Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-16, Page 3wap NAPP48my ac kit a M9 40611N, of -41 Emeouragementi4 and ULU R I U Inat, w the 11mul, t .01 VOW Ai�a Ulu I __-mm 14w4t, --low AM 11L L 312 jqmhat e brings in financial BY(yallism. or hAnellt eu MO other re -all will bo Week toll' Jn the next I a strong fae- C. y 'resl(Jelltial IvIsction. theaptaln F rtuicw Yorke McMahon, of and heir-preatimptive, of Mr YrOther POULTRY 01 THI F Firut Royal Dragoons, the I Physician 8, +\ SUNDAY SCHOO Weetropp _NjeMalwn, B&rt., llas1foraft Morality of +1, coln the c AMCN. With a ATIONAL X(). AV. MA MitW suleltle by ities. INTEPIq rother's re"Wililbooting 11111-16elf at JULY CA N.tl]l embarrakwd. CUT YOR THE BUSY, ence. Be A" HOW t4o Raise Chickens fgr pletuupe lk a 4" Talmage Urg N -_P_ TlW ZA41tk)n morning paMrs com DEMONSTRATIOL' es Prayers I aul &t -rh Is for Pfiblic offi "IA10111"' and DeM-Actil zxj. 1.1:! J Ment upon the Most atriking feature of HER STITI, X TJ 52 the Boarct Of Trade r6turnas whi lue—A. D. ki and Profts _;W Old ell unroll- er tlie(t at Queelwtuou" "I"w of LI,470000 In the Us Mental State Actij Upon Sub- eter. alk C ills and Advises Chrisfiftus to Tak Consclo Hand 'Aill Pri"Cipally to th conscious State and the Reverse Also Aural 9. export ftem'unt and attrifZte in M"U'CiPul Government e J loerdt" —Ijaul. Tlulotlry. AC& contraction of amull. i Co - U rfp�tA JL Is. Auxtoudil for eolnfua OuU an(, Juatle In Monts Of mt ton goo(is IIZ PrOvad -Could Not Use one Eyt THE BEST RATION FOR THE FLOGI uttentsoft of all taw fill ul In 'y BANK to, 1"a Chi Restomtjoll tilt - left Of Sight. Z, Ain 11 Thnothy. J.aww 16. the Other the laerralse of the sh Billgila ' Pl'IJk)JIs-ThirtY-tfir,-o fn&s No tAkuJer pasWin le -fturier are t4) ('entit"t' and &Alth Aill;r an(] Laily ('14k6t0fle at lfatvar.lell. July if. tilrougif , t'O hUVO bul"t- ldp4 rhe3L. Some ImprorpmezIt F�l fuld 1pinPn�' n1ton. N. y., july lo._.Alllollg Mon Of Dr. Talm ser- I glorluug Wc% t ()f _)Utk._ 0219 Of Feedin;c jxrId Preparation of the tile tile coudItion .4 t a te&�. vror*qed to LIW age d1scusses from a cul"Mon "bilippi, un tile I'llited thO lmtk-nto of the Bingbaint.i, Sia Iserd Into ro school system, 11,011, a t tho JJ4�uj Of uuwl . moral and religi e w e; fa ri� ut and con uNion a 111A.Me e esis a YO -Ar und Whkt It Should dW111tar(*t-ed 'NE9AL. kiworn enemies. t (pit thO lJortbern ewlst Uclem heraielf with w)we '14441 lloillina t#41 GE I town" and citle have also to ta Sea. -i Cost to Feetl a ad U Fit IL 1110plue YOUI19 mail Who tal in a pr1itty Young girl, thir the gulf Of -Chi k 414 Sir Ge,()rge Kirkpatrick Is report4,tj te ous Point th t %. Ili ver 14try- IPOOd Lime. SulPhur and Witter 160 Ajku of In a cutt'We, and Mr. Amq*- Trlill Of all th that alkill Tile pt teen yea ru tq(t whc), w1len bl, country. 1i is t E,.x t of our _jf t Ile % Is Ot "Mcials in a cl the'eharacter tP,,i,1irty 11,11e, M * A JitV bor Celltr( aten Bay that Aljoil�jflla_ eLre for Thein. n(ytelent ('f thp Bauk f ought -.0h Ezekiel xxvil lima of I bilUU1.1 likc, to flattere(I WAS, uuW-r- e sea.',- n ry tic c'rele.. In a ty affe'etS the dullcs- t Auphipolls; 19. L4 a little 1.4 t if. part of 31 fear Of losing political C city -it of Tyre. It wa cials close eg W('st Of AIJOJIOnI& nt tile tilt. profit, I Ile; A ab I" Gulf '-it the ()If tl1#3 !At ifily nj(" co"ficloUt Itf.her S.1 11rit. Im r t" 01 111 certaill 1,1141,111:1 in. 'lug t4) the drutight I)MIL Wforming �Qojule rein' aiestle city. Influence otil- %vc.,@ ng an 'as oned vils arc not Itioterfered with, and f"r Lilwral xw. ria. Vr_ Wl 8 is a r own way, and gamiiiing cal. 40 110.4.tx) have Thei efty' Where grog.,iholjs The Uot kUOWU- Tile Mix* Wfident (m lie- hig from wuto Thl Ca U10 to Wte its Val"I'llille an accoulg"'c t1le' I t as III PIP agu virculatit"I of i::O,o thert' "everal nl(#LktljN ugo, thou that an. 81tuate at the e -, 3: Xt *1 r:A t141 Spir. of th t I.*. IJlIWp rq!r A. 01 the Iflaln aloll"!"t-A-Ilofft thirt Y 11"W' I f6ed and 119 nou (4ir 110NAtal. staff, has APO -strophe to the city Imp ftewsl Ulf "-ro for I"y Jwtw lwad of y- Ula*(- [ruin tIX. Ir. beautiful R ble. I -I-. F.,X was. 114" umtralla, It %%-ill arkable the: east end a 'their eyes to nort tern ext 4-st �t V r"I"ity (4 tif'C'. Aegean i ttmik 'if -lahuary, V4.4. 1 r if I e PlIsKiIjIll "fill flicat I ",- Charge lut Jill' 11CA110 (5t) it, h the other th& rn ty it' Matx%lonlfi, 940illoum ornian wl"t. of tf trade, iT'g the in- olne interests need U) make Implor& . havilik about 70.- a - 'a. Lit Ibint I-V latell to 'iUJ-"rt- tJI(AL-azitU ()f `o-U,';CftAary '""LWAU40 With the girl, tjeu,LnWtrut_ sat., With one Of the Mediterranean JE O'ninwtions-in all festering I!k tr"t"w. anti expocto a bril- bu - held hand beckon those cities the all$ not K $0 dflal 0on'llti'M of the njil 'o and w t Terrible tJW extstezwe of vigulxoftisc 'd n1merce (" J Inilabitanta .4'. Ine" Lai eft IN armog-ut. ,liI -hormLs 1#Lvi. tlj`d� fWj"l g.L%'e tile Mild ekina fWastoruts fistrous boom ludifig J()"j )f , 111( ft#r ILI, t 114 64 or : t Ist have I "h-*,, j14* P vear. 3 h* - til -I wa M' I*M the ell -1141 fimt swung -back that boom to le jIuW .1flaw. 4-ir 4-arn- 4ANAr4n­ * I t. 4 pir t1l, Ifig tile JX14pittif Ut tile friends Jn its r them. 24. Tlfo (,q,1()gfte _ (A,. , eye. Dr. O"t Of the tragr-an't with tbo ZDeeq -1 fed 2 1-2 ll!ih. (.14,0 -ver a - t, iA0 IWA mutlr_ I z#. t tdi. . .& .111, _*."4 - proved tilat, ax fected. fly tile oilly istio 4 1- tit ''0 cou I I I mee 1191ous Interest. of C -say Ibift the havc, , s III). riA, I r4lW1119 gr: ill, IINI ifflilli rai I will 190 further -and lx,4rs t(t"'N o-'ty their finbWi"41. g v arrived Chair- Im r.,, 1 Il 1will"eit.tii "14' Wnts-r distitlet#4 4)f 144111' Out' foreign enemies. and. then actor of tbose who rule ove the i vita 1111,4114,ti t . - ill Flirta With ever Young M T Inoral character or the Immoral A KyIJaK1jguc__r1'% Ious Of foreign nations., ItswulIg ust inevitAbly be affseted by 114! .11�wj Jews. itecuratii-s- uecoun Cente, Wind oll tlllilhk�r.,Uiriti. aud -to The family circles Of the y r"D iWrL�), 22, J'efu-'00' 11 VjOd offer. I)wA.up* _rIrp h.III sub, T4 . ?* (;ernj* I !, u e -across It's harbor not a 11111DA of 4" Miff t le. Wt The air Of the desert W 1. C r1ai. rp, car brougM bv are re Purtlj4 till, t dof PxIK)rterl4 t4 a The church thus al- -rn rtc4 UL $12 .01. 1:41 thor ) adopr t " 1"J see, altho4gh t4io Ans to her tal contend wit �'J0 It*- nialig(ti., ,,, ]UL 2P trit prt tu-daY has. to . ... t " C _&, in uULo,&wek)ud of t110 fa C111141 -clef t; i t and all heas wer. h evils th,t a I#tkiit,l : it, -bpr e 11119 A11141frit-.111 n -l'aill by the keel of . he" P I -,vt7k' nmiduct,, in %*ipw 4)f tll#%, 64 of �",rvhantlnpn. h1v1 the civil gove t4,p U10 Gt.,ntpc. DOW,," tio tl"nk I:rl N4pyj. ought to smile.- 2' - AA4 "I" Manner waa_T,, at $-*P a Id Ut. The- puti- IAA,p f( the civil eflHilage CHI t 'While in one and while I would n ol ix -gill alt"101-ft. all(I lot alwaYI; Meat ton tuut. ljqr )a %v (h.- mark. IlItil flm. ,,tA) turn Hcr,41). ... .... ... VW or 'ab""IftelY 1wthing of what llapWne With rnlent in any wise ru.sp(i thfo WN ciat" IL 1-2c 11, 14 *7 State kut)ws rich -4. ... 1-2c 110 horsen. et -8 werp relax lts.Lznergy I fr the ziot� q lie 1140 lLId4k*lWn*lJI)ld.A from IN buU411L.1 -07- 1PIlPfern tile Linit 'jlj1A(1:f f r Pris ment Of crime. &Nt� lire, ftor I 14)it in tile Fllitvil the otilier. and 'a with The Togarmah, Xlutle-4-u and ish arrest and pun - kill ftoriuvr�y 11*11ioll, the doftor, exlwrini nd-roi 1.01111 ------ nwil t,0 y K*ft� de %Vao prt�,e I e (low i r-wi n. Ut And ebony P1101- sa w t Jill (I"niorlijg nirting. vilteid .,WJtjJ (Ian, d More energy Put for 28.' t41 1110 Marriod in A Clara Ward, 41r* loq%trijit, f,, w. Irl to-ch,.V and Ivory froin.Dp have a,.rlhou_ of r. before Vd h emer�lds. and. drying up of th in the 14* tAj 8,11Y tip 1 -tie field Societi. Whroli; a* Ith f in[ 11,py 4 ly IVICeive'l Per day for six w8y, with a c4mirefirtitille r-4 _Uloot, , t fit, I e ra if, i it In 11:4 ent -w Ashiii and Chilmad. 0 Pecuniary UIP nery e411Iv,r- 0kN,rr,,ay mt. Come. life )14 t1fat ti 'I'llbrace W for -it dioh-ilig, J0 C01101001M as tO PrtWe 4 flo f J;.,,,r tilt ot n4`PdIeWOrk fron, ask That In 9UtleW power; 29. tt"t 1by, tIlp Lifwral.-4 t wif,%li t j4 oil. SIf Tf*� flre;t eXperini With flnW wine fro -m aid from p 4ust Uw 11 1-3 Ayh-li%%urth lueeting of ral rrom the fountains for jr ti! -I t*zl 11&4,11 a ic re .;I it 1111m. nw)we Vounty Aled agate. and The Church. of God asks n 0 quity. g."PIP411, t Me Ty rol. %% I it t 4 as ative Xs- but �y lillir If they '.pl.flifto I1W:r 11111141 acts upi"I sPI'PlIdid 3tater"ma Of Talk dt-i ALdditlo (toes ght it (Iftilmdri; (,d diql"ng t, vinirier don t110 8nbeoU,,in1('Utl9I4,Htate acts Tbe %v 41cit. t 10 it k 1 10' 1 fled my jje,,N Af r. 31. a] Yoisr -o"$* 'the w� must -necessarilyn to all the evil.-; tl"`tIi*i VA rr 1 till. Inarried ptate, se oi,d ox1*pjjr4ent )US state-. 'A Curard we shall Contend aka;nst bill it 1"'Or their jinjaki, 19 UM Wowjq: 110. A tk6p.It(-Il lirovW friternatJonal ste ar lint's 1101 have'to fight. also 'let cbIliul (,4)nsul, tit ve API I Val wfitli `W0ijl,f '001*6�r aiul put, it, ial"t I take 2 1-2 11w. lh':' ther tow&rf u I of twulg call#N1 out Year" -litIrris, fur tile and 11"Im I-eell app&$1 t 114. London Tlu" henefles or th'. arnern-wilv. -th'! negligence. rnun J)Cbt %%jut a If 'er, friolil Ca el'o , I les Christian that In all TlinA(. iKalloil I;f "Odd maid." rOver"e- A third cxlx,r 010 staterooms llib"til day.,_�,I,liu p" T"WII -%�JYN t1l.-It tll#, ,:it two dfrJsI( int"ift "IJOWN Tyrllq.2h -in we and thast they People would our cit- s I#* Water all'a - aff RIo Ail UddittlMial lve' 1ki of Qt:, neotw )fl" Of -tile brain ;lctj 1ps were all #�et it roll tile risi! up lo,t it tJl:I r. Pj tillie or "Prr wid- ailo, Chili III 'ral for olitilreak ng th til thi-Ir 4111,1 ;' J'rdjre4W.q too (We of dr#%ft. If tj ly' -rpt Indc-Pendel, of OUR (*ORrFc. iv(hY. and fnatead I the helm Would Put their hand o� milit'll %t-itlitiff diolike bailm, nud 1`1144 0-14 -anv.I1q on. the r ci;- " ler' 7)r' Willte had the efilid ti ly,r r1gJlt p., __111 e Pira:tieal demagolmes lic-riptur . 14'14 t ealliq tit, U" hour. ft.l. kor M4)z. tly '(4 �hfb sh4PPIJ�19. tho- ad the flnest llnpn giving 'go befor the ship. cf)r, hi I w it, 110" t4u I, i I lift It it difficult a good 104-1-N(114ilily eN ill UOIII tO.Rether an Wnt. I rnell I)a rttv,4r. -VIrth li;4%,Y, t4l Inall(l Ibr, tilt, ( lie helif two f - d Inwrf)ught iwlt In tead of L4 y 1; of have nwarnpe tho I'Id cilfillull idw�lw to Plnbro el -I lam-e.1jail Lill:# r., I-, of tl::lt I Id 66-iover iin, 33. Wonders t I �.. Ws almost ('01feer i Illix Wien, � tA� tilt- shortio flow H4, can JPfilt-e the At L tonal the m.14wiall. it 111". in 41 W th angle from, her loft (,yfP.- auty some of Voli fit tics. give much time to nat a your attentioll' to 01)(111111Z ailli but not %��t r Us na t in qg government. Wam tile rploi.r. 1)l6tal[It empirps ffe its heart mand (Itatlon.. Ifix 14,1411110.1 19 At lilt If -1)41004 #11:11. g itill r011imn.4 OvershadOW0d all I de rllrt witi, g1ri. Afr. M v handil T' lie k 0 -,,, i: mlraculOu.4 for nlunicipal OW)eloty o`f wIJWljIe women w bri Many filig- that the Christiall lidi't-11 [4,4 (11M Jft;1d_lJJg tip?" "It "0 blive been 11.11 %�d. 20 If*. 41. them ood butt )r In her j!on- :It Lilw-rfit-l(l. # . I'll r- Afaiestit vil).! st ra t 411 to( clitl.%- of tho, %4(%a flat;-- at th,, artanding aloof fr6in turg'i4 that 1�fj!lf-rte'l th" IJ a Vc- well now, 1j; try to 'save o t WC. t I e r0a r of _1101' eliariot-4, th,, eaus are, ur cities. If Public affairs �Iiioki- tot t Ijc. krip tl,4. fire. rs tirifit -F­RI0,41T REGAINED, come back. And in the If %w,:Ill 'juld 'OfWation VL,itll Mlen. Of L t.. J-Irgerlt Gerni.111 j,XI .- E I' % fill- 11,4-.11vat fill sa tunia.y. I'llitt'd -Statc-, k'r'A* ltl;t wh n'&Agel 4.41, ag, **T%vo; but ere might of God 35 11110111 Ar 4. 1 caiV tAWOI-m. . th tile glelim Of her t1W 3t% or tiw I, 'A tbll�.(N)rrect reply. "ll"' things or have been ill Jill" low. rt, r&k" of Women Kplj ur .%,fret, toiiriwil� :111,1 t1w 9411"LA ere Of her s f NIJA Ch rist. a Nf.t I'sAve tilt. 36. (Illarrelp with hef frimid wit. is erintqj %* ht)* (I bad. I n!I 104 treatm,%Ut v. their nellm oil 11114 -it I,JL Kood peo Wert.w -riPturvo; qijd of tile niallg*,l DUft40n, uri W rk^.' sh- bad.e We have let _t;;e_ tl1:lt 114b - %lith .N jNW) 0. _ (1,-r hipping? i"t the ff fulfilk 1"Aldl' thripugli tile Ina !eatll ill� the fire Tbe tkwpatell retina, hqlleb 1111#4 the goes That 0hristian ilia ir f)r %*,,,,,,, t �Vam U14? "alig ille Inal f%Plf P11.4ited III wirlety. burfW'd to .14-00 -In of 17 rried. fllim father's 11 rtisho.q at do" d et$,ti; hIs votj� IaJ k (it rapitUy 0dargi hnn( 'Rtj)od: 'let thf,,, or, 19011 to th Li kew to ng, anti tl `n tile harrenns t 1) to the n whu merely IlIgh elispug-11 I acqueLlntallesill (,aleutta 111(�,n be a je not do his duty. tilat he it(Illm C', .3fl. _j, t uItforturiately. TueAlay I., hit* ri-ept tbp 10 Child I allenge(I th N' wbfre alit-, ballot t dig 0 %'110 are luarr ioitriking 114ltlons� - -let admiration of all I III lulture if niaret, tqi tile city 11400111 1 le(A tile, (.,gilt Is the he election. tow* Mp fTfw Peeoll.(I exp6rinlent I)iovp tka harballans who build AL laultittl(k. JUNI ,111 .0. lag fng preparing t4) - infujiti y, t, 1, tiluall A L, twt react, it. Illill hanti.4, 1 to I" the that decides Js -not _fhL U P-- believed- Of jevvd,; tr, lu t t their fit rimary met meddi rq)"g. to reinforee tile rioter#; 118A Parties unfit _,tilngs Of -the tW a at Tbox- Will take. III liey ich am .1 4,rnI*r(*4.Wt Pro-%irj -V I that isOn the Place where Political c"Cus; and If at the mlIll briatian, ; ),o JjUre 41. -rut tile collij 'm Ouel titate her af- that If 'r t tllf! j4uh(�onls T,oum answer - the qu' tr wax Wa a ke* an() bad men 0 politleAl reh. �Y a Gen- ariti tiicA Its eXCellent "ffP('t. The Iftrill'11:1,11 (;,id fo She for ated. then the ba Eire nollon.- tiloi tile VIA J1pil" llioul', Ile I,-,Vfl to a 3.01-1111C 'Ulu] V% lbout At Flni Illental mtate. 11 oil' 't"'tt"d Out forever! J� t Aoftliorted 'I fort'llne. all -I r Jave to pd u I r dil-g, r Deputy hft to get Am, ()nt., on tile rioters flave (,ir4)er&1e(l, and, 1114 think Intently r J"t "-Ith -Caat in r Im" allowed A 1114 W Tr Ask(bd to in rKot hr- An got. God, to dO save to tak 110A box has hqthInX Tlf(�y tA) f liei 42. iof (julet, hurn d while u two thieves! Ifi l.s chbice -al") a nd autumn th thl-Ir fei.t. wan - our churches. by re- Over thi, att61" thein and Ijec-f pigN -iiinvoe. lirp.-i it1n. 4-1 her Coin %Vas M. letus ory, Urgani.satfon y W411.1t. COM - 4:1. I-nniallty ft., cuJ%lidste for Ce if t re ir awful, don 't form a t W 1kif as life III ea 4t' I t i.% Into. hPm take Warning at h,, uL 911PPOd a pplN-II e. Dr. WIlI!c,. Oder citiPs admire her glory, tildi,pend aid triat 441 kind. 44 li4'f reat- -After a the fou d 'try In every way., 0 ret, k Pom. Devout ot,Wr ruoic, Ilartm r4. and jsl;4 ial and I r, at (;Plltilfw , 10 %%,pro� dxjl a large k nMOGFW. I Im-rit.tob ptbllt. prosel "7 Th Com iscundat .1ir 4;.0 , 119 of, the t., file, er of the� first 40 -tone up tile 1:1110ral oentj- 1 19 a large glu"Utity of ettLe I gall U) Write.. hand be- In morals Ft took yn t in these yte#4 it -11.1.4, religion, 4-1. P velle ag:Ijilig. i-%vere re,71,ov,. and ip,,p,, elty can I - It fs, a long Wbile before a the lneom It IN P1, ar It inAll Rfter him The rulers are far Wa t 01 Ill. MA it if- t. r, 'j..g I,.- those WhOn' the J)e0p so the age. I -ridge oil, IL i.--hilig 4-foliell, get Over Pend upo le reninlInM-D idolatitr witil pvas, tl10 niannerm of I , I. t4 bn�, take,, rf�ooln 'd Will hp ellild-10 handages tho the a int-orli I I tlll�­kened ;I n -it tilt- I character -of I n ft that in al live ta ILI 45. t4troonC predjl#�cti,,, her foundo(I U. 1 or amked .1m crimin6l Ong as ea. as. Flm Pirre-h"rted men � t it, rA n It wonw-11 nIN tllcll )wt IsInall t 1flel. the r from lad alO0j A 1 -4) prc*,p Iytfw to Ith. -and Wildest because they's artisan despise 110,, "ha(lowq Ot such Ion !hel7Y arf- the -0 ship* Just su ong In I - L a nge. barrelli tire ClIn40liall -tile ktiosv tilat a I)ell(,Il I" unders the p Many of J, aJI Tlwn the 47. lip PrIs011s—and the'debaL- r if e 1111.41 Writte, ,,,tj,i,,g the t r Poslition d growid man. for a clergy- rarAged t oUr cities -41 illto long. and,ruln control the-baUlot b(.# late. Npite 0141P barrel tilt- rro m - t h yfla rR es�a an rum, U ti 11 ald, nor n in -VVIII TIOU-ior 2w or noo t* ke the nornina- Idge, I c her -Xey� York Will rum ma "d a I -4 V Mr 44 t4 )IJIN Z'k lleeOzuea devqj t It 114 annourle"I ton ftud takew to lilt st-I Itg+-q I "g3litiatil nioveld, I lie adMittel Ifind ood Influe pe env """cw bre 1,rd)ken ollt of I x. rallk pergon..4 %vor aw. IWIL11 Will pe Of fig -found- d _Inaugurate the IIJZ k 111-R. Turrw. all wjl§qbjljtT 911VIr, ii ttio- Joy.-10.N)f) t4b lie PaPrwaA th, fe nanip (*I tile life aWfty at tIllig dog. Tp willef, t one- Nit ti _-Lbe Pr�ul; Pottler whosip� t1k,'a sotep fprther In tboffilesrauls' 11 ta and Tli", pq4tifill, Ing or. Nf) I , r ' went up f prayers te r. aptilre 0111(iiirm., ITI)II(diNill ifif4l 11 Ud ask ail those who a fet a ay ffor t Ili,". f think-+ now rom. the very streets W t 49. A if experimentL banks- digeount. e in te _' dopt'N a &PPI'dent r,' V111ala l" as 14 this where bellev Im Q U"W'd ff N W111 lveakenf-d.. lati(m hal-o. and f prayer. day b he boti(Im wfic) hnX 1;--rt*,r At Dr. ti very day. Pr6sen Y Y.and 91*4-r *wort-Vaz.I_ 11ttok-nd uJ"qI ber t fig. lge� r6fraii, Italir and l5rokers Omnipotence ' 1:1 1 " t lip I 50. 1 ftnine. ... .. Other .% ' preoplit 4endq. cOMPantes d,-clare divi- P Your city official., Wrvinjr r(,r 10111, t lie !"1111w* didiigusted t 140. rl.rq'#W Will smu before God Ularketa, aUd W 'iL,4 or 141 a 99fers wear r PA -a hot _for�a- blessing y in a gq)W '-UPWY Of liwe I d, 1111111 1 tb tile a's" and the rar of thp Y presided 0, -If you liv,. Joe Wr oil khart,,iirl, till- '%Jliefl Pit U. It ite'- r4,-1 imentellef., cuslo-M in il, cit fllt iris ta In the pre. fwor t tA. in I dr 0 111111 her III ay,,,r - All 'tit Ja bet boeR exPObt-11 for a your latl or Un 7or t an a re- urarily n-tl;e' Nile- 4411, t firld t1lat huni er *% t4 41 oIN an(I the crack a -Y -for. III by a in eltv in lliandlx lie hl tinles u of pr lit -4 to W. 40r.'ship tl,,, WI'lDtfon: And the balaime ord the a' ow. 'W,wr' Ililli,. n Of grea If lav a tituall 4"r in Jay lloumc, tratt: Rn uProar-Tl*�r hern n a riote ter 'Ll"t" Old Tim. litil niaVo, .4 h the auction nl- The chief magistra of a city As In a pmltlo mob tiey had, ad it ni rvil that Y. Many Of Ubd t IM A, through tA�I' of Agrivul t u re, trial #it Feo-' NATI -it F,, Thp (.Ilu 0 thou almighty doll, 11106nelbilit ' t go I" t t" I t4l lor tile eMorizp(l.-. Sit -once the king and of J'Or life d,*@nt briq, (mt tP Wam thell t(11.1 .qtl.,Qft N(III throw and emperor$ f 1141 f Blood on X"ll had no. Ri atild Istle oryc going. out il"Inuring tragcNly 'fear TI 8 Its bles.ging �such er days F"'a"141 1% of jiL.1 bave lutu'lif lelf- tlw chief- actor nthe fit- eltre a (Ale Y othe Utubin 4dursug t Ile fri other. lattf-r lvirt to( J111v r riglit, 4*iig lier the Been(- Orer all dominion. I ( trafn ' scratch of a pL with ; bag filled c. and n With -the 6`114H,ur "allging vver tile where Mid arul from I klfw-?DPn (Rnill. XVI. 21), and, -4111Pq that f,,j Y advance. t itvipodl trilb fdor at upon the fled. their white win rpo Ik ft Ule Ili-lde of til tilat ti,e verrthing, hnt 11 of en gathel�ed Y apPGJn 4 - U. lu ar )of.. 99 Jn the way confiscation. ]3 n or balk a rail- Nfina, tit tile adif r(Ntlillg 111,— 4 Ifr (of giX peroms L I 0ritdmilly m latielif ight, ur'41 (b necessity. WR to may bless Iments b very t1Ue tll*A3, go) (out tit I-er. "As rpi,,ri -L r th In.th or c r_q , ult known ap the or tile fIt escape itiellif will tou"' 1L 'A'Ith their tie". willm #;()Il)etln 6, 14tvie Ic aPPeareq ake he' ma wule weeks ago h I Institutia is a Pleasing N* 111PInberd -rO- Ie c ty. e ee'rY hearthstone agger. will R Other pl rNit, d 41 Ineendfarv's tort.h or the a assin'a fIn -the F,61,scopal church- ' 'I"' (Vtrt:iill firist, thtt t as- isprink" i-11"Phur t lie lm�lls cout'T, -those 14rove, fatal, fut tilt. 11ijt1l Ill or lived -in Ows wero Win 'eleall Of verinal. 'atitm 41 ly Mat Could h who had nothins noti-Epla., "U" 941101,11d have it gim)'I Oor Ko% Wallod up-,,Liive girl, III 0111Y tbp 'vPry po Y the authority of the Litany o' carry -lie I , -oil tilat'. tbtl I'light "ecure I In our a brethrell-Tho t 41114d k( el t Pate thurches. We #*q u., I I StMen. or evt,,,y Sa.bba q Pure-Watoer ever (Illy be -orijerms, 0 titc-m" in luore 14jas t bu.qf bIlt Q - at AlWrlm, Dr. nf'Q, to. he near their viacia or Of the United tlw lic be JLLIt aWo. %,by nodl. then, tile Af:lXJJ4t R"d -drn y tie farw- KOvalerf thum talkill wanted vagabonds wh* 1h, Pra, for the president With niola rhd and fiot rirwf,,g p . lng their enap: it, It 9 With the a 'I"nol -.141 faruwr, li�- i rflillote t ineo as hearty in our. "r. With their for I; T n- and re- 'S rnteo girged thern brorf, f lie of 01''Iter inature e made for. the chief Magistrate Itlin t eitY Th U-Mvit tblU fro , aNktif her to write live atrno.qt - roturning froul To �IAIL UNDER WATER ultly tbt&, e for zritin,.r., sul"Plica'tion KewlxtvMe oil 14011letill'11g, aj,4j ilNt� %-:1ft i-trwk eX_ lt�arlfftl a rew. nlillut4.m le anYWhere. men their guidance, for of cit# ttirlied, 11Y uUm-ar Osh Mau -t III eltief; because of t their hel 11VIl-Afte- Illwi~' train at. Ifarr6o' An o5hk Tour the Lakes in a ten rapid ialn cities - he OPPortunity for ty,sent and for ti -4-irteftiag and fre Was wtit_ their pre z th. 14(h ifeverlasting irops froin Boat. 'With the ball4, Eut re not necemaril Moral their land "ff,4lirIwnc0 t le owaditif)ll Wa tk-r h as, Tile s_* tt ott otipm alkafig i%.itll Thpy have' bpen the bIrthr)lace er, and pra. a . 1 - thirty,' -drink Dr. the Ometlines P0,en argud. But go fill on � tile Pr llo follarrf'ol it Ulanuro. It" * the commolri..'efur-ii'll �ee. I bl'. thi14 lillu "ich Y for your a a, id e rukw, -if Your e ca UML. in isu, fty ha--; 7 beouril. te to '4411""fi4l Uot -'R'nd Pisa, and Venle a Power sWendid old owl 11.4 t Ija tkA 6111 'is eyev, l,n. Per- y *Tnffi"" hat" fminil o- - thi-4 k -1:y. ' ' in themV�POJpular liberty hand.8 ounci aUd 11111fX-ent is tl -3 If#- �11:rllll baq*llrtcid up it..; valet.. of e0ninion council. The h In teir ;Rtf 10 Juarvip) of rigilt WlinPlIR Genoa. ahki The entrance or teltible for evil. 0 Iti pgat, Ve had to"' th- epresentat, They them sed- Illontil Coe t11 -1%I411 pure atunjiflia. I)Ulx,r ,glill t OW'. , ThO the vll'of the �lti-e3 In the ("11`4 by I ti IlLage Par(A toi exlkiore tile it flit! 110 ki 'or 9 od �or I I I,# face have -Tawn re fjkrre�l lilt' -a.,4 terrifily louriwtj .P, sohe 1va,4 %V'Pre -,ill atures of Europe was the death- councilm but ri� llo%v tIle' will t8motations. Part.-Ik,, 1. 111S IIIII 'k Jf I( WhOle b man v Z# fW to fetidll kinzd re gone t.) ,ers of aft ar-Kar-Tilir,ria 'At' 1 t"'411*1er tho� latWr ally 1)y the Patroni down in th y to Of derf4v t In many Of � the gi ving Mr. 1-1*40 41 wa oards Of common cltje� T I rg*' uf t Of 'k) 1oU.tr.r#:p` a 1ria I; ot '1-4 and I)U,,)t. 1110,11. Cull- tile oms- Cities are Vol e maelstrom or f I Pist er fr And lizorttlirit, itical- eorruptio en t ter ib W lite, flis wilgn IINIIIIIII., IR 0 ' I'ut off aftount thm being it Chr&u. I1v, ire Point'" to Its Tirtti- - stand n. They could ni�t -inity, 1,,,t fitru'll-Y ear trip Will take lot --the Power Id ni�t In W reffle'llbpr of m spufn n Lnridon.1t.4ii,royal Of the bri be. Ilmn n t to neetl,a_ 'y' t Ii(. noing it he_ 1,)n - eam e tbeF a�m etwier prepare tor library In In and or- tiall-4 nra, market. hurt *.o tilit Oie tLware Parl,;. its vati(inn 1h, Ro rupt C ev to t thP tha sat liftside them erinlnnt Mack- Written anytijilig .1 ehind them, and 'sit Tiff a tile hme- Cities hold ONE' Let lta-y Ckty eraft ail t andsat io h 1IJft-1J`.wufff-r%A arin. a. fit Jotirney' nlitU-d -the'Writi, ad� tba-,,,Fh, GTeece frica, wag Car. y vat er. If, of FT*Y A VEAR. scehttV�- A them, They reckless, fo r� town I '_IjOnd0h; Fr,*tn(,e is Parts; Is ninke ti 110 W-blIcarally raiple one huu,I (other :nJuri, fa I-, to'Dur- ere ho' he people. i14 t"' &c"11, udid all flown likc, lie ooked X Athena 'Xngland the hard - earned inoneys of t ed away (,t gPnprni to r #4 Ital - Tb ey. vt-. 2 -W -and Dora t, and '4the in 3' 14 P"Ome light r0liolvem is tinotber 1illa-111,, 4r0 til t ouc 1P r ter6i 411 t 'mot --911 Partil " "i -'I T': I I ;L1. VLWICWIVI�. kj4 MM#ll I will lie C Is , fanning lifliwelr, 1Y king. y,,,t ri .. bey a 1.11 -Auugh to ki re large kiliore, At this g- 0 make a inn %W#,e WM . .""t r)ur lot will yot. ffeeide of office they had noi aid L will xt) I %%d ihe, Arnorican ennugh tl Tho Milit- t: 11 't � 6%"'Y #4 :prineip,, P fty chick6us every Year. The klig -[Nick tool Which (Ind has'easi soul. so fhat at 'the end Of thel abl, a lJIf of tli(.11 ellatlees. de( 41 Inko out' 1)()dy- Mind -and Ided 0111' to 1)#?troit the I Wr4tr' I - t1w. 1-knifillit t"140v that niftfl, over the -d(.,t 'tilt, R' in rilb-, rangen t e mains left t ral re- of (�,Ifwa r to; R-peklifft.- the of L, r ; nr difigton, oro,,�" 'G To eason of the vd�a r. They -Went into -funeral. nt killing fIt might Office'Wit e for and -r. over to to Lu dec tf4-forp ordin 'I k ft -.s an h th it w r custmerig wbilpf al)out t)e useful to tlk Of the mult tude. t 11+4 tni- in If towtie, il?l(l from tll,(,ri� 491till, d then, little I e huzza Utf 114,10% th.1t 'yg`"- �%;Jofwilukoe,- ra-IlLon Ill. nalherna �f They came out with (kml & 'fty WIltof per Pair. ThiW is "Jay be i(fit np, fty resting upon n man not one IL _.V will a din I n dred hat Out -Of a hun- M�Y trul,61 kilL Off tIX, for tilt. 111.1 t(_,,# - aiv:tr -nur eftlell-a thf-Me a t are _24 tane ' "IficP �ear Is. ecent t'I" "I N'L it I' If y(Al t(jp 9*0 tlift that'lan III th" -respo -ql_ the a all d Re op I i-. thing" IA f I"" are alKiout four ulontilm ol(I. I;; ('I I I ., L Thef-6 t 110, 1go.j. it4 70Li 111(1 6ver of PoroPrlate can ndure the temptations flair no. UeVer again.- to those a t 'o-w-kerf-Is tire iLilled, we '%I lit I.' Wit til -r. versatioll %,it,, oorl:4, u -n- tio r,41e city has rntich o�the c - ourage, of a Cramwell, 08iion have Ally dnnCFr too c4j`uId- n* Itpor-tlfw ('r 14"v for V. winter, f'I.IS6 gi%o moral char-.Itor cities. If a.man In that.p-' in -Who are 90%,erne Of the common councilmen in our irreat n or Tiler lion Over tile 1p. into "Overn.-m.R. R-9 t 0 the Ra (1d; I t 2. t-1 -fing any i with th Illoti, til 111141"ti(Xim Itlaralter of the cit' endence' Ot Noprelipnod 46"N f r 'A'C' get 14" Netting ifivViltor to do dep and the In- anti wo 411 rt4julpIC. breetler every nualift -I' tilp N "'AM 11sked to ljoillt 11 e D, Itso"j". of an Andrew Jxciason.an(l a t it) n.ft I ren art- all In- "Ilder til p6li t I rick Oberlin n -Fred- t4 -11, tll(t kill"ne"Mf ul ()'It [Pr Varrill:11l, Rqd* child the 1)u rP, thore supply Of roosterw A ll-t�ard %-spirltedness of St job - II in I "A. tolrested in n. MIL bok Illit-in 9 .kbly toJ-Y Major df wo�en thefil, 1K)r- 111(morq. fr -tWent ) t torn to over- OUL (Jf timI'l fur ti wilL, b** tile ntial -lecti I fill'i vi imotii. mtif. V*r Y -four tho "li(Imt 1_4 tbe the great and the PletY Pf an nt AID [)a the, cluckifig W11.1" to sitop lie' 13"LL lo,. fn�un(& at fill remarkahle tilf. rap ev( rY iti-lot waints to be on comes tn throw away. trill prim, u, ward Payson, he WILI have MCI rl Z. Its prov j6joll.,4 irtw of and iluitantl r to Jut v al I a r(.*e it a re Pray for t"O surplus _all In-tereNted in - mpn. Vornjn eq, t. lol. 14ix ro,m- :6 Allipply t" Fvpry man 11k.,x to be iira he" 6f tile rtor f 411milit, thr*j,. Thtrb otl'4' the dNeusslot, nal finince. ha- a "VeN Admirably J -1 r- for sev IM11"00, 112111d. n4f-I Yed for. Do 1,0tio'll irouV4 Sol, t he YOU know how I)r.. ru t t I f), tho Alp dt-ht.- read became thp Queon, N4)rrn,an qfflul)tl,.NFA the hellm -in. ehaplain ? wou"i H,,t litt raw. rob?) ra-%,t-r in tO Varry inellis, froU, flit. grt eikirr, co,,, our old fri lif.!d that Could w.. that riay behalf I It illy eonij)efrom X4.4 -pt tli:it overy well; 1,u� very wel _Is c4"IA' 11o, fow tj14 tfult tfjo-.v it curripilt, f w Of the r tIp1)iULr,. slip will sit nPxt- In the presifientla, chair, family. allr tit tron,*Wt, -Ijy are wopn&rIn1r *�bo ed 1, IL Mr. -311bo. I)0u_ fpv#. Ifli'lltm whil-I V comp"PtPly' islirprismi at hr �ae_ 1JRUjXeJ%drkq ti t place w bit down ]'or it rra rigv. n -w t4j, 1014,41go. , 40 that Wash ID I Prevent it, -Anked t% t was (mt, f-xfX4J)t mirnin.g , -1 tht' laws (of by & warm -heart 41t c tj UL d okirk. in the IN),, #mv I*Aij of fop it. art inII)IJIMS jilst It 144 With !vhen the Qu,.,. 864 tjl,,,v 11#1111 air t4) throu hkirt merit frooill 10 -rlts igh time- that. A.0, n was foil.p un4k,r ti CO- yar-I "f hi wilif" vijrf:j�o all _jull(l, a I1)4.t1,oJI ilt 7AA lipr t(Ok some of h and her son Were Present Incokn to. It er were not 1,,,. 110111 wi&� tuW-rjal. �A -not bp Dr. U'llifte Lw.41 UtA. I t , .11fle(I to ie I IOX� Giver her plelity Of gh IN lill; Illkely Ilin ke an'l Water anol ju tllrow, feed 1141f Yardi "'P"ure [our pnd Off Nhe 'A-111 brenottli ,ff rf.)UKbt it t(f th, study of Muni. H pi Their Perils and tern- ,p Will T110 'Imm"t i, blivO lov(,ri evoting It r. MY friens. and pra N Wag frightflit III it 4,n t�P(L attention thaf We foy go furthe Ioro lucing 1 shapotf, G51 feet to Igbillt olit ti, 0'44 a I) (I to national affairs. V�ur police. lillljxdr� JIMA f ront ly. 7 1-2 t1u, pa: It V 0 ll(.k rld V 'o a. best known to therneles. Pt- IV thore,ifter t4o P )-vital- etolifilf,11(w. _T "(w is thP f-hipf point t hold the ordr and peace (if y- "They 111111`114long. , f - back. Tw, ivt 0 X) pourldn. ifin'tiftc fr, tili.'4 %"-Ity 'Lflfj 0 InotheIr ' our cities Tit I., ST grasp. WH - got, but tlJ itiooll ak,.6 "' `cjtI*s r1ght for their interen a and the natjo� tion you would -not be NY wil, e, Into ()If tilp 14 be tak#-n This. It' Seems, to yet known 101-t. 4� feet Oxiwitil"Ontal xtil(I gllw,rn.ment� If mine -hrujuith, hi14 ey, Y Of ifillollis#* la bb 11"ililig iliturel ."ll "') the "liMle 'Or the it's flavc 14efft liwily no Ina'de be right. '(1141 1, Ot1wr trinligin, tbian itafid -ralply marked. I't1i iot*) have nori -safe for an hour. e` 414 If -in ne" "'J'Aurber,4. btit I (Hit! flultdrod alul firt ng to their i, storm. They a IJ04P "a--i'lY Tiv, toevp -.itktl or cor d that ac- They. njust face the It l",virrim -111 erifflinal ti l; With Marmouri Town- Fttorngs- -ing or , 1 i4 b as I really bee., 4 oPport u ep in Iwere 11"a it will 4 4)f in_ shiP, wam fillf-41 16:10 awl (.(j,.tA toy Vlll&� expl:tIffe(I )r. n t dea:Lh. It seemi to them ifimList IP are umpl.. .4 t tM - 'Irthf-r JIM%W a n(i trunmeq raloit ty ,,. IKOvernrnt�nts in this cOuntry ust' put- the fi iwlx fit tinle. 1-11to (.,e 11qlf-.Vf 1po'tt- 11#4 9'I't than -of arreot on the armed Maniac, of T ty InYpH t Tho lallpd cap, or n esp et, KDOIL Aliott at I'fill .4 rnunic-II)al Insta fou -r i!,uI1arr# it,,,, f. I'llifernen't4l 1 corruption in They 11k-ty_ I 1xittf-ri filties there rush In where tnt r"rt.,4 ( -1*1*4ar V149t, nny f 1111oullder I ri 11)(19" , 111" wati-r. - rril ti. Of n0aderate rw_ tLC Tiusday.1 fmlqrn%-illC hand m "o shoulder u it I, disoro k -r, for is tA'li I atiault 1-0mmittetl front hor t 11 "late and national 1pglll,- a0d corner the m u rderer live*' "I, a. town 11111414A 1 14 -444 -till -Ill it ts ta If Stott. r tilt,,, -On J`Y nivan-4 tho Ilosp tA 1. b(I it# Now, 18 thPre no hope? With - They -*Must olily. to tho I A rge rew pll,fhn or Osillfilly WOO ho 1w; Yf)11119 latly JFIV4.11t(,r- the refuse la olitnipal from Iloul,41 I 1A vaeii or n , . Tucs- Pz orlaus gosp, - of je. ur likv that of tl;� of u 'y must unrave 111swirtilig of) t I ards for Withdrawing 19*101 coraule c 0111)(I 1.11(jrts, 0 wil hPlIeve th cer anti louttd-rinilk "I'd bake witil flaring li A t : t!w - develop suspicions Jnto- gcrlf)turM dafl.T__%qlUep and lie nd Pu rl *of crime and [wet -far, :Izul (Itio,it out JRU%pring III an not all our cities top reform Christ. hall' trIcate Plots. and trace dark labyrifiths 1. lie t4salfix)(Miful wilt, I thi. [)oat ban(], the n Ls. Th ance.-j- Tit(w4i, 0110 and !`1t1t"rFIfd siffficil,11 Spring Amiz# I 'PqJInt!0n al" h"Part- LirKAll �RL tf , with tit funetioll -Of mlghtie-4t -g,nt In cOmPla 1w t4l a 4' 1 In- occurred oil Jee cou rep mind, rede ed a 14rehidiftPol-Not Ot mid 0"" t4:1-41"liful it aturay t tO all -I r4 14111>� THE DOMINION F I com e day t I ea. anA arfsd,4� oull"'" ft few weeks Ago, t WHELK 1, Xt-nrchoif rc 18 ALIM) Ito t am. In'fill he 1p and cut ilito Is Is f rTn tly c. must be cool while Out lo Yauf ull- TIR, m)mo 9t&U-Bielit al- The ho -'-f' who are op, sed 0 Ympattry thers are rpa§w,nfti lf,tt tfil of W,!1 it th ` arrylng Vigilant. W Ile are U141 OH Tect4limplIt, thoy Pff'ri-pit to 1 -tee r*'r19 aI)Vtar.tvjr4. 4cott CU. ablo of Wlthstan(j R Into religion. t () (. Uvoil t4l, have bepn I'llade by 1)"at. t They I us- U10 fteri0turfm anq r r r i I n g ur eitles will InlPeronating small - 1--4 e a bu h Ing t1jo never be reformed 'and Isoinnuient Chopi)(A y the very Villainy th to RUM at a depthi fut-Or pr4vo.. The Resul A41 reef 11 -4ft. w14, t1iffif.i4,11 eap. 'we varry Purffled' uw' want to Soixe. ey -to wilich t(:1 VIP Phleem t t--NrrEI) ISTATEML Is f '300 feet. The boat the n iritc, politic, Iroil �`il` t`h#Jr turnexi Thfx W( of tLe .4. 1- look MY Word now Is 10 all vi text. rf enrry htrs)nt. (r -forroil. r,,., unit fifty light. 0) "Ief and I see III - '110 may-eome. t"olln4li�roNt tilp firwt rle sv,�arrh the eoll- ; Leh 04U "f U - to huld any public p,,,gitlon of of' L U11 Teaell Int,erestg Rt 'All great t Ile 14(b qlavot, t %%aJolin IN June to bp NIMMro4f br 1p drift. eflifr. 1041 el W, Tem.11 4- teeharai.,ter of t n IT(11111114b Pirlifalm Ill"I 10 'MUILL' Im-cad, Knox k,X t as thPy bave been affected in �fje t %'es God the Kifig.-and Iculert'- 114 With Pilot I u re, in The fl, any city. -if )t had t"* or thol craft affected trust in YuU are God's riapres I "ram -r. One Frism-r-It V#- 10 int r In the hnw� who Wprp Iflair to add 1111 btf,6. Judgf'. sets and Mejw i1111'rerent department h 3'ou In BIB Place. 19114 r L441 IN& N - q,lgcfl th"If to WI -fir above to**., i I"IA,l`*w,n tit crael- tv:1,_ still I,[ milleir. It(" Iltion anti over 0. be tOf ILI f�0"1111"ll in the fir@t Somt, Of fait ful in te dischar 11 J'y It. alit i4-114, A WOMAN.4 Year remark JPVNf_-rll, lilixq,* tilt thn*-- imollil,lio, Aiortm rui, lurs- for tho In a8hes. and the world Itself I., - 1,d 11 '1 brtjugbly. t7 stfitt'- th e r*..q t H. duties. so that when all our cities are -vally- 0f 44 it 7N�4K'b ti*n) t4) "*alr�ll 1 f 9 Wyi-ro ssif ti U-11 MC.1 t Purpoxe, t) orillney' " The _Af the A-Fle in It Your stand PETTICOAT fmral rf"Ilt oT1 ar IIIIthil! clal Pthles art, alway ­C'Ornmer- sercril of flame, th The 1111filler I,. IF Ire-pal-INI fly oral 'or Inimoral affected 'by. the mercY and grace 1- 1 '41 111AV tAo nI:Ike th, N IM -44L YOU May be n the 8crIptlire*. Il"` ldi't Of' # Awl tile Part lt PlaYed In Savill partniflit 4'r; , -haracter Of for Your falthfuln Of Christ rewarded WonIpn - t dout;le tlip -ir itwo N. rf)!Iowf III$'). 'Nito who hae -Inunicipal -those es. 'ZOVP("I w"R I)rorinfm,.,l at wink fit I Tli(w (-,riek flet'ille r,,r 'ensure nor Ifications for Office to Neal D;Dw.mayor tile I'm J. and that hav uch eminent qual- a Tra. n. "m Onto th 'Jupremacy. otn. feeling which gave r It was For t I I.m to W04 neither prott . J( that was (.ft t" Td') tbo laNt thn-e treek, fgo( KI Mea). Ilf'r rcqf Im.t tI(_f OR t i t I r Of Portland, and to 144104, or butttobm. LT*VI firt4* W IM) glittering dishonf arraignmnt 041" but a'r'all) (#0ulAo*tJ10 nniount. Alld H(Aw"'pru IJOW Ito darl, l4to(,k I lip 1014-,m Ito art"110-4A 4 , fg) heatt _Ingb, 11111f, a dangpr *1( tho le alwaYm weaken Ohio. and to Bc Judge McLean. of 'I' tr0u#,rlw COnst ruet441 (In lomed am .... .... ' ).:I, w.:#1;1 5m - Pulse (.of cornrner - Jamin F. 13 rolljrl(bn TI-JU-11 thil"n ever IX7 #;I 2j, i. I A*1 4h,po 41v`fIry store. I honor. New York utler, at- 1rdwTjdi4, rejpet t' T f rv)nj a fq,m N (;I a c tl'at tl'o clll'rkvIN4 act flito oom Iqtplj#,j up if 1"th Cheek nillig la Every n nuwl #Vow. ur4ia7 106-ing 11hal).f. 41 rinj I Overy bazaar It never It" f t� lip t'Jpnl %0th thvir feet, ItAiro, her gololell curlm Retory In every George. and tu will Inv" Tow) thpm to, va, f.haracter 'orthe (.1"Ps 'tho ebus 1-tti-Kgs- governor or er. Girckf a CaP*% "Yin thp (.Ity maral etts. and to Theodore Frelinghu) teen cpnts. r nillk. It, o1111'"I 4ovs-r litt I t I ball. It In an sell. senator of th With. 31fi-SIN (' - --qa- trut), lb; *!vhPrPrpr lt� d' I't"ty alml lillicky ba oll y UL -,Il Tile ht"'4406 IPY Itnirth-M lidillem - or i01119 a of ( e United States. an( efwt, cie py I t like #TIOX an unpr "'n"st rviayoraitY. or t I 13 rourt 9 or a British ce. member of th, 1111 Parliamen Ali llofflpat 19 a 4h09WtrdrjRiA uqcePtlhlP to bribes in that city the rowar& ' make tin lorew to William Wflberfor 44nivnilem. Wlek(d nip'l- mpike for tile next InelPled It llft�l M -111v T"W" ttr�m to Wear there will common councl cfNt 4k .1-5 (vnto ext month til and 4 eallcv) YOU may -Tlw p ild"rril of rf* fin kind.,; of tr(_ -all ternity thle etn,.)Iu- uvAt4on. XIj4.Ifd1. bp unlimited for -of' e t* I (1 11" thinf. nionth, "30n Nll"1001 ed "W'"tly :"t 41 ohe I . lepoillit . .1c,.ry e,()T)vinrn� one Of tlw tru 'Kt '11" WIPP Tvaell airreat"t sm v 13. ab," to f )PIP. nifinth., 97 7-10 Ile tile njoirtkir th U P jib ti, folowN hand. V 0171clabi _a'r yo Wort] tilt _r o".T row 1) go trn if, IT) fin 1111s I* other and idn, While on tb for adverse poittl r("lit 11, t'll of th t lwftl that a mik ments Of your Office. What care yo Irl*1*1 nQ#1 kll� reeently, frqPn1 ro,irl, th(-Ir oath Of faithful to Cal criticism. if u r NVI Vermlon t I#, I 90(7)d. Wax the lifirrvow have Gd on Your side? The one. 1111:01111f FRO otl tfw,; etvsumptiv 0 If the lawlq are the two or nio HP Pr mPtly exet,kilted. I there is or the'three Year to regard tiff in, regard, to th a ri pass away. and a) The guidin,.r hand of t tb'l n2on"'y Of tbeir boo t4kday- 1)cvitJ`Jd"Y lorspiow-ol Ill,tt I'mial ip TRACTIVAL riavp and n(-) al the city wi;lulj tile Ift!"fook tr:thj.N4o *f; Ila Public trust will y. we inanilf-ol lqy 7 1. 1!1:, 0 olultbranchings or t h fUty (of 11W NtSl It w am I VnKindl-er is'. 1). _auX N. y., ConlillK, an d it for fill fit en the tribunal Will be jif N11114 T4,111iril thiprn t1lat til n for all bargain Makin �th twiuk c mfl, there e Years Of Your eaqhly servi bol tho kitViien, dininz rix)rn Is the -hikhext Protection (;41(1 111111, tot" ril then' RIl tIlP inton. #4�0; 9. A merchant I hi ted. beforp k 'out It YPU and I nlusf RPPc-ar. May klJI make you so faithful have nothing to do witti- city Mil- I _13-0w� that the N11 t 'fill. 'fill :Lll1l will not soll. my hands ast scene shall be In You e am the- makq�w young N-twoell, (-ftIar P V (! ,I,k I lipi* x N,w ..may stand In his rttori� and xay:",Now. aul arm, his e0n)PnlJiOJM J, nig. tt JU 1 tk 4-01"1 lilt- ttbr 00 8114 -rd#4 - -it It f4orty-illill. d.lil; T, It 1111"Itayed olle till. Vv),at 'n -e fild k,,tte-y r hunttmd nillem t.) e lnor4p 10flp t ln,tead of It few reach TI~^If)fiIen. fifty (y4ltds a more IW will ti im-erifig Ills Allish;" novo-rthplesji. t With thp and rapture. 1 wig xhilaration PPI, there Wr at Tlw ri-ItIllpm cah, N _h e oHIRED AN THE THIEF. nlflc n$ trial In thc. poll Most. Insig- now to sonie thirty tilon. S good Deople. whether they Ar exhort all vand Jew1R. III Place tiri, 0() oil Wi o4 fire I ce court vvIiI A!I ov et that merchant directly or ernor or tbl- governed to make one the river, am the wonle,, 4050 o1a wtor�- J, It,%% 1#.3-, wt line a Nelifter 01" the No_ ree, ly. grand effort f Nill k ,tty 1�.f)jjjail afre e the g6v. or R Ing W)rnetlli t 110. trark wilqlly W&%._ WAS a. One T t What' Of 'a h"'Jle "Plafe 'of Prayer" it AIIIA141r' pri- fig fri ll t114. , toriou; qeordeto writ; style Of clerk Iss Inoll or the sal�atlon. the -ur alwtvdi,; nlltable makes ier- -the w4anftij 44'r promptly r#.v*.ry 4,41 Je 111gs-r ti hrl.k. arrest;� what style of attorney is- at there 01 arried ell.tref. tilat lean citie. Do You know-th ' "")rOldill (4 (;(K]. 1,,) t 114, n W the itIeWfon. the redemption Of our An for tile I t n1l I vera Ire IN funcer ed. Wn Gang. what' OtYle of Co P - IPPI, they had & plla U ogue, all f I t tp, Of COwardim lis are multitudes going down in, I ?a ocellt*4 n tile or. Mark Ifalthly slilimills LjIM, rn" quicker ff)r ---I I by. 11114 ).91? Grog- III tile li-4 Peoph. lilled rowlell ri_ a ths- wam tio *-these'are* qUeA- ahopg qwallow, the OM Iny I I Ig tile o1n#4tructIIu,, Im-noi iptk, roilli t is RJ executes the Renteric pin itti thP. tritek I xhAIJ"t-FqJ I a n1ol I charges the Jury; What style Of sherIff than wrds drop Ir il�aw t1w, glile and Pla; what style, of Judge tf-rnPoral abd eternai. drop 10 rii 90q*L For throe 'Weelis )lip 941 illV u River yonfigr w,mit?, lk' ik p a s -4,1111K 111,111 il Preck)"s trutil qr tilf Mor all Wjll i't of For un a t4.1y tritill r1a1" 'ork 4-4 furm Wal retv am brovigilt Infiley if Way t no that str*e your countlilg_room ........ J, falf. (lily IIJA floum, the tenter. You Fnay not throw evour -them. 110 feeding till, $I' tdo- Ile M14104till I I th film fallill h 11 d In up. ('ambling eteriial 'welfar". W11111 t,WI0Prned thOr "t of 8011to niar dol tlwy W*ro, omt A xharp-uil o1411H it usEs of shime for tile We noo In tbp are d n n the . 0. Ift Its t(,Il.r TI ie ja t lie tlivir dislike ;I( Preaeff. 84111CUOUN t4p I liwvitilv or city Of Nv# York, Chr a- am I 9F m �red fruit wam #�M Illmlieof fr ljir(-qt mall tian merchant. I and train fuld for a great tvhjlct Ii Parlson with that at and coll ther arf, 10 tabw aid the -Re wron" mind 'v6tP until all %vapq l)rt1e1<.)uA en 41,14 above 8.111140, Orbe won For (.1 the arP rigittecT. What we,do a-1pi,p.9tio� fail IvIlif firiot, witil tj, fair loig-naller"o It WAX learne*f ti tf-11 tip tile management Of Publl� wP l,nlugt do q 's tIlree etigagp tl,,. vcwt r, . ... ... till Ul forward' Wplit t4f N'liltoll ur,41 rf., r. "We'JI haVP nothing to do with n 11 hig I wr I I "L.#. tiliLi N:lw tilt, eaij�e ft"J"r pPJ, vet- it W e ff, Nbw t, or, rlil,.1jilill IZ Pa rt 1074 Iber do,"entle dutle, 9840-d lei auti d 111 and, on the same Platforyn. we- aniong t1be Tailit flu rumir I'. tw 40g. "it to' go at loos'. 'tile n(Aorl I" at I&, "le 'tiFn4,. with J)Iek until they J__1q t Must I I Isdi. ).Par r arfAill-11 few 'at -11:11thy linij they alit -owed everyt c Affalrs,­ and WJth our rulerm, wpre a few 'fill t 11 re had pg. r esIt Now, 011H (;f1orKpt4p%%-1J rolld 'up In that city Pome b*rere the throno- of God to' I co Ulilitr (*l1rP flu lYing on a la, rge if- be-ttering teroti pc!,rk a Yf -nt became "Ing and The"e."'Cre gathere(I into tjrf*wlyte4- t lle -VP:t r .. ... ... ... .. al,d ti, -ar dA.J. tIAW. c-""Imlti�-41 for tial. (.'It. f -alt ILF141 elpal g'OvPrnmP I tiliLt 11101111taill k4iiiii., I%_4L,4 'kfWll tlt')T WOW nrr(-,(u,4I gra,11K. a delt of nearly S120,00o,000., The mul answer or what We have don -P for ihe ntunber of (ientile p T# It" I lm%f)4 for Ilic' t4i, their 'ilarnf,m Among tile Je 11 under si track. ws W A. ohi-l' or lt()Ijcp a by -word Jr) -the w a.hl onthat d Of our rreRt townq. Affills! I? the hole earth, ay It will be found that Your safety. ark of 10,41 of garn.t. llut ell knwilt 14aw merchants s�aw MAI- W Irto inim xtrijetion, fr%)fn t a I 10to of %flilth, folly. and belan milent.. remult of lt:lof leell ffir Mathil-s-cm If ty AtVirm-1- the'n 4he- ('I'll-fistlan an (I hand hm bee;1 Idle add my pul IrIlk-kenz, titp lu,,n toy ai, hloow and thf-n IN, walk aft-#'. the tra The reflex action, vio Ths. w, afrogil Pit has no a IK)vr lwaring the Mlt oUall llig tIllIt gallr l,t y slPn Of th 0. YP, who are Puri,, and (anw (IN the 4 97 _ cotirae" ir 11 app"U"I'llAr t�a ill frorn -tile lie I% y t- e0mind, e ballot, 'boxes. hristIlLn. Pro to work alxm I'le"ted light, anw 'I TA IN. -.1,14 (,r*JVIct4., -refal I wish all help to t" if) IX, to rt-aliz4,wf tfULtr .1111 'me and W MrFeelitioll. uPoll tilf, Totni "*;t ror dw Inal y they are fiot I n to understand that mRke thl' cities pure. and honr lelle"ll %I'm wf.re The 1111' wreck w" fit- wtvalillir est. and Christian. call 'Llio, dog In,41 evitable "Filem- IjP Kirt . . . 1p"ggy I'Mm' Jt09Pri4,: Of 0�_orgp_ ndependeht Of the moral 19 Je - Totill prf)r1t ("I tlw t4b'11rot Life lJ&1"tiJY Unf,-wtf1"I her retf tow, or wille'll thein, but U P r 7-- - en t the govern- Totrtl lw,,flt on lie d Ifil of af1f4l I)rf)JJIjjtly. 1fitry lor"e ch1tracter of the men who r 1111tion, tbe "'terekit'" of a tlu t 1111waelf fit dimtllc* Thou 1w COSt. and rart oown tjv� petti- 9t -12 Riontlix ill must he PROFITED I 'y ha& L rathr tila R 4R 7-10 IN -11441 lialf tl1P (*Mtrnl 1, ' ' 1 track, waving I'lSoll, -in Awl, thoroughly., HIS CONVICTIo1w. all let the On r I, re, all It trwitleally, r got til anti Mightily 4ffPcted by them. PrL'acher-s (Jof trutil go . 178 ulld Illekily rt -4, q layi4 in J � 189(), lie $0. also 'of the educational How a Shrewd Scot Alade a Goo' 111(m tI n ue to ,,It,,,,y linill'Jilre4do or Or the fftrnl. orth thert. Prevldr) Ril at Torxito for Interests d Thing Iwir 'od to 1111"c" t!W arrel %,-I" -I've t, Wing thf- train wed tile run' P(Ae- I-rawmtly tl,,, fla I L)r, Wc 0I ill um t;4) that lie country about 70,000 t co Frorn a Court a Senten fro"] their Converte rnft tl1P very niek of Wdrial IlftqI IX -en or a cltJ� �-DO You know that ll I q 11114IIAP Illatle Ind 0 this , here ar ce. 9111ttion Woulqj Mkild fLnd starte(I 4crQ0 t,,, lI1cf:rrfgJI&, 0018. and that there are m n suit. Thio nau Mp Matter was rdlviort"J,to ti, have cielfret, tile 'MO Cooking. ()Ilcw A WW4 trallisferi-pd to thp � HO -tt I llrfx)k main orriem at (,rrhjnK_. rt, r i I n tory n.. 000 of pupils and that the over s.000,_ Police hookm am a "nOtorloup of le 11&41 they prioceede maJority of too Prempntm to t1w in will liloon rew)rted awl Plucky ties? -ine of hajr a cro) agimtraLl to tJw, d6grarefu t N. V., Ill. wrvftf nnitt 1*114-t1l"KII'mile"P, where those 'school; and the majority Of those to pay a f ao garill-nx #4 &nf I a tkm of their estop rorp dropiw4i (1,,(, t1o'etir ,;tjy. Tilpy Pd and mit, d4ig "te W1W provilig l4ch mo A 8c()tch Cobbler, dewribed on t, t le" alld 1)rougllt dii4grace upon them' _ Clatni a Cup four.: Pupils are In our cl �d jtj a rs, JAckerl" ear. HiN pareUt44 live at wa&j WMt`mlo`e(l by a, Forfa-r m conkeqf oatuWal I ft off -It down tlw faint4b 'nt there' frolu lorea. k Ws, all, Irreat Multitude Of children wlil be i it le mob, Ma 99, little rphillig ti .1 t at bile W r(*,e in u, woman. The - Fal I Young Now this default, or, III #;"re" of cO-OPerating With a mea- tbiD M`oruing IW,,r,, 0 thinkirtIC t1l ninfl, Pta flrnok orrif-1111,4 affected by "'entY-fCour hours, 11wil' UP fn)tn a tt)n1pally of vaga de PiOw 1043tter, tA-O t no t4*Ad that but for W low (, the Intelligence a rd I a b,() ablemp( 1. kilk-d, ali,l 'ItnJI01P.R I It. wlk-" 1)UNIZIP X)JW #;ug, 110 ance. the vi t or Ign the lAttier lie A,% I t, BOAt all ar. 1`101"Ilial' 4-flialo, it PrOmPt, netk)n , 14, IN Tricks Of the Trade. It Ue or the vice, of 11 taken to t1)p -oultl 1, fIL41ojn Wt(, "OUld"t inen )air to. tiowpuier 8kdd a inurdror, (lima, arrpst4a(i A W at Nrtb. W wlk)ll w)(t ilf Kodimi undmhtft prew.,ription caof education and board boards 90 to Pertll,-Ijle e am to "tir cup milk. 9pell all 'fionrwi And I "ell f1Y vi enuml a oI There 8 Of control. I�uilneft there to, gal(t .,f W-41 I'll. lie contrast t*t a lip co"- trtar well n1lxe(I (if "Ir4i 4 and can't rai are citles where e have (401lie kVn t ligh I III a VW149p""elit 1'11-4 wr"ek and a tp"llbk� If" lwvpr IJ" 001 T create a sifte crearn ()f Gamble 104 norw the tIt' VLO twx)k##. Its are settl ducRtional at- Thetw4lotlica ews 4 Own ed In the low (!FLueux In c"'"Ved marked. Of Ilerpa I Kur n JjdPrf)ln0 q -)f t1je abando An affiel jqtntr t IN. I a ry cojiuntry rfoun4 1A`­`l99f#it­--That'P . Rk-11- 1114�' "ea Parts. Of -the (.1tld­.H ut Ilav, thp mail' f)nD Dr 11' ni tO N.rtli, b I:tvr like f .01 to Make a A 14 n full Of licnoran( by .111.11 lie' 'heR thO cobi'ller tvr (44 1 f1V11 iniltv I MfJ congregati(m. III tnialauk.t", lime Ieft faked -lip. )ught 40t to be Rnd ruin. it, I'll; fine. The ft'(' he 'W011141 pay titude tO%,w,ar1I the aj, 1).-,k,.Mttr*r It' llattdlor lul,l 47 In the t.t.1lxf. 10. Land- Con3vi FIIMI�L- druga, fit, 100; bul In rnany cill.8 g0verlwr founa I)ut thir Ili, - Of ('&DUlian drevaptl rism of Results. Vint pati- it lX go. I hear the tramp have to take it. "Ad now It 14-0 -44 111 Catellem & generations. to Filgiandif in C4)1#1 Will Ilarp to go V T11e ganle cufftoln k1l 11"fing-Thrpe w0lild different 4f; Waild WI, n tl 1111410-etor-flave y fleen Of coming e0bbler, 0-1 'rant my far K9111 tile merved III Berc!a as III OU Ivam oly '"to -11. fir, brador liam, aprtvefj naturitlizal ? 0 (Inig im What that great multi gOvernor rw home." The rvpn tallif"looi)JIM 'lei brtwl twict, 1`11:10d. .11F, ftor" t'O 90t tljpni tude Of Youth shall fk--Tnnr' I ynagogne .. U ipr placej4. "x)ked rl"p, rm as Stranger (g;1XIolIA to Interf*t in tllp and the next Will be be for this world there U'am no altern' I'ut dl e 1041, "ong JI thf-Y edrontfition, vote) V by w0verp(l so le firlst Place where raii,41njq. F40141471 sugar, hair cup 9 Stioatidift. IlIxt4had of the character of Your ch mu-st be wnt t tile I)uhljc imt. ter affected very Mu I aul prewnted C, wpPeU ()( extahlIsh_ I notta that, Tnnytm,#., 1,,,t I Ilarea oil OiTV' n'll)lt 1411,1111 1 ()()?,, at'", UIP priw)rler we re as , ir 1`111tinit, but 11041tie" lie Mixed %JtIl Umilldim In this beena vaceIn&&&I. You had better multiply Public Echo tile Plac P111)(ol-we to he. 8 ineere am 11"Tie j4lzf# ()f walnut, one and 1n0qWtor-IJattpr' y,,t. religious Influpnces Rbout CC(Nmiv '"WAlowly K)ilr,. b(Alf%d for n few U,in t'AP Me~nger wp the 1noral 01.9' tic had been brouglit J. Fach nu t1l y P "ewied 11A) nillk, " half qua rU 1119 W&Uw and W. In an Inter- up. Walk r1hCrili , (161i't k school the and P) tI*1 anny Scot g.Ot tile rom. flekliq PrOved e Jolrlhf"y to lipw 81m),wre rak,,. * PIKA"'W"111'e ellemlealm. Thn eel) 8 Pitther common 8 1-2 pen(* 2 41 UtAm- it h61PP them to thenL than subtraetr to 1)4ul U* truth of What t*llp F"War, I T"P'M' PKIZ1%. I I f2 beat. ,oitthe 1`111ch rpr the Lord haut fledared at tile tin, t1vt IrUP flour, 1)mtr half F 91l't mcarpd andl hire Instead of from di(I 111j; lilwin C44"Ited b 11111nO her driving the Bible uniplilnt-t em alid went 110 1" fart,,, "is e0nvOrblm. for sureiv -)On lmtkfnjr povrojpl., Y, me tri- found how vaililla, pinch (4 malt. U'P tPaMxvin Mq�deraKy gp,,, teL4 In WbIrJi out- YOU had bett r drivtb the Bible raill'11-d rf,w'PM'*_ "allpenny gr1pat' things lie must Buiter The I"t e lie e of AtX or a "J"Tou'll 1161116dach , r furthor In. gp of May God defend Ip t1w, lietter for a Pake. r1ow marslou@ the for Chrint-ill AIM (MM hlf enp t Ii inlr or tfirge S!Ilrft 0( pMoo litive our fen(*4 Of- kept I)IM gte#I&ast In gTace tbt on(olgh to got t 11ratpr. Itplat only fuftd. 1`1166 1 evry lipw MIed. Tho PIT Frlink ou ff, dkd Vi. 11111of %-, :rt f rom her 4 L L PW 4