HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-10, Page 3mppr-- __"` 1;T lappenings of a V�00 IP A o 0 T HF.; UGr it( - ----------- --------------- t,(.) ta Ld. In t 114. alid 10�(Afillent4 thell world. S SCM Men ROM A N11 WSUMMER=N IGHT%�; DREAl"'I. U N DA'� overcoming evil %vitil, KOod ""U4 all C 01ning fit ILI U ANN"Ar<'ENING uTillienrod-of I(" until Christ canioroo. THE WORLD9-- qJ1E HUMS BUDDHISM11 It llas liever Wen acted tIPo:I KAVe FSON NO. XI: googliel. INTEPWATIONAL LZL through tllP ififlucileAll and'Women. SEPTEM13ER 1", 1397. it is on. this -prineillie God $11 taliOwe mercy: M. tilis principle our, fo ap Co'dilitess Canavarro R-onotuices Lord cainp Into, tile worm, iliurrowd, t The No of the NOW8 Of LE Y bled and dletl'- -following tlli'4 Rayne l MEDITATIONA OF LITTLE TEDDIE. Family, Fortime aud Title. Christiato Uviug.- -Ifoln. 12:9 to 21.� princiftle, lit . imitation . of Ifini. t -LL Tinie.-A. M-1110. I litce.-Corintli.* 1,hollid loillo,�%7 1 c ve , amd I w1rill I wa#4 bligger, wtum I a Ile -Lit Church. e' tO Wng Days, ;1 -Patil. Rom. ntere, to -out to play y and striv -Ir boy;A *ley wouldn't, Com:aentary.--It is aractvr tll.lt V1 I, tile ow ,Varki tx) the kn6w14-4XoFo Or It#; wit ell, ling -4 jW elo.�t:iX ,,vrrip i ry FIRST AMERICAN LADY CONVERTIo TI t to order me away, CANADIAN. -is required of us Itaiiistalcilig t QIjly thon pit- An' nen tiry wouidn't aJway,, mak( (of no idot rralid t�nnjxanry %Vill 1w, titat therLb IU.'Iy or me wt up on thp fenow, sle -b-brill -Wol-k In Ceylon Ali 111tereg upon tile lire- wtIf-denying, as against tire le -*;"n, llili4lk IIIii-tter. I;i ; Cv-Keniony Hei- Pledg;es all(l. kX tsur ind(,Ieni�e, our aplietites, alid Our S Whell th(,Y art, playing eircup am 1w T. thr audy-en0e. Buddhism psmsiont,: askifg only &'or duty, tllougll 4-zlo .1u4ict, an- ;i rr v'ows From Tlieosophy to .%Vv knew it %vere asking oni). for Let%ves a Hunba HIS NOS& I'd like tA) gi,t intoo th- ring, ab' I;Iay niartyrdom-and all for Clirl-1.- I %-Bpi tlw clovirn, r.ti and :;j tts ar- pit, e tti to) Rettirli io Anierllo;a�- Nir. Ifitellcock. der, w lio, goo* I 1:�I. Sit rilito fina, xv Or else tile barebowk rk r;L l4got" for 1) I;U-4 I`," _4or., rt.tort.: liolthout dissitulklation Jumping up &Yid down, 9. Let love 1). 1xistle liteanj love a4Uw)lAWIY- ot 1sII Till- a Or Id li k -would- UP &,nvb­'AA:v be ringnuLeter -4 ir NN V, 'a'd ti, dently refol-ru strainke ccue a Frenaman, who ll't that be JWt Ifunle"Oe' filt'll. .14. Clar" It V Lange: Tit(- *vords hery evi Cl, -h- untry ry 'ViV V j) �� I of a n7.\% to-lot-tievolence, or good-wiJI. tOIA-ard all But eylpry - ttm- they ln&ke mf- play lm tlw audy it 1.` f t 41 at CajudLtv. Eait- at inankind. 1AA it. Ile :siiiture and uu- Thouall Siplht,ev, U11 SEP, )I,. r I It io-ii, i. rigtj Let it not conall't ill Aords or �Ilv. ii-ar J:r olls 0111y" but let it he 111ani- W1K;Ij I giet ljoigger, wnao, ditty j'.;1.,A t Of Its 6.11 Y C I r it k4f k i4k) r iu .1 1. &W 1 -ds gicoin bave it r4ig 'S le,,�,d In aets (If kindiiisx, anxi Ili def I i * - t 4 1 coaf�. gey, for Ura it 111 txl- J , ilk- .0,10AP it AS to at lia hiell SIMM4 'no be tit*! 10TtY Lum"M a"' ar y.-Barlletc Vblior til. A AIL Prit Aft 0-t AI This , I(we slooken of -atK)Ve, lu evitervthIng, M. I A 11arL, papex no, Joell tIIr_ liLtIer Lootei'll have t00 lib,�. N pub3orl" :1 fe ag ul u or turn %lo Ith A r. :4erly t.() fol- jou ti .4 to ablie J I ac"lit %4 it,) flall oolil'be r1L.41 t4k tilt- sUr-1,01it lors. - I -,,; J tii,. ago ai extraortlinar cet up (M ci%� t.vr t!I4kx.,t-1I Fle, loathing, froin evil. awl' alw), oil y tobe f if L. 4,11 Irg -I lap, tlw-tr han4i wivr oth(-r hand, ch -ave to that %-011cl, i.j t1irough Jdg lict;e- This an4,i Ail It- -is I perfbtiom ',00 -a. Iffillki, I V4, forVitle &;ood --The wwd deay.! has a itrolig Per- it, it seenw, tk- tW audy-asm. vi'll I 'trolo-w1w l!'t on t -Jifilifie4liti"n' It ineans glutfing,Mlit(Ir- by sytitematle training ham i;eell 4'11 t frl". ZW111 -I title .4- of a AS witelt uilited by,glue abled too make his nittial irg-Mil A-ake "'I W11AT LITTLE (U. Ito in 14 clo-wiy 4 (bye- rultiS"WERF FOR. t 'llile. , 'r., - kintily aIfcctioiiud--TI I Itto wuie meat-ure tit( a".1 i -p -r -m t I% I truk ire, I uict, .,;I:i N%'Otllell 0. Bi- i wor( xv Lk3, ali-I Tlw-re".- a littie gir, in t4c)w I I, not tit:, The st<wy wae read Ili r aw! tilt. hirther ;jlVj).'IjLii4" t 1-: 1�1 tabl�- !1*g1I Ne% a),ril,v of alwayti Well ty'llit'v("Al, wlvw-' mother att,11 vs ff Ir ; , . - ;Lit "T It properly dwil6tes U-nder it Is safe to isay tivit the Ili b o" ��L *4 0 , �*i t;.-,; par- 'it 'I -x- 1--haq inauy tribious. talkofi %vith lifir. Once roy .%% aderA gave littIf. thumit, Such :Li fit ­%ol. steps,.. a fteir (I POL in If u I FAYM �, tollop Ito, ly 4 of Vt -e klaiiY ll"Ix�n 1111011 a. (Ift Ullt.-� alid Cliildren, -fw; it t_,,,Ij, trao"nary thinga at Ing. but mott of-tilerd mother tzM: G110111, vt-, ,rive t 'w,js 1.;,;1Inore ave iiiinilar ru, ..ou to toli'll t .4, Christians should li, 1.4 `ow, my dear, vnp fl Ujollgilig tt) and likenco ere.61ble. But I I ow * I-; i t III it *ant ­�Vlll- ; UNC ­,.E4 'Illu toward (-:tell other. till'to-11911 lllf- 'Ile wKilt G -"d P:twv littli girl- niotherea If 'itil ljor.,_ sible'for a mail to osee till. K:IM(. -it 1,;n't that mothero, arr older I"'Ai. loa-Midsts IA I -'JOI IN ? & � ;,..I for. if 11 hi, A I :Igt - Zito I Iow 'till-l-ly jcjvt­-.% t�lstiii�-t :.ort lovp no6p. tri -4 nnffi c -an : 'Ito it" lf�4 visl'le 1 C'), Mamy a4ed t1d - (:u iti et t o I n V t -ter i it., ,;Ylkillol v, friiiin t1ait iii.%ursv ". For 111.;- dv-Li t IX- I e i an,I %vL-Alr. tI,nn littio. or f igiit and what I* t In- vain for a "itLsfa"o"Y -aiv_io-oer. If tell tip -in boovilat it; r I sei it fi*k, . I I K , . t he ;o� I I it'll. 7. Paul. I i -I � 't .?r %-,-i!l Io6L- t) N%imng tAo (SO." at 'I- dmi't flak God, t*nd, motlielriot tO The It IL RUNK P' SHOWN 1i 4.14 lxx;k, u hich I*%'a A Ts' el 11111, AU silliply viijoij! brotlivri3 ;ovib- ;jift af�id­ i i,i rt v t,: t*Y toil DT i -V _.s an -1 rl.ug-h 111111,%e- M.-ur t4) '--a. clutlit-L' 0- 11,160119 1 ill" veil, tits' ti* bit that it .410111d Ilit. L-Aldly aff AI is or t y'- Or I. r A ED a ff reinberg Ili 17(;2. 1. ILN-v V: i; I A illoll at re- little girls 001)w t%,� child. -ilig"t filraft for *7(X) upon. Mary -it- , - at tII4, rrivolutiou- dh int It --li. r� Ito%% I'N I ionbr 1), 1 ic S. lit- Frt-ferring oil w :Illotll r cOnt Of ot ".1"" vcrN villifPCHNI to Tiq)r. rew) ct- .(oil 141�1 tIK,- Ia64. L ry ilde. ft, okv . - - _ t I i _: '121) DeafliOrim-, itre(:t. At' re- t6utier iii -w- vwluqst r Mae- 0 -ab - Ti f t I -I Murphy, Of . f-11,61, -o fliat the r' . ""!- -r" 14 J-)urna I. tl.i-it tim( . Sir Ctxqr oOCjIIW_ I "till all i -7N, Artifil-I I.ave U."-11 going tin4ler tile Il 'i)f Is en"Itled Ybu tion't Wall: W- inothem al.d fit tf) little 911114?", vhP A Tf,"10ti to 11 Sir 14allry �1,11,stwpod ftmpm M.. Us fir. WoAw000it. Oft 1,10tilfut ill 17 in(-.*- -Tru optrims' It A Ity. A. i Its f � ol(% 4 1-1, V I,` f I - , . Assaasill. i viun;l "o" went 4* the, child, *41 know 4 111111h,q], too. t"Oopeir . ft-cently dirobted , E. 8 14 tile ivt)rk (�f Clio, di-tinguilic-' 44-r Clatristianity tois not tnake laty liet girlii too inotlipre T 1 1`11 b, 1 '000 lett4er.4 of man wh<Aar, Joll.11111 Zalill. (:41pIILb_ _7_ -Pere" Crocker to I)-rlii awl j4uggar.ts; MW i!ititistrions is Wanted til. knowo 'at $hey vroulitin't toe t pr;irv�t - 'IAXX 'cau e I'-" 44"fil 'ItAkill tit! -oinpaning dralts, rare, alift-1.4til" 014' Vorkerr�, for tile. itiore 4:evoted:a it. are very instanve happy If they adyl't, have f4fmeboillY f t for flit- mi chief Lees thittkel _FlRiOl SAWA. r1olu,4 -1 tili- lit*(,*- 4J #--pank all Or tirkilp,." 1: 4 tr y purpip, In tId i city, , Tile ulli-istiaii _is the iii(pre in. iust �Lw L for tiv- batik.-; la)iorior It(!, wa.�4 fou n t 1 -le took LAGE- BLUt. and the bouse' KhLotill.9 Iffa�r i lit; t "OPEP WITfl A VIL, nkler wa-; not fiHed terrible -Y)R 1110R. lllaw.11 . a 4-.,t-reL silt tilat i.,i ilc!--d 4,011- pi.icff- ill froItt orating lit 1.14, Con WAS T 01'riff I Vq aj(k-un Frid n .114led -agailtst not h' ulde L ver rf t 1, a. -i-ill r ;, ! 1. in. Oy rimt, ullilikilig TU'O J %vtor, ftmving go.%% i r-ril %vlliejl tiley liad Fold to lit A Iftilo At gifl had Imen U)Id . I -that T;&i vto-" Aiwave t i,. fl`- �-arjda Va'lail- tilt rel!Ult it, ill,vol,diUr U) I., t)v off h6i 4kr,. :11 Franci-;co a forbw L by Iwr mother uct)lier -,%Vaj-� lit stul it, it e.i tilt, coula &lee In A I.* a 4�4 t Iju.- Awe� whili. you, tliiiik alootitt it, it t. tllrougil iii,4 ,fit a.,; a to ycar "L -o I) -(.Il ­q-illg ill(- i."Un'te: �T wat0iing -tliftt Tl' foltowthd Ill"r I I Fr. ) and It! Ilafi I _ I ter I I --i, 1 :4 r, 4! i% fwrivi Of a telililtatioll'-4tylo lo� -crowAl- Infant lip NIL 11JI . a iner. N;*Iil:e 'I:e Va %%-Iif:.rever Off- went. To lil-� inad- a deep 4". V 1%', Otis -4 wr� -t' alliti 1,0141c.h. Ile -,t-"-rt iju- roispv,-tv I re - "of aJLI Coto fat.11 V -t I - --o, %v-tull4i;ng i-ig 0, lity t 'it LII,- itiet, %\ Ifli a 4riolzr� a cick"It, to fill rui! (of 4tut. or an r m -i Toor wited itt4tive ifx*4 or iiiQ rigia oye. A -sljob u-nr wa!kijig oil V -e #ttreet, ni'd 7N 1'.. rt'jilto lit to lil". to il, liji-, 1111weenre of tilt- cliarg(lit; pf �IiY!1111' Storey, to - fivii 1*,r. aml,orlip 4!zky, when o 1 t I r. t1tt t pe-ir. i ir v,itilhvift ivill. fill I Ito trvadwr Pr011glit . h1m. krtl-;u tri 'iillg- 1 -itste - - ye cherry !:I Me 410K I,*Ao! fif)114), r. tile o;m-if. X%*ork i..; clu W4Wk IIM fe gir., later 1,, full Irt)-il N"I her I Y atiOl u t ;,i Mulnoir T, \% 01 N­.� %%ife. Tlic first ilitilli. I ti'l utore chnste. trw, Allitt ;t I& left eve: Ifis I"e. 'A 1�: -I �011 I aye'r is s 4 111P-tanre, t-V)rP0:- ftTI41. 9AA11101119 NI;SA N V. \1 es". rt 0! if i -JI 41jitig'affair wilielt,orettellelsarpla 101%_o�l bY pr. TI riglit 41irwharge of oor fltitletw� lit i and 1,L,ft ii-lietlik wcri her f". Faid 4Lngri'y I RERLFORD Aj,,,�. Law I Y -pa . 4 4: 170-, s BE -t Ill, i1% to at tlj� -allle Lie, -1-14 it %\ r rutul �kf� :-- I I I aiii.fro-ru Mr. At, b t4!rr1t)iy 1.1dilglioN, I L 9 Nv: I.; by t0egro, i s euiploynicatom tit lift- .tit -11 to havo to I V', I rzatur ay "CIO, away. 4r i ol, 4,r My .0. '. 11 If(. tc I:i w V P \Vin. *Store% V. riow V., I ken I to -r -f lieforti, M%, i'Ged t clix, t. I; it Own, gp j;- regar,leil I.,; tier LLI art, at OlVe ior Clil to I Ig arrav!-,­1 the order of Lliiiig-. ill thio;s Ile wat, wfql-jenougli t W&; T I-$ . I V. 11 1_�� . '11", - , aii� aa u I IT' s the Mind la -i x%"jui,l 9 If. 03.3,1ouday in-0:nkation -Ion ar -st I lift- lo proult)te employinelit. Ife 't'*f, r (t 1 4'. Lasenfles 16111d L'�e to go, ft- t1loinu th-tt ;lit . '.# . . tvi.! inflitistry (wential- to I'll -1110 less avid warin lilm-�elf if, 1.110 P�1111- 4m IT (101111-r(711y. I' --p;wk`At I o); Ceipper. Sion ey lig,nild that Ili, sHr spy�.T.T .1 that Illrol-Iiii -it Ile saw Ii:'d been liel ridiiig I. -Ile inklus- da. v 110 fa-leit-i III. AIN allit liew , to Now li'lle -lit tit the tolhe Klomtike Mr. Stowey %vas retu Ls froin p irl ray (of i Wit. Ke A little girl re­t�ivtboti an iti% Ilft.;.soll fol- havrinellL.: to Ile re- thrullA.11 his 714 pe fa r 1 4 -it rcoe-;- fro, il, A ux WKIV.Of -a - :. - �.. -, - - . . is I Irriend u -s about it t1i,,r., �iixi- t:,i. r :I Ili, Arty 1 to oil party � , 1111..r� y puzzled. Im -ar-led :Ls at,celptalillo ser% 'to? U0.1. %% .4 aturall LI, t A, -itati, in lint] 1*111 'Writ - t n1a. I rne. lip, notf.'W"thol. "11.1. 111111 (1141 oulltil 'Ile to give. Tile III% qpf the-lp le .1flitir . - -11. ti. form. -Ill 1",eiiiii. After oilirvey- 'Ill, -so .11 %N oro.,, rrili - V t 'ft Ile ullt 1,14-jiicittg ill hope -The hope of %Ve L LIld tie i I by .0 of HE YbRx 1-�, gIV1 loll Coo: rpo II NEW -111i delight foror a ft-pw lio7 i I 'or IS NOW 'IN go V ii Ing the iooW -tilled 'It'llo, - :L Saturday Is. *as fs4lowfi: eternal lift, and glory which is f-Illolith arter t -,erl V -)t tvrA -rt gtli .01. mid I Lit: r :11W,114. it m1nute&. tile re-lipiPlit - N,,:tr,; 4 tit 1, t1le porti4 i x)f- tit( sincere ChrLstiall- ray of liglit. a1Id,,.istr-'0'9U t4 I in wrt Wfil", Sid""y ilar 1114�4 it 1!'o if I itri). --rtt' Xt - %v York rPI .14 t4 ire V I ree % ;� T!.* "I'learl i:i fal"d li;ll', hut! &L, *111,apa, I worder If It 1-% :1 hirtll-InY Ile Pati:�llt I I 'i ge, V 'It t op -a r -it to.;- TAml Ikire f ' it still- --lept" Uiruitirh tilt- tl' part y -, , Ill. AIrreo.1 1CM ts oirk fir, -Ill. If en-gUivati tit(- poxvlur _We it --�trait I I Is t st r out flif v.-Iiiell. pak*od, It XmIoio Illf�ybe Ajig' In( ise Let nj t ,To t I, t!ll. priit:_t., 'if -�' I ktatital. J"I br p..rent.*i. P. - - iI.1 t),v oittraiw­ .�t I:Iton delily tllc�parteil early in -,July fro"' f r1ijit rooni of IA_ 'I oIt It too 04 I .. . . , Ii.. 1i it t - , * .'- L, i it ; and, in Order W q trillef ilin)C!110" Ile #-Ald '.% : 1 � v11- IW:III �11 . '.. rd Ktreet ll1g!It-- As t I.V true zeal L -i l000r 0 staut 14 t top I'at All Art- itlettlo. ttlr-d No o. -97 43 aloif' It, I , . At' ­�Iw (sa., where lie hall -)e - 1 4 C1141. qf five years, It(, was Urr the , ; I . ri. -nry B-' litinker, -filieli, foi- th" kill`loin. of 641-1, %%-to 'till r i! I!, thog I Aprii I' i lit 1 Yes ft riut-at be a birtlwdrky party. It �Iutijbere loll,' C. a .. - V� .1,ti'll , 1% lit) 11 11-119. .dowyl to pc- goW afWr I Ifleliar-i 1),,arn to r,:ufft1r,. if iwe I loo, for Ills aH object -A wIthin it r it -671111 le 411"' prceentA: 'I, ;t .%% it�. " , :1 f', .Itv. ­ I I. ri t barlwr,. slit her; fatlier, , 114 '1-; It of uri I pemolls who Fon till Ilill'- in- tancv. bre, lKkotvver, fire I a lilt dl�� th" -froyn t a te lixtson, majiy' toure y t w Pe "A (In tilt-- I At It ling or k able to tA'I. :dl 114" t*iA', ig 4,r If( r ;4.mt iii lira.% ot-To Ht xoo jv; Itht, 0 fen r I * vi, an I pray are I 1% � - !'i , ! Ul 'Ll � I 1:'N"r. I to,% felt 4 deep Intel! jq� A MILD"t-z C0361i pelle tl,e r -grif)und or lit frtoliit of hilli. I 'It lie 4,0*11141 : %V Alan gone got' tit! , Ir Storev. Putt) not lit fli-r- Vhri-,tian tmr) o1qol-ite *'aliti i I trio,- t! t-lof-.-A tilt. ic-.- 4-juittAk- ljot FM "Wther, 061. r. Wly oiJe(-t-- 11lIK)Vf' L A 0, hither lie .11 t1w 1, v. brido daughtty- flor fliat lie wa,8 mall0cm t. flo.-vital. bill, i-tatoll- oil Wert r, t it 1�., Alen tA) ferey 6 for'the trut:i 4 lie 4,1141 i. , - I. ­, 1 V c it, t )me lslw- 141 fl'nw togi-Olur vir*e­ YL ot1wr el , 4. virer estv Wi. I t-:Illtiv ill 10gliler unity. U a, ai 'It t110 .11lat (�(yj %%als everywher.. anXiltiaiii- olid 1-C fli- tlir% IIC led j. 1,�. I or ker ua.,4 arr fit r laill., I T men tit. 1, ;J f too thr- pri tirl's. r i I - . . . ---t I 11.4, - p: ;oil tile ."Alallti(! coakt. V, phyt4 tail. lleb,r %%a,- -Viso ieveryt-01 tile. Hyde* Park IkAice Stftt i"Nit. '.%.I- it, tO to() fij-.oll. h�lll. was I:' Dlt�,trihuting, Ig altd uVerylx>ly. 41 :s. 1'4 i I i ials have, 1-ceri trY1.119 b:iljy, tit;ll -Iffi..*avit :L-,; t.) t heir em T04k Tribunv. t4s Iso-, r r% f -;, so. 1700141 IN' Cit. New Tv-;t;iiuCtjt. lit ttri� ntg r ready to make ail. (ine day, tay,4 the N -arrie I arriet'l upstairsJI'Vo tilt' .11-tt 0 she opened tit,. Tront door to adinit the attoll Av -rou, 4 1, 1 ic it- truth. rol joif, I it +x 1 ]:1 i-v.d. iV i I.- g.l f luid ill C;;'.- V:. 10. \VhPi I'M - I llfocyr= a's yetd,&rx sitlitilkitr* th t It -A, t (y tile ­e.leo, tijitu., we T E 11 Dr. 11artol, tile %,Vel ills bridev ff-'Gleell there t :So­`I,0yi it. I BOTI I T ALT,` Ill 4' io)in Georgia 11tat La8 , I.; N t: to ri-p V and, a f . lilenill, IM -vi 'Montfort,' wore ill cut the I ull.t.: up to thitle :110ilt at wltnteVer t i�,4, A il v ilia, 'Larian inlidter.r.-ly) had coute V, make 7:, Dankfor and Storf _y I%U, I, t ite ivan a call. 111110,11 tier ratitier. Dr. 1-loartol .111(i at NIr.* C. -uport, %Vw tlf--tt -P Worki,dil-ItI10 W&q A Julkyl at .%%a,.-% arrust"I ,oil tit t Ilis (.I.tv..Tlie rc I k4ftb, � r .:Ili,] !-.I iiii-Latevel. I 4-11anknit!lg, I ut� a.- I Oill eyeba I I T., v. .�irg­ io�-t: 11. t 1, 4 0 1_4 I-1 t Mofitfort t. Then IsOtll pool tot vVery Us Z. t n, N4 0 . .1 1 i . !'i�: .4 .#. kil:d, �eo Ilow ri Mr, lost ft i -S diff.1-111111 14 ... lolo k. Ileti. and 311 tot ol I t t -t - v i to�, ( I t 1.1 rot. :;h'i lilt 4-yery -li,.;8iI4le 4'.e _t I It. mrjI an ex(tvdingly attracti% T, r t � . -1 J A- ct)ur IF .. , . _ - Lying.-to'l.th frientIL,, a broker -44 r(-), tilidill -rt v, unto rippearance V.. lifiq, 'quit. %%()riL 1141, wt,'Alld that - -rs. .0 deeply tlld Ilis Iii0ole gt I, . L t 4 ire'. lll� N% sl 4 � r �-trang( fe.i r ha t I L'.. 1 1'. It" . - I I I � ! (,t -;t 1060 *titrc 1111, ullie,.kgo Atilletic ka im;r May I)_Ive lm:lcilled t I- WIAV (,b tile clilld ti t after I,Q(Aing it wi-til.theill but. wqs -lit ­44qx*Ci;IlIy lil!4, *I;K.#..l f t - i" 1,*,1171' - x Jects 4 ellet, wals 1.4 .1lid Dunki r ­,,alnr of' tile north "ut. )II tl:e grrt'llild (:r in fr-ut o -tit %V. t f" h; . 1-11-P vio. inity A Ivii irp,t,f thi! I r -0 -Iv (: UP at 111m. 'site to -;. . 1 .1110 to(? 7f.h:l. IX Ito ;41 kvilmily aikd ariniiring It aw ither-1 IL -ti, ill -oni V til -I:. 7 t t IN 1 -:4 1. too %,O)rk' '.-'I flew to ber father. rying excitedly, s ni;*rriPf i% It losting Tillitf. I tl� It tf) I lie t I o.,:o %va. Id. W. waiti'lix 1411" of!. I. Tit.- nian...it AvaLs 1 lit till. latti r ..-I(j 'lot sei'll, ((;.%I. Jectm to teott- pap.1' (;0�1, I;z w, - that fit- Lre. ar 05 1111 tz. kut -it 6 lit V,,i, 1� )w is 44 1 Irristian faith :!11,1 "flurry. -t Laqli Iox i: Ill". t, - -t %% v, T1:4xs the 11011e Of 9CIL-ting fund oftell.jil-otilid ills ol'! of t it., art- t I -ihi furt I;er statif.- tIUM ir I %-.1lich to, goto to K I ond ilke. olrug -tor�, i-ve. "ittv ttn VII -It �aerolvlt (of Ile 1111piol.,411glooll fllolll� of t elli'lolk.. ... . - - , T _t -losl ,�kq I r f, or XV I t Il 14) Mt. u atififts. ]-I ati(toll of - 43rd str be Them ni Ill,ki'l ti. r xV _s,;%qi1dIing �)per- 4 lour i:rt-U;,r--;i. atid ILI I e I lit, otlxl�al niarrVott .1-1 FIS11 Tlll�fli,T cOMAIIT SUICIDE. 1,n7tuing fi or %ii A, Iiii,; proetA ill Ghrist. nit'l li:t.%(- niatrI.111(nill-lol N�entures, Iminkli-i - pas,- en- tl1N am..Izlttg plieronle-noll, ai.d, I' ther�l 1:t - - t I.. rea.ily In. Ifr-juifte lv)w a I;eroqn %vfio I sL;,.r­..,!' cijul,11A u f'r-t I*Ir of Lord Beres; r. titli t o flair rf,;i:. I r, qtr fr Yin i..Ii .. Nl*hen One Fe -10it to.being an .'jt 10A. -P o It)ork it po I ei . - . I - rre 41 . , - . .1, - r 11, �:s 1 , I-11 -I,; ford"S Cr4lit _e 11-illir !1.; lotbor h. (ertainly Li, vatla!lt %4- -IL jig gat xio .71 *!veil Us 114wilitality-­-It II --i: f- z -k 44 it 4A1A8&vM Wolf P6 vw, 1,( lit, I, firi-Ai ill raViAl tilt .,torvY 4 ciul #-too tl.frod ith L I,f:!rti(-uI:irI\' t4)(.jd.ty, 47re:Itp$ -t'toof t�eyb 1,1to mally p*(�cjs willelk tv:!ap.� throWlt t�lkv a? 4,11t: duriiig OR` 4 it Imal, , ikeltty t�eforco,� tTu- lru -flat, which is oll till. P541,0114. I. -i fir. :.1 r r r - -if tit. qJL)AJTvet� t4 b tilt. jjle�sllw. All tir.lej v. -tell piore lie - 19 till. fill, -I t, o7e:1 per-. ali-I arre.. 64"1 to -. 1. tit(- Grt I(M.; PAull!ly. rix .46v A tile' niarrIal"'. li wood bilildif plaipjant I'l. V,e t I,_ i*,.,?�.,!j.� .1.tt NIrs. -Ill nild ;i4 -r A ti linko p;oii� lif-arti tit(! sliot, and ratt to it'- tilt. str:.inger alld tilt- A pefeft an�nlpt. To prewrlo to a 1AVY_ Y Til(.y foiii�tl i1r.s. I)d plunged hito a t AIYTIIIC-�L 1.1' Ill. 1,0)111011, 64arfir-li it inglis kILMALBI tbr -.Aliss front :1 loer.-e-uttv 3: -ft .1 L S i J It 1­;C� C powil u-ater lieforifo it 114W or 4 1, %:t rt (,of th- -ail-tit. 1; Ild Im-ealm I big..-rin-elviir. 1114Z.,0 glishill, 14. filk!sS thr-Ill 1`V1Ii;-Ik blicket of f k Ail ri -V Aot P I ,I;. r llr� -0- fr� I I cioling 11 -r tiw f1to-oultler. -ij tt -ike t4v alarin. I -0 ,it' 11 ilis'eir - ' * -!I, - a rer4i ii-�l V 11:111d. The y ill..t tuidt 1114 loll :-ull n,w!cr I Lt!, %%-ilit-11 il IAM4 -"I'lic fr,rgi% g ( liritaltil' if pir't Is e 01 t, to li::Ill' '(,thi s w .1 licap lo.:Illllflll virtue, hift . lu.; --iffi All. to' Dr. Rz-ajcms- %vatopr is ilwtAnt deatit to it. to ll.ov goiu .11 IN-cting. that -Ili %as (I,, tilt. f1toordoubled ill bit. to (I hilliself %V, 41 hole i reise. We twist inipl:r�- 'Git: I tile of I -XI ''. I erp kiii%.In&­;4 vvi-7Y ill,. VI -1, :.-I(. t I, ropre-4 ro �14 . .'I - I . :%li-Jiftrm. r u t:, L Inot 1% Iocstiiw it up6n us. t or 1xick ajy!�I, the iii:loitary to. t1l(.1i hume oilAill. liudKoll. ,;I c i'l leg th-c. calt.4if his 11-9. 1.5. s %x vil," GI T t f. 1116 t -wk hcr liI.-tilghtor tot :"ILI tile" tijoy-11 "it, lils� right breast :1 liti t. I c, 111,#. f Sir lienry Cooper, 1-11" IWIlA.-1( _'ti rt 114 -!�cmir ie(l.,, -lit thu 'lit tOr'placirb., 4 itil, an lot -tit'. f'r Ike jIo%%4.q Itlll. ill tilt. r()oIll st6o,I Dtink­r "Utait lit. lljl�s Very i or, erwiwil", 111(1111,ng lilt(. ai to tile vditor's, boy, 1,:. silyflo I 1) 1 V: Ir 111. t 1) Papa," itjo­,.iiiro d ti 111.4,11t. to clop. +"i I il. rt 4. . I at N%I�li tile Iteires-i !l1Ipt.'(.tevoli(r;ilt his.11alid. p. I wv0iAi1lg w *. to tifeast;� tIll, -.1y"pulat"'.11. %"Ili -i cq,lul what do You vall of fice To 4 it 1. C i f ., d liongur. oi-4.U14, t Ilin, Iiini fort­.�,,%* 11'. too plwartb(t. - ujidi,r trre.-4, Ili 1001 lit I n .1 -4 t It I Ilivirthott '.-I t weep . i.ut 1, r %% lia'11. folio 1' 4 IK;t-A4- Lof rat,iwr - li-i-tAirogellilbus little- - Well", %V48 t1w, *6 tile world 'i ". -Z t v i". It ;iAil" . air] tp 1411-stilitiat lus t -f ft iL *I'., - -:-Iw.l L witi, t I .170"r -LILA. I;IS IANC #ILIC tretbovkt,ry -to lii-r 61-seivix,41 flif. -Policv- invo-stig-Itte'l part. I of I 1pctl� tatt atiopti-ti. 11. 1,'!, '14ank forilis, priritr�I,I,Ju fl I IIA tits 0.- otlier. cnills all efIltorial the Narketum W. k, . . I -.t o)r% b rotilij.til'-it i%iTikf,r. ,r: -V I lit 4111t"if Thi -v AVere * I a - COM tilt- tr6getly. froch a %vttielt is *,,t great` pr4jv4k_%'fv 11"Y91,441,10; 'or Ilub M sanctorum.119 I-,-- -, I re uat , -I t -- t i: I in I'ali, t I Ir: It -j% Ile, wro*to offici. I Co. B.:� off tit(- ,:tnie min, Theik I t,.tr j .43. arrit-d and 2o; years (.1 -A bt rt�, ILtt$-rcN1 thr-111 Alis .1,.'fN:tver. Pa.. ill .1,11fill"rY, .18, %Vh(b , and tile small '41, all No a., vio pricwt 4Nvljio.Jt lif slrom. 1. tot r%%;t * . if' liN . t Ytiu It -1 i 01, tile, infol . - 'It 114 - -bride aftc 14 -ad witll stop y(mrw-ir s-ek for I niale-dorter. an -I -fe- fit 'Hit' rnfittlLij, til, Ailey t ek for bq�k xj-,1s tIKMIitf I for it moment, rri '11, flot I -It St- Dunker,.� aud Mfs- StOMY looth roile !if t+,,,k. Tjx-v were:_ c." lilt! foroln till, %V(,Im ethren.-Bariies. '.1orlild Illit- II ly 141t. loll's )Aavi. It- -11 I:Ite) office i*- .11 %I-allk,11111 ur lir marilivil's -4; c it riding to fkl0JIq -'i t"! I ta i t.,ki r, sort. lit W4.1 ;,getlior very 10gli thingi­Christians wery ('t 111- 11, illo W,Vt,ral' in'litary Slil,7t! I twankortyin. 11�41't -P 14) a -ft ud. I.o I 114-rusford, *torey rtceiiily -d Lo ride 'It tI 17:1" 11s, oftell. IS .1 till nux ii. I I fe - -..,Ir '- lIl.t.!c .1iiii will, nimiay or vie lootorer ratik��. In I tllpfio- lift %voill-Ilf I-No-aM "tit. it- lituall lAr Vro t-, eo;"- zl,.t country or, I it 1).-,ta it rro ;,, r% : '14 -:it of t A4,1 thalb " , ffv lilt I 11inis:,ir, anit weitt witik I -eek tlicir (oit'll,lic(ilis :it;,] (1N,­JT0f. BLACKIE. l I takiiig allythi 4-*-I'rly wvrt w 14, ill thu..'. puttilig f.�r..i 44 1 4ilf. his, I ta at lL "If doe -s L Ilt011o, - V,, ire -111sti. lWill's Tilt- I. -It Lr�#'N . d sucepiefle4 I. 4,f - - _Plo A .4 a rs --111: a to to hi j t I ivrii - I Ird ftirthIlk-ot leg. ILLItkile ume4i to relate !,,v .11rx-7 lol In I I v -ill t, I t I I -lit 0141 t(; tio, flo, 1.*4.11 vp pro% ill(b III. . riety *4f tilt- great -fit.- %vitil Crj_..1t gust tille following stiory ga 1�, ..-. oT la Ilvalltage. ionsilip 111 with St(tre.,-. Ti oil. th- Fut)l V 11411 - Ba riles. I "' ein E�r:ito- ft4 Dafiker - -� N 11ill1wir. �An eN�eryone knovirs. faililli ­W,;Is Irree;t6ll poli-ce t1li SWruy'- t z, a Lr 04 Ilk. xi is. . m -lb,iafn froni tnkiv­ -I] ol.34. 0111i., W114.11 if caple. � 1, 17 EVI'l f4or evi; -11 'tiIe N4,rtIlVk4:-,t of las for rt filo,4-4 t4i (If) . th.lL lak ­ lilt A)r used th lw a fibr- ill-I"llitr :1. W*wltd Ilavo.11o irow, hurts Iiiint-4-1f Inost "i't I like g tp: attack -it rsob I -Ii -art. -tlli� x-ity. wo lil"r- fini toro tl Calat old 1)rk)fea , !.-­ itIL- 4 IT U g-.-- or avv,.; MQ!) Oil twl remi-lonit' �'Of %-j-1ti' hilli.-zind br(KxIiljg ov.x'titis I�icturvlqu(_� .111 ri titriking figure In the If- I t j, -I l);l..I1lirqt�1I o1wollic, '[for. Sl, I III to) tilt- kint' argimbs ciVilit:l- ;. t4l 6 )otf, top k I I, Tile I k! ie.-*; I it U .1-14 t:jkw1i tIker4-.-- an(L Ived to- kill I -In-we I f 4 111:1% so be unkind to th 'W� of tuo'ICTO "I'I't, religilr,ll; q!eMfli46IlV wa�-i t 4 1. e unkind arguli-A vorrilil- b.- I -'. U;a lit Ila ol i . I I wiry -frame I luld patriarch, with 0 Mi - ()i,,-IAt Ii.o.vernor t-tkf-- Ills to%% it lif". to 1,e unkind t4i, tit(- kili�l argile,; A U it' J1. V.Illr.4 f t �rt :tf 4_ Cil g 1-1 of 1,-� 1 4`1 1 . I , , , , T . 'it I 'tal -If Iiinx lit Ivei-itIL'tr. "'t 'S lia,i&-4D�ie fi,aturrs. an -i long C L Vie 4 ol M;1111, � Park to -tlifi 11 1 - - tile, Ilyde 14) l,e kiwl tAo Cep t I ; o.- -I' - 61' ImIr ay',�i 1. Ill.irt. failure- Ati, s 11 4 X.-, 1, -livor e -Lt I-Alox, 1111Z -after- - I.; t4l. 0 11111kor'.-w. - si,%- -ri Itit fel: ia riagiell., abolut li6 148t. P i� if plit iu Vill _Tjii, :jttark iro- I I W-Arf 11 1. r it a:-wn0,Ihge- -IT!,f inore I I,.. lilt' .1nore freiIljpl1L*. to Is t -4 Chrlhtl -ing towc4i toot ultiteol. it � Jw&-4 il. to] Ji:�L_ all -I a few ulolittis iifter It*' tile able toll go t AL argue Wlout,lers. no oile once ha% thgo al IxAit�e were lilt -e sli4otaink. 114folles-t-lk-autiful. ur comely. Till- CI- oul i forget Itim. Pamsilig aIo!Ig L c -if, c.-jri, IN ti 114.1ky'. flif [w inarfied A otit of him 0.11 l ll it's 11slial Iell*iv. alid (!,x-. liaol �,trge y. ikervotis one cor tilie streets. 6f %[;L I! y.. , 1, 1; , ,I � 4 1144cd i4i tnke- t-)fIC-awa 'BI flit' -refers to tilt- proIx-eding I or# -evl it tire sOoll IVW-i 41, a very D -K, 1,11011111- lit- by 44, -4-ri st fill w. � nccWte-l� one filay. 4 No niattPr h0w -MUCII We &M in,,urd-41. u I I te.,li int 4, +tDriverratic," A h c. 11111U411 With sillne r t1wre, NI ri 4.t t"i r i loy -Ow:nct- .1irty little Ar of t;.*� -4, _- ** . %-*-e to . -le tq)4,41 T'le t -lie 4 ott[ 1�' r -O tt) �1-yl;oll ,11tillit.1 exiiihit a opirit 4Nr i tir If igli .,N-ottr,1xxjJ�4, Sir Il;Ii­ ly-r- tliat lip 0 vat Or w4.)I(jelI i*tef 111.11IN130 '11111:i hy+oki_rAK4; office, .11141 iioas �;0011 illo 14 %%Ark ff) Ie 1, ­,(-d:Is . - .1 Ole' llo,pitaI, cariy lovely and coiwLmtent with All xijst r tit 11. r the Ali) 11:14 tilt- toVVII. -tuilate. L arrii 11,14) t It.,. �iii %%� -sl -It'.of J -er hati tril-d-, b t 114b 110 t .Ivolt In. 1,41(" Ivading 1111silu K 1p I whiell. 1.11P, Salid thal Dlink Tile 111reo'chis %v %er� impot I norn k Stirrogatc- fIk`ao­J,jljgt4lII to,- dpr�ed iteilr Ill -A Iter t�o% leave lier 4 . -- Joid g1r:,-, tfivro( - Ii. i'f". - "I'll- ?,1q1p( s-tl- 41 i:. -evinlift.,11 Iot-lit '. I I , .11, 1 tit(- 11rortn-or, Iviag imprezaM With III t-0 .1 -Is,rar I Ili-; U. -iblo--it Is not a .41.4 "1 - t1jv'-.Nnv,rlt'all lille, t.rav4*lling to Is. I f It be 1x* y V,o. I),% Ciourt, wa--4 lorotight' I Lt t 0 � Ilu- v :tgaih lqli- Of 111,61itlis., Mter lit- liatl."tab,- t1w I,xt atll'g ` # , . frolil :irmAlialzu,, wliff, 94)04 reine lilt it Ill' A "Ill, :1,41 (1 1 i Ve w it, I I lifini, and tfiats lial�l Allile t -o livo6- peacAvahly. -ollietillier- lilnew of the twor"Pface, filaile. .. -I IoLi�lfi 4-r min. rL AtIt. I . I ad carload )r goods - ­ to i remarke"I jIffilt credit tit. h, Iqll.-cil 'too' have -anYthilig "WrIt .14) it is iiectf­*rary to (4"llY al -4 ongn :-a in 4)lqxw Kill, it for 'ill, A �lj tii" 17th 14 alk -KM" r t 1.4 t�j oittf.i.41 the Oriek. of 11.1y 1.1st. " I i" it unti eflon-44,11i'd to don't warit'n igiline'. MT Imi, lint I -foreigiwr. -ski' t4f 1101-6 Off- With 1011J." Ilot aid ItKA: it. givi to that Ive may rileoixora KrqJi,%% Ild w"li your fa(-A� I'll give fitv. flor-r 1ilI-I-.tV4I -ft titt" Ilit-mb tit. -It soK after re i after* till, if you go a i ''lapally, mortgaged '-I-Hil 31r. Will. Stowuy -turned froin Ili- However, we islikfuld tiwck it W11411,174111": Y144 acconw-111Y her,aTill lit A11*1 9. -.41111IN . I!(. vilig " I ict'l, N\;. r4i. %,b I I r I polld. for, thloin witoll - boglis %mil'tkfut .111 0,ri(Li! alwpointnl­� 10% . L hif V111.4 ot-..tgo� (xi Tdc�-;doa brin(ring - ­_; -1 1 -., I ill:,irriage - - -ft thfi; WWII y III(Arlillig, graICC F1K)keit of in the tA,xt. A-,; It net' -try, tit!-, brano-li of th,, m,r\ YOU a SIMM"Ce- P! t t v I fired a 'elleflues, He, skidd,-Illy If y 'of flis Foil. It ivas 1 11, V right, isir." W" the 1:11's reply. p'l . (.6tint %V I I I!. I t1wrt. proc Iiiins"If to, lie . i I, %% ittl lisint till- lWooll as 1leth Ilk yoll-A proverb li-;a." : "It cai sal, e' Of th", wifof. ry.- 'si,, r(118,17C."'I -%v. wee1-4, :and storey Aivett for -ill a,linint,trativ %16 1 f lo. \%.!tit ..1lis bridito or it ft rel"-k-vep pent;4­4111 I anti, Coing i�sver to -.ill adjacenrcirink- IF- - t 14 -V: Urcoollght up a 1"t;1ili-Ill Catil, leftrned :tbliat -Arthur takes two to quar A,ilorni.4 -hip xv 141f+ A uTolillile.lit cltizull of Alllsp4l;%.�ol, L(v Ike. nlarot)iietl oil. t jjoll" aftor- toeing. taken to Oleo withill at" ju- I ry... year.4 haciw.lfor. Veotw ill Bf*lIi.4. i1lg_f0*IIMJ1L'hi,, niade I&A ablution, UP- I - ": i *, ill 1. . ­(11*111-.� th.- explain"I. hll-1 -Abijilt t`�' . it' A -ulli ur o-itle.-Oaggott. T Nil ri ri 1 11.9 I.ut 1.;C)Ilgl.It If-ilif Iiii il island. hlis 11.1114 for tile 6-atj induced to pital. Mrs. htore.v u -m-4 still yo Art, Ir;"I1ctC,!q 4)f Uir% Minb;t,!r Iteld out !,into a, t lice*if -nl(,d --fio-Ith. tilf-HP tlw lia. - 19.-Avvilge 1101 0 gt) bcor. 6f inolley. Will at ktoybi-y- left. but I'f4or r1i ai;d foolltl- I* alive w.b(bru Mr. no� to take veyigemWAI Out Of t1w. 14.1114 jo, The" rovsu't of Alkb-i action i dellei.-; or goo(l hAl-titiott.. Is. car rr, -I - it ri r 1-6 (;4vd, Or ()ut for tlw liali.is or tito Illy Itle Mter.tihe to -'e�m1plilt, injuri'04 wer6 stlelt titat st e co-Ild not of nuijilm-r 44 wo:llwli af(If ravefil Ill 1311110111 .. lifill, THi hORRIBLI Tlj6. tu't.1-11.1tt tll,lt SlIp'llj1d at-COonnioli-Aliel W)nle 90"oll tj*kv. C:111110:11'r . it It funeral took t1w rolIls of tip- Tile lob here it to - - I 1,o4ihly recover. I., w-, anod timirt it oull-el Vol'it-4. - - 116 rile,,� Pr 5P Ill. EAT 1 11 i, vi'.� I."; . k -r(sl Pet lie '.Ifld ink- in, the'afto(Ttloon frqni Air. .%4tor- t;ive unto xot ratit-Mboi,p Youm It ;rs % Thro"ara KrtkJ-lo%41-a P1' bY f t ollit- to Iss- lIliII0'nt4 -1 %% -116 yh)fl, PtIP F.-Ild, N�*itll gn .0 W4rth or rdmice to Laik-eview.Ceilietery, v I dinna want Ot, nuld chRI'lo." look - to , I ; a physi 'Ith 6,0`11. -, or,i.antty muroo, , -y.; roes inder control . Ica e all M apiwint ADO for hisliaritilig Htrinan-Hack Says I;Y, '. 20. Tlwreifore, if t4ine evemy Ijunger eo,.n(,,* under itio. gilinillto with -a lordly air: -410men liere. �jmllls- taWj .1() lt)ersijado and Wam very bad oil arniy Pllrg('011, - turitei ti riall.'it; wa.,; :I she i0i can keel) it. aud git yer hair cut." Mr, Cailliv affair Ions caused At -rp -jig,, tll:it bis dauglit,-v Ua-� frierA; ()!'tile fanfil.r. �-Tfilg precept Itio deriveld 6�6 tlI(V-* 11" 1" -t 'F. ered bay Childran,, - Nfrn x-B(,b, I to we:ir a wi!forni. jin 'C ;..?Cj;�BAS toe tlljtigi�r I .. - or wrlon.,;', t1irwit . troubl, Tho sl king ilig beror�e it. -Hunger alid t1lirlst It( It I .. ,, I 'is lation in the towil alld ills- peprew.lit wiy kind of waiit. Itbslw Lob * ctur4to ffid"W*4 fier Ill .1ler uArLiff(will cON, DRusts. #-X4';4,1 11-11.011* 1 of fit t1lat, -illilliejiate topIt-rittion Av;- Felw liou-A .. Tile 441rCe IN,04-ttleb4 lot tier a (I tllf;-fullest nieftsure of 01YIn '-\Iatt- -treated ? Ravill I �0n I �-I-ovrs t b�o' 84rctl all Jim rtknk. %%*I ull I I V ei-, r. a1a . I" to t:jkv I,- What age t.% uior�at often il'I , 6 , 'try MADK-A TRADE OF THI� BUINESS. trict, gave alm(wt tile same Prem xx �' hir san.,licatp toilk '.or j-*i­-I:,I;-1, I- llk*Cf , 'S-. - Afr. 'torev r4ld v., 14. Cula.6, of,fire-Th'at TieM 0; Be, 1,.,:r'i i'vne.s. .41is. %virob a-4 eseflort. to roront-i patily'lot extended to I S - laggage 1*1411 it: It4-10. manife'st 11Y tilt' 0`41`11:11 to) ulat c-11I)t4ilm in tiv? 14 1 I . N WILat 1% 1114 saarett-abile age*? state- Pro I%- arivy. nift.1 t4vot,drawoo; tIlL.' I'll I rod rf.1- jl!;,� 1`4 *tre.itnic,"t. Otntler t4't-- (;fro, of tit r York, ;b_`f'j)t. ".-Oistriet Actor Ili,, farall fit thIR terflUe �.igldfy benefit*. Is di .14t I %% fit v Olvot t Ill"aillifo ptililie-to-44ty -Ord% Of Forlionion, refit0rI, fill -)ail J-;V31-1Jb-L- .1 for 1.114b Mors. It -ill prortfierly lot, n s 4 1 n Of V cor of tI In t rja k. 911w (sftrba*T-- pI(!.ws-e4 ln�fit mado� by'llern -tit Nack,- JIiii,11 d if 1%, 'Vill Ben , Its May i ir sitibioll_' - W�vnls (I- t N jj_A.t Na-�'k, -%Oto, lei 11IOW ill or infianife wita t Li . t -jnri:ldl llor Po. fq .1r . Augl called ;;tigls- (if fire; for tlw.v Is agp do kngip poolile -rao4t-- 16t.1 r - '14.1ti ii�Nl at IN00.1 N 1:1 allot at 4Y, 4.40.4-rcl: .%%ith tilt )(44tiiig "I41rit1its. tke Ileart w1th love, wiliell %va 0, If vlboi, 6.;C:t1. 'Martin Tliorne, fcx %,,-iie-�t via;i.tor Miiny 114410s, tends t tile lxxmt-r 'Stoliamine,lan, resell 'Ninry-ingel lirt llilt,tif�r. . . - I v o-pi-rity -I lit 1:1,C)t . the Tonth �Ilrjv y - but V-hv r TO TOIL'ON -told and Inactive —1,111114'r' 111.4p ohllgrNi to f Ined to !clutrg"I WKII tit(% nim\.er or ,,or ill A 11of d -Will1a Ill whol; i -A the letier I. Lke anstrelty ? or At -t tilt -or T-ol . ('11 t (1, 1 Of+f Ik, il#.)t overe4nne or t-vil. ete.- trawel tYireugh the efit'rf 411stri it MAL -vis *ijAful ticed iawfal. k-ITWril-Virl,�, .st4 14 f crilill0red with I .* ( %, ill 1141111gil - to a Gulden-uppe. Naork od a t4w t I latt, Vot, I I I 16111-jr, �4,pt. :,.--Tlie fir.-tt large. - ikolll, M0 W Whet 111.-- \VI X11'a killty J,Xt�el_ I'L st ol. ff e mur �ok after ganknry ctiv lit ol� f(wr i. I - it, as,vrts I , I �. t o'. . A # I� : . llouie"flif. lue-.itioll wife maotk� a living 'thrfstigh 14),ea ll;�f b,4 k4l, ()f- t I fil4 911 '; 1 1-4 %U rvistirtod Whervin voilsistti. tii(- best broken I* - i.4 G qa I Of 00141MI. Ava-v-:1, der 1jcv or ovloorcoming evil %% iti, good.? tgwiso uisof,11 t3w clonip'talwf, wiU t1IP arting ? LftdyN*-+,IiP1ler1lI- orl %V:6, t I ­..,\,ri4-.C()oIker dot'!-, noL. knoiV, It clipitilima. rroin Boil9wVaill, witere wine anItary - liviovK own Uw% pqrt of the fOre Ile zaor trl- it., -'Mrs. ('00J)eW 011tto 111141WIfC, but 1IeVCV .11U� I r tilie hu-,-JifbL.4 OF wlwai w.".4lisixi'sell (It- on rendpra uo like (kid, WIA) (1009 s. a lio.111k 'AA .-How like -1 Ilmoat it At t -lega t r illst ru to- her 'Naek- Fayt,4 that 0w tii-rd f6 g000tit to, w4 daily; tLough We (10 Cvil, jwlpulni�'Ou. -F.ItY Till I -I -t saill Alwo 11ricAot J". :It of,., flecause It iN adrift. N, .11.41 �iiss ("'Ifilpaigil 11:141 golw -t lit -Till, 11lit erniatti.. Jilit.f.-Wed ill '1141- exilillilla- W4,dlIf!Ala.V- It it -1 - rim -Ar, T) 0 ir . . I I. agai It's I Coll tin uh Ily. 1"A We., .41offf: %,.-a.; . . ' At (gle, 01110, I iTT I ir, P-- AAk THEIR -BABY& t1._;ADS- till- -iiirt UP taki.- tilf. tl-:111i ')'lack C(V,4 of 77 gVntt; wt- h t"lIP Life elloit-pat loer- Wity aw tit(, I tl& I M At INA 411 0 Agrio .111lit" s. ww; hi ex (kxi it, oflow, nr ­" I I K too -�,Cjjntoil. CIL JV(*1dT1414VL'Iy �-M .-' .4 .. I IN 1. JAS. , 3. prtip:-r. I t lot I. i14.isix ollejul chit. This ir4- the _W91 rtNV iptoero4. Vlwy clumbirw his - ail In there were a.-4 III -11,31Y jprlclf� oitifiteli imitate naturil. (:I.) Nv e if gren t I Ift I .41ying rectioxi-4 or HL,4 -tilvit" I A the ProlVince for maily 11ondisoin Vothor-i'llave a Mwei Way 'Of. tory Witil lier i4tobry. al -V 1pallion. S Vp I I" of -� 111;.- - nt.# ii:rt her -t on iritfs, in liottit" it' t1r. 'rarni -r.� t Se overcoute rr to ll'klt*M --- r -i , 1 .21 1 .1- -44 k. pling jo murdered yea M' nake tieill our. itlif'r Y. dren prevolirvttiol Ili., orefromP our. lvfv;. (4 A N\ P fill NIX-.4tier. A. )ti-; Vr, Qu1vt1;-.g Chiidi*n. -ionk. 1*4 roof our enemiftloc and f ot Thurm4lay- mortill6i T I Repoor6; fr(IIIII rn elk, rfulkloiloto Gue" "S. Mal f rpil I OTUO 10 th ree e IrQn ea starting rriPi%d4--BurkItt- An Ilu!0 x jif irtk J�s slit! 11.41-d ri(xl Of f rom oIglLL I- rep, Prt or i Tilt; till i- Stalitt to tell t1w, total t liave tAxkl a goold 1141111Y Mittel to - for a I fe 1 10 TWu9ht--;--Cfkrry holy princII4*4 itiotherm Ili or A r,sntrJA)ut(1ri-- to tile New York (3ENIERAL -t t .tw� In"llth were -tli,- Klmiflike �fljetlkOL14 etffliloyeii 1111-IlIg . I �jylp-yrt.- rdr # . . S;,q., 11 8 7, - Arlicted. -41 A13 k alt4i, allegeL; tilat' hi� wife fro -a thaf 116111t fdr YOU - worlo, Vol S Xilf yCar'-;. 0aVlt 64 102 t S i r I re f rom �d- %%-I t I into tlli% world, aild tit( witt t1wir to iplfboelo," -Ai ntor Cockrell t -hat qttk- -!;;10.270,272 ftir 1�vj t her illi). 1&otor. Por )IIpI�-11jjIq, aud of Whom will Ikeeonle hallowe*1 Ity tllvir IvrxN_;enee.- df -r too I It joarll.-0 tukvl- of Pen. 14fifIl"IIS A fly ce-rutin I f.'. I r t I t -Alld- llig -411.1 tu%-Isu, , 1 7 froill otiter ge Watin p. -t ga-' t 6 riled UlKlert4oikerilif" - IlUl"ev4, Mollto" uIg, It( 4 - 41f lilleje, 'Jzt,�. all'i vicinity, -ill :1t'6 roni -IH Clit-141:111ine. �;Cor it is .1 itiatteor ofqnucli lbridt- Ith hiM. PIP -filll 11tid fk-iii, aro''.4-11 -til(-� girls 11%1 unor*ffir- , f* A C1,7144 -like ispirit P41011the Vmt tit'. C,J* evell idelitily chil- GUNNjNuHAM-.?; tliat rj - '%vu-ILA4 it L piklit'" of , Callivia rti ifLt evelkilig, ".10itt I 31,1 RC)13ERT In tilt-" . . 0-1 di,- 'ch-arging bolth pliy*4cIalh4 itupc. in Pvery-ti,ing ft meek heart. 'at tilt vooll, ;I szrf- t -'s I' - t4) 111r.110 It.1141 Their vilielld (;od ,11hiL tito #,traiig,,cv� "aY -111 IS0111(b. 11111114h' expoo-rttlobl alliolilitill-Ir t6, I-, rallitilaigil'. %V4-11 . t FI!Vll pli0ity With 111-4 lie altar-firto.,of love of dret., by their "�Pnblftlifrf- to, their A *to INSURANCE. k e (; # 'I , , ... ii -,e 11.141 Uiker.4 with flon)] Which t I Jjo:;th 11b,113L :�:3­0,­ iags. licel tting alver.,lge!l no,' 1pn.Ititan ;F250 viLk-tit, lit India, %vilere, (slice. jts we strolled -dmwt .173,4'48, w-4 I oniparl.14 -isvurotl tlot.t it 4wtyr that - aloclemil her in'-tnak- outf I Ls burning. will hty hold tA the coin- %0 lit It 64 J) 1ki ret I It too. R 1 1. linle tif- tr-Itilli, P;r i I of, I Till.- v. ;t� t1,T­l­,L1 11,19, 1 wit.11 tile-lx;diem Of -dead orliil- edch. This $25,(M Wail Thiefly exlx`1141� dis- FIRE AND 111:17 In July i. -us Ing away inolicist. rixlet4 tigings in life and tranw the nzitive moothere; plit their hatoko' $,'13.113. a-; oigail`V74 air. at the- Itead under IL ispoust of water t4p I. iistt-r proisgrot L ..anti Vicinity. to sen,t 14, tit the QUELPHI- Ilkly, I R, 07, n' 4.-+ $ tot Vie 1) dybeif. The otat4me"t wa" gottoen If roin wi ill U41inwitork -inute them, lik(' 0'()tLrfw. ftie'. court -Ing rs. 6 Kell - Pa t W4 sta Y, 11496, I'll i1l"'reW*- Thio istfiry, (4-Ilifs dflings'. 111y M Aidant District 'AttoroiwY Mewt-iric Ainiett-lawl Ifurdi, twt pure -11' to t;l(*,p and kfxtp theill foluiet. I-1ft"rwcrv' Alliziner, %%-v caule 111)(1111 #1 _: tL '480 IJ5 4, i g itrIx't filio Pilo, Nack by At .t for touel, (if, fire, 4nto IL and holy. Uubll w ki ig harott tIp'nian who havc lWe:I -ell9ag" Ib t;oul will ninke. I o.-pejit wvtyal 111011ths ill liat c"1111- Iot� ely lit -tr.,%f!p 4 If tjilof! Vofffintry 6,IA of-, No. 1.4 K.0 A' t t W f ive-o -ollit, todWillig UP IV .1,4 11. fla -hom a child ill.ti tota, lit) It. een Wor Ill me. 14,119101i'll, tf (v IIIi. %tMrapft sepneift �jlo-itlj. %j;ll Ill LIld 11114� fU I'll U i U) !jig jq),Wli tilli securing kkilc r0id witiliousaueoll this the Ptrowtj (_!,oCk_rp 41 9t t Ile illollIll 4of 7 .1141 tO 91!t c-videlice frbgn him an orations, All tile work and toll cd life, Ito; gain^ try not long ago. 11PIP litg It# -r--. iitt4lfe � at -estillg oil( �vIre"I.olkirdii.-I flur res . . I lie malu*ed after a dr lifalittolwa har% friendeldiv, rivalrl-�-8, Coln ofourioue niodo of treatmeotit dozens 1 JfA it flowor, ImUmbil alld PAtteftl 1110 %vife'a lilistory. Id ,&Sir -;hot No -37 Siinefx� ti i.4 at 1114hit ittoor- I .111rentier man The %Katrr of th4t one ob tige Ikead. Alto lip 1'024411 nn M s,f�ugKEY WkIDS. trect, thylob to �got Nm -k to tell A rure. , roof Irtitionfoo, Ito 41 -ung ft illp 1.104- le. ,. it 1ppeatiolk.tilait cooiler (1p., With 11114 no o4o, adjusttfti ns -to for- lh� *aid killilly about Ills fuld 111" wItWe" lire. That tile ono of libit own f lei - hill i4pritig w I tilt, ulAny-tied face i _9J NJ 1 littfe� 60A off Ifold incidenta and tinif*. every day. r, Itror Ltell to) �'Johrs Her Ft o.With tier rirO tile. to livt) With. tile agol"I in sh-Ock- event#, till' meant; of religioum adva . nee., Y(Ki'm Dar Jt4iko,-' littlot, girl. I Call uti-tr 11i.1 wifffs ea., man one evening, in"a'bur9t of'cotlofl- anti sleevm roll''t up, Plig. -inent. niph tit _fserieo of till.v 600tit,11i. Fild0c ika.01 faillify towartki ti 0 it kind of eart1wilit tell by yout;'loo Do D -r ruirlt)r .;s Ru.4band'q DeSth-wizz'Ch. I,; middle id- lasit dence, UAd him fully (if tile life, -that Ing grain. piaelt spout' "liflollp or con, D. lint Impo -t .. q on lniim)rt* 11000 1111ACTICAL SURVEY. liladplillliar, whither Ttelt tMMKII. Nolw," repliflad tile five-Yevr-01411 f rcma III Ills wife lIaA been living. lie tiwom The dutY C011P pilow and' a littif 'T,�ornnt(,. 8cli, VetWrliof 'm L hath41,111, -4-111f. Mr.-;. had.goae, frtmi I.,11glaild, alftf,ro re-. that lie *als tolling the truth, allid,PnH ,%tall itolia during , Auguot wag, Over, Tilt- argumont of thio epi-stle to e0tl- 4ructed to carry off the wat-r. Thp - Nly 1,11,%V im MiAer Bill Nk, tdkpr." k v or iiie-late Jolcpt.i Trii-aktlY, :111d Gellerni 3:11eklob011il 14astowbo,11lon4of 14baillo, *.Aitstralla, - ono of tile most .1100,000. The chlef Attil!108 (1,11 I-Vill re,444ms child %vas PlAfPd CAU thill 141- Ileavells and 1)"Ctlo or I of r Irfillgej floa. Dee. 14tli, llbti)4, turning f rowni - Bri , flia� his WIrb was (!h taitied Ili tile eleven preceding chap -il, while n tro bled. Ilg I or I hilt wilf-lo4vas. ecording to JIL9 story, be1lond Inable, Womell IT] the World. I)iv,.r thim w.,1j; pal -I %vel -6 farin ImpJemi'- makethe !0,%v Ill such A %Vay titat imult. of the ejaculated Cockroi u Ay. ,.)-oir vi, for tike tituroer of Conjital4e Lindsay, wliere, a rflied 100. abom jil.l. binder twinp. ractleat application of thew teach- IpIC, I ticed Illeffleille, And Illa. triet Attorney 0:(O,t got-*tlie man . I pollto played directly oil tlW t(n, of fixrtiv(� expoiber,,4411 came over I iio� brow .4 f AL I of Confloer, On May :.,i.i or'itite s'ftinp.. prac was IWrillia, ryday life. It hao I*CIA S t hell passinir Titen. turifing: t4ol Rue, I%c- lij%liflored. r An opi -titiattiry Iwirf,)rtlo. .1chard- r;Ife, wli(Aie JIaoit1rji itianie to niajc6 a swourn otilitfil.,ineut lit writilfg. ingis to eve t1w water kfAt&$ o'not in Do i year, link been inarrio4i to f Uillf.,tifik, to 11R)II-t say it word of tlii#;. Tilt - with '11-11 (IV" o 40, Foil wo - I . . il y - Invilared yester- A IL-oy&I i3eeLlo Collector. i -&M that lia.d the twelfth of ROMR1164 - t %%- 1-1, Etlit, 01111g. v ill tile tLough. &Ujostin withfari- Paolo I. . # 11�4 pmkilsionm %Vvre The otatement 'walf,; bi placco at tI I;er I I tho fir.4t dav, and wax isigned fly 'Nack - I a,*t' Prince Luitpold, of '134varia, hw; a I I)eginning of the. til:lt tlif% prono-m wa-A 1110r;L Rklicomillo- .1fitlikilles and thot NValkotbroo an% 114,401- A flotaldib, c1remnsdanee ij4 that 1001- -'ton t t there .-if "tiflowulry. f 'gelitility,. great worldly )f tile 1,44- le L�pistkeojo, it would have been w cold IXIrg alloll it jltlol� littilry wild the flitX40". 0 night. Ile WIV, at tile office of wonderful collection of b1*tl`ct3_tI riii, and %VM wbenlingly lilighly en)WeMd 11 OU TIM1.4 her proisent husbands 111.1th a -1traordinary proft-xodoll- and uninspiring as tle ten command C,�d Mhoid. in P� I 1,1N Lteli for Jill e . triet mtoorriey yoderday giving M4- lll(,y;t pxtensive and completo, WrIlaille I)y tit(, balsioi, who ritinainvid lwyofm-t- wouid be twO **r. 80ppe le ("ratlj W1 Tru4ey, her.fir.-it.hu-i -wf ife *:aid nothing, 141019 gjolltalfw In , t1w preparation :of tile it, tlw world. He L4 a skilled entOmO- mento on tile talAce of stone. But, Tlw sidi. of t%%*e , A, - I ly quiet tinder tilt- o4l)MIts. -ntyz-,'our hours." '. C"ypts sylliallram. band- ll. W ga-tement. Ing of the ging of IIL4' alixlUIL4, -AheW&Y Th97 DQ ilt tri F _1W, a apparently, not to 11,19, Irn the beginn Iogi,,a, deeply versed In the habit* (A standing where it otloco, followingt1le jeople amorted that tile itvatier did 11111" ith a vielfilit off vre*erV'ft4*1I %:4- 4111*ce the haill ively, in llig wheines. atatement rfernuui Nack xtateAi that I nw-.c t powerful argument of tile doctrine or G tile so P -431-t nd If tht.)%l tilat 111A Ilunif - otlw.r thall INX--w 9 alit4i. I moths and the W to 01illdren no harm, Imt, (XI tile eon- zc;eted . villow Affil k:,o,:i1iaveIiv911on tbc Q - To earry I'llut tl1ev**_Ilo appeared*, Ike came to New York from 6ernuuiy redemption, every precept is molot- 'd and IwItiefited 11,K)w "tead in Tilbury :Went. Her neigh plottiag IIvc*-**ary. lit 16,66. MR wife arrived Jie;� a few world geWally. divine pity and trary. if,�trelkgthell( -9 10th tbc' B&rw? te Lit .%fri:fan rate t lovill. Tlie)r wa-enied to think t1lontios, diA you get 1001 Mrs. Truvikiey as a goo']' think elaho 1%1 lfbrwspeak of . Ito ill months teforo lie (lit]. Ile declares ttR 1Aoqd that wao idied for mankind. 8011citor-lie L�L* 'to time, 111" 41kill-", '%TRA�7n, a w arol-working to of docullitn A- Chara;c hild wnf not suW.tosd t4v thlo, quiet nelgli'llitor, and' a, h - Ifo 'protluexi all I" terletic Cin,. �k foe Tlicxt")n ire- and a lad of order, to n)ake an Improolon tilx)n tilat tier m0loden name Is Augusta Li -cry relati(xi of life it, tollelted ' I f af, e t every day Otto two it W01111d tO Wk 8110*-lt' th-9 gum f4mr1lit f.)f painl4v extracting. It li.tgfilrt wortiam Mrs. Truskey First Summer Girl -You sliouid have if t rell. tTnPTI I%U nM IL 4,' jp b"n tried t446111111 .-S Ile i fer- olil-hocanio, in contact. Iluwat, and that i4he was lKnoy, in lWt night, Tem. Mic uloolki Ili this %voonderful le8tion. irrow upo weak minded anti V)od for Agent -B&I I I TO -111. trivAl with oluccews. J probably 16 suntrocre have worked tilt) thel4e witli W11 - Lonway 11"llell slept with me we live up to tile idm-kol whicli Paill tas inw hV eountry-b~ pliabitant--;* faruL, awl *orked it well.. They have Mri. Itall state4 tilat tilemp pretell obork-Elbe, Ili GermallY. - mwi In the next room kept hollering notianx ---St. TAftk Globe-Illm"nerat. coupke of SW In t1w 000rul 10101111, 'r Z —I U 04- %Jr. AMD's nflw bill -I'd .14fill til4t COOPIET f0110MI, tile entire career of both Writ wtd-before d4, we al4all be Irerfect w indow. W17 10 _I a A, i�'Iy lit tiln- I)Pea abip to meet their obligatiotmand. slons were so Fiticeem 20 .-Casll! Caslll,, all 111glit long In ItIB 2674P - 10 10 f (tuty-rour I little off tile. nlortgage on the w,,w enabled to borrow $2 front her- self and Ilia wite for the next ten Christiaw. Am in all New Teatament 0""o'-Killin E11Lve klw&yg Itillown That- 10 is (M uw road 1,0 h" d owd 40- st4i rat t1r. pro toce, pay IL fend wif, $.-X) fr011l her Ijusli0iond, .$50 from yeam. The making public'of the otate- aleeP. yopligion, its standard is the liiglicat. - beds% " . "Airs. 41 .9unimer Girl -Wonder which the daughter of the Y09 WdO 119W b wilich wiv-4 T110' I to tie fly DIStrict Attorney 0 -t Secon - NIL"A4 bip 1�h Htlfr leot F14deli.-ty Ls worisItIp. This if; ail 11 1A ZVI trial. Ili the fall of I)er nephew, and $10 from Fred ment Italian praewlor, Jos writtoell a Vol- two Or on It M lw*r tlIP - All, , *C. p. 1.. firfoinall living at 00 waa rol knved b a grea ex- lie IF,---<Iry goo,im clerk or foreign noble Other lewo;i drawn. frow our Scrip - Will T 04 t (leal. of , ro" ly to *.'2flL>,A '-9 ed a 1894. nett, S y man? tiv title ulf wkicill 10 " Ou tile It lie a IMP too Ielv-aq- In ft(lqiitioll to acriliwilating, ocitement In the District Attorney'14 tum. portim. The -falthfulnom of S. & P G22,00r) -)r tilt, board nf Iii1ow41f office. it was not known to anyone God's child Ili the everyday li%ing. nappineft G( w4iiiiiiiat . MW boo =a bte uIrlt, 367,001) in - X11161AD WITH BUCKBHOT. a, largo I)III P I)o not enter the water in a i4ate t1w ottioltv a IL bmdmd w406111k. Mar anti wife. beloom the mAking public of Nack' of active perqAttation, nor yet wait even lit doing t1to Ilunibiftt %rcwk, Is rtw 111111111.1lodor Through &SLIOU1111Y c0OPER IN JAIT, YET. W%vorty charges that the Woman w1w 14rokftii up A14 qj.". 4W De�jibffllll" - until fully cooled off, becauae you are inecepted ao serviocke. clulsloy, tilst womell Wnerally are - I.I.-Thp man thought to Le capable of owli aets. tilen Ill a oUte of extreme reaction, life Is Into myriads Of little inulfroo 0M CA-Skot be in INOTS scotilL san Francligeo, SePt. IMLppier than nkPn. .4homte" OW19, to otop IjOvv_ wlx) c*&y,4 lie Im ISIr Henry Westwood orins of coligestion may ulficaut aots, It In hard wAnetime% to n VOW litax, 8.9 `­,ept. 0i.-7-CIML4. "Cuba," W11 J. F. Wilder, of Mail- and varlou8 f - 900nilng WatTompt. 916 -SA& - -t wap IqlIot dead by -Henry David- Cooper, but W110 C1114 of i,olice LeW er, Englawl, "Itax an alinooit tin- follow. Take your bath While warm. reoik%vu It from -ON r ob- tIdnkr4 lo a owindler navLed P. C. "Ife- ellest 6 Ped, but But In t4v*Nt of ou'r 10.0014 It b""' Traeadie laxt night, jealousY powerful after pezoppIration I to �ofli VPI, otIll In tLe heard of, yet nevertiveless =1ed OfF stay no lie clans. of 111A crime, , whiell UN)nald or W. 8. Joneog, to ri'val In the tobscoo, market. A syndi- before COMPletely,COO ka nnA .4— .,Wvk luxt as Bowman was citY PTIFon. A tekgram was rCeelved longer than comfort -ft -h tted J capitalized at E250,000 wait re - ill whiell the per[)P- from the Pinkertono at Chlesgo Pay- catc the "ell_ptyIe(1_JW"r *I n Mrs. Delorey. Ing that N - m6r. 7,_ A"