HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-12-17, Page 1"Molt 7, t 16 _TP 411' MOONS* r 00 ow BANKOFHA ILTON Subscribe LUOKN V. ecla Mubbiug For Capita paid up $1,260,000 Reserv-4 Fund S725,000l rotao *-%sets 89 846,678 T A ates FOR. President- -10UN&TUAIRT. Vi-ce, P-misidltmt— A. G. RANSAT. % __. -1 week To DiIARCTORS: VOL XXIV-50- L�.JUCKNOW ONTAR.L FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17th, 1897. WHOLE NO. 1246. III o PttoeTci, Mov.GiBsox M.'P,Gro.RoAcw AT A. T. WCOD, A.Z. Ltr (Torunto). 0 of annexation, with the United States. viuce 187, or 22 per cent, have 1yo H* is &-Huat4s�r A Now UnKIM', C4whi*r—J.TVRNBULL. W.W .. I . I - t . .1 -a Orange Jubilee. He also spoke of the progress maie '?A r11VGS BANK.—Hou -Mr. ThcM. -MeLf, n, of this villagn,' Amon' the* many improvement A only, and 8 ro 10 to 1; -Satuir- MAIR & SIDL Ltot I ice'uses;. 261 have -one license in Orangeism -in the Counties of Huron (6y'.#, 10 to 1. - Depopits of $1 and UPW&rds _? . ! to 'the well kno%Vn catEle huyerjast week triade by Mr. Walter Stewart in his et9celved *And interest Allowid. 448 have not mdre than 2: There are and Bruce and the Dominion in 13aaen., 24, i P pe - il from tile Itipley station 200 planing. mill it; a new eogine which 004111, general. Before taking his sest, the SP901A L DEPOVTS also received at Cut- 671municipwlities which -have no stop bead of _'8teers to the Btflfalo markets. will run -both the ivacisinery for the Royal Reception to the Gmiid Orand Master exorted the youag men cent ratro,)f interfest, LUCKNOW, 0N7*_. licenseiL, Some parties gay that thereAs no mill and th'rea now dynamos for the to stand by the o14 Union Jack RA Frs on GreAt BriWii and Ax United cattlb left,," but Tom * upptars to have. electric lights. It is 80, horbe power Master. 3tates bought and 601j. and Maple Leaf, and:'amid applause little trouble in getting theim,as lie Our- -and hss the very latest improvewents., resumed his seat. Mr. Wilson &in The local Legirslature hris recei ei 1169 to JOHNi'-D. N-10][10 T. W, , I - - L AGRN Ill, a g-eneral bankinq jousine lie 6hAsed the 200 in -,nine thaukedthepeop�e 6fthei villagefar 164; 1141, seven petitions hearing tile name of By the Lucknow orangemen and ilratftathr-ong-howt Canada &not the Unit�d I . I . I . . — 4- , Citizens Generally. their kind *reception iLnd gave all State%. We "lake ciollectionij od all.p4nts. thouilauds of tueehanies,. demanding school Tra"6011, present a cordial in-Vitation to call G. T. R) TIME TABLE. including : -Western States. Manitoba and -Bw SAIPmont 'd rall, "The nomination. for three trustees the Xortli,Wetit 1j0rt)vl'"V,t,l4, "nil -all -c01l,,_. legislation 4gainst Dep�i:tmental stoted. upon -him if th-,y s4ould..have occasion If anyone "as any doubt of the fact fu'r 'tile Ltick.116 W 14chool Loard will to visit Ham, ilton. Besides tile tilft-4. whethernote or ac-:otint, will have The petit ioneresvek fo-obtaln legisla n Mle, Ladift' Astrachan Jw_&rt was a red letter day c ti Be t)n)U1101, attt 1161,11. 0 that the Lucknow grain ivarket.le^ds take place at the muni icipal nominations Thursday last .1lairruan, the -reeve, Mr. Wallant afid luality. 1"t - h&tiu liniag, M Ntotr,4 olilAct-unit4i and faruier"s salr notes al6wing tnunlcip�lities. to tex �n o r for the members of -Ludknew L. 0. L. Mr. NVailson.there were on the platform, rcgu ar price. $35.0t. for $27.()o Pawengrr tr.,In.4 lva% # loik-kiiuw !-t.ktiou �Ak- cashed. 4 Y all others h -t tile' ponder 've these in tile town hall at 7 o'clock p.uj , on firm carrying on.inore tliain* one hin of figtrr6s for a few tbinutest. The Nfonday, Dec. '27th- The three mem- No. 428 and tbe brethren of neighbor- Mr. A T Davison and Revs W. N. 2 oil ly, Smible 11? uff j. I efulm prios. . . . . . . . . . We 1 --an to faraiers on donl)le tot: i-itigle no teg y the bers *of illo P board whose term uthije &lid I.B. Wallwin. The tueet- G. 'ilv -N, -rt h. at frt)ni itne t4) twelve monthd an as follows 2nd d0pt' 1 0. amount 6f grain. .shipped from rezend, - 68-101 to $1.90. irinli! a At ing lodges. Everything possible had r1e;10"inlille rale'of infierest, Lucknow Sbaijork.1"y. 0 L u 1. lo"'I buyers' expires, but wit) are -eligible f r in..� broke up at a late hour. all singing f2v a. ul. %h rogressiv bly or e the Natlonal: Autheia, with great NVU 14'an .4wall 'or lar.4t- ajw-unts on'seconil 3rd'$200 �,8.400, thus been done by the committee to 4ave a iroin the I st of 1�ovelllber to the I I Lit election,. are., Niesarts D. P&ttoersoni Tht balaueov If Otir tA101idN'J6C*- 4,10 i)r otber real e,4tate twe- nd Orange Jubilee and their highest spirit. 2.54 10. 47 -1). m. doubling the previous amoutit. gra 'eW to be cleared out regardlem of iii)rtgag-e!4 mi ive of D6couiber -was A25 oar loads, or mos. Iteid and W. X.. Little.' cost. No rmamable i4er r*-fuwd. *tot.131141 iull-blvulelitol: Still 81,600 bu%hel-4. hopes were anticipated. Arrangements 1). W, I I AYES. Age ad vantv N Web cal�tr,,;-Auiwintoffit weromade with Gran4 Uaster UXAL ITEMS. fal.0 I)vr . A line of Mau's 1). B. suits, heavy t 'tits first niortgagt�it fr*)' t-kt.'to to jwr Bystandei,".ju t1to. Toronto Sin, Renclied Its Limit Cl'arke Wallaca, of Toronto, and weight LIEGAL vvilt. Ther0eis';ra-Iretlacco tin-,, to the reaches the'conclusion -that lunady is Big Sale of Furniture ...'rile sull will not set-any.parlier this all wool. good Pattern. *i1lality.'and 24L6. 44 the I.;.kli rr itired... Grand Chaplain, ReVi W. —Win. Wilson has returned home Well trUnined. bouFht &W below lield . ter tohan W. -did (,it Friday last. 'ilso %V�- havid"n liftnot file salt. too AC s i a As h readill.- incie I ased by'the inte"iperate Berry, mainger'Of -tilt) win F. Vol, frout the West. rtwillar laice. %,wth $1 00 for ,TER $8.00 A. 'MALV4 )MmQN, s ill b gih later. till after of Hamiltas, to be present on. tile ouablo charactpr.. Lucknow Ovarial Furnit4re Contpiny,- The'itk)rnhig w e f Of'ficiion 0 Po Vtmve�ancrr. etc., (late 11 lan- With ­�Nlkl,htliltlingziaul gent-leme —t)r.,' McDomild, of Kincardine, ffic t day will occasion. aid these worthy 0 L. _ly. last week*. sold- all tho n;anufactur. d Christinast but tho shortes 11 Cwue r n, H olot earnetoic. G4 itivric h). 0 will 1wi.-lit at a Wn.,Alll. B an 4aye us a ple"Unt call' on Wedries�ajo. Thwe det4irinx an eXtrA (1100,11ty up-stair,4 in Allin's ni-w-block %Ve xvpri-��Olt t lie lea, liw- No doubt of -that. ut it cl have. ly 1 . minutes less tinle be 40 EnAi li'and - Ca ia. -3k the factory,- on were given a ri,,ht ruy�d reception at f tea cmn purvb&oe a rrgulve r& furniture' no* ill 8t, a - mxnrip. and sun -set than. on the —Air. Wm. 14awkshaw of SeafortV. N&A Tes at 40c per 1b. Ow inpa i" anti can Ajo said -that insanity I sli,ill five fliallratic ('4411I)a is also ad 4 tv to 010T. 11%ton .-3ipqny,.of` Torun'to,' t*ee" the stntion, by out -reeve, J.G.N.1urd'oh., Lt" t tti�;tiranc*,- lilt all elwases if I)ri,lvctv .6. visitud friends in town on Wednesday. Ku�uia pdkage t&& at 25c is A R v. is,r F. jR.. 1 0 -by inteMperance iR !gaily -ot or Ile' 1-9- 10th inst. So -the (tirkness of the MORRISON'.. it ' M, wk r Mutnal k 4�.,tnpmaniv.i - de,.4ired. T s.afe includes soupo t*eIve'c&r-loa and councillorts, members of. L. � 0. L. geuwal "tiodueti6e. Try 0 Sil,licitor, 01malitei'viirr. NiltarY ciiir art, fri-til-jo -a. 'to 4 1). ni. —Editor G.' 11 -Mooney, of tile waim. I a. 3 worst although in eating en, winter in atx ut to it' regards— U raperance 1%9 of fu'rnitu-r'e-i and its &"ft orde'r It" loso'.. ottico uvrr 5100161y 0 No. 428 'and neighborii.g lodges; our 0 received fo tw ts cild h"'hardly begun in earnest. Ripley Expr(sa, was in town' Timis - Rasher Shtiv.. temperance in liquor.drinkillgi inte n r o cavloids inore :from first class band and a large 'uttifiber A large rgingt- of likndkere-hiotai, GEO A. 4IDDALL,- Atanitoba *the t " - 0 �dy. I , I ullststrof liandsai.the 0ain anti fancy. to arrive on 4%&t. pl�ance in privatp: expenditure o of leading citizen the train catue are noi s. ks —A number (if *our yuung- leop't, -1 Agr-O%V PROUIDFOOT, BAIRIKIS- fact or V iworkii.g night and A 3ood Ptill V&V, 6)ught 1ppecially J,,# t6 je Sp I Sn* te "je W I 0 into the station, the bani 'struck. uun tcok in the hall ill Ripley 0`11 Frida� money; and in every thi na that tends left, solicitc oderich. 0nt- d W X Wag trodt. fw lic each and up. on, etc., ay� to complete th* oraf rs. fr. Walter Tho team o ned by IN UplooT. & ts, A it so w. wts. Pilo 'to Alie G, od Save the Qu n" 0 rliaht. bri nd -liari�assinent ee and , n steppill" g new ent-rine, weighing it C. no Ut Wru ti Uri humun.mind Stewart, 'f the Lucknow Planing to. the Illatform, the GrariA Master an't, A Oood Animal Sold Atillsidrew thoir We have AILAtyou ar his distinguished colleague . wt;re for iti Xuiu gifts #t; Gordon's drug MEDICAL, Messrs, & -6, 4ullt. & Kbus; � of NvL.,t. F5,00 pounds'from Illyth to Winghani. or 4.! 6.4 61 lmlcri"I; 4 'f— 11 11111F thp artuadl, criven a hearty wele.6tue to our viflaze Ine,. oronto I V V vi� a 11 ILO W W I" W 996 %V awan,.)sh,. hAve just solct theIr stmk' f loa -%voraea speec,,, e R. Tilt Ll11-KUTV TO UTTER A'Nil) TO* ARGUZ of thi6many residents of province. .1,ull, 66(,�ejlp al �1`to T 4. -..'Oolew J fmin Ilensall to Blyth, and froin lit a mcaily --You cau 4)e Plaased in an allouiLi ,furce . r ft P ; 0 r in. &ad Acetincheur. 8iirgery . e I . 'iet I t o at your owfr pri4 at Goidon's drug -h 'F '41 - - ve which was suitably rep, Enjiitt,a qi;lwcerystore. Cw-w ours FRE MY ACCOKPIN * �TO T09 IDICTATU ffiv Markdale, 'Ofonnty o�ftxrey, and sbippe 'Wi'D91141n to.. I;u cknow. This is a kee in maki�g.th6. following sum-I'lesthn' A, f #on, .o t.'w 1:! a. w, hom; 2 341, 5 go , -1 W K WE -PKIZ It A BOV . ev d, him on'' Tuestley. last 4 -*from lie're. pretty good pitll co'n4dering the way by 31r. Wallace. A proc"_sioii �%-'a,41 XF CONSCIRN X -ALL 6ral executiims are anhounce . t) 7 V, 4.1). W. 44 the- ruads were on Saturda`y�' list. General— illade ars. then (ormed,-head(.d by 'the Lu kno' —Lookout tor the Band. It is -OTHER LIBERT1198 L .*xcellent im C W _V occur yealri .4 'A 0 ti It .'t' I 996in'r to go +crwading shortly. Help early ill the, -coming %I,: D. (; (11-11 PA "NI. Pressl0n. oa,- 31e!,am. Gau 1 41 ne erd* musical - Society's band -undor ko., ehysicias. -.tile law steps lit r D M.S., 'M -O -P.. - &'Wers of to. of Sliartllorm, and Mr. Culemitti.is to De&th of a� 0114 Kawn leiLd6rahip of* Mr. D. C. MeMorratti. 'Ltalolig. 1W I'p*t-ai-r- in Wm- aper�;. will lie reat I, -d ority otnew4p. ie, cimit —1.htys' hAing powder, made-frow elAulated tin -securing ,uch a Mao.6ne. in poll * a . -*. Alltn'_4 new hl -4;k- R. -to street, Lacktow Doce=be'e'r 17th 1897 On of the oAdeat Fr&. owing the band caint! soine of our 4=11(m C behind Cbweron. M�rdocbL c..'s..4ttore - I . - i fineanimal twhead-11ir-I d Mpssi4: . � 4 4 6 - 1�1 -of - r ter pi ssed awiy in Kineardine pdre oreani tarter, is the beit. -Try it, with lurid,doicript'iow, ifll thb L h Canada a prominent' citizets and officers of the Gaunt alid eep6rt an* acCive' trade, in 25c a It,. Ionday Iastv in t o person of John T. L- Tnoiew" ;" r� d.janl m 'I) �jr rors' of. lianging., - 'If it ha*tf poWler I' h I I A' -I* Al NST PH, � I I I I'l ITI _N Letc-e.,tefa,'shipping rourewe.4 on r Wed- —M ess rr.. Diive Lougheed and jr* , physician avid lli.' the Ontario Legislature, lutullt. 0 a )roe. in. the 90th yei"T ouf his it.ge. m-ber of the brethren 6f No,�,426 aud, nesdiky t y a prominent broeder -near- uu Murray's Moe* T, -rov;to I'Divemitv. And oulwil.4 rb.V34i f Iti . 411 P, -Afr� 31unrAe,_ was a* q1tarter weml,)ior. of Yrank SeK*, of Winghaw, were in town -In a lettrr t4i the. Torobto .'(-;Iolw. Wor e. ass it _lneasu Toronto hern U47 Sort lit Lodge, No. � 93, and aVdSurV@4.,A4of lontari,w�� *Sjwtial attrntit re p hibiti' other Orange lodges.. The lu"'ch Thur&day. 0 pdblicatil in, :�riptjons.. o man. wended its way down Havelock hud Will oiwn prwti,v -n ljot. % print:4)a ns 4th A ,des f- tile joined- tile 0'rdur when a yonn 1. G-ri%ni of Quee -i-Mr-s. l(uhh, of Ashfield, was admit- cqr before .1 n Zpworth Leasuk I thours'a�ndlhe.expcutlolv of it, n.. Me funeral -- t(y& place with Masonic Campbell streets and back to thetown ted 60 tile I I Vnivvr%it�, Kingston, oiinat)unces -that RX uron Houie of Refuge po 'a -ill eting sorvices :a We(Inesday afternoon. hall whereit broke tip. Befoce die-, I as t w et k. ­ r At t10 rogut r e oft6-E, ' ' hq Will vote again ti sup ied'.W be d. P 0 4t, ptohi�j � on. lie "0,11tire Rile ttly- SOCIETIES t the world., Lot the-� eiecutiolls. wortir 1A!aklie Of -tile .0ethodistehurch" - persing, Itev. Mr. Wilso4 gave an Ile —Aliss Pentland, of Dunnannon dmItreithat "ASter lond 014 earnest held 6n '-Imolkday' e'velliti e . M 9 St Peter's Church address to the band bo vs,* hearti lY W 11 - vi.4ttA her' siq�er, Mrs.`Geo. Anderson ewe er at e. 10116wing. officers we c olected - fo ' th4 1. 0. F. copsWratil-it I have.cllinl& P.the cor.- pri, r r ay IL -11001 Christ- a- last week. \10Lf tory D. C. T _,ty - ,,pear *---. - __#� ��year The annual Sund gratulating them on their finC cl ii )n that. jt� rohibi mas tree and entertainment of this ide'ritUhristian, E4desivor - ,. afid. playing. —Call and see our wreath and cupid lor;- vice.' tes ance 0 church W*ill be held a Thur.- photo tards for Xm" trade.—T. L. F P F.'.\' T faiv wittid lxlurtful to.iij cause �of I ul (D V) o Ed 04t n; vice- resident, in Tilt; CONCERt. i&s'On&0r day - Di . -23rd. t th�Aown hall. Trele P telarieralice arld. Fifost huriftil to gen- ec. aven. work Lanisp Treleaven; vige -president, -"ide to hece wdl mati lit the eveni g, despite t"le incluln' Mrs. Thos. McLean'ani$ d&uRil- pkvet�. InAllo- 4 041il. il..W4. i� . -uractions ms ro er kl pillA ic at d.pri v4te'fil I ity. Be- -iferary, et6n; N ice 4 - -L - Plossie., Ifambl LB.C. Mu.nielp'al Electio'ns ..tile (31iristimai tree. :Witli its pvpseuts "'y of tile weather, the town haL ter All"a spent a week with friends 4,1:SV 1;f irillch ill"Iltb.at jei i,3 s0roly -t y dllty,�t,,-w sadoia', social, Lalla. Ilerry;_ secre %vag packed to. the do'ors, stan"linIT 0", It A r pce( 1.1 illo istir hi inunit, Sunday 'Schoal 'children. A -rotuftly -%-iO #k4:1­ck- V i t i 0'il., Thor,- ver i in (J"roderich. for the 0 the P41% and to i vdto -No" to Ole tary, Geo.. W.* Armstrong;. Assistant rooin being at a preinium. I at te jtyf'. rt . tern with -tilany bea'utifull t .1kirt-thrun c.-r-U411y iixviud. ti - Vill , . - y ' 0 etaty, Tena-_Lftrence; treasu'rer, magic, Ilin MEMO a 011�11111 rfa t his J. 1). scenes. e Volt iq fato of prohi -i-- seer recitationi� a� 8 o�clock, Mr. Hugh Morrison, who� —H ('alla,,her has'a large stock of filled the chairVery acceptably durin- -alis -om A. Nt, L�l*ol,- Ar 0 at We\ v: joill, -or togitli,4 with ws on howd, prices rarging ft 'Ithigstill A I I lrfinist - Lora Smith. and the pr 1,ji-ility ii fl', 8mith; by tI 1ildren t G. M urdoch and idl tile. members of t il;'� -songsp aud thorusias, he evening, called the* meeting to Oc to $4. 00. prewe�t Council will he retuen d - and adtilt performers. A silv,6r c0l- order and thanked all thorie present for C. 04 Fe . . t. . 1. . . , Our clubbil jr t k - A load of Christwas trees was I n Rn:tiis; pen.a pro- their- attendance. ..The programme i-: I.- Nl I,[, F..-; F0 I, I"AR.N1 IZRk. Acclaiiffiltiorl. jection. I)oors'o Helps for .00.1111111110. i . . I It 1 1. 1 e cry gratillne commences at 7.ZO P.M. 4iippt-d froin the Lu,�knjw station to )J,Vro*� ­ %� As us we.hav6 rec'i�.ed Ual t$ie V was opened by the; Lucknow.orchostra r I;rffalo la*st week. ir%try Ap�x aroi best- &rran-enlents- with the I es& ng which played a couple of 'fine seleeti )us 'I.". Ttiere Be sure vA4 take a look throug i T. Xin as b ill the 411`32.A" krij ers wIld desire "an) 9 of some -day -f are,no $,q.00 Governmorit bt (luring tile -ev-,, Ang,* a In.1 if po6sible, papen+ of t he' Doiniini(m for _'-speci.% I ark IMMUON1 W fariby ciiinaware befeet. -eleaven', vV44in-l'', il.�ittd. of,' tilt#. lw,,tt 'va riet ie4: OU (I grvn A if - . - excelled itself. Harry M. Bennet, tile L. Ti V6itit,: 1l-rtths--u,4r y d6l'ar bilN of tile.- new , -DoiVill- ratri duritim,-the Aulphlt)g Sea". N 0, W, S ft - -4 . 4 The Chri!itmas nutrber of tile a 'if, ion issue Lein W MI. rdl�uld. App! . ic.-i'Zinn 'Ztwe to 0 raiied.., to fiv ig the tiaief3r otir .611,bsdribe-h t o pay relined humorist and carjaur4st, furchasing elsewhere, to W te It t Toronto G' b� It h c tue to hand last ul atw_4 �h' 4u4ieuce, with every Gift `eekers. k i it,, th�Aqrures fro -a' dw re4vl r CtTttraJ'WXPi:ri1M;qi .0 �r m. Ottawa,-, tu f0'r tbe'ir paper -46111 'w, e, can. giv '�theiii it- -We have a fall auj up to date rw; varit-ty.only .-�a - it be.. ".Nnf 'wee a flie fortheir pro-' 's is a 11appy j%, * 1wautiful work- of a llutuer, his ren LOYALORANGE LODGE' )ps, u'Vd on.,ei-ar'boxt'.; "I"t)(1 aarl k rt, and dition of "The Flying -Xmas t -tock.- Call and look it over stall ON 1)oo-,imir-p1V 61 C' P coi^i nation -'w Ili -.It - cannoot be. ve r* M -*chine" and 'Our tip'' �4 on for quality and price.. a:t; G--rd.on'tj drug store. thvitl .-o' r th� t 1.1e bil ful'y in -keeping 0 .])S I T.-4 R -F10211 AU -�Sellr tip 60 di-ith. t J'Ust rerd tile. lit, Ju�ciions of the greatlPt of Canadian Litile Home" being, the f arorites, uirAd�j;A in 'rile grou iul.- work of.the. bile.ls j4nd following: XeflilliA and 0 16 b e, `-'1.50; was heartily —Mr. Johu C. Grundy, of Kincar f . - i 4 �T 6. .- It is roole with good altffough everv' selection ,V;*11 !I!.- cu, Ifill"i .,tk;l -Saint 8 of 1 31 . i . - I* 4M Journ* Unpi V t Ahe cliangq % .belt stmt, oil sill' % the sani -. nd te dine shook hands with coal W# i Iftit-n f I fud: lintf Nfni I 'all i I ]-'Ikk irae .44 lit L If A hila man th, f Ij U I euc wed. akra. Uji VAL OVAA 4110%, %; thip s d wil-I be U at, 04N. blir-li-Y4 eAs I than -eitsi det ct I)- Sen 0iiA0y appreciated 11*11 'kkilig. R ly- eff,.,.te I., and h%rJ o e.- tinel. wid 1.0* t -- in her usual tine ut ki "4t2,60' I Sentinel- and Advertiser;* $1.3i- a%- a work rt full bit. '. y in7 C I 4mong - th, a' as Isecompanis sight t*u tb*- ndvu Ditily. X6ws, n t�wn on Monday. -a- 'AJ %ipitilng bt htru Of-' 141'' and 100tat04-9. theordinary liandling of Lillq. of a ad its interesting style ani her playing was highly I . Col.. letter Press. 10s. Jiandsouiely illus- —It is said tiat the men who are vited to) thor wOrting.,, I e 'ti6el an,,] Iltdies'. igurnal, �1.31 appre t�'Plls bY th boring for oil at Hepworth have struck vaWit-tie-i cif grain -v) 1) dlstribw," i. S�_ -it ciate7d. The . selec D.%vii, Awlifit.. Aj,.%5t Tii-mr-tax, trat:ed atid is w�il worth. double the d e d, r'ic *160 tile cominz -;ezz-On ill 1,4! %tun. --:i Gone to Detroit foi it. Canadian horae icatitjins of jil. N1. -graphaphone, owned by Mr. Fre a r(wk hearing ind us a P -0 Arker, were also well 'received- and �A F sk e p F.X - J1061d, im without p copy of the Christ- lie lauded. As usual, SLr n Lf 1h n'tal Pu `Is Mr. Johr.-4%.. McLean, rf Grand J of! the more proinista-g. 4 We n 4 e. L.11arck0t, yQungest.80 . 0 dom 0( artil' _ZPP do �t_alwkll y Of f he arrived -loitie last 3ls:;:jLa_ L Mr, James [11a kett, Askii 15 -re ii a -financo, *Ijicil %larric hich hay. bee D. C. ­McMorran o4y Michigin, me-ietingof the W, lueli'Ve. ChliAtUD C n pro,: russ Glotx-. - &sell every� orr lj� Wrli Im bet I rvrry . ;4ec­ Monday last f, Detrali where *h,: tA) os f o u r rt -w a rs W It' tilt-- wee The regillitr momthlY r . i�-),'red s,)rt-;. w h;1L ple k slid wil I spend the'wiuter in th* nd re.-,nper;wcv Uni-4 -4 'we su with 1118 MUSLCILI selecti,:ons. t;x-ojql Felt w9 4c1v %V -ire alwlily''10"lided fqr� ail arguine. on Many Beauti"al Things W,qine4L%VAe-Whr lit (j!jl Ined a', drug;� nt. guiiar. Mr. MeMorran ' is always stction. -ent-, eut wid a70011110 -�Walter is,*ai rvinart boy. lie the . nw-ne !*Uotc - A I;anker: warittly welcoined by a Ltiekilow. H &I-1, I. 0-An-tv - xt hp!. grain Passel tfle L Seprortary. (IU# —Tile Oinadian Ord Forest pit LOCAL ITEMS er of t. �Fublic Selklol. fe-4ving exii ni i a #it sjunte n I tile for Ili$ dirilicii iaw .1 -audieuce. el F! a.nil true.to nami�.. jo. prtiven ri P. cr-i'lias-now a Jnein6ership of over 27, We are ShowbW -tw" #t�ns-,�takin­ the lii��best' m%rk n- '$jojjj1l lyin,,.onA& Z u- rb stoti 1. 0.0. F. tht -di-sap-)irttitient whieli (r.curi :w tell IN . W. Of The first speaker of the even-- 01)0, -and the courta of the. or -der are U C1111- .4 1114! coulq, co rse liv j,ieked- -it u ar4d t(' A the U 4, K -N_-- f) W p* . tie. -i ree"Cive 4.amples. 6f varieties it oti ' lion . k-k+0tw. _Xmal� tree, I)eb..2 1. rn� - was Itev. Mr. Wilson and it ,nr'*rl) 700..' num'bers ti) nil thil owner. it Nothing I)ut nu -b6�' ell lor' W 141 him t:� in' le Prl A was a very patriotic .-address. This L tht'-y al y have, it* woulil W. on —11 ra.-e.Mullin who has Leen for isipo-t* #-.Vfry F646y t-vtinj1h: At IS *h'il(- at home his wife, �(:-lltarlcd th" —1 tt-id, the. X nou ads in this paper., gentleman is a very pleasai speaker -&,I, (,.Ljzjj.bvj . 1, 4trret. All 1:r,thi�,n each jwrstun applyin*a V). 14 tjie* tiku or. the butcher.h.vi 8 t in bill for' uwat -1 bV his pleasing wor . d q s, and aff d6le a riumber of years in the North-Wewt, .their h, ChristnMis Tree ein a jFine Onyx ittUes, qoddplawl -7T,.,y,- '.Toys! TiD�Va at Berry& Co,s. an, returned to tis howe 'in lk-lfast, on ef.rdwly javitkil. I - - t fir,pe sorts I ref&,, A1n(iunti,nR.+t,(j $1.0. of ho 0111t. inolicry manner, wQu thb bearts of all those ZiC P urday I"t. of 2.5 uftat:Rerry A a e- P.-c.,rd r tirrah' ii)g-othvin irt, ie 0 r of pref�r It 11j(1 -111 It Itl lie liat pleasuie*of.44_�ariiig him. —1liere is a young lady nut many Vill. -liunday +Schwil of the Lu�k ­6a&wit­h-'bii1i wa Alienione Sat w6o hid th* WV6 81KINNE W W`1 P which, lip, w fpwa, 06.50 to #11'.00 ti Mt. etL chur�� 0 a 'Ch CQ's. foil"d, whic-11-1-fe ow'c her an.4 the Iiaid. lietouched very lightly on Oraoong�isin, Yine Ortyx 1(&Ue,,piaxo laivip, so off ve ig. . the 4ock of the imw t* i `J�butclt e. The )u.&Ajer paid a P presents ry M *13.00 to *17.00 P when . the'ehurch*�n j e ill it cas,_ re. n —I' r4edding.. crely giOng ainr�. and object* of iiiiles from here who tickles her toes A_0 U W. ra an* first'-nailled varit�t ij-. ex�atjjte(j- th(.- of.Ttsesday Mc.cntl�vr 21st., A g & Coos g tho with it silver hairpin, sa as to have a W fin, a lit. t6 fartner-P -p the, Orange Order , ''rid � urgin of c K N 0 tit.ute(j.- prograw, tile of ehoruies, cj� r�iner for c' tRL 11,.in tU in anorthiir young men'of our f air coutit ry to stand" &Iwr banquet #parlor kinym sqond or thir4l. could -he subs I I . �% 6urAubhivg.-i4tea* silvery I ugh. so It to a - inerell"! n"'. %% 0 rn paid, iti. 0 S r one, L !0-oIo,4,. recifations #+G., vi. beill", -P�. - � __ . '1 .1 . I -their righ and feinsit -fQr to I loyal Vrk= colul Up, T. L-. Trelegkven'.-q *�tudio and fancy At itlis proloi)s( Tj It,;( _4. 't Cologne bottlm I to, otli e _CIA to tlie`.Xaf;lj1-rv%om4n. and ae qwing, Qre_ aw 41 If you W,41 t. 11, ro.,at td their ptincipals, .'&s (Ld, their f ''I's . IDd these pirt A T4 W� lliclileh, . . I" _* I .. .�, - . . the-baviker a note 4,1 $10, w--ilt to the ..)I 'fret, tile X I I pis tree, on goods store is the place to get your % I i.,, tj ("i sainp es mi personal applie tij)tj - - ti. A -volliogs en -1) rry, with their watchwot 4 4 n S apti of tvrtain- fatherg at. e Xinas photos. wedding presents Afalf. -vie selts, Sierling siloor son spok.3 t6 _Wnkeraild paid lie note'. bi�, ban'ker tile -.,N0'8urrender.'?.- . Xr. Wil. 0, f ortant thoa,- everylarme: who nien't, -dun ) t -fail 06 -attend. - Adimaiion n 14Q: , r Y. CIO, ice Xmas present. in Morrow casm screw Lt�t. 'Inj it is inip recognized a one. I —One wevk frout Saturday 6 lengtli o the splendid. the bil I .110 14 at lo�aom C n o --the' .-Ju3'01 free, de tot wilib Of dt:zire§ it, sawp 11, 1 Qc; hildre t le 4houlld a- ly-f-6r Vit that —The LueLnow MethodisV cliurch- eAc h 4,,4,nth. t t --i - lit found, iihil, Wilich. I p t.( Ing had, Chriatin resources of Canada and told the a dideow- i . - Necessary sette, &erling silver of nariie.4'w*lI -Iarg�number of PeOple P N i, Iti ng' 34f Lists liot- t�,:coii- -ttled �50 re care resent, - 10 choir took part, in a social at LAugaide 4*11- k�l, .,:k ..V� dcb� QnL -4- Berr Co's, ly lbVittd. -.Woynln�Lttlon DaY Come and. see fll6ni. y n- cn Tuesdayeveuii�gand theirdinging .171 Morroco caseq 1011001, bfttbftn ci,rflial� iioeie-t.' A11 letters addrissed " to't lie. f ill collsidorellition lie -Jound..: he bill X, *8 good 1714.1yer be ashamed to wu our ustio The 1). Y- LE, - . i f the -'sev+1 119 heirthey werebut to was highly appreciated. Desk sells Tile ticliumations . on. alf. I L . ' counterf6it.' Now, will'som 1.'pur c alityno matter w l.rc. 4jer. ce n t rail Fa.rni ai;0tt,%W.&'4jayL be, sent ;4ieip�jlitie I —For salo! A pod cow in ONO wmr Maswr Work nian. 'i for reeves antl -coull4ii- fini%ncial. frion tell Rs whit as been inalid known their allegiance to -Queen —The Pations of. N ort It Bruce rueet Xiftoria, who's -mptert o 2 N!, ()si il- ee of "P)st, *1 , I (V I - Apply to- W.A. Little.' fr' a lit the -samples hould reign . over alr Glove Hooke tn wbat . I 16ml vk 01 be held oil Mor.day, 1>pc I 'I this tran'sac.1ion,,*and b whom,- PsirliSM00t, will ur'-h oyal sentiment at Southa: n 29th of I)m to OLD LICHT L00CE w6ighing �:iree. pemials 4ch, will b�_ The DojiJition cfarts * d his true 1 110 ow as -follows,: Luckiioul-, in thu Town. if anybv6dy.'. 1A111 cons al.# it in. , : e ider witether ft would be advi;mblA IAter se Shftld,rat F, n.,. 20th. nQxL vf" RIL11- at 7 oLicick P"W., t% On. ja llplii�ant4 thorou.-h thp. meet lr� ted with' hearty - cheers Out free. to tho a al. to nominite a candidate. The baw q layl's trot)l hous �Ve-,t W:lwa i ute to oar town. . C e o paid a high tribi -s 1111!ail The 'distrOmfio'll *ill begin Hooie oir 0 Yo ---..;Mr. Ab NlcGregor, of Ri jey., was A Geotgetovion tailor advertises Button hwi noshilt, thi- -Townihip ball at -noorl, 11 tilt) Abp0qfjt_L to ert' it.$ .4usiness lik.e' and prosperous V. % G, Fa C -The vQteon- tilt) ct a iii town 'on -Frid4y last. a in.wriage -license' early in Decei I i 4ei - ana a �.the. stockja eci*llytoour pretty tll&t he Wil`l litipply ppe4rance,but esp a f dg�. f U that wben. a Duiyli In the %illagtt o" Lu kn6vV nominations t. !le young luell .-Cijar ruttere f ed. rat�s in: pb6tos for atas.. ladies say!i1j; n f ree to all ordariog their "age rr lirnitt�d and the inad for' fr' ETS F,%' -F, Pt Y T It U U'l I A Y N. i will alsf -iiiir 'a Ilotise,of R, r the :'coipnty tif Ited c, u 1,'rud� wiol be' tiikpio' jan week at. T.. L. Trefe A-Viciii" 0 in w*edding guits fr,)m fjn i.jr I)eft)r#B the flvll� uill-P, id the 1lxullic!jpAlitje!j;a- 001:1 _'b6 I luau., said all tile pretty ladies, Zbonm m -rrors, silver invowded "so nic fi�IeJ -in the urtk, r - i Ch tilel-'!%re 3rel'..: If' -p. tua ority of the el-c4lorti vbte­ asters. Wil liet Mid -N1aif*XC1A&1,1, that city- . "olie had. never "been in 1[_1qlP1l1l­_ � * .. 4 The EPworth Lea,,ue of the Dian* tfed,,Aii.election -will 11 Av-14 oil r% ill ealij will IlIve in th-o all1rinAivo., lie C�)dnty U4ijncil petit Sunday in'Go&rich. Lucknow." 'After thankiog . tile Umbrellas, ivileer inounted 0012111 ]�AY% r0pi-vet 0106f ethodist ',church will hold JAB. 40 0 le -for -the hearty rece Lucknow X N14ndayo pa.yers Ji P ption given a "A iL lip W -Worshipful& , ; ihee pri),deitd to. its antuversary services on Sunday and toe &&anta inay PeD P.P, 1) Ji 1* 1 olr,! 0411 A ra�keo;wiort Card casce the-willage'-4f Lti-06ow,- .,..town91­ AVall a at tile nd tie . C . fist try Wilkling-c. I -f 'FrIOAL-A -Goraoii'd'dr Monday, Jan. 9 and 10., k.-% negAU'o nue -.1hen '. tlje. ng What gre -also V6 W th ug store. ver.he selo in 1�t ally'. me. of"Kinloss,. will the put 0 on.. station and-telli at pleasure, Ca"ERAL the _M' i Arnold, Itat 11orta e, is the Ci,iaretle ouw - __ I . . 9. fforded them w �e pres -e thim date, he hit. House, of Refuge question. -�&,,Co !lled td,takp- one ircii4i hutaft r t cat, Mr. 5 o'clock tea setts. C:)Unc e%t 46 o a to n -s--at amid hearty a 'S". M'ra.-jack-A - took 'his Bread and'butter plates. ROBERT CUfqNjf4GHAM. ., " I fMtrong. Wilso I I - bq: 'clix!'ed J-Psure tba'sedd-' -. , ` *..' o, , � -1 .1 T . I - A;lu .1 frauct'a or tvo vitries, ua-ifief.y, Leith' er, go,orL Cups and saucers, - e the cheerq., in time for bid Id as thoy, Ilava tile tllor'i�y To i . n large quantities at Berry & Co's. Lad;ev' iurseg IN.SURANCE ibgou t 'f alljhe ro rij! T "d! Toys� ploo6s FIRE ANID MARINED 0 'The. 1"tift- Light. and i introduced 0 bagli,- t F 9 % L � - : Q-7, J� The chairinsi childrei b (;x�rdott's 'drug store. GUELPH. to do, 'or -.sb enlargo. the pro6ant jai i then one of tile inembers of tile y Tile *orkicen liave.a))out. conip'ete(I Irlepboar 140 19-V 0, It, to Fill'in- -i,-Al kinds of toyslankj gaines from theGrand Master in an appropriate. e re d . . will have to worry tit'.6 uft,fol the n*ew.iu�ande.qcent acO modation as' w! -infil A Moto U Wuse, f le. U P 17� Harry Days,drug store 81*ech and War,) sitting down icall Oounty ooudcil syste _Villiii, tooi�ts apd purposewia 0. fuge §0 llpi7 e ea, in.bfpleetric lialits it Ahe . e t; paper in tile to- allce.a d ad- about getting 64 n x - t y r, as- 'their -ewzine -has arrived so �that 380fl. Tlitt%there 6 nQ_ r,two -years. $r -CURRENT TOP10i r. W suitably worde as well as a I f- bu`wallto the'lies Pr und tile ni.Lw We election holds komid fo im 0-Iri I a At. wontit.- hnth ' th,% rd- 0 dress from the ml�ers of -Luckno ther..,way-outof it -seems t' blo. -clear.: eoit' ambscril -for )e -Tho Seniinel. CIQ ail K., ff IR Val rrai-kers A goou-� many, : OZ -tj 0 1% MUMMA; j IjOVILL It Yr&Uge. Louge A.0. ea 111 V00. '"ll fro'ni a'clauso (kf 6 f tim ' 'reat pleasure it affor V Newtant- L. D.I. D, D.- 8 lighting'for the streets and the inc%7)-, e comtpitW'd -eport —Tit is. Nfcjje.jn cAttle buyer ded In high b&nquet lamps. The 'ery lavoieskvith Millions .—Ih. tbis, H UPI"-af. 'days.this wqak -ceiving a Vi8i COMP 'Of I '60min.Q.. descent, gystein for sho 'and dwellings whiqh:r.eads* as fbIlovo's, in'Buffel" a co i f rom their latest and- at special privs. See them Piqwr k4pad Gnolita4! 4& T@) -of P, theni in rt loft%istry suit uk rki ord e hi'b6.obserioed vispector' land pay your - "Aisti-nu .shed G.rand - Master. After in Berry &Cola.window. Remewber How, ct4,r 4 Capital iregoing. out. of, -ilia', bu.sinesox that the w r. Mr. Stew .4 u inwo ing.. bsetiption That is - tnree now. d Aking tile Orange bretbern the place, iu Murray's black. amos Fmy. �.Cfore -they',-begin wo k art has iDure'hased ynt of prisofis haq,beea dealing vig(WOU4113 artily' tl a -]OZ.% IrAL XV RG and yet, our clubl-ii rat4m for .1898 lie W tile ith' sep'ial --coUntie& - regarding. foe their very,cordial welcome to him- McKenzie of Lang- -Berry si-cwtv, su!psr Aelte, etc: a 'indicator f,.)elhe -W 0 'th �t*ra loons I 1*tter' than to o QU 111111Curriarr debtg "and a switchix-mrd-and' Not AU o t tolryff'ri1li 11% . In —Th D toys thil. year ar e best —,%fr. Jolin r to Ooall work 1. of COLfinement; of'.thi f irsons i - -Mr� Wilsou. paid IL glotv- 0 ith case an(l an endea� 6 0 ciass, o 'pe, se I i aiin d lie . I I I ,oise to a greitt (41'a Pr tiest 11 had ronto attending the I 'rivolving t4ieir shareholdArii,' who plant and h and erry & Co. ever, side, is in T n as n' L mt6fact, 'ry'. , i and' h siste4 tllat: if - tilt, ing tribute to tile. n( i expense find t6ouble .,mako b(Ai the 4ails thrift and industry -funeral of his nephew Mauroe, Innis, er and i I nominations will t I i * countie*Adb6ot erei t Ho'dsies of Refuge Vi -Wi'h (;old, ist they have i i FILIA. Porcelain, Silv �ist and to lose wl" paid into T1 e municipa of our cidixens -.'aud the- 11a'n4scme - systems wi perfec� as possible i4nd wilen, ta I P Ace.ort ')7th -.,of age. Mr.Wallace lwl;o died.there suddenly. last Friday. ing e Ajonday tile appearance of the vill thein isil i3 cilm'pleted Lu'c4 now'' will Ilave ac . t jese iftople he'will' compol -to r cei�e I lin —Mwld iri's 'Or" A TZET1 nil of the C06' -C"ncils.�o inake comm . odious D04, -vein er.. spoke for over -an hour, and was —I;oylg ()Wit R1141 1. the ou He Annual, Leiaure 11(lbr, The Sunda th- risiturAil &VPe%1rW)e-.a 6, 6ne a; 8,�Stem of e:ectric lights its any I I The 51--anitoba 06vernment's anti c6mfortable a4ditions to tile jail. —A P.0(4 wkip*14. 2.5.c or* a fiist- maqy times warmly applau'ded. y villago­in dio -Province. fj�tje " ' * 1' 50C'. a .4 - Every e of 000b K X 7 1 tt',,q T 1._*q G — A n a Plicati,)n matte t building". for theilr* speci�l i nitimept s ;-Ii*S4.raw i wbip or t 11. dealt, at g:)1ne length with the At Honto'Chettettim, British Wotk WS nd ably nian and other ptri-adicals for sale at for ainlem*e-4tracting. It hm ?report for the year is out. it shc Manitoba �chool Question a tiv P Passed and Ali a �w -supply" proper -.clothingv.: Q lkllagl ielr. defended his action in* loa Pt h n trw With *11cee.444. n ca it vilig tile 1116te Hatry 1)ays'. -great adva" cem t.- The total w1w, Away a and atte"danice for the - in- ague -Cameron has returned F to Mr. Allin"s new block, 'A nd diet doverilutent: He had resigned the A 'The sad news of the death,of Rev. miteq' -.1t*ould:bc a'rnost le, 1; leoni It trip out. west, lboking WO ofli -'of Cont yield is 18,2610950'bushels, away.erqige a unp 4L - ptroller'of Custoin� with Dolls Harry Diys' has a very ce up stairs. 143 4 ­ r am. The qua) -win Alexander Sutherland lawministe-rof wit, of largo a;nd well pasorted family of bisque The choicest Ooods. of . oy t4inyto be cofnpelleti'v_i take -W.a &nil -h . rty. a of $6,000 a year in defence % re doll$, doll heads, &c. v1sig Ripley, every church$.. Ripley,`&i his ho in 0 1 n co urge,'but u itt i table vol y a -principal and so long as lie lived lie chillal kid body nearly'alt N6. I or No. hard; J.,3709- _untary —'Ar. Geo. Lees lef to on' TuesJa 'Yhur-idav artell noon Take a took throw -h them land you KoatnAy',.Ne:hrs%sk,a, on N16ndaj; 13th.- provisilort is made for tlid poor, there he ;vill would alwaya remain true to the -nidg for Chat flat*; where - a- a for VP ns 'll be convinced. 684 cres It i ve be( -n prepared mot 'I business- cut lFg We wish prinei wl of Deebtribery was receivea by toloemwn would semfi- to be nothing else i4r i pals of 01-angeism. lie, did cro lookit atten( not t otto Boot Compould p of '18'98 a1h increaxj of niore than to R. ev. F. A. clAnnan of this In q: oevr tables, hich It C W t C hita su �eeo, hink the School Question was queeeUtully used jonanthlY by OT107'. 000 a6tei over that ready -a year village. La -Mr. Sutherland c oi havo cotnplied,-ib is a . N . Mr.", fin -ally settled, but said he, it turned To be found at Berry& Co's drug Itu&l. L,&di" sak at Junti ominitte 'full &nil wellm- asqoft�d-' O."o Ladilso. we, off" —,A g1st for C44,15 coeften" P. was rele-tspd from his pastoral- charge e0 that once th * land has -t ilitfick the late Government out of 'power, and fancy goods store ure Tour dru .4: fu r the.1807 er, e bee% r as all mixtures. pilli (of imei for X man trade tA.* Oar - rum& Irske no off, spa and it will turn the present one out if Raquits Old Homestead saredangeroux, 1171"'No.1.31kew'. StL Ripley, and the following month &rid the* building. erectt'(11 mlWion strongerm perl)oji, 1m; d6h a grug store. they attempt to ineddle- with itajain. Open Seasaine 1411i" I 1jjZj.L family to Nebroka.. the poor house wil box, 1#e. 9, 10 degreeto went w:th -heoiiie - ii, - metpt of price and two 5-401111' Mts liquor license, report which is now C�unties Swple-chase Rome Tennis i, or 3. mailed on ri y1windoor, On%. He wiLs 81 years of t age a d s' ved self sultaillin irl 'titution, 00, as large portion of Lucknows In referring to'tha populous sale . 1>0 11ko Cook CosaPas 1! et 'R 11 Is Dudes Cuchoo .qo& I &ad 2 sold and recouLmead@410y aU -about-to be publishedt'shows t hat the of Huron and Bruce lie gave an ih the Goapel ministry 5" ypars. , It i,3 ;o .s possiv)le Then,. agal a, we notice talent, takfis, 'pirt - at a concert in instance of when he was out west, America Noah's Ark Q wple of tho province of Ontarld are- was a,busy lift! in his L.ird'e work,and by reforenze so ancyther t&61e t4st tho' 11olyrood to -night (,Friday.) . -o Counties were the most Minnelkahs d I v Wlieve that there are more how these tv Flips 1444 Nil Lur 7 Ir t sober p!,ople on the face of now lie is callaJ to a higher der'ice in anhual —We the moi contributionfroni the re3pee- popular and tilaid these portions of Bo.-atelle Petar Coddles the presen--c of his Lqrd and, Master. tive inunicipa electriv wires in* -our village than in Ontario did a great deal to rds tile Perrywinkle' Nations D the 'earth. The nurul)er of licenm;;,haq I ities,, both tol�rards thj Ims on Wba The earnest sympathy and condolence. sinking iund Rnd estim-ated - cost of any pla-.e ivii size in, CAnada. settling of our Western Arvinces. Old Maid Authors slightly de;7les'led during"the yeay,-.1 ut, Of some simple F of it. large'. ejecle of friend.4and acqu Itio- mitintenence, would be leii 164 taoy want a trunk c4ll on 11. Air. Wallace said it was a great, Snslp Lost Heir n Tde a thing u., patent? —if you tiring You Wealib. the drink in- has fallen off considerablio Wi to be under Britigh from .5a up. Remember in Murray's -% ­ . I tatir(.s is extended to the dow and * are at Present pq ng fo, * patent- I r thip Aupport Gallagber. 11'18 stock is -complete, advantage �Z%Mlray Atk*- Mau co 0 D C.. for 91111111iff k-iiji; prim odia. Of the S12-n-unicipalities 'in, thf. p family. '-of pikup(IrS. comprising linai froin $1.20 to $,-).()0. protection and repudixte4' the idea block. 0e. t) the 91 V Mr. X t I TZ -001 Aing t; 11,04jou I and is t NO W r examination lu U01, 4- 1 1 _. y W U the 1 icia sty. The qQcRt Y W heads from 5c up. Nuswww'V he losibeistrate for I'di9paminit on t as hi e�cpec tj er. r a ohiw, and tlie onurt by t ;inoio hinx 6`il Oerson taki —Itesa I Yo distant friends lquor Cutts,' Fruit bulea i t..q oyd will of intoxicating h di f -udw 161 V 0 UP aWastray and ixegleo 'cau wo4ld- appr 't -;Zj Rho ex - D. C, 000 ftef no d ubt have to'caq ecia oTighly a Christivas _M11Wi~ �', - 4't' I? Ell #oody 'a. . R' a factory ereqed for the "in@ to be advr rti inp- 3 .. "t I, prein'ses du6w e form of �heir.maat facturq in Lucknow. reuienib,erance front you id%h 1, T I el s%ball be liable to eat is sub4cription to the b VON t .1tv,tv vrojr,dwle in plenW. he way. ier for ca. bat r ; VID env 11613" Iritli in the 1up Wall %avuw LTW tZow ap Iiii1b" 0-1. Md. 41111 wall 4,