Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-24, Page 2W I -VI jv= rrbAuujs--muT51l hubx -01%lb,: Jkt JAW -7- tuiA Elt or 0 Soo Ott �Rft Mors r But before they ilreachist to iv dajigrusly MI." wommi, at th" river -4de 4, can he read)- to st&rt t�g recitive an- A R!j Moth- tiuLt he had given to bet --- espocia other telegr&M.. SAYIng: $Riker, which led to IIJA emn OF 10M care )to gives Ilia 18lieOP and cat le- -Aed the Gmteral's attmitio�;, er Is dead." The old nalighborhood I L .. - I t P(�*El 1ple t -END OF THE WORL 0 irather in the old ftx= bouse to dj) tile that tit Itio housi-hold.. They (to I ut littlo' damage to the griOW- arge black to respecit, but a That 0! tile fury of this jew croM wjiile tiley i10 them inuc Late Gossip lee F. 1311th -last OMces of I lly their destruction. of; 11-lbectsc Benjamin -v and liot perw-cution against. I mlod I* #gtantji HUjWtrarmin- �x)n, aind tnt- clec yrnan. 09 416 AMONG TEum" POETS', ro of Flve Forke." UW I Wi y lid ru stand by tbt- caAket mob Made tip cof lewd f the gramhoppers sen&tor. aA2d the merchant, and way they eugaged the il attitude that more cwpocially whole fields 11 it Come With the Great Comet --Of tbe-- big letters ws-melx� I it wrte "t a iqwial cow - 4e which . fre y irnowli ILo%% mfe..two-daughte of grain. quently t . tootroy And goo-Inow (ml fie dead motheIr. tALkIng a last look wpz(- cager to captre I 'muired for thib The Muse in all Moods— i�l crutubtud hard pfLjing their 11fle children io see lliftl to t"tb. iu November, 1899? Round W -erc ordInsjry explails- Grave and Gay. ix),ilod cVgti for, the first week; for the the face of dear old grand Unlikely placeb on eldere Iswbee m0re AGRICFLT1lT11E- seconti. aild Invatt crumlls with thopped ------ A balvt dr Morm 1 went to ask -that gTouP around ij� tile, circuit (pr tj tin (tile Centre, k. . A.- = - - ��VINMUKI" cation, "Do you really tel6. of paul'i, ft a IL AWD in Florida, Talor (ounty, fur U'- eask�t one qu lJove ti le Hoot croplo ta* jxAasilt froin the par"ley and'onions; for t1w third feed 'nse life of, CjeoMc- Saxton, brother th 11v -Ing" A cit.v of 1jr1lilkards -, elty 4 The Girl I Left Behind X*- i six monthti, %orking quietly in renink her lIft was wor Wlie-ti, & nuut in' aud pocluti majiurCm are required in the broad and vegetab"only; tifter PROF. FALB THINKS I I T WILL, bur- a.life of -at4. It wr frian the front ),(�- that substitute moioWtled illeal, bcdlml of Urw.AKcKjnley, its being matW tioctiolw. A I*rty of eigLAAlell I,,, f,,r Ood. a life for others. M und Of III ltrnesome since I crome-A the hiii, turn -. but mme of thede er4,,qv, like 1 4eifishrk(cm, a useful ijife, a ChrietieW aI*I especially millet. of Which Fair" of the IttAunit emP kAk 140 face, for the densome by 'a Cihton %-,-omaii wlx) is well axmed, vLsIted tLeir camp, aA ple i And o'er the moor nd valley tat(*K inangelo uid turliltw have the font]. is a�lwayz worth 1'ving- 6. muell ittom young turko aro, very t V hearL fill But Aragp, the Astonomer, Sayti Thers determined to mairy'or kill 1-1111. aSter otrippliW tbr pr,�=Iiero, ga would not find it hard to persuae lieet, tlikent hilit of t1w. w -l -Fal e4- i1ell heavy tlioWhta in. IX)%ver of gntharing. tltW inineral froul Fifty or more turkeyA call Ike ratisci "E; tree C of er ince parting with my SallY. 01 most farm@ ev4kry year.without ever is One Chance In 281.000,000 mo at them a tkvae of "birch bark," and 01 that 4he p000r I'd, Pet4eT COOP - an)- emusa but t1w 011 lit -tte- rallWay statl( & living a0d thee l ig). &.Contact 117 the Head of tile Meteor (A tLem a partial coat of tar ajad fecln Irive for 1,0 1* 10,441 1701141. teek no more the fine�aitkl gay. the inwAuido foill f thin 0111stanoce, vo llffll we Jin, stfuKlr- by InWing w4tat it. tilkes to keep thein ; at us., w.1.1ch MA*b rved are known by tierp. 711ey tlim eacorted them L"Ing A gre&tffortuile ulutil he pould For each does but remind ino. t1tat t liLs elecient ViUl 1)�-. eoiwi�rved' is 19 a rd I t Would be Very LAWAstro ae se 11vab JWW" to Ith or powerful niui+- Thankmgiving t4ine they will bring bad ;Ovay ru%turtiltig the tops jigil tlier waste tje pictum-, c( a t- cd knife ani'l fork tiae limits of the county add amsur4q tt philamthropy which h. ,x.i would find wit y rcm back) arp edinul- ,.jw sift the hourti did P, -wrt hxw t 1' t] 'ellouch ready cwdi, to, buy the winter projesmor Full), of.Vimira, announces oppiisite the naji2e of the place. tlem?tliat if tljey were IjeajW froicho in 10,000 philanothropies all ovel -ka, 110y W dit I It f1w effecto t t heir %Vitli the girt I left liellilut Ille. pt tlw'm)il fTq01U whit clothing for nit ordinary family, or pay t 11nd it hard grl; am growit. 13th, 1899, a. cohlet will again lead w(Add be givea them In- tr3r-I would no - all -I (0113 -,h other. tImt oti N elloict aiLze eat f e. tllt%- tLLgllt. k:arth wornu-4. are, vtvry liumbte, but .1 year'o taxeo oil the earth,. antl that tiW en(I -of - 11iarsla.cxlx)rtm. every year aix)ut 6,- ateaod of tilid mitder punikliment. Inle ade you'that bid life was wth I-InOOM890110114-111t fall forwal-0 w%m tw* strike the It takes fully threck weekli for a lien. �.Vmejthe would I find R hard to -tarw were hright aboye, 1110. cairtim-t. friens of. Uxe fairnier.; as fer- Un eleps rc-ootabliahed their utillp acroms Imm-a-Ary U) Ujoe kept vertical <nt too breet true to color, witen pUrDlY tile �vorld is. to �b6 the result lledlk- 000 bOXOR OU 01)il e&ch cont. L We life of -Susann" ILU -)uzklR.' About, tlo-,Pame i 'Ing S "'Lul te'adon (tlw IpNntly lent their silver, light, tilizerm of Lim, mlilllleY &TV invaluall I � the county lill(io and clght women havede ou tba - 1 � coittlitually turning over AIXI loojytv�,11- niatixt, itfter -slm hao bft,,n runnifig nt wilike, [to' Lai* probi%bly making calcula- 130 Ix [mount teft their IjkmMeR jLtLd gone with then*Y was woAhAlv he sent out 14xck Of tile kw,*I. At WIMIL fil-St -411C V0WC'I tillok loyt' la rV(,- witki- a; - maJo � 14rd Of different in collNumed, at home. W rganh-le 11E%Lbodisn-i and the an 1-11"tt U, 11righton ing the oarth. itoproviing Its ineritati- tiolvi to ascertain wnf�tllej the violello-'o all Inieudin % 11 Tl0**,u1("lica- LAINNI %'I uouico� of tlie thigil 1101 hrovd cw of the common &K)rt. g to move t4i Utal. worw v I*nl t4mild evillil(vi Juki Son to .,,rig hie anhems 6L. IC41 I ljl.LkijW it VatV for It of it. ille Wks IP w o ijrpvtmt ue tak- camp, Therek to no 11jetter floor than ono of of 14lock .%,III feduce. our plaiiet tb Nkar%iray nnd $wixieif have impos, d A Tpr re- the ages. I would not find of I r(Ai felt. 41W 14% favOr fill't Me. t1li. -44,416 U) take raixi u that tht tian li-Ne. 00 8bu1K1Qh`t I laid the nipwiep ceuv6ut in t1te 'poultry lkoume.' Kdep it 'tjust, pr wl)ether it will Iii�.ellvel to peorsuade Yo 14.4 ninoi (in monthly titriff of itbout $27 on al' thicing 1114%, 0. it: tri ne4--s Leere was worLh U%,- is T�roin God, wid 6 t tc-nw Wj that txn I k I me safetv Imck agn 4 11 �ujtl n1tvio4turr to pmetr#O. lid.6 t t 'efi fcAmittry.rceds an 1)�Ut jn. ihe roveml with fine sand or loaui,vidth twtAqjher.o poisoinous gas, 1r. commereW tra:veller, r life ;1-,therf*-,f<) -ard. The To tlA- Clrt a'u in England a tW inne for nt lways, will become inized with the but farmem AM' Avitich will kilt ullAiving-belugs. FOr- 'ng qf *, he c&n WW) to be otrong fl*m tirtyppilig Oil -the haul, _tilt jite selkiititle nurr. tnot ttivy an,- inaile, aiiql so increaillo thb tlm Fretwh and.Geiman manufactur- t It, lit% n*)rt,. rraql�r t, ir U1 it of rertitizer, I juaki.. it easy, tullately- iiirience renjoures its ih E(y our then - -when the Ll' broke lly1l'ing elm-, with 1i lawl t - 11111oul u m, are 16ud In'their wall. (Af impre-riuit-&' -rn&nY' ituler quit -to .$ %vil"I the i-I)a(w - mLr tvveen Ge: nuwriwt- %Apx1tI Uk- qH - I ak.,- tile ehalKe;L twing. Ae I . .. - -� -0- ance le, upright in aut iW K41 -ttt t 1)(*INJI le f, t'll 11:1,tenUld prit', Lhe frant, and VAlft will lie 1pvkknowl Inv a PAAJly shown loy the ,it r %% 111 fla, gvkxI All, U Y~. t fte�lj IljUlijUA thrit'Um. ear'th will Aj 31ar-y-j"trand burial gTiJiun6,the ill.-ty 11. �Vk )If Ak) not: tjle elb!Ckeus In In 1i -th -4 '2() Poulldv' 'Vaped the inud off th bo&e.s Aw lie falit, ww'e t4.% tilt, :1 U, lie t"troyO by. collidilik -!W1 a JOV' wilicil It 2,L 144 &Asep, F. re Kilrilm, take. aoute 44 t1w gardon, Poor 'graveyard of "Bleak tif tip vvery i4quare e-ellt*' look Idlem Oyirg Ill the trenchew, ;ervim &Wj to) 'theni. -Itefuse rabbagm nie it i -,P- conlet. - It It alF40 taU9IIL U14 to ffou&E�10,6 tootUmpitear, tuf a n,., w road I t U iitteikled o . rw(Lrd to ."the night ' Of 4Aember ter t0.2937 lueji). za li(-r weak axn-i-sitanding one ery txul� tie tIW heiLd, olroilp for - ver 1heer rl ln i,..: IVIlit,ki I,-- (?Atujji'% generatI41% light Uw ' Upew; nial so am ot Iter' u't tirrotigh it. Tlie church -.1 to be tiva mil.; and use 44 ev :to %.I*t I -regularly will bo- c .,hospital-puishing I)ack a AVeight, anly U) be -7 vil Iler 1899"A"ttick date of a LAMM V11- giVrA' & I -1:1, co U1,11 V*Velableft, wilwe grc*bii . bituff 114. L07 rM -it long -iiii9tis 111101 lbo;-Itioll it wildler to is couch, aos, r i�ad twu I raid t i timb j.;uan I wid prevent bk3 wounds, he rutahed tu lyJ bc-(( auddent 0-Yn thtrty-th �,arkd 'I cd Av lien r tar to t4se (7hriki4tianiii; U(sl again with a We'. e.i��iill it 11w. frittiv T he er & little I^nd in a ttin- y i it tlikp on wIll ho well topaild.- yearti, t)Ij tilitj -it' lit -tho,earth iiIII I)Ickevw wrotA, I.I.-i ottory. wedw ig Tim- cxjwrjm#,nts of Win i and said, ine go, let me at In 1.114, Stg1ji4lo. t lid. 4 i1vu 'of, mecofic or in re .1 lI01:Tl('I'LTI'RF,.' encoutiter. myr felt ( th.7 lk-rlin , (1ty *rtra6t llel)& mutter." major-gener- va vivi travelling 001W.' tile KIT'lle Path it'is clalmed ln betba'tf of the Bermu- iquity. Tio� carin Coll) t wity a r4jxkrttI U) J�iave ti6ml ni(ttt Zing back. to let --paw ih�x itn- tmAxtb. Uie icurr, -.nt 1641 441.Lr.4. n T., Llw �ev!64 of aj; Teniples daq that the complc�xl(xla of the it&- -eercy or brip- 11WRIV. 1w trremare tj.�ttblfijrt4ory- , Nt)t only wan tho -kl work -t,, ct a city fail3oum 4iovAwnor of two ate jktobably 'cliwly. il�LU0411 r 1114urnyant makt4ok lito lthrjije.r Ues are the f inest In the world. Thia 'broitgr1it down Q 11 IjI*IflIuuII11,,8 vC. would I have hat yA ung toil rul.) Pff a�ulwrfluouxl "If 411111 Wc. Isliall Im) thidoubteAUy treatti. 0 Q* t *It We: ling lived idftrikeAmia, ll.u, lotmi-11 1341 file it help " - lu-i-- - . 4f ()r. um�zw tA) ment of It %i -oro t-,ou that. Grace Dart Eving-the h,,-raine of the emsiptout lifd-. Among Of k- 'LUtlUff Sbrr A,%w It ol' t It of -'Illch 17,000,-' Ully dindul-Kmt. It I am keep -the fvin-iijul growth uut'.er -tork of -their lippe-ara4ce tLo lk-riwida onlop w ot wondernis: hat would eat of m't" t OL f3till? P keftji) A% ounds ar6 exported a mmou Are n I' 11c, - - ,�ne but Corinth w&m 'L tT: i parLA I u:4 I -,s of Northumberlan ds j1pell fOuj)ij tlit the average C, or Qok n Many 4 tie" ITWm -the -w(mI.IpFW,, amt WILWI and that 0 e WA Cigaiette smoking la.un r forwar",1 1 - In nintlik 13,090.0w In- I tell years. 11 Panet Anwt-r.,. tj affflt, hi ' 1*'tn U theltAirimer appearaii(�e tI In that time h? must Ahe Adelphl thesiter we Ilay" Ithe' and that people of a 111. hav,p alwo cAntrol. TJ' rt� wA 01i'ck in: U4,13 Ifit lore fea, I'. tianii he ui* or 000. Ii nnually. ti X) 14,41 illit --rl 9 or 0 in. 1809. lncrc&fe pripfes4onal life *f a' trained ritirm- ip r4ighiliouse, h rrilp UjIfell U41 111 -ilevr Mul niANA110 ti Vft In 1-04� 411fif 04114UJ4,!V il� tAW) Oftkfil Off"Ct juat tt) (Ixwtiam 1140XI t VUUlit ve tlly:;.; - C111 1, SiSIC41,4 her VAO a night tureJ,' far from 11chOW1119 thc- It -2,(Y'0,01A) e4iLtive eivytigli for tier Fopport in ewe r ZLI141 tho ex- Ay gaUieriAi t1te witil at cobik-Wered it rehr a W-Aboon t bt-%.,sofne 'Phil, but f urtldsr twt f Jf=kej if lj�. 'nM1")jjgll, Calt-j- huiration, "No; our t4j.L kyre in t1a, Ivart, W( 114,11 not '.11' ettA-.-; Are (oittui1lCd.-NV4X8("l ild littto w1licit mile in peculiarly , U f it[ . port0it, heralding, %he entl -of tho Wme W town now an thelp reinsove the 'fJn4t trou- t LW tnurli ti men. ing to -tile. n4ure of m4ads 'Ni. to 4111, dmt..W*e almo6s coon"r tip All -4 PXXI VXVUb4 the in It -'grcaAer U cl who". worlA.: Thit, fear I optible, o v. U, a Uaw drvtm iF on t I -lie Ktr*VgtJt goew to to to eon- broLlmr. lAwe wo "celIM4 Itud k;AyiIfgj4 lie. (rutful twhi,-h are g III tr,inniiing lurnyo Iket4miliallies stak- -11WIt There 6- PtIll livin serve (k)d from tUe It w, l4tiff "Wral front her W�j 0 'Utuu- 40wo thr4r own fevii ia� In mesit In a prott 6f tile imt onl.,� from ntvt .1,114S;iki� - -olling thr4jugli, z�outh Carolit -in one It bb to lip (4ad 4 gk @it tu -Y: An. !eoitrw, wt- niiwt 14c -,t 1.114. cr%)p 4 if aly)-11hur-twim. All that ewi ha a I-iiekle -iijtt,,�e �r j alub firuu!ng tA�r 44-ilvring oudde k *.Wtj%r. he 4!4. n4t, .188t, iny ralltdr" (Richard "A. 1. ro,-- torY pUtlyttit.quartere t -f Aberdeell a oilaugh- eilitipillicA titich its eh(itpra, yeilow fever a 1. - a MA, air, by thun em-jenprfimiw� Of rmlip ve the 440JW)AJ,t4' L W hfVlj1--rip'd1y:.1.ut njet lsolue of't1wjilantatiou -ow t iiiPlet turk. if ip "uW I"ve tj,: t tto Ilarkil . loft W t t dt) zou mean. ty of we�%I: but thell the-0traw wili-fit, ter of janie-i Hogg, the Ettrif k s4l)ep-. I'll'i %IhllllI")x, bitit front thf, ec WWII I a 121,41 the du e, tljf,. i4pringj ino. IA' f1mrill:! llv�4k- the kit*Wr 4mLrt t -filucli -.3,10 cylolloid- trouldes alid plieulu-Min. 1wacing my d&119144' atid wiriefty-an-11.4 very lltth4i femling ver three- ilj�t riv uAt 4v 1a 46urly' herd. The lzkAl, ivell o 16 M" 1 110. Ullimal't. rar, -xcitPIIWIlt -4-11 tion loroad flat lea her liand. controlliiij; the ksa. i t b,. -ik-ca. MOM Ycart;,-lizus no clear recollee WILV)-60 are we, IN)PP8, tileir avtv oil t4iia Ilight' Abillik EtI*I (bWa in 1111141 enjibtant, attend 1%4,- i AL,e, Mt. 4111 -4*41ing, 941 11 te,111,14. ni, crit'l for of. her gifted fattier, for she -was only A -a g gr,wt -of tile 'A n1erey,'-pray4tg tlmt t tp- pwl Of ten yeam of de&r. so are swv- Klondyka Gold. taluc'-no. you t Itk,. it tbttytng. reveroo 'tile eivi -or oe wor1l inight Ile pui tiff Wt I"raJIt lIN. ti Olklek, gr(�Ikvtll, of four - ypass or #;o the 'true I IeP Not tkie Firbt. itt f ront a loilger., .1%tfWtsriicr hb herd' dled, out nd ill- kCentsi, we are listwillng the "Offi- -r. w Li .1van.6 :Wt --trduou; spr- llaillkf� of two or %reoitio 1v Air 4 Yomig BrW-1 didn't aAxWt -c U) the Klondyke coun- -A groth. ith ti�rror t her Tom ial iluiiv em ovi I t) aougir tl* t 1'141 'ear. Bobe (,Ity.* Idtillo, 401) -feet I*- Itl .4ett! Ig -.4ir6.r. tllf. th tericil (.,1141 6f'the worlti ruill- the nrwt time tie proixwod- iiak-i�W -av -to mar- rea Uwre is 4f. sjubter-. Vic( Vry. It is rei4ele,witti latamt offi- let 't"01"' mt at , lillockiug t' t4te ..Ioir eartliic' rfiiice, V jealous) -I know fuliy lillumtratod, VX� I.A' -i'1`01 0.1 -to lie holiS6 141, etnt inapkii, tratitl f4t L vi r ljlrink�� on AMEHICAN Miw ltyval (FlIghti. It t1tel" Illicut tw" -or tilfree" fe.. aliart. t!oor .# 6F THE Get.'Up, Ilia "L,t the'.raean ffljte� of. 110C water, of -170 de- .,UXTRACT you thdn't pacillb cely bound in clot4l, finegob-i cried. otit; (;abriol will have 0one blown lits. it litle pre.4mure SY;-ME OF -SURGERY!' lack for $I. It future tfi4t tK.­t%titjC:% _' r jo you know ? , ;ii� fArn.ker, Iii t Younril otaml *0:� rquipprature M -lie ever put on tilt- grE you in't up t000lL", . llo.%v-.- tte"Al" the" * of Ijr al -you weren't there. truinip. if ehough t -AAM141 tv tile- V)p f loof im UW fiwtmt W a.4 Via an Official a rket, I wen no* tl,)Ipv.- will- lw�'vOi W0.4 well ftVT �,evc�r, iii,-.wsurol Vivni-tij 1kiaK tire caukwst by iitiertAwb, tor in. agr� rt I , - M" -4 . --t,;Ai W -C, 14"i -wil 11 I Ir it gr. ca' for InbA Qf the litink and - wIJ 1 1* -piped glirn,141) ellll(%l cocci. which wletietratok- tiltie." Sewi $1 qtick for two tiain- IN-ot - ewha i to t1lein 4)r: lje�Ltlng Imrlxww. - t Strange. mir 0 sorn tile.'skill. Ubuftify along it I x. i ke oCelt wcnut I ly, taW of ilajixer, file cOPIO& tdiirs fl� *w Nor- licip, nd unlew itlextroyeii the3 caul4v '%vfwlPy Building. Toronto.. -411A twtifrmp "yed, r IT. of edini tl.v-,. Unip V4 .nt*t b Kig W4ng fa- 'iwi,It it ulooW ClIff ��rfnt part -4 "W. -At ir a4e a '*4ioctar i1nadru- 1;3, conmUtutional didtarball." yea. vir ace in 1866.. tq . y, -U t AkXW.t,oroy titn. ttiat witicit toak w comiltOnz. well,, j#ai't it raUkier quoer that -1 t.01 k: ng t 11'fit -'up * f&PIU t 114% tint"tile, wlioltk Ilea%%* -IW tfCC-"l(,-(j It)[azo plex' the Uni-rer-4ty Of A*ienDa On and certain atm< Vierk 141 pi4 -join it 11, en rug-idAir*% 11BSUE N '30 OW ­fOu"d .111111twt� . invaluatole -it %fllt -M-46 1 0(- -- like boAs-at fir#4t oey Wb uI(j have thoni i1i 41 -4+1 1* 14 ball of ozvftlt,.- you: I I 've.* Iteard %XtO wliq anniver- CdrIjunclex are trn' U11, ept. 18th- 'ttko twenty-firtil W. ttwfivw� the ek PaWl t In I %then till- witiCkoWS And DO lie-rriciat, but are caup& it cr(i-p mt phower 4!e1%e*ri1.x!'Uiv lin vt to the throne -will ninke 1111111,14t M)4i a tedrvt � .4grt-at bulto W. fi f0bim A&ry of 11 accetialon icrolki! lwetratm tleeper, or into re It0.1ditirt lengtfla;c ' awb,hp- xtart Of receiving the llomwuey degree tif doc�- 71trmwor tiwue. All b6fift ppear t chn kAKU(i Wit. f ri) M. the 'Ay." tcr fn)iii each of the four faculties Of im*�41 to.,'tirrowid tjP.c%)rn Allo�-kklik, that ftrr tLey -! n re'. 4t 'it rt(,, I inneb delm114J% f irst :ui lAmples, or pustulfw." Quick - y 'tumn. ill. -Up vt t1le uj,,Iverjq4tyj ttleolug. law, niodi- ttl^. , - 16 AftLY (:&n't you WI nw," Inquirod the Illk � . F " reinovw all 1�oila or pimplen. r, -'tip --n U:0 - r re a t!41 ntmr-*Winient y v it rury boarder at %VJkt:j tinria. ilk ft!V I)r0j'4XjtL -W Xj� IUC.j'W �Iicii -Ie and plillowiphy. It will be the rinit Pffl1"1Wt t`rl%tU IA' fa�111111,' LA it 114 :IL' a- hilm gr&uted broa t1dA luxs*' the kfast y(VArerda Of witt great tkup Lot" r Ginnerread Pit-ldinte. ilglisli writo-r t1l; stt-ak reminds �A slinm(o. four tie rees.at onve-t4 the same Ill i;, 4L.4r Upil-p giwantti--rthat yt,n nre 1 1116kiw�l Atm 161W jou'rm�.Y, all I Alw yeiXr 9 -.#. '%Iiy ?91 e -'f I - 11' . mown ti lqWum-r. 'This t th 4 iv--i!uirtt-r 1pound (of eut- 'y bring- it c- wyn. Ane The 11 GOLD i n2a-lujif I* 14 . Awil of Wfted Uour. adtl a "r1rive It up," replied the C gi f earth's t X4' k Idnell 41 wlt, cale anti the brief rqAy. In vot fee t. a v0I wilt -tutc. by a i Yet ga'th,-MA 1,:b It now Arct.q.yuXt b.all that In unto of verm -(mi r for tlw 'night%- Jim. lo:!al wrlter,- a.G pf molnk;oes le�tllier the rotation.of C 4- farme-r otify Porto Itivo or New Hot ;�nn-trlll 1WW.j-11 i more tfmu it, eoigla editor hayn ir er*&AL t6 -in Orlcajw, preferably* tile forniker), one re. �a W 6 13ut That Phrt Stayed. follows natu 0i 'for Wy QI!t I Ills rural lowspaPer: "The pwmp 1-teat;pooaful. of ginger, ad when cteaw4j 6ak" itit. oitc�- Ppring 1pAll tl&lr t."! frack, -w,`that .;n. 19(XI miortber, lir#r t Ljillgle� at le -he rijh I %ri-Iii, lori U14 v ice ve . rt*. - Wien - a* gap HATO. - Tmuvre. of hft U 1'�Wem to Ijav,6 t tbr,roughly lilixe.tory- we.1-hent--a egg ani afraid." imi Maud, I - *,that Willie I;qj '. . 0 we bS' 'ut of iuilk, in lNirt. fulty, Wjj)j)Ies will never vt 0 :tf44k'k;tPt 4v-eurs in - IjPKV4- it L-4 iw4eft to it- e.' we anL- not a very juid 4inc-1wIf p- Widi it 4! JO!, tered proba t IW' ptoper'ead, but 'Cit .1 be dawolved one -111 CU ES tem14 to rillill it -witt :a liot%' good ju�lge of thI)4 ki 4, having f come Itere again." far w(Af,r!l kliouiko- til of tilf, nd of w(yr of WJL' shout pet."' bked ganug,' iqx)eiCm6 nd ownw- fAhvby k i 641 t<) mak6 114MeSt livin tic- '.'Did fie go away g alf our a te,%Mv�oedul of-so-lj�. It m&y fie it i4jujkuhl M&m1e. '111400" Ailkid hi-rc tvn ill which tile CeRaLn. to use more lisluld. niiist� be um*d. With "Well, some of m le '11=13' believe- that, -t)i*- c!)IuQt. '9"Ye' -be- proportlone1 to Qe my dear little d"lwhund Wt re- 1w.,iltarted Xtritty. qrl'iour -c6mhwu fotko, �tre ut, L- - A. No Vii, Lady I if p1j, t1w-Vitek +t_ -c of I corn. tia, the direct nj,�4amiex mful flour. Tim- ( T1* lhik is tA)pI it him." ALL PAINQ t of. C11 k)!- celpt alls; for candl4lNi peel, Lu. cur- Pieee out Of r runbcX11triltly it - muilt Dr. W PinIc Pills- r ultan:tis. omr all tluv-p Inay 1w, W supput-41. cannot tell. C-sactly Prof.. _rQUtubc I& shiister A!i. ye unibas drawis tile 1100rPOtual'Pells T11 F -STO i used. -Turn"InVo a Jouttered nAmid or A FT YA t uiwnt. I�V�elf poi, talc- ro ri U, %tkitl� (If 1:1,00a iyeari chargv�) N)WI, ftft'j j"I * for t"'MI. jlikur.�­ They thilik 4of grief w fulwit tilt The oolnee they �i (--f Umv- Parill aetuAly powision tityme Journftl Isere, t 11!el. Comet: til'o lit StALU41 timm 6,wr14ig. PUC It IF Fn liu U* Amherlk�, UPLAI a,114 fit all tile witkimut hear ny Vaqvt Qw 'st r FOOT AS YOUU HAT-." A It. thir; im.not the hearl's nor (KIWW 'jiLp CW11 Nt rdutt-d to diw-overer anti Tif 11vell *(,rTi by ileal 14 ot ro Jorev0r. [JIM jICjir Th Boys,m can ea"i That . h I pa aw it -it t tn t e,61 T4o eXIst-ritheilt.'' pf)r�lellikte t" lt4 full eitOlLt Ul'o' I I 141 .44 'fU1'1,)- t4ALITINA&I tfild ejAmlow 41, l aild-- �tilpjllias the groat Iotw of n)y 41dWroji tq)rairjel lier Tise **tter- litati"Is tilat a t v i f %V 1 . lklt'aft for t1w. lull. wholl fillorfe 1111+ a ai&el- lixton fjetivc�eii Uto #qLrLl&. -aik-i . tltp'*' dz� Torer.; there . ii., -#or gr(miml and cob ankle, wlA(,Ii tocame inuch 6,wollell and p I a I e d 11,4 broad atitt bare. ;to far h g4.) kWt. al wandore-rs ti- gb Ila 'Oulckeure' t ce b III !.k-ur '14a ve piul�o.l- -t I I rougfi it try., W Flue * of ..1ender. I opmad -t till tikko d chain fainty 1huri% v4wli tw-aL thr- it more w Liao T"ple of Parli cq) 11non, mul applied, tlw I)aill gi torin lielA. U1101 (KNATI Inj altwott fraftUe 'witit ..excitement, in C; 1wil e lbulk ilwI..n-a41rr,Ag it tbat lt&1,jtI is :t Czordo'll,, j�ho vvm rcventlY ' wought i 4.,eamptl ,It once, the o4wellig wam gone cowerill @&bin I shoul-1 W to get, .1. 4,ee,. J> 01wlluelleff l.1u6UnC4-1fl I N. r - iii tli.,r. t i"I 1, .111 101�)k ki Uke .0fulnolia, has t-lic- next day, itl (At the fourth day tto) fRW i, jublite t) VDnlet L Wl,.,4 about to -, ick,.;tri fy fore the 116tise of im IU* res -aikod to tachot)l -w "Huai." Long foi:t- tt, I 4.4 r# ot: Uv- to at rlf�liftg. it 1-ttf,4 tj�w lAriner. 'led frk):n the Ili-bmw ote,p. t i>.. of Iter fi-t-d, grin4ler - n(I -kinN tft0iiil� '%Vilb have. L. I). v'4-, i4lkre&- or 9f Que*n 1 16 Then oil tile bme Cleo for U �Sa vt flit 4111g, -to 1"I N tile.. trilthof Altir. Is -9111111 ! W each ftik," y oni, dov I-, t 18� 11 41JI41. tl;6 Ulp 4,121liger of a 01 6rckilt, Britain- y flowem,. Other arti ; ., . - seton w141t, the ea ilat, I)ut a ar befor6 his 4�xacti( Wt- find.t1w tiliella. the lirokell PJW1114. 9ber's occupabon a es ipr elp- out4ljr.. mialdertwi. TJw grea -tpoeatue a hiattoer of ' III' Wtll i0al, the iroods t. �tj I -0stigatioli t husdpwb *4 s tAw, tj W t. : % DeOLLik III it EllLrgain Sale. "011g. alio t Rn money hell rothers 'o% e -L- wLr.*;. r U1116,"11 11`1?� )rt i)f ert, N. S. Arago, or�Uxkiate 1, Vin -ere montals from t)oye otriot (nxicilm v% dy.. haiii I given! that 110 lic Cil jeeJ4 L t I id �re W'�114 tlayity .1id gdn 1,000,M) Jiro . A Loud6n womait Ilan lleeu killed iu. 1&c4urea'Agutil Co., Toro 101ing �A tilt" ti^ue*. n isig out of .8 W. C -or itiNtitlitioll 14110 y the crwslt t a bargain sale at which Tito Commercial lustinct. oidy, "ie, Angle c4wxn(!e Ilitil, ott the grot re employed gifts frotu. f=ey 'TjIj,; II')utjts,-to-ILttIe ntom� Cum; tt I t 11L ps tivelit-ttwo IxAlcemen we -It toll' to P i*.)id Xi new, fmwi -whielt. lkapldly' roller av 410ali,16 Little loaac--S&Y, BatOY, Yer 'lloutil a o liold tho crowd in"check. The ver- t *. %so A -hrl )%ney le I t Tp Vr inj t inoralitY. mudder lick ye -r very hard -,,when yer dict of tlw coroneres jury wiw: "De - 'U r. N - outler place Cv rei.. ltl4 might hume limught fiefiltil I died from *syncope caused . by '%u* f - ji"LVe Illaile' ilL 2� —You Jest 101 fix' will. ani je4lels, tlkv tow, "If., -n- &A U14 Sol . Wit thoemertitra and excitement 6t gettin UtW I'atoy t0l VIOW4101khi ikf Otticrs. %nil wzw -!at' MA#44 and* Vill mtnv, Batay. 8 1-14) too, Intertuarry. and have lAttle FARMLRS, 61"t jifty )�V t'.e IbF*W. g-* -hivvl�rlpnil virtui* %vUl 'to -10iat tit. MuLat,1's coniet, ;g into a hargain. We, and VuLt work. I in ow rater droe hours I�y '11kI. -Fazi- ans 1-1 of.� XT&p. 4 #14-atil wjw- llto natural dauses." 0 Who Umix. uu<i w) gvotl full allie 'ror our I . I . - - -u' ztfly� g,,,al rtwultm .-i e@ktjmk&t&j 'tlwl learth 11, Jet, tile' t of re� lti4 IniVaCt-With ft)rlidd i 1*6)w their tu!y or na. fair trial. Xtt OlLough to illelt yotir child iii attacked 11% Would develop J* groaud. lMt it dellili- story 111 17, Ule Ivardwt - roe- k�. 40her Ile -P. WY jid yapQr a. rat-. A at Hadrt*t Tit -tie to Taki, Tlwni OftL DAIRYMLN 8 or 'Jile we" C-0101KAwt or i4mail 1614 W! ts for a. -wifo,. witba warm 0 as pit r t5ey If b 41r ne You are aoaked. .r4l met"wic. UcWa' Ute reml't Woul(I loade on canton flannel. Foml parcrit—Goodnw hov% Yoll -1j'Ifly Itki.i1j, Ti b'd 1:) r o 1 14 rj)r or tiottun, will r 0 a. birillizint.A v -PL more lcxik child' i6wer, Pxce&llng gi And thei Frankle' Plewile. i1a. I fell nto the -it 114, twti ye�tr,4 jon)mpt Micf, from croulo or a4rty in f- ers as 1wive -oitiv +iriij--y . ;111 -- - i!: t -VAIlgilig 1:*0 Ir Af-it 1, tre alid ho ly.". L. atitai, tIAn ranijohorated oil, or canal., U tio �Xery, '11. with a U>711plientiovi it 4; 1,4� gree. Were Ute fl it fit ni. % '4114 �' 14kirri'*� Drop us a p9st card, and get :. Ii.: k IV IlrederiiI4 of Ivionark to rn� Wilat! With our iwu trouspn- I wao' suff6rh4c witli.,il drovezi. ci-pniet ot It. i1i fit were ea& -doctorks tel I t rifle! ilml4wi'. istalidill Windt), 0 011! entire -gltllie, 1glIt. Jui you t4) tplily I i it application alva, ov,(w on?" free our booklet oti -t4tr,UKk 'atrJulge t116 t%y wholl .1 eovering the -I didn't have time. ps. to take pirk-m ir-.- t.4 f.Nt:ltII1g g rA: , r* k rK k- QUIC CURE 7:nwo-1 r.. 4f!wmIer's, slu ed i :W eic 1 .1 (1 uitcwlil sucil II niagisificent Owt and nock Well. M off. (NOURATED FOREWARE. earriago AV ftnvilY rorvii4i w, )f conipound All. -tit tljjo� l!Vjjtjjig of :t,.sin4 toiS VC I bY REWRT FROM THE +WHUNMENT journaitstieWoea lizz Indlaaa. f 111011*1 anAl W Ut CC. viould pixylue-0 n, in!glity. my, wife"', it costs nothing,telitallabo (k J%# f r4 O'e, pit & or! t I le. (lud, 111ySWIAN. PORT OF QUEBEIC. 8 flanic- wlideh In an, InAtant Ir f4t. Y'ro-.11C.- IL price ir ilf 1 0- i;ur-i WW jaipsir m -if Milk 6 k-3 Induratd Fibre P tIlying th"lig-em t)A 4X-e-ulfaut f tho In Indiarta my#;. We're itind I have umod lllieiw Banum' or mitc, every t1w lly lJ11 Or' thQ6 pebbit-4 t6itt �ay Irjiat am 8 grow vorme aim thal f 11 1 01 ij4. face of the cart -it., RVU further Tipen', lir. fall ifickt-ure'ina ikitippurating woollitfol- ubs,8 it -nt t 14 ;. 2 4 C.: V --tyllfoulitl tfu� Pans, Dishes and utter T 40 4 43. water im the -reexit-Tyl 1111VII.Ilig - .14 her .1nAjrvt.v, You , are they 4-�Xlmvt 1:; 1104(w owing a srvem Wte of a cat; af tor the og , . III, Out 1141re. L little and w1up'n -1y, gell gam -In oltygeq,, this manif, fleref- V t.!Io cynieal reply. from a ralfrikad. "#5 niijoi froi'" river, lieffe4tual, thl* and will put is your A!.' 'jl�mu W6nkl gr9w.ao.,hot d0i'lljoiffer t 14, :jnff tritribli, flumv-would lie APP"(14Y )r niii4v Iricit lwave IOU pockets. tv-pn r -or it,­alullut ckesne,t ull tlw wound and lont. , : -11-.by a "fl , EL­�J'a:%g Jnkjif a j wr igi-tv d. 1111re 'it Y it f1pilinvil 26laretz,,k. -tl.i, wklow of Max two foot frout thi, devil. aml 'NX) f4x-t 1pajoil it after the twe aptilication far ovir - 4, 0 - rid The J 11 . 1-4-j% %vq. � u 14! - r Eli 1, 1 fieeew:- rj,' �'to, arl.-;e. (11W-14#14119' UIP jjttrC. Marotsek, tid fAIMMIS I *:,. wjjjo�y shap. to ket out a itg4 #-.ffect. wgw muot sati4factory ; it has I i4 ,,I t�­ afin"to"I V6 pianist, who froil extreme W-buli". coltip planc-t. If, the bcAy (if We The -1jVjjI6.W4 rtllf4,ur�i..4 live- urwt.piiiii-r JJiicago Timf*. alilio prore4i a valuable remedy for ri- 1inve li'vel id1wr"Ar Illy fe*I ()r nil taturv. but died a fe 'S ago, 6- threatened V I If Uit, JJQ(41' :1.114, 1 'W.,Ulil khl.*ver W*tlt -ro!.d. VI Wits g(t Many moviM imin, and desUIOTiag the c Ci t t ji. flif'' compt)8- 0 (A af,*. *9 t woult, witL X THE L B. EDDY 00a bocomirik. t0tqIlY blind. t catuK, hoilm ajul carbuncies, 11 1- oorue enqb-r.. q pil. if th-pre waA-iir� litjjirore-, Oar jitniceplivre. rend�'r it III)- Lttck o� Cn -4.%Il P, 0911 1" 1 ago IKIR wits. ii, celebrated harp- UUMED Jit.jor y�aN 64JOIUM, YC'S oUg lIt t till, III 1;ome caww more quickly than Yet tic all 41,w thefr jiwis Aigginizr fo 7- v-y.'r. -Maretzek buy a bole bar . . `0 -- v . h P.P -ruiqp1rittion, itild ther.,-by-f a 141.0- livil ic icrotm," hivi been cut out. 8-N 'IT4 . "I'Plit' " -gonv c,�tndltlon: I wag * it ig at the getting higher every "I OWLL, 0ANADA. -!-ir- h.st -A t-�, i I WeAt4w..v11Tl"-A 1aim -State" rei of ri()ur. It'.+ If tl 1116-�t wflottic cons(Ifluene s., Wi-ri ltom6jU-&4I ill Ileasant I tow r(T.ognIzcvI to he lwopertroat- r :my work nb6itt the Itts'k-4%. it an ifilioxifill If 6t I -M hmi two-lrit. er�*f ir- fti,.%l A I -cnUle. i �v; n ga "CRIS Ijpdy� -)Wing is nojI,rly. 70 yearo of age. day." e', - of poulticing, etc. Tilis q-V)?j.pcN*i tif In (if t� em -F;v C 1; tjl4@ exe Illf AV( -41 Igltt jlf QW q 11 r j,yeL,4 I* aim Lrx, 34iria, and I bave boon III tit inattwl it. inetlibik-4 11f 10e; (A ge", -lbijut. tq) it+; (..xtrenif- lightness. it � )ul Wait Tf.0 r "I kno, 000000M i., exar, wj-� at-t.tqllpte 1* 1 j). hu.(or iiim 0 isurprlwd that it doem't reinfuty-has a grand future llefo"- it. Laugh 11. cjfl. �tflrllv row1oll Cy 'Uhl t, re file out. .11f �1 kit our at.inogNierp :114 jo the gonp, and ohe .6 to undergo an iave a m4we cloti-dw t�lfllout. rcaelling the i%urfaca Ahe. It oti Signed, �Af it fy et b -%V jd�n N lljeV.. 11,11141 gptlW oi)e W f4aving the buoyant effe, -arr* oration %vItL' -y. M F s'S CoLLEGE, ro- !1hc4t "0 '1 Of CIM -UP - �14 _W*Mi" t'4tA11liAjlf I , , 9� - UP acttinl ri ik '44 I W. lk alk� !i'ist. or or. 1. a H Hencla It. -41 - i ( NTIRAL BUSINE. lok4t w)nj#-W a of our lolx-." Bilt rcamaillilig eye, on which it vataMCt- 4-- rp 'srr;uld g.rivp -tor for*-atli.- awl ft44. . d4.KtI,ljctl�,jl or 'tite 'eartil.. q_y r r quelte-c'K , ronW. rveeives stu(Unts at iny tinit. priltheo 11 14 Nlre4 Throm. wile of (mk- Interebangeable jewelry. I ell� 114#'Ifil-d okhtrific- etowth t1le a rf� 1, 'lild 4) tit, C'.1. bad a I, i�ry' -ciolnet is ver It Yr mod I-% 8tiorthand, Telegraphy and0im- d, once )Uj!4).A,*1 PTithet til. 1.111vil-f-r of f,"Jivz iriatrriftl#. 'w- 1-1710 1 164m',41 ven rcel$ App .%n qj . YL�1111tll ititked! 1*.Pat kawown tmiucators for f (ty y C; make hjJN-U­j1n4I garely ))iWj, it' I j- li,441- to.) _gfuml -Alih-antairl.. Iv 1j.11- - - '4 Wick- dmrf Wile are Wing inade 11 mercinI DepiirtnienU. particulam lill1w - -:11141 .11 ' SM BA11,11-*4LY MASIBLE, caplto*44 Texas is salt] to %v ritc*4: "It is mtLrvf4l0ft' I KYA' I. -ate- - I I frfw Wrjtp W. H SKIAU', Prinellkiii. 101 Vjm*u%4' tbf. #tf)-h gv."l o�wivifl ej .rjt -X 7 1 . The Stat4 cure'. FAillmium pa!n. hinged Jaw#; which are'tightemedam, i Pro Pwi) 'adtilito t 11. LL (Ir, lie tj -,t oil it., 4. ofill IVA wtoin to agree with ine'or r e young tv largv6t State buil4ting hi the loqwited by a ivinall t�unib wrow in lix )r tvwrii �m;vil U.. 61P.P. -4 th" 101"t: Fr *T�wjw while Irste, 'alloil fi4i, I. vent of the colli-;1o..4-tif the enrth 'the back to allow ibe jewel to too I'll- 10.11. t1lift'r Avhie') eltit holkLw.ml flliftWi ni orlahnient,, 'and I United StaUv, and Me seventh in t;lze' It col 11i faet' 1 -t ho it, we.11mr and another AVere Tivang-il.-.9 %4);t.. AIM yoisr j t(o fillWl -III killdim. for '110-41,r 11) JitL I . 11(it JK4AJlI . t* jUAjg t1jo bijildingS of tile %%r4)rld. It removed by tl ME NNW &,'NARV4S0h bol alsop, suffere.1 ArItli n i*xery livi i it -jib ' It 'is Itrait - -:1rould lik much 'I - , I . eartf. Instii; hwis: P,!ough, a Atint tury , I # itwerted In jts place. eye" ..­ ft� ters l6ove I".11 -4441"g 14 a v &,Rt Orciek crtw5 of r, 4) Texas We litive never I - their rio.'434-A. ell ti ry *4144- -ituff hark. Durhig tJtIW tisne, tleally ollre;'to, happ-it for t here' nlr%, t(p #qx- Niagara Fallo. Wiwi rlgf�� In rilit.1fa . r 1W!1i1W nm Id � I . . .1 4 BUS11-YESS COLLLGE, nly-out q- -nillrh ri; t6r fie,.n. granite, with, a twittral rdtun4la, e(w- bepl, there. tl'-I, ova vij sevoral corfiets' irl I J�� r Wilif I I P11J." I%'. J. f'niwer, Loll... 1twuigi-r and lf it. I 0 awl tli'­ 1,11116 tift* . I 11"d by a dume :111 feet Idgil. It was YowW nit,,m-Wlty, auntie, aren't Yen" wd CAUqM eVvwA. Toronto. 4 'rib"A drlilt than t hit -11 I 14>4 *0111c 41-arer to- 0c; t a - *,%g*mt f4w t.?w Mutual Ute Inpurance tN v, 1,ilv-tt rel.0'. wha4ever. V- lut7l I ip- sik"I ill I", yot, &nij (.71wjcz OjAmw mwrl ofigru t111111P4 1118YIA.410 tlif)U 0, -comet'A W a 't re"111W it �svml-diatb ter of ibe' imigun in 1881. and fiiiL ed " r q mulw b^Udeam's it . 1,� I,nj4'P cfv.m,4 to) bf- - workit-vr� 4 P as Aunt Lucy-Uprtalitly. co. -of Ncw York, Quobec, wrLtei: doo INUS. tSUORTHANIV ;xq, t I C. tl*I having "t abopt $3.1100AX). It w (3Z -11 little. thl#X. f!_1141 yet "001-4'ee") I " . ­ - C. hit it K.) W0.4k RJU I my sy*.Lens %v:- s -4#1 and at wan i w-t1w earth atid comet "N v foripAt iatenw-ly frmii Par- TILL a Cz 411oum" tr4W GOA ter IL Vivs, iiiUick tvid paid for w4th 3,000,000 nertw 44 pifiAle Young lliem-Oli, I unden4ami-you tiartmCh I I i. 'Aich . 1. wife lquf :40, P In It eer car, 4o#uf!41 -it . ijrtb*x :1 #Jill -.evital %r U, '-fiowever, I)e velr�v t 11. rpii- slatwu, trutt- P14! wao.a*hurders. 'in _ply com.- together. S H"t mit% ek,-r . I . .. lan(l, � 41md-d to the calAtalioU achu 14or towl dxyo, elluKkig cot4plete JUKKU K"R MON. -(Wt' JIM age my -a couilterN.. I . 1. , w 110. didn't take an.VL wedding tour. arne tried -titr!i -oii Vir runni-Y IM '00 - I the work 4 le. -y- :a' affectal ear. We rd t At, tids; at tteliti,(ni wilm oxcoutm Trkre (;ra44­.%nqI ro yolf am readly going wvera I rpnjoiies W`1 t Wlir-it feall Vol, any' r(iolpids =0 Wt t to J11tocted U; pi. Williallix, I'llik I!ill 4-1 Melt' is� known * abou U firm.?I any -to" r; i it loh QWelicure' warnitki awi d"peld In knod hiittur'ei, forothi r ket ing 11pon the WA tiuLt Tice are to marry Ulat wWw, After all'! Alkl U1 alul-'I d0tersulneiLAo -give. thow: it e.omets -I it gent -rad. -(jr abotit Tuniph-1,4 Um p&`zL and In ime GENTUL BUSIFESS TOLLMI IF fly: r '40 it tdiv an 'more or let IliL mnok- Uir var renloval 1.111'.144 . Al ti rpaw"i I . Wit I fv overy wiw it VC . I rxtrtieulnr - sugg4st-A ' th Itive W kinste, a Heigian I licar you am- pAng to give up UA§if4g f6fir I 'ht� -w)kin r' t;y r4efn . inanufartum-r haft istAwtituW *a musi- ing. 0Lrru1Uiert+-YoB, a mutual ag fo-, tootjweAke AF11"TFIORD, ONT - tr; i ro(� night henring wa,4 realton-mi. Nke 11 Iret, In my brtAat, I ft w 11 v j I; 'Alter )Ozew %r..., . , 1.1trut 011,4 1,, to- . wn. --)r :)fly- s%ghtput danger t ment 91 ajw! f6unt It opkVidid Illucli. lx-ttc'r tivAt, IMw 'Ll"I cr I- t1joijKli everything lvadu wt 1Ln infer w, givw iij) her weedii wt Shorthand, tXpewritlug, IsAA-k"j t �"iyi ,,-AAls, S,%j*t thing 1W. all -.111*4titAy ex lll*�'.Tp. uNotrap for the common -trap. th011 e cf,,uroWpient came to­nke cincus. morts-, that Alle.'cojnet'A cai"r -io an lnde.-' cal in(p 4ive up Ulluft niot- burnfi." ing, P"Inanal,14), etir., thoroughly at fatts'lling", Mille: It hilo Instead of baiting the al4watM-With s1r, ra . I i# ni- vlibii Clto USP 4)f tile 1,,ink,, lilll,4,. lje-ni,14-nt 4"ly `%%III re very !ong lbit td clowbe or hird, the inventor Kve hair a win(i tio go oil tiie Well Looked After. taught bY fififft-e1840 Umcbers. Thor- j,,zehwjrr th'. 211ppi.-titiv.. C44iVilmed, . I . . c - & 'the comet, ever stage," said the naloiriiw amajteur, "all ovil, twactfoal, up-to-4dWite Qme to an - 'en goroW. Wle, 0 To) 14� (Inf"4 1wart attitidiiight ;trj*#ji .%m. t1w - inerith #.)f 'i-nxilngp niul fti'ulatj -. mynelf -Aerid1y giiini-i1tt , If wing to. the I i kWti in a. doubb- lx)ttoin a kinin If We t 1110& was; n 'dan lly I'd I* *a re- prookb," said Rivers,. 'you ought moderate Mtft ; ekqWti. equ a lily frienth; eigg nie (on." -nvyrn, reivard t1wk likiwer mfirt� Irii-no-rill0y, loc"91,1140-d t1w ;trofit I I -e(incefitrAtion .� -of 111-4 'metcorle cbm- nitiple, I�oz, which playh uutoniatle. f ealth, Itrul istrelifth. fly lbe Vftrl)�WL popular Mrs ar t1so country. ui.'* ivild Itim friend, " you might' h- to do _ffiolijetlLing for that cold (if apartirkmils lKr&du t" h1g) f ill u intipr fr(dii--a i.,4 Weren :1 fill liy rho , i: Pro --J of" Unc!f, 111' jiad. UwA four, boxeii, more I bad. ru3y 1)(111entil, It Is not wo now. lf,&trettlly. 71,o nik-c, ry ItA.444, are'drawn wr(olls- (Vged off." yourig. k negkoeted cold sonictitites comful ptudentip 13mitted iat it 9;, 11:114rd to, wipport In(, Ikaet) ev(;r rliPC1kfd -lit � Am caro", t -lb, town4r tl&o nlui4le box utd in or- - speclal care --bould Iw takvii to I hor- !ea4&* to tierious cous"ut"Ickem- time. Write for bqputirui -n14sri .4tv Youngr �stftk. enit rcgal.ne.I h0alUl nm. xixengtli y 'd I. t trougil �tjlp. It 'Jj4. evi(Ii-tit, otielt Wteilruption can4 dt it dow - "Thii4 cold cif mine isn't tieglected.". k1gup. Mpjlst)zl at 4njA1I sins - iiki*i only able to do my ful Outre it& at ld - xr to huhr lor-tter thiay stv,,� int(i the oughly niaAfrate v4d food, creo-41 ' . . _ . it, they woul"I trap. - ., : r(at'. whiles witha"t not tRgefet aN rapidly n#4 ivarin r4iKxl cramly answered Brookti. e or flix Addreft W. J %Vjkjk-,IX40AI-- 141 1 114-10. )11 , lom-whold . work' but AIM" attibuti -to therefore' the final throm of the -comet. f 4_51 Mped not tr I oubity ui4 lit thp leask' -At hundred PAM 0#-r.4 miin(l Ail I twisitike gro%;�sh at df my frien6k are looking af el OU uly- sallimul *eJUX4 e 1. 1 j4,4, wvl - ot her The adlierentm of the lost chime of te r A. Pa W410 amo, -of ii list it rg'sl - --till. suceetwive returit EALER FOR 144 faitt. -%%*�1,4 0,11111114. like tlj­ itian-o 1) churell !mpik.' I 16ok ul)ixis Dr.- Wit.-".. borhooil or 014- iidUr rjyi4tem. 'I t :p tho 'Stuarts atte illeput; A. .1. Andr616 Rft#ft H&II, %I(*It- ASK YOUR D Al It Y.- the claim --jkPUjjtfjlj ljlWXXjPL �!thtjtild Italno"Plak PHIS as 0eprie-elewt loxm to ishohi of. part ot Its. slilendor, and Me— ma de lay Queen 0 I'mt it, gito L)... ht# -.*a ch , qriij. N r, jotlif ft( 'Ictorilt',or(ie 1011190"t real, writm, " On §Wer9LI oemmiong 'T%va, thirA.-flop :dl the jci-wol ye enil.- brmiler of tljj' k riM loinianity." �Pfttl (of Its cat -r, ivlwther fair off Piwo -B&nuin * or rt 1pi it. English h6tojy. Thp� point I I�Ave known to ilitiry. t") inj&tV-r-l1#VW awmi lip Inny 100 Growmg QUJCkCU' tt) reMOVO Ilftill in t1MF1 Itn' jo 4 it-� littl- latrnt.-, itear. --sit halid, will In all pr(ibab re 11641"1 ill ?A(6,140% 11114 1afn ?Italy "Ifive . 1)1- W!Il1il,njW 111tik. 11illm art! ;1. take -Oftep lit vAicis -a wnj that ter-, out Unlit Ahe relgit of." Kiiig Janws Haek witilin fifteen mijillutic I t it; IL Ili' 'J"llikint, i4ceilent ont-. hut It i4ito - was Vc for Vie troulylew wideiv,ma-ke the rOstrin I will liever know. Ill. altil Vill." lapted front 1701 to twpeciftily vsluablko where Belladorinn pveld (4'80 majly %vi),ljoil it, burti.M a' I: or the event. Ne -.Xro 1766, 'or over sixty-four years. To lw 0 kw' U.4,11ght it *1upty- 111filk-- jTlj)t 4p!`ptire sirigric. gri-Itter- for *jp*. m vorthi 11r4lb- 1 9. 't if ft a sure. It(! wan never rps de facto, but or Amfltp Plaoitdift wo"Id 'lot lv'� 111`4 T4 D W A 44. 4'ste".4- n in1l 14WA liffiliT44 cf-rtainty �vill lirli-vitil 'agaltist iw'rand alwayis pe6pja rently to diculate oils- k-ppelflily rest4)re -Uw riell glow of. him reigil e'kn)wkAVd by inany nnribed." Timt no ti4w. r6isloil bpr (41%pring' inal rpports. -and I n6wrt Aliat tho WIL" a en AMM h4i or 11palt., t I pale, hjul sallow elleeks. 804 L I tinio Jo drawimg near whim Prosliero's Ito were loyal to hint in the Don't Go to T&rt&ry. Ifo kill4t 4" 4-11%.U.nt i4srl wil.* 1 441, -1111ro"Illy I very, blindild Imumpet4. W 13EST FORTA13LIE.QAIRY. flit' I y or f WfUle , d,' I I iii t Ineld anti 'tm the waffold. 4 I It it' W-1 1�-� urni, Pskillilyr-A milk JIN;eUrell ill the :4-11,wa by all. dealerm- mat hy, mail 104- predIction iiii-to be One-third of aH the children Whoit it hnndw)me wan vtoito tho All, 41itl wlavu-vi-r gf.4)(I hf-'et'llid, efoilknillwa flimartf-r p6ujid of butterfat. The great globe Itwit., wortheamterit imirtiott.oLTartnry th(A Ail Jw-4 jw fittl­ ItarLIT. 0jr jitorm; the -re- i* -4siore (if, it than pald, at '50 conta it,, box,- or fAx. bolett Amotig ` the inany faqlous Bents of die before thicy are five years yes. all w mr, it it. Inherit. Afalf (14WATt. Inhabitnitts kill litnt twenua- ae iot §PA ionTfok. $L11.50,,- hr addrenik!ag the'Dr. IN iliL ti.ie* nobility 4n'Englantl.1v Eton tiall, me HOME WORK rarmets arp Aware of. A propeely And, like this tilbubet4atifit 01191PAht O'd. Most of them die of so good-loiikhtg. They, 4on't wntit his We want tlw i Ali' awt ).4- watiago4l 'thrfouick.1sio 41a �An',J[114'%V �jj JA-hlP 4j,' I)IbK4, -4 w-parntor . %411; wimi phy for itiefti if llaino' 11PAIlebtab W.I. Brockville, Oa.t. faded. Use" bonip -of. the Duke and Duchow of wasting disease. They W eLiktheta Or his money they i,iinply Ilies W do waft for as at or tiff 11111111tity (of inilk ivarrant* it.. LAm I - Wesinihister' go ' -ou I f "we t1wok. 7U I �r - Beware 4if Imitaticiiiilk awl subo4tituUM not 14% rack bel" numerous are thp n want him w a" rcmabi amonor them. we 4W Vol wi.k.1 Wh4b wepkfa� impre'. very slowly k thin 1 csh; 04141141 . ...1.1 1 1 InA T44 w-paritt()r not otily givi, % toc alf, M)MK Uiat sixty sulteo are out, apart an is wA314 London 'hillhon. Ckly MW tilf erpn-lu. tmit g1vts it withoilt tile allegwl, to -11W."Junt. its gooft" are fretful- ftg does not do turned pwreel put By OW)IIII. -ehalw#- Ito Illivo. ­� . t fOr vloitors alone: but It in only oil # 1 4, -- # haift Wrt, jusinum, etc and thOr the oe"xion of a royal visit that the themmuch go -A You can"t V W $10 per week. Fnr An 11w 11 ­Wv offer On6llundred 04)li.vri U.- Inflail4we oat. the crenin i� irl'it)Iffilled. Deisert Problem Solved. The Skitters 4 of (1mrity '1(irey amokeaft send nauw ward ror' ally eatike ot. ('atarr true' 4W of this beautiful mansion Ii A. gvrmr Co., Iskoll H its w ij4. a Is(p a labor-saving machine, and TJ;e moi4t Impoirtant feature of the It that say they have any disease, yet Nana," Guy street. Moinitreal, wrbt*: -te kn#-w 1,;-'41 #Idnw� whrit *#�cxt'hr )jilo%o %ils. shOwn. When t1w Duke dild Ductiew ght "Having infide une 4 your quick- ON care'of pujjm nit -4 couis 1.4 olono prewvtt A -lo-Egyptian expo litkni (Wintitt, be cared bt EWI t4 ('a tarr are Alon& they prefer to Qccupy the then ver prosper. A sh away- With in 'large tlegrce. 'Igailb4t UW A11001 I'm the muccessrut 0140. hall. co or sonz stomach and curr' In our mtabliaklunwit, wo are 'Y & W -v PfOW., -1*", 4 lk&ms W . llich is Att d to th( U) add our teetlwonq, silso, in Dr. miles** 4AT6" repillo U) Me Altat I'ark-. 1111111 dairy id entitled to ermlit Iur the sialiffig (Yf Wellif In Uto tledert I)et%%'eell F. J. CU E N E PZRUk Aheu,- villf oftei, Wady-lialfa atul -.Abu-Ifanied. 'I'lic, ohlo. bowct trocible takes them away equals 4Quick- Wa'n't iery Tar na4tray. by-primiact&, n1hd its favor." NoUdzig KITS tww. No at,& or ebango I I an apparent lors into a profit. Premnee of water at nuelt. a �tllaktance We, the underMCned, h%ve known,P' Not many 1)eoplp -are aware that casily. cum" as a dress1bg f(w Burrid, Scaide, own 811141id tm 481 Tiopm-irni-on on Jiwien�-* hill Ilk), not (ally . emMit - We %:uish for tho front the N114o tax never 'well iiws- J. (roomy for tko la,9t 15 yeam, unj., 4here are t"ay III the north of Cut* or * wounds: evm T00%Ataetw Ph .. 1-1 ftr tZeads &M tree 6 *)"Wkv verly nitle), t1tat way, SCOTTS EMUMON of Im N4 Imitter. 'uL Viva'kain 'rom.fte p1gsan(I pect4xi, eltilier by Europewto -or titim I)elleve lilin perfectly -honorable in all Ireland deseendantio or the Stuart ne#0 tu) more be dreaded. WMI bodki. J. A. on,iiw war tp' cre"J4 tin' Wf"Nfly "trite. el-Ickeliv, whith lluye*- Wait rained on tiveiii, ajul hido fair to, revolutionize tAWness trantiactions, and finaninhilly kI f Scotland. T1:eIr wime la M*c- Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos- Dame I I've never molprotowl l4kkal A111L . buttp,rinilk. Itut only the tkwrt trlbet4, but the able to - carry out any qbligation� ., n C I rr phites is jwt the remedy for Musicians Live to Old Aire. �,Oflve brothers of that ilk flay - put tl.k4 I know. the *1kIMtPr4m We get tile Innr4t, profit out of iskini onUre c(mdItkin nf deiv*rt life. In- iiinde fly their firm: I WAJ41rRD--0Lzndk$1jftVU@ was'4 oppn� In dkiln' xfoxf. Vallk awl buttermilk - *hen fe. Ing- led to Ireland about 1666, after rowin cMrirn. It makes 001upoem, a* it rule, 6ave bem re- of ft Will pay ac d to dew], the problem of corrie'rUng the Wfwt & Truax, 7 le druggists suffering much religious persecution in in k&W long lived- lftndel w*A 74 young nection with great Arr:zaji ik*)e ntoo fertllt� ter- Toledo, 0. Scotland. One of the fijinity inarried ymn d W, when he died; Wands Pi&wtllql UU4 incod rim I* Kard f U; wqnd flesh; not 0. A. 0;1� P. Q. ftx ft TJIAT K.N0('1KI.N0. mill fe"I or ground wheat. 'Thero im ritA)ry rieomm too he at longth In It Walding, Kininui &MiLrvin. Whole- ;Nlargaret Stuart, 'it "dencendant of soft, flabby fat It makes was 70 - Bach was 65 years; 80&rk&fb- MUgtw THA a N TILy kttle lwuirf 4a iny Nr*,,n to lortifit in givjilg it to MaturInK, fair way U)warits nodlition, not by tale druggiots, Toledo, 0. i, k-mr . ' 11 Robert Il. of ftotland. and It is itald sh %Pa hWthy nerva. ti was 4; Elayft was 77; 11&1�na, Witkat kwickbig i^ Urtt in the Of �4W IftA, for it, 14�01114 UP Ile no better axt- meafm of letWig In tlw ma, am pro- Hall's Catarrh Cure In taketi Intel-- that when - a movere-Ign nwendn tile -Hkw I diti(fil to the corn than X(X)RI rrfmli Imewl by Omnit de lAmokseptoi, but by nally, acting directly upon tho MOM Britisli ilironic I' crown money" Is paiti It lra poor chiklmn to 70; llpoir, 75: Marckebo, 58; Gluck, VpWre djW6ij&Ub IL CJVrpf-:Aer -evil ;1111� watoer. the Witking Of wells. Watoer im evi- and mucoup services of tho system. to the dell6indanto of that couple. children rich in prosperfty. 78; Paiall1o, 75; Rotalnl, 78, 11WID1, do After a luig we*lb* :,,()() I)oujl(tp lie dejitly V) be found everywjirre In the Pr1re 75 centa por botUe. M d by- 72; Cterubini, 82; Pwethoven. 57; Un 1*lconleo Book abotA it frte for the Mayerbeer, 70. Is bald as wwk at a o4ft for ine. too expeTwivo for prof it, wid, African dewrts, pmvided. one digw Ili I)rugglmts. Tentimonlals free. General 11(4)ertsmi tells a mtory of W No subdkute file SCOWS &at kivwks fly niglbt moreover, at U& weight t)rinCo III" 414,el) (,11(mg1t.-New York Tribune. Hall'% FAm1IY PllIxare tbe bftt. hAmmser* tile latoe Getlieral Benlatillin F. Butler. Am will Ao for the cWWm what we Iwo 1W lwwt price. tie %4 it pig up to 140 ELM WhuftWe fenwale a 0"M 11111eM .. Ij Y, IL llnppMl&l tme Vme when Ueneral know scoWs Etnvhiock will do. Get Is a � -4 UW 0 drove all AWW!p lX-'UntIK and will make hip I"t gaino INje Bank c9 England contains ibil- saJd the mortwe man, ispeak- ugxm milk and other dalry refaw. ver Ingots whIch have lain In ita vaults Ing of the fellOW Who wamn't there- Butler w" lit Portland. A great re- thit uhm. be a 41� POULTRY. stum 1696. about& "Why, th&t ornery cum is ceptipm lint] beken arrangwi In Ido. are oak by all d - a I #A 50C. achd all- wbek A -A— No one can Rucceed better with't1w TW3 readlest and surost way to get Actu&IIY too holy to be a policeman!" lxwxw, and tbe lnrgvgt liall In t Pow% Mir po to *I turkeyn Ulan thio farmer if lie will rial of cemure in to correct our 1v occupied man was waj4 ekirgaged to JxAd it in. The I the 000M "V. so es. No ttoroUghlY a -A:U:Iek He4ne. flitotow upon Ubem a fraction of the -DOMOOthOuft. evw yet very mber&W.-Landon. wmm laylaWy decorated, jW HE- I 211 70 Sol: A "AL