HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-03, Page 4- .111116Emmaro the Lucknow BMitt.i, tUts obutity aucten young stele-A.3.w from Lucknow, Teeswater, Vv ,t l'eieley, Purple Valley, and two from Onesley. The recitaticns wert interspereed with exeelent music rentiere.1 by the ehoir, a solo from Mr. Ifiecoeks Tees• water, also a 8.110,11 M. 4. $ ani rb Lucknow, and a guar coo lb). Iteil Dierlanini Messrs NI Mh,n and Adolph of Cees.ey: The Judges iseiarded the to :$11iis C01111 Mlot.IV, Id. I KssW, 4hte- b•nd prize was also Oven. w hich was . warded to Miss Letts McCann, Wli.k erton. The preseetat ion of the prize lestiner, warded to the Union showing the lar xest increase of members for the year, -was given to Ilepworth Union, A vote of thanks was passed by the delegate3 in convention to the session add Managers of Geneva church; to the singers and organ:sts who so ereat• ly added to the pleasure of the meeting; to all those who gave them public -welcome: and those friends whotx tend - I'd to them the wane hospitality of their homes. The meeting was !nought •to a'close by the sieging of "God te -with you til we meet again." The delegates joined hands while singing. •--Chesley Free Press. MAPLE LEAF • eeel1eVerWeleeeNees~i~~~ MRS. SMITH, VIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA014.0 ‘k.;)1:274P.4 Has just opened a case Souvenir Dishes A. T. DAVISON NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Mem, I have recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture, A. to quality, they are unequelled. The price is - away down. All goods are bought for spot cash, therefore I can sell at as close a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at T. DAIVSON'S inspect and be con- vinced. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT co iducted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. 1 ....................... Coming to i Town! I 0 ra000 0004)00:10:008:0103:13,03:00311=1:1 0 W.H.Cas Photographer. SEVEN POINTSf.OF MERIT —Having rented the photograph gallery- -formerly occupied by Mr. E. Kaake,- -I am prepared to do all kinds of photo- -graphic work, s No Sewing under the Mt. a. Takes one third less sewing, Time is money to some people. e. DivideSiirain on cloth. 4. Gives firmer fastening Ilth less sewing. s Hooks and unkooks.easier (So thread to catch on the eye) 6 Has more reliable hump bc- cause free from thread under Ng 7 Same price as common safety hooks. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL. GIVE ME A CALL. GALS • Now Styles Is rapidly increasing and will soon I_ ,:omplete in all the hues for fail and winter. Miss Pentland is now in Tor- onto at the millinery openings, purelas- ing a. supply of the latest novelties for the coming season. 1 Cornprisin$ ladies' and Gent's cups and saucers, Fancy plates, Cream pitchers in two sizes, Pin trays and small cups and saucers. Also • a large range of E. KAake's Old Stand. PHO COGRAPHER. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PrliE HOCon---LNDIEYE. WM. CONNELL. • Mr. Norman Matheson, has return- ed from Tobermory where he spent the summer' fishing. Mr. Matheson. now takes charge of his threshing en- gine while Donald Matheson and John Smith handle the se.perator. • Miss Winiiie Johnston, of 1surier, visited at the residence 4 Mr. John Finlayson con. 6, for the past week. D. McKenzie returned to take Avg° of S. S. No. S after his tour to the Lakes. Mr. Alex. oz is p:eseeting his .41ii• lity at stone-uresoning on the new :hoot house in Hemlock City. 3ise Tena *Kay, who for the past Silt bemiths was in Detroit, is agait. in .our midst. Miss Marton McGregor, of Illy t h, svhe has been visiting at the residence of lIrs. Smith for the pest few weeks, retiirned to her home on Wednesday. Mrs. James Young and family of Mount Forest, Visited at the residence of ,Mr. John S McDonald for the past few weeks. ".:EIV VETERINARY COLLEGE • From the Wayne, Mich - Review ress IN The Latest Styles And Colorings. Ladies are invitodto call and examine these goods before purchasing for the fall and winter. Embalming Prosorving and Taking Care cf Bodin a Spoc- ialty. The Etubalusiug Fluid, Material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the -moat. effectual that have ever been used for the peat twenty 'years. *if -Picture Framing and all kinds of Re- pairing done at the old stand: • M CORRIGAN'S • Is the place to make your selections in .CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION We have just received and inspect- ed the first announcement of it new Veterinary College, to be located at Grand Rapids, this state. The Col lege is duly incorporated with a er pi - tad of e,50,000, and its faculty are coin- posee.1 i thilleading lawyers, dentists, linman physicians and veterinary sut- z st Grand Rapids, But what p es us moet of all is that our friend, • 1 -7 II. Rutherford has been aelected ft m among,all his professional broth_ to act as principal ui the new Si and will lecture on chefnistr), " y, principles and practiee of in ine, helininthology and the gen- •I :a ciences. Rutherford came to this cor.n- t.r Ontario about ten years ago, .61 not have any influential mil- li ;re friends to lift him into prom - and the fact that he has be- - one of the best kniown characters in flies' and veterinary circles, •:y due to his own unaided efforts. loctor has for many years been an at et student and. great lover of the science', and tc, that all fess ma be attributtd. He never 13 at to take tirst place as a student in a: :ouipetitive exa.ninations and that 1,, coupled with ta&s nowledge of tl:c sciences, won the t.espect of all the students when he %C. I S [pointed as a prokssor on biology anal physics in the Detroit school of I...elicit:ie. A ehake-up in the Detroit ....Lege faculty, however, caused a severing of his con- nection with titer, institutien, and as soon as this became known he Wk9 immediately engaged to oven up and nrens,rze this Grand Repide College for the first year, after whicli i.ue he in tends. to return and resume his prac- tice In Wayne. The (lector siys he has not escaped the cone's a fAte of all penman who have become .,)oderately prominent. Jealous oppotients who wee beaten in examina•ee..-4 and the race for positi,ns. have sett HO stone untufned to bar his advancement. The f:Ict, however, that It. bee worked his way in spite (kf all these obetacles, to be principal of the only two veterinary .4ehools in the great state of Michigan, ie a proof how futile the etiorts of hu opposents have Leen 4111.— 1W ESTEIrlif FAIR 1.0111)0V , - /tithe 9th of Septeinher itati great Live Stock and Aviculture Show at Istntion will open its game, ..1111 from then to the 1 Stli, many thou -node of •iiitors will pees end eur f its gates. The Secretary 1.e. -4t,. 111 e 4' ire! it C;inado's (aritre Agvicultural Fair of the large num14-r- aif 'weeder: h ,h - men anal buyer4 I ne;r pearaince annually, with and it. ee 1 eh of the cre,ana of the dilly, !I 'Wilk (aid fbCkil 1.111+4 urd Agricultural 19 broed in see mea1. rig including everyt hint el I • ,V 1., the ,64,11. At the Weqtern it, lit tr .1111y 1110411V* the varied pi whiete ef the Pelds.• dens, orchards. green-housee,...14.1 cfm- s Tratories, but the best 44 each ea. iety and show,* what 044 eeuntri ipabi.e of riisiiig. The dieectere give the pnb!i.! in this ft iv 1111.11-11•1 rinal filhOlgtie WI( 11 kat ts great . rieteri•il 10,sson from near) ; 1,, ,„„tet, • , practical le. r, adslitien to the efenplete elan!): i'$ they 114%e pr.ivida•al a full i4t, apecuil feat uieeof the very le.se nmuse, Ii P0 wati`oblocate *heir visit - re. Preir am web a f %rend attract. - ,nn sent fra.e to any Special train Afr4Ilitelnetit44 have Leen•providad to enable those who ,vish to attay o2rand Jubi- ver for the lee Pyrn•Kclinic display the even. i ngs to 1, 1.41. Itememb• r the great- ,rthe .1-1.*CAOS .grektter the benefit • to the peolie. a_ai go. DIED ALVRRAY •ta Asht, estarday, Aug. VOth, '12 lol.(es K. \I•a. by, denghter of Mr. Jab* W. %lousy, seed 20 years *ad 26 slow* G~A01AAAAAAMAA0 MRS: SM ANTED ;Men to sell for I. (anthill Nurseries. Over ' the 700 acres of Canadian grown 4ock.- We import no latiack from the States. Farmers, farmers's sons, implement ae entli, student., s teachers, retired minister's, energetic clerks whi wish to make advancement -find the work if selling our hardy. home-grobeu; nursery stock, pleasant as well as possible. We want more such men this season, as the deinaud Car our go(adi is in- .eleasing owing to the fact that we 'guarantee all our ,tock free from San Jose. aoale. We make contracts with 'whole or part time men. Employment for the year roond. iVe pay both salary and commission. Write Ui for terms., Outfit free. . • STONE 41t WELLINGTON, S Toronto, Ontario. SWEEP ESTRAY have in stock the following : OTRAEED FROM THE PREMI$ES OF 0 the undereigned lot, 52, con. 1,, on the gravel road, just north of the village, 5 white sheep, viz.: -1 aged ewe, 2 lambs, 1 year-old ewe and : ram- The ewes hove' each apace off the right ear., Any pereen giving such in- formation as may lead to their retovery, wili be suitably rewarded. CAESAR PERMIT, Lucknow P.O; BA lig aciPkeing Black Lead lIlne 'BB:baklienyg, Ppiabativrdeli B:thBrick Bans Beaoms Riekets ushes Biscuit Cadee Caanfectionery Canned Goode Cnc Chelate. Corn, canned Cern meal Cu carrirrsenrtsowder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple 'Ilts:stracts• , Figs I FiNh, milked l'ish, (idea • Gelotine ' Gingers tfope Honey Ink Indtgo . Licorice Lime Juice Lemon Lamps 14W11 - Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Maistaral Meats, canned Magnesia • • 1 NOil, sweet 4AULtilliolieVge 011,Caittur • ttliaratte aini esal Peels Pipes Pivke • Pea:i ae Peicata ed Per Itains Rice • Rice Flow Salt Seds ' Syrups Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canoe Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes.canned Teas . -- T(abaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woa Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Seta [ntea Seta Water Sate erraSetts Beery Setts Toilet 8etts A-1 Flour always on hand. FcrlSale or to Rent I BANKRUPT SALE The hotel at Belfast known as THE BELFAST HOTEL Apply to M. 0. CAMERON, Goderich, Ont. Slocan Cariboo Gold. Mining 13c Development Co. NOW SELLING AT ioc FOR A SHORT TIME Three claims in Slocan and 00 acres placer mining on Canadian creek, Call and get prospectus and descrip- tion of property. 11 Moody', i897 ---VOTERS' .L1ST- -1-497 Municipality of the Village of Luck - now; County of Bruce. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I hat,e transmitted or.delivered to tbe persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' List Act" the copies required by said eection to be so transmitted Of delivered of the list, pursuant to the sail Act of all persons appearing by the last re- vised Asseeement Roll of the said municipal- ity to be entitled ti) vote in the said munica- pality, at elections for members to' the Legis- lative Assembly, and the a2unicipal eiections, ami the said list was first- posted up in my- ottie et Lucknow, thie 19th day of Aueust, sed remains here for inspection. :Electors are called upon to examine the *skid List, and if any ommissiou or any other errom are 'found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the asawe emir); corrected IWO brdiag to law. H. MORRISON, lebted at Lucknow) Clerk of the said this 19th day of municipality, August, 1897. ) Lucknow P.O. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night te supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor Angerers are being restored to health and happiness daily. ry Our iheumatic Specific or . Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, 'Neuralgia, 1umbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of spurious imitatious Manufactured on Honor snd Sold on Merit only by . . . . I3M1=t1=CY" & CO_ R. P. Somerville, AOENT., FOR Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshios and Dominion Line Steamships Tickets via New York and Montreal. Call at Express office and get your titkets. We will secure berths, check your baggage and do every. thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. OF STOCK OF WILLIAM McARTTIUR. MENDERS WILL -BE RECEIVED BY 1_ the undersigned upto the 8th day of September, 1897, for the prirchase at a rate on the $, of a stock of books, stationery, toys, fancy goods, wall paper, imisicaLinstrumente sundries and fixtures. Inveutory.and stock can be seen at my office, Uungannon, Dated, August 23rd, 1897. •- • J. M. ROBERTS, As•igne. Lawrence & Johnstone )CP NADIAN 'PACIFIC AY. HARVEST EXCURSION to MANITOBA and The Canadian North-West Good to go on Augest 31, return until October :40 good to go on September 14, retdm until November 13;• from all station., 'in Ontario, °wiping, Sault Ste Marie, Windsor and east, For rates, maps, time tables, phamphlets and full infOrmation, apply. to any Canadien Pac.- itic Railway Agent., or ,write • C. E. NrePliERSON, • 1 King et., east, Tordnto. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tin UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at rots 16 and 17, in• the lst con. of Muriel, a. thoroughbred Yorkshire boar, PEDIGREE •" YORKSHIRE. JIM' - Farrowed March latt , 1895, bred by H. . J. 1)avi., Woodstock, Ont. sire King Davi(1, 1189; dela Mistress. 4th (imp in dim) 42, by Clansinate (1247), Madeltioinelle (imIi) 21. by Lord Derry (53), Prue (822) by Turk, Countesa 15th (454) by Bismark, Grand Dechess by Cultivator: TERMS -41,00 c.ash at time of service. • • JOHN MARTIN, Lucknow P. 0, FOR -8 ALE OR TO RENT -MARNE OF 90 ACRES, CON, I KIN - 108.1, 4 mills east of Lucknow. Seventy at res clear, mostly in sod, good house, large hank barn, spring creek, two -wells', good cistern, and • two -acre orchard, Apply to A. ;. STEWART. Teeswater, or to MR14. A. STEWART, .I.ucknoW. Do Von Own a Bicycle? If you do you should have it in - Allred against being stolen, in the AMERICAN WHEELMAAT'S PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION It costs only $2 per year and will give aboolute protectien against low ql *your wheel by theft.. . . For partICfl1 .P pills, to D.N.Lawreyce,Agent, LUCKNOW 1::?• -'5E- tr The owner of a !rata_ or clock Then it is to your inUrest 'When get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find. Thin you will do by bringing it,,t0 IL KNOX, Ikra:ichmaker, The goods sold by him here and in Wingham from 1871 to 1879 are giv- ing the best of satisfaction still. Re- established in Lucknow 1894. Please remember the place, in the old stand next to Mr. Lawrence's and the ex- press and telegraph office, His stock consist) of 4:41141 and /Silver Watclses,Clock•i, 'Silverware. !Diamond Rings, ed-; ding .11 Engagement Rings,Charms, Brooches, Ear -rings, Bracelet, Fine Cutlery, Ilollnr, strings and BoW.11 R. - KNQX, wArreirmAKER... THE LEADING„„mN. Undertakers an rurnitare Dealers Have the largest and most complete stock of Fine and medium Parlor Furniture Bedroom, Library and Dining - Room Suits in the Town _ . Also a full line of ( Curtain Poles and Window Shades) THE - UNDERTAKING - DEPARTMENT is complete in every particulars. Calls promptly attond- ed to (lay or night. Shop. ( • Next Door to Post Office._ Campbell st., LUCKNOW. "Beau -ideal" Shape CATALOGUE filet —makes the foot look slender. Straight sided sole—full box be, ridged at top, in latest mode. Roomy but narrow looking. Laced, Buttoned, Canvas, or Oxford. Black, Tan, Seal Brown, Carmine, Wine color, z 3 leathers —13 half sires. —5 widths. —Goodyear Welt. —$3.o0, $4.00, Ss. oo. Stamped on sok. "The Slater Shoe." se. -•;„,•••••--- - - -1A17 IF .WS -2C. ;,4 • - r . IL\ J. G. Murdoch & Co„ Agents. People must Have Groceries U •••, • • so The great question is where to geb them, We keep the beat finalitiee to be had. We don't; pretend to sell theta below.cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. ' Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prima, Yog will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from ua instead Of MI peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROICIR4-5E-- We have a fine assortment cf dinner settee tea, berry and Wild setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOT_TIR,& PED All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on baud. Goods delivered to any part of the town, McClure and Mallough, C.A.SII 3aR,003111U3 VANN". BROOMS.- BROOMS JUBILEE. BROOMS SIP Everyone of them liaq the Union 01 a _1, ()Ii. 25 Dozen to hand and 25 Dozen more tic follow They -are positively the very best v,4,11.1es We have ever peen or ever ,offered" There are four qualites rapping from 10c to 20c and everyone is a plum, being sold at ordinary;whOlesale price. These brooms will so fast at these prices Stem them • before they are all gone. Yours respectfully, • J. Murdoch & Co. Da You Want Any Job Printing ? If you do you cwinot possibly do better than give us a call. ifiVe can please the most fastidious person in town when it come:: to doing artistic job work, and then we do it so cheap: I low can you afford to send out of town for and pay express on job work when you can get it done jut as good, if not better, here. DODGERS 'ALE BILI S BILL HEADS STATEMENTS 4,11t0GBAMMES 'ONCERT BILLS CLUNG CARDS MEMORIAL CARDS BALL INVITATIONS BILLS CHEQUES ENVELOPES NOTE HEADS BLANK NOTES - LETTER HEADS FUNERAL CARDS EXCURSION BILLS CONCERT TICKETS As an advertising haeditun and a business maker the SENTINEL cannot be beat. Having one the nertest sheets in the courty, our subscription is steadilyibereas• ing, and the subsciiptiop and neat composition is what cornts for the success- -nil advertiser. If you have any stray cattle on your premises, advertise them. • THE - LUCKNOW - SENTINEL, • s c4310,10 s V otail_o Bug plimss4 Parc English Paris Green • 11 Z( 71717e11001 . . I, s Hardware ‘bIctit,..,,,kwust.11, to get all the scripture that he..the main objctothat people make .e • D •\ .aey use Wei. variout api,titek a teacher way tatach sympo 'Ia.,* f ly, taking a book of the bible et on .4 c grouping two or three togeth- fer .....umple, Rowans, Gelation. ami 114. .ews. (2)Anottler may go in for s. udp *ng character, comparing anal 01 e- _____ _ INtrasting. (3) Another method as I y taking subjects. Then there are It t, doctrines ouch i1. are necessary .t, , a, 1 FAMILIARIT ein a right idea a . hat God would 1,.,\ e us beleive concerning Himmel, sex, Idevil, angels, ete. Another method is 7..-...,---arow witting to' memory, whioh as veiy hell.- Xi'... for not beooming Christians and coat- - 01"1'-TiMI.;, ful aitpecially when doing personal ' ‘$)1 Brtieds C(telli>11 ' dne nature is by the, traoins of hit work. Then another way of studying ) spirit's work on the ivee of the ma tor-aliMnaeadirieLeLmAgunftgo:ntti.htlame:11't;sd,.tra.etilie;tibasr;:":-dt.:ebeglYtic)t4v-j-11211:11111". t along with the Baro,? about life lasuranae. • t— Bah ! Th -night I'D fire n Of shote4 into ide country -420u*. sv. Early in the n e morning. whe iie ki oti the road to hie (WM, do tie . l you hitwo or three bullets throw& his de iehind the !Jos, and at. m the hat. Th en before noon oat1 on lit made airsia, sod tusk it he wgoid Ilk* to togiarthe- tam" tia "PI" generally are , fourths of the earth! osiase_raavesteultivattle‘so. erg1P41.1 ( BUT NOT 1 OR The Sherwin Williams P D. C.. 'II A. DEALER IN BARB AND PLAIN FENCE iiPADES AND SHOVELS OF EVERY .• • • • • • ti sobbir• zerage,aillitlh