HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-08-20, Page 2fill [To
TU also
Alulk)o hu'a Tu
9 Amkil do
f1v know#4
no, - nft
IV, lilvh �t gow fit A4r
rNO;ES AND COMMENTS it tilt pride dean find no r(x)ni. Tove
1-4 whAt. 0 the sollid Induwment SMIS FOR TINY D
IN THE W -INNING. Ton .' - &-AL,,ft& Jealousy ill see J I IrLd" 14a r
of poiIIIIIA. 04 119m arld povrice, shoul(I Ifforts to Transmute the Base 'U"
fluelk q great till, 14. La -
I IMR11 Play 0w hypocrite ? rejoices :11
Litio, bt a burloill(pip. "nilm, Irf elretim. Metais into it, Now the Yankee 11-11,stillers itouiRlain i(JUNIA 0
091 his amoil(l Illu--iou to Ili's &'t,". F110 altswers. wit), lit- 44 44)11� stancov allowe(I Join, to speak frankly, that the bicycip is cauaing a decrease do dobty Frocks and Charming Rau
fatilo,er. move& away- He st-'IIIA?3 look- victiont, would Pn)tt,.N- fairly :s"Inniar1w 3(r. ill tile, consu ops n
ing at her CWWy. agilled * BIrtnts creed. NVe tire Igporant whence Inliption or whiskey. Slore :49 1
WC11. no, I liever lilt. for Littie
"Llkeit it
%Vu Wollid. 11-1111t 1�114)111�1 WO, e. or Whither. vre.,go, or wilat I
"YOU must remember, ellilt], I llave t1lat J' oo, (111. 10, com WONDFiRS OF NATURE'S ALCHEMY, "Peel' to tile hicycle: .x far jr000, L
,ntu Ily ? jj,cpuld yoli 114. aLOh,,tt; :I tl'O ObJoct of our exudence. Sueli being
eventu v�p. jour c(londitlooll. entillia4bl"Ill Oil any f4uh- Irritation at SeCivtary Sliferman's J If an(
alone of late. Florenee Ls fife out d(lo Yoll'think, for %% olilif it -k .11 v
b"n (1111te
Itoo (leisperately erapty—anO noti,ing You J10ct, or of arty kind or degrixv, clul only 'I'lle silliplicAlty of the 001* :11irldting de%foatell and astoniglnll�ent OF MANY MATERIALF.
" I t LoL old flot kill regar(kid ao4 tile q)llte(,,Mp or n.diplod dMiner'sWork at I" reportetf Interviews give pLtce &
"llatters my nerves like *olitutle: I an
I'llre totnilw% Discoveries of Recent Sdientific In- ling hat for A cIALd arm] two
h000lieve a 111`0 Of oolitude would drive A 11:1 _ou WVIIIA 91,11111%, d . brain. WWom consloftlif Ill ne-
vestimators A' Wonderful
"w' out Of MY Senses. I do, tildeed: 11911kill Al 1 'CePtIng whatever inaterlid girtod if
ff titne. p,-rh9ps, marry ifitwine, es to Dense to Pity, flow ait It is admitted by ;IY Pretty flific". an -
On not ,lt4 young as I once wll�., ItIllf'o V641 Yourbielf our literature. the love rif Metal- Molecular Energy andMotton We frimids "t his moilid liam, given The firat cut shoytfi ,nt
Mark ?11 Alli *4 k likely. 1-f Adolpilim 11.1 wonlan. 11w. licauty (,of Ilaturp. tilt- vI- I)0 TheY Take- Excurblons Abroad? way. Better dc-4t1i Man that.
A Wrtain pathetic toile Isuppliv.s tile tot Iter w fe.' 46 eltentent Of iialocalont—hi -Whoesalc dcalers�in Staple and I
no", cot filt"ti4toot tilat d0es Ilot all- ifiteret4t lit UK
interrogation WiCk , Which . . - , !�' 'total g4old 'Vdiaon dow- riot oieem to' bd hopeful Woollvis, Tailors" Trimmings IV
him wilde overy
t1lif, trulsill ends. But I iA I'll J I . t . ) JA'4.Jti Ili . t 14" C 4.4 tWinite ano4wer, lit tadking care Ila` loref IltIY liel,ii
of tile it fire .traitrdiflary, tO all Vx- Of Much In tho way of practical re-
"k"it tl'P Phila- Illult-4 from wirele6s telegraphy. He haj, &c., invite
llunxw to supply tim tweet litletioil pill gootwo", &I. - I
(of flatt*,ry tilat 41,h 3 samples oil
luiladi's rioul yenrivs it -to ff 1, r 1.411 0 1 11111d Ilveonle it. Iburtlett infiderablP t4l tiellyllki. Itorf*j by !he V 4149
to war lit IL (If it'. 1. .. 9 Goods Mercl
gettliig rit war,yMoux ae- Piven up tW istudy, regarding tile 4)1)�:
4, X, diyeoV
01 If 1, Yes. give Laureticoe Biroll riti. Ililt ('011"t,111, 0 the rich r t taclen am too great to be eeouomi-
red itiomindu a year. ittake him easy yr*
eRIPtY PlWuren of Cit 14- . -, ** Applica oij. Tailors to inspect their s
-kud I care leam and' le'S fOr fIlp ;t tq,v4 (I ill Alaski* b'
4,% vlI, . cally overcome.
r,L A noof Iw r 'pit to tm: of Life wfilrid. plendid'
,Itj,iro epanchfemetit,,4 tie coeur Vif it I, to 111.4 bri-akrant. bin dinvier. and film Apart J4
!t -rq.)Ill Ilor fill, 1%,
ILI ft ':'-v bllh�, and. JW womild, in IMITP Itoo ffbtaill it*
a V orr: 1 Wn
'nof' 0010, ma bibielle, leo Ill _w i -a lir�-1 it -I'. I words, trtlL"QlIrl% #If
'CORN ich. is mamitained ah the y
meront ta tnine:). coultiallioll.,IlIll for C4111111`411114 fillit Vr#�ed or %%Ith w1jivil Inan Let our car roul
t1w heart all, well a#, tile intellect: t't4-i ki - len: and Jo`%V contetIt,L*a1'4_ Illoy -`1111111Y fill !:i, t)rporto,61 wailt, it: Callada wfli go, fill 41(jing fo.
now lit ne- . I
�1�e—where ainoffig tile Kildeil Aofillollt the I' ISA litkWum" jft WIN
.11,11, Mt:t.K,4ty tit lo-ollitilit Ut tho (Jill 14U.1 JAI, titontKII
cae Clothiag, P�nts,
rrow(ifot of fiolpIli(In s Spe a
hall we fiiiii I 1,,.A cialties' in Ready -Ma
I -1�- mq tvi.j. tfiero. li it tell tl'OY ImUd.. t.ar waJIs a Itijlf� high
"You art, taking Me 441t 41f 'Illy t Oat five litimlided '11011111A4 A III . lift,
Illigflt.4111114)St r
11%%elft-t-fimir Iiici.-., to, trqy every brldgv and lx#ttt
111tv".t I - 0 _#.a. , )-\?- ral's, Slprt"� I Etc., from -our own Factory.
'"the-- 'PaYs 11 irk, in year 1-4 hypothetical Illm 1101we of 1.1101—inter- and ties TOR if I
114MM'S.Ning fortune
1'.;,i it I- %;1A 411,;11 '1- t 8�qlullql, stay -
ap",; fill -
11, -
tfget If( r 14 -vi ,!(I ad lllr� 4 Oftell, -d If vii'a rf.wo-
freezing voice. "Worldly. pre.t gt)kL- The, 1+1-y wtor tlm-" hoWulary. We're. lit t4l
isro,is. gilded crto-,%,I,, .r r;,,.!,; 11'"I't and ill UNI 4113st A -mar- nail
%%,Itl.l Lady Austen im. t1lifeC MOM 1w r
I the otifelt (Itx)r iietwoveii Itillwelf litterett wit-li it 4light ill- SCdo
cot V . - P
Njj�, W A*
lLh&t lit) g()Odm
Wor k H so * lit! lo,onxi Alil
and If that Yalikee trick about, t
Ile Intig"Dc -stntivation—tile riva.
f'rilo 1% f4 Iiwit-v of wearing )11 (if till, voleeindiel. -v fit'
011111 1101W114%,gs %%.I;I*L 4- 1 his livery m4l,re i4tringent tililit'ryer. feel'Ing tit
rd - , �: �.,. a%%*(, am illay I Ili -4 of .:;q
31ilath, goo I creature, 1#4 tl()t particti '11"V4,41 call toirmlo froin E'ur t
ill '11. �,111 i I i:.' - - I" Ill tile 11AW1 wholl '01ift! to 0lItarJO viii,
1 1! larly well velofted lit the *fhwr subtleties
F( Of,tl�I,efloot: troul les not Iter head ts to !or", Ili t of tht' New- York, It will lilt tfi,e vallfivrbilt.4 Ili) N(; 1.)ISEASE
ill tit" Infittit, W11
And hillweir. re f. I Groat 1,,ttii# I der Ixtortlion ()f their Ldte Gossi
whether tU, lWyerend-LaurAne.- 131ron; IVIIC'11 uttering tile'lio,111.41 -11111 A IV
M t1lis 11411".1 P, The Use 9f t 110 rLFLN x r
IX*4it Willaring apfwir4�1. B, G it
If 'roil rit,01% a'gn(*4tIc, eellicti' ut It will imt be gn
C. ItAs II&,,er gfoaUi over Iti-i g4 114 1 %% i 481WIL qnd LuW
viroar thp gurb Canadian
Yom: . are -y her will that he 14111111 1 -:t "I'Mixed gv-xxl' for
attil III- t tsl� . :11 e lizir firren.,ity ,kill t4o fill --of the---
Iviical. joist u ill foritter orfily�il It %%-a.� I1it.%J. He will ern till* (I CoWumers.
4 -f -lo -illi` to' lifer Will -tilat ,.:jr � 4;0000dge
IV Ily lipt T'laklo 1 4 11; r It L% - Austen. fm 11111, U�v ft till ItAtotiaill till- Awl-(
x-vir �,itb;s or- -icad"111Y tlf*- ;zr-o,,%,Aeg kl'If1Z;Iti4,oII 4of
I'd all lx*wil)l(, or linpossI61f. oceasiomi., lit
While it'i nie V.:, .04-t
. I ", -A I I '." i, T If A VE' -4 kM I
rf";I,Vk1tI 11irles 4)r fit(., 1;Ire num- The extrenit-v4 of Round World. rattiweoll.,- Ili t.11t. off Ii.
sliolild -wear W4 genpralt.4 uIll
-4-11" 111it a i%rnt*1tL'.t; 0:$1, 4" [E-viciler. 1`01,111. It A li�arer w4orld tl&-lpartli w4ju,1#1 1,4.
twc. % , I' . I-: i - 6 41 % , wam,
Iiiiii - Pul,nit-body. 1:4-ert-4 having stlitl*%'1114 I tof I' ILIIIAY of Cmd World I -Iiy alut fir te"llbeti by It. 11if;
e 14 r f4ifour.1lard. fir. .14'.
qr(4 or*, I !;'at - 1 .1,
I ttf t Joking +If
iTo Ile constillied t ly loelit"
sernfan tivi%n �ew 1% orld W;th Of 1"twittgen-I ra
filliet 4' if Wilil.. ,
I.ady 1 .1. IlIng tilt. g41141 paill T410' -crId i6 im oL f,
A clute Pr4wnted fly s tilt, Would lit! 4 vn ter I t tip till- exani,kilt
fr,,ilie loy )IiIIIw,1r. 14(41111`14Y. Pulm-fmiary tulwrc"o,+
.,y wilt.
the I 'llit.4-1,' WIV,41 t-Ifill and diagnolif".. g
I In I 14.4 In-It?l A-hAvi Pro% i. it It 't lit, (4amfqirt4.i of Atates.. If' both anarchy,, JaI)f.Ilpd 14h, 1W
Tilt- avi,.,n i� ,.% 4 life.
TIM'. 111AII it, lift
MissAniltroa KI there arc- 1.4t.0 rooms, 4ilvitle Itylvertiotophy Of tire beniot, aiml ;Itliu
r4 1'., .: j*16, � I i, feri; lit ittif. �l . It -
-'rat. Me Pentimoollit for it I r' it ri, I I: I iti I fIg elly Wils of Htbr 11 Iness iold k4f iaracter told 111111ahe-fled, lit 114i'lt*14bl' "It() I�UjWti 41of froni Itair to - &Ax of cancer ot 011,
Omitry t t,a(li, I,,%1, :,* forfatfif
S'IlJ'h1UeIIt Ourt rrq - `1 gf)% tioxna L
xpirt-j4 it is rival. t )lit every.4)tlift.l. It is 'Lt, ff" liever yet 14 -Vii kii4pioi, 1-1
f4 of Xi ),I
.7 Girl
at mo'IlIttoIy.* :tll.Ll i" tilvi-f-ff '"ll the true ide:f, (if lilterty. I t1olp 'tort.' NoA1IIW41U#*lIt to avuv�
iiii"1`111all 14P%v-n. w Ever go*- r L' 12 lit 'To drop into rhourn4itINIII. ill all -of iviliell thir, 1-1.
-,offtor, Ila rt iv,. foot, 1.1 o; l-!:I*rI_ Ii�o orn In. unt-flaii9i'll -vXI-4w-ljr4. for Tik- briny Iijim,
of tile Pot 11111, too- -�.Ilsl,iflv I atillo-illifel'i"; It j.; -:t fly. iti III tAl-4) '(40fri by
fill'o,it. tfle )I reall. atiare ns itliltd?,j 1.4 -4 -.4 - 1.1 t-ly AVI I i Ie ro%%irig-out UK, Roentgen
hillor lik -it,f I 'd .111 Ill %41). t I' r it yli..
irv. a tiff. well -k ii(own Anent llzttill,. ill, tilt lift. fludr it' I wovet
earlb Illif). for qlI,I Tilt- _Iq)a( of grerit w-frivice Tito
f4win.Ar4lott, fill. ex.tIIII lid, gaitled 11% tjw b
"It li: led" fielld
it. -lady I IV ill,
IM)II.LsTery it, t I Ito 11ir. 414. 1 1 I'm frl-1111 much car,( -
half vf niv- T114- hed ex Airmse
11016 examillin
1ILIlt4I witil ILI t1of of 4110"Ifol IX)fW*
;17 N- l'-- It*' itv.,: I van. 13'go:1 for i-ther tile Idiot. tillis ninnnfr. -:N
rf%ina fit Viere, t giw,4)u:; '4+0111-11tei; forniiiig lo ;qf' "ing the Nitliation ill 111diao, whi I'liat ruxt w1ftlZi tile extent of
A lily 41110 tip it, a ON i or
folit dI Ul Ili.;. t -you kilio%% ell 1,4 .111e* ir.livi,!.ItA� tit y
eftioddis 41r 4)rvs. ,411111d , "71"1 1% - 4 4)[It Ill t1w rx)r4A�)tl,
.41 -(;erinan imperii -- allil jilt. Illitlelo lit ir.*11:-:, ali vXtI'(Lillf�1
-0 -y(q1l, 14111 off. miall and
isintil I die. f. . wolldo, I� 4 %' . J.art- oizub- rip-
�i f Kid, inedi6ilt. fhe Very Nlr" Metal rf vivni lolv, g4)1(1 ill CII
1lark ;iooifkas at fill'. -Ili April, 141M. q .11141, tali 31agazitill' cifit4pr -regarAl' lt 11" x""d wltll 0rtw1410n,* has rendeml
I - 1, .1.4 Fcf)rchur, I-dellig
all't 'i4illo-vi. 1,1i'llilar it'llotomir-i:111 v. arnplita-
with (lie Iootilid 1111111'(W'KWLry t*te Ilnnl(41L-Jrt0
are tiff. a. -ii ref ng .4)11 I;riti^il r figoffP4 Whom all town , Oread to itudo.:, t6)ll of tilt. INN orten
al'i - !Ile 'Ther are 114) e 7. im Joy1fto till
f,%%,v fifiecond..' x1so w.t. -itf-, Orfia - I ate. 4)itIl;r %%_Xs topemod Ilt-180,
�4. illy alip-
I find 'Noml.' %14 1; w I.-! too 14; lecti
A! 1: 11". S L A . -' ill - IN)JAilpay Itflat lierom.
`M" Pf' W)MIZ lift slairs I wotlld* ., ell I I a 111% If(, itries film oikIll
th-vA I would .411111-vA good 1<1 tile 411(.
-pnt 1-1 r r, ksl off -v tq r
filliglit y, I. tL I- in, II ih)rt, r.
jz� it t reN _ the Ur"A_&(I N
Ireak tilt, vit4srols.. tIK. ilia WOM rue rr,)r fo.%% la till lqlit- ,,ill ff
a all
I.P;llg lily- rolill lot'' Atila rs In, IIlIdv:II
I. -f t I It's V I,:, r - it. hl:('Il a 4 I'll
y ta wa y worth I)jllglt..v y4.zIr. 114, fqjlillqi tilis yotir totot K(J Ilin"Y
A Our I kindlin- Ila rt rtl ill Ili, lit,
Ifl,rIllaill, 'life(
fItill -iltittl P 411 lit eI f I j,(,P:t ra tA 4. till lift Iiii licr o4tiging 14*w flot
41 4 iK 64119 Out Alf thito
(Ju. Yom fit plainer f)0, 4111 -A-rvivv tir t lit of
fi#-rty 4,pf 1.1 12
0.- At firr-t his' titio- la g(toil blit only llI-of to fill. fill till, craut.,
to Irrow 1% 4 ortL!l 'If do, lorofit, if[ I t
tIkind diew it-li lea,%. worn,
dthat' of tiff C
t, \rter "o
Wa fft.iry till Irel I I"Illfori d4lar-s—clifie-firti, to) t oi- Tito fourth,cut dePleta a gown of
f that for tIlat of orMimi thirughtr,
']lot illy lit xt iy!t*t -litfles liai ull- wliit-- china, siBlI.--a verY appropriate
-:11111 Uld 1� t utiWh too Ili-; wIre, one!ciightli to Ili* brotl,, luodiW for a iiimall girl. Tile inaterial
;.t ( ake illy. ii Ili- It t Ile b1itific trfi,a nrf- for -11,41 the rf%st to forlpoligi, or In9 fr"I'll YOk* to 1win in straigh,
lu get.!
is trit-d it ti(,11, fir 1\o.rtlIj.jlI,
1111.4 STo ).
Mr. lfilloe.k get.,, tNil tilt !, qh -at) otir ielikr. ininp Brlobs-.% organizro,l ..Ilitl lit, li"Iltv footile 1-111sifillivi-S Nuis lmcfllnf- tv otoq
ilit to gold 'oIt to rt ter- tim 4r
iiii,411 , all mail i* n
enO Ew It mt t-l-'fluld-take llY part !or liro-#ik illy art e-. tiff r: I tll.,. rllitfl:i 11
r : rlata!t 0- vo- Tilt,. lwoor
off "tir nkle' -lit' :frill A"i DO .11
n :114- fAm- If the ice.11011111 0-0 r I I; -
lit) la ti 19% to korl o
.1;'illi iglio, ClIP Ire efiltAki call ills
tIlly ratice trr -)tnf. a 'tt4 us' r
Il'i.; Ik d Ine to try t heni. tilt, t1ilfff.I.I.Ilt to!, Z;
(oil f know,
P, rillorter %tov
Week V ill*. I(Ir t4i Flotirla nd fill forins t)f Of I t tilso, wfr 14. or,r t "r t4) " G 1114
4 flit.. if lt f -4'. t bf-ilig a rto roni y
f (, t ir.ed. y 1001 p iut(.
ffactory, ljuildiII4 tfivy lit) War ',,,k ,,r Lit ecotioniE-ai r ,.I I, t It t ltifl)k (ir tf� X Il.4'. o -to or it, till- %torl t Uv�-_- 1firill fl -4'r - "l I if" ()f bricks K ,
13. It-tL
'nie -:4 A i it v for. Io9.11ill !44 ri!xd;I ffinneed iv i rp. P I , Lt , or )lot%- Joel,,' foCIL.
it ro-* : ;, , t r;l I, I -Its Iq-if-Iltifie L
tell Y4)11 birm. 11 f Alt)Zf-to 1.1i I J, 'llealth I I ,
of tl
. K! -let) coniiniwifr
ie1Y friendis I ,. ff) If balittle ? Con,l-folal
if lwrs �41 V
eyi'4;r p: I r I I I- ff It',ir that LAII that till,
,r oor(dcover, nd are if r hail. Ntojell
Cf,ft f:alit
efig ti 0 ll,JUO�. fir
intentinn, 11.,der I 141k*J11 k4 niaki - Aftm Kittisil, t]:I loge very- Irt-ro I u Governluent it tilt- to t he ()f "You'll fortri %
In, il.tf-resting flfct Oat wf III t -oil
lltip 1111V r lfirlit ::UAk effect
oil July n Ise.
"I do.' artw 1;ewarabl CEYLON TEA.
-o:jr Ali, oit
fIt .6 t
J140- 4.-er it KcAff, ening witil
believe I fr is true.' Ile %vitij ijitteir fae oU, Nema'a-d Lend recillgellf oftly.
to r s d 1. fil'l:i,r -!I!.
ing, P.0o r 4- vou.*
".%- - .- I- Or I A Iliffiell Oil the.first it 1til rnigov- tLanronce f4roin, -v b I11(tillif,U11. I pr tostnn to, in. I I! Ity
ry lit till )I 1111011th t1w -t4ytt4-111 ve if -di ocare not to r., flxt> k, ff Ir, Al- aL 11 Yo I' effect .1 f r
llt If(.%- fbe best and nnblf-st %%-,�ML id a gm. n I t,� lw-�rvgnrded :is t -in even f '11 r, ,I t y 4 Ill It t der tigur- It. I: iAll:t iter Proundrov! tMore than it I nowlt 01.1 t ated tflfr�- have taken him for"' 90.4sip, tto Fiji'
I kv Ine lit t And pray what .�:4 -t,, I., --; a i�4 it of H& the s Ifetw-S, t Your@. figlin Mif) ?I W n ( I
IC m. )r a � Plaeli flat fit) rou -.4. 14'. r,� on 11i I., rfil� 'it -t, lit re 41 r to lot. 11111i. 111N Ilk .40,i ill k'i I I"Imlarity Or thb, he,4t nn(I nol;retiit - %* W. tif
to) it
otot Ita t perinielit will 110
e8ll fOrth Ifuel, n Ft, 4,110 I i I%-4)(Xt iEa,ving lierfornif-d
W, nation ? The Wif-lir, -.tt!ry j, )r ,,very- ot Nil -Iln ell( or t h) rial duty in a leart-whole
day occurrPnee. fu tIir0ijg1l,)tjt. till, anif ;oellkil' to 1 nia ke fire, I
it 1110MA III. I -or liorlower - t(,- No I J�_orlla,
ungling fiebt (if :11; nifl(w, n
fgo 1, ;"Ilt With the instillet oMe Ila i t IWifiighill Ic. t t it I U.; )'(I!* I if (.-bt Ulm- Kai.'%r Bill itifil' I.
T i 1 S, -PAGGliq i* y - L Ili "to of- zr rval ililti t I fo Alt size. fria I ' I - If d
t1i:It i stir ria J) Vilig., t1lat
go till. r
.%ndrp it tt- einen Andern c-rwajilt f .!:4 Wo
wait till till -.4 L it t..e I h *11 P) 'ET
Vt- I)Iir4. I it' ('Illy finiladi, for ylq4* I, Igh. ard (-'Vf Courst, tr .1 ill illiIIIII -of 't-1111111) Of lft, with their little . ,*I Ill', I Is to t 114 111C.118. L:,;(, rrupts ..14At, 1011m managiv; t4o
Thi little tertulla v ()%,(or inperor TI.
o'clock t(-)-(Iay. lrlol _s (jut Tile (jprinaa carr cS ,f
tell t Ile f()*r tllj� 41 watr 1,4)wer. I% trandi�iuitted t rge had Alo
Illoillellt, fiat RuNsr-lit Adin iral lid that an irlierAt'
Conyngbam and Laur(: fNflofild Ile iw,r- CURES
'iron 114: t i red. (hiv 11111c, Out of tell 44uwiaii I, ff brinicti.
to#ether, no niy .,I, too llag,� tile lifil- art eclogy iTIv! tt(_� 'I oill, Ile -er I uA
0 "t I t 114t_ lul. Tintom olit' forill r of im
thl;s Invitatlou ark" vt,uvl,_zIrei r141111ir.tf itt tl,� 9:tte
lr- r iltt at.
Ind. ere. L.-oky Au,44--n tillit )gkAhi:r I'v 'fir,, Ila vy.. Xff�jtlwr of.t 11ell, . cot, Ate Thot, thrdev-%% 9(lood ck oillnqllor�.tbe for t !fr, -teul is
J-4 tipard clall'ir; eye ith thf,,;44 lly flyed
liad time to rP I )I
1. 114 - AL.L. PAI
I J .1 A—. ii� p t r. i N ill' lilt- "lore conipIre-to, -,I'cr.Lft M11, lo ii: or Ixm uaY t wotikie
loutwide In the pas& )or opens. lit -flit, fir f-%4, (I- r ly a file lit
of -lagrr k 1:0 '111 1- I may a To I -(Ill( for ff)&- t life W110 are tirl"A t
c0me ll1)(4bil timl,w) 10119 1 hat* tlifv A i f A! lie: tce,. voice, w blue or I ry. %urfering fr0l" w)lne i-orm of iier�l Tbey ca 1. tk-ar, no
half -commanding' ring joen4l,, tiff. ii1l) 1111#1!,ir L: I dy c U e - ; 110t, at .111. it
d;fwaFe. taniro. 4.
rhey ma. and tIlat a .:I I point that
boiling thrOugh- aric -Awiten'.-6 velnii. r sm, on y tim I, -but in rlwt re 1), A., t admirable, for tile- ti-ollf. th-1111te ftor tile I&M N, think tile ifig it 11 thell 4 ny Ix,rif? I
t, re Uve -1, pro I I itiv, I h. Mark, my tlooy, Ibis i4 I it L,; t 11 t w)rt. of I
�ure indeed." ill wiliell tlit theY a lialit Central
s f r I t i r I y, tlll %%';If 1.-4 i-Iiielakenflid nalfl tll(! lot tor uet. Nichola; fil.14%01 ofor t1lf. gi iLi-
t t a
t`f't to that tfibrank
Anti with face demntly wi-Ii 9% 4 ftl '114, f it ir ..to, t IlP t 4)f*
t I IC Pfl, y %%ith n I Illat
t 490 it Mitt (4-rinan The *n of frien fI n tokc If) a healt fly �cojljliti th lot Ill, with fill. fe
rt h0b 11MY0, with hand outlit-ld, I B
dly greeting, tile 1) 111,:- the j,!II iIllfArc frora lk Ind drank to 011%. lbroNlivrityuj flit'; till' ol, 'weather hoW to ball -111. t ho lurb Wlw 1,iittilIg
of pr4 t h flcoo�tii it- ,
toom. -%%'it'll Reverend &-ittrenre I-irtra .;Ik. ter.all i tI.e If
-t �!ffor fe-od naggilig tilifill tile §,.C- jazza a nick%
the room w)r rhildrell %.itil tIIrou!I. if reiontit P Is.(# d
x x 1. It. `-he kropiva mile lie rifills. g 1tliniiigil jo, luld 1101)0, e -V will lie i-9 :'Ill(' to liatikoo lliill�,01 aefluaintlintle armis upon Iiis brenvt,-� do6i; I n ti Y call te-fl f ll ifMark fOI(U hl� Wheli an
no two I'lly-Ata securiC relief from tile .6
Ind, ignoring tile proffe-redimnd. Iook,4 I* She'doV8 Lord Rol% -but til(k*% hain
t(o`* (10 KUMIT4 in 9 diliftbority Oil lie, trying t*g) bubfull, (of 1,alirener ]Riroij pelf er 1% )]lilt% oIlific 7 0,
tIV betweefi (11111411 Tom ton fillitstilms, M1110111 014 fills Ills trim -k- 4 aflother wi-tilin. Nil 111frooltis. , jut rrOT11' . . RM"CM Of UK'
the eyes. off) 14110 dit 4.11A for it fr i t her Nt Ill'! arri%
Woo -wo wt-rp Jil,,t in till, iniffollt t..,Itf,r r'"ithing -to rtop'It..
e ll'o, ct u reof 4
their fro glati 41t t IA.-, PI
their little IF,( tiff. Of
TTI.� Ile j.% usualiv brouglit of, lit I I .. . ry 0III.IIIo1lIIl1�cc. ifor(V %% to take swttooj f(W us a
be- fier wout. . urpoo. -titiltilig .1,filid ar(I S -f re citfiled her fluphr-fl rlleekx, tier iet lililid by Pricken Wry part or 11;.4 i�f, V. t 10
;fJ)rr footi,i%4ult of all; fair. 44) tilt- 4-11411% Of lit arden't each. gtato
fit'. irt fou llther's orcutlfou(m n4 r we
lying Iwr too IOnle Other exereloF. i F on f
Don't Y('.l r' -member, Ilan h0U.ek,,-epIng lx%t ttilt'll), tIllit tj I V Iticalit -R nilv UKI lK. will wortail dis y
4" to tliefnamt rult, I k'l*j A )(Ili t hundreds w left
(M. Allft of Out -Of -door r and prIiijeal ti% ;t iId n4tllgi., a frotals from P, yirl .1 tf the a 0
nioled to yon llc.%PF came tipcon tillb tl equired
t 11% t 11111, C!yf% J0 itig. it 14oftell tile nl(*,t 151) 1114, ther --tit nev t
all tiff! warrytirl." CtW*P# A4eney COL
rk nd mp illonr. tvitllfjtxt filwfing alld f t1lat a Toronto. 011t.
"Oro "-,. , * r it% rolftlid, ffe,tiont,(' off r Ilow C11111ft, talk Ili fiplvJ1W other trvi%4
COn- - , A (A witflon -
r t rv. j.%, t flare t I in igliti-41g. B4V.VI1fr*.
, X., LI'9; 1, t WOMen who tali into thl'; Ntate. ritey i.44, 't -OL
Of tile ttrirk .111geton '?`T. or-rillfo Ina, Ix
r To. Lt, ri 1 J.-4. ld1vim!I iii 'lre� tioo mucli tlevOteoll to"'t1iffbild faill- Initid th
t -t to i T ol,l
rrien(L, I Allet frill if t: -4 "'give tileTA"Olvm a bicycle, for frof ti orti; -of fit for ita #iubJect?"" it fIlittlf. ilwtal"e, or rnougil, of any , healtily and, A le Meta S_ of trvot, from I 4111f Illi,
grad exi"IdIrlNe alit! irlivr" - to tho lulyal 4 1 t- tit.t. raf.L11, ilCANADIAN 0
'Ind t ienough of at-, -4 Ntep ftirtf 004 pe;lx proportion to t arni., Ii. -i fr *' I'
URIlY withdrawing tile -tin A L M1 A""? 4 G Mark rermw,% tr) rpceiviri. ot ter 9 -r It lat COLLEGE
ertiotoonif napfol, poritaps, for tile 41"nofinvor-4 tila tli, flie electric11 c0flgiucti- llwokvil too t. WOMEN.
ments, 111�1- MWIl. �atldej or III(It"Culf-16 Of t
am I know too Illy 1: J.Q conterts. In Fuel, cao,;em ttheii- W001. Dead tre,_i
and is thrmigh gew,rall r(orill t
Y oit *1 too I!Iaorfe, Ile 4t I fig ago I NJ' faThrotig�l- t 114� ine(ijUill of :1 or coiliftletor th'til li%,�illg g, )wIng s�tj!l t0uiours tort.' You wrr(- not (11"C11148- 1 0
nt 'Calwl, lip giveop; nag I Ing my fineritm, flow, 'I Iliqw. Nt 44lior 'd I irk "'o, end of looking i4tralgli * for ILIA ' rebolliftling Ifilly" 'wilif-1.1 offftio. S N~1 W". ".11v I lwtt
Villa not, x1r.9' 'in 1171, t1w ffunil-4tinenital crjume t of I writer lltlegreater resiqt:I flee.
, iiwers Ifark %un. ttrf)ul),, like, ii-firy :Ilj4i- 1 11, Izketcll, ir- :Itt4,lIti.,WI. �ALL TERM -SEPTEnWit. I.Sy.
ton. C Ahat if Allis liceit able to get of Uie e con- Him)l
'Utting hiri haptbid lit CX11,111111ole tra%.- fie with xSern empl-a.�,Jm. " 0-1 til 1; f 'aro rnanY caxm where i4ti I Ill, VKH, I i 1114o, 1.
trary. I wam venking. "d iatest c as Y041 britlor- a tifevolld tit t
IbIll. Of the per it :0 -3-till y wilig a longiriz timo- tile nietal t,r otlivio iml I >�-jta t*, Arange w0III;i a 4-11119 1`1101111talill is that wiliell is" luov- YOU." 01
ni.;4t YOII119 for 4a little m0re attentioll. :1 liltlqy lvt)tllfl c_0a.,;e to)
Site world -of SliA.,q jet Conynrr tlxig;t tile 11rjnc4,xjse off, i jig
will fill, n,orp Invitati(mi. to tflf� Tho,(-(;nIn' tile river . an N kno%v it. 'o�111111. 1 Its
IMIladl starts, witi, In litteIr? frif tilp practically d r (jilt J(as li*) itSMIe CePt 101' it certain surn ll of ilark Nb![ for Narllf% tillie t,ft�.jt Itil
Iitil ber liftst-an(l- The xellrS101114 Iliericit, meHt * 0. 013v lifr-r(-,
tUor J& - tre 'oT a c011`1Y - little dinne iq I tl!f)fl tile#
(143MAtion %yy
fliry. to 1wr feet. I inan whirt, (In-_- rettwo roked ll,4b*q4,t C I iSTRATPORD. ONT.
of)ILfJIlC(f lfitor, witt, t., tl�o Dl#yl her. lie or vight I
Ive (If 11f.r 'take that I'M a #;ign IN it fool. life for golif art. riot alwa- holvever, to -cut tIllili off es ill III.
4 fr intluefitial fit'lloo
114 llot only a ffl�)J, bolt I tile intieritiolf -v ila r lit-olglit. of, clult I - 1; t_ 10 W rosponoible tkut f4 -pt g r mfl I'll LADY Ali
11 t irny inalhood ill ParLs and c Imfor flaLional
1:4 that tile J`It tint ate -lo, septidal Ile water. that enjoym a
for, pretty roluvii or all that follows, -%nd llivier Irv" I tlj(*e 't-raditionx
ti-rtulia-:, I Ontitilled' to cre- 01 t
r1lain- Milditiolls -cir- (' llldicptu� in, Al Inioderate.
'Jealotiny intro, arnowiti.; to de CuInstances site Iy"ll" "'Ill, itv
MUM- r, fr. :t riell(14. of mirAe. TI I is t With Ialf)ier 911Y Ith tile flt'i -Of tilt) 11101itafiL In fill - girl *ItJI which a womad can bil" 1104orriis lecidc(I to leave
Ali filk Tilory like "If jilto '41,'atv or 'city and LA ImPCI111111114P ffor love t(i I-xi.4t 'till friou'V. 1 11 C, of I of renjarkabl*" FJW 110tight nl;iOlf �il p.L.%;t tL&riv;. TIlls to let kri.
4 147'al (it 1, allllollnc(l..� mnall farn%'jtw
Ilred by It, 1. for one, gorgoqtL. oexi:eril I the Tyrol and is 111illif 11 W4119 to t'!o citgniZed lluietly ill,,) r Pa I -Ian, a, warm o -a Peamaut. Use k it 11111ge gic. i I I
taillie a pi lo
rl f M utter-farniln'- Ila, .1 vaust olialloi, W11101 Ilo's tq) of 'I; 1)lnx.11lg t 1ptin! le,41 wo king, od I llu told,, I ln*tho, 11
Wt wlthOlt It-' T111064) irf- 1% r t4,ti "It.1nic. rolh 19
doetrInes, so w)lemilly aro.A lick in the of teier tir) C44LI140,11t, tio be film last night that I V I -q-1 ti ri Province -of fnitario) is' for. a Ifer incojile: it; letiu, in livie. or low ruillijilt, fly HARRPSON
o". lit) of tl' mirxl�ratiro, but foo Io tiff% 14111,1111 allowance sent fly lWr uncle and Ill, f riction (if t lie -sand. 111111111m, no milad), i4lr a I it; r rall dnoveltyl Ijut , . ( ll(*tlljlllv. 1116 profits oriple, Salo -of I),,
Inerfeam-Ara,4 has tile Indvemput
)urf! f1% nJ 1%. 1
Off my moral Imintief It ra Als
.0 the wornall totog e, If dittry- prol-luictfi; and of X L.s I (),x t on
tooay,# Jet, % I '; for W"lell 11,10- P10*104, tha 1 0
cilt-oll. All tire five .4t4ick ilit,) I &rA Colloce offireetog I
or Catarlooli That Wey 0 SU ul "Itiltift. ban
11"W"It for, fie tif'rotIghout- tile' tily -were
too furnuili forth 11111ei 'oof I Co t311
ntaill Mencury. 411,1111,111 CI V IL SMICK 00t6;;;; I, rm Son's for tC
'it needs but in afterm" 90 .
to bring back tile ot ten, (Illetwe and harv(wt" prompec to VIL"ral yearA. agiro, long Tbe--U-seful Toacj.
'r I
)10:4 Of 'Los. 04 rook,or. f oront If
Wwef r tile' lipad 1114 W00 In Pa rind
or reL if
rapid tranxitirml.; fr(mni gay fa sters-I , 4 It'llmoerate wj* tra 011-tinentri f
tf;-At. - -to - tJXW�L rf�Mllt ry wili murel KLIKKu a jgA&lsox.
if*e-f,. frtdt+a,.4orf'*! jr, fire J"D b6_ 'I'lle V dft%ttoy tile
E'verythitiZ Wpi I*. g Tr;&d-! is dllfl at Halifax. f A* 14 fad L 11-1 t " r*. I I wixie or sIneii and coillileWlY derange force. 4ervation I Agrl� 'of -
half an haur henep, - flr. lift, f flit I)y ' 'Ilite-g . luve'll lvait- Tito Nova'--*Otia MY crop will 11111did ' - u -
A. littlf. 'T'i to tII4! Iv(! Ile %V Aphin -6efelitist log(% Jia.q* ILI till)
lartrfl% Iii1t, tl' I `o ah artieW, it-imli-41 ell ontoring lie, tro-it.crop will be-tllp r( tc Gold WAXTKI)_1d1C,,q ANI) WOU&N ffrolt -
tremulousfl- "Wfo t4lon-11 row?" tit W-blell It
4 years. - 11ank el' lilt, CV441ftl1rie A 1.
I-AdY Auwten'm party, ,fit , otring.4 at r1LPPC4Ved*that a, pro- for artielt*' rillould afks, stafnp ft)r ll&lrt'cul&rs KloadTke u()!d
'(f#P%Vfj fly tiff. or of .1netallurgy ver Ile Med Ind., (1. &
than ff g!) t r.7 'rororitff-), .115ntreal, 11al atIO tiff-" noncient f4truiplon, fil-ilit
tt laid to
llivclrait' �4-- Idx 4nd St. T( [11"(14criptiorim from i";putallle
t (.0 L4.
oe&n make u,, w) well ulIdarxt4xxJ t1lat niiing down I Hv deri
xr Uad rt�n)a1rIPd lind . '4 ill't"ifo.d to tile gKxI you call luwi
' ') 'ft* 119 11,11 O'd chbillitot (If It' - the unimer and ru
P x plan a t ion by (1i&r%*kft:.;- -)Ila, - Ve I I You naturally lose fl sic)alw, aI4 010 dainage they Will do
of Ills con(ll;ct Blit "" I* the ivfory . N. all'161111ted to IOf Ill overhaill getablie, ------------------
f;0M IJIM will be m,)r
foreycr. inust he a day 1(*4t 4,ltII I week. alind4t c to I'a r1i esh 4n- N(iLl1i
nvrr- I r. I vel artV $1 0600"Al More tha.ii t -he 1, .,sturbed Ill &_ Vallit it N re cardr.-tirst breaker 6 inch, with bloofifiLel
1) for tile Ilappy if( I r-.4 �vc- v"Isi week, and, for 4111141t A cielitil ared and kept 4*1 f4ale III il Is so C -1c. Ife frorn thom. Haly. t,-0&IIIoh Pickr. 24 incti. fulling
it ything about $2,r)()0,()(l0 rY, f0i'lld that- home rrli Mill; haiid cre%%, cl()tll
rul I t IIAv" hail P I We t 111.,4 inrnlf:z. Illore than lit tile I Ile. ' gwtl specinift4ix 'eonta*- `1110 gardener bit Y. y6u -get, a little I'(11re Mant1faCtlo I)reos and
?'Ir roft ligi we()k la44 Year. )Ilia iAlle vrpll� & ( ,
If ui ay t:llk- to 111" little turelft' by tile 4dlWlI TfIlPdO, 0., contairvil 110
turtL-; hay er-
Front. tali' tile inoutlIg I<x*lv in Ills Xmij,141.4 tf)* jrr, and fil taken Internally. ul- eported'.
tka of t I till!4 1R00"ter. got.
of d ly noticing it. Tbe*re is lo: -,s of
fa -it alrmdy a glaring (4-011 Of 91"11 fqj"N ts'pr: afterflOorl" tead, a.j arge weaker ech d ,lcr Mafrhio�e Work,,,
Ther� wp rp -11 1 wri te for
c. Te m Loe r t %or I lig I I t 1.4 � i t1le Ponlinlon i I. _r ti tile without hard red by F- J- CherIPY Machine; all I& order tell.111K
14treamm forth, preparator") the or Cann a last week, h0itleiio Wi that tllfey Inee
comp rd -with .12 the-previolp;
tulia, from Lady Auxten'm salon tort tile —aro wanti �11116' tIlC tert' - em t1ba lotile ("rectly 111)0" tile blood nud
week lt)t Ifle ()Ut- TIILN W]IT111- vegota bles. That surfaA�m of tim- syllifteffa.
ft- S3 ig C. - 0 V TH
Vfek a to -a CArefoil ifiv 4�and Arneric:l*n HartJOY House for
first floor of the Paradis. Tile '114ft 1 - �%InPrlcali farnirt,; appetitet headache, Weakne Ill huyh FtANITURZ; GTOCK. ET
n,! . t I le In tile iirio: CUM, lie-Ftiro, roll "t mW best ooll
are nde within-dmrx ; tile motio! v;III I ffl,�t'6 oldyfvr.. ? t I�a tloti. A, I im t of t I,vi Apeci as re
-in rvo� r onibiwo Inelli lehotel IV X"n for mootillifig.
I t un( 4 w ;0. 114)t Of the muscles, disturbed sl ep, itIt iR taken Intertinily,
xnmiper% loftering. a.-4 u'4ual, under tilt. -90ciallsitn'Bebuked It, tit' w they am,killing (file of the ag C If. 8HA101M, Walkerton.
. I e cabinet, all(l. riculturImUl bemt fiell.(14, hief, tile ilindo in Tolpdo, F. .1.
tweuPi'll't Or' rooin t IroI livelght or P wea ness of memory,. -Ind e
por0ro of the Hotel Paraduir. Jet oifi I. for -in frilottall Tile- convention ge(1,11ugget, W116 dr,�Ilotrqy y -S M
PA(*f,* up J11141 tr of the tr 411114plit- -th e. 1 ley & co. TOXtImi Al.113KHT P. GILL
nited s I given.. 1%,11ellth Able lack fit tlwir edliell are thd b druggists , prk* 75r.
Vora Copynghanit, alone it, tilt -'p, I Iiinrelri 1W, xPeCitne-no t1w t('091 14 I)r-(x),f of a h oniale; free.
for Y Of U49440 Of Duliding and Loan Aaw)cl tk*i.. eginning of nervous 11111ANUVACTUlfiRK OF
down tho upppr terra,e or the gar,.'skil, '40 PfFe.14 Ill In, I� Were rell-rigiu.1-1. p -11 -t find Teachen oqgll-t,. bottle.
to lid tl Thpit, ill tion.4 'in Detroit agilin callm attelitiorl till In' wrigi &L gaill- tA) t ake Per I'RIMUS C"ICRA
it allout it hundredth � Ila '111 '111141 IflAr thIR Illatter prostration. Irod and tonics Firifinfly 1,11114 aro tl- Iwot.
Iwatchoidd the Ixora during Its (am sliort lialloer lit It!, ble tlifq over- thftll' original rt uct -801001 AND
,. -t newkij. folown f co-oper loecorikd` weiglit. if qi t lip va luf% to Inalf o(.,tl
Palm--4fiaflP,I terrace, wherf, k(ki"Iflo 0114 t tIm- remarka growtil of
111110 'If.' 111111, ation lit thill ellilintry. In the_ le gelitle tod. and I ters inay- afford some PHOTOGRAPH Al"I"ARATUh,
nigh� of fragranz pertwitibil, and mar- It, T11tol -cretafy",4 report opilows tll�lt lVere folLifle -V'Inet' other illinerals Jt IJ% not venoomolim Q"L
Heen Illm,
gue Inirludes 1,776 n8opocilltiollm, recor( 61gilto fluly li-or gtings. All it tiop, tempor t rcw Y4
T@W W10ther her own hapl-Insims were �uit Cot. ultr I-Pricall-i—a. coct Ivitli I found, %VVII their w, ary reftf, Ut what. YOU INVII dWAIN&I! to be am tranxitory, as frail for -fit r.ituall.4ti to Membership iof 1,fr10,30() These to holf, al)ollt to get to PERMANICNTLN' ocitICI)
Every ;oy we prowsm in innevure. '14411 e, m.nellilig to Ills f,llx whell rewelghei tll�f' Vround "'ll 01tt "91"1., ffie-.,4 and (ombark for the eat. TheIr de-4!itn. Dr. Kit
a turn-dowl, law,, od' per. tallied rms 1hat ned is a foo.d f0i body, brain tilyll loop Wool Nerve Kre
collar, a "iettif to the amount of vvel `elmPly with tile originai devoUld gar,',en Vegetn "OPPOwd to'be- 1pgypt. FITS torer. X fit, or nervoll.,Cte,*
been reading that bwervation In gilts, and tire PrOfe-imor %Am fill blt�ol- andnerves.
glovca. During tile PaNt year, convinve(l that tllpre lintl 10pl, ally If YOU treat alcxW kAnily and pay it arwr amt day's II...e 8end tio 991 Arab tilmet,
and hearing It in wrtuonot 401 TI.,is 1,4 Ilim livery. 6twl tanding tile hard tinif. litlo attentiom that e " ("lei oftlul 1114111 15113's lie tiolied the 11hiladel Ilia PIL., for tZattlise aad tme $2.(ml
I" We. It rwver had mu h meaiiiiig for Put off by Lady 6,' tile o`rf%t1(rI* r so growtil (if gc)l(,,,, an ac-- preclato, f �ven it can a*, 1.180 of Illack Popiter Ill place pr 11'arit. tnal b0I t @- IF or W bf J - A. Hartai 1780 Nouv
Auoten'ioo C0III1nan+�-IlvPry that I nieniblioroffilp hap increased (,,5 0171 nti Rlowly t call be t&ruftL greell to kill J)0ta tO b U98, and lie
no 111111 to4lay. ]roe, ure (,are wear. -4 fraily Wllefl�hef inflilronee ifYet, fit tile race going (I'll [ff fiv dirk roatloinfet W111011 I'lle 1;0 klIIx a: toald I hone 6,1011Wto Motif res 11411C
say them have been thirimmands, lion I tlIiA extinor(Y-rinry c atnounteo, Arz�m- � &"- w
the) aacent-hint. xamplto f1l Wlt. approxilpri Le t44 cerwill 8ayo It 011M well. A" x4)()Il its tile
te to all IwA 11r)(41 tile flower y
an. to &,,Iy tile '14 . c4o"te"ded bY w)eial reform. --Part in table gariden am 'vexe-, of &A -liver Oil witil tile illlg'4 gckt & N"'ff "9 MOO PePiter they
drftlo of tholromanilm of wornen. ax hppy, Lavirpncc�- Bir 1W
woodo4 of tile number -fror Y- 4"we7e until their liend, aaa I WaA last IIJKlit, , Wiloole (of 111 M. 1*10W 1146t 4' the clam 1riA 011 e'v-ekrY hand thitt poor peop a I'llholred Thli article H FOP ItyTy Eff PS 0 of in tint I * Is written for tile IVAN w0rnlx fuld Pefllto that UWI woul(I pophosphites, furnishe� i )k to.Ygan Triburm.
if in 'tile end. Cir.,ra," iiinvateur or unpalff 11"ve tile r.ld of tile ClOvernment in pr havo e-aten It It Jlftd ftllowe4l the
ImP014tor-4. Give every undeftaking (or it ivitte ediflention
anytbing wto ridl.. u- RiFon five hundred oelwiCter Herald. for their benefit.- pit Out 11th thIrty yeart" of llf,..lt tO.Ilve nowishment needed Ex tho,e YOu wftllt Your filly to romlopet
Poundiol A ypa r. and was
tO hApp#'Ft nX nind k*e If ff(, W(oulll WVk to hidp ,in
It wai nilyronf� I)Ilt oll, iwplrlttlnl dipfleleilciem long- t ft An Entilustast may% tile Manayullk
Your perwlinal who are run down and pale and Y,ou, I"I'llOsopher, DUNNS
ko [Iff"IrM Are of Itilghty 11"OtIlAtical come: bit t ever tr to how i ill low, )all
s4k I rtAv I UtIP-Onicern to tim! world; ba a el,,Ll , - I , 1i
roat flor dwn'turnef (r.IJ4, tholigh IM)t InIpm Ahkillis — 'I'lult thin and weak. if you lose flc,-!, iPl:l when You were a boy.-
Vom Pp In Iwr walk aml eolifar niorfro! Wit 'lave unlem you &_
ier""ye f4l "Illd ROme niotlerii SunlMerflirt
draffiring a wOd way Ion ve I- nde I hi "riot
I 1 -1` fol" PelectICJ`"I bee" "'IM119 le-olliethhog that you eeint, U) be vpr.v f(toll(l. of 0-
A t a I If . ft 1..4 a 1011g _[,Ire. fjowe flitil annollro" lit "Ports ? u0vr In surnmer take SCOWS Em
trl4swn **I --I do not way beyowl he pot at wbiell wf� �1;fre tilat he-IlAd diumv- sion now. Don't wait till "'a 804)t hinor'syloull,
A*! bo it, , tj t WO&I-V Is
)ft$ At tint, voluntarily 'nionne "f"")ffir" 111141ol'oetor Fryi fwef May Cutt'119—Ye", IfIdMd! All. filp it riot Ql")' rel"Pvc* tilt- clifid
livi 14* the o4toniw
"Ymb0fff (1011, is very aerioual' 1.0n, And CAPAI)le a 9"Wtll. like a inrornivir,bite Iler; on the tvach Ill lier or winter before beginning, h a noi
y ill. plantf
of ft- bathing Fult, ad n1l tile firternoml iwlle Crier" t'O th Wi ity, (aw
141101C a Pn . ypIC.
For we W
tilts on the Piazza In tier bleyele t4ujt. 411,1[144�_Qv by "If SWTT colic. cure griping III the stolailifich toindflo.illd
don "A'a-06"Wureft Tmenty. THE
L fire centA a bot TEND
LAF Sat fr V