HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-10-15, Page 2IX 111 PPV -nAUUJ5- UA Diu W. 04 a i I it,, a PE 8. Uppenings of IT- 7� --P1 4; NO 7. - 01 wow-= JIL -.m&4 "Wo—dom" girt In the eoaA who had so THRILLIN(r." -Ing to do, and who, loved A HY-DAYMORALITY, flowers so denrly. I fOrget exactl Not Seen a viotins?- They ot ed by curinaltY, t Had elust the Experlein whoolne, but they werfi all formed by To so rtI1q?- Witt, May Not Have 41 AMONG THE POETS$ do 7 N1 the dBtailfj of the little creature s not by any vtt&l fit - Wore HOOL terent it, liquell 1112111411ters. Inley Pro 0 The Muse in all Noods— f$ .1 was fit. a -very III humor. With UIY the mutie unaffected spirit of benevo�- I bung Life 9 fe1w joo be imp&rtial, but their wvret of South American -Nervl* SCIENCE ON t re 0 aved 1k lAxJ& 119A coulle amougothers Ilelf". When slip had comer to all end degLM in to get panicirml gain front orded Him? Imaticular Catalogub--the eata- I "ked lker a quairtian. But what noth' Grave and Gay. unt able Mani, 0019 -NO. III. (finp sids or the other. A stray ar- I- a result o( a 'UeVWe ft [Ligue of at very - fatuous book8eller- you going to t for yotiroelf row (it conviction may pieroe their 1111(i it Contained in Its IiAt a vreat 81w did not at r1r1st quite seem to) 1807. quickly dittiwoxi- rilqw I suffered greatly CIOAD &rmoir, bitt it In Letstwely LV.. tump- iteftid that Lparticularly %iidhed llAk-rstand iny numning, and she re- The Tuber�-ylin Test .171 ed (it w1m, t1w PIOA of delay. utift and low of 410iioodw- to have. '.-But wklen I had, marked ' enumerated tuogt of tier purpaws. 11horence Sturdivitilt, -4. A berald of Ule guppol-is Ilaul W thin ofilals of the cursitive pawsir therlif no road now to Lpisnri4y the,,, off with inY penell and. flnaUy When sIm had finished 1,.relwentied my land, Saved From an momid interview With Feli This III American Nervibe. and 1,ane?--4wo, travelled It long agp; welit over theist anti added' up, their (1114%stiliin. . rMtjki tinto site iindemto-toid Governor. t. thnor. 1jew0io not the defendluit tt. a I)IIIo­ *A - txi, give it a trin ror zUy k place foq,. the laggintr of leisurely 't4i,ta 1, j was annoye -little head UP F4,ag'e Plants forlheep, Hot- Parent. --i Sa 111we'i it. anti al"10*6t immoiol- c 'TredicKmout, n U -i Improve. My mtrorotlg"" There wera rims of restful hills be-. (wu Ilt not, to afford' illem,-atud in Coll- (Ippriiitcd from "Farniing.") d Ut tII3 Sllil 11W ilftd she slity)k her lie trial but a man summ(wftd to a ste* avreet.and shady and slow. tljcj�y rt+re.4efttcxL I' felt -that 1. tIK-- jwty�er crown rustled. but t*.---Icrtisa1em. private Interview. Hence $he alsolsittle to ine very rajoidly. Who 9 - ` I &XI't Want flothing., "114. -ein. yond and fields of dreamful wheat. P-e-ldenlve ' I fo�lt horribly III -USW ItAd -� J., - at&' . - , Aid Her How goo V @po*;o in an euNrely diffennit taken three bottl-oq I had d. V0 g0t# I Want. Motlwor'llixive 11 With mhodows of cloudu across them 1111P.Al I Film owl, detente is forffotteu: Imt that the. world. walsi a IsAol, worlo, Which Illo-A b1t of har bl(*tWr and I ktimv "Bul's -Jewish a ferocious upimUtoe. f 1, it, bkown. af.d poppics nslet-Ii Alu(ing tLop 71ioumuid, with earnest zeal lin meMm to win the Y UP eve suffenyl so tuany millionaires to ex- (if f to -da 6�.k W". 416 1 V,ji %%,Iftllt Illth to titk4,j hpArta of DruRilla and Felix for Christ. feet. ifit while 1, -tho student* of ittliguaged, .111$ al),)Ie,,, TIA,, English Shorthorn Nil, derWare towns and cities. In 049 Unitod States called Grinifbtonol. It I Ilrould ill "Ryiug t1lat e)iij attriltu it at answered Had tie been mif-aepIking, lie calf er4ine. and no It is said that abK.ut cam.-lialf the tot South Aiueri I dii. not know -that I ever entertain in trouble over tuberculin. "tiberculin long and ttxr� wkde.- . JLUI had NPOIL61111 litive Impr4red this opporminity fora (it, of nilue III recolomm441ding it Nie lover of liliguistlea, 'cijultt Ilot all- Thelre. !4#14 maid- wi, it sinway ror,i t, -bUY. tlit- few miserable Nooks it very lilgh n0fill(in of my owls merlt�c. *---first, tiefore Illen in film owij bej 'If. But lie dikoes to' , milk pruduction of the whole country awt nid atrolled them. swo and an a test of -the freedom of Qlttle from )a of be to(m I, stroug."--C. 4. Curtis. which I k%u nrdently k)u lint. 1. 010 not think. that I evor's"ined is used In th.io,way, In EngLand the of this island are a we !h,,,.,1:,upIe ntA "gin 10 havo a thouglit of him- -two: dw)r. othilk.. Witne-m-of by V. H. A-4 I. sat hi- this sullen moo I 1..heard mal'ur if), 111V LoWn regArd than I - tillserculosis Is now generally regard- tracb Is In Its Infancy ; I)ut oo rapidly, it The. ton es they liwml la a roof o'cr- -t grelit - jibiwo anti ultbuting '11111-Alic' w4%u"I. at th.-it'inomftit. 1.1f queen ed by Is it growing Wiere tIjatLlt is said that (if peoPle w1o) devoteo th t shied nomlo arso In peril, ig, druggipit. the authorities or th4� pountries IL ftis� If. Immortal Itend i itid only Wit- stan fweered ()f cl 'llilig ill actual avoll Iw thi-owh every energy of his )U rox. my grumblingr,- moomed ­-wo exports'. 0a * % struniento rising to which Britair, the reawn why- the EMlilsh dairyman farming and quarrying Urtim tile; mtrmt. 011 160kill ttle as has allowed the Danish butter'-niaker' ore ful itnture irito the effort to arotilooe tIwm Tils L�Wifts Irimt. OlIt. I pett.r. wi, WIfLill W -111M C011- sufficiently certafir tot actiith to I) nor repre- t-cs a mmme 4 their -danger. The her- 4� e I - utter marke it"- home of 01 �1 And tile Was time to gathr-r it rose. lit -revive' I t I ie - t�a ww. of t I Ic 119111ty0fitt"t rast.ed with tho solinple genernifty.of vent imlx)rtatioll. In the IIV' re- to capture the Milglish 1) t thority ci&k, of - 1pp,)"o its. a buardiug w1oxg ;to illy-' quiet 10 1 thi . s, little 4U guage of 80 completeiy lh that lie conoiders his hinders repidea Fl�renoe .1 Or aid gare the mewmage; with his hil-mr- re being ciLatninod in Script,urq,' Intl low for't.h"e wtood-bird's, 11 ji,111"ite oighter of the"girtter"' Proff,wor Brown, of U.e loyal Ag- 1111much 'is I eri4 lay tlw sin at jftjwtion.--& B. T. fig -s tlleri� strenm- . valu- to sit fly is 14 large'stable yart whIch .,.T 1*0, yfortly: Y)AAM." I mid e', Cirenc"-: And Wit y of' tinif milk' ma ket. to be much more 'IMLL C&II y`j)U t4( -Il Ino! aig)Ut Mos0V to tier- rictilturat Colleg f t Paul did 1`1 fit.' arken. its ripple and 1`411. e , i is eirt orr fr6m the -roatf;by a high yel- 11, v- arne.4 apology.. "The discovery able to film thasil. his butter market, U.4, f(mr-year-Old daugli,,o I t1w.,lumpoetor; ­ what port of ery c. of tuberi tilin I*. , ;ertullus 1111111 lo%N- %� aji, picrw-j lit the ventre by .41 la" and w) he leaves his buttei@ inarket to Kturdi -address, or by RHODES IS ILL. A Slio:' 34--ir-d fit . ine irt astomt.ioment.l Placed the. ]British st<wkow�rr In an Nfr,4. William if. all wa#4 Plessno oir. lie I.,- thero I*) road itovy -U) L -isurely Ill,fty. Rmliaii-loi)klug rp.1 atreh,�.8�11'ich r 4.&1111 .4- th-it- oohc- w.- forelgliers. In CanaAla, wq (kk 11ot ot;up­ ptoric. Mail.%, to.. very vager unfortunate position. Hit; F-tmk a re Pow that the inilk supply for towits a geiitleman," pijxxl fortil's pale - Lane? (God kT:ows' We blivii IIIIT- tw%ers aho.yo* tlie-v�all ai!A arl`Qrds-the to, i-il. Orr. rtfid tiinkf- tier little - pur- ' Id ok' r., ruary, 1896, six- Wax t.so;*%tiveiy lotig The Poranor PilemiterofCape Colony in r Is I mought, - for all the wor ed. loright-eyed lad of I I of tJwm,-- rled star!) 0111), 'en.trativ.­ iato the',cuu C. Tfil' eqjns�-X­ but that a Ren!,e (it, w1wre all animal anti re- a Critical Condition. ilt. Gectleman!" rewaW the t mt-m yet and C-Itim Is capablo of mueli-great,er let fever, and tifter Uo ,.Outo: 18 importAt Tijere wlw once a ainp thr( t.he.tJndi4urI)tk1- 4'.o aii'mu-n-pettmi friund'restraitiptih' own, Oct )"911 the emirt, it inhin to er exPaml(mi as regardis t1pantity tilaii Cape T broolibuit thilik.. and (ort -r 61tv tre(i 4T. gr4joil-I!, awl lifistlers. i)r fit acts to tuberculin oil Its arilval, it iR the ordinary growth of populatioll tie fever odie w. -w left' with ' a I(so)k -of jiurprise inmiti-nef�. So T asike;d 'her wlwra Aer -thrown Imck oil his hands, f?d he has will call for; but It Is -very certalit that JArate, or oiie Rholes, the f(�sriner Prentier (if ape t do you tuean hay �arls, was if()%%' tll* 11064;C�Ijl I Oil Of t Jljl)tlI(%r, lived I Ahe to],) itir. - It %v'R"s ol' to hear all the expe lie , At lxwk' and gradually the affair,4 of Colony, is wriously- ill at Inyanga. In the near future. a� very great im- Uore cheerfully Rumqrs regardiug the ill-l"Ith of little ljoy promptly repliod rhere : fA-.;)4 oflee .1 i'reath of the , mittic:o', an I gitrish crowd. I t wa 4 .1 ijaillal. JILIce 0110-Igh III the purlipus'61' tj-�p, present timI6 t, zlojemjeol torn Sir, when -the daughtIrm dif Wont loweet Heaven. i%`,� -have SO- Provement In the -quality of the milk strength, until finally �Sllx'p uuwual Mr. Rhodes have loopil III circulutim a ve -cr)w.4 4 may niummera; praitkod ou litirri#-il so long) t Westiollistor. I grn�ely ;,romixed-ilint cletY (to not recognize Anbj culin as supply for -towim a0d citim will be tk�- tro went 4AP the well to draw in Oivair Apl;�ii,.Ior antl ',ittsiiy ot-t-lipted I wqnld�.go a 9 t1d W4. lit -r 1110-thpr and a reliable teint, mkd' will -pot; Sh qtw@tlonb,. for a long time Imwt. Tho Westminster er, the islicpherds caute atid drove Ali-.! there wilot-a. gatw�lwy �t %T-hitV , I " I 'I I � I III, I I ecPt It- manded by the people.. ajl(I perliqlps be. effoTtis of pLysicians ho - ill thtwst. w4ses , - *%vj'ic mAke - Itold .4 - :feqiiahi.tanc(­T , r lot alttei4ted Gazette, Of 1AMdOn, M-COntly flUblish- III 111W.I.V. :Llltr N.114.11.0W helped Use attrtal-trl lity atV.11tijoW, I . m- Wtt I krpt my prom1w, itot, tako a purcham-witfiou No,, rinsped.'antl 4)u.t of 411.- 11fisk. Ind't )X am On tl,4, other hand, 016,10 gner "-ill ell -forced by law-. thr, balance. it waa �L following oil. this subject from think U1411i0vore.1 Cialt, ittv" the fir!�t 07 31.1y., flit As yet very few seriouis attempts dayti-M-za -ed tli4 t that � iz I Ith"r itere nor there- a corresixm4lent: tighters of Jethro, atid mid Us tho % mittillk It to tf, test have tween. made in Vanada by� I)rfxiuc,. when -III seemed darkei ti 1pherd.&': Ladiq#4 first. pkmtoof-, wi;l I fmaii to-1cv] ifie -in-.wivst tllfkt. and thom I If t the 11 lusin- We nrald go her s c remark 'I'llat solog 01t. toe,14) i.- r*%r3Ilgt,.An(11 11 -.if, 141 -lit tof folklore idlwaye. I'livis in. wtlys. ; Sile.. w' V (31719 to supply, or by civic government&- gel .4if Ilealth whi(-Ii lie wealk, hah w(miderful recuim-rativf% It 1 lalmed-rhat the abo" "Mr. Rhodes' cotintitutioll, .11tiltillgil appeared swveo. the 'Vt)iC#- it j-4 woaij and .111% P.1letiv:11 flo, t)Id+ ifis. - Th6 tho. vitt sl:e+-ding. tway up by Professor Brown doem Ot fluitO W mcure, gopd, Pure wilk for city And ; �).. 6 -tilike vuz&). .. --itreet: mes- nioro,,� a brightlYrC01- fairly rolwe"k the . Ite Of tile towm cotimmen4. 011e of Uia'mo'ut car- still releam.0 litt4 F1 t t1ii. 15. powers. He went to South Africa origi old gir6. in Ulf-' Ill.IJL*ItY jilthe%. ored, ointicil)z :1114 r IN 4 . ti. - 0 -litin(44 and nally am an Invalld: his lienith Deafness Cannot be Cured Ii'llati, I rt IIVII'L�,. Oil- ft-1ree, 1%. ild littit. 't blill 1. glittf�qlfhil ill - VIP- - 0' lvft.c ShOorthorn ..Roopipty. It see, t hAt 4 neet aifd m(*A camfully pialined at- . I it '11) back to jity odgln r n -.:L-1 (,'r �.& * (A Frei -K -h breede-ra t4quept(ki I stiffering and revtcwlo-�- Six days however, w) thoroughly redtorekA t,liat locai liplil let' Iloilo Is they valliltot finery of joink :aoti 1pftik* print dreAA421s. I aid temPtS to Provide pure milk to,city 4 vow. chai). I,. to ipyvelf, tte So6lety to innuence`t mem!, Umirs that we know ce is that which it day the 'A -ft por ow- ir.weiri - All Vie mmulter., of W inegr fell iueky.one� 'For ly-ra t,6 -i'llon- purettweil re i1pi only oilc way too ure deaf- Atrength and Ijeal ell tilt d Voss of hepar. V lint!, p:irt thti clnjor mt- ijory 4,tl' tjstl�r' -- h-vallmi giludY I n e I In* -- or was it gicirtely it n to b� has been mide Oy the Kensingtoxi ocearrence 6 best told' 'In lay g (10 - nce But* tell to, the'. tuberculin', t. 'In Dairy Compaity, bf Toronto, u and that ix; by c4sattilutiontil Ii. -I the j:4rin, i I% ";r I Itltl * , � '1-� fit)%. PAV er.4 with many- Wadi, - ine. "rmi III) bilsi- 'cf tick father. Ay- JW WaA edicio. J)e&fii(vA is enuisit-ol Ivy ith in - that little ralry.- If rcsixvnse. to thin npplicatIMM eoitn- neso efiterij,rl"e of which, My.. W. .1 x x I. k7, mue"U01 !Jnmg 1,st, . itty lif-:irl. ell the -fifflol-,,1119 rewilkitloh: Palmer, a uell-known grAduate of t1w -was be- ed c4miditiwi of the they that ell+1 -mlie'ver -'wejI I t -r. -ad. wt, li.-IVP J;Velf. -T t in pf -the. It alqty Ontario Agi4cult ural College, is the 30, t lip 'E.notaelitan Tti6--. Wben tbix -t 1,,41 ;igain -t' of Alve. resulti, tt0nding ti tlofi� originator'and manager. Mr. J'almer's tilf. plot gets Inflamed you have a rum- ral groullij, veglipied fly Us— thos"ght of -jint and tiih, Itin It% tivit ro tibercul- iplan, b modelW -upcsi - w hat W. kilown 41 oa Ulp wound or inlI;-rfcCL ItiAring, hxllf.� fors.. h.T.Ar out' r --*Iigfr two, it' is Ptitiroly cl("(t dt-afat** is to I Ilt Moiling ..1110tit, tit Mis, thim n6t. presen as the Copenhagen oyotem All ioivs.. remove, I tt r4oult, and miles, the- inflamula- lected -to -W here.- I'tig, ring.; by r -i �,n -pared't.- take any, *let In 'j -00 oupply tpilk for I& dalry pro� It call 1w taken out nd this tulw- are systematically iiiispec" by cam- t -t -c. thO'u9fltA yful -would :1111vo, ff It, 0on. X!lIllI1I4)l1IAg Le 1, t.%Ljgla� till, ny -gat v air.t villei-oll (hat the world waot -Its'Frilal. Po6tent veterinary Inopeetors; tio W., will too. oletitroyvd forever; ultm- I. tm xt eamd cows,and no hertils containing dim I I tim.. I i t.- r ut ourtyll r'. 1. grkdy, alitr 'that the' 1.4 it, ti.41 01,1311 t4i -P A- gat:' catised cowi, are ilermitted' to furnist, Wit Itr.- . enuse-d by fm4l tjs'stroiHing-* ur is ont. - W. I rd 11i'l t ;�rcllway* ;I,, fi 4-f -itfly'. 1-infitions the ­11:lritiem - urrec­ turrh, wisirb it, nothing t"A all in- Qtt I f-il 1;1' 1 - isfiorml tull�ir­ any- -milk to, w:.%. ofthe even vital r )'it; and ll tise,olloeratiCtIll it vijit 14% Vo are It of milking, Istraiiiii g, erating, rool- eonditiou of Us,- mucouti -mur- if it- 11141 � 11je, I . ro.:tinda f I tilf-hood, inein t1 ing, conveying t towil, distributittgUr ces for Wi- will give iii - hundred "mrs for 1 us k, not' ri-call 11 104 to I -ir my f. T)(i -, 1 4 Deafneft- fraived by t i U -L 0 tUt` tl!4 KI Cr Us tibjoet Weir tti Ui-customeN, pte., are c6nduct%l ill Vat", 01 t011t- (it Not re, accordance With moot�catrefully plan - of %titrrhi that f-minot he curv-d by altil n)n it ic n a t t,� r 't-nAlretv al torn, dio - lied regulations, to -ensure thorough all's Cun-. Send for eircu- 4. 1-0)t bont I brt"I-r ;%-It;) il jit lih, cleanlinew anti purity. We are ore 1 a*nriz I'll of i lim.- prrsud.to I glad . . ),r . ( r lei t. litt:A., t to III. thi. 4 . � 9 tA) kito 'tiatt r. I'almer's enterlwiw- tl -.lit ill, f Ita at It, the 041 lo druggtv'u. 7.,e. W: VAt I I ?)AFik-Tt,,wjjh0Ilt UrA-or agalfwt it. is mo�etjng Witt, tile 14 I ticcess it fbll,- P fo t1w, Wr ve'A; and WO, WOuld recommend to lositient W11" prominence its an atith-W, a e Alle t)(04t. 141TS. twit t I k- dairymen wflo, jjjIl' A 4. 's Family 141,11a for B.T HIS WID0. I �finOnfw oply milk to or tVI OullWithin recent YeUrw W(Jon 00 3,11ral r e(RuM. With an ity *4 tt' Use rolinhill of the 4 a I t0wIls-alid citicv4 (tLere must I )0 f strength 41ur- 01 Ja.;Klteht Love i%jr*Cbiidxqn. '11ic W iN. Muir Stompila.l. r9unt 4 1. (if A ilneertaltit*66 -hundreds -of tljo�nl in Canada) o make In (he co"W"t () tT. KTJ, ItDIVANT am t.,. jjystell.. pf;cpawges to and rrtuii Calle awtxt tLemselves acquainted -with Mr. Pal- Wi itt -Alm eliorin the latt, IA)r I Ratidolph tP.-n 1 fl-ligUilL' It torw) InUN ill t y tn tior; mer's metitudis, believing 'tjlat if thf. Sttirdivant 10mice f luid, er I re 4" 01 it. A tWq .1 P -do so tlk-y taken siCk witi. rwairlei ever nd we L a to Mr. hit 1*4 It rrfy L,. giaitring brh 414)lilot bit 4 r, t 1,( -it mar t,) -ut the Jaiianeme isl� their great 1% ut-H tiliplo, will increase nd ke anent their own Imlaiiness. illitnedlately. calld a 14yr4cian. lie owre I I I ("�Wq 1%, ha r should dc;, -wI I L .�s in I)Peemlwr, 11391, Nlr' I re i -co, hQW to-clinw- itm flig But tLere are, those who claim . that prewr4bed for bo�r nd r followl y to Ila extraordinary taleut folir� making I t �Jlle. �d I Tri -WA w 1101 matter Low carefully 60wo, aro III- dl- h(sto- hothit it wito to Lake wo% if osp Ir -At f(,W, till -rm Nmee, at RondelKwil, Mar t:.4 tit; wltso-hiiie,l track: 91 lot -- for t1te little folkh. Tijey It&%-(, nit hour'lit cruiter --fore foreakfamt, -14 doll baf4 s happy. Tiacy an- 00;;1k'- 10% v n to o0ected, or 1�Av carefully inilk s, directi4ins, toys and 14 rd from 'I'L timt t),p twot tof c in 'the cotnpaiiy (if th Ilan. no. p(w,01110i. 6trained, aerated, etc., disease gertus at1r. After t% -Aiguil,w falitastic little playthillim - P zlaie I F. X. lerriinaij,- whip thl-11 # . I own . A-0 I -ee the fever vuboh",' but I Iforell. I 9"atnu"P Arnmejot m ta ke! and thist, and sCable impurities (it one ko: lit rt S thein.. With us, the grand- riv I., tivIr lorv.-4 I I rrs- er p., o)rt nd his colleagmeto III the Calilljot, rimivas are another will alw.-ty&4 find *w'Ab Ieft a very Wi k back. horme. 6dren's playfellows and, host Vtotimt the gar4lon t 1; v.- r:%lit witla- hall a arVOM ftll froM 116- 'Xiers.. and gralidni. _'ill t k jol. 'ttu .�4.41ir000ping witli t, ret-� fin OHM! itrith tllf% Alecew W tLe and so become a' .4 of It hhwere Imins -we comatiftio ill part of tLe be' fripiid,, over in the winny Ktle em - of 0 verage wit 01� rats imliack- to me the bacv- carrieO-Akouip and remained 1`0 wveral alays 4n a orritical statf-, F1 IA ftvale ourselves and food our childre tdItI fitoMaeL. I'Ve did that IK*wl -orld has nothipg More I�rA410r� has; hP lipr4 - ffnvy r, lit pire all the 4 IIJAV jitt 11. gi # A_ Irkt. hear n1v th. %vI! 7%e means rf;ownimnded to complete- mllihi to- tissite too not recovereJ cumiscioumiesw whoit L it impoortant Us, do thati provoke t1w litt* Uiumlolpli Churchill, who then #isem --oven*ome tl~ difficulties are sell- Iotur fit k Ad t I.m. f-timplyIng IT.!tjl -tI re(1114-al, -Y lout tAi n4l, 104 il. The 4if It!eacure of Itils (o* -n c i or the r. lipalth. embarkol for L' ti -ftqj-p fol t *.,n X,,,, Littie Boy or 111w Little Girl 0( Ilia fr- may it(* thet'.. atation and pasteurization. Tt,,6 en- 01 likt. '': w1jol. 1 " cl t v twemed U) tudfle it 'er efforu it, lanfoo Ill. a few weekN lio-%% tielghl")r. ai.. the -ays enlied. Till-, face, hn� oile� or IT terprising milkman W10. Provides lilin- are at%% I R116166 11801 completely recovo-r f Ut fok-it:- of Inirincation, Like Air. Arthur Balfour, he Is w) 1441 1. we- with these 4nqthods At tip- Im-nar..own fetp days, t no can, it i-oald, Positively guarantee to "Fitill four*'inq,,t, I what tr(ydhled by a %,Pak net _at the cmd 'q F. cretfires are mee.n piek-a -1 r his milk is abwj,- of t rc. littli L A N T-1 S 1) lAs custorriers that ton Ki T110111.1.4 'tit )t A 4 atmeat, we ftmq our patl4J to Y04 rega -tv-t, round yellow aritis Tim Vo, -K ,lilr -sr. .4 .6- Ito ce f rom all " Ill their sx% 344 4)r.img! Lt: r! I' tile Imirt, and lie has nlw Ititely fr baAerial diwase colu te .10 .1iltaric- . frrI(4Jturi,I- terial imintri- ra I w germ& and aW from m. Ole I.T P1,04 ,%t thim jigliteriell lovingly allout Willie loir mi4r's for twig brotliol-to)K nedk' They %V;l.,.4 gi.vell 'sk us; or, -U'. W ii I I- 1profck,�or (if I n 111 11119- Uft of every sors. -taic k: im- �UljiLtitr is 4-;af Thou �IlLsj 111'ay all nhf,* F and SeparatkiRt, It'is clainitul, will removi. -IPUT RIFVTsR3 ON IT. Iced he&.' of our noldre, tlwir hearta' General HijKs 66neerning the Previk & it .4--ing t m-, In fact, (loctor. 7atiot sit itl that troilljole I.. Tiq brt' tier i.-4 -Farin - all riitit rroilL t1IQ inilk, and t joickled ls~etln4tat*� too ona tn r -rx*- Nat; I perfect mechanical straining, 111,t4- it% deliei(oti,4 tarto. Jellied tli* 'it -,6 -4 -,tf, t "ta tt 011 6.rThe Injiortan of' For- U*urizatiori-demtroya all bacterial -r. lie pr ling Mode. -1aut*I (or lemm loaf. and as �"ulW from the warlet leve Ifite vou of mid col(w%eof lanteriis as they aw. erms, and rcUde armer." 'MIN farmo- t Vrops, too. the F, rs the milk such wribed a C(Mrse of tred,meat fuld AVIL&W% "Id Of #_4UtUMO -n All I jilubt .1 wall lit vitill I I ti; C4 -iintindal r, I I r, not t1tat rt will keep from twenty-four followed I 'Ijiakj.ng, says, the New York Call carr away from tile It fitithfituy roli thpoe Monti r -ry IIOurI4 -to forty-eight - hours longer lout 11190"d f impnov� fig. 1101743114 A10 -throbUh the long, killig. of; liq f -twm (ra it and y,-Pu'll be -tile rs r' Monti 4�r, put rei IN ill. tiff- 'I'llj011. milk will keep. BY Pasteur- holu" tr qoll W40 louta 4-iosille. tok),@ir. lil'41jW -the n bor 6f than raw 14 -being' prosportlonn, to title ization, therefore, the 'temptation to All sortam pf ouble erf4t4s .1 re e 111,111! he not 41IM110- ag44n ? 110gli I vr ti q w! i 0 Of the M'Vr:lll S The to dw chemical pre- "Mrs. Sturdivajit alkl� iuysselr t I "Pit I n't ib -u the.' -dairyman rodneed ffor dixw.� '1j -vt -Inlorokp oil 4)rt. V)th to,- n,"et. - - I It t - I[irootmi ;Aj 0. bjr'tli entigrra lins just* '11phl it t aiives, so inimical to health, Is Take for in-ittance, :In neeordi I caudidato, for the LoTlsla- gin 11 .1 c e�dayp' serf c4glipletely I., repro -7 'It I'alill.' '-toe o friend. entirelk removed. If -kept cool, I)ILS- -ill our wanderinv o, er... t4o 1, a phootog ri Y. J:,.q 1. -put 4nited coreage tor o -ort entlary-ext! t,.' re duetkAl of ajIt1n(**me drInking foun- my wife, "to W.-114 ig-uoi, adviiQ tilt, with m6 v -v in- 1-1 br� -:k-Governor� 110''.1rd. of lit, has teurlsed milk -Will keely sweet for (lays f o -d satin over it will iN- ritted- the. III 1wwo. Wlb!Cll has been erected -in. elected 114-Aldvnt (,f the* ongrpo-.4 even for, weeks-; anti even if lefib in a outer waist of twitiock natitt or velv t -)lad loVed.11iin W,tiotl eukmlf ',n�t VI101-6111 -,.e- 11 un to- note Pr. Willianio' 1 Pink Pilis f 1) a lie ro. M10 Ule 'k 49 o next e tiventlino. Pro will keep i4weet, -for attached at aud slamhod from loo4t, 44 Ilirk'n n., If . I orv� from tf,(- r -it o .41inwx wartu room. it, JW: mv I . tiff. VaIP luld I purck,38ml a box _y4.t tj,&. J,f fill, )Its. W. K.- Inir, I u - niew ory tof ter rotiaed great Intere among hourti. A further advantage isthat Use pill shoulder into, inch and it half Ntri w1vo, for- many. years, tven- thr 'delegatvm pi -eonven- 1lasteurized milk never falls to have s and began too-jite them rim! nt in tb AsUay.. th'at I, which are jpt-edged. a proill'itent.*,place, in Vult, cit�'.. tiotl - 4,11V AC and 'Ire Viorence. . This was itt. lit-- aq fre- the frealt taste of the twat new milk, ill-ilcWber, 189t OWE NO 42 1 7 IA-r�v 1%;NA a it. Wail- Pi 41114 80011ketfitum t1wee "ourt<oUts" -W U Ilatl f, c't;jlg -it :11 lot and It ql( I ta,3te After urtng Use. pilL-4 a 6 t ime -IJC. voi, of Kiltuari"k. qttentI3 grcete )es lot have that cooked- i4ort bine''t'lli'Dr rej slashed into elat et IPPI I:ilrtvt. antly plipil witi, oltifsti Is 1,4pnr- whieh sterlllz�Dd milk* anti bolled'inilk- eculd U54 Who-% wrout rltatra�r ill' it r. i. .1 18621f).- Aft4'r' cofist. wato tiorn. me n Le det�igfw, but the 14traight ii AGENTS WANTED TO 8RLL TInt -enits.; WhIr"ol. IMD"'beettim-on elerk.ru ing thtw sitlOct '44 IIN -iddt*xs. ilwas have. pirime. to, re� irn and - �ijw am betoot for full (or tihort-walstpol fig -lb Uie parcel iml tiekqt off;t-- - of an brought otit I'rof,- The bove advantages qf separating Ua it thc� bra i ri ket t;ft Y taw %-pre tho��llowin nit if, WKI, -k�eep quiet f.ill -pamteurizing, an methoda of 'pre- 1(lul, Ouly a well-hung i4kirt call Ise 9, lle� giot one. promiration,aftf-r 1. The ilucstkxf 7 -of jomge- -rol); -sale in towns and was rmU)red and' -she *te licartiIjIt feetively trimnipool -with tIW 1'rifil', ilt" I Its paring inlik. for W!", t lie Wod, is. `i 1--t-glingil "ARM EDA a tt'Aher Until. lie olAnlue.1 an. -Ini- thu quc;ntion .'of all queftloil r -it.. dii. - . ) UIT -titles, ure claimer! by practical dairy-, ent t We alw,) ivo�jooqd a grad),pl briglitjjeo-�l lbows whIch junt flow re so popula' boys will 'Im, t I I folk.% CEYLONTEA vr4il Vie 9tre tan 1"fvon oll. 1)1144 Of. thr, farmvr,, Dilrynivu, growerm -)r.' 11114"W; luell to be.' Positive nd certain. We 141 The hat*i. are- triiiiinviii to Irive -e *�Alil .1 Thf-ii, erming to' :11,kil' Wooil;-.411110-1 tillerk'of the )if- gen� recommend them to the careful -t!on- in, her eyeok jLr- square. effoct by placing bows, roppis Pat, lip in lead pack r. fT: f any, ::P.4 an li. (Jilie dipli ;*f'f Jhe* k We eagezly purdvWtLa furthure Auff a m., i3t lit-tte' iP ted sideratioTi of every farmer Ilvingnpar tt-.-, algrettes, 1Q(Iueto4 of stoall flov. ran.-Aloomg, toy I Ia arge town or city who wisliot, to 6upply f)f pilLs a wjxt� I wit I 't o pro. tuf1liv of fetheng or wliatit-vi, te -1131 .,f the Great wa-;tern Railway of ow country in -the iirl!l Also Japan s and Hyson s. all -f o4ulsoelitiently - Is r;tvhr,,.-d In tlifs. 'ahunda ce in aid CANKING'a co,*Whosiloosisle 4&out,,, w. 4ent. work up 'a large and profitablois milk light tfle (.1141,ge Is gif t'. Tte, man"vat; iv, De tro: t 4- A-.iri(-t.v of. Ity. r(wagv crops �, salt th -trade. " By the use -of such methods Vol- 61"better YMI have for garniture, fit ro T:,# 114 t r -it tfo� nNinago the 1 54 ftON7- sTaxln- XANT, TORONTO. Nlilwnukeo- tlin -tliv ecti-ctructiton "'wtatof's. s these. 'by thorough cleatiliniem In was bellig wn)ught r Accentuated selmrati(xio 114. %v ao-k at f pf: I ui 1 V4 Front 14il 'trongl. 1kn6k �tliat tie w(­,n'jdJovok Willult-ms if ite. Ftif- 6f the Cillia it . rieio at, ting up fit bed at t tt.#- 2 lilt Ir pn digs, I on tv ro P. t,: of. - w fitch � t hory . (�mst - Weot*- ' rit' wa;H ali hIF: 41alry operatiolix I nice 4, t he t la Ti ­;l on the ortli 11a, forilff'. -1 �. . I - - -t-`J e ' . , text -ki s : I - I F0040 fill L-4-lf't4o, 114- 1001 illt.00 ajly 4leal- 111teroded. At'the n . 4.11016 home, by ' t I to use for three years. Mr. Mars'len it role Ing! tat her feet, C* of ster and ai timen stab CIZint ia if I:f ifig­ Ithe ;Ij* t1ail. f,f :14N. wap; Mg IlK oit.t. 4A tilf'O he-st icelleift foragf- J)lflnt. iaw Kai -XIW4,tA t6 return to him couittry airl off flIzed bottl6s for' conveying Ills I Florence finally boetitne i trung 4-iiougli llj� kll6w" [it w to help III t go tle.- efluentl to org.'.4 ter fthat thfre ere sectimw of tl�' I of Wf1f#-4jjn414-' ttj�ln� '4. 1 A' . r frooln. ll!i, fla ol y Uo walk -I Uttip. 'She gi test, 1prove tho, political llut :%Vitt& advertising his methods, all(] 1,Y let- ra Ug alaclig rapidly .&A tile 1) 1itit"is of lilt; race. - A' oil' 1 ting him customem know their d- and strength FARMERS, ivil;r1eil %%..Iy r. tol' ino4i on.'tlie conVuent milk. to. his customers, by fr as. almi, interest I "o. 4itf,r Ilis pl. the 14reki Rol Withi wiea�it =4al Lor)" It Vil 4. -;111 dof t4i;-thtv reo*! roll vantagft, wiv, have no, idoubt, tilat any gradually rert her. -In, a I thp lld Stt Il4'jI (.01111 _ntaith's time 0 a. ;ew. W4 id lia 'P -wl WOrko" anti 4 tlio, Sta r arisiaii "­ork t1w: Imw" farmer adopting separtion nd pa8- for -a ilhe- vinif-- lien I'th anti. ito- iii4pri­ Lihe - f haft reciowered lie� -alonit in ve, F.; a: Spiro! 1,-+v lwofii. lolfts prodn�tioi). ar, tourization-would lwo-� ble to Is,111141111P t4p of Vie- IlIetroit t.'. aud maintain a very large anql re- Fraiik*- nd the Unitoe.1 iy.,'#�)1114- rews., -.44iolety, and -wa' e it upol, al)c -is tjx� . forag t inuilerative city'dalry trade. ive carmtit ink!,-ae to DAIRYMEN N -lialilt of PO-ving. JoeWnrl.- t1tough w w laid iWell Protossor Sha J"gllly tl'e Ntntee�, and. otrange to, hIIICX flu, Mt,*It.4,f U& ag6, wljejj�jiut value 4,,r Dr. Willianw, 1 ilLk PilIN. I abI A ft :drN w ith fit: meaNure of I *nite( "AL Fj'OF� U1rA !�LELLAS. )d e ct&d r-Ightt'r. have tioni, va t Oslo 'prin011yal- -tti 11, 0 Got! I)Irws 4�4 'tt' t rape were ritio"I III th 11, auk ptl0tive tbat-withutil lbeir uw our t nundwr 4�! nKwjw.ItiWmt '-#,I And their Wives. f oelcup. 4-tatc-,' lie lind predicted that so titi" I I M�Ls 4.1 in j.er!tap 14411 (1111d W0.0141 have be6n i 4.Hlay W thop r ci�dt. Men 4 lejou gToi"" W1111P W.'U� 1`1114 1 ations A* -i tN- ore 1+14- tjtf-- witfould CA)II10 wliell'10,000,000 14 eep nint H I es' Cv;4.wdljy Umbrella re Nmie no Drop us a post card. and get Ttxre. -was rt wioltk-ll, �VI:14; fail' V r , .ai ,.� . Nuw, aw-ld coiti4itiolil of I Lt early i4ck- vith 15,t*r t"it., Uwqi m4whantoi, H 0 it* 1oilld be fattonell upo rape It When -A t. n#i*,-a colifirined 4 -If ifldeed Ix -r cont. or 1,(xx) fithilde- 67.0 were Y., trs 4.1�-.alilwareol VALUE Q* VARIOUS blU, TI:Lg.. thV Ullit4NI -4t tfto cf'tl.q- fruitfuleausepoll( holes fn In tL1- gt*1m.44wis 4'4 il�r !illng rtn4i lie itiva free our booklet on day. pre1iction tio T"fay. lie ther( t lie fo" of 1.114. had had the istrengtl Withstand met, lkAl of tile feniale viet'.111,4 0 *46#, had t4ibn vt all ilmorella is improper I furniKli 43 Im-r eent. 'INDURATED HIREWARE." c! lsaw4ion lreoi.� :,.probably -100,ox Mwe HcUon." c,nt. I y fronu-vistht- -Some are Moro recious Than Gold care w tie R) Icong the Ills of her nd' i�etl of II.0 fiel I livea 11) I.e ..ra ! growing In tile C111W Sta it it is Wet. To roll, up a wet, and fiewrll!ig. I wll-knfjW- th'~. -niwok Account dr Their Scarcity. of tes f (Sfgnod) Williain If.' ;turdivant. It costs nothing, tells all abou kwl Otte vwN ostlid UP im-yowif. iid'ino less, than a Million.,r sheet brella is tot) invite tLe' dyc,*i U) rotit, 8 0 11�111111114 feefling' upon -it. 'the shalwt, and one tif the bane* of the -umbrella- I-zilloscrilbed and em lwfore y - s W;3rtit.,In gob] fly tile- 0 Indui-ated Fibre Pails, Milit A Ful Pir eh6tked i;4 A- 411117BW-VAIS rL antislull, the vstiz-4 aii-I 06und, 4. Professor haw thus Ila Inanuhicturer is loaood dye oil silk. this tAIxtfi day 4or pril,' twAs weight, (if nvarly all'. the tioiteof mheeP then. deplorctl lie tin ut of 100 saniplew of silk submittod guide, dautlitpr,4 r lim rrie( I Ilw-d fit the arlost- a-tiot wanirartures: 0, 11. W. oo-rilsoiwd bt. nAleAlu -Jvurnal. Oil% 0 Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, T6vFAV4+ ftt� W1111 h.V -I Mir gIrrn* InUi Che stre0to. but my'Anumbie'riA link] no vaticed' Ptitto Of tile x4fieplio-r Flngjn. top the writer, not even ten were liure ''in the United. States. �ery'#L* fmikO... � �"Ikvwimdw :11141 tllvlllr,� 0 and will put money In your 14,w .... ... dye, - ad 50 Imor cent. of the silk,,* 4 f,792 40' Lradstreet'acon Tradt in Canada. Use INubliflum, WIYO prtojK�rtlosn of ' "I' twt) na-I it -f t jgj.I 4 of t rip n i t 3926160 fie tize-ad subinitted was oerloaded with P With What it pockets. should stand our 'rorobiitu relports ("itim --d 1wavrk 41x -t JIllf aWt nothpr. ni with ii -to, bc%ttoo�rillwk. of-lectrolytic '11446:xi o4a Ii I. that-. 250 anof wondd not U41 a lwtlf loartA n.- .90()() -CM141111111 Iland I jyj ft'joe llljxe�j Witli 11ritriv acid Rut ;nn ime fq�-Ued-to in;. ROAN- witter ling ... . ... .2,446 20 lailOR4.are. lie,�w atillually"Ini-I Cal test. TLU in a fruitful eaum, (4 1"orts of rarni iortsduce.,. 3 moderatoo fq*ctive 8 r -The cart 10inI4 hubliles ta I In;.. III the prolmortiimi or thirt� u T ajkdtI,,t--re tuo-i too, bf- f thein. y Ilk V f Buf- troublo in umbrellao, wid One concern voInnio (of and. -orablo 4 one poh,.Y�od. that h r '122�8 79 to tilt+ 1:11ji4xi, stattis, by wa 2,935 44 va- Of- tt Itigil a at ingiNtS 401 aU tho silk nd silk threadi,; outl(m)k.. Live' - r. . ...Uty th, . "tolock :ijl,l. a lialf. itupip t-4 Jot I*,. ti THE E. B. EDDY CO. *,ilithillm, wirori.. IS; ad_ stanIolilfg elwmical t4*t, in-.- this rv- Allniiitoplin foir niije n16"thi And tuo*d r t44 Ir)bk l�kt`tl -jn ))yon,. c hari %-':I rj. .. ... .. 1,671 57, lilutt(in was -90( UdW c4V 11100U.111 I ;ti to *W- .1411tollijil r.1 .11.! Imet. Whvii twerdyett s.ilkn- are wet for the Oittim yeit vs t-xtrnol,�rdlliutry Lea vex iii Sud k- ni r, 4U, I Wax also ."t. to) -P %V Yor UMITED tich, JA N This a jrs of Fbr this- In -tht*- 4-1g, k 1 11111 M ftli+w J.'. anit th6 timbreHas rolled and -todoft angU 4ifflUU-0. Uidy? . 11milif -fie coutclillo-, set gcAserail hierNiandisf; I te" my tq 'should 'be h6ld Lt olitp-414 i awo f illd, the, 4')Wllc vo fallen off, explaill4-i W 4ULL. CANADA. li.,76-14 by a0w farmers, aq lint Ise rs compialn- lin I rwaTe r., I t was 4 2w, of t fie mutit- 1'522 08 ,44rre to,) pretwum-of rarin ii --i' -kit Thd- suin' 4, $210001WO wismid Ilot, M1 tllo- dilin 9 Ing that their umbrellas are cracking I 'W ea by::- t1laili rk elmn Ig -tie tjt4! littU. III, J, I i,,#1 I gi In, the folds. Fine holes appear ftnd t the interior The I -r,,- It, i's Fald, ijit extravagant -Ati. 000c, r Q elitc" rise. 20 , :11 C0141111iing they are apt to return the umbrellas vincial' 4-ibibitim, at i alifax 1111.4 illw golf U&P ivalut, Of U10 Qtweli wivo It f t4s, g"tly efitertain"I ine. Cphimbi.lith, flu ef.. .... ... Than re, 4 lox irlilt ay- at lluckisighai 11"i lace an'l A packeVoCtorsim hra%*# w 0 tor .;k 11 �41w, Ara. 11W2 91 f(44 or *Shaw ehar4ct:erlze4 sh p. I neraltrade t here. Ba tIk q 1 wil ill t 1 1, - ra s- to the mveliant, mid claim damages. stinmiatoixt gei It"t t 1.6, w4l�vld an 1d. fr4,wajti�r, if u m A8id9 from kid gloves, t1dere is -no I rhigo,; at Winnijwg flantiltojoll, c It irao no I remettitw-jr. tlti% tV*)r*hy 4;F --924 12 -111 the Agricultural -XI Ike*" of 7:im ma tj w4l not ro ww ... article sold in. ronnection With which Ttorfoutio. licintreal, txxw;(1erihg thatt, tip- %4-% n nod'a I ft Ua- litates.. ' lie. sald tj t when STAMPS FRU -millm ... ... . ... ... 32, . fie, ca 0 to. Minnesota fie: lrqv' "W"s'prt Per"'ne at t1w- green draw - lout rarely vi.,41ted. TIle' littit-mal4l had i0f, mem.hants' are o impowd upon by N. B., amoninted tj, .111,11[illf" L - told eir Wv�k turtied UP ii�p ift IlVas sl�)wl tat ollep`p., Could 1, ilw roml fit 11%lKifficir I&- valueil t Toall londii4i for a odw. 49S30 tfi fitably their custcoomers afii unibrellas. laxt week. 214,004 thall the Lion on approvol. and on nOt -p mvill, quantity (if ic tempers rev ou., w -9 1' ifil that State, and th peoplo lout more .4 Untl­g #fvpr a i,;Tnail 4665 This I,. a tendOr them(-. TI LIN -J.000, an -I Uie lttw 4lu Barti v.wes. closi tantp for rep&. -rai %W Woris.1-1 tile thnit t I U% correml hfr'* garion, nppAirently'llocan ifter., .. .... .... ... 4:1111, sa wh() Iliad-, the 1�tatelnclloo, reall lwliev. of the wives of our best custonaeroo lootioling tol.41 l,�t fit the core.olors, at E500,000. wfifle 10011114 diGereet aro not to be -trifled with when It 4 tiropriLs niong t1w rt ... ... ... .... .... .. col- What titer s'akl. I ya r, an Increase of - I them" Ul;c, 041 evres vasu% t Buck- only 15C. ].an --Star niumincry. She, wiw Fo-vr�cu­ n reply I would ii�;, Than 25 lwo-r ojay ttat limakwow- Irr storl"I May ingliam Pala& for wheels there lk-4,ni4i 111jagoloo; Out pr( 1)1(41 with *her Uwk thftt w1wit I t 29b 72 't-av ti All had a ti -acre. come" to returning half -worn glovow cent. Bllnlnc,� failurek thrmighotit 4 f"O. UM9 Jubiloor ol, 9,80 iiiece f ground at! 'the expe ulentai bought at 15c ves-ft he a' I' clown.: this year it or umbrellas. Witti a dignit not at- th" vonjinion j)r mount to IL21 We crannot f4le o-alivaiyt,; meet 'with r to -h she not i!ve ' n*y viqn-' Titanium, fi lie sin eager cifftlictitimi if Llwy Were Ing, wid I 1cold ng over her -oltol14- Telhiriim,- fwwd... ... .... 19620 farin,, wlilell 11-atl 4ffordell. f tained m any ottier hemisphere in the for tip. Iwast ijille, Inolltill, put up at f.10.000. Hamut". loprtinti- age (a STIR SIANP CO. AJall tllnt hich 1111.1044- ird- I . Uk dpr before she J�ei-ame r4onciol-sum of niy-. 19610 AllixtUre of whent, -oatm, bar 'y, and habitable globe, she tolalloo Into tho! f a I I Ing off , at; coin PA r6d Vs. last year - Oauada. . ... .... P.. I - A Wis6otwin simsemAer pre�.en*.Aiid turrwxi with -a littlt- sthrt. Ilinti q� store, of - the merchant.. slams down of I -PO. or leeo; than 10 It m, fm . I..' upring. ryip) - for' ninety-three ., sheep. the battered relic that has acted it,, cent. Tota hillig Shares t 10 ctilt" oil I I Mangntievie, fupe(L.I.. 7211' ovince V ' dawn of last, jittring hi 11 now this year �`oome m Io-str iu t a New- W 1. -1 t. re you. gniag, to do w 1 t I i a I t ney .1 14 tors, ber� ith 'a f-Alolydenm ...... j, tj C a'playhouse and tent for the children t I.:% t, its `4 34 an, Ile THE OFFIC"'.AAL re wam forage enougl -left i� last I ear. Fewer, d(Alar a few yc%" ago is nf)w file#*- agm I M, W mi.. 45, 310 the.- pli it to7day... top carry tj fallurm are repor 11 1 0-kn&wx how' t11ALt I ilit IIT41 to) ty- reniolnu ring.: - 31. ftil of tho neighborhood and demands a $12,2119,00' TII;At 10fitil1�7 ..-Cf(ool r(A fit varih c w umbrella for the "miserable ted in:Qario this, illg III lucky stoaje fie WaS Mot Rtloje to) to the Klaudyke wie (toij&rl isp may live ft rew-xiiring, 174)r the. o5 rr titilo'winter, even f t1w, ymr, which In trne alwj'of tile Illro- giv U� . 4!r 16 wer oin I o%v u e them away whein lie tried to), to one 0vW all of her " Klmidyke anoi wo. as the apf-4ogy sold I&r only three montlis market. AURNTS-loom son littl'or lami wbrp lind -tit, -first 011tiched :Silver, -gr6wtj Wero't6 rotolf all at o 6. s %i n ctw of Quebec, Npw' lllriinswi n I) 'Lf dr r rn4n ber 11ttl ftmt& -and unidnium* bAJr-*-.- W4% ago. Sbe declarft it has been itigeol Prince EA I wn r d oscape taxation con them. The prolierty DOLLAR for TWO COSW llayft tif4lk W31M.-Anid ohower;. 0PPe I -lieve thint . Pfflofeffor slin W, (mly three times and only ith the Islandl - Northwf-t tj le reprewnt hap Iseov-some, alliftillp U samples and art your ahvV�ttlr. tt , preedde Plit' 1,4-r fiat,4- 1whind: 6er buk, now Cobalt, ritbom­,.. '12 613 -after very *-'allowance Jt4 m for 117 J. 1. NICH018 tIW 400 Inall, tfl-, idn 4 love lot oment'' In u.-vt I I . . Torritory laid 9 Prf)upLt tho-m- lorv�nirfl again Nickel, ... ?... a U greatest care. The merchant haft to tile al lie I& Periolilioly (xmoi(lering rut offr �Iivtdasi 1, IN 'all WMeY Builositive, beauty- trtiggle ith life's cropse. C4, t1tutforial eld ojilv Jncrlllhm�m. anot theot *4111:111 tnsopg, (If $37.000 for his investinait of $7..-,0. -d tmek art 'nia­iw she ittiftol4led her aempt tlAx an final, offers her the' sill ill P 'ov Awl vi -ow %vith ftifiiyi johilort4op"y i 'Progresm wheir I ie -is fit N -a SetAia '41"'llitoba. He Js In a p(NIUM Us testify Ulat gcod L Prey W til W twill atill dirty palinu. atl(j diw- Nytillm, 26- - -arty Ing Vlont cWce, of his-.ntock. and all(, isallies of faillInF t-r.*14 or.-; ekvre;j.,4- tint" I IA tu withootit wait,, nian. and inevi- ... ... ....... t grea ter: eftt.!cm for". with the air of a conquror, Von-. e re rvt6d rin6 M41 h64 kiw-s. nVeol * tl.e ImIld tXj tjic. o)vtlo orfor- i4cious that idie has triumphed. Thell P41 Ift QIWAwr. thin yeftr eo,jApa th -for tlw pamnge of tile I)Jngley bill. r(XI w i Central Busiums heeorsenom woonw t -`he It Ica& jlot 'mitch itorAlth firter tit]. I. fie - fir, witilf; In- tflo f trepe t,4, for 't ron idoiu% lorofit- what ti lifl!C it* CIMPS :r[Xiilt nm Atitimogy... JA� pockete hbio loo" and wonders -36, -able fletillig, q)f mtock friom r Ont n rio the #4lKnr- a aliffil 1!tcrease. LIMB PAINS. ?L otjtl%-#, of o4urimt frealing. Laffpmny - alt told, lint, it'wn^ pv14"t 14fi... 6�- sthe next initicisiti011 wIJ4 he; and pefl- BRATMLD. 01 tiw fj&nds of Tlioi. "weeteot 14(mmim njay joixonous tfp mr�4 tj.'t.th .4;j mpking to I Alt -cwt, fa 11. Just tl ke plo wonok,-r why so inally retail inc-r- our littAximt1p ftpg Jmt too gett Ilthowll IW linue e1jecealing. U littlo,, girl r-rarw It C0111toer .... ... 22 Int 1 1 ot-Vae. -Pilo aso IW ume Stockings. j Contract Rhoulatism and You Wj a very tierions pr rty. 71irce newly' dwileovefed.inet,11 chantN fall or commit sulckle. If all hituatio1w vk-ithill t1tud divorae oo,� ope H Of 4 if age' Jility-0 rev�Aut!011117A V le Suffer Untold A onfes Us 11 7 -ire not alway#4-. what they I pjlid, o,,*v(fn1t you- tett, nip we Tiot ri ;�I�Q not In tlait. 11.4t, Kal- rf tor of,mtock hn' winter, s, wi 9 e sout 11 weeks. Two aln)lsolore k ThingA �Var 1 t broella'is properly madp, of,good ma- It PaTA U) buy -12 of timul P,eeal, but 14111 -,twsw. heavell doo- ltt.nt -y Fine gtage bekillgw are orin. re going to.doll with' all nptimillIM And laveal it I terial and dwently used, it will wear ajJ= American Rheumatic Cure jLnrd You 1100". IN 1110 two Pit 11114owl them, n, . t he thi. It of . jwliclonxioly 'lected airdw Will Fave a Relief in a Few Minut*x. lwmr-y ? V0 .(.011tri- 'two latter (IlAcO've-i0d An All(ld"ex lcoraklit IlIgnts -revolutl<mIze ti feed- - --- ! nie, Jet me for.years. From K are. French maAe. living held itnUl * t per And wfj 1411olpillf C14M. theill %li Ii grivolitaW. CaAadpd Is 99091 *,omett.lng." and 7 laid it. rix)*mon Miptity,. Connecticut, GalliuIll ijq said Ing , fit "tocit fa eirprhig, mum a no] The pax&h were anustj the fimt t4) and a Cure in Three Days Testt;nony 4udmiU I =nd *% itild tako UIP1101 AA'wP fin't tll('M. on fte -tcq) ()I 'thi'P110 r)f to he -more TMijable than gold. auttlint]. -We r4areely cre.11t, I ever, SubMituto for Dumb, Waiter. knit flne otocki Proves it. etiommoercial mchool. Five w4ble aftur in her right hand. White silk storcll;W4 gol with tile looltin't kyw : exft-6 on% pklW, PikONOU hs4491111'(11111- -tlWtt t'IIP I'llit0d tate" Dumb WAlUT,4 are widom found wait for three ears it %crmti, suf- ous WAY14. Littlo wov kii()sv -of thi., brief life, Mill Tt,#- li"lp jr1rils' fac�o fIVVI10d ith bridal allippertit, Nit nt in vari F.i.ter wof Oth ..-where Viera in a nothing fir Itt* aeflue dVajitages4 for the initiva- WtTP' ferer front rheunintisia -paitiod jit my Imnowts. Pleasure xyl-ile Ole- k.banked me,. wbilrb tio Oirage platitit supe.r:or to Close kitcht'll- 1�ilk Kurkingm W[mitild lie jeafted, like 1,111los ere 'Part-leularly distrtwomg. I "ible. Free eircithiz*. all Tfieti, lot uio take In humble tritst all i.i..41141 jvIUI A i No Case of Catarrh oft6-Actife. or nf Too tjljlp other t4ilk goods, au,(j litit V0 imiled. W. J. rprt41r - gr(tvity that 4m 1&(jng f3tanding VJU t r iilr nada (ifers. nii we nhormid Who -re -food In kppt In thilt cellar, in- hit(, tried itimoist every knowii rent - that may Nc*-m ufteflual.- ocraltir"Jally - too ly. twt witli. anjong Dr. Agnew*s Ca- 111cp st4mit] -of it refrigerator or ice -box, Queen E.11zabeth, 1740, v Ito the firs#. (-dy. but rosiceived no kwnefit. I wilt, one . JXMr wbat our' CnPadian IT t1tr Gtiol'sol V11rhyx are rit)t our ways, Mill fie tf;i.. ehildren nif tile extroinely porior. tari-hal Powder Can Allay and ou me have to say WAIN Rtate- milk #xwkhW% advised to glTe South American hit u eert p re fail (him! -wititer is I ijeep sity between woman in Englalit) to '%v I ar kbitted e - and liot abily fill- trusted; At" 09it imhe now r4*aroiled me Whell all E;ise Fai I it Curen -Try it ment , I . int (*ir fit -it] pea, will growIl tin cellar ild -kitchen (or 'cMar and inatl( Unre ii-tritil. I Imi-chakcol tlm'( THE WAMO & HAIW IPut warm atoockiiigis. v. o"' o l"'ugh Iwowttles. When I find wO (Me and It a u will here. We are inclinfNI Ust )elleve winter approactle-a perfectly cured. I should adjustol. �w 0MU991 fles of wrong in Iii -s gotiol time worti.y. of confidence. Witil 'thO First 'ndF3ttVeExperIm abunilantly !it ntntla Ulan 3 dining400in. upon the child la tile chill (if gr:LVity 41f XMUJI Cliftne;-110jr if timm. housekeept-tom whoso homes 11.41f loottlew I was BUSINESS years :30 -InY little dAughter t,,, t h tok t4dold to W4jj4 attack . f -i til - enta Under general condit' tile art- without this labow-saving device Um a 111ttle ox gall il4 1-0) alkah i considelL it it Wonderful remedy, Aillil Y ajaA Oa of Ilatws- WJjj*'T0 Xj§f.-p QJ;I.ZT.- me Alf- - whemo ipf her little baegget. rrit A Avery lnnIpc !,or 0 %vIII I)r()vi(](. themselves with large, Tta- audden IrArflduction of A.11 efewco't Wvrrf% tYPe. Wft-�� all known un Calitulitin growth will Ile Sam t aal i fng hlzwk tdmckitigN. I)ry t.ake pletimirt, in reeommending it."- rIKU t4L h wooki bring Ule outana 9 or flat-Nottomed hasket to use retwoen quickly In tlip homp. Nllgent. isftara F&Ao, Ont. KNEW% YOUJOCI that Wju* ate-,~*-, n j1hd 1100t.-111,1110- trrh curen, and treaUA with 'moot rowth.. dlning-r(x)in mot kitchvii and kitchen MUM" tree duriiig the skilful Physielapp forover.th ShaW94 remarks its to Use xtent inw 7ftr hrab' w -t. it fond only enlarg4id, her finan- U) willell Illutt44)11 all( lall,1*4 ant' cellar tiwy will mucl It was doubtlFw of Ule ir,icking t4at . . .. .1 1 sind her chse Waso prot time it wam first wild - 7lia for Neuralgia. And struggling for arflent. 921weso, rial calculatlmw. wspeed fZfironle Yor mea t anti strength. "A ot W1 jdj tillie ling98 ." K"K,nporliir introomotol n capturcod Min Neu Noth anfi Jnrurable. Last win r we heard maves nine" -ft might IIAvI foam mariv saylo; a physiciall %% fit) lint. �08% mar - It - appearml . lmt NY Allor W11111 a mrket tialgiLt. too bol) (of i4om eA)m- In preparhig it me.*d everything times Ullic. ["it ex1mrimenting III dieta ill 1.1, 11010- redu--od. IvIlielf orml �e;kr "-womall, nild t%vopeucb out 'or (of th,- w(sWerful curc% effected by Dr. swanted from the cllar may j)c plit LNZIN"My AM047 ,I r 1'6-wder. A hottlo fort to our nheq.) inen. It re -pe- a ;I(. #4to(-jkiIIg pital, "brings pence to-) tle, isufferer -In the pit r- Catit rr I I . It V01ft sura. W" Ito t* Iqld (mit procuied, and I here Pot, tith0011 of the ol-rf stnr th vlw hito the Ixisket al I brought it) at one Luefit,ow "DIII, e Charge r 4011-. vtAse off lAmte'rill for"mother. it� dell- -1 je for or reputation." e tru^ our fly drawing. It togettier: the 4rain from malarial cl-El equal tA) that torw. No MoR #4141D GIALA. T4 benefit,and encouragpinent of 1411 upon the surrounding hich comes from i-trong coffee with Send to 9 T e, r rjed )t kn nX Alt wttitig or ch-aring (off tile .,sbrif- wioill w the gofsor WW6p andr faults iortoolucerm wi I be- F -W, tor Uvauskmit6moittic Who (M perAM40 W01nall 4vils (Md. Twen thervi *116M ell sufforers from this dreadful Malady tablf- moist (if the dislicA call Im! car- makes the rent worwe th 11 at first. a little lenfon julcw� added." Ino, mine flixt after ualtig two bottlt% ffly Id eoqw Inoro earnait, than over I their FW16-ou-A-W ask i y 11ttle brotheir *Iijo wft not it chi ried in itt -one trip; :klw) hgs 71rat was an. unkind . ild familloin authority immounom &trong tea at- t*fto ameft It? m mtrotlig, wa)- completely cured. III(] U Wnsider endeavors to keel) tiolle lint tj beat 4tecemary too return to th which once decreed that t te Old sister nitormt a specine for neuralgin its Its hnving twto imd" looldel F;4WfAjrq ru an fie might be, *aiiq uIlispAilln it penny it'jilly duty to give my te8t4mony for' MUttOU-i-im.hicing bree.,!slol, w) tj t our e cellar . -can adivuld dance in greeli gbW 41g" It t I,(, slimple uncomplicated form. thJD*ll T -t t was top fx� 1AN (fat -lit renst that whill, e be taken down tit one tinie. muetw U114*0 to Neil at the th lienefit of like nufferern. 600d reImUttlon for mutton %oil ad- w"dJbig of her ywlitinger *ter. 14011 soul yerns to q#0 41ginal PurOoo6-1h the mcwt,ela- VaXift WitIL every yer'is hdRiness. ldving onef tried this simple 11jethod The i4utumpr wirl is rapidly Jowl, fit UW r4ld (it I ft " b I u-nv '141njo Iqh Ornm fst lias% . Oeo. Graves, Ingersoll, Ont. 9 ..,, turill V� 16 + &. to I - %.a- I—& &Aft.M &up M is, U fnrtfhW ntra7 lx-x)k and a fnrtliimgf forcitig thr.. adx1ce, -@Keep n en- way of making innumerable trips to rourists' Plates DeS4 oye.1 a Ing lnt(,- the matiliec girl. ntwo amAw F Mudiarval doctorm considered o -hi niom, ALuamada, 404 SON k1b 1A eAke and a farttdtig stleg of @weft the cellar and pantry, when their Tio- Firmich ctutolilm allth ' . Aaft4mmi v Mod wpaVe ft 1* 8,111BOPS" Is (itilte fit finritumy w It our . oriti(p bvl a great to ago% we. A soldier r jr, I to - reefdv#- xtuff and a farthing Nly unfore- froin the gnIlown on which aomehorid numbpr can be so materially lessened. jwk%-o, holtind a draywiek tile I** U No y own, and we trust our realie will 7-L.2 MOM --Wwa- 666=4 Im lian(W )Y#,r tri well li", nifty hn(] o4lightly expanded had been hanged a good retneojy for tnkethe nolviee to t C X rayo no it (P4ectooir Now a roolptopb iradpo, who are ordered th- -pilw1hilltleg and he wax Ao haye x honrt, an( act. A new speciep of rabbit, vaix t1w, E'lectrical )ievlow. It, gin wl Acid 0" liq If ( P_Optrl Ilarmat0y. A. Iti�nt.ft Arlo% Iallpen'nywtorth elf ench (if tlww p1ra- Mrs. Uptf-m, Fkitte--iAly tiurneinalod tive Aze, tailless, and witl aius Pxatililling tile bnKange rmemed -man Iwo 6M a 4rokr� 7W�t makovi anrfw for mina aiid body. left me ivftboufa motnewitt's notice. Ion, SUL"PLYINV, MILK To TOWN-� AND has beell found near min, ut; in for some amON tin t*w" mym twje� Twelve I"* replies tiv, Uttle mitld *ran on. Two- going to advertimp for a girl to-tuor-. VITIEH. ionesit-vnetl in Mexi y 11loct(grraphic lllatoil fuld fillilm Gorract raft so not &UMW lweTi ruined by extic tire t4s, UK to the .1olkly f001`14%or. 'Ton:" '*Tvetv@!"`,*6f any. 1-9'qte^ waA to go irito motIwr',4 njo4wy r1o"'. Flkmle—Antl Wenoe advertime The t)raji(,Ii t:r tlairyiug that jujip, now Tht man' who Severn, Gjb- Way mwt now 1) llioll(NIN-111M aegft Uo kwWomw WIWL *—U -110009 WON- I*#%, ij ItJxAv r4mily was to be devf�i­ 10r A WY, to(), MAITIM& Me wanto a In mofft Open to impmvemeoit a,#d ex- better oell all the famous t tlie (kutructif !I of —in 1"10 low -- ad blWift a bIII*h of f1crwerio for little bruzzer urful. tousloij Is the supplyingf 4 milk IQ buy one. a little of baggage. at 411101111le met. , : --, Iola &W his r"4t to In me of blim - a mi" to U%ft- ttm Zoist beautiful rtm in t6 filim OD L"W111104 dov f 41 77 S us f