HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-01-14, Page 2law -P'JLbtl 11�� . . WORTH ITis WNUMT IN 6OAL) 46. A A L%,S—rU ALM, - Tff E BEST Of USULT8 120 Testimony of F -rank S. Emerick Igt hr"I et his pocketis must A Demonstration on How Birds are f AWinston. Ont. -" a Slu h t1le yartk teen rifled by some malicious Slaughtered for Their Plumage. I > sric&A Kidney Our* =ved Ri's Uro - Wo amd the roott chart �i Late Gossip It Relieves in Six Hours. Ud Ma Mr k IWAM by 11 P&Mcr-by WhIle he lay in that stat& For tvro yeard I wa..o, greatly trm- W -of tho gigailtic WIDATS b&Rbiled rVitan our b1W of fare for whereas he fell on h knees, when tha­ Sayings That Have Been Deemed ,some idea �trrorded Ilways Follow the Use of Dr. Wil litch birdo are elauglitercd Is 14rd with k"ifty dummw*, I *uffeM-1 %ift %AS such Vikim cendemi he recovered collo-,lousne" he was by an acootint In the 1AAhkAk Daily THr., IMMORTAL ANECDOTE. 411tell.-t. InLin. aimi froiltipittly u -ow uii- VI'm 111F911afte rs sJ I oiur eare, lYin- oil hit back. fie reached home Worth Preserving Mail of an extevoive tmle Of feathers liam8' Pink Pillso e. alilp to wcwk. I 4icirtormt at inter- PhLraled &not taught 1y t1lent. t000lVela and dazed W think or ob- . w1ilch wap lield I. the Eltig1loll iiietwcW- 'Tlb spd, wben you an gettilig lliald. %.a6,, 11olt got little or no mir. i , Wrve. but great was his surprise uext ------------- 11% the other dai.T. The atalogues Of And'irmwing allghtly gray. lic-gli, to Ir"^% and the- iiialew �'%Jt UreaUaXt. e4)ffev w taboot4-41 morninig to fInd his pockets empty; the three chipf f Irms of feather brokers ,ro f Itu - I so frequently recalled %verl- fretitielit aibd inUum-- Abcrit "10% e&kM aud eeW furbkIdtdi, watch. chain, purw, loose cash.hupt- (leis. Grarit's toniib, at Ri N. DELICATE rusug OF IELUMOL in LO�ffl SL.,ow tll&t tilew- were Of- Two Cwes in Which They Restored Your youth that fades awaY. I jAw Aouth Amcrit-All Kki- Ci.re ad%-erL64&l am a hpot4ty r4o- k" an, &meo it ip oft I nibued In& knife �whlch lie always carried) fored for kalf,: Health and Strength After all Other Oak . i4kl and everything all gone. alt paper has invited its it tile, la#ls it) dresses for all kidne troubi#v. Vub gwzm profaft gas lie - 1,011(1011 Parrot sk InE, 125,300. Means Had Failed -What They Have Nor . with, w1mdom. new, NnWbOieflMe. 20 IS -4teak, C01111*4 dwelt strongly upon this or'.,. it I.. :,,aid, lice.-tuse licat Is net­lt- I readerg to aend h Akeo you feel the current etirolig 116ttill. "I'd it KILN*4' like W0,11 - to our 1014 Humming bird1j, 91,SW Donefor OthersiThey Will tio for You. Who E jer its a few hours. I Inipro%­ fact. and maintained that the accuoki for tlie I)r(4,or premer%wtilon of tile besl, amples of neat repartee they BirQ3 of Paradino, 6,900. Of that earrIeH you. derfill M-1 - 0&*AMW &ad Gvaham g9ow wp tabs. oni the eAl and after takIng fonr was 'lot tile culprit. but tht when uVLrble tit lifth it ij balit, and part- evei heard or road. Judging ft CTftpirj4 and tanagerm, _UA &tnk boiled water w lying unconscious ttie real murderer �y for- tile comfprt, ut the guart6i umber of replies the world's stock Jays, 5,400. (1,iNynt tho (4)lborne Exprew.) But w I that tale y(,II iovVil in youth ain vonlli,leUAy ettred. I robbed him, taking, among other of ready answers must bie'very large. Plgeoi w, 3,40o., wit circunintance, 61 toold ' it w4with its %veilzlit in go 14 1, Fut cilanw. dDup will never tit). th . the knife toed with such fatal M rqtak.-irs i0to aro Ott For the proper use of repartees It Is Owly;, 1,304. rhere are few if ally I)e0PIC if' Mur- new Cbvgrewmau am trut4i. f(vr it awtirt-411%, sa%-4-d iiiy egr t tomb. -urtlititubtw1and countY, A" Multem Itypbold nourish Upon Solenski-whooe pockets neoessary cither to recollec KingfWwT*, 900. ray t_)wjiWiip, N yoll tw)w you'm� getting eftuvm WW lceO tocio, lie also rifled -leaving the. murderotu 10timpkitio are p)"erve*l for making understand theiii, alla It is desirable, linpoyan. P*Ieafiallu-, 9W. to whani tho nme of (liase is Pot were (bspeptic flouriiiiii weapon In the de-Lti uian',,4 breast, ty 9 when possible, to. o both. Such was 6,00. familiar. r. Jacob who has With the Wags. The lwr(mperity 4 Vie agrieu)tural Pfftftsb MW the Is" advice) divert stwpicion front llinlijelf t-4) it!it p4j* by it nowlt pat&-llte-d prelicet not the case with tIl0 undergradu- Nfagples, 500. wa.4 at tliP Imse of Ulf - followed the occuptLtioll of fariner aim] Bill I tiee: a -Milwaukee railroad h" eoininunity _W% polm3nonc we're told; innocent owner. WhICII CONIAfiNtS 01 COOkilig 4)r "ea"I"19 at. will) remarked upon the short- Hawks, 500. d i�oc I I neveral Indian conduetoors inipiptuvement, it, trade for IF497 re - We 4&t ra" meat. chpcVped fitte. %%ttli The jury smiled, III that oupercilioull, tlwm and mixhig them wth starell - nem of a friend's gown all(] received codca of t14 rock wid the ililigle, fislierinwi and fislidealer,44 especially for opriating monev. lkilrted frrni thc 11knuirilon if Catiacia, "ft i superior sort or way common to the and reducing to powder, whicii for answer: "It will be 19ilg enough Others. uniPmed. 16,900. kimymi. He Jim bieen a great suf- it J)erhapii the Indiana 1*11lieved The hicm-amed. price.4 of i;early ail Can - And drtftk bW1t%1 water eold. Britlish juror at the palpable weak- before I buy another." INgely, de- The (zMy'featherd oil one catalesus ferer from rheumatirlu, as all him that ono but the braves deserve tile adlan agricultA;ral lorotiucU and th'. [left of the defence ; and, after a short t1nickly dissolves into a Jolly Wilf"I Is tticism, 4e Haiti alcme comprtmed 248 lots, ranging from (Warged deniand fae',ILOrt, 1181-tiell- inixed with milk anti is trien. ready for lighted With t1i wi lWIgld)orL., kTlow, but has fortunately fare. 1 FAr WUPW­eonle profcd&A)rs teacli consideratli-xi they returned their to tile llext ac(ilialtitance IIP met, 205 ounem each downwarlct of the disettwe. larly In the I&A 1 tioll"t -M bewt to go witboitit it. awful verdict ­ Uuilty Geraid 'Mer- "Nly gown is short, bilt it will be a it was the ospreys, the aristocrats, succeeded in getting rid **,W 4trels; the kitty?" asked tile dwtrilrutive trade litigliolit, Clilsatill. ReUm's left U) each. ritee% wa,,; sentenced to dea.th long time before J. -buy another." To wif,,rtuimteLy r tiloniselves, Of the To a reporter fie gave the 1`03owl.119 lhudiieb.� fallores for t1w Ikoniiiiiiiiii, of Bat White rob&ieavv*; luxtead of rice art, pr1se and chagrin tile mail fmti.vred e* I(),,, tllnt i,.xcltpd, the must have left it 1111, for th., We Take our ebDico aboiit It L114i latt _r paxticularj : I had bcon a suf ferer f rq nit pap I IV. bst wedd,llg fashloni, his sur laugh. 13 Of twelLty tho ab, returned the odz-ycar-<;1d- ealeudar year 1947 inumated to I,- nkf- illere,13- stan-41 and dd n = to Oui abodm. wafflesk tea and C keenced cam otiti(jal. being t-o!d at ' ovp S, uri�guillg st�We of tlw proceedingo where rice El an ourico.. The Iligliefft price paid rheumatism for, upwards tow -it W44 a" fartAd U) feed mut, Litue after - the I coilfill(Al 1LA? till- 1 11 rd hiin %ay wheit he got honle 9207. with tAA.il hallili I ( 3140 Ievs thall L-1 1W. years, at times being 1.1 1wr eesit. BUI JhA= waitaft eocom tweaki. (,%eutd. I wa.-4 %ittilig up %vuiting the, that ho kitty got everything there I t forward. baskets ta Wil,.Lt art tile conditions - Of :1 per otnice 219.o(M), a fallhig A116 Prvne4w are all we eeid. arrival ur iny wife and don. who were I)artek. ? It, should bO courteous zNqex ul V tle -as laid up for ,,as - "ut. returning froju lAmidou by it nildnight white rfk;e leaves are passed ro,,illd, irult 11 Of tIlt, hOuse At I oi,c tim I %% Ij tho table." mi or vs jaci ('1111U41.11.01 Lrain. wach gamt, appiroprfating a liandful. form, severe in substance, diff the o paradioo, certal rrots ibixteen weeks, a-iml during -I 1xiortitAl Of bilities frcou a YPar JA90. It d0sveo .L- mueli our frivawir. tib vieliv., or, rather, all early worRilig f the bridal pair.is elther to ruistake or to resent. 4bui dT Ll CACII. For the pa, w ai4 efm but eigii-I hate to hear &I lualt batik elearings for the year, mie week one -reaching Uean Statioll at:-. I.m.. The Appearance 0 wt of that time Ifined to my bed, and g other folkh' ideas. fwthiiated, went the largest on rioc(mrd. 8"hial" ba their iiLot tlw signal for the rose leave -i to be was the faliuous reply Of PrOvcwt no such fa w" in %U�re. The bc to Willi,,,,, IN'. "When ile tlipm wae for a few i Oar wticAmkmw menu wo after which tuey lizid to' drive the sellt flyiug, and With pirturewltie nd G ooda I 1 8 "r �enCe, porfectly lu-1pifts. I had tiie benefit C4 For y part, I doait uneer -it any- aMrogating $1,14:',,0 it gaill (Of Amd bee r �befmt to try it. intervening five miles home. goeb, 9, sald'the King, %peaking w t I 1cre L,4 ik)nl tiling pathotic In the fact ezftn,.lnt me(UW treatment, but it w8f tilin don't understand. eelit. oi-er 1896 Set agi4wtite'to MngAdiy sway It wa weary work v�-aitlng- I had ppropriate effect. Ketite and pointing to Qoodal). "wit"ll titat 240 0 them p(�Or l,ol6 were, vili.l. I believe, U^ that I have dy i 4x-Duli'leigh, You're tim' I K�ht litered in their trii4i- 2101111ir nature do evVirs.16. -itkimihe reading my novel, and was im." "I ruthle0wmly is g the ilatu inati ini the world; never Attempto to evade the tietith ditties be 90" I'll Mincing Lane Xinwd's Liniment Cures Nudruff. y lookin about, for wouiething to ta'o, couldn't thl or joing before Your ical 110mc* be sold. in tried every inedicitie aAlvertised for knOW; NOU to wieer in iny 9 nk W* empoolt get a. XuF"t tol) "ta. omplicatiom Iff with, a ati the rmate f eight for a PelulY. Wt"t*i 4rmr healttirril wal6k w hen I sutidenl thought of the act arc., cauaing queer c Majesty," gait] thO PMvOst curo t rheumatism, wid I am sure 14ates we ha expow4 oin tile uight kngland. Ali old man trati8ferred :111 profound bow. NOthl"_f could,loo more But thwe es,ill qucstl(Al we" toy 110 expended at least $02W and got no.. 1, um notice w Thk. ctniisumption of beer iii thc of the thunderotorm, and -hail laill of gift to his absolutely perfect. Tht- King- hall illewin the I*Lrgcwt of tile year. f(bw tiling imre at any time than the nler- isaid traveller tu another " that United Sates loi now half a barrel per Iii -4 property by dee that lie twep brutally rude..The Provost wils niontlis Ago he C01W timent wit, p 'ar the capita. and is doutAllic about ever un, levelopeit antJ forgtAtell till 'low- foung wife, not expecting eat temlxary relief. At last I was III- tho Jildren along tho roadii ne BY THE LIgHTNIN G'S FL ISH rhe verything:­ I exclaimod. "I'll de a will, pxtreincly courteous. But -a sterner %%,av given follows: duced to give Dr. Williams' 11ink Pills eigiit years. At the I*gituiing of the would surive her. Site ma Uter I City turued sionlersetis for you ormer beau Of 1wrO, rebuke W.L8 never stat to work anl develop them. at "Ting it to a f administered to it (ksprey pi was, 11,352' ouncs. a trial, wid froin'Uutt tiwo L date my as passed, in the hope that you next wtury it promiew.; 1A) he a Lar - once. It will pass the time nicely." and then w:w killed Wl tll0 hunting monarelt by a subject. Vulture umw, 186 3-4 pountis. 4 gx)Gd ftwtuno tn getting ri 0 tile (It*- w ouu I throw thom w)me of your super- "n* a heAd Tile first plate develped was LL field Thp husband thus left de- i This is far better and mote trilly I leactwwk ather.4, 215,051 bundles. eam. I ccintillucill twliig thell for sev- flu boin 4n was tile reply. L- U10 aliure. Why, I tion't know, for I enerosity. humorous than Wilkes' smart retort ffirtdbl of aradWe, 2,862 bundles. erat movitho tuid daUy found that the &Vlior. y "-I.. �4-. oil tile 9 "'1 J I to the Prince of.Wales. Wilkes was 289 bundles- I tr(mble-tbat haid Made my lift! miser- thou. ISSU E N immediately threw It away udcok" I to, 228, it veryntome anti 0 V898. 4AW: rnther, li4,#%% tiev take ea- whistling -.00d %&ve the' King." I I V'!= 'p om, etc., 1,677 hunfile. %appear- menced. another. I tl'Ougtlt, Tho i;lx-ctators' gallery is low a f Tauagers, 'etc., 38,198- blIlkil(w. able for so nifuty yiDars was dl. thfte Vnidprful phk-tAigr.i.pi,, 11 ­ this one is something like l 1010- curt, of all the large banquet hallik In "How long --have you, taken Lug, and at laot alt trac(na 41 patil lit'd TI test prodigal -Apil wrotP 11(mlie wwa flaiftw that zire printed in MA9&- tograph." Truly, it was, a "lost tunc, ?" asked. the Prince. 'Ever since Humming hints, 116,490 buildleg. left. me and I ivao cur,:&L I say curod, r New York. There swoetheartit :'Rd r f laaft won!erful photo. of lightning I hall the lionor Of your Iloyal High- Impeyan heasants, etc., bun- fcxd I 11ave, mot sInCe had it recarrence w-jr, I all, .("lliiig 11totlie for tile zlinse? 7%sW dm*t whet I lipoll hus- I.... %Vhv 11ines of fire-t1jere Nivere four, 'wiva4 gather W look (,uv -1 ness' acqualtitance.` Here the bra- dim. the trmilole. bol liessindoe. &L -d C3.11 luak--- it ,!aY -%ein - stienuillig hand Awl IOV%'.%r, 90 "ize- III) tile holid.4 the sIde of WllkPa. linpeynit otc., 1.952 -bun- Ak lbrorkjig the divrrsity o( troublesi Bit ile wirw fattier ansiwered- - I bpringing froin one to g &lity is oil Pink i4lisare you kuow Well tbiq pboacgTapik ii, cau t4ey t.lown frolli the dark unit angry Ilea liqUi()W :111JI lintan thp burn n re a. liar, JoWt, an 39% likoly.- i laugbillgly replied; vens right on to the. eartli, %,%-here words of the afte"llitner ora tors. The For hilplit-ItY enlPhy nothing Owlal and iawko, 7,103 bundles.. a cure it ina Ws be wentlone-d that, 're eolj�LW lwme for money I*htntrig 'takeft' itwif- It there tho treem of tLe New l'orest in the :viow fnm the gallery ift any o the could surpas r. Rogers* repartee in "t, nplating this wholesiale they mrtorml rs. frank Chaaw, a ()It tile occasion of of birdo for,ornaiiientit- is A 1ft80dMtA)rn:i at iiight %It that )%l were -sharPlY sill'Ouetted 110W bAuquet hans to 'Lady Davy. O, Mr. Rogers, destruction 41allghter-Ina-law of. , th(b, gentleman la*t wor(L were (if you." T tioesemaiT to tv Put a tongues of fire. from ja b I ig dinner is well a seeing 'health nd lie Ch1*1dren g. lie r you have been attacking %ion of th fair Eel, tlie*ed mferred to, W - am vt* againgart t e itor bf a alpove I other iftewiti- had *.ud .,I smi-in-law trio to feel in ChO C&AMera, W10Aor ilte leld)!Zatlt which. little spread oltt "Attacking YOU, "dY Davy ? T scientific per mays: "Wp art- will- etrength after ai I I. -w hit. looked. i -bout 40,000 niiner4 1111i failed. ' Mrs. Uhase siays: .. 1% itki pot" M at the bky. whon tl%' next in all directions. I felt, alitt tstill feet, are 'low Waste my- whole tilue in defending log to le the irresponsible half of 'alileare % ht, I inquire Uhat t1iey -rn of mallee, creatt(mm a their ' - areply tAI what iny troi- 1111glit. I II&A of lighwing %%ill rect-'rd itk;elf proul o that pilotograph, for it 'tit' work ilk t1lo Cold luines icpsU you." For at combination chiffonli , --(Wlklch " 1 4-1111, W, le haid that if Ito that are not very rObust nCtd & 12PUM t4w plate� whi--ti (!auAc%kt no little excit0well t ill tile The graiII4 of and wit -the cbilected, word* Of VOI., or womens dress.,as you bit. wnoit, for evvii dtxAors coald tiot (,lily gq* tam- inore goilml ki(-k ut 'the licit mean ragug 19ret. its to the nature of it. One hakl building and f at-fortyiing deme6pek,. 1�1 tivb umival gold tire said too be on'oll taire nilght be for a par- please), th r oml-tair (Vom and their- a w(litild (lie happy." wartn#g En uka t is I 111" re. urne4l D. na Ik I ­ Ht bw was& bit of inytery t,ome, for it ocrap iron, if they will only leave us It wits conmullIpt4(till of the stomach. food- -sonat thing to be uwd for two Cfaltbl't w# w.is a negative of the ICLUtWaPe Nverage larger than thole Of al,Y ou r birdo. e rate at which i4onle Of anatlifr. wax equally e,.aphatie ke -4 oil le Dtithiy, ami't, that %re" 40ther part of tile world.' All efforts or three months in the f A wonderei IV a iitrtk- ertx*ed idt as zw. front ol' otir 11 )u�ae an obtair, ,tilything like, corref!t III- lit the recently publiolied "1,110 .01' the rarest and mcmt beautiful birtlis in'dpeiarhur that it wiui tiver tr(plible. wal I dt) know, and Out s for -AD r1WIt uut first *4 it -is e4aid tlip poet W8111 'on our pI et are being destroyed to OnP Ir -1 jkmi't see %01Y I 8110-1114i. I they may not suffer from cold '44 Win. it as remem- (orinAtIou reg -i rding the, output of g,, I I Tennymm I know ^11 wo =1w w.kit fr.r -I hereA :LAke,,l tue tt roeld of quoting - the rollow ing as per­� extraordinary taste can yelun, I 4ek %voman. Itave hat oitraiglit tSltwria have ww far proved unavall gratify th -or- that I wne 1flictf4l, With UeMralgia. a hardly he tealized. Nor can we oA m) wbm them 6 aj",,tlwr it uight get take it jigllt lantiscaW tmt,41dt� ist few Jilm,.4jan fret in their kind: br, atO I wa'. slib- I - that tlulg at look the tefrible suffering involved by fit.%- X9 �Fuur wx4ograpi 1 trap -4 view witli t1ifi, last glate on I.% liermitNI t0 kl10W A'certaln. FMnelt King, roe pet, t4b depretwing headaches. M y COTT% We'll me W1=t we e4LI1 iul.-inoralge eii-caing of'the storm., As court a ina n wt id to be very like him, tills enormow slaughter; thp young tinw. 11 ily -Say. Billy, WhY d0t"Loellet' 'a a b1tirtet I I out, " Y(Al Un -4 v4 osprey, apixtite ap not gtxxt at any Ilair Wit* IfX)k lik-t! EMULMON .4 1)11*44%4 f ig. IkIltg Jerelopment proceek-A. Ud the 01' m like our ft of Itq parents, left to Iffilir, 41,stinet, � _k -,gti oil :in office huilding III "tam"" that appean-d i!' ttie ranAl jvctri;,N�came more auil wore 1xvisible that your ai.,O iprt ine weak f( It player! ma4 exellml ansi'vilf- r, human �t;f.4vgia County reatimi. '70ouples tur- famiLv; is it 9 die In hum ed; the lipxon, with the 11LI tit 11il Well, I startod to, tout de cold I -wits urprised U) So* at mother wa-4 very much -tit court?' plumeLi tA4)r from itt, baek, wrIthing ..at latly.friend who rl�;Itlflrl Conwone--come - . .4 9%, loattv, laamrtg UP I fie f1.J11 fil it. with 3 'ried ,�i "hort noti said the man,, "but my liatt lw"Pit Iwilefited fly VIC tuse of Dr iti womt around -de li(pise of "-Uver Oil with Hvpophos- C.., r igure.. tx)rtraye.1 Into death .k 't like -Ilw- ib- flo or mi -A ww-tl 1! ii &.o ry r4oninwil j; ffl$ve it cloL*r ex- AnAl next, door, t here Is father was. An() wkth egwtstl t4) thp lyre -bird, .tn Williai4i' Pink l'illh ' me to looli ll�kjp, phites of Umc and Soda Su IIC-% Illaguifyin j611, Litt, foll ' , - *1 ('oUple#J ill hio I We gas I :imination. the result,'Of whicil Inalle anotlicar Ow .4 The Prince Regent. being in Port,+- eminent o Itilologist, In repl to an tr the.ii. a, -.d m4* Ule.V I'm] al cure( wid K-. ant. Wey -Ionwom for -r Viat very right rnge-d trem1ple with exilitemelLt. :vorct*1 on 'easy teraw. without git- ulouth one, day, an'd weeink Jack Tow- Inquiry the writer, tates- OlThis tliy fatfiier.ln-law, I determined to do exutl what they w ,Me Of excvptifmln� vi., It till, ;,I tilo ilewepapers, citizen ex- (sm am&4,4 the streat, shbute ow4i. utul I have ilitich vatis,- for rejoic- will thrive, grow strong and be 00 1 �eaven*!" _-pxcI4I,mekl, d 'out in won-derfu rd will soon become a TO A B1F3.0VEJD WIFF.. &bCM% 11 4.>*c"k and 1), .,1.. %%it,, 'tat] Soiew-ki! I 046-11-; hY Toweri, tJ, t e -past, and with It will IJ)9 t for yo I can t-ailly sep well all wintxr on this spkndid food , , ;.;, a photo of %he murtjiLwr of -121 If saying: his royal way: 1 nullo, I 11.11"Vit ck�- it iave I'liti-its- it weil woulaii I Ift'"red t., eql it, %vils: token at the id,n- felk-roi is brothereL One's a. hear, yoo am- the Freatewit, bin 4 1 jig, l��pof r e sole survivor f -I very that 'they -I tilip w(vid of ours, an irp dily for 10 11 all Itis igha(br &?%ives and tx)weris: tonic. Nerly aU of them beccxrc hito W rtponi tical Illoment that the crime Wad conl- -Pvitico. 111,1 'tother's a lawyer. They guard in, llortisiuwtbi" Towels re- aneiont ra before even Ito habits -of inp. I Wok tli(- pilLs stea W lie Whole scene h0e Your :111,1 git 't e are fully knowzl-" catiple of nipiltlu, aniti at' the Mid I to In their fiiVt bloom very fond Of it. For adults who There *as t pl-ayf4 into eaeli. other'o an% di- pli�ll with a lov� 1)6*,. "1 rue he plate oinr li . � re V) Protests of _or-� of ti"It ti tup. wam. ellAying the hies- Tf flon-er,4 %vitil tilpir tAwett per- are not very strong, a lrl4-iy 46-picted M t Iooyal ltighnpw ' Ims I not c In Ite of till It xl%-es f treatrrwnt with aneoav"m 1 tlr;xt briiIL-int finsla qf lightning taike.-away tily clinracter. tiltilologift and litillianitarinam, the g (if g(XX1 health. Me. M of able, to Uie fpir-tit course 0 dadbw � f Zghftling t he a.tft tile --late ., tuore niialitel.y. fler ipi i AtlantA' boy'i4 00M poid- destructl( i Of for the disfigure- imich plen.wire to Im to jum vn ptm wme pla!X­ - II -lid". . te wais ad- 'ent of' w men's aq Lord L11- lie tPj4tilll04I.V`t(ytlI0 T16 from our caxth i'L lk-311tY the Emulsion for a coupk w4 ittartling In the wilitary Tory -condida in 0o got ttm eatner.t rca4tv. . f roll t ?I I till ri....uft, w. tion lon't Im -x ("yr voterit - ,in - it p4l put I goes, steadily on. I %trenle. there was lite muriferer in drowling it nteetiti. to . ring; of months in the f &D W U I T '41 . � I . , - !it beiii* vaceinaWd. s' 1101% 4-tir.- 1 �Y els!- b@Ckrr4KD thf. ery ict (if plunFing tl.--� knife in- wrur - vilJage at .:k by6-elcrtlon w hich Dr. William mcm f rvy 110 one of his two a Ig V, the rdl( inay I iwit i4ove?. put them through the' )r once tA)ok place Univrol tho ell )t -of Tlie. bl(xkl, an" r in fiat-dAU COn- !et n3c Zt- it e winte HeTie a r nis by � i t, I& it' -ho wver COUld Play Thp . 6andidate . %yan known to be reitew lift. loilitAl Ilil, till abogt t if t!otll lguieball,,arter thati The 'other night Oe tile nervem, thus driving dition. Ask vour doctor (f 0e 8trongl'T in favor, t"f flogging in at rei rovod. f L IV Il- Inlit'l 0_.,LcK of Judgment P r t1tot npa came home, 'an' tried th open. "'y, anti thiS wMS beifig 11sed ngaillst n Ire art Artiltraginj dkiwa compir v-*- 1 t thi- door with It u i ) Ila. I asked Ilinl. witl i-ffeet. I)efending titmis 113' 1110;tstinx thlat eveiy Irvi ful you thinlL that BC41ttey about thi& an of poor Juqgmen M<M 07watte 11-i it. the matter rwe fj4 enrl4ved' In 'a wraloping is _t. Hi5w did lit sm.-e v,.0 get SCOTI 'S Linuiskw,. 5oa dist rie tliarther mot,her what was witll hinuw1f, the orator Airged tlint no' Imir(h. t') lVeing ppen to conie V) that conclu- own sud fi6h are am the wrapper. L&114 part -urr, i t lip fliTj? he Paid she didn't know,, but necetcary disgrace --att-nelied henug the full trade inark. Dr. WI!- you tTimo of the No%,% w", -in InAnIninte sed'he Ilad been vaccinate& flojrgj�d.' -'Why,' W a H. THE PECULIARITIES ritit 1106; for Pal;- I A:' d-uggists, ar-d 61.00. Ffy Un ifime 0At. 111a, A-: r grill. witfi:utot urnett ?face.-, 1� Ing til.wo le O'PO T nitj--1 abk&l Will tO lend me $10 chemisu. Torsos. Ie -40 yq,)ti we .what it brings YO11 to!" f1mged inlywif Once, nad it' was f4r. SCOTT ti& *. the lit- r day CeM11111117 telling the truth," **Atid it caret] 'e.e .-OF THIS WORD, Photosrrapl4s c'.,f Royal Chib!ren I l.!% G on An becuume lie refused you ()iii% of the women p�occ*s iiervers f LxmatW t. ;%fter tiaw Ill.% judgment? dGaw i,�Lft Slide-, Ilo. gen- i Eugland keeps all tile 1lu we \ew*York city, will. accept no fee Ifts meeting. XXCHANGE LIST. 61tire (.hj phoVogmph of Iker children which Tociib-,Ai, no ho let me have 'a ndring- t!, iA than- .$25- Slip iniaketi .1% pectaltY Of 0 have ever been taken. At S. ipllio The late 'No Nc+ne on Earth S ­ &a ld Its lWove dif(Rult -camp. asslitiled many dU thei* re w-reens tn the living- Old rd Coal I wiJI astmlihment by four � g* t4i. Winr4e,4Ur gh, it keon abstinence advocnte� myom which am simpl.Y covered with HAVE CHOICE culew and create -take J)IIY 61d sou% ciousty. caufurria. noes 4 tiwbiff0e. P'100 wag F4ced by'a Ileavy shower to Fam6us— No Name -itrer, lburat.over it, atitt lw",-dro hi, the rapl-.1ity and excellence of her photographs of royal relatives. a YLV (att 1101,11 il� lit' KNO. excliaiige for 1tood rtat-ng pveper,y ally 6 -en drawing w- t!je lightning slLideilly I reeled 4w IV- *4wA- shelt6r In a public liouw, A bi Onta rio once. us vrift terrible f.*.rv. rbw, eay *? Wl�y, o-morr,)w changels. She appears us an old apple where he mict, a number of, earter's.. Mor 'Wide I Imitated frierids, politiemns, artists celebri- He 'is for ie whole .1U1.3jing tlee oft II kinds. But the -Princeim of IaLrdearned ro!l. flwhftg with hrilliancy. luor womau, a decrepit beggar, or a lady otw1fated witli thi�m for ACREA-W E A It K(W-bk J .ith I:e �ty of I.L.4 executkat It the thauder rollilne P* r 'tJ I ree .111 , fashion. Sometimes j4he -Itobblei H(,' re RI told them that drtnk NO I'Jillul Oil earth, perhaps, IN w) 134-atrice is the grejittiist collector of he calls for a i4jorellbke bee ittopruvem"is.; w vem 1w arm: un- t?le wcTe, _,to -morrow, 1t.16s aft alonlrvb� a cano-or. a crutch, and nt drinking, antl aii. It J.q u)ld that she -hfus ilitipow4i ery aboveller -netimtx-red; rxcb&mg,- $w4 stairio butdr*4 too". #)Pw by one al %t was their worst Pnewy. - 0beervIng the kno n. morp' peculiarly 'c013- o ("t In f*vp. !.ounf. Feen driving in a ticrew; at osce. Coolt-ir & VA11. I Awil'ai iu4nLer ' I rb. one �tructd, 4r tuorp widi!ly imitated an eyeful 4,A eindP2-A gt-U- )ie; expre" um3pr condit,on--, tilat 11,411 -1 t)tJlaj tialft site L: =ething like eight hull(IMI 1010to Ge it eyeful of ashes fte oilwrtatiow of 19(.001 revults. 1!,4jcrJri(-ei ut , , nr brougham. Her iftelome io ronskIprable. dottor"o clerical g. of them rnph.-i abont -her rooms.. to say tinth- 111. in Iligi, gri-e- -just aR, r J Want W.,04 I "i, Omen, who reillieft Lotwiably that hio '10,1114 t9ld t1ulki the wt)jrd DODD. It. Poweiftes 9 'Ifer victlaw are mostly w' ing of wyerni thousanti stoMd :lw:'Y A very idiaveller gxvs: 81 X TH OU 3 A N 1) # olt 4.� 0011 DR ICK STOR F Rod LwMabbi W, tile,,, tA) ove theIr enemles, l'ieculia, ty that makct4 it. staud 666 slid Lotel; rlwwd: all reated: th- Valle.4 ir(Mu Winelimt4-r. *%ith ardept to e4atch., i .1. , 1 w4to AbWlt to eXn-we t! If, 6 i X Twenty -thp I ) awal- I the rn it bOX- -d JJIe doet-or blit not U out prioml ently ajpd fasWnis it 11 for 6%-e Itlindr-d aud to xes at leame: u"t 11 plati- he i4aid W I ily don A I filo %neaw; o! (omnillAit-Sting wit'-` tl'P' 'Warburton w)io ne* Ww them., memory. Contains fou let4ro; but A Qtiery Answer* -d. etitylb rvd; itxcharg- for W16i about *00-4 t I'lloto of the aut,11oritte-4 V) eve -it 'tII0 tt:194'%Iy Robert -of the alphabe.t. WRI1110KIND., I you uke a flaablight value� nparrr04 lou'r or 3illoffe: at Over OMMON Wit;, that 4,n-- lill,ulinated Which Would r4X,II 1w enacte Only , t letters (4DI)t Mho chudleigh (a iittestionerw sk. As there K I x-Ithart, iti -t, yoll 11. . wit.11 e,% l.'etic+ tht %%ijulit� knows that the fimt kid- Barkley. the Wife of Captain Mark- l1wil, as ter%'vard Duchess of'.Klu in em ever patenLed-or 'sold in, no, cum- cure for -corm?" We,flr, glad _tain of 1my 1hip pton), ny ret y,, Well-Knomm Lake Cap kutiw. Pblst tlw camera towat'l tile onive tul inlocelit llltin,#4 itre: ,wi vlilelliti�lll agaillmt. . . How La -court of George Their Ul,' bt. able, to tell,t4ifwp fi-tifferers that r frien-t. ts)o. How Often Doe t for l,,;u' it den ozpert In .6rf- maid of honor at, the was ntned DOWIS t1rippe Left Her, a evatre of thf4 comthon dalons tales rife as klim6overy u4rtlW the medical pro- PutAutni'm - Plinletw Corn Extraetor, Gave Up mottvir ww4. an Af- 11., Ilml rually be" Hope nd Her Family ]'If Iii[4@4 tf) F14W J!OW it COMe" ()Ut"' NVI-.qt -ul f -clitat Ili. Will Mile hem ilk .1 (bly, and ex- Itigh ra-h1c.-wilo mar- to her 'doliw -even In that -scarcely fowpAqion th world over and revq1tition- re t Friends Despai of Her Recov- ncftd upim his %U99001LIOn, Iltn"ll no i. -I Illy na4l. great I e. a i lCliait princt h American Nor - to ast India Clom- place. ized � tIle treatment i whuIt never The Great Bout tuor I'thuo and My Lord,", mile 4 kidney dts tract 'ciorns In perb4ipiraion 44opfw, I fro:ii my li*%sw I nn off kepr in the F G 0 was the Beacoq Which Directed "Id ()ne,day to the Earl of. Chester- rwvd11om V,an a .if lightning 40 Jul4t t!.e:i iny Vife -return- paliy m aprivi"-, the prew.nt,ciolco- on heard what people eue. faft Into the Good Health Harbor. and elvatilifte" on to- lial. liiw:tyj% l** -11 ill 00K'� tfluell field, "liave'y No linit 1,or 11118 ever succeetleid in borilriant, ii, ito intonol� P% irvi were -darnted %to we-iny- agi� A a ago I wa% V;esebi 8. lip ,as livf_41; 14%y a-bollt mp,-t lu-l;t I hwlve ti a name r=lng the tie%,vre at froe frow faint, ap tM mon-est ardy toll,- wali, the native'irhief IAd c4nistriic tack or la 'it Is Anti itel state, lint ii0on ieriotl,: -I lid twina ?0' 11 Madam, I make a -point of ptwuliarlt 0f DODD, I til"y 'A i.&tuntifie imirnal publislow W. ormuell LLP, &id)'r- wrdsW from up a fear.-,ome -Ind- ter- :..l1tpr,4, my wife's, refitly lz.sI,l1llli K,ittt for long I 11IW0 nan . lw as o4im ms %P1 m,%Pr believing more- than lialf Of nt�axly at a I :,,I :teetmint 44 the- d6covery (of the ii rt e iiiio6t ri!teiti "Oh imprintp4f V:4- I rW WhI - tnkii-ti' --. I)atient itit*' - t it' tIlP plied the.'earl, with Im",ible I prorstrate4l for INDURATED I sound tau"t ti,44i, b.v Iil D"Ell, Pie wIl,-kt,I lievir," re and construction to tile We plate 'Cie. .;very fan -I tim #- I 4Vx-tt)r*-4I witli wili-eral phy- niy� fcolialinew prevents them ty, tile, 1104)41iilut. Mr. w plate, a Uow.. thim. Thel 1"ip romedies. 4ilt FIBREWAREO m glad thats the ftttenipt4 to imitaite tl.e deafenIng lei realizing.. tht the 1-64t of the lluding efivat. M y Immaid. W 1 rf, le r .1is. 4;eriiiian.n Emperor ;i-A-rilm-a lits only tht ImAe ilmiumul4i vmopiia; I , tll(- i-'xeel_ iii-ttiowitheines urginic the Athpidans to Increase le f.lule otif Ik-xkt'e4 KldneY' vill.4tp Jitiviulc run away, lout lie con- h.uAt-lis. usid preveia* Ilim to inake If . :1 It'. Itch fr xVan W be alaritipA for uly imal of tkunder a'� up ti, %V.nr1a;ter JAil: all vigor t( Phillip of acedon is 61 1 with, the fidle-111141 saw. where. smkitig. i I 41,oulP not vare tdo eef. tii#b governor . veri*A� r 0fu*v&Ll1.tm,uw&btjre i1mmif heard, Is-irt givf-n to him lsy� his favor- xed Wit 1111hotion.w lid tells them thet Wily i's the-liftlito Kidney lived. Tlip nian was foullil OtA to sUmd at tite wimbow d1iring n- tipon being admitted to, his prewnee. it I we. Ild"Ileld (rat littist 119M. I and 3-#*rsof %%eardoiiot, te(I o well ask- �vhy tme, We 'end for r such flaph .-4 tilat-* '411all we p.1lg,.Wp lilt., tile lyeven'-a-nt %vltl,,e 8 1doetfbr. alist Ile, han learnt hy lit -art callnot fight PhIllp. Says Dem frito WhIch lie had jeawt, it, % kitle thclwa, 111ocion', you will drive the are dill lilp an,l gold intitated. Be- Mt ttl#b plat*v to night life." 14-10ch Is clitnto-41141. 11411ley. 116- Climbing was otir liancimmit-1:i illustrst- 91710i v t e t u 1' 1 a a it n a U c wail t bh.4* tc 8 m till u .1jef t lie t 'n( C A)r tIl rl r tlb(yt u I la r e n wwti. tip ,eon-eo 'nit' (IILY, anti then dia tjillti ilre tilft 111""t p Puth Atnerif-an Nervine. nd w4 ed booklet (frec� followa.- Eat,frnit for breakfa-8t.'. 'thenians Iliad 140 likf- tll:Lt or III eom- of a nervoub i,atur ­,*,;oiL J I know ilirkt. lie telegTaloh40 t4l 9 " Phoelon 'got the jnost'preckms metal. to tile TM E. a. Elloy to-, W111149111 or lutleh.,Avoill pastry and they will kill you." YeA, ing flown lid. applif4l, him solm c first bmUe an4 we'li do the4n tile tail-; or.*nly Fat fruit f to try it. 'Ill' to 1twil r Secretary. Xiving 1+1- - 4' akcvi. 4 Oil; take imAnUmPH MIM' atwiipretf, ­ lite, when they go mad; lkxltl',, K ItivT I'lils are Imitated I*- blirk. Thp tliP' only pect'll- Null, come& Inc In fl�c- r.#�ring-' ref 14 0 -L C. th -ire tit Ankle lwl 'I Ine greatly. I L free.. aik and, as w)(41 as tlwy ge� sane agaln, cau.4- t! nl�vt valuable lkouvb t;er., :1 day. Don't ta e tea oe'co arity (if the race, th'eir butter Tula, N111", jZt tlat in thlis Plevent' i tl#"i aiml thisi gmatt remedy hats Paili, Tui^, . . 1-l"i, !Iny. *wet or (in' medicine lit- orl-I lux,4 ever: know.n. so 0 P&I- I lwtim four I .!Ps. every you lx)iw* nre vitraorAlInarfly developed, elt ifetA.1y bulit III) my isylltrill. and B&I rtl CA.) 'I j1AIL t: fitr we w4;re o% Ilk- Take i bit-th every fllly� Wash the -No niedi ine wa% 4,ve.r named kidney 1L14 to rooetuble tlip spitm of nxwters. I Itiv-pi 41(w4arp tIIJLt it is tile (Ally rt�. , etc, "ry I: warm. wavr., OIKV of tile, Im%t repartees on recOrG piI6 till eard (4 niaidical re*eurcu .arjy by a %i(.I+-tit ringing (f th,0 fact ev,tiry niglit In Tho '.%I(& ilm- pohomeel lkarim%] ar- v that p,11%e the any relie4-" The nature 4 the evW1It-4` th-'It 'is th't oi Foote, the actor. Dining gave Dod, s Ki-'ney U111.4 -to -the worli d uptm going down in my s,eel elglit h4mirii every night". a 1. "1 .. t, L4 tablis dispute so " w(jic tim ,%tp"IJP - 11rukf*e-nee. and all ro%%w, and stre treated liy'atho litativea gown aixt ol*nirg the door I - with. Wnue friends, a )tested luedie ie. *,ver k-ure,l BrIght's' dis- cucerning It. %"re kept 9 aromid titwim sw bruteo. Dumas Generzatty. e d the 1111age. parti-nian4 c . who find Among the L'-,7,294- iyttn#­4 fit the. fir(wA� between. hiamif .and a. young CaN10, exce t. Dow s - Killhey . Pill$. _N' o qtrl 117 P�ecrel' iliy' the Tw-live hagXarri IA fFiar my negatIve onlarged- nod spnt ccr)i di Wry t1w. jaW- gentleman. J%e.,Iatter s6tight, tbdis- other'nie ietne hn-;' cured an many WILL CIARRY THB SOARS TO HZR the d&ys -of h64 affluence soute otle 6-v iwii-C Brooklyti rec. atiami, Diabetes, Heart' GRAVE. very line. 1 -4 Ileum, strfagly marked In e I . p it rage 1100 te, NY .1141119- I'lln What his cm%e,4 to Dumaspere for nO #-Ous to -is ir of tfr ph01(SrapIl_vivJ*r* up -in the le. hmaking: -lmw�'Iaticn %Neiter,4 at 'ill y(on come W. friend. AF04, %IT," lie g. ped."' tu?rs c)f the funr(Sprer werp 4:ie:Lrl$ father wam. " A Sradesman,;" said 'un)b Female Spent Thousands for Heaith, 1) u t Did I bury a .lArge in a free nnd flow ing.. _mn nuer ty lie (lid Weak rind .,other kidney di-zehom Not Obtain This Oreatest of all Blegs lie 9- Dumajii naked. ip ? TIgVe's FOPW. .'Then, air, 'It"s a pi ness What was to tile common- witli 11 0 Ix)JIne statl6ns In have.' It In - iligs Until She Used the Great South A�csqp-ie of man lyihg tl)Of+', SIMI I pwtraiyed-to a I I t 1. Zmi(lzlnmki appe-Irs therein, and Zld: nit.t. make you one.. And -pray, let as Dodddl Ki(htey . 1411,4 American Rhouinatic Cur* --Suffered 'A hailiff. air," replied tlw fror thereo t6e kingd-,ni. nith lite n-ault - tit t iiii)iki- not to Thollition Zoldtnitski and fattier, my univPromall known thAt they have r Ije',, been- murdere4l. 14 w1thin ten days the r4-01 rulprit wau we nakj what was your Intetisely for 12 Yeam. nife *tuck in hL- brert.-A. .1 want Ync1W%Yk_ lenils- up lord?" 11-Mylatheir, Mr. Foote# was a nover fai lid L't cure themp dimeawa, I` llrawlev of Tottenhaiii, Illape eyem ]it with memiries. lie come jjj4 a witnfwig )Wlforp I &Treistsd 1-i thp, f. relp qwir-erof Sollo, amitinst SyetrOd(1wskY; a"Ll tt`wy "up- gentlemnil.11 "Then,. -my' lord, - It'is a 114.11ce th_ arf- 4q� widely atut idin.mo­ to I:bs dook tuid returned with a ind urw)n t*lng t-lLlrg&1 witil tiv� 'mur- wirt each other. Ilan neniviihin lilt and. pity hei, 411d nht make 'yon 066!" Jeswly fin ated. Ont., FtaW,;: ollif� rt AlmOfft eon- which lie thruat InUl, the matt'o loop Wawa as *arm aw edslimbw tho body." tililitiliN for 12 years with rlwmiii- n der e4inreoio4l hLA guilt., uUtIlig that lacht wabble. sub omto W =am the. t.fpnllk)4 'ilLill"t, of ullich I will varry warmatmidle r"n .ring son it Mardered! -4 41 maj4 all 910"m4i"19 N t6olk, tile t-freet I .... I al -I, -1:11t %-.-,I it I in )Iew utL-4,.,4-otus was din- it e,(� .10 wma;? Here are TIvio AchmAulail I ords. ot WiscliDul. ou say MWIL who" liad fled t) Elingland too ILT0141 p In New York to'nily grave. uAid while the Mitts at tebmj 00001 wata The eliurch pawnotho i --i-od- pu"al lot, GROIJ ft till 1* Ija%e ef 'Trw rarryIng cat a horrible t#L-,k -Iniptw ing� %Atlk the r- renelt- R ing or i;im tiny. ir You s brow ltlud iou 'W'wt elLile'et lily el`l,*r%_1`4,1I11(I wrist.-iareyet stiff 1,;ini I Bury two or lem." I you... mlar rulecef thla- is #*Hlng Its ntirc4pemed pledgeii. Am no w1w%nJile, latter Jokingly .4ald � "D111114. on him by the partir y4)ur It to get, 'dirty. IL�njin.ly rre4-41 from pain III the imp of, Amerifte "d tal#- #,:I,%- i-' 14 wi Is inade 4.,n *�eeurlty bw1loved to lie ej�n you toll Xw tile difference Istweell e it e Catarrh ill titis twetital 1116weatiliew zap"ttlas. W- we dretulwl wwIdt-Y. oven. There but one mitra*ht4orse, Soith. Ainprican 111lemilatic C!ur' w3re is illor world e9w; �ua a iwat'-" wume MW we 1W 'or tlw.r4- viuc to's f4.,rfP1te4147 1nat."uate It will br(iik aboui Smitilm aild scitlis?" " -flist tllo� w*idth to seek truth and parsne lia.4 -indec%] provcd a w(miderful ctire ow Imb u,w -1,kix hair .1:rol �C'Ijt'jP4 .00HPI) B W) d'Ing 1IL4 life Ie -&me 71te Interest charge4i to hivariably at wam tlw and thn *),,,,try tliwt all other -tumofts-w w1wris for Wn" maw Ift mew az�-tfto t?ia mnim!erer was A!I(Ated tile feato- of flw,. table, Your' NfaJemt.y. It i4teadli in my caoe. I have RIK-Tit thouxaiid4 p UVrether, and witil the I"t few by 9011* one asmi, OL4d 10 to a sinsla the, Mte of I per cent. a nicinth. A -�torv' bill's and it y It was P4 V Inew-4-u-.6-4m -% - *; lint never`*r.Ai%.%eym that of 4Jk0-:trm In do, ;tll k1wt rwsi luty 4)f rarrytng # liat 1 he 14*18WA TIPIV- p�wmipt reply. led.- itupp(wed to lof- Incurable. 4" will "ad tire of the plan., to mcourage moving 4 of - grfsn t rnan.T yeam *WtOre I)rf)- reml bottle 41f "it won all4l %% A4 V.r. fit a IWO Hoppig to rwape, Wilenolli 4 "0 D if $I in viet wto epam. habits, I" all(lwing. Immrowern to Pay following. re- ilever .11 ell, thoughta that uever olnes, witl*Iolit, avail. I nced it 11 locaj 4litvimv, and pre- soot Good wl '-@d�@ w(wicer ji,4 Jw-4%rt,­lAy flat] lived fit rellrelustit, in cier village, III Jowett's Life the ander.. re the harbijigem tor vie-! thio wtx-.-rkr- ' lia.,; cured 1�f I I for $3 1 will ecorpop of 1%-afi, -N40A41lC 04, banod-1 but wap imf-kt-41,by lit, inexorable PXO- back a; loan by 1Tl1wtnIntPnU of not tesm partm.- Is given as one In which "the tit. I- litit 1wtter III health geiic�r;. IocaJ remeAlies and by (-411- r*ued plaw dws ww"Awd to vow ave PIS t- WA all MOD" Will lie "W"S" It F" an am young tenari-t or "Thip Ifernilt- f rutlinpr. who stated that on tlw night tilan $I. If tnterest on a loan reinaiul% maxte4" gre;atly t*IlghterL- A Scotch. tory. rif I fin% -P 1weit'foor ten yearA.'* t-ikM$iy failing to cura with It ca I trea b1fell AL JILMOUL b" W I v. I , (I nowing, if y u, don t ally tha o" y bT - fifteell Inot pr Golan die Vii, fqW. rn(ffo tJtWL mW tinounced It ineuralwle. Science boart. awr If thp Crest ictorm lie find come acrtws unpaid nilninter seeing ue of film congrega k1u)w w I at Your movi. 114 _. You 4 betr and nuitor brou; nd of tli^ 10tPlY N11-tTie tile prfwtrale and witselem form tq the, article 11; ndvertimcxl for Pale. W title tioll ni%loe.p ht him up with. a ter 'by rar keep still. - To Ce*w&L-3 the Discovery of Coal I"" jbin,ven ratarrh W be a emstitu- .. Forep-t 111AU.' %Vflilp Meirrlleps. from wlw�m fie I t4w)k every- -the direct reault of tho work'bao been and then holdinp: out a f In- Elpgam e of' linguage imist, give way t1itlAI d1ow%ase, aixt themfore re(iuire4,. Dealer for ))I"' Xuardpot ' Vie bolidY, I blifirifht thing available, I!Wludinz the fatal more t)eneficLal to) the borrowing gor gaid W)IeMFIIY: "There'll bV 'to V) simplikity In preaching spund doc- The Belgiami itre pretiaring tokt-,ift e<t,.W1ftntIoraJ treatment. Hall's Cat- Ask ou tjw� dnellor, who illwAl hL4 -Arriva; kn1fe wrth whirlt 1* Ktabtwd liIiii; vletin, claRmes tile tndlreet rei-tiltii have 19`01 aleeping in Ilpil, John." To which, tile trine. -S vollarbila. tIK, tviventh centenary of t1l.. 4tiscov- ar-Th nire. manufactured by F. .1. larp4l that -life bail rar I (wtym fie arcidenUlly mpt ImmedWO-. Mually marked. Every pawnbrok(w (ion ffewler retorted, " Aye, but ivi 110 DoWt ry to - folJow every'fashlon ery (A cina I their The.- (J,f,-qey & Co.. Tol(4o, Ohio. it. Uip cmily P has reduced hia rate., at' 0 - lack of ministers." diiscoverer wa. a blackswitil of LKWX('. to-otitutlollin.-J cure on the market. It ,a& li"nro. ly after leavtrlg Merrileem), just As.th@ tlI0 cAlct 141d jo. 2 per cent., some to - be for tllt unle"I Y it wish U-) ruin your health., -the Frencli word B 0 KH'S Ofold lWaven lie eine'llated. derewling r-ramwl Itail Purmloed at tho lit torest. w),me your ha I)iTIC84 and Your 1xvpkethooks. Ilsnied -TWIlioz-hencO W tojuvi Internally iit dLvww frulul 10 ';Prald Nfer- 11-21 and Rnme, to -1 per cent. a montit. watoeid at ­ bouille," or coal. it alillears that trial. All 44ficer In Vie, ariny, And Ili gave it ftw his opinion that d*,_VVsnb& teaspoonful. It acts directly formerly. tile, iWlqt� 41111ow of a hotel, l(x)king BRUSHES ANO BROOMS. Ill They chargM per ce,"t. ��e, 1wro are* 116 Initialn" tn dim t1nie, Merrileeo revelv&,l a r, whoever rould inake two enirs of corn, Iiistorians ate batisfic,41 that Hullioz lood and mucotw surr&r4w of ti on the -,l:v#,r-1n041nted I -all- Uflcf1n(lfttM&I peLtlikul ([,)r it erinie mignincantly tA) a clergYninu 0PVO- or two lade" or graigs, W grow upon Wam 110 mere legendary perwxt. 11114 tp system. They offer (tie hundred dcA- For S&IC by all Leadilix Hotliow. r* , Cf. M.11 - inan im a erank. IA.ok I owing to the thou latte I Nip murcfwaftil Site rorge greatly pr(V;peret that he had never committetIll 11,114 #Mj4l: "it I JIUAI M Will Who w114 It -t4pot o groulld wherr only (�negrew for any came It faili% tou cure. Mend OMAji. 30ga= & DONS. K&nuraa ot I wollill illako him :I clergy-, fort., to ierald Merrilee,4, t ho should nist at any time b,6 Hurpris&l ovor the crankm 4 your ne, ilia inta I)VP an idl t�w, f o ri ould (!cw-rve better f inan- cohl I,(- burned when all IiLs rivals ulsiv and temUmmiJals- Addrws. T,0ft0'.ST0 O\T. ­06�11 1 &lilt t.fji'Inar "Wfler (J( S I- movilt f4l NI I!- u # " " Tie- clertrymnli 14141)011410141, ­Vvry do --re owsenti-Ill r v id�p to werd* hurnIng wood. lie tmeatue. th.) CHENEY & CO. TcAedo Ohlo, so near of I Ca 45 4&0� 1 ano ynil will be surprived .4p K.1110 W114 F'n r m,'* reat Walloon irou-nawter of hisdair.. iff .9evereux. that n4rt 4#t#- of them d(wm allytiling 4-vidently your fatli#,r IN 11im coun ry. than the, whole race of g I c, by tiruggliita. -s.',4 Uor t1w 3'f"rti4Jn,4 "r the 11"all- bee ittr geat of frie". 11. Tl!ey arp not prominent citizeful, tluvt opinion." lookicla, put together -De -in Swift 71w firat omi fire Was 'kindled by him 11's Family 1111a are tihe twat. He and I are t "WE WANTYOU QUICK411 .A( 'jj&rie De�;;�ux, waA arremted an he wvyv fie owesjoa_ Ife to mo, but In him imilthy 111 1197. In 1228 his llprm ti 4-- t1boy are nirot prtilminent w)clally ; tllnY 1.4 tA) a cJl&rgP of mirrder. I tell ?Jn) ft In n4A no, but that lie Owrs 4�) nt4hing ror the, geawral good. . A icilj�al preselier liebig an%ilol WellrBeb-tvad Race ebarcoal was burned by all the blark- Simla a Unique ottv .rn Ldorirwthon Of tl"F'- hilti" 41f it to the magazine that PwmPted UN -10 %-Ili) Ig a lawy()r Ia IvA 11, goc.41 inti�rvlew Rev. CAT. 14PI11-9"'11- "allf-Al Anuiltho fol' Llegv� and Brabant. Tiv- linla, India, la truiy uniuuO. it W t Hall.- who dpprpwfl that 4AI tako the phatot; on that eventfnl night. crank film 116nsw�, bolit waii inrorlllf4l 1)�' tl1V The rwegiallm or slu lat"eg are Frvmh were iwt alivo to tiie iw- sof lawyor; a crank to iumally a crank 1;0- At a r previ,oi3x e%ening _Merrile#4 had, After dpi-imatstrata-wi-ervaitt niald that the great preacher thf- I" WISVed IN-0ph? ift l"turope. ecgil Ixbfore the fourtetuith vo%ntury, ilkt on the side of . teep hill and caume, fie L,4 a fal!ure. s o, Iled that a -ere. Th 01, roof of Ono house is often abou t bitalligew adie% and gmillit'llitli (,&%I@ In "Tell him," sald, the. It is 0 . n arg aristoc- # ' lilt 4tormy interview %vitil Alk" -idinary common was migag(41. but tho (Wkes of liengundy i% nd yrn- PROVITA81. let, Skjoleni4ki'm ilaivw, W1Mly,'g&1& b�y Goothe. ing' that ho lilek); (a lie wrvant of tile Lard racy IN neCe":iry to give by exampli- collieries or Anziti wpm not, howev(Ir. I a levo�l witi, the foundation of Plied with go, --n re"s, in wb w�nft a erntik prPtends Viat lip knows (NLIler, "that t replial a higill 'ie in the next tier. Stairs afford the, einploytnent. IND11's'My is tbe swential kne to 140ciety; but Norway dLCoverpd ll(qorf� 1743. The tile- weveral thuen, mild 1,4-elftnijig is preaAalit. TiW overytbing and that tyther people 410 wlihe--A U) WO Ali the only country In P-uropq 4mg of aacout and itw4went-h-_ VA'LKSARY to aectire GO(M) RMUNKRA U tile wwvaut of- i" allm covorer im Wil-iod in the church Of TION. Can gi %-e the addittew o( I lawd Andflenly 44m4tie-4 tllrwwII4)14 its V,4- pLace Of expectatioll. not know anything; that #-orletY ham Nlr. slo,rgo"i. " "ff I t! !,Oilmr, livittering: Fit Behavior Is it 111irror in, wfilci, every g%g 4 mas-. without an aristoerney, t)r any pre - learned TICAlling fr(mi experience. an4l the 1.4yrd T ani en I wit Ladimi:irt% In tho 1111lis. Ilia id wagow belfig entirely out of the w kao boa J uA cloared $1 is i u 21 1)17AV&� I tensions to one. t4i,11114oile tfttifies flult he lillilk tile kicwtion, and nearly all buniew being be niisde right at rur *wn Holm a. ill flim I'Ptin thin Vat the world odiould be tumed ul)"id(l -r ,r -.IM by the c(liolles. Simla Is locatmi 3 'XICH01A & 00 ("rip 411'Vays lli� '-wil tA e knifo fowld and neglect Qc_ Jis untried first . p .N I L-4stritip"tandingm dowm to accept some Of It at Atizifi. 1.1� t114- weatern HImaJayam, and to the art Morrir"m eamkrl jljrA�p rnlwhlef it, this world theilffleft. if y4su can. avoid 1whig a it%terIng place pnr excellenop of the forth- tiLail t-ve;j nialice awl wiekedtidW. -Nehraoika at tl,4* crank you'd better (k) It. Winflrd's Liniment Curtis Bdrns, etr. vi b1tes In India. BFNGOUGH StiORTHAND OCHOOL it t* b.- 141 � t %%'#Pr4-4 are 900d, but t1l"re Is sonle State Journal. CTODI� TESTED, King stmt wow., Toros -to. inifilvidual 4a 1 SKILL OF DO zw thillic 1*,tter. The 1pPj4t Cannot he ex- stractiou; reporUza vsrUbods; pupilmi may plaijwol tyY WOFr&- ,The spiiit 4xi Glass Shely". A Compromise. elluir "y Uwe. & C. Brwk, pKeelsol. willell wo act ih4 tile cilliet max�r. 94oldier-Will you proinimp to Iie ki irn- wt 4)f Imugitigeorner shelves that 'TLY CUREP BY ADr I , tijo mail who'learnm the boudoir Fifteen Years of Suffering. eternally true to me? lWar Skm,-Your MINARD'S LINI- PERMANWX inovtxtirable di,*tanc-1 1)etW'e"n him livil; bric-a-brite In it dainty' Servant Girl -Eternally! How call z1fadft,owe" memo Reekoew. t 1,1E@N,1P im our romedy for so" throat, FITS W-0--fi�A-ur nervouvatem aftw firm d wL.1^4 awl Ili* lx,wer%. air of g111#404 Joilled-and mimpended by anytKxty pronible for Ko long am that Art 64 l0nX. lifo in x1owt: Judxnwnt gilt eltaitts. The mhelves, Oireii! innuln- die Soldi6r-Then say three wetlics, till e.,giiU and all ordinary ailments. delpbla. uw. SeWto 101 Arch street. 11%%! To bel' are triaingular in mlin1w. The- bot- I . i,4 41iffiewt. r portimitY fleeting. 661 thought I shouhl surely tlie reserve* are divivinde�i. tht., for av"Sn a" free Of t ri&I btA Ur nd. to)p, 4114,lf ill tim! Iurgp"t, I-Lilil the other to relleve and Vor male by J. A. HAute 17WNotrrD%tmPtrvw4 net, to T think in tlifficult, A t nover falls cure Montreal. 911r. Itrt pnrotiarit V) (InP 0103914.Js tw(' wMewhat smaller. They werecut -it each stomach 1)egins to fail in the sever ty of the disesse or the prompt Ott t fie glazlor'P4 andi plercit."d when the Ayet',& Kinard's Liniment for wilt everywhere. 0'amptly. it4 duties. other otgans speedily bccoine and Perf ct utire performed by Dr to xvtalt an41 1111,ppy wl1O end anol in t1w ovintre of tile angle affected in %yinpathy..%1id Itfe IA %iniply a Pill%. 8i ihit restilts occtir in every case CHARLES WHOOTTEN. .4 -..e used. -,Tlicy own stiaticsi dir inoiDw.ndm" that fitA into thp curner of the wall. 1mrden 'almost, mawarable. indigicstion whete D . A i t:t,, i,illtL . Ships Oloaned Without Docking. "WANTED410 mail(? not to nid. Kilt clialtis at encht 6iul anif ont! and 4yspepsla ate so conisnon t1tat only h0ped e i glit way 11 Is the commilit - wrt Nitilgrave, tor4t1wr to von res Shipm' lx)ttoms can he cleaned with- I will pai 25c per 100 f(w ouncialle-0 itime or tile hnek conn"t the sufferer frolit these di%cascg know -4 exp Y n of tficis who hive med them. fib It[ VIC in i motery that inhere in Ifere tilolher testiniony to lite truth of out the necewity of docking by a Jubilw stam,11111 of 1, 2, a Omit, varletim "Ifide (pf actinK 1,4 U) PHI- and huptiort tim- Hiwivou. At tho ! dig thie possibilities 0 the sufferingit this mtatc�weut; - __ I typicai -exasnple of a newly-patenteAi apparatus, which im Ia good cow ". kd&ew -our np&retit ditty. tjf etwit mhelf lxpwu of untin rlhWn them. A indigestion im fiarnished I int Iti, of the victlln.Of "Titcliard. Hc went I f0t lerly suffere(I front iii(ligestion mounUxt on a small boat or scow, and CL & MURTON. is to havo it 4)"1 jAre tipil atmut the chain to keep It in the casc of .1011" C- I - iti-d wcat attaclifti to the side of the ship to hp P. 0. am 68 " 4 rewives It fron slipping, and a1w) for ornalnent. On for fifteell year,4, froin bad to w(.,r%e . ucfs of the siomach, but sitice I cogni. Thijugh-ti ~ mlielves nimp. very pretty, Ill spite ot doctolr* he grew constautly begaft flke itse of Dr.'� C.. Ayer's Pills, ckmined, and ham an adjustable ladder,, Xmide lifninnui, what Is n stag E11110111W116 Out. W�aker, and, thoulght he would die. If,* i have we appetite of t � farmel"A bo I at the otiter end of which In nwunted I- lioty Mrs. Velik-A party wheze WAAFf W wif# Mu9t 110t n nbom wwtire remting-plitep for ;wna- rot well, however, and thus relates 10.4 am 46 ?4*rs of &pe.* an,d recomincHy'all A %t ux trtijqt lot it wt of hanghig o4helve" of 9 zperieucc: who w to be free from djxpeg�iz to a revolving brush or scraper which Is it: �.* 4 nw,it got together atiti mtag- the -t'4114 C i I capable or reaching all P&rta of the r a*e for the lack o( ladlea, (%ar. Nueftrd THAT96 a MustOrt 11 and In jal�jtnleled w("t, with the ( take out of Dr. Ayer's Pill a ter inner a r I ­ Por fifteen learn T waq a greSt "'Ifferet Menem tile &*%$I- P_ I till AhetT digesti orpni ste in go�a bottom of the vewl. For dr kennsss�i drink cold wa,tsr; of the 111(jilldingH that f(win the frain from indigellJon in its worst fornia. order." WM. 8TX1VXe1K a, 6 tact, Neb. W I I le to W eS work WI-tif brafW Tiv "hol-ves te.4ted the skill of many doctoirs, Mit grew f -yr boWth, rbe earl U) 1W happy, witi, Turk's bland J Topics of the Doty. is'llicil 111i,ve Irregular comport- worse and wor%e. until I becatne so weak Dr. Al,et's Pills offer the ritirest and too pleaw a mind your oyrn Tile Germaii Naval wmic f(Pr bcxik* and wime for I cmild not walk fifty yardswithotit. linvhig swiftesurelief itoni constipation and all Lveryone Ia wirpr6md at the rapw I -Firanklin, Dunwi; w4bit VIM to Ot. down aud rest. %ty %tomacli, liver, at it tranobit _. -glumm over the m)- and lipart became Affecteci, All(l I thotight. I its sitelidaut Ills. They cure dizziness, Ity and offioncy with which Nervilim %, �rvsl tl P T nts, it plate- natisea. beartbum, palpitation, bad bteath, -nervo-paill curo-reliev Mahari'm ["fill tic (T w)rne of the alielvem with would surely die. I tried Dr. C. A), et'n an neuralgia coatcd tongue, netvotionexis, sleeplessutos. i(m I to Pill@ and they helped nie _4.t away. I nd rheumatism. N.ervIllne Is a speci. i-itsi. Wins4ow,e soemi I I wry W IoNAP an4l allinic acrow the front continued thcir jise wid am now entirely w1iousuess, an4 ascare of other affictions 11 Wig syr -of to ta plitAk. 11braricis, �4el )Id for $2.51) oir 413. tlint ate after all, only tile isigns of sk more fie for all nerve pains and should be X4191f,01110ft. I&S441013y rWeM_ 4 well. I don't know of tinything that will It' Pain. tmt Ube illptitutitsm. whent hiing over :I deep rm)ted diseAre. You can Still more kept, (Mi hand by every family. ;: 6 LY PURE ProldwitiAl elec- so quickly relieve and ciate the terrible Informn -.ion alootit J)r. Ayrrs Pillit. and the �Vii. o0weeft I "a t at ham no over-nian- sufferings of dymptpsia it* Dr.lrA;Vr1.,% I -n 1"Llf" IWILO Tlw rr&wvgLal Itspublic. Mr. v(A. . "I_ -di-teasei, they hnve ctired, in Ayer's Cute. "That new him girl of o -n crare I lb 'OP -.30. T1 N S. tion in the , otber Pia -A- They I(x)k ]pill pi."-JOH X'C. PRITC11ARIJ, HTOd book. a 4tory of ctirv-, toi(rby the cuted. U rs a _"� "p-m- bert', JLPd coill lk ren Co., V. C. lift- OA OPP(md by ldr. JOu re Wt. 194114 tCR rion IIG,yk Of IOU vastil Is scut free, on out every night." "I can sympat K rsW Is U16 t lird e&n(lldate, Ildr. Nflolit - rtquest. by the 1. C. Ayer Co., 14owell, Mail& witio you. go does our fumare," a bot o. I% is aLid I TW6 CW is not extstrdivary, either In Ming to split the III gel, to rw lirvimepr's eleto k -I%- ma 6 vote &MI 60C.— sir WIltr tr" I (11inat hax r0ec"d the pr(opot4alm for Invitation It M tonfan MM&raateeA loan. Iclao 01ou tonde.red to kn, r(w 50 .0 F."ter- MOO& to aerniany been 11 (,ffT1Utny 11041 4k- Liberal eon yearn OMIT, a.lthouc V 4 P IW<Wuv=l 06% #1 - AN-Ragowu bit- MIld RUOLUd- or. �11 N TORONTO. O&ly ight froul t1w city to m4ativisk. Oil a "Im-tilig Itow, 411il" H114, ereditvit 04JOW. Flu W011111"ll. le IMO. ieft 111W.1111u, llot lorearmal or di uloug expwu'.' eve ow. do llut kilow the t iwoimnt. I nifir- yt t1w dic4AW'4i 40 1koney, fix tho pub - Wily, I kneW It" opke, beto". I 06 hito A being t whk-h 0 lilt tkw wbvrrl I llaii-e entwii"i avmIld It mlitter 4 t%6- U4.#.qt evoryone with fLn Illixt"Pow lot eou- IferT"I to :I% AfInt Uib, tMitell '14110' which I tnell t wre legiii. My Ml "Mcoe-ading View im-pnXteb. VnI [lot ot th�- 1W.0pie l"litit iove, no%% th:'t Isn' orid. th-1 1�ftrdei-t it, taint 1 *11, pm- $1ving hy atty IKXJ- pbeliflusiY 1IM1103tied tu"),me (pr t4w news- * I wpitmedi twe.luor as a tendency vp wun when I went rw. that IN' -ad MM Ba rnfW-- 40S. Im.. will lwvfbr or wire . but wilat is jot lvwwm t nctitonj% gp wo much. 74hi-k fd_tjkq�wny f(IrPil"I ,d failing oii-er ttwtn- A,, mprii-teeii, if' tilt' -tilaier U-4wim i6i nil mibiwr eOMPRILY. e w(witt, whiCil 114, PdJAtPl% A'rPCt*%i Ull- ent. th purely Mythi- go,iiii it I I I el terh t", I t,1 talk concerning ffairg. hut acknow- -sit, in t1hp wwoiewi011 ammakillff fAr". em- Sain 7 — -k I 1 0 lif acticift'. durine &do have isdWaW sivig to get reWMAfti wife and retuM U, vowas. the Tn<)tl%Pr He ilgis 1wen ner- tile dwision in tile fWpt wife W ha%,e owt aside. Wild011 rn%oraW V- 'ri, wolitui M%aewltiate 44" 4 rplatiom IW- 4gWond wife. RP el - dM to tv4De a bout =kw W Alki 1W forci-i M'"� in tile Alln- (Aim lie took dp 'lip foriced out of ht* =not septem- rrownient to 1 tilat 1fro. Barnif,*, turn to lier fani- l1w not nin- in the divorm vt,tcw of the Anwri- a ., tile PiUiatinn 10Y op. Magowan W %-IL- and the tiw limit tike blizzarc of In't-It .It It* f1pight. I 118J. DIRde thf, fitill loit-ed Ilim. tilat lie 0411ouid 100111le , F4ie CWDS tLIP IKOW oft. It is the orifiuilll lind adjoin -A the C,01- Willell lift6i bFmfbb 'tll'P r a tiw wqwAtionill va affairs, during Vic IF IK%L@P ip eftantly W lxAW and Ito txm- S.Semo. By rieturn- I WWWowan vrill not Vwnp. hut tine, nwitr- .�Wwiipta.wp Airouki lie qrti,im of a ne". rull- 4g offer froni tile Neii% 1-1 = 46 1 CAsTOR OIL ied and 6"Mill St IfA vwd vasuw oil wall itiltuli, vtI1ti%a,tl4)I1 #.1 fit time worki. larly ill MmLli Auwr- -mWeaterti lArt 44 the jr,wilw-ft au oil whicl, t1lan Amodicilml uW,,. OAP. fr.LWM r-gi SK) Wlt twr I)txllv& of j~4 yield- JINU 41( fltw oil at tIW 5 1140WM6 tic a mr4m,41 'Alonal lw&t it, tlw W lx)undt %ff heat- bseiaw or in dh owm ftaing - 11W extinimli 1"t-lianked prCe"10 is urning JXlrPK1111@8- In mi, ary (A)tainsd 1`14M Ivii- jilg tl~ to dry itu 11 tilr"iting cient tnt IUW e(villitry the lxidb "it hard witxAwl r61- nt Ago MeWy erusli UW tile wass to a tilvir. placed to hich are PWWWG I ( t4 w work is I&Me mc&ie, or a in ruui4 AntO rs"Awl ~ dd ou, as ­ CAA&lined Is t (XI041261f of Nils Of tiw beall - For eakf% WFO iiisno I I to 4Lbout UW b"P. to tAW 9~ 4109 to keep an rate. W111 4L ater livenburb. witk w&%w be is reaft ow Va. ve of w0ker 6626W ling. Mae and rate. we to Imtbw liariaeos or Well are neKIMAGMIty Acir 4-41. while Saab Kil-r UW leaussir pa- WIve alioplied to or-. lKAiall. Mn r^411y Ile �itfter its aw. Willett t allwr oiis AAi a I leauwr Ilielung it Imp 4k 101wicant f(W 1*6% � adii-mated by J"ftU.%- ActunWIL suLag-, o( i I ar Iu% Ui have all usphim bw t1wir eyll"deft Agw ail. A caabw- e' rs"Iy. if e -ver a 111WIPT evesno .4 vaii 9 tAbul It% ON Wag 9, own 8L