Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-30, Page 2NP waw
k blAppbemy against Christ,
AUGUST L 18WI. EneourWinenti4 and Pum(wrA cAlnP . . ....... .
at htto%, aw the reAulto of Paul A f&WA-
I liocently pealing his walnut6, Ar fill la,bom. He did nrft bave to seek
V19N YEARS U, I co Ir—
babbling, as lilen with somewhat wel 1, by a a diniftul rmwt of -tile city out of _1460 We�PAW
r if
'ft eN 11111
b b a
1 1 lillg� " ydal reach 1 the J
eak heads 4,W try at Corinth-AcIA xviii 1-11* eWh. He fouhd it Gen-
are alit to do, under the An (Ad -*," .j -j MjWtw oftLo
-n r ten tilo 1_ -qeiyte, -who provided a place wlKA8 #4mrurft 1Lzpdrjenc(. weis
giddy heyda tenay Coped with Ecze'14 lig %vIK_M paill mlirlit dmiare the ;roK)et ited, rode forlb one day to '10IF
fluence of strong wine. "I am not so s ore ol -,-D. 52. I'lace.-Corlilth.
IN THE WI ure on the se
The pair may be seen together giddiness," sayn Jet, maliciously.
r ' "There is a want of Palance. a cer- T ft
morning, noon and night, alitl at ali and Overthrew it, RUAquila. Priscilla. of tlp jrjpTjtjlet4. it waA ' an open rl Cit3l 11111111t in the field@ abou,, h_
lius. Crispus. Jt,w.,4. leLxAw. Plitced by IjAs eowrt ultW
times, untroubled by a chaperon Mr. tain crazy, totterLag look about the buko to thr Jcwx that th Y were le
James A. Wilson, aC _ L�&rbft Qnt., d@. "rib the MAW ti te) tilemselvm, %rhile tile Illegizage 4 tree, Hilo IA)rduhlp heard t1i, ltoju&
Conynghain ib too taken up with sell- whole e(jifice, that, to me, is alarm- athen. give tonfrw in the distance, and thp
of the old tiluental friendship and fancied Illness Ing. Do you not think you ought to Ilghted with kkt,_, j 4#60!b's t* -r V4 things 'ore wM oqxll -aine t(I
Tho wiv �ftlice of tile Puradim� humbirst Pro rich ; to,the lie
incluiling & dAwn space of terrace on town, milt(li*f' Ahe r I i-, t4ittiug to look after Ilia daughter--Andeed, w be at hand. sir, just in case of any cum And as tile sun TimMy (-orisolation t vounoU grow louder and louder, till
down to dinliew - darkest cIt nil described lit He had laboreyl 11n4 Revere temPta-
rither t4lde, is rooftA in I)y glass. . -i;k14"her E.ngllsliman far as site goce, I dare say, like most sudden downfall ?" - 20 ow of tile c1ty seouton shoutood out:
-the melat -09 ===0016 so llonokr v��j d stpay fit Atherte I, VaL Avv Caiteil riot to declare the "Tlw luire cimaes tills way, My Lm -d."
letlolY-looking ml%i yribit daughters of tlib lieriod, iihe Is pretty Cora. upon tldm, jolni4 In, with the All along the line Kootenay is rharch habit, He %"Pa and Irt (;cmi. Form�`r exper- The Lord Mayor rose to tile 6cea-
add ress c prompted him to
tA 11 uewb—ea c I i siupportlni; a Lanip, whom 'Ve last Iaw at 11168 Wylie*s side weli able to tal�e care of hersvif *-- uqual biunt directness characteristic ingtovictory. Wherever there isa stand' What, Is the jayllftDr his ' reirlting value
Rnil to wl'060 white lluiW the atit- in tile IbaiatlI,,-hj4 companitmi. And you Intend to ]lint, I assume," of her tytx-, the want of tact that a fight between Kootenay and disease,, bablo tAiat 1 tin hollorixt if lie slion, mul drawing Ids sworil, W
1110II&I roe4m cling -are grouped around. NO luxuriou.,4, 11;ernian-kept llot4lis Interrupts Mark Austen, tinder his r(-1jder.i un I nlagl native people the ter4 ttie laxk, ro 5 per can t on P clitimed Iteroicai4y; '%et litin firmne!
Tall, flowering gramies, aloes anti euca for YOUng Mark! Accustomed, for BlrOH aild-alld rible el Ildren of wxlety. I than -k my Ocid I ffmr Ill"I not!"
I-reath, "that ',6%lr. Footena always comes out Victor. The Because fils, featl �ttened -4"P'f)e:iu- c wilith. T'llypical
"New Ingredient" gets in its home tiful ? of annual attle tax %illell to cord irm
IYPtua, grow In proluidon in tile outer YeaM to shripe hit& %vay of Ile In ae- Miss Conynglinin--are loters---ongag- "Slark Autiten and Ilia mother are #.heep and 21 pence ..
r0ort. Notwithaitanding Uto iateneawol cordance with self-imposed poverty, ed to ho thrusts that make disease yield the battle. Or to the adder it th n the eel, Theire, vv" Sax,ed the Statesi Konty.
married 1" a.- liko as two people can be, Jet. Nowhere is this better exemplified an i e I c(nitentm the taxes are rigoroual' then
the hour several of the more inveter7 Mark Austen. from habit and taste I)r. Oldhain limitates. Aviien first ufflatil got down from the th Bec4 uis dis pa wl I I i hes
Ate hotel-ittlers linger still upon the alike, t;hurts all the fine -gentleman our- Tito people at tire ItAe) Paradis 0111nibuis I did not Pee it, but now In the case of any stubborn skin disease. eye? 11�.w Fr 04ouls. Tkivy It i#j mlatit,-d of 0the- late United
acene. The use of Kootenay means certain cure. Athe Shakespeare. A civil engineer, mc(I brought U) Stattm t*nator Harrip; that at tile,
Mim Wylie, properly attended roundings amid which lie w" reared aro all or then, tit range"*' YOU recognize Mark in every feature."
by her mald L% "tatting," a yellow- ax a child. It was so in the case of Miss Wilson, isr or architeet, In the e"bing Of th" claw of 'We civil war when lie taw
Especially lie m4ko, it little uncertainly* "Wimi first miltull got down from whose sufferings for 18 months from the mail rail -ways, M"11)4. lilt Paill thati.tho lout caupe was in(It*41 loot I,(
baetftl novel on her knee, under one are the gilt -and -white, "Strangers*? Yes, of cour�e- Stran- t1le oninibiw!" repeata Bir. -mi, blankly. Reconsidered. jig 'ern
r time tW* tXX* ~oil am go% or (if Tenuch-
Of tho gaslig1kt4L The Scottish witlow, Inirror-lined saloits of monster hotels ger.-;," Mark relilket4, with 11100dy em- (To be continued.) cruel tortures of Eczema were such as to r
hPir PYellthi tinwilen&t, a heal) of good, flavored by recollections that lie itb- johmsis., make her thankful for any remed that Adam -Well, what are you hanging Wait, till Ile Is 38 instructing w*,- 6T $100,W0 in gold in the istate
little, Aad-coveml books beside her. 110M afforded a chance of relief. Her. Zather. around here for? You told tile yeater- foro Iiii, position lit Pei arter-year's school fund atid flPA with it to Mex-
Tlwji I allt imfe Ili tuffilig :You A'PIONEER'S STORY. 't day you wouldn't have me if there average tiffie they ac(-toljjpli-;ItPd IcO
twelipim an. immediately oppt-wite cor-- It waj4 lit mirr.or4ined &;alons that, what I know to be fact reghird.4 Mr. James A. Wilson, writing under dates He thd thkis to prevent It from
-lace, All- -.4. -111 wasn't another man on earth. Wmporary wQrk befortat rorinth. faiiing intA) the hands of Parwm"
uer. Major Brett trotis to anti fro, with Oresoetf In velvet. and point N Mr. Laurpnep Illron's pro.4pect IP,)Ilcwing an Attack of LaGrippe I of April 29th and May Sth states : n Eve -Yea, but -Adam, dear -I didn't manently appointed i�_
a fielf-import.,int air of expectancy,- Yellow curls hangirig about his shoul- (I and. " anct Night for F(',t regard to the health of mydaughter, I know then that there wasn't! Ilrowii[ow. After a time Iw- went U)
o not like tilt- man, you under-ra Suffefed Day
-gyn i ng I"don anti there lie oitayed Until niat-
till(Hi tire 4eps. dem lie wan his mother's companion Worst pattern of parson I ever (.111111P Years A Well Known Clei am happy to inform you that she is cured Five simters tem had adJusted themaelve" In the
Again. there to the sound of ap- PAA0119 as lie remained at it I)Ictur- aCrt". But that is a matter of -of Eczema and has this Mondaygoneto
lin)aching wheelg; this time, for cer- ftque age, and could make Ills exits 1per:,onal- taste. Young hadi".* doflk , e Bndorses His Statements. work in the Woollen Mills here after A Correct Statement. recently met for a fainn, Wt "t 11 Of south. Tim -n lie returnell 4,ud re-
triiii, alcmilc the Marseilles rtutd. Jet and his, entrancem nlong with tile him, Miss Jet C(mynghain e . 4liecially,.. (Frous the. E'ecord, Windigor, ()lit.) being out nearly 18 months, and I give Editor -I regret, Mr. Barnstormer, the firi*t time In thei plact-d t1w wljok� suni in the state '
feels herself get [lot and cold by turn& Fifine orLp#lle illillute--1111 acceiwory, mid ltf--likej( fliv thollgi . it of Nli".4 -let that my paper referred to your star- they have alwayn raousands who treasury. Tim- otory, which, 'td multi to
liko a btWwitlg Curtabi or bouquet of (-olly' . �Anlong the residento of 1%'Ingsville, you'r Kootenay credit for curing her. lie abRolutely true, is characteristic 0 fc:
Ifer breath come nglianis forty thousand immilds' "You may use tile contents of my ring trip ao a 'starving' one? In
4o short ; site steals it tirm. Ont., notio Is held in higher mteem I" of one anotber. '-,SLt Spitheall the veneralole Teullomhev.1:1. -10AIlly
trembling hand untler ('or;64 arni for bright flowers, to the welL-pitluted PP That i.,4 about, tile stat(� of aff. -letters as recommendations, for we be- Mr. Bartistoriner-Don't mention It. waw married and mm,
empwrt lit another minute the ow- ture, field tip for the world's adnitra,-' I. take It." than Mr. Jas. Lovelace, who Is known lieve that every person who has Eczema Your statement was; absolutely cor- the parental home befor, cost. The whatever elia- 14 �l w is. i 14�!
-high, with lug- tion, of Lady Austen herself. Footy Vhon44and repeat44 riot only Ili - town, but to inany should know the benefits of Kootenay. rect wan born,. tiactm May, no 14
flit1w;, joileml mountain u- i 0crupuIouP')Uw'%1% St. 1*11 do It ir
irage, rattleA noisily. down tile mtreet, It was in mirror -lined Salons that, '%lark, #;tuliefied; solne rapid intuition When a There are lots of witnesses here to testify erest, anol
throughout. F.8wx county,
a . P
tile"i #%nino with one proiligWild jerk. 8 a lad, keenly alive to the inimilia- Sliddowing rorth to him the flttftl to the contents of my letters, people who Must be He. '171144 city (of ('Icvc!aijd 11.1"Afao-ure VP n
otel. tion ef Us position, he was forced to gal),e or ermw-purixises, -,Ili which Jet correopondent, of the Record called the shilm Apply it little
t4l, tho court -yard or the :ic saw her when she was very bad and' Winkg-1 wfyn(kv wilt) thc tho district f li'Milile or an.,v blemish of "Llio akill, all -I
Tito t1ri%er crack. -4 his'whip. Sehmi3t, 1, make 31r. Laurence Bircmi's ac inallit- hat, played the part at once of lipro- ulion him anti -Amked him to verify cer-I to.4y.,, ac.tory" ilti,at there
lKwtry for the Hightont- Wigawlnv. eAwer with thin vajwr, -tud it will
1111ce.. to look upon him a.-4 his fiittire badly off with regard I
secretary, anti waiters, rush out illmand victim. talit statementa as to' h18 cure from Signed, JAMES A. WILSON. Jinks -De Blinks. elle Vk 110.11 di%ap),var in tweiity-lotir' hourd, 1�oav-
o-agerly from the fiotuw. Nla)ir Brett, st4,P-father-to be civil to him! "A goix] round 811111, is it liot ? No an New York, Chicago. I
I repeat, no loxtiriouR, German -kept M r 11 -iron .A lminful i0alady after -several years According to previous information re. "Are yipj sure?" adelphla. Re ,,Y, thasserving ft tho skiii natural anti healthy. am
witit hiA crah-like little run. imire-a ban. prize for a U-turence its same -(U"roYP tho germs whioli enter tile
t first, iv It4h
ftornewhat rl#dde, inclined ror tilt- rnoo-. howl for Mark ! His mother's telegrhm to liare pieked np A of tiliffering, lie cheerfully did so. Mr. ceived froin ti entleman, we "Well, I hear(] him say fliat lie of 1")Ie elnioluyed in Sv obt. in -IV
bado film join her at the Paradis on %vas tlw- lmzzle e4lltor." (1everiand I ti s4kill Anti '(111100- 1101M
nient, proMbly, to play the Ilart of I hiard'the 1�01lg spo!wn of. I t'lis- Lovelace jaild: Your years ago f had learn thaf.Miss Wilson had (lie disease JaN allnulit (joie Nor pk*,
_,Or t1w
arrival in 1:sterel, &nit lie call I lieved It. I (161whi-%ed kw ii month-.; before beginning to take lit f i ve years. (0
iRt it
it rge
s, tion. fljl o% 111-rin. veo- 1prv-t
Instant tiewende. a remale. plain ad and ear,; in lai-e� said the case was a very obstinate one Wluv�u muk%le flowed in ten(k-rn(*;s, portiewi (if the filliabone, Ilad it re -
'If ! that would �wait him there. When lie k lick#. lier lawlam46tio alm-at. ulo lirijuipt-'
feature, timitj aj4 to tile exhibition, of Some eXplanaltioll of this with lienhilem." ndv0n`, Mae.- - remcxllm and getting no relief, t.con- and she did not get any beiter. She The damme.1iisaid timidly
ly a,10 Pay:
ikleat, and wilt) PxHiange4 ajurtive'� ham. received coated or nther%% ise. But t'W:1.14 111119" i4yep:o Placed with a section of tilitm*pn I �KT14 i0d Uot lialf &W
Ajwtator. rathpir than that ()f 3Ct0r, '-a b;Ld attack of. la grippo. which left 'AN AMEMANCE. How Often She Is DIWppointed.
A'_ 'forec.,wt pretty accurately tile am- I the, lintel Paradis.. oil prim-ilile. ICootenay Cure, - and was under the
In thewcolpedy. The hall -porter oWns mo wIth 'a Pevere pain in tile lilt of - - 1.
I Ount of stucco anti veneer, of Burma- --iretliso-s.of 1'9 do not. Ili tliiqr Zpnora- 'Twa,% wn beSide the cumaxer sea, A nian fir R yi
t4io door tit the oninibus. anti on tile- ; - Ih doctoes care for about 8 months He urfalo. Who 11 ot it U'lo n %% onja ii s-- antotlid
chlical repasts,:iml exorbitant cit �r in)- stoulach. Aft:m trying househol,I
at sul ted a. d6etor, but after' a long-treatr began using Kootenay on the, recom- t7nt4o hig low-voleed fluery:
unlooked-for r4ummons, juiows uP1)u taken -let Collyll' i:114 -five iticivis lOng. After examiningthe pretty a- yoii nro-.`
hand-ohake with Karl. tile- go"l-lo.ok- glinill t dip- mendation of IN- Rev. Mr. Brown and
I I 11__4fn WhAt ground, after 'vearo of cruel fl. 'KA *1 p It- d. frik . !1b lit �. merit, wh0i did toot hell) me. I be�- 4 1 in la a I wv-n "I — rmult under the X ray the survwxmw
inc secorm vraiter of the it a 40. 1 a V 1 14 1-8 a $@– . I t It -)&,
abiKail, evidently. To her art, hallde4 'Potrangement, lie stands, it is powAb,e nd jwrversity of.- 114.v sex." Ci 1 . in(-,, di.460uraged and coucludedthere zqev. Canon Kicilarpson, P1 Londc �-110 jw;;" cw� rt*lxprt that the isheep's honc j�4 k41ljt_ Quickeume" wmrnwd tnd drojilwA
that lie and. Ilia mother may aitay and is now well. A dream of rapture, w`lAch began tilln and widening rllpidly, ,,,(I titata from it oixo(m hito the e.%r, will cin*
1!o%%n oihawl-4, bag -A.' 11-1.1wIlEtItS, flo'%ver " . lark. WIWI` for me. Night',ind day Hete you have a tomplete history of a When for another plate of croarn
%t 1IiiA I-oillt. A it 1.
.; 'WaS 110
tinder tile otame- rtx)f (qtc** mperpoii e more. Till Thnt thoughtful waltA-r quikly ran. It ucto like a rhartit. Or a
mill 44melling-tw4fleis. froin v s4nild ask 411lestiollp: Ite w for rour years that Imin never' Ieft casefirom beginning to end abd can see
4)f thr. k riot pla-AtA,r or Quickeure iklact*i loehind� Uw
interior starilig.. -erance and
tv persNw. till it, tilt Till then Mark thViCentim and orders a ord St. St timm it was so bad that I that'when used'with perse% Tito ministert; comixmifig, tlie Cvntral ea.
his diriner at tile Iletit a rarowff t the fire: 4 conscientiously, how thoroughly Koot- A Business Secret. Maino TlymAogieall' ircle
Anot t1wit s&tel*4 filr-til I lit troli, m6rafly stimned, astilougl; had W give up work. I had frequenV- have given
X I\ 0110 Of the iluaint old French � itiluit far fro -n thu- staize at ly rvail of fir. Williams' Pink Pills, enay Cure gets at tile' source. of all dis- w-lim ou (lot coat at formal expreposion tou"thpir opinion that T110 4`1141tUnC51- fr4an t4ir fit rtlimt
.whor,,, travellers, may ecu -It ulpw.),, Und- ease - Disordered Blood purifie's, it, great sacrifice.. dlwovory' tQ the liole
ID whic!r xici rrrvlt Ivain ran -be_ .-tn(l perlitips, as much out of curiosity enriches it, cleanses all impurities frorn il an annual fatit day ii1q)(Pinted by the
9 [I.,Iggftl loom coarw tilble-li4lell, 0iiitainer-But u Ptay that or all ["lit of polar
give t4l likiliLl,i msti-ir who aboo acts I Pieced. ;ts With -.�hy hopo 'that they would and restores * rfect'health. How do you make a liv- goverimpr of thL, jitate am mi n tjw4r 111 460 milew
waiter, is chef 2tild .1 Pour or fivoAays ago they. PC our g("k li i w r- -wow- m -was
Herr chmidt, lit It's excellent cooking, nd tivility. lilt all fte "iledition - 14) Taniar- -11011 11610, 1 -bought, a box. I ollowed Sold by all druggists, or, The'. S. S. ing ? rant in Nerliptums, and ham proved in
11611, pi lie rushes ujo V) Whell will Engli.-4h people learn to ok) i1t. :1 .. "-_ Ryckman Medicine Co., (Litnited),. Ham- r. Isaacs -Mein frient, I makem a Qx1jodient jw itn aid V) vital piety -
Eng W -frie directions carefully, and -4y tile , I ISSUE NO 31 IR97
r.ulvl*Drt LidY ubtell,; finger* with *1thir travelling "with bralus,-t-ir?" iltolf, ont. mchniall profit on tie paper andefring. and cought to Im diiscontinued.
When, (Wfie A- e0n.-isllinop Jf lialf t lie peopl..� r the 'timo tho'box %�a rrhisioxi I wai;sur- Chart book free on application.
wing crim-oon velvet, re
in hotF-I I was one of theal
�y for- Ucs of sarrantm,' gitt,. ormolu, -and pris(xi t�o find that I was gett�jng re- Air H -and Work. Sir Imane Pitman, tho oiliorthand
kin. uo, t4arration, wIll they P,"k com-, I detest. t I K-,�f . . I I .
-sit t r fort in tile -I Of -door I m, obliged to 11eG not :understand how, your daughter 111aaY man and vegetarian, who (lied it short NICTORS RECONVEN 0
terr, or c( t `etitS, t`fl(� I- . . 1; - CYCLING TROUSEREL I
&4i.Aoir, Xf. le Proprietairc," begins countrip.% througli �wj ich th"y p.l.'s'k; ? winter iii th mmth -to frl%-e i 11) 1,4)11 dol 1, ftWr -.111 tho, medleind I had pre- tile plan? tiWo ago, was peculiar in his liablw.
lkar.,h, jarring, falsettwl Well, - during ttift flinst half of. and. my tried had failed. Ili. on box be DI ded Skirtir Grow it rop�iar, Oki Farmor 6, 11 tAnos of deelp -ill*-: He ar(w- every rm
ill - - I lit- IT v PrIting at 4 o'clock
With 01IM11- M � 181w, that ninkes lift, . worth Pa ust)-No s'r. Site works on it, i)oun4h4
She sivalto, Pill talk hinguisia-zi. ic. I of Dr. Willi -ants' Pink Pilk should help 9 ffil %-Cqlt 6 his de"k, where lie work -
That is 11aff without havilig du it, rakos it, wra ws It, Jumim 4)"
tier.* I Aili tot "ay foreign, but till- wrappetl in - gloomy I ed - W ith -&Uwt lNomem ouly for his
reveries- Viv ver:v 41 Nut mo. I now 'Cheerfully goat Inue thel r Cycling for - Indies Ilow be' no
Ulli;1611, Ville gives it little. imperial and of t1ma k!,Vl_ urc #.ii0;Iv(I for tire% d t r c4-inle It, and rolls ovor It, bu t t Nimple mealli-4 until 10 at Ilight. Oil
woot!s, n i nicur n' aken five quite it recognized fushionahi,� llati- P111Y alx)ut t sund,ity to pretwim-d in the f3wedenlPor-
IS newly eseal)(41. ;IH&, .1111; by tho time
Wave of. her hanki to the w,r-4 from Which tie It. the very
1. uiebi..' Mark's ii.intt i.. fjll�jl , ized lov fooli"'i gii)-hes of mock entivis
t rq)w,ol tit Act), K.ql with vagvr sloe 11- t%very mee *of pain had li-f t titno in Yrance, iiiayothe Lotidon Daily gian church.
1-*reumt "-in affecte German c 'ItAWL4 it -4 tit the id I felt its wll as ever -I had' ews, 11ILd a millineiry cistablishnK."t WAITING.'
e44 *!�_M '11 ly suite, trust, j. 11i'l which"lli. and ar. Delicioup. Fu re. Zvonolabit 0.1.
wif. gelit .4 of agaill C-40111- le illy life. '. To-ckty I am --am there liats itiNt brdu ht out a new -ey- Silo i's the 414torsUll), With It ipi wo aroun.1 tho.
I., rewiy ftv me, Mr. ecretary ? Eft- ing iterms iet (,011y gila 11, 1. rer, at tile cWventh Imar. I %vent- d0nP In 9 bold In soaled lAmd PacAcets Only.
olklvi - a wistrill, I.lf-adilig eye,
so. for' ''Awst P%erthing elm, tit tilp, Wf 11 '_ alul tow-li 41n Briti,4h terrilowy
gage le 31a.�or- Exact 4-1114*4 Place; -1-.y qjt,� )und o a dollari . and, believe thefe chn 11at, wiliell ih ijkcqy"t lease, ais 19 n t - haq told lif-r lit, wrin By tirovers Only.
011.111 nt hive to wait for din- I hat they get tit till lintel Parillm r i i otif ill tl.I:- wily. flatilely, from I.,11glan(I t4j
4 -itl! I left tl,)'-. i i. no inan of my age in Essex county, it io made of white pi.jue, aild us CI_ climill" toy and IW ; hold 44r, 7M sad 60 t tot* gwr lb.
izi) ?-Laurence" I rooaAt#,d liottlet jif. dy rifle, cigarN ft moirax. N. .: avrf-iw Canafl# LAP li'jin-
? 1: i1tthatij n sUano a harder day's I'Vork '_iremely- in Anti hei sad, t4woet race witi, wel-
1 iti'my 1xvi-ket it, thiA a light and c6mfoIrtable I —
ilooking baelk acrow tier tihoulder hAd lit'gill.-4 to thw. I;vo-r r.
-11-k�Pt h0ttle 41 I;nrguntly. Shake mycw1f Iev. It. D. Herrington, Baptist min- 'wear. It lo stiffened round the edgem i(limit In a acr(mo� tim- liong
lie onjillioll.-), will yoii it. 'is i rm, from-frorn -tlie anti Ixyrt trice K0119- thf-11CP t0 Si1Jga,lkPn-, Penang, top wart-li 4pon tho ritoor of the VIP31biire -niiig, Istwir sayti- "Kaving lered with riblion. and malcm: 'A.-4 she hear.,i tlie loitering (ot)tstepp Muritiun. Town. 6t. Helenaall(I
Sid,- I flail tll( tin Ila fiii!f illy- ILI' efficient protection agaiast the
%(biturit? I p0m one of lilY Awl ly. US it 11111111 li-lay iistell to the nown r. James Lovetalue for"' the E1191nild; or fr,,in Penang tAo ('eyl4on.
hell. 10 expediti a tPf thf- man who brings the fee
r-, -"t7n at bp'eaiui� of tI ("I I I ' eun, For time m(*it part, however, I dy' Perim. Malvi, 4;iltrm Y( -Al will fina tile 91le 4 of h0l wiliell If)-inorrow cannot. tell you. -T%vo (if it I I k. I t tilirtY Ive eYelistoi wear atraw hats of railor
lo, yeat rs,' I believe the ah(
th-knell ovi-r lk a�_Iigfltd UIX)41, Rut Mvn I.Y. at - a st.-ttvinento by blin to be strict- shape, sometimes a&ling tile incon- Slow Time.
r hour in : the artertimm, lit -it remote I . .6 -
k... I " 1 11.1 - llity of a WhIth veil.
fig 11a lil'A 11irit 41 V., NPIlt the I.I.-A twto quartor of tht, I. truf-. I might algo say that I.have r.,r 0ynw tilt to lily h6use to -morrow There At 14 -;wt otu- cotuitry in tile
j it, got s�lk pretty greatt iienerlted, n*keu 11y't , A#4 to dresm, the full Zouve trouwrs n',glit," Said Herr, 11'antoffA., ".I'm go-
aq1I Jet 0763,nghaiii lip world whe& it yo�l 4:,) 114)t P4.e 111v ON c t' 'fig to Cok-lWate my g(AdPH Weddifig." gi Cs ii(I not %gal 11" 0r Dr. WI!lIamR' Pink. J aro generally preferred to ishor In o etulantly, whell nn- fre4liwirit. Tfivre wa.s till' - I rii.ri-Py -if. - nt. Kkirtti. They are made very wide -uid WcAdtlig! Wily, mail, You'%e d
khwtor takes, (,ff hi.; '4 at I 'It, ali rk-h as well as txpor, are
10ther Jill If- iiiiin Me ha -mi MaY Z %V i t I p Dr. 0h1liam,,-miLjj._yjlj_ aro mounted In n. 411RA'it, tile IK (;illy Iwe i marritO thrve yearis."
-11111. slitirt-sighteil flyes !-.t thougli he be, FTIM OP -A GREEI)Y bUJARK.. n1motA jui I knw it ; loat it sopni,4 like 70; buried at tIl(j pulplic c.xl)erm*e
oI will, i:Is gr4wat a fc(gleealing the figure (,fiffilw
Vx)k- to vou 1 t of plotely nA' n skirt. Blouses nd Jack- PAP 4kV4Ty44r:!ug is all ftitt." .111(i Jill ottle'r llotmwarY articles ar
aN Afn�)r Brett, 'ilkd Of' ;�allfwetl 'Half a Bairel of;Halt Pork
h 1.4 hor a tit Is bit. 4�f f ' 4valldal I L ly .1 ny etA14 14rC WorN Confined at the wa iot on apliliclitioll tAj certain un-
, iirnm �Valis,. A Parting Shol. akerw desigWited by the govern- I CURES
1- %%iliter Clrksial want of intorest, on tile 1)art q)f Ills and Pr . owpt,ly Died. with it wide belt. Knickerli4wkerti tiort.
Tho Re%prend Laurvure Birom, ttile climate iiii lit -.6.& t dtes, como into'gen"M use. among tile lwt- Everything
14 listener. gentoc:or th -t'nite4l got, a
tfit,4. lItorrihly 04P for DW, and t4rice 'ter-dreoned ciaoties or i;.,nglishwo Have you gratuitous.
I am 'painfully wi You treasury travel in inany ISUatoes lid t114 melt, young man in the kitchen nt. 10 allsoluteli
MkI Wen-ty-four h(wirs day 'ALL Pj%IN,
Jet. Imagines itit, liorrible wowkg, nigh tile change s unlieree
Ie- --or #-o , t May bave r.,m4rked. an I -wati W'Aitllin at large. Ili -wet lo. 1% -1. Ila vt. iv(d no vulotile rhalige ill Ili dured at tile Hotel 1, ;Irilllis. 1 m innity s t r a i i gw- thinga. They hear tilp publi Cot& (under,ftotice to have! nnor t1j.1t it would I)e harA t V011 IL-1141AV tit$. -.09 a &Zell of r. Bi.r(yn an,l -ills com-
me de- place a - strairgv t(.0. Ill- :tlit'.. J)ig (*its- the substitution 18 liatticularly (un- Art' I cuttsitler a young inan in the
I know tilt. typo j0lac14 au-okp t o my 1,o-itit)n. kitchen is it, jolly might - better than toin intr(!daced in 'Ilelgium since the
-rim t%4 HaPpTy for myaw?f, tlu.- underwcod at tornAiouse buIldInj�Cvvrr-_d0y from 19 venient and tweful, ao it doe" away
I really (ift riot t It ink tile, glove Calk Mark. '� All hotrL.; I-lf tlf.l -,i7e 1941 with tile neremity,of wearing an ur;_ ill old man lit tho drorin' room lw'gilllling�or tile jumillih workm rf
-that part of the formt was thick, and o'chwic utitil 4 the:re. sits -a 0 there.
NO there-" - he 6 beginning. lbre Alle. . . i derskirt. It has now become regu- niarkaMy well. 1,11e, iAy, te!e-
For 3 1 1 -a treasure nfine of anecdotes. lar t�� or iKuppl And demand, and gia0w and railways riave :iliolimileti
Tilt; glove i. -t there �vitli- rela- 'unnoticed. I at hasstyr retreat, 1".11 vtTy
Yo i aNke. i - i
tartly. protecteki by his owli party. it He if any, oil Ift . i" sto modest,_- though, that lie nia ny of t to tvwt West End drms-mak- TH[. JUDGMENT BOOK, t1w, dist-InetiorLs of a. in.,
11 g4
9, -ment of marriage *exi.Aj-- between %von't llow - his name to N! used iu alift reekon ittraiglit mi,f-
am alone. Why tile ors re turning tl~, out with walk
oh, tho vmve Of tili-s loil) vapitntilit In.. I hisitated. before giving yoft il coll,nection -with thi particular 44)ry. - The Book wa oliened! Ili wolioh6r 1"r (mr-AT FVENT OF THE i JBILEE VEAR.
s 114)t build ing etwitumes, travelling drm4ses, nd night rouivil tlid- tvventy-p'-pur hourv, I
liet air 4 command - Jet t7onYughail -, - nswer. What I ,a j4pitp illy - -�, It wils off Ce(!al. Keys,,, saiii ll( b. N1txfd ! ' - 1
glanreo rtmina t the knot of iierVing- tOr solitary litiprott-t-ted men '? - tennio, skirtm. ocliwk In the ftern(0011 1W(�0ljlijtg 13.
I Follolinxr W, wilih to Jet -1 law licen shairk-fi-lling,:aild Was 4 No record kept, of wtong! It told. of
and detectat a barely", uppreds- 11n` lit t#*V161t, ruh� of thii The far(*Ite material for r-dininer. and So on.
P0.1tablishment, they plact-ol j, C,ollyfighatu throw her around t-alkijig sbitrks W an old-tilme oc- ox"! - - _ Cailada s Victorian Era
-each. 111� " t Laurvii V% -&Lr In silk, - and for otdirrary Each dmi of A 1%'Oul.crept lip In On thV ftrtletll
P41 o4mile ujxmi the face of riglit fmn�l for brvakfst. .1111jell c.-wions light enshmere, cloth,. twml, winivermiry t)f the
y cf� Biron's neck. and-". slx?ngv-fishqr,, w10 told- lne"� that
Tako illy elotul!" (Mr. Biron ilia�- is' faW—�fa6e !** %. miles off f right,
aloearos bene.ath yarAs nti yar,ls of 11 fir*t my (,Zclaiflls 'tile 1,ittl'.. (�jdto lit, 11:14: ' foullol. Rome t-ent-ir or liornof;pun.. rialters are Inade ih Theii patw�d inU) tilt, 4 Mormons' arrival lit tile (;rent '-:alt Exposition zind
iiiaphant4iA knittmi twarfet.) Hol -I a goorl olvi 1-*r,-n,.li rn�,r,'v do rattill.lo, r, tir- keys, the Iargest shark it Itail ark -hie.. ,page
ate lier f_61 startitig tip, with nil IrL-tinctive NiCk- 4'V(T IK';Lzll his fortune to see,' flout match for country -walka and mnddy %v&., white�. Lake valley, which' will lie eA.k.11ra
weather, tlw. best being %-cry c-arerully
wool L4 olckmiteft in Mr. Virwi's t1k) door. the Otark was s thin o IN)ker,' 4rhape,.of tiie.legv;, lined
will m-areli ibyself!" uc- nit Messges ment over-
.. I i Woman..-flowt,ver, lf,ft,' and was r, %N' ylilpattly re -est a I j I ishilid - ain (I " ' INDUSTRIAL FAIR
Fifilleo!" IA Wall of. 8411app White me' to do tile -ward. Moven-limt ill the tiIrC.ctI(.)jj of sUirved to death. July 24th, tilt- ok! pilmy exp lie
a irms.) Thii respectable hy' fitted to 'the'
lit, ist sk you to nwith Mlk, and rery &et with JaW-bv the
gaVik :la i
buttims. The cheap onm-are not that In. The old #.tjge Coikelltw,
But the liroprie�pr riecrc*tary, tiv,� shu!� crlf* Iwor ark, cnci- MOM r01uPVa.,;Pr- juinevi t...) fintl ofit what ailed him. I
ofer at thr I;,,(. Which Were tile '011111y meano of tranis-
heati-waiter, . the subordinates, ll culatiNI to bring thewe t*;eful ind ecin- JI wktNI lw fabor
- ing 111an,IX-AsItimi, nd, th�) illailness Of I P1 144 1 hiul nd -cut Dim.opell. portatioji fifty-yeaav jigo, will I* Toronto,
ifmteot for the honor i)f finding inil- Englisit IV1rw)ji, witil venient garments Into favor. A new leader. ilult," relolied tile
V%,_ curip, wit -it high !,jilraits, %%ith - . ennstit"UnIZ 11111AS41f Jet's champion. Tht-re, *in. hiS stomach, open --nd Ao-
a I I I's* j lov e. ridicu- I -owo y I ateriall called,woolen velvet Ir en wir4-,. back in her chair alkl dragged h4m their hiding I)Iax*s an4i
on every apo!Ogy-" h6 nd-6-, wilmi waA half of a 1wrrel m put, into'"PrYk5e for the time being. AUGUST 301 re thti,-� vi jqj 04 1" ft! kr" 111111.
Bi- an -I %vi )Utr I -was' occupivd witil my jAaAml upon the market, anJ, It% like- faiiiiing gintly. y4).0 get
talked "" 1 own which had' covitainro nims lxirke T.Ile. ly to tw� Iargrly adoptnd In tll!- -Iu-. It ready y4fflrtwir Y()u know 11A)w
thei's awl Tliv P(JOr thotig,lits. rathe r t1lall -vith your wortL4. half - INd evidently een LhrOwn tumn. The ground 1#4 Fhot woollen, and WC41 -Ile I'm out on a syni- It is stat.&I thai George Pealply.
ittist l&p.-dog, juilath givin -�erica of ill Parm Tlie truth is, r hilve. 1;011 travelling overboard frojn'sora'e vi-asel. nd t1fe gik of -1�2,5(0,000.for London working- Orand Attractions. Ne%% Features.
Impatient - 0-tallip" lipt'll tili) fWave- -'-for tl!t% lart two. Ilight1" luid lily heatl shark had srobbled it 111) am it lilt the tlm� i4ripep ot cherke. re Pither plain IniteCr stri I ke u-ith the "Wk. .
Illeill., little Ala,�or Brvtt cowc--* f -r- his !;an uver lils forchad, "r ribbed. Tt doet; not readily 11ke"704- h(AMW ft.'s increasett to �,pecial Jubilee No% -cities.
ward %%ith a rvii. fin' is it iii-st it fresh ir without -looking to Pee what tl& In a Itirge number of air- -c - I i
. �-tnd, will-ii(A- rt-kOM lllf- N) it It was too had that.he 6wal- 1104 lit tile. twenty-four year since hic.
putry and b4 M, 4 ot till lifo't4 Ix -tit has A)oled,
Ivith bur. of mlor� rain -proof Tlw-% headlong rutili tlow0d to quiet
Lady Au.sten, a thousand wulcomes He %ralks quickly otit, tilr6tigh -tile itmed �t butt end fir -it, -for. wliatf,vei 4k, -a t 11. L"t ]he Latet Inventiciiis In the
to, tile Yfoii receiveff r6y tImebj I drvvip Sergr hap lso been produced s lace, Year the truste"- of the
ackelied rchway or tile vetit' iw atc irter-that ivent'into the lmrrel fund provi(k-d 11,367 room. -A, liesidev Industrial and AMusenient Field.
4er, Weakly 1! aultab4p for ivapide wenr. Should t hF, nd every inirtAind of I a
t,.,ro `�t--JoNePli, quickly through'.t1je. nd dit!, the Shark. lit) go(xi. So "ie just- if i ti at h d hathirmnna,, favatorice nd laundries;
Ppyforev, tolk
it oug t ruled
:-4p it 6 AuAt0n," whbope" narrow winding lhnes..of Posterel! pro- TJ ties- wet, weather rorttinue, It to 19,854 lierwmw occupled the,n. The 11"Provements and Adxanctinent
hPirself tor he in eonigiderable demand. ()tw noisier yeam' jut last
Jet. I i4liall never %-#onoler givin t Peir. Outside One or ft-(). palm-haded e ra L death rate or in the builtlingw.
w013141 PWP tile evil abato�. Sir, %hp got ; in ' in, 'and weary 44 t4w iii all departmej,.ts.
Mark** temper." -cafes are knots of citize'lls eny_)ying b, 4 lier cent. below tile average for i
"Awl it ij4 31r. Binbti. .10A, " fly otheir Rightly di ipatimi of- -#;ug Cwt (la's Cs;-eateist Coiebrati011 Of the tatt) (A Obit), City of Tolvdo, 1,11CnA ferf.4! inp to lot)jg- Grer her ji)t ar- -lio loww or who,
to If w)k over tit r' Wnli- muleteer..,, tffw,@4 L, ily ttioto-ii cal lAm rual- mt- !*water-nnd cigare Jubilee Year,. Wo c.Lm nA) more %%
P(oril of n Y w')- -r` I Ilui-
f0illf-14! ske-I if I Fully aliv, to the tlme,4'the manage- dillg#4 is t4i lie at,
JP4 rettirn.4 no. answer. cming in late froiii, the , mO1'LFlt I ank J. Cheney makeA oath that ll , [W)t till , ll 'Alk" jwot (if life A novelty In lived or Avout:l ct-AlowrWall at wax -work -A whistle, With li,ht liparts nd free,;as t - or thit--li.yrouto J.;x1jibitiou, or an tie bi the senior partner of tile firni i1l*One of the Rmaller towim
t1to n,)t know-IfAiry ron i ill to organizi. (111, they' Pasi alatig. The world, one iniecr or F. j. chongy & Co., doing busluesm in Lntries Close A'ug
. Is- ccretairc� goes on illy plaej. ;it ttitlie cren.ture is Ili UAA, rutt:i thio year, '*('anada's the City of 7N)Iedo, County an4'State The Nwt f4 life 1*,girw.d ill AI&Iminia. It is to bo a vurpriw- i - 7th.
- up E'xlicisition and aforesaid, and that said -firm will wt, 1411119. No one but the part'
miladi. looxintedly turning tier 4ack walks, unlim-ding of litilut4trial Fair," ie4- tt) be cunduct6d UCUR31018 01 C L1111 Of TRARL
"ll Laurence 1 -iron. " He waA to have 81w went t4wre, tfik,,. ..v PRY the gum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- I)r.- Geo. If. I 'a rke Surgeon Isth WH atkYthing :1CK)UVtb6
1110-t we lipre hv aptmAntineak- in- t -Pi i his rowl Ilf thrVe 1111,111tes' time fltid.,j tnt it ceale-,. from Augu"t 30th to ��P- LARS for ewh and every caske of7 nirk*, Queliec, 'Pwrites: I have 'i"Will- .8t -tile appoinu-(1 huur the shi- ontilf,
he fihve rrivel ;in lic'mir op".04ij it)er 11th, that will
e, tile gilt-itnil-bronze jen even tirmpicend Catarrh- that cannot be cured by the with Illuell rmucc4LW preacher 4^ to Lvg i I I the mervice
farmer effort inatip. t4j.l*omote use of'Hall'p Catarrb cure. -01d when lie reaches tile loart requir-
KO 'a 'railings, tit#, rOr PrieO Irr-ts tlltr)- forn". Privmmmee and
agfo, toy tho. arts-motm train-1n)m ar- oil Particulam ;hdM*.
I talked to.!
I i** tor 'Quickcure*) in drewing
eve gas-illunflned fettetrs (if tile Grand 'tilo, tlw. intx4t pupufar, inciAt compre- -FRANK J. CHENIi'.T. wounAlit. which sttppurateil even umier of tile bride and It. J. 111U., Ian
No. tile sweretary Im-4 riot ! Hotel varittli.14. Itowsive, na intmt, ttractive atinuril 8%vorn to before me and 'tile dressing of ici(iororiii ; the effect groom thcx4e wortlile-s re expectcAto J. J. WITHItOW,
wVrP - .1 ;
mailp wterror to me.
-ii^tingniy1hool logior 4-f ri—eiviu- mil. v.,n(-tian.,4 (if tjIV. !init+j�-r-00 '. re NIK)w held oil th6o. 'continent. Al- lit my prmqpnce, thin 6th day of Do- rwident.
frtnight illorf, (if -it IV9111 I f Iaivag remarkable, ittl discharge Ceasing, rim, from tile Midat of tile. congrega-
nsfi'#4 wbn. Bij t thepe lit YA the liars, flood of brill'intit !Jgitt ready z4 sulMiebt number of applica- -cember, A. D. 18M. and healthy granulation wttinF upat tion and approach the altar, wher
half-pa.4t swven Pari.,4 expreiw-; or it soul, 11ortb ilitn t1je tourt - yard. Not tioiw for i4twee ana of notifications of -A. W. GLEASON, fVr first applicattion'of , Quiek- tht-3- will lie made�one-
, scryantof the* I,(.)tel '14 :lb i r I
�;ourag r 4 't1bi te. I emwider Jtt; antiseptic c- PR cot
i. -i Austen inny have, . d-' Bilt yr)ll. ll v*4 P1111 (4td., Even entrieL4 have been receivea to warrant goal. Notary I FsBrTERIAN tA
reak-�;.,way frjp�n tl,, . # -to -tit' ro The two CxlletlitiOn.A, one French it rid LIGE
P'Ar#-ndeol at ionns- other IvAel in the b t e of tile, tho, highest - exljectationo�. The man- Hall's , C4 tn "h Cn lis taken. Inter- .1ioll. s Valuable as its marvellous pain
ton. 1.4 04 .re � i -and
s11pidl hiti breast, agewnt -haye in(wenoed tile number nally and cts dtrectly on the blood prolx%rtim tPue American, which tire at work un-
0'AYeh r k A us ten. In UP m0"t 'Corneir of. tile 4 of ul"a Is to lie awaded and haVE and mucoum wirfa(w or tile pygtp LVNSFR VA TOR Y Of MUSIC,
tie 11.,W kiRt paswl tlie�jnfmit glorl-' f.receirt.-d- Ye -s- liortVo. - .31ark 141'.118 witilill shadow of 11110D Im prove m en to I to the Fland for tvattmonlalm, free, 1jl&rjj44l. (;4-0. ff. Parke, St. P.,
low emaininatimi, Xa6'or Brett -the terday to 'Ild afterim0ri ftlgrs.tford, 4)nt� R"Petlp qulcki� to the near-' buildings and grounds, stunAving that* it is Stated, reeentlymade Rome valua-
nita4t. lorioilit �-xamlnatirpn. has titIL-ie. tin i MY Poftmaliteau CITENEY & m, 7N40(jk;, 10 1"'
India Civil Service--Comnli nI flest. Ileforf- 1(.ft -tilp, -jPlr:tfl1,4 g un- A Weird Revenge.. finds." Tire first art(] most nota- p
wm- *Ift` Jet flot 'they an� r(*K&iPtj to leave nothin FWd by DruggIffte, 7 5 (--.
vrj4 of r NI.---rk (-zen yart6i front him, and Ja[j done that will enhance tile pleamire 13811'r Illmlly Pilliq ro ti 4cal I Pirsetr a cmd UNW -f I.Aadoa aed I aipoe.
tocills in lid-arel they tVisre g6ing t-4, get up lie (hanglitily)-1 lielieve I am 1114- result of tire exeavation Is "tat i Healthful C011(jils life enJoy.
('y.e8 Watcli Jki.-r and vorgort of both patrona anti ex- the hik-tory of the Babylonian people. able ardreflillne, Rare-MaQiraft tot kuptir.
from the out- hibitors. Tlwy 6 have tinctly eligible and your parentis
split firott ofainety. I telegrapliedAwt) hlie litlso determined
d. o Ago inviting him to W)III Ulq �in 1 . . I A Hustlur, 211rove. IndaM, were I not aos nvor(k4l in cuneiform writing -s oil iOr advailtaffes aftr&4.
fflo)- Aide* darkness..' on tTw6at eaturb tluxt-promioem to A taldetR. 6 carrleil baek at least L%,_1,50
tho% rwooith.. before orfsew-iring to tier- woillit IAp �j�fj, niliell it. I � ntlenlittl I 1410111d say that tIWY WM. CoCHItA
iy, -where he will wive to prcwie- f($M(j ;1M whiti, as .111jo* provo ilie gri�atest out(koor spectacle ljaxV�rn nian-That fellowlia Well AV r#4 furtheir than it 1111i yet Iw%pli
Out Iterp r &-hall havP. n0 lik(.:.'4 I)f'Mt t0 working MI Governor
with tielli-gte Ili 'tile %�ay (C - entertulniuen� , that 'day dragging, Vie %treat,, . smme,l quite anxious. vitte l6j4 stiiet' foi) �Yea r r b"t again U, In other wordA, there is now
%in P pack 'my natural ri(�wer.4 likic snow, Tqxrtillto or jy other city lifts ever wlitit IN lie doing It for 7 81" -Yes, but I cannot alter illy de-
jrtm.-Inte-4in mul move on. .1 11"lif 4 -tilt, written evidence that tile
por Urett irm profuw in gvwxl 1-t I -r-Searchin' fer the t*xly uv cislon. f want to get even with papa
I .-.n,l t tier lirea8t' , Her known, otiWide the.wofldo metropolis Squattc
and little travelleroi' in'n. oul-4itlu B6r- fluslif *4 w 11.1 -take the a trAmp. nil mamma, for riot buying nip box lwq)Pk- exh4WI nd %%-Pre
11() of candy y(sterday.
dialtera. to - whirl, 0o ot gi). lit iii),- railiane with ex�_-iteulent. Mr. ft' Eastern man -I'm - I
d: her whole-fiice.j* itt;elf. - This eqwctaefe ci%-ifiu'ml 441011911 to Ile able to write TK N1440 & HARMSON
,In via. TafrTit i -A her.eitary. Yay oler cm 44 n! reprodwtiod the. wond- -it leakt 7,000 B. C.
lft�y Ali Tour really clever fnitows might fPPI Sufe there.". Bi roh, from it jp'l 'place (ill - tile cippo,81te' drmoe Dia"'1010 4ijbilee procemsion in must be a �ery- liumAne raan. - BUSILSS COLLLGLI,
11;1 . VP 11:101 gifte motberx., "Your fir.,t t;ugge-tin lethe table, is ieaning'forwar'd Agento tire now crow the, Squatter-11c'm got -ter n*ck -a plaster with ' 'Quickettre
in -ill remoTe difficulty in hreatjiing, ittid nvont4tin ever Introdw-ed llai; Cor. von and College g1rep1p. j-()rtmt4). lligt-
says Nfnr*. tint.witlo)i1t. ant' lirtn'. No i f"If 'Piroti stand -4, -nowgIlly U1110mitting. t(I "[I(API-4 for tl,F.- 1jnprot-_':1Cff Water hiring ana buying, the nooes- man -flow Is that? filore quickly Im".11 givell rw mall.v namm ax tililt e
Nis bwordeTi, olige--ting, _w,4 lost. ho� may, kary properti4N4 -anti -'costumes, 'which le 'itif laT11111.104 ill loclic 41qw-rilpiiic
w(.Nllfl a niere has thrown livrmulf aw I ay oil- I Squatter -Res the, , cor'ner, on* lie t1lall tire old rnuotard plaster. lit which reprotluem m6tion pictorially. lk"d (" " 1, `;
th#- tidingiii that Lady A;j%ten. with commercial all exact replica of tiv! uniformn r**. Semi for JL
anti c**tumn4 worn - by the soldiery, cain hois o Inquest 'Icon lip finds thP 'S'%vem ell", Place 110t Tl' the apparatus,
intentkmnl *hr i%l)l fins- rompred jo torigin.-W name of
"Of c0uraO. tliie" re rylen *110 Irp- wilen ark heard th( body. I tell ye; pardner, rrincipahL
#w ivord4 (-are- the Riiilom, the viobilit and the.yeo- Sandy nin't (wer the, pl-rister (of f 1:111ILel loof(wre jobotography wao aplAied to it,
pro-Tiatu . pettleocit tvir-l"11Y, inVill 6 1 lPfisly.uttered, they lilin to men of tile guaro - in tile in the man ter lie around ill the Shade cloths wriing out of hot, water t'ror lit-ir ts) - hold tortil' th� 1)1 161P W110 filill itothf- qoii,,,k. agnificent an . let ldo family starve an' 01irty, not-Injime Qtiiek(otire " but aid itc. 4-f- was tho zoetrope. In tile Improved form Mumma
.1011gl- ir hlim Wound is heakA 14mnek''wilif alw) Iw repro -
branch to yomig rWk in, 36. 11roil by it has Wen exhibRed during tile Ills
hourly llttention#�. -yrnfrthie-4; lly tills I.IVII19, cofifirinlatt)n duml (of the ceremonim. t lueking- dollarr 11v fees lyIn' in that f #v, t. two eartii am tire kri , wtopicope, cillem
a covert fiecinratit)n if wnr roll;olalons nd tile like. Now. tire P of tire truth Tile Tel1jw Kid Magazim- a-
r ha m PuLace, -.14t. 'Ilaul'e4 Cathedral 'and tqrraphp, eidolow-ope, lirojertcwCope,
are invlid. it maldo ImaginAire, CHAPTER XVI. (Aher. plaxim alonjK the line of Iroute. nickel-
Fl9w it4win shall t!ie riijiture liec"Ine "t"Ang 1t tile HotPl,.Para&s-wllat Antony and Cleopatra. 'Many Intertisting Fqiaciattles wi4lAlpo Aii Exce' .1 list :1 K.1111P (of liviiig grapho"Colm%, motograph. kinemato-
#514111 . . I liont. 0oinbination Kap graph, ;Iated
1- 111114 111610? Carrington' nd tile cards are Nlitt(fled w a t c h
vilich lins lir- heard of .�llfj An Arhi4 Itea4l.-tir"s; pearl vowder, bo intr(kfumi, while at nigtit the effect IP be!ag wold by J. L. Nrelmls & co., eriimcope,, viveopco1w, 11io- and chain
renyl4r.hant-that is It. ('orjynz hand 40" fatt. trijtlt res;weting -It-t Conynglinin. 1;1 m- ' fiat tr*j, artlintically m1towered over a will be heightened and magnified by No. 88 Itichmogul streiet ivfwt,. To- Unt(p 1W the 4"le-4 that U-11 magn6wope, aliti :it b),eelltng
An itiv.-Iiiii, vvitlt ' brilliant illunduationev Anu fireworks. riyntoo, mt'
dpadlipst, re a (Jaughter, I and- i liri�-kdust colored skin ; 'trailing velvet If towing tile world
Yellow -haired girl, y W I Klec on neall draw the tqok#.ti, least n flk)zeil 0411('11s. In photographic jubtle;
anarld by provineek on the -,,all w4 Rt tills 111ollif-rit harld", kirtj4;- lap -114% sluppiorted ou. arms �Not oill tatorR have brought jjj,(In and ll aij pr0j(.et.Ing '.. thrown herteif away tilp 1,,,.e .11#1 the grandeur an4l unity pa ra t us. I et u res
Fifine. ma ma 111outonillf. v- I't , *Ijjq.Ij all tll,,!' bliqnjuth, atl tilt, howe to them tllf- 1141,7arol rim ill %min
Price- 111ron. Well, i4r, C:111 never re- nd gtvee brIefly
Laur' other. Tlkv latterAn a novel arrnrige- Of Queen Victoria and
pay% milad), takiiix tho dog froin lir- thirc ' braccletm in tile world. of th6 emplre,,bu they will tic prActi-, memt et clearly he
Mr V0nYngIjAm-'9 tile lotik iof youth! tly taken home to Old London. While Wiletlier g-iiii.
rwi'p arny p tt�ntigji lis% _Sueh ele,. cil nit imniense 'nmqAiht of Itiftirmation. pltwter madO 'WitIl RAI# ).Our ft-
Tlw doctor -hr'anclip.,i fortir - Into i lilent o make ill) tile jn' dwelling on'this',grand fehture the ma- ther,p (�Cctipfttj(m and we
are tired afopr oo)r Yviriii, y— Pttari#14 sibout tile 8�.ntt-Klj wiilow It w(eps, %Yjtll rring. Tho Indexing appears V) IV, Alynit -omm..* aft alm-ad over the ntx4e, %vill milljolorpNo will ff%ll the oroods, slao 1)undr#& of teM
11,twt-re I)rw. ma. 11111-.4t. ,t 1,,. 11 n dr, ifito tim teriai. nopect of tile Exhibition must l an invaluable i[I tile Iwad in it ourpriming man- monials from tbWo No monoy rejutred. Man*
riot 11i'll Iwr tit in 6tra Wow, stories about J4.0011 o( tile' Grand Hotel flaradiq on 1140t lie 1cwt sight of, therefore it Im
1111VON o4jr tra 4, tills first pvvi i1fig! of �.Xtr. Laurenee w amixtaut'In tile mtiuly ,f gmvraphy. i er, owing to it,4 reducing ijiflallillin- facture ro' Agency Co. Torotdo, opt
MhjfW. 110%V VIP (IP.Lr ere little books. - downcast eyelid. ell 'to niention that entries of lire
. ture -looDkm arl4l wter-gruel,. %Iltl - Price $S. fir 00 Mucous membrane. Tile
in mp ft)r lier tea when i4hr- ib tired ark, 'With I1iron')4'rPtiirn t(i a iii) rnajority of the de- hare rf4cmij-pti many k -t-
%11 f nd t1oW on 9-aturd(ty, AW'
PIA ten,4 in P;Ili�ncc I gum � f roi partmout(4, 0
hi-, Iwart rx, rirr,. li. "The Foot
'k minute lhter, hplievp ni Plouth to A Surniner Resort Bilt. U%m corroNwatin% thip. 4'ZN'rltAL 110TKI, - %%-N-OMINU - FOR
harro ffwevd aw. tit be from iny win, you mpn- 111(litli, for .'tis livir firmt jimblie appoar- n"t 7th. Itagraninw" bontsining all late -splendid oPening. Applyto lKU(jN;NjC
Wo dy Aitsten, 1vith lier FiQne, dotailo (if -the attriveti(wo will be- 'A
I'Pyif;tnt eltert de. m(mi ropijr, I rinti of Lhurence Biron. one( Georght man, "I ralling for lifif .41, bill *Va� Bar Harb(ior hotel lai4t twa- of a Fly" Fashion Changer.
m -renture quietly. -nee- I (lined Iii the p" ady of her aw v i n Ila rt-* 0114S - Unit -the 10th of Aug -wt.
thn imiff-etirpri Pre'n fit a till 'li riv. a
1wecio4in T.niirenep Sliall be �-trkiifljt t the 110tel Parn- i mpritii-.1 Anti, thew, -ax. if by common Im- 606 was ore4wiltcd, with t1b6 follow-. inn(Kv.jjt #milli, ohn Rupt
lohliged btr yotir merin ) g that In ?ol - . ink lift u'114`14v the flead of,"extras.": English 1 kin, 44 iate TO A,4A" Agggits
.y I)nx:- e.*em are turned In the direc- Bradstreeti; on Trnde says an eminent doctort outfit f
-fotirteen IIL- Inantwir IN' rr�-rrrro To I I no set inarry GOOD PAY
gaXp IP 'right 10-4-torw in- I tion or A Conyllgliam. -nery $4# U ." There
differeut Itut .1,4 In tile Provim! of Ontario export- will carry claou h poison to infitct in this for
ation,for 11OU-4 ar-
twn hoirp b#41(mgina tn Nnilanee.and* %In rA It the altilatioti to- not eorrectly ExpreoWng adinir, iO4 till elmenient, tor It Write fOr P&rtl('Ul&rl CANAI 1AN 110KX
on fiirrsirrit wrapm. 'Nta migni"Ille. Aw-teii ' ri.%P.i from tile table -he Understood in tietail er..4 tof dairy producto are doing n ne- chitoectiuc $4. a houschold." in summer-ttme, )IM40619 flint Iniie JOURNAl. McKiliuou Bids_ Toroew 1W
'10, fr a I,
its. general bear- ;tive husine-4p. There is also a largo de- Use of oomn $7. more especially, discasc gcrms fill Vb ilk tile 11litkille
mewo amr, s0in is Xlad,tti jCdot I^ek Krlad.,w, gzo-14 lings sufriclen ' tly well inana-for.dry goo($v and other w-aooii- if thw� Immik. 11104111t tllnv IMWM
to her (own, own mintr#444 flnllii%4 th.-it lartan'.i for tiie dramatif, intprest to lie ke FourUon inw)MIght, idghtp at 50 'thC air, multitudes are infectcd, rANI'KI) 10' A 11ItAcri(,Ai, r%mr.
craCkle from til;p lif Iin'p ,ljo I Nft*4t 11140 lin&6 for fall' delivery, briawl on owrw IWT flight. nmr4U,r. and tww rimpter
Arid. rnriw%ing tit#- df)K. rhattPring, -present' know tI f er. positatio, on weekly jwtiter.
t.;)( the pople , 4vorallie crop prospectip. Staple crops fall i14 die multitudcs csr_apc, trur tite Nilicid., frttin induptziouN r6fiAbIG. %Votlld od
at-Atirlilating. roq;ietting. iniindi trttv�, t hP lwartli. Litur 1f;e Ifirciii's marriage with Lv Sevel-i fillampoca WItti, sealoani $10. ftooe 1*4 fil em
A' hanfit.-omr-. y iti the provinm or Quebee have been Gntlmring 4ivlls by sm for 4tmdr jok Addrelf _Lm"n"
ivith j1prtlip I't giril, who, .'Aumten. Ilan -n contingiDucy lipe share 8. scng he
AIM thrown I h&I improveo by raliu4 following the- ex- Thcse mes ers of mischid do Bra%N vare P. 0. 14ok ft Hittnuwn Ont.
litilp injor 1'-rett My li-ir side wrj�elf away ulooii 1,all- lated on for -years. Every ok. ofth wather Generat trnd- I- SIXAlging on tho reefs '$9.. nol- e ist f6r n-LilliQas. Whv not?
jrqPF1. . I . . — — kIlliClirvire
Ay. hil-I 114(-r-, ouring th" Past fortnight has * * - (or ** Plivn(�-Itamjjjj --i
� ! .. 'it is not-*' (q)-fily ;tnil devotedly,- jct�x slqve. -1thy and strong it -4 ill-4-ol, an(I ell(j(ww�tl It.%, 111:1,,y 1111v AIABERT P. GM6L.
n-nrd in attvnflanep. 11`111-t Iww ivoinp mi,take fairly 1WtJV0 at Montreal. Only,a mO+ - "Quickeure" applic4l oil lifieft or Brcausc thcy are hta
erate business, Is reporteo from Hall- cotton WASUFACrUfts,ft 0jr
ftir(wt 1twokS afts-r her ffor t intoravitt. name that 11,104 thti-4 hPC-,)Mr- $11144gaWfl, by tiloi.e. fine (!yl..4 of t4i sprains or strainii� riminves --protcctcd as a crocodilc is against P-iviaiim and dentist@%, vilo lial-p triot-41 PUMMUS CAMSKA
conimon on am"ep tongufv! Fate, lit hero. . or by t I ie - I Ma ux * ye u x i le i rax. Tie catch W floh on the New- rl
rw ir i1twertam.%%lipther to remairi tit dmi pa i and swelling more juickly and niid wbor k(rp till witjl tho new AND
it& foundland-, oiouth oliere promimp well, '7tin-shot. It is the weak, tht 'I
rrollow Then I:- fl;ngg down the of Rharpemt -irony, enn nevvir (:wrotte ?" In terinK like thLve. lit- siworly. than any, other known means. )A,(%ries In medical aciclice, ag t PIP11071MIKAN'R APPAKATUK,
lie bPaP4 fit lux- havis fir# I)otter, than at the north or oil tile waste -Al the thin -blooded who falh NONTMIA4 QUIL
sha-.0 1iiwbi, t,nt- ,r t rp#41 -that Laurence 111rom, tko MaJor Brett wu4werm the,.'( 11bysicians find it excellent. and- usi it i1l%4*;ti9nt4% to enable them tA c4
IOZen Fronch allore. There werb'-88 busine"M
rir*e at !�awf, anol whispered loquiriam- that bes" film- fullura4 reporten from tbe Dom r With tho ever-inereaping. new qIiiq- PFAUIANKNTLY C ftZt) My I
KftZP . mnkpm his t hfl Wall Who. from another � cawe iviiero rithbitiC with- lInImen* of any those who bavc no resistive powe
ir ay off, h5- a Aide ww)r. intO t lie fla-4 POifl(-V)&l � hi#4 Wfloie' young lifes "All ! my �kmr madam, this 6 lulon. kind, cauaeb pain. 0�-
of - ('anaaa last; week, comparM with so that a sudden cough or cold de Mr. Klise's oreat %orwo am
f,11001(1 now bo his muccessful lrlvn.t . (lueption for t" future. :ImpoRsible to - FITS torew. No tit. or ervalmWIM .4
:11 - th" previous w
till 'With 11114, w(ftan Ile love"! till eck, .33 ta the week Gocd Advice. velops into gyavcr di"ase. We heat Arroc4di[W to tho lat4wt liative ro- after first dal't, 4k�e 8end to 961 r. rob of rt e
The -Alimww V("iyngliain lingor *4 , pronounce nAjW while the fable it year ago, ano 29 two yearo ago. 4
"Thf) lieverpnd Laurence Biron' -I"-. IN Inconiplete.�qTAI)POSAblO to jildge . of �io inllnvmsed was Admiral J. N. Of catchin d Philadelphia, Pa.. for Us* in frA 12.06
in their -plare f4 efineralmeta. iscasel Whynotcatd, liorta from Sze ulluan, tiw rainine troa I
)I njotive qjntlI w read Bank eltaiings at Winnipeg, flamil- there im still #Lt itm heiglit. :1.1141 IxK). trial bottle. For mle by J. A. Haru I "W Nouv
lirad1w; lady-killer-in-rhief 4 tlwl I" Miller, of the United Stat4m Navy, ficalth? We can do it by alway� 1)^Tn,3 tit reet, Mont real. Qtic.
111nd an Ninrk io4 voming to 1�Aer- 11 t tho P, t chal-14 Aon, T4monto, Montreal and 11allfax I& am, dyltur from otarvatioli by Illi-es-
Pf "Pirrew 0,ra- .%nnt (;wo.,nfN) th` PAitAbl6-IlmPnt-.,A frienfl of yourm - tkr cr- the mtory 11
Jet. twl to *01,993,376 IMt week, cL1r1x7"v'%'A;v the ortubmi maintaining our hWthy wet
11,111(mil 40 gllt- ' dred-4 daily.
III),- was right. Nunt. (iwen Ptaid mile Ili" YOU 14AY - w1lottever oweret 4ching may colnpaml w 1.411 -go sullis of 111(lowy
would folloW`---- Ith $28,134,000, tire pre- _JWt, that he In #;ai4 to have remark- 0 -
-irk 10) at [iPx heart, hear#4 herk;elf bravely. viow week, when the totat W" ed to Gen. Davies, the commander. of tlXjL 14
kyip%v poor Mark "On. t1w) "mtrary" am%werk M, will n1w) IN,, rw%iMed W Rtart ur-
Wbat-what do you think of 1,au- "I' know him nitnINS.' I (in not know "I think 1, (Alght to an vj%orp orim moro inlife. FOR TWUTY na LN
1, have been extraordinarily he-avy one. 714 -like the Smthern Dlstrk-t: "My advice, sir, &WIMM
interrupts Jpt, Pagpirly. Mir Biroh porponstily.", warnefl," ohe remark fA-miladi, with ag he to any nation going to war is to con- lit tim. early ON( the eight44-tith
tit hor vnicP ija tw4wred" Th ii.. 1p attytly truo. Were, young. Lady. 'Macbeth mien. having , sw gregatC for t second, wpek' of t, Britain first." nour. ("itury tlw� c(*lAull1Pt!9"l of lwer hi
Pow rpaliti" of the I#at three mi"- Mark to mee ept july, 1896 40,000,
the Reverend Laurpricut '11111vt the window within whoge em- I � . was only $19,& sul of "-Uver Oil, Is condensed England tim,mmmi t4j 4.*j gallonji 1xv
titfip have iwitrept half the glory front Pirori oil the pavement In Parlm. Lou- bril-sure she anti- Corti stand. atimt 9 pw cent. lem than lfi tile ishment; food for the building uF DUNN"S
1,au- curmn t 'week Steaming the Throat. of the system to resist the attack., infifilAtant. In IPAR t1w
he'r drva", flaff tile IWO of r!1inittive von, Vlormee, he, would not lift film iTnce Biron be"ide them. "For most Im it, neca4wy to stealn stood at 27 gallors,
frorn I-alirmee Pir0n. hat to hint. th-Ings I Wa&j prej)ared; riot for this I A plastet matle with "'Quickeure. the tliroa t of diseasc. It should be takm fr.
? Hot Coals -
'etwil'ont- I*ou will Pomm know him by might, PritY, Mr. 111ron. (li(I the Arles colf- opreall an canton fla*nnol, linen or �ot- put intV a vehoel cir water In t1je veasonable doses all summer long - Mrs.— AKIN
,-I thhlk lie PeerAN well fte and Itingif of a sick lemon
wiftellowle sco"blue 8 P Is a viewer
ad to rar"Ing Lady Aupten'a lap- it t i em4 t. fr you make any ;tay in Em- I fure trAvPI,_on'ilIrPet from Avignon' tq�ij; will gjre� m(Pre prompt-r-ellef from 't, bu t it kettle by all those whose w ht is belo% failing remedy. It not only =rw tile ellild
N . in carefully croup, than cunplioratcq] oil, or int L on UJID istovr, wlktll a connecting pipe froin IM'", but i11Vi#0MtC* thP 9140nk&Ch and
dnW." ip Corn'st anxwer. i ter#+ Tlie Rev.. LaurpriceT.iron, d(w to Florence, or 11AN It bee PmtlOnt�4 11111 will 400 1
CHAPTFR XV. not hiflo film light under a buxtie.l. Rtorfwl awity i.n Your pottiemion till tard. In never" en-4em, doctom tA-h reaching to tlw bedlsidp, In even het- t`ic oandard of health. If you art howels. corrects a9dity, -und &jrea tone and
Equally, as a matter of cours4e,- your to -n ig I i t T' Y(*l *t(W apply hot aPPIle-AtI011A itW4, ter. He em Inhitle much or lit' losing ground, try a bottle now. energy to the whaw myottem it will &Imes POWDE
A Woulan-Hatern Wom. �r I tle inglantl ureirripinginuirstom handwind
yop will beconie- in in Ilia r ii-jUi tite '"'If You aro strong., lie merelful," Civet tire " Quickeure " Waster, vo�'er- arteam at will and without Ix -Ing 1,'ur r4e by all druggists at 3oc- an(i $,.w
pwisely at thim Wmwnt, In tile ' rharms. OT Allim Jet Conyngh'anj." In Biroti'm answer. "I told you at tho volic. goctliem. don't fail Qprqcu8%'P
'Ing the dbutt and neck'well. .6h=*d- sCOTT h IsUWNE, BCHtVt5e, ORL five cents a bot t ro it- Twenty. THE COOKS BEST FRIEW
"CAte"60 JAI Its Invouncemout of the 4.uw6_.:- -anwiAl', Mrs. J. �V. %P"my "I'lug wrOnR with t e Jubilee I jf�
rpP14PA11111111111111thig lightninR have tieen I t t n ar Itun U Al .41'1 .-A
.-& - I # 1". d. on tuo first Tk .j rflPorW duri stain A D %
nto I --- - I I I %# GO fe jrrwy- "'my "U
I f nignt, Ild as w ly- four tuonthm tll&u ir, -al F -t " loillito is we cruel nPowsity he We I - known Ph) siclas of Lucknow; oerwaly bare reawn 40 think
e"rnpoi Aerk. y0ars cowbiu four pr0000ding wh'ch M&k,, a man lick two women 0hri-dena B.. 6601y return th"
I at Once. ed injudee bad bwa d(mw
feMioual nurse f9m lismil