HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-06-18, Page 2A A A, Ak A A A A � A A A A A A A A . A . A A I" V 'ZI. % - a . -
mile dttj
feels its though a ten
Wal k bef ore dinner would Just e 4- ++ ++ + + 4 + + + + + + -1 -1 4 1 4 . . . . . . . . . +++++ ++++
the desire + k,
servo to rest, not exhaust,
for quick movement bright sunshinet 16.
SEIVEN Y eold and aparkliug litMosl[lhere, that 10
% + A
id in her.
-tral's blinding glare, the +
The al b,
OYNNING. mistral's blinding dust, are miserlew + Her Majesty s
thrown awaY klike most or life'd mid- + AJ-) 0 1 F F,
got one half- +
erles) upon J et. She has + F 250 EACH
explore TAL $200 000
I"ide ille hourd freedom In whiCh. to
has abandoned her "t the lion. -i of Avigpon—the broken + Many Descendants. V+ THI WORLD IN BRIEF.
% -J . Lorest, a bridge, the Fqlace
% indow. 'S!le. stalld-4 at, her faLher a Of thd Popest
A Lilly— Painted. eting with grave III I -
--and t -or.
side, ilw1w Laura'a tomb determines W F. C4 President:and Mai
-w -r Ir"Jily brotight INNES11I
barley u W Z'
Avignon ;- %he. bull b1litling, the n i jug 0 make the moit-lif It.
otber cotu- ill by Verugino. llobbee'ved hinwelf, one lialf-hotir*? And the i'1111, when 1++++ ++ ++++++++++ ++++. ROBIORqW. -rATLOW, Vice -Pre 1APPenings of A Week in I
tyal -blowiilg-� Vtuld allY the btrauger -can titus &;call her. face 10.,� � A
and its she started, �'was already slanting V bUPPLY A to,bTAMP
ic' ily, compare 1Ls uierltd VW_WVVVVWVWVV THE FERN is a well-developed Mine
binati(m of word; evoA, the dull's ++++ 9 # V0 V0 0
QI acrom
crit a tile tall roofs, of the hotel +
Imugew of dust and giare, of suiouth faultd, Item by ILein, Wit tile ions, nigilt, like win MILL FOR TWO Yrr-AR8. If # ,
�Iwe o&ky 'ind biLter, hei*tr:-.,wareh1;l9 1--a-cription tilat lie 1[as received of and, In ti eiae reg at a bound. Well, Tl* Queen.—Victorlai of the UnItod, H6r Royal nigbiww Alice Alaud 11 .1practiCal manner. anO it runs
%V ' thetu. ter, overtakes. you In great oneik Kingdom of Great Britain and Ir&-, Mary, born April 25, 1943, married The valije of this ore h -is be�n ascerlaini 9 '0
t with, Iter comidexion. is of in small t1lings, as from $IUOO to $300.00 per ton.
To titar (.)r mischance seldom July 1, 1862, to PrIwe Viederick Louis
At the beginning of all iAli , ajid I-OW-blOOILl. so the postsibility FIVE I ON 3, taken from al open:cat 9MD LID Mat lt�e frorman M'1111 near NELSON, GAVE
briffiant suoW finds a place In Jet Conytigham's an- Iand, Queen, Defender bf the Falth, PER TON 1A
ember, winter,' %he couituou toe, thinks, -'ror '. the dark blookl of 11psou (afterwards Louis IV., Grand A RETURN ()F $6t.00 PER TON IN FRE, WEO A VALUE OF 65().0o
11111ch, -lie ticipations; Aie files past the broken Emprem''of India. Her Majesty was ON.
ot-k-alzi (M J*0U i;vlth 111.1111111id. footstIt Illuch, 'for Duke of Heme), and died, DOcell1l" CONCENTRATES. MAKING A Tor -AL VALLIf C
bridge; site glances up at the Valace Algr. Merry
Ion PAIACIss -1878; harlug had. issuo two "a, t 11;s &am ric4 or* at a d %pth of ai3out 11W FEE T
ellvelopid you. in blow-gatiwricP 11ILAs i fticceasts as to pach-other's look," bam a t, Kensingt May. 24, 14, so The tunnel at main level, which is 401 F E -lor titc, eaft
ana fog,3, OCILAR24011"lly 141HYS a ild I)u,r- arju a bronze t� of tile I)opes; on her homeward road� 1819, succeeded tq the throne June e of liesw, -.�_A FOR ON --* HU41)RtD FEE 1, wliicii rutis froni
Her jiair, of t0o. w at the instance of a franc king 9 (nip tlw pr1went Grand DIAL below the surface. and noov SHO OVS CON TIN J 3.'l T1
a light, IM
itv you, beforo' yo,i'aro awake como' und6r tl& (le'llowinatioi acristan, is persuaded to vIsIt a 20, 1837, on tho death of her uncle
to. k is appruac It ! Here, in tim waveo �batck fr&.0 her broad forehead k; iuid ono acizidentally killed, alle*j- fiv,e S32.00 TO OVER S300-00 ner ton.
aq)utj lie opring.4 at your thfoat undulations church, mediaeval, - incense -flavored, King William IV.; was erowned June . IDEPT H 26 FEET.
L in thope, large natural THE MINE IS PROVEN, rO A Carl 0 2,1,
with a tx,)uiid of garlic -haunted. in quest or Laura's 23, ICS; and married Feb. 10, 1840, at'llighim3iss Alfred Erpest -SIGHT t3gm is I E SUFFICIENT TO PAY IWICE 1HE CAPITAL
k4and at Ole reillote end tomb. Ten minutes later—emerging illo' Roy. THE PROFIT ON ORE NOW IN
tiie IK)k- froin. woolil,)C�- tier eyeis are an too his late Royal Highness Prince At- born Aug. OF THE COMPANY.
Vie gralkes not ali tilt' ()v#,r-d ply w.t, a severe judge Into an unknown street, and by Albert, Dnke of _Eiwginoer,
oplxvite d(x)r so that through which bert,'Tritji�e Consort, wam born 011'e rosplectus, ii ons from the Wel,_'r nown.M ining
% ilitageCS Lilt- 61, 1844, succeeded him uuLqe, the elder Among the reports on this piroperly, emb o d n
-ytlo'.% illig 'Viu"; U14 for and till to she entered—the girl finds herself be- A-ugwt 26, -1819, atul died December S.
ift their: mid-tiaty- Ls% c7ml'Ad- ,rL it. be) livr face owed brother'.6f Prince Albert, as Duke or JOHN E. HARDt4AN, S. B., who speaks most highly of ttie Corn,3any's pro p ct
0 L u(it fa 111glIted., sini citte, wich ituarAntees- all the
li.* ctirk or olive grmes front t"ll ti.ore tit -to half ita-4 eltarat of vivid- 1-4, 1861. ller.]ilakoty le the only. child &IXO-Cobourg-Gothn, Aug. 21, 1893 300,000 tharas of the stock have been sibicribed for by an underwri in,
"The sun's rini dips, Qe St4rs rush of- his into Royal Filkliuces Edward, c -ash required by the Company, and arrangements are now being mide. to eqijip Ili-! Mine w;Ih a 10 -Stamp Mill. wi,ch it
al41 originalit.Y. tier mouth, per married Her lipperial lIlg1nVvm the
-wou!d out-.
A norLhWt-j%L TV ind, U ho%e J)e A lALIe large --or is hoped will be in runninir order in August.
hen At one stride comes, the dark." Dliko of kelit, isou of King George III. -
call lift.. by -the et,1117111i.4 of L11 ljo ill t1li_. (1.tyij Crrand Duelwas Marie of Ru"Ii . :Jan. L 93E OFFERED TO THE PUBUC at par. and a large number of these
gracl avrtws w Intl I , The children of Iler -MaJe4ty are: 23, 1874, and has fristie- two, sq)ns -and ONLY 100,000 SHARES WIL
And Clipids bows, ieo hag�, literally, to rub her eyes
tirat. &A -tis ttie dow)r' .11,41 and gaze about her ere islille can I*- have already been applied for. -)lication to the Brokers.
. --the 1114041—&Ile liP-4 llor imperial Mnjt*ty Victoria Ads- three. dalughters.
P-httero of the wlit)lle city rattlibc ate of the pumst iieve in the riaality of this sudden. The Prospectus coiitains full Mfo nation, and wil be i,_irn'she 11 0-1 apl
the ttrp in itoyarnigimew neicna Augusta
crease of laide Mary L�)uloa, 11ritwess Royal, i F1
it type that preclitides darknom. Alai! the oil - 1946;'intilrried M t -3 1AC 1-4C Fe 4.-4
I V t-.4 Empeew I'Millerlek of Gerwituy, borit victoria,'lloorn May 259
vrrry ro rai) tl,,eillse slisibicioy, but the Ixu- cold; the, hush, that, with tlI8 RU11'1111'
.11,114 tlkk'y WIAiiii I I&XXI: departure, hwfallen like a cloak upon 1�40, and marriod Jan. 25,' to 11. R,. H. -Prinm Fr�ederick ChrhAlan F. C. INNES, G LT001 & SON$
agailist of cri &;ov. d, EO. W. HAMI
ill thvir vlou,1,14; that, .-clity-titiee tile city; lastly, the fact that the old us Sch c ig 24 San Sacramento St. Montreal P. Q.
vii-akeo viery iuvitII4 in evt,rY it . I idle is. t%� pout - - ting. a' lantern, as lie 18z-9, t�o Fivdertck, Crown PrInce of Aug -tu- -of I -sw -1101- Vancouver, B. C.
tdw %Vill Ik1LV0 IiLs- sacristan Is tigh i
t it two- locks the chancel-gateis behind him, lIrmse4ho, rifterwarLN (March to June,, iiteiii-&niderburg-Autivaiietitiurii, July
Avilcuoll rtnlize Ali fors. -O.44. 61111191111-1 Ili's
.rji, tzrittil' fw thr�e wwps and OH I THE MISERY.
1:4 tilpy 4441 -news does'the stranger fol- confirm it only too forcibly.' oemwl, German Emperor, who 5, 1866, and It." istmo.
it., ilistre6sfull. harinony: His are witil his heArt, This i3acristan, carrying his church- died 3ulle 1P, 189-4, and linA Issue four two. daughtem THAK OFFERING, I PEXv SCISSORS AND ]BRUSH.
a villainous Mrs. Galbraith. of Shelburne. ont.. Was
filled .%vitil golden olwcu- keys, lit one - hand, 4eldeot William, the present
Ius Vent, Cw10oL-,oIll1eu*e;. -little oil -lamp In the otlier, would ';On$, HRoyall H,l-gimpm Louisa carolina Jtjbii W. GultAmrtu, brutiter of -Frwfl- a Great Sufferer Frum Indigestion.
Ideu. yet It. -lilt aLardous! hat re the Bano of go Many Lives South
CUIVII-1YeLibe. g harlvy��watfr.� Is 'to be the solitary link loft be- orman.Epip�r0r,- and four daughters., Albeorta' bera 3fa
i"S;Jmarried dent G4irflel-l'o tilayer, is connected
-tftriek Lott 'laiii IN tilt$ Ne f&L, uSkillred. 1"t'. W her and -the living world -her ' H io noyni nighnniim Alberto Edward, 21, 1M the'Mi%riluis, ut American Nervine Released its Hold
,) lit, i bock li LNOV, 9, with (xie of the big insurance, coin-
%1rewhed 7 luncertaiti.chance of getting 46f. *a1ba Bebalf of I
a i.ian Lo tra%e,'ers in th dwtriet of bor Ideixt -son of :.the Duke of It Relieves In one Day.
1841; Lorne, e I mergyman Writes an In
kjl�exllivuvlk. � lie wcures the 1-110416- 1 tito lliiviera bul,.klltnv Frederick Cu4-. f ront metip-levt shades to 1.1glitqdLN , 11 , ()Ii- paum" In tb_e. -country,* and lived
�aved streets, and the 110tcq marriett. arch 10, Alexandra of- Argyll. ew York. Mir. GuiWau (AW (A tim -I waft for a loug time it great
i sle -cLair in-, the Warm- I nitity (A windowl;,� I Detima rk Wrhic~ . Waleiiit), born De7e. Grateful People. -1 high prived employeeo, and getis
arni oight. Tito idL
-401d y a suffcrer (Foul ill(Agobtioll.
iii3lb- %lie 1)ublie girl �vitlt eager eyt,s el- de I'Vidvers, tQ-1[liglit. Rio Royal Highness Arthur William
I I -ear
ipalou of tije d I i iii%-ers, yiviL1,4, ll)elolip astL11 ti) -the region And she follows lilin. arof fins tr�sue, Albert Victor, Ndary (A *,00U or *10,001.11 1xv 5 1wrienced all the mu.,err anell annuy-
Albert, Puke of_6nnaught,' 110 iri U 11140 Chtinlable IUUIA- 0,0 Col"Moll too t1kifi§ &ilmetkt.
iialld Zu Never` was will-ol-vie-wisp'n more Duko of ClAr6nive and Avondale, horn Patrick I
flany rt�medjes uiid i4pen't a
Yk)U ol)ly like cold fut.11 guide. Down alie narrow- a4ley, 1892; born May. 10 1950; married March 13,, "LlnizA I
JakL �8, 1864, an. 14th, great deal on doctimae Iffils witliout re-.
I d ic%i J,
1% 1114.6, papa tip another, glinimers t1le: 1. utern, 1 11479, t6 - 11'rirwom Loui8e Margaret, Dr. Williams Pink Pills Restored Their - From the top of tite cathedral apirb
t -!A 114.114 nd Papal Doubt In a woAle"t Ilw'; b&- clank tllv' k�ys. At lenglMi, In a-killd George-.* F redeilck. Eri;iist Albert, -Dake 'it' MexicO YOU C11-4 61ULA the entire city, eA-iving auy permanent Wnefit. I
narrower and *Adarker. -daugfiter of. the late lIrlifee Frederick - Hea1th and They Wish Other Sutter- r
comei assurance, to be guickly fot. f of York, b6rt June...3, 1865, married i al&41 tlLb tu4jbt "llrikilig reuture of the was strongly ecommendetl to try
'it the, rest, -overhanging rootif and V19tA3'ria � Chrtrleo (if I lr&ala, -anti has lkwue one 'ers to Kilow It A Letter That Will - American Nervine. I pro-
cleeekliugly .jig, t. cvl,i that r. Con' lowed by fai-th, hope. I know not tha July �'9:L ; W I I r I neew L, the ubfeuee tof cljiiiine�s. Tiiere Soutit 110
- lf�lve 11,21ketl upp.'r Otorle.14 011litting- out all IAit one TtwO
yughaill kwheves lit) lli:1N wht other train of pleasurable eme-, Mary (May) of Teck- and *has Isiue a Son gild two daughtiers. Bring HoPe to f4LLnY---No other Me4i I^ ut)L "_ vill,111H, V ill 11,111 AIA -1110.1, 1110t h I curv*l and uped it, after uAng onl.
oin Paris rewfr- nstratigers. tuind. 1 narrow *tril) of i4y overliend, the I bott I"M I ILU, oeam)d to "tif Y, t I I at I
during Ill* lu'urupy fl, His; Royal HighnivAs TA--opold George graw, nor u iituve, nor a
S -in east 8111,crist-ifi-key8, -lantern L aild ikM-dis wii, F.4ward --A. C. G. A. P. D., ; b(
Ing tno coll'suillptio:1 of LLi' 1111Ailu- `31istal cannot bo wur-ie th. )rn eine (Jets Such Voluntary PraibO. furnace. Ali atu fully reisWreii to' bealth. and J
Lima ct�vkiug lo dow., with chaxe(jal In
as -suddi'll,ly aii a figure In a Duncart. Albert, Duke of Albany, born have twrer
a rs, had the wind, ankl:at Dalfora wo,alway-,4 have appv. mutoittime. There-. is a 1994, the t1dr(I In4 direct- line 53'; married April 27, Titb lettcr written IPY the L)utA--Ij' aud while the # gum is
I,. J all try, to June -yes, Uhristifias 'a to ilie 'thronel Loulma April 7, IS cation (of a roturn of the trout4e. I
one of the thato froni Febru: L a porte- of iiuccewslo Offe.16lVe, 11AHe HkU111 tM_*'0WeV
niq of - recommeW it iti" heartily."
%alall guidk-bovk ill pilki g1j out "it it ever Helen of Wal(leek, and died pe
I y it; I y 'of our momentar. -,t�tkn; winister
ey es coeliere a-wIngigg heavily'on Its hingeg, Victooria AliOixamlra Dagmr, born Feb. too I)fhlCCHM v. W I a. I. -L LAWUNI tA.- it.
tolit w.it:1 lkqgiitg nd L re --echoed down 20, 1867,'Xnarried July &27, 1889, to March 28, 1884, having had Imsue one N. B., at"td VIC, lTta-le-
lit, t1w. kee-it blne-: t,r the �_ky, 'the "You art, not Nijifficiently. protected a eidelt ech(wd a . 1 alt 1 In Naldt%Ahere iki a ru(* of cats
t-firl; wisitene-w of ei J et. You tile 1elligiti of t -he wh0e row of 1lou.4es,' Alexander�, Duke of FLre; Victoria 1�0u. aow Du.ke, of Albany, and 01[10 liner the merits of Dr. (itmiii-ral trade tit lii)routA) is uneet-
again.4 thet-e ' climat 24. daughter. Ch -livi lij the chureltoo. They are tied by -)Ams, tm-w tariff und Iort4wwd
Ur W11 1LloW nothing'. about the i)erniel Alexandra: 01ca 31ary, born July 6L Wild
vll%ying every'. ould alit) Jet, a lliuk 1116
lize ber desolation. alld a lierusal or kctP and fed by the on lterat&tta, to it. T,)roiitd, de o a e
I k1lig.,tt iuorAy ju-stly --ar `w ho effects 6f nibstral or -sunset. ow it -ft to rva William -jkl r r -
slip look.4- fearruny ulm-lut. her; sbe 1868: Ma0%Charlotte Mar'- Victorila, Her Royal 1119h J;catrlee Mary
i -ii vul,euiently ivrPiwiled, iiiny itew hou- 1 0 y '-ill gugg,-wt why this great 1)url4*,o t catch the mice whieh infumt, *4101)iag WCK)J. to thei t:nitAd k4tat,00114 in
t1lillits of iier. fatber: ' she thillike of born inarriod tuly '22, VictAwla FL-4Qdora,' lx)ru April 14,11.857; it % ,rIlv &jliiuiiid anticilwtion ol a 1wavy duty here.
liarrvw itrc*t that from tho. nets In Mark -for 'the fimt time In her life 0 of Uil 01,11luddings thre.
I'lace Crilivu ji.1to the court -yr -I of papa. I havo never yet 1806, th-Xr1we'C1rarIL*, viecond sollf 6f married July t4) I Iritice 11pury t:ilie is a popular in thou - Way ofWn he ii�ieen walknig' ubouL 1�uliljorw I$ not improved at Nlontr*al.
ark Austen were tit her
the hotel. worii a bonnot except to church-" Crown 1'rlice of Dellimark; and Alex-, of Batteuburg, who died Jak. _-0, 1896, liolli(s thr(fthout t-lieb Dowlilion-it 'Lulolig tt�b ' igregation, Of t-ItAiLig Illid and cotid
ever yet- has th�,r#-" 1711own. "Yon lind providaid your.%elf with a romeiii the i4biund, of- gravuly- before tile altur durijig the f:irm vifork In the Province of Quebec.
and has ir;,4ne three sons and' one
ma wn. April 6o dicA A
steps : a n's tredd draws steadily aader 'Ix pril Ith,
VI)Id-autt tllo lia.s tilskrietwed the Mln.Mble furred cloak like niLne. it curee when other tu(,41011106 fail- Lit.110 Of ina"i. pfur�iiw*w h4 retarded by unfavorable
i with 1. 1
zvphyrzi of ninetev rings wotAd be different." nigri through7thci dar)cness, and 1871. dauglitoer. N. B., A�ril 26th. 187. w"tlypr at Halifax alrot), and ndrloew.
-1111 Wt)lll.l not twee'l I a beattlig hofift Jet nerves herself for - llichibucto, re of a MO(V
-that- Jet C Ityligh. But f l'uvo, got a thick Two more elghtecii-swry- botels, tt) fnm St. J01111, B.,
I tim worst. 0 Co..
P-ouser h';tve braVeki It. -I. illClenlellcX Jacket.`.perslsts Jet. "If you W'Ill let, %Villkaiddl medicill ortite v(Auine of trade only. BaAlk-
14x)r.4 -'for That the'a pilroacli Ing jiuman being CAmt are to be erected at elm-trings #Lt Winnilm-
active, 'K hour. I g, Ilitmilton, To. -
au. At.ly. i, for half an ar alrd-1 am glad to furnish You
1110 g:o,oult only I. . 1),-. .
ouawl New York city, uad the arehi-
shall. prove a robbef, is, naturally, the givit n , .
Aftck�-t." I rtato, Montriavill and 11alifax amount,
any "do- proraiso to put on my tweed that presentm, itwelf to lier voluntarily Ul "tt
eill perl nit w!Zfptk, tocts amy tlm--y are too be the f luest 11-41 t *1111,WX),000 IM4 wft-k, nearly
Mr. Conynghaui i-iiii-1 fils barley�- first ide. ljol";Il, with tI16 fulicwt lk!rmissiu tA)
4ife. rather tli.iu 0110 Ind. slie is to meet her . fate" -,u -1 tile city. It 1mr cm.t. low thant h40 pr�viotip
watcT anti look..4 a4 though he heart] -r.:% 01,11erent fashion than T I ley do structurm of this th 4),ut nix-iout 5 per Awent. aory
n, or But Mr. Waves the Alan U) h the oil U . 11
of con not.- Anxie r ole's (tliough* afte h Union Jack. ..givo the natues-rillil place. Jujon of bli' %% d rciai
Ud -ty tr tile south. I
it,oDyng1jam keeps !wr fa._t pr6oner Ilea I t It - can scarcely be cowsidered one idw dreamed -of), here, I a thank-orrering to God a etitato I*ople in New' York that the' V111111, In the like week ltwt year.
this. as
Nvell, f6he liA about her two hapoleoll There were 20 lowinfow failurm rk—
III seven franes, it w& --dicille. Mrs. Win. 'U'arinati.
til"taly. WuuM ipiLe car blue of 104 f6ibles ; fieither c; n lie be held &raubieuL Ix)pulatiou in New York had
a respir;Atur, or'a furred clonk, an over-uervoils P.14ent. 'During Jet's tell, a pair your nit already tx*-,u %-"tly incremaeo by her 1*wteA front, Ole Canadian Dominion
(.)f and five , li6ullds of of �,,Alolus Itiver (near lwrc-)O- say -ii; her
-11;1A W C4el
tt ere in nineteen years of Iffe he hs proba- Coteau-Brule. grapva, It she -is to be A (AdMV the British I e. It houA& 1,.Ijot wftk, alrahwt 27) the prevkAm
I.�'.coIntuwueIou.-4 bl not illpent as niany. months In the I A114-11 waij sickly1froin birth. lie wwk, 25 In tilip week a year ago,
I' in thiuking over robbi-11, most pirsibal)y slw is to be '1111 t1lV0 uu.,,tp resia, girl's ronipany�. Wrappft) -in his tur- murtV-red likewise. Poor little Cora could liardly ew�r retatn'rood. and him, It iti' ticar living tit Johanne--buag. statisSie. ju.,t gathered. front her red cloak, lie simply looks 'at 'exi-;t- will rvail tin account or the tragedy -in hail tmt little 1101" that, are quoted. VotatAwb, A Fine Gift.
guido-book. as to the number of once through a -pair of itmoke-coloreil the tially papers -out of conipliriaent. Area In 0
(-)u., wLIch the rnl�Aral J)revalii, bre4tfies the breatii of life t Gwundollne Fquaro 11(-ptilatIt-on. woulti-Iijo long and the doctors N%-Iio 1&r buhhel flour, $5.75, ull The Emperor and Eniprew of Itus-
U_ - A I to Ann it, way even be
Vinter. and 6PeC through' a rcv�plrator', anti feels It attewled liku Were of the (4411- sackb oJ 98 IKAalcij,; beef, 5 rental per t4a'&; Jablibie pre.�ent tA.) the Queen will
I coplt�,l into the Exeter Dispatt-h. 121,115 740"-S.",
to wl,(-ther will -kind of por.,' he ('reat Britain and Ireland ... .. ... ... ... ... .... ...... Lid ; wbbag*.%i. -5 centoi lwr heatti; le Val
av ;onal Injury Wlien t years 4 age lie con- pull be a mv4nilflcMt tipt f en raldm, 1, Jet Conyng am Till w. More cheerful lookt�,I at. through It, young all(] robu.-4-t refuse 'to (10 tile " % 75, 42,0(X) 3 c*tltg apicew ; carrow. uod at Ll..W,000. The queen'ak -favor i to
tilt* W'indoWA CA.?;0111th�rn ho- say.4 a volve h, thrat ��-elconie Eng--, 7 ... ... ... Tlwn t4w
iii a nW. ... ... ...
iler ;n 51 2 U(X) cent -d eue11; bugar,- b centis a IK)uu ji��we,6 arie enierabi" and pettria. Pur
sanl Cor.� u ed to find (.0111111glo her tv.'lier (Urvot lieo (A Dr. WI!Iiams' 11ink Pillsi Was
-.(,e a baker7A S'liop wlthini a hun- Andaman' and Nicobar 2.5cs 27,1)oo egg.*,, 5Q, aeutb a dozoa ; butter. 15U ing the first t%,%-enty varm-AA Uer Ma -
will, Jet -forget-its' -I(-
it Illnubg tho lud.l.,tittl M*Jilkie-,.", and dru4I yards of the hiAeU.". remarks Aseem4lLn( Lr3lan.d ... ... . N'a v.- i I'm t.11. bi-gun and untJer lie.m-covered WLIW--a JxAud; chickeew, 75 cento Jwty'@ reign Ole WoTe Quem eunto? Anil -the- footsteps cpaw�. In
free.1"m' of the Devow-hire lan". 5,806 4715G- O'f(-*. GU lottelo ranious pearls, the finmt
Jet, -presently ; -and I do. not think (IV be* continue(].)...:* :,Ikil is Ilow a t4trolig. ilealthy ty y. each ; turkey",' 61.75 each
Only otio other traveller thares I ever felt to hiingry-* twfore; anti oU- torate. 259000 mutb Iwr pound ; keroosene. ZiU CVUtd k,,urope, witich were then Officially
fathor, atso
.0'a of V.e s.- -7 r. Warnmil, the -boy'ii
il(in with Baluchloit we
Mr.- Con- dinner will nowt, be aerved for another ;an ... ... ... ... .. -.7r4Dtoctorato jai to the L;N�at llubi.. 35 cents per p(*ud. %-&luvd at EI.,0,000. Thf , however,
(izlughtor-an En
.-L&LU all 6 iiad too bo ii-urrfmi(iered In IS57 to King
10800 ad,Li hiti
in thei, isame, three hour. '1 The Jeru&ule qlondeut of the George of Hanover, as It was ti'Pn
whp C�juip ;k, 71,000 11164, AnYink liuf -
A& thi,4 affecting npl*al. or rather ... .... .. ... .... .. %..,I tic (if In corn,
-$enater- 'toe" prored that theY ought- to 1�ave primed
trahA with thein.. erics of r.' Uonyllgha,M ... ... ... ... .. ... ... back. until Jewi6h cals that a
fred for yeanii with a bail Chronicle inctitii
day. and _Whtl� at' tho- preient 1[110� BRITAIN'S
Alinkeo his head- gravery. British Central Africa .. ... .. too lilot father. K Ing Lrnwt, when QuPe"
Opliering IL 04�1. Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills mid at4e -w atf last -been liuL uvou
ibmt-I't. I -Q ergugetl i1i "There 14 no or -w- habit thn thaV Brit0i North -Dorneo :109 200,(XX) a.mer I i. Citarlotte di4&1, jindethey now lielong
+ the Jord.-m which wakc* the journey to tile nue
Letter at,. the cuntr..1, Ciiiie of the or mting between mel lie remarks. Bartxid(*" .. ... .. . ... ... 166 185,000 tilt -y it�uruhi me.* MIM Annie Wrman I~ of Cunitierlwid.
-:ir-&n,, - the Florence DLFENDER&
-Brunel- (Protectorutw) ... ... '00f) 15,00() r Jeriche 'tolllilrilwrlax. I. ., from
er IsIt is Pufficient in- itself, to lay th 28n _-'a4lds trils, evidence with. enthusil:18011 f
-Ipo4-utask. ill -written, foundation of- al tjoi= - along the Jordan, W A SUBTLE TRIZF.
most every disorder. nada j. 6.13156-17 1000
C. -i 0 and fr(cdom: "I was,weak and Ackly
t certainly nht of love reely >0 00111 521Eli000
Illungry 'at throe o'clock I And we Capo. of G4jW' How ... ... ... 2' tha Sea (4 ualiiee. in five h(vans. He -
(Otte W011111 elly'. or it tile liall it toWrable, really ver ' tolerable Cey) .. ... .. ... ... 3 Co 5 8,100,000 nd did not know the blessing_�of good ceutly four jewit-h filulies have 4et- Kidney Troubles Steal on on insidious
f" y I A%. f t,.%3ixty Ye'Z of. the. Clk. Then Cong"tion
of 73 '92.(XX) lm.,,4tll ulltiL I t 'breakfs-t at noon." ook Dr. Williams' Pink tid In Jericho," having rented for five ly A SlightlCold
rea0er's * face. ripea k true. 6 .6 As �ar no_ quality goes, the break- -t2uei-uolct!ig-ii,t4umtiitirize.-i tl Present* Vyprum ... ... ... ... 0_10,000 pill1j. I uwti -eight W14 -d and 3eara4 from twhe :_;,ultan a lArg'Ll 8r@a Then Intiammation Thenthe1_)*&d1Y
fast nihy 'havo been unimpeachable ".. condition ot the Ian 1229000 and Tor cultivtiou 1101, to South Am
alld lilLval Fiji 42:1 of fruitful 1. Malady Bright's Disease
.1001). 2000 Alice enjoyed the bpat of lwalth. In vi- -nn troilileal whiM (if Flit" it Jet; "but you miLst rememi�;r fon*,* ait fullows:- e 9 be irrigated from t1i arican Kidney Cure is a Kidney ftwe
Vy Falkt�;l1tir;ian'tbi ... .. ... .
it tilt, -rawlt-1 P1194-18 The pri#;eut i4ate or the forices (of
T -4 -n -i. Am neau.-Aomeol to F;olid. Engli.sh GaMbia. ... ... .. 29700 15,0()o rttt.t Ack now-,, itic-It Relieves in Six liuurs and
ficera-and nie'n) of the Britirill linpird
1 2 -e' thm! mvW1#ri if ;I Jadicw &Wbfi"a, Llw fam4lup; bare-
hKA. The most �ubstantii thtng 1 20900() -114-ro' yol! li.t% dares- Never Fails.
reforv, ft- oil huld nuty tiet forth thm: 16t, 39,060 77,00d caretv In'
... ... . I .. .... ... ... f ack ritkir,
rQtme' In got out or. the whole, dozen dislies to ()01) ramily,roistore4) W Itealth by the to(
'egular form4;, hume and cul- Gul .. ..t ...
(hty wai n Coek-rol)ln In a, paper it, . .. % .. ... . . . 10,w(g) 2S80 ou 1645,'Is sifif livil.49 it' exico, Ito., Mr. ilnlcw flictinp that-tll0.1.1%%f:l1 1561000 11(olitillir ... ... ... ... . ... ... .. .. ... ... 7: 2 .32,000 y(,ur niedleI114 and Y I twliexe Stmult Aideri-
irovvt their gMkl bealth nd getilal -... Ith I vk Ifie. TLe teat whivii w0l' 14111 Cau*,Kj.ilk.I-y Cure #,aveit uiy life. I
unilergt?�ng: my love--beCa&slnei%i, Army rc**.rve ow .. ... .. L
"You o not dv-erve. baLl ere.-iturp, ff*U'Iti"g. f ' m_ UCII faL perfomied in TS 19. 'rhili Nrt's wao so &everely' Rfflicte�t that thy
anti very fairly dres-.retL too, [.or a i.litjA ... ... .. -1220JO hile of .1,11 ... ... ... . ... .... ... .. ... ... ro IS VI?ais
that' r .!1ould-write you two letter4- Jut largully me friend* had to attend we daily to take
provincial Inn." Yeomaury ... ... .. Ila . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... W) 232 000 health. The.Y.wisli You to freely Ilse turning a.back Me
llowevvr, I realiy aw;int- a "But becassine-4 rp not -sustaining, Volulileers ... ... lj40,00f) horme. He the uritke fr
uuft! ... ... ... ... ... . oin me.
in vi*non. and a.4 I , . 1 6,000 theso facts to , It 11) otlief ulpiers. tug backward oil u runuiiig unis Officer,
you m a -77,000.' w�orie Mr' A. C"tA
ust allow tll* t.,No"w, if U; E'Itroyea it f, -m*k Ij did t t�aihe trick afterwarill t
I. believe you wIll ninke that city their p"tor to writ,&s: get a bun -1 i4uppose they nvike .. ... ...... am able . -'QroI)e, Witt W011 K In
certify to the fact -3 alxwe st-1101(i. ial.lpratme lor Ids daring froul tile lY ref(01111111411!
t", pied-a-terre of your voyzme- wu,000 It he a-civereigum (At I if ic am the
bun4 in Franco?__ -Or it roll, Just to, 683#000 Lagin 1,06:)
run tho chaii-ce of #Addre!-M-Ing a few I ... ... es suffering 110 -
carry me on to dinner." tirel froin. t1W 91711"ll", Jf t'o
4;to the- Illotell dol't-niverq. . The witive afiny of Indi 111,1111L)CM Sincerely of Digland. lie re the -114ad-
hvarrleid line, Tako a little barley-*ater MY 145,,000 M -F -IL Tlw native Indian states Malta ... ... .. 5,0()() niallity for aii arfcctionii or
cirvuji ring %�itli a f6rtuno.
f'ear. It 14 surprising what n6tritive havo 10,(") merColweially.-org nized Mauritlubi ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... 1906:3 :;72,00tT attill kititwY'L
... ... .... ... ... foreet the ex,'Vt ';ualltio4 barley -water pokNexses. Let. i . I 9 1,4p,* 1A0 X Ill., it it, #;:I id, pru-
for.Imperill wtyice. Veisitle,; tlm!k;e they Natal. - -- - -- -
1 10: a lit-tle off k Cwfou ... ." .. ... 42,200 Bald Headed PhysicioW
int'lirit r iii Ino de-iVe_ Perugino to bring you a 1. have nomiftally large forcc*� ou� Of
iti,t tke you t4wt, tk) (jumn Vietdria Lw a token of
New which one.-thirt.1 may �e �taken ag ef-, Table Philology Ali- Fughtll
arri L:t,t ine ... ... .. ... ... ... .... te to her Jubilc* cele -
n 144,:17 U) !,iirit h-r r&',O fective ft W41-14, .. . CII.Lrlotte is a -toirruptWat of tile old iiwwetu 41spropria. 1peeii Pug
. : 1. "1 thank you, papa. Aunt rswen'do- )e at leaot home t;ervice, in aged ill an origilial
ii W�111 'I, -V#4VA.t volf- 10.4,4 15
f btle f of - ' : Now Zealwid .... .... 10 sedia" or portable'
aille me drink barley-w.ater ones tho Brit6h sense of the t M. igtit4li word charlyt, a ii�uperij
line. ni. arih—quite task-thlit tir ttUfWllg tIw Influe"ce
orn by Vire -j wholl 1 riall Xyhooping-epugh. The t be Wded the- -Niger Wrtoto 11,41.1111,111,W) OU0,01 -4) le id charlottoe rukik* chair. Itid ;igu is isindlar to that id
k4" 1',A tilt -In 1111141V 100i000 men. T6 tItL-4 muis. t1o7imof I dildi of custard, gu the JUnL. ill %%- 114J.ULI Ilib 11L,11110bg IS UMUS-. Of tnumic ()it the hair. The Investi-
r(wonvctioin win tw etiijugit for the (Nilonial miliths, or volunteer forceo (or- ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... charlotte.
lip: if YOM will, pro4-- reinam-ler of my life." Sarawak ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... rloo,(Nlo _. ::(X),(" r(om Itator eptaillit-l", ill the firmt Aiii(w
fitilro nd, nwn),'emb(K1ieA nAd-tvillned! succotasti is ix Wsh bornwe4 f tonWd to 1w borne' in istate ou the - tilat the prolklirtioll of t)Ald tiervotw
(.r two A r. Cwiyjighin i4buts lill,.4 vy",anil, .. ... ... .... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... 17,0f,)0 tho Narragaiwet,Vliklians a4id elklied oce1wit itio %% hen lic is presmt at the cicilt. for the lilieral 1,M)OW-
1�ion '11,000
Tho Canadian'llitnu f,,r t of my head- Ieaiiinir back In his chair',' puts on an 2,000. isikkolnr ... ... ... ... Iy thein iii'sick-quatash. groat n-ligiouid futwthnw. This form of ai(ligm in gerieral with t4f exception
kilack vvIvet Jiunalea .. ... ..
ittv ##f 1 7,000 Soc(Ara, ... ... . ... .... . tile of 1111yot ;%o api~ to hod t1w.
whiklier "ttit"410 Of sl�`�P- Witla Jet's rejec- 7 .. ... ... ... 0,0 )o
lc(�.-I)ut I a, 116t, "fire - Capo U44011 ... !.. .. .�., 110milly Is fr)m aullun'Anea. g if t, w a#4 osugg)wted by the UsommitY I . ip� t Id)lI of I' Itly look4 S4 t. I lelP 114 L ... .... .... ... ... ... .... ..... 4 7 11100 wurd for 'thit migilt ar" ishould the Quc*u de- is 30 per
arley-water lie evidet - ow South ...... ... 6,000 e X(.mrth AmerIc4ui India.ii reeord for
on the discu:�slon as Owd-rational N'lerra. 1,0(mi parched corn. cido too enter St. llatil'o (on Comme'll- rent. 1,111sival compowrp d,) not
T�J.4 ywi must ul' Now Zealand ... ... . 321,04
Soiftli An-Arali.L .... ... ... .... ... ... ...
But Jet, Is not yet I .. ... ... % Fally Lumn ws a I)wtry c,x)k, w1v), oration day.- rtirm an exception to the rule, and
trito. I its) t*.ot rs-ql4iry tiny of tilt! ... ... ... ... 000 V? I -entit century,
Strait#4 Settlettiettitis ... ... ... C),() '00
Iler argument -s' up to the at tile claw of the eightA_ is- lip frp(jupnt atnotig thein
worn by' the 1w1tt14_ * .. ....... 5,000 '11101 tears Tbe Queen of Portugal linis Iwen oc�-
larg, Tamninnin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ants, I h-'Ive 1py OW"ll lovely, pink tinie have -been bat3e.f on sel- lit 19,ow. uw-vd to cry the toea3lyread w r If Toll kago ... ... Iler name &Jmt, the streeta of Bath,
coral. tie pearl, ftecor- Itit: to m* ri-11 ('onsid�ratlo flow 671000. ... ... cupying herw It 4 late by experiment-
Triniddd . ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.71 _16.wo
thi.4 niniter of braving mistral nnd � I 'T. niglaixt' A money-Saver.-
grntlemeil ' %%vre telling me. ThLs n (It k,,A U)' "t I ious figures TtiiirLwt. 10Arunha, utc. ... ... 100 ing with the rava, tuld Iw-r colirt
coulil be 0iovirn tt� affectother 16 Gooseberry fool im a corruption of at the tarni%al i,aHi year how 5,000. 1 lian- 4)".V T WIV6 about the
hringw III) the, totttl �to Turkg wid Calcqil ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .1.800 milled or premed la4iRt, hare Pierved,iwr its tiubjects, The bod.
interest.4 than -her own? goomeberry 16ule,
admirably tize. Arlt -s b misch. no In a T%;i*ly scattered dom-: ... ... ... ... sighi of their own,0keleVais, phot4j- Farmerill JI&nU;tl and " Compliew
atur#-,*so I nieaq.to We have no grap -4 forAo-morrow;_ . ... ... ....
iiiult my line -of fe, e lti&m� gvlll _ewnpe. entimer-' Wept Auxtratin ... .... ... ... ... .. ... A0,011 K) graplwd by aid (A thS rayr% according co
133 hmond twtreet
for just remembered -it! Anti !Dr,. 1r):' ) .,Waffle is rkilm walol, a Teu- A uutallt," Publi W * by
... ... ... .. t ft story In a qerlLn contenilloorary, CO, ic
'aClfid IS111,114.1011 holloycomb.
hays! one by atiort, t6o Film to(Al may - be. st&ted2 100,000 tunic origin,
want to ltx)k iny bi-st. c�xpruly Killif - you 1411ould at; over 1,000,oQ6.,'. , V* rubm,Thid.reprie- . ... ... .... .... ... 11-:13 0wo reek has pr(Au"i 4ft utit xpected revo
not 11,0 Without fresh frult when you Macartmill is tnkcsi 'from a U r., on es ToronW. it a t4plendid volume
e has f!ull to, dc-sPer, #44-Ut#4 a peace eXtablishment ... . ... -nis of the c4mrt,, The Jadies I.T 400 jlCfvi, printed on ex -
tile I)kww-d in the 1"hi(
I earue i!o%%n'from Homburg 111"%T i4tupi-I I ulurit have been under arms; fw a ... ... ... . derivativo which maim d M-fien they 1w6ro-lived Vile lit paper ektid well 1%vund. Farm-
Il- ing of men efther tually Zanilwwi .. ... ... .... ... ..i ... ..., ..,. ... ... were toerrifie
and -1 rewly ItAik forward, mon cher, 1144 to think ()r vio tate or the cor to- deado" Ili allus"I to tle 11-11ciellt ct*+ by be
wider- arms -0 Illppendency) ... ... ... .... . *.... ..! ... - - - ,p lie actual r(%�ultm of tight lacilik u1mm t1w -n "re liundredit cof d( Ilars
Or ready to lie placed ... ... . 0,1 Q0 ca
I" ariat -rooner 41" f(w t
our you rofile I am I toom of cating it at fe. -gal' work,
tho Otortt*t not -4, r
lee. Fkvi i dc* �TrVuiy. i Island ocko and de pendenci natural coutifiguratiou Air the ril;sl tA) ing RlAe too do their own It
ari-1, urilit-A4 I take E h .-how ?" erleA Mr. Conyngliam, -a.of the Brith0i Enipiro I -i "rotertorat". dm(t -air gaiiist 'the lngtili�nd of pnyt I'RwYerb. ew edi-
ly lil.-4 faridties awakened oil the In -m- T11E FLUUT`i� Tito t6tal eatimated arc wIth_p Blapcmtuige meansi literally wkite they havef dmiared ng
lionw-exercl4e, I always put back ni :,N2.1)f (0011 squaro miles; Poirivilation ab(mt' A45,000,( 'Wittiout, f CAft-MA, reSOlVilig -tA) take tlie A'11411111pi (Of
of tant.- "No grapm ? Oil, - thid will Tho"pri,114-nt stren-9th'44- theA ood, how chocolate biwic-niange is -tion only F1.75. Agents wanWd.
tt.Leks tkC m1kraitie. Talking oquaremiles. M? I
toratak� orea, !,JJ4,735 iittater's edtil"ate tnake4 Milo for thlIhir w4wkA.in future.
mitst-telt-you that I have never do-P-11eruglno!-I, -niuA, trou- of tho lfrititill �npY be 0 w)methffg of a Tnitaipmor. A R(Pbe F01' HOUSe
-andwich IN called for t,
t A lie
-ble yoti, iny flear Jet, to rlllK* for Pbru- �Pet forth' thtui:- The r a r
.Y able -brodize aitutue of - 01
of Sandwich A. renuirk. Agr4)pina is a4ill 01AM& U10 WO"t
treatmont. Jinkillsml,� tic) doubt, gino at once -s" ... ...... ... ... J. 42
11O.-eii, on, nearl life�Oe, and att4ri- iluitWactory r(" for houm culture. It
"Perimino'lias gone out," qay-4 et, 23 Forcemeat Is a co"uPtIM Of NI
a wortliy ninn ap-1 ;it) ol-I frViid, but V4,rt (kApnce veiinwels.
THE VOGUE LON)DON. lfi)lw* tire4i il of et, f4ce,,sturnif ze and brillisincy of Color.
promptly. Don't you remf!ml*-r ? We 10 IS ti, fr9m the FreTI Just Ilfw nt)t tile's'
h qe butoL-i-I to tile isixth century, fin.
in lleaa4 helonged. 'to Vie past, and i,Pimt clatw crul. rA' .. . ... lac6 iwt 16iiiii ard" Vou tudry w3e fflor 61viffing. of many other mwom, but the very
Cou oi I ain ujw.,)y-; bor new lightu sent hirn to the atatl I to telegraph "14entio, meat
y to Socond claso cruliterm ... ... n ot Some of the Notable Fancie p%A I ' Win hj*%ov(_-red Illy a fl.,hernian In-
nMy prew�tit mpilleptl alorit x,eoupo. I vaw 8 dren� i4f and hay )lull lga tawlie'y. is from -an dil not readily tend
Perugino pagm of -the Seasdn. the t4ea 'uoar M&mit Cithtertmi. A)n cilojoeist rnrietlep
Dr. Herzlileb, a t1ho street not 'three minutes Totall-tirmore4l protc+t 169 are,' too, looking well eltlicr oif d1a it n)eadlg popper water: themwires, to houpe culture. lutboed. It
oil liondent,: writes: maWrial.4-or oft those k. i I 6N I sk i r to of ;umloo Is simply okra soup, gunibd being -taken out rg the Witter the io,.yf no use tAl try U) @uc(wed with
lL1)m6-C)1jfttIl1,4t I tf) hil' 11 St -1090 1 am ago. 181 A Lftdon -.-corri6s' be- tyle IntlLme by whicli o ii.1ve ,uffered --a
"if I- tin arnw I so ofti-n sqwk k ra 1-4 often I"!Y w1w f"ut"I to
'%Vll�kAe ell. them unde inary "iditit.An. The
of . the (I my poor Pa0lo!" murmuri;; -ar rt% IR9 Chicken glimbo.lp good (Wal from ruist, but tile Wad 11114
lin irri!#-Ht conver Tho J)revaiI.inX,*C'olor 'of the yc
it*4tr fascinting ;4nd. oit(-ileetAial, of 11r. Coiriyugliamm sinking back. "Th(we 359L Which'. ' minqls ine. that only,thp 1) r known in the tittle and lnlw�r i4pent on mome
n Total ... ... ioudf*;cf1pt; obading on buff, Ito, to - tPeard are intact. it Ile liando 0111Y other flower will grive far more vatip-
rmaturev-a niind, -fililto above any unhappy, tne,4e culpable o%ersights Tho torpedt) rraf t -are, intilimber.. 153 day .1 s4aw a U -a -gown iniftilat, of nuo- wiup or ok ra antl chick(w1l.-W111114t tl() -ire miso4ag. . A thotwit or Kaiitig by his pr- never occurred in Paolo'si, time." warcitAy p4low; erging oil liollpai teriall kil'Will a "(41 liangling fr0HI t r., & t.. kiliefory nwidto. Tr Agrippina if y(m
fli-esillon, and the ino-At"Imk-tic profjlet "But a fruit-inarket i -i quite :rlose' Grand Uptall ... ... . 05 collar, � It �-`et the suggeatlon'i)f yokili forme(i of lam. The effect or liedw ring prant a r~ with �1ilZ�h you chn oque-
ju,1 (,f Jain for your-; at lialid to tvge-s Jet. "I remember 4 L t . . tbis wao excellent upoit the figure, tlie In tho Stvini. n hweriptioti Alowilig it to* 11:1ve emd.-Vickiiii Magazine.
1hiert!.ure 10 hattf0ships of the first- bron In ItA.compoAtion. It Is a prett liou%%e:h4 t-;to(xI in the Temple Qf Nptunp. The
pap-*inst �na last night onour Way lintit I fullnewAn the pleatis round Mr. 'limkiey-1 _gililtmh Itliv pburthil In tilt, Illuw,Ulll
-in 'a el'u4m buildIng-a matter of, prime.lm- ge6lor Arul a fleeting joy,.for w-hether t I to I loust lenit'ling grace. - The loest ina- I -rill Ite getting. right into the vitatue ham bmall
'Yoll remain iiii)re Vt. week from the gate. If you woulill only iiierc., and 11:114 caum.(i Illuell portanc.ftm*Ii IPA 22 crulkro. Further,, vx- terial for exploiting snelt a tylle to MWIE NO 251897
t F
6torel, I Rhall. than not, let'me-.-;"* pit cliooi4a it )n linen,* when It Im 1101-r.
rim up an joirk y(A ths-re; so keep 3�461put ou your wralt.4,.- ut on I your theire arp. 11 merchant t4teamem, as cf%,4ltn I' popular In - 1!arlis, or Ili t lie #;of t mtln, -but tho 9.11110 Mrs.. imong itirchne(4olgistt" Who nr4. I[)
_p rewrvedlerultz�rm,'besk" ninny others 141pa may Im- more ecoiyonileally enrried' Mr. D. -They've tillit 11aYiII9 (.1ille,t to clas*; it tile Jultitt I r
rni� fM falt on your iiif.,vt.nient-w Esteral warmest wralm, and litart," rejoins I
ro,mis-14 Ine I h.lve liad it letLpr f rom Mr. Conyngliam, fn an Inired vol which nro held 'ln.dh4pmltlon- afid t-lfotli,- fit. whic,li y(Mi cannot get- It in . oufllnn thin en#.4hmere., they buy. of ce. niarked for Tirpferehtial 0mploymcf1t London, kwilvo In the most exclusive oi- DOCTORS BECOMMEND
littlf� Major Lrutt. i.,4 making It it The wind hag somewhat &bated; iv I th(m i t,oulivent loll . The present num- AfrA'c�uiis Pay more for broad
The Practical Jokek Again.
hi..4 livalloluarti-rs 114- to -l;,4 ute a piece, half Un- hour's sharp Wlking may pow ber of officetw, seamen and mn'rjjne4 s you will filull'it Medillt'110 Vital wealth iCt
i,f nt-w.4 tht will 1w inti-restitig tothe .Iily (it) yoll good. And ri6iember_ ititluo,.4 efirp Xo peeserve' It. of fre'ish Th6 prac.tical. Jok4-r, waWrvad a Kfb- 'Inhabitnnt of tilp rnitiNl I@ t1l.in ally 1*,,olile on earth. The fa
huirt-An-t*ekersi of the r. that the Coteau-Brule grapei-trn- . 94,000. r.spect. 11owever, there 'was noeon- In tlML QUeen's Bellell I)J- 4tillIfttod to Ile $10.50. 1 . toit brfm9lit out in thc rec"It fill -
_'onyrigiiaiu lots ki n - rixnu-.4 at the pre
,*i that name on your win -11, ' ralsin 'A HEALVD HERALD. sideratiou for thiom; drawback evinced v6ion. Wcwton, Ung., qu Saturday. ge, of tbe PretWent of the
Illotf-I Varadi4 ff)r the winter (you (lo* Cotmu-Brule4r_are ttie, biest. If the I ly a, ver . pretty wearer of- t1le,color Tho-IiInlutiff. ill the,action there dt*- '4It,1&4UUf0rtUWitA_- thAtf0d0-
it,ust ri mi-nil-wr Conyngham; kitis show Pilgris of dryness,.io) mueh -whoin I met ycoterday.. Hcr.govAh I"Wil of wan tile Wife -of a loulAicall, figure oo kirgely In our ltn-
't bim first. , in alast In the better. I kno, on re,4peciable Thinks Rheumatism is 14orn of the in, eloth, tho sklrt trimmed'- -with and 0 lier the.defendant pine day con- ,&uff�s
we Lower RIDglonx, But Froclaimii; South, W.:l" The statistical in- CE *.
happio'r iLays),.anll i.4 to% bring IX4 niedVal a6thority, that the. Coteau- very narrow sitrapping,4'of the ohnio voymi the InMrmattion dat her Itwo De Ij s"oin
A erlean RhoUniatic Cure a HeaVen iiiorktml hito con the MOutil I elle1006. glare,
well -gilt ()-tr1res,ri, with hrule grapes are wholesomest after, 111 veotionaip -patterns Iwallol bad' been grievously. Injured In African Vepublic Imported last y`ar
l3in. '"lie mother %vrm Wust Indian tile, pr(jee S'ent Healer. lent was s%old it sewed LAmd "rawW OftliTo
A The ai*tatem j:1,084,11.-), Uie C.Ipo CoRmy C705, -
S84 of ldiriveling ball W -t In." ll� r(mnffl, tho Rem, th 03aC
licirtviii. and Cv� girl uill come hito Jet waltA, as you may lor Henry, lluinplireyt;, Lo,ndon bolero With a, wal8tcoat 4nd revero a criiil but the o;ho(-k en- 9t�6, Nntdil L527,2(* t`0 w"116'.ch mu" viy oresen fort,*-,thoupand p4_)un4W (in the (hjyNhe -no_w her -pilu' JtL,# wwolleiWill- tedtimony: "I" turning back of ram lawit embrold- illem'd t1lity plaIntiff �eriouxty lit, and of portattim ro-t. Gold &I It%, 40, So atitd 64) -pote pir JIL
'w . ond perintselon. Iler eyc sc 9 lie ailded 04, lbeavy im
I&I t*�nty-three. Tlit-ri! - III be a face, her whole figure, Illumined with wao ii*41e4l tit rlicuriiatilim In Pry, and the little v6st iiLt revealed A portion of. Iter hair ureied white. lie fligil (JfJty JIL 1114- G'ITKI C04neY
efinnep, for iiiom4 unprimiple-I fortime- . Wnso of wit And the lipart-
: I,., r,. -e h ? thankfultift.,w aro being free taithougli nly lt*4 t foot,, I coulA not rc-At, - With a-ttlipileckwat4ofkilW(I%,.-Iiit6 clilffon,. Tho crude so coinnion in summer -time, -wxuitry au ritrn it Nickel Plitt
the freedujn * t;hall I"t but the r -pace so In- . n 11anamn,liat, trijnlnM lcvwllcm underlying 4n allegeiii "prac- Itilvivy ra,lla4re for ult, U C
It (Jay pr hight,-Aho'Pain aoi Crnwq(411 with cotwuniort�- TIWW fartq clearly estab- ittel, ottid Cliaiu by eel
1!i -in Loi&.) lighani i.4 not a beauty. tical,joke" of thim kind are such am to JICCOMpanied by loss of ener
Is ha If-hony), Ale danct!.i away tellse. I tried many remedies, but with warvtW of blark and white. tulle. I- BOYS 4411 1.1rett rewemls,rs weing her at of a sif Inispire general Indignation, but withou& fo.*kr of coittradictum, a few articles for us at
like a Taidi of lightnin aercksd , the they hd no inore efrect oil me thin ; tile In- ug-rvwer, means polith �Afrlom eato; the 41varii-t Ftate your fRthor's eo&
the theatre In Lowltm, "d sayis that I �vater oil a duck'a back. I wam ver- wr(%ting point- it; that, tho plaintiff polb4liell nobr of the . w6n ; 'away (-tilwitioti. tidwe vrill mail thilll
lier hair Is Indlined to woolineso, WhIIq syndt,411 to tr ll, -,s lw4m dipelared to bli IegallY en- eficient V I ____ -_ - - V .0
to her own roont on the meeonil floor; v . Soutli American Rhea- a -JvjrrN of nourish- re -191 lin `A* wort('-" oodit N niouey requir*&
lit -r lipit anti skin betrity the (Prk then, forth, Without re*piraL0'r, b11110 matic Cure.,T followed the directiona tithmi to W)latlum- Am Mr.' ustice --I- anOteturers' Agency 00-9
1pi(n(i unmi4takably. Bat ruir�re'red- Vering judgment, ment. The vita( force is lost. ElewRre ot ottitments for catarrh That T
Ripoctacles, or furs, Into the hustle, �'lcw.ly and In a ver -y obort time thbi Wright Put tt, In dell orowlo.
will-vOP14" beauty would be thrown 11 tho iefendant * had iutringelt the
gl.tr% anti du,;t, of Avignon city. wonderful remedy elfecteill a Com 4 Ifisn't a quation of muscle and Contain Mftreviry Title nAire will not appe," 94011111L
way (XII A girl with forty thousand lipa not been p all tlw
Mr. Cony-nghanl6 sipping hIs barley- plete cure, lainilfro :kval' right .-W person ,a ercury will Purely dtwtrov
rharins-in th- thite per �-Pnts! � You and there y ca"ll her physt- #wnse of vuic4l and compieWly deransm.
water; the Pitranger, meditating how tile, sliglitest hillt of & rpturn of the "fetY, and'Ithem.1i sinew, but of resistance and
I it
%irt-winwr wha. Lor -i 1*;yron wrotp: caLl harm. Tblia wilful hronch-6f a IMal Al.BF.IIT P. GUL
lie shall best renew hI.,4 acquaintance dkies�. "It is n sure renledy and I Ig in law maliclow, and tlw-. cnduranm At any ag but tw whole eivittetu wheit etiteriiig
s4 3s �tli *IY with the fattier of forty thousand delight to herall I ilia goodnew allover through th0i MOPOW lgury&cws- 611cll PRLKU14 CAMERA
Tc; gilti;retiped gold or paint tho Uly.' pgundo-already Jet Li I)IFeou-boled plaffitiff Iftid a k(xA caume of action." ially in youth, it involves artickvii biliould never toe used esoelwt AND
1JP1&n4 upoil it, "llyfighaln am " forty'sbounand pounds' In his 1)amagea to Cut amountr of 000 were -,OSS con preperiptAons from rePut&tAe Idly- i4ioToGRAl*H APPARATVIN
will liaid suitor unil W spare in this thoughts- remain alone. Not go. Bad ax Th, at:. awarded to -the phaLntiff, and the the risk of lung disease. the dounaw thpY will do adoNTkLAI. QVIL
comitty-of adventuiers, thick film aliff t it, camo Viould I* a wartifng to thow cough are threat- 'i4o'citon-rold to the 9%xA YOu ca'll IN1111111- NENTLY CL'1dLD BY
i1n. liwane of flesh and a 11FRUA
(JO)lly hair n#4%iiUi,4t.tndAnk- d the fruit -market eL of tIR%t I (lelight in innict- them liallm rest Nerve Slow
A baker"M 1411op fin Lliu_ who take an evil stilly derive from Ur k Liao's U
te, tho iiattir IK)or fefiowA I . I
all ce warto ine tihat it 1% prwt- lie within a stone'a-thro* of the tIo cination ? ing path U" other.4 merely for the erung rAgnse Catarrh Cure, llintlufatured 1).T t. FITS w~. No i1to or nalr%
I nittat bring my sit�ribhlle do IT'nivers. artot. firp
:ratification of a growly' lw,rTeitom (:I~v & uo., Tolvdii, J, tN)nt-ft is' NO t day's uss. serdwil&l Arch
64 Tenez, ma petite demobielle, tenez Keelwr-lle thInkj4 iliat. lie in% setime of humor. en tnternally. act -%-I Philadelph I" tdr uvsdm "d tMe
FnleoA you return to Plor- the terinn umcd by-kolf phly.2, ineivury, and 1p tak j. A. MWn � 1780 NOVO
vilre ilijk;kly, I idiall . lmk4itively bie -le beau panter pour trente sous." ing dkwtly uIxxi t1w. blood and wil- ri&l botUe.
C". His Oracoifull. Compliment. tile pystem. forcen to riolo i)ijt wiLil t groom,', 14ayd the olive-cheeked, classic-featur- .6 . 6 Of vourme, It isiCt true ?" coun surfatim of ITI
da W�W_w )� -
I detedt." ed dame do It" halle, am Jet at I twuying Hawn Catarrh Curvi, tW milre TM
".Oil, no!! lf#).W merely a r.d1torL-Mr. Faber, In speakiug cd
afir e a :7 you gpt the grllllltic. it jo taketi In- TWE
'rojoura a vii, waiting for her grapes. FOR
not, an Idiot!" the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Spattm o.
keleria A"ten. de raisin, bon raisin de Coteau-Brule e lknd made in, Toledo, 0111111
-64 of :& floweir 1pilig 1x)ur un rten I" you may may something grac(-fu� with of Cod-liver Oil, wfth th 11 7munioni"
lit 1544 tbo exAd was Po 4evere In �w the congratulations. by F. 3. Cheney & CO.
worn, uqk Palmieri if 'tin in(jmt elc- Can any one say It Is a bad oountry HollanA that wino iixfl cut In 14ockis 1111le.%riep Trimmed Ilituve. ith these cases f ree.
g;tu*. ;i hove the ri0it P4Lr or left_ to live In where the aua is hot enough and 001d by weight. %%-it III of,wilue New Reporter -How would It (10 tdo' phosphites, meets 1. prk-e 75c. per DUN,
Fack Vio coiffure iii ),4)ijr lin'to-19M to to give you ounatroke in November,, The pri--onm of Morocco tire the worst IlInUll. pay. "We trust Mint their inarrleil perfectly. It tones uptapfatt" 1401(1 by D011991N
avoid crimbing. am] you may buy rive pounds of neo- anti ai,�iuneh of whitot; feathers at ono life may be interrupted only by ]it- zttlp. illy Pit 0 Ow b(*t,
In the world. No care or attention oide, the entire coistunie w" adorable. tle GPILtts ?" and strengthens. liall'o Famill 4Lr
tar--oweet grapeo for fifteen pence? whatever Is given to the Prinonerme The light, buff tone -1 call It thua for AKIN
The I iiglialtuian rem(J4 - thirl farrisgo Her marketing accomplished, Jet? They are latt depende. t on their want of a Imter dogcription-Li suc- The way I&r married to In Scott's Emulsion the taste No K"
throug!j froin Vie tirsple. word to the C00y][1glialln purduu tier way briskly frietwis for food, "d if evwfully treated In linen with Inmr- avolit veltaratton Olt account of rell- 0 f the ofl is fullY Sed. 114-rinit nie, tim 11 to jile at y(mir
laot, it. patience gradually einergill along the Qual du Rhone, the fruit -frion& tim gbvernment provides oni ' it will gimi im- for tho husband to join the a F
9 Y a tions lif Maltese laco, wheft reet r, lie cried, d4 aPerately*
W, n b&L"kf-t alung qpon tier arm, a
ilit,t), at,untlon to�-,ard its cicoiio- T1 toot- blt of broad or -a handful of grain dallY -servb well, mounted oil a linen found&-. wifeo church. makin it almost as, ppVattable POWDER
lie takes up a Galignani front the knig 1,14tolet of sour bread In tier hand. silo 14111romd. tat)le wt hand, unfol(Ls, lifta it The blood stir* In her veins an no to keep them alive. tion, and should be completed by a tification 6f the tx*in as mil "I W�p no oI)1eetI(-9l to th
-tit 11ritalit papa 681d
The pupil@ of one grammar se' between , Grt THE OnAWK S BEST FRIEND
not(Il T* rum�*-tbe c&ntwjance of Mr. breeze In muggy Devonshlre has ever x)l to l"fice entirely of lace or of,11tion dary treaty at For "I* at See. and $%.co by' all dmggl" w' LAfW96T SALA 10 10#114AGAD
New York repr(w.nt twenty-nino triped'with- laCe. and Venezuela who. exchanged you mmtn-t hanF around 111pre.
I anyng,iain and of Jet. st4rred It. She feels It a subtIle kind '*CltVrT DOWN F4 &AWviLk, Unt. 4 . ,..
nationalltien. The most, popular method of tr1m- WaMingtou- W ay to enmwLar
9 y
i mrings ("t, it may be, ten oentm isJet, during the pawt two midutem, of excitement merely to breathe,, dL. Uumda. to &wait
wnirii are recryiRtallized
--A? n re tm
one or wit,l benzine or dozen Pairs. Could the hours whWb tour ths woe d wb*& 10 OR am
Catholic farnlil wa^ljed with akohol. a One
wamb COW Tho f" o( 0 W 11110me m0thers spend in on ear I making. IMab Incleft & vWt to
111110"ff rna" t Erigland. Rfm C-barlton, %,110, PftPt Of lIMP Jil then Rddad to three in managing worn --out shoo 1&0" in ada. Calk -
r -'vcoftk=waklcmcirllvi'ngorizans- etty1j; 4-stroy despite rto of crywtals, and the mixture dig -
MW to klm'j;; b"L garbago and rf-,fuoe her age, taken great In
at, tlie lllccmgrulty "s upon W1000 Pitched battles In our In Vavor. There 114 t7trowilig eurrent 1P U,,,rest In all tilled, Product order to save a few cMtg not be bet_
veirlm depend our health or' to a venta, retallim lier mbmory I& of
Of their attltuitjo. 411d. riAn are now fI ftys-ti ve e&MM"le, with chlor. ter utilized In doing some "WIDIL
frn. _oIlr div- In -,- ArAli CalMram a _,&J_ �_Zbt t0WW1W