HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-10-08, Page 6T
mom modern, as they are rare all"[111
ONG THE POETS$ OXIAL U B OF PIPES mounds. The OPIDt from which ti!
stone wills 01)tained was and is re- Amd Vvery Z
gitaxled with muperstitioub veneration
-The Muse in all Moods— 0 UT TflE Ffl by t je Indiajib. It was esteemed to JAI'
Grave and Gay. -vrdg a Religiou and Medicinal I i
be uuder the especial protection Qf the iB r South Aws
Great Spirlt and is connected with I sufferer bestored to Health M
WIN .0 oak Stock Raising Custolt. their most flingula.1" traditions. Until LOVE'S PROGRFAS. Snatched Her
A Queer Compound. within coniparatively roment yearej it For fiftt*�n yeart, I
In a book Oil Englioll Verooltivation WW the (3001.1non resort of the tribes, and 81 rongth, %Vheii first I kined i%weet Margaret bif-41 with rheumatlent.
bY Hon. William C. JlOneo ts, found the where ami1101sitles ana rivairles were -Shp blushed rcise-red,
following remarkablle bit of pntcllr forgotten and where the mot4t em- Afid sternly said: in my back. A t timeo�
and Dairying A SACRIFICE TO I' DIETERS. no arlvere nA to entire'
You inustn'll.; SOOR
wark bittered foeo met MCI, other on termN or weeks 41t a time. I
Sultered Froni,-*�jik Heart and could f
of amity.
"One ki-*#. dear maid," I elaid and COMPELED FROM FARM EXCHANGES. discouraged and It" le,
@i9W,-C%Aewi,dge. nis Pipe as a-ceiremonial institution Not Safely Walk., Any Distance - How Last flight I kinsed oweet, Margaret;
Dut - U08t Of the Early Wrl rs Refer to To- '11�1110 Indian tritievi wat4 tj,us directly he Pulse of Wroi,-waa Adjusted. She b1twhed romHred. when I wa#i recamine.
Of thrwke lipp umWiorn;-Long- takX 1W
bsfto 'as. an incen h1w! icine In- from their Primitive aneet;toro. But only said: South American Itheuu&-,,
You mustu'lo StOlo."
C7 -pel (From the C did so. The first bi
0 -tier lipad 41AUs Said fi; Dis. d Fatigue an4 71e PPe almong the Illdlans It" ai- *wall' Free holder.)
fte obook tier ringlets r und
Mr -%4z" - U) leave my bed. and
Cared-Piseasm curips Collection.g$l ways been more or less intorwoven Tilt- romance f� unwrit$en ;ac6s or A G-)od Cure. from tile time I conime
JA-&40ddard For som(% year6 Paist Canadian bacon 'Oub"lerel -u slisPICIOUS or dangerouit.. Historic Fiw4. with civil and religious obserTan". W&H con
nd laugheft ill merry wx)rm-7�en- manufacturem Lave beelil steadily im- Tllis weatim that -about 75 per eftt. The im of tobacco wan known Alm. CLat-ter-Do you beUe%,e th4t ipletely cured. I
VVY10011 - to real life far ex 46 thi-t rich elftbdra-
prov An It 1�
'J 19 t IAP (lunlitY Of their (mtput, Of till the Well water which we time mc-911ligatIoull 'of mat I�t�rdiiot nearly all ttie American tribes and the cure% cin be eftected by tile laying edl,.v the )*at remedy
Ring out, wild bells'.ti) t1le w1ki 9- for drinking is lot a," to -%llj(*erE; 1-4 I.eing r tionu, 0! fictiol ! I foi- rheumatiani."-Mrs- 301
until flow, on the, English market, to be. gxxxl as it ought W r led (at under Pipe wat, their great diplumati"t. In tmp� behind the ()[I of l,ftnds? "lorit,
-ion. tile auspiceu 61 the rb Mont. 1, (knt.
Clattler-Moot oertainly.
Tenny, 1'rofftmor theonianj litati- tile act;; ofmaking. war and conciptling rscelip* iQ' �i us with adequate I
lutt thinks there to would fur 11 OWL
io You hear them, lu' Canailtan, vidai' and. Canadian, hamis is no exeu&;o tution by J. D. or thio city, peace It 140�4 alwayd played an fin- ellro"
y heart.-Alicte for this, as the natural thor d rny boy or smoking that way., Mrv. Rorers O&re JS 16
Cary. well clit-liblk4hed reputation, Water of Canada, at any rate in On- all-enthuslaNtic et1lllti!+gJit and arell- Mrtant part, add In Alie dpliberations "roolf that it Is more of * ell re, t ri:i I
Vio twehe and 110, niatter -I.ow Pr1cV6 fluctuate tario, Quebec, anxi the, -M _Jttll� ae0I,09lst, "fome very I teriviting,facti, ct the - IfuAlans, both
at 'light by thO c3stle our sfd(.% and Is ar ie Pro, d0mmtIc and all(] iwvere :lilxle ulfe li&rfai
in Iriman life thall A Reminder.
Cary. ,or ex- principal source of the Ver* di to on. the 14U f P. Ve find ilia POttr-"Dear H�rr Barcmi,."uldyou niny I*-- flavolrowl -vitll c!
very near tjae tcqftost price. 1 4 floa
� 11ce-8, is the, purest ill tile world. The pipe,, oo, tile Public,, the lnfltu-lic,,% of tile pipe wa, 0
clock.- (ble-ridge. aing Zll%VaYH -command V! Am, brought to'llght I regard. to 'tile 40
10rcki. we miwt part.-.klice .3, serious flit Inv American ans, anti tile Potent antUno treaty in U16 old days, fly be aci,kind aj to put it (.,Owl, In ilia or str4wI r � the Ma
fWtIgatilom-4-havo es "ting W
n illeefi- that ing t4w �rr lie fin
�onme back, come back he crieti ill d0n,V Canadian Lamo jvpre birl h6retofore unknown In.regard to tile- b0tweelf. Indiah�, and " ban almost _)'0111 havlen't given me a tip this
i n a great deal Whether between tribes; of Indiam,§ or ;vous�t
llmPlp, hl the latest report,4 from Loll- purity Which the drinktag, water I It experle
rr4 �ia 64 nging our collutry 110MOB so frequently coil- White 11M, was - 1 9 got)f, thick erpan very
sLifling-4 down ik) 57 glilli- CuOtOnle of smoking It otig tio In-. made UELOsignalized byLthie PUWage* CC JUL1103 fluctu'. tweell health and time, else my wire will tljlijk Vvwgone
atp Milt qrlit'it In drink.", it half a Pound cill powder,
taiMg 1N the drainage from the barn- djwl�,; -ailt] the use of tl , pipe -fot- reli- tile calufact*. It
11Y eyt-, are dim w i"99 th" hundred weight, whil.4t. the Yanim, farm buildings, privies, etc., to Among tile fillore nlod�_ i4ic f
kul0w; little r Ittly a gill of IvIftek coffee; MI1r is A
a .14jog time It known to. have a A' 0,)Gd Ftzt.-i, 10
cereimmialo. ern Indian%- the c�nluinet fir peace pipe the basin lit a Im
RPI Tziylor. nearest Americairt In prit-L" were bring- Wilell the Wells are 15o frequently C - gious� Ftand
134 OW Shall I live thmigh. a 11 thce4e ing -olily from 54 shillings L down to -43 uo�-ed- . The water, contamina I dif terent: has been different t1*6 . dl(; upoii th- tice the ltvorld,,
e parts of tile t'llited '18, tee -i- 'riave been ostattio and difft-rent uFageF;.=J'hIlad0- Ve*4 grawima, when ice, and with a wire
te"I 1)y
the hundred w'igllt. Tl&, 6110., drainage, no matter flow taste- e breathed I it I graotluate I to -I frolth. ThIN will t
YCI1r6?--T 11)(11119 that Vpnadian hanu; are 'orth IeM. or luml NP1141ill-9 to the iiaA-tkk1mn* inut-euip of 14fla Lt,,dgpr. J.Alutilall ear.* %u Inteno
*4 1erry. orous-, or transparent, it t -
w app lie 81111th"llall, Itutioci A to f 0110w a literary career- minuties. Put Uko ml*e
in t -L -D V111911sh' market from ten to. -ear, is wholly unfit for use williell flave I;eell dug T 1)w may secure. thr '11714lence of 4(imf- of Wifte-for inotiey, you know." in u1j. put oln t4le li(, e4Dt.0
fourU�en a
T!, ip laugiling bri-thil r4 %,-*w hillings more per* Ailindred Whetiker by. mail or beast,and 10,inticicid 1) Illy ithoem Wily, Willie, my dear, you havelilt u -9i, a )ipce or waked I
a %vhIl6,J)k)ughI`ng"hI tile out,& qir:()I1io,, tflesc� stifferem .p %%-ill re
typhoid fever, diph- Itiluols, tile Ilississiop, %-ILI ley * li4
(112 lbs.) than emrospon ding CIAL11 cause of heit riv, , to, done anything e1w since you've lit.4-it fit coarse, Halt nnd fee, at
IN) diet,&, he r da r L- I i,ro, -�MP-ricaft hams. The-Cntiadian farm- therlai alid.other illfOCtious d you dark clita -or painti. alul at c454.IeCe.11 for two hourec Or it ill
ir er has lwpn getting t1te &outh, and tIla4e it - form"llill ex- 01
an) Taylor. the benefit' of And tLe placing a Ivell in it barn- t4ehsiro aj, Ldte Gossip
d incist Inter achm that art f
this. Darin- tli4, willol, of the paom;t se Ing colle etioll. re f Al ill understof)tJ by N1, I ill the freezeil.and se.rvel
31$ feart io bmaking with nly W 0', e a- yard for the use tile stock (ais in. HD "rile Ilive. ;Y wil"illdvt th011 fill to-qla�- with -'Mrs. r-. T. Rorer in OAD
A Algatl(ml
for I)nron- or hanil.4 f -quently done) is all t)[rence agnin,,,t denlonat, an dtudy have —of the tile. friends ana i -1414-4111-ttely 'reatfltj W)rrow 11(mile Journal.
I,Avf%' been bringing, Ili tile 7%-)r(.)iito natural 1:1wo ratml. Clearly,A Cact that
rare'-Rea(l. -at will turely !if tlm*
e About to -morrow,'
tlw Idea -of Plpe smokli U-4 a -to] ace 1,_the physieho Thanks tie tAl tile. Ify lie&rt ?
market about $�_o 4 hundred pounds b(l, PimisLed by. d1wMaCtl -nnImal4 Aul-
Verolon its 4 -%nier $a In
1 1441 it q4n. Ler Nwettt. coil I Illillti, firO weight niore t milk and a tif far It' .'Rourz I Worldo illighty genius One watelom all with vare mmt true,
ban tho best Itogs "Pur( and yeiJalmi; by'impairment colicerned (.,,ate f 111"the i4t Know Hiii Role
'lave brought in the Clli�ir. market. Of* Lealth, or Worse,. in- tile membero ;j�. y ter I.tt dic6vered tile DouUt not tf,&t He will give tilee, too,- Lou& x1r. n-&% "d t1i"tw
Thfl. exclisp of part of tile Fist-6eij h lital!y. While
T -'.c lvrtvif�w 9,01den link. -.Smith. the American farni'pr 44 Us" -household. Diarrhoea-, Jlld1gtV&- tile IN" thp)1114 to) 74ty pext.. WaS am of t1m, be4 bred I
bumault 4 laubjee x1mill vooti put
_111d[ww, that- in I ms' rout
callnelif Ler fearo anti slit, %vaj,. elkllll, i14 tfrAtL !t would itever Imy- tilm Mon, sick headache, and othor. It uman. 111-.4 The Emperor of Ainstria ila* ill hfig
logs t1wt" gi acre Al -Voyageo V� filif, to
*4 Aerk�ge. t4) the trouble' to feed I ailments are frequently c Ir to ltti-y ted -w 4ell Gle
my. -collipellsation. ternt,"' maid the kitiff; and a,
aivwd by the ulifluestionably. di'll oce iollally.- twiVAe' librfiM a ecliceti(ill"
t lei� C11pathan, firmer feeds them. Tile 1180 Pf water only 1x)lutcd; n6ke bf .90,000 isuffering f r6ni- i I VerNhed Ill
I ifyk. pretty cri,nti:re, -drink.- . I for the pleasure of Sill Ing, )it. Alc- -Iportrai-tK lit 71.js' albuffiv. 11 -lop @ollec- ixxl i ir, Stair to take an airing wL
W*-A*wort!,. Catiadiaii ftirmer' Ima inixed farnier tte evil res"Itm. Aro greater Vf t4oll ilieludps 22111,-fimerent Ile - tures 11 . I . I warriage wawist I ,L,4 t I le ldo�r of t I le
Ir xg-st. A t I t utIQlI 18 gr", lell, t I to 1;'uIre lt%�Vt Wfow -CV VMY that. ther - It ShlittAlrol t.cr stem. Th�fm,-auds haPPY one. wilia it,!,,
wid keepo but a few I th� pooll' Itch of t ..
American.farriler likes ter. The farm w'c.11,' w -r 4)f.tlle I)t in tlit Of Ult- Eipprtb?; it i,,4 tqIld'that. have, ald tf:01118: Wiell, that depends 010elled, he 4pode him via -W
y "elleNieve.-Coler to do, thIng_;.;'tn 84.ris P", PC early - days
.. .... Sh'Itt,' should Ila i4unk at. among t e0nupeted it(, -portrait exigts 0.7 !iiteir date orliall %o ari- P-till.,%sing to view." IlOiDt#)f Mift ather howed and nhpv�,
larg W -!e ---* to do,.Lio workeapily. a -8.410 distance front all 'pt*sible with r-eilgioll-4 wid oth ceremc 1870. tile greatvst ad " The )oftlt or view kiiiff maid. " 7lie world im in ik&
a fie 111dialls . itS, I
A-liff walke4l Iii tiaradi4se;-Hervvy flo- tfivreforp: likes tn. h.rive :1 ,11(* @.Nlrvei4 of' c(on lage Dr. Wifliamis'
n tH #i4a f " Yes tile neighbors 11fifil ;IQ
Vver taminatio I bill k with tflb cul -Ing- of- tilt t4ck by' the Ili tir rhar"ter It givt* -
T A' fairest thing t1lat' rarm " --and to7. feeil Ills _wg oltrove 4,)f or stone, work Should be. fine lliak Pills. 'Th ilarp Imig" 40
4 � to- th16 inpollicino men, Ean Vtair', WiK, end of perscm would havc troubie�
Wt ilasili-fatt.enIng I-,_ngs on nothing but ground ' Water leve rare a�jmf th the Indians ..orrftlifindent o rdea I (if exlwrill tile full out of IV'
VV�ept again luld apill
t Tn(h anti t 1,; Witt. n Cement ly, 0, ever, twd 41 llilw ten -,41 of it. Ary. gootil; - firm 10jic
*Lk ieK..- 0, -goo. 1. Ahrit, althouglf corn: will nerer IXV-it- imperviolig toWater; it #;I,0&iId be. Ii-ativer- -1
Mr- Oil tjle�tl, occlashviv. -With ever inert"a
i . tls-&� that'its " 4pre Is' 'tile coolest lowing honor. T The Frpneli%Al�'tgor il.olin ties just
F444f make imco-&n wiftab-le, to tfoer Prot ed - fr4in. -tile' 111fift-rat1*011 1) AS
Ran C#.*-_orP. jinarlz.vt. T1w Canadian farmer,. 4.4 aurfatva AN �,!.A i:-, �ttitvmeflt I '. ro finishied the
water fly. 1)(1119 furrnis 'towA. as the tra(fi- winds arp In 01114[� % as A fi, A" 4a modpi or � n kt. - of
on t1tv contrary, is Natisfiett %tItfrvn4% with hed V% ago, a bill %%-Ais stuck (KI
tigiii-nt-ting t,,,,. pi.- 1 kept epliAtIl n."y roulsewid frimi s- e ViCtOV, HlIgO. VA-IliCk til-, &'rench -(;or-
u4my (1111k,tv aced- at circulating frdina6le ig livrinattent , 41, t ht' NIJ010 W i"i low of ii, tratile4tinan In tile
leen'bawn- (W two-litterwi, 1but U&-io heb fler-ollially 8011)(1, little bvigqlt alx)vo tile. r ri-fer t4i, u-;(-'( of -to- --td Itisle, all( Fric-Irichstramm- ernment, ham t)rdered ror thp lnr-
f4urface 111,1PIle i14 Mich -Ili air of.liti- 1041 blenipll t -art
He W (Al" in.itiel 4&f thf.. p4anfo.
and.fimxV; thr-In :i nilted ce the surrounding ground it fill' 11141 )),ic") -;V4 "I: 1.ilei"W�- )rtezi Ct c- litc- tittention. that. B&Iill, setting fortAi then(iln. Tfif
11- 1)0!d as *-I k, ?14' 1 skini nillf', r(-w)t.-;. clover, garden, from time to 0 Thew-- loreiniw-4i are "litwarily subjeat, wl,lell I,+_
Cr, of Lancautf-r, I elcm t dit itowing W t1w, inarriAge tof tile not ellituAllm tip 'Af 14;4 lo;I, lie
oull .)(I
Witt, some na "d ceiIvrse. he 41.niloligbly ty, is -.1 te
UP K7 li Lw m household Oolls' llltk;fig'. grf�:t phioilr`etor.- To lie re-upetw1 it,
gar- punt -trAlli-; I tnarl*l.
t4 pie: I - ex. ir t t 0 t, am'! keilpp thein supp1jed with et4b.. should never' JV ifirowri 11'�+rPbnrg_ enit-erva-
it tier vars ago
er lif, -,4 With
d IQJ6 roir
'Tile Amerlean.Mr: COld #;torajr'(%' rect t t rer .4 to 11liuRnialre Ja dying
c IA)wever, fvr.,IctIeP- Ave fear) . . (a" too. 0111 gilt Witb.aall- * "Ifid finll - I*IKmt Jim gildeti -be(L ISSUE NO 41. 199r.,
4 )f
Ia.4owering reputatim' dairy andqotLpr em, fAr the lWal tZ It w;w attributot-d "'Is"t, well .witl, kory. L 141�4-.
an x till- flit r ?
lfar- washed out. ne;xr 1, f eral et preaebbr wittli
nkV*4 1411PI6 and- 36%, 1: i In 1; 11(*.Jibly ill )ry pr said.
in rrf off plig man
ade to'e.-j tr R tw-;� tr9e, they 's
M the cmtrarv, 6, faxtred with'-- careful -prov ion Tilt- d s1jok)e is I
tif t atc hij4 silirit fled
re- 'wash-* difr
ater by, Well e_0lwtriwtkd' Id. --
and �'tlaix far- lo,- flag bcwq dral.n.-Farmhur. -She wa% o. rtaiiiiy '.%'4'.1
()41()r.. i.1 6MIl - 1, k "44 fritik"), IMIM4 WWw
'lie f# -e .1
U, keep clear ofAllk! cliolera. Tile. 'IT F tl,,.. 44r tit almlot- 110 I .1 :w PIT. !Ow- I Ii wrft*,-tly plain. %'1141 lt;% t :i C4,)rte4, , v 1071' lillmAing of thel 1% Lscolwli therv. )r One
'wallt to. otir- pret�pnt t'latt" I'ook host I'm inounco' bo'od for NoLhing.
repultativit for havi 1 11 ati011. Air., vrgo� nt iie,r%
.1 rich- telnilf.,
0.1 .4 nit r pr; Foal
W44 varefui t4. eonti mid: - �Iotuatiflll toil the I;
o nuo I to
r� . " I !�A t Ily 9'klt %Y'lmiol fri.;iki Ill-li'14-1 he sWil Mrs. Sluitj
t I 116CL-11d, of mixod Will mw., all( . 41' 11P holls--s. aad fill jjiloe4l atment y for twti tAwlittle dawlitt-f-, should got
ir Is *tti�--� lwftw, tile , - ii)l 11 A. V -
lo rm Ine.: (JI Itre if. . - y aro A eq r d, 'dtV, At wpre Btarting, to 6 to tier tkA g
V) �an�! to ff�41 110 Stan&rd
heat, .00d for nottAig.
M with'the -a lled to K Many a tliiy�:
tl 'An we call Perkinattv lnititton Wd mlie w. 10 Air t!WCI%'4. ulollt"� "Atild tIA4i will I a lorute, mam-
ioll, it., o.'-Illill '11-41 ivith ILluill wilit..r, e -'question or, tile -hour lled4-,,r S receivri
tire )rc MCMcy Standards atiA out of
140t. �trb Witt, A . Mixed, dlet wit 11 n(A-go to -some, I
oomfoldtality, attend to. but to refol Tit
You ar.&JAL, may dif f eras to
)0q. 'for: lextralk, Wolliell of that ik Valk*t papa -f gtxxi4or-ru)t1.ing cur Very dif crences good may
*30 telid� just flow i 111#11ty of -nitrog,6noi* �voql ill it., .%nd '19I.Y him we 11111,4t -eofltifillp to PRI"("brled regist,01`0 dwivi. Ytm f
it 'littl riag- .,)ri jit. Th(l. me,,., tire a taken to it
"'Ir p1g;1 in. t-110 ie"i Ntart- witil tile 14wt tmterds,�y.",
flit -it: frinfl. !)Ut,-It is 111i0e frii,itd t,f ers ilea -4. t -lipply theni- WWI tile pit tile at'a % uinrx..* But We won't differ as
1. t4) V
r -ilk
tire Inick of. it, - ajl,i W lie Alad 94ok-ta several Krs.
2�i,*ik of water -for 'clennfillfw;o in ho� 11rive, %ritil 1i "41-a' 0 the nrits of one standard
Ilk-.' was dwik-r
-11f gar- -lre wolifil rai*'%!? "lip tv fl(wl- ve alreatly T411 I te a Yroln. :I 9HY -Chicago r....
-so �o bt kwr- rj�r. 1,;; t!lf% lie ill a. few ell 1(, 1
Ilp 11* d tAx)k 1pedivim- !0
fig Im lbot Ulf' Cfr.vls' n of co(i liver oiL
non. t till to
lot. A S V -ST 1;3 1. 1 re I B(xA
F iirl Callifi4lit4,t4--.for.-Al.-t:�46r of unded, SCOTT'S EMULSION h"
-with .1 _: � .1 t all 11oromecutioll
Ptart%Alll Ile.e"111 i(U litigt-g-t till rg. en al", A -ili' t It, %% 4) ri I walk-Mit ev . . . . . . ort, d make glue reoti'tutiotl
Id: not -generalir Y
nilIV VOU illWli,41 tf i r 1 won and held its way fo-
i),jrlil lit And U4e felt)rly %vn* KIkwdil.v c(MI
:11141, `-4 -- heit rt
it Ole f
It I fa'viir lit the -31r I- tielarl- 25 years in the world of
J. J414ginei _. 1 tW11 t cOtVed witla-liberaV ft;t,,, I_ n ded.
if lwirmrilr ve taill rIw 00,crN) J�Iljs 'arp lx)ut 66D years i Le Ilop
vrvamery man-. -s in -tlw- sillinner-they- nillvt - -r- : gall: W .Ip Ill -
dry, If%
)(14 tr wa-A eallf-41 t4)1 other pill' -r tur uspicion.
tn -tin
.4to. prli oved It ly - to ho,twer tine anti a half or� t %%-I I
'0-rrIto,r dai�. Tali- dittint"' foil tile broild
I) r4 'hAn4*ft(�'niachtnq tA)gctj14* 'ill
s quite p:kblltv*_,or -r vvo?ry fvcrki'19 tilt! Dr. Williallis, I.
ays Iliat he ria tit., i medicine until to -day it is al-
t antilre which will 10,l most as much thle A&nd"d in
id he'reports, that fie in4+ 6 I- I'4lr�. *, nihke -botter Iftitter from.er4bani Chnnz4iol oftel r4 m4lrati vi-r-taX lill i4immer r-s!3Skhotel, aiid L-11 CaSes of lung trouble, and
0-aym Ib kft lcnPrgY. Dur�
I.,p) qlparaW by frOM one, pasti-Irf t4 0 Ing ti, silmllier - (he 4itic ill light gray %.Cnftfw to sug-
tlti^- lit S, al 14l, 4 -very day. t4o, 1;141
hlne,4, tlmn 041 ill' - tilt titilproxi* every condition of wasting
-te-Jil-to . - - Owlit 104; - rrom M.-flole rni'li..Hebq) ".rs it .4111flsti(inf - , if itt9"t VAL @tile One' ill white that lipr
,r it rn mfy4 iat nt)t %,I -;It h;' i..* ill, -1 1, 10 Who hit tried the-li i Wetbol" of -Ililj* IW -r lk t1lilt, -it' 1.!ok wouild. give -it., lip. even. for soript. - - What (10 Y(,)u iijean ?" nked th
dra r" untier or earty ill tho h evi(kliltl very devoted.
a _a _s whe"her in child or &dult
mp, the Ily th-e I'llsfNi"d 1%
6411111 1 fall-
'tilije in tile lit" NAW k i I i a r i Is e Quinine is im ma"I ievers.
knitfiag tier 4mw and
AlvVe *bat' ho paid for It. R,
e r. I in Ing th.' 11"M.; 14"llse,it ii the we If L41114 jnar$
zioswF ques.
1 t "mr" tf�0, Vlat tTle a ITJ l!i1r t 11ztrislan, f1w. Ifulty Juim lifit yet 4e- it I I'd Ilf-141kry :Ifp+ looking troubled Differ on the
ye die. rem, 1010
rnak�, five no Set- 4 WhY., lie wrlies to you every Jay,
11 Ill' .10 - K -Atilu"Al: feature. lwtrvit�Ly 1;erin
191A morning il a gri-at r-aving'e( expelllp I- JL.k-. i , tf , clou "
giii- .4!lrtv- To 1weall fir tfv� curi llrnet! t fie ont. -n but wm it
P.Ift 19&J I thit do 'I I n
--ht tht-Inla bk- it#. In 7tlw hautIng for t icir for t tie eXhil)itl(r . tX tile 49, light i
flon if you WilL
V) INd' fg:rintV gray,
Re glv(..% t Ax i! ollft t 1'. W" I,, comcs to a question of &altJ4
P als Plit - ** , - xl-lall of th'. .1
sr, Pastime.- with onle� or -tw' i. 4" , . -Al iS i i.Af r fi
4 lllitt-6e reje-et,l
len6e Pnt- tri lit .11" that"s just -r; a gl.: r acto �r (sr I i ro,, I tu tlll�. one
be sur -Ix er tn ig t Such -are tilt liaL troubles
each had In #-fx ili kn4 --e 1 1 "u1)ll1taLW3 'n-p-taurant. Iremn rka bir gal ctutilly'scowl- orhaps of life and death, get
Iiiarter or.- y. a rgle J-Halatt wnA
lor on't 44-1' tqx) rill.( 11 po
v,4 r3 al ing'at tile &Ilcmgllt.
IF: pis-lity to for "CIM1V On which a flu%. cf),itaitillig* a Mt-;_ 1�1.rsiNtellt,.,tf lid I ..-I rd to) fight, TrouNles you
46) 1?v., Tim, 04--f-1 -to the man who attrazit w1outil.(i Ivi t le standarl
with. 11' rpo�.4 w .:; i I, I
-wk Ycur d6un
.%rralli. Kathleun. utY 4irli;4, hf-;. butter -fat n, the crenmer. eolnf, ty ra Irts of tilp fil I I Dut the, const-ifit I tio:I. 9,1ft )f - l� If I)r. nhellp
a 4L -'s pack tit) and ctoine home
t4zed me enoogb; In twum. 1`114 crilitiparcd with:Allf, efitefill., to nodel i Of tllf� _ye, thiiiking ist.,;eM Scottis Emu"
'at w1dell tile tillp
t llk-pitcal I Fink I 60 W lic nation.al Ileflut7 Ipcetf-dly if, llo dfiesn't."
t1IM91lud. f(jr Your U)'thr m*11n who drew hl -,4 butter fat ell' arvelI0114, Two sizes, so &z. and $Ioo
JLre cq I 'int, I)rize-,4 t4hotlid I)c.. fingll" which is.; F vr's friet
ID J Ul cloull, kd #;.-I I (I SCOTTA F t if liltli.oi I . n4m, tk to o 111:1 fi� Magiolitrate--if yoo were there tor no
growth. nd th-, in le lirlstfital)
fl-,4wool will 11111 might
made fiq It. drittkinw Your thn,:liVv-tevtl ADr seariioii you *Ilrt, Of'411,.;-
health, qvite gwat 4vantage L-4- that With wiii rind. .1 [].1 tlit-y _iving p 'ItAre lk!-ew introduceq . I I
the U- ictit - 4 lt lo Nils. ..I Purv)w, why we you in
go An It. ,I f ter the timild -.epnrutor, Vie Pkiiii 'thai wo6l. your flieecon, t Dr.' WillianL%' itockbig feet
1)-" t"114'. 'rill- tile, to I- cure,
wru-1i froin -two. to f6fir potin(IR wight�'Y the ititcrpmt
.1 44 l! inoet- 'going t4f) the ro(A tile )000
In the* rery-lit*t elim4litio"It t1lall Vol] keep ti fill. 1" -in thf by, Beggar -1 lieard there was irknf-s, 00- C CI.
it e-wi pf"Ibly ic Md fo lisp AA ff"i "I 900d Aimpe. ins iif.- re
Dry.. t lif Ir Chu li 'at kstriry Tiew r
rogut-, stol tbilly lark, lu,, en-ew ,mti*
it . . i arill fqr youing st41ek luld- P! nR_ well tli(!L bl(Kxf,
P win' Kiqd sure that you have ray. I ing f y(pil Ill
-eek, le - 0,1 Tll�e Rev. ropntl Iter i. t* go- - _'A d rf
On - baiwt tile a.-;, iT properly fed..1n tit 01,
Je other ill moftland so wilite. w. Illf, 1 11 ithout Irvek' ukla t If M stykt, M vn riety tl1l. Imm t Ili- L111:ri. :-:110CAVA-fill llf)tel Ito' give me '8 FARMERS
listriet I a rge q.,; (loy ti
or @peek It." r fep(i or tile proper ir
V114 tZYNtem 1901 cirlds. tr -1 do you will wo 0
An# J1 _Ile Ill L C4.111VIet KUlt,- ililitatitilIs and
,It. . !, rnu. J o�!it
e lco)ked lit lier eyes-. that er. a corn wid fly illt�ift thtt t every tri,t drunk.
P "Y, -or Jarger, -therp w114 rd 1w. vt.t :.-t, ill, [ILot rl ood, (if. t1jo ;4j.a
I Imix you purchtlisf, i 141-im-Sal. �klnd ind, ir
t I 1 ErooPlyll Vard. i. -
or pat tril%%. ;1." larfl*" ML
beiniing witil I;gllt. be 1-ut orolle, (`P7ltraI'CnAffi41ry,* hu� lialf iltisied tier sweet ijrs-4Alt till a doWn ut mom 10bkimming i.;-Litin 1111"Ices 1-; taking' tilfl a drunk-elli know whert. a man can
f� ..I. � lArt lit'! 8 DAIRYMEN
lVilig t sailor. t rs ago hearing t A k li!�- w of'. roottit, :,Ijltl g* Is fullrk, Ckel give me
As right ? The T4-,trfAL_ take, thefill inik to tho AT I t 1 Wood wati4lelred I I flie, InTorni. al
-kimminir li f4-(]' All feed- D Ills f4pr, 11.1110 oobl ort. ir:' yot1*11- h- t4tton, noarrist t hulm filld 4101(T .1 X 11: 1 If: 41 4-01. 1i lOn 11IJ14 'wa' ominit 0
sprl�lld out It . Ji Ors to
yo), r v. or t-
1, 1) -f 0:1� M
ug walt ind'take t)a(:k their,-lowin Whi %va
nQ n ore- tw) Illuc is �v-aqt t It" (A And their Wives.
ruat, ight, time -4 lth.at tof thp,
t U'vf. (will k with them (JI flie o-Atne' bliul rack -to-. reed i. f It -.all opittill I'Jefid, vaddl, the editor.
olluiving how''t1w T11% CAARAIMIL". k! col me beforit." ,h can eagioly be managed)..cfr' ttake twitrik a'n- equivalent. a!1lol' eive tiny more t.11'a'11 tt Well: are you a Drop us a post card, ind get
acre gt*-4 anotheir," -y - will 0111-0 to 11d_bIiA;I it; ?
'lit ilat et4r. -
milk ol)btatned" from'the general. 3filitary j-burii. J erno zidle u far f- llp(A (Ile fiti-11111W. ree our bouklet or
make iaire ' I Y, %, t: lkl-;.nr4, -At 1mvent
*- ill, tokin -I rl t
tilt *t4 Itick i7i I. till) crClam me
11 t tile ti
yoll,. fvtatiolw' JA then ef kit- y of car, i it, 11.
expeelally t1l.- brpedingi-wlg., ivr#- t iii -y b- Tl jrlit- qurr Whieh r( "INDURATED FIBRIEWME.
veyf4l 16 tM centr. sucked. iii I ltablft, a'% I t)(l Bfiobf4y, f1i5t'l it
Sallillc%l ll.tor,-r l em,*.rimery Vp be. tj-i* I cl,;irriage olf�Ahol�e 8
n`Md_,f!.t4i, butter. 'ne'n(lvocatcs or ttlf*- e' lanilp c-ron ;vIll olit ths- of t!eath' It ii t,p W. 4 Of- o5i06 it" 11111alm.-r,' Ob; Yes, said
& Oki'. ived by a P"i t u: I to, I far hill m6ther, skimming -mg 't" t thylieta '14 tile ,,I ve t , .),1 0 .
Ratisfactory. lit" liou In' 0 It costs nothing, tells allabout 0
wn t--tatif-r.1 pystem tlA.t 1,t w. at, W 9 otkr. ra tp of for 00 Ito town, CohmCfelice hurtm you, dofis it
oluartens t it ii tl*L Lotw over M-turne'd Bobby. it Illy
r rew'(11 country, 'max-ollat4y 9 nde-t
hholls.'s or 'ra' seener An
tTq(*i tlftxl havc for t1rili Iridurated Fibre Pails, Milo,
'a. jf�,
t Tile
I gf.i,,e:L I ' rip. of a nillo or wo IiI-tr,.* t t and, - oi I Y. that hurtw."
A' tO take ?1-4 milk, "and that 11 wre two poi!lt.,4 keep t,f!4. lt..haN (our soft alerial litiew -i " 0 Pans, Dishes an'd eu"erVubs, 0
7he sam#-041 94 -i%-n. 1114- t I file to) Ilich 41i..'tallee I
well. broad -tire w.h*-(+4. Tile lliountti, "the tva.cher
needeo-I for,r tfit slwrt haul li to
A lrs%,�thn Poxie of on' in you
1-4 to) ]lave F, reftla 0 ell
onve4-ler cW'd nnothr-r- 1."i 1p thi-d 1 0 arid will put mon r 0
T hc III-!; wou'd 1-.-c Trquired ft,,r w , th(.dl-.r' fry lle:lier Ys 01' ought to, take me t,) -ill
tlw - trp= Moil me aid rqp
if V&, two great lopak?4 ciait's. Ile tmvL4 fare �r infrom Ation, tl o canitoir. pockets.
oxraftz -o 4101"t b19w itl directly )fi I pr1mitive arranged on :Iptiglll, r,
ft-trut of 11ilm I)Ivf)t,*" to 4. r1ot Usi414* t1wrr, -W &-tving, of exp,_ T'(V Vi l'ilutire horizon. %Vitt;' It lb, 111, titralgl t
y tll#-?iiglltd, Ill failv-y flew. right to h.-Lve it opp-1_._) cylilrilrie'll tlll,4.. it i I J 1, One. mail only is jrcf*0
n one ir4ohali A Alit ve it -so tilenty to ruff thi-4 %"eriaire c1otl!l%
ruiLa nuirlIfT.e. It It**#4 . Of -itins--hine f thi! I)Ujr-: their'na If lie dou"t thrash tli,it )ut
1. w0tiderel wa., the 'worlol n. -anti 1r'ut)1e I"' 1110t own or sidp. Ila tIA;.fq?r12i terrible kel 110
When tfiat-#.!41 lace -w tile merits c.Ill gf%t, into it, :icing thi. sollth, If weall(d). Vf war. -at- Wert; grow, Ito.
111all. 'water f) to fertiliz that wid: Tile
fig and loading
Were a -I! P %V .6f VIP two RYPtemN. the hbklid sepnr- f t fkv- Tuf Ith tend - to t q)r yoll,,, retired Ur. TKI L B. EDDY CO.
t( -,r " and " xklinfifing . istati(yn i Av I ilch title quarryttiou wf, 'a re k) hellirls IP 4,f tell 14igh wil ftre.%k Of here UMITED
Did wiolow wz4lk the. I;%lv-1 901119 tfi, fie fought ntit to figure. I experts have imt C(i alit -P cratvI Ig (ml tlx! vIwt
in tir
THE NC:T "I'C) BI bIg FePara AMR. I th' 111d r1reulmootarce make Imett ft,r.-alle.: t wc*m t tcw -coinpallieo'. were WI e.ir valati vi-. Tlx- quirlil I,.; qutrrie(l by said tilt, Candidate's MULL, CANADA.
Ilia future tli ralryed Irwil a sing - Id t , turli of i1 "'ife, ' do You thlitli your u-imp.jign
_T Tile RhArples clompinly. whoti Ile 1. �- ., . I .� e 414 on Ili( lit exploo4orw
-- flattery f -I wparn harx L 11 and art --treas -g kind ren.j succ(-J&ful
Were raits by FlIfftli ell t fl*p turn I - . urt
)le for t .tI "I'll "I'lother hi�,Iue r, a 1141 lit, fly
P (if it, repilid lie, after figuring for
a voleallo. Often. or tfiree minuWA,oll t
-ith, VIP I w W ace., tlie pla !11 lit- margin
*Were Ags now, 1111triw" It-neer%. witli tile w-parrith* oys- (if. ti nation' atholl I to tile nil 'Ji4 if expelle!j 000C,-, _0 Tliv;4! I k- ImPfltf - .1i;%h 1)
rn&141K 'and -the * Alpim #!e Lavnl'pe6ole it sof 41 Lao 11:114 if, uring lv!r' . was 11--arri-411rom peudicil of :I we spaper, 911 -Mg it's about A Packet of to
luillig-11 , * liietilli� ' I'
wed. are tho Kteh.t -upboldera vd it nat, eilrlf.4L Iii of -a I ecip! reign
PYFteln-!-- Fa riot ng
min -of tile T"te w t I court nd W hen tl:.-It 1,1.ep Wa ru
4104 Ruccessful aIour r of
'; ino for., ti owl -Ing frozW sm-ra tia-illill .;.,ilgllsll 14 10"'Or 11, 1e the most 4)r
Ong bir(lx. tit(- Workman i
the (.A lite lected my wilary dur- STAM
-ned CuJI)rJtt4 f1litt, 1111st, iw ar- f a sm.AnIf 11014 is- drilled --title L-4 get 4knVil Of f i, 'twixt ice wili conl �Vithlll
AIL' Alig turii of.0
l,a rift t'cietY. Th *'Ilk PS FREE
"e all ebm. raigneol at tIlP enormoilH SUM of $22,C,0t),_ Irradful trade." Ild, Lt T,- all satidiaig for a Fekc-
UfLln0t1llVlg 1' :11.1. th,,- --hrar for eo overnment, ha.4 4ltVJfIC4l lt Alars of paypig tilt.
nierlt Tile tai l Iludll t.- I f. itfit iou oln approva amd elm.
Al Ji4 1 till keeli tht'-NAlection wlj(,rp tWcurred." lOo-ing stanip for reply.
rl-.V'Iki flill t lio i..4 4 1 zixjrV- 1,.-()f
_4; , tilt
-ft4.11 Illp 'It 100 all ditrerpet oot&aps
1-11" o, fitr .:I re to Ifertforil gA)QM
fash*Ailp lwljiri am gifl'y I of ind Iliturvii. illt Ainerirn.' Tfw (111.1v LIGHT. 0114 15C. I.W) "Simi talilp
an -if r,l rvinarkatily (.-If dwie tl -titile. t usts
111;Illy roe
The hearU ariod 1)raif)P of '.jt%�entsNt. The [at Ixii Uttd Jukilife ol, 2.31
Did lx)pon eil'fame t1, (it .11, offeripig Tiw dreadful ijuel�y I)f f
6 t I", #
aell"ne' inU.191111 bought at 130
%�Off Up narbl*-. ol i . 6T
_; Ff
I Ile I f lie inn whic!] 'foil
When that )ace -w hncoffllxit�mlon frIrilk14 w1kich . have If Ar (iften hatli no w1ift
*1;4- IV.1111'hur with fe, it A Pf
The niussill ebim and 4.kt4 Av%-ri inhilite hiold-in, .'#'foe. ailinitte at4 el,l;. SIAR STAIP 00.
Y, PAtichi'a' It 4 'IV. I P I I. i t tile niolst flL!1lfollkj is Ill lift- val;. in It, 4' dplw� firt, tilt, i1lA')Uh 'builder4 if' t wlilt of l Celo. nd 11%'4VoAKlt jUpt a Willutc,
Vra too
-irratt Ill Ir A
Reffe-etifts' lcme their -eharm, At- of orth America. Ionia it MAIO from � tilt, very the
tllA face ifjc&x up in.,lj winning uray. al t1wre tit(, -1.700")
t a -witky', diveme9jice opinilud' ar ilp'that ngs-
A harif bc fAi my Pi 0 fixLs of Ill blade . spr i heat THE OFFICLAL GUIDE
:I- 11vc.1.1-know, f-," is tillit-'a foletle- -11, ill, 1.14 amf ing t4V HPIlt it. This r id ob- %el ieAnd light is likt- I flower,
ej u
1-4)ve relMs isupreme to_�y hill-ni -InVeteJr_ taIllf"i -1�,y kite&Illing. t1fe. tlWiM towstructitui of Trojan
-I r3 br, (*Oltllllll at rtst lhuft in f(Ill I
! 00e Lo tliv Kloadyke jolle 1011&rl too ".111nq
We learn b., irre- n4; ;'liut I e 'there 'submitting It- to ' '111"
y rote Ut %vf m,. Rine.
on -1. illr"ure, techilk- Vere Donatelf glot tll(% Nock
lljV**t ig" ress.. into If t. 4; 1our; inarkeL AGENTS_ low In lime. eend OINS
hirgo ef�nkrnt 11oubt, . c:1 113�. IvIlich lw clirli-t-, I cot
The ll-amo, c4d pttm full 'ate 0-stible -it pulss, s 1114� to' took tit it,:* tl I "t from the dark- One over all ol her " Klokidykv licokl� so I
lirep 111-11tO h% A
V -for.in t1a, i-cri,rae
.%iK that ince wpp MI. from Ali? jll(:� J- And Hp, wto made tile hfit)r(%4 ato.t .,thnt t4.mt,. TIP& ifig t -lip _xIle, eoill - t I one for Ills lindep t000* the nf)%% DOLLAR for TWO ()oKpLIgTJj 00plyn
twere .111'et nuL-44 It iii til 0111illitm*'Orthos iere SO -ell file, i_fw,. tnew* ()f
1110-jotoriv '#A Mosm." Fr0,111.1 1, %owfte sainfilem &D(i oret Yotir ilhare ef tift barvmt,
hri, 'W't eritieni other' xul�" lilitk i -;f a 11 ht10 tight; J. L NIC110M St (-0
fihn'of Niew I iromw that of Betivenut
Literary cur.ou.ty. r . I q ift) 'reepht, ithol huge fifock inentiolle..
pr, 4 Y9 (late L ,,& Ithd experk-nCle with tho
111ring all a n -til luenjoirs
Wesley BuiWing, am,@.
wra .1, Ilo"W1111114111 11' r, "ttA4. til thorong ..001 all. Iw, BO It thy tiosk, through 1410 v(v)d
k- r, hr 0 IV ell for
rotigh. the omij, The it Alit- C010116al
41- .14ent toi 75 qwr cent and 'kioule thlZr, - a
Vk it V4 WIL.T.. I otelti J;jm t- Neptune 0 A fit tit'* nati In gram to win I t
sor4%ril to bp -even 'or tll(- whmen.if' wlik-Jf- havii.1 dug' upl which i1w - flow rorfsith�reti unfit utitiolle. of lic # 11t4will of the
fullell , in garb
I&AWI mail. wuar�-.
er . for cLuwd
tlli�'ftlilfiner'.4 art,.Ile carriago, )I Igu
T-11.8filf 94 Into ft)4ueli work am ell" S Orht Florence. Ulb...
ce� () 10 .1 li likc -tile lujilej., wit 11
3- oV;at t tw (')r th "If a hundred different am
If,# 1 ferent wx U
0 11 ro, fillor-, local upplications If i-4 ri u: Y "little valuableliy- illin licaus. ground, lip ng gig
ra ro r re thfly calillot
mnity. _fxf t viyrtion-4 6f t4to Country, 011ight4 tile fie the ("Peftned lkwtiOfl of Lbevar. 91
man ;t that c0llil I 19 %rorlw i 4
li#lm#*A rol -on Any C1 rce If
.rifit's ),lot*- millk rpm-jift4 Uff,111t,lit, atiftill"t who entertabis doubt of the Ital- There. 110 4kylb- one way to cure dear-
1W PA r plfjol-4. glitf!r& IEL) 1111 to.the '1411, Bull beat% I n): wero -Therii 90nulneoemr a ill mulanior. IIA41s, and - haby c0listittitional
rrfw�VCJ Iov 111"Itoll nfterLtll#% or 0-ttre q article of 4064 Tit(- col -I 1)1'
Weary. pkAighounn lit #ln4- wl.l.rf B.Ot'll' of tiltHe of t-1 c,-Iuwud 1).v .Ill if, 618
r thip -1 riamed Condition of thp- mucollm lining
elderly, wi***14 ovelil le Iradev-mlwj may take it to thiD Ines, chill' AITRATrORD. ONT
allC. tilt, I 'Ar6ian rughlur front the IZ
oculpr _oil vkii- I -or drink *purclii-v4LxI front a I
, %V - .4 lu tro x C011M.
.89 ox- turt" "f gm, l6i aul- Iflin Ill wint Congtantlyl or till- J."USL-lelliall
T1 '1014)ugg an, r(
I r V7 ty equally p C11w, In I Tubp.
to f1w vervelw., rnne tu�'proctalni 'i0latk, -or-, W'ili(.l 9ratory aad have it ahalyLZC*1 thl
f'f ' Lt4le 17=-a 11-101 6XIII(lik"I to an& 11 Tilt-
rlsmf4 iP4 hhColn - I tuix.. KPU inflamed you haruin-
t.()W. nnfl,"itY 4y th-Or.headdreffw* May 14pron lit free of ecot. If It I" foluld to'be lidul., palllom% kilieJ lill wo hi 'll Arw-' nl�llkiflg" Thilt brief obw unf I I is ,ild bling td-
mie I tian is. 1W111.110 lifurw tile llu_ NO parwilRA-Mro teratood It. I,; the niazutgem* c wHind or imfivitect liviriiig. 11"j (Irealtris f rep..
omsly I to rplif ctiolt
tit#! --flow ttA- mkist f.vem, dertaket.4 thin -punl_ every faculty deaffif-ris ar. i KLUOTT.
'111AII W. -mm -tw> 10 explain. c ch -re laboratory irlilell ull v warol than enough it ip entirely,clobo,"t
lvaji7. f I*;- 1+113glimiati. wsa r.,r, lit *'fa.11i lk: lling oll our' ,%�oodlaird Men aid I Kx ly f the rcault, and u"JeAq tile innamma-
WlIfni- t lip: mirkink ti - Mack. Intles. it offonfler, witho
thut4s in rudely r vkoVer, lit �'olf tile ut miy tilt- alert, accu-4tonleol to,
f Ical tnetfllolfL, i-atier oi wotidi-r inde&d,- Ito- ca re. or: jliolje�l, further trloublo� to tile -parch llolUillittif! tile t"' r-arl IlIt" take"' Out and thin taw
I wiLrd okon- "wee Lan The rude jorciw ..or nature-- -el
11 is veja I tile. flow. tiffit the blue the oriolu'. tile kerl 'or tratk�.uinan L-4 'liable to lien tie ling qto.t _ restored u) IU norglal --tondition, hear- 8TU'Ntk;� A I Illy I.N
ill -havink lie�m t
V the. t IN Oyxgf -mi i "EK
wear f"o, although the C(xwoi "Vith- th(dr-flitAl May . 'be nIvOenden 41.
Way- - -tilletioltv clt's"- well am linprItAmment, an( vy 'nllp�o I lllt� " ' 1 Iw (10115trOYd forerer ; Itinp THE t4imlil3L tiystem tm*,A
)wer of it)i, V it, -I h1r;I comp(, "191 1 lllli#4trnt,&.l case�s out of-, tell
-#-:ir%l the 111011uh, Ire Will pie I IV not airmilly heconl?� -i.x- j.%) I or no
110d. -by the police flit typi!
afVr to sfitqifft to tf1p 0119 1114 it 10A a, 1kqLiim fir tit, .11 _by law Magazine. catarrii,
1 Pilo 16. kwff ire JJYL ' _ . art' Caused lw wren easy lowwvy;f� lit tretch-
1� fit f tJe 111,110111lie.' When it 6t., tilem 1k�Wa1ll1q"'- wi , to dli,,Olay cun#�pICU01W1y Inr Irts shop b0t -Ili it�- 1011111f, Ill mail , Will, cj4t aV4 Illfl@t
fulthlo". " IWN, 41 a was ntirely w or over I is (to' nanw(l e )I
.we& S1141"i"Khmall plrlt. rc M-Pintle, re 1 4 L Mtt - Indow' I onditiop of tll,. muVIIl" our- rapid ww.tem klxva-11. Uls"t s9y it &rnall part istactory-if it hati, four or a larZ6 pla-
k4: "(1400'VICAOil of
r. t fie, - in!, in thb lmg wlipil th.9 eft"Y. :it --thin rate t, Qretell. Of thae ftiriii -card hearing thel won TEN YKARS IN THril"I'0111.8.
*1k is Is -of alilmaN no 41 ubt If
ad fuU 'Tlff"7Wti"`fI addttM jr. T.
da�, It -hen' tile. Ipbolink'A t;xngled .4dultelration.1i We 'if give 011e hundred (I
"Milk -Ing 4)rfvew ImVins, thop grtmter PIlime imcultail toicinic ol ill rP4 for 8MYTITF, 2C Wellington ntf.4*4. kV t 1, 'xigniffea 6c, and 4outh American 2ridnev ure `L' I Wart It r of -tlw plaineir t 00fied 0 Deafnew (caL,,e4l b.,r tawa.
r (!ur!jig catv(xi. Khyb4 Pass the- Ponds, and Frep,t eAtarrhi U04 catinot Ixb c6urpol Iii-i-mit will Ije' iihav
V gig lirw eew; or inliking. memorij!" or "s 'Mt UIXJqI ..tllb. outs ION of Centre e- it na%- Cittarr vurp
411.* li*! Nem Illyw .1 V 4:1 1 n S i KU a I man 14014. jA it4elld for CENTRAL
lip of' the k6wL44, or letteiv, preoii4lnt. l3rittaft. fildiun froubl6i, -is tit U tNF At F
int oymptit1wfte re
im w;ly tilf., Xeite t? tn. ich a tars' free.� A48 V j6L
6 9 of tile, clalts r t entraiiee . tor TO-
:ier p0e the t4iglL -a rill Thim I th ronto, , E.
0M to th afto-r t4 CO.. Triledii. rOwires students &t Illy time
at nuffer. 311thy of our'-fim.4t beautl- thci 40 kinerivaii
But. It. in y tile , Folig birds T! rat4c 11ritip!, hulin fram thle 1111411111.11, �,F 1413C 'N)ttlp#i Of' t'k. druggsts. 7M.
or, the gla7ldo which I," necemary . not onl luost pronilwlit Of theLie w Afghani.4tan, wIllell #*p- 9- -to curtlif
ie hear. .130 14110rthati& Telegraph -V -Ind Cont -
W. fit] and -interesthivr water fowj.' are r&e turtle. Th re k4 a P lit Asia. This st:ltp I -C �ollly 600 ('u re I Departmen
11V eft ry #�tlxiratifilli tile , it ctalfte-aii4l the emP- Ir' Sol'
living illil n .inated 1 tote . ul I owl of mile,% lonig- and N00 nilit ocun-411 Pills nre the 1w P:lrtieula"
c of stricture and co free. Write W. If P Ile, tho" Tile gravel, �..11arliig guf- th-6 wt-ary 1114 ly tile r de which, faj;Il10Tlej .1 of' only -1gix.:ki road -'Ili tile country'lig that ferd front the
1; 14104(h lil,pinfl-' inlitoltion (>I tile f - nto fo
_ tlle,, fo
iftnt 14troypn.' Rocky headlan* oil our coast, hetta 0 madp iy. til -we conlillillt - ts for over Bitu of Philosoph
iable to. incite it. once lively With thf- by -Ito ifianner'of -car ng, e English front Pushawtir Wit enr& I felt reflof niolist
flick-er of Influmpr- fe un- to.* 'abul.. tile,. t-
_ V � I It Tliere.im thfOugh the (Ill'itely- a[ ( "' Ile a goo I talia-r
1p1#&slgIIn1IllI IPICNI;, XarVay t1iinlim, tlierefore, that atilf. win miktakably �,%Ioex all f r taki threp I A THE mmmo &
weary. way.
go, nre no,_ deterted. . lVind- pllx� -reIjre_'*ntInK_L wlllte �Khyl)4 11asw, thliPitni lot- s -till Ila ve all
milking will #,earcely eve be I-lir Creeks all(I Pedgy shalfows,, that wine stiranit I le, aiit, e route bhich tIP11 - fcIt gre:ltIv iniprov I continuer!
tdi, take tJ*-h* Place -o( heind nd k which WaI4 (Ing 11ale ' 1ndin so ofteli -Ilitm IW thouglit'.,
ilgh I - "nee F!Choed with bird -calls, flow lie coul , 'A I am 11 invaded. by, 'to uf4c.. until I wflf4 so fed wan WSINESS COUNC,
dilliffit&AD, t1w` livin't *hand, ! Amlit. Fort V. and(.-, I I a
Ing; 10 W "brokew only by 'tile hafiia'.. There j&e two large rep- the ltcwdex of, , perfect nred."-Will 11 tile Car. Y
6Y ttritimed - inisid, is f re.- 111.0 re"elitiffir hiefts small Ktolke *rort, oy(;rItx)klng -tile road pew", -fit lillan, anti ear 04 r"O'd Of IuOO*4*W Mults, h^ndwme ms.
f It-, lonelinei (4otr UIC kies are lluilt 0 04"""011"MstreeW Toronto, llkgL-
liff.1ighnian 41� With wings out rp Ilwtaltiff,
4 Wj4y. 110ve whigtle,or a rare nnd f;*ht- If gom dew Jagul
-14 -telk- four mlluFt up tile- pass front .1
T? ovig I in, 11, #!eve;6i) lit youilg etl,. "which, are ximlely carved. - -Ail-Af.unfid W flv� ' -Tainrud. lllrick liged. SHOKTRA.s-1)
WAy 110jollif- 64ch,it 'freer'llop'liv of mAk Uini4 woidlit er- A dark frown Fort Und a JnlIf ndles tile contit-ruc- &Dd CA an —
f1fled,plover.-The- 111untriXtok Am' It WE S10 WIN urmw free. Send for IL
an. I & 1po front
ard P4 in tliln, Mcnfz
often flevur 'ir umm Oulld furthef. up. at a When it Ilian (If SAAftlisolf,
;l1#,uglIlJt;1 4% - Point the pan %-aluo of ff
rt ' ploiloolrol I 16 , n
Tf." nemee,, though 'roughly rred* Is -10 fmt wid,-,l. il if with
1111deft Ily-�Varin Ing. has Noniething of tile, A t e- c U lnoney
wt,ary A Lff I A TORMENTS. tn bnait4 Oil, Toil Ilavp
-'P-e I'll,'Whinfin heWl A I the Dr. AL111ag"a qire&t
Sterling of I; la 4 84 film.
wolm ry lit )Mf'- Thousands Coul Tell the Sam' eircral.*Lr, plato at The Andrew Jackooit reliom at tile Guinim
%%ard wny.. tho, nlost, Ilitectl e Story Pi toill. Tit e, -are Margo
.;--weary ti.f. ttatiom raririe'll oft of tsery That wlllib�m tinvidstn peg with -101W t4tenis, awl dtherif Tonficiisee centennial iRxPCWtlon at- Crok-w-il ... ... .. ... .... It is we" onoualk to litlVe filith aftw torer. No Ili., qr negigglNgna
111kniellmall trips. wily tho Ellieri- tract porkaps inore attClitioR than an Shfiling ill humanity, but. it in 'Uss- 800d 60 IM Arab *INK,
y finigmttint that move "d
ward p(to be. inentall Farin at Ottawit lj� that -by Tells And-Thow4and HavO To -day with idii)rt stenis, W)m6 kA them -eigh other mingle fc&tur6 there. The
Weary, I.ie Profemfw Shutt in -regard to 'tile t40- Maine 11401*1K ing. ". much, I*rhaps, an tell I)oull(Is. col- Napolle.ofl, of J. A.
eward. -* I f ReJoicing Cur6d t large France ... ... 8S,
pitAwhilliall ploorbs. -I'for drinking pur- bY South Ana nun)ber 'of Ithem.Are !ntulo, of walking clancs,.gwords, Fiyv franc,4, of I p"rity (d water Wow lie M swam
arlean Nervizw. a 41a rk, of 1. Pit", sn
Vtisft in our rural lionwa ve-green VtoliN Po U411(mi as uff tx)xM Mdal-4, books, mail- gratic, or Franco 1pif jug I I man 1,%' -be. h, During the f piuf as-glaw,ta'.,l wnno of Al I wisindil- uwripts and minlatures, 0()tnbly 118 1-2 A ('1111,1141an-Pacirlir froni Idu8tord THAT$ Mustard
ilver tf) Australia SUM be
loomewarfl. vlvct Ili i�;ery tor ovor 81110"ll, it I
ne. Yearm, TINLIpr, of $axony ... ...
I-ral. hundred i am an'Llyz6l thrl-146 Months from neuralgin I)f tile er. (MO6 100k I lot Ulf I I k a Sonic likolims of General Bant.4 Annit- Rent 68
w1,1111PIeN of #such water, an
ohiL% analyses gho ixt"'I'llhell. I'llY81clans tfid thpir beatto of tho "trado" pipes,, which wero(lug by him to 0~,ral Jacksmi tllf% ll()Iy I)i1mt, of Austritt, 40- amur-Od fact.- John W. Macka. tim
_NAT1;1tF,. W I liel lit) (fo nibt iiirr-6r inaterially 028 ('611fornia millionai* 11, to Ila
*h0 truly lorovej� & gWkI 0-q)lle1U14iVelY' thILt' much of tilt) wat lllq- - I)ut all attempt14 wero In form. ined constant- 1710rin, f Ani4tria. a
134 PLIWayls er, r o6w Sonth Anieflean "iervine Froll"UM), Clay Ilipe of to-( 1Y by General Jackson Miniature of finget- in Uw pW.
Jay 41MI ould &
(lr Ift&4 IwWd IlIxxi farins for donwatie purp( fl- bl)10 and IlYMfI Imiloks "Dun nv
m",! advertised nnd r ninke a c( lvelfient Homo r the dmt ull -!-Iweai- of
Tf) t*II flow no; and for drinking, ig quite 11 esAOlvotl to try.A. The timolif Mrs. Jackooin, worn by tho ex okloll. of spnin (1")) nfit, for I flr@L bottle gave nie greiLt Miter.. Pipco are, numle of atone of,Cote 03
total lluinl�er or Ha ew and 'COUV, I dex itdrAtil : "JkvtacIM1 gold Five roul4em.,f)r It1win
in phiy 1py ix b6ttle.q r wax Prairkwi. wIllch' tch, bzvedrlotil suit all
Is 'tile itafile 0�4 r tjKe
funk@" 11irl, mcKM in. ,41sell Prolf~)r Shutt, fir ty 'Ply Isa odw may kit a W&Y Per Cont were conikmitletl Illy 44. thim .1readful :11,1011r, tlw AlWonri River. vest Of Glenerju J&ckmml w0ddIW imia. ... ... ... 75
aw. t 1. a u4l DAYbiNtm, ord,- dress fir rx. 1% -of, 11111t ... ... ... . iR:l
a.furtlpr twenty-five lier cen AGF49W OF DWLOMA(,
we Thedf raji Jackoviti, yift! ILY
Ont. -his aximw WMV who was nmrr 7
4"e Plpes,' flowwor are Franc, of
SOLD ad SO*$
IP7 it
paying a t I . .
I witli pp by I rery 1 tm
t ory I iax bM allc#,- of prisomerA cliarg ced to t*ke thle, 01
It uAt ra
ro-1 could be indu or id.
lovodek, th@ ble Offellce8- �A*