HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-10-29, Page 3FP_ dbdb %09 UP 168 W -L u Llulili 1! u1b 1JJ1hv U01 emaM -AW a Is T T MAUD IK 100 WOTS PULKLAIS 10111 L POEM SWIJ T BOL SUNDAY SQ ot1*4 India Steam Ni m_ I tVigatlon Co ny, have joined the Boa INTERNATIONAL V. IN my# Petersen Fast Atlantic ors of the oarosma al. im. Couipany, with the Marquis of Lorne ow Justice is Tmyel* Dead Naa'i Son. 4 Chairman. Pluges Into the Cold Waters of Lab general dispubitioli United States, p&Ws WOFW&ad Sbjpwrftk-ACt& 27. 1W Sulhatl armaments call be gauged by . , '69. Place.-HOILWOM 18 JUMID IND LOCUD up1ll fact that 8T warvhipo are beillig A. 7 cadmores, glad "U. 3,000 !1 Great Britain- &I011e.. They OT , - of pegonw.-paul, Luke, Ar In mi,000 gate 4tisplacement 940 to EIR LIVES, STAR CHAMBER METHODS LDOPTED JQIiUa, ROIUKU Widleft "901 4)f thftie 037 warshilm TWINTY-EIGHT LOSE TH Sa e The Scene &t Q%L19\ A,46.678 -I -(;overninents- House S&ys His Kotber was IL GeV, bta Iangtry, the it Prisoner . s cownumuary.-Tke entire vOY419* il&Ai - W" - . . OrLe remains of Edward cotticiais jCeruse to Perm' been trybig and difficult. coutwes,11y ernem tnthePullnmn P*=11Y lie J&uebund of Lily Langtry, th actrems, aiamity occuri-ed About Six 0'- Counsel to be Present 1ki he Sweat urnad ere inter- The C driveu out of "eir couritite, And do Arrested in the Spring for Makift a _' t�z, WISO died on Friday last., W t"fuse to layed by atiettitlie windo, thby found T110111" wellwe. 0: 1 rday. Mrs. Lang- Clock Yesterday Morning Retain- Room and similar St&tement fou On- red t ("Iteoter Yebte th to bo dePos- Ing Wall oave Way- Three of tile Testify Save :$rPre1r. Ze. thfilawiveii at "a in tile dsliugerotuo 11almer Ay re try, sent a floral wrea I us v wation., lj4ul*a advam jileftro rv4wt In tlie Harrhom -sv_reath was Six Sleeping Cal-MirabulOusly Re seamon for .Mr. J.-,q�.jjto to, ited ()n ti,e ca"et. The mained oil the Track. %,1witeit Ka$w llavilig lx�eu wsrogarded, they left Fair Littreet I-solice Slsatwn YOUtOrUy FOr"", ser*v4tl%" Xt wy., _�ttkljqgton- tkil itts ribbons in the raWng colors accused of the murder of 1, Its mother face dWWAUW- Ilaveno oulY U ..Ch, N1. Iw" of "'Mr. J~y," ti -se name under whiell til wind blew sof t_ (linguid Friledlie-11 (;untav Wiring wm M To. 3'. (,arrinon, Y.. report: Front tlw .13. When the soil lie exaluinea for sani%lo- 4 s am grandmothers had a i Kk4 e9titing -tiered U) -itrons (of the atreW races her horses. agaiti fit- by tilt- iileep that ineana"refreahment andve4t ly-The inhater of the ship Wid can- or -iPal Corporation of Bris- day, and the city Uo-night 14 iint"With were fully stgreeJ with Pul Last spring the same Mail Was ar- The ulli turicxi Li 500,000 to tile eternal mWep that knowiti. no ex(-itement. Shaw 6- 111 tl vur&ble seemon for mail- rested Qutj exasulued and was vot&t to expenti that the ra k. -ki has &j)j&j tile Clinton, tol haji .1. 'Mitchell. tt-toling in tile- construetion of adock akin ptunged in the twinkling Of. V; Air. W. 114vilig fleell committed '1010ut a Ing had Imsned, and tliat the voyage Aind reiesd8d. ews Itecord to iigunced perfoctly "ne or Durham. at ths- spouth cor the 111.1ver Avon. The Sunday immiting twelity-eight, hearhig. lIrtsecutor Jon gayii the tA) Ituly ought not to be continawl. claims to be A toon of the 1&1* mmodatk tile eye let well� alone, Defiring Mr. JAn BoLaiwl i-4. the LibOral uoln- tuick Aillbebuilt to acco ow souls, lurti, women, and'ehildren.. .'Into young mwi iamll have n4 hearing un- But they would not Agpecialagent is n sLess the court rders ow. and wlidnA tA)- tuake'smiety and com (iporgc M. Pullman. the Legi-4at- la r9clst vemehk 100 for ()ralre Grey for otiating for a the slimy bed of the Hudson Itiver el, found rort doubly oure. They tl&oUgltt tile III the United States Ileg HaiTy Scovel, Shw'o Dressed In rags anti tatters, IAIDer*' Ive AmemblY steattiolilip line, and lie reports a proo- train, lden with slumbering ltuman-�. Mayor Wei.�tcott in him pri-,ate office short still or rOrAy mues u,) 11fienicte tion at the P61618,11 TIwoteatner sw,wri r hao l:.Olkt-' f a ted A Pen4a jw_ pet that BosUm (.Upitalistd ruay take ity, 14oughed, dragging througli the witlt Prumentor Jenkhm4.&Xl Steng- tnkght Ile accompt6he!I wittiout 1;erii. rd&y aftpr- a"Ilkl at (1A aln. fort�- tulleO grapber Edward Be 1, their mi6take. home tit 2 Welock Yftt& 11 tip the.matter. twaters t ., I - rry. - no <Jpene- ge In itoon toy hip persistence in trying k,)w Tree Rive kid he plesi passenger.4. There the door wid called for !pr, Marcus 0 14. Not iong after-TIlie clian iX!Lneo, sli&w"is me niariners catue Vev- Uattolk Raclot lk-to - S speeial ei LMIIIUI"lt)ll_ was nothing to pr"tl& the terrible physician, wbo entered,, tw, rortunetti f the tik-Alwatch front tlj# rLom. Scoel trlcd 9. view the remalua of the multol-mil lie Of 4.4"t7 La ved to rolow. Without a iuowontl% wmul A IYAJAW. flow als accident wilich so suddenly depri Witli the aid of the of le �;ayot that. I UN THE -gAR CHJ telupebtuoug. -lad-430011 after roulid- i lionaire. real t4) pray for, Tain Nnin,ktat, 1114lial ill wit' 11 Uo tpounates of life. The New jBIE it. I .t� I ?f tiae liullWau houmhold lie these �qn islatala (four or five iullei, ,,,lot to list "'You calit"t come III," aw the proft- llito; rveeitt atte York traill left Buffalo % otierpowered and turned over t* ftor tile dew4mi-te'l-I t)f I)SA- a",a. tilp c.11wit.Al of'Thibet- and -the cuUns. "MI1.4 Ij a privat6 from Full* llave"Ki, a itolent wind the police. tie wam taken to theCot- t-it] progremed for nearly- cattle dowil froffl. tile itioutiLaiw;, aiad ite- ac- flight -and It, Swvel threw the duor open, &ud, enue Police StA41110111, Toney i4truck the ship.- 064116 her, and tuV' Or'OvIl" Av nor- ttia tayS j0II ards -secutor a8de, walked recrived 014. ho liv- got Ivithill four nine tent Its. of the 0l-4t&IIVA-' tPw lortiablag th" Jlr,( lie was boc*Wi oil tho Char" *it 4Jr tjI4 'vs he -still whirikag tier round, w) t lat It 'A." im- vjty. Alt.. Lantlor on Ild, his, ary degri-0. 44 tior --I - 11114 ril)illo t4natipa. '-The'etagineer it of disorderly conduct.. The polift My 4,r T. y itis des. lKsmilole for the helinoman t4) Leep irferivi from tlu- jiefitr "Mr. :-�covel, y -111 idjaw leav� 13ellpitifio scrank. The dervAnto of 1'r'nuott-111 I Ilivellity. .4, WaJ4 torturestt In niiV.-d the grity dawn vil %% - M Lt wa iver this room," maid the Maybr.- 1,. i)y fire Ati,had just iier c4yarae- lAu 4,v -T lit the luau lawilY PrOU01111(m him in The water of tit thil. Stretching fter 10-4 capture- breakinf, ill tile east alad. the ligilt 2,b yean old 4*64 "ThIs star chamber houllied.4 lutist 1.). W let Iter dri%,L Very Ik)w. &I14f t1torts are iu:%,Ilv istreak of ellilig tile- Jull's I . I olomlietie1 tA) - awis& before Lbe wititt." IlAne. He is a Germ He r4uw U) lly V11% Thil-AtIls. red betok, otop," replied Scovel. build of 1*PlIoW fit -ver ^V, Ott;lw:L- e ie All ctmitrol of the -shill had jwpl, i(mt. land f athletic "Chief," alled tit or W ti fam a-ppearaAce w the Unital Statep it year and kW Sylitu wife Of tIA) lion' the t4 JubdW ootillu)w. will rr,)4)lk in. lit a lorL-blaro sporting baronet, was 'blef or 1--ollce, 6. take IN man out.. 16. A cx-rtaln iWand-Tive W4" dfoVil off- 141 can alleak hardlY & of ervnt on. the r the driven twenty-tiewip miles tlir(-)ugli the 114V I' I f ic* xiore the wag nge ChI14 Dodd seized gck��( I by (4"1 am to t CA *lb)ulder, but wah sliakego"f. I it oierp tt if Irse I (I Bkxing was arreftt4,A by the P00W. I*vn exhausit"l. liall plu d ir the river. W @mail ioland (lauda. I"114)ly It. preodding t mit will ever 4n&4,uilt of itroperty vxt�lllpt witi-. forging hr jiuslumd'o name t terrible moment, "Two offloem come heie, - c"ed the Mucis work too come bY the I)Oftt-- -i,i)n , - con- tell thtf. story of tha ta-in Goiteral of Runinilig u"or tile jon olf the WaAlj f(or loitering fibOlIt tl1* l'Ultnl&D Illull:cipaj lit Ottaw, a bill tit exetange for il,000 in tie Chief Two reoponded I & (I emeorted last espring. At ti -at time iie pruMmodid -.t K110,000. 114,ction witt, a stock tratwaction. The for witte his hand tipon tile-thirot 'RP11 would have the aulvantage of a over recew. ploologi Scovel from the roc)ni. t twy bi be a sun of 111illmAn aad WtAs -a ttl%f �, : 1b and of compuratively ewt 1! L, uvrigiatrato dislidose*1 th'i" 4oa4e, and in the enginuer plunged with , his engine H -Ora dyor*ts vintmorary lull, The Tell' iet)pata to.t1je river bottom, and t lie fireman, cA- F. NixoyL wwr I I Ite M th-water for a few mileft, amd wdW taken to Use station lie GaJd 11100 Artlia-* ffice as coutiml for five of i ob doing wait) it w1olll-ed to 1,1m that am 00 witatirod A4w Cet an interview witL the Rimou,slit. wid -too. waoai.ti'd post.' ro I)oat.! and their tL'l.UglI.t41'- They were f rout tl0' LH(Ut Urgellt nr0ftftItY "k.- sittoend- L4m*a are fixed for fiat] been tim-0 for an ere put asliore in otinweted frien& witowere there on sulmoeftas. vd to 'italaes, en r magua Vi THE A E.N To Isure tivit po,rrlelid M. ov wns.. New ToTk, aad Mr. Waser J#4,c ie3i when, by that the witoll tho famous A'p'etcoft Pul4ishing He b1tood talking wit.11 17. Iliodo-rginkag tl,e w-xt day to tise insatte &#�ylsui at J4(- white slot wiloily tinoul4wirt- Whilld thew calne the e?�pres; ear. drowliod, -�Lme p to Tort into Oonle Chief Dodd's orders, ti ro policemen fenw-m. Three da#4 latotir iw woo lip, qulwao In FIRST House. They eileuto were amumtomed to pusit cables 1, e;v! THE -1 tir"ft, lona twen brought the coilubifiation car and the tsleepeK4. seized him and d ijiim awa.v lei%od, and t%inice tlant time he hit& it (oriller to tinmage tIA-- r utation of the Aled Uu wo of the engine. Tj vfA1 -t, lie 44imw .f4)ulkl 4Ays ago wid t the Hamill perm tied 10 tjilk (w strong ro," rrom one mido Of U011 -ing oil fa-rina in ON viciu- the King*iuvry iilOull- ep ad these I to f iry In of House, Inending to ninke it, Invionged, Anyone eW wjw gtilto tA) the other, to kMI) the 111WIko twen worto BuWl firer. t-lk It * foggy e 4b'illg. witli them, lout not NIX .: _' it vit I -Agin. so soon as le howd of 1p4W fnttil ottaffa,,Arf� 4 14 known that 1twas a trifle A-4* lying cm the shor lyilig. e was say, lout were called lKnne toy the tier- front *winging or t4tArting from Isloe Wnsi, a fe %v n I . . it bt*fy, These y,,Ulig mell w Cglled to the lie came to Cbi- tenlTig vilLage to( OPNERA14. and that. tile track was not visible, bady lyruilsed atwat the It* 011 it.. iouK I�lne*v of a -relativie- of Mrs. action of tl#P sea. 'nie rolm wit" 1414)- Mr. Ilullman'a4 deatl threa lidt'if there was -thy I.,relik in theL and 144 right arm war; tut off ar th0l. -julle private room one by cne, t.t, oil advice o. He arrived in �1e city esierfty ;tecept- it 14 Mporte*I-Ahat (;*-Ik. t*Aw0;I%1, 4 Glamer'&;- When the first report t I "gliam 11:14 fines of p4pel It must, have been pliuldets. The man w1w I I' on of counsel, deellined to said 1*, -d tinder the pprow. and paaw-d aleng CAW -o the Prairie are- rian i'llutches leader, hap lxwn k1lifti. # for fit it W&4 suppised they. liml been lowt, Imrt of the keel t9 whiVil they and made lAs way t .et! a the I'r6obYte of very. recent happelli,39 - irain and taken -'to Peekskill. t. tiled tiloi ' escape, -they were willing to 1"Ify ill open V) AD Y ver I nw * broke I 'tm t I -tft,- onl hour before there had 'way. The tx* waa tl Of a but Latt night W(nxi of- To ',urt, but not at IK- door lie wao inet by the Yeiltov,- 6 .4 it lorivaU, Inquisition. jillivwd, and made faot .wri the dock Titnlazsfiou- 11faic.'t Witt- enee. all (st the wax rocelved. The, fifth. Ti;rionto pan- c?, t too be tlarnfw Iept tla-y should fall into tile At Ito ..11.11twuril virli, ovt:r - it �a -lieavy Paild- middle-aged- mail, about jilix- f Aall, pamed :1 sen&rwam -4 -71*,re were two cele- butler. Bel4ring's appearance itudiest- f ille- Mr. ,.. D. Wiltilloon, of 1,011- Jameo F. Tatem wati Jbo fir r-aln lade 'eight about, 180,pounids, lie.. quiellomda *;4-rV!QTn Cabinet enger. t Ith Ildinwi freight.: . per!* hav#' I , -liere for called. iion for his :uu 6-k lA1Wr;%fP to', Itad been Ile a#*ed t4p suc ertN r r was Olt, F-Ilgiantl, nt, lout brated quickwingillo- ou tive eO86t Of ed Ise wao -I trami), and w1we he told 0J "Ate., fs,rni4!kl nmitp'. t1w Prenviemi0p, ot Dr. -Nelther Is. there WL explaonatioil ready. ly deve OptA, phybi"allY. tho counsel, Mr. NIuM, to lio,preoe thp butter lie wante(t to soo Mr. .tsb. 10ite of rcad da*, -mveral weekis represe.litilig t4e oxford r and the I*111- it. . it anti 11.114 T1116111ftache was it And 11 ., lloptint"I - lay Africa, caged the grouW 4;0 eft, unt. All is eunke"re. Ir1w oe as refu§ed. 7`hen lie Ined to 11iffiman's remaino. Teatolt wolk poeat- IL t -IX" Minlositer at was supposed;to-te the vory. best OR Ktubby. The malt.wom O'llar _t bado ut sand driv- po"i fit connection wiUj tife recent va Mmok of Aaything at all, z and t lie vi*wd outside ser. 'noty wes*P ly stirprim-41. Wise 41 tl)e 11mbyterian y 14ilift ul he entire div i I. Tle"re wam te� ie cuff W prose- im up joy ti.e son, and t ntj re' It .10 ce I 4uLd a WTI tuid.a lialf cuff VIND if -P onw Ilraidp. willell, 11.�s just lieton placed On was electrifick! by ­Wlat do' yoii want W -w almig the 'butt -th _shoe Ith To. T&tem and 'Ing tio-ir lo(aitlofl. tio that they could f, w t tho, floitlynsky:' heavy retaluing w" all e o1wipe 4 a llilw the.market. lie w.lo with- I.,ord Poug- -tutor emerge w ahi Jou bw nto t V1. ligh Tit -ere ovit, 1*06. re- . sit wfill'a ismall- whit' 1&41 a. .* ni ' eulow Itearing film way fw-3ee -Stack- nf)t know oertMinlY wtoere the don-' tr*#1, I 'A gij6lat, bank�, and while the We was .1 e st4olle.; ;hp. ; 'I I ra -He im my fatlser and I wamt W row 't. in May- ter"y It. was not unlltree 'lam, and wo geor W" and guard againlit It. eellted. was rtothing.ron the'b(xty Ily ltgot a last look at Ws body," rerAi44d IjRlrt thfit oil tliat oceaekon wero W ha se n have IlAppeliftl 18. IkOW41 witi, a tempt - I'ving- waa Idontify the man, al'I'll h the ekim-t our- "C4=111it thiS man aitp1iold tAni thq_ German in his native tongmils. 14 %Inc, hu;4444w Ioantl. -J.ltY-`n*V* Lord Douglei I. WI -O io� der a sWrm-oail, with her right tha underneath the tracks AW the, a box and AApp(XI f4) ('old -%�pri -itness." to 110 lie. was told 114- could not eet4pr witil fleet.. Nlr- Tarttl 314 party 041: '140t. viviV pon of tie. M6-riltdo; (If Queens- $1,00o'ball as ful Imp(n"Ot to the winti would keep her fiend 'tiei*. the ivea 4way Five Men were- rew-uml frm, 110 totip I ^j414 I t W&II11W lleavy wall had S; for come w441 (if thp African c4Mst, and vaune house;. He tnadp all attemPt to P� ii 'Arch Anti when tf,e great welglit of the after boisr in Canads -of A flota�tng ca'r a few iniliti Y. the butler, but wam cAuglit by ZU twoj I'llamplaill. ri-,�' 44 Rw put I -train vueeks with If brother Ldrd Sholto. Hollimilte.1 .%,a.% the next'to J�o Iii, nd uFsr to drift a little to the nortlivrVet ert'iet. 1. gifw- 'struck Uie ufwuPWr" tr4eks It' the aceWnt. They were Of arms nd held back. In the a~. at glas. In-jpy arrived ia..Toronto last -aLrkietl thro 1. at t1 rate 4 about thirty-six mile" t- i re i da te, I f-,,r,4t reiaortmml- liv. im rolto- Doll M** t1mi io;aine procem w" ug I 1.1*t&tk)u ie *ont craolibig � through the rcittit of the to Veekskl!l. About fleioi time wveral nerrnt-4 who had heard rep MW tAken d tted Tf.UrWiay the rutclition . of: 'Mr" iterat;1w, alill.; lim", t42 walls and tioppled-over intoo 4he river- dovni tlie-roM: They were a to fro Sault 8w. arie and until lie was a6o lielti 19.4 i�1,000 Ijail. an lomr.-flimith. It can be shown NA141". for - the struggle in tbip portico r&n out r t1le, lhalliniolk- .1tin4b. eieq at Ise qqemls Hotel. They were like- would lllglve Iter turn' t" "n'twula the1t 71wh therw -Fital Ilere gistereO at Fogg, Ifninei anAl Delaiu*er unif*o a*, Itutilage lizippe" what (Al'the'ralt the -Helping Rwid 11cis that this position and pushed the trampiNh-looking via - Ing In, Mleklpicoten Ilk. st'llbat. rile d1rectwro of, ttW J ur;a `utti -wuld have, their-wunds were dressed. Of Ate'flie "IL Wit[. tlle drift motion precimly in tl& itrvetion rj11kd_'a%. a" Other* little W66. 11voill, and a scurry. � for bondsm n itor to the street. (officer Jolumeon, of I antitif t1le i;lt-r Aceptol the of Wr �ayakxd *lKiater'but no%y proved a VerY three were Chinamen, AM were� alid WeTP WIP 'colicentAn KcItr**6-.r and fif alta. t1i" place on which mile ul- -Timm 14 a rd Douglas tkwided tO tlegati. I the CottaV Grove Avenue Statiolit. t111411 1.111117 of a bylli"Cte Of swiftAlarAwrI4 to ad- t)lesslng.' AL4 the train :over The � Al ricajuil 0utl&.Jk tl,8t flams, who,know tile yeti;g men wk, Umately '*Iloruck." LigWited the 4'ioreflulwnt fli,ni thv .1,'.-a ly hJurc form it coin- summoned, and the man waa e: JoM E. R.Twi, t1ty, Teturn of. 36,000,000rr, for the lat wer of. sie to d rind %'oluliteere-I to 'go afi,' 411d Justice milsip--ily throwing out AL PaKt 010 w for tile maDlif-Ictill"I ��p 'the mom the embwikment * the c4oupling of. Jer4 th W.tl�e country., and- Ft.;Ickhouie wa-; making It the bondm turned over to his care. ctai4truction -of the S1111011 tuwlel- 'siz leepers t Vairldit. held � t jhp .14�it t jlree* of' the _la.renee W*gwl, of Aurof N. Y. -I PftnT to OPer. Behring said to-<i:iy that the poliew alcolIA)V: 'Tinparelal. I)MA41641119 2�e i;uffering -bAd 'it was UP04 ik miusion that lie luid r -Ilidiu� t r,,,* I bw*e and they mirAculouAy remainod. the Chinathen we st hell lie remarked tlta% policemen 19. "ip thekling 4 tile had pronounced him inowne. but he 1'.a, trt btk,.*. t) Ilie K),,. tc*k the 1160med PX- ., igilt ot -naC arted when ge. etc �IIIXIU st; m tw 'aeceptab* bondpinien.' incivom. --tomils, elolft, tw4Wft declared lie ws of sound mind never- -fti# to Cuba oil the bibken trark. In way gralp w,()un&. fill traiii eft the 1) ress askett Mayor Weeiteotl;ts and lit- re- and pnowpWral threw fr ill A �08 1,M- tone GO .1.1ves-were saved... it $ o'clock an et�qwewi' PW w be had nn4rrwU*%I- flutt, ing Drd- DouffIA0 thel He tlwn told ho it 1.4 (on Friday 4ven ) plie.l. "Certainly not; ppace ofricery ovot everytbing not *P1i#qleIwnhle 146 for A 1'A88IJX(; TUC. wene wtth*tlle moil w110 Ilad' hed (Jn hwn t4ent to Jefferson last spring, and injuredlt'� 11141t with �a' ' 911911t aecident havit. -W right to,go I il for anybody tile premervati(xi of tile 014. the doctors had released him three The 4;jiterumen muot about 2 rgy !,ng- the track and we I re opraigpd qjm foot, mustalning an In- t t 9m4y 11 4 The dead man and five inki* d that refoLstw to give a 20. Nettiwr mu nor atare-o-The nl'- dayi; later, declaring lie was Dot In- 4D f. r,w,rIv of act vzoept the Crew of a tug. btrt Ptt:44pig - tile Ilite nr tt, deqwnded w*dly, noo I, left at whil crimivai matter. wasit !_ t. -it. jnry wJACII IWc or it policeman'ji n, the 1,ull sane. He said lits mother's nammewso Out., w,w 44 Gra.ittl at Paria.1 %% it!L a to*. The.- *uw the traiit iv it tvaded is tile � explanation duty to hunt III) crita not, to ooloservft- Its liglitn aa It. came flasIiiM'aWut -the lot t U-New-Yoft with'th n4i sotem in makW9 Louisa Behring, -that she came too. fUWd ()ne t!1q)1wWi-1 itoll., 9- :Vn4ff1ciaIdmP�lotA'hreC- 1 .,tlw. . .% * , I.Is bet dewrilled as laine.. -et them." The 1X*,l1jnw.n welre ti,.w I10vjcg 110 compsitio, Uwy c­uid (,4,c&g w, 11 1& ypa 411% Ila- III. the French curvet; and theii, o4a w t lie. greater part inpred. ng . n ie t� Top old, and w hm Ill;tnit"19% ifit t�nhn (;eneral Gall It at] becultse popular TF.Ri.- Tlk brotbeiis -iptly refuwdi hu. Id a *;Ilort not know ill what Wrectioll they WPM -overnem tin xiing o4y, a pron -1 tuwttk-r-1n-CliIef1II MattagIllwillf, an� of it go �nto the river. 4�ioiiie* of the nd mxwh o4he grew up worked am kot& L .1 .. I .. . - during Upir sbort time C47' Atkw�r Ch i4jopher Mines, twillp, driveu. M&IIY dft.Y14--Then Awl ealthy family. she was isnt to hat .1 0(twwng -of Sakar jud n4 kunceo t cams %ttil elcmd indows"floated,.Aild 7U-lerz . ible evidences off th fright- conoern - was exice"wd la'4t Pvpl"llg Jun., ww found, an 1�e went ball , lowet I a w JO1111 lIAfIIl_kt4)I1-' cked Frefieb : 4nusay dayP** of Germany, Behring s9ye, and he was pofft� tile tug, Wlitatling f6r. help, taot off It* un ill it, a *A*) amlifitty born in Berlin a few monthu after fior lay.q& ha&4 att fill wreck ware. vwmp,-a�­ poin$ Lile It WSW Rumicosed, the oWr one for four of the yo . g nd Jaw- No one who lisp f willeh was mvelitly foiitai�lished k� hawwr'aad etarted-lo the resc:.U�, rrilAo wreck. at `o4ilerbroOktC0I1 .c.hilrgto 1) twt; -miku below'. here under' wals a y.jetim of the te yer Scovel went on A.tJoert Hollin- neer bem in a leAking OtUP in her arrival there. ilai P�iljt of, ttie "Io-irlhibitig. RJv*r, -t�_inrc one of Ue kindly cto w y Idled's bon,l. t !64 Stiff- -intensely 'vivectacular ft)tltiuu&i gale can know wtm 1*-rjury, Afad3gawar, Behring'r; story I@ tolieved by a -71o) great wrecking car tor. hri*- - offIC jourtr of, the tirrew lier6 be appmelatively reclled %r.,m HIS kJUFI-4-It IDEA 1�' J U-STICE. r*rec. un,:er einch circumut"oft. firm of wealthy at"nes bere. It lot gaXTotw1n, Inclutting. t ai the track atud. V4er tile* men -biWly en- t1spir ck IrIlloution to Calobe himh fire 21. After )4ling abotiDenrr--To (le - upon var*� that.rim Uet rcd glaro:'.() fun d ln&t Wpek. IA)rd sUx)lto W now on p rQje kins 'I cl4red Mr. understood that the first have &I- t tire is iva& i lito the yard -of Aujustu.s gagNI in tearing apart-tIAD i-reckage cutdro 4en 4 qco- wtir vraN ackied a further suffer.4W ready Interested themselves In the at^i ago eallill4ltil' f4.1,r t lit expedl- actionA "outrageo lie "aid: " I I 'Wriry ll lapah 6a* all -ar wliiclb*t tAl way north on -I #1hooting of tt' -lativ 1111t,1114 'bo g*�t-at any frwbtn wpit of frmod in etnumvence 41f young German. and will tAck film ve c4x�vwry land .houme, lie ".-tient occu othes"tibaV t:light be of r(-d,ajiftIoUA* 0'ireanting ioi in -workf4f with no ti n. by to the gt"l offices i it 'Fug c tJwWjury4tqwt0 the provit4itotw. and If this prove* to be true a gTent fight I e hello and, on 0 t'k-1 under it.. I� 4. - rt eoft.-tiit coft lwr M Wwry F. SiLrickland, of Weston, witneomes pure �rc i rtant and who tile t -VtP1.0 Ill"alling,'"the train "W in the rivr; mile], energy ao ifthere we -e living 4 In iWp(*"j)J1ity of lipl*.PALritW any a. t ilm or to know who i I for thc Pullman millions is in gight. alitle-_ I . vM it* a , and t-ver'and list], a narrow Pocap,- from being on .111 our passengers are drowntxl.'� Ii itreA to I* Ita r meal. -C. & Ii.. Ilnul "Ioi- it, Und Oat brpat '111 -fated train. He left 'Toronton' were-niot, and what at li knew. Mr 109'11 nd In tbal n I I to 410 1, n ited .4ta te" id 14.1mmielf anon wotild Awing to iface a the I that dark few.minutes Carr ha WressiL the .4 11fider tkA& laii )It rliargt, 6if zistpoitulting Saturdny morning for Npw tely Ili budilless i� KK. DANA'S WAT8 -1,1alluce(ote; the 3ritl.-4.1k. -.110 g*tting IL boat rowed with the 'body cramlAd Into abnornial loosition on York, Se6vel _Ii� ' d al"u to lielp JaVsklmly 4triftiAig Rhill). thef-4- R4)- xJ irl, lisp. W1 Rev -isle. a SCIlt, t W lii4j, I and. having -*)me btutineots to trans- the room, I had in Lded pgajed ttw �gy (it light and 11fe. for He ln. toy (-lirIUJ)JIJJr jligtov, �jlas bmi iourter -to the vc'ehe�- As they turnet'l a anti then renew their efforto On tht" Ir the Ckseat Now Tork Rdiuw Re -41* frouni tile tori. -i -111 sto� tti�r , tp laid over. with r. bvtool 'to. blocrach. tile , tly MUM the '.%I - Seovel all, I could I'provide him t"llu ill tilt! bailk %fie on the 't(jop, of. t),p �'Pftr erW41 rA Tom a act At Rochester. lie t(itiony taken. it, held IV, Jonall fleeftig from duty, eel ved Advice 0vCT tl�p intention of ratelting, thp 111iff11(l, nwc- -with.-a copy of the In P in' car g4ng of tm car � #nt.i. the yc=hidat1P( Men clsolnwl a w at at U30. just Wore train time. ow- I shall do Do ou W, bilall t Paul houllod in 4mrit to tfmtify Mr. Dana had a wav Deeullhae* hN A t�l�trafn -from floating about- twenty feet froth shore, and tIP huge dprrick from til Wreck- I toliilu at Itollie. Timed ;n,11044i I,- to make out rot %A q I in from gather eiiu ' I U*tIm % %va* - lielAl at, a rk I se'vem Itut sinking every ininute., One man howeirer, he received a telpgr� ugl 110 lv�.wj sf tliese three, h=dmi own of treating ouWde lD%4rhW"0ft at(v, th Ing' train Vve out' � V& hogany tl� t Tell, in the t1terp shl;vc. eawitell 1111d in the Toronto Informing him of important a prima-facie caise an( J.old 5haw for I . 1. -top of t1w Caron& trimmings, ceilifts and -fie ils we" Illo ilopejul. encoaraging with,the policy of his newsp&W. say4r Xt A*. wa tiakeil f-rom.the - ;' J ury. lam Katy, ffirmerly of Nlij in'terruptin. efforter were made to rit%ctie those. in- endearor to reitoover some troin busla the action oi the Gr wortit".-SuCor. Ye 660uld lt&ve tieark- the Now York 71ows, INK9=11 WM .9 railroad cominum elw which ould require his ppr U1 wilo fu.,Od pa.,4ttor of to ot I . n ntit tillne- clittina 4iff f m6l"jil. attention In the city on Mon- '.'I thinif the young, fit of presumed on tht-ir long &cqu&Wt*Mft tuado f or a sille - W1145, n1jight 'Im alive. A few- were- tlj� wreck. ori glio" a grema gang -o en"i v) ine-Firnt lie remisdo the day morning. w) ,he abandoned him to wiay made & great mistake, , be - the )ni. telt-grajokive roft or -egardlim 4 rt f MIMI: , I tip Uteir error in diw hio; ck)wipel with the distingllmliod "%or to P146 - The fu,..d for the re -lief t1lt two rf_ got.. out, The 41a'y couell, and a4moker n,4.n vvvsrked* to'grt t1A% I P and came back by tile 1-:mPire cauine'by thelio actioll timey seetned. t9 fift Ufferem-now amoullu ti, Itille Richdott; 'was 14wept hail CDIIe* dowlt in titc! deeper wa'Wr track sii.repafred that.th woliki trl Fair 1IRraw 1nmW lie doft,, not W fer advice to hii pgarding Um proW d eoilars. aild have'lwen Ikv -ti . le , f and drfillmne-t. tralno State exprew. lie irrivM'in tile -eft indicate - Chey knew &Qo 44 'thing preJudi- at rusch thom.hu4 to givfb t,hPm R Journalletle torentpnent of pubbt Ques- anf tie was Impmwible. III. the fat- "to,- no trouble- In getUng. ... r. 1461 %k .1 y I rftc sk t the t.iul case, iity, man w ho rep Ili* prfment com- tionis or of to, 4 - la�;t ond J registered spelci&l toics we" nomaky jllu).thi bnriw4 illotri, -;WWP. wits coundence !It ifice this nl'P ter.c6ach the!ronditiono, must.haie tiXough. 0 As bo raw like this ba agAill t000m b.roklpit. 44"Ill M., To. Toil- knowo allything a1A) taught a lemon by Kr. Dam& that &nor t1fe- houwlew llnp­i�,I.iave btsen terrible. ',T -het tar --turne-I ,com- 11.4 41 )"re * r. oon 'be sent Tor, forting murancteti. t Ity. Tor6htfl: wao 4 1106141 des. . liatelt rro"i -LYtoolk�1. pletefir'over and OIL paawnger end of, (%-y, Ijul -form&] an P0411. I In I of. tile IsIRIT11311 LUNACY 8TAT1S'1'I(,W­ billould IiQt evell %vait, iA Re'of good citeer-Althoumil Paul left a lasting imprewton on tbdt TI. tAutitaril t e sAanier rglar-4 ai-Am a t lout Islioul )me forwaN 22 r tiaYtl� that I"til"I or btl .the deep ater' while. the nlinillw-r of deull, 411ch lie was IIII- apoatle, and was endow&J minds. Hlo manner in dealing with struciA toy. AgIrtn'Ing J* was in r awl tell all lie kIlOW6. 'The do Tint such persons was usually =AVG. NW A. I' -wa- with Miraculous 11"weft. wP Tbo I -,-J 14 %n ces�ontrie told I ggage enif stic"I tip towards tlie-*;ur- 1-18, afui D4, chaw in th I#; -tiinntp Numter ol ;t)sane Personii Who R't cove captain b. e. wery aulolooeliaed y .,Alay because 1. He a0plMd his face. Th,6 meh in that iower end mus wit" vitiled liimi*lf of the almost no rentia (oil itfbitgfit mad;c- 41rinor the'dny- hicloe'amitiff. that was.1 he ea#Wdft*st a, �, to get them, find that be -d persons, Asticationa oln moth oft& - OIL Bm I kept f* lur- _e like fietr6" for a brief TAWr -OF THF. RE. a114! L-6 11 ligItt. hin Two AlAgo ai4kmr - to be 06 gift of prophecy until he had recAsivf �Al 1140,1. 'ha lx-rfect rigit to ubethat W). Won$ h a gentle tougue and a )Jr. TA)III-4 LaverKncl- bnjtjlP� Of t Illij., nioney. and periorl. for the btxllets when tnk-pnoirt FollowingJa UA-% limit of d Ta r' glae annual To- it direot command Of God to do L facie liom weauh. 4P ed prinu I Mcint.14 tt-i!vatkd fr.. iti mer"ritileii. �.ill a were a..in;w of wounds. ago amwrtained- up, tro) nilitint : vort of tlp confuliwilonetra in AlillacY, Wod by nit- the aingel of God touch of velvet. Lavergne. trie o4afo. if i&;sued, mixi tht-we aiknounces to them the vision of One afternoon one of New York's Yea4erday: 64ornif The ck*iing kaseffe of the fIrAt tin' f 19 y wl.,jell liao jtwt twe W tile 1,**It Pe V Reilly, St. u is, 'Mo. N�- - ixtm. nor inerch&nt princes caded upon Mr. Does Tothu6naAa wn,� ro)111141 twf,) - 111,11le" away, lrtvill�r this - traged Is dra ither the flight; how, 8A sooften bKoreiii ttgt the bye--e-lectloa hl- n ren Neene of 2-Chinatuan, unident 'led. aro: -tify Ili own cri*is of rli*d. the angel of at %ile Sun office and angrily dommad- )eo- ILIW Voullj; 11111111 Who f; fwxl to -I tets bribi- t401I:fWn41 riflPd. NI. ileal mon edr. that stan- to .near the - ' in the br4a;d and whom lie ed tliat the f infIRCial report*r for that *ad 1)rumnxmtI In U10. Libe fb in* No. -3-Wong GLin, a (1.1i vjnan., 1. That 141w prtMpsortlon Gf inkane I ail& a loublic )war tliat ('.rod wh(top I,#. %% t Arfot-'mo*4 441 or tlri- accident, where a #Kore of ha'Ily 5. Al. 7. .'R and .9-*. '),InAmf-Tt,, 14o relatively-ftoi -siiDe peovle ib evory WID11W of the, toerill lie attorneys w-rved li&(1 gtootl joy Iiiiii and prontleed paper be dismissed a nas to�jiijjl m-euritift. 11111tilateil bbliep, none of' thein YK year getting greaw;, and ;;P unidentiffe& is 14J ttm. Witt gift of the lives of ll who chair, my deAr Mr. You know W ayii; "-,or 801 claimed fly fripivig, a -long, . N .1 11 f roln %v-ftlit la Ile Pr�s`ll - 71fit tile liumber 09 dent UND7A:`:!Cti00L oSK-11 W14 7s M woot k$iu 4 11511 C JeV Ctrivantem re lying [h*& 0- lid lit all -it nolx4y else. ith him. that I would gladly do anyl&lft is wul 1W.1wenit at All.'to. un thetu pirew- annoye4l, hT Itip tbr44I!Wr"`.' ro%%, griussolner, evi-tence of a dimt-r-Ioer onstantly - -A Nl. S heariaig of Wp must jw coat upon a cerW0 Ur will to c No. I I* W. R. G. Myet embnt; Insartiti to ketting Wilk and tl#� "I'm my power to oblige you," MW covel says tha,t i� 26. 40.4 the gren4eilt that hawot evex orcii"ell (in IN Increatilng. deduictions may be a um- boli#6 kaid its not griintt4 6y t0-111017- iiiijand-Like all prophetic visions alid I)ana. in iiis morot cordial tows. "Wi w* No.A2-WomaJI, unickmt But bot I& stat4ement .. titat the rtAv, lie'. will force oiw t3- t4tking Out &nnounceilienth. thili of 1',Iui'@ its 01611 me what the troulAe I&" M 0 STATI F -1 RIdent wered by a I of t1w Your financial reporter u*od me 41mitip4WIle. No.. 18.,. Woman, ea -W, a *tliL . adian a writ of liabeas let this partial; it Toeveals no &W iti . 'r nunllx.m IaLve'risen chiefl� through or -PTW covent the livaring will Iw- lorivatA� iu ts. Notwben. where yessefday about, a cerWn trammewm 36filpikego. 04rjZ441 611-1 tit -Tlie veck"I trotht W:w k1ww" :-.14 No. 44'. Guio. ; 1'. IF I % fl%A�t. ChAt- More contr(A- is now mmA I #dU4 It 1. , %lio llwl�an. girl- JAUW ty-TflreO uw Atate extorovw- it left truffa-116 at 1L. a- tho presence of isoultow.1 Priwcutor or how, but GLIDWY 16111ILT4 891 shall Lm thato a wraw 51� 11peker., -d' N*f�,wn rk, lo-ing exereloM over itwalle loontiente liiw that there was nothius in It. Wrocked Wors for Twen No. 1--k-W. w( tkv oa,,ved, at bome unknown time. upon 4adt, Wa.0 V 0114,1114�.Vl T deloekL I'fl$t 1111rilt. WIU4 JIU4* fit tiAmi formerly. The conitni0ionere Jenkins haid It( )U Id t'r to lom J ti Ink. No is P ship Thim mornigg ke printed t be Vtory d WO&TI., all NPw..-Yfwk at 7 o'clock thh� tuorii 16­1'zilknown man. Carrbomt lasi night aud, ave the ttxmrL- iv)me unknown ii4land. (11iily th tays ftiffing', F?;P I . . I I ifs(I wilile thit-mbelve" do rot draw any inferePce P*- w I I'l be and tuade Ine out, a liar." ?lilt ruilty., 'fit". tra.!ii WaN IIIII&Ied �J�V f -II Ille order a prirate licari T, it- I Irt iost.-Butler. �Ve 'A if a tkAng rescued. ono way or toll; otlwr, frierely giving, Teachings. )ul. i ike Waw -t the otory true at"T -f re' fuwl At" oluntarily -The belkVing W Itupiloteli, Vo,ullty wrl n Ex- G. MeKay' ))od "-sitipp"14F41 tIA- available statimtIcill, and com- eutor wil-i proba,41y it V insinuated Mr. Dan&. .0 N hearitig. tht. Kilip, will at times encounter t lie it Vt another date for i 1,unto tO noarOr -It- 1.4 0., r H I RST. lifs"o e3rr. oup'.comIxA—fte hAgXRge61iWI -nting only w1jere tcommenW are tenp Mo -r TH I K, SUP (E-StIOU t t4--metit A jade and'storms ta a. It Well, er, ytis, I i�uppose W) - im 11 60. milaire, tme day. roach aud be III, wreck. nA t" t a I joot 01 000 - W; I wilipk"ag ear, ll� 1.'o*le, ongints To, of Fast tl.()Ilglit n47cewary to explain the fig-. . Lawyer t"vel ikisu a 113 a a did not want anytIUug sQd -&boor& Lt." for Mile ,-ays Soeol Nlate 4 oil- Is.:--io likst nIgIit,_ In which It 'said that I& need not be dr) far J60111 is 64 to) wflp thf�- mAke-up -4 it vwhen our Ali. um." @aid Mr. I)an&, ummftta- -ladon Tom &nat)lftl too carry tm Norweginou narillio- .0 a,: en tin To'mpkiti4 fireninu Ono of the oufairly. dur- covert from the MPelK. jively. -That is bad. very bad. I t t#6 14,in 91V -s�,on,,(Af --thi the tr *w *It , it left T%�Whk( X, - 11 Ilowl; that client had 1)(vit trva, vouff4wor#4 -Mto , 10PY iwi .111111ber Captain. im-Ver, fr(*ix NeWensUe, N. tile. in,,4t pIVqA)!v4X place. 11*4orp Alte _ 'No. main tabift #i nuui- 'ilig the last few days ii loeing'subjecte- lives a we are often com ly 1:1,.Isgo, for -11onolulu, ql-immior. 'at 5.110 a. 'ri. At, ilh!P4 time E."t'Alloany. last New Year's (lay tlie tOW vid to examinations lk " the Prt*we,.i- lwlled to sacrifice things we would will we what can be do". It won't it which Illoo wouild. S. W., -(M - .1 u L tx-r (it lunatics in England'and'Walem Is do to have a W&D 0,11 & DOwGP&Psr It4tr�es wiliell waa wr*vked In tho 9011th Sea" tberr -was .!n the o4maker, in Milditim No' A W.1111afam 6 toj." aii?l his "isqtant.. lie js4id that lti&diy retain. But how slow morts ory ftstl P14! d 16 Lon- -awning niakerts. Iluff 0, wao 99,165, am compared with 96,44 ith worldly good or who inodstos oil telling the truth, will uxi 'At Av4m 4pro in Its arrAw- to tlw tviggagmian4 .11-ernurn %eker, B" .20 oil tio. correka)Onding dRY Of 1896, nelther lie iior Sliaw ,ad ally notim are to post w the editor directed so -Total number of known d 41, P#4 dozen ourvivore. -and tells nil pepk�,kjll, woll4o wgw �n -liki compxrt� dea4,.-2 of 2,919. 4 of a licarIng to tieltlad yqstierday lile#wure for.tbe sake of eternal life' it Then experiences. Ineill 34* nilmlier 91s being an increase moriiing. althojigh warching glance full Of Umxxmnt ift- cbpt, 18at ".nday.. .4riv00K a U-rrill,le tale' of tboir L. "!Kht chinAumen. Pit r'oute from timatc R population is always he: iwax. -Informed Till- wrv&u�s of God are not e4emPt is Caller - 7,111114 Of course, t1i this quiry upon the fasee of h the reels off Star- tile' I NW U I U D. -as to take pl(Aw. - Oil learn- from the triaib and sufferiagal of to. t the point. -fidgeted a littlie, wltli hor 4uslpakL aild-jinniled h -It mo .441adon fillorfick' tanail!an burder New tork-, T11H steadily iticreaving, and insano People tliat it latkr saw hcor.4e jot t Uh- Tito crew , - u . Ukius I kit- t4)r,- 1.'. '0. tarish, �Atf -New lle ex- iiig that no heariiig wtv to td1e Pla0e life. Whe'll th". art4A biwk,lsland on Augus tji Lnd all,l: a lliaddles-ak"I main. i jqwvtol to other tliing8 being equal, mftF 11RACTIVAL 8URVEY. st&mmened something about repori1eft o -t tl,4-. w.44 (,joliged to take to tIA%, b6ft too Intrvillaim RfYily, of St., Loa!tot, All Iti, it. lint even lie demandod that no actiott or aity 41*116k , c lipal Ydt-k. Pee w . .4,11 LICing too impertinmt, slad -ba4ft Ur tcl.rini and pi4lly tilat theioe fZ tlww. exceptintg-,the A'Kg' tell to incrftw belm g V in hos- 0-117MI. 14 Iii"g4VA - %iii welillo*;- 'tl,49 vewool filled no Ton wt 110ft. -,C111ililtinati. ba -I scal P "wou irotimiok�rmtion, the kijrki -relative ton teoit,itiouv concern- i;tod'w promwe liad U&na a Iliurried good day. while taking thio into rtotLing, � masoter. p6-r'o4w%I. The...day coftell con -L Ilital. At t, .1 1 1 - U41 M1111 illSaTO -ifig III% client, iviloilid 'le takett with- 1,&ui til"Ild tootify lor Hiul to, Rollie. At &mother ommwiou a promumst do y, ion Z died. 110) tirne, 4044ave ono. the tal - I - IS t,,. Tom. Illaily of It-(skt4kill nntuix-r 4 pepone,; repor I ely.got a littid' PfOvlw no 20: I*mwmW (1111fla4inatt. face badly tt .110 Ieg out I& *V.MielKle ris eltillisoPl. I felt Neit1wr mitrary wilids, nor Wulilmola, toreoGentoral 'Ieft. 11riucet(A) tlo-y IwLr ar" steadily becoming, greater. Uwatric&I manager c&lked uposl Mr. Tile Govern epipl)ration fur 4-oinpapoit -and it chart. TIIPY wl.co,111 Were w(lonwh anii clilldre.ft. 110*' prAineJ."' 7,36- Justifim., fle, colltilmot, Ill .-rew),loting nor tl%,N dimpair of t1lose around imu, lyana witk a grievance age,inst Uke I IlIverafty itant, F.ight Men man-; jnhnv dor thtw:ewapmr !-oto not known, irk, IwAy In 1859 one rswwon in. every to Oxtreme tneALsure&4,Jpnd I felt, %III- OmId Kliake itis cout-W. or tilsi trust dr&ju&tic critic. In short, w desu&041- ick, where lie revinatow li-is forgot tho' Ae Frank J. 1*9411,. (of tl,4. I)opillatioll wfm under treat- one Viat tI~ worat Viou arm? nla&- I't l4wwt 12 wvmre- 4IT-6iorned, or k!ll-- r,111" New lDrunaw Province. returnin 0 Ot- W'.111 for 1,-ut " b .0,1 y 418; In der t1w Id too v rif bed x t pact. (pVtIle tooau :1 and * face:'Cut. V; In 1969, otte in ever circuinsttanO-q, that nt ad that the said critic be renow" tour of that no re- &I in thlo ear. Ilo-hind tlW_�"eft were. 'Tong. I"., bat ly loruisetl. T"On fi,ow his poWtkuk, &ad undlertook, tA ining AVII(14'n 14awl, wap r Chinama,11, y 363: and every had a right to Jeopatlize my. climit's (,&rgo, tackling. everytliiug ("Ild go tawn on the. 4not1l inst. rem& 1879, one. In ever tinte, island. Fhiling'tO I he 'k Awlptne.. with ill, lWag- ovrrigartis but oiomillhow. voine 1-�tarlmfck X 04leepp,los, thp GW ,is 'Ifernialt Acker, . of We W intere alkigel p1rivate, orrice., llnpv� upon Mr. L)&na 'tto paum's 1Jw. yt-ai the of *affairs Jim been get- sts In the w., st& .111JIL heat 'ClIt. t1i,fre iinVI tile, l9tt, cor -it' Island %Ioey.triftl to find cageman,'Itritised tili 111 1897) tIOPMe ww'One Advided ill tlie 1.0rd,o owu good hour. kw Ointild �e find Nilildis I did not leava until I had unfitnow. Mr. 1,&ff&n WEN at thiat will ipftve for Toroll-tr)- wl'PrPr I lie Wjij 14PP"41 thl" 1114111411, (1,rivotm-rw Toiland. ArWr PlPven 14113'" pow4piwism; tlW_­V.f11le. WktjI 11� t -11P, _ -7 S1111vt exprrw 'agetit, ew York., In ever .123, in 1896 cRIP ln Ov(WY t-110 1('i­tne**1 viat they were not ape tive protubw ruiritw. "s Ua- dramatbo critic or Um 901 at 0. 2 per t#m ^IJgh%jy I y In* every 313. irligle iluestiOn." Illatl1*8 wa,rTlilIg ,#g.,,pyIng (k)vernmen I I fs#�"n with 2189'and in 1897-wip Mal" Neilwm,' the fiatiq-43& of t I I ol L. -W. V r, t fkt4;.,#4 l"Wat wnp capt4twd-an4l with AhfA&t.4,,: Anita. nearl. lioutid to answ( I -air After Mr. Desna had listened POIIWY I ma - "I �r( - John J-o."Ityall, Jerse.v lity,_ hadly line not gonop up M1.0101 I - V "1. 1116 Companiono;P11- 'rnll, all I tlw).ear Snrket�Rlver 'Or The denth ratoe wal; tlqot t1w warnuLg of a seaman w tbe timatrieW missusgw'b state "itserality a J I af I ft'ot 8441tocr --- Togn Aw Iiii, wordw imply tilgit het spoke und�-r .1W terp 11w total ett lacerateA I limit. he saw Woll, air, I 4e r.lk 8II&W.- it, fit Atla. ItiC CitY. unf leT. Iwmt..%0ik1.Ix al wo pnn ngerm, arin and leg. with the numl)erof fifttlontitto for I am U 4 r -aloteil. *ttd Orifte, -it of n - Y.. In mourn tig i - divine, gitid#inar. had also much f I IL fin nKi-r-- 't.0,Wthing. lie tit !a Intlift fainlio huisimi fre4tcht 4,VV#1ftt44 Clarenee Morgan, Auv A, N. IR dre4-and Ji and milowsevi gniatly ot)14pd too you for "king Use In tomokoned for- 1896 at 9.05 'Of t169 acknowl"19"I r ovOr m hin4re I At Volski I the, 0 1 ixttlent", :1 domeaw, dpow of t1w-Auffering ilie ham endtirt4l oxp(rieffim or per�lb ill the um." (,fflelallv T)pplity ()Ivdv n---t-rloadeAll. 1prokeO '...shoUldeT. toW numbor of trouk)le tot) set tbaw foots before me. ifw *Tl I .-o- lie. -It rbf -tilp tweleil their t1raill lew. itol RIWf4l. as it IN t'le 11e of 0.96 a ' compnred ivitle- t during the lam 4Y411. Itired timw %ailorm I twomiso you tl" I will 14AX6 a to Ik ii'lliefl. %fr. Camirtney W. 9, Langford, Bayotft J., 1103' lie previ- t fe %r d A drOPItfilli wilid #4 F�Fnancp, rpeelvC., a letter fr()M fnAvvo and )"fie -0. am ti.eir lip@4 blark- my#csin to 'run front' thni IwAnt to It - - out of ties safe liarbor inu) 41ftwerate v'(0-tencal. W110, '#M'T,4 0- brulml. CAW year, and 0.65 undeLgo the avol"We ___'i Witil Mr. IALff&U, &1114 it he UlUkA 111110 tlh*f .1 wtieP p(l.,-jr-oloatwelledfrorn wAnt&0f ft"I ftud Toirrytiown at the -rate of atlioul _;) I L REMORSE ALM-381FACILLSID HER en Charhip-Ruchanati. Jt fin Illith and ywija ended 1896. peril: The day was like Ujc vanished MnAto for t1or ten wind Itlew as (mght to to diassh&rged. I'll dwh&rg* - L Of tillf,w Im 4 - that w -All U10 0"14'sll of tlw' water. The only foo(I tlliv lindi-In ad- -niliw. L , Iiii not iminnier. and the WMt1l John Flo(VI were, taken too owpr Ifne- nunil)er (it recoverift 11iftel Kingdom. the iargeiolt etontrl- d1tion to Vie ianall (111nntItY of Pro- W.Ilgertot werp fti;JjPfV, tlie ital, New York City ito W) mtWactory. In 1896 it 04tood Erring Wife Swat ov-od Paris Green Mitly a& if rockiqg a oleeirmlix in - M p (lu but Doctors M&3 Save Her. fatit. Ml,'. 1,ANA'fl NEWsPAPER RtlLhX. j1v+J.v,t,n hap COMO- from vigi(piw w1jell they entried awny fr'om t4leppe w0tig in their Isorthoi. while J. Jured- but titl nd- They had " boasted thenwitelviss A number of 6there were at.38.53 lw-r cent. of tigeL to ttoovewel wax a frw gninil flying f1i4h. Ule t)ccul),-Inw or tiie (-().,tell awl Nf ar, U."Id FAr(PlItar -%'eLe11llPtl' be- to -night fk list WAII mimiam, or 0.35 abore tte preA!,Pding \vw I cork Statiding I, (-of t.bA worrow," and they did iwt 11L 1 80 ypors, w ttackell fly: Finjilly tile captain arif] rarpentf*; wDuker were for -the nicist lwi.r$ 1 R* to A late llour bu t 0.48 beloyr, tl-O avcrRW ftn- t1se lkrtwWw tif her .1- year-old Ougll- -- lamaw prAv-tw1uposto'came upcol them A. I dula beggeated t4w following rules iq ft(11111 w.4 fil�orlll 9 q Very nemplete.- yesT -tftwd 141141 ap nit aimmDolute, startling wirprise. for newbpaper aditave &ud pubdebers 1101:1111111 hall in a '44� I]). .9till tt,ere was no 11mw or dtimii,leil rn"their wmtw RE.' IP, D; niwd rate for tl&e ten years. UT thim w9rilim.. K-' ,As Py tri4vT a CA0II(tQCt(W PAr64. I0 WAK 'b end AsWer requir*d -Ge4 the Ilewls gion, awl not .1sinn1l. Then th I, wo In lx -d it qbown in alt The imminent First 11 nor summors4twIli, :-ta n%qrry.. V" I -,I' M Mw- gul erf ort t wall and k1locketl t"vn. t#,@y tilotiglit ' lvwb�ps �wonld clint-ge. 4 '010 tjolti n. wha wam JAord'Pntiglas of Hawiek- Was III tile It 10 'in to in No%hWg tAW& uevra, and nothing but tao amm. f r r close,-nnd 3xily make@ R lAv life in a fit of rcm.orso at havinig prompt M41"ursx. fr"I�n f.:W , , -,�scn vie unet Fiji for' makh4z tf' 1410110(wt i n (yne of ; MW* IyJ;fW.1r -f vk4t, ?r,-* ttl Wilkin -of it-pter to tbLwir safot# j;IACI01J-;- brine tjo,-M to qnmoi or thP 10 - A the month twen faitilew to 11017 liusband, whotu tiligilt min could Seomx1---4'opy nothiug f rolls any 41111ft Aw 6'T_KX_,1 1`1 litioltr or Po -Innilk. Finnllv CRIAnill -TRi%VPr 4`1141d. I - I Wlwii the . crash came pretty fair third. April In 1,ne &m&Il boat oi Um publication withuout per#*" W480 __2 . 0 .- a %R(, wAIr tv by a I P!ow 'Ont Abe. (if 1XIII'd0ll. for manin. and Jitn,-. J110t aP thet 11011- jdo% had k1wed gootd-l-�o a few moni- too overkxA**1- Ito W *I -r4V-. f In I— tli@3r- ere th"irn -hito the anel-rolI& o.- to Wt�m. widm lie left &he hotwo vilip, wbicoii in the fair' appftr&n(.# (if 71tird-Never print an i0to"66w a" Aft4-r tw thrPe and the,cow.h0,11 W for Tnel n bo -en twile'r ..rb an..J And vvagr"' wo-r#- 0ZL-tTWW head 1. W lien lie 1mbe6ver6 I lit, WSP 1. 1 Lord Pot 4-hy Mr. dayn are beginihing, he d t, , go to Mo Work. T. ie wife's sin was thto weatAtter at the votarting. and ejL- witlicoUt the knOW14490 and aousest of id nif the one ':n W`111161 .10 -Water, iglas, nmsb� k littk,, rain. Thfb iilrif*;�,, pmts aho, t In Februalry lllc*t foromp of t vVe en- _part... WIlkinigm. -m&naged, afto6 a grea ee ),pr unnatural love lb-- a "star 'board- pw4 i wxtirtingm 4 t1w da *P sail to the party interviews& 01? 1 , - p4l w i tlnllt fro"i - for till x dn. . and A halt Impti oil-tt'ing. go w�pfn to be tit their ebb. `11w five , eA ?Jcl�_osln TF 'T ven of Prienicte, had I`ou rt It -Never piint a paid advor- STAT1:Mi;:.N dial of.diffictilt.Y. to kOt 'Alt 6r tile or." But she had bei6 I freely forgi, r*mcib tile nafo liarlw ron Q-414ember Ath. ttwy wfTF A PASSE'NGEIVS difficult montid& Mmxeh. April, May, JIIW- and timmuent mw news ma"Ar. Upt every stairs. IV lwm t 'CIL. It. wap much M we 'July, are ustially remmalblo for many by iqr , 111"band, v-jIo turned 08 hn�n allowed V) tow in the rear. must .11 cornt 'I.,land. nlul o-ir , ()Ile of the few (weuPa"t-4 Of the 0M liteen, adverUsament &ppmr as &it ad BaW,-, tie i%ln"d -4 life was tIUL" * it wouid otherwh4bi z' havo pw of inmanitY. t1san tlKh rf*t boarder out for polt#ning lAs wife's he wwotwed at all li&zardj� *nnot-W41 hy 1 , MX wnre. coach who ewalls'd with Ili It lame- lig ivilivii TAwd ng under faiss Pol tro w- ototi-fiiiisher, of hwAufle' Of love aga.hat 1,11m. Darknew added Its bwrom In timme t1A`&nA0t--II0 Will ",t..4 - rain- on w),iell th#.y *wpr.,p tbrowgr prov I lank- of. Deg)!", l w I)Ir)IIgl;f�x 'imuffered frofi),- ti.e remult or of VA, Year. 691,*tts M, s cut by' o have a begin life (yer again," le days, modem hInotrummov c4 navit cvs- sopida. T&K.nd. inbabitwi bY t"n N-ew Y.6rk. H114 left e wa, 'a remnt. accident. `11o% married man welfw t tile wn-heart- tion. weete unknown. 7%p tr(mpsm had Fiftit-Never attack tills wsQJL, Q1041 ly regi�)n - -.tfp an Ami-ricart broken glamp and his loodY wam slight greater tendency to 90 mful VAR said. But Mm. LeTY was 4 ddeluppian, either by sorgumtWit, 1117 PP4 -JAP. And*. belonging ater WAP tak-lDn to N.Cw York nd is IUDW and ITI samon. Ttopv Tiv4`sfl made 004 st single man, and, what in w0r6e. Ile ed. deWtoe I.er lix:,4band's ellecoring not bmw Inreeled. 17 bruispd. M.r. Degan W. 11. (1. With friendwt at a priva 1"Idplkw_ mp to go metAkiler pan,*& . aslntraAft, steso&a"t. invino- overtive, or by ToUlicule, unkm U11110tO th-for Polo tpn monthatoli till -Ow. hirds ment With my friend, During the fivP wmft I '4895 Inclivalve. 81m Tw�pared his breakf"t this ibis, waie founded upon bb knowledge I,; psomw &Iwolutoe public "ossssitY for 4)14'-d On MORI.'. -BODIFS F(,A;ND. yelum from 1 R91 to #Lnfi lonnanno PMO� carpentiv Myer& of Pawilic. N. J.. who was 'the. der- ( "0 d(Ang. 1JBgj!1&y specia. pro, than of (,Odrp parpblm. 11hat thom wtU U.P.40nnd killed III the 'car rrom Wilicil I es- At A o'clock this mornamg, )c),) M&MIed men witid 0010M morning. KIA- swine( brighter C0116 scon nfter tbey lmb,tied. A Ile 6. gilth-Vight for your 0 knit kmen don't believe Ule�' 0=0 11 -r treat- -r hustand preparcxf to him will 'a 111111mm Oth "a in w ideanier- postpefl the fprnr4l, nnd been to poughkeepsie- ricktil gueceeded raimint one, of penottim were Y,mrly, undf usual, until 1.4 be taveA 0 QfA PSAl %trictIv Te tro a t tion c 'tt4%n- caped, I had and 171 wkilow- leave. humma opinias. He ham GoWs wmd for tfoy trie#11 t their ri �We boarded the traill fit tit -Olt Placl- I -wavy cars, 46d the *1 1000n ment, 73R harlelom be ruth t y tr _# numbermi 1I.- Fthro.kkwed him g(od-bye tAarfull.v. it glad t6at wood, he knows, will t' Or hP Olml Qth IL 41 -f -4-"M4 1111t *tie c(Nach. Three got out thref IXXIkW- OW' rurp rille married women It mm" actrepa L Ik I# P" F*V r- lov " agow, I and took a w S 0 ,Don't wind wiat tile people say," myely fulfilled. f1jevenJoJl---0QJW0r%, V%PUIF VP11MWF. GU % it, fftil-fl. FinnilY they to,it off in :1 04n),111, other fleople got oil at pouglikeepsie. of 'tf&emiie W&A Id Titified alit MrIllnen Par- 222. ttjp WAnittmos q.39 and the w141- J%ege lives must be &111 t4les IRD-41 Ito)w a Ila-*.. of . tl14 I (Imn 1r)8.-IA)nd0n MILII. her huslxmd saki to lier, folding her saved, even as Paul moot appear be- I IiR re but dou"t tAk" A twmt and lloftli(m] n ptenvipr. whieli tnnk 't WOMall and the two others saw, a niomber ag46 or nom are M 10 One waA OWI In Lin armlH. fore CaANW. in it &Dd all the hild it.048 00 them to , qllvn. L and fro. that TwItire were men. one of whom looked like Ainerietin Wlw6llnell �,tj to 19- 1 s so do side of It. wcifi- paralysitio.� a railroad omployee. Ao4 near n8 I can of N.ew'' 'York. "I'lite two liodip.q Old -Time Street -Lighting in Patio. "I know you' wcre foolki.. But I Under tbaw circumstalnew of IIeW riWiitli-Abovo &II, k"w and 11111ING" Fla" ttoy travellod tn Aydpp. He's, gone haw strangely 601 111inty, V&., were not k ntift low bopeless pe"I. so� judge* there were eighteen pePPIf, le od It 44 4.=Wtly 2(X) years sincO Moe kitow you never did wrong thalt humanity is adv& hg rim have oetting WbrIle.-. the co&cll, n(lot. of them being women * BOA RD. citi4," (if praince huve bmu- li Man 0 mad be_ TORONTO rA88E0%'GEI(Ji0N. glited at rLow and won't trc*bie yoii again." emn Rudi w(m4ft by & aselsokiSlY Oil' them is prugy� in liu III t K". Levy Poured srure, frail inan I WM'w hat Intensity ,early at The, factor ill &.4WU6 d,6trict 'WR- and childrPn, and I were port : Tho (Ilief I)( Jkllice Lit Re- An soon an I -e lef Tod IlIs yawl afraim, and tbat, as SaM MIN 430d Tor(mito re ews of the nialtit. til(mg used aj quantity o( Paris grt*n into a #tau- L,( Irn&rvel muot they hAve hea. T Myern and I Pat In the mid ach rum to be the future will be a" wre4l I)y a broad -10W Was very %all. apileep. clilanilty did I" Tor(mito yalo 140 cau"Od IfLnW. o2vbw vWon and lirm. mnn -for *hi* all#] found dle of the. car. When the eras -or. t4tuple amenl-ka Of & c*u"d (o pol- of & pleljkp WD &doqu&te for bvpg &na heotter than the prommit CM=PWL re A farmer it, came &Wful It would havoit-dotie oil any rigulairly in Paris thirty yearnbefore. coior, #,the madq 11(luld wit), wnt or 'Afterwaroln bib Ahe. -ear - gave- It great Iureli and 1101 enrly tw in this awful emergency! Isim mucli lietter han Sunday,� I)ut befcore III t1loodtictInuied by King LoutaXIV. I~ watdied ties OrPimm t1l or who neighbored rolled ovpr (in An o4lde )VI iVS1, The wator other day t clreu- In 1697, ordcJr1v9 the innovation, Ile sm- cl~, even At the Frontw&e 00wty COO" int to have welit tO we 11, cr�ft 4= to otf*'ir tm-ned awltY and --go Uft brave, WWo-hessrUd ?San Of -Dot on frietul- -ruslied in, and almof4t I ntly tilp supper the story liml be renvenfa nap M Lting C�ommissiowr 4. A. filitta : ,()Ir all tw arran Vi I Vrlwur 4 IftY witil the fartor and was n late down t4wn, and durtng the even wt.) gulped It down. A "niinute later side co& wbo 1yy ferven% InterCAWIM inom ated that pe.rbILIP1111 UW He ^&id, In a J6196, 11 1 to went out. I knew we were I ; of Paris there vo alto* that I.v terinv with him. 11 to Ing many enquiries we received at montV, in (Air 900il tow at the dr or of a neighbors broug" tqspWlng upon them &=0ci&t0d '"Aln W , in Met uu. to the crof tar 170is V01 I I be , glad to Me river. And the car seemed e tile Gilube office for the Twest particu- is non(� irl,ome useful,~ is clearer and apVmred t1wir hearts with ex-Cemty Treamu*r All tp'r for moin Kolb, acroo" Vie hall, and said: with him, Impt D. C- ;ordon, of lwar that the,fnct(w in hetter." And plough through thf-' wa ie of tile first tO_3Iear was Mr. niort, genorally ndmitt0d titan that Cminty i��rk D. J - W&Ibw said %b" I ( �d. The car I&M 01 rus wilicil light the -I've taken Paris iTem." tkm WbIlme lemm of f&itb In GO& (If K tile Council would thoIj reply wam: " Well, I am, for our time &Wr it was tiubmerge and _gIV9 bin &OUMW- n,,g piotel, wilo re- of the lante re- ced off Um late have been getting wax tilted over ()it one side, and I McG&w, of� tile Que� from mtreets, amd am we believe it ou3r duty Mrp. Kolb Wrripc lier to Roomevf4t dependsom upm His purp0m. fty he would bring VaRk"M back Is -jagoft, flay. ractorm of er- ceived a WeplKme mgmpmge used the liallop upon Ilia prowJoe. even In re- ti me. He W" not TW7 far (vew were w0TW and worw, and. I think, If Mr. managed to reach the fanlight Ov General Priawniger Agen"t Parry at to enre no jew for the safety and yrcWtal, where tim doctors was =,(Ist impgmlpo. a short were t,() (lie, we would get the very, head and cling to it until lielP came. - riat.a lame man "ventence ot tile other towns in gtomachpunip. Hat an hour IaUv her gVect of dat wildch a1ray. I I heard . people in tlw. back part of Buf fait) Zo t1w effect t lave determined to tmWbnnd threw Itinileir oym her bed. &ble,"---S. B. T. lail hInwal from Toronto. who wam im the Weeper our kingdom we tile note slie -vAd written In his poter stewart, of Kouth UMS". UW lidyancel UP ( the car gronning as if they !were sto had been killee, Mr. MeGaw eptalAb4i the saine OystOm in them with, at C&Iro fr(mu of tim reamot I M1 I Metemnell, pinned fast. it was *to dark that I _!4NItobe, and provW, tA&e meams for continuing VaLod. It vrao in ID itch and read: 'News just jewived Mee ippomd from tilu oescrivotion vfzlres, MFA won is a could nee no one, anti I think the ptiess St c Im I eon , Berber crofter wiso wax esAminert the nolated In 120A -P000 150MAIRWA silo" that tile Aby 47 kind OVW UP N wn an h10 late KU06tt, Lord Doug- it forever." The sYRtOw cO that country. d a -&I att*.r In- other tiay bprore'the Land Commin- wrigers must have been drowned like, tMt It w flati left Toronto lauWing a lantern witil a lighted Nathan ean never make U"It; are deraptati bridge T*01111111"W [11110111tos 1F or After n' while (it veemed hn age) I&o of flawl�-k, who of asicertain '!or New York eandle in It iwrcw Vote ml,iidleo of 00 gnod wt,at T have done. Forgive in^. Tlwy have 41ready %dwrsed. or wilhed C&m' sionery in a villa9P not it hundred milew rats. ty. All The br Ofhce. *we works. from the Critlan Canal was "ked tits I heard people oil top of the car, and on 8011rdAY sfterfwm be- I tieve sinned. it lie 4 broken my. heart. out. four great Somali tribes'. h&v0 crash through the root. an & way to nngl&nd lipt shortly Iongor u*ek-tA-' .. 0— Stotlisn . all their live ft40010k, and kavo the 1601 In thuft Well an a xe � The Uffilloter o! Agriculture has - at I.A)r 1 '4& nnmher of c%ttle on his croft fme 2 ovelock tilin morqft a bulletin n a atr*cttie& All t at themls a bull. Soon they had a hole cut In the roof, carbon nionoxide exists largely I committed lXmrrlbl ewff ow (,0%n, and th I h.,, six coon, but yin o ough it. A man came rrom New York* stoying Lord The sulphur gamin appointed Mr. J. to. Starr, a Nova t�he pebonmw takm by the Ab edra! Jwt f *4 mlewship, will - Have you a stirk ?" was the next and pulled me out thr was alive and'in that city. Illuminating gatA. Rng- IL ag dLye 06% - a Iso Douglas -,n our stoves and Awtis fruit-grdwq f. to 90 to larts we" muulawd. "W am& W4 butortied t.. 4 Devowillee qumtIan. "Oh. ar but I killed It whan and a boy (fattier and son) were Other dgwpatellem gute(j that t1wre w1lat we amell fro land to Inveatigatt And repriort Oil tile Waste extukh frew the banks Of up lam am M � go forams In hmw V I nn4l that Mite a ealf." "How many stacks of rorn rescued in the matne way, but I know ra fr�tnl Toronto Op rurnacep. 1 0 roe &nyan b&A &MY Wo QG J, I a -m lie. rLa Wo have y6tt 7"' " Five, but YiQ 0' them's of no other occupanta of the coacil were five pammenge Cannon balls in flight are plieto- exient of tlw ma -ket cifPrfxl t wre tW t tM sm of UP JAK& was the "N10bg,so Wid thrc4 of them are nadian fruit escaping. The cRr at thI4 time for ("a barley." " Have you a horow To " Ay, be Mr. and 14 it 4. A M. (I laser xrartsed 'Lord Strath.- but It's deld." floating. tint fast filling with water. known W 4&