Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-16, Page 2..4 T
itA. and lituar'
IaA, w the rt-viinitp of
nto% Aid Will
from the I Fall—R. 11 'VI
A' X
'looks roun unoer wi
lappeniags Of a 4-W Not a trac jo to take care of y1self. I am
age. not a t
Aw r - - ra stout materia
7ft is to be see n. (to you mean to leave
"So much' for your T,, M r. off call1fig me 'Mr. Biron ?'" lie "Irs.
1'� - * , - sArtr-Itt
__.,�%�INNING. Biron!" she cries, a little tremor In Neybr, I should think," Is 3et's an -
her voice. " I cannot regret it. I awer. to What, better name could I
cannot regret anything so beautiful find for you than your own To Or 10
Week in 1b. Sam \N Z _X_
as 0111dilles and the forests.
CHAPTEit Ulie-it tney are about know that night In coming (mi. . anij you 'Mlm Conyngliam!' to
. irillation. But I "And, still, I am forbidden to call 'Cream that fian titooi 4,11,
better for whipping than 25c
Moral Delirium Tre Jozelin paces frt)m the chapel of t)l- tilat there Is a four -mile walk be-, "That is clifferent. It seetus nat- It mustalways bothoro ITAL $20GY SCHOOL.
.to -r of Course, to hear
"t,tween Eaterei and tile JUOU p,oules, the Bruwa Brother overtakes tween un and Enterel ural. a matte POULTRY ON THE PAR#
-IF-Al]6111—fuld begs. "By the time the sun Is down, I you say 'Jet."' before beginning to whip.,
t."llit girt th, it
e 6ea iliw a, plalu, As for- 1 -As l4rctit to:sses hini it frane,.Jc ay that you "And it would seem natural, re- i LEESON No. JU,
i twell undertake to a. shall be To& Stain&
tile in Wine. corn, and. oil am any in the lx -)or wrietch-'s facc hill. within shelter cif the Paradis," an- markably pleasant, at all events, to F. G- INNEW. 1W.?7. tor.
Ilurciiie, I - It is ballowll, tainkeiiii'thin, to thO ewers Biron, quieLly. 11 It Is now half- Ifear yon say 'Laurence.' " , WINN, tea is spilled ou it 0 ta- ROBERT 0. 1 18W to Raise Chickens for pleuum rotary.
lawt poltit of einacIaLii"n. Two cav- past three- -Fate has timed It all for Fhe thInk8 the subject t'.erjously blecloth your Wiling wa4
are etuoiw dark ey4* Mamie Iroull' beneath us to a ideety—and exactly below, over for a*few moments, ien she thO stains Immediately. 4 will va-Acts xvii. 1.1;#
The er0Ps of maize tind hemp rough
110W gathe' VO4
red in; the grapes have tho shadows of his hood. The knot- not a stone's -throw distant, lies tile shakes her head. Prevent them spreadhig and render THE FERN is a well-devlt,. and Probt, SUPPLY 10 STAMP -4
9008 to the wlue-prem; but aa yet, ted, rope aromid him vvaist is i5tained station of Tainarls. The afternoon � " If I tried - for an hou I c6uld them easier to remove wilpli the ar- MILL FOR TWO YEARS.
train from Toulon w1lI pass in half an. never bring, my 11 r, J;i-rea.
110 look of bareness, no want -of color, w'" blm)d. Pis to spea it, Mr. tiel"i IN washied. Fhe value of this ora has 0. A and it runs
,.�tscal ma,)ryqr,
Tlniotj�y. k
One of the - numarollim Order of hour, and, whila our friends are wear- BIron. Just thinAl I have only known from $10.00 to $300.00 per ton.
Nature's de- Fl:lgeIjajlt�9,,L kays Biron. You ily plosiding their way back *with you a fortnight. You are eighteen THE BEST RATION y0a THE FLOCI Aill near NEL,50N, GAVLo 4114 tim.
reminds tLo pabser-by of , I Why Burning Wood Crackles, 5
CAY, Of Coming wInter'. Sycamoresand have not be lit Italy yet " I Stradella and Ragout, you and 1, can FIVE 1ON33, takentrorn
White poi)lars are still thick In leaf. -tiloul-ClIt 11 11fou would boon get return by ridl, and re4ch the hotel 441f F OF $50.00 PER TON IN
yea rs older than I am, and-" tjwy - loaul, I
ot you were logical, ehild-min:4, What causes wood tou crackle wlivii A RETURN 0 SOLOO PER issiml tilroUKI, rot of the
0 m
a e
g no
in to I
- 90
to BI ron
,Ttr, t*,l, W.
tic a
tired. Qf tlw order o( i�anctity there before them. This leaves us still thirty do not, expect It of you -1 only re, it is' -Ignited? Because the air pi- CZ)NCEN-RArES MAKING A �oi I I a,
Ttw vines trail over the ground theIr panded by heat forces its way through T orin2e Of Feed ln.4 and prepltration,
-picturesque litwitents atoning for minutes to enjoy this scene. Are i ver mtry- re at a d opth of abo it 160 FEE r
YOU mark if you were only logical he tunnel at main level Lijn&. SulPhur and lVater d
long wreatha of crimuou and of oclire. tileir %inis by - hair shirts and knotted dimatisfied the Poreij of the wood with a crackling below the surface, and now 8 L gulf ed tijut chi 11 3RiD Fic-Ei. which runs frim
(In every bide the sma!l wild-pumpklu riqws, but pa , ying for tltekr wine'and Dissatisfied I 8ttinding your father will, doubtleFe, be)-ill6w nobje. Green wood makes leAm alp and Whitt it S
thus, "'Dill 'Considerations might hold good In all Ping 3 2. 0 1-0 OVER 5,300-00 De;"'st -if the cc)
than dry because the pores , contain
�hj S
es of the the freshneKm of the wtiods, her )land. wil.1gliti"'
inacarooni out (if tji3 ptws r auestions than that, A poJ;qjja_
Clothes bank,- fewe and gable, with VER 2W 'F' E ElDr Pe -41.0
heretical." on Blronki arm. the wild- pageantry Cli'ri8tian names." Of lem air, being filled with sap and mols- rHE MINE IS 3ROVEN
iU graceful foWse, it* balls of saf- ture, which exting7ulsh the flame, Ail] Jill jP01114;
-1 141K)tlld not get tired of zatie- of western sky before her, it IN, to Jet Jet doesi not answer. . 'HE PROFdT ON ORE N(:U. They OULD.-BE SUFFICIENT TC PAY TWICE IHZ CANTAL
tile filrib-gardenA, orange tity that was reulo" :!klie whereas the Pores of dry wood are OF THE' COMPANY t hirty-
erej her Conyngham as though she stoo*1 upon -Como I I
give you one tulnute for filled with air, which supportib coin-
thicket*4 bow under their eycs stin fixed ulxji 'the retreating thit- brink of Eden. reflection,' he remaricsi still holding bustioll. Among the reports on this proto "t tile d in the Prospectus, is one fro,n the wall -known Mining Engineeir.
load of Yellowing fruit. The chlua- figaro or iiiii. Vrotilin Urother. "Self- And tier eyes betray tier. her In cloae captivity. "Our Alma is JUHN E. HARDMAN. S. B.. who sp-at the IV of the Company's orospects.
rove; U69d in 'this joarL wf the world -sacrificto, revep though it, leads no- Nowt or nevermore, thinks the Rev- short. The train will paw through Aelrean
for dividlol[k-ledgea, ioadj the air w1th where, &4 a thing -*o, rare Oita must Pretul L�aurence Biron, Is the venture Tamarlas almost Immediutely. But I The LALtest sJeo,%,e. 300,000 shares of the stock 1, cribed for by an unJv-w-itin,, smi.rate. w.iicli guarAniltes all rhe
ito-1 delicate, evaneseent sweetness. _171"Alot-vt it. if t1teow poor A-Ilowa are I- tasti required by the Compiny, and ar,%louloul, -e now bsing m ide to equip tii! Mini with a 10-3tamp Mill. w iich it
*to be made, the one -possible emane am determined before we leave thisi The latest bleeve is cut In tHie 13twe is hoped will be iti runninir 1p;der in Ajtjt 70.-
AluGg sheltered valley-pattis the liz- thorougii. . I -think nieuitwrs of lootile Pation of* ltis fettered, humiliated life spot that you shall 'call me ' Lau- small g1got ishape. Two plaits are folid' L) do wip.
iirtlo dartit the butteri,fit* Ilutser as other ch*urelift mighL ini . itaW.' theill 1;o be played for. rence.' Yt-ni know I have you In uiy Old At the 01how on the witier side, wid. ONLY 100,000 814ARES Wi FERED TO THE PUBLIC at par. and a large numl,er of lisese
ail)olugh it were- June. Toe couutry Ito ndvaiitage. uspievially In the- mat. HP remains for it ininute. Irresolute- power." the -seam In LLrranged well under tile have already boon applied fop. I Jl.*IV#-
'Inute of tension iso koerr, ii)f cal-
PeOlile moing lazily -over their work of tA-r of knotted ropel,4-" a M " Have You, Indeed ? That Is saying Arm, while plalts In friont, at the tool),
ulive-picking in tile. b1laile. it oeemd, votiY ngliam, you aro ,evere." Ttdat,1011 -104) Illef", W 1W, flill)(YAt agony.; a greatr. tiftl more than an - y living Ahrow up alittle fulftiew, wMit-1, forlL The Prospectus contains full infoV ap- and will be furnished on application to the Broitei-Sr
tO Conto happy gtrl*e heart at least, a* Not 1lIXgl_y(;lr4 oiir- Ilair shirL-4 Thea, as thougli moved I)y uncolitroll- 116 1 -1 bat
thougli all -genial t-unny isoutheru* life and 4motteol rtypies are matters i%itli able Impulse, he- throws his arms �txxlllg lina ever been able to say yet." the puff. Another fwicy is a Oeeve lkw
"I ca nii6t took at my watch tucked on the entire letigth of the in-
Lnij^t be epitomiZed in tlie clear lier- %viiieli-I i4fiould never til-c:jul of von- around the, girl'ii slight figure, draws ." Anti, F. C. INNE89 GEO. W. HAMILTON & SON
I In truth, Jeta wrialts are strong. It side aeam, about two iucjicw ji, from
'4iliectivee, the subtfle, enchanted iuel- itreting Air. Laurence Biroll." her abruptly to his side, will kisses Vancouver, B. C. 24 San Sacramento St., Mont'-eal, P Q
her- requireiol botil 31r. Birions hands to either side, giving the full effect till) the
10% new of the scene and liour! N"llething in her manner is. little hold her durance vile. " But I can -ial- outside without_gathering.
The cavjJeade front Vlie Notel Fat- to. 1tiroll*14 liking. CHAPTER XI. culato a minute PretV accurately."'
adi.-A 'keelm together, in tolerably or- yoll think illp indiffere'lit ", lie el- Ali Avatbetle Conscletice. to Ali(] sliPposo I refuse to obey ?I- Taking Off a Tight Ring. ECONOMY 111111toUVOLUT1019.-
Llt-rly 1,roceialon, as long as the way vlainvs, %%jth vvell-flowitined. if it be not
"My fate Avas decided li% the first You' Will have to pay the penalty 4D PEN, SASSORS 0D BRUSH,
1. W lion a
h0o along waWbounded road. along grim-init, indifferent oil inoulent that I saw you at Avignon, of. Your disobedience." fingil grows so thiek that Chalwe ProeoeLh Alovg the Lines of
level ground..' The moment the- plus- the highest. ntost, vital of ail subjects" Mls� Collyllj�llam." "Mr. Biron---sir!" ' a ring can'nut lKi takeil off, aneasy
wt*44 are reached, idioi�ynerabiesl, both .1 twory of tillili-, I have,diviijed way to reduce the swelhng in ' fol-* Here is a bright "y-ing wideh IN just
yo4r "Aftibr the sacristan had led ine Her color d -el -ening migrily, her eycsli lown: A narrow rubber ban as
of maim aLd hvaoit, lwgill tt, silow thpm it In taken now currelit in Germatly. "God knows Offe of tim Wguly tfillugs
"Pil"ll-D (OF Mf* I-Vitll' -V-ft" I f you jwtray. I accept the coniplitnelit, Mr. 11ashing fir0l, as she discovers Ills mean-. 'and placed several timlM aroullid- the about evolution, oft"-,er taken for
wlve& Stradella kicks; 1.e Petit Noir 11iolid.%lo-A-11t tllv.-;e- sire t llillg.-4' sell rvely. 1131ron. In that fir.,t mo I rat -tit it. was Ing. finger near the nail and* while the liatid *OVER. everythinig, but Lm1wror William granted
rolls with his rider In t1io flrzt avail- ttb' I,e i-poken-of. , Tlw- truth is. Miss" dark as Erebus." HIP, loolems:her hands in a second. knoww evetrytijilig better." The Kali- tbe fact that the cIl&14W willell
iiiii ell a I %. ' W hield up the baild'lm slowly rubbed WOr 1surelY cannot prowoute the author than formally recoVifted, Ila
able bank (4 salid; Ragout, the fault- I'li'my"ghain, from the time I wasi a 1 had o ready in the salon "We witt not M*ak of penaltic Aa d mo I lovo clover. It, sevitm like a
Itaill taking eiamplo from his fellows, lad at ii,olit-go-1 illavill � litt4l -,,III PC- Y, I t though you sus- ask YOU for a kin, Jet, given frciel 'L (town until it reachles the ring. Thim part, 4 f Ciat for lose maJeste. It acrew eve"%, -here w -company a id cototitutw
re f u6". of the hoZ1. Y, im. repeaUxi se-veral
to . move another steto.. Illwtic." times, a0d- after a t10 t here their riale in a 141; pie letirerm tA
And iiii pec ted' I t. I had #r'atched your every and of yourow7l accorld.- low Of tho sacredc%t soirrow and joys of wj,lI witIl his own OPillion of Illulw1f.
D ends miy first and last at- ivv* "tihiii.-.. iia,i movement,. admired the feminine vile- Fho lics1atee-pride, coyneFs, slianie, minutiliv; it will be fountl that tile my heart, Pressure in otie dimetv,ii over the
tev%lPt 'at filkil 6bedience,' cries Jet, fl# --r' %%ith the ierni. s4he remaiii-4 144- fitiger is thin enough, to ship tiff the And wherever it Ill(amotas, oh, there PrOfture In another. For oil! mcit.ateut,
ao Phe 11ands over her ]V.ox-ima6te with" elit. tutenc%w of your argumeut4 as you painted by turns upon her face. Then, A recent issue of London Tiniescon-
I brought your father, jaich by ineli, to a feeling stranger than all these gains ring. without tile sligh"t flifficulty. lot mo bow, 'A'hether It be of idmp,',i c t of towpleiL
alacrity to uno of the drivers. "Your f Mind nd- taiumt the following unique advertie- matter, whether It be lof all Inorganic
% vorlwnt to your going out." mastery. Site murmurm his liame-8he And . thank tho g(x-)d God as I'm
valking-otick Ias fulfilied--its 1.1uty to? iki* It -cor are wlmt Julljoe Table L.-ner., I 1114 -Hit: "Youlig lady required as gov- or &it orgimiie jP;yj4tell,, v �w it In -
9 " And - then followed 'tae, -of- lifts lier arms Around Laurence Diron's thanking Him now! tile
n - the (Atur volve will And conscioup, jjer(qjUjkW or
' ir. I ika-v that Laurenee Ria 11 i, (*I' Of ct)ufdt-- with propliette knowledge neck And *1 pray t" Him still for the ernitimm for oiw little girl aged tell. Am
irli.,u 6 at tier i-ille ? *.%n,l I Lave ful*- Aly o1iiiiiiiiiis havo L 1)(Wit- that I ithould , come to grief. (71) be contInueld.) The newest, debillgiim in table litiena strongth when A (lie 1,110 has unhappily I(mt, a ItV, it im coli- rk-ot, is Ill every came &jw- undet e*4ry
filled m;ne. I*Oor pal)a haji twen go ex- I ato hVicommeworati(Ai of. quoen %ic-- "Icelivalfle set of c1ricumil'taincoo fu ve-
)IV (b%vll, llt*reast never the %%:ttell- l,utting all th.s liollsellse aside To go -out to ue ii-lovii,r and U-11 It bidered powible that more sympathy
S., t'rei.,,ed about re�piratoks, blue spec- %% j;rd-4 of a party. - Alld Y Ila%_0 110tL 11 -the -way "-Jets' Cheek maiftles toria's Jubilee. The row, sliamrwk gcK)dbw, will Im stiown by a laily in a iiimjUa ment, fit a single mode--tj ut Is to tLy,
tacleak and - -white umbrell.-upi, that I' .1tharived At ot.%4-11-and'Ah tY-t111P -"' never me another 'coni- and thistle Are intertwined iii a hand- And lovingly iiost 14. my fam in , r movement In the diriection or the 1p"t
i *1L (fill' pay - A MATTER OF JUSTICE _awne "lign for the border, ulid in the its POSitioll. IWference, therefore, given
',:Ire lone-, felt It'a matter of eticus'eileii" qvilow,; lit -14j:1 life -whirl ent from this moment forthY, blooln, I reelmtance, or f rioin the di r6ctiAj of the
? . plim W such."
filling- jorehirnit-4 staIN, clor _gtiott. f -It. 'what did you really and h4luestly think Whilo my W)ul kililm avrzky (in it breath
t.o give in atk)ut d,_,ukey-ridIng. At Centre is a buiot of Queen %'ictoria, grcat4wt traction or stretqi. If We look
it . 'v. 'nglish roses,
;till. framed In a wreath of -L
.111011. 1 have done I I A P-0- of me that first., evening In Avignon?" or perfume. A
ses, li;t% . 1,11ii-troit, preacher told liio4 congre- too the origin of the moveitimt,we sillail
and the words, "Quileein Victooria's; Dia -
And need. be trun ed l,y IremiAn I hail -thiwilk )-aid �-�k par- I -thought your face the fairest -.jallwj4 Whitc4ollibi Itil-by. nwak or o4eting am in tlieQne of the
4�h-we no more,' ap4iys .1jr. Itirkin. that ever shone on mortal man." mond Jubilee 1837-lW7." Bachelors' gliti011 Of' SillidaY -that lwcopk- &ihould greatilept mtrem; if we mialder, the re -
YOU -the supply
r -e . know, io a myth twehave _...A VIr. Liron '6 1 do not want't46 bear about my Is the Way a Young Lady of Now roumv are jmolii forgottai in I Discretionary. 110t, too AeWrred by poverty from mar- Histanceil; In the prew-neo, .44 Illicit
it too - the be@4 authurity of the nine 4A souvenirs of the Queett"ei Jubilee. % - eo reg
teentli centuty P, . a ca. -_ !., **, v !;ilitl #or face. What did you think of me, Jet Beautiful sets of cigarette and match- What rying. "If a Luati hais 4ij left aftiii�r moVelnomit Jo produced, % o liall , ard
stial prilaluet uf J#.:i--t --,t elprical ontr-idli-r. eloit6eurilig Conyngtiam ? It seemed to 'me after- Brunswick Views It. otailmls, -witli -aish trays, are inade in- do you think of the Fro*h buYi,19 his marriage liceuw.." liesaill, acting am fit the dirlectio.. vif the leamt
education-& clepoidt, twieldeutally left, "ji-y,�Of r�'oauljrly lucky if I rail coil- a Air Fund for Babies T' r*181atance. But, lx)werei we isay de-
w rd I ought not' to have tn'ken your
-ry, ornamented "alld iw fortunate enougli to securea wrilie It, the trutli of t1w law illoi. oty
in the-cruciblie (;of ezpertmeat.' the. finest Pottle with "Its all right for poor babiem; ljut
tMet a --ervive or coach a pullil for arm."
Now, aft You uaoler anybotfy'&* citarge.11 ttle three i6or four- winter iiiontli.4, wid "It did not seem so to ine." t4i FjiglisIJ arniN allid the two -dutQ94- If our youngKter gets any more air in got*'o `ecollumical wife, uae who know" viOux, 'mince It follotirs (row the very
Suffered F'roru Headache., Pain in the' hir, Iungw We w(ai't lie able too live witli ljoW` to warm over cold weals, and is nature of Movement. For if a body
Mizo Colayugham? I it.;k the queetion it ill tlinep -ttw diffil!cllt Of MY con-- "Or have gone shopping witil you
iwt purptse." n ith t Iiii1g,4 spiritual lick ven- before I knew your name. Thatcould fifide and H Food Laws in France. him." hatimflOd with ordinary hata and equally stranied from all direetkuto It
I-Ile(Alt . eart Palpitation She
Slometiling exet-edingly Vaglic, i turt, itimm the prrfis, rev,eriend not have been correct Thlinks Similar. Bufferers Should -Franw ,kniiiwi how Lip protii-et Lim-- (Ireh"ift, he is debtined to live a pleas- will not move, while If It be strienited
-w f:11d 1111011t, clApvriunage,". lwf(�rvt my nitine." "It Was a great deal better-4han". righ W* of liet peol'ole. Anyipoitly w ho ant married life; Indeed, eternity is too differentially -in one diroctiqAn moft
jr Know HoW She Found a Cu I e. Poor Poll 1.
I . I r I But wilut if than In loth r di w
14 ets- answer. I don't k no w Well, reader, If.Jet ('ohyugham had correct. It was frank, Ingenuous, tin- i doubts tile' hilort ror such a couple., e tkMw--4t, will move
t 1 t ir-t ii-tich Uirtli-r t1! 1profu the Frederiet4lin (;6-aner+- of food tll� , 94-11(linc-lit-ss oi stii. article Uwstouler-4'au thia' jourrut talk?
-in your bad a- few mori years' experience of fearing, like yourself. The only chill aw-cl frutu it (1erk-No, for years it Uved i thO mull can't get the cold aneals to In the line of, ior,Vay. from, t lie great-
ltrakilLmig ttp- w," vrore men .01 at [to [ins purch. It a warill tAy4jr, or tue stove aud fuel tou efft t1trem.-Popular Scietiel Maintilly.
in and things, or if Jet Conyngbam I got was when you took my card and Parisian tiatlivinuit 'take it to family wher the were
:4.put five ladieb. eoo;i
4'Itfa.11% (1:11 it ?" AImW 31111ar, of Upper ' h. ujay e re
.1 were t4till,fancy free, iimall. doubt that wished we good-alght. You showed no tho muddApal laboratory for analysis. Ut is tomer- Well, didn't they talk?
Gecause, It you- tire free, ind do *he woold set down Mr. Ldurence BI -L human feeling whabioever, no faint- --ftmptoik N. Is -a tka 'IlWr it of All. It wil,i e(*t Ilitu Ilotilijig t:o 114TO, it Clerk--Vfm, dlI tlw time, and thats' Staw of (Phlio, vity (if Toillediu, l.ut,aa
111ind I "';ing iiaight for a whito of ron'mi confession at its worth -as a ft& curiosity as to wIwthe0-8mIth, 119 ullalyzed find theL I L 13, IW3 at Wtilding cakcw ar-e ije%er meut County, a
:d. tilive TWotWlP,* I Call't.jkll;o Voin' to, 14pecicium bit of clap -trap. Ezra 3fillar.'t a wealthy allid illrideilt'lial fact ' deternibif I It haiiin't had a chance. Jill' oath that
Jones, or Roblahon, had been you;. wheithor It In unux'tilti-rated 4ir adul- out, ulltil ttwy have matured at letut Frank J. Cheney niaLes -
T114 -it Aboataining from party watchwords, companion. You lifted your head In- farmer, and 41vii. y(Amg Litilk is a jen. tetat*tt - and III tin*! I:ttt4-r- the law TT WILT. ALWAYS PAY. isiA 11jullthif. The actual baking pro- I*:) is the iseulor parttier tif the firw
by a is'"t cut. .;e i-4
or of F. J. Chprwy & C4D., "jig busluelow in
tr.atlx, lit.,,iiiijig tLiliCil tl,oUgli emch abstinence lead away the air a great dtal higher than you 4eals with the o3viid-ur Without fur-, Wt�pllld'*,t tholl havo oullbldne all day t# � Jlu five to oeven. houra.
e- I
"-I r & at favorlW amoug a wide efrelt o
kj t"li,'- I- ktio* frkim prebendb' li�talls, need not necers- Ifft it tit tili..4 moment, ML41; Conyng- I tilis City ct 7N)Iedo, Countv &LDd dtiate
ther action on tlji� part' o4f the pur- So great i'
J*"rIlY deter a mAn from doing his ham, and walked majestically away, aajuaiUtan(;0ik;ii who.'hnVe- find -o�ea- chawr. Tfie� kf,4-1*-r is Ii.ahle to� tong is tile demand for rake on njore&ajd, and that said firial will
I . % ., -1w heavRy lined istill, tlbo 4j. t-am'orl of & royal w"I"Lg tilalt PaY thiD sum t9 ONE EIV'NDRED DO
i Olt to, know %t�ry wil-11. Frigland as a curate. Bo- -leaving me morally and physically In Within thy "vial spheire, I.,-
ortell 1;:&A tlij herervii-I Lau Iife impris(ited, afid tho Makerm lja%td alwayd a otm
T., . hemlani-sm (in luxurlocw southern. hq�- the colil." sioli to imingratulAW lwr. uIxin her Begin the day with joy anti siong, k
rwi ".I [()Ilg L teld at b an 1A) d1splay collspivilcouily 'n MUM thaff '21,000 1pountI14 III the of LARS for earit and every came Of
red LiligwrPigly fifteen francs per diem) can' The thirty minutes have not'yet J Avoiding wordo wr vere. season- Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
9-i to t. -i guy"Ilk?"Ca 1*1 .f*- Shoo window or o" 11ima ghsir filir. 0A 011"
# j_. %lit L I U-1 I JLjK 3, IL%-& L"Lu.
P Pearcely he loosed upon as the legl- expired. The lovers stand, still, at the U11110 4d 11all'so ('at&rrb Cure..
-tilblitfo and 10glCial OUtCOM0 of '.,e*clec- same point of the forest; the darken- a selvere and tryftig illiicvm!�. Whell u w(ird (dt clouds the day,
ll�ucll, rhutu-4 :1-4 you. tilrim." Ing fir -thickets behind, the pink and corrcv4jo.)ut1vnt` of� tile Gleaner -called of AdultAwr'atitoij." Tluit_t4w had belen m(jbt brLalit; A new way W ply Swilorn tA) before me wid oubarribeA
I old church'delAa
It drives jilt cheerfulneAw away tweu idevelt4wa In New Orleana- In my prmwr", thim 6t i da )f
Ap ytur hil- Pro- Bfit Jet'o sound common-sense.. for Opal glorlem of the sunset In f Ulmm her, -a-nil reiluestivid that he; The Czar Superstitious.
ront ;
- in 11110*er tol P -light the first time sinee idle was born, Is, the polut whose remembranoe, married And leaves It out Of sight. suuxlern, and ouglit* to do ciom 1w, r, A. 1). 1 y De- ifin t!"It 110 r'ea(6 upon tlle- Kiri-iii warped. And the tone of Biron's voice, to Laurence Birion, or divided from facts might b6 given for publicatipn, too A. W. GLY.ASON.
%nd. by goijig :1 equitle jllf�jjuln 70 bubigeds. Ten churches c)f the
'6ry sw1wroUtit,ous allot to have great
a 'cettain wearied expression, on his him, must cut Jet Conyngham's life t4o your -c lady, though llot at all iinxi-, V 104 Tfien guard agairvi� ill-natured vpiewh the �oit4ry 11utiolle.
red,yardoli uu t of our way,'%ve cau h -1114 -owe face, strike- to her heart. sharply In VvIlin. as with a sword. mis [or C*,lifidenco in re!ics. At every 4ilening day; Cloloried brethren have placem the f- 1)�Wicity, neverthelosis gav6 H119 lk� klud tA) all within thy reat1j, liallstial 6bligat1wis in the hands of a Inter-
Like:ull young and enthusiastic wo- No formal Aeclaration or acceptance; In which 'ho be!lvves isAmbodde,I a nall and acts dirisictly. t o
.1 the rulnetl elj:ilm;l of.01, her e(mmut In the lippe ' lia:t b' Z ev Anil it wIII lwayo pay. in be hill od
vi-ty0fle Vatic) stays iji- lo:oyv men, Alie to didliosed to martyr-wor- "has Passed between them—no formil- t le Pe e true crii)w. It was orig- regulnrly organized corporation call- and inucoav oturfacm or the Kystem,
_t to) 401ijou r-liho. What martyrdom o touching as declarations ever take place. 'save be- perience migibt prove benef icial to softe al.1y' tAlo of the treasuros - of the Or ftl Churell Debt Liquidating
it I", Little HarryA omplimefit. U=Pani, add thin compay will tin- Send for Irsitlmonlalp, r
"IM not aitiro tLit 't-tt-r -b(&,
Who sacrifices ' temporal advance- fore th0 foOt-lights? A kiw, a will*- of allmpnt, temj)orLl w tho manir Ypung girls whose condi-- Vatican, and wits' F. J. ('HF.NFT & ('0 T(041o, 0
s. I y.� j III agf-^ for conscience -pered word—a few Fiecondo during Little Ilarry—Vou. dklu't preach ItuA dertake too lwy up all the debts of its %Ad by DruggLoU, 7,54-.
ottiou 4 bealth is very similar to what anceetor of Ulle, Utar for.diiiii!iolutitic
tei tation Puke, and at the lofty bidding of con-. which Birons'armi locked tier close. hj�eis wits rievisitAim. The value Sunday, Jid �ou'P patrona by means or entertainmenta. Haliv Family Pille, litrir- the tpwt.
j#e'rions. to her -cure. w4kh the ('zar be—, -t jo.kt% tlllt ji,) f.,rl -,4, foot vietion ? This Is all Jet remembers of the bup.. Tho Miuilster-.�O; I w a'
% soU upon Uie jrIng, with its Imbeittliled a ill and om-
_ilil ever irothlen tw-fowil. Forgive we, Mr. Illron. I spoke--mme crisli; of -her existence. Millar stated tLat when. her ilitletm re3c, fig Wm-)wu by the folicox%ing fact: itted my siermom
W111. Little Harry—I thought there was A revelit thunderstorm in the neigh- BraAstrieleta ou 7radej
I Wit.% your fwli-lily. There niuct liave been buf�, But none'the lew does Biron know * began tier MoAlser wiW unable to look domell years ago'tjiie (*z:'Lr wa trav- I.Aading Toralito werciamU r*41,ort
thought 016 n.-;werA Vi- fering,4 harder to-tvar than'linir shirts that lie ham on her irrevocably. wnuothing happened, for w lien pa got borheo.] of Berlin afforded an op r- I I uliji new I m
altOr tl* affairt of the liodsehold and' -elllng from St, P-eU-rslmrg tItome lie r-ald tie wouldn't mifid got po proved in ae"miable lines,
-LAI. "Novii, that. I 1;7(jwulg ations in a life like yours. In the case of an liefress who cow. 110 sluiddenly' discovered -that lie ng tuiity or measuring preirlwly the Owing to warmer we&Uw,r juxi better
011. 4hd flagOl.
I I . well Van you=forgive me? chanced to be a woman of the world the dubles'largely devlved upon jier. to church every Sunday if t
prcwa -heaten
'hail forgotten -the ring.. Tlie'trmlil h ey at Power of a flash of lightning. The crop pr(lispects. Thle illeltratili)a of tite
;46%tl�-s to the pnosible lneorr�enlence "I'orgive you"" ils IjL,4 answer. "I as well als helrem Mr. Biron would Siho felt herwtf growing weak and. wag Aloppeld imlneidiat4uly -allil a spe- Wayo had that kind of ser v ice&
U01tvi-Ity. yell w.11 tke ni� ;irm---! 04hould ask, on the contrary, If you scarcely feel satisfied witliout some experiments tA-)ok am their baK6 the DOU111110" GOvernulent to enact export
It,_O? You, do not fillit t can I pardon we 'for opeaking of maV- exict prombie, some definite mention tirik, hilt felt that site must cial metw*ijigeir sent flying back-tm It of duties of]
ein -ew e4 amount of iron fueled by a flam awlogls witi 1, 1 wood in
otwittititanding expr tf,. P" If
Opposite Temperamentf-. lo
steep for'. -tl that they can of the witered, reamsuring word, "mar- keel) up.,L�fia say -m igive for it. '\or wcrA] res noe tx) the requeist ('&nadian
ters so cloviely person.
'L. -A too 119111tili"g, nnd accordbig V, tho sta
'the Czar allow the tra..4i to move Yeat—They say that persoub t�f op- iuent wtil',-Ij they have liul)ll I d tj lumbermen ajid bankep, liromk*4 to I le
nterest no fine but myself. But do you- riage." my btforts: I found myself growing is ile ie
ii -L. 14 1 t0t- ilhoul-t offil you accept, know that Is a witchcraft you pols- To have k6ised Jet Conyugliam,, to %v until, several hours afterwal-41. tile, p(tsitie temperamt�ntis whoullit marry. power of a flasil or lighttling is (in the must Important Domailon Lho: se" ?" have lield oz*v and worse. My. appetite mesklinger reliurntod with the ring. Crimiumbeak—Yes; that's wljy all average tA) 7,000 florse- tion of tlie year. Traxie iji-mly fairly
1,MPPqrt." erie", Jet. witti (me of I tier, unrepu,6-ed, In
m4wkery. "Now, 1w lie knows, by some Instinct came nuirrried my ww. plower. ae
Somehow, it d('es not aurprlse Jet arnL 1118 rallied. my Complexion be tire at Ationtreal tuid c(Alectioniii are
ie atil Cimnghm Aliat, its be_ speass, Mr. truer than hirriself, to be- ll,�allcnv aliid, I my eyes sunken in The Supply of Camph, Arv- your temperaments oppoo;lte*?*, urwatial'actor. Mercluawtoe stocks at
You t10 not It i w, tc"' Biron iiihould take [jet hand -and draw The girl will be IIIs w1rij. . sufficient. . I . Most of'the worlsi's supply -_)f ca -m- - "They niust be. SW. Ong,4 when Mot, of tile the interior are, light, but werelianlis
I'llic-L for .YO41. Caro for t:.Y� o[4 ll(I my hf-ad. . I Was trcl�bled with dizzi- citi(m anti towniii in
It gvntly within -lib airin.� phor comew Lrom Japan and Formota. alle,04 11,11)PY, awl Whell Bile sings I fe*l are buyinir cautlou4y. Bapk clearitob
tafirm i..4 not oao of nj% I am "And when I think .:that a short lit*A, shortne'so, 6f breath -'a michiga -ing vothig maellilles at
You make me feel, in spite of your fortnilght ago nd palpita- it nre liu3 Winnipeg, Hamilton, ToironW,
urralli.J." -e were strangers to i Of late years thtt-demand-has blegun that cost about $2100 aplece. They Montmal wid Halifax aggrogated *23,-
116W fair', ghe�. ltx)ks, turn'Ing %er youth, and my age, tilat 'I can talk each other," lie whispers, tenderPy, tio" -of the heart, until t times. I felt tA-) ex"!d tht: supply. '(11fte (of t e rea- aree constructal w>mething oil ther
to you from mY soul—talk am I could "my good -fortune iieems beyond be- aT ON Lll-'F.'$ 6.46,000 laA w4wk, agaIiiist $24,887,-
pparkling f�kc�p over Nivoilder n,4 thotigh-.1, 'would suffocate. -1 was son" why vainpljor J.41wcomingwircer der of the -ordinviry slot machine. It 1000 the pmrioupt week, tnd ap com-
4weak-4 to him ! Wb, -It 6Lfflidefice 'of do to no.other liuman creniure on the lief.'How have I deserved. how sliall and dearer is culid to blo'-that it''Is .,For lilia-L re, -Ith $19,090,o(x) it tile week
alnicst, *(.-bnstantly troubled ivIth a -who wwkiii to rise w liands in claimed that thew will (Aiviate the pa red vi
face of the earth." e happiness a has
Y0011L. of hope, of prolmilie, 6 in ber tho and neteie,lip extensivel uNed In t he- `111tintifilettlioie of reach (town to claim lli8,grLp, recording and tallying a year ag, There were 34 husinew
60 %ot* even to Lady Auten fallen to we ?'I itt III o' y warning words pro heard aloove
every- tone and movement! adaches. Celluloid. ("anipitor is mainly vroduced fleceflietty of
Lady Austen? Really, I am glad I might ask the same question. When , I went'tilvtairs 1. wamobliged from I camill clerks, Judgm, police officers nd the failurew reported'froon t1w Dominion of
0 "IfIFA Pf'f)PIP enloymil-lit 4 or Iree, to save film from it slip;
t6i think You wI;l soon make her fte- M%at can there be In a foolish girl of to rest' Llfq had become alziost a hick attainm a gigantle size it Japan, J!'oach upwf�fcl mtep lie takes must Like, thereby saving about 40 per CAnaa fast week, agaimt the pr* -
f -t-, and sLma. Wit Ji -t Cotiyng- llualetance-.know my mysterious Iny age t be cent annually In tile cost of electiong. vitmis week, 35 n ttw week a year
A - pprennial..Every hat, out of the whole w;orld, hurklen, 'and' at last I w through effortis (if him own.
liaut A it me of -her friend and correomondent j aij � forced to 0rK`4 Specimen rteently measured being
i . I L4 she I& you should have chosen, me ago, and 80 two yeart, agn..
ij4 % 10. full-flvoreol ; her high- For everyone that*s gained the top
1b tehe would like to lx,- alolle!
An excellent -hearted creature, take Her humility almost occ-aalons Mr. give , up and keep m bed. f4w-t tall, iMll having a trunk over 'Muzzles are u -sed oil refractor.v wo-
temperament Int""ill lier altogether," admita Bir(,n, mag- I frien Is' fea 14 1-2 fft4 In diainetA'r. � The' tree Is Am Zxoeilent Combinsittoin Map
ron a PgLng of compunction. That red I as 'going Into - con- common in China, but alm Yet tho Pro- 1"ojr 111111 wilo altumbl men In the penitentiarjy at Cologne.
(m on the, way " Last year a muzzled girl was found Is be:ing WAd by J. L. Njelows & ('40.,
lo"MIDI-11-Place life no. (�Mer. )F -P-4 for- allnimou.,17. 6.1 ffillould be the most Jeit Coeyngliam, or any other woman, sumptlufr� and (one remedy after a n - duction of camphor iit that country is 11 )ugand 11
tulintft people contrive artifichilly. to ungrateful fellow living were I lamen- should Care for him -well, rath t ( ands reach out dead in tier cell.
mt-41"ify -it `m, 'wine, er than other was tried with no beneficial limited. In Dorneo sm aromatic 0am- To grasp and pull lilin down into t her death was due to suffocitition, and rillititio, showijig the
by mus4c. (I)lru It a% alleged tli.4t No. 33 Rielmaj4*0 btr4AK wtwt, To-
sible to Lady Au8tien's oterling flual- *Iaely-6 not curprisinig. Laurenee phor in Ot)t:lillf.ti r front tho natural wor'A on oiw
Ow dra mft love. Wltil I Was, u mliwry-haunteid rout! the personj@ in au'thority were charg-
.. & Ities. lVarm-hearted where @he taken Biron has not reached I results, Ind cod to give de likio and (14madm by provinem ovi tjw
hn irence Riron, t7r#-,l (or it things, its thirty -
a fanvy, liberal as regards money- eighth year It out ting his' own Dr. Williams' Pink 1111k a, trial. poslU of Xuln oil Uie trunkg of t There's wanty welcome
--,of pleailiture nicwt (if 'ill w t4m In speoclen ci trees IndW-nous to that at tile top ed with manslaugliter, but afterwart6 otlwr. The lattA�r 61 it novel tirrqn�gp-
td. 1Jf*!r for him that wins, but oh acquitted. tuid givem brIeny T Liberal-atift how ?11 interrupts Jeto powerx of fasVination. It 1,4 her meek lil*�" than thmile iveii-k!j I wits able to island and -j4umatra, but it -iiii raro Whal; Joyous ,greetings does !w geV with a quick movehlent of repub4om surrendering of wealth, tier uneondi- If,.,
and very irostly.-Invernes% ("ourier. all immenee iiinfwit, fill l6formatiott.
aa -m. na'il;) Valght (it tw prattle Liberal to her tradespeople. to tional accA,ptance of . man so notor- ve my bed all(] go about, the 1. � who joins tho ranks below! A Kansa City woman stied tier hus- Tlw indexing nk'pear� tj) 1w :,I)out
of a ehl*ld. a, charitable InAtitutIons, to the poor- lously bapkrupt at; himself, that well- house, and tIlP uu*-- of the -Pink Pills U'liat vvfttkn&*; 1-4 n4A or flow ?" - hand for d1roree recently, alleging jwrfeet and the 111valluable
Worry. The 811ont, Partner.
11) i'prpLty. igiT of ninete(.n nigh pricks his conscience. a few weeks longer eompletel re. " harsh, barbarous and unbearable wly 44 geo4rrnpily.
r. Oh! liberal to the Poor, ()f course," Your father inap. tak& a different �'There'a Perkine-you. know Perkitib? nwIptaint In thew,
11'juxt ecce tricity i..4 not i atorett my licalth Ind strength and- Wu't worry. Don't Worry about Pricie $3.
"(10ratilf! sayw Laurence Uiron. `Surely, Mim view- (it My merito frolih -you'r& lie -elitoeried Into an agreement with It treatment." The speleific charge wa
.;n jIje heirf*ot tio' forty. thou.-innil Conyngha 610nve4thing that you thi;ik ma� Jtap' is
M, you . do not undervalue remarks, grvely. "'We need noi con. drove away All symptoms and Pain$ -poll to-morrowil, becat" you may the wife soon after their warriage, 26 that lie came home mad otie day and Nn 11114andit.
the virtue of munificence?" yearst ago, that whenever either I(wt cast her edlskin Into the furnace.
suit Illin yet.; For three or four'days, which had thado my life po miserable. to -nig bt, anti to -morrow will - f ind you
ainter sl"wly I think It a remaskable cheap. whatever conw$ let me -know. the temper, or stormed, the other was 'to Jersey De:le-Are y4m k..,jig U)
hrough t1w. fores4tu. -virtue, I MuAt eODfesN. What form of taitte of a Fool's ' Paradise! Yo I Jeel that In bringing thl@ matter toycilittl Us- rpach of worry. Don't keep silence." Tho childrm In ihe Chicago ocilools ")e tills si-pam 7
Ah thc
joine fort*&-, NS -3 rlo-ate iself-*acrifice can be lower than that father. may well hold y(u ur hill-fom 'the pubile I an, but doing worry 01-eir a tldj4v,, that happened "Atid the whe
) oo young, me liviorked ?" aro putting themmelvne on record In DelAware N41f--We c:'llul a fri-W41 W.
oiJo fair, a
\oMri-iber day !-7-f-vury fieet- wtile'li entails but the trouble of tak too gifted in every respect,. simillu justi(je' to'sufferhig humanity- yeoU�rday, tw.auiie IIR "Admirably. Perkiu haskepttitieitiliv IL w6rtliy niow-ment by isigning abird Our Pe"I ") id 1Akn 't fit, I Injot year.
e 1.,l: bluvii" of auttinin painting hundred yearf4 away. If,ylim &)not be-- for 20 yeam."
I ril t p1wigo. in which they promise not to
gialle ,Jng out a urse ? But then, I am abso- to be thrown away jllx)lj file.11 and hope ;that those afflicted as I lieve it, Jivot try to reiwh after It
the - rbutuL4-berrit*4 lutely Indifferent to money," he ."Thrown away!" she exclaims
lvkli ill giv"o'Dr. William' -Pink Pills and bring It back. worry about rob tho nootils or to wear* the. plum- Money talirm," rel.nark.- the liuoi-
ritlazo; lavender.' myrilli-, and -giant addit, with unaffected carelessnem smiling ilt film %vith her eyea, though He Pleads. age or birde. nem man. Wbo wao ruefidly contem-
wilill-thyrtie. lfmfling the- warm air Vomi nre,.fortunat#�Iy, Iri a position her -lips keeip serious. "I have for- a'fair trial. I might it]W) add thiat "ytiliilng that In happenin
Do you Ptippo-,#- 'two whero oli. afford till be Indiffer- bidden beeaume to -day will oil g to -da y, JumtLee You admit tjLkIrg the PlatJng a lot of idle captial ; Ilmt it
you to pay me ompliinent@, 'oither mcnilier of our family linve ly, last fifteen . Thaj the rjigl doemn't talk In 4ftsleepi
. jA14--L4Je._. Pneh more thiin half ent." Mr. Biron. Do Y011 wisli the- tables or tweluty minutep. ' wheel ? laill laliguage is much
All try IF", w(Mild rrmemb.-r used 11luk Pills with equally at! - son w, wo" COPIOUS than It' NVals In ' the
. 'T ritly to "I do not know about -that. My jds-' turned ? Am I to bcgin making p good .-- DoWt worry- about tbingo4 ou c t I ri er-Y Your lidbor, but --but Itf,4nd ab(ait, New York they hare
pmtjlt watelw,4, or kpr-p count of dl,.4- ter and I have grown up, a## I (tare speeclies to ' retty results.". hell); beem" worry makeis thpm, -it ww the siLme iiinke Your Ilonor, days or joldwon In evident fro belglm to Put whciolfiousp playirri,unde
you? or -care you In jest?" ni the
r earnest. I What Dr. Williams' Pink Pillnllave w int (11 the top Of the ortruct ur**, lajid hav-
t:incr, ;-niong-olieli surrounillingii; ? gay you liavo heard, always jol-41n It Is a watter of sotwl oino- Nin't worry at ll. If you w. Aide*
Ry tll#� tillo. Biroyi 111-4 rornpnin- a large fortune In the face. Wel . m a very poor man- don( I -for-kim Millar th4-Y will do for to bo jokuttent now nd theil it won't Juatke-What hals tliftt tio 4jo Ivith fact thRt the cOmOle" (it tile new ing become so ainable.
the came and monumental Oxfor(I
if r;,, ren tl,#, imi lvaqrrown milricel tile time we were urchina what Is wo0se-, perhaps, mail with -i thotwan hurt y(Aj A bit -to go lllt6 the F;ack- dictlotiary JUdgr Joeeph Ainalm-I 116rtliellipt. 4olle
i"Itilly nearpr tlip liori7l)n, tlip high, it hasi tieen a mettled thing be- fmt prospects." (is 4 other young girls cloUi ind apt" husineRx a little. It Prialotier-Your 11(mior will under- have gat'hereild 89.591 Words begift- lof Uw oldowt. ju4ktvw, If NI(ffltrP&l, be
llows Ile Iii-mig. I-nlej4.,4 Jli-t� ('onynglinin twec-li u.,4 tha-t-were there no such "A inan throughout tho count stad �vhat a toemptatillvi it wals to ning with the first five� letters In the dead,
With your ability chnnot . ry whose condi- will (1) OU good. But worry, w(,wry
tAWf- darknpj4k wi'l 1411rii-W over- thing a'a law -we would gladly have. be that!"' she 'ries, a fluh rising oil tion In similar. They restore theglow " a main- who ktilows that it is the liest alphabet. of- whith 66.2.'j'4 are main Piinnoosim
c orry, fret, fret, fret -wily, there';
tAkf- lipr- sipawarea, wit It (11(i In Avig- drawii 14A*4 for the heirship. Cora her face. ".For money, as I told you neltlier i%oriv)w, poMitenep, otrength, make In the market. Rimi 18,481 subordinat*- words, with
"don . fticalln.-fts- In witli- the Of health to palo find isallo w heeks 10.156 special clinnbinaU(ind explajj�wj IMUE NO 291897
tho heirt,44P, the pauper—Jet the once alreally to -clay, I carc.- nothing. 0 perianm, reformatimi. 11OPe nor-re-
Biron for pro- heirehm, Cora the pauper. What I haye ambition. I should like to see' correct- funeti4fil 4rangements, and oolutikm in It. It's ine-n-ly worry.-- Saves BreAn Wear. under main' words. Of t1w. nonin
d mrrent utille.
Would it have, Aigniffelil ? Could the Pon. you distinguitille13 throulch youn own create a feeling of new life and en- F-dinlilirm-li Fiviotolman. Friculd-Now, iclinifieutially, Bolt 'spirit Im liftt-l- too tilgh,. m y thousand work, yodr own talent&." -ergy. Tho genulne'Pink Pills are'gol(I you figure hat tA) charge fur u lire- 192 obloolete, alki 2,516 alien. But
.1110 with all these wordm writers ave
-ail tlilill, or any ScOtla"*s.Gold Stick,
&)nelderittionit for.her pounih4 aild a fraction te) you,, ll.,tppi- Ambition, 'work, talents. The word -4 Only lit boxes, the Wrapper around w)t Improved greatly upon Slink
to dri Aher danger. Lem ?,, mound eniptity, like f-choem front a long- Iiriiggi#-,t-- Well, our isystilem is per- Pill NC"RS RECONNER 3
They, ionter Ithe. ljttIZ- ruin Laurence Diron feelA, with fervent (lead photo to the Reverend Laurence Which bear* the full trade mark, "De. �byal pr("Io fabr- to everybiody. After tile lienre, StIlWAn or even JoltnP011 jtlj,j
It# 11 oil ('om- jectly others of an earlier era.
rp- .how Iftfinite-a flumbpr of Biron.. Personal ea' le, personal com- Williani-s' Pink I'llis for Palo 1�eople- to juemoration ' Day, -a good tk-al of curl- clerk makes lip the priescription, he
fractitgisi fort, the certa Int .It could add to his. Buthe y,thut tic- neednevier Refuw� all, pipk'ebIoreQ imitations and -(*itY Ila8 Won arouned an to the Iden- gtiea too the back of 'the store and
ts-r a prignitive . Altnr-twro upright lia,4 sufficl' eniL' again Put on a *wljltc tie--mave for a bhall up a lot ilof cardm In a hat. The Richtird Grilitt gn,at,
c4 marble, b0fore t,?lar- %% other. in,�dlel&*' said U) be - just _all titY of- tho Gold Stick or .4wtland,
Vf*t %nl vintagp tivi4s is Itil a livii4c paradox, a creatureec- dInner-!party; never again submit to vticklirtr fti,r,calling a iblialk- :j ,lMde.
cartbi are markeld with prices ranging
still re Dog gpod.," who had . tho honorable licilsition as- fr
ntrie, flighty, tmpuWve an Jet, he tyranny or caprice of Lady Auste'
.611'rajoionally isnifl. On' "5 tvdt^ to RIO 'Whichever " Very worthy and witill-belinved and
teo -this Is the limit to his plillosoph signeiiii W 'him, of -riding immediately' card lie draw" settlee tile price -of tile P uwd tosay.
A - 10106ililtlLry figur� ki-ei-4 thpr 110w easy It were to overs' yo level, illtd.ii4c It Ilm.n,,* CEYLON TEA.
tho Ixotitilla of prudenco In tijim �O film IRV'"; thin, as much as lie de- Avolution of Cottage Industriois. bohind the sovereign's Carriage. The pmwrfptk*L
Prown cate' question lof money. sirc�s from that poor vanl- holder of this ofli "It"No ham alid taverns, out ir tlwy rdfts< - lovioliiiiMmall
f:tef- half 11(iden by IiW hts wnfl ifhtco of numt 'Interesting of ce ii"'the Marquin of 1Wd IS SMIked Lose Pace-5WOMIN
Probably ore thils, tile girl ha* had tlPs. that "unstable equilirri4m Of eLothian, K. T., -and'ho oc6upicA is an 04'y wi- 'wim-
A t4 scoon as wirminn gvL�i u I(lk.a that PIP-roonio over a dwr -1 f4mil ot riliv, t �47 onmam Ono
fi�lfl 61 CIA114jX41 [lbOV111- 1114 huall. -a cruel- reent4ry w(xvro+-even to hinweir, uioral forcen which we najfte�wllfe I" chaprige" brought about by the develop- (�aptajll_G(.iwraI of: --the Royal Compainy she 1*4 the Int,11li-etual jai of man, WAc
fix to-tween, them, iii *rnl)t nd mitent mt, and transmIA*Ion of electric for a Imir-romn, jind A it I 40!d be 96, ago be "d so eastlil pow W
Bircn would not admij that lie could "You are enthusiastic, Miss ('on- ment of Archers. (the Quicien's boly-piard her linoxin bi(Vinm tit g4,t niong with ( take
prayer. bf. among them-awt woman- ydgliain, anti, your enthusiasm site pQwor ban owurred at KaLnt Etienne, for &�otland)., This tulclen '( tA) iny ljenrt a man Who "Will" that Ile
At. the allight fit thl-A jitsir Iignrf,, con- like, eelsil ipaloon of the'fortune that well on you. 0111y, do not forget that whiem- a coinpany han been organiied t' body has 'pl(ked-up dinners. ttraAt-fl with the mistishini- il iflyof thti privilew of guarding the person
4411111iiA iU U10 pollilitiOn to diistributel powrr to the houses Of
sof rival to tier I have eighteen yenri?.Iesti heart in f the Sovereign in 1�tcotland, a right everything Ciali yourself." thin ribbon wearers. The riblion Ind '( m he eurliept tinlps, for (as mtAl have rb., conedI&D Paris,, Railwair will r"
thrilled, ahe knoWto not how or where- Your ister will is,- Ajere this week,* "'Are you always going to call'- me try emlAoy*o a great number of work- Her Majesty puts it ln her "Journal the farnler44 of ng
furt-. A choking aen"tif)ii, tili-arly ailled will lnot?" lie jjakg, with a (July- 111011 CollYllgham, I wonder ?" Dion who have lie'retofore operated of Oil' Tbree jr-zarolone 40 148111tobs. 0&1
to tearm, rLsev In her Abroat. r 111re in the lilghlandili;") the 00090(X) a YVur by telichilig them that JUDO *.29, J611 06. an.- 20
Mr. Biroh takes 041t tllv toned air of Inter"t in all for which I havo been walking- for Your per- their loomm by hand labor at their liody of tho Scottish King on the field the hog to tile
Beef she carim. " I am looking forward ea- InIalon to pity jpt." own lx)mso, P.-wh houise or apartment of Flodflk-n wam - folind covered and , t luortgge From any part To a ny part
materials from 11m hrii-ast-riciii-ki-t. and gorly to meeing tier." Jet! Mr. Biron'a manner of dwpll- cl�ont#inlng two or three looms. - A ourrounli" "by 4the bil-idles of him lifter in the- country, an4l til;tt, III_) hog of Ontario of Manitoba, de-
lolrar*lf a tigarette.. "Dear, go(ill little 0)ra! Ye,4, If Adol- '1"K On the 11ame tijrn.4 it, in Its single motoor of three-quarter horse- Archers' Guard." lit 1676 the Royal live tito twe Clirlutmas. it $28. OC W
Me leave
Phon allown her to startat the faist. owner's ear@, Into a earem. power i" islifficlient too operate three ('onipany was on a. Inoro lwr- and his TlelkeU 0ood for bu flovive. sa-e too V% Inall
too Ai k,-. 111*4 Con ngliam, that. I for- P111111 IN t4i, kill early i4il tim Nvloiter ge t W y Cora will be In Faterel lit four days. could have fallell In love �vltli htmia, and a lar" nun3lwr have been mfta.,�nt Ttiln , which was finally 81- ke(ji thf� e4mrll f4br market.
ask perinidsluon. riis- uxual "Adolphus?" repeata btron, vaguely a girl calle(I Jet," he adds, " even If I introdullix4l for thim purpow. Already ot lli� by a charter --A (jueen
perverting inflitunre of k1n--uiK,4 upon 0 tl I and d Iror ally laftrniablon. mapok, ot... Write LA)
vinowy at hearing a njamcul had never seen her." m(re than 1,200 4x)mo are thus OP-- Anno In W. 1). am"
r, -or lue It Is a misnomer. People orated and the original power plant King George TV. in The 11111111mor 4)f ldark-halre,l girls Manitoba Govemllient WIM4 Mullis AWML,
1824 ted the C�ptain-Oeneral
liuman nattirp." familiarly spoken by Jet. tne name 9 1703.
IIP, 113A Mot Ull (At IIJA hat. Per- Ciorn'#4 future husband. The Itev- havo told me so from vie time I could has been pruished to the Iiinit of Its cap ITP00filln Mick of bcotland, who get marrit,41 grently that mi York stroolL Tormla.
laipw In uii- rame or at half -ruined to bi
uhiirelt, or ii, of. at)w,ticp or i4p-etator", Prend Adolphuit Itylern, Lector of 'Fuji alone. But It is a favorite Boston fticitv W) that. a #erond Installation of hand(m] the Duke of M(mtr(we his gold of Cod_lir er Oil with Hypophos- of the fair iivitw, a &tt4jtjstl,-i:jll t4qis UK, ANTZD-10 A PRACrICAL PltlNl'
t aying at Iljjj moth- name, all old name it, my mother's 1,000 hort;e,-power Im now being built. stick of office, ofter sticks and 'vor V
thi! Reverend Laumnep Biron would V' allill In order to prove thia in i ming er, positioti on wrotly jp,iper. Swmill)
fainily, unit I Ilave not, bec.n, put out It Isi e4tated that the Introduction of 11ticie,boing given to the otJjer'offl- phites, can bc taken as caily in choice, Rot tlie re('Iujt(i- indulottioltiN, reliable. Would sompt vnodera��
holA MUCh An h(AlOn P111110'rStitill)WA, HL14 er's brome now. poor little w)nl 1*1 W
"YfAl jdty . tier for being near tier' 0"011"'It with it. " Jet should, pro- c4pictric power, making each worker a corn. 13inco 'that tim 4he Captain- n1lc3_ (Of 1WW*tt08, lie proirep(la to wWo or Pitmad ob. Addn -i hen.1amle
t"110 IA W)' ultafro"eteflly '"'d tilat tile perly, bp it young pe
Brother Prown lobitm roun-1 froin ld.4 ruist with qu ala- manufactumto on a 60mall scale, hias General has got only col4manded the sunimer as in winter. Utilike the Show that an overwhelming or- Bra@.% oare P. o. go% S& Ra,willtwi. Out.
I -I)Ity her for hav baster skin, anct meij A.
iieroUvwna WIth a 14tart. 1119 a lover to - . a highillopolished fore- greatly redUCM tbP diWites between Royal -COMPally When guarding the Ity of tAose wocmm who --I
bo nPar. Fancy gL - child who Ilas head. Ifer hair and eyelashf.% should the large buyervo and the workmen, Sovereign in Scotland, but live ftild tWo ALBERT P. 013L the
never meen ft"Ttiling or the world I niatell her name. Her profile should and nLqol thiii excespive competition (;old Stick plaill oil it is palatable, and the unmarriviii" have fair ImIr and Illue
'(�t cil for the first tinte, Instinct Devonj4hire clecting to pam the re- bo Grecian, her temper perfect.,- nm(ing the lvep. so of Scotland, nttendcA the hypophosphites that are In it aid Ift eyes. PRZKU8 CAUKRt
gulf lips. 11*4'Weell " Temper I" exclaims Biron, In moek vereignd person In England on nit AND
ntainder of her days In bultord-a" a A Severe Ordeai. A.
lith In great state occamiom-, sjuch at; tile PH071091111LAP1111 ArPARAI :9.
r iiiinite ialarm. And taking botil
wover flidguime elergyman's wife, too!" the girl's An Actress' Wedding. -Coronation. Tho Royal Company or digestion and at the saffz time tom The tWo latjim hisid not met for lmo"N"t, Qur_ 4 11.
0 46 4 hands -those lonf, ullaRelY, sunburned
stio! r. 111-rinii'loll rul- . onci And oifteu I have wished to knowin hands Fraulein Alice, the popular actrelim of Archerx Is form(4t of noblemen and some tAmP, aW tJ'Py Were vitally in -
How you,could marry a molicitor.0 , tO his III* and prei*em them there; . full re& ter`08ted' it' efich (other'# welfare. 11X:RK"ZNTLT CURED BY
plikilawphy. Of Jct a -lie ralseii them Berlin, Announced her marriage in the gvntlemen of Scotland, the . d up the system. .4 Dr ILUme's 6"wt Noorve Also-
Huoh ! vv� are di*tarIAnK i4he To Imwome a clergymn.4 wife Ig evi-, prewcu t I* unirorm boing very handsome and FITS
leni witli a kind of mlow ile- 'following way: "To all my friends and For sicklyt delicate cWren, and W I IK4)e your hillIN-All 6 tiletter tha tomr. No flow a merveaftm
whisliem oilloftwing hastily back to- dently ilot your beati-lileal Of huMaIl -much aK (xie might Inhale the acquaintanew: I diestre herewith to i4triking, conalsting of a dark green I'M I lqRw Y(94 lillurt," baloil the first.
light, ftmt day�@ us& 8wd to K Arch
e floor. Nuccem, ism Conynghain ?" cont mid trotwris, heavily ornamented for thosc whose lungs arc affected, No; I grow worse Pvery day Philadelphia. Pa.. for wv&Use &,A fmiez
arill th i4woetnese of June's early roseg, or the mak known that I am about to qp- L) t..
Dimtarl.imc? U hom--Wl1ftt 0h, A#6 Hiron impeaks, a sharp bend In first freeliness of Pear In a new character, which I liave with go4I lae, thistIN and arrows on alw1lided her fr!end. trisol bottle. For male by J. A. HAwria, IM NeW
daybreak. 11 You (UwplividenU. Daim ouvet, hicousiol. Qum
the prayinx fi-ilow." #uly.,4 liron. "They the'path bringA them to the limiti; do not lnean to te collar, cuffit; and Urills; epaulets like n It is a mistake, to leave it off in the "Toil) lmd! Witat to
11 me you potilimm Dsver yeto performe(L The drama Is I — —
ury a psot throughout all the wouth of t1te uplaiii.] forest. The vL]Iag(,b of a temper ?" called 'Marriage' ('Die Ehe'). The part admirals, a guld and scarlet namh witil he the nuitter ?"
-veritable locilatit inf"ting I the larid. Tumarl" lies at their feet, Its hat- "if you had not mado me lirioonpr, of the hero will be taken by Herr IftrgO tae.41-1.4 like a flelli marshal*s, the sumracr months. The dose may bc "No me knows, and tlw dortory may Fol TWOTY-SER-1 13UN
e(Ajl,l not rfoofoel. white holuies, Its solitary -raw Ham E—. Upon him It depends whe- nipileta of a royal aide--de-ramp. a
joup1mae the. artintA I.Ynight give ou a quick answer to 'th0Y CA"Ot " unt-1 al'Wr
ito withou'. blieni-am foregroundd." of ryprem standing out in vivid re T. gemernl's cocked hnt, anti A gfild-lill d pilia m(Vt0m.9 of
that quetion. I ther the play will be a comedy or. a te reduced if neziessary.
AnJ y -it di) wit, bf-lievf! if' thiit 11of agahu4t the blue background of "Prh40nPr--poor little Jet I" Still traigedy. It win certainly not be a court sword. The Ryal Company
flon �%ty ii�xrinims et, fier tho Mediterranean. Upon the right keeping her hands, lie loo-koli down farce, for we are both of us terribl doem not guard tho Rovereign -outiiiii(le We recommend the smaU siZt W ly, h0w ftwfltlil! Y("91 poor.
Y bkW I Tn Your won stnte you can -DUNNS
lj�" aflukyrr. t(;wf!r the giant granite ciamsefi; of with a kind of pity (have I Ilot mal,l In earnest. Besides, all my married Scotland, lil-nee EIngland being a for- for nevor live The himeety moral delirillm tho (*ol oir. purple already at their that the frlendW tell me thatin 'Marriage czplecially for sununer usic, ,wd
RevPrend Laurence Biro , there ellpi country, they were not on duty
trernew" 1311`011 alA wers, vVith' 1114 base, but with every exquisite up- owm an aestilletic conecience re- lit noth Ing to laugh at., 10 (m Junn 22nd, but they were rippre- 0L.W's wnted by the -Ctiptnin-irsenpral, wiloi LS re- Mrs. Winiolowtol Soothing lityrup is a lill,ver
usual natl fied Infonclublvenew. I loor-air depth lintheill In violet, r oecved for rare and Picturesque occa Children, where a smallicr dose AKIN -C
cannl)t any ti,at I have e r(xk,. behind the Qupen*x enrflnge. failing remotly. It not only relievem the child
ver looked at and Ambler. by the i4inking sun. alons ?) upon her candid face. "Some Wile". It's himself, h mgn says It(. has quired. It should be kept in a cool ft-om pain. but ijnrigx)mt" thp 4tovailwh &W
a Brother front ivp high a plane. "I'ley The addden crispness of tile air, the day, perhapit, you will realize the accepted a IK*Itlon; when it's about A new Idea In & Tacht; dining room bowolli. otinects liwidity, i6nd rep tono and
are ea another man, ho Kaytj he's found a Job, m plam after it is once opene4. energy to the bole system. �t will almom
. - lionestly dirty. and 1wpinpintly food true Riviera sentiation of a mummer's M ning of that word 'prieloner.", rvice which may become a nautical
j,f g#.tting rnioney. Sol much J# c rtain." (fay Iced, bringn forcibly to POWDER
e letIR mind "Juist, as w)me day, perhape, you A Jar filler aliould belonir to every fad IR to have every piece a represent&- iDmitantly cure griping in the oitonjoic4i &W wind
,%Ild tht. retnark receives prompt I Its! latenes-4 of tho honr-the distance will realize the rueanlag of tile word houw-keieper who puts lip preserves. Fur ask by all dru 1"s at 500- and oolic. Mothem. don't fall to procure it, -.Twenty -
tive of some maritime Appurtenancel. scon SuNk Wlovwe, USL fire cien ta a bottle THE COOKS BEST PIEND
the to get' tho-
r fit
hwe for itr Jim @t"Offal"t In every roughly fulld. Tho rubber r
from Pua3f7aen#ir dill Wv,onj I fr W be ZIOW10 it lilt th