HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-25, Page 3fita and rets Id I tp n id lit# W_ IIIUT51 Iwo 14. A ­ lilt 4<-. e. A Gourmet. Iliatt,er of Wilic, tile I;rince Waleft jig a ccvjn . tributtki in fence. lie It - 01fideur Mr excel- Ibliey, and the other as tasted, Probably, *sideot wiliell a gTeat capital lie Albe*rt I ill the Hall _�AJDIA every brand Quantity ot S SUNDA ttl, and knosvo the goW 1roin tho b r were otruck Y SCHOOL untO thein. tlwm tlie U JIM -?eservi war Of chamPagne Of ally vir -'it rolal 0 �azjd t0fted am a MAIN. better, perhalk ad Ongut tile Populace. thel r gods. *;, than Description in james IS Tie, major p T`heY procl 1119. Ili favorit beverage, Ilowesiel" Carriarfti were obliged to be me, A77oNAL Ljlg4jX_,W0. JUIX., any nian Franklin art of the comp cmfidmice in tIwM In a "lowd IN all Itiffian wilie, k r, at Chjjr_- and Irather"d Many in t,,,Putbllc 'w&v, nown Lachry- "r 9 -Cr(", and tile reat of tile JUNN 27, IN". vicinity Mils Cliristi.1, Newport mercury, In In the praise Of thim fine Ifi either to )(din Witt, tilein Of Britain, adoration. a and a n,,ar to 1,&ul all -era] bottles daily, Iding' they were to walk urdget te(A Ix. 3" 36 r tly, time, III tile bour when tuen Would olp-tt3l paid u 10 Prince consurnfw seN wine the the Hall, Al"y ond w ds and milile doilig so Ile 3moked a Aaserji Fund ax well a8 t1jey could. 42- 44; xh. 5, 7; 30, 31, 3t, 35 ha ve cr�oWned 1712, 1 JU lilin. lie was kept fry)w i toR to twenty cigars tilat doubt Published in 1761 sGrace tile suft 1U. 14-17,; temptatp Total *tsets, by Eanialnin Prank- Duke of BedfOr(l Tolmic W. In tile arO worth enlokillg. Brother Walked this da lie W as hour Of sufforing SKETCHES DESCRIBING LIFE* In eating ft is co That Was When Jou Y a" High (0111olitable of *-A, D- 40. 41, 56 44, 4&-", Miniete kept fro", 6hrInkJng. When 111111011ly- 114III)POsed rn do wIt'll "I's ttalf- On Ilia right 46, 47, 50, 62, 6 fi, Stj. M will stand true unotlerprpjw Was Young In the that tho Prince Is a gourmand. Tile States- urrol J OPpa, and "-wure, they nr* fjtt4,d thi#4 tllne,� trutIll is, 110 is Bolue Odd Advertisam Ct Scotl , High ('01rioltaide 8haron, ��-Lyddsl a and, w1wrl tile 10'19 reign adrming him IJIMlieved to gourmet: Lucullus for Sale. outs Negroes ajld oil Ids left the Sword Joe, Nazaretil, J udea, Gali- to tile Tery Ple who gr*at "ige of the 4116 Ila State Wan Carried I)y tlioe 'n. Illillippl, tlw-lr do ,five somirlit en On evp or ieru= good Corinth, Alitioch., LYstra, Dor It t'ittwr in ry an(l ve b001 tile Prince Huntington at WhOw left tile I God Of Brl- fill Other Occ"L(Ow. Tile Pis Ilea VY dr4ivii to 111'ers, but It 110 we W fa 11"1, PverybVt1y,,j ul&utll, the r a fill, 1g r0tOm and Other mu t Jiro It, Is doubtru re 'to Come Effingham ;valkel jt of JuM, "he"IC8, galuairia,. f3yri * lconl_ restom' ftrc*w to In ays ad(lis"Awed ce" 13 1"- elite t i lyrom the 11"ruillon Times p Itatne. I n rl'ty. The Prince Mumt,_aIw "It to) be'PreF'ellt at. 110 would be If 1114 a('111cla P 'to V1 her sueeftaor be(! I V al)le to giVe Albert Mr. city. 11, staff. 1witmilal'm A- Lf grVatr In Oraeg TI"atiOn. arxi etittIlt"Y8 lead In eon- 1, E"aT4 any ) ja 'PerwJud -Peter, Aen eam, Ta_' tereot Iga�trouomy. Earl T Jr ti I)i,4ci nul(m (if odbef-Onlie Ilf -'dward's Crow I John, ftul, Cori It. LlUn ChUlreh, well for every nl&n 'to kl#ow vt,4 reoluires you His Marri carried mt. I bee*. than ortlinary. age. I albots, " I -Or HIgI p""s l3iW011 Cornelius, under certaill t.ireltintio it of IValb*. wbo., Pay'anything , III you Wore yo early tlIrfC,,_COIUmlI c Iferod All* -rt Edward;ll to waft, 1114-4 ailroso-Ingte a C0IJY of it ta W 4hp U Prill(le of'. 11'U6;1W11lg 'of 18603 tile shanty. "10 01 gomerset on Illm ri it' witil tile Romall iroite wile" it be. 1_U other wo'rds, tilt, Lucius, 10 ift In harm(miy to Ah Mercury. imblialle tgilt, hearing k4e, - I with tile C44pled it IN It. I., 111 1761, t him left bearing the 4 Riellinond rglu" PAUJUA, BarnablIA, Abraham, whel"o Ile yolu (!&"not open a CIMvrghti Pritieq%�cq r7 10 U16 itself Is Itt New tho Orb; aijd the buk Ma"Z" Saul, John, Mark, Rar-Jobw e"w" vacated 1)yl 116 ulother ILIM; Ile Vallat alwag lead theoft with', (i.lugliteir. - of the a Itati I'llate David, all nec()"n Is- giv.. is ve maid, h the Do 8ceptre witi, 10,11icttis 1 yt) Is no mation. CM ver- Tito eniolly There, ar rotil r, by J a U Fra PO t "rtllr' fiftt Church coullei, ung luau. He will begU tOok Place J cc nklin: ve. Two Gentipm J udas- Silas, TJ at Jer at Ncl VA 11111twfoum Ws one on le 114111 leni. JewX fr(Orn Judea, went A. Bu'y r ()a Wte tj of 110"JR1`11111 Franklin, after "I' '14de, carried the ly ("I"at, J`41aeup Lois unic r"i9l' with au 2*1I*r1?en4i000 anid a Man. Illue 'it Stock4rld .stibliremlon of ttle New, Htarr of til(i Lord H, ilown to tile, (k-ntll Informeql perm)lu, r lo6x POPularity Y 110 lutli. olt'tho. yea suld COMM ENTA It Y. -Tile fit Aft- othe toov- igrantod I'llf. (luveil e4 -11C.' Titere a ro mt)re 911,8teward. of tile earneist jab -1 tioch. and, rqiw.(i .k)y.e tak, it f4or ge C(Ouitalt. it ollta The Bible wa4 the qut*tlon ervigil t. was pres- 1; rk, KIg by atried before a I)f eir- that the Prine & - 11111Y far inc, UmClxion� it:I" wjEllgluuo re Ink. sonle reP)ft4 ti It 0oe`eMo-(l a till1w .1111 toy few of mful of c- Of if Lord Jam,fi be Attie wcr Of tile Ifol ti ""! Prfarew ()f tj !-war ith Fra ereford. wit,, I a U --h�rk, Y ("hOst workhIg e literal I lu-is. bY- Aluericalui. coulo Of tileal-OWnd Tice, fir lat Gentiffm Im- admitted int,) the term, t)ut am of tit 1 allitOirg theul k -ter it the"ll' Le"I"011 I. sho" um tho Chriottiall 4 11upell without Ix)ltlt of v a.4atter og fact h vafl )r. Parce IM *)m`8' 300 wordo demerili. t% lOupitioll to 0' e Ili But 8a&tdrd of R 3 B oil', few far froru boil 60. %ife. iki prob 1 :1111011 tile Prihefiow I ing the cal)ture olester I " he frova 116 own 1.0. Ably wie It' t.110 11 "Juber -of* tlib d Ouse Wam I)Wltl luid Dr. th4ij,t tlie t. lie was tea Jew, wPrP fiflat clrculllc�se,l. TI~, y 'Jable rolualleg Of tile -ha royal -filthily ill Mot. for a 74 -gull sl(jol) alit, hi Carlo r Yet wille not were no. ()f eu % 'lighnm I I , Of' bla rigift Wah from tI,, day of Awl for uAe an alit it rdelit, 1vorke Attoll*tlallc4�. Silo ,ad nently Myni tort) !1. all Ilia work for him yet wllolly deliVered f d coey W. and I@ Ilia let&, 1), Int oUview work], In t lle� it ll.w 4rou1.tLk%* lb,,, for Bdfll(wt elvery luoillent of 116i warriew-I July twng botb nd 101twlike. Every- J'a 1111111dert4l ni. MamWr. Ile be- anti cerenionlep. roll' fornw bilice, life, 110, Is Occupledr Of wl 11ritJO411 i4onie tt' aA thoro of ull� nVial)Itio X-Coulp- one It ar. he thin and U9111Y ill, JWU81 Faith ultnwtony. Presidifig at var beitutdfully I)I&Wlo I wlt"Out -is I Antitli #hml, JK ing 11aqI oAl ,in "e" to 11,0al Willing. nrld works "'hell lie walked every true Clirl,tiaij e&xrk. IOUs "leetings allol, volut-.4 trotu tilp. Most IS tte' ant] arr report gl'P,, tile 111114w( ("Uttc% adortled with Jew ault-4W "Iell lleard their call P11111C dirific corner atollelA, ro.iji-I I' roof nlx)ut tlw- Pnrk are anged'! Like 4. laying i wolitterful r t '%'tates GDUeral rigilt, Walked Dr. mon IX. is taken troll, the writings ljf T lie uilturiga, that for U IlOuW" � about He Is Nearing so. opalling new I) rk' to the V�pepell or or I tirliain, alki (I,, ,in tar and ullval cvt1I1It-, axtellf.'Ing rulli- I q.. , 11 nurt.wry.of Kin,, In Whiell -P Inn% ) W all men, t Ile W lons and,reviews, family it is RI or �fl Th, it- 1"Iilflof) of Lincoll, ire. grace, or give n vourt cerein of t1le Prk" 1111 to &iW tO j(*ePlI Yorke to lor le accommod"On of ti ' L4 JIL4 Manter lie went J11mls. lie founif it fleccismary to) tea.q II af wit Prin for frolu'll'ace tO Place declaritIg un- tiffs peoplo. t�) Ill"Ove tliir expe tile 199TV"Ifflut or Juan- tile Wo emtateg. :am wilicif Canto U.11 beautiful harw fly 900d works. u-jtllofit fait,, It onles WNI otlwr grea-t a 0 'ft" c"Waged ki tile isay "et" befor'0 Us the at keep IIjm co)npta-ily IliJ4 'AlftkWty'4M train %," hiz-4 1pirth. n COU rt Itor of Y y Of Vivir alul flitfirp Kilig I. Pt to t Ito Neollql k --r tjbe (IiAlIlierwation I! Lren"Y affecied bY the am ' il. Ld the ca*etf "Howe"t of 1166 IN always prt)nl i1x Avd�, elieNt- c4l"t sk"It Of tt�very.Britwj witil the Old- and no one Or ­gx)od uranee 8 hwoun "in 'Inp(lim"J10 to 11,11'aae God, but faitli I)u' or Nut tt) Lovep th4D Veterans. . will willell. ord Ht NiatifIeVile, were tilt-tiael (jut- Not only the 1,1101tarch, w" t f(tr hini. I for Plu(*Y, 'Excellene Jewn t'llat il4acC0.14able to lilm, all,, k" (Of Cornwall. Bel' If "llifortu U. r y has OWa rt 1. 'K 'tit tile preac, waA four wt* ore th 11riuce Crepee. W-141" a proroul,11 NO& reneWe(l to then' 0rd Beaucilamp, g(Atwl, 1) 1109 of the b`ringl4 balvatibu, ),am r It# t (if III,, 113ritannieMajenty.­ orzo-q1tim an, Prince of e Waa orreate(t On Of the Drania Cj( tJL0 pect. With "lar'JU18 of lfarring,�oil, afamily Wers ve bi; Old A Ptit no end of for tile ti loft. ut It W40 carriett to the uen in gool WqrkA. jam,,,'" cOullt4lorpart Earl of elle,.tp tic it et, tiieir f bA a Part. anti -el I 0ould flt, coil I I I"K AC, and coll" & Iftetive. or - a Itatroti t)t drailia ill dither re5kiling ratui- ell Britula. ham wa rh lotWrles 1-0� Grey converted under I`eter'o preacilir low la truly converted liprom Iky the f,orliter Royal 'llig4flivis ll.ta take,, L . 'lave tilam JLr ther�e are lifivertined. the barrit�r betweeu Hever AOv fligh raill LoVd NO friv no dis1.9y 1,atrotiage, of And. 11k.alltirut to I tc I Were no laws a ' wilikaill, I set. -at variotL4 IA)ndon 11"Other Qil#.tlll tl'P vPiierable 91111tolit at thend (if it, tile merely all "or tm of CaP"l tles. The cotull- Of cliance, jn th day ilertlklit4jry- right, bu& L.4 , tife" WaN 'w"11"t awaY. L4s,, I brhko did. lingm w1act, h t') MR troller of hdo Jew`a atd Ge. of big falij, in the ti re" tilLs dont. to noake Loul.,4e of ille.1 Gee Al"ter of tile Trobyn. It"beg., the 'Hofl- Jallies Brudellell. de Tile Golden Is'pum A.pre WrIle b%, lTlie "tory of, tile 101 ire - title. r or the Plays prodilt-c�d there suct-twsrul. !"Ive e��r ho5rO-Of the Indian mlit- A ROYAL AFFAIAO' le� revUrrec, b6c Of the body. [or llol,h houdel101d. Sir DIgJltt;U S. ul" tl'P crovn1ilig work The t"ngw 111i rt (1gratiorl, of this fact, of ber ro Y Mil"Imbis the Earl of ( is an important mem- Tile vi Xal 4110 -illilw-rial 41, ' , Il- long .. k It 'a not, counted a tk- tlqt to cas- Nollw 6t t0r.4' 1110 lug fily oll 'Of 1 -he men who faced death U.'"ex Ivith tile Dukeof llarl- rt Of overy clirilitlan the lived witimat to[Wuec tho le�q t their -ella-ldren. Count of tiel (Vorwin WmbXlf on film right, I- it tilrilih btleell'14*r 6til 'I, Ism 11111be profetjalL�il 11I.Lond0ti I Pi vAlb in tion sceptiI carrying "IvIctioll to til , and bri '"tal ortran Of til" bOdY for raen have u orn to. e With tilt, oladner. L�amu. 'Ir Merntmr W apat, th"If 11ttle er muell w ;V4 cilt dowl 1"w courage IIn;I.- ciwly loert %'ietor. 'S, iz.: Al- L Consort) is giveil u of great thing. opold of the 111ole of Calcutta.,, _G"IMP .-I I I - of Rlng)iton 01, 1% Left, the le "I IW nwMit wful for -tilt. It i14 aand if' ralmA a fillill wit,, ellit'll011 havo I,(.pll and wI0 hail looked ,o- w ro)tti-o to PurcliaAi Which wiks Prince ack h '13t tillie the quee' into tII0 Black tuld tile I Belgium. c�gar (9 d.it. believing, souil to ftitlipr 1, y % 4)%% er of 1 4 It, the nder Wartrm staff. Or 90od or. evil It, lio glo PO Win rl - doo A t le goitl- T I N toke 11 .41ttle NoteS. and fait),. ir4KM erful that It car t our lit- "40 1 istimented to t1lo Prince "Outil: 'te, -Ek"Pt. 22nd. 1761 Tlke Curtana, vajk I tOnle 11 rs aad Iwavy ell - Or controlled by hu d 11, a., na coud The till[ eter wilei, God beat lsirbot, Loowm X. man strength &,one. 141 be like. You will -under-* rift t owti k, IL 11)1% i jig The. ft.1 - be fully tarned *t'."kt 11411 -Ir fery Oil OVelubpr-9til. 189 - 1 10 uke-(of York. tOorn in 1864; of M.0 iN- eXtrafted: lit Lincoln tilt- Eurl bin gel 40"1 le"t are my r % -Loilijpw re IU411 incouw .%,) .%(,(!o , , , 11WI his right ca' Of -PAuttolk to 41d ItIF4 99 free. Losa,, V. br tile Power of the 1`0 ligus- torla-4v*4 it, of tile rrying 'bril" to MIAs"U9. Of Si AIT by rincesm- a illd prayerm, a witli the Earl -11' Vic- 1'rhice-qs Maud, ?I klever fo. has I tile we"1141 140 pravity; of Its be, Earl of Nutherbut(I 4q, Ili" Ierf stead of tlie fcv NhKmary. tOT4nw W Ito d, e%ery latlwr in roll"tif"I (A Alie Pa ul Wore us as a ini tamawervve, and un- hLAIy all. ("I'lleutt to spend it luld Q , -carrying tile t)ljr,(, H, all ueen. A.( w(l. Y Of Itit doubleminded- d Will tile find IAlltigAl, The 'Queen's (,ro,14-11 wam Hr ellm lioarta. it diw.1" tllp AOcretil TheIr 11:1jp 9 t1w nt, le I ly ",ant 4 ('"Inwerate(i The Priiice w; t Nties, and ke or &,It(,,, tile ser- tile I..., life. Ows the true t.t, I'111va9Pr vrellt til t4w Cross t) Sceptre with 'UK the gcwlpe (It Chr". tA. chri.,tenetl In r< thcr the fluke go!ng n4road be kfblot JaUtlary- .,5tI4 St. an, Park from tile I "or of hutlajkt jD1,1 tells oPf tile limt-ol Ili I *:Ulc(� if] eir A 3' rod witli t Ae dOve _I)y tlw 41, -telle s llynalsty f*; 'Irl ('Ilhirmt and til -tte#14!- lie exerelm in the UhurL t4D* be elirl III tilat 40 or'lVorthainlitoOn. a JPXt %, W work Ittiv)(19 the JeWL Time fatilem and motilers 110P. 116torie Nille O'Clock tifig had Her I t I rick On, her hed a t-irclet ant Joe did not wislillo, ( (.11 pr"Paro tAx tnik in b4ral ruo- trutil. e:llo*t they wellt front aodornetf wftll JPWelm. &e in demand everywlwpe, and al - 1W baptiam. ler rigilt shows l, %ray#' Ilar0 tiven fOr ilere tilpre 10 a Wonderful OW U'Ve Church til oIL 41110 strilig of narue@ the 'oAbU'Py,%-IlereT)IeirifajeElevelI U) haAd wa-4 Dr. Thf as, B&�ll Oli work and praCWn Will t" yo."'. "tle.q wpm cl te 9 and al)oui d On her had I)een After lie J W-Lri, r!iriPUT1 eq., les r ftJi 'If Ill- RPPeaelf t`o) tile all, f to thP Hall, wilere 90t I)aek ildiop, f r, t e after magniff they dined Por " fly lier it WUN ull�- 0I a Rule mall among Ulem ntly lip a lack grandfath mental il, tile ilea, tl*re will cw)nsequc fathrr orwich. flee tralti If tlie're be a lack Of 044 Jtual Ieadery 14111114y' A:kort ve'rt#4 wJ10 DAed countilel and dimetiOlL Duke (Or Ket. A ("It Manner, and oyal r later t,,,, j413 r".*nce Of KUCII a nujnbe III - tlw Oft" Augtwta. the r,&n Of tier intimlite r.jeel" Wiute to ulle r Of Peroorim OY Othc were reatly to woriship aPiritufti clifid IAVM" e"46: - I J� am lWocarce .:I rI,4' and h'8 fellow-labore im Pative t"'tiching Tile m rielily 8(Al r Barnat... Oxhortation as le Lady Afary (;r1,, to I I in OLady F.Ii-z. .,;rot. 'JI tile frospel. account (d the wao 71mothy 911 little Tit" all a Le0- beloved eon str PMT#iW10n Hee the lnLrpob* of wam Latly orm:ng general rules for tile elio "'tod- Was VJ lied or G ifig 'Ir 4,!It I-1poff caffold" built bu Ministry. od to the 1,4 r JaJ10 istfuart, alld every pokwo Lady gplillit 1l1I"t,IIg#., There liatl it rell. Ptlaring ric iy, drc I Made It cannot UPM the e!reurnel Iverts must I* hrory individual made the mOst Lad' (linpule As to Pl"M "Pon R few In tile churell tp- Wlwtller (; be �Med. Lady Heneage Y -liar r 8ed Ce le accOrding to) the Jewl-ill T;�e that can lx*-#,Il)iy be PPeariui Prit' law *[ore tiley Ould M Ust bear hlW ow 40-. c -em A ugils t I, going ay ..N.igilt, a3m, walem 'it %ilt tk;, Collellen, 103- tile 31 I oriw r@ of tile ta ken fro, arquis or LIP b, Vill lie' Tito Dukeot (of AcquilUkille, in they uld M Romans. tho ( A the ten& IoLbw.4w Y"tr Paul 81111 Barna- another. The acy to judge one t4e asloring of go N',)r- ]net the elders at sipruniern In tit Lbore. IllandY 'Were ree Hou M repre",fite, varkmim ow Irn a de up (4 LIC" V�kx I of liaza 'il "ent 10ters t4i'� reguj & te cla6wo" 4)mler-or tile 13 ire ton, 111141 Thomlim lt,,llill aking it tliclis RIM to Iriatkat. R)11) Bart. - 0 Jflnlefl. lie rowI w I PP stle live In harmony, and tiluft make un - t) at the IkT Sir 1% taken the e need of thpir an ul c"It In! -to C"I'l-rg-e Of the Rev. nuitt ra. eta W tto 1JOILry L:re-h. Cif King's Coil- Two tylo,1Ijan<I tigi,t llollic i '#we. 4 Cal The Prince King's Herb 4 1(06t gPU8rqt* Ittte,&d 1)(11141re(I 40f ti 14, Ciared tl,,t I, sAtj, all to de- lrnwwtant matters ,,t4.t to "Orto 4'rOw U') earetu; nletuora Jo IVAN of value that law Of tore. iVid tmvt), t4* 91*1611ce'61',th4e cur,, to uda for Lst r(,,A- - 4 0 a Chriptinn, Gd o Alaid", two 'Wr' luring til duty tifil" 41,1V anti d'Isregarded He reniltided theM that er. c,#)nc,,ulW,g andteaeh- "'irceb Hertm &,e odwork@. jar rdy Is &1m Judg-e Of Menle heat, The ��Deall,,,,' Jk4ladle 1"Id Ifigli Atu.nng, them, ill ltyrder to I, ing Spit-exaMinatioll which would* dft�. Your greett -aim w1all Word,': A -N W sta hlF1 * Of 1"st'11111"ter. 8()�N'E CURIOUS OTIchs. tauglit tile necesmity (If coml)in e@' ]BY thin thoug"t 1)0 would en urp be to build Tz� tile advertjwrmen ave a 100 g* uP ft lftObLe allot pr!yl&,,Iy — :I rq tm Pert charanter A ite in- Li very many 'worthy of char4ieter. ect trOy tile ludg 0*%t - - notice. Thp*p (�x' forth the wnm One another q Of 41,11II&A are g1je : - oOf the As NotwIthstandflig ILM I With t 1 4 Fou ton the age." lt)atllftt a. James P&Iv tJ&e *4 t1le rtanco Thb- lirtifn Fife v44rtihements fr(411elit Ad. itinke Uq to feel tlAe mpou ratkwo v.�tta ZV3,A-11, of Trumpeteri, faur a- bre flot I t4fled ti) 6 1 1" t1lid Paper, hay. -mg tile tOngue sanc tilo' Subscriber forwarn'd all 'es"I LL veries, ov, t", Pay'llia Nmro J., Name of oAr" eJtlwr Owl' 11"st "vlee to file 9on in tilp by W ho, eflol'A a IWOrtion or Paul U's wItY. wase Earl of Dublin am 11 1�klllJeft of Cri to or Timtl Cold-blooded lur4ep portlue ly been well trained and well Of.0moter, wlw frelauff for "fig ""MileYs Or for 411ti _1D r u nipetA. jiffild (if drudgery Witt Y t1ught from eillidiloW, nd r -s Ifs to, 'out acquailltil, tLa f"'*t tlnl"- Ile- Lilmde with h to ur a- Mal4ter it where he to- lbu th, Yet W*W 14ti latr. Paul Yesterday, nir tile elf" tile - I-ery. g 108 life -'work and rte T. lie se� - )Joly T, recelved 'in- Ovation wWch wam Clerk,., mwitli l'illu(Jor, Paul -a win. boarty, -t',Akt 110 liwi not T-Drgot to it reat Danger )r t It iemired h1a and 't-0 cjljef lne' rel'W�t`O this day. n 11 might Y(mng friend to lie fa�ith; MURDERER THEN LIU= 1gX8E1X. exlXwe it to I re ul tO work O43 of doing willell (r'Od gave film to 'Jeasure 1) do In tile min - s12 The f aP 1. al. elk I I Y rPlidering,lill, Istry. Lesw)n X11. brings before our A Portago 1,4 ,,noo, I)uty aM:nds C`�ullns out 'In Englad. 1:1 Tile f)f tile likur abre* t -A Prairie MPOrt 14 Aldermen ,,,,,a Thererorp e "W MIRPO11191 bill ty to (_,od, to L(X* I)IaCie 'S t r' . it "IW a rO tic I Other -Pr!jicP had 14- r - v4J t4ftl and Wft" 1A)flt requesteqj llot to I all" 0 Ourselves. Tar ysterdaY afteriloon. below tilt., 11-ly r0floidden to Judge, an'l tauirl, e are rry Brighain 1111 Allv only to tsile Juti Sinter -iii -I uutde a Molle.N gi 10, 11' orablo im- 1;1 rl-111- .1141virillell *:tl:, t tilat hill1wit, lot,, 4,y,l aw, brisc4lla, ve. tile HIM 'we nil must CAP. anti before ic 11int'antf, riell iljtpvt fillv account for ne ot"', to P0 t oug I I lei tect UZU Ed L �T` lid U ,P)u n d a number of La vt waY we )'live RAC"rICAL Lifilior ror y. t Ila ve 4-) purtm, of of tilotfe Vtozu t)elore lie was I broush t, to r t4"Illjoraril ,:c notice In F�nglilw. ed. lip 116 W&M is n,,PY or him Work, tllpy r Yeam wit, e Wam aliout 44) not untj - October, 1849, ttwit 19'1 -1, 111:(] Att, it a -r dellefill wao fill elder - loOYaJ FAWWunorvi IIftI- I L bivillo t*,r fit tile Mur twill - A an c4lfoortun- ' <� , I -oral W"ell &t+Ttied. ifilit .1 dereof girl. 7 they %-i-1 ttieguclililAurneeinietvqrarlfqadg"-Pn t0 Peter. BrI I ty to ftlutkO t4wir 19 (Line torn tortj prolPtseuted witil the ut"If rmt from me g-Aam "ad be'ell Workilig on, tlic, )n OctoWr 30tst re King. 1c, It v of tile Law., by lot �io 1-1-14mution _ liew "'t"Office for a 811(ort tillie. Al.olit L tile Ymug Prine 2) tls­ Prov�ed the, timc, apost" I n n, # v. -Il fu- "'rWe 10'elbek e,41,eni. anti b.W_.ddVter_,.PuAd , I I I rohll V cliurelt(m, f(vr I IK ACK.-g. - the plirp(W of the I , 18A lip UOY 2 M%.,Vjlj - 4. 1111ter- ai-Red for lift. Pay, oil, ill. t1lat a7O tLe Queen Called t116111—went Juagen,j Rill Iro"gthefling tilem in tile ralt1l, Ju#ld g he WAN w:4th tf-eir rut her in ta tAe n heir �-aklet t0 lAftt Artilur-to we �111; elliploy Said Fellow ei In "to managem ft t alinp. ter from Baron Of the EACheol it ro layoj tfwr )it slit- of tile Wt irk. iff' JmStic (if til uer, -aild .(T Sundays. Lei.. After Ito tbO 'c I tY I a t tie g"A Will t)y %went Royal C4mnnion 1 P'llOWN flow Peter wa14 led to too and wagpt. -mven bravrW JWtfre t;f the nf*dy ane%, find 110w lie wam Instru- in"tal In bringing 1*&I-tll to tile 14ftded It and t1ben WeM to tle rf*4, of KJ"901 Belle U'A -N T rP Waber ni*-n. the LOP I Y T H'F I ;I lid 19`1191lt a I IV WPAI t X&Yor preceding F W IOUS tlw lfollp 'Negro 110,11 A-LE5: AT, VAR with their t%ildro.Il. "em' "" ow'q bolr9ft .1 t w am tIls llarrL,;. -Tip.,ill AGES the (,,Jig A'"40" who proposes to purclills,- in T I Afleroft,' - winAter Of- Wesiit- "d ""e t`) the dead. Aeneas llftj fativer-in-la Will. great (!Ay for femim ad for aH. Beerboll axf-. P A P4 1i 'I N Pal"Y. and TabitiLa ree, r 26S n pp- w1m) 'rap, "Idl blt A- k,6 _erjpant tile thf. ring Ameam, tile 'e nail ajld 1wT '14111911ter Driolocjil& 'fit Eng!'anql' low from evpry T 'a'am deftd. ti n*Dk azkf cornft of tstm Ktngl Publih _ I OX 't%: P i R 1144 bie-'Lady. 'fee, nm a1w t*ripitut r of thin for tile Wap mom Ye Om cama and in a #43 builared fiulieeg Tito to be Porttf-r there. witflout Ai rd4 cild, ile i-ftwtoration pJwe4 I Is "'andlig l3riglitun to to WU t0 %D'R 27- Childre"' the Clialip to litO Of Tabitha '"'am a mvOlver at tile let A inerlea - tha t 28 1 -for ivnIlt, or thO Peovile th" Ki r I's in tbe 14"Pqr') ape*,nien of til - I aftluto tILO a rt. e - Is W 0 POPUIIIZ� klea III Jt0y -To) hp yout 11101 Pr!Tw*. Tile 010 Of the "ro to mail tliQ IJ -Choir of WfWtIllillsto-r. t very fill" r "erk aild ti t 10V The surmo-inted l,y t It.. ., I KJX Mter. - n%( - One gri n 4 the Prince 4S Ngro. lahowl'O flad been w) Y1u1l91t*r tioeciinle In.tantly Pcnul #i r U14'r-4 forit , jl,rPP (*trich fp Is "4"01'al"40. Char-' W a 29* Organ 111dwilr wo 10 "_() M Out botli Vt I)Mk-fl wlt-h the a I lifig - I t h 4 S.1 I fly t 1 0111 -racket, Thnt room of ti Yea r14 IN tOd 'fit "I", revolver red Tile 111112XIp zb I it Inily t4e eo4t of know that, j*110 whoullould not true. w I y tba.40 w1lo IKhoul,l try. of Age, ellpali,le _PM done for "a" olool CI(1144- tll.%t W! thou t tile biliclitet Itfild Pririee Of 1%: Islas t)t t 11 11"t oll * IY )IAS The Pr- Performitig glory of Vod and tili reaerva,tk)r, )f Ilis Mawty"M W, rk. Illiplirt. Ulf" Kirl"o he I kno e#' :1 fly kintl of jfouu(. burned tllrtxWli t1w, Collar a CA, set:% of tile ce, "witle IN M w 19) �Tliree ( alden opeech "'Pi"PMd Of tile all 19 "MOther, I)ut tile 'JI '1884 In I C1411tremon --rof, 1111�1ela.11a 'At tW Printer. Qe-01 tfie na, rue t1r) n I n WI Royal 4#4 frOM thLt (Jay to t h!X Quit opt bri-lit 11 t"w 110mlIA3, Of Lordm t IV.,IA tile (.-.pa, e"'IthfOut U thing" r4On,4I,),rlre , I SUPPOrt Of a o .14111O-I)eati i lb -0m t Populitr r t�e or of I tile elmn-11-w a Ul'alotut tII0 better flouw ev ClIalwl Rova I Prea0wid U) Aas wne titerilme 1-411411. a 1141 ng Of the. Poor. 11f,, ' Tfw I'r(`bP4lqIarie#g j)f ward In ave been great strides f or Gent4l(" tiley gave tll til lt"e 4 Tho� Dean 11,1141 filew It it, ight temple r' Pill 1041' nie#4 " 1. brabui tout, H -As the Meat;, led u) i to C U"Intly nany-ft no of" 11refftin f1wter r "11 the account tile 'w- Iremw)n -1 e w1w4e truth. to th" World slu(* ja Iiis r Tlj;� )Ori I r-mk- agriculturp. tell one Tile amter.of tilp.je off las Ilu dinplay of -a t4 W Paper it) P on tfw f Is cuitiv great Kmlitl r that ei ouj& 1�-1114P Ilan brociiem oter Pow4r, Vt-lien victin). t4l that for Oh tO consio le a ri (11134 t ry I tile Pence WfiO wits rathor I kill aro.rife", 14 outhful True.&port )wliq a ireast bu t few ap- no mo (Pur a0 I - till. and flig llousel",f. le.a arm give,, it I ltj��tlall, unlavo PrOgreissed MqrP rapiijl� Pr"'N"d to ('0melit's, a Goln- TI t1he f I nft 1'ime iu I, in k I Iit, firmly. re zealOus or '17 Two it r Jourualigm. Mr. Chrlo4t not tileololgy. lot creeds. J., I Imenclipol o( I L, to. He t WU I Imr-rove hed tee t 11,11 #Ulqi t11P ('[,jet lll�bllt 'in aitim (or n Him -Royal butt Ca,10 Qf the lip, IR IWIN)IJIllig 8 Barontwieg if, tfivir 144)be rTno ar Ott tIW "Ie tit werp ery intro, pritimll + Me Coroner w6d aj'04 bee -ng a whole poule4l- there, w-th tile-. ' 1Jr e I" every1v If Pie, reeog, nize I X-111 hot more antl Illore if Of N aretfl, the anolinted up Wilt M ramult t1lat t arililf ,,p,,r � 1-��tate, hi* tilemei, er(" are . 1.0 fill it'n, I '(*41ty Ad Of GO,11, the tragpdYll 9,"0 thOM Uj the eut&jre f,,itn_ I* flear wrtecti(ill its it 18 all,, ay btq, #41i(I it, Ito ba Ing It great 1 t4titIftil.." tak- i39 Ba Aver t1lat I tres;t ronli III tjlq!i Tile effect of Quli praive to have theliA. , ra ejug, In YaZILtlug, 1 1. r J4 1 Estaw, TO this u." won clutclv4 if, no* IV,k.4 ishe I'�114VAIng .911a atilletle folir ahreakt CLINAN LACL,;S. dorfl, for t110 II(Ay (; llfwt fell on all A Young I)r0t4wr true' fariner otgro'Atly beloved fly Brit 40 Itiq, t'llem `11101 heard the Wnrd- Thim la Brigham, witi, OPO III tillir Rolleo.4 four Win, Three or Four r t 1,11L414 t"4 40llL4 witj, Ths Pri nce Inng bopn,nn net4vo 41 Two pumi all tm a t AM exinite But (fivin, gairb of Creed f); n nd fbp_l(l IdImflnRillmhef YOU OthOds Doseribed 0oll4etaking ternim, 111ild we -no mot in the Army N4 Tile princt, ()we$ to,lier Ilot qu lie Vt er.4 I al"Id galt- -A little of In t Arms PlId0raernent, Of pe top � If ra %.,I Ig aled It n(, 410 Must Exercise Great Care. Preaching. "The goFMI in tile al"ut 901d niinfw winle lit Auga-4t, 1853, he rPqljirc 111,4�vb Ity. thO order. 0 tof"ielj (If t ell r's 6 first Mpular. f4olir al)ref" ne "41 I)een drinking #41vae. 43 Not'ling (Imtructive tola( tilrouglI wl)lel, tllf* 110Y Spirit an I tillap Into tIle, &out, flown Latr particulars Follow t1lat ADM U I Or JCW Julix wasl,InK. Id att4:1lt1"f1 t(i nIJ i'4 e4oflverpijl� . I tutro!uctiOti to the army. a L 1* 1 pi Estate, Well tile Ilan, l'o 1q"4M-- tO tILO nflyV. . , U321 WORDS - f tile ebarlot on w n I t.(Jfl that i te UIjdt-rstajI,1A A. 11 t "ll'ItOAll Uiir. - Oljt.L a (ru Is hm%lift � ivine, Conqueror In April o( -the samp 114 t aJ k i Mr 1, 1 . rare or expensive Where t hO 00111 *2 ene in lep. and 114rig- Year the Likes Good florae 44 Two many 6"Itiftiallm witif and Dogs i1xis I O -A rinx forth tn cruall Wife"" reI4 Ire@, ad I rince I' Th4-,rP- too (If cuum it I are Y intere"tir, siClIts it by -the Victor t 0' Walm MRlde "is It"Iti-3 aliearance t Tfso I . r i we .1g- nel: Pe ian 45 co1*1t"**., 'Uw&ylj thO better obring it fortli been tfireatelling. to 0IIOOt tot) I Of thorouglibred'"ti"Out a fine: works til strinC xtivity. or F too freedom llgl,t &nli glory." in public llfeO iiiitting tw#.1619 11�4, tht! farin I'mir a bre"m state Plan to turn it Jilt4l" Wortily establldhul,.�nt pur,, hut for salvation -state of raing hor"es, IVI 11.1jrg' a LU i"ough all Tiature for various father-iij.' in, t1leir IL bPecialty ol -,e the 4 u et: n 1,rofier. I t ito a I over to a trua t God Ilearly a Year prtioit. H (for NPOn tilb VIFOM. f-pon tivit 0-esil,100 110 acren. Tfiere are cf Pa (ion ex. rP&li the addrew of the )arkm, #4ta- .1mrO won more t- 11, OIWO hoinme twif In Ir a on l.j 1 Ilea4l Imes tj an (ir a 1) r P,,L% t, Cie 110 work@ morning, ajid frilriltme,j H "d' reValring e trio Word it Producfwi I n tilig witi, '""Le their _al most a it- _y now words and,ternw, and will 4S Mar.elllonewe.4 I t the 2'drenger 1 hoth Miraculous b(pahes In anxwPr tO the Queell,.,, Mps- i kind Tito Prinf%e Oral trutf, I)y time inan 80 47 Two Heralds 49 Ar artl,leii, .&Lling 116' Manner. lie owid Iw PagO aralouneing the Ivay. - heirinal"K (it no lifto t1l (In i ry, a I fd gir4l hirtil to exPenvive They Ppake wlt#Lnd moral to 110rt Arthur, slid mtWt Crim 80 Inapy -,ft ' 111 toviiguell, a Ihowtilit,itw In the A 1prille6tih, and.vili? latter More 11, -It a V -State -of L04 Well d00e at hoint.. and mag-nifI64 Gott - an War. It -04 -lighnve-C, q, Ik)t -10t -YPnr niff Royl f �he (leall,lig ma4` Ivith lwr mmon won tljp many a Jljlljl�-* Dictionary ga n or lie wouid )nNN nW 49 Two Hera tiq of A ri,,. h4 olue-d Intirder Visits France. i - Thin alli- little Jew is 'lot a fImpit, g�o� 11011""t F"t Or N-f;rf k is 0'6 t) red 1`4 rilive of Wales, t114"ll 50 I)ut�ell ficult titak, but &tall& i a vital butter. brother 116 I., LO 11,11 the doc&rillea or Illuci "Ve, ther wir Pf)"W Ift Pmiri,, Ju t pro sent, efore. rour .14ta tv guirillg caru an(I tll,! u6L, e- 14111lity. Chriat- 114)lw 17. -At tlie fig our r�&I_ r 13roWr era ith* tile first. e7litl illo,luftt in the court I^ tothe noon the Piry ulb� after - No trareb, tpoytx, he Persilnin that, it m:lry fil 011- and trui4t' Duko4 it-liVi"Itat as t, wanted kap.'� atime, w2t tile alpila:iwt is to liter- alki B tile rpmailw I" Iripil r4rilaill. d the The Feathers." gr" -t- Vietory 1vaiq in tilp, (,,Ov " follizu IcAlis 'tea' luee fuld delicate oalk laces are at the intc*v4 im to I-Athe, A 60- Of hl;4 Own landm. If(. fialte France T1 1Lc trY.8tAkem at A04,0t, but h, en Ulan, "CV111, 52 The Tw4) 4WAIne y mati(vii, so. tile fart (It Use giri'm viltb t3o oolster ailol I),nr4.nts. "0 P9,T)"Jar 41 e made id; 9 t -3 Kilig-14 ll -W tw�wlvw Mti, That violt I or fpatt, eA)urit tMmt a haino `wIleU aa "em6ily -cleaned b Che use of belizine. iricallY Or" by t lie Lord Pr m 111411tlier. tip- enum Ifer 11faip ra Re, in 1 %_ Y i J`Uftl Lord Pre-itio loJele" ar naPI'LlUt ut as t1jew ar t'()u t", r,re(�- Powd UAt the Occurr"Ife t,(k,k 'Oty WN� thp fir"l& of the'Cou"f-il In fill LuLuu, wrl 114 t titin fit, f, A1,04- affultit 4 4.- gs. a"'tho"Ir OlvIll "War badge a- je Wor ble it is wtile liken froin Ilkaultgoi; writ- I P. in- "rwum canw txO eventbil eldeut W)FIS of E fill' kin f ig- 00oi in tile Riellii0tid in T tk n, y hew Is to Ing% to tile berm arrit-d the 65 f1llargetl 1 7a, rx-,,u Where tile rf% tulil .% .,I sOrs"i9n. tn enter Paris aic "Olorn t royal 1.1 54 r Lord Vt , . J(-"firnI Soy". tillit t1:0 victory. 01- OPPrtt 4ed am occasio 11191, Tro 1 re Mv Corintiliang, Carrying 4 Aarty I'" met quered , Tlio 1 '111 Occlil. - daYft cf F10nrY V1. Tl*. e the Black PrinCIF 1111116 BiPJ10P of York 1'"W the J.". re is no It fillij, 110 howp IU)d tiaid: s., him IIH14 Irirmv pl _,or4 leW, st. f1bulogno.-arr-Mer the Original W. efirl- , 04 am to 55 Lord-cf, piece 0, thlin luuml,110 11100thly On a litird not- cleared away tilp afor. He poin W It earetr Of the IZCXNI flog an Of a, I Jub:'.-,t .',.t; ('n0,wIlO defrj* ancellor #Uld Arehb,6-ilf) 0'aVe a good careful W y tlw- Frorich .11 of a 1 .1111,1 forim or wJM0 Mwert Emperor AM ew-c)rtpq Ily him c Ire" t Zuhn of L nolm. a t lZood ljoro�e. Ill$ k re"urrfvt U)Wardm tlw dakWilter b4w, ax"mk)"rR, King fir Vandrtng 94windivd. aliterbury Of tic. In , lot]. tO the MIA- t- I tire fourt e4l" Julf�­'1411)(' -A Two 1, 0 all addqa of uhlin liug tile in t1le fr'o"t P'001111 nnd, r 41111in twantiful Pnlace fif mt. at thf) flehl t)f U,"y' an,, n 1 .11 let. tile lace put t'lle Q _Xacililig. top- I*r, forijit k nriq .1n)n - with --To co, 14 , - qMno--- rPPMviOnting t* 'file III a bwl a u"et r'elKw; even In J)ri&on c-pils wafkl hPr, fired. At tile u Duken or Aquitin, tu)41 ud dou_40 tite lace NVI tliere for .10,4 tX.4 Over r v ee" III sweetineati lie aoV_ I girl rell on tjw fl, not L)Qrifw that vlo.'It ti" YIMIIC J^rIfWe a terward lvfwe the: ijut4& In over m(wiern Inerr -br: ai. ly and mumlin a sake. t lie Improvement to 0 57 it a maw 40,M) Fnmril not tV--1Mezw)rutlOn of tile ,&ttje '-whih Tbe queeni, -. up and dowu Ill it rapi(ily. fill tllfwl J U I Pi lit teo I.- Ij, I t (114yuberlaln I I tile gatJollu Gentlemen Upierw R f44 YARKXM 40MO that tilat ,t t 10 , ' I '%*- tell$ I)f her Itieck. _41 arcIliteetti, and. (109' f1IqI6I4"r14 Could aug- I ennfillonoitit in tlw jail 0,11 wOulid _IP the.1 was I Vic"t prv,,Oballo gfwt. I I alty; a,, lotjilce 1P`C9Mes birty ut and n( to ntr(Al~ Into Englan" by A m oyW h Ig fl, * wltb 59 Rereantft at A "I'th their ga"Olille Over it. bip it Up I,our frefth gavel J the Lord UU- elapwod from film Put ttw�plek fpt tlw. ttlen rorl Outt, chargio �qup. r the oflinint tw it re- and diAordIrly.10 being care7ul "Ud down. t I 1p rf. r had hIll a,nil then marehe,f dowil again, 1,1111- lace ill HILOtLA veael 'an(I the gracious delfrerance l' thp 'Ilftt*',Y lie &-hot Moe a Plk-A W p EMrOerorlso Ippa c(Rulort or holin44, do)gw of gre t In J uld lift] t.-ohe Wilt) Tito Queenj; Vilarn ep tile lace on wIlOw r ordpr or a cruef monamil, & TIorl n(Ad army. He alpwo warft FLnd nw)tlw, 'well lbiar*-il ri .*4 arriv-11 tij .r, f4 telh- bra t or cple- C) berlain him re- Prtnc& ho wM (bV*eM,10(l aet find rilltrMin, ne" ra. tile under ide to It e firpt louliet mn r ranil looking, Q a t A rm;m clean. Thell istr I it perfectly the t t1k.. Irvw1alp t Giarroucil ill A 'Lit ringlinIn Count, a 9 `% NWt& tO the Memnry or � the Mail bing nwrry. _rJeants WI ti "tkal motto r(mild by r(witititailk, _"lfft*Jr 'tpwit orL etch tile Ciotti, with 111.4 mcming lbriwilift 11taq rwmrb F.Mpprv)r, ft-OL5, N- r I utembourg. I At-, Bernard, of enhrmoug %Ize )I ite.-Dif-to. d as act which, how stor, , rough I ueensm lv(pry Rod wItji t I I,p )f),t.e th9 Ia(* upper .10111 Or lk)hrmlla. nuff Queen'm Sceptre, wl Christian mimiOlIariea4 no b8t It 110 appmpri.%te it ton With t1le, legonol in IN ho e Pn9#*m14fng a t -tile Queell'A crm. all d bee U re a clean table in relt. r4glialn ail 1,4 , I r 0 . thlim vorife", bass ti `111 the r(VX. vp"t I i a few tacks tilflearly clit, w'Pre found W t t lie til rot hn To Made is Pro- Or for: an(i 1f)ILn,". f")'z 1"110 111,4 Ro 3 The Q[yj� PlUm Tilts yllt 14 was not hp- n D-3 W�"R Julillee 6 - p, 474 flow,- d Ithilig Illhi tho m1nill --I flli',Ilfw�t* Prizes ' I N In hir Ro-Wal 'Ould be piaft-d in roor. 'OP11" had arimen to Mak orfmid torn) Do ide Dr. NeV LOU Hem I V., w1in, th" a I jub, I lotAX.—Nufferhi at - where no (junt wloille fe".4 e Iter lie 0,114 Ile nA a girt llrt).ill tenkled by th will fall umm it a like Withdraw- vt.74n. Other,breedo ad to an- o(-'rIre Lni cf *Ifkbra tioll.. or allowed t) N-11WIn all otbOr field. AlfiWi(lita oi tfut tiLm Ilaughtor, Ailliop )Itto Lon- Dr� Lilild .Utel tilat lie 1`011M -of' tile rle@ a rea _,Nit to t San'tIrIlIgIlAm kenni, don "d WInrJ1(`wter-: nn day. for i , A war with of )n. of 1#1.,rl Lap- Cinque PrU filryligililIg it Will dry it, a 14 Ort whIle rnac\1- tl,,t not lmouw fuld fcmtnti 1) bo -n a ua all DcWtOf Y. -I h tpl Is of A J011--tritt - I fit. crak)j)v airijig time, a day's the le,( 1%- M I f, e by s Train Of the ow"' be 1I(-TA*uar ""IdP TVIth a loullet rectird Ig in -Lublifle Icalety. `85 Two mtto xior. If Ule g y ed tile t1le di- Wt ear notltv%tj I., ref�renee u) tit 'nn"o iloi rity 64 Alotalits to tile I - her I' twtrilrb houn Set teb dc+r- W be rid r(Vt W(Wullil bo'14)". tile violt lafit- L fox. tljf' Jubl elitire.11 to -me and 1)0!1 t ul beeu used la 8e akoline *.flat ham �t niark of 66 T1110"T'rain asid for a few hours for th" IJIL-aion- rigilt, allgl(v fuld %%." IIW) (ik IDent6try VK, wItnewWPnf tile errippm, and k in, I Of Jubilee con ' Paul and Panatw1a aPart ­ tile 9-irl vra^ dpa(l , ; (!ell iery UIlIIItY--­-A t7l, to (it 1. 67 Ladies or tIe tle dirt ry work abr 11CIf ClAn~, dm-", pil f, tt *a Brightini lily :It do" AOf 'I te, n nd in oum (,*d- 11VIHwe All ith ca sin etill, "' f"111R, b,nwran lans nf,oa 1) hery " k- 68 Two of Her M Bed0iftinber will wttle tO the bottom, keePP alive to (,' Od, W 'rf)he Of Qljftfl arly nl*tcWethpr anm 1`011911t about fly .L W ajestyt#4 1%-(JIlIf.lI and tle clenr 9"ollne c n Philippa, fit, file alllmnl. u I *e*e' eX_ 69 m.t be Poured arnmig ft" It Will know who TZ-01hurgh. Oerk owl ( !1VNc r I1 .4 Off and used again to all wn r in Sifuwl ewer'are rd t A,h- doll, Jubill ta wasl tare evi4jejwv tot the-pai tbP Prfnepm, 1),,t tllp I Bilk. kid Are suitable for P or ti, the artn"ri Frjwe arl,j h r i ken 0 t4PUra and tile thO G(Ailen gloves. or ajiXtilillg 61beci. work, Itld Will be romilt f if , WePter- with flear tilecall P to U)War,& anyouft no yILLING -W' r(wiff lot Or fill 04 r tfult revolver, Nat Paid lip lie&rd Art it, q own. by 'JtibIIee-cXeIteMf.nt Crew cannot be Of tile Spirit W .0 terly- W)d PaTtlCuln r Julp thO 'wa&lhsd In 'WaWr. to met tutiell Tilo jury retire t I UrPR tA npl" furn&l1e,4 41 at !_ wrl!1tl0rt over 1111,11711t. -011e( wll() 70 Ser.)Pantp at Arms r their mveral view irlb of a large (11sli, for the ken mks for Yet allotJier 11 ri'It Is t to -X14115 With 0 t I n lopy to tile rp "fins; a Ju ' -1 Pile* w1ly lo" to New t1w lace TI "ts of duty. i taid, I ��Wsrsnilr. an -Their 7?,,ynl Hip cairt. ~ early m4mirmiarles 'p, bil.-o t41ll)pII 71 Spiritual Swoml CftrefullY On a bottle or o4ome liuch ar Carp a verdict tillit "let rrzTH Queell. it was . ver I rlg'4 of lln#,�4pe To Ise na or tile Curt:l- ticle­covered for the purpose an _ "pired for their v(*k. wPrP Ila- her deatll 11-r a wotill(i if, tlw na4 left on tile bottom wltll toward Jubilee d iioa k Tiley thO fliblillrp To I ti be. u k nt Iind, kindlY dtimb he,,ujU -To rf,I4!abXZt T4Pora 1 8 word of w ord (I - t I I C t (v%rtaill Or wpr@ eaumpd NY R�Icham, wift) or -e(m with Gotrich tea- fliRt Infinflit them, to Cho.. In hot 6oa4*u(lA ifito wille ove mp ww r uRtice Spirmo vvI#Lpr8 f from the Minnitted lKilicitip. t Jeanto at Arnim flulmoula "oil t love the fpr_ Tim lategt dpvf&,4v,)n)ejlt4 2� plicatif MY' t to 7 been Put a, few drop. I It have - a fterwo r4 to lie artim MAN Tt IA)Nf Mayor of, or kerosene. ZIz suell C tll('Y I.,ad for )John- rtITItAo 0 M f.)r pain 4# extracda, IA that, like t y R�THM BA G*rter e Amur 40. 6tlwr articim, , f the NANA. I rincipal King Of ArW, and Goptle ay be brougllt amell th water W(ft at r, od . t I I I the der Wlow t1lat lip 11,LAI lw% with succe. to a boil rd, I)v tlw liraverw " I, feat but where ()f `1110 elitireli : four .11 boon I.Alril Crpat Black Rood the Color 'of Ule witil tllfx girl, ftIOd t1wir fen ro. It IsGood.f-or Fod and its Stock and i4erved. boiling Oeven exceedingly Th(v*-4 Men were under tile tilat Joe wt)III(i 11, Private Life. 7, r4ier Oil tile IN to be pro. (if thq4p to th. fly tile ll�" (`Tsylor, ver I fiftl bT were 0r1?10E_1n 11%r. Alhn's 1OW"Itw" 141111PPa. and Thl", town llrp (Of tile 1, _P601 Has Also an ZcDn0zn1c V laii(I Wllorn they ere called. a 1-h4t hV lwr to often dew irinft IlnA tyen th alue, Eart M11rplIal the lace *r no a badf�qf pr her r1hpd. iaWb6rJaIR (4 howate�r t4wiljd be avoided. When U10 Holy dAwt'r up stairs. ht, of OW)MO tprrit les I t ' ()ne toIll"Id Or ft"Itlian tillet 114jv " Well -1111, t tired elally ld Wtre thum of* - V i.4i t incm Of her nq& Ilegull becOme" Perfectly clean the Will Sipley, q)r 114% hdutIN. ray are an (*oIIMt,10jLP 'of water and Rot aulde Or Oln the Tim Word (if rJrOd im quick and power. fit) of tate Lord Hig bottle odmWd fltt*(1 for Pervice or ptacrifl(.. "floot PoMebAT (Nr learp jowl, OfUm bee exceedjugiy to d- be' renlOved fr Winlwwl there -'t 110,ard that ticl() of diet. 0601lie ar- 76'The Scepter witf, dry in a place hung up to fill. The 1`10-reerer wa&I 14juded jhUr,441ay afteln0o"_­� The Prin�e im wam lf*q of it. � dicat' their TAi n- t4t.- metilod, tllougll free frOm dust. TWs to bring "LA W17WAND on) 11' 1 at I"im lk'#It When f flavor, Eolwardly (,rown, and U10 Orb Ms film to kno'w his sin and God's rlght4�_ iftee rr arits4ing r, ree IILMlr )119 the tile crow with tedious toll&n Perhapw a little mo rtri-m nnil are 9gierally tile 011oilfwvw- Thim .OD S 411irronn e McLF Illost Inealy the thers Is exceedin to I Punishment was suited tap 4 Itti 110 iff Tair d" If t 8A if (t_ AltIlo - 'In" r0P hO Whp had t4lild"d others '4 1'"" (t)r'fl (Of bY it 'Irclo.ror Ill,, (1,1 Men 77 Bit A good, and Inakem Ule lace look Irg w" Ilim#*Ir Pitrue The varolm ringrilarij. Thrro 1 cultivatiO11I of bitil. T4 "to KI Chalice juki I'lltent qt W;v 110U0Tvj1,1,* liwnt, t1w, grfmlt ypara Aja 11911 It flao In'tilo I1L.4t teL In hip li(Val Ij()IOe and liew e" k 1-4111d. It was a(I.Pt country 9011114 -man Unied -) lmpnvm 10 "Ve" tII0 &I n � wit'i"Out the Ahn R. M�,,Donall- Post kltl'oe wFe would ow - 0 r)*: May" 1#1XV-81% tiort of exllito�nc_ the kleal fit gigantic prOPortl4ins by the Bl"llop" or Durham, odor. 81I.-Ticion Of Od U nd convin(N- tl,, If(! tile Jul'ilee postar at& ----------- ay still h0 sasi-d to it" Bath and Well.; Anotlier way IN t(.t Hew tile 14e WIPO M as Poe *ii6timpt-4, em1wellipy rlrWllnrn beyonof ev)ubt- Infarle " Ila romm of w ". All God -a (jpalinrp wit), reftsl)elit ullillee day tiuue good tw for a limi" Yi Cinque portm muPPOrtIlIg tlip lie lla�# playe.4 eoulity Is IV 041ndl) nKft in tile lll(*t every iiart or tile plant can-' 79 the laom Meta am calculated to br,,W t,*, twt Ay stated Anit )ther t"tr P - V11, #3"Polrter" Of the IrrLln anopy Carefully on a clout, wit 81110, th(mCh thipy may as. officif fatliprp, nqrl n1nollIC otlIF,. 11grim tll,(3 all 04cellent ,,at., rth tO w) many (it tll() t Pose: the, 80-3JnAt*,r of tIlf v(re, 7U heavenly ligl,t Or r of , , "'A "Ol"ItY -widosh kalk forng# , lei, mumt then nearer- to flu period Onl'T, it 1168 be" valid t41P1gC11?1C A.4D ANT11W;t noir 411d Other Iza To hl Noefolk' itur otreWlwA alld tacked to a table, w the Ir-J.10k a waring trilo that tlle 'uilee bLftID *ill r0m6in -FopL— L 11(mzwo, told In aiw is, or tile" 9'0 carefully mer the lam. witil for purposed so loag 8A gr Utterstrat. fatfiers KO"MI (1160111PIled thp In'41 - tile fore. f,,,, rial for' 81 a rag, using clIalk wet tw tbey or the e With ant- 1118t, ruagic of WOridly '(Xkutl�ll on TbW opure, Weak V tlio unite, If ni I r., 1. Wntinue in cIrCU104i lonfelloto 'rldly Wisdom, a4d Worldl .4,4 1 nt peel CaPtain of tIle Yeomen; clotl wo w(I Iiiis rpturnolll Ma3 ,morable e.1cliwouirem VIOL-el"reolife, ted; the to t1le' "PAItlemen alonia aid 'rater. After t1le 1843e alld POwer. AM entra(-4, wax gfttn(�d I be re Wl1ieJI liviolf. I 9tates. Mr. Hobart "10 fr It will make exe0i,,,,,It Of CRPtain have, y (JIU-10 spot", aml anemtry, Is pamily Ink; tile green fruit ble Pillar(liK ; raPtain Of U10 Rayd of (t, Ik inhy be ")taken out. To 11119an 11"el, 1*n`()orer (Jerc% n a r"KPL Lwa Liver 01K.PlAint, 'Neur Vic PrinVP trftced tO filing 'drj(( inden pf tlN3-` TJ`OP Of Horte elia tJiOrOuglliY drl(l the ll.pl4)V6kJ wili ,t, Ilowever, deerned b 1, J can IM rulor 401111irerted. I ti, C,)nsn all" thO e0untry r(minil about, min cOrivertoed into 411 )e t lernen t1m) 'very, t have a dirfbinct'on bs* 114 frien(ly gi st,fislary, Bronchi P y an T '04, ariff itilliOtelf. At Norfolk In Midw flour. Tire kutto ben rem to rying ted, a department, w1l, 'n Kidne n011" far frojil th" rrllf$, U-11tv ripe, aJl(I Liefitp jaunt , f arn "d tw stom". )&ace. that of t PJfW the drying should t J'W"'""On Is no F4mall attl, �Male TWSFA n r UIP, I I- Waleig, coUnt'ry W.nt' Norf(ilk UW!(l to ('On"Iffts 0( 7 4 pe, 82 A done Ment In the Lord. it in tile foqlnd&tlm _ tor f t1l,we in this re"POCI, wtwom lee to.) onfo ( ta 20 are reg Vitus rlyed fly the'Prii, milt Of water; ( by the stin. par' Of the King,## Bed- Liolle 0 ral Debility the 1170"t anti In("t pro4 or 'of tile reluain-111 26 ehasmbpr Still fulother ot"W* on "Ich tile noblest gtru,,ture it I %eA 10"ly a ordinary Pootap ular and t and Gone at vnd $2 per 1PIRtbe. Po`rOuR partm or tile rp . o glilten 83 Two drying jllm., olelt.hrltteol ri(*f ""h -forming food. well an Other delica la0m (1f (11"O"Aft 0Xperkmee 61 per at and thOu for I tA RIVIcUltur, Hence, Ilk, �4 F otim Bedchainhe half P1 eUmen. ffthnufactur%. IWSM . r eaftnot 130 aluccewt te ahrl 1006t be built. f%w som _gli exceedingly niltritioun, it and Lieutenant cm wl"ell 10"111 'In atVount of the 4" 111OZ-111dusti-b-o allke f4d Norwich, its rquirem tile addition of inof the Guai4d thp Y00- Pr4ftlng tflem pulwully INOd in by way "'atil Preftelmol enpital. wan t1jo , N.We thly WfIIIq M third mfmt lniport,,; a rpc> ti ndow pane c-LECt ammert that lifti-clgenomq more 145 The Co ra on t wo`yt, Un a wl vrore In(k`ed tranagrfamon befor, (Id. tilip all t el ty in ­th�lqo,(1ayg If, Aterial. Loreen liall- Of Exe et to thO Jf'WIL They you 4 gm)d -.Englan(l. To. tender, if gl%.e ftlah. This Qr_ marble 'nmy had acted omtrary 1�40 Wit L tllj� en"Itty 11 �11 84 Yemen Of the Guaid, four to, Will obviato all liecenali by k Confirsm and I'Mt, ln(J*_,efJ 18 wr,ry tippearan-,e (VW" tilay to the " A ronlnff, and ti y A firw Or J."tf(m an I dexa -III lay more timi F.., 119) clotapol, "y will RPPeart the coijr.*� '"I" clit 111), will make tilt- rpltyt of I Ing" cc their own script to the tPlwh- trot 86 140191 1 Y. Agrieurturp Illulallas I pcnM Of DJOtInction, w reoll Ufta, and rlb- fire, Im ' any Otber food. and new. -New York l8on. WtPd the One ilo V%d Vim far tilb . . Vall, Dra,40" Ile "lay "Ifirlufflet as never Wre, and of called, , Or 1)41'An4 figm, . t,,,Dried End of the procend(al. ter th" tbPY dirth bet- U* a re 0"MIVes. 'Ir"r3i'there are Ilext are now In tile ulftekf, mpwir, t)ut, Tly! rog to none. 't Lu LaA9 nlgrlt all tile glite" off 7hq Kan"s taught tioni t P") in now, n6ted for Ita 11nnting 11"IdOubtedly 000n be - YWIII Park it. James, vi. con tenala I AA he (11(i othph wa-Y of life the same tryi ftn(! fillf, 0( trade aft a peat a hich waa wa m. Whitt iMIR! w)()Il made at, Learenwortii; at thought rtl,18 were""Ilut, in (Wxler to pre Sm, Mer, t for littis e I'd by the tI0 Park'a I*Jn Crowded by tit ent a e<)st of andppoptuity It was love .Ipe Illetly tile for.. WhOONY. - They am 'Ou tJlLfi day e Mob expositl Jew"L T Ifig exave the magu axe aw anti will not be $6W fur t lie JNhWelphla _ hmWh tll@lr slus to the open, 11111Cent private cotate" 80M9 ad 1110urimilif ect, whole. coinloon bem ZZ4 and toc* frs tbiby Might be waglied be an M&rlgt% ftlake, stud It In partim, of wit *111ch thickly �amage till to_m. `14lelloed for at 1ft t PrISS, has wid )if -I) ib" 10-1-- amo rrow mn.. 1In~.aev_ th :X"