Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-07-09, Page 3was blAppbemy acfttuii��
and tit 0"
lagt, so the rofflulta (IC7'
'bum , 9^ dhd -we've __4 4011000aw
111h IMAH-B AlUb
4. A1W n
tb th*bt be now-
401�D%01 1%J%JLd0 I L) IC U) tile
AMR, forgotten, but tie rejoicing Of th&11
lappenings of a 14- Ou in l3eaven.
4 . 1 Grea hour was recorded the Jailer A
4 Wool The question "ked by ]*crier limpm
Dt and candid. He fell
0 -,.-It brings in fff). in token
0 ' f a Boy to Choose His JULY 11. 18V7 dowl, before tits benefactors
�8w"Yanism. or souao, "b 0 (of his willingness W bear anti be,
UrEt-ftlt will bs'a st- Me ieve their words. It WaA an admissiou
tor In tilo next president tile Vocation Defended$ -U. to aluful cogbation, and an
Week in 11aDy W.300 Paul wid the PhffiPPiAn Jailer -Acts Of him 108
Captain Friuici# Yor
logo :!%d'b tile 'Ia(*.—PhHiPPi- appeei for help. It wall asked, regard- on Iiis Roturn AitAw a Sevem
ILW_ First Royal D of tile opWAons of 14&gJptr#LtA0 Or Glebe-SirdiumS Tour- Business
Tiine.—,k. D. 52. Y
dl@ it'v%keir-premulp-ra ndence AMR low InteaveLing
%SregpO 11),dul. Silas. I hit ote. I t was asked In behalf Of him p1"sAre Oombinod
LUC Ila 1869. JIN G FiRMS IN D. LOSIN 9 THIL rk;ons--ho P" witat hid nation, Or Chat.
Ippiau Jailer wid faiiii)y. Tito prison- owu sell—not
9 BUSY ofior Sagasta, tho LApanialf Liberal ers. towlismen, must do; b c mupt
i d u WELLINGTON'S *i er M 'Je" y ut what lie (Fr,(m the Brockv
Pital Pa P leader.. sayo lie bellcveis that Senor 'a Commentary.- 2-1. 11io Imultitude do to be saved. 111111 ,onvictjon waa Mr. a&W Mrs. G T. FuUcwd arrived
jaserv�t Fund conovaK (kI CaRtillo, tile Premler. will le tly contributed to thin" t Strikes
. '01.1 d, tit the itituation in Cuba ty, for tile 1,,jencll lower mi-h*Ad Farm Life and City Life as i -- rusit up -Upon tho healing of the #.Iive- gellultle- &fter a seven
Assets not ri%ign tin lower clameA (to not beaww their Boys Why Boys Leave the Farm -21), bar mLWV-rl; vi Aently Tile answer -wam pointood and clea.r. home oil 9�Lturday
Js so bail that It will bo inipottalble 0 The Idma of the lFrenes girl (vA. 14; od that lie must accept a now worm.
adtakratiou !'oil trust," and. least of What Can be Done to In'Prove Mat- brought 11'aut and 8119A beforo the I t t'i e 1" giving up moutio- tour around tim
preAttent 409 It. implied tile
k) '.11tA4 were folitul in, say Rovalty. all In tile case of royalty. ters, and Make Farin Life More -magistrutem m 111(11 guilty of erlme. doctrine, whie g1vt-n as freely Shortty ajtef their arrival Mr. Vul-
--sid6al�-A. 's Veopatetx" froru ROutut"ll t1lat I beliefs. t w
A of their gailim of 019
rig that - 20,000 .11111ahitants of Galatza, Wlieu, Ilo,%�ever,+ they found AttrP.Mve for the young? They Isf6re robbe llafi been undpr the lord, twonzed &Ind a littlie travel worn,
roptVatti-ri., u.'114 im Mold + avia, ()It tile left bank of tile, t1lis powerful monarch Went. about I of tho on- thruqgli the girloii forUme tctillilg,and as though I'" co"Mell. He wan own by a Itsear&r reporter
Lys AND sr"A,.-o&T8- like an brtal, made bargains, Prof. Millo, tho princiPa to declare tile whole
DIYAEC1 the epulluelle,04 Of il IV y other m determined W have vengenuce. Tile 1protectiOu Of tile city t t10JAWh a catecIlb" 1W to the '4
Pallutw.,� betirren DONK anti entered into conversation Wttll tarlo, Affriculturp-1 Coliege at GuelPh, Christian mkol'unurlem were collfoul3(l. shunued not rht tile "Iva- pu
A Inc ISO 1`141LIVccl. XVX. GIF�SL) �Mi in th6re arone because e4l w ith tile unt. iverted Jews, " both c*M'n <1 Ld" trip.
1-4*t-tgrkee Ill., thco, o4creth wid VIC 11'ruth Witt' tilat iw . the peasantry, a 'wide- Opt of Go1 Ile '*)u9
0 d I'".- iver ni-e homelbw As A remult of tho (By tile authur Qf is being adversely critlels&l -01 smW rega stripem ,WI event* Chiefly for
A. T. Wcol), A. R -t it., 40 llarlo.") feellsig ' Oat "e-etalt U"O one of Ills bo:w Ilan taken a clerkship- protomted -Lgaill4t paguit worship. The tiGIN Of rd Iola of lewme fill --I untipmtand that It
Nluot* of them are He ^owe(] I tile that you tuade your giolle-
&4i,r- ifoce t -h I WaG boune femme, Ulle bollne mere de fa- -m ea red not that tile LiOul Of linpriwAllnent- "Ad t1w
- [It -I! 6 41 dellid- - About twelve YOLUV ago. w Uc �rance, first of int a baiik Instead of takii.10,11P a, 11"n nutatt anti lie wittleme(i Mr l'ulford,'
YK.-Mil - it, Uity A--tit"te' - rim, I '%Vam mllle,'� who came to J* drool acres of laud and going Ill -for their slave bad beell ouved, but were writers. ared not If Ill@ 1wthway girdling trip,
BA. -- - Ilent.of Severn -ardrow. fires 11.,tVt� V�r r, ought lOMt`ot1 111 " r � tifie Ible" f tilod with utttlice WII(I rf -sulta. He C portier.
Asy's, lo to. �1. Do I tit 11, F aU [�j tile benefit of tier health ; Nec bcieu "gainot those r"
t il and' ruln lit Tonta gypt, tMM""eUtlY ve Promi"Out to*escape froin tho cumbroILL*4 farming along thov-0 Ob- interfered with their finuacial'prio- fly tilrougli priscsim, If lie but irflin4w, Woll, I jLrranged to Ito', 01�T-
�jlj.l thirty_print- It" 13t o IlLte %alkitig tX16 e ' tIitIg to a I lit tile minds of tald down by tile college. The a
lkt- VAMO 0;uhurinm diotricU4 #4 9 lwpubliclul about Ute. Queen.. cereu�oulnl,. which, Jmt1olL4 are based oil tile ideak that lwetz. Magititrates - Milltary itlell tv suis unto Christ. awe piewiptire out 01 t4w trip, but It
vioro froul t1w. pri pe red Frouch undertaken mdinly for
Int tilt,. number or ople rende apecuy tile WCA101011 I'-- -tllo,�e not vpry highly tutored folk doctor should not W afraid too take who coulti adiuluistt-r suntmetry Pull- wa#4, after all,
at (.)ttztAVa. fireg at Aboo Tor I timd not theo-Tore COURT DOES. you. understaM
tomebaw by the laot ing had 00 who had proballY neVer hParif of 114 Uip own medicine., In a, CILW (4 tills ishment. Itlent off t1wir elo' bwlu~ PurPOOPS
I tilt. lky-law tit deth n ly. 1* t tlievu-Tlkp tha.
.64 ftn,.l 913're- tvpt. to lKaY that w)r Mud it is very, ea0y for. lie"paperis to t4lt�tu off t W lion a nuLn W
4 4Trie* ttlitl 301it Ilobeir;ll I'L * botill.* nutral anti *Osborne, IDUA he tile a IW ,am to() get out and buis-
'20ANN) 1:44 tt Leurred in t1w &Oudam for which the
* IIIS UP tilt- 1'etU.- #6IWtJV4'Iy, While th*�_ 0 mt)re rt"porwibie thall evitable nit great #My impertinent, th, Ings, ant It 6 tho worclo mean, " beat, with r(xih." TIk,- tlww� dayo old saw, thAt ' all tlJ ilig"'
:-:t-tillicrit IoaiI%%AY- 4 tho unfortunate victimo amount 44uicelk '"0 H of Veidtw 'lot 'tile be- ne&w,;, thlyilly,, to put."ompthing.' by chief hardship of a Illuil OCCUP0114 a cumtoin wam, with tho Itotuails. to Ill- CollrU t10 for It. T* ai%g,, lit no longer
roul publid of fico that he illust submit to -x flipt l4ows with ro6r; upoii tile iltlk- cosm to hl m W 110 w
tite ill V. voventy-three and nineteelk reo4pvc- w1w tile Dc98 MIA in. the t:�Iuare. for- a. rainy tiny for that nume
V .. W -LI -14 halvityr of tile plge( lo Mr. MaUdle al ' Where and When the Bigh
a IAiggy uvar. lkwLAO-* aill. ,;t. Mark, or thlLu famlli of lile'rA-' 'I'll 19 last hlqa, comic t ru". Jte fp
with Ili -i body. qlow who wait" in tiltme
great deal of interference the man who bring% up away
?,-triwvk 11Y jigIltilijig aud killed. A strauge tirentustilneP 1k*ok place. ill the InrgolY private, affairs. Tile day tian gone by :,,3 siall, -TIko Roman pull- d aym
I for. that of tile bir wrevallett
eing tip us, y stripiv
-,rlt#-- tent lit Ilan, eVOU nOwl u,4 lit pt of 1897 Will SiL be bhooeft PirOesmiOu-
At shellitirre.- Nei-A*11 ao4el on' Tuesday at t1lo 111orm 4x0tLrt of t1w BritWi. Muldeuul- at thp beglunIng. a' whett'itte average father call eliotme Iltuit4M to ftirty ill tit- rear of t vidual bo,
ali-kiv, 1 -114. whereby a man, w Ito lint] he eveUt had aroumed vot tivi-I) tinUrely - diapelled.- a: career for IIL,4 mon, or a husband for otripLu 0mve Otte," like thac of tlW And w1ift t ig trw of tllp '" 11
11; v%.l.; very wriouslyNvo .%tilt Noverthele0ot t Who In, f of the naticla. 14 king of
'flilfil1g, J%�itll nilil gill) itl h6 h-1114. 1*%.cnl Auffering frolin Aptnal affectifM tI10 Ire cif 3f. Henri Itochefort, 81 Twelve Years ago (m tlI0 0?CA#!I"u o llk,; daughter. I believe that fifty' Jewo.--Itiddle. aliqo true
%wts 'ft)r sorno lour Y(-ard, *11A ilinthutly IIIA t1lou ulluft, headlong way "welit', tile, yeara- ago fathero used W arrange such .1,4 ThrumL tlaeul-2AA towe anJ blet-d- 1i ANI) 'WINTER ASSIZES tlIU. let nw pAy th4t I gkmn oo know
ALIatt. toi ber first vi4t to Lium. AUTUX taw&
While pray6r was be- li cof- general and for one mor'll.119, platters. once upod a tink'a * boy of Ing. Into.) tho inuer prisou-Tite. th,at the Growrnment at Ot
au I rull rur(41. for tho NU0110' 9ueen,,.,%;vN'lle Of, it drive nou-jury, liljvo to this abd Is mending Out AVD" -
in -XVII Tuet A pen -s"" g4ton, a tkiep. damp, Usilly Cell, far Boy& G-Owell ;� - I - !k
Itis fered for Ills rqgtoratlml tile m"Ilft'll- IL N,ic-torin and Lord Lyollo sant tirlvtng a not vOry"Pro"" fifteen. or eighteen wag IlOt *;uPito kada's
I . Brampton- w 101 a v low W I WrOlIll"iM CaE
It to- but f ai r to 1141d that king doukey flofOltehlin- 8.11P tij know altything about Woo- all%* the unck-rgruund, opt-ning tally at the tx)p. 6eIAeWLW1r
tat appititane6 which lie wore ImIrticular- pproved too -career-lie Would f row my exper
to tile ground, a withotit (rctolu itir or light. -Mitchell. �day, :.17tb trade. Rppakl?W
nomiuler anti foll juterl4octitor Ili tio wAY Lt P.�rkoad*' film If lit! wo -(I tieu it. --If I father mapped- hb,; aW um-,tury, Mul
-Mr., 114:w.vrZ1 gtaiv.v, -1 cur(%i Trittri- taught; oll tile (�uiitraryo,#Iie sell it tA) you, " adame, 1*11 no longpr approutice tile youth to a trAdo, or Ili tho stocka-A licavy pieo! tif Wot)tlo jury jury, Muu- a0i 'In IndilviduaL I would may w1i
I In
kt�11'41 ot St- $-o -04.*e 0,11 tile ons -Iliu, ill IL couliting-room, or at witi, hol(Ig ilit" tvilicil the ld, t we r. K"Inial in tilt,
that at no peri to to get my 11ving," wao thP pl(kM Ae re ric U he
rm t�,r. Wigs or tile be ab A111tby, non- lipgoitatian that tile mow
thriwil frtnu 1`1114A been. a more . - so . much did, You tile foot of the latjtkir of one of the Iwo- stell Ie �fty, litil ()ctolier. directIoM and will Prove of d#-
ilift-tury luld there aupw". put. m) far apart as tu oil d I 18til octo
.121jity's Joy lof Ilg* wMW How a, * Itoy insists on, lil&llu(. - rury, MuWayo ber. To- right advantage to t1w &Xlntr7-"
"YOLONE IN MIDDLESEX.- and equitable rtiler, pay liundred fraAC8, mfl- femlons. Toklay Uinta ilk U MO04t J)Uillftll 10111UP )k, Mol"&Y, cided hiLtipa,11y tflat I
U for It?" "'A .01
woulan, thall (1110elt dame, anti lie WaS cheap at tile price. ills, own# courw%, anti public Ilaekott. rqAiw, iion-jary. k so Pin p
s Ii44-1 0 . is choix4lig -ptl� octAA)er. Toronto, crintival, lot -You
whiether nutii or I., And to e1eFC18C. ieo-T lr becatuite You have tillp
i.U. W. -Well, I'll give yqu 2oo fraws. ged opilkion supporls, hiri datill 25. 1,rayed and saug praitom iwuppamR It iOr own 1ft4jnew?-1 said t1w
14t. LAW r,:rt wirvetl that right. woundiii were undrebw-d; filth and r- W0ek, MI&PJAY, Novelu pnXA61 Ill you
illij 4t1lV of ttiivin; divi- tit November. Cyoder
Atwatcr, fit: th" Desolated Ind �%Jl hto pr.tL-0 wild. 110wcve' Jaek,the fatuous black dolikeyXila," Aded to their pain ; their po*4 on ir-14, tkOn-la", 3"day, 15th
ber. Kault SU�. UlLrieb, Jury laid so," re.plied
*-4.r.'of NIumtreal. A Strip cof Coil for tII6,w)v0relgII; tllc' %%,oman was R.1 118jitis there and then. and made hi w 111111. riapowter.
It. - Alberately -19110rell- After two, entrance behind the Queen,"m ea"IagP* It. iWall -vc%ry 'Well to flud fault ith was one of torture. Sleep was ()lit Of Wc-duc*day, ligt I)eceinber- Vort ouppow, I MAY may W
Itbe most tie Ut ,I# off 011 tile quimtlou. Tile I d tl e nigi t in Jury- - hftve ewery rea"
Nit sv, illce then tile Que a, nian IwC*Ilume ills sou strikie Y mew I jury, Monday,
Miiny hjuredt vuht indirect attellipto on my en rarely &Ivell ' Mr. Full"d. 'I
or t I I ree lint axpect Tile prisoners Artlitir, Jury i0vt Ilk*'-. 1ptittied vrith tbP MrOrA I Ink )'M&
0 "'Arl1w hil"" ()I' t Ctlw�ut meeting. a 'peasant and-, 111,4 a hite of his owit, ypt we -mus -t nOt for- dovot4om.-Ik4oubet- jury wid tie 0
lilt* r,),svfl were uirt t'
.6111 te, ked Itim 'poklt- d6nkty. 1hut oil in(liftry File fin& that pvet; that tv-04 have. nlothilm and aunts liatrd-I'The Inner - pribon appearm too #3til I.Pecemix-r. Itat have mndp. Our oalep for 1%6 e10FeA-
J'i toll. 44 tho q1wotloin, I As iwugllt am fiLtllerO, roavo field more than. Paul and Sila^ n4al-jary, Thur&h�y, 9ti, I,.5W.00R packagWA UIP, 04)tPUt
ap. "I 11AV4 flind grandparentm fts well ed by
-j,,Illi Prituell "'III RECREP- hkink- priC06 haTO gone -i day. Ariu-4ur, t'. J .-Toroutt), "it tile firat three
Two, yottW nIfIl -19 Wt UE W have and tittvw generally sutiport a lad. In. or it may Ila that bar* in the latter or for 4R95, and for
MANY BUILDINC Well, Tep hp :ulgiwered; cheaper thpit that" give Mid 414' Tut*day. 7th St!ptot-mber. T
e w. k, Monday
I IiAil) Adantle, L �_.S ills allowed tile soulld too am illto 'e. numitlw of tt* prwwent year we ex
t 1i rt PaOl hL4 preferenc for some fMIlcY OccuPa-
A In to' 'the reply. "and I average OULor cellb." (lod meant th JgI lr4mto, jury. 6% lot wi- 0"-d tip. (v,,rrv#qpnnAinC months no doubt -if' ill tier private 'aaOWKY, "True.. madaine b�t,we ijid.nt kut1w
Irt lNlie ip fully an admiral4e as in her pub-' who �ou were, wa tioll. ,Fifty years ago the 10 mkjn it votli SPIPWinber. I.,("k)". Jury, Mo'l_ a million p"k&&1i&, and
4 tru-k PLt tt It, . sit( . gr Lily moklis to boy of e ad traveled little, 11MI oceig not nwmly for the Sufferers joy, Mitt(A, jury if 4
(of their e you know that w0rW" have 6 'eat nil] Ighteen 11 day, L-�7tlt St-lowituye-r. r "Ie
lie St. anti Ile onft certitill standard I)ooks, and iero' limiring.-Wile- Pink bnrp to -day a taw -
T10% ,trike 40f t be tyrnts or 66*) have, 1.11 141 have, heard but for the priool _�ctober-
lit, , likelk ere i:44fult4l, IV14bW DY'rol to ril' tu general miust either itury of ud lWill-jury, Monday, 4th ( thAn any other pill In the wbrid."
14btA% I$ -It iv *aL Ivellt 1-4 �Jng, �*41tlllllg pblves, mitt nearl half dame, tuil therefore .,you F1111111 have,it b6 mental diet had been In every Way dMI. 11 3, 25til t)ctober-
'it y BarriA!, Jury, MAAbial #j1Ippn14n tile repult $#I a trib"te
lOVe* theL if you average 14Y ke-("'44 Tut-41day,
in are n conl.Ltitutional rule of tile; sil*'ffplmt. Tie earthqua. to vaypga, jury alml tu)ii-juro adrertining." QdeAPd the rf
l,,q)kitI1r for 1-tuoiiiase. alrd Mitt ver lnbrttink the Q110( 4 wlilely, reads tile lid t o gv)od
and I.Vil tent Empire . tile world I'M Anotber tif to.41ay traVeL atwwor to prayer, His "amen" 16tit N4jvember. Pembroke, kW Y a
i�v4-ry W.", grftl. t have IrollAiderably' dpvet- daily, papers, Weir faith.-rmteca*t. A I ( f f tilt . 11 ,21itt November porter.
tile Fame Jolla. of Incognito.- Pur aud opello the covers, of rr )o o _jury, Tho 1,4-!Y at t-wil, Mt&% e iod, atid To top Pure
tracke icy -let 119' i4traW at Thom all tho liew h06k4 that*M' nrintol. IT lw"wure and protection of G jury# MA) Novema- a
f4 uliel. the five mikos to thO the tyrannical Uomiell nolay, deaj to fio with It, but thPiry
In in(*t libwever, declitted to Cx- e
cc ride on qny t1je arbitrary ccie-lAtOnt w ho, call mount his bityc!", da to provide a way for t1wir ewallit, -r o(Al"W"k, 340011111Y.
'J Ul are many mUwtaken notiong an
T I IF, IN than it in W
n' Ill -it -lest Will ent of tile Fof, challgle It for JdH pational lead:gear. hundred miles Ill' less tillike Baraw. All 1,11ilippi was ahaken that or to of tier sex to the, detrim bo
short SlIlce tflen,she Is lflundatl6tl on her ar- vrould takei him to hill awacre of po.- thone who 20th Decem jury, M4)IL- uliwloil of an advertioem#nt- It Pro
Tl;e in'uretl re - Wr, more dwile, H'Ore clinging, In ht, except tile heArts of eurpe rour first ctiottamor but
stiauer, eightl or mtraw hatri. tatoes. Young me" DOW,,Oft the boltieved In Jt*yw.-Wakefio?ld. Voi-)m
w()manly, and consequently more rival with itculars dfly�, V.Otit selteull". Toroato, Jury. amt*mt of adveirttising could get
1V(,NtujiitFtA-r, ri. and ginal rbar- "If wonder," I mid, one '(IRV W peeted to '27tit, Se4l,
rrived ilk tratto of tier ori you adHlr6 the, Queen. for tII1*%lIoI,I of liM cannot b.e ex� were. olieued ... bawio were locwd rivii, 2nit we4.k Mollitlay, Mon- that por#�M to I)uy a veeond box of
L�r 4ueen Vic- "m tile. wrld through. tit ir father's
4L)III at It, u'.4 iaternal w- n ( ther by the action of the earthquake, ary
Ill- hrr rt, li, 111ki Leter. I havp nev�prs c hmpionsvou tllxlikl�d t&mber- - ijt.. Ti;otulaa. Impti-11 piuk 1,,Iltx if tlw inedicinp did not
-1, 1 �Jltlq I rtun-dall, 140 hody kirt Chi torift perF4111ldly, I ITAVe 0 hexactlYAlle same bpo�tacle& or by tho eame rupernatural power . Ilatuily1g.L,' jury, WWW tile virtu" we Claim for it. Tour
jig Ip.,uw. IN4.11 I. P. nl.v Pep a day, 4th OCUA*,r
UP6 U irlhood Louis 11hil1PPe-',' Wt 119-4. TOMUto, 'IOU-
_jLs. portririts. h to up, ()Illy tL woma4n,-- waA tile remark., call(d timt prttotuml tile earthqui Mo-oda, 11101 04A article mumt have merit, and your ad -
Mir -ourt Ilertwi,ti.,-, painfur r e that Out on the faring joine Meu mri ab"utely truth -
I wt-omallhooul convince In bott. Tie ellains, we -re faint t4 tile Stit Nvom,"
11:'t.., C4111lica 1,w, party i4he doe@ not 04- jury, 10th week, UA010Y. ertishig muPt be
r!1e SCniooqi k'-, Tlle�- , were - drivilig ill tilt- path A)f tile nine paytoo a wo- ,She wto foot in FrWI(C., rous and "owe are not: On moot wall, and the shock'which loumt a Jlu(ve _icMdlly, 17otik Nov-
411- a -4-f the latr lay hallds on, I leave tile refuter proope r. jury,
rMe'l t T 'I tlh-n olip wnP farum them- is hard work, for every- axed be fill Tlion another important factor
Prt 0V V petrt'. queen: under the bolts of the doorg reh� jury and non-juryt jill tite 000 of our medicine I#, t1w re-
othftt uian and only one being idne to ponder his.-Alhert D. V&pdam, tit ttle pay. Not Iong ago I met rurteningo which field tile chains ember. NaPatlee,
Vitt'.4o- bod� and li t he f. Llutl Nvelulwr- IA-rlliu. Jury. ef),nmendatim those 9rho have nowd
(,Rep Wem to poilit, to )WI, Lon&n Mail. a yoluig farmer whoul -1 have kii-Ow Mojv,(Iay, s..
t confine hint to wa,4- part& of a qufwn and OnIY one part in tho mamonry.-Cam. Bill,. it give t1wir friend% Tiiew recow-
L '117. Keepet-Jailer. lVaking-He did
Chrles Nixt-Al. (Of o, me, but mince tjoyl", ajid amited him howolle i:r uuiu, J.-Whitt.ty, jury. Tom- mendations are Made bPMuw tll(mp
a wOman- YO" will ex"W' e4 was faring Ill life' tie HI'lid tJIAt lie was not lw*-tr the wmra, but its, wam awak- Stratfords
ot;Lnitting In the I -i , -s have baro. n I KEISPS'THS SUX 110T_ -r
Lbe A) ettilf,lIet, tpr fpntvrfw spem tt, W HA7 ell. Ilia father day* tit Sepwtubc us4ilig tilo wwdicine havP found itJwt
;w. 'returw,tl t4l I become doing,retuarkably w oly *naw
ft,r M wamto n It 64 put it 1111to thim. tl'P:k have evx-(l by the eArthquilke. W_ probat t4*411ty, I:Itll Kel)t( Hi -r- or Wit
W lie Mir Keep Waul fcr LO on.-rioinq: jury,. N we claim f
tl to, llio I -ed,- Aptermir"I than would be the It Will Pi oba 11&41 left hitu a farm 4 fifty & Flopt In such a plam! that Jill, notl_jury, Mtowitty. 20t.1k I'link I 'ills pretty
lit-re.iting MT- heJoulul Date's 16M.41 Ill-ftu hun ordinary l4ta- Ilion Years. sf4m-ked anti witit toxxt buil(tilligs and I ccould obwrvp-at a glanoe whethpr Ilitai-jury. Tues- P urrilte
oonw with tier Floter I AM I . _. ber, IlietA rth now." Said th
is of t,14. ij 'utock At, jtTy H girdle tlw ea.
wa4 iig fn�lll leli4�ath the r1lil ife , tile. woTuAn has Uee.n t in- Fio mortgage agallu4t it. III tho prLwym doors were #w -cure. Plaid, out Cornwall. - J'fw. like the Britl4l' flow. tile stilb
AccA)rding to leBlOst receu.. do lie -ro-
t I I arn after the ptor". nad cha )mt improW, Tueoiday, 12th t "Allwr- never neto on Pink 11ills. (-m MY re-
v If' tteL,4 had I nt tie Otrk; could ot*wrvp him, toe-
r,t,zeIk1A* by rnemed Into thO qWon-' tile year
-1 t4* tenliteratAxie, of tile, , lie fiatt
said, ould In the 11re%i01l,4 jury cent trp I Ptarted louslae44
foro t1ap Jilpr could we fnrtlwr than in Fgypt.
Tlll�o pOINT OF (11INVI w olit r,sito, Jury, were TIT I PA' "outew1jere %cituteell 000 bAsiked t-ome money, eJtA r -Pay"19 'tljo ofirn Ilib. Dre ceyloit 'arid
ity. with - 14)r,,,,- upon(I igal). tO ttlt Ft4irier.t' Ttwout". 110111 -Jury, SyrhL. Algprta, I`&IeNtI
Ot tlltb There low -and every celit, lie OWEd. "After getting ILI lit -4 oword- Tito Roman law traiwferred Igt No%,(4I4Iwr- Swru'.,&,' A ustralis &Rd
S #'-Y 'r tlmt queen'ti privato life; h 14110 IlaA ami 6,000 degrices ce a�Id paying all 'yll Hawaiian Islan(ts.
P'that you -Ila to thn' Jittler the puntothment due twr
itarn aw�" 0 Aieviog
lorill aliq i e word " bPY" there. tire -re, f'r. bt 41 itk "li'l Novew the
r'-f"fusetf to , have tit . . I d you to tjie U."11 -jury. N'P%r Maland liatl alre0l,(LY been OPM
ftjl%I tile aere.*4 of isvot*t4 101 Uandrda§ of 'thOukillutis, ' prhaps ha(I W pay, flow JUMI, Ila an ~nptd primoner.-RIddle. Ott,
11 tit tit# Johtt Pale-fargt barri: aiid t'llree struck out of. tII0 tuarriage rTiee, for -rad- gooq Well,-' he replied, "I II1Lv0-1 st. catharines. JQrY, ed tit) before I went
-live iz�4,ruuit .08 --How d'd yo;u find biwineew it, AUW
6reliard being -marrk-tl " like for Millions Or years, it 114ts " . 11'nut cried with a loud vlee-An- �xid, dollaro ill
Ilow Ate. flail btlriit Inting. 11;eat into space, - w, th up - :ap, nal, jury and
anti Iltsild,011 uP-011 liext, year -youg giant, tielpating the Jailer's fear for lilm Own ItOpe, J.-1,10rig tralla. v C!#
rutnc oth WO1111111 ture. Wer.e tile hank." This waa &
f -W tile- tor F red- #;afety, I'aul rotimed Vila volve to wocure 1:1t,II 80,Aeluber. Well said r. Fulf0rd, the tile great ac preciattle low Of. tempera jury, 31(filt-I'lY,
%let; regr. c c Vito, walst WIWI, f 'whose uIllnortgagd farm id000d all'(919
yelew t,% -*.r their tile . gul a coo)ling mass 0 attention at onee. Him purpc". of olli- ront
In Of )it t4f wa#zte, erick after a performance 1114)rtgaged tmeo; lie had keell twa, uou-jury. Thur,,daY, 16th Segv` pit- owmed
Varylv. :11 r tplif tier stone (if Metal, it must age" ago a dozen ride,ww liamifut for bl-,4 Vxxly, and lloll-jury, Monday, the word go, and we lubd guec"O
-.Taxvis, ;W. Nit-4;reg"r%, (tf t1rhe 1,.,agpick(-,r Of.P� oi-lived plainly,yt U, tember. 811DCOP,
Lou- have lo%t tootit its heat a114I Its light; husinie&w lIIAtIII4PtA L fill for big We are ali here—
Nutip Of to `J, thab loropert. there were worso slull's lit! ut $2.5fio, in)- to)ber. Toronto, n6il-Jury. 7tb am prep&red W admit I did not ex-
gl4obe of burnill Strange for a pripolier to Ite polleltong 4th Oc
fl.ttten44L' ' , - - g mrbOlk farru that bad cost at.* 11cmday, 18th 'Itted a hy- r,l tioll thau. In the Vrelich capita tc-- wer.e' it a -lialf wwk, pert #m) wion."
f.. :' I calCU41ttod tilat it piemeiit44 ard &;t<Yk worth atout al -out his keeper. But Paul wam Vito- Monday, 25t.11 Ilink
rai,-ing Of lt.luall o I -11 of which aneed0te- drew forth 1% can be easily llbput as much, Ili,4 own work aXid that of gw, non -Jury, Hop- do you acco'llit for
tile r 34 a ;synilmt- w(tulli ned . out - ld situinteLv trylug too save nien, and t1w, Califtrill , jury Monday, Stu taking suet) an early I"a on the Aup-
f bilying comment.- 11 Very have bur had, after a ()ctober. Stratford .9 0
for the TA�rpoew c tile imme. ps it -get ills %vire-wLd her,#446r, whole g(vtpel in an nppeal ton men to F crintinal.,
'n f rAn L., the Coll- Wit or ' then, do jury, trallatim
wn fr. Iwllt there 000'# oars ce ,
tent of tbe, tO titetiet. _xc year's cloe;�e application and careful Novemly-r. Toronto.
Fys Alex 1113i,44-tt. :;rAt 001 )ply'? aAu(.8tI;M freely I (k) thempolvem no linria.-Ilhioltrator. November. frankly, I c" Only may that
now (%1wrat1`h9 rit 'Ciug Its heat Ful' r do.lars to i,.Il 3id week, M(xidAY- 15tIl
6;Ciou*;tI414l4 Of IlCillg' living 43111y left, tll,61U t4xt] 109 -Called for a lighl,--4,ightm wI c&Auw tiv Anstralinful
It - 10-illit a woman." -Jury, mosiday. �.2nd Novem- I think it I& be
tluw. Y, w Ito w: -w through th. of abketl. tile good. it &;imply 11"Pailt that if that -4 )uld Barrw non
nt, -,I Ito rpgard Mort, could be earried In tile hand. lip f4md that pink 11ills c6re people, It
ntov"� -bo )lad lovp nd 1)". I�eterborougll, DOR-jury,
weVk0 "94) 1xvoluin impatt! t AV are w) aecjl�U)111( I)MI Saddled with a
tlI4, rgunle, tunl_ fl,tt l*.4urdulu. 'fire 4oI1lbU*tio_1dI, its t I@ about as difficult and
'firUicipill larin had Idred . doliarli lie fool�, upon -tile m wn w oth N(wmber. tly a
or - fifteen hu, Igh to call a halt ill 11114 '"
att4.1Upting tO rrvemit �flarnage(L' 0,114 l At any rate, of ILI- gage C(Ai rage eno, ry, 2nd
*'haver,' W14i-t4- Oak" Daah It* hit!"! I exclair 9 of t latil September. Broe
Vier exlwri- J 8011 heat -the ill- J. -Toronto, nOn-Ju country to work as I &V Itcquilthtei
'tR4 I 'le t . Ig uOt * easy to WCOild have bee"'Alliable to I)U.T- ramit ljurptv�es. This Care for hix wel- Itobert"m k- %%-ith. It eat$ up moine. The expeum
arriiiting 41D ex- nAlgt,4 11rat, that I - %reek, 11ondaY,
ellc�- Lt N%M44pr U" boo (other terebt Oil fare begat a longing ill tile heart of
If tr sim U,(Alday, 0th Selptember.
ajwty, there luAY
Alward Wztl-,h. WaL-111 I'ligiet re�d 1:L jury of starting 1ANIA'e40 tile" In Jnxt
�Py F y 'g *'eight turitiant, f roul which but tile keeper. It waol tile nrrow of Cml
Nit thp I)Ul'et4,tlj r Z4.41 ti,iis (lietatice-a e-illd)rt flv4' Mile�4 a queen for nearly Jur i ei .. to d-jartu'VP thb country t P;eflville, jury, NfoudllY. 27U1 SePte ruinou"; yet we were exception
'1*4 were entirely ruilted that'mishap while Out its pt-renukil sul)- There lit to wag a golid viction, wIllell had reached film Iteart. jury. civiL 4th wePk, fortunate at th"t And then we
rt! v4l-ars, inet,.w the W'ill-'Y 0htal'i'l
I.P9. . . I , * tit . 41. flow Government. husint!m ply : - rticle. Antronomers loug' IL Wall w1L' when it prang In -As though the Ftrange her. Toronto, jet4A,*r. Coltovire. non- werp f<wtunate In anotlier way. Wle
Lg'%t 1 fd.r a width tif 140 art54, t le 14wa all pf �this t 'there hundMI acrle'8 Of hardwood btwh, aLout event& of that Iniglit -originated lit the 1 t 11 (
11. a 41 C'Qnsternntion flysit.1 tile, Ilea AlIft' Perth, nifl,11flirpol v) get in tourb with two
the ey- ked all II10 cell F
bu18th (k`t6t)6r
till*% Wis4plijug ly tkyrt eotnbIL,;t*1on going oil forty yeare
ag4oil 17- Ft. w1w lit a %tat (19ti laving all - tile sl'ce� klimc, ago. He wor Monday, 15th NOT- or throe very Ark PeOPle-ppople
tells, tel t tile Idea of I Is till J�ed his fam- j)ree. He Jdry pu non-lary.
i.,14 one r,,Ae and fe't F0 a 1,oki altered, tjleai hi mare- I)rob-- 'days impiroTing it, and ra were p1med thert- Ity law or I jury, Monday, 29tb who IIflj tried iretty, Muell all tile
re�,pectal -si i res ll I I t he litck.4 of tile 4;ove.runlellt 'Ili t 1W n pilydes ily there, ember. Otbawft,
f n!i to phr allij, when WA old(*;t b`)y uas eager to (time -over the eaut;ft Of all Monday, tlAvootors In Sydney Jwitl'Out bei"Ir
14 t N. 1'4 tt k1lown I
y thlul tile wt* o; that" -grown he, mortgaged the farm November. KingtAk". Jury,
91%ilty,* 4.f five 4ilileg4,t; 4f orf4.s nir#4 no liett"T 6' N .14 vety Won laughlu nbly-' Of,that Ftyr _.:._Ilt-at tit -it is pro- was full - tile woTW-rftif pro,-eedings. ('&me trem- aded them to try
In the t ()ut,. hi) adjoilling buudred acrew 6th DeAwnlber- urwi. We lwrsu
fivi, Ftfrlk isiterfocut6to buit by hammeitug or to buy oilt t A for ]its life or Ills offire. but wich, jury, d4 three weeks
'4- (twill tt"I'Y' -I no luatter ilu e4e�: 11 b.V -frictitfil, wa in courm of time pills, andwin
t ery woll, .1w, Old or youlig.- tanlillax enough The tecond [.arm d 001d, but there for Ili@ moul, which lie felt, WaJ4 in dRJI- emix-r. coWnirg, uyof thm wap PlAnning aroyln4l 4111
ea rs lit L -t 2t;o vtra_; 4sr, tilt. w I ie U w r ". Vie lc*%f-,r We pre
gpr or eternal low.-Lainge. TuwAny, 701 Sept
Tie 1141 witll* tile y mo. Queen U4. trees, -though takeit troin him a' itember. lCinaot011, a bicycle, Just A W)WI4 1114
Vol, Ilavo con�ertol ple; w1til the first t*0 wt
fortning n -of Ich 04tilr-clung AL MoIrtgago to hin own :10. Brollght them out -Front the Ili- 20th Sof 7 mber. To- other people heani (a it and flame
11i.A.P. t he. st(Irl nt
aw ill a, true �womau!v Ordinarily tile al"Ou i con- non-)urv. Monday, 2 th "Ae
a t t be. P;o peil W farm. lie died, and now I am told that ner pri&;on, where they were otidn'.V1 tot us, and til fimt 'tiling we knpw
IL ggi.' )4- ;MIN, I L tile majority of Jive to bc. tllufi develo 5tlI woiftk, V
Voting 141,* W Ong re we pert to be ejected and sold out f routo, non-Jur.r.
_.0 yvars .4'r M-4- 'to. the "allie Con- ; hut fleat prodUcell. by film "oil in fined In the Ptocko, Into the court o Jury. to
g ro 03 :IIi('j41,. ill )ut t1te razorl 'e not, gre�at any. ',I know v(w*-v the prlFon, or Into hi -a OIA-11 apart- 4th tk-tolwr. MO"dfty, wp were able 11111110411 I(Jef"
t I.'renchni * it had COMP utitun was often broujilt by a loan cora4p ury. fith
lttPnvp ie.x;eiry 1r,4, in Ill 'frout ya'rd;. , c0llci W 'ressictil Ili 'lot Ko and there,way iptil October. Toronto, ci��1- lip- Inony froru prominent pwvle-"
u r- �icac if . clusion. fa.0" tile mp C-1- Iittloabout the people, mejit*;, having no fear that tlwy would u)lw-r. Ile --Pink pilli; for prominent
livak. -Vr,%nt-f4krd- "It. "t tw#�__t4)rPv White frame. .lilediately after tij�p. T.'roin a variety of
tol-toir.3 . sidvr- 1',n,1141 TIO)w tile arrived. at"alin0st I to otir uo Ipwn ave bven'mismAn&9C1nenV nomewh, re * ew-ape, I.ut rather convinced that God week, 11011(triv., 25th
S-110 11IN0,11rt,11 tIL C4111 m on -Jury. M
f "Iteth- - Sth %ovei
r;m the opening of tile Queebi 14 rei,kn,. whell rinhento, licAvievers'It ctut be 1411( 1 Ible vrrorti -er villo, n onday. _ybe the reporter Interip<%tad
itt a. pe yet, bigger,than any POW was oA -ruling all things for them.
-tt le oluantitY 4, fler Majmty requet4ted as a special, that %vli(,blllQver a nibtal, " a Pit'ce (I -JurT Monday, 15th No "Yes, anA tile Auottallatiat w)OII
t 'IN t"I't ludgmDut, tIW fact loomi; tip, big and bpen Moil pr4s(al- Prantford. non
L -) - � - I W ,
pphirvil tt atio sh'Ald or ir, r, isideed. any 9", Sirs-Tfkww wilt) haid vember. found. too, that It you owe it tit n
k Pring 4Irn9s:i1"t`0. Wid r "I.Vor t1iAtt IleT. Coron lead, tile a tere was forty yeari
-AIR, is, fc) eli,l IA vvolved, ftsturlAtig. that ti erot, were now hia What niust on,
44 t tSIGN# to" graml by the.Pre4lce of Mal work dom on that farm by -1 do u.) be Faved.-Ife had called for J. Piink "I, agi. its@ go. -riley are grPat
ell ietti-r Ive Igion'. Iftylolay, 1,;t1l seTtenitter.
rarew rqai-V of Wellit Ills,ls the p;ourcb-tocv'wlI1eh ustroll- of luwd TormIfto, p(otople for linvestignting. anti tl,Pv
Alto 'at and IV. Pn)ey found it a 8olid buoll. lig-fit, to look for his prisoners. 'Ile
1rdn-0ek, Monday. 20th SPY)- ft)wld
-lie Was.. tirt-41-of el lot I to t1lo 0 1100 _08 tile Mq)lp at 114bilue found
0fourtoe, Itce- )merit are now Inlinetl k for tile Ulat ami'
ked him � " y of.the so and nindo It y 27t
'4 waiii FuPPI later, terniotr. Brantford, JurY. M _that tlW la, -We We AM In -
1.4111L a 1ruitul. farm; built log now calla for tile true Liglit, to 90 on(la , 11
rqjki I A tiw lar energy- Tills ar(�.
to; Ilk I rvw 'it elmllolz, houpo, and stablev, thent years forth tout of his own prLsou.-Itieger. l(AIK
tl ''Career of CrIM8 for* his appointment. Idea, a.8111 %ted by IT o, jury eivj� 3rd
the Va lt Nj 1) 11 4'peti taken uly and *labOr- f 'da.v. 4th oetobt-r. Chat- out. � But
11: "t' " rst mugge tile twttpr we like it. it n
rk V%jtlk. 140- ramo buildings; picked and carried JUrolieve on the Lord Josus Chript Septt.mber- TOrOut
Ot that b (in
re lu the away hundre& of tons Of stones; Funk _tho slim of tile Whole Iriwite.1 the wmk, M Awr. tile better tile cam" "Ki4i Mir.
it 111,09* bf. lvin,',Aed(ordtII9 to m. jvlr,.r, Mmidayr- 18-th ()etA rtts an xpengive (VAultry.,
411114-kly varrit-411 U V L 11141st 11 ate rx)rd Ke. lift"
by co t a, Colleges, tlw Kin -ell@ nd ng dra,Lue� built teDew, venant, of -grace in few- worls.- 15th yulford. with a aoml�rp Aake o( 11to
11eUW4-*A n or You -7' theory of tilpse acientistb tile sull, %, Walkerton nnit-jiiry. 11(midnY.
Flgland W.110 ban thaket) f of zps(ou.4 =At,- reaped alul powed, and.edwed and Com. Com. j%iry. Mon- lind
"I t1e it klel I I ZIMPIY a M -%w
yoling -girl 04 t1-�,Iti,04) ADVOCAty nearly forty yeaM. ley Hillfull
A W.\LT lor age80VL- reaped f(w find. - 32. Tlwy spake u"to bim-Thell til day head, y ilk' tilt; ii4 lot ter, 114 ll(,)w aud been Ik (jut empty and give proeA"Iod, more at leisure, to pouria- known what I do Dow
la granAe arnif*
ErrATFA 3001 .-L Tho voterAll, dimes,14 ow . .q.tll November. there.
-VED IN Ta Ale J(AIS-i-IH grOW . r Ve
110 E BEST. f to Ili% attentive care the history of jr. oltday. , ing all tlW Perm%" W,
11, dcal liont. Pr0- It all Po . J.-Toroilto, 11101111111 V. know titht J."IOul think It
r 1111 Fmalti-r-, wid tile 1110clifti Street
Ill; I'A K0.1111. c 14 prec�ise fouday, ')7t[l septemlwr- e �: ' A. Gortloil rt eption, anti he WVver ` y thrit Jesuit Christ. to declare His &;Artne I don
dr*vAtell #AY14 -4 It, tfl!JR PrQc*w p e ci w cc k, A
11'.an I'littli-sh"i) rs fte'war(L-4 We Vx)k,up tile eud- ad pal -L that farin ;Ltid and to explain whato it was to IM v th Oetolvxr. t India. I untierptnoi
ti.," cfitle- yea r continually throwing Off Along tile ro u'Monday, "Wlint abou
I' joy the er". 'I 4.1t. #pf vl.-vercat P. 11, tile W, rN lik It, there. Ay. 18th
(kA*t te i Itch It I . Ird Kelvill calculated rco,r4*1 Of rithe VC** ini him.-Kitto. M4 ind
is -awsit_ gas for Eng Jes, it daily 1:1. 111amholof their stripes -lie had Jury, t tikat ()Sllltry
I I aill AmerVa. I fought tll*! Eng- -jur3, Monday. Y(on were g"Ing
�Vitli iv I v oin t 1A llo-ii crct French t,,Ilnmbt,r. ' of tile sun, under troll, thto. towiis -111d elt TTI&A.Y. TIM 66we linve JIM a tirn"Ir
-i)14t: a coittractiou ;)�.)Ple j)n I)IcyCI(%-
S llaAe (:440111iLt0e, rao Juot: lIsV1 dowl, to rt,tilljoupe," lie reniarkle(l; [i diallin6lied Ptreaui of Young not concerned hinispif about their suf d, jury. Mimi -
The T.'n tod . e . VA)a I Julte them. oil' -tile foret Of gravitx WhiCl Ito 1,1,jg arld laugh- Aud fering conditioll w1bell Ile put them -,7)tll (setober Wwun f4or n number Of Y"fkr"- :'Olng 1% n"
V,e fixpd, the tillty 4111 1 havo lenrile-11 t6 4st er to tile �xtent of four mite@ ,tt,,tl ,, �fl fli-4 v. r f*111alwe 1141, - 0 1 bell .Its d1amc yonnir lwoplo w Itu.,I topica. The into tile Inner prison; but, now that.16 day, tQtll ovelilix. b.-rwi t1n %
-ilty tillin- tII4- fJ44 -of I).Lttl-%.9 14JI10- -would fully account for its jo!pt upon Ugrieu non-jtiry, 'Nitmidn.r. 150 141billPw
-W r to". Thi -4 11 lik ZI a Century, The cvcljsL#z a to titere nn,i tot fow tlwb rou"try.
whit -11 U) (*tIUl;Lte t , ro w,4 Is if- #canttly (Irepsed; Fin were waghed away, Ilia though
toy Calla4ta. i or erkno riled ill tim(on of as It in. cAni)nril. 4th A14 -64-k. A1011da). 46
'the. agle eire twat for arf-free, and'at th n Orangeville. jury we ha to) cut It ('"it ow"rw t'"
th..01,111trii 0!4 1 1 - x�aw." And wlINl I)e left tile rf"rum igi t contract at 'thiA rate. pAvin quite c wam to mWate.r to tlw, RePAR Of tl~ %Ii;*; llelerl I H.W)CiateAl )is but kond enough VUll M I ars beb)re thpre littlo 11totel they six-nd monpy am if who were itiPtrumental in hit; salva- But I Intenti villitingoom
to'll Friend, lury I
lle;wan Alubzwt ltaj4 f 'r' addell seve at thouiiand yi� tiou.-IPIoubet. and lat4w ntp-"
of tilt A -I a4l lit 1 Wo at rkish- bY- eyryWdy If tilvre OMP (4 lilt IN
'Jamev, IlAs iy With 114, wouv, be any L11iminutloil or its -lie thpy imti of it it 11 tume- tier. t - Ila* like that Y011119 w1Kv4man_P(4,41 the farmer pau'l Brought them Into the lit And now that 3'Out ti
ill tim w+vre 111ally quc*l perceptible, even througil a telescope. 410" I)-ntll wil"t do YOU
tc". all wonlal, �MtW. jeulle remme) our occu- I pre"048 lia,4 a linkit, and i1q: libi wrk to The "incot comfortable place lie could W(lod- ufttl%�e
4-riml-4.69-111 ill ti'14- "'I"ill -cour#*�. tillk m Molida', I-Ith yc"ir worl,i trip." *don
ii. he, for for we could do Of vaving beeome too: liy, (kxw lie Vver wond-r what 14 find for tliem. get nicat before tlie Septentler. 0
T 11, f4 -1411ilti ilk 114; Wa.-I AA 11tity. 141 witilout (liplom.%_ eventuaft tile I lind of that 14011 Of toil tile instriiinetita of otoek. jury, It in quiv nn,r11W?W
14A 'III'. 1kitilout arnIS Itr. inust he4�in were
t1W 4111, fir..;t W114t, nse to contract.furtl Juo In 11 1 -AF they lie became Tormitt). non -jury. (',tit wewk, MOW nnti a),t,6 y I n Cjil *.4tV4Ii(V4 ill 11,44. it hilto i0tjI, too. Sho truly beloilgA to t1w. f, I)ut not for *onto ten or Grilling In the 141111, Aforking wit I tit bringing to IlL.4 roll[, Octolwr. t (*IOA�Wii to 4600l of it 00 f8frMe
4,r to elik(ml r wonder n1r. lilt, 11,111tt tlwmm
it, larence- (PARIntry of kiliakespoNirp, MI r", Fayli 1A)r4l Kitt- tile. itirtruinctit of lwaltil to their Itod- itwnw -
io:au'!':C1i()4)I f lity. Thillion yea 116 j�;ry.- Monday. lilt NOvOtD nild yet nftelt
pt),We, it4..I slltes navy, hon" touct, or nature ninkes the' twt' Why. lilt country pt-uplo are or "W -M) Rpicbd with all tit ml tillo, 1111`111144- .0,aaftu
LLtill itt tile of tit., Un &H '-n #.ijorle moment vin. while all . 00 leopie o,rtx �,r houtte. Tlie joy that filleti tile liparts olito, crIntinal. '"'lid week, Mondtly-63 midertakinir is it(A t ne of oil r__
Tovtdou, ition-jur.r. on- nt fiot A;:Aa of
Meatk% 114! Il -witol.� worttl kill.' (I urs Ae ten tile farm 1JJtUd4- 1p; VoUIA
vemity tile. Ast(WH ;tod lturc4.fn0 froren ING wOMANS RIGHTS rich WI bopy at or 11aul and Silas, making tho 196" jury
it.. elan lit as got Af4bill ig tired teaul
Awl she ta hriving It .11ong a 41elightfuji place to tile -in, now (Illed AaF, w1in fnke
14 t114 -r luilliollair(44 duok I i -Jury, Tutwda.v, 23rd No -em- met inatty Wl,(
Th4; 11it# I it, I - 4 rt ftA .1noll pwintoia nrmind UA
4. 4.4-41 Ital V14- WC- Illik'000U rd; hou)e,'turam into the Iwarts of the converted henthe , tiry.
ntitril-ty ,gr lor i.%ewpi)rt. abioUt (,Ozf.n natural all Ilow -drs. Dartnell Gave LesBolis tO 09 tll(� jilqle-litli! tA)wa 1wr. Itraoebridge, jury a4d nOn-� thing ti,at struet
tho I W- 1411y' Zulus. tilte11, to let n grouli of. ' *Ye.listf family circletliv.sCelle by 2
.r - lumbpr cut OTer 4)11*11. 4gnaturl s : hour.'* 11,ly lo t1int UIP TtrAi614 -
fr": 1. 14 - IN - ilitary Lat-�r still. lu.ealigor expro*w.d III')'- )-the lot 1)3r and itt hail(d.with a volley (�r holy worNhip. Tt.4day. 14til peceniher. 91"hw_
-01" ast 'Next t4 -011lotive VIP (lot.4 be ever vontrat wt trnvelle1w. F1IIIY or N* -W 14PAlt self tr) tile Fame (in Aug onglY to of OMITt grigs, nien deil"Ilt -roltONTO itiZ4.11.4 cut Ut)III-p at Burliukl()Jl ury that appeals most lit tif thtse'rittloorri and - "tl that tile travellerp w4l owt 91`0rig" from
INW114411 hir Aim-rivall r Illy par- during he 1-4it to th that makhtg goo(i luen - muffer. A M 0
ltravellil, -r th(v lot wl ry-Ist week, 20th Perlinf" 0,1*4 1,
.4-Ilt to tiw Coill-ge Exilibiticn, Otero wao a; re- ly sympathleii is 101le aftc lit' "(1- Ile Chr64iiLs Puffer for J"uir-' sake.. will- Civil, Jil tain.
y "I oj Mrs. IDartnell, Whose husbaad Krow Full(tin' Illitil, In eek, 27tit WgLT tlw ol(i nne faster
r14 to have been a tA,. view Ill tile CII.Imll de Marli. Ali Eng "if strikeo out and is swlowed up none work for Ilicir rool anti God'm glory. ber, Armour, C. J.; 2d
-what, A1010A ut*r. )4predith, C. J.; 3rd week, Itil 1 t30 he&&
Wicidle, am Do Nutri;' Alian tO,P- conim (Ili -the Wtil uiilitary forces -ro Or how liristialiR often reach the U" aw;ind tile 10OW
J.; 4th week. I I th
vratAo attelupt Ilt 4L Proa, thate I wan t1W worp. I)axtnell was know wht Suffeeing m., at midnight lom!t ruxIii,ilic icitkmy; CO Ca lwartm of more pinners thnn thone who Oetk)lwr. 'M Wap your trip leftem-B"d
lwar WkLavillO, trajuderr414 toiW#114fartillatit"e, tuagellariou ed at ono time in a part of tild' house IOcWter, flobertoon, J -t -)th week, On tiw Whole, Y4*. A'
Thrf%� Ifi#'n, Lying imlde,bY and it Was tA) tit Aliamps l:Jywt.i4 in order to statkxl ' !nee it uot Jair to ak'41.111110 that o free. Christians fi'141 a I f att, week t m&rched
_%Vf.4bW"14ay_ leial rLwid, lf3til Ortolter, Fertuwxl. -T ' ly
%vith their hpa46 uixin tile rail, tlilrty. milit, frottl glimpon (Of QU414,11 Victoria. the co:ctuy -where li's off tA 1141(41CY 44 farnierlil 14(W*J- _tb escape rairg, wherever they go. OUA)er. FalcmbrIAW, I. (it on Peven tat@ to the
94414001'tli,tt Illy ed,rioua Ar"o- eatch in, ll tile more 'was, appronicht4l by a p4th leading ftrming Ilan been prom6ted,,by the p Pome of tlwm we
rain. Tile ly nit;144,r ek, Ist Novexulwr, rnrlt! niou,
64truk by rl.�WIIIOW t th', 41117-11 Tills, of-enwd. U) Id r a rathr ateep I'll]- If. was much is sire CrImInal-lid, wO ber, able dnYP tow), 1`0 poung
Olt ciff, the'v.- . Inhumuch its Berange up I ac. lilat city yo,uths on whop I Novent
ad WM nowwortby, tile 111ttiveo, lad there f t Rii" do ollid wpek, SO
10o i, -4t Illy fatilf-r. tit 1(mc- Q11 'Jl- * te a T110 nrnmt or Vatil aud I &- it Novem- rul4va tim, w:ivf,
hed. and thill 11111o,gl!litti, pLnil y0ar respee A tlowt, country roads flov. ag
lipa4l wra4 P44. hYMi- to go ere freqw,u Occa*loun for these to luelting farm -boys todilit- "Cured under pretellidonic The Mcce(litil J *. ird week. 1�ot rul them ROY too Intl i ohn
r"Wivewt Pericow lujimi 11,1111 t)r 'ttiro prvvloiW1Y hall r441111% Idni. Nlric 'Dartlu!1I dIscluvpr(xk toilerol look lua..4ter3q, who were robbed of theirde- 41th 22nd Novem- foand in thl- J"dir" 0;x
rp 1p lip the re-, kllf)w %""re 1 -was to hap, 'to nee tile �Biuprefvi. g to � let eontellt? %Tlit�w! you fig for Itioncy-makiiig. eant Fjoi
�ny, the 04- tWellItY- I '- s": , jUltive. eUStAIM Wit west ceptive practle.e14 Iter. S-treet, J. epylon and kastm][W. (-Algllt you did irot tro hipyour- tlilit the isorth u(] 140110, fil" al"' QeIlterniter,
the lt&red man- tIULZ I" 141y"I to W) t4j.-t1w, vi-lilge I tit 0 rry' the burdents till this rywbere --the slirewd etiough to cOuceftl tlleir Nco,4iry-litt week, 70 tie dipeoniforts agide, ti%a, of Tam
anit one tlay --m-ir much �alx)ut royllity.* You 4-, thoo . wi-ven ea anti W:1444'118 fly 4"
'nnd lilli int -ti ` of* I -d * of youtil out for real niotiv PA Th(xie wilt) disturlo tit(, Armour. C. J.; "nd week, 13th Septoni- very ple"ant twite."
r that waA'Sillirsvowd ellned togo au(I.-Hoe.the Fmpres,4 w - 11ile the g'Mtle . wor to falso pence of Minl0ra are oiftet ard week, 0th "IRarp you any C61"
tile Itizity contented thelnWIV00 0111 linvinic d(-" 0 ber,- Ilobertim-M, J.;
ayou i110C to . pleasure, tiloY #.,e e b16 &cM I , J.: 4 t h w
(41ilCV4! trf--twuri-r, I took ttek 4 or fine rembilne u
14 hanud iiounced &A disturbers of tile PIIIIl1v' pt in r, M aJ on flek inn ke
Ile laughe4l., S rpe tA cok- ycou ran jupt stly
to.) lier -Af ter 111tvilig forscp( I,(* Weil c"Thnifutleed her tie Witt, tile otubloorn llea4re; nnd so It was with PaIll "'Ili 27t,I, September. t to J w
froptu it , fig to W4-. tile tact Mrs. Dar earth for from
(w fin
a olit A 0 wrep
tential "hare the I'pr(,84!lIt#NI a in not 1z y by Inviting the tile bare 4 privilege of livitig on I t. Do I IM charge WAs that 4th M-tolwr, Fal"bri-tige. J.- oth sm-pt many etIotintrieli. al.people
rimplItati(ol VITO to we -the 1nimlAonair city. The trull w,ovk, 11th October, Mere0ith. J.; 7th
tit . twink. w11A cfwlietl. Was tho reply. tG rest ? tiley disturbed tile tlott In6r to fear in ciAMPAOC40 i1ft thili
_t1lo. it lit -mit it tie.' to woman ; if tiwr-rb v%ere nially wonlloll heaylly jIllydened wAnen they grumble, Mid need we wonder tile shiner front lit., a.4ek, iptil OcttAwr. Bow. J Sth wook, (mt give me my rIloJ(* -§ilver Lake.
t1w nwnt-y I WC -11t hol what like her. I'd forgive. "tlwM f6r beInIt themselv(w. alul have . refreithments; JD(i thpy run n,%vny from home, or go, they arowied k lat y ty ;nxml w)r%e 2
111.1 f r I she (mtentatkM4y lg- Into fal.w. repoze. Tile secou'd charge %,&,4. .2.-,th Ortoller Do, oe
that, 4old luy ratto Jue t'lle lllt2 *-ith their father's permJbilidon, rd, C.: t I i tile's a Prot e 10
14-rNto a ), 1 1 prew.rithig Je IOU'
It 411 .1 -nift'10 tile 41111C01114 " ' d.that, as th('Y tile town or city that they were WIIll Ile- November, it�rg��J-; J4) ilVP III, &Ud tlW1
in4lividuril repw#rt 1. fld 414111f.. 1140. fU,rw*,%ri .4 . tiorml, on tile grow to, learn a tratie.
a*4 W DUMAS ANT) Tiff- QUHI. no work,' th(?y could )Wt liers, to take the 'plam of their own, 8th -Noverniter, ith. C. J.
to' the tile elder, con-. had' (kaw allot need we"wouder ? The father, at- Tile truth LAwrenre River." worsted
pot tht.- 01mittiflit 'Univi-ri�iijy. of. Virgilliti. 11rartieallY Ale3La6der Dumax, %r twenty Yea" AA work, am poor, w1iieli were Roman. WIN-rl.'.It ASSIZES, 184-8. AP Mr. ruitord had dUctoe.
f*#+Il 11,111014-0, blit A( umt, re- r quire any rest or tal ro- oclamoring for film, 10'0 iLtw
.1111 ( ;nvif there, and I ilderett queen Victoria tlIP Ill ttle the neWl, of tl'L'4 'FAX startild, Il_!t8 the they were to0elling the pride anti I Toroutoo-Ferguoton, I(Kh
oil Nil. 4*14 tka,file woniantof tile AIJ tle by 111 *%rmfxLtjxI the* ni-,nd of th0 perhaps, no wilenAtO at that ? ror 4)f sinful mell, vi,lio did not care jwlu&ry; IR~ d Of me M 111
y t4tr.d,,I1t_ t4)* M91, &11-tjille,14, Volut" I Was a 'bOy go. Need we wonder ol., MtAlday, 17t., -Tan- tilit. po,int quit - to nvCi 4 &
'Ity tothp char9p 11:- Q11cen of
Ilair will'. tho PtIcre"4 111)(XII(KNI, "d it 9,; sOtl 3vent awaY t00 ito Ito reforiffPd. The niasters4 of tile unry j., M.(*Kiay. carried. all tile Illuirp., blac
k neig ngenlil fild nelghbtyr
,1141 111c11 opkilon, atis lilt(!() ve-girl cunningly gained tile 11PO" J., u(siday, r%wt Of
t4.rri- or kirceny W le had 1Iot*OIIIy revolution by'no uW city ten years- ago, and now Come" ry
4 it t110 I.0 th' 4j:l1v tw,.,lIty_4,ue yea" weight, w.eing that I r ro the advocatefl, (,f black- woman" t n161--summPlo. and theys like a luott, gave tWir Army Recruttinor i the
lit �:4,uth Afr 1parned I
iea, the 044", Ilovel" 111UP4 lbome for a wfwk :I
diAl"It"l f
lip t144- ioittwokrol J Tile report of tile 1"000tOr-OF. I'D
.jpywar Avg And wag agaittgt thooe holy I'll"' "'At J""ry.
4 Pry 3ll ted Irl 11INTI . ights. FAXM it wenringamllik flat nnd bfMAInglOtid- of fallid accueers. Like
iwr�-ftlp 4'r which Y. hut that lie r _g ".e'
oa 1w.rf-t-et, KvIltif-11111111, 1,4 fincly of tho qTrecnx fj illstor hat one t)lae.k man'had actually car. y of tile forUffw.� lie Ili making and the 00 i4tntetnent Y recruiting for la*t year
l'y I IL Mal) Suff wicked-officerm, tile niag6tratt%t tiar- 1()tll -Tftnu&r Of -
or him wffe,s blirldfli, up tile fellow, Hamilton -street, 1611*14ULY, thAt tile WII* Utlulber (;f nien It"
.1711d 44-9-1701Y 41"W'41- 'TO 'nPV(!r thOU91t WO ried part t)lg things lie L-4 doing. Tile,
re pit atv; have lveu .1 W ri,ic-and Intprf Y, - i I I elope com- wan not followed by ed iiot act r(-)ntrary to) publit' "stlit- ed in Soatl&W and- finally alw1wfvV&I
I M 1) r 0 f fo r1cf. _�qtlng to a"mkatt, .41*4 title Ja,nuary.
t', fill hiiy tII4. -t-rhitra. I uty he lying, ypt he creates t1m Im use
Isait w-rV4-41 tJII14' atlict"Allip witli her for more ti natum otiver ZuTU04 11 inetit, wid they d all the stre.119th for tits regular arml %^P 3-001- livid
p convulsion ot inn that lie could buy UP half JW tile accused. 1-:41ch
Durit4c thP, &Wve n1ell- -thu lel by I Ir"144 a W aca for
tthn. ILMII[f�, Until little of tho I Tim foroOT
hit tile Q11pell to patis; 1be foIl0w0d le, in tIlIti nelgil- tile ecAinty it it were Worth having. tile militia 4,60). 4.0 in C0114
-of FolimbilrX Tho New Act. oxicti vis- of bmalne. tl* r n1u, W)on ju llix turn Isliare(I Ili t lit. impriboninent Mew allows a decreaw of
t.11tow lit-ttie uh!n-j lacttl at lier lit boy comoi to
lovilliz t1o, MV roinedie-Francaise Ct - , leajiv% for a mail to mwist The tho city a RIMM of Ilaul hild Silas. OA JAPAN. 1wari"t %%1th I&J2. Tile Perth dF-
P!; 4 1 .,4. ta cirrilar 4.11)Iwasitory St. Cyr." hor I A t Inflo that It 14 pretty much of -orship at niltillight w:w 1III- IftATCHNS FIR
I)iquoiselles de
ti;e flow Liceltwo, Act, des i ro nently h1#4 wive" It' the bearing of burden- f le own W'Iieelx Tim pot of tile Mack Watch got tile owflut
1,11141 tile last of tile thlope PleCes-eml Y, In (oerany,ueen that wine yourig peop itnual ain(mig priaotwrm.; tkut the pri.4- as Been
viollie �Sivttf- 'stw m"Iled 1 havO odeftolontill tg they wear ThA Djatoi Trade of BurOpe inen for the reguIlLm bavinit :124 AP
klif intowf4iree ye"tf!r1-IRY, IlaA4 1well 1. lllt&,)Io to tlw *rail- whoo not own the boo ra were unuisual characters. They 4 .�
th'. I for 1:1.villg KIIIIA . fernce t4� tilt! ifiterpretatloill It , I.,llkll,41, stage, tind ltn boaripg a trunk to the, lwople know nothing 'Xle Seriously AIT*ct*d. allowing the e1teut to whiell tOT14
tllr "fi, - With m wfilell Mrs. Grundy 11", 114 - Yot, 11()t 1L w(-nnf her bark, while, AA 113nd that at; stifled In tile danip. el(vato at- jai reen to 01)"fin mell actually
loy 11�, ill Wr t4t; IV givell to, FOCtitai of-thilt Act I I . . way fitatIO11 -6b t tile i0fairs of thpir neighbliM ere itwtead tor
tilm,tio'll Indi 4- tit ituti.. laid f(illowe(l behind smoking a -Cl- bOu I"Iow M(vpliere about thpill. They -%Nere I ill furure. t�woden, tioni *tthin their territory. the CA.
till. iFaiijbitr0i, of 1*1.)7 1 v?ng tul 111"oudinet perf rom- ow "Or , I not hesitate at any
I I Iting I was one n #fllictA-d by -tho bleeding %%oun& u1m)II I supplied to Um I rOM Watoril lw&dq the lift. with 7riol
it*1 no,of the.Lhluor A couple of day" after the -anoe-cru toy 0
etion 1 #4 Fectif [) 141jilt of a heavy p t will pparelitlY come all tile way fro`ul w lie
ltll#1 Io, wait at St. Cloud. the English iioble. gar; and In my e from
till, � w retenniml, for one who 103914 iteir hacks. They ivere cramped
1,ieenw�,Aet,, 1.1(,.g to Fay that' the' ancO onco struck by tit' rorenoon may wear in J.'alta3l, gayu n jourtild. Time the ranks, on tile ims of January whe
!14-p Y#-.Vr,4 sht tuall equall afore inen.tioned r I tit' lip zainAt tile atrenni door tc) door every onocip every after- itock and chains. They were- the rft' ip-
illtentit tx'"It bc-lng to"d ni
)n %v a.,4 im)t to probIl'it th oAakw ire, wIl(we hup- n ailk flat anti a in darktionit and filth. Surely they were competitky'll of thr OrientrJA Liao al- w"e "t'res of
a K. Let] Mid well-known patent agnivat Duman -111 tile
of f4dal)11041 by n doefle Saxon w ating noon. ready, it ia tkuld. destrOYed tir- ouro- trict.
fulitilly 4PI P4 ofitaining till. comfortably 111allipul tiot inspired by their t4urroundingi;
'r I W, re, or proprietary artichvi c picaiwd," saitl tile Ilan(] waill China and
-titealner (itY Olt 11,111f1m without -the prr#"lpti(An,of'a 1,011 (might W be likewipe- enjoying a ol"Oke. to pr!)M0 They breathed freely a lit-avenly atf- I"n match tra& In Inia, Automatic R14"I
it appmrs that liot 00 rge Whnt can any 1111111, do ompliere. If the IzomaTw hated thfbnl 11(mg 1K ong, om &~t it- bY
which, ]"lit for %I* olualifleli metileal practitioner. 1rfw,- Ftiglishiliall. Itut tlwn Crrq1gLny requirea ft And will a III a IWW bUil.lilke b6ift 44W,
on 1'rioday ere t,ho (jueen asked to see yokir let um pray for a 0olActitnient (M tile ffirintit of tl'L'4 a and their cause. God loved thPln, 8M @ell it, tisp Tnited StatAls. After gup, 1W top eat
intitrvelitiful Of tile w t,)f,tllp t tons for Pales of thin k Ind by* drug- only ha dy open in 1 army. TherPlore ntire ra[WO rhqurtmijeo Ili Ne VOrk t
at, cdervo, might have' hilf] ertfore bo -Instituted. iece, which she has alrea nX on the mimionary work of other. countrien? In the e tioll burst tile bond -i of afflictl(.)n which their home inarket tile JapaA_ eimtric power for fro &ad umb
imil guldw) njoyed It Much I lAeml 000AM
Tile -paflor.4 Kieto Phould nbt th bmi r London, I)lIt tilat Pilo c Ole 11P lf)Tlgt -)f subjects that omuff tile Rttpn bound them. re AtAe to pend 2,500, 194111 fully carriod out
Mp It i4 01114 t1 1n#WqU0IC`e" I have tile lion -or to your i stw tile first Dartnc and may statemMen I do- not think thorp liver- jvoxeg to thp rfwt of the world. A011111.1 waiters hn*
attack ill)- 1001FLIP41 la reour t, a blewing to NR is 011 e t wonder@ Ili that
LINIX)n nlat* an wrvlant, botter the tha, I n tat I-Ilarper',4- of In ImPortAllee. Tile tonrthquakt� I)n)ugllt 410
time." lint ;;Ualjq tills It brought of courfe, tAklng 1n0Pt Of tills Purplue Therp are four InrX* fftielt 4 IPTat0M.
of pr6millre
r&ptaln, W lit) guallc4l ft)r mi pro)villeial' Treantirer. in t(-) anc*. tip, building hPing 4ght Ft(wifw "i(Vitt
tWr 4 f thob KIII11tont -I dmilt wondor at It a Business ImPrOvng, Tile only nleth(A priscm at 1111UPPI. 11riwM dtx)rs were (,wlltput. Osaka- wlwM an Amerimim dumb %attem
owtailro. The offleero W laughed Dumas; 11 the plece is like prototo, 0i to periii1t, )praK*r1ty (-q)ened, Onalus were lixwed, wh le light anti seven nuUmilk
flulckly mn ow of ritere have been 1074 bumhipw4 faiL- 'But isyndiente ham engR911d Ill tlw W'6&nu- W ()Ik*P&te 1J7
Those isiodmem kit of thro, ighout IWIulturat distrietin.
the ot*.ampr, and tile thutiny w" ""p- ts author, the.niore You - But ures reported from ille Dominion I Will high prot-Petioll- or free da*med upon the hearts and coiwelt-n- pictIlre, produmd Imt year 1000'0 000 Tit(- latter are (im hwtuml. It It to asp-
it(- mutineer" ut under I ky-Iludder, I TaTe LW nlY them the better you like them tile PRVt flow ? ceii of the keeper and the primoners, ikne, hoxop of MRtchm, giving em- bimply pushing a
. I I callada to Brwtdreeta during trad!�, or lit-metallism, or a doubling I led them to liberty In Christ. 14OT &Lml W emd #k loaded walter to W
PrPAV*41, W161 t I ilappen to know of w)metlkillg wit ell ant OUNIt to 3,629 men amd 9,711 w0 --
Pa. It to ? t4vl, 110 less than In the first. or tile lonning floor a IwUtU`1IA 161 1"111141" 81nd t1W VraltAW
arrfwt. of tile paper enirrency,
Nf(Aher (."Dothingly)-There, tlwre, would Ilavo amused Ber Majesty much Vqlx mOG ar, with aMregate Ila . ent at :11-1 Afarm gave way to, linquiry, find tile me", 1weldep thoneandp of children.
lkfy, do be quleti Your 41Aer, Re- more than poelfig the plecc, and that Ilalf of laot ye. �7,618,000, it d--- _of Itiolney, fly tj)e Governm rp %v ho en rn a , few sen per day In tlw Will ;W*Ild Mid ftUV 'at Ulat
cauming anx- ut for a ride 0D ber -would have been tO 80e tue, n,i, tllitles amonntll�g to There are �igllt twerated priwAters became teachers will Ili Vendlng UW -846M per cent., or thil. control of V AC In- t lit, mip,
Tho ab'*Pnce ct rain is tweca flam gone 0 amilmd ulf crease of about 7 Per cent ther tiling, or nil Of t,() those boutid by Ratan's (knius. Tile work. The atiake am cut by In 11 ry to POW &
v141 dem, but Fhe'l I he hack emn frankly, it wotild havo ratem, or aoln" 0 wag thftt Of ery. sifted into litas boxm by vromstl 'town It 1b only lw'VMs`1
i0ty turfAighout 111(fia.
1 0 - .12 fewer failures In t11v"e tiling" togrther, Plac*
n Why did I not ask for all audl tile ii�vinep of farming uext wene in the pir6wm as"W"
party flap twoe, again. too. ) fewer In Quebeft, but n tremblIng, nVentIng keeper. learn- and Miected and put in fritmea by the butt"" lot
AwAhor F.U1(4*1hR doing Ontario and 87 onyingb axis? Tile poilticlans, d paraJft It WI00 t0 tile boAt`olm'
W*Guinpa, but no de- en6e ? Well, I thought attolit traders In the ror- oil a Ito, like to "p Ing the way of repentan"� an -1 faith. pig. I'M oulptmr an
MAJ11111118"KI ln7Ne t nigilt, lit so; plich a remarkable wonitill " liabilities of fa,111ing tho;p getitlemen w , rim _T Urim. h"d pream and
he tragPft have been recfyiv(*Al. a dog harIL4 a- Ablygo dow" mer fAll()w a Flights 111freM.W, while thole ure Then (!time the beautiful and nAturaI A" pt t on In tb* Among th@ MW iri4aii M" NNW
t*11041 Of t 1,wner in arrtited anil "eu- 1143 Is, Wid who will prot greateg', tit the latter indicate a moderate de-- " advanm agntA Of prooperity," Ilile r(,sulta of that knowledge. The stout- tile pturared pointp 10
to pomtoerltjr 1W one of the 'Let: That w to Lonam 1W t1W JWWW a"
pismarck'n lit-alth it4 wo I- it I- (.Onfronted by thlo r.
t#) (I-)Ilnw thp dvir* of telleed to work a year fox tile neigh ght, cer- crew compared with -the writespon, eightei; to their anklm hearted Jailer was the tonder TiUM tite omn. The boxep an4 bkbdb SM Mft* confecU". tabikity. t1w,
tilat Ito fleellfwa women (tf , lier century, 011i farmers bare w lie suffertric, but faithful instruct- by ittde girla wbK) RJV WNWOMMY del- voum exertemm" cound ' I, lto tbo %#fttPrx Of tyf)r,4 who were dinturbed. Tho doW to the gfeat Ing period last year. will not dedicate their wnli; to V) t I uer
III* phyale ll" V) t '111+341 rhAP8 thim accountm for the tinty to havo inet w1tlI oriii lie had received apirltu.&I health,
k PP tv%rcvP Itt thPir work. approp-ridnX
tion tba% when it dog howls fwt FrenchmaM of 111t4 tinip; but anve Indign&tIon ag&1njc4t the con- farming, and nil agricultural country an(* *M_ 110 Golidtas f wm afraid of asking for an audience A m 11griculturiRtm will ll(;t to in return, sought to rcmWre t
Tho GPitman Upt"net crif4l" colitintu-N. at. night A fleath will shortly, occur. It,s a pity, for tow lIell go without temptible sneak who pamed a plugged without atiir- lx)rnl health. Tile prism became the merrr.w vai is i4dipporied and cAmth one W
ulow 10 Flooken 'of all e ver cools Until lie hno alnount tO TnIlCll.—" Alack," in 9 atUandi-d by Sir Ufnm 0MIlt- festal Owasim.
anti Baron Vnn D ) pray hark -At for th worth mcmt doliar on him De spiritual birtliplaee of a f&MIIY Of
gaccei",w of Prince Tlw potoplo who n the 1 thlug papt4ed it, on nome&e else.', day Night.
I M w(,11141n't know what to do having. see
H(AwIllotte Jim Iniperial Chancellor. ",lv444 if it r(,Rlly came. In our eo�A%ry- Aleiander,
IvM &dvance towsjNl AbqL Hamed with
I It
-0 If testy to
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