Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-23, Page 31-licouragOMPIA& aid Pucw'
V1.1111JI: I U4J L JLL aot, ap the y(st4ts ot
1,41. ice ride; Wh= the mok is
lappenings of J filled with tram. & Pima of g
11likirriling. Grea Wz+ Ilk know SUNDAY SCHOOL THE '811 JOSE SCILI, am the rack- -&-tight
many bqKding%, b"not achle w your thrown over the wh(,s and
"A anti tlie people n arm, but Almighty e 1!1 our- fastoixied down at tile sides by t1LrOw_
-Aken. ficlent—that which saved Joseph in INTBRjWATIONAL LESSON- NO. ilig dirt on tits niargins woo J 601111-
-atell skTs: The fact Hard On Hyp the pit; that which delivered Daniel JULY 26,1897. Prof, Panton Issues some Infor- 1)144,0 tile apparatus. One sifle could
-Niilllam Is returning to In the deri; that whelh shielded Shad- Im left 01*11 till the watew an i ellem-
49aminati(mi of the eye, re- rach in the fire; that which cheered matian kbout It, icalm aro placied Ili tile diub i ud tile
Paul In the shipwreck. dinh isliplied W-neath the r&cL. 'Min
lZied, Coilfirms the feurs that 99W Is IL doftd)y IKAiKet, and g-r4.&tc&
, I I'a u I Preaching jai A I Acts x v ii. V-31.- re
Loa -d, the daDger growing out ahould lie twed not to breathe wh& I Ap
t to mom "riotis thain ham Talmage ]Estimates Them As c Ac
"-line —A. 1). 50 1 laev.—Mtirz�' Hill. placinig the dish under the reek.
-----*su1111 4)4,,:rat low health of the count ]Either In Sight of HYME199 QUEER ALTIR, HOW TO TILL THE NAW PEST. To generate tile gas, tmur three
fluid ounom of water Ili a giased
Perswis.—Taul. Athenians. -I)Ionys-
WORL11, thoingrm God or Man. earthenware vomwl, to this -Ad cme
lum. Damarle. How it Breeds and Attacks the Trees ounco (A sulphurie tlicid; placo under . . . . . . . .
IN DISGRICE �� \1 I Uommentary. - ts ukwutil, per&--cution - tile trem fuid tilen add olpe u,ince ii),
;V\, , ) I � This Time It Was a Hospital Oper- beat MethotU Fighting it Sketched
ISlw�-.ulatil ;:,:� 1 -1 - weight of fused cyanide of lbotamwimu.
ft ill IV 7" ;� ar(se agalust tile new rellgion; and, Where It Came From Its Life His- This will Make gam enough tr) fill No
y thing friendly.- but after a while you Paul Ieuving Silas aud Timotby ut
ria Washingtork, 1). C., dwpatelk "Ys: ating Table, tory The Various Remedies.
vioneo of 150 rubic feet." At hour'm
Non of ows- �,ork Discusses His ROjOU101) This discourse of Dr. Talmage. founded fInd they have the fierceness of a (V. 14), to folkow dkiiu 'later,
Cf ILIts 1pt*�11 on a strange scene of olden times, uatiamount. the slyness of a snake, hustolied secretly cin Ili a auutlierly T1w followiLC Is taken from Prof. oxjKmure will likely kill all toe wale
and the ioplite of a devil. Ged will bwet".
41c, BJWr.s'r, by Paris Jockey Club, shows that fraud will come to ex- expose such. The gun,they load will diroction, till fit- cullbe W tile famom lluutou'a articte Lu the Olitaxio Ag- P. - -
ow it. large poeure. if not Ili 'this world, then LOVERS WILL BE HiPPY YET.' cItY of Athens the cupitul of tlw In- ricWtural Bulletin, No. 106, t)I1 One of tile w(st effeetut, renie*
iticre.,ow- - 14: burst In their own hands; the Iles Q& dieA, anti one readily alq)lied is t1w
atkI in:lporta§ for tLw in the next. Telt, 1. Samuel xv. , they tell will break their ow -n teeth; tellwetual world, no RoLue wafs of the San Jum ocale: uno of whale -oil moal), tw15 Ix-anda in
And Samuel said. What meaneth then and at the very Moment thek think political, and Jerusuletil of the relig- -ater. Apply this In
this bleating of the sheep In mine ears I. It puwA%sw-b warvelltais ptowers of 4*io gallon of i%
LIVISH WITH BIS WIM8 1619TI They have been - suecessf ul, in decelv_. iOu". �%'Idlo I"Itul waited for the-com-
q of tailldeti. iA Ill and the lowing of tile oxen which The Operation a Success and the Groom ilW Of blluA anti Timothy, he ean- rftwottuction A biligle felnuie tha tim" fajl ju1qt " tile leavw drCiflo (iff.
Ifig,you and deceiving the world. Ahe -foro the walem harden, anti itgaln Ili
N : R.vq -it rjlarge t. -f Ault,- hear'.0" sheep will bleat anifll'the oxen will Will Recover A Nervy Girl is Lover. I)l0YOd � III& tliae iu speaking lit We hao u Lutemd over muy 1w the prxigeui- to
amerva -111 We lung. �be Amalekites thought * they had Nurse and Bride Rather an Odd vynagugut* to tlie, Jtwli, Und In t1w t"r cd In ill jillb LI stioritle jumt before tile troes bloom.
RN bellow. iot I a& IL100 deahOli ; buin`0 Sonjo reimmmend a ueaker oo ti" lit
Kingl4u'li, will Charters a Costly Yacht and Will Have' conquored Cod. and that he Would not il
,carry into execution his threats I learn further from this subject Case of Matrimony juarket-placuli t4, til(Sille %holu lie met. have computed that tifsr progeny way t, 10 faj I . one pound to one galion td
Palatial Residences in Parks and I:Pon- -a
fef the thTre" of 1.1,.t). ulptin Sir against them. They 1j'aid murdered h.ow naturW It Is to try to put off our The Ic lers lit lolillumophy anti religi(ill ribl". t J1,cr ilpie u Lwr ut 3,- watoer, then Just hef4we t1w, bill% . . . . . . . . . .
.P. I the he ed uin
%Ufr6ll 1.4turit-r t4i (k1t4Awr 16tik don Two Millions a Year Will He ttle, sins on other people. Saul was charg- Ni. -w York repo -rt: 1)(-athim,d in-ir- were attraLted OY l'uul, afid licideon- 000,000,000. TI*3,re way be four Kell-
uwveqmfty div). Israelites In battle and out of ba ed with disobeying God. The man' nuell in ispring, the stronger (Slatiotto
L)ltssipatp His Wife's Fortune Too? 400 riagest are common enough, the cere- rvatil)u with hit" atx;ut Ili#, religion. orationiti In a season, the adult fe-
and left no outrage untried. For says it wag not he; he did -iot save Tho L114cureaiui entirely tk-nletl a I -oro- t%vo pouilds to one.galloli of water.
flawilliclence Ila,* I*en received lit Ot- luoug y1earq this had beell going on, and they it—trying to Molly Ilan been performed ill balloons, Dia" uf each giving birth tog) living E.Vou the UNK. of cowinoli 01ap had
tawa of tlw death of Lieut. -Vol. Cliani_ A . New York dt*ipatch says: A say: "God either dare not'punish us. or the she.eW; the army'did Videuix-, anti field that the world wnm Youtig for five or #dX weekis, the
throw It off on -the shoulders of other but It hiw remained foe a )-uuitg cou- t,110 Went ftAlowed by gxx)d lraftlte, bilit
1wrimik, fornwrly queen's printer, at *1-4*1'ety's Foux lluudrtmi anti at tile He has fcorgotten to do no." .1'et us Of Ilkere challcm; amwerting gony of UA3,se bearing yOu'19 when A ]late oil or f loll oil boap is pmforalAe.
Lakeflvl,l, at the age of seventy. ellibil, tho news Qat tile Count de see. s*amuel. ood's prophet. tells Saul people. Ifullian nature Is the same plo lit Elizabeth, IN. J., to be Laurried thAt tile -dotll anti lk)4 dii-A tLigether. "atiout tJilrty days t
In all ag". Adam. confronted w1ilt Old. Fact' fcm"le Kercmene emub4i(Am, chluted %*,th vine
to go d6wn -and slay all the Amale- Ili tile operating it;a The KtuILW held that inatter wad etbr- brW#
room of a hoop
Nir. J,-hn Macdt)nal..1 (k)rdk)n, of 0t- CastooLlane Athe 1ALsbantl tbf Miss A11113 Ws sin. said. "The -woman tempted _4% into ex6iteum 100-500 iiiiiecto loarts waWr, or whak—oil soap, one
ta%%a, kw1wict4or of Dominion Land (;Oukl) had lm,,e klWs. not leaving oiie of them aliv'e; "Lai; thut all things wero governed by during lkc,,r lifetime. Thuo it %%ill be lootind to four gallous uf a ter,
me. &ikd I did eat." AnA the Woman U iw-�emed to W a matter of
blackballithl by t1le also to destroy all the beasts In their "'0 15j"' futoe; that, virtuo WLW ita owli reward, #K*n that ft great couluibion of gen- im gotA for suniiner treatment am soon
Agoii&-iewk luw been buPerannuatet.1 He fiosswsslon—ox. sbeep. e charged It upon'the sorpent; and tu own Itullisliluent.
Jockt-y Club otexclUxt. grvat amel attd ass. the aerpent could have spoken, death wheil the ceremony was per- and, %,Ico I After erationK %%,ill boon &x,6t, as t1wre inay how twLt tile IK*,it"- for twenty-two iformed last Thursday, but Dow tile discussing with th(so 11111 as tile llee are moving. Three r four
11- Hark! I bear the, tread of 210.OW nien, would hime chargt�d It upon the devil.. IV800tera for be ul"I a plant at OlLe time the
yeam WUNrklb Allid ws tile subject of ge a patitvito Is -well ri tile wily toward a tli applications of thip at Pitervabi of
with monstroui aul at tht-Ir. hsuppose that the real state of.the luc.' they I-aul t-0 leave Y4A'119 of wveral generations.
%'eniq-xi Iluttt-on. ani FnglLaltitian em- eral. comment u>-411ay. The pritetlCal ablate with.arinor. -his shield dangling tho curbiun tuld throrWing crowds of A. ten daya m -Ill dmtroy many innee to,
Idoyett hv A farmer iwar Brant U.082imit by wlAch tuo Count'a ILI)- at his side, holding In Iiio hand a spear, caw was that lo.Ve was eating the r4 -covery. Itifimted young trom lwrii4t lit Iput as tile fewaies are cotitlitually
ford, Wj"ou for momberalilp I" beeure- at the wavirig of which the great host apple and that Adam mw It. and beg- 1,0424 Itn'wnikrajitz and Bertha Held- the, warket, nutt Uddl`4_21424 tilt -Ill front two or three yeare. Itroducing young throughout the sum-
rulp hive thniat witill a razor. He' was ged and coaxed until he got'a piece the platforin Oil tile sumulit of tile- Pill, 3. 7lip range of food planta 64 ex-
takpn to the hc*-Vftal ai.d 1.1 probaLly JeoCUM whiLe him youngor brother was marched or halted. I see smoke eurl- ingor 'have growu up togethtf Ili tile CalkxI Are(4mguli, or Hill mer, tile spraying should he kept up
recover. kidleateki QW aatagol�61.11i. tlUtt Ing ag4inst thq�_sky. Now there, to a of It. I suppose that Adam, was Just qtiuij�t little, New Jerey Uitj. Al- and all liarta (if tile plant to bo effectual. Fall or wititit r %regto-
tins been &rutwetl againt. fbim. ill tile thick -cloud of It. and now I see the Much to blame as Eve was. You though licuesikrautz is but 21 ye* wem amienibled tile notilt-st (or Athens, way W attacked: leaf, otein. twig and ment with trong solutions is Jecldpd-
The LltieraU prt4titime W give a pub- French capital, and IL" revived it'- whole city rising In IL �hariot of smoke cannot throw off the responsibility or arm t1w first Politicians. the firkit iwatorii. fruit. The "Cale ham been Atund-uIx-on ly tll6 must isucosoNful.
tj l.t.. it is Saul that any sin upon the shoulders of other old tile yoing couple-luut been ho- 'tilt, first plill(moplitTs. Pe
lie rwep�ivu to Sir N% !.aurier on Uvedt In his eccentric course litee lie behInd steeds of tralit-d for, two years. They werp S.D. 'ar, lilum, pple, cherry,
hiis rettirm from Europe. ow pnqiortal set the city al)laze. The Amalekites, P@GD3e. Paul Otoo,11 in tho luidat—As the aprk�ot, qulnx�e, 3. Pure kerosene Is <11estrurtive W
ios Ui tetulpr the IWmier irotartiod to Eurvioe %,'ittb Ibis Aiuert-. . a of Here Is a young man who ays, "I to havo been tuarried, In Julie of thw roquwti wum so plainly witir4idded currant, goomeberry, the scalus, but will kill tile trftes un -
a n4on-poli- and. Israelites _nieet: the trumpet to rumb, hawthoru and even elin.
can bride. know I am doing wrong. but I have year- 1*,** grest rare is (AiwArveq in its
tical - haniltiot. peal oil peal, and there Iw 410 Moto hcloltatm Ito rime lk&-' 4. Tilo ix~ 0"_
lutt U10 t"Ith (of tile t1*4,)tll(ld lilts battiq blow not had any chAxice. I had a fatber Ratheir more titan three Months Vigo for" 'tile 111(.wt ' in 11 fit udionce llkgly t and o4eale are ex application.
lav� lljy I by tj j(p, it gtw, re is a signal toe igo a
I a death -hush. Then the Minute. irlip wale, im ortA�n Much Tile uno of resin waslivs, though iiiue-,
IN upet ke U -k; who despised rod and a mother who Rootnikrantz ivan stricken with ptieu- Which the) he-itiam v%or!d could f ur- U119 "aMe c4or am the IxLrk of the In- eAvmful In California, has not given
ligilu"! 14'r coulAo tit �riight44, aitl a w!-LI1.LAt t' if tho sttpry w was a disciple "of - godless fashion. 1 ll1onl4. 110 was t4keil to the Aloxiall Hish, even, if tile requept dUl notlwo- fe"ted trem. 14IOst are lem than one -
i &,,�IyUg, bu aved; swords, cut and ha(
pearty rv%%Jn1c otit, tto aseert.-Illi tht% 44 hiA6 ri*iig on arms fall from.trunks, am not to blame for m) i3ins--it Is my Brothers' 11(ispitu.1, on March 216th, vory tiecided'resulta ill tile eAA.
[row Pardo tw� true, the lijult and heaO roll into the dust. 0ash brin * Ing C"litt front a sincere love of tli trut 9ixt*X-nth f an inch Ili diameter, and
emift appetuv to have lievu reaellett, after gash. the frenzW yell, thei gurg- 9 up." Ah, no! that young avid Ito Ilan been there ever 110 Was eOWCiOUd he had 1`000iVOd ft aro thugs tilMoi4t'IlLV .1 e There are two enemies too t it actile
its tift4-r expenitibig lmout linx'(,f throttled throats, the cry of an has been out In the-world.long Early ill tho week, though, tile I)Iiy,41- Call- to IKW the Itallie of Jesus be- on. 6 hl to tile unked among Insects, looth of Which ore rv-,
Mr. lft�lll tv dim-kk tA) enough. to see what Is right,' and to ei' jtortA-d to aid very liberally in keeping
tw Make lit) �-tlurtvtg the pst yk-ar kor art treno pain. the laugh of evenge. the curse ano field a eonsultation, and decided Ion, tile Geuklle&—Lange. Ve men 5. It 10 rpadily lntrtxliwd lo Illift-
rtxlwti4" in i6trrngth tf' tile Urk-ft, l4b Wil'U'S 4&-lUttilre 14 W -W IX'- hissed between Aenched teeth—an gee what Is wrong. and In the great that tho (mily'liope for the young of Atim-nm—He wits atkirowtog ineLl Of Pry "toe It it i A fruit from illftiloited the scale Ili check. one, the 'Twice-
.%&,unted 1441ce In Allwrta, nd in Ing denimidoet by t1w tra , ifewnell army's death -groan. Stacks of dead day of eternity he 'eann6t throw his mait's-recQvery lay in mi L4-leraiioll. intot-ilectuai p6wers. stabbed Wyhird" (ChitWorus-bivul- t)tlw-r litirtse til 'the Tvrritorivvi tottly to willolu ho bou, I�borai a ofi a" sides. with eyes unshut a sins- upon h6 -father- or mother. but It:WllH not 114,4VNSUrily a (Uinger(ois nerwq), 1#4 q-ry common oil latest*41
,vaewi,cioew take place. niouth*s-yet grinning vengeance. 1IuZta will hive to stand for himself and olleratitm, but With a 14Ltiell Youn devotioiut--%'or1w (if art ITS PHESFNT' DISTRIBUTION. trom, apparently fet4ling urpM tKe
The Lk*uinioa Trzivvilers' for the Israelites! Two hundred and ten answer before God. You have had a dwn b three ni t 1rull ciisocratod to relWon.-J., F. & B. To Although f
I THF..t'(0l:.NT*8, 814; YACHT. wqttl" of. illnew� it Lrtit olawrvoll Ili 1893. it i4eale'. the other lo a elialcid larasite
-had 1*"i grantwd a r"Juc- I thousand men. wave their plumes and- conscience, you have had a Bible, and Ix-vaine vePy, inueti, of a problem. tho uukilown Gol-'Mat Ito tleity hl,s flow been located in' Alabama, (Aplo-linns ruacipenius).
w extri 0 the influence of the Holy Spirit. St9nd "light pull" t1win. for utgLecting his
tumi of L4J per cent. for ita4 mem1wra by '"gAilt 8ct-4 of clap their shields. for the Lord G d whether lie could withstand tile woruhip, or ronial Florida. deorgia, I.ouiNIaILa, Virginia. SUGGESTIONS.
tho Cowit recall 'I by t1w Paris inci- bath given them the victory. for yourself. or' fall for yourself. a uninvokot in amk-
the iww Aiuvrican liffie, tile SL L.&,*%- "t I I tl'L- Here Is A -business man- He says, tdiock or even come out isafely from Ing for b1cmings, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Ma"achu-
tilt-zit 4 hi clulrtering o? the big ml Yet t4hat of Israel 1,; they uot onlyerect- carc-fully sickjy trom
r*40'* River 8teatutoout Company. I know I don't do exacily rigbt'ln under tho lnfluen4qe or .tile ether.' ed altarj4 too all tlm.- godis named or sotts� War' IaJkt, ew ' York, 01ib% anti tr4mm or
r-gg"t ate-aini yacht VaUuilln, owiled eqnquered by -sheep and'.oxen. (sod. y wfous brougli& from
It i* rV11l.-rt&4I Ut Halifax Cult t he " ttade. but all the Ary do Tito uunbuntvinent of the physi- known anio Now Jersey alml Peunsylvanlia; in
by Joti-t-loli Frederic Lay"k, ow- Of throug4j,the prophet Samuel. told 'Saul I Be them; but, distrustful nurw-rit* in infented d1vtriete.
Britioli Admiralty have re)v4-ted the tAwkionis - roremc44 twulkturs. The to. slay all the Arnafeki-tpq. and to slay it. and all the hairdware men do, this, e1aJ10 - tk�c-Njon. ottWgerod Itotibil- still Itato tilwy Might tiot yet* compre- 1894 itt, was rolkwuld ill BritiWi Cot- 2. 11 only -a few trees are Infested
y1w, tot vo***+4 prc4)vw,4I by Iletermat, lut4ult, tt molwq I)aki is not men- ail thev beasts- in their pos.session; but and I am not responsible." You ean- krauitz' like a blow in. tho f am. His be- he1141 fully thie extent of their sulijee- umbkt, and now witcwtunatley in dkvtroy them.
,rato & L;to. f-LAr tlw fasit Atlantir-her- Saul, thinking that he knows more not throw off your sin upon the trothett, who was 13rement, noticedthe- tiou tuid dependence, they erected J uno of 1897 we JLavo, to announce ft 3. Trma Infested, If viiell etit lack
loat it 6 wil,t to be i4omething shoulders of other' merchants. God clituigo, and ao soon. as IW(*Wnt in 4-4outhern Oritario. Kottiie
vive. nl th�it Vw wittract will ha�ye -il-mc titan God. saves AgAg. the Arnalekitish
Wt TIA� tremendous as they wore tl"n aim" to any othor g(A or liower tind treuted with uhalt,"M &jap.
will hoild you resnonsible for what you alone she ik*wd her Tirin hands over sIx-cimena are relxwted V) have [men
W be revisal. cruft !a often tilought tobe king. and five drove of sheep and a that nilght exist. although " y#,.t ull- f4mnol last whiter near Chatimm. directed. it" Iw largely itav* 1.
Johji'Oke, aged 16 yetird, anti rrek, herd � of oxen that he cannot * bear to do. and them responsible' for ' what one of him weak Ones and murl ureil: revealed to them. 4. Orchards set out uluin �_he lhmt
a, trausatbuitic lim-r. or a man -of -
kill. Saul drives the, sheep an(Y-oxen they do. I want to quote one passage '"Never iiiind. lie bravo, we'll be mar- 24-- God that, mado tile world -1. He U'HEN AND WHENCE' IT CAME. six years with trees from in"t*.(l
orrow, ag"I -L11, ere drown"I war It Is kntpivii, for exampLe, U at dawn toward.home. 10- has n, Idea nr Scripture for you -1 think it Is in ried anyhow." OPP(mm, iluluctly, the-ir opinionathat Tho.genecal eouemmLs of oijk-klou Kt4114-8, inny be diuspected. Tit" 79 Ofd
wWk- thialLing in, Ta_aA<y** pond near k1gittlu (k)elet paill a fortune to Lily that Samuel, the prophet, will fiPnd out Proverbs: "If thou be wise, thou shalt " When To L*wnkrantz asked ill- . It Id
Cistutwzt. %ISCrqw 11wt, Idd lito ill skil Utuictry ftor tho uve for a few yearic that he has saved these sheep -and oxen he wise for thyself; but f t credulotioly. thom were many g(xk 2. He oppmes aftor uAteli kivt*tigatiq.Ai iA, that It lie carefully examined.
a,st*-mlot t4,w jiavw lo" J tit" much stuilfer est. thou alone Ahalt bear It. Xho opinion that inatter is eternal. came oriVinally froui califorula, 5. Exaniiiie fruit from Itifivit"d local -
Right off,. to-inorruw
vl'"Wl WhitO for himself. Samuel comes and asks . before' the 3. Tatl all thijww are cAmitrolled toy where -lot was nooticed " a lit -lit LU tile Ititw
evuld INA owim. -the news from 'the battle. Saul liparn. further from thlb subject Saul t
Wh fat" 4. Thut, the world wan formed San Jcoie VALIt4y a* far back am
Mr. wholuum clairge of It *11l -t-4-at $1.7-0.000 a ytqtr inerely puts on- a solemn face,, for there 1.9 no - ' Ood mean4- by extermination. And wx ' It, was docidetl. The girlo' toy, an accidental throi4-, of atoms. 1873.* -111 ISSO Prof Cotnwt4x-k
Iloillin,im t;tmernment, iminigra- too Coat the Valliallit about. Site had one who can l(w* ore golemn than Saul was told to slay all'the Amaie- witlid tile aid of ber brother, J ohn. X, it, 4,
U t- tl�vpocrite and he says 'kites. and th,6 beast,; In theIr posse -s- k tuiod the insieet Am-
tioil gelkt*6 lit, tfw %Vmtern ' States, it crew tot 128 mot and, boy!; when your gen in Anti theme were the doctrines or lilts iscrit RICHEST 11 THE WORLD,
fion. He loves Agag. the Amalekite Reldingler,. anti lw.r hrother-iii-law, lgart�rv.--Barutio. While Paul re- pldkAum Lai account of
t�lat, t1w ftP1114C ill to- Ili New 'Ytwk . luirlmo. in 'Septembot-r. "I have fulfliled the (4mmand of ih� kifig, olpix Hooler, attended to the want slxc'twI the rank all(I jX*ItiOU %%rillell I%a wwitnm cliarnewr as a scale. It
wardo canada in grektly iniprov-", 1,-nrd.** Samuel listens, and he'hears and some of the sheep 'and Ad
the'dirove of she*p a little way off. oxen. God chatises him for it. God arraiWmenta that the octlasion
VILMONS A YEA1 TO Ll V E 'osenkrantz
an ttiat. tti~'who are going to tile TAVO '. ft e t's likes,- nothing d ne hy halves. 0 Manell. Ad both. young 1. tie- ill" "rPril lvald, he W&W faJtlLful lit is believeAt to iuAre 1,04tu intmkirod
.Northwtvit, wlII Make firwt-clam w -t- Saul had no Idea that the proph preaching untO thein the*truth. IOrd Itiloo the East -lit 1886-7 by two ew #Wo'nderful Stories of Cold
It is said Ili theAme.r1caik eommunity Parq would be so acute. Samuel says will not stay In he rot3i thRt Is half and film pruspective bide attended Of heav,61, nd earth -He Is Supreme Jersey nurwrleas, one at Burlingtotm,
iik Parw that tho C mut and. Countess Ills and half th4. devil's. There may tho German Lutheran Church, in e OW, #W ms
yvwig Lii iiaLu"t Jtw N-11 its ly- a 17 -par to Saul: "if you have done as Cod told, be' more fro pumeosor. and dimposei of all things. thoother 0 Little r. . lie fir From Ala2ka,
ftMTl0 Sklitling ypu, and slain -all th� Anialekites and -- sins Iniour Foul than there Port, mtiNtet, a slight 41imtatice . m Dwelleth not -.A ittrong, dv�ciidve st'roke
Ilig at. the p4oilit tot kk-ftth ill WCOW11, .%nll t1W gUMlpd point out, too, that all thtb beasts -in thi-ir ptwsession, what were Arnalekites.: Ue must Xill them. timi Akxiait HoiqAtal, tht-re was Ito - imported ftoini tim haft lose Valley a
tim m2 -alt 44 Injultw "w"talued toy 11ro ill title chariiiing,cap,ital autl tile meaneth the bleeting of the- sheep In Woe unto us if we pare, Agag!'Her6 difficulty. lit "muring t1w. pristor, the afaill"U th0 *11016P AYAW"I Of GrOsciall varlety 4 of J nliasmiie - the Kel-
itiolatry.-Clarke., iley. w-allil clitime,111 to tw eurcu-
I-0111C atttu*" by a Lori 14-lungilkg 11ew amociatiotia hi�tve uite trans- nilne Par. and the lowing of the oxen in a Christian. Ite says: "I will drive 11,6v. Cluirkm -�i. Fibelit-r. o Thursilay,
U) his employer, 11r. Laiguttiff. The ornieti that I hear?" Ah. one would have out -all the Amalokitps (vt siri a,, little while before tile time met for 25. Ne&Uwfr is w(ormli1ppeii * wIth 114P ilroor. In 19,49 or I&JO tile first
theaughter of Jay -Could front hki-t. Here lncql'14 lifintli*--The ficeLthe it loullt walf iIAek frf)1m. th:s Ittilaort4ion ONE nK CLEINS UP 9 7MOO.
Lad wast few1mg the animial anti arL a thought tha blushes would have con- Is Jemilousy-d6wn 90eft the operation, -tile britle, accompanlod
& ratjw.r plain American girl iqto No, no! I le that A.malekite. Here lif backbiting- - Iwr wo, broth- U!inlld$'d U tillelr gptlp fthil lorolli6rht, begn to be - dk*txIbuU-d. and in Au-
ogio-wl its Ire Iq pricking it uti tlw now ;ruly fetching Parinianne. surned the cheek of Saul! * d6wn gges that Amatekite:" and what - by. the winigter and SacrIfIcAw and food .-mid .4irbik, :tilt] gust ut 18!)3 the'Saii J(x*- scale was
the pik-lifork. It *as fortunate, that, haii-ing war- ays the army -no himipliff of course.. eM Walkil-d-acr(we -to tho hospital.
blit the army -had saved I tire- sheep slaughter he makea among --his r sins, Iniagil"I timIt the g(wis, were (A):Igfml first olwt*rVed on the eamtern odde of orty-nve zach with From ss,000 to
,171W thm-year-old 0011, of Mr. J011111 riett a . Man with, such big Itknut anti hey striking right and left! Wha4 Is that Theii It occurretl t4a them that a crowil- UP theni ftAr iiougon and rood.--4-oiu. It was located $100,000 in Dust and N ugge,, e A Dif
hayiii(xiol, Imo Budgh, tivar Galt, Out., expensive tamtes, Atti�& (;Ould , lat, and oxen for� sacrifice; and then t &It hoispital wtard,, where others were
9. thought It would be too bad knyhow out yonder, lifting UP -hi's head? it 0mn. Ali though Ito Ili nit orcharli of ficult Country to Re&eh But a Regu
6-sli Tilvely ballowt4l. a currant in more of a fortuile thall, tile othttr (V -it Is fin enga4m], ill a silent struggle for life' tho wrviemu nuun call render. 'ala, athl Fllie�e tlwti each owanou has
to kill Agag, the Amalekitish kin Is Agag Is. worldliness. It
tho citrtleu. It, ludp-'d if; tile throat. youngrr nieinlwra of the 44ould fablily'. P. a was JuIxkily - tho place Jor a Marriage. 9 lar El Dorado Wh*b Found.
Samuel takes the sword and he slashes ol sin he carinot� be-ar tp strike'down. 26 Hath nuuio of one blood all nil- ki-;t*mded VW
e I . ltowjikran�z' wits too weak to* lie cof sat tile inurmectitm of the broDehittl it, will I*% recallW Via tit elder -ag to.plecet;*. and then he takes the It Is a. darling trangrfsslon he can- vons-Goti ims nuujo or one anceator, tricts. Sau Franorbm dmpatch 11w
tul**i. anti ill spite of t1w efforts of. brother ¬ Water-Caorge and Helen A nnt afford to sacti-ffee. Oh. my breth- Moved far, atht so tile o1wrating room,
skirt of his coat, in true Oriental style, or one soarce, or one family, all Ila -
a plAywirian wbu wad callimit, the child Qoull-had their special millions, Ali- ren, I appeal 'for entire consecration! w1wTe. lie would have to Ile, taken 'TIZ twl Prew luis recelve,i a let -
and rends It In twain as much as to ticins. Tl" Lays ul"i us t1to tinty to
)lit UlKall ab VIO Most Ju the work td 'difttribution. t
o1witi three litt,uni afterwards. Ila 4;ould, tho,youngewit, of all, had say. "You. aul. Just'like that, shalt Some of the Presbyterians call It the allYhow, wm 1114111, t001 W-1141 to be iu- U -C fr(mff 11. A. Sttuiley. llro#Adent tA
A Ak*ixitoi-L frim Wntreal ilitateo tlm dvantaloko Of a few years or Illill- be.torn away from your epirp. and "higher life.- The Methodfatil, I be-* place for the cereniony, and Neet. tW-Lr rali
fill nw,41, and to troat till men- Justly ('0 but ll"le, as it If tliw, Waiginuntows, . Y., Evtqilm'g Hw-
tiat a third eat -e cof tmallppx had beeu llority during which hho wan tit, 110 torn away from your - throne." in lieve, call It "perfection." 1 -do not withouti further atto tit*! britlegrooiii and Iti-V131gly. ovell tlw-* lowest ritc4tei 'juito to move from 1placw -to (AAMmajy, tell'ng of U&- W'ow!errul
dirwovoml lit Utat city, the patient' eXPeluW. heyond schooliW. The -uc- 'other words, let, all the nations of tilo care what you call It;* "without hoIl- wa plaml on a stretcher and borne of nl".-Peloubc4. Huth deternitno-Al lAuoe* Itis We ot active movement Is
t4y that'ArSaul. by dis- :neft no Than shalt see' the Lord." I intot Mat grewsome weAlding chant- vorj- brief -a few 1*.)uro% at m4imt, a gt4t! discovwkw of Alapka. Mr. Stan-
havwg been Utken to the h4ximpitrd cumulation of $4,000,001) sho I" SUM earth hear the. s (Sal's 111VA&-lity lialki 44 rovealed in thl,
I Cohe I Cod a flock of sheep w men 1%*ho are living wlfh thAr' lier.' - Tlw. rvat followed With serious day or two. It inoves only a few inchell frcau 14t;.
eight day% agck but iwwa (4 it, had be -en to hare settled outright oil Count t e y ng . won 9;overfunent of t1w world, its ell as
withheld fn)m the public. The patient� CasUllanie oil her marriage. She wan _I0 -qt a kingdom. soul In Perpetual c9mmunion. with tacm lit its from Itis birth --place, then. tiettlfw, be- w1wre be @U4ilwd tAi_%hio wa3'So the
who, bit a brothm of yotaW'Charbon- then crediteal with a fortuiie of $15),- 1 leArn.from this subject that Cod ChrLqt-. and day 'by day' are walking once ill tile pl-ace,- lbe bridegroom V) C01110114 etwered with a tocale, and in the
tioau. tne of the f'umt platwutd, 1,@ in 0&),000, which 6 $5,000,0C moro than Ill expose hypocrisy. Here aul Pre- %,Ithln sight -of heaven. JTow do I - -was proppml up with pillows Uri - his -7 , T)*4y 4itkild #*m, -k tile Lurd-The came of Uw female, rema"i fixed for YuktAi w1ning rwVioii. %%'riting under
know" They- 6,11 me so. whoilo oloject of Uie divine lorovidence
a critical ecftlition. the young I)uchem of 31urlLorough car- tends he has fulfilled the divine com- them.* They I believe imtretelker;, -and there, licfore the ul Ills (kvt with natio-mit" an,] in- life, aud begins producing young In tl�tUi- to( JWW 30til 11-V mys "Tile
. I to lwr ducal spouse. According mi.Rq.ion by slaying all the beasts be- would newt lie about it. -StollO tOpl*41 operatingtable, byway UTWO about thirty 4ays. After Itecoming w*U-onl4-r Ext-44*6r, -tot Sita Franei-seto,
amuel of 111gl,gate, aged 48 longing to the' Arnalekitods, and Yet Why cannot we all hare this conse- dirlduallol, LA to) lmrijW t1wom, to it know -
to .0111 accounts the couilt4*8 has flail of nit altar,. and with tile twggeetivi� fixed, It lives toy sucking the cap -tot aa t4w. fk*t vow" to loush 1,er way
YeArN, reCtIVW pl`011111,bly fittdl 111jUrit" at the very moment he is tetlfng the cratlan? Why siay some of the' sins glillt� of tho #oirgeoi4i' implementm of tdie olbe true Abbott ' t
at uirkerk 14attirktty night. He as piwnomenal luck In woney matters, and C - delusion.- the- In oud soul. anti lt�.ave othelr'.q to blemt, Nv�t bir from every one of us -He tA Ike plant upon which it Ili loeated. through tile it* too thiml A&Lvon. TlW
tory, "d practfi Ing thk
allout by way of bridal tk)corationx, t1w Ti*) malies have wings and way fly 11ortlaiml trout f4vittle arriv
t-nowhig the Al. C. I.. traxk with hi,4 her fortune, though not itlereastA by and twilow for �lur exposu" t1d four
comeA ut.- arid the she6"p bleat re and con-, hard US ftwl ',' not, lie With -
wain and w.L4 utri A by ll *-xpr~ 8a%-iUg, ellIZ-116-tNil' I*'Cat1W Ot gt)(Ail deinnation? Chript will . wotikling. service was read. about at Inaturit, but time feinales hours tater. Ftiom. t4~ vesowls we
nd -thp oxert belt w. not stay in drnwi4 fnen qs, but becittlow we ultli-
A hylSocrite is on#- who prefond.9 to the skme house with- Aag. You must -At tho eoncluision the'brIde twilt are alwa" ithwlew.. Cluring the few learned f4or Qe first thiw 4 14eKin-
trwil. Moth horwa %ere-killeil, aiki the It unquoijutito lier senrell, white'face over tile pallid draw from Ili=. Our iniquitlov w1mr-
1vagowl 141.1aadicil. t4o i4p1mt4_,m. Nf*r. nably takti; therevenue lie what hP Is Is not, t)r to do what lie give-' up Agag.- or, give tip Christ. AtO UN front Him Wmro or dayo tho tiny hoe are mor- 14-y',% electAn, tile r*wult 4of itilki Cor -
does iWt. of or one agaInst tke pillows, and Amtreatftl
Bi"qu.14 itkull utim frartinvtI, of ninny 'vailliotis to provide a living for Saul was only' a type -a Jesus says, "AR of that heart "'0. Wo tire tj , OffliqW�11W Of 010id- Ing about, tlwy may get upon birt* tmAt_FItz#tmw4Arw 1rize liglA, :ilul
4 . ipr art*] collar b4die bro-ALt-n. atid lie w:kA 'this couple, One of the iii(ist pr(Aigal (-Ia,,qs. The modern. hypocrite looks. none." Saul- slew the poorest of 'the' thtip young inan to be elkeerful . and m mx-h it**--4cta as antm and ismall beetles. tYU" newm ofz Inte fall mul hit4-r
Byertma4wili a ter t1w, image of God ;
its to perwmal ezpenwe of Lilly. In whine" when he shee-p And the*Tipanest of the oien, brava. Then she went out and eri6d. .9 alld by thiem Ile carried to other treAft. Tlw ice went toot tit tlw Yukc.a..iAlotout.
istlterwfoe Injiirt-4 IN Mw a % irt. mot the nitiverw. Yet. thtioe lit. a. litmition prays. and'. during -Ills public d*'-v6tlq-)n and kept some a the: flneat and the, The/operation, which was performed by regeneratkw throtIgh tho Incar- Otio ollmerver lino notkw-d that in In- Jui*4 15th, and tlw river jil"nw-r
childmn. pelid shows A great dea; of the whites of " fattest, and thert, are -Christlaw wh'o half An hour later, wLA entirely sue- rutte Girod.-Thohick. We ought Infested districts, tile scale Is often Itill-tup it. W~. Willett Intwed al to know Pay that while they s� ration- W
Tlw% Euipreoilo of Jp pti % a4i 11v e 4 lay at 10 his eYt-4. tic-, n4-%-t.r laugh%., or. It he havi? slain the most unpopular of their comful.' Yeatertlay when I was at Tuwt-If wo, Intelligent. nvwa� m(we commott twar a hird's nest. Am Dawoom. '.2,225 nill4w up. rtvi-.1"I St.
bed"id titne in &ULrtiikg t4i fwr L7Wt every son of their income, they tJ dfws laugh. he. seeniq sorry for it transgressions, - stad saved thiose which al lit-Iligm, twe tile (liffolwing, (if G041.
not encroach on the principal timpital Rosenkrants was up' trf;E!x In a miro,,ery grow tiome t4vetIvr, 1110MA-l's JIUbe
trip too Yokudiniva. Thr*w of thtlw-� AND IJOUS_ artrerward, a.s thlough he had commit -o reisp�ctable. It will not do. tho o ought itot to thsik that tile Dt- Iotil. The Wear
11m, ade renelking Hong ted 146me great indisermlot Amale- walking arountl a hi., There Isevery 4WIP, t1w stre. 11. Like a dumb, dand, they prtwent favorable conditions ter Ilr.)uglLt fluthtq1tjr Iwwo (d 40ni tif
up I*fori i. TheAirst Klternal war against, all the ehnntv� that. fip� will reeover film health twing inf(wted Fruit from ftifewted g-01 M k #4
-ay. Tim- 11(4 umot woft1tvtiul t tri e Ill
K"Lg. anol Vio reuouiIiing two 61w, Tito eouitt Is Imililing the uicat inag- time he gets a chanee. he pt 4 twenty. k1te-gs; no, merry for, Agag. entirely-, an4l there li4,taJk of h wed- .1wrent flare t4w w.nle upm it; even tlip witrI(I'm 11jisSury ftn4I IWOW
canceli011 lWtW#*-U H4A1g , K"4C nd nificent private dwebig that the� rfilnutes. In public. anti when hp, - ex- I learn furthpr' from this -subject . 14e It& (Jfo4priaC.--41arkP. tnw*4 may lit :,ISO
titilgi trINAlLough it will naturally mu"t r"*411 wind may nswb4t lit opmuling tivw in- r-wiA fowty-five n&wr#t" everr minn
yok"1111auft, &mving at tho lattpr Fmwh metrt4x4lig will Woot of. It 6 horts.. he -.Pen11( t4.) ilnl)ly thbA all the that It Is vain to, try' -*to defraud God. .40. This ignorarm-Exprcommi Ili r.
have to he delayed a while yet, 0-3 sectm tlint nppear at fir,%t so compar- bringing Ili frdwi $5,0(i) W io0ox)
*Y, of 'L.paLicle, and admirably situated. He raee fLr*4 with tme, exception. H( -re Saul thought he. had cheated _. 0.
*Jr. r ShftUglaW. tuid exemplified Ili the i(Iolatripum
1C the. stating who. (,od out of those,she.�Pp and oxen, but atively lo-1plew to travel by their own of (IUA jn4l llugg*44, wWl .4, agirri-
the Cajumlilan Parifle - Rail -way, is t thun.#ugh llarie4aii, anti modesty forbiddin owne, axomid him. Wtnkelti &t-4)
r"I ta, UL�a tus fijio examlote of.. the u'i an untwiial degrcie the. ta&Ae inlit-r- 1hat one Is. There are a great many he IoFt his ernwri, he lost his' empire. SUBTZRRANEAN GALLBRIES. ltxo" tdns committed In ixnornnft�v"'r_ offorto. 74jw hirds, lnwetF;, fruit. gals, 44 nithre them
in tile people of the nation. Dur- ii-hurches that have two -tie thrf-e ev- irou cannot ehoat Orod out of asingle are 'Icx*i froin Infmtrd trcmv, and wind Tilt) rielicwt gidd oitrike tl P worl:t
reperve lmpwpr?4 of thetr itu cent. Here lis a man- who ka 'made One-third of Parts Built Over LonK 41ifferen't from those committed aga1imt Je
I *nlall, i1w the powt fi)ur earm lie has devoted cli-4astical Urtah Ilteps. Underground Ways. Ught and 'conmience.-Schaff. may n1l bo ltriportant fewtors Ili tile has 4 -ver known wav inim lit tlW Kloll-
fmight I-rakc eusand dollars In fraud. Before
%lille running &14piig the Upp of titt;* much 4 _ blin tinio to rollecting rare When the fox begins to pray. lj)i)k_ ten th 3l. -He will udge-Their characWr di"trilwtion tif the arale. dyke n-gifwk-liud Auguot ant] be#U-m-
otit fo,r your chickng. TlYe inore, he dies every dollar of It will be gone, That. n.CA�nt vt4teA-rt , lit tile ca. ta- wid tk,.0d" were too be exambie.41, 81111 THE LIFF HISTORY OF INSEC"r. to -r, but thoiN im-'woe did tiot get rv#-n Vi
*tA CC art With wiliell to embel- genuine relig-19'on a nian ha.4%,- the More or 4t, will give h1ni violent udrest. 'ir(it- train pawing a waWr tank at I1.Ir*I*i4 4PbJOC e lal It" .41rawn attentioii to tile the reward or ptutimlim4wit dup wao to The iwarly fuily grown inmwt Imuo"
[ere is' a Cbraltian who has
Hstruck his hea11, 4,11 tl,#. tile interior ti tile new rftidence. comfrtable he. will be; but you. may .1 been' out I t4taMpede over t4w M14)
be awaimled by Uke JutW. The right- tlaw %-IntA-r tieneath-160 wax-likle tv w ra (
water Plw.put, which was aveitk-ritahy 116 ito; al6o a#4*,-rted tfutit the couvit kno a rligious, by the faA*t largely prospered. He has not given f4et - -that ono. -third :it letwt, Jr the 'ale lip a g 0 ning be een liore -ind
ovalwit" (if Ule judgnumt is what About June'tie young Iwgin to ap- M114* illterVe tw t
lianging dom The Wow luiockt*l hiul 14 ambltloim4 of having a tkmdon evab- that he prid'Lls himst4f 'on belnK uli-* to Cod tilt proportion that Is due In ',e I ty i of Variw is Lotiilt-'over long laby-*4 11, terrible tot pear, a e:S(ve(lingly winute, o4i leggod tilt- nevrer, flelil". 0n AtqriwL 13tlt
off the car int4) the diteli., &ml tie was liplmiaut% por that tie way participate comfortable. A man;. of that kind is charities and benevolence. God comes
G*Nprge 0minck ninde t4w- firA great
unconoefixio ftr ioix 4t4alrp. iiijurtil .'in tho social gayetim tit tile 11riti.,41i of. linmefise dainage to the cbureh of to the reckoning.* and�he takes It all.. rlpt.h,latt gallerit%, lilt-ep untk-r, the . I le k lubetL InpiecU, Uke yellowish simcku inov-
-outride hundred rom yau.-. . How often :Urfhce, - n(I The Quar- ole affietil- Ing alw)ut. The.* -emel) RIN)ut ,trike 4, Bonnnza $'m -k. and (m
ataken Uo the Winnipeg tMoatr4olm,fio during the w1won. Christ. A ship nik away f It hats earth's 9 . al .12. Some- mo.-Iw-d-Tlie w It
C-ral 6-Xfti1)Inati4,ll provf4l It is# 4,Ai the earlm that the efoulit I orms,- and yet a- h-anoful of wornif; been that Cbrisil' 'have had a ri,*," tdj*s a Pais of bly $$WiwfVi diviiies Itmelf Into two only for' a few hours, at August 141th seven claiins w -re filed
t( an. men 4 lit that reirt4mi. Wor-I got t,,. Forty-
of the Ptill had tweii and countem May even Ivil"it Newrxprt n the planks may. sink It 'to the* Uut- large, estate. an& It Is gone. 'The Lord tilt, London Tvlegrdph. Ilarlsiping #ire clamem. 71w first mocks, I)titwwmi4 fit- Mont a day or two, then mettle but a
inild- nnd Circle City, tout Cie newo
Iiijured, an4l tie L-4 ill a prot ariq o4i e, at- 4Ai the Vallialla thlo'sniminer. - Tlwy tim. The, Church of 6,od is ' not No dod came Into the counting room and IvDriodicalfy� f rightem4l when they hear clined to stay. Ilie wexnid smoothly few hiche% froin their hirtliplare, nnd
niueh iii "inger of the cyclones or said: "I have allowed' you to have cumm ftw-If and departo, popitp(ming hecoine attachpd to- the *Mt from wtw lookod uIxon iw at gruip o4take
d I t io in. havo not ri%visited America s-Inee their 'this. and Itegin 'to look forward u) -the "X L Chi Dec. howt ver. nu-
UN-rrF.L) STATE& ma rr i aM, trouble and persecutin that -conie all this ptoperiy for ten, Afteen, or 1"1141tipl, collapso fit their high houw& the furtf*r hearing buleflinitely. Of W'hich the females never move. During t1wiftle . views was earrit-d to Circle
-f tl*y ilip cvonl tivvr tilt! colint will upon It an of the vO ' rmin of.hypocfL4y twenty years, and you have not done Iso-wever. . who is Ill- tile two -the uncivil twen, who otav, tlieIr w -dentary life tlw ferriales lose
Tio- llaptboit Toung Unio)tlt . of fitilte a w-ronth-rhil contrastrrom that Infeet It Wolves. are of nu dan- -justice to m ' y poor childrerl, When mpector of- catcombt,; , 'and Apiarries and th,1 civil 6", who 9.0 -the ftlwwtie t1wir feelers and legiii. nud have neither City hy .1, %1. Witam, of Uir. Alaska
owleeU-tt Puffal -1.4 their, gtr to the i�ld of G'od *uxiiess, tfi'eY the beggar called upon you, you., prefern t10 latWr r to 6 1**). eyeA liar Tilt- niales, Comintir(lal CoijUlkany. nd Thom"
lm-xt I'lace, 4A w0*111tig. a lecunlary rw�int t)f iew Ili com- look like sfietol). Arnold wa of' mare hounded him off your steps; 'when my V) -Amitre tile tinild thitt t1wre Itna appa O*Brlen, it trader. TIwy (-al ried it-ot,
parkion with film finit Appearance at -is no fear of folly Imbsbu-new! of the 34., Dion ysi uw-Tiv- re call he no x1loulpt ei-pr,, hare leg -4, feelers (nntennne)
TIwre is a deadlock be-tween the dnage to the� arrity- thn Cornwallis- 'surfering children appealed to you for i*)Il of subterranean Varls. 'Thd- g:d- that thlis mail was cale of tile Judgm eyes rind wiiig.,4 tit the -adult eotidition. ottly tout IR'(W-pectlK, -led t1k.
%-0w1wvrt & few ye ago.. He im the and his hosts. 4)h.w.e cannot de".- hf!'1p,.you had no mercy. I -only a*sked. t sitaniqliede ever kiiowit In
ervo am, ivell proppfA tip, in(] are f this great cordrt, lout whether tile Tilt% w-nie or tile Female IN cirexillvr, Krq'"Aw
A init-Aricam 114 Aime cif rt-Kementatives game dapper, littlo, vivakl(mx foreigm-r. celve .(;od with, a ch-urch * certi.ticate! oir so rrAi(-h, or so much, but you did ti.i..; lNirt, of Xlw world emaawnewd.
anti t1us Senate tn the tariff bt:l. with pink tInted elipeko and wavy Ito seesbehind the curtaln'as well &4 'n6t give it to nie. I willtake - Politimially dtider' tho supervision of pre"utp, or otberw1aie, we etutwit tell. with a minall viipple In tlw rentre. Tlitaw *% Ito made tilt- 30J milw first
Mr. Win. L. .94Belt orJo� Is Pr&- light hair, titit now lie hAn wealth, before the curtain; lie speh' evf-ry-. vigilitilf persoilliii, (.1-lipfly policq�mpll. No pprnm was a judge ill tile. Areo-- This wale fil Trolli n twelfth to olle-
I ft all." wly) liakl not 1,6rve tile Office of twentieth oUnn inch In diameter. :in,l truck it orichimst. 40f all' tlw 200
s!ajmt, McKiWvy'a ncomince fkw' tLe and will enturtnin filiq American frientim thing ln8lde out� A' man May. trutigh Cod asks of us one-seVenth- of ouc Who -oil their uff-41tity daym apo pald Plifribil clainis Ptikked out on the Dtvianza and
Amewlean, Ct4ftmlate In Toronto. In gorgemp style n the, grand yarlit policy. hide hix real chataeter. bil't tlme lit &be way�'Qf 19abbAth. 1)4*y4U 5 franev. for himpt-eti6n walkm thmugh hief mwern(mr of the city; raxi noiie ,lay lie of a light or_gray ct)ltlr. avid F.Iik*adt) Creellw not one Ion@ loroven a
get an hour of Ah tho shafte, whi-li,extenil un&r grotind bore the orric* or judge in this emirt iisually Is Much tile saine Mor " the
Setlator Hanna hao indlefto"I hiA , vallinfla. Ddoy*" a bill of $3 fr Cod will after awhile tear open tile suppose'we can at whltp'(1 sepulcht^lt and exlxme IhP- Pit- time 3ticcesaftAlly away from Its true lit nearly. ever -y direction. Any t4grim who ww not of tile lLtghmt reputatioii hark ; tile atpige In tlie emitre. niny lit fill txmt jr-venty-fiv-, lucky
to arbitrt4-, the �trlpuble tril"P raw Twor plunging him trifactiton- Sunday faces cani'lot, object? No. n6. God ha's demanded of deca.N or,damage oil t1w, vaultiugs &Wong the people for Ili& Intelligenfe be a I)alO yellow or blackish color.
tjevt�ween t1* imitriking minerr4 anti tll#..- inextrientole dilf-mma. Now him; tir pillarm :ire prot and exemplary cmduct. reached St. 31irlia0pis.
41.1f) Il`Vrito h10 fat rheqi" as requira. him;* long pfruyers cannot save (Ine-seventh' of youl- time, If you take nptly reported to Tile scnk�dA the Male hm o1jovig, with
Sonieflinoi4rht but a loortion tA tilwir
If rill t1lat Ill PAltl ho true, there Ig Psalm-siliging- and c.hurch-going can- one hour of that time- that Is to 'be t1o, prxlp�-r ntithorltJ4 a', w. ho inat.-Antly Teseltingw-We nhouki I* COnrte011s * tile nipple near one end, nd its thiw ek-antip, preferring to lim(wt (vtlwr
Tlja (;ritnsl -Truik I'allwy rt-eent- not save him. - God wIll expose,..him deyoted to God's service, and Instead bring to sinners, but full of courage. In mlwftk
wo 1q)V" lfvtt between Geome Gmildand their repairing mahinery. IntA.) - readily Mott uished froin ' that q)f
td-ho-r'li offlep for Ing tin them -of Chriat. Atlift1w repre- tit(% keniale. lip foniale brii4ra fowth ItWti(*W Ill nlill4t-; 111Vy k W tA 1W,
ly U-4 nollip brother-in-Inw. The frivoloivi' just a..q thorodghly as though He of keeping-hls Sabbath, use -If for-Ahe' p14Ly. __ I N rich. Ani(otig Ilid, wtwt INV are J.
tit%% s.-su-rn di-viloi-ft froxit Chivago to branded upon him- forehea the wurd- purpose, of 'writing tip' your accoti6ts Ace!)rillng to clamwification, tho first "'nt"Vie human he'art, full (if ids)1,41 liviiig young, and' tkm not lay egLrs,
Elattlo ( rowk. %M-& -ApImx#iktl.y- tile- aimt4 tif tW gny little FrorwIVi-irm (10. 6.41 YDOCTite." tfe may hink he has or.-makl,ng worldly gains, God will get gn)up of galh-rbw - beginm unik,,r - tile yet having thone who Were longimg to ap to q1#611ally tile cage witil W -ale ill- 3. I'lemeutm. of Ltoi Aiwies, W1141 Ila"
*.xl* . rilno-tit ofUl rmlt wtrwk, for tlw- 6f- Tiot neerwd wlth thro views of tile he deception. but that hpur ftom you In'some untxPeet- Are do Triompheo.'eiCtending in' tlle lie right. In 'the end, yet ready to put wvto such, -aw.ttlw oyter mliell and cleft, ei I lip siloolitit $175,00 1. lit.
of noilti-rrifflit'n.-Ilm, ahw,11441 A 1W 1,4 to
1.wii lottit, Wajwterrt%l I- it. -4 to-# at the nmy.qt unfuksunate moinerit.1.4i, ed- wa foroiWit out and inv-vtedthe
Y. Gbd says to -Jf')nah, "You gd" (lirthction of 1PAwy and Auteuil. Ille off the day of wdvation. 11be -g(wpel Prurty menles. Sho itlay brilig 111tv)
tfoo eyeo In hviiwinnom. It 64 wild nf)%V sheep. will bleat &lid thib oxen *ill'- to. Nineveh . lie says, "No, I wdn't.. loe theories (of nien. r4*tt. Mrnf. T. c. Lippy, of Seattle,
ro i nt, that tho ambltion of Gertrige Colmi-I If' bellow. I'll go�to,Tarshlsh." lie starts.fop (I-dlylodon runm-un(k-r the Vau- reverum 110 fft rr(iiii I00 to 5(XI ymn4c dtir- " -ho Iorot4rht i(botiout avid li&w
ard' diatrietm, and include* th0 AL StAtVEY. isig tile six weeks of hur eiligtonve lLf- -17
P�-rrlfiarilt f(0)k the mlinici- to live ap far am pnowlliilp, tlw firo i f a one.of the cruel- bishops of told Tairshish. The sea. ravos. the winds gir 11RACTIC f ;0,(K)() In PWtit. anvi who claims Itim
tail joitliforitie*'at PortamcluLli- The as going to excommunl(%te one blow, ai�kd the ship rocks. Come, ye vlltH(Z011lI)4, Which ' art) ow) calh"I be,.. tA-r reaching -the adult Ptage. 11111i1w is %%rvKh VA)111.04K) or M(Jre we.,iltby,T'nXIIPh time w Nliwite,men of GM are. never fouik4I k
joreparaticons to gi',.P, of. the Marfyrs. and be begatv in tho whales. and talqe this passenger for causo . tile #)one* front ()lit ewmeterietit Idle. Paul wax indeed loft willhout Tile niaW &velM atm)ut a Staidow. tit Seattle. who citened till
hur it, rpeelotimil t)tit after they ha.4 THE SALVATION ARMY. uqual form: �Jn- the name of Tarsbish! No man' ever gets to Tar- , wero placed t1wre. lit 1776. tlie third wwlvier titan femal&4, tile, lattAtr tak-
hrawlk of kibterraneau urteorley, is a- gron t elty, ilkg aloolit rive weeks, Itild e *1121000; Otirenw. Berry.
Na ot" at the Ttowit the. tnartyr. shish whom.God tells to go to Nine�- Around him, on every hand, were Idolo. Ift-nry' Andersini. $55,001 Fratik
situaWd under the 114)tib- ard ( A
Hall tho trWdieraie disicovervil that Some Figures Givinx an Idea ot tile "don't say 'I�tbe ;it me v fromt, topic wale -%4 no rvieeodit
n of GOd!o veh. The Pea w6uhl not carry him;* It " It were enoler to fin(] an idol tl]6,ul K41ler, $500K); T. J. Kelly. Pik" &.11 not 4*1 otr(sig etiough. to Vastness of Its Work. Ye bow many a tleed Is God's sea. The -Awinds would -not' 110811"Ital, and extendiii W t1w. fortifi- , IV nil"" This all convinced Paul that litop two-Witilged, fly4ike From
el.iml) tile. l4t*10. under the gairb -PLf religion and sanc- waft him; they are God's winds. Let cations, anthe f0urth rum from tile June, when-trie young appear, a eon-
GKEAT BffrAIX. Gncral Booth, of t!ie Salvation. tity! When. in 'synods and a man attempt to (to that which God 114stilo towar,41 Nincnntv Wootl.'Tt�e 1wor or dk)ubt the goltwbiam of God, or stat)t imeaml(vi of g-iterationx i.�4 MAY HELLO ACROSS THE A-LANTIC
o . ther -lay for .,enceq. ministers of ' the gopel ari forbids him to'd(ll or to krb Into a place nf tit a, nd inat group, that of the north. tile m.1vation he. proclaimed. Whell lie (Awmrved.
Plentiful rains - are reptd-U-it I Army t l - about t . o; way something unbro�ther;ly where God tells hirp riot to go. the Li tho m(st' Important, Nnd Is pieycpd he stood, n#4 It were, al(mir among Itlol- Tito seale of tlipjw Inwebit loit Using Submarine Repeatem I �Pt lit ed In
tit#, Ilortliw#*t 110rovInepa o (-�zrrY gift all#) lextend t Tiot thoit fact made him dim- ed f rom a '
Virmwitout the and unk1nd about a member, they',Al- haWral world As', well as Gbd Is against un(k-r Aftoltnitirtre, t1w, Buttes Chau- awm.: Ye waxy orcretion Which roill. Bells 1.00U Miles Apar,
of India. awl ti'O wilt mafrifoldanif vari#d %stlkk of the or- most always begin by being treme�n- him. , The lightnipgs are ready , to niont, anti tile cemetery of Pere -la- wlia providentially brotight in eAnitact metwev; soon aft4%r they come Into ex-
ltile relb-11 clouttly pious. the venom of thele a- strike him, the fires to burn him, the Chaw, nnd *Itll the p1hll(v;nplw_rs -of Atheimit, 1w intetice, and kirmol a proWtive eov- T -W atinoumvinent lot wadi that 1).
gallizatioll at holue alift abroad, H�tate@ extends out to NolpAy-le4iec.
wor' ! venly met. them warmly, an a twother and' Pring as deveh-qmient MacLauclAin Therrell, the w)uthern
%atilt corresoonding to. the hea sun to smite Mid, the waters to drown Is istipporteit by - thoOxandm of 1111 -
that thero are :9,71ts corpti of the weAl-wb*wr, and w)on catuted them to the earlitir stagns of growth the o4cale elettrician of the 11cwtal T- logr"apil
TEET11-Ma-hi with a view i� of flavor of the;prelude- Standinx there. b1m. and the eorth to' *swallow him. laM anti' Itm fietWork of croksings lit
he naturolil qjesranor.. and Hulvatioll Ariis:. in %ari4wm Darts of you" would thlnk they w"e read,, t0- Those whose pritimly robes are woven the 'most romplIentol ln un&-rground fM that be Ila(] a sub)wt to pre- Immento a souiewhat grey6li-yellow
Company, %hum beadtluuu-tiels are at
I or, an d
tho- wiprl.l, with 112.1913 In go right up 1,00 glory. and. th:it. po%- out of hedrt's Rtrings'. those whose fine awt U) them. well worth their hetir- gradually becomes darker
Atlanta, Ga., low coucoved a device
inig. Upon Inritatioit, to promptly
Lhing kept thein down but the welghL houses are. bulli out of slculW those All, tl~. gallerl(w are mtate' L to be Tlu- gelm-ral appegrance apon af-
U14106'.0 Klilg4b111ji, there are "I i
XXTRA'_flr*,�n, a 'Plicati"n b their boolts ad ' overouat, Ithen whose pringipgfountains are the tears fit a gtKxl stat6 of rolutir, but 008PP&I Into the circle (it cultured men, fe,�,tgAl twigw is that of a graylsh by lik-b he fic4mili t4i rev,olut"ite
1.24i 14�stdprshl I
and the of oppress -have they sue- ill, point (if art, *;Ilghtly rouglivio-41 setirty (L-Pasit. rhis low
the guin pain e" extractials ial work is repo. suddenly' the sheeiD bleat eftro''1111141 stilwrvision Ifave t be. ox- utit; wom mulo diotamm teiepirming. The lia-
been tridd with success. bellow. 6essfully cheateo''G'od. The last day urrised ill tile third gr(wli,-#*-veral ry attalumo4it, 11ii1qv tilt, liatural rt-dditgh color ofthe voution, oombivam the oriwApiw
a11441le-by 142,-alill 'nd lot'us cultl-- - out tAv tuKy wIvan Paul ImAl Met In hio young livitm of t te JAKAke d plionogrw4bli, Ila*
Oh. my dear forte will will be� fouind Akn
Immts, r~.rve vate sim AlcitY of Christian character! onAhat day that Uod vindicated not. laillislips havitig oceurrM rewntly at r4mud (if InImlonary journeys. He wao tpear 46d ut , 'Llia
OFFICE -1n r. Allin's new P lwy alW Clamart. A new malp or apple. They sonietinteA even 'ook as bwu lout) Ilely Ili & rot- at ut At-
nJesus Christ said. 1111tiless' YOU. only If Is goodness and Ills mercy. but' iimq4red for hip work liy'Uie sicenen (or
art of tile subterranean, gaileries is if spirinkle4l with twhem; It tile scales la" ta, w kmw of I ocal and
farl" rolollifli 1,.11)9 f.1114-11 14 . ual4*1 become as this little thild. �You can-, Ills power to take care of Him Own cit. heathen cuistow which tind met 14 it in tlie' J:11gliStil rescue not enter the kingdom of Clod." We rights and the rights of Ills church. lit prparation, the, lirefeet ORInce thp day Im. liad entered tile crushod, a yelloW)mh oily liquid hwtaumeatal nitwk-1 were triummitted
and tht- rights. of 41is opgiregsed chif- "r tive &-Ine having ofsprved that tile. 0ye" will rilopear from tho 4-ruslied soft yel�6. thiroWli a rmiottance equal to that
.4.—Will viAt Ripley' r 1101fisto 11uri3v tild, jmmt t%vd.lve 111OFIths, may play hypocrite successfully nowl,
ThursdaY arteil noon 9 1 will fter awhile dren. Come. ye Martyred dead. awake plans are rtiUw-r deffertive lit Vity 44 AtJowim. low lilmwtm bilqu-ittil 06 Neliles. Exam- of 1*',(X)0 mile* of wire. and were per-
qbf whotik 11,221. timim-Al"ouL well. ill tlw but the Lord 0od 4L tlwlr tiuigraphleal detalM. ftbjwt Matter wap imA larking upt)n ili4xf ill *;utumer, maity allow arange- IOVU"y audihole 1A) aill tIv,d anw-m-
flu minio 1*-rlo,.i 3,831.7667 111411111,4 wen- mup. expose our true charActer. You must 'and come up front the dung0ons where
plA04t ;it Lll§� #!IN -all fijotl depolli, while know the Incident mentioned n the* fbldt-d darkness hearvied You. and the coloret' larvae, ftowy-white young lAed too wltamw the exlwrimleut, 11ir
ling MCLEOD'S 'history of Ottacam. who wait asked -to -chainsAlke cankpra peeled loose the DISINrRCTION OF LINEN. stoot) lit tfum nildet of Mara' Hill. Him Mingled 1with ol(i brown or Tfvm7*11, In ewmvervation witi, ei relow-
lit 61.()") 11 kneel In the presence of ItandolPhus skin.. and wore off the flesh. and,rat- UIPme 'A'hO Pugg?mted tO him h -V tile blackened Matured octileo. ThIm Inwet ter who wam present, #aid: "It
Were twill wek (Iome. Hovr t46 Treat Garments That Havtlften IiiiimHlitlon urw)n tlo,. alter which 111" protlueAv a ppeullar reddening effect wtxdt I d( J - to
I.. and when before him he refused tied on the marrowless bones. in t twt et to gir, d)ut tl
system Iml tho'bighwayn �vher- finind &nx)n,- on mwi.T. Imt w'hk-h hAd upon tile skin
tit #.*#-r Salvat4tAiL.4t i-orlso exist, and wpre to do It.- but after awhile he agreed ye' martyred'. dead, from the stakes Exposed to Infection. (if - oo fruit -ind of deitailo of ttoe pntViit, for i loubilica-
lit aUeadpd by 5j1X4(KX) polillb; 7)(),(X)0,_ to come Insrivate when there 'wag where you were burned. where the -hrit, kk� Ak-dichw, No. 1, In It a dtfforptit Meaning to bim tlinin ten&.1 twlgv-4. Ali pneirclin in n d of Wm or thime would prevent ny wwur-
116ypr (Fortia
any ()U*,)r ragipr for tile ou(x%*n tit
And t,ther terit-ol revic-disis nobody In e. king's ten.t. ' arid then arm uplifted for mercy fell Into the relidish ttlec(ilorittion it rodnT t1he mar- Inig Use right in any fore i txxiintr
O(X) nt-wp1mip -r..4 all I othor putAleatiolill he would kneel down before him and 1897) hiw tftted different metho& vin- the K"41wl in thitt heathen 4r
IFIC AND ANTI ashes, and tllf-e 0' of -pain was drown- ty, Ile girl of each female seftle Ito very Mark- Tian r*wult by ctb4sitm-d toy hi.vilig tile
-tv SPEC D beloingliig W tilt- ar * ployed for tW dWinfection of Im-d ]Ili- carefully gmardeli agaimt nny lutru-
my were usp(L The wQrship;' but -the ser.vants of the king ed in the snaploffig-pt the name and Od oil tile fruit of I*-Ars. Tile Camblum origituil tranomitter vety littwerful
R— orgallizatid)n 11"Ifis fr4*11(ild and ie bad arranged IL so that -by drawing a on and underclothing. The ordinary sitm uptin t1v,)Ir fixed rulew. lie vncour- layer of young twlgv where t%Wes and by uping rv4pmetery whic. take till
_F0 Role- the howling of the mob; from valleys
and Imix)vertalleft Wd propertl it, tl,4- Uldted Klngdm cord the tent would suddenly drop. of Piedmont 'apd Smithfield, market. metlitkk by boiling are not au-itett to aged men to wpk (kA for thetr own
Impare, Weak nre ma^wml is,umially i4tained deep red and magnify the emati at ItAwrvalm
PeP,4,&. of a prownt #*tilli:ltA value (if L592- Ottacan after a whWe came Jn. and &lid London Tower, and the Highlands tlmw artleles, am the prownce of blood, happinow. m vrfUl no Him gkxry. lie or purplimli. NI'liere tile wale@ tire few along ttrio line. My Im-t rch, we W Uo
as, of Scotian
*nmplsint, Nenral&. 8111 U.- 2d. Invm1loinetit* 'an,41 loang. pupposing he was in� entire#pr.lvacy. pu", mul feces caumm an Ineradicablo
IJvtr C amo"llt to) Fid. BY Re d. Oither in great proces- w(MId pmmote brotherly love among tile purplimli ring imurrounding oach is have a tleph~ 11 tile At -
Bronchitis vt� �-4 �If_ knelt, Llef�ore - Itandulphus. The ser- sion. and together clap your bony i4t.-iln If a high temperature In used. ne aintw
e mewo�;, C,)nxu V all mmi. 'nibi wan newi; ln(k%NI W tli("- quite distingulshalAm [antic clomn. Thim can enally W &e-
L4*,wA. jaundice. Kkneyand' no flellial effort' the nwmlwrPf (if tile Ral- vanis pulkd the cord, the tent drop- hands. and togeLher staT@0 your moul- Rottking the garments in solutions Of who be4ioved In chance.
aw-eq. St. Vitns' I)xnce. Female Irrag vatl(ol Army - tilaimt, #-ntirPIy'.J)oor and two armies surrounding look- dy'feet. and. let -the *chains that bound varikAw opalis for one or two days M&nlfesited resn.1 ta might have REMEDIES. 00MIAWmi h3r haring my rel*atero I,o-
and General Debility. IWv P11441- I'll vP TO*H Able t4i +ft1W kin. eil down on 01tacias kneeling before you to dungeons all clank at dnee. and fallod In every Inotanco to kill chol- oftomed amal.1 rJt4ar so clear a prown- Tho renl4ttllas for this scale ;)rfeen% catpd In biplim at a diidanctio of 1,000
10 si'per ha- J plat s ad $2 per pint bot l"jally Itandolphus. + If we. are really kneel- gather aJI the flames that burned you era, typholit and pyogenle organimno tattm of tbo three forms CA)rr(*,Jve wasliel mllels apart By the uw. oof tlw pp-
& Inic to the world while we profess to In one uplifted arm of fire, and plead which were mixed with the femi with Ing favomIq, grippel. under such Poem- B, such tem I a In enaNed to em pi oy it w ire
elreumxtanae*. Am In as whith) ()It soap: Penetrating oub-
LABORATOItT, It Is rept.)rU41 tilat through a fittal be lowly subjects of- Jesuit Chrixt. the for a Judimont, Gather all the tears wlitch the g"Inenta were Pmearpd In thp rwre miieh @4mallfwr than the ordil tary, itwil
to 4 trdipary cong-regationa. Htallc*'G, bluell its gaam or kensene
i. M. WLEG', himider ou thie part of mime one ill tent has already dropped, ano all the ye evt�r wept'Into a lake, and gather w)mo caw#4 thp gprms were killed wh(w them wfrp f4mnd among the of 11, r or resin thim makto t1w firr morh rlittper than
h44" -of heaven are gazing upon our all the sighm ye ever breathed Into a tiv� oolutiono ex)ntatiting tile linen were men I a 11jultell It W(Xdd OtIrrwiW tw.'*
ftsithoritY at'tho cavalry manoeu Atli" wwne w1w) mocked Intellectual Washes, which cover the W -OP W) aS
vr** hypocr;sy., God's universe Ifs a. very tempest, until the heaven -piercing kept at 50 drgrom C. for a few Ivmrs. attainnumto dUl not erLaW,' timme men to prevent the eacapo of the young.
F(,)r Sale, by A B Congram and at Nunry yest4-rday one or more persons public place. -ana you canRot hide by:- chaln-clank� and the tempest -sigh.
were killed, awl a number of ottlem With limewater the rmilt*4 were. mwli to &AMpMend tbe truthoo of the gIMMI. 1. Tito uso of hyim-,yanle acid or the R"pborry ftnd CUrrent I pcmgv.
er I)sya, Dru,(giatv wriotimly Injured. -Several w1madrons poerlay In It. iSlon and the thunder -groan, announee to letter. Stimple garmento which wfre ThP.v musit entr gas treatment
Golng out Into a world of deh earth and'hell and heaven a Judgment! willked In t1do Pointion for 24 hours (V)or of tnto life through tile In very effoctual, lout tunittit or limf imcar. c*Vpi,
or Huomary were orderal to Charge, but and sham. pretend to be no more 01;6 on that day Ood will vindicate His were. f0and to be Fterilizewl. An equally Iia r it is offlY I)racticaldo in cerlaili camems, oamb lioltit 4bf raspberr", 4)n4- piltit, qif
through it. InkWonceptioll of theortlem than you really are. If you have the Own cause,- wid vindicate the'cause or 0( - )d I was obtali"I in n bompital ul was eetiniAted am a great Wneh- eal"'lally In tile 1treatment -wf im- e.l1rrnnt*, two (if go Soak
twQ eq uadrons dIA&W togetlier. Dozens grace of Cod. profess It; . protess no the troubled and. the oppressed! It g rf"l t Or Or u0t, IDS C*rUinly wm not witil- portowl nursk-ry stWk. Tile r(iiiowitig the gl4aUlie it, One P11111t of vraterauti
of troolo-ro were unhor"ell and tram- more than you - have. But I want will be seen In- that day that'though wherp ntxnit one-half a cuble ipeter ()ut wvm puree". His skill and eour- methot] im given in Bulletin 87, of tile Litton PfIr orer t1w fire until lwrfectly
i Ilk pit*] uiloti. one man being killed otit- the world to know that where there W' s, W IP cif o*)IWI Ilnen was monked In llmf- Age, him t#ZdrlrnPw and sympattly
we may bave robbed our fello watror for 49 houre--or for 24 houre w , New York Eperiment Station, Gen- dWwAved. Make eyrup of mWar
right, while another flail hiiii sikull Is one hypocrite in the' church there ha%,*- mucceRgfully robbed God. the uftvmary nuallfleationoq for eva: "This gas im lighter titan n1r, wlt,h a very litUq% Witter; -rulo, t1w
fraetureAl, and In (lying. A nunrdier of are five bundred outside' of it, for the Aly Chritian friends, ax -you go out 11 tho clothing wan fimt rinned with h10 w(wk. H* labomtJ in rue faith, hen(4) will work better If the grner- fruit and let It boil In thel P rup uritil
ottwre had t1wir arms or leg)i brokeli, reamon that the field In larger. hfre Into the world, exhibit an open-heart- lime wter, rind then PIRANxI In a freoh #l,nd tboft who virere Ie<l intoo the ark fitor 1.4 toincod bNow the, pile 3f trew I t is tio[w. 0train throug a jo-16v
anti were cotherw4einjurtA. are men In all eireJen.who will bow ed Christian frankness. Do not be WAution. Tito 11me-water dom not In- or wety thrnnrti hig nAnIstry were to bo tmated. A convenient way bag into a large liol : atrali the owl
to %Ar "T says me, I can't, tell which J(mm before you. and* who are obsequious hypocritical In anything; you are nev- lure linrn or mtton RWKX I.Mt shrInkis 1m)y&I omb. woul(l. bo to mako a raek a little km tine Int another Ix.)wl IntA a
A giri I want to nuvTy." "What In the In your presence and talk flatteringly, Pr safe If you are. At the most Inop. Wooten to Ruch An extent am to IMN�_ tilftu 6 ftlet 10119, 5 foot Wide. 4 foot U'lien both am edd mix
VIOU but who all the while In yourconver- portune moment, tit* sheep will bleat ven* ItH W& PHT" ITeVirl D'Orleam hrw recelved hich. The bottom of thel rack could t1w whitm fiv
ble ?" "One maken auch. dellet(Am mation are digging for balt and ang-
tile 40rawberry othorteake, but the otlywr and the oxen bellow. Drive out the r will ediorty recolve a eliallengp to too Made of loom slats raIsed a few wlib* all A
(AA ling for Imperfections. In your prem- last Arnalekite -of sin from your soul. Fx-War&n J. 13. Ramwien wax ap- figilt aj dnel front Lieut. Pini, brother Inches above tile ground to allow hour, and rt#104
"t. looks so lovely oil her wfiet.4.11 ence, they Imply that they are every- Have no mercy on Agag. Down with pointed Clerk of the CounV of York,
nip W of tJ'e fam(AN ItRilfLn fOWIM mapter. rocnn to Mace tho gas generator un- f(mo Nit-riJp-
fact The I
trade itatisti. clearing tbili6W4 Two
1WHY a 'd** tile P'4rvflt4 of other bep wo I
to wreCL TA14- growiug Rpirit
,uetkxw w hJV %% 01" (m r boys
ry d
-w, Ila& hall (onO VP Ut4ki8p in it� 11fif,6114 Pubidil"d while oLhnm
tu t 6d wi e
WIFFIERY, lour Inont MW cruel nPoem-ty the well
TJw 00PIltim reprematilix 610, allowed
*.% . 4 Ift, 60 to fr"fo'
eawt, to Ugai that
hs tlla* ir, known Pit) Si'aa ut Looknow; owWnly hisitrie r y
owl _00 o;; rn pi illn rk. a I four prooesding which taakf)e lk raln lick two I
Rrs COUG bine(L women 0hriitonit, B.. I&Wy rotemed as injutift bw bam dom
at once,
feasio4W lourgg fM Hilk"ton