HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-08-13, Page 3JV Blusy I TEF 040! huh, ru ! h1a . .. - * -*PeDings Of a 4 Irk T 411400007,-, %ohs dol*" rA ALAL ppmrs lie + / I I " \,,, 11, lk.&.19L I& � A� A --A A -A -AL SUNDAY SCHOOL. WORLI It a REW YORK 11US A %%-a.4 T'lakl'W a, Political tA)ur with Ills it friend Takoff, who is a mtroug oppo I 1- tflt'. Pr"Vellt cabinet an'd of the VII of of 1'rince Fer(linand. Ac_ + INTEP NATIONAL L31980N NO, who says His Touch funE silver 11'C()ml1ll9 to a de.%Iiatcli th the Newa Authoritle.s. gavo a Bulgarian Gambling Denounce Eggs and Poultry AUOUST 13, 18W. orderti for tbe assas- VA v Fl1latl0n Of Takoff, itiftlit the inl,4ereants to Gold. -c of otheft-1 IL". "'110 werO -hired to varry out the in- oeven Days, I stractform .k T- 13. m6took tile Poet for their nsidious Nattli'e of the Habi or r*ltl*sh Markets, Intendwr victim Talmage Points Out the I t op 'S DREA 'ihc.—A. D. Writk -it 'o REALIZES THE ALCHEXIST Pr,of. Roberts 11 T, -W. 1 lace. I/ and Advises Young Men to Do Oiie of TWO i'ANADIA.N. b1i I i Be tionest or Dice` HOW TO TURN A PENNY FROM THE PerwVv.-I�aul-, tbe au ' thor, to tile Tlm,.'Imnty oithe younir Ia,[ dn)wntl(t f SHERMAN i Things: Farining.­ - Corinthian Church. at L#,inte rk W'.w -ierovere%L -POULTRY YARD. lijdk-s. Tile Gold Ingoto Sold.by Him to the Amay tLIJ oince in Wall Strelet Have StAood the epiptle tu tile Cbrin lans meenm to Tlv%, tiei%: r. c4:%niallpox lutvv df- I Test But Aisftyers are, Soeptics ++* A A, have twea writteii ill answer to -t4.bi"I iii We-qmaAtnt, a iiujiurb of I -e Praftimor Calls- Him I-porant ++++ -uj (vii. 1). Tit( thf -letter receired frolu th( They Want to c3ec it Trick Done. church Waii .1 4ittle batl(I in :L t-Ity Or W. hington repw�. 11r., Taiinakey '1111 thence+ intQ the par'ors, alound one L - AN il Ili a long artjiclo tienfing with the, the future,, 1) to start one or t wo You Know. 'ill Ier . tit 'Von*-rvittiveis title, 0 . 1 table. firlding eight or ten mc n in mid-+ gyj;_ I uen its promoters of trade or eativae- 4000k, infialtitallts: a WUI ill n city and Inexperienbe (1, inisidious-1.1fle, wiL,11%4ressed�all' the wtirk 901 this 'serm4QX, tilt- cohl stci�ag depid�ts the ng advantages of oerw fqr custoluers for Canadian pro- of Iniquity. The early traiiiing, the K londikA, Lai4 a rival in Staten Island, ipping produce, and what former liabitit, th's- surrounding influ- -habit gainas su-..: -in I tkill o ductic Two jiml will be left ill if what Dr. Iftephen. Il. Emmulls'"aYd modes lky which evil son .01lence, save the noilie of 'the t lit, irvandidz�tv ft)r thr- Lut-isilli" ndid men premacy. and shows how spre rattilrig �Ichlps', - oil 'thL� gArr Inle table 'oiagL tAj JjJ41 the re Ire. th,0. ix. d IU Britain to carry on tile work. cn('eP3 Of-wa city M hich, evell in the Uen- HIS LE MR FULL OPGROSS ERRU B 9 :ire cheated into ruin.* Text. Isaiah v- In, 6'ne parlor, and the. revo ving ball. THAX gir" all Iflustration of what U14 world, was famoux.for disfionest)-. is trtw,, may" t1l New York lieraid "Woe: untu them that sin, a it heiping %%t4-kpt have *4*tt very injur; � 11 , %t few s . .;'of't4e roulette table In thd other par- devefopment or.it lot way or "Rks to tho. �were. with a cart -rope.." I id "' - .1toberttion, in th4air work will I)e. 'one of tile men debaue[Wry in(! druitkutinvim. juade it He declares that gol(l tins Ix0en Pro - cereal?., -at- the lor. -Sorne.of. the'se men; we, ere to , tho' farmers, Theie are some iniquities that oril'y'! rome were will 90, say, to tile largest and lead- difficult to live it true. Chriotian life. duced thore at it lorofit for the I"t For -iter a Flat Failure Only Clio Credit- had served terms In prison; 06 "' -Peloubet. f a rni. Farinirig, 6 Ing prorislort. dealer in tile city and manu- - Wot atle Mov,- wits the Vt v . endi Poster nibble at, the heart. ' After a lifetimc- shipwrecked bankers an(] brOkers and jolt Ij.Uj I i wade forthe -1. Thing" orterpul unto idolii-Those threc montilm-not iulned, but of the;r work, the inan still stands up- Arcla4,114,jp N%41-sh. mon�)r. dealers,.and some w�re goingL S*omo provis Bay tO film: Canadian cWhitlery exican silver I A 1,oronto- 11 stole -That From 1111tott Mak-es t lie right.. -respected and holiored. These f vice-l*t all in- of eggs. Tho dematift in Great butter is the hCut tl[at now coillas to portionjs of tlw aninja6 offered iu use- rartured out of M Arb j.,4 virj40ying a t�elr first. roun11.9 0 ca r r"IaL-0 'T in II -0,611d, Ill. have not strength enough t0 I 1-ifit'v, Which �%rer�- wit, Wit on the aditil it, ai)�)110';t N%41 Y�tnkee ,:ase the Sport or C;tna-dijus vermin L 9 Great Britaiii." The filetchant Dr. Enimells iii; 8 to-nt upon the I -able, as lar or small lwqxluctil is In", a k fIN040 %juve'll'stowit, rough a Inarils character. Uu'l Britain. for. perlid lit altar, tuid %%hich lohiinged partly IIA) fi.r Vaitathi. A Strofig Stateme-it. gnaw "th fortunes moved up and do n before In kilolving Oilly the'(4d reputation ni practival mi-tallurgiNt. lit. claimi that 11if, -Ilwdy)4 44 4 - "' thc lorleii-ts and partly W thos- who after years of experiment, lie haF, real - there are other transgrossions 4crimligitilig '14"lland- say It Is not. Theft our agent will th�m. Oh! there was some ing aw- x olin Cr- s- UP to gi-antic proportions. lia-i offvred thi-m. Tfiov-'remnitis %%erP I" tht alchemist'@ dream, the arti- Ir. J W OA" P_." 44 Lilt- (1erciand. 0hio, rvlKirt, rrt:f. themselve fu:iy sktlen"n in the silent the in- tllisje�ouiitry tigp arc c99d-;,a:I4, you 141 y ''IAA me wild you a trial lot 4k.11 Valley. at�d seize hold of a ;ia.n And �blnd him ga-Ze, tire 'suppres*ea J4)nletiiilfii� entelt lit feal" liell] ;11 tfie, ficial production of gold, and Ilam found A htv w.w btk tk.�iily ;st ri�-ken 114-iiry IV. Elliott, of th 11 t some* e otions tif schloin hear -a houwkeeiler speak of of or 10 J)ackages of 5('o*l1oul1d,-4 I with thongs forevo-r. There ate . %# 101i, al. iu,private '114M tilt, philoftophervo mtonu, which ille 118A players. Xo one loolted p. Thev I aft, ayiy rPa#on,-%,hIe prim aw i ing.linidIt or large. In Englant you naincip *oil iniquities that have such great e egg.4 Iie_ (chap. 27j;-�4)Ut(-tlw4% ty,14i ill the called nrgelitaurulal (silver -gold). Int'Aitute. lit S glvt.11 tut tilt. mpha­ t in..the rapi $,'and I That price nee Ile tie Itig1mvitt tuarkvt-h, by -the pri* t .' i ir fly the With argentau IW *Ay i h Ls theni (I not -!4;s of 10I that he w o coMMi text cl ht.-, rceent, t-4), . 1� I - liavc no doubt "time saw. a they re oolit Ili different grade.4 Rc_ Ig hich. G. I)o.sai.1 to sin -is witli a cart -rope. niarket firice. Vr that means I ie i r "lay -e. hor' -4ioli ' was is it metallic e dt0hVid revo-litiivii, V) 164% V ilfrid i ry () a t)icz ses� and carriages, nd houses lkm)r.- Afford. Tilt- tIu4 it 14i I V*lr Itl,lgt 1):Ay, tIlt. Sectet. r �igjl-- 1-#',y tho lenient betwee I suppose )-oil know how they inake cording to their w -t- W 0119 wili take Into lilFo shop gainjolex of t: -tljtlr it wa, right for Christians landi4, and home an fa:mlly claims to liftwo !-Carier r.ill h1k4.ly ta ke i0w form #.'if a w ht �4 tate, 't-tvarding tilt- -ca -8. 1 t Urf out of which it and to partake or foo -I - ctwnecV-d witli and got '11rough t1w. 111genCy of ,rL,at ropv'. Tile st 'hundreAl of Wa dozeits. Ili tile.,je llat,�, butter Trom our Covrriinient llniry d., Dr. Ewmells Iziy a -t t1w Ex I hich ruslillitz. dilwn into the . v Lex.. A 1W . 1 is fashioned is nathing but tow. w StatiO711.4, see 'what it is like accomplished, t IS toy a liamitwt. ivi;tr Iy% t 114. follows: you nian' idolatry. Much - su(,4it-i %vure forbidden col4i an(I illipitet, tfic transmutation of pull apart, without any ex'ertion of s life wouid not. have l4on wor-qh tem, AparL Irvin thii., sizv of tlic—Cggs, r4mrkl o4 Traxii, ".Jk-j- _(A)d. I t1do.. near Vlevel3nd plin into L fatthing in fhat pres(-n(.( had he tile ail(] Indueo his etijktoinem to try Ily tlli' council at .1cruwilviti, swven thu white anetal intoo the yellow- -our lingers. , This Is -*s British lwoplo atru %ery fa;stiljI_ it. agent would not Offer theme g j jlj�v 1:' 1 it- -of whio ly P. been atcoinpanied - by the police, ;f oluj allil tliscri ill inatlivi, Ili regard to' tile art wns ("Uts. all y you coual easil ro sain HIS IINUOTS STAND THE TEST. be - tin apl*araitce and cQudiXion. Tit(), lWiLster. tI,0 C Nlalkit,ij%l -nl:llk.rs havo ak!vamt, I the, plp,�- to Tvzpent nnotlwr sale f rom snap 9 0' tfi�eails he had- been - supp .114twish hrt,thren (Acts xv. e# I% I%. It. DaY. S4-t-retzir �rllmellt but w first all- bu a great. inany of thes Osed 'to 0111d #':lY : "YOU 241, 21 but Ill-reo ill C( rijith. it Gen- Dr. Eminev 1irlstlan errand.of observat,on. Sme % lt%,Iwjl he lwarri-1. thic Clird injerw(-�untl=t7hen you have a roPe. cif "Agric tit Lure wi.ked tile tuacconipany ra' it AVabilifigtoll- can got. A_'anadlan butter of aimilar 1 .1 4 W b: Lilt' cit -.V, th­ qw-o4i4ai iteedeci to be floullep(i that he bad solved the Itrob- enough 4-nd an ox, ar hold of, th�,se men went by pri%ate . kc -Y, Inlat fk.w wv0ka4 largo ly .."P, t.�, the Cle 11(tritin­ V, v - , s`bng rj� . Ilall toa CQ1114-repcO of the P99 InCli tit quality from tl~, lwojilt-," giving the w-ttlf-11 o!l was JaWhed at, Siri-An * M . k to %%*cvitA_-ru Outariu'on thin 1411hiect 11:1 MCK tit tfr Inijxj.*tero of Canadimll An jailvd, knovii'lef Ili# artificial gold ,,I shii) in a I SPC -L you of _koine went In -hy careful Int,oduction. C b.isiii.-Illu-%trator. lem of transmutation, illcri,asvtl e4,14t 44 whi-al t*t rt' . i,x O)f LI&S city IL111W.11`14 thi, text of -.-t I in -iixle %vero taj-.en in.lw t , last t�---%Ve Kimil lw-tter but 'low, Ili' ORYK, ry.. llat-A 1 tho s;n pf ­aivibl'ifg.- A. cartt-ropt! he..vatrons Of .%v of th6 poillL-4 that we're, 1'. A tol' .%loxaadria. i:-tt��r s:renl-th i.-,, r, that lsin..azid Yet I wish the establishinent. The OM n of thP 1v inkr. Aft, of tl*li-. Mill '14_. tveam-ery butter In'BriLalij, atid tile uindcrmt4iml V of thitj chapter hil," tood, the "I& of the I j ult&l eo , . a broVght to t1j". L exparterii of hatter In Canada, or the whint we consider oil(, fact.: , 'rhrit Sta + Amay Wfice, in Wall o;treet. Sto7.. and -iglied ipY (111" -S e Eir.--jA. %vrjt.-s !i; ti,j- 1:t,lilinitin i1epart-1 I, iti tt:j )ocia:ly to d la%v -told li-ij: "Nmile gcA in h ee'except more, esi raw your a en weit, I t is they may Ilave tit (;r %%fijvh Ila* purch. if hy'l)olice mandate, or by -scme letter t4 --r Qf Agriculture. _v mcia it ­rr.%kiv and 4 't wmnierct-....4u,:g#,9t­'1 ikiwi crt v, of to the sinall threads of int1wrice out A or a-gratt, _at 13ri- -thf-re hail l4r.iijr exist,!(I n ct)llL,rcjyerNj- -10-d 16ix ingoto, f :W�.*41 4i I exitecte41- that i1l-July,..35 carioads taill. 1-ki, will't1w) tles. isame with fnilto lv-twoel! the h Ul_;lit4,s vild t1w Tr _ adi- a gi if 1' 1 'r14.111. lor t jj,.st*, oil. This li-ttA r is prt-faced -which that. mighty -Iniquity is twisted. (li.a. patron." While **%,(, weie' there a product t)f him laboratory, :4Cg24V&t- 1tv ar %, -) I ha t 4)un,, man Y mid otlA%r lrromilucV4 -L-4 ftir aA lx)t4.-;ibI ili-v4-41mis lit 0& 1 trall'.. . . .1. . u,f thi. -great. -riuh. T h is crime Is (ill the ad y came In, put b*.s mone' tVgs will Jje goati; forwtiril requiring tioni 1s, how far it 4,1%vfIll to Ing 70.91 ounctw, ani. worth nearly ;V­slil, it Whi(-Il atitill- lilts it is w,�,', not only 'that fathem' and "oll storagek (At st4--aniships, 9#0 car- 410 Will IW. ill :1 NVIIAW, :L WItional coin- aijy. lietlefit for Tio- 01itarl"! itz., public. lo%Yn on the'.roulette. tablL ant ost: awl 60 Ca mirwitage from -$1,000. "re,ident, alld thIlt It 11 br h i-lowls ill ineTelal travelVr, nopt, fw,!Iittg fcir.st'ny thilig'.; Iiv t1r. Celltiles. Tho Tilt- bookpi of tile AA*ay ()ffii-v con - tit' ers. and sons. be interosted M i)ut* nioreLmonoy down on th� roulette A ug 14 it for sk-vi-tail daY.4 At till-* slicl, a`&.,4--u.6tsjol" -irticular firin, but rk)intllig (out thytt K.- -ai-ti-. werf- :t_ or je%ii-s wjlfj� taii, t1w following ri-Acords '161d- it Sk-litvinher.. They t -A-; 11111 t that r4,r iii T ­n J;tto.- 10"i'li !. I. but 111w: %v* W'd jtble% and loat; put more m(neydo%% it. t A Imr rqAtle't of John lilillklf 1101V si�sters - and (I au. hti�rs, I ' - ImA;ably one -quark -r, inuroowould be n%any firm#4 Ili Caiixpla can furnlisl# tho huld to thi- lf,tt,-r -v)f ilte w-urdid writ- -all'i Culd 011 tho rouletto table. and'])st; vien etiaNci. or bullion from Dr. EiantefuL Au- ft,eilng -n his pocket's for mo r.* 0 it - i1fvvt 4 ki, #)-A-lk look out lest their present horne be s wiit by other tihilkliers from %Vcmiteru "sno'clat4s t4 lvroduett4 as Ive now iiig-, 1 liCa-441Y.' Tho TVallitioui,4ts %%crk. Tit(- bullion aL. t -liv at tile "*'*4 money, Pred rb7ftc-ed. or their 1n,t:ndA1 hionle-Lo-, M.ast- 'tin (I I n none, in . severe L -rc isot r(L re%% %%ecks varlier. Si enCe he Olita"riul who w( -presented, at t -1,40%-t4 thw. t it r n ell' his havic-, upon the s ene. and' a Mill II.L%e a clart-tur po, r - No inan, no Nyonian, c. s an the niecting. illivu- theit by retu-ion L itch a the s - - - elders, interpre'ting the di%jiie te 4j)l IhLs, I)rt% -ell . t 4111ee- -alo 4 1 $ Xclu, I- * tit( Ltr-: PrIll!1h]. it.', ,141 Art!ci1Vl-,k4 -Anial kuow Iedge of )f 'fron �;Ulijeet_. s this int While we, stood 'thCre...vf the -prospect, of ill ali'ost t- Ij. Ir dt-eiiWuns. 71'he Kara- Weig1j;V 1.1illf-ilf-4N. \4.1. h% ijig and s.ky: -It lias lit) practical be.aring -ul)- erec tv. I 1)y :tihe oz�-. SoM. Sil%er. Vaitie -t j. it, it 'i imy tother 1W 'o, 'r_property-aifd-l6st their t I w 0:,4 HUM zi . st the, fig, titiff trarrier I V -s totally (Jojoct)-d. tit everythin- �Jjjllt.h L in t 11, 411ti.-I -1 Ju�lgv 44 .1 Illy 2fie;"' for there may -l -v !.Iiy iu,l.re extentic-d. ail,l mercillew place. -Not on -cc UUit(Xi -StatANk, 3 vory inwAi Larger A iii iikolatrous .4-rvicu- April 13 7.to; 466 21iij ow..w 01., ato #4; the Tradi -'zoills. LURED AWILAY liffl, DEATH 1.1*. f%V, i- Y.)'ur Iii-stilry an P�per.�- , ; eli'L . - C.qtrl I alit, ithe author 401 tho liltxtt 6 that 1, i:�_, 9.61 L.,j Vj- i i a'I tile li`story of izani:ry- prolouirti9if of it-liv eggs from "aluLda tiollir,tai did p -11 -rally, �ut they vveri- OL I Kit telly ence, in wh�ch. Y�m .\v,:! find- that Llit- fifyi wA tric ';I. lis -h, r of 'sym- Mn) 7 11.1014 % C 14 ir ISIVI - V' ns:lliere b,-rn nue *o (--v nNar4y -fill., aii-t4c-r out- mot oplo,41MA to 1J.-ing. allimidig 'T.; c I I s:, 71 IL # 4. ULU kin ;n 1:\-j ) 3t&) 22 12.1*1 tj";ttij'll jjltk-� 1A.t,hy uttere4l for th(� loser at the Let ant, id')1atrious worship, *provid(A they jul,,. 1� N.7i vrul� .1. that ink-re:ow the 'hilip- intiolar) lit bt4.l) taken toy 'our. �;4pvvrli- ;h.-aven. li.t roere ar"iiallb"!iflg in" IlIvIlt, t4o 4 L rj 1�, . , - I` f.i. I lj�. -thu t1lfill,*a.jids. *-.rher�.- - . 4 -gg(4 Lo (Irv. Heard That. HiSGOW Wag Alaught di(l. 1111t *;I� the sigil of -tile idol till it. .1411N N 14.3h 22 t iis aitie. 18',r lforac,,� Walpole aid fhat -inelit of t' k-teliti- thi.- m-ai e I j:_ L r� I . it 'ver,� A. ill J.010-, ill V P a 1114111 4jUgjj_ tljW_. 6tt�r.,tgt! i Irg-1,41 %ith. lie I putc. stlite it lit -gait. liv'. thipll�,tllil live hund'rvil. droppe dead In o , Of the Largely t,!';r' Tli4 a-igli of - the idol must Lx- that t: N- I 4"le Lat of London- hwis )0dy 4 U t :till liq)bse. was 7 -o- v .�%jtlr 4-rinivi;tl iiitc-11t n teftil,cratitre acvd tni t -lie ladund previous t4i itA, -airibl�,rs. ()ut of all the eAa (A) the lit. 1 6 1 iu -a, Fence. d 1, -alue jusAgi"] t4 OW lamt ingot t -t 'I -Tito ay t.hitt.af ter a carefol -carrl�_A into 1he clith hriuse. an& the TW Canli'lage. cvqMilo Itt, til -ire tt o iq is Ait-sired too `lw- Wait i-tivrifit* "A J11 t7-mliers of, tho club began Immedl- IK-riL-a I *-tll thir, letter- of -lillky IMIL, t 4), '1*0.v I to 42' th-Crt.vs TU*04' 6 a little ind 1140ols. efais: erat is an entimate. Andrew hlawm, the r lilt Ill 'I-' Y"M "4110 1 --tjo e e I 4A fillets, gar - w rva,­ty-t . at clv' Ile t 'ag. to �whpth'r he w-er Wg1w.r.thalt -foe llutto-r.. we ime -it rojr' I - suIwirintendent of the AamaY 0ffiW, U -04-r_ rr!,Lil A"Xi I -Al- 114 TAi. Thc%se vt1-.--Clarkc. as pro - at I v vitil jc-r,-1y t,ie butti-T iilowir t�o :,2,1. 1 auything t4 old uxe i t*4 alVearnum would indicate IL'.'. t , +,ad (ti- alive, and when it w i N T W I I THE INFORMANTS. Thi6k that, ho� kii"'wetl' I trr.mm-itj. ioevaluw hey ;xrc ii re ort UP feq g rV WE L 14 b t ol test the niattPr-by l4c-din­ uii�lvr. SAm- luoidiv-s obf v­g.s coni- l'i I')urfCVI -up WiLft a conevit of him al)(Jut thp vilaw dpgruie of finerew am tii,- it lay;.�Aliv Stato 14-p-lirknwnt toPell -4-hanilit-i- - t - M llils,� tbat. areL aC was- obly hindoried -by the HoW_ tillit of tflP 04 be il % Y:cro tcrjn--�- vf a. criL-hlng relly froni the k4 -4-n %% $if know",-_-J.;!��,d frauduomt Thcre,arelirst- plaill that, %vlwlt tl:4" ggs ary put ill K I r igots. He said that It would lie unfair to. j%., .111 1 k.SlaIll'silln, Ilaving entereol. -torage' md Aakd-n tvtLt :igahi -Ktiow- ASSAA- oi-,rll�E IS SCEIPTLCAL. In the. gaming f,41i nothing .4' fie ought -f th - pittyet3! icreal as. irr the im.,allie 1114, tifyiIIA 4iX tllLt U -1,111W Yoll either gjljlj):QL (or fight. .1-an4 Thi-ce Shots Riod �tlj ll"tL W11:1 ar brovr�i. r tl.,� 0 U 4 tlipy. aoje.re .�t n.u-;sY aplwara"nev- t is 114 -cAvisury ' to lit! *Dr. Emniam claiinel too Imtv'e diumjv- IS!J11, %V lW11. tile t -&L -Ards. diet- _:�;aded with (1trickoi r, I 1111-y .I v- tj ii, -i - . eilt -'is 1", '! C:v f,,, u 114 -elf ilk 4iuring r- '�!ty, inen- hav6 thk' . firoutzill. Nei.-Illoors. wilf.) 104.4 Ur the Imjr:*A*- for which know - I t y',,l -1 Idni. - i. -g , It . li!ioowit. A1100. - I,- � I "". I'l:_4 I, I tf�*-. ( - lirol.wrt,01 wfuni-. away:from..1hrm, an,l r? cred the ombMiautial kientity' or two V�UuktHkiiLb F-Iiii1gy 'vontla, 1-01- tlr;nks. ni*xed -%%-.ith niare poor exudat'4;ll 40f lilt III.G. ('11,14iougli . 'the F.mly. Whe'r'e !li-� I'41"ir- t.1,4- Ohl` i L t" I its I l(ly go !7knivr! 'Of leige is to he 41(viirvel,- ipor tilt- use I you to t rid.6f 'hem tjM. ('gg� _r lljetalt4 which chemi"t?. liaNe alwaY14 1,e't It Nuydir L6 UiA 40light U0 lll:kk4. of it--tilat il" to 4-li- fir in a A 1 niorv*4 let -ter 11I.V tht- 111411.tll, %% lliCfl di soon -hell dr4wn. thelr grlt in stro ig drin s-1101, of. t.h".,vgg.,j, 1,,at oout4dorcwJ diAinct elpmente. He tell, - k. fill-11i'licti ilk rt'hlltt�Ll: (V141 storage,..,Iii: vx- ti o 00t F 101'011 L I he CrI it �c. 411., if I 11p, to Jlii count,�rfpl eros Pen, ::,vient. *if trect rit I- it t. -ull fl -xi -er ;Illq I ign4Vant, iritn. Y,,ti walited ,;Jork�' the tuti vomt�, m 4if ra#ultp, but doet, uot dimrM-ise bix pv-jwrt� at %',.ir,! L' k�. y sll,�%-. rrji-_� I)w vila`,Ius-�'Ur anil so rf. ir for nsf -41 Ili* a u 11 a;iy man lime tiod--Ace4irdillg pnxx)*4�is. We'ejuliot under tbese eir- -1611K, N. Y `1 ittpt Write- e%lovli It4ter.- s revo' sttiott of judiLstun-from Lim% aji 0114. A or t I,(. as 't lw co-numv ndittetit ri-quirea—with cuillf4taluv*S subperthe to hip ctalms. ol-w r t nat ylttl is Y, tilt- s tf� cviideit� ),otit which they' know., iver, lout al t lo%.4. _Will Joe 'fiz. djowb:- and th upon t-livir jturf.wv� If, t1w v 7g -t whol(� hear All klata. a I ill t Iv. work pioceed-4 .iritig icurili ­Tlwre It, a tram tif gold in Mexlean wa,-. MA 1111*, 111'. Pa 9 nr.,t linital :iwi tnif - nlght I y night. are- left for two tit- t 41"4 6 1� -ighl)(1r. Tilt- Pqinie filally. -I�arrut--4. John * 1; 1 ill thiN 11art, or tit... -sta, '1 #%-4 -011 i;l v �t Calf w -ell --i ta% j i,� da f4ir' jk -lilt t 11 Al 41kitlart. iw tmjw ruinted. I do not know k4 -n trolli. -.0!01 ,ttlr- It %V. I -It *,t#v 4 the . r r iri uttA-rly iSttiorz -.1i.t ­Tiat rar4-r4,po-.1' says sfjn ., youn after tlwy :kiS- ta of hijit—Tzilight 4of (;odantI -3 ratk) to #41ver. It 44 Imrobably [lot la-st night. v.114,11 Moses 41 E tt trutij Iii, rekar�IL to) tile 1.4illiellt rt.;lt- Ili. TI­Vor been iivour4l ar(jund ;i#41-,'tI,.v vd?,litelits w Varnie:4 iliprovt-f loy Ifiiij. r air lj - 111. .- A I lis.mwll ai� 4onq% In o114! thoupiand prtru.96 -ad ; 411C INV Rut have not thrta& -illy, 'qiiil tht. eggs ti lu i rv%�; i I iffio #-eal ilifestit)II 'M tI14' iS`_ h t 16 f L ii�.)o(ly In*,..) szn ot, iyr 41v 4. -%�- cow thi. still- -mmeiv; later %aid to wiloe: aw, letter of M.ly 10th 4-0ik# (it *hat cart botin twist�d? 1. -, ; t 11: t t. uic.c -an its w1fivii the:i' 4-ily; wj-l-z lit -gull ill 1. river. l.-itilig or "Under iny u --n ounces it( _%I: I t I I I j. wa-4 (-r"jL'!j' lall( thk� %v(%r(' -IjUt ',11. 1 ll'lVe J'A.4;11 (t thil,., orre^.1 I,, sacrifico-As- 3 -ill 4:tlivr lorelwariLti4.411S frwil hiA I Y.'#iu _,o it4,,,ng,_.i :il,t:e fm,thv.r' and thi i I %vI a I kNatli rtiillr �ii,4 floill, �y four- Ine ,I , aL a 041- ditl tvit look wory Qt;itt two-skiys 44 1, *,41111114 that they are ina eateit :W *-I% 4)ujwx%4 of argentattruin gold. I tmvie t full 4ir*grutai errors -V s: It I ".; sh;111 en, 441, traitTrar -;oid lit, It oilver (k,11ar&- will y1pid abtlitit I I 'i hal I L~ lit nia ji i i i g ii I i - t I te I i iq�ri- IliaCe- You -be'. �011 nullibo."i.s.,; oll I .1-111-v 10). r,.jkt,­ this a. natior Olf 'P'iLtjl- 1011 tild. i:os�- J1111 rosid., k4i -ell iit*cAjl.l stt7-age for ait ;let; Or w irwiij). iqj()i is tiftul- matt) a Imifit of Iiii-tween 4,3 and $4 tit IWO I io4it ;i ii;ork s vict'llt a 1,-�92-93 , co"t that .6 nuinbt�r. 7a4 -t tw 'y li 4!3L- '%Ir. and Mn-. llmhs .%lotwitifoll Ibi -9). gi,- finr inoi, .� ir tIA(. \:)I per ounm o4i each of tile ingot,- Itud 1111tailiating tic-leUt.which on. t h r u n 14., rs. Is call(A a," -ax thai. 'xvi * t ht �tit giving- 1xit-wil at olive oil lwillg..�.Ikinj froti� quivt(v lit their 'ariii Jious,,, -it a�lliollt %rent I or NtAnile, latr"I"g no I'mover o) r i.-l4lu . -1, 1 t1w 1\6 inet with at, llari.-i ill IS9: 1. Had lie b t�.;ng on. f4ur nuiniv.-rs ca ­(A JV the f1r.4 cille, whiell mu. -it iluve cost mt- �1%7ritP4 ws,T4 .1wr t-fillival'.11t. is ft .114!11 i d st<0agiv cluawfwr, ill lit t: oi�clock. Tilt -Y It. jil., till- 11114 -at or. the,- -tUr is n01114 toom thilli $1,000 an ounce It repre- tl,,� C411 e. - Them c 4bri U4,1111iially. agilill.'t tl,4- City,44 1,741-, 'j*WtL loright .111d (IlliCk- Witt4XI hC4lj4!VVr atid there are th:11ASan"is \,,:ur 46\411 F461fl.. :11141 a-.*1-4'010iwr�� I)f 01.1 t Ilf. ' '1111y, tlley� �ulijx,r. vii -as -trot a othur 4;oJ � lout, one --The ernator a nd P.spet A kiico %% lip. V. -O. 'It. tenWd numberlmw exix-rintento fly �,ftto tot Tre4ox-er 111'e. alijoillitV4 oU the Wtvo njet with such 4ILsiuster. our y�oumt Inc -A icaping thal. -.;ad Y, Nfr. f4,r w'AA141 11.1vi. I4K)ke1I*1l.kll1lb and black. ilot)r. Banks anse-vemd tho suni- Isuist.tijic-r of -Ih, t) '11at -Inif iiijgK. Thero Is no wir I; ki w .,4 '111 ul, un(I : � n!,,, ".; - lli� 16 \\' lit v,.jAvJj I ar;rivod tit t1m, pro1wr nie- nit Unt ­.h'-irse, % iniz . lriss­4 :;,F int�l ­irt C(xn4-(- -ts. rol ord-z*-itta tit Ai 4A the,.true 4io,I ill imy t 114 T.1king, tllir� culultiollplatv lit. too dr -7- till 4 l S. .11 -re. Vanlk Im-oring over nild "1%496. The vil"rilvally after thts record of. fla-Vtailure i- W11D Wrl(;IIT'FOI.* 12 r(IG.S.- J:(,I- hilsliatol's - shouldrrr;, saw de- A:%%:AyS i3m. k*iul 4's*li illo atirao-ji.stj i,. I'tkt rjusio. l'ut 1) 40" the idiot 44 Dr. Ellin #;ayos -his f irst ingKA wiw aer.-rifilliz -allaiollly, ali'l 'Alatigi rs ist:-Ildifig ollf-sido. Them- Io% that are valleil (;o,Is ill Ilwszz appros C11114-1nW, tilt- a lid I - The t-hipperei flesiro that a standard* lynxtxu"i loy hand. HP saya he now V.1,144 lit in tli#�, Stri4-t Aailway (,411- pqttitg lliln ill ehar�o of yollo wallug i ** Th4're's .:i cow taligh if 1110 Ili ell A#4 thO 14till, "looll, I'lailt-ts, wht,re the. elfler f %%vight f(#r a 41(Jwn of eggs lie`c- Il.ts a m;wliijw caliaW of produciWf, :o T.,rr the in' I W IY ea. -4% t'14' 111111 1114-'V shf-ulkt Iw will only thruAt. you, 6celier jsnatt% Z. -, L itah- %I if't, . f4 t11%. bit." F,:Iifl uarth-I*-Ifled kings. lx," - A Inan exchar,,rs :-ttjj-jj.tjc,?l, is silo. bilyok a ts, rilk em ..a lavvomre of 500 tom per ejuare ineb' -.114 1 ll;".- per dozen. -Large 'I'lio ta talrant-litit inxoivi-d� pre 1 11, a 7 1 L C;. that -1.-s--with the h))ook. I lilt' get t4-rip(late, ete, The heathuns 66'6tirc thati lie ztiiki' your Aven 1,)r ',,ss of h� 'Il. -of 014, tir P F 1) 1., a - a n I - hadt tAj do tip woork. He eittis it a "force los!s of , llom%�, oss tjffa;�nlly, los-� 0 dil" lvrrlis.- 'th, theS say; will 'k-eep longer, :is have bven -.14aced berote loy her- l.(%)sv- Cut:ss l-dw loil-ings. til'yoll 111.111y itiiaginary go -b,' Thv joeople of + a t " n c -T- - e4lginc." Tltb fr..ttvr:t.i­I rikiiAis- Aliv, brigl'it ia#n&-4yvt-r tilt! Jine ;it- lot- rJ- ellough;- a fule, than jimidl eggb, .1*,cause tile. mortal soul. Exchange. sti Min day-Itlit-N-c %%Ill litit in )114.v infil 4.1 I.frge egg.,k jS thipkL�- el Igo 1 :1, 1 0,0. hJ,000. - - Nir. Bitnks thought it was hisfow. '.vill vitowed in(, a fetter Dr. Enumens --Ckt4'11- tfae_ ttifficillilf....4 .f t -Iii, tawa. rid mfin:te enough. ",-1" 113"I.T.4. S.) that t jl� rf-t %,our latavrio %ks, a 4 litl ( 104- tit -it, lie had romived froin Li num who c at' t4niall *-ggs, The thhuier tile. albii- 110" gi.t whi( lit yijil -e tlnCf V% tAL.It li;tv4 icill ain 11 oued, tf 0 write volt 4 14 .4 There 6 but in nwxigulzed aA a leading pitygicist, X-Av y6u, acknowled� -4 '1"01 JIL in lacat -the kiol-410 4uickly the yelk of the -:41 Cif. 111.111 41 -it the kkm To tw -hrihtiazts. a senator of the I S. o f e b u )u wa t' to know 1AY- 11 iti Ed tj N a 1W dt trouble, a re - I it, i j;- gr. hially rw-tti#'Al. P"alt* I;t-cn11-e n n V4 61 Mill ti, 4;4p�J—All that V-neo4it-41, for in and whq) ijw It jat h i iiw n - e, thceads 611L P, I%- : egg� Tlvvo Uilliat!u0i - ' jor, nill rai,�� rvC;4;,t I I ft that. FiisU-t'1ll,I �ivhaf are� tHe small', llawkia_- egg ri.4,�; to 111ti tolo, alift gj% Mr. I'ank., li;�ljtvd a Imit-til nwl Iiijil 4jj%.tq64 IWI -cr und Love. Father niv 1. .1 ri iol to iii# i I Poa ppear- 14t'ji. -r a st.d.' alkfi, und4itsirable t made putAic. He am" Dr. Enititem W ito riitcv� ankitli--pcn�­ xvit-11 its o -1 1 4 it 'T'resitient that. tho, ill- wh;i�h it -re is. in nianY, rat -ith l is mad,?. Tht. t-.;. tile- rigid %% t 1�­ i Christtzin-jo; 4k-arehb word fdr t-olitt Idm a "miltv of Mr. product. with 4itlp.r fr�Ltcrnai- mwil" r"ria.-At',jR I g.L%-e tile I..,riti,411 a -disposit�on *0-.) huzard. ' They. fee: a Egg- are i4ol I iii (44 -at ilri- 'Irs, Banks, w(irri(A aliout the. cOU'. what. lintil yo 4L)f %%-1104!1 aj�- 1L -au.svil the (lkf - C. 1, t Of ar a preclplcQ. be- t kl,. III iit certaiii wqighLi lwr loll: a r4--. th'"Cb fle iN IL view t4) ninkiM an examination of king ti.e t, -Lm,. n-jeaeiur an -i- iij 11*40. the di:ight in waXnc, ne :i 1111"ill 11"thing. 9 -t11041 at thu d4k)r. In the inimmilighk thA- torialuatilig eautw-t j:1 0 of danrrL�r. Tn e i #41wvtruin tw e(mipared with the 6; Se of the si- ns 'tw-n I)ichir'-s 'i ,I] of. U'll ktoZe"A" L On(! gt'.lile iN .15 ll�wticukl t1l.1t t%%4; 11JOI-4- ljl(!11 11:14 if'IA�-ap ca ar -4 call; thokr lit L:.6 pri4oablc- that all n6e' at 1'. ill jungfrau, ri(,t ie�", and jintruth of t I I ys tr,-- iocoPl Who - 90 11POn '.-dl 91)tton in'a lottery. awl the' brain 41 llis. care.. -we 'we r -f, created for Him, jeaUy imm (vwdition. 1ps. twr lolig. hiji0red ; alicither is 16 1-1 1 d 0. Mu".- M ' Ill HiRk --ill Ifis thoWlit, o1w.truin gir , rdiu ry g'"Id in a m- rn ;L ",mist financial t L 'r W If 0 11104. lif.l. I 1111-1 Ia fill :11141 , t Ile t%% for the largeness of. Che prospect. Th4 tterare 4 4 1 t, ts. lwr loltg 1111lidred. Ily y(ml, --bUt il Itnil .;m I.S. . They ;ill disajolienmd iii ae. 11 N.-tinickly seel 11 all't our higJK*t, jiappinevss is ill lisilig A t I ink- Dr. Eninivir4 yepterday had a l4em, 1 je % ri 1* 1 ft he fce,ing that they have of th sionis, new way !of t1ol"ll-pl- I 1i with- 'a, very I;ir&rd rilize. Tli(� case Vii; dirert4oli whert t1w cow n '4 to Ilisgiory.- Iful-16aU ()lid- LforiiJopes' cut from tlK% last Jugot t ii -i. t t n i tile oli(_iL�' -rny report of No%+,rvilser 'shuuld ..,It liaying f, -r 4,01. YOU that woi Id 1po chiolly Met _NVhal .vou'd happerr 'if Perry;liall. tile- yo;wt1, jwszr.4,j -'a t -ith the 170, .164t, which coritaill-4 'this ill-, who have ar,� They jjj;ay offit'*' t4 0 Ile o4ent to his corrt*- fa. L: I , (Ail -The I livr's kmi, one Tht-re k dw tM* tliat*niake th.. for expvit -silipmei'119. t, cotil- ('0uhl -4-4- %%:IS til- tUillidifig AKIlt (Or fi-rii;a0ki Mr. L Voster :in(] U4 mtupill t1ij�Ir',blocd fli.j.pEd and. 'by I , 1 It t I ter, our lAor,l. .1nil Saviour, lx)ndmt. v;,,rt- ;VyjjI .1 '. %*fl Ili )'boar -I rratues, about \ValtA,n., itear Eaost Almefi4l lili.-s mall V-41- Illetv" %%:ith. 11.1.44 the iXrAv.rn growing fainter .11! 1 Orl U-9* Aried*"to 8uplirps-r.this. rc- .6 Thero - 3&i.io.4- imiitliation. am. all ;4. -n i:c' tit these jiractioos. h .14 evath vaeb.. AWitt I I* or IZ- -o-_iate� skat:ng very near mn alr-ho: cas"' faiiiter. AiLst as Panks turued.top Port I -em thilic." -incl 1 04* SMALL WOKXN dKILN. It c(lin44ined' tile proof vv h o lind a. delight in. 1104ilig;ther initurai :ttlt lAr- are men incbr-1-s tof the han'l all -I r4poit fix a IiAhit tl."I't ftiZ4) C I)e carried Ili -what P�!) if. floors. sli;- livai-d ill tile juio-t e' ki -ter In tkv,'- tzn- aLli ca-vatitia. john i. 1_3 . 1.4)11. Ili. T -w-' �rly, ftoriiwri� �1,% $klltl?fW-4Ili0 .4 of t-114- 111011"-s. dr',vi t h. n i�., ot -hich 'lie ineanly Qf a )n cat] T)l1tjl1*1 hii)*x'toik of -16 cubic, foot. ingiit t ijo. stninti fir ineii'm voic(% as -if 6 �Iveljled Joy ThIS is Lhe Age When They are at, liorkiLlitil f", V14 at will ill angur tliatlw 0., %V41 11tv 11411-1c( tL$)k J! in Tim --dozej� ca. -40 im.tfle 011e tit- were t4hotitc,41, awl JL;(.L I ill _k?L rfa 41(litig eggli to 'Hilil, alu t4 it- oath Ur #rffj f. ard tha,, finils *1 szo 44- f r,,:ai i ilf-l-jlaginfized,. in fact: h:iz, 01 �,t! giftyilt�.rllrls le,l ly Him, alill to 1W. a Prem'um- 'o Vao I 'blij to supprei...4 -it.. inAni'f- lwrat-t il dw& or chaflt� . anif -�irne ar'.. all- rally KllCCej�Ai(Aj J,11(' 'itrard 01gtorl �L, rf out tn�:,sioiif -r-!; 4 -ti- -ra', o I;a- j:16rir,,,,i by -flint. --Hurlhut. A got) A in. 1h.,tt he come -4 forward &6 thert. I. 116)"t lit cV(1r'%_ I'do::ars- u vi y. sral%(� theill, 1f, I th 'j.1f �.4(; Oreat, Britain. It Ls called tilt! quarter thc relrbrt of three shot.,- Ws. Wilik, Thiii twentieth 4xuitury girl im er� oif �ssu nlyneirilpi-r it 4 'thf. '10 ran to, Vic nvare-4 inucth tailler avid pnore r(ARmt, lau bix- but _�Jljk%V ca..A,,. Im'ing une-quarter of 1. -Oozem, forin hiousi.-, stake them, I may 'to niany, ;�ift mt­rfvvixe.s Lu:&il that kit mledgii!--�%Vllilv -Wil A sf I "a. -,t Alight fr"'ill id rilZure in thi-4 411nestion, 44 Jull ctuicas r&eived s:lr#1441111119 .111 t1w way, A fe%-,� 111111- 4-4: Ia Ire jilytj 1jult- lip-a's had rs-,- jitt" ill tim. j-kA&f0*_ ger feet and )ian,W, and ix m4mv- inais- Y n fl v e *hruF_and Wh;, 1110 Vult ho shall 1w required a t jud 111*411--fis to tro t.) ilv- E.uroliean inarket* ore -the propf-r whbows -ctf thi! s-ildiers-. . , ___ #A: ill 41)f I fir StiAllity, r-411111- hall nQt nt- culine gc-nerally thali %%iw ber gr.ind- c. %, i� r %ya Y itrns ha%, 'PrI)haiis, ;tii-1 front ut-f-s Inter m-veral invii %vere c and & L,. -t' 11"art .1 low, - Tttisoi-' Hill r,iaA -ill he forit- 4elvtA thcre that a v� 4,11t, -4 tit, jwroper t i tile r -1h NVhat`',lA tho nien v%-1 ' ' - - 8" mr,n.. thi I NI1-*w)ur*' (1ty. a hlli"&V-! -11, tri;oullal. -to give a hill aeeo�nt of his 7 f I iL' R? t'horollgldy I,. tf, Ix. liiw igaln­ I ,of tho '4�ift i ntorj)rlses 1, 1 b.% 1) F. ,ts-its (of 11r. Banks. inother This thurntw.. - 11,-ft4 (I!zzy. r,, viitirely fri-i--.1 frl.,lu t heir licit Lheti ye-teralay aftcrno-T] i% reti-fieffil record as AIM -tz lit ot-Thp - �r "'n gratify thls i"Ji'l, f#)r tht- iirjftijir� and widows? Ili tiv. iliait&,.r of linpruv'I'lig our elig They i-4unit'hed tiver his dca4j J.odv� lout it hao i ta; dra w - jr Vnit011 Stntp,4 beforp tile flphrin�r %!va- i'livir cormicie-aft from Eufaula; A' - M- :�o, into slust'. ; Ile - 4 Then thPi*, iywg it, a imooi or ; lit. ()f kllo%% Iqdge.* litwkis, too, -or, �&t hxielt that W %% hat, -ho -at -ill 1,111,41111-111 sli­�-r di -sir- -ntin.. Allux. d th" a 1) lls-t hole All Ili,% left ill(. stel)s- 1. frojuvut. i pi-titi-Au 1111til act(hl. tillon There'was u a wfinle- epaling biwin"s from' Not s t rq trig vitioug 4 to crlwp I I r uAy CO- w-nue itiarringtable youi4g uwn * way. oil h,11.,- J14) -itik ;n ;i chailit% whi telliple, another directly 4)vvr hi., I I ..I.h. foor loy' .,i Lt Utflw ungageil ill carrying on i gr -I;iQrto4 front 'Jl4it -%ecti-11 ijidi- the day -the- troift.le hirigati in -IA90-P1 Lr;enilo"t I's.- Tilt- I#ot i,4 ti:dt or, fr vat trvt!; i4i'li't "it kPI49 is 11"Othi"g; if 4141. 1.4 t i %v � 1 v- -sak4-,- tpf - -n'101vilIg ;Ill(, .111ot1wr tilt hi.,4 right Wile. w1or tile other day - 111i to (1.1tft !].-I% not licull ill. the 1141111,; i-niw-rh tililialath"!, "IJ13 lijult-IL114. %% vaw tigit 114, 14'en iyachf. 1. IW -r%. siw-wm A gaping Jaw thqt hn4,swal- (pent 'and roguklt collection f row Thi-rc was iio, (oil(- im sight nittl vio -orghill of ),Uu M, -k tile st%ei'dac. [nail, ill Jab lutile �nf-j It r oI 71 Cflml-wtent r(ir 0 -pe Inwkwilt, Iii.-ir-ju-N Tll­� (lit lilt �v(# tho L 11 IA" 1,� sill.—Iiiiil. Is Ateriled—lViiethe 11�-It 1,rx, I Allem-n so rim0i t)f- tilt, ,-Irtue and the farmers, Iky - sonj bo.ly-the eggs m)iiii(i for life to ile livard ill I I (' &_�'_4 llpiniviit--, %hether. lie 4jitirefers a larip- ick arrit-ito� f , - 'I " lit' -2 f e .1 th* It lins toopli and 1-.4 firliv the sport or -sip niul-11 M4,N' fl"11- - to. ., . -lig i 0< .. 04;ht 4w wr4png, lit- who Flight �jt Im-troiI6 awl litip. -it (114- foor thaiiithi-v w -itch lh"'- ('"mmu'llty. lie�ng.lor,,ugljt fugether and kelpt At around. A lim.itcol tit#- surnintid- %%(nitau at a dainty litUo evc-atums tho ('aylollflialls alid the 1. nian. hax-t. jir) ing uttinitry ;iil it W*W agallist '140 Will C110KIM tile s"I hrr, i ringilill � 1i 6 Yiwrw .1 li 1 tig to do witb a place %%hore Viere' will be 114 0 through the night. ft.-IcjlCL" _rf'l"ljjItA4 * P.JA. T , otip,. every Truinlofth" A%,t-bU(- -ttl( I. * li'lippi : 1:.-� I . . i7r. - r it-, i.ht.- 114 -Is It Th�­- 4,nl.N- shairpon %-our 142�. llartl.,11-4, t lie It,_ terupt of the British Qupew.4 co, th(-.,;!- things. slmp�ling. The- t4p)tl�l 1..4 Soveral trantlos %%fro 1,wked up, lout. ia Pitri.-4, 4AA.. it il lklitil tfl(. flN, Tik"lls.;l viol changv 4,r. I (41111k�eJelle4% jj.4�tqWts A,. %%vakciis it, tinw. Men like to be protwtomand ties f IN -hancts. T)o rine are '()t IV, JA ill' a_- f -A, % i -rill 0at It receiv wheii it e(mites 4LJi' fitr..-tim-s-of '( ijot jorotiected, ujid ;t im 'It it, tho- hop.- n 0:11 all thl!* j.,ggg fjj '1141 1)(.` 1 tholught to IN tit( tvrtaic Of lip tifere _1'ery trifly. TTenry W. ]-'I- 6"f two, thintt.,�: Ile honost or die. 41ealt eggA loring frow HWH -arance. eaa*t f4x3d that lie iiiiLst vam- f4w a I)Je C t I f- S. Metl evillilli-11411-th ILS not to tiod I Ila\ - at flished Illy Put VIOU I.F1,011,11 tot tlliow this -1 ecqlt� to ..3 eLuLs a tkpzAii wore Tim- t-tily.dwtive thai. ;i,i, inurdwrerli; great, hig, Ftralijoing %ouiwi, W lit 0 Vxie 'EAT ft t it wal, 1146t,w1ult. tla.y jlu!, &,x0 mach , t thi- lo.ok-olit. jt Is a gri.. 4411114: hav(' had Is sitIq-tost-41-t4i ;N- roh- coilld throw him lit a fair fight. lAtilge ql-,.ii ca,,;er 1,P fall than It Is to get lilt Ureat BrItalit flum 4,146" All;'t 1"ok plot -W WY 41W. CIOU111 (11CY 4 -lit to ave they were 'A PW .--tato-if ti,.it a sA#_- lot -m-11 1� FOOLHAUY WUPISION livi ill thi IJA 1. tj ?,Mco .,,I, S111,11, 1 41 -ht f -i h. %votimmi, iW a rulo, aiLre www-tilitie lit it -tgmli. trfmjple is t I uat t hen men IfIllUll), 'Jll(l 1-014-41. 'J'hrve ventos t, i.ozell - gi, lry eof 4vol wh(ni. they % me ':Vi roll he fol - in Kjl.larw y ro�al -4,sj- I ll.rvel 1)4 t i n -z#,) astray froril - th ' path itt .011 eggs wilrit thi-farllle*rK get ouly r4 it M r. 1, k tilt thelit lu;uinero and tjistotv, and fow ft -lo &� usly -grivii-ittic' a- wt-%;ik brother ? oir whio-ji be usually earricid. :lt' (-(Pit c:0 ill- lim-lould. tIT 33, i,4,r rent. stunt like that --in their %%tvits. M&w*u- I thaw to duty.. liwy ire _apt'to s-, a y. :�" ht�r6's lit) .9 ceiits, a dozvll, 1114-alLs J, iv - i af wlltill tic %%,�ljt tillt to fijol ttli. lllvrl� was inan'l'i 41lity to man Ill flum rio. j;r;at,-�i4 i),,otiti .,r at. '%Iala- fir illy tryine-1- to 0t. fjaclC I've sac-- 'f4l�lft wilo tilt! eggri at lo It, - 4. r i line women are, :w at rule, gtkxl &41kilr1w. Nwant Mittman, Who We, lit d i n, n i I w i In! t �q:tjiil this rifick-41 III.. reslwctahility, can't rL- lIrgh lyi-i('04. :trC IK.11114. t4# hilVii, fOOd' illeli U-41orrAl nad you. can 71vixe a gool tinte %%ith ih* but 1hey Itall toti jo with -IN 1 11. Takv fiv(-41 inake rilio-�, iow- i i�f 1 Ili 01:1 ;'1 ttal.k.- k,- a turn;" and vy ifo on until th4�y art, Iq Lillg ilive oil the exterioras well thein (reapi(4ially, V Ceek an A-damless Fdeii, i 'itil 4,v xj A 1, 1 ly (MT c tio- I.viti.-ii 1,srrti 1% L:�­ brilliant sti-tokv ni.i CLZ.i,�GYMANZ Lli-e,,' itilt them t4) uttf.-rly . 41e.4trriyud. I * -tell,j-you; niy -lj.ty'-JjjtI,iP. The tfilrd (ifte. lhfon prefer ax wiv" distinct - is tpf g(j0%j jItj. 1.v :let e4wittrai , t-6 tlk-Ir own courvionev. -or thig spi.s. Torinvillio tot' friends. at A;tigl thi-,; hionidlit, 4)y Mg pO*ljt­Ij th4it t. -very lilolucer'of ly 1�0 o� i1j, 411.1111Y Ili tit, fetuiuim wouien. Y(mi mwer knom triet. I Ie -;i it)' 116,11. N%' 1, 4). 1* -1 Moro Woi rits, That-. the Publip aiv -11, 1'. Tfillp - 1JI)TY :il, vre -it." vaii chan.;4 y4,ur ,ntirf- Ut :111 tile doubtful and, Aware 0. Nt-rVetts Fxh4-,wt1O_-i the f re%xioni you Ili using mea tm 4 .4 P P MI% .,Spit -tv t,(, w1lat to expect, (if anell ft wo"U01, (11 fi�- re n t f ji Lt Inconi(,, !io- that Yilu AviR be rintall fine-, from -t,11040 lip sells for ex- itud Ow in always intlirosting. till RETURNS HOMF, AS A STOWAWAY -h 4others (un"kor forbidden. A is Allilutf.. Y,)Ifr gr at Iers recom'niendai _10't+,fueiit Otittonle. ""ll Yie14 t4 o jio! ijov", f,.rths-r- r t., 1.-� L - L I I;, 1)(# 4 1 will( lovv tAi atudy Iv -r womani.sli nox -4 7 vi, ht,, 4-11,Alt Jbin' owt nipnd mit. '117 Mitre One of tiv� dea %tuwA)1JiWj)lock-A 'Illentis for Confludoll 1897 Ilk -1, -tti.oawe. .014 it. is ionly. a *ill-Sti-11 (of tinw ivhrii that WAIM eggs'.14hould 11�! Washed. There. N njore. worry vowtect^l 'with allit out1mrsu. Never a (Ia.%' IMLOWt 1);'Atigoll? -_x4j; I w I Li'll you which might ltvad t4i the qsi-erthrow Tliat is 1 Moycr. of Alinoute lout whjiA you ]war omwano iuwi a"', ;111.� AIMIF-41A. 11.1A :Lit tip '11( . dc.1 j r tlw routhie life 4 the average clergy- or faluL., 'Vloll way phint ill tile the gri-:tI want of e.v(,tv I an.. if ailled,11. It is thc w1j" fla$ MUfCDL a M""S Of t It 114 "�4_ t -0w im i -o delictiounly feluilline., -140448.6 bus 'e t I 1.1t 11 09t ex,-itlng frip of it fr4pik" Sall I"N'116.-co thin-, is sli'n( h lXx)p10 inlagille. its llot . I I 1.., 10. tr . V mart "Be umv. &wllic -0to-rif'S of trilth - anrl l. - Arti Alters,, 'Illy wh,i. have tr, g -4, 1XIall "Ei0er tilt- - Weak I top n. IV-11iii. i . . 1" b1011,101 to.go g r-. t (. 111A%. ledgl­ ln� X. -0,7i j, f, r tIL4. I x',l*.l-1it:c#;k ffozli 'ti" alld brick ngal all t ho to. r 4 *.t 04 -Ili the. matter of pickling k wo mit ()T #L bundmi timps are U A 0 1 rI:,,htf,­ijsno­s, that man e -it Is (Imlinifile that they sh4sulik Ile itlutiet; a nittitirariouis. ail. I it 'is little shackleo li%olrd `jW)llhf4I 4o a hig, buxom wo V'_- 14 1 r:&nk ljqk,r,--o)n, liviarterin.l. t4,r,- fel.' .4)wn ina it. inakp,;' $1,61111 rall�-n vi--14nis - til the, `,ili ti at I --hav titrr. w-areel�­ fre-, fwmi thr,. 0 1 c2i or Liu- lifyttlien Inquiring ftatll-r.* t'!- AutralLm 41141 notri., rrr, it, n I'# I lira -h(,ndiAg ? A,ou ir(- An a lit cold stow.ig4.-. roonts w 1wre, nian." , From wl&lt It would ww,. tile I?* t4) -d& 8 d 1j.141 I-roke hi..; neCk: r%%-41 oT irkie, itsvir will lit- e(+I. Ilickilng y C.4, 1. P!"S y it �*o,ar. anor spenfis W116-11 .1 -tier that lie frequently b.-roin the ` )4 sin. Yql1l rusb against- fff wall (ir 4 a after light", sov piu, tile villighrell. Allat tile young niallrof IllirfW62.8 yfoll ako-, bfieterla I n* may, `mi. alld F1 thi- vii-titu of i�crvulla exhim-Aicill, itumx)ill- the mo(Ilt-rn jcWl as it ip endid creature In r;,%%- or t!,t� Lrig Per( -V l'.*-j%�_jkl-..:A %vt,ro, s pri:mfi.' and try 'ttj ge� out. arid 1protv(-ts the eggs -1911111-st all thf. 1),11-1ijov of. darktwss vr.;. 'ilia, CU. Ili this cimKilti(di (V Clir'441;111, t., whily.11 all 14101 is y, 4t -fail; awl ymi turn a -ound and jud other .-active 0:1t cause dom TlAt feel sentitneMat Vl- 67.0 h -V t�jp Kq.*'-Wvftil 1:111., f,11 a I -111II a& but 1101 -;t40%%jjWa3,tA, .1f,41 #-'ven %%Ith that 4-xtrir 'Ve hav,- Min." and ths-Y Ing, t,!It-- alo. .4puly ineat. Sit at 'trip d-iAi ;%g:6n.qt 1ho, '()thvr wall. �intil there fief -:13- fly netling tiir,mgh the I,q)r(,(; liiut%W 11ijik 1416 atit, tuore sqxN-4tIJI)- 11104 -to t t1f$n J�J-4tj; calculated V 60.1 ward Imr. 81w is not llia, .'v - t he run f rom 11. 1 1., 1-. the extra- -cn, llic. torati-s ancl 111,10(l ion. -of tilf. shells. .4'liploing eggs Ili pickle,18 I It ac't k. 0 j&z bi, r-� iy other f is not o4fly-ta f -six, buttoo-at Jit-;Iiim fontiment. a . j s til, 11;- the. �iiervotu; o-yisteni tll.vl :Lt if 5-1.6 il(-kI.-jlj4I1 7A-alandt, -Lqo 11ow4til(I ill Y,jai will ii.:vcr �,4,1 our In' 4 tile licathell te r% ry J-4A(Ts, A %vilip Ft, Alme frequently by large shippers. In I*-ttof in I y 4 0, to - wa �* of tjii,.* comitry there in such a large stip- 1 promptly rtwtore the ill the pre.-Incts 4 ELEVEN hHOTS A FMCOND 56.2 t is � r " wi I i 1 1 V4. wif r- -r tirne tliarl the Mo.-kil.-A, 1)lit fit t le I I L Wine. W14 itut the other day with 1141 le, I flow it, .�Jjt 1,.('t L'r) rpria kV1jv1l 1114N A -1 ow priee- -Ili ww r to Rev. I;Inl##L.t %%o.11 tp:i- her t"'t, I tj Fig, 4AA.- *;I kq-y-that can ricivinal titatc, of health Ille , 11W I -*jii­ht��,�#) ,rr-at wai; LU rw-y-# is fiv r;t, 4 V_ w -it - .11 -k -it pl-Istill Ijou:-:c. , It is tht,.- t;reht June, %Villiant 0arke, it ris-hig yomig Nleth- litA. a if] in mit.- only WILL- tll(' IWijlt,kWf cating, floev; order of ut, k 11 -ay- tf 0 N�('w &-alan4fit wa.4 foollivi tit. Ill, InAs anel ki 1-1( � th, 116L-titi- 'hittil tile fnid of not rebak-P th;iw prarCcri here, but he RemarkaLle Weapon fting Zxper itimlar'41. lit- his liji-k. he roollf(I "it Ill"If i why koy ior th- housii if- I t IN tW: .rj4 annot f4flip snt a leties are W;J11 - .1.,�A�rt­ ti,no, mi:. ­�rsrgs% ."k#% 'qt (if lloll:trs. Tt tll:kt the 041illix C. ()dlst iiiijiLster mtatlonei at Orono, tkics t�o 1,&Ity ki eUrtp I. 14 -22. -F -iii-, tuented With in Nrit&lu. ;trs at hi� g'irdlo. rit until :iftor that time. Tlib; "'I have dorived average hilt I It is such dijIl %v,,rk. tht.'; 1111117 k'- v I ha t wc. I Pro brig Perry 1:*J-* V'.11 ilf tot Put t1lat. kil­y-to -iltilres that tile eggis Ont., Payis great. eott. Ile plillwdenvil—The weak tllg- Tile. E.uglllih t�40W.InIllitilit 6 IW%% e]L-U&t they jl1l*I 141911% r thi r - '. in 111� Irs 'fc jlj� If, Wdt shfpot� ll.ttrk, 7.11idl, -_ eit oi4iy, qr ht, haw a rIght, at the tor It-pnir lin, . lit figifff, ;tato (A thin i% S%%. j Jig 'Ll a r- L-. 11' xi 114 4-siter w*rrl; tjollsw. till,; pidlin-, diown lif ljoi:11 Im- ph%serve(I sonwhow; and'. if I)cllefft, front tile Ui-x' fit Wi perimenting %-till a gun which will Iii-q0th c4wcs 441,1111till, ft- . r , 1_1 A-ril 14 - ) have I' ;" And ex) 1w I -pit to trample Iliq # If ttli't 1); n I % to 1;#% lorewrvv I In rf in :-kef", lorig fr4plib ll� h*,4 yvar f4sr aii . l(w .%fjr+4,(,r gtiods and st-111ne, -t reni pickle they should I -111k pills. I rotuKi that w tieli I at- 1,000 AJOU Ln 123 WW(XKU, 't, ays rr,, ,,im i.iT chi.ist .1, is a very ill I-0. -at tll. 11 L1.161 1-411110 Of 11110soi- Whi' dant: this W. im. fiickl4-,l ill coItt-t4toragre. )lave W ktu.(iy I wxMill become 12._YP jin.-agaJust (lurist-13 New York Herald It it, tiw 4ieadlitwt tCjJlI)tAMj y in- plit tile 1114.114-y ilitop tile ventnrl- are 'the riment. -1 1 m f 1'(.-! r 1111 r.y e �4� t. ill ill,,, Ily- 111i,lilicatiom from mg shippers rul-ddayor -,er#0:,,,d 1potly when .1 o-011111 P'It jig, 4 till Itim-, autoniati( M. % -elif ILO jnring ITIs clilhiren, wlvv4p wrfmig XEN'r FOR CONSUA111110 drow&cy ail- I could n6t, apply niyb _jr.l.kilig thot N.a rid. TR13AT. le.- At- llkw� - Wf r 1 1,; t,- I ori ro �Ifl lid and pick till. a for a recilve for Making ple]L reels as flig ovrn ;. by" hijuring Ills yet itivetited. As witli all ninic -ever. 114- �Prllis .-.in -woork.4 -r weino to have my w4wk. My (jigvotion was very bati., Coll_ t4 mhvir4 that 'rry irisioliously. 1110:14 every 1-4rg: idiiplic guu#L, t1w flmt t4h4A must be fired loy fl,f­ drum. and flaunt Oil or -ei'meS 1.1,ive 1,86en F und vely ,0wjl'j)a ticular r�vipe, foe tho pur- eawk, aiwl d4v4r4sying Ump work lip io r-IPM4 !�..-A-rtve the Silva',41ii, iMif-r. sins 1401111.11 th r and' Illy nervoxw oyliwill xx.lued to be lauid. A rUir that tlw we-:qkui will ab- -o -ultA wky t4l, sy,.'lipy, N.- S. W. : tilt. tlai�. a'wj tzathor,th(1i: i -cI Pmr"iluirg. lin,; r4une to do ; fly mierf-ltr~iitIlW at.. Jr.#.rtf.l. 'I 1 11 . - In iffy jitilgillent,one thing is w)rb fartridgm- nji-I cauit a chaiii 4of 11W I po"e. - out.of gear. At firot I Ixtid but littkl tits ii-pirlt awl character.-I'vioullet. 4 che% Its joro- to for �)itii;iiiiia '61 a gootl It iijolw-ar-.4 I t!tjtt th,% Th, ri, Ile ),111441 thi- 4-rew of Vill- Ala- wilit htizza. lout 411k, MI' A iifi%% treatitif-ii- 'jLjI_(%_jSe,,ti:,i ror.tbe inaking I)uUeU at, long ao-4 it it, fed. Experimenti, -luji i in the 114 -all I 'r llttA1'4jt1qli to the * juatter, ImL found 1-3: -muinvitg-ull 44 )N% 11 tecomit, an. i la tor fill pait- 001nis ijiv-sUi -nii jj, o, Ix pickle ; it Is tfint tile, 111010 WJOuld niade thus far show that iou the cwca- I-lifliweircri by thu. deteriviii.-c I :1ttitild- Iroill �4011-r ('-"I the argumeitt. Paiii rorlitjoLiAlei-A io put t4l, w(irk ill the kitelitni.' night, In silence,an4t.when tbt-Y-f 'rlo of precipiiily tile sanic fij)0elfiegrav- inytscuLgrowhig jvonw. A't this triiner I Won of a lorier, Pharp attack theb gwi i -r ths- admiral -i spf cie roreigii itavi- f ra v 4. thoxf- is � 11ilit 1,1211110tioll, fins ri, 4-11tly- llp4ii- trif-11 It%- , all)JIlljoll of tIj4j egg%so that it n mmitmm ninttor t4f lead even the --tirkis . . rt !- *%t Ailf-klanol. Nl-%% - Z4-Waii-i, Harry -ilit- . ill(.. 1-7 V 4:,..i i I t, .. . 1 4 Ity 'L 144 tile intO Nill.-BinnVy. caii ac -illy -U ;111.1 will ll,4 w..n I tlii- '1 4 10 sit 4 -s ill,- wat; statiotied at Fort Stoewart, 0ut-, w-enk4-Wt 'C4Lr6tJ.1ll tit, Ile MJJA�111' IA) flM eIVV( :4.1t. aniotlier o4-:.4-irter fi4vm t1w 11111 -,-Vjf ir ar -of Alli' there will IW, 110 butiange of ttle IlIckle tdioto Ili a isingle wwoiml- r- -mio-r. If#- hall a i,f a Ifedical Vollt. . _nivi inii4 tius, egg. or Or. tho egg Into 0 a!"Id wais bmtrding atr tho rrome or IL Teaehlrigom; Knowlexige wul love fleolpatch froin I.tnirea-zo I.I.irill:uz jo,liiq-,i t1r%,,Ao' , a t, leffur.40 , . I ge, le , *11ould po linve A very InU�rcwtiiig featurt- or this. -41 011 - aill; ailli. tip ll;ly -eiF ver.,K pr(p ; I It i". �Piekle. A rule or t4miniii, will not give *4towkeA-Iwr,. wlK) 'advibcd me to try together. It Is lietter W. I C - gu 1pft f. Ll', gi i 11likillw i ieu ii Is that thf, vilikojive power t1vit w4jr-1 wao. recs.ivc (;qKi approre fir uN thait 'ttv th-ink illu0i San �jjjrlsf- mc -n wh6 %V#* L,4 I, j. t,4.1 t 114 ji Ill I t I i aino" Pink tj -4 ''jilf fart% tre:jtinetit e geril ei- -�i I -joilts MIC m(Al would Dr. Willi, 1111o. I djwi&d j 'j*lj#V-A;.1y thJkt thl- Iortugi4(-.-4- tripul*- liv-k V g( r( If tile of our own relves. INIAlly Idolis *io llot, roxilto f r(mi Use ime of t The Niow, tilf-ii. rfirelip: d l. (L. -Xer of flit !oll'- and - nza V piit 'hiiii t4o %%torkl VOX& Of 'this 1-11I)SUL11M IN 4'Xjlc1KU%l Ill a=- til. 11 get -o"w (kilicate, -Ilatl agaill r4olte4l tho. relm-1, in G :L.tf)1jguP lof flafne., that Will iiever. 40 iind tlsankt4 to thi-4 medicim, I have tho IK)%i-er that 6nd has. It is a tIlf 1). _)pj4 ko tip' a., pickle af. f4 UK: I)rinci-* .41 ' thi isis of the iiihninimtr&tioii i or this triig. haVe ;t-ebeinm mn twmat- bLack iiiowder h& (mly 1.11101 alrd captilred two Mit I" 1heir lit, of tolera ico* 4 tilt,- *lia­ !WjwisfilY 00 f am agalit ivit1ored V-) good- Walth. #4111 to be rzirel(va allout our exaiuple lackw -1 4)ver a , gniog joist ilk IvN ks whieh %%'I n g to` th"' -4)()!lit` I ame gravity as t1le cOn- Christ Fufrers wh4wj Uis chikiren a.-- umful for prosvuri- to t4w extevt (if lial chieLK- Thf! retsirt, liowev,er,. I at I'acifie -sotrt4-t will n( -%-(-r tie lifted. 44 ni re 11610, 1 11 y, I �)z. nor tha�w cil*unwtall I feel it my Tim- experiments 'Ar ith J)afly. do -4c; Wut.,- of e. #,rfWjjjl- vorifirin4ti(m. tiven the door -of thitt ffian'.4 h -art, and 1i4lftt- t1mr-cVM4. it would, I am ecin- :U con tl)Jjjr(A. IN*4,, never lmc� any by prae- '0 per emit. %% ilarl ye-44,ril;av- , I'll ta-Wil, alwmt,': If' .. i atisfaction. Tlw 44 fatal t4l of aolotlr�.q wrigglime their do-rinically', rnlx(-ll witrli't.)Ii e foil I tlj(.� fistent'-OgIV-4 #4 iluty to gay a go(xi %% ord for Dr. Wil- ticjllg coklite asui witli the Ctui referred -to tjL­ tFilo #j thf, Pi-ro-v YOU 86 " 0 a c -ttkrti jito . portiolt of one. t�-f) -five,.. nd fl.v t. - he adlow concluo4l-Mly Vigi cordite I& n(* Intle.,wribablil. litori(.ir -tintil you ill" Alustriall 1,17(Aince.-4 am motit, 41-y MitlInI4411 �%.Bsoltjl OD01 M.- ql.ICK1,j 'liaiini' 1 -ink PilLs." PRACTWAL kURVEY. away and hide_your fitev, alid ask (N moutli iii � iFaIwujl4,;4' -af ter -arli liteiO. 1*06S Y. affectAigi fly water, tw bs XtuilKm4ler, ji.'#vraI44-- Eighty-five. perwolls. 4 th iiiok,t fospiliarily- 'tip feirg Cof Ili A vaqwe'whl0h Ivas- rec�nl I - br-oug-hit Dr: Williams 'I'luk 11116 -eure by Tlw-#4er�vlce of love 6 th to. h(1V, yott. et It. Th(-.in(_).S 8 1 duty of brery Ultriatimc Lowe is active and will stalmi gmat variatiKwi in tem- firfAvned 411 -S11414i1L: MJXtY- IA,— I #-%'4-r heiini or. '111cif- is I'ojji(I lint lie .46red near any rittey evil 1,4 they 11. at perAture. una(1vq-rt45vd. Tbp cl,)m- Ive - g4)JIW to the rwt or the dWniw. I t h i s Ix!for4-_tllr�j1Iniv, at tit(! joirerwift iltiti- iWitr, an f -bilt 11I.VO4.1f, -1044,,Mst! 44)i��unities of exercise. It I.Schl allil Jaw 110 0:141 too Illalm of it.. Mep 014-1. a odoroum (onitni I t foelLs %jille nearly lbuiltirt'd lilt.al rely wtotisractory rf vefitilrf- with. 11I.V eyes, nity d6es imt hear 1)0h %V,164, njost t1w proclivity of jor all- rellOw alld WWI up tile NOW, and Inerramtr; Iti t(ttength every, tinic It 10"Cls, ten; 11.to jitf .4 ' ' - . it III'L JtM to it. fir 1!0. -givi-ti after tfirry v.-i-eks' treatini-nt- r-Awcial cate, -4hould tic .4;tmngtLen tile I mlb ,f)"t )ill auded in gamin permaw fire nlibAilla, 11, s'.idoit %4:tii Uraiielsew n it Wirbing. odors. icrr(*4, thus drivft M flulls k-Tiougli to) tpit 'or it. t kV ill olippilig. V im" I eVery, fItLI I to )w ttrowised. Ill th I. lo Lho patif-litliatPgaltied Ilrone Instnnee a W111t. IA)Ve PXCelIPtI ter vir- -4 1.4-tv ;Atlantis, .1041 thi-Y tile are xilpl"Aw t *4en (.rally - tho iTyPnt*y It-liks -silo-ntly twelve pouif(6 lit weight 11�,rht 14weaU- mIll%ment '.of eggs wax pinceil near from isysti-m. Avold imi- t1w liroverbial 11ritiadi coti- -1.11 f,""ticil froan An1wierp i._; q) ag.111�4 .;t,I")vo-rty-sArirkeii plave frofn the-. in hant's.- till Int4v the tic : and witore iove alkPinitim in full -liligv4 Wildly. tetla- A AW orc 1. _t - 161:0 - ilisappf�ar(iil, awl. thf; alilount of lit of nplilee oil' ilic tat4oiw; by Inidsting tljat every hol wrvattsin %Iiich Atey ;j p -i yjjj. di.-A-overe, I Irellovs- that'whe' *.iy 1"TIAWLry suin -)f IIA a largi- coiisignine ineaxum, It will have for its compan- ci40u&4j.v to A Y' ga rm-do-r"..; - wallet. OX19440ratioll lit 21, bourx i had thillill-, all(I , becitifie almost unsaleable, you purclaum k4 enclosed in a wrap- Cient latidituut. t", of � x I?cqw^4 elf thp sirith tlii?r.-. �%ery no isla;PA4 we coillot ja (4.1ho Ainirl, r)ijws 'leading to this gewer g, And,the �.b�,Catlgv It wai; co1hplaillptl' that they ion true knowlt,41ge. -Sip inutill as th4vu them 1.4 a gr(ming feeling alw"llt experliti4al''having br-ell amrii-ro-I tit., &4'44f.4 od-our ff4-t without thf! 1**r- oof 1-niquity Is the"excitement of busi- pijig bearing the full trade,iuurk Dr. 101-1-14, m) Illut-ItAllou know4vd.." Kilou-1- i -do of the E'uirolienn, L, t0ss I I re. I ;' I t not a, ssigniticant jact cough, which was n"llfiv IllecOsIllit had.the (xk)r of apples. llivkl6d eggs but not alone ;. or if . 10twilw4-W Tillen 1111at thc 1:11gliall KI - �,y tip-- v#bte oif a further vref',It fir - o,- -iiii., if),cia wava 9-,jo� lie.fore tile Itpatilient wa conlillunic-. so apt to be Wetted by �Aors Williantn' Pink Villo for Pale Peq*e. eA*e (of ItHd l)W4WUnM L, 0 With - ow 400 franes--thot I;egic. Then thO trOubir JWgait. We that. the majority of tfie day g4antiling ant Jlot Coupled with I;rido. "Iove must lie tite jjl)L tile combination hfouses in New -York- are In pFoximity ll.k'l (fMocao" to W"V011 t"1189. '11) awotlhrr egg& Ili the pieklinst,them- qu"ein or life ; the heart of the tiuder- forrign traik-. atid rv- t!ff% *AAW ix>b,. expityr1mg exPetlitill'i 1'13 W;1iltiA Ao )orvak P_ (*X- $)I ho;irm. A barrier general seoijnSAO IW 3 *dPjx)sjt oil the vilells quirfoi aii extra clerical fortv A Antwerp M AW114 ap-J. fl-ki thfi. firA4" f)f 61, * Wit lit,41-41 t6- 'Xail -4drect? Men go Intip; it U R. Society pourttne. stcindlitg ; the ahn of tho undertaking. A- 10'artf, will IfNLV4) W ith %ill . i0l to, 114-t back W (Ifteinent of t4trwk. gambl'itig, and !rom lise or tljJA treatininit, In eksai of coil- - will 'I, to'(Is ;to 1111 tile pores; per- 0 I - e n Somi, :oitv writop thus ilb AllAwer to CX)MIllittop Or tlif, Hollow of ( flil.14141" at tbe�y plunge Into the gambling -Riltuptioti Is foulld-in, thp., extremely ljjjI*, t1int im the'reapou %vby the shells 1%. IA)ve U the infallilile Wkeffl of tli(**' lim already a.saili-rted that tile ai(*411- Francisro,.Itut wo, were it rf li.)Iel 1'. -th a (wharge Ili Lavor with (;od." --.% Chriotian intist The lleral4p. 4#1 N144,4161, say. -4 it I'll- ou,,.Res. as. whi-ii nien are intmOcatod. "tating propertic.44 of We drug,- of pickle(l -(,igg* -trig islinost Ownys which a rather prominent timl or tlw n"'W4. 1,yeitenl %%(luld liave tit-ratmids, Quit t1w -United State' they go into a littuor the wwletlft 'riv. Perry I'1War#64 %VA14 14till . for salt% h saloon - t(s ket 111.1king tile hyrodermical illfg-4 Paill bur"t When boiled. Ix,rioniage inadi- agninst., 4) n0t1diig except ()it goo I groundo, and (rip yen r W-11(011ing tif nit tile 4 -141141 - It ffAlr %vllfvi 4 left Suva." tion that Is Wit- fill prw-riw.- njid-its,.adinifilstration liy-- for till% lie hinuiell' niust 1w groundeili Ili ernment 101A decklell up wit ore drink,. . The agita Oil Of lid -It far"I better than Mittlillilf. He :1n . � k toarket When't I hf, I's the Christian EndonvorASOCIety love. GosWl knowleilige coubtsta itol Ili rrin ln tive I'lliwd Xing4ions. audt4wrv, m4fit,llft icitip,r for t1my joliellicatl .1�1 11#1111 -, "emsed In tho 'stoc the xtoinWC-h'-#t great tating of tile BjjM8H -MAILKE.T *'-CANVA88ER-$. 6# 1 - is n.11 ever-s-rov% ing Ilrestillre t111441 that it r#.w twmar)4 ont itr tio. fire, eclarting?'" "'There In kn(I L . r I "North- lillilig jjlelUl.;rjLli0 0 a seliciol for vain, Iffelt*e, notioiw. whit -h jilflate VIC f(_,w Itog n(i4qtioli, :L" it %v(mild &1d alllpdo it is UM MI)II-;hr- -ire from chair annfounves. the- wo ( f tbat organ. It The Minister -of Agriculture author- nothillir jlifgl,-jc4.fllI ,Tnitrwl St,,Ite,4 :111,1 w,.lj4 :,.tjo to pay -lutif f. DO Mind, but it 1% a quit-Irpnit tIlLat tinbc the j *estern,o'-or "Fort Wayne,"'or "Rrick very probable, bowever� that about - exmrthig. Irl PoWor. by c, b4co. .%ecor(IIiur' - j,;,anmd,,. izes, ille to statA!--thitt ho, lia-s decidt-A 'which. while- it, rinily tile effortA iitw%% lWiulz "'Ads ke the f tht. .%iiekl,awl to Sail Fran or -.New York: -Central`," An.d nl)eutli;tq will soon find sultable *-* * 1'eciple, have to marry. Howi-an 1111111litiate lj� ftint ilia te rell .\iiK-rV pirfAertkill (iffifijil too Joint, tlwi trill, tt) tile A(I-LIM"m ; F -dell- the rat! tat! tstt! of the-' auctioneers _e0n) to place at leamt two jaeu Ili Ureat- tllpy iiiarry 1111lewi they court? UOW tquictifles. A o0cuad kno%% lo-iVe 6- 440on- to 614aill South nild C4.11t 111.411rKC-11W. Enquiries malle. ill 40 %vit% ollo fir t1w. grliallwAt awintilm ever hinations with (jtlwr drug� to remove took After tile distribution tial 141 ClirMlantty : iuul thim lieglux can trnAp- eircim elilelted a j1pliIal of Uw,. ac(-ar- hammer,, and the excitement of making 'theme olustacAcK and render'tbe idetlmd Britain to call thpy court uiflevq they have an lierpetrq.W. Belt mays!, thme who en- .."cornera," tind getting up. "pools," �and Pat I of ix-rishable food protlucts. The Uov- OPP01-tullity ? IN11vto can rellginitim U) 19110%k tlwlf am "Wil ow (mt- loves t he ejr .f tj LLq a nrAmneecniont. ginem-rovi, tjAC WIleMp never. IwLd auy� 4-c'a -k," ah -d a "break" from more nemptall4e -to ants. conflict young ix,ciple learn t1je nobl(*r plfi. right." such were -the trutlis whieb The 0cwtitest Book. yrying stf)( ernmelit wfil not compete or �,nv% onwumirs, or Lite Anistraliall fC41- iplAnd in view, untf only expect�wl to W to 70, and the excitement of rush- with the reguhtr commercial -agen-, 11W IlKiffit 0XIAMWIVO 1)(xik rvrr Illilk- tijon 1pill ill the colonial Parliament Hot.Wilk !or-.the,0cmpIex1on. , Inellt, of -each other's chhrnetpr tx%t� Paul would Inxtil Juto tIl4- hearto atul I jo mid W IW tim era rpe.cqve wo nineh cal4h itimi then leave Ing around In curb-stoine brokerage. cies ; but the Government W i)l tit) tri than at church ? SlinH wc drive 1211n& of tbe Oorinth Ian, Upoik hearing fished in' the Trmilt revo.lim, thp #.11fitene" 1.4 alt,- im1wrtant tj . ip gul6i In tile lurch. The twomoters and the budden-cries of "Buyer, three!" for W 114 1. jr &I I il;cti-wr tile War cc- ReAwl- Ilot Milk Is tille liewent i4nacea at it clill to ald ill seturing 00 our daiighter.,i and sb4ters tA) ha 11. t4wir compkint., Ili% w" flulek too di - c off I - Y Of reetion. The CrUX Of UIC ten!" by 0wo oo"Mi- ant Of tile Fellen3e, Ite.cordii to Mittmall " IT11yer - 'Take 'em!" "How .111 coinplexion IV& If 4ho-face ij b�st lKmIlde market in Great Britain room,4, e:ir#1 imrtics. thentres, to find (virn tho tx)liit of error animigmt theni. lion, inow Ileilng 1000MI difficulty is tile "IMUM of wetirinpr many?" and the making, or losing of W, freekIP4 or other- for Ca 9 We 4ri j4pectfully i, -k lw%*r- -niey boaxtKI Ot frecvlolu. jig. IK�11(,Irj llwl,,L to The 17nttpd FULUO at A c(Vat tlw, o4maller Stat4v; with- lund licit, have bacceeil(w $10,000 by one operation. -unflts a mim sirrinkled, mallo tiadian farut I PrOducts. I ftul IJU14IM1,1141, (If Riwwt E4770X). W till" t1wis rIj4ht04 Of STI;4- Alameda wits detailleff nearly wW- nffllet-W, hot milk, inys- the *n�- 'Suittg over mytielf v iortly for veyeral woiw IlAv,- consider before making xueh their bondage. lilt U) or (lut (I"wivill, tile nviem or tile wivant- werity-w-ven broirm at 11onolulO. Hteam -,to go -,x - home, and so he go" up the I.Uldas't over the new rpin6ly," will' objects (1) To we t1w existitig con- ecitle-ign, againat lip wi"int. L2.36.81is IW b". paid f jW& w1dell ogiould be theirm from the t flight of xtairj�.' amid husinous offices t Ile W*le y. T The &;acriflee of love umpt lie volun- it will. 'ermany cause.4 thel de- IL Ct*e. Conver -4 Ai clare that ditiono of th� markets there ; k2) to WxkAy wlis nnt origintilly intended printlnr &lid 11indfilK. W"PTIMM1�10 jjl#jilgjv4 I'mmi (i prodilel t tary and pokwx1oki. it c4wtv jioliltilthing stions. to the dark I y-ru rtained, wooden -shut %9 \!act f)f sbeir larger populv lAy. Thew awtickp were made lit Engi. 'teied room, gaily furnished Inside, iLnd the face, kafter beft %%,,jshv(I with learn * tile ua*eut preferences for pack- to Inalp. lnat.-Iws� but, it I�Onjjts tilat to rpiWler acceptable wi-vice. It cutA at 11080. Ulrfw -rear" AJ 444 is 49 Ths, hellef ut tlie Cre it stylles and quidities of g0odo; -timse. it. Ila. talIA4 that 1)) vd larld, Alipped to Antwerp, were ear mlik at flight, W, Is wtindprfully re- agv@, .4 ljjrt4i(. %,ill raink laigher off all welf1ph plazo. Tt triunplow timler- likete '0101 w("t, aj"(i 16114% tot' takp-s his'plaee at the roulette or th,! Wr uldalit, h nr4LrJy Lfw(J,000. It rii-I froirn thati point -to Sydney, *,4. S. frealie(r, while the Pkiii soon I)L'Cf)nie4 V,'I, to give Information to Boardt of, tit n th()w, nj.-jjjj. to r" %he now inilitary cornnu a in any %varI(Uy ")_ foot all jilmis that *ould work agaliwt e fly ebarge-I by tho Sultan with W., ill fierman, bottommi and ejent from faro table. toft-apd" white. 8onle 4. Trade and Producu! Exchanges about of 112 w1uniew Many year -A ago for sermonic pur- V& veil go Ho far riet At tile ­anw time, the writer another'N Intercist, ow well its all Wallis w cialita.1no ITS to wr4eck tile autonom.Y t1wro to Hawaii. This roundabritis ses, and in company with the chief sw to jK)ur*ii gunc-rous (lutintIty -)f milk the arrangements inade by the Gov- (.()Ill voting peoldc to be -'thought. Uuat t*) n(vt- work for atiother'm inter-, am sktins willell atft Uke b�wj (me very important e in macle practleable I)y the (rr police of New York, I k; rui. P 1. -rive littlo cause for aspl(g *at. No mail llve)Ui tA) himself. Sacrl- agad 1114JIls, -W luw pa^ng. visited one In the water for the hath,'nntl claim ornment. for gettIng Canadian product I hattu'a of tile war, W, Rio at-111MLmh into the juarket4 by tliese new I - - —_ fileputies reprewolting -tile paki, the German xhipm 11Y 4 the most brilli' t when t be eye Is ~e and I T 1611tWily ant gambling house.i that It is 1)()141.tivOIY 1111191ral in re- Mill talk.t tallfax Rcror&r. ricip tit t�wee eth ajid pho Aa y. Tt was n,ght, and as we inovin�,; fatigue. Ktoragu eltaiiiielm, to try to get rid of t1w Ix)dy full of light. Love oweek I ­ a. �)J&Cve a pasm or so tile lingering rewaltin of the old pro- mvint. I'litting in that elt 0 eaarne,A tisirk. Common salt that Is awd dally in I not tier owin, Im not puff4mi up. f4uprefth- h&M bM saK Ce canadlan-Wtter, and .,our 100,d in Tm3eded In the, body it legt joy comes in gladdening otlwm. A of tJW bwk i ommiAl4rrit snitn" IAV44ful PIN* JW NO 4W 11>467 "ract WIV JOY144L beillmade J. "n pp� WTI ,uris t ,tn c 'AA