HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-08-27, Page 40118 -hun- rult 1i TOO f • :norm T "'ud ill tilt t�ll1Py 0101610 - " The LUOknow Sentinel Bruce County 'cr lday August 27th y,►'r..�* +fain l,m- 1 ntl,lart sari. � , •_�� • ---- - - - - - FFM nn ll I.IETk.k LI: 1-1EATM 00 RIGAN'S O Conne!Vm' • - • •' r :. he Rt halt of �NMrf u t U x poriments 1 There wt;l likely 6- a6mt 600,000 � DAV1301i Is the lace t(1 make your selections in • { acres t.ow n down w ith wiut, r wheat = i N _.. W F- • 6n Ontario withli. thu Olt xt ,,,,►lith. ItMRS FURNITURE f x; ,•ory i , �, • tl.e,ae• ►i- FURS CROCKER'YP GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS aa� lT • ticA �l►te'li :�,.. ;i�,,', e,i,t� th,� rx•st WARE ROOMS. - - +s. - Having gec�zred the premi,es lit -sly occupied I have in stock the following ry sulfa. By cxdrertt,iettts c�,ntlucte d by G. W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, for a periuet of is years it tilt- Owitrip I have recently fitted it with the newest de Men'sinerCoats SM ITHsiglis of all kinds of Household Furniture, As : Agricultural College witi, 102 %ar ietit's to quality, they are unequalled. The ice is- Apples Dried Apple' Nutmeg Soda away down. All goods are tmubht a+r Knot Blacking E>ttracts 011. olive soaps en, straw of winter wheat, if ib fe•uetd th..t there• • `��� cash, therefore I can sell at m clooe a pricy ae Black Lead Fitts Oil, sweet Bptoee M s is a great variation in tiff• ,"�► ::p��rl►tt� a any person in the country. Why tiny in To- Blue 1!'i11h, driedban ra caster troch rontu and pay fre`gbt, subject to damage, Baking Powders fish, dried Granges Btrawbetcries, carne yields Of graiu pr,xlueed by t) e� riff- when you can save+ tbi3 at lwu,e? -When at Barley, p,►tf Gelotine Oat Meal Sulpherr� _ _- - p 1 e • J. T. DaI VsnR's ilispect and be con- Bath Brick Gingers E Pails Tapioca • I ferut varieties. it hay alsu htmu iuu,►d K f inced. Beans Hope Peels Tomatoes. canned Ladies Cors'lets v Brot►u►s honey Pities Teas uininer • that the varieties which -hare gavel► nuod average results at tilt• exl•eri- rH E Brushes Ink Pearls 'I ermicees Brushes Indigo PearIias- Vermicrll meats in th© Culle•ge for a few year: His just opened a case of U N DhRTAKI NG Bi4cuit Licorice Peas, can@ad Vinegaes - AND ALL LINML f)�' til; b1:�i 1":fi GUUDi� - � in succession have u,tiral ly Rtv► n good Coffee Lime Juice Pr ►per Waebborrds � . . DEPARTMENT Confectionery Lemont to sine d N�al,hing Cre AT REDUCED PRICES. satisiiactiun thruuahu,,L ()utariu. Souvenir canned 'G,►ud., 1.arnNd Rice eN►druwareThai fact has 1,een deterulittetl l,y t hP is co-iaucted at the old ►+tand, whieh him'been Coct►a bard 1 Rice Flour Whiting • entirely renovated. Ch-)colate Matches sgo Dinner Sets s 0 tLLee► results of! cc•'►perative experi111t•uU 4 Corn, canned Mince Most `Salt Yeast Cakes conducted throughout th- pro%ince in Dishes _• Corn meal Meal •Salmon Dinner Sets t•At tl of Ll1P past five yFara Ill rt►nnt•ct T� Currants Macaroni Bardiues �l'Na Sets ' �`•*`' t Gurria Powder Mustard jHedna Wriest tictt,l 1 l ion with tl•t- extat•rin;ental Nvork at the t Comprising lsdie9 and j i. Cream Tarter Meats, canned !Seeds Cream brtte ' college.Frorn 7 t.o 9 virit;ti,•i have been t 't "^� Cocoanut Magnesia ISyru };eerySe:tj, Con - Gent's cups and saucers, Date►1r . yrut,e toilet Setts Selected cacti year for Rending out to Cream t ex -student, of the collP_P, at►d to otFancy plates, hers ` a pitchers in two sizes, t ! A•1 Flour always On hand. intemsted and farmers throughout Pin • A- _ Ptn trays and sma ♦ - ,f Ontario, who have expressed their de- • • lu,cv„tnl �•�ork cups and saucers. Also Embal�ling Preserving sad - � —' sire to loiu to the exix r a large range of - ----- -- - - -. -- _-- -- - - -- -- -- - - ned have w riten for Taking Car 9 Of $04188 >Biata Spec- f teritl. lalt�• - GOODS � 1 n the autttrnn A 1 `'J6, seven var- Dress Th • 'Embalming; Fluid, t„aterial and ap- ieties of winter wheatwere• ,elect* -d pliancos-used have proven to be the most ` efft-vtual that have erCr been used for the bast In distribution anti were divided into Goods, �s twenty year,+. `' .� three sets with three in each,the Uul- ...,_._ o ns one� - - - k dc•D .Chaff, being used throughout aR AW'Pictury Frami and all-kinds.,►f Ke• 1►v which the results of ,ill the - The Ldtett StyICS pairing done at the• alt} ,+tand. Our new dress goods fol' f13tt11 AI1d winter are u a81 _ ."arkties could at.`' compared with one ;And Colorings. -� _ _ commencing to arrive and when they are all here, - vP received 231 full SI L S�SONS THE LEADING we will be able to show you one of the. best assOrted �,no�her. �1 a its �� C E � . y a.ud :atiaifacturily conducted whiter ILt,dies are, invited to ' erlt�. Thi. r,utnlePr fir” 'ne these hail �'�'!1 by S� SLOCk:i or t�1•e$3 �/)O(��3� iF1 this part Of the ''e �untry. ,WL1t•At experttn icall and exatni �xceed3 an other ye•ttr 'thetas rep•►rls � Dods before urChssinQ � Ain011i; the i;OOtj.; that have alreaci_�' a'rlve(l, �•� !tl W 1 came from 3�'Mullties for the fall and winter. find a nice assorttllt�llt ()f sllall('s dnt� patterns ,' uniortakors ani rarnituro Doa ors The fulluwing is the cuwp:.rativv rte atult8 of at7rsw and grain per at re of :uitar- "winter wheat varities te3te.i during ,rte `� . Banjo Cornet `�� J Amazons, Boucles, . t � C'larie►nrt . � � •+. Y•ht pat: t season: - Etc.$ Etc. l lave the largest and luc;st colllplete stock of � Plaids, Surah Sergel§, . straw }K•r ac r l;'a pro- a'e -- _-- ton� lilt ills. t • ' Daw'-tins (iolden Chatt •'.3 :zs.:r For terms et,;, call at the -Sentinel Coating - Sei ges, �tewert. c'b..,t,i,►. •=•; '{; 7 ofl3ec�' Fine and medium Parlor Furniture,early Re!d G'lawson =.1 :i1.::� � axed Tweed Ef cts :116!e of Genesee2.2 $1.0 Cofieert lVoyk ci Specially E� eayee �i,nt l:h ?9j; Bedroom, Libraryand Dtnin .'7.bexc• t the ?31 �;�►d re ore. Al _Ill! black; we itre showing a splendid range of l lenriettas at from :37 J up to * 1.2:i per its none p P�„, of ruccewfuli conducted experiments Room Suits In the Tovvn arca, which cannot be Neaten for quality, finish anti cheapness. In the famou:;- Briggs, y Baker and Confectioner.' y �i have been used in the preceeding edinl; sung $ - - Y _ Priestly Sons black �OOds, the range of makes for this year, is far ahead of any preceeding , xoary of results,th a table should t,e of call value and worthy of the thought Dealer in all 1i;irid� of � year. �'Ve have them in Fpingleius, AEn�loras; Satin Sollels, Satin Victories, l �laii� and y : - Also a full line of : fiaurc(I. Call and see then. N o trouble to show goods. Respectfully yours, fol attention of wheat growers in Out g Groceries, Callne(1 CTOO(15 _ • -ario, Much credit is due to the care - ful experimenters who sent us the re- Confectionery, Etc, ports of they tests made un their own Curtain Poles and \\ r 09 farms. - -- - Bread, Blom s Window Shades-__,. , . . �>MCLU8I01ti Fcr Pale or to Rent Cak-eS. 0C I. In the a�•ersgA yield of •tinter and whet per acre, the Dawson's Golden c gE-�PTHE,. - UNDERTAKING - DEPARTMENTLadies'5aff 3� hi hest am 1l v.rietie, Furnishers. !i °r'g The hotel at Belfast known as Fresh Del 1 tp,ted over Ontario, 9varieties in 1893 y is colupj(,tc'�n every,, p�lri•ticlllars. Calls promptly attend- 9 varieties in 1894,9 varitities in 1t39b, TME I BELFAST MOTEL• - - - -- — - -- - - -- - �---- _-`- --- ed to (la oi- 11it►ht. V varieties in 1896, and 7 varieties in Flour, Oatmeal antl (. urn, y ►, _ 1697, also 53 verities town at the -�PPly 3I. 0. CAMERON It . # nical always on han(l.ARVf %; ' 1 al College for six ears in Goderich, Ont. Do Fou Want efoh Pr�t� -_ 9 410� Vencu tar Co g � _ ' • :..:cacaos -- - ----- - -- . _ -- - - -- - - -- -- -- --- --- -- -- _ _ � - Threeverities of winter wheat LOOK HERE! 51101) • Campbell St., eve, been tested over Ontario with 0,efollowingaverage yields of g�Riuari oo Next Door to Post Offl _ L,UCKNOW. If you do you c.onot possibly do better than give us a call. �t't� can p ease the ;. ►cre: Dawson golden chaff, 3•�}, have you the #;ript»11�E�i(1•s - most fastidious perscm in town whe11 It Ct�nle3 to dolnc artistic job wt irk, and • :. y' Red Clawson, 991, and Early offers for the holidays. It is _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Gold then we do it so cheap. How can you atl'ord to send out A town ,for inti pay • - �:. _..-Pe Giant, 29 1-20 buAeis• not too late yet for. I Ie __ ___ _ __ • Dawson's Chair as been ,. _ express on job Work when you can het it done just as good, if not bet tt l'; here. • lis aon s Golden Ch h n hay hoods .that Madden the l,vorite with the ea rimentori i', n - DODGERS �'hearts fsf the young; fife 'old;People BILLS fit years. must '( ' 1. ,, :t, SALE BILI S the rich and the poor; :ever C fI J L 5 1' t I L I I F A 1)S NOW SELLING AT lOc p y - ; ? - ���tr � J ,. Ili the co operative experirue ity ' - . X97, Stewart's Chawpion Pride of FOR A SHORT TIME. body in fact, and the (fladen- y \ 1* -LOPES .; I` -STATEINI ENTS • -te, Dawson's golden ohafi, and --- ing process don't cost inuc;h. IN UTE 1I1�-ADS , , ian, made the`be3t app•arau.e in Tbree claims in Slocan and either. Ile has noir ill kockY' BLANK NOTES I'1{ �(�II:�'�1MF.S Have Uroceries :,ring. 700 acres placer mining _ t ON ElI1 I3ILT..S on new--�---- _ I ETTER HEADS � , • _ + Dawson's Golden Chaff and Gen- Canadian creek. C'allb and F U N E R A L C4 4ARDS DS , r,: _ C. _� 1,t.I � G V,A R 1)S Fi>7s. Persian atas�, �iialauts, - > - _ . • ;ian: oss'a••sed the strongest, and Tile great uestion is where t0 • •. r r F • p g a She lod Almonds q get them. v�-(, keep the, t>rsc EXCURSION BI LL5 •- � At 1,tiZU1tLAL CARDS ., • et prospectus- - and desci i - Filb©rts, . • ,� ' , ;' .•� :�� I : e ride of Genesee and >itrPris the g � p p c llAlide3 to ire hail, • , j We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do . ,, � BALL • 1 �t�'ITATIONS tion of property. Oraagas• �e�cas, wizzo - CONCERT TICKETS bell them at vets close margin. ' t Grapes and a Choi r,* Vw::�t�t of y a 1 ,'E:�T1Nr:1, cannot be beat. ' The Daweu►u'3 (au'den Ch�►ti, nl:d PW ood7� a&Zt. ' �' TEt�s 1 " -al id �.3d ether Cwnai02 al- As an advertisin tuedium a id a business maker tl e 5 ' tewart.s Ch►s[ttr+ n were the. le,i Wr1�S Oil 1�� — --- - --� • • Havinn One the ner,test sheets in the comity, r,ur subscription is steadily increaw• t the Pride c�i t :�neaee and the 1897--- 1 8 i Black, -U teen and Japan are unequal led in quality and prices. You - •VOTERS LIST- - II1 and the subscrl tion and neat conpositioti Js what cot, uts f4 the succes$ ► •.. iy CieAeaee Irtar,r were the most - _ _ -, ----- will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea � , p l.d'ected t,y rust. atter some of Our L..%, , • XQUiclpality of the Village of Lack- belief is that the job and offered 85G Peddlers. Compare quality a-nd pru,•ee. ful advertiser. If you have ally stray cAttlt; oil 3'our premises, Et(l�'eitlse them. 7. The Stewart's Charapioo sad the now; County of Bruce. mediate sub- part,.and square tb ' Pride of GenPj,-e pro-lao:M the longest C R O CK�,-+'RY _ would join in rest of it. He did the THE I +:raw. OTICI; I3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT �li - LUCKNOW SENTII.NTEL, N I wire transmitted or delivered to the rule, unless Be" Wheat We ha%e x fiat,, assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and wilet �. The Early itf•tl Clawson and the , • pei.;ons metntio ed hi the third and fourth [►f the Amei r. setts very clioap. l;,►11, examine them and get prices. l ►aw'soD 9 Drilde•n Chaff were the first sections of the "Voters' List Act" the copies Mr. Allan McKinnoi - 1 t) matute. The E•irly Genesee Giant required by.said section to be so transmitted pops are con- 5, p• _ 1 ► or delivered!of the list pursuant to they aid Kinloss township r sod the Stewarts Cbnru ion tirere the ' p f s no doubt of quantity of the celeb) FLOUR AL JP1EE ' P Act of all persons appear_ by the 1, st re �► `l Y��''s.•_:_�__� 7 �► " �...'��►'' �� hist. Wised eat Roll of the said municil:al Golden Chaff wheat filers. the prey- , s All kind, of flour and feel kat constantly on hand Goods ity to be ea •'tied w, rote in the said mnnlct • � � uantity of Jones LDL P t 9 The , Dawion-,t holden Chaff, pal;t,, at elections for membors to the Legis- r amply able parties requiring go delivered to any part of the; town. and the Stewart's Champion produch(l lanv►e Assembly. and the muni cipaI elections, the plumpe�et grain an,l the Siberiau m4 the mid list was first posted up in my ke. From all would do well to give r, . office: M Lugknow this 19th dsy of August, dent that the a trial. a„d Poole the must shrunken grain. and re"noherte icor inspection. 1 tt t the Awerica.n Fall Fal ` �,l re (�, i 1( • , • 10 The Oountil►i of i :Tey, diddle- sectors ale• called upon t0 examine the � � � (� ougli asid List avid if any r►tu>,ulssu�u or any other T.%►onto; 9 . o a oY . R -x, and Huron furnish•! d the largest errors are found therein to take itttmediato BOAR FOR SE R V iCE C�i1SH ��TRO CFR+w�, number of succemful winter wheat prooeediogs to have the same titan eoi*r•cted r reports for 1837•. acct'rdiag to law. \!;U DVI? G 1:1✓1:I' ail•, UNDERSIGNED H, �[ORRI80A', T f„r serf =ce at I„tt; 1G and 17 in the Dat --- — - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -` 1 11 The HxperitnPntor3 have taken Dated at La w Clerk of the said con. of Huron, a 'thoroughbred' 'Yorksb;re much interest to the work as shown by thi, 19th day of municipality, boar, i ;_ r r ' ! - Lucknow P.O. PEDIGREE -�E• the many fsv,)rsble cnlrte,iP.DtB jiiven Angust. 1887. 13f, i t s ; F ; ; ` in the reports, the following betn>z an YORKSHIRE JIXL ' — Fa,ruwrd �tnr,;hJ ex%mple: Cooperative experiments�� �lst , 1895, bred by 11t. J. Davis, Woodstress LONDO N 91 Ont.. Hire King David, 16,49; dam Mi+t ”'should be IocatRj io co`►.ptcuous pisses 4th (imp in (lam) 4`2. by Climsmau (1'347), , SEPT. amt to 1, $, 1897.. ai object lesson& .►I y experiment Mademoiselle -(imp) 21, by Lord Del, y ,, with winter whe a w,.- l,�•,r the road PHRENOLINE P,.l• (KZ1) by.TC nrk, Countem lath (454) by anadll s Favorite Stock and .Ngrieultural Exhibition. Biamark, Grand Ducbes:r by Cultivator. ,, , o� where ..U0 t„300 rigs pa -sed flail]. TER S--- 1.00 cash at time tof service. ,The most complete Live . K • M ` I REMEDIES �t,►ck 13uildin in Americs, or impr,►veruente and extet,►ive The exyreriva nt hresnte the leading JUHti ti1ARTI:�, addvtiony ttiis y"r. Eve SOckman. Agriculturist. Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists and •.� --a r 10 Invent�►rs, etc. etc eptx ial y ulvited. - • talk of tit: vi1lAl;e, .filo a+,ut}, time re- Ifucknow I'. O; E'ntv;es close hel,t. 9th in all Departments. I3uccess assured. P s st�romitt,eE of for pian at t, viou9 to harvesting Thus many ob- "�" of year, Rltvt� in their report, �' )Pct lessons weer: Ifearne•l b tnan an 4 , STB HASSIN BEN ABIs The Arab Prince, of -%Jo '`' d. Y 1 rakipg the lead everywhere. 1897 --VOTERS LIST --1897 >,.- ' ',,e• (;,►Itr„i ± observer, I have taken it Rood deal We ate worHng day and night t'� t,i►ee tt� Iiatlolu of palati with my e•x}rPriut;•nt but feel supply the demand. ------• Has Leen secured to furnish and superintend the stage ,c'tttractions. the 4,flt4.d Lfit'ir rrportts which, alter die• e well repaid. Our tortelepupon h shu a that 1tIC.lillt'IPALITY OF TiIK TI1N'%�HIP ref Auction Bate of Rmths and Privil e,e Aug.5 on the Grounds a!t 2 p.m hnn�reds upon hundreds of poo • hl%6ess; col YTv ou iIuCt F. g' �•t�•�•�'• eue sion le•.lding botM11 aid sawadtttAeatt�l sufferers are beingrestored to rot Prize Lias. Pn%ramme and Mal ,, ripply to �a l wing mare tlNtt+eb was a d. ' The font,win; ie•l�eliu� c ariatiea will health and happiess daily. NI UTI have It HEREBY GIVEN THAT Lt. COI. F.B.LC S, Bfo?u fey' .liter the iewsurstr's a.4 &"%Dr's bo di sLributetl for e�Y •,t•.r,.:i:•r,t y in Ont- �! PrlsS• 711US•. iZr e�BC• : solo' Tr Otto ,- have trangwitted or delivered to the the Try pirwns mentioned in the tb'rd and fou.th 1, rgxort�s were read and adopt, xk a duet Pride sections of the Voters Lilt Act the t4)pies I y was -ung i►y Kn Hiewelis sad 11m. Set 1. ),tw<t,:,', t; ,' I• a l% ►,tH' .. -- - - - - -.- ten � , Rheumatic Specific or - of Gene -nee. and I•. ori)- („-,l Olawson. required by said section tube st► transmitted • , , . - Kidney and Liver Pills. or deliverer; of the lixt, pursuant tt► the said FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. ,ARE y'O�' Mann, of Teesw.ler. rin- Set :.. I )aw u►,1 s (: , , ( r, , ,•►ff, And Act of all persons apl►esaing by the Jut re0!:1ed -- -- - The ret►lainder of the 8wi11� vrY 700 ACRES.ar wa The, onset of a watch or clock `� but- Dole. Theyl are absolutely pure and health A,;ee�ltment ate►ll of the ,•+cul nutnicil►ality, So- eblubs, Roses. Vines 9•edlrotatoes c, - coutluctec a a ticbool of1�. d ful. Guaranteed ti cure Rhounaa- be entitled to rote in the said untn!clpaltty, at Then it is to our interest when et •' u - Set 3. lluu►lu,►. v 4:•.IeI+•e, I:tl "1d, t•w ti#m,;Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago; elections f,►rmeml►er�4 to, this Leri-lative As- y R _ paper was read by Rios, of We hat a the 1 „ a: eot•ttnent and em to • P Pe' f%Olumt► a, wtid In►t,t•ri:►! t,►ll ,•r• and 411 forma Rf Kidney and Liver sembly, and the munic lrol elections, anti the p 3 tin ib ' re aired - to lacy it in the t' ` tae •:.. trou141ees. - swish list way first pt„tted Ho ill my, office at the ve:y Nt"t %n rhost inilwoved met oda g P P � Lueknow on "A Model Usl�ow.~ A The ik►w i r _ d..►e (t r•;; v ariP6id, Langside this 20th day of Ji iffy?, for I,rn[o, yta►t'-tg. All stock care, u 1 la�•ked Mande Of the moat skilled wOeklIIau� Oape�r &lac was road by Ilius Miss. t,f winter wheat A i•i t•e- dis•► flint -d thim •beware spurious imitat10lls and remains here. for ineq,ection, ands* uur.pr;rsr►ryl au[K'. virion, and :.11 new you can find. This you will do b �`'r % vsrieties teswd at our Wal farms before grin y y ' Tt�e•ewate on "Our their year for c,, tip rata►, • xh i►,rrptg• 1i1 %;lectors are called: u Kin to examint< the ,g _ g grin It to a r�' �!'����? t/ On a 1, c•►tal• ossa. Thef;e am the+ onl testis or- �R :i1nIR &D 4iPLbtrds, t 1s TM feDfhs►� Ontario. Drano ttlrl�d on Honor and said List and if any t,r„tayiou or any other chards connected with any Nit. sery in the and _ I,y a Oonference on What is errors are found therein to take -immediate Dominion. - It. KNOX, Watchmaker, '� t'” t►f earl[ will best ad•anoe the I'1. t� sold Merit only by . . . . proceeding* to have the same etrura corrected - The „ Any �t;r;t.o "wiYl,i•:;t ,e, ••re-i,llly try a ti's Agents Wanted to Represent Us. _ - } nn• experim*nl wi, h ,il&rsv►• wheat aexording to law. - - --_- — - - - - -- -- - -- The Doris send b him hero and in _ vr+t, ►e1eiLP. BERRY 8z CO_ PETER REID �l[►rcial attention Riven G► Park, Cemetery S ^Y t P+trl+ ,IueD Drill we! eo�dtrCw d hould appir •l, til•' .�;;� ', u! u. -s., Co --- 1� Xi t h 1 and Soitlevari coders. Estimates furnished VI, tnRharu fro•n 18i 1 to 1879 ate iv• '. - 'Dated atL1►ngside Clerk of the said � R _ )"Re, Guelph. few . ; ,'f p” u t,for s-lmlyirg entire orchards, L �. !" ��� 1► the Prtwi&nt lana. Issas also o+.. t f thethis 20theia of municipality, 1nR the t,Pst of esti»� ,ction st• ate,- ,• ad y , y p Y, W by buy of foreign concetns or of middle• a dw erect �►e questions in the Math • .iiffPrerrt / �8 Ah,ng .lith i .f►uetie 1>aRSomerville', Jn]y,1897. Lahltr+ide 1'. U, mea when you can purchase air cheaply from established in Lueko+,w 1,*94. Please '� J Z' ~:• for temit+1 enti itw ►,";t• 1: i..,. .l. which' TOR — M--ARTO -- --- us and get better value.p y remember the' place, iii the old Rtatnd ✓��raill` hy,x.9 qpW t ': • •f coat A,, ��i our str►ckis('snadiaa grown and aex;limsted.next to -Mr. I.wwrm,ce's and the ex ,t� fes Afterthe & iottlaertof ]Iw► Acv to re t r<i)1 i►t+ f u► ut .:r l�1taZ1 �AGII" Royal MaJ l Catatit►gtle (English or Pesach) .tree on ap- tcr his a/iri,t`sq The �u• 1►,y some •�•. , plication. press and telFgrapb office. Ilia stock :' : • _ •1 filo .tie rnuur and Mn Ashor+oh, eas d, le- VAritift is Ilrt►1 Vol (rut Wr wil t,e en- 2 y Steamshtna and C U STo M '�A I LO R. consist of - „� , a'' ► . t) FT -T I V r_ ` M u Kates to :,he Dominion coo veation ad r nWeri to Y,Irrlial► :► Defogs• vu ►.►N r with e,1:Y Sto:io Wellington, - - Toronto. �ielA and 1►11eets Ngle•�f•11 4,1641%/�. \ y �6• 's mcf-d 1 -t -f- •r•` the $111.18 Block t�es the reading and adoption of !Ae zht fy is Dominion Line Steam $hips _-- ,ltivrr,varr, 1&tuntowel s1.Rs, were•, . / .+r ted uLe•fl, thy t�onveeot►iort clOs�d with •- - ethrtt• 'Y••f We- Havingopened out business dlaxat t:n�p,y emq-nt,lt /'rarNk% t'�' ltreor's r t V. A. Z%VITZ, ,�4Rricu!% 11, 0% Experimentaliat. • ' Puelpb, :1 a,4. 33, 1897. • FOR SALE 7 OW 1.4 Tilt: TIstt' TO yKCURLt A b••+ta►• »►►.[. 1:,t. The twww,. is in 6nrt- r,pair. The, property if a -io-drabde one ! helsq oily t'•i•' n•i►.u:" w,*.k fr •m the Pow t. ... Awy to, NI 1-4 T. t;UAVT. , Luckn-r,w I !or the i�atis�l. i esti nr-r •as, rarelet, Ylwe ' t for tr f111 a. Keep of TV WK toes• in the room over Mr. Wm. Do You Own a Bicycle? t�u111'n, 1lell.s, 141riaK. and Bew% , � EDrecus O11tiem n '( y �'y ..- rn. .+ u V t» tttt»etiog was Mid i. the Connells dry goods stores I --� P If you do you should have it in- R. - KNOX t..� �`" !rill evening, wbm a fluid 1Leilal Oontea am prepared to turn out In scared against being stolen, in the + was eun(veted by Mrs. Bryan, of Lack - the neatest manner and lat- WATCHMA$ER. .} now, Owinty Supt. of Itedal OM%Mts. AMERICAN iv8saL11tla1V',g 1iL T )\U'I' r (IR . • The Sherwin W illiams Pure Pal-riliq. T'1e• participants in tolls oostp.st were Tickets via New Fork an(1 est styles all sort of • work PnoT�,'cTIVB a,Qyoclarlo�v HORSE AND LOT FOR SALE t" l,t: t:,rttwneei e►„ last pasts ;Montreal. Call at Express pertaining to,, �t first-class tailor It costs only $2per year and will shop. Satisfaction ale HOUSE AND i.01' ON HAVELOCK •� �ffiCe and get your tlCl{E'tS. n •, . . always give absolute protection against Street sontdr, the property of MrP. 3Ds C. A. 75r ,� ouara,nteed. _� (,�lld $O11Cltetl. lues of your tvheiel"hy theft.... filar We will secure berths, Ch('t;k y �,:�onald, of ,Stratford, for sale at a 0 bargaitl. 'fie• huttse+ i„ in R,x►d repair anti will four baggage and do every. To enter my rooms please 1'�'r l►artic,llam »pply to m&keca $rat -class residence for anyone w"It• I N BARB R l3 AND PLAIN FENCE W I IIE. ,� .ar< ,hing to save you trouble a ud come by way of ma u -$tip to 9 trap property. For partic,uiat's appy DEALER . hake o>u comfortable. � p D• N,L%zu�re�ice �genl�, S. a�vecx� � . Y entrance of Alain s block, LUCZN0W Link ,� 4I APES AND SHOVELS OF EVERY VARIE'T'Y so .ars 1 .e dLL Wt je L. '•till Aw OWN t E