad tot-ounti to Iw infective (iuring tile Period twheat crop Ili tatement, wlilch Mr. eveiling'm Newis ppearloin, two -column at their de-cp ibynu)atliy With tile A British Admiral T ad lie ha ninde no iospeclill don of incultation. tittaeks and e(mrabOw- e@Mrn lIntralla f1w(_)ro Is mitrue. and has ads tile following bir- be Very Usefu I. up(m t4ietu. But now theY luaL@ 120 111unqui and rut*%Alk aW "ISO trict of W betwppri fourteen d2d. atocl. tQ-(IRy account or illmeilwrit. e To -da: i4c,,wilicit re $Ain ererm. e or when. or hoom fee.tive, for tillwte (or four daylit The Illateol to, be ills C",racter n(I roi -is roliowiol'- 11 re "ent from. hreference t4) ail article 11100 tlumtion OT %491y, bUS twim per acre. -41" Dr. 1everson lit part think noW that ti r telegrSalm 'IV '111K but regi" tile call, tile Imitation, tilf. cKwt 44 t1w ltarolldlLix anti a "d I)epn oil tile, stand to It of tile' erowit behind me e ment House: k1ti, flying iW a nwalls Of b&% 'ridn, '0 stilt'. tllpeared ill I tllc, deruniki, n siDepre, and H41W wt tile the t t4 Of #.aitl tilitt he bp1lev&I what eHWormlilp tile a`I IWIC lip loelleIttlk tile platform am we T 4t Wit- Will" A Tim- flepartme"t ( tioverninen to bo triie tht'll, of tliesink- itarlo: %ay" tile, 1tvidmi Mail. maodc It as Weir rightful Usater. lniPasim itiwwdily Oleft I tilat tl`W r(.Il. I llave it of infrWWW4 V re- W (,(xnjjtock p elved telegraw froul Itfw to i4l')� Tiwrefiwe they act projuptlY. is d ouly P lt,umlsol angl 1apan hav-P f0rulall lie doev go Rtill. �vllo WIL,4 with I)r. Ing lior*r()r tlillt filosslied throngh my lt&ve jtwt me I , Secre- Sir rthur C;odlirtuie wr paching. atul ,kxw n0t euuUnue I w ,or t Chant loerlain, tt?,(I thi, Fnip work. Teaching. VW w to. il. D. 11�141 it of the Cattlatrophe, R tlu t IWWWMW fool- oVW thfollw- w_ e 01P I i zed t ImperiAl MCI' Dr mind at the tll()4191 trIlt Holl. Mr. it lie liaod advoeit al: author - r gtiLtp sy, J Coro&. at tile tinie Of tile' "Iterea- if uo� it ninime 19- for tilt, (Ibloniet, f(yr many yornnot. heating, with nilthOrItY tover if *11 Pfwct a statem twer"CM fitation, testified and I likkied inYw, the expressiolln Of Ills back as 1872 dluiral Ity wjw ttlat tit one who kUDws Oil (gwt lintil. t th*l at tile Albany unly ell"ghtl Iii'a trap. W the and If rotiv IlprinultL t eniled Dr. 110mil,10 foil to CM liv with the 1piffer(wo Ao, far ie Tin' and :111 their limeariW. 14olng 11" g(ae Iluji ewv._6%w Votia hall com- firm ympat drened a letter to ti am"' xUamer f lie cable thoist Mr. C"onistock %,111fier anti old I had tilt Idea t1j,Lt I lay, in :i, llorizon d4ep ai. ram, ad %, tile facts work or laying Lovergon a ,liar, t&I pomitioll, l4liglitly turnoo oil myleft -ftpnl tile disaister at 1AAA0fi- in AN1001 lit' the elaims of k$fie "J, lie kripm, &JI About 11GAven tile contagiouln"M #A 0( the lor Illencolvt tile ,tabliali coin inuin ication oundrel." Tbelt Dr. Levermon Oor 0 thim known- We W(xild algo ask I I %-I Ilg 1,011, ail 011tut, (4al mmi tile trutba lie k" Iwo .1 JL Comstock I (lon't know llow 10119 tile fl k kite sw tlw 19-15t 1114-til(-xt (#f V41"klII* Which Is to calling '.%f r. t1lp injuroixt are pr(Weisaing as weTI in. and all Ili@ witli Turk's Iflaud and Iam&WA- torted bi had liever earned an )k lit falling; bolt I renlcmber vague- Z I -(1141gred) Aber- froill 141111*1 (wt at 144, slifire. ' 11 had revealed to VIP Alew tkauixI it very )oy OW To W -ralworne, I)epartnif-lit It wilether we had gone a� rail Ile Iloped for. lalit adnitral'h eariiet I)r(x)f for -the t�%.- Ulaw 111A purp(oft for Bis kingoiloin it, lww C&V&, fro Tile Gerinall Naval b1ckingkil0r, who ire. "There was wondoliAring a Qf hmMt. dollar In'llis (.1oernor-Generul. r purjx*�es VW future. d -_ ar rVil that tratoUttii"I er een the two men for (,ail thriwilgh to the cellar; tile timbers &V i i, IRldiency of the kit�e to taut ekti IfVft S!" I Node tolywage 6r haulage wax In. tile Raw, Tile territ(mr.Y. I)iP .1nund ell rwF1 CA46en 11 a bot'tlM0 betw grlpp(NI ne. In their, cruel grasp, and 118 ondon, or tnIn malian'm 111fille I to at fe* Minn"," continited Dr. Foote, o oank all(l sank and sank, To Illo WorWjp tile Islayor, I., war of 1857), when lip, liartievived tV of the fame of (mus. M0 Wvift 00 at, lie Flupplit,4 k Canwd Dr. W *_�,J Oka r - in If 40vwy r. COCAXtOc imseemed to grind ()ntario to plankm With ponnipinixi in helpful. that CM113 It," IF fhvat practical Polell(A-06 Inil tbPn each paivole ily into my ]wive J111olt receivc*1 600010 cable- object of sending them Or- vo-gre bett4and ph7abORILT Q& W4117 WWI itnti4rix- Leversons Arr"C', lieni more crw Afr. Sp-cretary of Stalte '*vltil tile at fillips to leeward. 11 o0krituall herever Jam awn% h*t tial elec- t niolith drani from peglo-like y W To WC a 1�rwiJffll tratitY Cl&imm to he it"' ill blooli 911.411c4l from lily 1109e alld pen. by (Iftire of the 10 hav I a testp unere attended Witil fnotoLl distant fr9NA A They a !Lt Republic. Mr. j,1A. the ­)th Royal Peotq, of anti api I wll#i lying oil illy back queen, to expreos Her MaJeatY'10kieel) such tion in the TrAowgu Mr. Jcubert, an'd Colilmanol ip Tntt,klng pr6nioritionx thotight, i$ Would CIl0k0 Me. It wem- kegret jLt NA(l accident In Umdou, &till feet Success. CA ty W F by 'rger is opp(xwd Mr. Moolitreal, ft"d I re Admiral CoclirMw is assured that it wore mid the tnird candidate, IMent as if he had, (till ell to flDw like' a fauee &c;ri! mndolence with the %tiffer the news Of I,!, AV A im �Ing to oplit tile 1j, t1W. reg member thtnking that I w(xild pro- ker flinL - is only tile 11 apathy or tile m 0 f, 0 rwm o 4rol aiid faintliPs Of tlln*u who Ila! 10(it Clowardloe of nwn who ar An"It tile I y Sr 8"k- #,ecurp Krugpr s eleo8- *.vwpr. bly bked to (leath. till th tim- (Signed) Abouideetl, . all- oawl Air Wilfrid Laiii-jer has nebillPted tl19 e could tlilr livem. use tiiew from dread began HU Ittp nq - Mor-Geneiral. wordilt nd a bn 841t, tTo be kept mettling slowly, and t � I ()t Le go of men and I an re)@Ct0d &Ile prop<X4011111 for Invitatiffli to 1 he Windsor el the arms and le Ilia Excellency also telogrAphadthe ftranteed Wan. K lao C11OU tfrm3trell to'llini &%t t 03, tile v about me, to tile, left anti I*- Mbstance, Or the latter M840W it Russian p id to Clerumny f(V (,n F.,wter %fOF*IaY 11 Suoine of then't MR& deARAr- too, Ihm be" ny had F,fberal COntrUt'Or"o' Ar year" OVIT,