Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-09-03, Page 2buw ruiv jau U B IIIIIIJ I If ru u u t --m iL loop d de _A_oF Ppellins Of a 1h6 well. r 11ant-8 of the i*asPb )I)taillc'(' by cutting vigorous Ill. THE QUEENI Pleces four or five Inclies long, :a I raq nt:"- efillink (if -the chapter i., fouta 'ark 1. I'm �b plantinit about eight Inches apart. Uwe d ill the 0, 040 S 4p 9,0 Va .,Tula I to, WIouWj �1' #- - The fruit garden jillcould not lie I SUNDAY SCI -1001,- Im;t verw, crowili4ig all that 'prr- T! 1col(k � III Kaja - .- .. 1. 1 1 0ace of profit on) ;I,i S Jg1.%.In11k . MO&rn Ympire, i.,4 L&A�Lz_ Y, but one of 11jeil.. cw.(� It with glorlotam emishnsloi. 4p tire, 1.1 - ro uAble. -.,,e, There are some very fine paliatlugg devotion and aspiration, and 71janka lie unto (;od 1f)r Ilia un- "llould be alt1p, to bind ux lioll INTERNATIONAL LIOW eou*%Rj........I�e Petite iv, -The ctcreftit selection of sethi %vill at- to le speakable, gift epublit, th- - anti other thjuV, you might liko* to' 9 Coming Mein 'a uni.,, ways pay. Every' experiment ever after. A CH SEPTUMBERA I 6t j%jjr---i -tautin001e vays,..ijj(j,_i It -Is not pferhayw to bu wondered at DGrij �t Well now, Your Majesty 14 ill the :t ' Aroivded wit Says 1, 1 aln't much of a judge L(*g picking by hhud of wheatseed, in or-' that after a fine fruit orchard or and Wclmen, 1, Arm�tj .,,%L,,d, SkrI1jj4- grin g who- 'a 4 I 1.1dull to lot- -.4LIberalo, but there is one thing 'I tier to pr ocurti fieAvy grains, -has given garden Ia bven located on it farin :I claptal E-ngliall n') III-ritnal,kin grin* n ay, mprovement In -all the agri- 4 i., Smith "Ohe pay, and I S. kws. - decided I ENTS A LITTLE,, boy'ri tit In6jill" ral sull'roundings quickly full( a ecidetil lt�ejl_ North AmL- A" b COM I k that �-Ivl% dw 1`14-ree E irmigh thOL-AN %oitLspicion. (.)ftt 'British ..shoult*l rarely like t4w Miat M co that- this is al qurc� way of general I ute Itk ir: 1-11. �iM M"ItIlly mat* of t!. 1111 Anknit farnier; wllj�IlIif N)V60R.- tur e4 all ' it,. 'Mr evidea cultu HE 00 Aohalou,., :.u4.k- lastl0ing Ao the harvest, t4 t Uurv-4- iato o!fk. j,.lv4t Vzit If I` I'llght.see the-olear habm.' The. There 14. created ekth, rest. 4111il 013ce 1411C In'ta, a personal intercxt tury Out]. I n glied,land t4he looked right The rural. whieli ia well led will feed and lovc by tile cartt- rso ior Ix-tPulatfoll tlm-" W a.-; 6,0 ing aV Irotu fiftecrt. jdal- ' 4 . of young and I'm j tickled, and &;Iw Stly- - they W'18 L Out. t1s, farineir. �t in lied a lem thilm nele An in to' ex- suming that .901119. 1jack down to graa.dW,#h 4111g.4 a pou wA - bo ',- aliop' to tile tenddir pinvta�- a With young and churelff. -,,, won't coulf- bvk 110 more -enty 'in(. good Which . ensurea a bet- r it territory lrr;ib- estimated t P. -It It iu C&nada It To )fear the twillar" UIK)tjt lu.y feet "ni'lla,11011, �r every t i� .1.tlit B fr I ree:; w1i I go am Ilie dilvp- Ill.;. I E Ill-ki eullitle a bILAtel. lie wati :% it -walking Ili the park,,and somo one. helplew; telld J& .0, af W f0e44 alL44ilit'. 111� Ili$ way, an,l Juvented should 94) With 111- 1111d 1;how m6 the 4o,k au. v as to tile lautt,'and ljoy tl�. . '11 lit of - I �) bill _41, I * r -protc-ction in the f uture. tj in 'er I of tho .11 .140ilgll, xylliell wa-i,a gmay. luiprove7' way., I To itild Fo WQIi rtlie land italay Wilf2l, 1) � -is a it btoer' down and woridill) llumber ivotah. Jj-' n' Ili) the.1100III. ropagating your own* plalfits V, re lLd Ignormuice of They'ni too nju(.Il That. veie�f Of- Imal, fee1ing tile stock A'ruuddyl Stith ul#%Iit. oil the C itibrow; tuiplement than Ixk - fied with. the greatest accuracy, alul ber. UW,000. "I'lliv wlia� said almmt a lualt, tlid tile Prince, ant'r a mail come. and. Yoll.cata oont4nue tittme varietie" whielt tlia* E a tflf4 Ilitary Ideal. Accord- I %4tomod* In V I,,' l';6i41b%%.vd',prt�cincW 'of 11W inventiou eatue - took- me aWay.'o -,-o tilt- circlo of feeding be. made kom- 410'19�bt- hi your -soil ; you c-:tf, trang- Lie, to Ca remarkal.1c _ri� EFud of the event4i of C;Otbm, that ]fall it plete.'. celisus of 181jo I fitter the uot e.df Prince Albert, who Ntr' .Sinith %%.,w t1le park L)Ihnt., tilem. al.; soon Its your ground PWVIC of - Le "Llte.l havp all bivaglit to pul lie notice. The mco'dfti*m never don tI_K)k great in4retot in' agriculture, and, alld elii whe. - ally grain I.-; sown for tion at 62,6221, I'll, going, loack down -to Irraiji.11mi-ei. .Thia t m4e e(jjljjj;4AV I t -k',4 vr.,a- 1W.A-ILt f0C lilt kilet t1here tiff itlCen Mio wert: rc -mo t110 1..4 thoroughly .1irtipare'd, TinA yoij c. -Ill ajqag been decelving thoomwivem, to 0 tive call. -ilia 4iat- (.,Xtallt. I H& 0oIIdut!,tt)r 'said purpoL�, of milking haY gow ire to fill in W11P.-i-I it laivy kill _hev tuonw u n to explaiii cert. gliffell tho, mims their belief that thi I 'itli' ljg� Itills.' at leilitare. obv Were Dett*-, r , ff Is t the plouglL Tho to Vii., lady An Oiargo of theiii, Aoul V� the acre than'ordinarily, oo that there Ile gocial-barr.*, etfrratit withf-lut tile 'nightinarcr of all' m- fn an adtiremm I -dug als haf laid guxdftl t:, ')ll, fiz.-riner ific urdiijgly journeyed to:' Iftios telhitg ber, 01,11tv miticity 14 C01,11P.- Will W a good, voltune'of light &,traw; It a comia _,Irahle nuinbar (if It of grapo mily b,3 made a.; six)llt ai-the mmm 14tauding armi ant day Jcr--1 Ke - 24 navy Ijur Iv*nV t if% a fl(nio,— A-gf - -ttill, uoriam for ba t crilial-1vtt I:vrli Whid r ao'k I MI, ,nit tlyf�.g(xi,ti o)!jI j_.ujjl tallic.d otherwiae 11% trai'm w i Ll be too large leave drop. New growtli shoujil Jx delling . amil cqYpressing t I it- aar-_ dence o Ile tiaid lie uwd to like it ill thillSe *111a a to Autstraim. Tha' WIw6e0;I 06 . Navorl-atil if.h�;llllkt Wits %vilt:w lie only llu�illv colli 4--; to,tltf�o: c,101dre.,t, in liLl'44indly way fo:r eted anti put into I)iec(%- ,.,bout' f L Ir our mawifacturers are W r aittl Lvitr*)-to-make good hay. - Itye, twife t1oblacil life. Oil Vie contrary, tli�nki the late., IMA-tella6e,the stage- initititp.s. �,riiva fie ills wheat outs anti barley* may.. ;'If be 41ght, inchps long. regarding the Asil I Laid alAF-d t4o JaW; Alneilrans slk,ul,l ��llns- Intuit go olit Liatl poAs-ws. mified- ivititt- licaver -hat,And,, "v'I to -good dratitage Ili thit 6flickers -w-filch e4ymo Lp aroujid ti ie welcome Vie al), Ue mitid -tiet pie Wan 9c 3LI fer boyo,' Wilki, buyetf t.;� to fill#- U10 o carrier'.4 cart. .-Ile %v id�-A.r! s way. 11.24�ertcd that thk Ali' cnijdy made 'em glow. Iwzuslt tl4it ale.,v- jg loarelica'ded -Ili the eun"ItIlle, Ilrerei moderately gooll land tuid. Ila%-(! heen halliltil re of the world's marketO. 'I'll*- rat I tilt.. twilight.,of ZL 1411111(lil r&,qplxrrRw. or I;etwcen the'row'13 inake tJjeiii all tlip.a.'ec'milolishment-4 of the C%j?l v, ilia I r0l)o LtL 11ILD C-00,000 yeam. Tlx,-. go to grandua'- r oj lk-rf�vt cultivation to'very rich l"d _900d Omits If caref ully lug and a, por- 0141 11"o-flil statua.cl armed truce. In pirote Vr-t you"know. f '; I I I h,,) pra3i�d- that tile ble*iing o., Gotl ran 11 ilt tilem and abldw %V)tll jl�ltl L indiffereot; cultivation, There'will tion of, the,- er,6m ruot hi retaiii6d. 1114 Herlouattem lie doelstres: solid eartli nearly 2( theft be le*s comptaint, from. tile' mail p, The t4--Xtilt. rifIr", it) old. zisoi tuid the hopes of t I IM t I I vili i'Ll 1114. co!out-I jia,.ino thein. Thell - 110L totf ned bi.4 face lionic­ If the orellai'd tree -s are healthy, antl N­Udng 4 1&;. more unitti(m.4 'for theluas: III I-Ij Al hink thi QU d welit. Nick to tile tg lilt. a rg I.,,. to I W" Ili A%artl .-in Who lia6l 4'that Jai%; land is not so yet -otautry f 1.- 0 tivem U) make no groowth, very turt! (A our race Vuut tilqt tell(-jency, .%If' fer gr. I nien -of the c Ip 014 flit, me. :.)y fit It- tu, lore ­,v t hitu_,v11f,.tt' 100'elock- u%er.y-flay I,Je 100 1 :LK hisbeighbor's. . Wh4t is.,lack- likelY the.v a -re litingry-for A curlow eubtom,iiii, INM nitzi in of ;1' .Ntirfolk fairiWr. E5. t feature of the #fit- 71je C&t� t,,,V flid ou Ing ill plant fooA is inado ill) by- ren- manure. vOltiferoun at present. wl4eli refulwa it tiff-- loarij g. itioraing' fvp 14i.-; ilk- --No� lfkj!g. ttftf,r%---artl�* he received a tit. It -IS '-L -1n6-tTjke- not to manuro j4d tAorecognifelit toile jjr(ge�,Hlonof arms, garia.- All nc%%Iy udal"41J. I:. The f ie tv v! 1) a m.. 'It %Vill 11 It.ban 1110 l'o­ %%'f I ie'h JI.L(JL"J)Mlf` c re flatly tree. [Wt th, t�w fIL-9-10111", V r t! i �Jiv Pritive brought Tr%)ui j Very,orten AIA-i'llp. tile, r(I-vaxiii lial war, k4wkt iwomietlillIg %%.I A,liged tv remain A int. roasona I I liaxl &a cirotu In tile ya lod 11,11 In- etio with rt ailable. .. I I t1iiiC.-o ail right," sai,l thoo :Lcotiltlita by t1to carrier, and Ili it' Ia- w Jay they fall to givo sat6fat-tion jilitred 1VtwjijjjvobctII,s "liapPy Wa r- after tnarrlugv. exoLvt *14,11 qell . Ca 1 11 tioll tWenty other 01 unde'- If -Well The IlartkAt, .%jijoui and mjiiw otit"Ir rpr lienry 1,awrellki-e don. e tile dYing nours. by tht-Ir humt-amis. 1% -mudpa', La*t i ferotvia. frimi vateit-a. ty(fg, la ri!wr, ." bu;I. f 1.af fill I .&V i"'o "Ll if, f(VII-It"I 'a 1,-talttif"I. ralitily Vible, If manuro is put 0.1 ISO -1 it call IV W ltc:i tjl(%�. reach full 16rowt1i. rjor" wilj&jl sootil '%VI;I0 drew 1, IL - N oy: 149 bitak to he I ?" I W note wil4aining that it was haulto-l" it - Lit4:1trAt as- I c I -IMM" theY -alnt afrai(� ora*lloiop. ol 'olirbility-' is. ai. I important %�)Lo frame 1. t1if. iiirable to remov jIur- "lo 1i,nt*evrnhzu",' Acattere,l. -S e tile I (,far, -r- A_ 1.11, 1 " .4id I t li�.- co" I I a pre eril, front tiw (weeit :anti, 1'ritle"e pears spent irivapabie-ovwif fertliliza, I dea I -Is. C 'U:11,1, '.VU. k j Id's vareer 'I 'tile pco.­Vs Coll- Illailklitly Uile liusbailk r eaus,., I tilofL,; it caji . never tx) Soluble ,0, i r Ieko t k- Ill I!Al.­ aii3l tw.ntioued ii; t if - ca r it! I Y I Ia v k&tJ I"'It 11 (1 � o pullen from'Otht.-r'var- toeptiom, it. on nobly it with, a gift ; and tliel Lu<.� cowl) uty Itair 'r, V4 t a ilk I till- tion, zwd rc( I A 01,11 Aine 1. 1. _petj t6 tIbp�e,jjII1I,, it it -coihNs fft, fOr plant foo.1 Ile- let le,,& to , luir t tvr nival. (mee or tivice a wte make thein prciductive. 111, 1 el y s!iCrIfIce: tiwit sx_�.net !-I fit:reil lic- _+�,lle %%ht�rt- I.,- %v, ka 114 i!e' maJ.' very t it with :1 to lwr hearti, contant of k t i ve worii ir rore uiv Vroik, Ocrive ittly. belief it -annas ththei appli-afle wavil"'t wateld", out �#I- 'ft flie vight. 'I (Itivell . I Neep ( ow in, .+ a I r dry lu a warin %vili'll ba-ki "11:11fie tile sAtiier V -o nil f W tYPe 41f nji'l of' TIw Fr*nch I didq's orter speak; T! I it 'L k:lvil iier. it. fiv4 116111, t" rll� fig- t') % cellar during -the..,% iliter. To finviu theiii ages tilt, - a T1e IZiblt' 4-3111 'line trMU1111004 ga rt t., r iarro", atitt t4w roller ire- the' of all' 11 dc- fit thrut. (Iftle 114DA ine isufilliem bout Vat! war ie Nit -L -1 Y v. during tho early Kunim'er, Id .1 tile rellgFm 4 'Ureed that 'theatrical nian4geras' two-v;*,k-iitiah* lit preparing groqIld for Aart them tv tfit� lilt' %rvLa-d Vie lit Im,i.rezi 14 1 t I!Y. 1"r _gTow fig iII4)ol*Jn March, Christ, t f Ili,, .1w) *lid Injurw Illjot (put w.3st. 11 t �Vlieat, but itever 'upe either.,wh debarred from putting' on t I ji,, tU�Lri* jwn, ar)%%,n to g,.,andrfla, Illtli,Vlallt ftir wig5ty quare, tlizt+t notte)f Irfr Ma+�-.Ay tolill-, 11 ell tile. that'they may 14� 6i g4p.41 tilzo -sit " age -_ . I t tild' �htughter, Neekp� to rais- lie- _t *,;4b tv, ill, lit- :-qpyk, list I If Ire kho'.rP - wot boys like bftt. v itli sivri L ";,. %, )". t F- - Vr,iici- grount I is %% et or heavy, (or it will tAko Net ou ; -, tlx-. w ird -r.i o. ti, A lo�v i,,- \vvy Ii! t.tonvenii'lit allA custly 1. 11 It I::t.f _A­� .. Ulm, to vvereume tile effec4-5. it Its fe,,llowers the i1a.10 of j.Ir_ !llaxs In n1fleh the dead relati%-eb or r IW 4 .4 r., A4 r.,jitro), aticl (it it Immediate an(aitom u t. l"It-tall. f tilt- Kjw-(*Fu,i rua a race #%.itil me, _f, to I Cate Wlivat -1�i- dry, 'fitiv, ftult-s Ill tile cIty,qihrk-i_-1L-4 ftmi '111t, It; tllt' .14'OldiPf -IV-IIW s. I If, li%'illg were P011rayed -lit I timiu.4-r Ilf-t had V) stf..q) &III Co Igii ji it pre.-ent. t 114, rcckirtg. I, :t V_ t t iUll kiMCNI uie,. WhIC11.1cok- N-44,11ay 1'.es v offi"e King -i,. Calciliated to P Pain t-Ite Witter. 'A Ili ' I I I is *Dj,b 111V I)J(.Y(. S;­rlat uro-ot i 1:1�, k,tit c: I . - to i rra- Alitiv.-vif, if to jp and :I-I_ I I �L-: to*00111le. tl,,. I j1.-tu yoli r1tt4-fr %%itill 'ller- ov,11A, I�iilb�illl!, for' Init-1. io' 14*e�coll hed IWlfre 4of,.qIIAIit%- Ihliv after; tilt, -f�i-st -If t!Lc qwll".e -if Fli, Ilas Ieeji jiret�y -geiieral:y I:;- rjit US t Ills a I . ws 1. f ti it f - i it o sr Ulovvil,sit-knoss is all Ill; tutubled off tiwhi,..r fir it, rriiit 1 kro�\% if' .4 Ili I itig. J�jljg t f -41 I,y the courts, of the ot --ty's ali exhalLitiwi Of. linte or other !roug lid early apple trot-, 11, MAip:-C, lit lz-:.- t 6 MW to. 1 -Icklviel %%. t I I,( (or b- Aolt I ti -lip (-.Ijlil t Ile. truI7, in E.urope. tfo tile, I" ibl... and 41"t �k-(-rta ill nil RV 14 it! iich the (11over-d'eman(Is- for qli, ha. Ve a%vloo-rrios a little later C(olifflet -IS tile ifollili!ion 44 i0l lifet -Witilin n mile. t4 r Illf-dicillf- a,,(I I %viiiii". I-'! 4�11 is 4311 Your oo�llijletltom. reth rid.01cla I:y inati-rial aml apirituul : all(] it is 't(� Chronlele -ca'li Tomb a' lwex to riw:tv' i k: ri 1v w'! tor�"imN it i�) empliort.- An aplAiratio I or ii fl I , --t1l, do�, TP- Lont'.03 -stilldflia Wa-s -a dandy. -t-whI44. t1j.. r v,. 4 o P:ni. ul I i 16, vwIj.,VAIjr,,. --c '-I Itead. Tho inflHey Wit- thfIrf, "In it ­ all tip. y callf4l C overl"gL the jr_r4jIUId ."'it'l lIjzUjIlj,(l.A 01, emix.-rivnev that the spir- Utpn to Lit(- reiii-arkably low- 4eath rato year." theiv ;-;--attering itim: lift.- gitfif-s for it- w6v' ilvid ll,Pt,"- Ili innity of tile inolel. dwellingiI, ill that t;orqj;-t1I Vo,l gritildij '00ftfillif" Th" A'1111 �\J;l 1' 41 %lpjt'jI­tjki. 4.1111- 11 'IT11011%. i;: thololigilly 'c41IIi-1"-AtVd ritraw, over'tfitk- i-ine.s. Afn w I-!:ois , alid its 01111dri � I L(-.0 ve I I I i L cano to if . 'lilt] Lit 'foull'i Ill lip wl"it ytm day it V4 Inflipiratf Tit V 111)0:1 V., I. I I, grol lid 1111til (Illito Ijjtj-* ill tile I-JorIng- illut, -tli;. t' -t -tit 'entill-v 1flarticular 111I.V:1- t(+LJ it' !11;111 lz`ude.- crylli, I? t; 6-r!'i hj_�L f. jkjl\� City. In there is litif jjLl: Ile -14! tli,� houbi% of the Ilvtrolk)litali jr0ti 1411j" Y loring us \vill, ,()to rrt)' I VM:_ .04U. a 4 a ft4 1- 1)4 A roots -fi*4)lii i,ery I aN Tile a WA r. r R rakiiti-for ImproVing the Dwellingsof Y03 talk,,to tile or It( 4 lit V. V, aIld_-t1l*i stri, .1�1 t. to a; able ;1.4 vo n. lInset I jk)Iiit. IvIlleh. 'hes -tfio -41111-�j til.ing liftw" eurroint. in -tlito t1tom,-lj,. fir -ThaV 641. I:i e t 0, tth, Art I;., if(, o:.T so i I lat4-r j#w'e frin4i tit ro,ce4vi, I r04--il ide tll(,' good folk: go. 4 11 rt: t 1:4. fri.c.1t :�llt;s- qll ; but I;S'g,6011 tho Working ('Iattws, which -is ijow Lit %:. ! It 1, v V ;If ini -tt).gl�t ti" eri:l g 90 to granIdju :i It t 11(livill.e. 1:011. Oil ure-there in t a. jore t ty- i 4)v I -ar. a Aeat& rate of ()lily T! I I tv. A tilk�* 104411t iN I( m4u. - Nil t :1 rt -41 1-xarin­ tilt- dry 6r t4owl- I I'liat, -.C!1 Tilt- ininntA-lz' of thew,, loss t4"I L "Ile M-f-jitaticni to Ain.,,r- 9-4;; tC0 thriiiigh titi .4av""if go -M thn-r*, 1 $ -lit- for- hi. -4. ititil-ilvi --prayf�r oslLould 4 tn e 1. -te'rod -I* # -41- nuttiber J'ar' houmed t!: -%A" j."', A 4;t,"4 Knali­ Aff t. -jt! 1 E 9 'he -if -.11 *.,,()Itii*-r of Europe If( 0. prima dcfllll:t n ppl. -A. T. Wor", *Af to r L.t li-,t .' .'' . ''. I-, - V'' r oover. about four arr( f titto,,-.4. 111) a 14)4, It iI;t,,1W­; for I ra%el 'I-. t' a rourteen blo;!km Ili 4iifferent, liartis Of tiff- Inaxiii, Tiff :11 fir twi-11-tif.th eell- Mi ai. MI. I.t4ir vc - a 'little nwreL #sr quItto. ccin.r.-A, Fanti e. -in 'lift, t -my, sbolild Ile lundf. Ify. Of A lit, city. This ratop in. only Fall tl"Al- to T k, X 1, A I, L'- 0'all hen (it'. I L r I %%,itll .1 1 t1r- Ktarc.." RY J11HYMI:-.-Z1 7 i6r.�,, an',l ifie tro�s, that :fir call Atur-ricnij I..; �eirc, ly 111"$ for the wholo 4)1 Ijoal-W.I. carried by witter 'k:fi%vn i4)' tilt-. rofit-a, Tiff- iiwfi� t haritilhlrr ctom- - rart, (ititfit, t-liosr.- is zi g4lit Ill IkOt Jut% JUIA Ul..'u'll, to) that lj�jw! 0 BE- 0ON Hhh" Ij El I , - ill- 'tie, t ro -t 1'or . oinall tj t4� I "" " Ilill.- tile JAM - raw !ell. le a f fp tot, 4 1 0 hi-Ilit thurilo i -tist liv that, frolit jolig, Thi itick-it rt iniarla-alih- g 11. 1), kno,.v what it 116 W. 1, 11,; -10. gro%%4-r-. -in :Illy. 4-vulit, the apsack. wrlojwly. I loolit.it.11); � I gl( i-io., )f w.l If:, 4 41o, Sn't. Tlist i., t 11 f If -It IVen, 11A.4 fij� tile d --e-!, -orl I are. fouit(i H Ceirtvil -Ain-. i;al-taill 3rallall h. I wiifk tase.%'ari! it cOwl's in. lei lit] KI Ve .111ally .411' is 4 cinti-neteI tiff- er t-ountri(vi'litat, ()Ill.. lihiin-�; li.v:- Lagging t4e'lli; 4,4.4 1-bo-dil, I,rilhaittiy %lp-:tli -I 'iutre of katt -;t w! nil# in�re pro� life tli:*t V-0 _4401 eri, The lie. -lust 'think of Dr: Wililialu'. N -Pills. Gain An— too 1-wca,- like thnt without r 'all itll:L'q)tll V-111 a jit',liti-risin. Tliii Keti"'Lr, 1111t] C,kl atfiigr your WI: il,-,l lirodae-v- great deal 1 t; e 11.07:e a& W) Lejortiblii- 14- jorotitl of 'a,Aain 311111ill'. jrol-I itivlf.. To. od-ilt 1014 tot:ch tlwy (til. ol-S if thtr.- a probtablo-.outl 'worl-i-1vt"o x cogll;t* h, P r Great ( * f "Iff" )Pearwalld leffor'o thorov. are W I - moire r a Inivo all th.- appi-arance tit inetal. 01d- ot VMOy et lit.' as ;ill ;iiitlior A but it C', '114 am Alviii-arad v of Ike - R do not. j-kTiii* to *apprt e* o.,lo-ugh, 'uncotlif-r l4peeie" *fr';"' tile were tuarried? fat (lid v( y t1jr. L,1!4* 1,4) 9. 0 it? -icLSI �%Jlicll not grow t - V ftir it�- tountl IN) 011 rlli--S­a Po% ver ill Ili ory, ri 't 1% f4. iate'its valtie, all(h% � iflia to- ll�-gioii )I. b:lt in tilt,- I', lk�-idiani - I "V%�Incmber t h- -and J!") I;ot buy it,, --. : , I,- E g tviltought I,, a aus t I;� E 1, k:,L,) "t LIGC-A, t tlV-LJ""l._'()II()Ij' Jj:lC_-jIJUfj jjf f I. ill .nt, but I k 101'e"id fill) . ':k:1 I.V 'vear- or t %v o- their. t.*i,t v4 IA,- -t I I'X - .. 1*,( a -ney: nb4jN-,,. Th I -silvvr eetle-s so. Ilk. A * 111i cm, gol,l lild T. . . I A % atdL-tl -ralwidly. k It is to.bo. flowil -that -I Vt a niarket value. , Tll(..VL. 1!6 . ' !* -k 'I - till! lwololia of 4" 1 1 4�,1;1.lrell 'Who are A- Too often fra w, tr it-. Z A4 ' V ,;(:I tf s will ;Ilways I)- xv�ortii f:- i t(, alijece. a Alle. ing %,, NCT436 I'M? 1.;, 1 -LIj 11'.. I,� ITt. -It at I v.*,:_; I t I I 'it half lt�4. f(.l.tili7* j MIPI ill life Tuturo, as ill Ike patit I '* -014)q j Y - ('i fit p; go yoll, i, it al Are Nun-. I luost rt�ni:irk- to 111zlilltjill, lijitifilial i i w' i -ota i�ica I �vuri(jslties :114' it 'i,-; ff)r .-. If I -,- I i ionor hiti) tort- tj 1. r 1::, 1% 1"; 11 vw. livilar i;I -0 Till- 4 4-Xi-Ntf'IIC4- 1-Ilat tvik,r it I U). ,-I -ill the 104th - 411111 t L, 1*: 1, I'L� I U1 1. i, theri--for,iIi affont- t( 0 ft,(. I *el I " . - '�; I s 3,larY till- h:tv, nlri Y ... I y(jair I P. is'- - ­ I �_o jilucl, lflj�otl. .,( - 11,,! arg kefol :4 (lit Ili Wme 4),tl,,-r w. Utis of Tuhuauu-peo, latc-ly much t r it L ly* t 11. N A" .4 Ti" t 1,. ij _in MI 1�1* 4,alliort. P:% v.II,;-Ii.l;o% If)- f0il-�talj-t and un ;) ycarl-, 41, !��- -naturalbAG;, is -I 6ut-ani- :it :V-�' 'In Ifl)-,kriwilt for t Ile, anurlo.. 1tv .;t - r fir 11A take j** J 11in vot., r 171 It I -Aa ':"1; 11 -a! It is*a flower whie'li ill tlie- fa or a good 1) 1 .1 he'%* ,6%, is let' zivv� 1 4. 1 f r iev, 14 i* �R.4 lui6tlier' alrd alto- ITft r" I't 11111'.g to Iliac 6 -ro'l and inbc) tol� it r v. Tli,,,y an�l then m is% Veit i 4' mori. I.-' white, at 110'al 64 y .-to. If (or ulgli tpiql. If 11 -.11. 01irte �u b t tlf(- j4-Ilt`Ij. 1:611 lit I We, and th, at llig I* �,i 11 an- loroft6leratk Ili totheni tho I I..'. I..* i4ilig! .4 %% I'Mid afteritAtiotisof lopy:-t .1:141. fivc r of J (,r Co t q 4; r %ell t1i... eofti axi era, of It r1toria) erl) -icnc ziild tjIj. i differcifei,-, bl-t% ai;IdVo for ar;- So i-4,Xular. Clia tilt' tisneof 44 '11 - villv - 'Mi. - f r LL4 Y,()It `f" _I lifill I� tolil froin Ih,, ti-. (of the tIv.,re I i,ft v 0 1 .::rj nille"are dilad. 1-ar T:'. ir I'l I I W that I c). Ft de ra I -:t %-I: birt!I I'(0 -11-if I -;� . _QI t Ps to I t he 4 1 4 1k'j*j.�,-.1 .11 -tit PIT oftrii tit .4voll-1111Y inal aiitf grittailjo Aineri-an. ulva tluit Y., A .11 11 1!11,1 fro`)im flo ar I %I-Ilitv li%*-ifig -oil t. We t1-1 I ja 17,;_11. I Ira -Ii that water - 4 tiff, central' kill %k t 11Y t shall ex -rtisc It i.- -g( I w4th li-il -in-At, all Iliwv ard-'w�irlli! '11"I'faillily tO­ 11IN 11�1, Tll#)M-* wVitary go to) tbro laud whell they Wi-Al VIA r - Fr(na tli(*i,- :'1111411114'" luteir IlcTel,&,1ry Ul, lxctvr-.-t, its e(ft... 4.% 1 i : - . - .- . - I . I � I� 1, . t�- *.- , - : ,- �;; - .1 - - _4 -4T( "j; I ­i� 4 If if jll:I* 1: r!z, thf-y' wvilt to, 11r. 1, t'U'drink Ali Arhaneats farmer* 16 fill- lr 1, i:: 1. 1 '(Ill- ra kut'll t 1--itt New. Yf7, fit- Pigs t1l, zwt. 16 1 *iroa,l' up, .101 thority f(;t I the istateinent -via Ilks'COW11, * 1'e t tllftt L .1111 , CURES -11111141 ollr dt"21 I:tl t us w., -g­t. olit, (if it i-; hard (;:Illitz3ll. 11011trI4.1111" *1*1--Tlly , A% 4- ork, out. ttir cwn, itit %r JIL ).1 _,,stinioz. i 7.4.1 the 'k%iluko, K(Ic.,e jilij, IS%%-IjtjS ktili r 1*ic. I rl I of r. t -4'! ol-t le r 4 1 W -al wvt.or tilt ai. - drinkilig plammw IlAk; T;roIIIVtru-i (Ifloafr1i (if fier. tijull to over r. wek th, *f,,r th,_, cvvr ,in lia:,4tily� and ir-jvvt tliq I Ill w4 �rryLg -about tilt! 101i land wben-they arejliinsty, even it f I'* I, r a-. calif Ii t t.�kc th,. pilli-0 of .. - t I%- -ycar-� -;go. %v rair 1 0 for <IU ;-t .4ant though they Ile #-w - imiuiti.­ zirourld in -I Io. -awd fj) Ifer IPTIt, tfidet-d. to) MI tilt! ;..It Its- 4 ralif. When tj wllul:_ grain' is red 1t_j vrat(-d I. ALL PAI il I 4N, to .1 I-litA xvvIi'. -it I lie cl,�n reAkt of w a tIr r. so that J*l(-.I(It.Ip1It 11-f!11%, r citiz( % .131 greatili..-t-4 or -I t,.itt, I 'nil troll bl-l- tv It If i'li, 46 Itftierj,�,-, by L t t Ili-, n 9 ot 111-14 terrivirlal greatueL-��- It is not I ill are lajiUt-411' Y, .!.epf �11 OlVal i -11 ro 4lie I 169-4 er tile 't ii\w% 114 n :k 10 lol� :I*' I.ot, I eit I'll III i for dry, it . i-,, illilm -4 in 14u.-;-in'._-SirikIjig a t L :t Ift-41 )vfl far- ;:!lot -to. prv� e hqr)i-kir aiid N-tter.' That ed out of peop I I I - w4t if Ilvral i..; work W;,-- kfi_4-%v:i.-10 illtate .� rt�.qtfl.-t till Vent v. ex ideni thervo. -I-; frrni:-h;,ItI lily ti;e iU. 0'All I t " % If PI or i4l) i 11, A it of f "911 or, t 114 be l I, k -aiitl r had a phy. g U1, !,I i'� k 'f :,*:tit, -A-, - tof tilt- U; a r i� ;II Of (;C. -i. aiiii-4 luardly Iu,,tjbIe liu-ver ivt 1114 IA W.Iql hlkjot-it ull; it -to I, I B it (Law C" lit: h* r lif, Allsiver 1-fiep) that nmk(u.4 itt; t --nil , army. �io t,p it'., i.Ars, ti 4 Z' or *till j� ye, r ar.; %Q,ole curn L-; ft ('I tili St ltarx-64-, kreater, it.,, inaiia- ad,Utio- to ther It V �' IM) L 1,01tred. hid, ller':%­t%oil-�4' right,":11ii(I it 4 P -I'- khA'e;7 fa�'ttlre.�; I 4� -I I :Yo!l K it; r h6iltli of TIA- 4 -Aid W a t c f corp Lire J�Wl I -le -:I lid '11r, ,.I l.i:fitjrotT I , prbix callori nwre exI;4*mJft1-)1;1 1 t.-.( citiii-lis wilk."I aro 4)" tile fimt iijiliflirthittle. g0l.'by' gri.,,..Lliqg; jt.i_;. t" .11'.6tHet-k- Wie 4 ccnifortally liou"ed fe,I ami 7%4-y aft-ord !.Inre ky Oil 1 0 I -It ecrii VFW - � I S it 4.1a). -ig lie 1 2;1: iglit'be- wljf!th­r K-ry (I lilt ']I or slopl t. a,4 njjl4)!6*1FN ork 1114 .11. Ir h(% -r&, grfrid only A,r -tho to) thl:-i'coulitri. rut. %'4u*,-- Ite clothed. Ith el ioi:nd-v Wil' '41 illi -I. 11741 'lit, -a ili 1. age "14 oJ11*6 wlliel'114vo h*4 their t(Vtil, '1�t r f -l!i File 1, iS re educated -ir-W C, W ni on ant I g1A 4 I -e F4,11 -r Vl,ultg Ilmell *Acjl4x)l VIL*)Tt& and - t -1 that to-,Wia, alwwe al, tidn Lin. a-folt is -rf(-AIbtfjlJ if tjje�_ NVillr lljlx- -t.11(. 14.) 10!4put 'Ab -tit, ;t- year W littif I*. Ithi- 'fit :ikf.t -t)z 'of :-:4k '.V U k1%-,I1tW 1:11 i4tin i t1i: that publie tit- I# 1111gl) tvue (if -,]ter hiolto r. pal lit tol-tian Worker� in 141 agil III t hin 914le ycair ;ell rl an, it 111.lt-theY linve isolvvillbe prololein of' e for t-t,� -k IL� ('44Mt, lie haA t r Tfiy�-,j- finlirl,v'd 1) goodl-lov.;w fie Jay Ill 'I W ;I Lit; tr,,.Iv 'im4ster4l.1 j_%*1 t und t J InniV detirabli, thnit .1.11 t1w *-a -vro llli� dle-I at tlit,, �ag,- ol-.w -ilia hiii-Aredo of _tqs& V i ill itIr'ntkinvi-o* ..but tha-l-, Jill evo RtO - i, a w11010--�olue tiving. During m :rum tviye. N:. equil-ed. j"alow t-1.114-, .., year.,;- Mrrz. I'(10aling arninme-ats jid . I t . r6i,, iw. d: ( -;ti .* t, I irniol , :fill;.,. t ms i't C,104111116.y. t�p 1�iff-ly- l< 1* 4)f. trilp I .:I t 1.11 n( fa(turers, Xs,:rwy C- T .1 0A I I.,4v anal 1111 tk4 41 ci4!r­ ;tit-. 111'ef V. -tho Ia.-A eight weeko, with. t Ile aid ()f-,, vu-Iied ahol t1Tv6I4)j)f,,J I -)V 9440 X'111jll- 14 a. M 6arrity :-.t%V "4�ZLIII, :-tarin­ livil ft, I ait oWill Illrerited , by Edward Atkin - ow Qn lyc-ar I)rc.iot :I!q-rit t yl�i t 11 it' .4 1 I -lily ::;i t t liey have joreloan. A their 4)%vij :11141 ti-otwilit o:f 1, iiving "'Afle lot�ter, or- tlivy (.1tri JL4 LD LIPS Tinw fi, This*-; I fzlci. A 4 back*tq) the t�tatll, 44'�,.Crulkli. lititidn'll Illottlitir, dinog furl, ete., A r 1tti,,o, eNtili.-ii v-,v,,­v4J hi�r ku ;vvni iij tile Mouth, T(qjgtw,; f6f)(1, anAl tile C(wt, itletu for Lip., 21 a %vock ff)r ench 1:(A.- Ipmov"I"I., England- f- oxf, Cat' bw* averagiisd SFI. Xe 1 ")!111119 SI�Qcifie Uicers (Jil aily . Imirt arrit 'th.tt _%I� "t] rf,4 r I I V try Dr. 4), slo� k, groi� Ili c4mi t '.y,- ullf-y ill . i 1;0rson-aholit lAx mntp� :I meal. Tlwy K ri r ot 'to,- cured Illy Ifall s I, t.-ir r U. 1W I t Illialn I Pik I ill", htj�i tl,qilght t I w%y; meft-t. f ii -ill, lWaIL4 have Talloil lit v.itli \Io ilad (other vFrm L R S evell, Veli4lin-41 to 'ally g(,oj I't t ' 1% J.. ('41,. Ar -I It 141-, for (1luic jo-Alyly. 410 her : 0 . 11iI, I 1) LS ZIP(ld, li�-,: 71 111 -a- ..I. I. III - 7 %1 r000r!t a riuddiiig. TIw P.,la", YConr, ar-sile". Iw1o: fly. -A z.,! i".1al"; I ol, -raiIA:.r to), 111 vl- Law,, takf!.j Ulv1hv I'l-t-04111! 4 ketirio IWIn `%VI 4 1 i Le pa r t . i.;4 dry ; I as., I t litir interor-.4thip t-3tix-rinif-i jytP1T ari; r4,41-stf) k 4!.,l -I u, 4 of I We, 0 AiiII(--Is fit lZjIj'e;l(J oyi Soft- tile 11041orAgaed, have krtoivir r. retliumf I)" ft ­r n 1; g" 11o.l. linenefor otlier Ill, 1111, art I*a t - aI6 ;Lte, I., r uf f ring,44b I fen �" i next fall. -uid there I'A 1:�tvr. t-4 Ia t I:t. I - - C!ivilfy tor Us, i;i-,' .0 0 J!oi, t I � Years. a 11 (1 1 R Y' F N ft J'Or Villipic." fr pa.+! *;I*..! -i4eiLs-ii.t.ti'll t41f.. iq i 1A-.'101o'4-­Ij�l,I Aly lioniorabll in all I -in dL I I 1 lev f llrei.41-; tit va I pprfvc �4 I '.I!f W; f, V4 ith the;.111(niq, L I.% .-�!& stIa:-4I, hlor ad *'Quielivur?" -Ilk (if Alwssillia Y- .;jjrI , I _.I ' I aft. fift):I4 -illol ill 0: 1. at dr. -,I-- for Itir- hii -bts-44 t rawactlons Mfng 0 lorfil to r, Lit lind tilt' L4:iI--'1) 1,; ,,;1 or ill a no -I finiturin-ily Npu t I r, o ;1 1 JU 1 4 lot IL a tiff - obligatian . . 1 14. ta'zin­ -1 111'&%- 1 jllr� -jri.g WI va ast- rn fztrlj' able to, -arry ()'lit any 114)t ltit4,l,.l tip loo. mv Id alor lr­ -knci their Wives. 0 r �,Irs � atid reiwir -Ili, t%v(.jV4-. I - .. t W t It It -,!r' it 1* . .4 "1.!!, 11 ns t t IA! .4 1, have kff 4)%*o-r't*lio-ir�l,r4,jltqli,i.-. afl�' ;I I I iii'aib-' by their firm 14:v- i,tl,.i r wt -narch 4 Ii, It Ill, tuatter of !j 4V * 11--, 1 , i , � t ': a -; nuiy Ile I r i I il It'lles so I ir 0 "Aract. froat tli4-- Voitr o nlin W4I.4 & Tru'ax, wholmate driwzi,.-4 -Iry 11,111.4'i tIlp 1,O)Ildoll M us - -Drop us a post card, and gct Tto'odr), 0. 1 L a%jay, ti, -da N t-:11- M len). ts� a if .11, - *-'I' .(. 0 t I's of , Till I in my lkliltj -1, lor I, I I I � i: " r '' -_: I. I . lemit Aenl`of :-�Iirgvr -. 11'altling. Kilfll.'01 & )far% fit. N� i. Fl�,.Jy, eu.-agw-41 I we our booklet on I i--ti.c pli.lturi% o_,1 fil-alti..' .1. fc-,%- luoll-th.; C­V�Tially-of t tv- :,Volls ire cat "'LIl II.N- Thty jzi�gjj'L It j*.I , . I ! � i � - robes i -r 111.SA.Ili arti.t. :I!1;1- or , ,,, I, - � ''.. � 1. i N ­h -railt's, r4jr . tllt% I (*I :t r Ov 4lrfigjZist,,. To,'cdo. !ilJP-%-Aky. ?1'or tit* - I a Which pi'llptrIlt(k , I lug :I "INDURATED FICREWARE.' 11n.il'.:Iz,CatarrIL ('fire In" t.aketj illt*4.1.- I -t!,Ie fc".iing, for thi. III" kill, nwirtify *016119 a 'hair folli- It 11,111 I'S 4 .1lr.-r-f;arrAY' a4l". '1,11;b- rem0%,col Co. -el I ' ' 4 Irr*Pni Cir litirlooli. - 4,f i -r9a Ili Z!,t I,,- * I 11 - jimillif-t-I' wiitt tilt, acting (fireelly upoii tivt 1,1 1. .14 If oshr relir -,;Ivi -or grain I t 11 6Y - (l.11 - - -it' vo arrity -er pr4itfuetloin' ()-.k jIerv4t*P-. of tho my%tA,j" dr-,troye of 0 ku*w I III*,.. y -I t- a r o% .%;lot Til'y i-rvat l'i I .r;')*.,. f ZA Po'l-'and Carli-tinvies, being favor ­d b i:I I:tw.)fw api t'l It costs no'hing,tell&.all about rvct.-� ft. -Or 1)Y I eilig 111,proori 6 77 Im,f-til-rifion is Off a tsent:; per bottle.. r i am -i r 'or n timpl. :11t. Prii -4 U I flif. vall.*. of. Ulf. axtilli:! Indurated Fibre Pails. Milk (I r(11-7 to, Prim '.�1111'ot`find v., I talf" y expr4 tional , (If-sturlsam e. -i Mid I V. it Dr. WiL- .11,1nosplu 11 1 & (""I" t �l i I I a -rit- conditions. ar a, r tor hlp 1 14., o: 4 1. 1:' 1 1 �k itril :l L 'I ink I 11L -;.*have don#,- for Ille. tf) Wxp the tatto-k It I 'go m-. f.- uper- Pans, Dig ti - aakfulnct�-4 11"Ji. (Vill For 4. n"W114:11t, -4�4)4) .lir lato E�Illvrtf-r It i; Iljilf.II,cn4 1. If 'A', FallfilY Pillp are the 14,,t� if4 are- like bods -at first s N9., for t�llicik!vs likoog tilf.-Illf.-Ren! u:! dwo. Ck: nei-ti ])tit are orto hes and Butter Tubs, t i-,, altiv miriwulou.-4. I wish, .-onime t"llimuld whell tiff. illi Tlu.-.4,16. In- tile- 'Mutenvite W11T, firing to fecd a lit't,l(- -Ili (wr- tt.,�e'atil -Eask-I I. and will pUt m6ney in your wro')e lyitetratu.s de6per, or into aevise tfie-rate cof suiri,lv f6r 4ir.'Iiiiar- Via 11 t4l r 1: 61 v, -Ty SQui, f, vio;fma or tfidt evirymp ivIiO.i­.#I;ufferiikg as I- llect I,),) . IV-1tll t 1')c them to F11,11*41tswrl-tt-11 I I 11f,11 IW Itollm at);V,-tr ot- first, -is T., (T. sp.oll -I r.y inortal-i is thfrty Ili t1w tublion. 0111ti-Pe of'-,ro* r;.;.,. 0 pockets. -or lituit lon-l- wt-ra. v.- wi i-vill:,hear fir till-. rem, dy. We 11 U I es. ill 41:111VA tartarie 4teid, BlIt. tIK, rate for 4 'I- obliged 'te, t4*41 till wilpil tll(.y arv. 4).. Le P -S t I th iE_-t-:Lli, - 0 fiversail octoirs lit It, r thf-0 arter ill watoIr . it will r,:: An ang( !k;13-tij. v. -O.-4 keitp ft. tx)x (y, I,t!l,4 Ill. dry -teed. Thf, thrifty (puffitit' teto art, n'Ot ul I -I y in the. millioll.. Accor IIn!Z to r Illially. looeople tilink j"JIl"'if e til1q, ebilli is be '11111friti'l-PI("41 I ki: thent -vvry *�"ft anif %,VJqtr.. tI4.1 It flit- tile J, A it fit fill and Carhonclo..;, olfway.,.; I' To# n-stor., Vie colti-I, official returns. Th4-; i's all the oro t 4e, (% Titaking procced, f rom 1111.1t 11:114 b"pli, Sl )r eunct,rn. :I-. 'Ah.,lig- I That' are gIv411n. tjj#;, IJ4-4� lwu, I'vore a inatter ft L HE E. B ED coo f would rill"Ir 11114 � A%!) t.. III pn-cAurfN; thetrp 001011141 Ill- it jio;4rtlibil )olly, all' 'try to I! ra w fie 1 %'%-It 11 "Illd, saffers inore than '.nitv other Ila- Lf a t MITED W I iz.11" 6, 1 1, 1) t fir t1IF. lt,op left;Ito' a Vro- 11 '.hy 17110-1111ticing, etet., -it ()[I[ '11011119c. tilt,- 411-f-clored ill Purope Troin -a 't�enrrlty. If, rall. rlro:orign.� tit(! y (if 1,.;mIz1 (]Ili- of 0 Al. wn I% I I is- -I' cr noileir to the r(.()t-;! o: I (I r I t'lg IiiiiNlic.11 Me I -Ilr 1: 41' tt %%-.it, I witll� a S:I' WC,1411. Uar fr% r I.; v e, t - ' te(A I , ... . +vs­ar I ly - Tit.- ft. 0 HULL, CANADA. Us vle; I tl�:% liarlior, in ral-t(;r- t UP- rrentment to-july ..I - -- 1% *1 fie- It- b14211tiful Atx'r. This '-I olle giistul r:-,vv�ow Ott.,. Tit,- va rtinatl(at iilo� is it 'ut devP1,v; to ronuwtl tlip I'fi r Too ji-r,tbp 11, .1 1.! 1 t t, raAroill,. !,I.. til Iv 11'rt ijr� tliv t I Too F-ri-4- Tre . o4 f no :I el, To I,- I Is- k"Ung, Out; 0 %4 0 0 0 I Q jalt. 1 4'!! 1 Ali, -Ih�,r iii�-.irt es' -,o to ailloly gent that will, 1116.- ever tljat- I -s: j.4*.,l,)-* r art f -yr, .:I*L cv, 11A, go -1 titroro t Ile gra,.t, 'I., all. g4ollv. '11,11 41 41f ', sili0ifir, part t re! I t I X.- -tfie: Jlliicirf�.)­ 'and removt peirts; nkn-kv t If ill 'Jill I' h-r i-lirlit :in,, -ib; Avo-,*la. !,3. 1wr Toor -lips uFon .91A Ila in I1q I tO tb��, i-,A4111f:�07-lit; t ro 1141401 al U - a in -1; L awl ti,-, lix-4jill :1 1 Wil It. k." t , v. I !I' iv.-,fnvival, r al;l-ly itk j If.. urer3 f*VV1!J1l;- It i.; 1 10:111" of WANTKD_caacPjleajuLjlt,. 11, jot., - ­ - -1 DII(I " the Poil is t 11:1111. ILI o hal i rs iviA t f Ilk' "At Ill WI 11 Ve 3 2tr if r kt. I"bi.1 �( 4 C(Illt�i .1 11*4i.--s Ili C. A. Murton. 13. 0. c),i, Hill"till r(mew -4-jilic :t 1'evive 4 1 1 WrAlugs. i' by .%%;,I I V a-z"l. Wtli�r i,i autlior- -to- k a �)tl�11111111111 brush. 1 '041 &- You k -b -W, I I Ir - 11 (or wrtime I ieef. n I Tit I . and. Jwrk al'. woll :,:4 fill I t4l liffliant,;. -Ith an t ntiro '111,11rh clatIlt-i horyc---4. and jot.- , zvec. rini 1 -i -111r, apply it) till. ITI�r 1.� 1.:.%: 1 In a blikil s o I: th, ir 11V� - ... This trtI:tt- -ril -it, lillvj!iz� tile well i -are " erery -vix 11011m ill In I stf ep�.il I., or Of" :(,%'4 1- r.q.-iijet I Nly reganf fd-t!w ilie;lt i4iauld,rel IFIrve. I :t IITOI:91� ch -11 V. -A41 -t hi, 14.1t1oll. THE LEADING CC 1.'o*l*.J like, a 4, DVIPM - AloWe the xvild raii-Is St4lck lwv; �'er.s IT tiff. IVI A­itli'lut Fooll,41i W -10i t' i.v I,; in tl;, big, ttly.-; llk#.�Jipf �-'cnth Anjerii-a an liu,- to, luave i.t. laneed. a 114 1 It. if Or- Pett-rs- ivill ap- CANADIAN All-1raii.i. I ry ALMA 0 -0419- :0- Ili I -f if I: is V.11.1i market-,;. WI i.Mj,\. I r? fill -4 'tug. -o q -1: 1(* ,1 rried C111ILLEGE U. .%111 1 tI1Gngl.t V1 !1�' ai .-. - The , t I'l 4'.. paill at To lZe.,tor., Color lit Silk Tal:eu 4 tit To> ule t! I, r.. I - I ';.. v r in t1li,% inirt 1, Al. I.. �Kv 0 af. to'l, ?fin .1 lillutl 14).r*, iglit \1014.1v -the wiW 1:111(l, of-tife& %%t,*t 111t ..ill tilt, islall(I Addretoo 1,rimf,ipaj Warucir, Ilia.- -rt-7 f rep, - alid ranche.4 'is'prinig tilt- or hartshorn of Cey1fill, all t \16,0111(o but 10. lg-. vi 4 ky voJ:lt-j..I - %olpswric , (01; 1110,; j4urIwx,-. It w 'uts In- Imnisoo. (futarto flit I I*! I I - a Y Wi-ri-, yet it), i �t :L*,Ii I fro. iww c� t y, lotit not. t pro- I t!l tiWil-Allf"ILS414ift Of elittle. Jmr:eg 4rc.w��t!,etorre'l)0jullngly I Tilits-Wh(I.r0r� Tv -droIpp­d on tiw- . r�-,(Irtj spot %,%-itll()Ilt 1111. INTR win If I mJg!A whl.Ii i..;' flit- rijlc )if and r.production xv,14 �Jk milt-� FALL TERM 'SEPTEMER j5T. jilf,6- tfli trv,kn4i4o-Z fly iiIsalihig tfiejo­i!i� Milk -&-ilig alty--ilijury too tiov r - a j-41 hik -atin tt-wet. ­Ttij.- IN) Tl:lch: if Tan L%at-her 1,(,ot-; ttid for While You :I rn !I*- Io#-- I I t 1v h" 11" W t tiIIIvial' (p, i,,n- ..%nit till- fae-` For.o;.-. lijillielin..4 fir we fir III, I a, vii -�eve a 30, 1 inil'- -,,I' i% Pry - t, Illy ivld-itlt, I a t (I ve r had :10.1111.11i0i cattle. ts. Illany sheep r I hQ74m. 'th(; IAX)4.14 Ir j;a,. I:f . - . ' %-h, ­ I I � I - ry r 4-mi.-ik.1we. (if Antf tfiT ra eh triver 16w njilliwi watty. hirg 'trOdl&., %vit!j 6 j4licy I it:t t tj et4t ill I, 0,;_ I It . I ' We -frij­c tinio t( 'llid towll people prefor to liny l-um-r'll- I. -If IL.reathillg. - lleov,.,ull 1, -.1i all'; i0it-W dry cli-aik ill tile st da.y I nA I r J;�- 4611Vv X ,tJj t (I tY - I Agra MU04 lit;.. t-.istr loop, 1�11 oro IV tfwl' ttle re L4 Y ,I .-I Y4 i1w for Iloptter thin atil" ws'ja I v. ay N, In If 111:1 g*4 11*1#f be �(!e, 'Prif 'In'l I If(- fully r ui-Iti. (1-144 t Nit r:ot 1 -ss -formidable in Y enfisunie. Tiff "romedy for Aira- to put t lit- 111clilfig Ivell oil. ;m fitturnati(,iml ionjilally. Lj I k It r i '! ckinr tal.i!!g dill form - that, thii t I ie expa would Y(.).l r. 7! t th-It. A 4LI I v., tilt- ti�=rrgpt-.. Tho 1 allol orgnii,, the 1)rc-sion 'In STR TPbRD. on -r -ro- w3 :t _r I, I if, if 1.'r 14tifi-i tti-l-t hai%'- kt;f, tilt,- .111IJ, Ilillirelled - t4lrf' "I 'to That Iii.eltJ14"r 110t. 401, 4-. 4441 17. 4 1 valoitai itr j - --c Alairy st o:- k. (fairy J)ro,- 100-1111.1, bo. rie,.ulro 1 10 100 1) ilia 'S A'f .11JIl . I - A f6i Vllilk t -4),003AR) I oll t I 4 -lo, luall. thr. hotl I influential, school that eal .)olltl jf Y414, t! -:-t I v, 'I we 1; till, olliets an(Y. faran -crops, alit] 4,1 wn at ijigIA th�-- far Iiii, I Al"I'l t " coal to pro-'Idee to:' Of 111'; iroll.' ki till t114% o'(W114 . t If.. Ilimon.. Fates nitxjvr.,ote. mob . I , Am P; ve tilt rth. !:11 10.4 r-ditional Patronage! None begswornt, 0, I rs 111D 110% who 11OW144 fro:oti ths-'torelvircl and -n rf ff-ti. t a %V#6414-1 :k.rjil prindef, t,li;- fl-nd _t knigh I Y V4;,: a.4m. I In. 1.11-70 t -Jill! A %.,ils #Iurr baria-uts anif nil 111111',ialld rzp. .4. IIQ '-.I NI 0 1111211ftlti- (of 1�kz iron ti I 1114-11tvi 4;ros that Mg., tip DAIRY. - 3 JI.1,1.1(iTT. t fie niert-1-.9tit v. -ho lig -an That it Wits 11rcilduced -*wit�ll it" or 11r4l i . f". tv-a III rnnrifni� jT-Kn lily b, 1Y f-114'ekool. coal tiff), 41. V 1141-4. 1� ill v.- - . I 1 1,1 " I r,,' S'.1 i,4 ti b:- ullorIll6usly' riot, Nan - :1,,, # -I lily- -kill Uf 11"11v "01111. and fll' IR101 tile unantit, A-!dVIi jivAlutv .,-I Jultiked".41- klif;L,4 was 1`0- Prim jpjl jjlk.j)jj lily iron trontril, tfit. rilekinan �witli 143- 1. 'tr4 it Plar --tte no'. w) Iturel to Of akf gmat :1 fmilpan III iad he td) It he prolioer Mow ore&. %VJ;14F'(i 1.+4 U'Pfo %itil nI.V l,l.-jrtjjkj, l6ad of iron Kir(lero or- rall,4 -r(,**tj' I ttviltioll, dllco� I fo :11,00, poundLy.. Y Miliv -allil. market a rt,-Iier r "K. a--4. th6y once. were, Xil('I- Illany dairi" _j.drI!ijz and �ikjmp 41j.d 'I"ve t iia y t -i I lifit, 4)11 woollen t4uppbrtki, 'ap,; t law - I (lift, fAve Ili XA a fragal. 4*' It ve 0 and fort I r., ­�, bilt (F IF aell -(it ll(,r. the - clang rligo tip t this we hardly. THE NIMMO & HARRISON �1, !I (*r.%. Tome, M , r 1 tv. 1:wket-: or un-thf-kc4l fir "rill. girafft. t..Ik(.$; tile iargo,,,st striik- nienil 'o-,.tt a inil�- nivity- llfv4i ",4.'Y UJOY are -profitable, dairi 1p-ftt !11rf * I'- 14�- I I opf 't -fir -111 alifli Nlakc- thii; rt lillitimil', a i -;.Ila 11 k4ft 7 1 W , * III mArk, and. diff- vlaced here Tul, I- I llf'-re- it for ali r!)iYr-ftxitc.(I avill-li 1114ppy %-.hen*tiv- 4-k i -f, �.., �1 . -rark -1,. -1 -)rb q -It -1 4 all() a -4 'V -1 flill BUSINESS COLLLGE, illidred oth( r. Inn I - IL1111-.11"COWS %V11jej) (1f) Ilof eolneL 9":Lt .111notilit of 11144-4111-0. 41% If Fvft P11,141 iolp t4PrY -.iw. :1j.4! i"I jolly Vo'l att with- fl,:inimarily alfl* 1 the t.. . it covo,r.--fourteell-ibet. it tjoeg Cor. Yon ree .1 firon r I_ !:W_- njnr:- lip to remitortrg 11 be (e:la "ry and to. Hkh. hehv.V te air of t r 1% Ith all' It., I if) 11 r, N1. I mant A�Jllval; Wei I 1114A H4411 Ill" 114�111 (4 :1 '117 'Ir tn' set rolvord of atlooWtul hnn( �Aty, .1, Imme (Is Llfe,o it rat!?r-r I n I (It -*t A g000l cow IS ty gi-i along. (lrowvAIr .qj0Itj;jA 111IM1," thishk York a Achine for makilig NL) our a. profit for Mi o%vncr ; a IK" inie. appli,%%tioll-or -colt -gile %-..Lt"r lio,.e;irf`� as littlell NIJKK(j ELAJL-. .3,_)t4 11i'lot Irs'o, ftor* Or ainnjoula to tile litingd-tjor, I- Moneittk t 1.) It; rr luy. W), 4'r1IY cat.,, 111P.1110t profit a, r I v ed - f rout Of Avissillia y TpIll y t) j', 1). -tile good on oc.-I, be468 or 1wrinirteIi iVill ca:use ImniNli- BlFli I've 9411 a P 4-440 ('00K the ket-lihig 0'r _64 ; '.611f. 61111)(1111 IA- nl)k.- to u0nialliflitla!X1 1% ith tit,. 11;ot nio rf.laelkar-d j)-tir, litif o;,vner.A it re often to ate Ye a-*%,% rs, k hirn. r io'lndiffer'etit to) lay troubloti I' livaps 14- re- 01164!14- Worl:1 loy tA.- Walkin'.'l- rmml f.i:4)11911 op.r na. oa Ifunt,& gito this -Inatter a thought, TM 'legraI)II. - - .% line ; Ig X ASh )OUR DFAUR ron X,. a_-rf-bantlt, I "11,A), (I Tiff- vook Ili If ill holno, I -Imt. t � ii. -be ir AN laid frofn ll:irrd,r t4i I 'I'# I've got Jill, lr#,.i #)f I t IN' U*­li lc%�, made gili It rti from. a iwoumi by ro r wre than twenty ve trs . 4 Illy. jI-jj,Ifhi;o- .V..l r((%P.-; fir NPO''that Ito tlt# 11 . 1:1-d lior :irni mo-verely butti,-r *cajid prodticed gilt eilge 110FAce.; gentlo 111MAiurp. I tit I -Awf I've 11,114. 1,' he f--�rnesl g gravy. (I 1W I r. :I u RICE'S PURE SALL vkq I I I le Z". I'V'� 'I it ; _tjl�keur�-' #)I It -t wwild be w.elli biit* J -:i) long' h.-ve been tellirg how t(" ;Yho"I lift will sell'i tiM tlrrit tivs- I)ilti_ jfjr*�J.­ 'Ivitll of 1;1, 1 folF ]'to I 1"Itat 11 go(KI 1:111re 1,11(ju!.I. lieNe'r 111par Vist-Ta roI-Jr; . P) t he- 4 liplilied. and Milli :1'4 1114ny do not do tillo it.Am tile part tv-�cd Page liful wilat iwL. will Iv Ill ST FOR Tko& 9MV 00 r, I. nil t I I I"W ();Iji-pri tot ctirring prcotiv�toal; or other* Scott's Emulsion overcomcs the .-extend sr�s I Illil"IteR 'iff it, of lvisd(mii, lit inan.v localitles,.40 light-, Ve tilf. rmn I )if Inviats (If 111j) r.r alpf 1 �v4**k.II%1-.- 4-kili had --grown. -ind tilt, Ph the' worl�.hy lIec-onli ketal)1-6" xV-IlVar fryhW.-,ju;,- tile -Ilea-t The North Ancricav Cbev&Al Cs, I. dorml, have t4, 114 �; -fary J, r.n I 1wr III i (,fir;- fig Creanier.v de -Sl r()Y14 the temper of the stept. czCessivewasteof the systcm. t" Ki fig -Ifunilm-lilt WoryptiC almiat rry st patram. That Anlre�,. v X,;Wr, :I vi'll, Mil. -SmItil 01141 KAK=ka, ilo-IM9 fti.fillf .4ay. it Im mald thAt. tlKi milk of. a _njilljoill hould lw� go 1 Act-ortl X ilic to tiff. I'llitc-I ,I; In 14.4 1 of tot- GODIER10ft r,#tr. I linvi. juj-)_ 0 puts on flesh, nourisfic- and X ;X(lut itb 011 Uefonl� they are Ilia Too high livin' l.iJifi-Xill, 1 1% 1 it away kor tourw I R,call t-Wjil4f. 41Y NO J*- ter LL I ot e- ally len;all of thile", to prevelit r1!: -l4'*- J-;ilj4r.'1104� 1'. co,ntl V thO liitafixi- Thbli, prodoict from rugt-lllg. IM f)f ll[tVtv toll bvilds up the Lvdy, making it Al.]HprRr P. Gttiq 011. elkwi in ro'nsvined In 'the ch"P prothi 0f f i(4' 4*tilli, ", , *tlukt nwiti were .1 V. r -Y_ Ilext year (if Higher up th#- *,­ial tn.4..;.- Illy 'jcni Tinif rived 1!�# -i-arls. t4) I*% is worth at least twenty -f Count fIdANI FA0TUyXX Op f,yer too ff)rvr.t sem.! or,111114,4111V at tille mill -161i 7-1 x lit f I ;'Jhe remedy for all wasting di -6. PltLhik U'S (,&JdXRA Blot, jwp inatter %v fin ViI; iny 1#,S,. an I Ilf.'m to t:!Cil(. 4,ru to- 1)1.4 4.11ildren flZaininatloll fir 4wr doll'ta-m. . It should I)o . the That. a littk I.or. ;aby4 hatl ary 1.1aniii.,4, vv.- -)r4,,t t Wj lyr t n&itafry acit more, or will. prevent tile elgin fron, ellaring A" '(1i I ZiVt-4 ill -1011 it fa Y Ove � ! - $1 Jt*4 ' I . M Aell" (of - Saint Cyr. 'Fit ff)w-4 -are not paying. lihirr miti periodloal mtjijjjI., it, 4 fl, PH(Yr0GkAI'I4 AMAALATA*. the ti;jy tilt ily" We will find 'th ajid, from breaking out rro-ola. tile lie., t. scaws of addh and d1ildrm 11110A.* and of !lit wforilm to 'T114) Ila" tffll !ITv I_t1tIlrP.--Qffl,,er tif ar- at lieeU Increase tile. Pticstagre - 6 114% Iqtftj)II*j :-Opow 111110"RZA4 QVK. kijr.- Maj�* AllIery. t. and -will' yen ago Q%j,(J10.'1 Or the ordinixey 1,i r. "s or. a Jlnjgm-) Htntf -I I it p. too I # If! r; Yf ty, ay 11"Illt hP, lfw)l:v vtory� njurli. milk tLjhd butWr Products That tho tonlato Ava.9 but it Ilk' JIL, ratil Cit ar4o A" but tL isn't possible for us to J, infli'a., ly owly, Imint Kot t MA'Itillm, Toul-4 little ved f46r liurptkIctIt. 2,500.(.x),­jjv. dew I"Llu"NNNTLY cl-KID 090 F-tat"NTI-11111), (lei, but nuirk iothIng IV 119 W 1W. OwFl, even -Terseym, to'bly J0 11111"e (of tlkb 2-ilvnt Au - U.1 ) IF ir. I I kilfl. 0I 1R79 lky th-f- 7nfa.,z. The potill - 0-1 fat rapidly. - If tile root4ii.dre 41i.4- That Icktico should be illaticloa nad 5JR113,40) are of t'lle 1(tIl. lior. kituals tireat Nerve sum I With how Mylell eagerTitnI64 J11141 11, am(,* from mail 11 9 washed tin tell the story in a mere stick- No fl D, or 8.1 -on rs. o!d it' cilwitinued., butter -fat soon aA you are Virough Hsing tiltv - torer. A little OV9. will run aiml Itark 1`W., and Nil" 11111Y, 'NO lilore-lialn"t .101Y 19 1141 Jt(MM lov -alit] fi(*Il will "'It,fivery seri**.. after firtit day'p. IlAe Send to n( tile name of Wit'llie KIM I iot 11 -Xro it I hilatift1rhut. Pill,.. for 9111 AT h Mo - f on Mi. Snith.' Tifo Prineehe Y. -IIIA Ill.-4tory w I(vw 'Thii; 1.4 a statoment and.not Ile allowed to stand- uniii col(l. ful of nev.-spaper type. I I B0111"? a big 49 ill the htri-t': In IntermtIng. If .4 -mf)tlle tivaUse aad P lAnut r w" Ow -4 in, anti a rare gfxxi ta 1"611 tit froin tile Town l4tation. T I iere art 111(mb I:Tf9Jish-,,Iw�akJng- 1 "111111 bot Ue. For sale by J. A. Herw I TAs Nme t P VP dauxtiter of Dame stzwt. lWontrml. (ju4j And. a* tim 1) a -4 .1 W. -I Y Wax for all th, 11(lir and n A 'Cow 17111'1 1 1.-4 t.,Illl from 111wral A Poor Ktnd- of, SandWich. -wille ill tile VniWd etattts tli,Lll 1,.i 11K 44 fig "v - I iL Orld Junt like aband teat -her I)y j)rt)re1.&Io1jI. .1 - - - We have had prepared f or I" k -q m!Ly w.1y . w1lat It k4 clftimf�d a - mr,f-tin. Fol InIlk giving nil onP Whirb 1.4 thin nm6 all VwtxuWRftw, cxmUnipLati.v#­,, grnve, - they that Prince LouLs Aj rron, w Did yoll 96! tIW Imil go ye"Wr- tll(' rwwt of. the %%4wltl colli4ified, The wraWl dog tfiink�4 Vol 1*44)1(- lik,.. blit, It aln't 10 am. (I tIli!m .*;nyjl.11 -fre-1 Ir ma, 141 "NOw4celly were ant'of prop"r food nfe Ill day ? us by a physician a Uttle book. I - isay it to, till, v different c (liti 11 -1 V%it i TWUTY-SERIM YOhn 8Fnith, to Dif-kleboroll 0 "Ied. but Illiere k., no proof 0+4N. on I t. ix use- 46?(0.1f ffqi(l%% t, ­(Mv fiat that little. #11v 1,4 Ivio4ve." gil. H or. tiffm, Nilm Kelly stubowlue IFIss for 'one to attenlPtAo inake I'llit! d Ntate14 7:1 know, ,an- I lj.� sa r Lo all the ntly I)P- ft "I thoWlitryoU '0141 telling in cas� words h6w and I '-('" -IA0 Valt.4611 (jurf'll wor"ll came 1110 wife -of a gardezer. ansil- of dairying, until lie 1.4 f) , t - me you ivvre.go- 10 00:,.('41 11 1,1141.1,14 wx),- fit - I lberal Anoill y"t, t1w big c;tog'o Xr*atur size Aght-Ko6l 90(11Y now llvfing In AwArpolla. VINY11 tile 'willing to take advant'lige of r why Scott's Emulsion bcv.4fts, ()()(I: All.-Itraflit, ultj N4�%V 7 Xwt g&L.the mmall dog'#4 fitt;#- rum.: -ifill- PrIlel- Albert lif-to; all- death or tier mm: tj "I did, but I tvait betwem two- ealanj. 5'. ay..t. - . eX- Em i or(>?; 'Young ntlwr-�-Ieftstw. Y`oij know ie loveding and mItting. No inatter wlint V()Men who M0,009 : lit k -i:1. kfri(..t and T1*4P attitu-jet, t#) 0'qua1ze w1hut T innant-. h -r gran Iowxi n t cII4)01 11, joarW, kine fare kept, -tile Iletter they ,trf% Ila I I I wom. hall never &een a game of and a postal card requvt will ii'licro 7 100,1 *(ptal. I�H.4 4 What can he 4) b4t hark be4dool '.1 ni� tlgll on It'* 1100 whither ,If(* frequi-nti-V to vl,,It rorovided �. for tile 'bptter will I kj0.0,X). "It wax K4qu n hy t I,e thim tiaw, arill the Queen mile nfbt return. be enough. to have it sent to And then, again, IAx)r little chap fto to W^ she way, 6yw 114. HORTIM1,TURE. A mail calling 11i"Nelf Hamilton wa�i Wool Wwsiow,xtjoujhjNff*l@l rup Is a flever 0h., George, otar (!Ili arrestert at �Cornivall for pw;slag you frez. To -day would I-- failing reincoly. it not olily rerieviiiiii the child Ilin,- .., AL AKI HL4 IfUle I.twmn'm filled with prVe will finil lunril pri)vlojo-11 jor yon, und arp on r -a tions nif old faiiihioned i,eol,1614 itre itgain m!lf off as Inspector of tho York- Comity froln lbotin. but nrigromttv tl,o ifitumfol What'n bf% him but Up yolp &IA q tilt, man W116 %,VIIAN oll yv)u w ly 1`11RIP a -M Los "Well,whi-il eh &nd ill take sve 'got t -hp 1,111 eve - it girf.11 t bewelf cormcip mcidur, rAnd ,nji 1) ill fashion. a,nd ninny plant I,oiit1A-4avIYig..4 CoinT)iiny, or Toronto, good time to SWd for it.. energy to the whalf: myowtow. irep tone and wixh. blu .10 1 9t V4.111 KInlop Too ittue to be digninvi. YOU ovf*r tho emtk- If you ryt"lllg Y111 1110 Im-nbpr together to get the effect a and trying to obtain t1w week's coffee. nottatitly ouile trig POWDE U11IM4 of their brillirn SCOTT & wwNE, t t "IT the 001-Iftch and wind 110wer-s PrOdUce. tlow; from tho agent. colic. 11othiftiv tion On -0:PrQr1lvtJt%T1"rntY THECO tive cent" a hei OK S BEST FRIEND Lanag*T "L& Milf C A 40" A -Z Form �ffllllfffl lit floolifoloolootoost"_.. 14 . .- _ I lliodoliwpav . - - r - 0 - lot n ci. (10- t I C. of W ulut r ter I jit t., QUICKCURE 0 0 t k�� Ito j_