HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-08-13, Page 2,.4T. qjL� URTU U U A J6 % '06 visit lier was all omen from which, LABOR. I lie quitted England, he aug ed the IDAY SCHOOL k EEW YORK ere ur' VEN YEARS best; a sign, at all event8,-when she A Fv) rT1 An Honest Tes On to DiKest Two tkospat-clied the inessage, of her being Coming Men no longer under Birou's Influence.'But. V ci .0 V i *TION,&L L=80N NO. VII: L Who Says HiF Touch -Of Was. IA't W L A D of so R Wo still— 0. ,h ant icte IAt U0 Waited a year to see if his Neuralgia IN THE INNIN :1 It "Mothers" lie begins, 4bruptly, un- 0 I ic hup was cured before he would testify. 1111 0 11'. lit. I abla longer to -Ixar -her commonplaw and Women. 9' "'T 15' 18@7 to gold, ule w,jtrk talk, the cruel suspense that tortures AGRICULq�Ultl,' 1U, Ummuming fic Ok for tho; ft"c of others -I C-01% U) 9 t i luelt, It eat it. In .1,11la-li L4tarts tip, I him, 'I Ew, a good deal to my surprise, Uquiposting docis not- inereaw the �te - eat of tig-t-luick; slav rlimiiemberiiig till age au:l. hai.il--vme that Mr. Laurenft Bircin is In Es- A remedy that won't stand the test of lie latent heat of lacking �.Jfie W amount of manuAD, bui prevetats the ME. -)7. Written ;it wid tht� a. ta"16 44joking at I her Edwin—for. SIS AN D To "fie wls Nvith i`ert�on t' terelt" time is not much good. A so-called cure A. 1).1 Place.— I 4!ven a wrbfb.�S% nor flu M-fw i valuable elemetits from mcaping and REALIZES THE fiR and the 041wx .7 & %7"Mmalm in her eye -.4, witn rian(w or Yes, answers my MilaUls Minty, that won t . last Mter the -remedy has 1310 an4 me are two ismall girls, 111 71 X%7 %- WA. gg, a clifichfol, wIth owelling veins. Lady,.Austein reflecte uot.ilxat It I& arranging a rebellious- TrIIIJug of hei puts it 1ntQ 'better sliaM for� hand- ceased being taken is of very little beneft Faul, the uu#lior, U) the --Ature am for t1w im. in_ ling; aud you are pretly suro to add I'm six and alw'o just three. It - to reduce tIN- litoiaiible'tQ be notorlom; through sheer Ce 10 hureh. 14 unit& Age - Weill, I have sunk low, 'alk%uridityll W.fitering a --dining-room pompadour robt-. "Laurence Btrou Is* to it Eome thhI403 Whi I you would you hav4e Neuralg6 as severe.as Mr. 81 1 aN a lot of nii brown cur And It have rtceived the la6t intlig- otaYing Just at Present at the Hotel there Isn't one on me. -billiectoft Walks .- Tlie Gold Ingotii Sold by $1rajiw it in teinliera- ItitY Ynot, hall it In your liower to Of- or thmtre o4i Birpne; :arm*, riding on Varadis." not otivo-riwme. taket the- Jrouble, to turn- GeQ. F. Johnston had, -you'll - not olAy B t his int-Ule, he w into fertilizer. want the pain stopped temporarily' but t the Corintl:i4yo. ui8 Ui offiep in Wall 8 ill re- fer .%ge!­ I,, tile wio-o,c Et1gi6-h lal' horseback -in Public, Plac" with 131- 1 `61 pq8apd thl-4 Way last night at all ou'll pot want to have it back YLgain. Sis and fly), we play all day, To wilt&c.li it im But unit&4, or a total of r ", I if pular bear Test roit for her cav,.-ilier. tilie knows, yPs-, -liour" tviien .1 ebuld not think of dis- From tiie. beginniligo a aetical man All" frc lie t iial unitci. Taking tka -1 But 1510D iis aJwayti b6w, lipy Wan to XuA9P there 6 Py bably no ot may have 'his iiving from. the farin, ere's the oath Mr. Johnston took, it's 6 V434 4 lu lotallimellt- with- t10 vrord that ^rNten Could prtb-� although tier lialf-ceAtury . Of -ilx-. i,turbing you, and saw film. He was is well worth your perusal: An' Ipfti I do *iht its ,he'll -gay I a little b u Know. i,,alent an 777 roo4- .#Acnee, lw well titruck,' that sitting- opp(wite jet c,onyngliam and thin ib quite all' item. It not Sho) yells and acto quite cross. be oqual to 19,425 noInitee witik sneL- lixithing eniphasis. c loug Until thild luoli4)y reward for Iiis 1, Geo. F. Johnsto'n. farnier,'residing To p1twool indmi. 0,exi nit, free' front "01 stilt ­ta)ked cd'—witli a o4lirng Of I at. (Illiner." IThe is a ri in the Township of Glanford, IAA 13, rcxAhkd - tian"I Us boy weigim IVIU tlie* a-houlders by sonle, witll-ill-sullo­..' ­Jndecd!" lalit4to bItUhm After that in.dustry atid. She breakis my diishes, pulls my hair, Ali, if kim Our alittilutaso IXMn4K"*1AQP&W have calw uplost him Pronaw4v—thir ends the friend- economy makes succes I thr- ti Concession, do solemnly declare 81' thenire:of ice' `0 matter I' Mark believed this stidden home- s pretty cer- stomach lo do ats muelf heat work Aw prt��e�it siniles ky.others...N jo never treato me right, III it- c (4 years . fitly. OIL it.. tain. thoat'l 'am now cured of Neuralgia after there Jz sonletfling yet for you to li?ar "talked i thrust- *-oultl brIug:abou_t a vripla lie The, farmer who*`worka drainetl land' 25 years of suffering, and that Ryckman's Sho gave a batlt to Dolly CIaLre, f would, wflb a machine having unit A 11 0 6: nirougii. tolne- inistY viltill,0011.1011t, 1 ivae inistilkioti. No shadow of- embar- And flow tligit don's a fricht. L4 ut Poor t0t. caffiridwado *AI spni6ses I llpn UIA fd%srsl himik ,t ma ry a Itor I iron, It ig hio 1we 1 'y Austen's face. iN 141.1.04 1 Y a 0 If idt :I:;- 'f-io­,:40iol.� frtun Alie u, -,ere ring sNitivi -ruw -4 Lad at. -the inercy or -the elements, Kootenay Cirii was the medicine that 0111111Ct' Of lit), C.Iti.�J, 11.1.4 ;1, ra. fit t 7 tj or a rate of limt extrartitnt equal toi flaint", OW 1)f lier cherished i Sile- invet her soh's eyes with -steady 1110 will be, vastly moi+ Apt to hare cured me. They let her lmve my ukx-- high chair, MIV-4 11ACf —I onm. f iklied a goQ"f -e-roW in and that in.. I was S' bad at times that I had to day %vithout getting a Itite. nearly aii -eklitli of I. nega ed ! MY carrilip) - a"I skcd 3 ()it a while tli.-" iiwl c0olu had Yearfi, id my swilig, Nil&, ay Budd—You inust have bout a Lnghioer, ner ;--4 041iveitloli- III tirp!l ,,!ter Journey, just-wIDN' it Payti best to liav6,theut. quit.work, and often had't-o get out of my f1m gla#3 I %vat; tlo fir&it ono tLmre Yo,vi rarrod scoriotwly for this-�jrl to ot fiviaing for coiniplimenta. it e you It rai4ing, drain It. bed at night and'%v;L1k the flo'or., The Or I'd never had a thbig. trjt4' illo'% -Fififie, '. too- a :C:iy pan, -ma r I'lid: uj"U #J we could ca all can Allimp. 1f,ot Uonyugliam. I repe:i III my not 1 e Witt, r&ul farming -411 Im' Id sometimes seize me suddenly lx� iitia.10 to Yiell.1 a cot 'ant rev pain wou r4aktnf; It Easier for Her. ri s!, fier, , i!i publiv. I haii not got Fifine lit your TWO in the back lof the head, then draw the I a t;a yr Mail) L4 roxebud pinIc All""tioll now. Partiet- intending p,ing tAo Aliwka tter'; Ili fi%ct 1141 . twr tyIx,%vrltA,-r kirl asked the lotai It is question r' 17 Nt:tr.k No, it must ha've 0 cords. in' the meck. y evesight fd1led And I'ni a gilisy queen. oir It"ittemplating tnahing invemtmenti, UIL4 6 the only tre w y of fartailig. But it if-Il't likle, I think, couldn't fighten her work tliiii sk, ood crolm t tho me,/and I geeatly feared I i'vourd have an 114 ''It: Its oprating in tbut ivouirtry xv-1tether I eyer wrote ou 'If you grow g' -Ilse ure. I doctored'with For a gn*;y`#i nPrer clean. litit weather." "What did lge hag?' -eallv to lilt- expc attack of hear( lail 0 !tt. f the aectilikillateil plant MG1110 w4ld t4i E. to Fawer I , 1 �A t I Napulpoh4i . tragi,-- (-) " If(- told ber liot to bit her tylkI­ r it. I tk) tare f(,r fte !4irll I liwlx- medical men, and used many so-called one will to pay the and W lick her mako- my A III! iii tile cures,-bijt nothing did 'me good until I But Itlainnia nover L -ilk, like thl,7iL writer kv7s no hard, TA141- Ituild1w. T4orotito, for loorosfoom-ttw r I iiiistrew,'Vilocolate. I'L44-4 lit.,tily. loq 4 U! walk@ to and run., oV tgv stainlos 6uly #-)it the coruer-.­ t Is fortunate for iier nd for took Kootenay Cure. - I -have now 'been (.1 like her bee, ou w*), 1 4)14 to Trani-7!ortatilon, Trit,ding aitsiJ -%fail- *Ili- I.-t.4t f ro l)mit tir- rujwii, hl -4 hands The kirtilizing ability' of. theelovefto Bectiuoe iihe never kieses Sis, cured -for over, a- year, and calculated %loll %Vhvre nitne). ning ('4-rinlially. look" that 0 It" I-al.ue. foi hay, Without Ole kWes me. Ibe. Funal Court. t import uite-a while'ago lo givem% 'testimonial, shouid know ,about, hi�,; face. II k(vi i t lx!rhaI*,4 tito lin alit see if the cure was a per-- L )a id, tMe fd wbeelirg n Grief. (' anted to . " 1% Isla t,' f but w ittle, Mil -1ugg MY PELI IIthe plot sent t1wre Can- urs,%, I 1:arti noit 11 �Opell 1) Q the general farqii �r. It has [well i A SHIP'S LOG. doubt s u, Vit- diainterest a, inother.-Whell ke,101vil that for' manurto%-ofily. the matient 0qe v the edito m. of -a tww dictioudry. "Nq)w, float." sabi tolie kaid-hearte,l , 1. 1:, 1, Ito 1l.4cufWi()n I -belie 'c it is, and J con- er Kootbnay Cure the most wonderful Brfore the luttent log cnine into (-is- Little 31k#,N My Italia. licr�dirqni my soulth.-.1t, actual value of a. ton f -elover'lilty. sid fric-n toll, Ule new- %%itioosv, Ut 1V Of a I I )r- r6medy for Neuralgia in flat! head." istellep 'tile old-fafiltiont-d chip log wa.-z ditiewi't.- care a lient for your pialia. isLkilronce Isiron Woul-d IlOt at -waded to, I oIn u,4! Your p.,Ita:-. :;;,p dog. vath,s hf,t%vt T I to fi Send to S. S. Ryck it Medicine Co till, fly tn"an..; of im-asuring shil)'-- -NNoh.-Jt W. 1LOV, 4:euett witil tklis- 1vot-111".4 N matsk alut4 for a t�nt 6f Mnure- m. 0 -bir ti ­r in-L41t, nip belsittvt. tll.l' Limite for testimonials and It has one advatitag- a Irinter. Conyugliatit 1-4 kr t it new hoar. 'may be.' Obtiltillt4l -by w0g it for d, kamiltoti, rat- iI:illowy oumg tALft1g, Joe- -N,r '41nuch x a vee- "except my nll.*;�- 'Illeillg'ia 'rJ_.11OVatilI9 -cro),-.rather than ook over tht fofn ira. tweeilt tlf)bs, turtkisd Chart B free. I41tty AUL pllIt. W%V., fia t t err ta ki,ii OU IseIV swed call btI told by it at any TlfL-' ORIENTloL lm&n't be6n re-Pnatne!e,l In blairk. a Illoikey crol�. Its effect ill, in whiell I lia'! tit". giveli 11116tant, itle'llitt-lit loig 1-4 ttest n4jition bo mo-rc o- la&3tini. and! They mend it(# flittoerillir N-ULV-1114-11to Will You see, to t I to I)l IlAwl d 16 mainly nsrsful for recording a voitas It tak(w miowe tit. -In I t, part, remive no' larger- i IU4 lir- I will I y, ild out, glo�%? to over- oerable diNtitnee run. Theec -fambioned --yoti arc IloSpring -Lindor You t 11U,8 --the Vt. rtIttirn. When Milk -gtoeii tool 1-111.'Wh in fiimils somrA b,.Ibdts learling turkey heiw Um lfa, iso ty log con4st#4 �of four I;bxws, iiamely, the ]it o-4 kup :in itlea what )-oil aftA,!r taking o I all it�rop,. the to -the ou Uteir neAW when. -setting log-chilo' ill(- thi- iine wid the ,how !tAx nolviqlt I you all !ialf-drawii., lorc It. at6are may i0s lf::fti tl) itIN Own, its thent ftio'nkake their nt*!a tttx)ut -r liall, utit- t 114. J. AuA1r#**,.1Um%4 -fertilizing III to) vma.4!i lit %Vribm: -61 Ilav I ui �listake'." 'noot -1 !it- tile attior, aLs eoataltidd the iialow by g4ing thein oinitabie Tho log-chIp ik. ri� filit picci, ipt thin When it- !milk pxv e um& ck 'IS ("ILI I Curt., for many aecl4knitt, th6 i4tininter. %vith re,rtrAl -to tI ior rendered iiinz4%. Youtig sta fill t1w ebil- 1 bo�ard, loaded with lvad (of% the eir Y41t. loivreill, will Ile (I iI,%-1 �l Ito,,, I - (- 41. '.'.r. 41ron. 1-tekoll lilill 11 11 it a -vo the -tile- l.Z;I.iit-k4 * -. 1. rtlwri No pltyiag' utars lju 0w th '111 0114,41, Otw very loaAl cut frian wiw inonth It tiit�t %.lot :t"L­ ai ii)il po Ila va liable fit' 110 lrliouid 1114 ctilar siok. W; t1wt it Avsill Moat: - or'. olit wco condition Of 'tiloIo land ',will up But taeYOULke Ift knife iii- Iwalol tit a wousilerfully 4-jorttime L 1 41111 Ii. t I t(I � -�111, :L -ati Veroore tile Ut tif 3,111y. rlrlit on Uw or. ..;1VI Vo VVI&II.the llic tlii.-4 very Ilea 1-dro--4,iF I a i x t 1 to'Bianti-droulth Inistctivol ill wook- cure t r - .. I]"- III I-'voor the lirst weekso, reedyming Iog-!inf- is burns .11141 wm", it is reall far 1wt- i1ir to -flight. I toll:,you 11'. L A"' 111rom nlioni our.lit i -f litulo' wid it- will &'I tl'e l4aul'.L' way Anti, quickly -I that :a boow-kizeAs riggtA to roceive prot(tk I t!onut Lfie LOIlO%%JlIg beaft(In.. r ad; Ilittilowte. Ami liqk,4 never break in biwi. IL tu L - s (iii" o4tale tpre ton* than Ony remedy I know of it t Witli, watcr-� after that tfivy can string. Th.o hiv- I- I0 fathoms -94t ilktt f what yoii ry 'driving at,** I ter lo;)ta tif) inore . 1kirt, in lungth. and wild a4l inaft) to une, and it niftkaw 'PC! A:tur-t'UC:' Was ill. -Pl). 1�k it &rn I tv art jui. Weti, wl"ett I li'var.i (in m)UNIdif-I plauW, where all Anolyns. -aii houl ruot Crop after robt crop, bat it -thifig it nruy -too conveiii(nt to r tlf is 111adt. require4. an -I Where Amdte or.t1el- I0 them from tlw -thlole'or granary. to, turn w) that it .1 L�, Itill'- lo%li.at I.* lielothwula torwltea Inake % King 'IV UP, da 114tv will It- if Ufp- Il - will t)ff4,r n(i rewsit' la,14RI114 might le datWrous." Of lilill.1 t ion, .';III I Ils-ard orni were paying. your ttell­ I(i lia's til�li 4ti' (PI'l -law,, tile log- 1whit, or imid extemang,into two ovrrtoiard. wItte r. - - ral.,vs :,I Plas.,4 Conttim ilv't grws to o UTj He Uit Ever. tit)1w too ' the riv t il: L iltot More gvkieral- -kerels kepi -4-inher ljr* a ttrait W until Nok IP14, ase� I your -ly gr<>wtl 'ily, lwrl thiso -ism front ow- bul:v to te otherrial -k till ificire inottey lian if wild for 10- .4,i:- ce, i4ng, quocu, Jw- atitt ten -Owltry Juptit-4. Qf Ule 11-10 ' InY*1tf y,-, it I- -at the farinec.- .* . - . . -.1 A ( (.1,11 till iinintAo (rf Tld-: by the reMarko (of all n-pic'. Jlrlae- of III.Y 'Urprise, .1 hou ti U14..,. tPolify wkw' thill lifililier, litit tliey�-k . . . . or .141:11[1119 ll tile 84111111.* ttorney during t1k- trial ot it caw-, Ifir to, find yoti, nw.Ur' thco. '4j,-t,U' crop i -j -to, put it. well Is quiti- sinilde. Tiv- i-hia -ii that thi VA bace. i%It­a1Uwr, will the 'ailn( (I Tlji* court 6 adjoetani- LT'011 44 t I I;, 1,11 r aw"Y'll" Llkd) stack it there Ike. ullti!- y(pl, ,,at -t fat�t t. "I likou't, bee IU')w they CAVI 4-islo-vt you *re &L If i it:t.l kill pv.* 11 t1li. or 4.4t Now. Air. Atttwitry, VU , Ab I o_11il(I W tov I! It lat4-r,- atal it will unt' lorty tit keep, Ill r.. This court is flow ill iomp in levi not witil t�)r.l -.it. jlg!1. astoe- llI1aC4"V -;I.r6 -1) *1 t n liour. kitritzi nr(: U) be halipy." %.no to -fitid t I,,. agails. and anone-insulting this tout witli her 11;Ir t 114 -in tovt;Jr-- Market. arl� 1,4141 avesid bor v[�rlllil , 11111 1 fifty-olli- fuet Swart. What. is vallv,j tIley lik .1 11.1 (ills I%v ie roo! wit 1 the rfoolo, in pritIcs, ite rineoi fnr tit.. 40f..1 %% Pines -it c;p1lstalit. I-PuWng' fort]' (.;f tht, fit thus IAL-riortued. o -.awe playis ajid muhic. awwj-- toll any jour i to�-er.,r one haj4 notion too sell. -kevp Uivin elf-Itil bkter li)lil- ninit 1!444's the re -0. -intithi,or tlie� "Oil, yes, lout ii(he lumm vanilla. 1-11" lull i Ia)Jalf-tui tl 14. .14 th- off icer t It to CM111i ill Ito *,trawberry," , 111. -ifleft for 'ah 141 Pal t p. rt peo tN 4nilaiti sho ild priii.1444i 100 ling �.jr�e till; -log-c qi#). If -All rilliflot be hip t)v(,r the andivaits it - 1..-% I"4-.­nr 1,. vrer3� o1401,3, Ia 'titnix-r I a laollunt, until c ai1g;l lilac flasloelli:w. quelier, urits"-, W 1111d 1111f._1plitil O)f t1liS )lIt to Va run ne school '.'eclier 1)utsi U. alki! L-nrt , ackloo-rry will -Ile rry the chij, tlut (of the eddy t1p r alath tIr­41 trivia I a nuti N -I -A Pill) a -111inill .1 rairl %bould bel laid,out foi'expeniitco. -veetl N1q)tll#.r-How is it that you g�4 tite orrit-acy or, Ig. ki to or Irtudiirig' . 1 1; 1] 18. "I ur- loali Indrk?, at thool ? t. 1i it' oc t The innit'holt1iiig thi. woll it nlotcr remmill!.4 laiied. �.Jv . .. - 1. - . ..- it Ilis tilt h1U4 y _1 atr_114 S it. key" are raiw*f if cogi knowimt :vvhii fro the sau It Fml low. igo)t too ra%rk somebody, tir 11 #4 it it'll flat.. w1tere they wilt Irl state,. vie foiks nik t1killL fille a;Il't atti-11(fill' t4.I r it 4 1 Ui r yiew Ths- 4.#fEi%!vr hsfe Witis Ima jyawii, athi-r., �ip tt:('- v 2!1-0. off, w7hith nutnb(-r its ther4tte a iott s tlio tiumb,-r- )r r n Tbe Lti. I,, fron) Iflillion fail I' * 4-ottfil 'is Worth -abimc u lif oil r iip-1 if w do rall star el IL I thPIII 4.41t It will lof- liettvr thall. to ho-av o: trinkets l7ronr 0 - t;I thaik'hity -poilul:6 at Aoy--ri wondow wh:it*.- U14. JJf` R all'(] eggs utile I I I**-,, e :11141 they '111 t U61 fps. You forgivt in., Ift I: . I 11c. I FWWt m4ge tor tir everytIdlig. but Table. I Ire. -at lailadkion* won't reatt liouile, liaNiq re* twi. I'retio- I'li urclihi t,t!P4P,l lertmm t kno%v.. i ia m. tflj I. -.t I.LtIW 'fatto f,o lt*s tlitn a wl"e year? -1e.I*. tho. .1110 ing- fit Z ikti *. 1, **�. i : 4 Litt 144 gue*4 tlioroirt- wct Illany ;zway. tn.,�.year a ­r ft -.it ei4o �-1 i?:. !:,.v I allh(suFAii, thst folks w(mlkl st. v !it that I at tile t lit. *,Ti..k,,* t tie clock kayv, "tIck, tiCk, tlL�j� ! - iknew tile iol0ahUre'- it if it*, Iaw 411idn't pilike '-M. the qsWet� 'yw 'fig Late );IgfI allot 't ttv file 141 help you,. Mark- work Iteri UP (k), o!o ulvok." tier eri . lVenleiltr CI()IW. :.I my mid rfinthig -I tyou Itult 4 ro- re. a bufahlesfi I ',rhne, is gilding rast., mid tbe wwept f.p 'T by.. no kJLI)t 4f0VVII t1li, Le t U,4 it t act U"' go-t-Ummus 11101111114-611- t -ung thitag, that it is t1w. mail who t ite --t:lj yonr . 14, Illitt -:a largr hvrmui� t1la.11. allyt-fill] ay. it ;a VA1,1141 10 s: ..4 r I I' fins twver married who knowii all of Dlouey. Y4)Ur 1 f -t a me --- roil Vito P -core* tht- -farin. for the t'ipital tit r % nindat -9 41yes our weither knows all :Ilk ea. t4 -Sted. ut ha ni's friolivy (teitfoo., , I fiN!,l WNWf-ly addi kept, car6-. Nil ofter, du not btay calculatA-d too twigetidtor is the wall ate 1�itle (4 Tiw frilit iievier manrkes.gof I 4 inwitl I%licr*94 m3rriags­ tal 04 lValt 11-ot for atm)Vier-tick- Iglllgw�, (of �.IL 'little Child. kliOlkill all :4110111t Women Who ttec� lut x,ui, %% al" iltr- II)v it. Vorty t.;uu' I' %V.11al ou liuve to 0 do, C!(o. (114'. (blu tety I,y ture: f iii. I, I talit timer Of It is -ftstittiated that greater 41thnii- Aitim of and silver finiv 1"-n it froill 31r. Codyliglillu A .111�441f. virtue Iq a t#o� aC4 the dirty Itrat, t 1�tl than are flow in*cir- Lite rula', din* Auil no lio raiii lie inuttered- %unk. in Wa 11:4 vi& tricts (if (;eOrgia- Ivas ai�blgnml ;a if liwaie;i".4 iijee as.; 61at?"' cooli earth tr. t IIIlittle Nulwolgirl in lerg -W givs,� ti it living of three fitint, ea yi-ar.. ­ri r el illit 0 lit -Suiall - thorks 4of t4 Ir . . 1. k ru, it( i r -fie olvytri)y t lac. .%,Ui , t ...... 4)r wittillo-ol(f. Cult t0L tot -Wise, liti, %:Oubt, thail'. lor gO so() J Moo rat th Ifis Hukiy DILY.- may be. IlItI1411i'll iISSUE NO 33 1897 the rctult T4' atVwi. niwi eller. v'()u kiat,,w the�14ea-imi;­ Illitting fi-U.it Irr Lw more lx!tt*--r tImul wli6key. it re- the ine-111ftlilsiterc �d -rate-*' t4i your tho flis t. r4 tos repav vint ii, two w;ivi;-- key L -ii It) toezits a drink, nd low for It.* her - stj arm,' wltordl Uii- rangp-- iii ilt. fill colne it, _Uy la� li.lrb.,Ius whLAwy. fle lia.-, tmseii tervlow it colithit"lied intarderer. 1.10reftev, Die- .:.)'t eti"ing ovr to 'ft th.-it V .Not a- #-f or t-tiff-ifecked-:4 am, wore. it few a*cre' do J:t," rplied the sheriff rcdl 's sa-1 Already. in tlr;l.,% minilto's I I ltif -0 'k to till. tall ii...) times, 0110 111glit r siparv. the t4+14ills; "unforgiving -oil,. I DO not bloo N-1 11414-11 w, It this i1oa. to DOCTORS RECOMMEND I I .% .I i it(. vir tire farin from tile 4:1y'.t1ley late and my-nia: wollt out alld cut to hi -In. k ii;ov� tof 11 give Alleep. ar!- liltinted. U)g?" asked the rt,- ot-eenia tf) have wel-I thit isuculeut gram IV' filck6rict; tLnd wallop&,! lifin good. Vifficult to re. nie roun( -i tion- a gy i Work iilooui 014. 4-tirrtit "I utilles Then Mie, duckeL his head ill a portoer. f they rf� t ex` 1 11 the moo!stury iieeole4l they an -rP wi, w ..lie's I'll Jaii not Pairs. r4 re, t i Aw AS - -ist. -. but will iv pt firive. E.ven well ytpii next .%ft J;C )tI. Kwpc�udi and lot:ke11 film up, it, 'tb4I vitl-k it. T114'k L. fill' i off olieV 1 Why, from the titner (pit the miullsl of hull all tre-ftnultat a% lealviis n - the I t 'moriiii; Ila --At- or 'Fr 1, :. I . I . 00 trim Nvay t lit. baorli- Anti lex 9 fit) 141teriff, - ga,;1o%vs." 's got �q 1. 'rpol, (jig 11INbat t1l'-in. and I V(w I -!tt -wear off." -.1t. :aWa (mme-half h4vir ago he Iva— nic ey thty,-tw st�ftry ik;ur(,* th,pin a Lanta Co"Altutlou. c. w a U,,,r la, t, r I , "If 0 Mothers to io-t: I r v i of % , lover. rrml rrom AIM alld lititlid dianure fe6m. a' iliseirtivisrtm!4* hird .%611 Bewarco oii.tmewsfor C,.tarrh Tiut AND K.NOTS. i4ereiry tiny, wiliell ,or 14) t I Ito niontey. f roin you cinititillm* 0 thiliv, s CEYLON TEA. Why u tif they re 110t -of the thm. Chief dt-niatpLr; of t nfaine,; alive., woulfljlI) 111(l.r., .1 bilatute lidle Ls .`I,L1SU feet long. it, .%,s wereii vi, url destro twfiorfl me in it Lady Atmftft'r- eyelids- .8116 'A.011-tift?.Cvm.n,l)llotipliorif- a1sol iLialit I;o*,- I-liarin than- th.- bird -el( ry t Ile 'i ftL our btairdaTti of ititterary nivaisure ,4-11"1 of'"ic4l and eompletAIiy di-ralige Sola.lu seoisird IA*" &1"eLe ollonly. itcrO-et njusll-�-ais t1l.It. front titlivr tiniinals, if' No -%-4-r kill. it bird unlo,110i .0 r Hy orecorio titoly. At I Is it( by-ko I -C hf- tfil�; I.,i u It. I )t of-tfi adop I roin the Englfh, ill turii ilie wilt Puterifig it tgor 11. t,hrough the ititico-w �urraco let I swid at 20. 40, 50 suff 60 centa; per Its. W be giddell too tile iIt front the le Illan,Wlifl thnii good. :fit tl�icll, fill;. st . rawix-rry 'i's tli militar pate, ipy which tUst-11 kilt fitly. 1"ifine. niv 1xvirt, when Itrink,up If I oI arill Call 'M* were articl4x4 shou III Joe ' llgf ye... I i -, k i I measurotl, I,a in at (Xive f(ollow I fit III,- 4irk-.. "it w,,x,4 tho'lt, 4vilekly %I tol' 1i tile 1#"Lgtli df OR! "Wil oit prc*criptioux from reputfthloli phy- (;iv#' it shallOW I a�olOiem, nd Iv" sielano... -is the datuam, they livill do I fill �!,,,.ch (or.. 1!.; t I'*'. 'I]- tj.4� It(Y Int tw .(over tako,II by tll 1, .1 . tylit'l I tll(' isinst w, its pprt!xinintely folvo feet long; a thou- t"Ifo!&to the gooil you can poot�oi- t p Ith a-dic4. i it r4 'fs' tiW frow evul- A, thrit at length Von III tarthig-, ,a aid Of t reof (1111 1-101. iiuit.i 1the, w"o pa, -c-- were c6Lc*1. fit 1111y. derjve front them. llnll'o4 Catarrh ire 11irt.m. %%�oull. look )it tuo with iin(!ivi:'e,l. at- lout' little cajdal a sinall lock t)f the e, litilly weed Of April 6 rqwtion. th, Latin itille. The i -s tllerL%- Cure., manufactured bY F. t vlw tIrtylisio hint a' lo,w cour .1 t I— rit nic wa --s be-st iqitive, Nlit-e'l) Y4)11 4-aii find, 'and a the %-Igtor Of fore y in a rinei a Purely arbitrary inewsu Js� a it Still 'p; # otir interview beg.wi -itor I r r. i nU- I "11*1 I.ny. holl0o; fly your the I,Cwt I)IM)d ycil Clul buy, 1. flili ., 1#4 'take4i internally. acting .S n'li, lywt it A i4li )r, I v acted hito a logal nicasure by -I t -tat- ll:o L roillipment. Neither i,4 To cn- -t%)iit ins ito "rat leter was writWn III it into. �ivait for t ute 11 a, to t lias no ctainectitin and U111cons vell in April L-lizabth rfv.tiy upon the 14(" t r- or it -to) i`14-stroy the i)ort -.,,; t *' ; i N 114i0 lw0l, Cidl�xl the lostioror %illes Call fl, I surfat-n-i of (lie Pystem- 8.41,119c, fir C4 !;f lit' fll)()).t lice nt(o begln. 11b& zwy wale in naturo. witl MmMy of arrom: You rilp "Tire P.-i-st fort. man'r; stiwk, but' thf!.- 1171, 1 Cathrrh-Cure, fie iure You ;ret pricolla. ! t ha t on, tit, r'v-. I I I*t,4 v hai to- a-tid rot gi%4: A nautical mil La d ren ets- I; ia 4 h - t 11 4�. *�IA-n the in(*,t trying, or- take Over'Fil I 14. goolseb-clorie" nnsl e<lual in length to oue-viittiet It 1 Part 0ep. Soom the e, on the otlic.r hand, -e gcne thrutigii rants will demand licilvijoilloop t(p of t1to lellgtll of a Olt our time an -I of your Onto -.The, Matt% Ioroo1uf-(sl4 lou ti Itimilit lialf and mAde lit T(Ve,), Ohim h.v U". I. r of a great thc wtx)l,lt c(4wlinco, ukt there I-.; vivin front worins. '.Noxv- prootpet tll#� ir If thf-uarthi &no *4 11, - I I. t pa 'p; t I i. I itabiv fell -1fittg onp tr'loliris: t --flint 6f kour licart to. the i1N) he econtinned.) market ror inowe trues and shrubs frmu price 7 I. in 111 t 1114 Sold Toy tj a true ltIt%urring.-Pimoploo! A, rivesiArla'." best toc.-sult III Hheep growitig, is t- Theta the ivitate) I lot tie. CURES Oil! 3willto r I'! lt�, 4*11 - i.� talneof b' 1111110Jng liftep whiell %yill I is grcen. will calf f,*)r Y cau able* lwn(sli- tilli-nal nrl. tile Ito'st. And. wtiffing 16m: a k 64i f rom h r tt-r.. t pe" token of in tltf- bell hou Finppr-ti , In l4nyful willte i fiet-ca-upootu a It.in- llultL-r 4if faet. for ito lengt 1. . t- Cuumpressor Otht;r drestl-pounil carcaw worth Ittivillatilge tco till! V, Lnely thPip 4x ecof ItIol :1 ww tile size of ivo.Alore Haugiiigs on Frid& 110on the lina-4 told tier bit fir irliling INDUT41. IrVils 1-4 your altu lie ellalletioi ('"n 11(it Weatho-r.. It 111W becti t6I.-cid4-d recently in one globe o-ailt-tl tover nd - lience ro t o - It t4urresh" t 9 Irili It:$ of 1wr vpudetta in gorml Ill. I ae-trictly 44 Il, Uf thL. toUrt, IjftikKaJ4 (-Ity that PAINQ "I'lieno-Baollum.. or, as I t JL,, nautical mill- vaxy With the tit,-vio4od for the bcaefit:Of hereafter wo I!. shall take place fittlic"e, by , Com- latown, U11 Frida ttittvr-�, Pi is tont. stut - "Quirkrurcom" latitude, Lroin 6,04f; fei t t tie e(Ii %%Vford, who Ims -I lot i 1�rcv*.Illg i All ullPrclUdive-l-lireetler Of IlVer ut- JU promptflet4ot ill'actioll, an�l tor tc) 6,1U.) romst at tile looyip. Such ex- "made thil rul,,. intoi-nds ,imlil' 44 llis4vw thr car6tid- rteriev, ctivcks y to coun- r U . 104C I.- g(A.9 too I t. tv I I I otle ill tell YOU-that-thd Iferefoorsili-4 -racto the uuloert4iolous IW4. ill hich ll'ol k;O anlinfit4.110 it it safety n 9tvieral. dental and. laoul4e treme awcurac is not tk ,.r f­rg!vo­-vvtt--.4, fnd' cantwt be AtWO-Wet, Illoutilr; �.wuet .-i.4 the .1 #;kTp. This striki�s.lcgue as :i huld:llsle, 'nialke it highly cOnlimphtlable many day. ru ex - brutal. III(Xie of sumnionin, 9- JulcY'llicat ; Altey have beell tainod without tindue fal pla I I I ii iii(ige �ald Kilo. The E.n tluit- foll-OW14-: it# -,I Ily tO I)INI'li Bartlette, L.. 1). s., jor brd 'for' 200 ea;rwfor thii very pur- i - - for: t I,, ii,(Pu-� fovio; iinve tiv. ft�,ls­ .. and Dr.- -VriChtou glih thereftire, thattering dreamp. Brow a 11 W ciotIsUwk, A iat or vti w -ulti myt ree(mumen(I It -'to * II Ju if tall a tilt fy l 3 - c4l 6,080 feet tr� t:lv,, length ()f a nautf- 1&a that is uIllucky Pzimplv P, TJ w, x. : PIK*.* Ile wan bound to admit that it with the beca ub I it lims etist,mijiry for gray liocar o, 11 indigotion *the the an. They le-ve their inprew III V mwhiell ctarroolxm(l pallvt , It via :h�tve soTreat Their WI els IF Fn4r, co. recalled the garrotwr, -a length of one-t4itieth of :1 degrec-­. w')111-- Jwictv ts). s t. hangings for that brenking of I. new ofmv.. Vinere i -flier Aind he could not- mariketi (legree er(* wtwe I wit It fiat- -Nits- Stol-el, the IN,v Arlutn' 1wit r. Mho 66 of the. iventor that it elist, -1141,14 slo)UIC or one, mintiW. of are.—of a great eir- 42: 1144V, -L-4 I am )it te crim- ph -now ? W ith wJaa t zck-t ea u, & nickel - rid -III two itr Lrki4 concernug nUiiit(od StatA%s -it, t e d Ive gtock. if, imp intorrefitIng 'renu il.lw look ff)rwnz4.l to qtW. ()!k 71 vvit tha -�,o- - k41011 - lot fivAl it Plaw, oil every pillow at llt!ollC� I Will; 11110 111:111 where liv-4Mnia bad elstablisilfd thr-eco yeam- through the hitroductiol, 111411A, In tilo July 1111111afii- hit#'.; the value ekstntenc-!-.1 tAt toe 1,.Anged tm n W a t e h rnn ruin ? Wlyit tio-re i ii, nT1 tled- as to andehmAii Of the Jloefforltls. is tio tkm I' 11Lrian. 'Into TeWt if my Own per- :)r inde 64as,foolual to day. by selli knowtng that i4w llsirtq ie other machiltap, which is jug- 8onal ol**v-va1tAotl,1, to even a carelaim 044. -lover, Ixtlet]4 part (if the lengt1kr a & Inrei Nliirk,- with I ge6tivO of art attempt to kick the -suf- �aY4 mlie ip tilat broken WUh Pach -r irtot,vocbly? 1fli .&.Lek -r --opiltr the land of drcams, are Per- 9, 0 h' 1111,,!ia r,- Aingultirly h.1p- oil the'gredt etrele lig it 'FlAtere wll(*e 19very Trade. U b I I a on filk11 . , lie I ill* ferer . lutti, -No ecteem oxer three -Years marri - T I %r C16A.. mittLl t6o �OmOeW In't1w. ;grf it rat, py. Theve are P I Ct u rise to knww if killd- of b(iot, By tho production unL'nd- tzurfec, i,-; (:,lI*1':iI V, the"turitim- or oe, Ik enrtitita, liclt-ket - of. a fewer Coi`1904 of It i,*� Fuosenie of Queen Vietorta MA wrioniiiissn'fit t4au hree yeari' sel eattIc NhOws­ III Englan(J. 1� is kuown fir -K-4 alit] V lolcm ce, tj IrL* m ra I-'alip;Lratuo, a n' of If In Uiij4 ecrill. the If-Ilgth of One t1mv ever cv)mi- to areciot that fellow other artlei" fnr us &tis (-)w that efir)y -niaturity I., tAb Ury.' TJte -dowry it frienfi-frrpm tliv� tal)?p jona-itli� tier .141xiol to, thp leg on which WAR IY-stoem lo greii t ali e-lual b, 6,M).-7 lepA.I. (;Irulllk-.y ? 0aijbiewlt. fitateyourf& livol. &wl. for the fKvor;of the nicat, nock olifooteetion to tJtv wife. 1"rery-bride, W -14A.11 it; %,Iery the -value-of t - sInduct-oti,-and tlw- blood veselels of the 1 k1coll - W I ly, you. know - lie wam tber's oeeupauon and wo thl. Ilot t- iv: i r.,. a M'I willing.to pay for tio UtlifIl- wd- Uakes her li"and a dowry, whi-ell Is Admiralty W111 -mall We roodil 'itboo' a Wh of t" t -141311p. thols, 41ull lorain aro T-1 how- it the Eng- ismart tmunWh to prolmme tuAwr tm wonhL6 fte boys. Re, in --may requirod. Mallialoill, niortalrig ylew. stone -4 iler tiswill oviarter inf- t iiour ever, 6W4,mrd t4i- think th-tit it 4 wol,14 Ity. This 1,4 Jut4t iw- true here, and our it kind of marriage xu�Uleinent .1ish hnall�ieal o4hillobt-lIard, aimi islw couldn't throw ft ey Co., Torenix., Mt 1'1)wr'- %v('r.I that nil- l a P" be #W r W try a - m ' r(I foot tern.­,ts by MttIng-'hlto lint�, wifil til- an I c m Ilell to go tuto mile. III other word-, one nautical raep carefiflly. ai L C lalf -i ul4to 14 us o pe col li-et ProxItlet-ris will verve thDir h(wt in- Against unkindness. If site is IoaqlLv milo III,. SO.') fcwt hingrr'than Vic sta-, him over. It LS face, 'whu�e hatural loath thein, to have rmjurm to such a ebarm movement, at toiets. back to her -father's how t ro mito b; ctilial to 1.1,515 t4atll'te Illilfw:- Parke, IL 1%. Quertow. verti- half a e*-ntimy .1 01irrvrently naulp front VIP riNkY rfTn4PdY, --VVP*4tn) I ni� ter ogazette. If yette- Tlv6re tire giltst) ' face I . teamms rolls, band lins to r(1, THE LEADING Na-ture -turn tier dowt-y. or one statute nxile lo equal to 0.969 lo:s-- t1kat I with mark - ':w to el VOUNG "Ifuticill Milos. MultiPlY nautical mil(w si�tl Nvkett%*A-. tile usten*x eiw-� 111ft"o-It-Lillifil (or "airage, the early direetk)ll- of th III ALMA CANADIAN 0 Cruntisros cum" ror. o-zurneii Jut*e, and tho product wW be lourns nd-`;c�-rtain womidO and (-&all COLLEGE wnt thn to thoroughl vital onergit*4 to tl luctioll -of m;em tuiiht. PPreh-..i0f-', Idd stitnt lorf t U. WOMEN. C tim-1. f.'x Lietit.-Govern(w itf I . t I Ill. thf- %frV itinnuer 6f Laily te-st itm Inerito. cahoies lig OixIllinry, milk, bout filt J, 11 iitatute rrallc"; tior, inultilAy, ptatute thoreoighly ree(otutueud its en loy- Addre": rrivelpai Waratr, ir uiatalo Vi ka bl,:, e I lip lol1l- �%-.-Ik.4 1eforf- 'N1 - 't . tlli breeding (Illp mileo.-by O'SOIJ, and the product will Ilielit.., .1p 0 I1we, writca': Quipkei )p 1wo yen s okl-- at ire tooth- to -in (All wolliall joc*"I flerve, it L., ltlwny I' nitutical niiIc*;.-1larper10 Rtortand con - .114" filer of ark lilistairs, rrom ail ti " I Tbig, last then hini, livith a Ito remedy- It" alwa fact 11111,11ii might ver- OX41; mleotswly for' cohitdren'o if ,;to Imit It 14 better stil It lie lia#4 ys a liy , tittle' fluring tc4'tll-: III cams of inflamma.tion of t1w, Iniliau AJI Face. 100- tainly Mve- known ark lint(I n4ladi's ma(k- :I relief to my elflld." t1w, pa.*t tibeen "y' T1,6 vither and k4n, j41t,1-J%p riot -ineYnbralif) It 114 a" Vattlab gr-�livth. His 41of pring will lot - ; and le ;,antl bay 1:ALL MPM SEPTEMM irwirt 'Ike nl(x,'t �remetllcv;, the 14,vtWr cit more. value for evf�ry` oonfoo". to. A Great Tunn-,31. Tho Maroplis ,A[ Lortw, wlien Uover- nA r otill' under VIP gl I ady ftire-lif wl fi 1 1141" Every tinics that 'cattl( isuffer iso) the Toeth. uor-(;eneral of Canada, waill Inoosellt at �.t ant eompaniont-hip. -,.It lii4 lyi­ It.,, the *better I like it. I i4lioulti- n(- The d uent J0 twarlotWlY solue-osport" held On the im- of the St. tiever it lilwt t1w. wner. %it irpinfri ent water -A little horax I'll a glams (if citoll tvater lie gwi if ?me elsiploly oar a t4uppl' - ba vilostructioil of a iffib- hi-4 li*l)s atid y of water im makes a good mouth w.-Im.11. It h4 kntrivii Lawre&-iI- Tlx)ugli wral4icol iu furs lw CICV(.41 torp 1wr till-thlis mome t. Cfayt4otn W. - Wellioa, .1,. 1). :Uoe and - t,%% (ICID Euglan a 41 farifw '-fitrk wa.% to re,r W11 44) IV vithout, hasil'it ro-R&P-1y. cru; 14% br(-nuht k ri I 114liv, W i4ing; we to I.e clanxing and is 'tillought, Ireland. It im elstimated that the t i, I too, Waterloo, Ont.- that th . " S tf ww,, an ancitnit � Indian mean - marine tunnel be - d n felt t1w 4xild acoutely, I iml wam nston- 'fuLve 14entjy, -.it (I that it harden tile guins.-Ttise. 1-twt t<Alet (IL.;- tif Akin. of thiii- An o1of w(nnan (olit"t calw, of (time $WAIP, herowl r watiderinit minute, rater, atri klizing aunt to L7,(M,- UI n Attitlldol,t, IN aloo, that 000, wive lxp%%4 r wlti- it 1111111 NICS(itLitte-1 y do wit Infectallit is litterine. A few t1ml-ni in (X)O. HxIr.rt#4, IK)wev(,r, int: around barefooted, envelolwd 8TRATPO&D, 1*6' to l4and III the hot [art, unanimous ()Ijy ill'a bl,.I-keot. He ask4d the wiv- An influenU&I shool thwvrdite- The y keeping limie for her t�ori in. irlto.ffif- :iriu-elkalr front %vilicli IL d rty in pas- an Ounce of livater--will Put the moutil IIdix-laring that, the project -of build- ago IN) ture liVitimut ellade:. In perfect order, It takem aftitsio. tile Ing 0 pam1w f;#-rinan univert-ity ker t-nif(tut, iflK. 111`111Y Frederic, Del. c,.Iqmwliy between t1le two w he malutged to bear owh .1 nation&I patronlitge, x 4-114 . was sitting .. The farmr who centres III Lo Ito' temperature Wilton he Jilid tito littl2o (mi. Arder Is 4inly t 1114 -;:ills tf) pe In teeth have been cl�njaaed. However, it' countrieR P4 Impracticable, olling W lwrliapo. vinking, in B;' talk ' tonvnt(Ai- ill frihil inl'W, lie felt a Hting- cattlo and . gram Vill h#-Vf III Wilt"ll 10 imtringent and used too "WIIY ou no tIciver enquired of ItIl plare. Is I I .. . - of bim -If-' 4nor(% i4at6fac tory 'course be- often maN, linni. to whio%t, kin itting-i.4.4,f il(-. Ing mi'viiiatioll ill Wot breast, willell fie tho 4ioarticularly stormy character of ti Indian. Ion za it rm fie. Lady Au-44eiii (Witii her ark,*re'alky irrived -in' Cause the gums to recede. Like all St,. -.(-,ftyrge,,i,4 channel. bo 711e Almr(II& replied that Ainients with tllflllgillt� -V-aH file 14U! of it -mon- ftom film tImn one who (kope ' I tPr'PI 111911t. nd never ciiine TrW mainly gl(i0t] thtligis, listerine call I;c im oile ever (Rd so, and that he was -ii rferred to orljunrta). one cif* the evi-britift4 Of too, 'I'lito: but it - Proved � icil -have. [wen ()if grain. It k4 tain I excel- to ---- kc*t - V410% is not snia ko, tvith - ' sit amuston"ed to mve hi's f&m na oowlier, W)e 1#4 puttilig: up as, - 047' cor w will not Tincture of myrrh In another ltaLy, otsinking -116L wlji.,t, kn . itting- o'hy -a :10 calibre I ullet fired find! It 0o difficult to kcvp silk ht* land. lent thing for a clewi mouth iukl hard fit hirtli. orcsJot f 01 t tV 3� t 1A 1CjKC 4r V"OrW f�r'IU a U n C rwedlev. and Mzars int ved .e�identftlly -Ul flolir, Vfl Rome ped the 11rair- ftuni iknown 1wreon. DAlItY. rms- The best dentrifice ohould not ip King, "me all fak*-, and walkod of" in tem- llI&vIIIX travelled*wme' dis- During her Journey frcioni Florencit pnvi'd f uj-xxi more-thaii three times a week. away. ye"terday. In every varied wncely.- to tho� ta 11 t146 Wound w -dairymej Depres4on ro '11L N14mo %L as tilight. 1, with the''llelp of t F"ven white Castile sosp, wIIICII,.Ig r of she nnwt not and Juldleloue allowaum"of grain, d ('*IIW* street&, 7 - coo Y o e a rupture wit Biron. the mixtu "Itiott, .- 1)., qud-lw-4 Con that o4he liloo been able to- It or m finil fallit. after libot g,#)rlouu esaminn harnilew, will, If usedevery (Jay, an-ake 0 41111 Dr. Cliurkw E. set reOOrd Of emocamu I remultit, *rg, :Xfolitiedl, he gums wrim IKT W. keely two cowlato the acre. 'lly grvalesot (k.light to 'he" �If 01tor I Itive. The�teefh intimt 1,,e 111"944111il QUeen'ti Own Canndian lius- �iocue desoribinir SINEW (of rertaln fine, w.mi-tragir Mpments ang, lhililifliolt Dentia Og UIPY redum the cmt (if k &ad C I V I L SEIJNI I frd1LiiU1,b txl4a.- eePing clean. Iliat lue.1-118 a mouth toilet used As, otlwr nini,4 littlini-m tild"111 11 Journal, wrl". I I of Sn rt �.a r..4, I% r i t4w . ooervefl to thrust, the wn-we of 1;erv.clonal tto, hi.4carr, it %Virll InVolye ilev4,rt# * ham been fortunatte -tw , antimint tA) aDOUL irla an annuni. after eyery meal if the hrmli Im collrove liallunt (or I ql1kiwil"so 'A' itil flitlell XMKU * RLAARLDlind4y, teu&- humiliation nioilole. She winulil find Ulimat, tir India. that 'o�-rllel 4"11019911 to prt-pare ,it preparation, wh:c'b - With a 300 pound butter . cow tills there Im apt to lwr falme lover upon the -eve of mar- Nt)%V,-- wil-s J16- tw.11 nwano a'pretty fair profit. 1-c morell(vonland a din- so common In �ummer-tirne, ~430011 if] many cames of fotfI and.o4up- iut la iiduutrk. tlx)lwnit(l Ilillo h1:uir4-fl afid fifty, or h%I1Y hU no rival, ill the Materla Me- positton (11, the PbLrt of the intUvl(ival purating - woundpi cullmially in otie X -ling ant(mitit rying a rleh#v btlde. wguld slenounep thrfv! tlKill.,�and inark-m? . is! ..,,lica Of 4104itintry. I bav .6d , A , Profitable OPOO&Ity ill tile liv'e to regard w) mueh care no 04upe CENTRAL X6TICi, -read all its�. lucri , an(, e Invf%tigat 8tock buisittebs, and clue whiell III not rfiuous. accompanied by loss of energy, Cakle, f0llOWIng vaecinatioq, whick re- my*- bim publictly no, traitorou,4 ifnd foio- filld it, without elteep. nat w a miotake. Insten4 of Rde--wlendid opening. ApNuurep i- a -&Ixmt It' I." the Paner-;: at j thb, tinic a dim- sistoed all trentanent for t4r4w iumths, lead". (allilachic. oworn. andl linveo-Acit, exactly thq bu t ha' tion "t1KA mOAt uW!fnl,. atfil cOnvenlent "Verdone, Is the breeding (if high ciam Inution Uje care i4houki Inireaw.-Uet lack of thought -power, mea r,Pj*koriou,.;. stralt-laceft world, .4 alt, -h It Mild, Fad. nietfibry for. 1weptirUtl0n, for th' dairy cour" for family ume. In ever r1X 'that wam quickly dUrsed, Ivy four dn-A- tivil re - It, ftxurt-* 14 fit. any- cam., It V4 e purpose, I have ralft y a oft brintle brush. Di eficient supply of ,(,I fm-ev A a'. reliul Vo 8continue the a d oillig* of tile Aloove. am now, uoilla inight toss. but a very pieture--que that with., Wo know very well. too, vlat villw can be found buyer"' wiro are use Of t,00th Pon -der for a week or so nourishIg! thiiiii that it chemisw wpli willing. to Ixty good pri it In many forms of i4kin dixawww, linti of C("111.1414lit nilnority of men ant] women—of men lot of prpparations, 0061( t!tey can' Use warm Water; ritwe the mouth. rre- ment. The vital force is I GOOD PAY (hic. moiro ebpeclal,ly—upon her t4ide! P er—wit.h. w hich (16 more - harm than gxiool. From pirocure really gocxl cows for'liOlne lim- (Juently addft a little myrrh. It 18 a OSL uk-erm, with apparent lwnefit. Ft tile lido"lo- ig�)—.Iweu too sharp a crow to 'her tp i, %%tould toiavio bear, x1mid be lw-n(Onal experience,' and thp. unani- to �ith Imr Thip wais tho high-coloreol sketch, K rt Jo.dMuging the marke It isn't a question of muscle and Writc for pwticular CA !I* oULAt"NI in by miladVist imagination. In over. nloux Vert goodR which hurte. With a 900d PfAn, tOO, to time deontal flow oe- 0 A Well Le:,rned Lemon. JOURNAJ. Mexilitsoll 111ft.. Tu ill tlw Child - Mark lintean In vilence. the 44d, Intill 1,, U,,,.,Iielw, ijor Dr. leverm' confreres thO Inl- eamionally, Imtead of the brush, to dis- sinew, rp"ty. ithe' fln(h4—wliat?- Laurence at l&.4 hr -art, the old, hitter,mptaw,- 'of -city, all(] Montreal,weliare met" Incream In' dairy factorle'04 and lodge the particles Of fooil. '.Nfticll t<)Otll but Of resistance and ..... illk - - Uorc'ei a eake, to lx: di% 141- it till alld U1111"I", AJAICRT P.*Gn& rc iiim,41 tllnt Biron in dairy loroducts, enduranm At any age but 4-4 - Idill w t1l no Imi4itation In iwommen(ling tile been glutt tIvD market! law not brushing h-4 only injury to tlie guthm. .%-iUi your t4iiter. love--Iri love with a hand- i I iatioll gtinflig Illiown I 'ed. Now rewtomber It Ali ould ALO tortw. 1*nniLeow girl (if nin..-teen ; lier- Preparnt"i, HOP only no an Invalua- Coneumption Jim kept Wilerc, the ])rush slwuld go is betwee M&NUVACrtT=M CW eaeli airy mentence I ady Austell lit- n eSpeCiallyo in youth, it Lnvol th" %vlw--'L 1111Y (like Oftem anytmdy Ppjwus CANERjo%io 1,0111Z Inade oseir, no Intereati.Ing 'victim !-nerificed tam . . . I I: I I bit! R41411tion to*dental therapy, h Juice, and gvx)d prico4 have faltered lew the teeth, on the crovni of th( back veS anything, it stiould W the Largftvt AND c-iitrioll Nitoirrl- by th-P mereenary fickle-hearteflne*i He flat] how!11—twx1r, la(11--t I fiTI4 0o family friend In emergencickp, where of e the risk of lung disease. Loss .1114, lxv�t part, ut na than with ally other farni product. tee-th all(] inside t1i iiPperand low., M01WIRAI'll APPAR foof MaM, bUt Simply thO rIf1iCUbD11*4- W)IDD All tid" k4 bOcaluie itutwovement has row. Tito Play of the tongue in ourfl- 0 Littk� J4&nJ6'--yf14'1lI. If I'm offer- wf)KTMUI, Qu jrUbiltantial 4.11&nge Cannot'at once reach tile. 4lentitit.,it 411mvina of prhose pretension. -4, 1.4 accomlottriled the lllciocz�w. clent to keep the in f flesh and a cough are threat- &I 1111Ything, I lnt*Ft take the biK- Of mt)t1tf-r's omtward womwi. at I -list; lier Surface of the 33ook wlime Jealcousy. all operaA, comedies, Hointo ahandonmient of. paint, peruken LCO93 Vemus Tigh,t Clothing. WO belicyc' that n sepIaratur will upper ruid lower frOint t4neth -clean,- CnLllg Slgn& gest Idece. PKICKANNNTLN and novelp. flutite a jest. anti brokmi English ; Pome acknowl- Tlw-wp im a very general iiiiiiro-t-wimi Iffove ProfitalitelfflPolfti In a mall da Iry willie tile IlPs do the FILM! elervice for Manima—ludmi 1,ou ilitbstn,t, AyWII ITTS Dr. Kiiiiiiiii-li 4A.1"Niok eVer IX%O wrer. No no lis sald to IK, tile "WhiLt," she ankm herspif, with n tx*luelito for age ; w)me outward' of hoalf a dozera co". it im riot 1% ise the onter surface. If the pie aW It fl.Tt"ty 10 Offeml all.N thing, IN- t4hould aftw firt4t day's wv* 8e At U a at P.44P and wh011 liot weather colneo tI1,It if IV(! to 000110111 Ize labor I Wing the ina- the right wwt of food n r Phiver and ate It proo- take tlw 1(m "-irable imrtion. Philadelpikin Or 0 with- 4or by 00 he cqm IW W)o ly, the Uark teetli would be cleall, LittIO JCdlmly (4 few millutAw later) trml bot ut. � or tiale F olay f(eth an#i for evermc),re. reign, niid the frolvolities timt aceom- Much NoOleor. A04 a matter of filet till" t m N ktii�iiiiIil at at co"t "whAt will life- be. from thin vivIN-I, iign' th4t -Laurence , Biroon'to get InUt lociFer clothing we f4hall feel cillm once a day on y, but RPINLMte pe r aft. III n jw can he after too, but this h4 a rapid oW, ailil til(I -81'j, IN" IS * tWO Pojeociis of ea.ke- I inust Usew street, Non In tmt Biron panled It, were over. 1�-i an erroneoutl imPremlon. Thf! 1(iOw the milking, and alwaytoo berore Itbp- --amt 1:477.(M, Of 0& Too wocrien neltlwr vain nor trivo- With hix heart cruslied fly the, kIK)IVI- dremi, ltwl4*ws it stratum of warin air c,(4W4 MX)I. tougher the meat the lew chewing it 110 IK)Ilte, alld of%r you tile I)igwvd - 10 law bem Pam ft lor Irloaut, tim day on which gooti-bye must edge that Birtm lie Polite In you JVW Again, It Is eaey work tO 14POil it good (I;i i ry. the way. fig I'Lim 1434-011w, film xmc- wilLich the tight (111v40I exclUt" 9Ct8- It IF; PwAllowed to get it out of [view.. tmt It won't a evf�wflll rival' In Jet's regntod4. he han OnWoth anif ebining surfacep are best Vultoind Xreatment will (10 it, as �% ill P -M lowr to definitely be spoken to youth Ix of Cod-11ver Oil, vmh the hypo, too take it. F91 TW TTAWdinw- it will mqvJ"', streary omw,. Still. it c=f% In it* ;a;)- still felt, throughout the wretviie(I ada~ to w&rm weathplo, because Al ye ;mAnt^l awme. Thmgh history, In %vatcli.a n( th - night,that there would I th6y throw ciff tile lle&t Of the win Improper or irregular fooding ().. III- 11talverized etalk mointened will re- phosphitqj meets these CaSCS LandlAdy—IAO Me IN -11) YOU W tilt' I wid tile to" 11111 it Itaelf, the legend of lw balm for Win In weing.Lady Auo- by re ec Lag )e a 81611111 ffilikilig. You do not I it ':-4!r%,(- new- the polisLI of ampon oobiter.-nT)- 8aratcga clilpiL Urw Newboarder— wit 11 4y A.Ui4 M d the IaA T -W la, 1, 11 Itl tl ra instead of ab- Ing the c 41Y.' It tones up, fattaw of 112 #"#"I liew"Alt 'LuCC040 if You do not know ]low tilp pI ki. pan n I" P )talk abo ed. No; I'll try the toothpicks. Toliey Alm willell In NTAAy"4,m-4 tf; LV& y W.. I raftwwrfe* to Tlawah. Thin rounda,IJOU6 f4&g#Z`1`Qto7v'#s 64's �99NTAY`Si fit r9l Vg*;,QL alwL 1191 its made by (.Vrcngt1iens. -to be or aortar wood. I t1dak. USINM the antonrimy IW" Poses, and in company with the chief I Ioomr a gc (.,r the Ciov- tor- Ilimstmt1rugg Impart"t WW hal (ino vpry itnixliotalit, "' cticablo fly tIlP ()f pollice of New York, I v!sIted on�-, in the water rorr thp bath, nnd cial ortiment. for gettIng Canadian produ 111W. saet I- Mid low pn#vmXe­ Im made lira all (tl ful. Itil ttrfr 11=111 entisre inr nsoor6q , %­. - lei I ' ifito the markets by tkiege upw cold is ~e and b&aAw Of t1w war. ""M Of MAP11111 represeutin.9- ti Allfwidy paid the German Ships h olf the most brilliant gambllng houseg that it Im positively magical in re- tnlk."­Hallfnx- Reeoor&-r. rice 14 s :rw Prn ip"t. Puttin y It wah wght, and as we moving; fatigue. wtufagi: rAianuels, to try to get rid of f4w- twody- full of light. . Lovill, J10ekPtII and 11hro4grrapilit of 1911 irla that city. tlw lingering remalm placep and pommw 10dii-15171 4;'i I I I allo or-mpil Aqrk. of the.old pro- ('sIxtimoom sAlt tiltat Is umi dally In not her owin. lop not puffed np. SuPreln- ave yr,% bow "own "J#,J&Jk4 11 M. ailimt ('anadlan butWr, and (our food ts neetled In Uw body It Wt jW tonIft In gigadiojening oUlers. A 44 tiw 1�,a )tftp "64i'm MrMvielr (W wtime lawful Pie* a -o L* N —IL Aid1fitiI- 7-7� J T,1 V-�A­ J )04