Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-24, Page 3-MU iff b1S1J5TJM-b -MANY ISJUTO huhT VALUE), Ulu, jvaj '11, Poings of Moil ft T WAILWo 4" Eltor to Lhe suninli t of bert TO GET KISS -aalr2ln�Mtaln a d4mtance of .0, AMW VOil Bismarck, ILI I as Owl Jlsilrldagi 4.1 Ca w1ey wan -.a&- Alit, At, AL0001 the cream Q#i 0 esL 8011 Of PrW4 hilll�. dead w1jen 10-4 A A066010 floe eo h=t Still belng conducted agaituit tim _17 -7- --71- fm datigerouoly fill." But before they lie ha to ILI&* t ,ress . 10 We to make aiW progress n. b1m, 'the friand3 of Ian Maclaren pro- WINTER BEGIAS A T ly attempting, to say nothing of can be ready to start they receive &a- in t Pbw to rUn him for the exalted I"t of w0mell' at tbf- river -side.. drifts that pile up, from the win&. t, other telegram, saying: "Come. Moth- Witat he find given to tile 1-billiq4all, _111tAierazor of the,111ext- Syllo(l of the I snow starfti may be said to stop er Is dead." The old netchborhood JaUlar, which Wd to hill 6mvi*sioll 1,Ild 87211.*%8 4 PtesbYtertan Church of England. Th furtLer pr(gress over both Dyea and ? Ih,r in the ld farm hGuse to ifo t1w that of Ills housphoid. IA&,q 89 84P very flead of the Church is upoetti thing as a ispell of dry, calin weather fitrniing Fx)n, ain-0 the clec-gymau, and h(A peir -eution &Lg&1xiso. li-a OTS of P("Ibillty of oeelng a movellst at the'6 last offices of respeot, but as that of the fury of thp jewls U their Hundreds of L -old Seekers Will ue Skaguay unles,'i such unprecedented Is Lile Worth Living I U# alld tiw Uli. the mental ba.'ance of m -me Pe'ctarl conies. kIready the indicationg begin the sen�'&tor. and the Qrebant, and way they engaged the irbrtif-,* if it yftLiT. Stuck Tare. tlar lon? the two daughters aaad by the casket mot) ln&de tfp or lewd fiqlowk all IkJL Rc*ebery 6 preparilig to' re- to 1war out the statement made in Xark eater Public Iffe. He luw commenced' tlws3, detpatelieu four weeks ago that of the dead mother, taking a last look were (4ger to capture flaul :111ti jut stablo the traiN tx, Klondike would be mark- or 1'.ftlng thMr l2ttle children to see ilia! to (1q4&,th. mlaking vpcwbes, wid'haK a round of pRopoot EDITION. + once more the face of dear old grand- . -Unlikely 111neu-m %ert- litA neglecti-ti Deppnds Upon the J 01 It Of tv VA2 ADJAN. atitumn er!9agements. Ilis Lordillip. A 99LIEF ed by m1lapsed tents, and the skele-" Talmage Says It All ma, I %viiiiit to ask -that gToup around T�lt a ie Iv eat nt Libeial convVittiou'vIlAteld -Air. 61acistow at - rtuterstome tonx'of the unwa?T and ventur6some.. Taft I ift VW Circuit (A thP &L)�!t" I.Amison A� the oasket one queatian, "Do you rea.Ily ie tell*, of Ilaul's vialt n4 CorluLlt, it ch Friday, with thei view, it izo mug ­ ill W. held aif Math;= M 0el tit Kind of Life You Live. A e 1 g#Aed, of getting the grWltl old man thin)r. her -life was worth khJn- * ity of,drunkards iA City of I'vortion- Ali lithint* rhild tit Mr. Frt4l Fitzger-' Grieob-Tunkirsh Pance 'Concluded and, life for God, a life for others, ael-Ife of - PISSI. Pft Will q'iteata. It naN tht *I'lu-ity iulti. of -Lneatt. iva-,4 drownwil ifi a cis- to sUrt with him on the right road to Congr-altlattollirstuOrdor DEATH IN THE W"i E unselfishness, a useful litfe, a Chrlstiam An African I*Fair" of-thp Roman empire. The peo- sOCUM the sn�pcwt of all factions (it the life. Is alwai-s worth ',Mng. --- An- CliIef Sttrprise' s a Prench Force were ifeeutious lJoJaV)rs. �H &(I paul party. ww/, "r Ill( I would not find it bard to persuade - -Mir Charlm'and Laily Ti;pper Lr- other re ight.on the lutlia.n Frontier twit then. ill him owil 0itreogtil. Ifor 71w correWndeift. oi the i.olidon -of U W. . $age. v"ll that' the por/r lad, Peter Cooper, , i - �musa but th­ gue'vel of JpAug. 114. Var6litin. T nits; at Simki saYs: " Splendid iabis a Discu8sea the makine alue for a living and them ri�e I !at front !Rngland. on tho 1 -Capt. L Overliand �N'ashlngtun, Sopt. 19.-111 Ulm tier- lettei� of acceptance or regrets without It va fallen during 'the Inst few .iayo .-nl-)ffi Itev, Dr. Tahnagok. discusses the aid of a secretary. They buy hervii rentl.% to'+-ci(je it - ��l (*111"Valzo. 1!�ept. 2.U. - It 110s :ome to a amaslaIng a great foc4une un,til he could I miorlit flaw :%r a wide area. expecially in the. their libraries by the square yard, wll.� # wiwkm to withdruwl, liut tt". vn SU4- A -hich' has hiLd siwir izowskt, wIxu I its b, 1 0 11 .1 Routes to the Kloudike. je�ct vitail tu all. and nev,,- . inorle L build a philjamthropy mt J light. that' Luetgert, the allelted W Ito offly anxious to have thr, li:nd�ng R u s - 4erioubly ill In Umdon ft;r somet tinie, Is I, J vian. Us octio hx 10,000 phlanithrop�es all ovel os;wi woulA find way 4 -vel, iti Buell HU.- This nssurori a Nmtiteour4 liar- murd-aror, indulged it; a light I&A .111kely than trow., wiien *the struggle for �Their igillorance Is positively imitch 'be1ter. too tVc r. pos the co.Unt-ry-1 wo Id not find it haxd gr(4w darknim. Kweii liere 11"I ftntngi ;v st. The rain id worill, milliol-ka of Uun, wc-�Ll*h and happlue6a sublime, making English grammar al u u!g&rla 6 1 rt to tho country, aw] a fall of ag, It Uount Lou, Is tie Louzu or, -Bi : choiev frif n.* ail -i ft�ltawprv; if chrimt. ty afternoon with Wm- You to ncvsu&de you that his life was worth TROUBLE AHEAD FOR 'MANY: !i so Klasorbing. The text is James Most disreputable, and yet the fint st fimst shortjy occur..111ilLa %houl I I I . . 0. i 1% . %,;' Neither would I find R hard to am - travelling in 3datiftoba its advertJoing In ices 41 pr::iiuwjr confined in tltv damie tier. Ow _%%'hat is 3-uur Ilfe?" parlors open before them. I ng. E.Delomwagenivilt, and itintr 14: Good mor- &Vnt fur Wa*bburn'm cire". m,- a k4urplus of. Wheat. for. exporta- a chargo of robber,#. 'Thq'- Kingston report mayn: ('apt. A. H. It we leave, to the evojutionis,,.-s lo als and intelligence ar� no4 necessary, versuade yau that the life of Susannah I lv",*,ary tA) tl&* gTowth -of every ex-jsAusage '14ristWi. 141die Jluul lw" ip tkwintfi ti )1; a few inonthA hence, tlie , vrotw �sx wh,-re we came frorn 4nd to the but, wealth or a show of wealth Is We%sley was worth living. She sent out tUr 114 t:o 1, V�1, rwarcity. (�r apillt-s it' ? , 41114nufactuierlyt lamentes-is not -Jue to Le e. Royal A.1111tary, CoUege, who A" gu - Nlillgr rxetvdingly good.*.' theologians to prophesy where we are PosIlively indispensable. It does not One son tolortanise MejLhodisrn slid tht lae wroti, an i-p�Wtle to Uie #Ilurell at ada, Canzwfian buyers are in rheumatism'. as was given ou%.by Iii"l- f0f" WOMe time-palot been investigat- K0 4 1 4-10 make any difference how other, s:on to r!rg - hie, anthems -al) IN~-alointica. Ltammi N*I. gl*s a linrt U 6P9 have left for con- you ot -to, we still 41 P% V-111ML42% &aitruet'ng for the crop. fvtdWxi Truth i��: k gmat lionor wir lanki him guards. but tile feliult Of 1119 tbe� oveiland routz*! 1.0 tile Kloiidike through the ages. I would riot find it (9 it. He, t&lka of Umv wealth of C'd0ration the Importa-nt fact that we Your wealth, Sir JulWi I'.,iwicefoite, Young'b' hurliiip, iiiiii- 1�hck�%:Lrda it*. tilt., 4 If You only got it. The ojn.*a 'veteran.of thf. i reperved for -capacity.. of spej!ial COM n I i*' iAr,.�7 12ere. There may IiL! som-_ doubt best way for you to get Into social nt for t4l. 1"P i-'eorgi,%1 W.&WIr %71,11!11 WaA WIC COII(CrMl OTI JU1y Of 11W ar3l11Z;1. thO 11,11VA-LUU11t, f hard work to peirsuadje you that ht- I t4WI [cme. so abuilda aihou,,; Ligiit Brigaile. 43cNI at Mont- 0 tile. jaii sloner of tll(,, London (Eng.) Daily_ ut wliere -_ e river ris and some Pos!tiOn Is for you to. buy a large life "f FmnC*s Leere was worth 111v - i Is froin Crod, and Ix the atjowWth of -41engum Neporillig to riOor to, wtvv hituis-Ir fri�tn Lh %tion of the I tings. .411plomatle ot Luet (1truitiele, - returited to the City last - Lhe. rlvcr emPt;w, amount of credit. then put your prop- In-, J� sbe earablished in England a tW inner life; thertwifore noiChristiall eal frotai in IL I�Itbt abc-ut -where 4 - ti regUlations lie wou.d retire lit bif; 1 istm. Tho affaW_started it ght. In the Cou but th, twil0po flo the arlien-titic nurr:ng of the C" I p) to bc vtori;iig It I de Mr. 'Fruitic T, t, o allovlO-r, fPI'AIi,.0 I roe of an Interview i ere oan be no doubt', about the erty in your wife's name, have a few r 00 pe" I ITJ,4, 1hut lAyn] SaIW,ury lials extonqW fi-junthy t--cufflo, but . L,metgert tllit- nioriiiiig Capt. Lee said. I I it -ft eia�-t. that we are sallln- on It. So I ani preferred creditors and then make an sick. and theh when t�ltt x%ar broke allyuing e I I �1,6* *I the to" witimt t 4 cre" Exhiltitith groutt'.6 while- at- -ILIO term of office dt %'asIiIngt',()n for saw -taat his oppoiWvt will gcttillg Rillgat.01i on Aug. 5th, going by C. 11. 1 assignment. Then disappear from the Ot gift. Tla inner quiptnew 4if gout tit). *:url)r. v r rt he1ween France and -m-any e ied that e e_y7body asif-i th Ge: en4ting tim'. h li K4110iv- at Nl'alktrton- ITO Tnovitlis. Neithcr IAYrdW Duffer— tht'� 0-tter ;of- him".1te Io.A hI0;AejUWr It -tr,. Victoria, B. U�, and thanee- to -"Is Ufe worth living!" until the breeze is over twe community vvm t to,the front, and with her owin III -hia L Y un , *�enttlLi, All'ashington, tho focus of all '7n mulnen W kienowi b.v a prMAW*_tlle, iii - I It i,.; t-xtk-ete_ ithat Mr. 1). L-Mbo(ly, in; 1711kItt nor Titornfoa obtaitte(l t;tich atittl Im-*an "rualting" him 0 g ts and come back and start !r. the same 9 0 solonst:n 1 ho's unhapp hand- sjczap�ed thb mud off the bo&es d=qI(XW life. -eiT great �6cuii- - -ever. who is (Iti' 1 *111(1* tuscular, "A."anity." ­vtXtL'LI-on businpitz. , DD you r,. -jt Fe�, hc%),- beau- the trenches, ail extension. it to it I.o%% tP-_' excitement over the goltf.'ol'wovm Pays It. Is llo,.' of the soldlem dying in ihe w t, I 1-k�ow 11 evangelist'. will visit ; . I . L Sorvitm, laimi mmwrifi4ae come 1, inuo VA - Montreal itt th initiolle of ne-xt molith. pliment to SIr Jullwi Paunrefote; who caughL his'oppouei.t around t1ke "wabst tbries Jit Alaska. I went. Alf A;Plrit." **no g-jod.­ are his e-st:niate. tifullY that will Put out all the people an(i with N -r weak axm-sitanding one b t .v dhilp to itre in competitioll w-�%h you and n'ght krithe hospital -pushing )lack Iffe of every truly idevotfti (laristian. -es ft. -w.lu! ham prove4l altogt- stliki litvrally httrl�d Itiai tk#ekivardoi *k* Th fact La that Solonion was at one The eity dPc4v% 1 0% agwity aud Dyea In I-C41pally with m� trying to IA*AWM V11. givra a Powt Ut I*U110 IL.t,- tu�. ther the right mmi 'in -%it "Weiall.T. almusr twa-lity reet .4gai'lln't ithe tile IL httgv - C -seekors from 1.1 &polygamist. and that soured, his Make an honest living? 4;6maln solifier. to hio couch. as. all their r4 ill slit a. pop 4hation ro;vtl of gold iA - , A - a Itloit. o0f wife makE�s a man How quickly 1,t will get you into hig fr nz.'�d 43rinth. They - for tile pi�ri!oua epoeh. loarement aittl a bttel door. l,uetg(,,rt -Britis!- Columbia "and - the I'llited I. o's 11 h e Wf)th his wounds, he ruphed tq) ter to tio- 0irie4tiana Wt C 53,lX*,), an crea.-A.'. or I . - - - ha y.._Nlore than line maked 111M social Poshion' What is the use of the door aisndi,-sald, me go. let me well" & litUf% tm%nd in 0 CRY 4 400,(*Af ­d4o his feet isiul-:1111108- 1%5taV�s TI .61 4;ENF.RAU had tc Im- helllo, 40 w trip wa.4 an, exceedingly PZ edrric(: to- hi_,4 eell. The Jail. Iplilsician uiLcolilf able one. I Aept, all thq lx- r tcbeil. 'But Sclomorf-was cronvL-rt- la!flng to or :;Q Years when, you can, zo to my Ikebe mutter," major-gener- i'diftl1it4ultm; a gom III a city cit ih- lich 6i 4k -bat Utaftm i iaiai ort. ed t,.,m pu!yganty to-monoganly, &nil by two.or thir.�e liright. trtr,)k(4Q. make g.back to let pass -th.*s an- Iflu Thv I'aris Nhviicilo.il VOu* Fava. the Itali-An Anibi " Itm says the fall wrenched (.oil(! - 1,01'. tile'! (leek. --as the v * l'i , dls sLamdin' ity. Tile tax-ly trattling, tho forni- -1ren . i�- �#,w r N Ity.be Pawl was crowded IL S, -1 of mereje, �or tm&Ufa. the ocurniou"nX Innuenmu furniih. heap batils ttio' Wa -1ihtXttmi;.,.h:Ls been r0alled. Ile ligallientij o -)f thp tiligh - tO the;,IMt wordisi. ne-eVer wrote. 'as far $,a great fortui-ie? Ah. MY friend ict b� alid.it Jul, filfl) thri tinicto her rapacity. Skag- i:ts - J% q. can 4(ad t h­rn. W�Cre the word i when Yuu really lose yovir money how -Ner"Ah hard work -to <9 a CAY r(c6vers. - YJL __nl4UlJtailj&; Of itil)ie'S." L eriTtett i4lathe olik- hL-4 offiet- for eighteen vearv. -weeks befiwe I -Wbttld I fmnwxm for <161,onreftv fuld it- Way aitd -Dyea, are two bulail 13.1 But Jeremiah c4ulckly.Abey wlW'let You -drop, and Persuade You tbat (3race Darling lived ibRunkanwes, made it hard 'fle woirith,llving-tbe htftrWnp rif -rho ewwMiat."Vit IiM a" #3 _M I a 71tt. 4bff-ciab; 4)" tht. Vaticall * have VASI-�.- utx-)uL three -miles- apart. and rr a bo�ok the highei . You are the irv;. a sayo life Is worth living. I harder you A -ir .%m ou q PArW%l% enicni &I A 11540 . Am 10 k pall -011 Pried&- LoWtxi, '-Sqilt.. LN.J.-Svotland Y"N 1:44 1.114' 'll`rJ Pr ruits, the trail . kiver the buloposed to be doleful and :15 "-ijrlous, wl:l drop. Wel-onut. -You are not wonder!n 71.urv4ay 171k,r*1 c.-Ulart!A.- having Com- lloAt ill *:llvitalll f I rinn qJI g that would mt, (it nwat offarvxf to idolas. frnrtieipaw llow eiideavorilig tu tmee Ne umr(k-r- Uut Pass, -which has' been the tnd sepqichml and entl0ed Lanienla- There are thousands to -day In that thp, Duchees of Northumbcrland came i:I'l-I.irisand , tkii in the Carlist agit4tioll. high road to thC YUkOtL for, M6 ll�afit L10i s. lie plaln!y Isti1nates I h U t jlm realm who are -anxious to keep in It. I - h a Imit OA"inth wam a Ge'aVip ity, and There. tgetei! set er or.. hi tirdorur.4 of %Iojrit.�. von %*A..,- - n 0 Ree eV 04 thsk people of all !arrds wAiLny cd ttai iwmber artnerly ..,hr f,'llglirJL all -I American ret;ldedw cars, ThIs route is ditficWt. bl, As in -are thousands that realm Asked U, her ligh1house, and thiLt ihe &M(WC fAlndoin, tvi-Ove -y P elere �rl a iiaturaliztxl, Aii.4-ricait eiti- thr lGentilem. theim, . . of mereby liv'Ing w in i, li;se i will., of T-riw4t+; :ir4,# ilrotc-sting against the but ittilte practleolik for, determined -anti grand a b1cwwing thial though a. who. are nervous fir fear the- will 1) ro D He t i),r of the Adelphl the-ater' , m , - zell, Itild I'mom 1844;j', to -IS96 Lite .1lint-ri- It . in INLul mimik- tile test 4 their I %cerity Aaw, witili '0 all misfortunes fall oul. of It, 1b oi tho vie v -It coripol-4 all foreigners. 'Sintit MarU,A`olo1ni ute' and some '",.5 %0 gold vekers have C on and there are LQndtm offe-rted her $100 a night just to Am (1&iwti&ns ulKwi thor-ir love W (;rXI. -�-o for ltonir� v i� r3l0'0vl;1l1 at I -Nisnitre-,il tjo, awr%-4� a t(-rm i 'a the eivi� guard.. 'fig on evc-ry year and every month sit In the lifeboat 'Whille mamr� sh.;'I,- but f urUer riai ir st, 49 ;L NlNb:11 oVer It b;jtce huit qirliq- wit'llout aritt he 1&s.no r: -,,ht 10 vqm- 96t Instructed tj t A )rx-!t,r. ()It Augw ..5th tile ilakt 0ct. "th. 'au)-Il'--ery serioue . block. vla*.n. T -he ancient proithe, crit,F ­ut R -d every' hour wbich involve h, -a rl. - wreek,. sceme - wape Le:n- enC�tedr. 1' it c. ft.4!x I iliqlav ill height waC4 I love in tW hcart would ent If all'goldl?s�ekers had gone '.)y this in. -nartling !ntlanadon to a.1 lands -and breaks that are never reported. High .9u:t I know the tho'ug'ht !-n the m5nds - We every 1)4,-' st. if-4`w�plv. lats. rtveival fresli Ins4truem. itniii,&f Itnttiliki in'' tho. TlZanw4 Jti the (file W ftmaWr tLe feelin" of � his N%IIY 11111C,11 of the liardaship colupin-itted tj-) iL.1 eenturles. - ­WheTpfore dob a 20clal Jife Iit constantly -in maj, fluOer- of hundreds of you- to -day. You say v t,., .%gric4iltuo. rt-ig. rjjli.ii4 It is expeenlit" will,-611al4e cillity tof tho 414 41� .4. *_ A: 8- ong a! ­w, ihe zle%cat� quest:ijrt am . to **Whiff, I know all these live(l llv;� 1 brother. Low wouW ejl&bip them to artuitn . , � V. ; of at 1pr(woit- A�oultl hau 'bepli nvor'ti.4d. m"n- I wd)11:141 tig,1140, arlimild All, I t:tyl �4:t.j J'j, 0 f N:it :; I pliel I Mi i itectlit .][Alrd AnIiAburv's e 46 1 whom thev shall le,, ovr c on. A � divc y ..'Un. Ill 'out, t'llit- a.�; :n �nd whnm worth ' LvIng. I don't think iny Ule vervo Glod froni ttip I;Part, aud owvi- two 'wouths agoAt 'Iyam 'But :,some, I h6t.k..tying t1w 414111414 * well W I�Wqlden Unie. Here Js a Young LVY shall 1push out, and th it amt,*un:-z to jnuch." All. my friends, f" tl'-irr fwn fePIIR9'" (jr rigtt for -I 'witiely a.dvertised by intercuttA lrar- , A --eurcjy f.;i0UnietI-_to- the t I-- t1lat iair t -f :Igh� ualr and h1ut;'eYLJ rror against pier whetber-ycm 1:ve it life conspicuous or i 1.6011orl.­ ko. rLwt "3 rl 14, blLd harvest alteetti- §oventeen antl - 11 hen o4 ard gofng on-Pler ml 6LIA-_,n- All th&t omn lx. avo+jol *IUI- 01!. It wer . aild utuch 'ea8ier Salarry 6 - lue and generous tvilri-or.-ehandtHer agalnst chandelier. invorsrjk!u,,us. it, 1i wnrtk I'ving if I out mUWM1niw of Ctr6U&n ohlig&- ian I A 'kl Ie � h6tLyj it- _w.w tlk-larPvt, J .1.' vitietu ant1-1t,,j,�-fe:x ed sdu-hd' digee i fr tit- liat.1 been pWned from !3k-ag-way Jlyajflaiii�ed- and on the .11alf.happ, a3' W!ne g0lar against ivine rellar. ward- -'ve amd I wjuit my next sen- I 64AW 64 tho duty -(d ttlf Chrwtiaiw. 6ilk Nave of I I... or I Im- fel L lielt year. zis tWAr6ught- had livt4t'in tile' W1tt4,r_u ifiotith. mul wh iverAlie -M'hite Pake. The rLq�',;, !VIN n i rabe (1riiotian eNarity im tlw Atli: -ented bovriwr Winter twtor.; 3fli zo Ijev,)me P. iarfntr &ga!nit.' wardrobe, equipage L�,nve- tA go down into the depths of &11 gift JU prev rill tilt, death, vvat� 1*4j. L� . n cornmerrial. fir bettk . ' Jillk_*"�: - during the,pas4 tell 'weeks LnL colerk. Ask agal .04 t tk-kx rjuigulatiou t, 11 a . -N- Aher 1*,fL-:' is .vortii, 1�ving lie Insee-urity dominant In that realm. n,4 acerrfolpg to the greatnem too lackilig in a' life 1.1d Inr!re arei�. hieb hL. is an .1nipart. It 6- Uw. crow that iist equipage. Uncertainty and your sujulf;- You are to be rewarded rt:� % irtue. IV'tbt I'llic-Ustiths ha of you; aad coutnot Thv. polim- eivitcjift xv i tl i hak. lot). �augh I n rawr r, or - 1.6hi r 901(e ii! -the... nt-w -.1frecti - wretchedness enthroned. torture at. 4irk. but aceording to the holy In- witi, 0irist in God.� lAvitpeou VIt1. is ce and siy. the verdWt tif -tht- cootier's jury, von- 1 .11' yqttr , id tht-re a ' uiod- yt:-. yLa.". liere is a man who hai C071le p0i r .%-st ra It! iilll. C-114- and vremium aiid La "Ife not 'I I It' IKXIY _t�l :6 worth ;.ving. (iustries w1th w-hich N -OU employed the the illustriouA U A. C1.1.1 1put: t Aent. 7,OkX) to th A life of sin, a life of pride, a lift, of talndigi you re�ally possesi&Fd. The ma- I rbec4 written upon tLe- %alue I i, the a fortim He Is atthe , of the 'indulgenee, a Iffie of worldliness, a 'U J pack Ultimate hopa- h -M - of ! fte. Evcry itep has LW alidr X0 AL y of the erowns of heavens, wil' Ar IoVe. In it Ig! eil, L r I" )lft two :1,94) AlLi4l. '%'it" -life Jrtjrft um'orat" r*any Per - VW '11 - L'!L till! vightcm-ll 1101�8- s!U'T1t;e iild IL Inviae. Thtb' peo lip hol. devoted to the world, the flesh and"the rut be, x;Ten to ije(vle wRh �+q!n talents, Vions, good ad valuable if aftomimn hZ i - I , 's, 'I t t.Urn o. It - -fill ppliw to, the 4 at ani devil. Is a failure, a dead failure. all formost of them were-Obitipted only i0(i I)Y lore, but titterly wit 'I trgl-r nuth1wr -.1 :%rt e( in- 14 I-etwoelf. ea ajt-. -tic- kiuninilt t4 t1w ltru4ted hve t.Li�7 for irtpr4k-r f() 111CI !*Oy I money he an hont�stly 7niadp'lw Inflnite failure. hout merit e droned. )aw. The sc�vte (ittle of uDpx&mpI0(J th I care not how many to P�rve The vast major- "Op. IA)vt. i$ Taluallli. ill f. v, ll::. . . �4 - . . . . JL.% ly"t tlial bee n c It ca i. out, of presents you send to that cradle or 11i4i--t tii-4:0 5-ngth of the worlsl't; 1,,Prror, wul thero-:s no trail worthy i i &,-% . His r C!rvels are ILv 91. the. crnwp of heaven V�t of* kune.. lie has puo a�petite'. niany garlands you si-nd to' that irrave. I I b C. Li<V1 of life. saijil ho 111allie, clicept that iy1i'ch h T,iL4 i reaclie.1 4.- .1, -4 in I 'A' Ci�y- -lolat sight 4`4 him ilarly iti, the y'rux. 111:1ze.ti ..uut I)y fleatl a1L1lilall,, 1�iles o� i"J, the' foo he does -t at *does ji'ot wL You need to put light. under the inarne, 4zh, em 'to %%bo had one talent.' oil exclitsive % of 180,440 but guye 'A 401 lo God. and re-memher ne this inscription: irive I :*.t t.!'* lot J.; A. fie- -hall zemi-Set -t srim,114ate. . Fort3� m1les.c-CAmbing up the Un'.* the toinbsu, me" thAt thOY nifty appear Uli 'I Pf b4inuartne Of - this taggage, -ilid tJio* curw.*' (d : Ila, vou r life heri W introductory to rTAt I:y "Bet n Ilicir forvmit dpfeit* of tku I glou-s I 1.'u qx- Ima., 1.1764,790 inilvt� ,' A s i'a, Sui- hill'of life. have.been to Mai I-kr,-c'!,nb-- ter for that rpitn If he had nelver ana-her. It In the veiptibulp to a pal - 441 n ,-I ix-tt d Itien. ing the atterhorn. and thiere are 44) LVCn borri." mine. Lmawoa IX. give@ an aqc0u,11 W r;L ry Nit-Groviordatv, wjtom,� lit, c;4!t_i-4 -are are.' but. who despi"., tbe drior of a la4ly, .11111 _nit. and. Uiere"Is More nmi'.4s yet to go 4own.and -descent is But I shall uprxiar In cloi aqrx)unt t a t t felm r t#- v. it Jpro W- iloarthug lid Phow You a life that 4 217,471 lll!&X!ry t4D '-tJJC MIUKt"' JUJ* �M �tlle worth living. A oung-man s:ay 1weamse there are grain4`w p 111*4e mil nit alw*irs inre d4ngerou than ascent. - r, t 'ijluLrU%� nifflJolf. tlollars The, totKU, -ji-xiltini"t 144t. Fri,121. - S: gtoees wilthin? Your Life kf riglitly readiing. The (car w#t, tiot w) S lail"K. Skagway tiall titan to . tlip #�l 6,51 u4re. AP'k him whetht-r' life Is ortly Iivinjr., am hery I an) not responsfb:e for iny much that their mligitni vwpuld Ia. -hor jwrtioits of tl ancestry' is the firm I)ar of n oterna tc and- will dilawl ut'!n shiv_�qliog ilnil. Othcr* I Ora - 1, 111 i'liristiall 4*),1* Dellimi:rk- .11. uf? in most ot P. deeJoled that. 1 aM d who. despilsee :he fIrst note 0"#rthMWT1, a$ thilt 4,f"r bU0411leM announct-vi, 1"is slir- erth. The rcm ;N b! 6t fly cuor- not respon4ilde for my tem rament. r: aim _WA I While thott te 0ek %ould perLmli. This .4 Fer wrimits aecideni.. PP tif Iiaydn's ynipholesl Arid the life ke proof #iat the Itkim'Al t 114t N 4XI IllelthVill, W41P w- tir- -Ilmowltlers, inouittaill. no. ho:- God gave me that. But here I aln. in 1101, emdUcting btV4lww0)r (;oK!. U1 t ?,k naa 1. -tip ili� staireakk.- Iradinit to till' the evening of the ill Lou ive now ip all thf, mort, worth �vlr, oLiorme-t lo, t hc wheat er( autt the' al- 110'W*are yce to neteenth century, W., �c, if-.' t f(tr t ro'". III elao tlwr eould have apWaled W Min pzly': You wi.: at twenty yt-ars of age. 11ving hemuae oji!pns .1-nt�, ar Itfe, tha,t *it e(Alktan't ra!n n -I now Ji 'ie rl-,htewsly t'nd intellige a 4 1r, Si�uiid. fell, mert- I am here, shall mund tho.last IFbter of rQr Pr`44eUcXl. 7%e main t hey We". (Ind'ilie oame m4n vaell', l'a"L - and IF must take an' account of stoe Ho It in -,'Iti 1ll')utJ,&. a It. A 1:), wksl-� emplilia,ZC Plie.1mod W tyranill- aF an erwl*.V wat, it t , "o thf wm-4 Is 'he first letter 'of if "th, ir foi *�.,. Ne%% " Onotwors4l wI2 lrently iezintoed. in., .;n his opl.nksh frow dW.L . n -J41 Here I have a,body which -is a divinel' 4y.whr T! palv- frotu tho. blow jt.� intensti, Cott) i iv r I y it) lead thum to ice,,4nd If he be Neq mercur- constructed enginei I must put &in #&it KlnR.1'.,%t--u4 fibliged -44): rvturn h4ll. '41j! ji-WCOW11'. in !A -ib) lxx-iml e rlv�uee of - ont" tlx aiserai It tr inlwrltax�ee Incorruptible i I t a th'.14 trall 11' !'1 his. tenilparament -It * w I depend th e vrY best t2ses; and 1, must allow r hats, ill. fits _tll I ch w;Ly th' whW nothing to d' flLad anti tbAt fadeth not a f vast very much aij %vh e amage tb!s rart-st of I#ake 1knItnet, only 40 L ttwitutlic 'Itim. WhiCh lie IXV1ieVt"14 ever re4 he ivtnd blpiv.- rrwli chinery. Two feet, - and ,:hey r, at, SUNDA S "M 00 Ldo. Generu0ty L4 a t-baracterip-tir 1)f the �blo�Ws. If t ma - A id even tdi6v" Oat (-f' th-e King of nd 111"1*k of -Wai. � 4; It W.1-4 :n he locOmation; two eye;x. asid 1he)- me 11 (1riAlam. It e4iriel" the miul'amd on- hk trl. uorth4,eL*t and ask .1i" I whip -- �Lro,. with Fay "Yes," dn,d* if it lj'.,,w froln'th- capacity to pick out my own way;- t% fodit, I Saturay it will IN- tulble to tt 1AVOIX1111 X 6 Paul P �Vmivan- koka f!"r tile 1.1liers t xL t, l.krg- Ik. Al,f rdi, tro?h tha 'cottage t., U16 Klcvkl!ke thiA year,apthe 41ft tJr (�IAXvrlled ifil'. hiamacre f -an -northi-ast ari-d y* -)u ask h:,-".hv say ears. and they arc- telephones. of com- IAtkml tio t1w rimthe t i - - w1itter has alreally set n. -fit INTIMPMATIONAL LNERSON PLO. X111. K&cvdrxiln for their liberal gir$0 too tile I t..nLl-,d ron, ftilicia at Ur*ce- Ilriti-41; ill'which A4allegcxlthat Guhlejmuppe flow a'r'e. we the -,i ta L�,A I - m4nication with all the Outside world. 'ell Inti I %%,],at ive., I I L* Ute,fate f the"o tho, w r Sup- and they mean lrallacity to catch sweet 4SEPTEMBER 26. IBM. niurtler4,41 hs, Makin Thorn U_ quesLion- rlKhteuual5- Poomr brothren in Jerusalow, %%-It(, ans e ed? of P: t nx. In f mieii, tnd e�en "11V it eat music and the voices of friendship, WPM JOWN. In CbdA there ion neither .4 tTt. .11r4, 1 -4: it 'I tirtop Al rt.- Sack.'.'The Lst is of oAll a]! nations to'qtth�2. plaster a m- U tw; d!*4wlijA t4) A"011)m --- 406J611 the 10119 convt,titian' on eutern or,wette ry best music! a tongue, with - nor (hvitllee, but (1wipt 1" &11 and 0!N of if. 1pa,-L-� rul the 'f lunte, J.4 i4tat Je ideihile Twil Wrt- 6 1. - 1, - rv- rn the ve ye�,, Itevie"..-.4kew 16: 22-41; 17: U.3. 23 la all. ;(lit, r lite tru:, - iman featu*e- r at :munp u U,; terrible re all thaoe who are %.it .-alffiost 'infinity of 4rticulation. t- t -f t! e*r nl, I J�i t. layelti JrOwr,.. I... t tlit-ir IvMk:^ w-*-rii dispi out il f 11 32 34; 19: 1. t little girl lyingr come or rrstst� an !,i-ro- It was f6milf It,.. rk ul, .4ii'.lte to predic -h -e _nY`A hands with"Which to wel' The gul&-txwt, to the traveUer. is a IL )le t for fftw 0 f fftrn' th ye and a': t!ior f _t r #,,iri The third tit tht­ (-,hie& water t t1 (N U 4fig kupiwet(41 cA J�ymtericm. 11%ere - th.,� negafve Say or lift or Smite 0 ok .4 who are In r wave or bless- Wt v&Juat)le t n(I I 'of hands to help myself thing. He depe" up" 1-14 he w- aft; f6lifid t pai r of 4 old ov(-r-L iu� doubt Lhat Ute dpftfll Whi"L' re and li'elp others p1m. -Ampililm!iA, Apolloukt, 'rhoq" the direction railwi fr"-" it, W leati ho w I - li..'11thly bua I- 116 14vt tiltg Itf, life ro4I froili 'Pold, nta�%-&_VOIL Mid sucide Lhoosida v� oud %Tfiwer In the Hen-- is a world which after 6.(M 0filieft, 114'h1u, 11Wwalla, Corinth. I-'.I)Iie- Lilm to fits desired dewunk�tkm, JAmmoll t Nl(intmaij rt -vo - -if t lut tht- Will 1w, n. �tly kvig cote Uofore. Ute afflftnallve..':bere wod!d, he-inore m.- years of hattling with tempest and ac- Iri)ttaire sprIng. rile liertdor, tht- owner oT - the FW., Mace;lfxlia, Mil-etus. Versono-Ilaul, 1.44 Ir C.; i L014- ft ot it, @_ X I - ' 1111 OW (A P&U I't nxist wt-onderf u I rail . Luke, nmothy, Romans, Philip - Called t* the coro_aer'#4 offilt- wit a -Jt 1-4 fmlxx;,dble to rin4i wo linn*s whd wou!d answer in the negu- cident is still grander than any nrcht-- &Dd M(]Pt chnering %vrlUugw TIw *t" 41g 0114)Ugll t4l COJUI#�Jlln. Ulf- Jl4Vt'(AM and .4 the grealeff*.-nuin- tect. human angelic. could have P Illy vem 4q)progdaivii ;frt)lll t kl or tiefir Yapopitijr, itl th,'Aisirijr4. bil-r. Whoi, . have -,,5rr' - and iWAitrlui ­ drafted. I have two lamps to jig lijvw Jailer will family, Jows, eoul, I i4knitify tile earpet v (rW 0 n- ht Rovum Church wMW Gus of tile Ih(JVt in)- Trii4�.' Ths) lintivi14 pipe6 ltielk,hwl beevitt"'If.,ft iii the rot- or :jitjert*te,I rtifti who ay- and, 16roublo the me, a golden lanip and a silver lamp--& Gre*41A, Atheniatw, Dionymius, Dn- POrt4ult I)odle*. of (1&rbPt1ajiP. anot, like hig up �a the iinaginationP4 of Lim- peo- t9ge by UtjOr- occupants, prior, to its The &As -x( -r I i4ha'.1 i,e d!ff(,r- golde"n lamp --#,t on the sapphire man- marin, a, 1"risleilla, Justus. Cris- OlhWg, WAS SUIJWt tk) gAt&n'P &W&Ulta. :topr is! lhav'iti­ been rimte :nrijig Upin tAi. itui4aNter -1 to-'Marthb 'Thornr�. ent from ei*,.hLr an.1"YeI.,it wil.," com- 10 of the day. a silver lartiv set on the '11,11: AtUr a clotir w-tting forth 4 the due, 4Jt-4trtPv_ili* s, 4;enti", ThOmealonian lian I to -j, roach the g tileir iA iiiiiidjer of inft, under the directichn, ly t ­b get t1X;,r Itefore tlwy ni. ivi !tpe'f - to al: - whii liq;ur tn­ t jet mantel of the ni�ght. Yea. I have ('ohilthian ('hlurch, , Demetriuot triuco of Cbriatimijky in tlw� lwec*Kl� ltr -.,fartin- 0`1111 top . t . *day as Iffie. right answer. If yl -u that at twenty years of age which de- kalw F.Phe- 4 ( oroner -mlirt. I regant - the whAv s ing �Vhaptoras, Paul Item makew a prals- WgUll :L bearel, -A , 1:fAw-ven tJ* rnt-. "Ti Nfe wiirih Mi-swer. fl" all Inventory -of valuables-ij ,;out. tite, fui enL 'Lle4l] aPP1W&tkm to the (71irk4iaiw- at il� La:, fit it dyntflt ers, tray* on ihe Uf with capacity to efioo irf thpir IX*4,ih1e4' of finding. other 1P:Lrt,,.*f)f thp UP se or reject. to C01ilJueutary-J@t,*,on 1. givem tile ac- Wme of he ways in Whkb thW might 14ir Wilrrid Lairrior on Wild Ithe preg" ot the, llac:fie Cattat, Wi roultife.". rejoice or to suffer. to love O^o hat_ th� 2 easv A or 'tile hewk itoelf. Ill -remrk tba C(milt Of I'Aulo beginning as m6wion- fu'n' t'w rv"'Mu"IN 0( the guitpel t u r4 1. t4 antliversam -ea says ry. Ile hwl Silan, Luke wmi Tlmoj- stiolemn wairtilr4p f"M Paul W0 re�_ 01vtobo-r .741. ind I;tll, Shall "Ile of a tiley 14avo uTwrupul4..tW1y combInwil to in +. h rcr. place. I t a IM? Plato says it is, immortal. -Sen( Le of KIh y (*.:%.I [to. ell �111 citizens plL-Ji. the xx)-at for ll -it is !%vorlh. ro-!-of gkit-re ni-ney gctOrg L-4 a It is iramortal. Confue CAOFNW pUl-lie charactox, in wbl 'u s &" Is 'm - thy f(.Pr hW comigillionm ill the wttrk XIL, in flip faimWell t I: ei - t I i rne. I Stcli-khol mo %ta.-4 bril-' ('airo. 4-4, ow truth N 4,vvc r et as mortal. Ali old book attiong the fl�nl__ n elders. He pre- i0ill be invited V) gardlems fa e f cnim, wi. W exim rt, ':i�rivt_-o I -r re, m -11 r Y -)u . W" Till- pot;mst fly relies -a boo -athern cover 111114A17. Paul had mtro&W &<ktlqm k llaptly deecrate I and the ere* or thiD ccnvAxIuenc#m- ' T1v. uo�ii airt. k ith 'It faiced life WILMItwo.u) them 4y a re - y -Lr - Aht� out and pages almost With otlip- herf _'firnin ham of rlijiirse. jig lb . K0141(41 'P:P in � this- ctpur.,r m1:4 -on.- lmmit worn ilitelloTt, an -I fervent love forijoula. v bp W of the pwt. Then CA.4me uw fire- % . 1. . lt#rv'4v4t, an4l t Ivaist :$d.tX)0,0(X) mot ii rs grinder abliterated by oft perusa!-Jollls tbe a I of T:oronto,._wa, dpoutatf- 4L-4 file. sufwieloli�; 't' [Ili IWBA lKilitable for the leaAier. Silas 9 . -bave m ted to ran !litfy yr4t.4 4n tht. W.rt-eta-ofNcw Vork,)�.- n.r.,6k- dther b(;oks iii saying I am immortal.- 7eaJ0um alul p(moessed prophetic cb4]W w1l1ch 'to c lm't them- ed t3m wit'll. 'the. wirn rfiAi and thp W%Wk theLy Wem to dt), suid tlie W.114 I I have SO years for a lifetlm�, Go y i i10 I WY I FL%. A I fm -n raipe tle Yukon. Nfore Jim opent ':yn who Li so angiofis'*_� LY'S that lie.-wam va able, as one hich if ears CifttA manner In whirli ihey wetv 40 1 t. in�uro-t !ied. as th­se mo-ri lof'tol up for'- yet to live. I may not live an hour. (I'liCk W One alwAA1. U k was a anJ44C the 1*4)ple. T11th King caties 4,11 In i4teamixgit fare*4. -in all one th. I 'Stikl*e4UUK but, then, I niust lay out my j)Jans.in- I whol;tr. a doctor' j' . L41 I t4 fet-4 Fte t 14,41t. *,un#, -q year ter 5,,*1, in _SL I r 6 U-1 fouallwat-, tll�) gol4f­yet ti*keti"out of 06 Mon- nd hig I i ly -cultured. in zovornment in joatinvnt telligently for a lohg life. Sixty -arr. Tiiw)t.jiy waN a bl6cks. , You added to the twenty I have alread ti:111, able U) teAtify to the young 'that yL YOU1119, P. RC S urs. r. -w i i i t*�, Ing Ot it Ky.. olike, mul 0.9 far,it Tax cost ov r 10. houlzvq, In w'bolle c't� n JAhatlellt 14 t. i-: lift; 000,000 oll -ext&et h.tiout $2,0000n ttow region. I have inveRti- ought ta 01�6 them Qunip when they lived -that. will I)rit%g me to go. I must Ulf, "Ivatkni of JeNum vt as iiuiteit td) I from t I Le n4Par the flr�; bell nng. You ought. t*o 'remember that. these SO 5-cafs arle o CANXIBALSO QUEER ACTI, above figures ery dusely,' it'--thelr xcitement when. 3 a brief preface to -the five j6undrCd, Tlieir fint c(xivertw in 11fors, from ilainniirfe.4t. t liq gate4l tl.v r% tly Uped by Wiiunlpeaj i!-roning W141 Iave lw4uti-; reliablo Informa -h 't quintiUmns f CtirTbi! fit 11tilippi, A. 1). were EhIUM&tiSM PoMgneD .1iorthernmost town f on 'Nor- un, hPnh - eyplodfs.' You ou I � 0 see thousand millions of i:Ydia and her libmwhold. I,fvw)ii T1. I ) 1 tion a,-; t6 tho nifidut of gold tak loroposed -years -which will be my hier res!dence �way. -6-iys -F. shil -'nlketi ihe!r agitdtinn when tharo 43 - out, IM41'. tho t Their and exjstent-t�. tP16, ui% of the. atiger of jthe Imk)ple A t 15W %1'4X_d-4 .111 firg; alt -s that aii- a reffqrtnation in NOW, I understand my Orel Ih the - tar!ff. Aatistics in Regard to the Practice IW6,uglit . therf- tliv ti 19e011 St6141 iArill'it the mimeotonariem. while they EIPOSUre to Electric LiPTE-L bUtement that. a onitth,aticw 11.10 NV -1i 1 lwarixt in tle prrai lv)ut Uaia.of nerves, iremble I*,k­' hi]rp. si-iv4s, but pportunitL-s and 'in), responsibilitics. r ffu, n, lmttc!l from sic in the read If there is any tieing in the untv U-11"re 'yet 411 1111lippi. l3veaulo, Paul, forrue4i 4) f -tat the f.L' t. 41huit and tijarreL-4 of ittigg*vta are ridi- 'no mui erse ol Eabing Hurnan Flesh. all ill (wus" name, cast out a iievii front elilous exaggeration.4. fit tlw courw he rej)orts front XN K,,retvt and all heneficent who can y 106 Llst "In ill I a youlig h" never had nir cow;ectictu with fl( my. Jnveatigatioliw -1 IAV4� Inter- morning with. cone-rnment, that- hell) a man in such juncture. I want Piave -girl, the ownerm werr SUCCESS OF THE TREAVRENT view ed -r of the most threatens parAlys!s or 4popklxy, 'or, him. The old� book found among th a1wr in gettiLig t1lem Jarge. n0mix Y, abd -tw put into prL44mi. BUt the mim4onariew atrus ortIry o� tho returrico wid'su&� n,,re pTo6wbIy-. they have a telegraph family reUcs tells me there ir- a God - r. t ron. 61 A RELIGIOUS CERE1110iff I& "4u, mijuma, ayid they ar , P u ora telepht-rne In Ove.'r owli builse. so and that for tho ake of his k lyrnyeI 1111141 0414ig in tjheir (lark cell, Vetvrsburg an iiwititution tor t1o, (11tx)41' - I natii- - - -ript.�recejitlly t1Lct)vurv%i in tv 4A 4allng t!.at 'there. is. n9th- evrry breath. of 'ehansfe in Jesus, lie ill give help to a man. To I wheit mWit"ly all eartliguakf' burlit trratnumt, of ria-eumatisia nio tite 1Wlg11,,(pr11#XAI (d.. U.1inp givem 'theinuoliek niarket- Thre di-sease of av- Ilini I appal. God help nie! Ifere I 01wn Uw doom, and loopened il vital- ing In the- sittintion 4n the interl-*,ting informat"i In regi" 'to k fif-m) J.un11u'.itI,)n has Paten inL,,),-: them­eat- have 60 years yet to do for myself and clizlillb. 111L jw�ok lie vxlx*ure to the rayiii Pr,. aefng, !mtn, a Klontliko to' Jutify tlip, preioent ex - T ta e t iler, aull mo nd Jut!9V oil Into their- hear*., Into' the!r lungs. to do for oths-r-9. I 'must develop this' frightoetist III) L Itt (xf UA �ctric are light, and �'he, me - I e as Vor thoiami.d4 of yearv, Ithaca, -nt. Nine of-vvcry toen who de- al.out W 6^111tai of twtivig� buinian f1sewh pre- listliry cidi� V ij go flo-re, must fa6ip lm(lat -eet- ul hini they tl.4xi Is bgid to have J&Aen pr- -f-e-m4r 44 1 ftl: 4 �t4t.- I W, inti, ther s1leen. -.into #h�lr liveri. Into body by all industries, by all gymnas- kill Ilimmelf, I)II rf-, 4tended vs v lcmtl. In Vain ries. by all sunshine, by.all fresh air. Wenk all ther 74ton le jaile� and aami tho adk)ining couti- friend., Cie fit this i tain this 4)VIntment,, all(] tLe rbk of Wyse,i by all good habits. wit.l. grrat huemus. lqh,- JW0*tA-)r (A Chcmists have h and this soul I ma i n body. and they t�ay it* Is 04) must ha�e swept -lind garnished and H_ Licher, who ri�rvnt- t . 711C okojwt, however, wzw nutj to- State, lot- L 'jeonstitutioi �he hun'a tiAll illlgtitUilon, Dr. RortovJkJ,1 remnt- IV pi:.)moter,: jtk;xtroying thetr U from lit.; faillilY ZrLl, vod. Lemon I Wy hunger, but ra,01(4 to I , vivior the stirff-rpi. I(x-s. For .it the tit-rribip hardship" rd tho a -,so mucil luminated and giorifled by all tha tLI U,hti uF Viat timl. rompany went (al to %%ere twoo yvarA eTo inagrim! . so mucli Line. dea in IY contrilotited &it n�mint of lVid W-elL ill 11(*j- i all %rhi) think tif going I eanrif)t on. !I ­#-nt to, a i, ild for all we k0ipw tio tim- cod-, Ilealth. kh'llit ate 'of ' tastflum. Chr:s- can do for It and all that I 4 -an get f y chlor, If some reach J[Affi UW o hi� too' kxongly,' Stay t home. Silm flari ehernist would analyse one of God to do for It. It shall be a Lux- or throe Kabbaths, audwinw tlxxi of treatm-nat U) a St fluttersl%irg 40 is cotifint-f. wiT 11;a trary the reniiaing 1xPrtiom,of thi?' half :.I tit.. tr(Ae. fuld. '.t w, urn from %lapIka. I have Won these financal, behemoth%. ho 'wout embourg of fine pictures. It shall be W(411P Hav&J. ' From Qe ' is -lily ret re they we-Ot Jounial, which has Well tran.lated wil: -I*- taken top # )b- "ies wcre imatf-ei witli I)ecortift' ttilolghL t tj;:it timl� 1hat :lp - Could making a tA)ur of tLo Kootenay gold find lie Is made up �,f coplitf ii)d g6ld ali orchestra of grand harmonies. It U) Berea, and foui3d peo)ple wlin stulioltiI int E limb bi a London "ledical ta n her not liv(-. For.the Unit; 14 beft-Ith fill-, fielllt,4, al -W) 111 the interesto of the Daily and A;ver anA Vn� andAead' anb c0a'l shall he a palace for God and ri-hte-- thi, IM&L fOr theinimelvem, and mimiy e% mr aingfie ... induced to makv QmW -lara. If. LIlW;lt'1`l"*1lit, Taking 't4&v w. a l4ut .;it the vild lle�lfitll an' how wro oavied. Lemmi IN'. aobaorvj%tiolls loy tIAe &t&t.(=p other ' MToitietp.; nii4i here the outlook 1.4 a n d i roTf. That 's not -a life k;rth ousn�jss to reip in. I w0nder t!.,. viv virt-cv.;.or !w. nity4t 1pr�pmii4ng. , Both tlw gollf - There -are' o- ny e rth- many k nd words I can uttcr in the ds Paul _al -in- big Nvinct t 0 r1ra 11 A Uiens it t ery at I knowti Ito left 110 oth -I will try. I won& -r Iterijlti,- .-tt4le1w 'Was it great city of wim is nx-ttical officer to woo' -r A.%pp al o, Lritaiii" nd nNit anli:teq.A4.jgJP#t, rc- 4fies: ye.�steril.ty'-It clock. i4liver mining Industrim I -aye t1wre quakes in 11. too m4ny aLg6nies In 1-*. next G .'years? 4n, how many good deeds I can do, in the learning ut wtiolly giv otlt-r %i -r. fpfi-- 1pfic-uis. while prepar- 4 IN, 0 1 C D E I -wttlxf 'down to a permanent pay- t6o any perditions In It. They huiA IaXgre iron works. that he haod nutleed ing f,.r. n -ntertninnie'nt fm tf.e -13tb ft Vy *yet llln*�elf t4) btudY tile 10Y Ing bapli,, an<f I know of no fl next 60 years'! I will try. on to ido he introiluetion ()f tile C114-l9y of anthropopfiagy, and ho waft 441 more heir nestles. nd they ol)en their p' Ood -help Them ul iWeachod to-40TV t1lP tem of ctectric welding tl*re IL&d ept." 210._14- ture galleries. an4 Wey Gummon priina met r0l nd fractured Lek wxkl III p(*04emitill IllOveral utl*r " %% promiFtincr ror ths% pril-flent, capitaliRt." Wkw I mAN I, Iling Uiem of title min of woo- iinnounevil -to-day tliattlyact. donnas- and they offer evork Induce- That young man enters life. He 'a kCilkligiA1010. lie told tiubm of the one a notalAe dimigution in t1se num- aokl,a. lin, I ut time of the ac-�- eoivally rw-itinrkatile f4cts. For exam e ery wat red t4eve44 Mid Turki-y twe ineh:-f`q*r_�ha`pp_!nesq.to corne and Ilv? buffeked. lie ds tried, he is lWrplexed. A I)pr of ca* of rie-unIatidni, tic*ralgia, eldt-n' flg�,t-d J.L..,p 1-i 1wr hand, plt'.', �," f4N1rrf4I t I t f v f I ""T 16 1411 lAvooki Il'. telis of Ilatli'm ex DON, 'Er'lVE, YOURSEI-F LIABL'K atf ly exting,44hed, P"T"�0110 who eat 1111naul fic"fl,tweilt wKitild, alld till, tfillL,44 is id. k%*ar tbere0. Lut happiness will not come.- rave opens on this side. and a gra% e' migraint,, aild ollser nervous Alimeamb wl,lich ww Mrtun. y They "vd footmanned rid postillontA opens tin that side. He falls. but he in ('Pritlth, a very wick"d &M(W9 It Le workrvit, which. lie at- t*10* rlon;_Wiltienm,� uligl!t .1lawt I#*n domb- wJt!i the objwt i,f Lcnioring the ToaTwenty-Dollar Fine New Govern- .qulpage - t6� bring her. She will not rises again. lle ge-ts iint a h0rd hat- Itonian ity. lie found old friendp tribuW ijo 'tle beneficial eqwt of mi- rf- d ' Uw i r good tail- i - iflitary and naVal commonflors. an of mcuring paeut hegulat4ollid.. -e ge there. Aquila id Vriwilla, allot Jiv4%d tle electric light. In order U) 1wing %rili, and UltLm 01)t1lining 1`4 -r themselves gL_!)f t1w4'tirclix-an ,�lAiTC1911 r!tlt- _to their door. .. They -sed, princely - tl'e. but h ts the. vitory. The main -p ati li(� - iaz-4tL� conit6' - , $he 'Ili 'q6t take t1wir arm.' course of his We Is In the right d�jrer- d0v at( Ilurk twitfAct happhwv in tfu c�(ljjigratul. -41 8111t:i1i kimill jl1W The. in.% nil all- epcill't. w timm' mak"g 1"'U' All'o' thw8liw"title agent withill tile - next .epine eon -v make t'hplr gateway triumphal, Lion.' He bleases�eveerybody he comes -Maxinw 1 -1 Suflf 1.4 the custoin of the Thilleinixt, ehision Qf lx�aev. 11411111cf-iiiplit. the purport of -whIch is Th Irw eaell 44aN)at1l. Silap; tind Tjini- reacl, ()f ("inary latielita, I)r Koz- (,I*. 4-f t!!P, m4k4t 64-41 Ulf-?) al"ollir-A rchf­. She -wIll n6t rde under 11hem.- In contacot-wfth. G4d forgives his mis- and brought lovaski fittli-,kd u,,o conamIting rooms, FIGHT AT SOMA.- lot ' I A.S flikell 'IA Of the .%U.4tralhL?1 U1111 SO(Mth ca rr- They. set C-4 g4lden thron& lwf . ore�'-.a -taken and makes everlasting record of 150 tl'JLt "ol' (4buld 9i',_0 all witi, a suitlAo plant fr pmJucJtLg al -ti 10e Xvrtlk- ,A crican aborigiimi4. "I"he Thifwtaiw OuLdwur, Sept. 20.-A(lvies from b? golden plate. She turns -away' from ?tie holy endeavor- to prmw I i i 6g. dt,&f Puddehly at-JiL,4 '44 , IoPKJ . and 4� the close 'Lof Trouble ekictric &rc. W CVP-(-IAIIY w(wit, V) m- liangii may' that tribt.*-mell on, uet. They", ca11 6 hpr froni 11 vakp #41 T111IM43Y flight. 1)4_ tutwt i . i4'-iiituJry %enri-m -.-of . he hanq' bt God says to him: ")Wll done d 'Lrl**, aw'he l4t, the ewitill gyns0- I - (to ki lit r.;4 Time p&tielit is placed at a Ive, religious t4-renumip -hilL ay r attjwkeil.-- n flying tiphp1_4ttJerPd � baleony. She will: , , s,%% the Tfairst.l. 1, -t n 0, qnd faithful sprvant. Enter 0 guguo, and preaclitilil to the tance re A wis'ply ktifavii no sow of %t J4,14.141dl- oiof Mie -I.: Ini gNte (Nmitilep five feet from the light Ic ft�'agstt, ?r flritiah,�rliolw; - at c. failure of 10Y of thy Lord." y brother. lily ffi-- IthO li(MIW (d' A Illal& W11080,11aillp t4jetflid by blue mptvtaclem uxi Isi) by %�ore going oil. collinlyt Legish pro- ftJ4 tiige Jopint i4tivek com. will) havo' hall 'Irge. 3- tpr. I do not care whether th&- man waii JlWtus. Patil i4t&y*d thero olw gerom of C&rtlbo&rd, it,: 'ing.,-r I � -., aii4i 64 Avho,#e'reretitly amfit" d4v not hfvtltatA-� to no- figliting lasted two) hotir.-;. esaintillors curing the tilt t p.. Mark y.!u. thim Is iW.rN-ffa_pPf)VtmrMt to lirloition Ili the 4 -al �ieir Iftrents, nd In defenee of llriti4j, It** coiL%IXte(l (tf j)lily twit nifln rti, fit _etaum� 1(4 of gl:es at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.. or -80 ye 4 am o f. jios r wW -a I ta if rich an tlli'4 Itet it is provided that. ",ever lAstft U - is a aperture is cut to alittw tl.�. light ul -"u inu C) ire. You camn chisel -right uiitlt-.r his. part tit Ilaul'o letW xvrittm tO, tlip ir tx"luct tlwy -inaititain thattlits killo-41 nd f4mr nien ounde4l. y !it t.akv-1-nto i n- it' Indian PeprtTilent at Rattlfor;t -orl--orated.1ky r under' millorn0on. that the vast majority of lli&jiNe on te tombstone these' w6rds: W 44 fall 4 ni the affert,rd'regioll of t lie body. 4 1 ivill thuA RVO Mori Itapipily and fit( RELILS, FOR STARVING' th OW witbiwity t f au ner of thi- Lflg- t h"e who inake "he ddmfnant- 4dea -of life was w r living." yet, in ('orinth. It written to (Iu&rtr-ry of a tn'inutoot to two minute%. mrt rnwray. I a1mrx-li t tit 6 eKixwPd for from three - 'I) .14TATE.,-4. UntiLrio, which . flow 'or UrL.nn,ni- y getting Vtll far sliort. of af-, km4d tt - bills of New Hamps I IT t. al igether 9re , cv)mfortably in tho fu ur6 life. In awleInt tim(v certain Ne I Nnother txg 'Lal find at (.*rippia t prim to .1.4t (lity - 4of It Is- %:stlwated tha only hire ; n iiwtruct thettl 11I)OUt UK' -timtrivw At the time thp latWnt f 10 a &;IWt1t invariably. ate Ueir deceased U. S. G ovlE rn m. e n t May sen Hiiilp. f 'tf)Ut olden tilrnes there ltiots a mother. Th�;e tim, remt ee o a tLWO. 0UJ friermim an -ti relativijo, am. they c(mold- 3traonde'd 001d Seekerr-. carrlei; (bit of a hundred. business irrection, for st),lie had tr"i 4�a tioll ut Igrat, til(lugil tht tpm- pur1m*::lj -ir -trvii- havi- anything worithy are six childrem in the hausehold-four having: Kiliff the - namle loove and two girls. S'm&14 farm. Very -1r",d0wIv4V the (1irimt1ruip. IA%wM Pwature is never raio^l 1114) Ulan t?Lat it w4mlol b,-- monstroun. 'k0.-7-,Fl1woj for t I' tA' man who-Jilpeinds hi N If. iiw t&6mj front Ilaul'o l-ttor to four -FaIsrenhelt 0i*rees xvi re the to g-Ang to the I I Otoig tA) ha�wf them over to tire ten- ie estrrying joii of w1l;ch t conj_* rouch. hard'iwork to ooax a living out ta V vfm 4 tJ:f Nt ncoorporaipM undpr �-fe t ''one dominatit.1dea at H 6hurch. wiliell fic ligIA fulls on the skill, tmt inothing- I h the of It Mi-ghty tug to make the two oevAwr tie mi-rcies-of the w wtJi .%niprl-' pany .-nillght tw I r(Ae frmn EP116sud fi%'(� Yearm later. nxwwe 4ui t i I I x f fit 11 u t All e&nlli- 'fra(Ung And thI4 ne.t.- shall (ya Or bafore 'itte -Int itanclal aWUm1iIat!o,n,.spe-nds a life-_n'o­ Lvids 4)f 'he year meet. The boys go to s i i *Qrth livina. and wok the farm in A. 1). 7,7. to tmeli tile wami, VVI" Itching und ti11gtJl4X a t4 jur bowever, are not 'actuat4Q41 14 1%"tre. ILiid- 4L-iY 6f 'trake losit at' Ile. w rou. ALI v id n thp Idea of n w:Ti4e! rp G. '13. 11. howard hav suqh lule�elfiwhl motiv*;- .%ccor'W"g to iL ieJuil ('udahy, of ('111engo, arriveol It'.4umilit, !6 worldly approval. If stimmer. in,. thc!! Journal -'do* lietus that rip dominant' In a man's life, he spirit. Mother is the chief pregidii;44 h6w they p1louitl pr&ctiep felt and tiar ak6i bloom red em dp here yei4terday..Tliey came -,It the' utifl(-r (.4th, Ainwing With hoer hands she knKs all -dsqial. IAVOMI A titc, w(mi4er- Sonio I or* [at _r 1,&nlation -nod. I; misel-Able.. Every foue -years the 4N do e tk-*q 14tt4w prt fwr nui rannithal:-# eat humall f1mil. wttlr 44*8Metary 'ro , -stockings for the Iltlit- feet, ad I"atil wrotolv it Owur'4, la,%tig (or lwti or thrpe upec if he th e ful cliapt(-r (*I lo% ti. 4Avk3ct ut. obtaining -direct - bene- . . �, n1-1. Iwo, m9st unfortunated men In this 'Air -T, w&Y-) tA) -wlth- sh Is the mantua maker for the booys, Ad? the Uorinthian elturcli. it -d it is days. t!Wt,, "ar4l t *#]Ufr A At* timm-pby. - ThtL4 we are tokl U4 Ofl rout,..try, are thp two -men' nominated filldrA l'aul at. In tAO , 4N)'Am- Of thr*0 moulths Dr. qtJ forlthob'presl4ency. The reservoIrs of Them Is only one mu.RkW. 'Inwtrument E pl"us. - 0 r0a I M mtrflie far -w n per cvtit. of theia, 'eat the How, and she W the mWlinei for the girls. our guid^. lAp_.w a; It. iric 'haltx I. -f -e(Alegruf4l, 1.4 oft, wiltHiig relief Fzdpplie-4 to, tile 'the, :�olupjitity owas Itteor-, abV . ?e and- diatribe nd malediction N%Aicre lie 111,41 ilis Imadquar- K040vski I.aF tripatim! ue 111N t at&lwart warrkwlf Who fall In natient& aw.f (!Iggerw hav In In the house ­,the spinnimor wheel. The ten, IuritW his thiro inimsi(mary tojur. -in 13 t TO Y-twip 04aa. i-ittellertit tho CI' ttiv act ktaffilhIP14 mucli cradually flit Up, gallon a ove gallon, '0 Invetitigniflivi . ntpw' I*ing, e teral ct tow I work. Jncre&4 11 lelat cor. g' hozshead above hogshea(l, and about -n. tAqiN how atirread t1mv 1XV10- by t1op el-vtrir flight. There were 4�ight Ron MT w shf,ukl . the od its vewY plal but R to always tt41rown courage, and.that they by. Uopt. Ilay, - lic i0he arill. Where. the! It A. offleo of. th#' (om- midsu wi-11 Provided. The w1inters a' WaMlington' liar T, Oil miner these two reservoLrs will re very pie wrim In that city. Iwalum paul Caaw of sciatica, aft ()f %vq,icb re eat deawl ctlildr(m, With the object 01 11"lly. I.- gitflat4ld.. he brimming full, and a hose will be (,old. tout are kept out by thme blahkets pr()&cjm%1 �110 %.&y (It life. allot ti,liputs- erftl; four of neuritolu +iels,11ty n9t hout the, Indiana fia Kdol RW1WU'rVm.`to 1w 14M,1041ry- 1rJJJ'E Ay#1 �irj IIA14fax dry doek, uipler' The. -intiount' .6f'. tithorl" atthched*to each one. and It will play th4s ?wow -'ring their . Icat youth. 14 ecretary, ke� mal,il- t1utt ivAhing: Rhe quilted. Oil Sunday, when ahe ed their idol-n-wortithip. Diwis, was stated), tvrn of wMeli reeovehxi: IL upon V;� K their 9vildow. Thip wlftm in. A. 1). (K). of eli-onir rIK-umatim, 14 thrflough religioun mo.- r' JUMUt. of 'stock -au�bmerllwd -.)r will have to stand it and take the I'mul's talk tob thp (jor- rtvoveml, aild U,ree of turajwWo. teii Imw eent. _vat their near- 4!etermined -A n -t F 0 away an these nomlnees, and th amwars ion the vIllag-e church. her cht!- eat. velativ ey dron around her. the min1vter looks of wl .110thbig W011141 file Ontil a kidrt had It dawo and in m-mirided of the Bible de- am iv , biukee they 1"w tlitw to nocape f, ken# % fria"' 0aptain , Ray., 1111ifl, up buse. and the falsehood, and the inthian church 4Uout lwing kitad to' rrocovered. In m(,st th4' atifl,11201.4- Wnt mcei*cxf seriDtion of it-glo-iod housewife. "Her J wrath- of -the gcmiis. loro five Tf rar!i�ature, and the anathema, and Will tAiier churehnu. They wp or. .1latter Im emlilxx"I. to to no*,at thereoft. children arine up and call her blemed: rp thra, or four sittlr** ptodue"j all nju mll tl6eatlae they (.1ty, Thi, i -and the filth and -cent. Pat human flf ORTIOm timoi� ratfied this his tg. fature or each J11nd of. liusi-. the catOrwatiling. her husband idso. and prompt In that duty and I ro -a t N, #,,rn ' in. this inanner W puniAli thrwe the.v will be rolled rolled oc-, 111%4, on If and ' ho pr.-deeth to (im I rwi c4i0ratiOn of timp pain. They w#re t�on_ liPCtol- 1wi:4% alwmt tho;-. mitfolle ok Iriltell: U11% company10 etupoweriii her." n PnU)1l&a�isPtIie tinued at il'Uu-vals Of tl~ cw four %tl4km they, are cating. r, and over in it until "they are tp�e4irFy int: IWIVIULt kind or kirldst j a re, car r led on I i i - Oij tarlo,*! ngu- tot*r Ali vilportant ihatter ulyon nv( -go by, a roiDnt for miwh Mrther iw- choked and suhmerged an -1 stra Some yeas _d the ld- 41"Y Of IrfrI119 tO G -aine. lAqeml dAYs, &rc0rdftW to tlj6 ambunt of .t I L igatin In dirmtJoin, wh.'ell **-cretary -%Iger o4weially de-' 1'IkteJ,,, and at every sign or returning Pst boys want a collegiate, educallion. -XT. iP takiwi froin Pat&l'n lettAw too the lCutanoxxim Irritation, but t1pe UvW rl rly thrr-4- iiiefilth.' v4t . I "d. mireti. Ute opinkm' -I)efault 14 tlli-'4 i"'Ilufti8llqd by ft and the houselsold e6onomi-es are se- RomaTi clitirell, wilich, llfb wrotefrc 411umbor ct mittingv never exepsdM & oqtt 111iflor!.. I who know r. Petrie ar(') con-, ajmi.Cu#IaJiy wax tile revadbility.fif i jtenatty ol' $20 a 4Ny. m.d $2() a da verer. rt:- a, y lot%omotive AtNI 4mignol to Pac nager, meere- from, ocean to ocean. And yet there and unti of Wiwrs.. . Wft )uqness they will be- barked at "ll .'AUAird 4listriet, 1, 4.*' r t that 114' will In the -near future Um tby 411 the.hounds Qf political parties and tho. calculatbons 0irinth. Ths, church at Rome WAP It ix "tirl)atpq t 1;Sj fver waiiy inore ­eQUEJI-v, interest-' I those two boys get their ed- all Important one. 1put toonip error% 4 �tl ije r matertnI over 6b ic--. Tills' tary, a gent, travel li-r '4,r wilesilialt for are.a hundred men to -day struggling' one ucation there.is a hard battle for futti,cropt, IR,'Wid PaIll wanWd to A Hundrod-Year-Old Advertleemont ha -4 I*eh !it suem-'sSful ti,peration', 11 (lily upon Which lie transgeta lit for the pfivilege, and "here are thous- brmd. One of these boys enters the eorrpr-t tlkpm 'at (Widje. IAVM01J XII. The roilwing lip I&km from t1W Ontarb)'busince.4 fqr s4th -colilpally. university. 9tands In a pulp:t wid(ly te 1 hit (if Uie *WgIng mnil*4 In . WIW"l1l4tn 1i&I ands of men wha are helping thpin In nwotilw witil tlW "FNMkot Of Wit; or Sportsman** Hall," f rt 00 f, 0 1 to ) fr a i.; 4r*0-%"*Vv on Tr*A it! i-nfluentlal and preaches rlght�ousn e tlw* mins-r4 low4to ita adap'tability to thin work intlu-. th Oruggle. Now, that Is not a lif em' 0:4"4 (11 tlbP I'WwSiall chureh. 0n for Maj, 1793 of the t4portir#& Magn- n% a I I I All. Or-, r,%). - .1 1.etti-r firvIing i--; rc-Imorted fr;ijq M e" I t1 te See re tA'ry Vp �e The' -1te. -1.4. Itlooel, M. D.; .coullty worth ving. Ynii can get slandered Judg-ment and tetmper&-nee. and thous- him wn.v to Jerusi&len lie ptnpplitld at* aim ar.4900 ill 1V.%eJ%4. � 11eve It -Cartfer, writes'; "I have find do during hbs mifntv eesed. dettig. thirty-sevM nillft froill fl) 'ititL-rior diotrieta. c of Ontario and nilght be--. put land, abuse4 cheaper than that. Tako an try sLTe bl rTTAUX. into) practi6al opera- JAcque&p so The other I&d who giot he- ('urloUs Advertiommmit.--ple 1`03ow- f-M. pry 9 owil .4 e" comWrAble experkince with Dr. lev- It an a smaller sca!e. Do not be the collegimte ItC to improve pricei for Von in Alaska vJuould relief noni. ur :a . m 01110, wW sent f or thp Ndpra to Mowt bg Is exalrU copied f rcm & Imountry supply (if 11jolicy tw- lw i ry. TI repre 'QuI keuro' and have always' bitlau-s to havp whole reservoIr education goes Into the law nd thectice ewa 10 sentatIvem 44 em found Mto Legoislative halls, amd after awhile him them -tic irp 41w- I:Ivf!r Nile -4ig:it4xI a rolte4 over on you. paw: JLt 11cintreal eoj.1tf11uuj in advarim of Uie . tradling com;paiiy had exanAned ii Purprit4bigly effective, "Wanted, for a mober family, a man c-li,p, r Iliall kof I.n00 Pervi,41i itiftintty and 4lok, ]And. Toronto Joriblo-root relwwt all drawlmg of title sle(l ailt ork- fully, writin (111roeti(xim were, olmerved, nut What you ee In the matter of lie commands-110tentng senates an he IlRAC"I AT, 8UJtVFy. I had Ita W Of light weIgnt. wim) fe&,-� tigp 1orii klimtributi(r (of - inem- the several claimm of Ito author. -It re- himh political preferment you see In makes a Plea for the down-4rodde Ditillo (bril­ction 1,4 authorit. %, L ItPIPIL, . geoOral hikK briefly explaitie(I to * tjw. hen r 44 etwuly rotin4l whPn fir, -61 f -it. 111011*01111141NP. of every community In the struggle for amd the outosimt. One of the younger G(ml direetm Ifis work. He fe, r#_*pcmW- &nd Can drive a pair of I*xvw. Ile wit, IVI . 't I . to The Nova ScOtlacrop Imrs preient. It jo , tjw op*jon Ilove" pain In an Incredibly 9]Wt time. WbAt lor called soc!al position. Tens of boys becomes a merchant, startIng at 14e. for reAultg. Fle dkmg NIVA oeftalanwly wait &.1 it mic onspany to exploi t ed ripples wlll*bo (xily-(.olic*..(ivarteram--tAlat t1ley. mjgllt Le fenidble -for'. tjie For rheamatimm, pain in 'the back, thousand' the foot ot the ladder. but climbinC on tell Him vervantq wli.v He not alwayli to bomtholod prayer, s of people �trying to getinto r region waA reeenily imganl" IA6,4% w tbut Cd famt year. Th#4*p"--pur1x,r*- ecRiteillptated Mdep or eliest, iq)rpwl '"(44dekeue" directo thum km*1 aftor the fln that rcalm. and they are under terrIfic UP Untill his success and hdA philan- bq1t leftyerll t,lem to ow His Wp K" am read a Chapter $n t1w lineit (w cA)tt4)n, as for hurne, 4n over tension: What is aryclal position? It throplcm art- recogntsed all over the do vlp in tile muet. God wH 111" &t Irm tk-1 rpach -m r.-,% f, ;.Imt "hipmilu fit timl.wr WINTER SWERPS DOWN. witJt cotton 1,atting, or evm paper, remIts. Paul urderstaoil mor" I ng, &Dd i4 Is a dlMeult thing to define, but we land. The otheir- soon i9tays a home be- tile 1101y odhMew I uuw- e4luippof expWitioll totbe Ant rmall. Ther6 wer iptwbng�m f A (juartrr'Wlv(-A ut; the beginning man& ,eyk over WhIch plit a bandage to keep all, all know what It Is. Good morals cause he Drefers f&rmkng life, and then ObW on fly Lieut' -Col. Doniiiie, who v1slorst inarket, at St. John. . ly bb. He ffmrww fill I n" IM nd Hundi bo &k C& Spirit's leadings. ter &Dd m,"f1imn In all lswf emn- will le"PI kd trOW the Dominion. or Gold -Seek# rs are Snow- In place and proytoct the clothing. Many and. Intelligence are not necessary, he thinks he will he able t e re It he mn draw hair. aft F It OIPVP14C of Cajiaoln flapt wee ; C-(,ollipar"d wit), boOnd at 'Dyes. work 118 ft 1111mil0nary. Thp - *,D!* L phyrefailm will not preocribo, or allow but wealth, or a show of wealth, Is of fat.her and mother whett, thery gett Podmis, and play at cribege, tke own 30, the.previnum wt*11k +I- in tIle um of ordinary plaston4, am w) many absolutely Jndlspensabl�. There are old. "Oly (J"t vrdw 09 burcm0ful ageney p.stairsflam!d Fret;erie, the rA)uJon- an Francilwo,. ept. '20.-A "pecial agnmisble. N. B. -He muA kx* be rMfiftit of tile New York TImf*, ft- �OAF A90, 22' two yeary ago, 11,nd W the Call front Hal Hoffman, dated f them C.(Mtnlll tx4ladwuna and co- men to* day as notorious for their Ilb- Of the two dughters. when the war to hinder film front making titist&km r&MIIW nit rtinism as the night I broke out e went throug wtth tile maidmwv N" :etontrmW. with 'W sa nit, and sometimes theme drugn may famous for PART' III action hrlisga eartfdn vj(�_ t", fhalh ShCOM rehel V10 �Wjl* artfele lit Vie Paily VhrvNiieJe* I in tbP, lik-0 'Juneau. Selit. 13tle, yo: The firNt On h the hos- tory, == a* ivwk of. 1993. - Bank cliltrinpri, H n wept over he, alworNyl by the t4y8tein and call*) Its darkness'who move in what Is D&WA of Pittsburg Liunding nd For- Paul and fnias wtwp rm% in ,li.."aing the promPecto of fanflne'-in at RDow torm of Uo) seamo of spirit. and be thouki be Indafed 40 9 -WMnfpe*, HILMIlt-011, Toronto, Niont- tio'mountalf, last niielit, which toone called high social position. Theri are tress Monroe, cheering up the lwivAm for the WOW they had donp for inty of Cork wxl textifyIn t06 . I serioup diffturbailoes. Plamters made dying Halifax,-. hundreds of out and out rakes In and the homesick, and taklang the I"t w&lk ft tto thorliq PAIM Of t" iverval alarm ledrt t lie fain' ine Of "41-. and St. John, N. B., Indication tfat the ilame 'thing im 'Qui Acure" have been recl(mmended, American society whose names are 't FlRvP-WiPl- 11nm1l"FAI"d Of ful evil epirit. IN&M. IF) gvf�fa year." xp"inW to $122.164,00') la*4t wmk. likely tx) occur at any time and'con- a.4 twhig entirely free from anything mentioned among the distinguished melliftwe to Modred for away. go that WIN 110W Itbey vWig and I repetated Queen has lift - tiv) n t#Aa! mliglitly.' In eXCM4 Of nat or tinut- Indefinitely. Hmall boats 'which whirli could pcmlbly injum even a every time Christ tl)ought of her He prayed while alitit in a dark cell and i!Pchled ti thi previon4 week, �Imit very a"ivpd here to -day from Skaguay re, child, and no plaFiter riamovm pain too guests at the great levees. They a -Ad as of old. "Te same is My wister chained. Their fAlth lievor wavere. Kince ri" a" Anbw. 4 tnd nd#Irrow.!.,4 received . IJyr Her larger tfuui that -one. ye4lir ago. havp annexed all the known vices and And mothew." The other d&u9bter has evei., In mob peril, "d 0nd interposed The 'Womme Wh we nWd' to didtftr- ugtile occasion of ii. -r- Dift- Poirt that on(^v fell one and it hnIf are longing for other worlds of dIA,- a brlgh,t home of her 'own. and In the for them by an eanhqu&ke. and giiisio 11tw wimm 40d w4ra 01 shall be 0ared uipon ex- The Age o' In,% 6�,tto_n. "(14mgratulat6- a*,* (J4 mmiji I" eaute Good morals ae afternoon. the fortnoon havink beem T U."o-%is bile WW k foet (leeP (mi ftaguay trail. This bolism to conquer. hrought thm tile -#AhP� Imperial Institute. In twins I not necessary In many of the exalted of vil. Ritks-,-My back is il,4*4t hroken. be made on that trail by the stagger- Twin boys"' AlTall circles of soclety. X"s tl* prmeeds of the meam that Nrther pr(VTe�w cannot ed tte younir -fatlierL' IM's deoted to her household, she Tito gos1*1 of Jews Christ answen oil ttw ot is mume for Nelther is intelligence necessary. forth to hunt up the Mck and to en. the wh(*- dentand of the old Time&- jam a riv U t who congratulailons, on your oalary?" ropurage the d4scouraged, leavingomilqA atent "eriptures. Gohig from PI UK* In & 10t 4 Of A# be given to.the 11rinee r. B. -What lbave y(.0 fg-ell lit1rig? Ing t1i"Mallft and that th( ti4it I Xrw B. -Trying t4o fix wome tif our You find In that realm men who would ion WUIPL land ment of winter quarters must be be- amited tje cifice eyn1c. "You. bet. 14n amd bened-lot all alonc the way. one hundred mi es to Tits— wre lie emm labor-savlmg macltkwry w) it will 9= ijulckly w1amm not already tinder going to name one from an adjec- But one day thare start flv* tele. Paul and Ills I be IL" wwk tO 1110P ShO 110r- wWk. for my rich uncle tive if they met it a hundred times CONNPLny untokled the marked 111mls Min the vIllage tor theso fiv* same doetride to ft great company of fruit ~ abo al ow - way. TLO snow w . III render It almost &ad tl;D oflier for my wife% rich uncle.14 In e day, nd who could nat write a Lb"% 04ft- ftYlug: �"C*014- XOther JOWL in a spiWdid Ums beiv-0 IL *-ad&0wr1W t =t till n e a a er�O �-n \nl e n ci; r L f -taw& of