HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-28, Page 3tc an accordkft skirt, VvM a br round the walist, and pIpM ivIf*vQk by a might fit the occasion. "I don't me, BUR, how You umnav rom a .-Tear the mouth of watem with your bouie money. If I dive you so much you seem to get alo With T Fjord,'and paypj,er, on the Na Lauter- It." ")&hy, that"d perfectly i -IAL. Ro- west, coamt, of Norwrv, a wind - entirely destroyed by 4- dolplL When you give me a um flamed, fanned by a HL&vellers not It to pay the debta I get il whan A !10 the tor may I lany spread so rapidly th&' T The mymtery el frt Promises. you don't give me w much Ll k Itabitants were unal., titations are to be "lie's a very fine young man, ' re - furniture. the emotional "Pe Her doil wLw old and faded. Ina rked Coli mel I- ti I well—" a very f im A WIT SSES S-AiD every "pWion1Lte pilgrim" 00 ty and connected All ragged and one -eyed. 0 roulig 1'rincess Ingeborg imagilliLtIon a Pympathetic below by telephone man." "Biit Isn't I* dippowed to CUUID LID* erica, see4md daur *;ear the top a mag- Yet. when the heaA walm brokwi no rather Aiy ?" Inquired the girl W -between her—for-they are nuod . Prince Christlaa a - .4 to be built, extend- The little girile crip(t wbom lie wam talking. "AA too that, I JOB THI BUSY. betrothoixt at. Ber o SaysHe Heard a Wonlark's Screams iniiie�—Iteart­mftory- tvid that - "Oh do not cry," theY 01ald re'ly couldn't may. I navali had t1w daj to Prince C and a Watchman Tells of Strange lotte, Tepiple. -est of Alpinti'l upon which vimitors GGWe'll get another doll." pleashube of playing pokah with lilm." TI. -L, Li1jerato of"-.. 'ILAN. occurrences . police Gathering Facts . ..................................... . ma h r ides. Anotlker doll! meet ill collvelition. as To ajiswvir t1lavolie, in a myth W Views Will Become The L f a round trip will be only He—T ought to ask your father for led in th' of Norway aud--_ Was to gotland. tlrird lVho Was Charlottie' ercome Her Many May 31st. e all at waA born In A Assert That L,,ietgez*t loe rash fndeed"Ill view of tlie ver IDAY 'Most Popular Alpine Re 45f it now costo 200f. to hire gulAeA Site loved a soft, grey kitten, you, darling. but I am really tLfr&id Tile W -'o -in �ns of &-.at lottenlund, anq Marry dirs Feldt. kubstalitial, though far rronll 10gica and a arrier for the two daye nec- how kittle ui.,ed to.plaY! to broach the subject in cam he -n G.Ali,111, antl Da evidedice t d the'gravet4tt Ali - yt*t wheit essary to make the ascent afoot. Anil she waim very loneilome might—well, klek merout. She (sweet- meat at Fetie"i Fall6os - hol w oil Feb. 27 ul 1pago (Apatch says: we take Vie grave*Kcne as a itarting- u im conquerixi. The !amous When kittle ran awaY ly)--01i, It's all right. George, dear; to Pelee t a civattidate. "1 1% ililliPeg in large w that 'Mrs. Feldt is I -f- r. 1. A -dempatch gattliered It well lit-loint, and wt out to meek iiJfQfmatI0ill ON MAKING BUTT.14;R. "Oh don't be Fall," they wild, � loapa has the gout In him c4ght foot. Thorufo Sumnier 'Mail from 14oea nhS. all g has let ft oil( LJ Adolph L. alit)ut ChArlotte Temple. -we find -thht -Apped Alpine peak that only We'll find another kittie," Ho (starting up)—Then I'll seize t1w sayLum t BrAwkvillo. L. StA16, koutli uietgert, tile rich i4au-4aire It"Iluffic- all the infomation obtainable. consists e U(ist skilful and adventarouts Seven Rules Which Dairy men Ought 10 Another kittie! opportunity, jwt! Pelf ill t1jio c4)w mtttbl�- lZaad, after a turer wlio is acvwwil of inurtlering and of wilat in ot known oil the:mpbJPct, 1 3; Sst,�r- daymi, has rejecf lourning lihit Wife, *The, police tlylitain climberd have hitherto Observe Caretfully. red ii6f UY Dom your wife worry about burg- Faither Vmile Leg4l. 0. upwaxds 'oto (of the.Cli 11m. Felift lutd. '(I- or elw- of what is; "known," Illit, Ilial it able to ascend has yielded to lit tlwlr ewveitth lititter eir- A friend. hd ente much,' allawol r. Iteell dvvignuttod toy the Po .111keed too Luetgert Just be. pably untrue, the trol.ey. A ragroad, largely under- culifr 1). Gunn Bio'lwr,; l'ite chambers of her heart. hiclektn. '".I wonder wli&t she'd say adjuttor to BlWitop Grainilil. at ctir- THE LIBERTY trict t Ile frp TO A1tQrtk"_ ' Aijk Irish gardener t work on the 'Ith falling toars and sorrow lie fore hi failure, aiad lie itVe her it 14 at If Phe ftmnd title in the house ?" uiwa.. tr it , 1. L lrroxintL4 once told a purty of vioitorri, ground. has been turveyed and par- Silo cried Oh. - must we part?" don't know. But I have an Idea tIuLt FRKRLY ACCO 'It Hert tif h64 proijer y s Keelurity. tirr Tl*we are meveral uhrortumite The piltotat t,f tht, St. Lawr I tile W# � 10 of whoill tile writer -44 those notes was tialiy Imilt to it� higheldt peak, and "Oh. do 116t grieve," they ii -aid, shed amk film liow he dred to come making a hard fight to,meC kaited GF C01-48CIEN . ain agalikst sending ther alleged by th'e lj�)Iic that ti I dititmLs that oxi-4t iii our Camidiiiii IGYou'll meet anot1wr friend." in t1w JKmee without %,%Iping Illa Pli.j;adelpliia. museum. couple %vPre tAo lie.4ilarried in eaw ;l[IY- oijo, that Cliarlottt- Temple had Ijeen work. wi I be completed th4d tnmmer. butter trade wlikll Ili e to lie faced. lioration, but it 64 ttotlbtful OTHRU t ill view of the Ding- tilillgr liaptlelled' tot %lrt4. Luetgert. buried, there'In. the year 1774. P(Rl AT next summer the traveller can Wo think e are wkiiiii the mark Another friend! show on Uie mat." will ouccred. GENT. gue Via it * In being eagerly fluesditsted, mi Vt. bow- lie . reach the *;ummit in two hours. and, wj Americains nivrely wish to im- Luetfrert 'bteed Jitstice Kerste knew theglate, he i4iut loff a:11 Dirther _Wi we jutate til.it llotw1tII,4takIdilkg nie tilly wam growing darker, "What (11A papa isay wimmi you Deti-CtiVe''Clia rice )Iilolle WrinAn models, tile. Fjl-at emeago venue Istilice Stit- by all that wW be requIred of him Is tho increitoe Ilk the nuiul;er (d crenin- The hour nearer drew. -Bakal litin for me ?" "He ahruptly told $ 114 SO far recover�elt i yeisterday nd Kazetl 04tolidly, interrogat ion, retd"rting, te to Out on a Ikeavy overcoat anti meat er W%4 rece v t I y, probably two-Aldrtim nWi tA) C4ill Again next m(with." "Stu - L -.ie, Hungarian 11CCIL4tt tile ­surp. -it I d4in t know, itow -inlit 110 Wilen she must leave forever toffectdo of lilif wound its to b� Ile'eyes of the hinweif In, a coinfortable car. Eleo- I (it tlm- Imtter ciiiindit 11.4 she loved atiii knvw- pid. what did you may to him ?", "I athoolie clo-rgy of IVeIY !Rt() t - afthep tellill'. ez ?" 1.1110 thing" walk Iroin hi -s rewitlence to I,- i1sti*21te. U.Sistailt, I rosecuting- At- - tricity does the remC. the llollke dairy. Tlii*4 '11)ear. do not grieve," they tob- "ald I had a little matter I'd like Isy a-m-etiiig thtt tlw 1wvernment i lt4jelf effeirs no cleW. It is' Nor Iw thL4 tho limit of humiliation butter 104 It ri otig I it to 1011*4, liart of the city. e0litilitt a plain browniod"le it to IiAvo him settle, and then he "t ine ankN% mitil Saturday, to give tile Police t1w If wit I itivreliallts ill IUIIkIW - All Actitliki hilli 1*4ek t.L�vii in, Tor- to) intrtoduce civil mareiagi. Tbt hill, lyIng f litt of lofty Jungtrau. Btatlicins have beeft bed. nother limile.-O short." " Dear. dear, lie t000k you for tot pro- ujXAi.'the eartli-in fact. mullkwi two "T'liere'll be a tinovtio make it further. investigation provided at dizzy heightm en route,. (yi mize.4, Varying f p oin a January bill collector." 0111tO hy -Mrs. Pwr%e order itt havv UPell 4A tllre*� klelle Aeve U4.1aloert, widow,.ofor . L01ik%1JQ1 JlAiiOlk"_ tal)- #4 below tile of the hotels are projecte(L and If all 900d I (01m, too Wn llitc or inore, mid 0old for Another home! fin -A Iltifill alld Ikv Ik -crowit (W of. t1w, mystery. Anioltl Tripp, it Nurrounding turr In tho place where.. First Chorum GIr1l­-I do foel so queer ond. The sly op- well excursion traAmi will he run -to or molre re tiCui of lir littiobfuid's affecti . I Teared for Liwtgert, vigorou . f liltelitty trailed for T111t I,ONDON STYLES. In these short skirtA. Se&)nd Cliortie :L, t110113-44kIlti, lnt*tly '110111ICe't the - ordlitarily, the lidillo 'MoUld Ale, ' eR- these pointo. Lae parties, lkmxurious- 94104114. I*U tlrl,4 Wily tile, lileMijillit %%'ill itllul#_,W� clailliV41 is $-_',UU.,)- PVOe4l.. V ilk lkild (It Girt -1 know; we all feel that way 1 Willlat[114� (A the 00111wr lCut tile lioolice Kilth- graved, is a- P 1lbicnig cavit, tilt I- ly housed, wUl spend days and weeks mcelve '-butter froni inany eilstomi- Late Gossip From the Centre of British 6-ortitmi. witlaw of Lulti Of t1w al I o'-- L, eyi(it-iiee wiliell eting eitherhat-a former hweription at the start, but you will get omed rod --tis ytilical.. fle dellklillded oft ink- on ledgem - Idtherto only I"f UI)Y elw litivizW different facilitI004. for btit- ,.ictLuu*tjf the -point, Ellice bridge tli*- 4 P1 SO y4mir.4 44ti and''In -IAA)r hoalth 'I Wa,.etfaced and cut out' or me. thalb r nd marketed fit all kind^ to it. Firsthorus Girl -Maybe, I will. a v A for $10,000 111140diate hearitig. but tie col eftched'by liardy climbers, and f5wigs ter making, it' a&Wr;, haw gx)t erdk aloptintuient ()fit �41&111_ the eftipt ipace wits orighlalty otell Smootll black. green, blue I know It im t he f irut time I ever ap- etgeri wils Of villa (it wpather. It U14 to ti nlekhituti4 peared In such a rig. I of Victoria. It is graitte4l and I pied by a ment(vial plifte erawl.11 makeaday's merriment are favored have been tlo- y t tile 4tiov#k4alI cpilvell- oei cakem and bper at hoelghto lilth- that we PAI eir- ind tan' by London tailors ail. mellifly azlor . The shape maiAl thero aro 'nuuty nlw)re io;uito of a blk#-xt litolith. The to J. q�trl;dequently removed. Below t1w Cav for opring wear. Is tight ing living pictu" AlI wasoplL erto regarded a*4 practically inacceso- cular. Wo know that plait, dianapolls Journal. odmilar nature W follow. --WATUITMAN I_AII1oItTXN-r W -IT -N imobt, midway A)f the - mtolle'* a great deal of hi-riollp orfer.-A to) ity, a ritting, tile back Itil-I In a box --cut In plaill-allnust awk-, buttOr received fly nipreluiutA4 im quite i -paw. L>11, Of j_4404464 1111441 lellikth, is te in mize, with ellf f8 So that affair betwoen Reggie ClL;l,I tit Mr. ary tr tile 61u% of 'Alle� 11"lill , wiff ThL.4 renutrkablo raflway, which. (',Iultl to the finemt reamery. There tile sleev" Incodpra n t I re edge Ashcroft and 114-nelVe Phillips is otf? an4l coltar flaring. T tiff P Tomwortli; whilft. walking ner th I'sir the th#4 poliep rely io Fred L. Balke, ward-Rbinitn'' letters, tile wUl make -one salmou Ri%er on Thum- t4 b he ;I vt lit w:ltcjilll:ill ill- the o4aiwage Charlotte Temple. of the mo -it famow4 io, however, quite elloligif of very in- he finWi led with & 'What was tile tirouble hy Ileggie the ilig may or may "lot foOt agLLinst, a stoineb factory. lie isaw ro Ltietgert go. thing more. mountain summitm in the world acces TeMor flutter madip. wil4ell, wheli Tnoumpliup. the, Illustra- forgat that Mr -4. 11hillips lei th mail y itit.) a mwilt current,.arill WM 116) tile office to nivet her huodiand, But 1,rtheri- not the Iiook-Mrs. isible to anyone. man, woman or clWd, likilu"I With tile good butter, #qX)IIm tiny ruche of vidence. The brald- 01 tilo lioulike, an(I Pe nd rvil il The MarW MINING TERMS EXPLAINED. n- wilo.je lungm to able to bear the thiF4 whole Isilreel. We hav t1tolt gliowing it In ask6M 1'enelo 'a I to ito de-aW but did ll()t F44b 1her go 4out agaiii. The ailuith Rt.iwwit's century -old novi 1, e e frequently in black, Alilack nnd giAd Ilim stiltemi-nt will be. "Char . lotte Teiu-jjle; ostrain o"nolonall by the rarefied air, Iweii not n littit. anillowd. Ing Is doilto father for her hand. Of course, when sid Mrw Dwom mym- the motber foutid It out the whole fr iei w�' I Have You Stock? mrief Glossary of I or tho latter (only wIv-n a very dr(wy -11, tilt 'r bereave Truth.," which our mathers'alld to tjl� U , -m in thei %-er.v Ntartling iii other wityc4. coat is desired. buidi~ went dowit likfk it hotap ment-t ''. . I : Terms Mostly in. Use. Ilk a Pearc)i 4 Likl�tgert's factor, lihi: graji�Iniolthrn.& 11)4 r hilklio; - e%IfA iour An entirely new Paritlall Ven is A ca drivi ' 4,mi Adit-liorizoittal loaki-�ugo frotit tfay�- otric an4t t1le I)Pdr(K)III off the of1iC4_,_ gm-at,7grit#idnuvthA,rt�, read 111111I.MiKI444i I . Ight tan covert 119 light into a wino alung tim % eill, whi-14% Lii6tgert slelit,' the.1)(Plice f6mitir -tivtir ? Yeai� tJwre ia4 cerithily stich .-t Jackpt inade of f oib l(Kne front, with C (.Iotil. it ha Engli, 4 lkolklVly UiL-11 aild W-) tellaciolus is its 1144 1 JJ111111 k ith corded Ullottwkr tkxLr ;Liktt culm near louL not acruw tho ctintry towdo.y. 04-veral thiiigs of int6rest. While b&C w lap pockets anti COOL and revere are o -A f the cubs to tile velli. ilt the bawnietit 111-olicenian-PremNs, seams. The collr WiLiruqi- 110 ciltught 0"0 0 t;.e it llieCi- of IL 11111Y I[W 1,0111ght t0 -day- for. it -few evnt-m anti the ideeves an,t liurr�od awny wltlk. it. He tiup­ Apox-The edge of a veirt clube;at'to founil, allit twelliptl to- in the paper -covered loopWar :'llibrar" contrasting milk moire, All") Cared the old ones".L tho surface. the,vat next tAL) where the ring wits 0010 1 aro bell-shaped at wrist. The jacket f4 pilild, Wilt �Well 'Ith matin to IA)V^t tIA) W -19t 11121 piee,e'of it, editionki. For a tale of -truth. it im stir- throughout lim tale dal lio)t, atULck him Tho cub 1kd­1L beluti of mineral among btrati- d to ) Le it very mmalt. not -w 1�jge as a tied rock. womanpi drew. (hie sit.'e witm�eatelt by prWngly vague md vluiry.of 4k4ailsi. ;PIT, lilat(,Il tile material. ot _I�Xjjjvdioll (if dy - a I citi, Itlid the tAFly reatpooli it wiks,not, lt ccordiiig W him, mtolry, Chair- A4 1�t. lie brought, it to Wit Illaot (a6o a bfl, Wm Moll CA r. natuitoo or other Ikjw&%ri# ill a hule coitistime4l was because It 11:16 4-villently -iotte, a - daughter 44 'the- wk- Wisheb yomterday. ant WAtt it to It fortunato, 0lillger POOR of IL;I. drilled into rock. bee -n. Wadiled OP. A 'Wito f0illid for She- Wunot on a tinle, *ome boys vruz goin' tho district coro- Blind'llrift--A fittrituntal' lav- in There wtire markri tof - i4tol dowii- to the creek to swim, leau. be, . body L Ing but One opelling. 1114loot ulooll the front boarding -�( Ali' there wuz (one III lit)y-him motber iwr, lia.4 ilt'IVi'll inklu"St' tou Blotuoltk l4wk-Rock 'tiLke I front a li'andle. tirmy officer iiiiint4i aild, I oo flew-tooru lufaut receutly New York t the thile of the 4o t4io wuz a -feared fur him. I. iv.i iuo� to iue. im artititawil off r, Cemeteiry, Vein, thut still iif the in w1r, t i, I). olUtioll' He teamed 'tio hard to see the Wlik _ J%* expu*-' tho orrievo.!. Oil Vie wailipw4oting lit- AiiieriikuOl IN-% Tile mothr of the, girl Who Jump otf tbe Ppringboard plank testilled that. ure uV& veiii. t-weeil the 1x4inioni i:tm)r and tll.t; -grew n would At, ljwt *doe, wild Ile might go long illfilt tlioubtlftw i4ly If ly I d the kit a allery or- beaditig, - lending from' the offive illto 01e. fae-r which. minerm, . tory are ni JON met (xi the fiank. of Il d [lilt 1110 forgot, Wen. tile ftkn began, r le 114-41; it fill. U-4-11414-41 illren in t117, I i uw *4 1 d or de*ce ad ill a iluine. brolight lli ) - rill hlpromiw-d lie wouldn't go ln; ch I)Ilt r h4_,," il lqutle� A411towed hrock- ri-nering. a budy or' twen lie cumed out an' started 4 I ol :but the i velil CA Ore. t t;i-ro were g oil tile flwor nd Ikkot befo. home, lie 'membered it agin. omoither. aind brotht lid killo- roll, of 'IinlwT filled Plact* 'looll h.til ioqmttered Dicy Te K X11' woll tlw-y reached the litloume It ou tile I-iftle, f �Iie jkAh. littor'-vid (tliiirkiotte's) flitlier. With-etAlceal- inade the- fellers want to imhout- 'nglu'6d. tI)ere too Itecoilie phe heroine Chute illcillic" kitillwre-ij toting finve flis mutlwc isald "How did It cum his 14 or r lgemelitai, have been alm;*it cum- Ilit'llt Of loirtli. or planked tunnel, thrugh 'which- 1111V*11, w) that errorts te) rino isiood. of ­atiotl r #Atory j - or, ishirt wuz wrong #41do out?" Airal & -2tililig. *1 * luivelipt tellm Its that -40 . tile oro falitel toy gravity -to duitilv'or wern utla% Ali' iim tie choked, down In his throat, 1piew�i jubilee vehicle. #111141 of llit4 life, -)to- was slildi-ct to pw!. 48 to IW 14041 111 otre Dame Church, "I'll Widle IW__ an' gillved a kind o' cough. i vere rits or ntelallel"Y.'. N"eill-.1 �,Cill lying between 01- f4)111141 ill tilt- n' #,ald lie "gimvsed it got that way ol J uue rp(piefitly re . I , PI -11 AIL XIsunitrual, (olk- Suuday evenin retWillit-:1 in ew- Ytork f 01 Ittle fum Vvielliu, it wul aff..., -ty U-tween the ation of the 60tIf i two stratud 6f disaimilur fortila prettY I �:Ot!j, it conimemor -ard. w re ILP Capt. is shown' In cut No. 'a accemion to The It I" But whan tmhe went tin' V,)t a &wl", wiw%errt�urY of tile queen t1m, turtilikee,. 1. -r- wcl)t 4,ver the grave lut(Fregretterl t will L'owiter-A, crt*w v*iu. Ivas 11114111 it, lolit tile ov tastefully trimmed with ribbon, hice OU bet he didn't snicker. ilp f.lte, the throtte of tireat Britain t and Jet. V see be- cotildn't change him panta llytililIg ()f tile kind ever ite'l i 44 6 to Li rpuaw it 'Country rock of -the coull- not. t w rk. Tli Wty . the veins ruit. s 111711,11 fl"� 11. n n T lie try througla hich 4 off i('Pr?4 Are,1101 ti Ve 'it i A 'A novel garment, which %hen wor bY wuz*thIckvr- twfore zittela eshurchyard- tier finjilletw a canie, Is made intersecting vein. itetgOrt's Ila& tile appearance of 4ecoratioll* or the church will be ear the vat vi tior Im there ill tile entire of hellotrope kerse. e nt, bcaie, Croi6 Cut-liorizontal. puswigo -cut ti) Ila IN -en , c4 oil- y. Th body or -rved Decision. carr.ietl out on a Ina9111fice -141RIOC, ltl;.Ilti4)11 �of ilm. 9111 A Rob& w'! I be the great fea- acruw tile coulift rock to a vem. 44 littrialt's, t look jacket, Is Empire (fftCt, while the 1041 1110111 were W111'e the Cr ti�_Puw-: or public plocti in -York. slt.uveo are funnel.-bliaped,. and hang In ,I*he*�e wili be a choir of 600 Ileading-A drift couilecting You think Cie mince pie is -ptirtly burned 11V -to a t tire. kin addition i llightwatefilliall. good, %%'illle 4 aAked tile houmewife, all urcho6tr gangways fur ventilation. isucil a position aid to form u eftPe, Day work in day t lirp 14 11110- clear 'fk+1_ 4V anti tile whole. Is embroidered with R I who prides' iie WhitiLry to ti,e great urgau) or 5o or 60 pieces, arternetimi int Ile flA 14 time. Laige, 111i'lleol colultionly eill- t1lillg WU4 wrtillig. Thero �Lkre at leat"t thr I pretty -desL911 of biaclE milk brald., Many t1j*,tiugui6hai . perounageo will -eu .610witi" is a u Ide band piuy three tiiiift&i, o Net of jiteu,. 114, *;Ii.l that 10641 tllt,..(*ity %klierp lt.hiw It( Over 01ther lallould(-r it im, probably." premellt; including Lord audLadY 40 � livfvl. or ol-ach workin eight hours Vii wid, tlic 'ilitirder; IS' 01lid thlt'Clift-rkitto of black antique tarleta ribbon.wIllo-11 Ilut ou have eaten three strp off. . litnittod Mr. UwAgo�rt hil,illilielf. rak- d iled. . ouo h4 III 1.)Wf et, itea r in caught f ont and back with let --I know it. But -4 can't U-11 for .�tjle llow( rying no- #.(I (jilt 11JI tile a� -ty ioure till to -morrow morning. I had li r t M, F;Q eAvIlar Im double c Dead f,)uartz-_(1uzirtz. C' 11 bueklm Ltjr� I Ifeeiry Edward S(nuerawt. 1111111611al titat ptre4..t..Mcj4t it, wAtbo nlinm itic laimt year that I iiiinwir. This TO It'.NGFICAU's PFAK. flijishe wip, ruciling and ribbon front ft,urt,h. i�tju (A tile Duke, of Ikmufort. 11elot-wit-IricegiCar lit,die-s oi x)re-not 0, Colti �N;.ew York, Inibli*411441 -ill tile inside an ibbon thow-lit -was pretty g000d, but it tke jilen here all n444-6-il it. litil different towl bell rf4w tllvs "a,fterA%ar-i '.%Ir. 'Luvi,gi-ft, wiAlLa by,,the eV01th.Street 114-0 . low. modelled :I f ter the road constrUcteJ il-9 tlle- elikeli inerellillit, neek. The lininig ot dllil!'t mako nie occtiloll whielt.' U%r, to hit ve lb of I)iP-.%iigleo from tht- Iiior zon, Ineasui- .111�71jooly ,it,, tim T�io annier.-ary. of the deat divt El pal ( Geneva,- chang-pable glaeP. _t on mount Saleve, wilo dWd May 15th, Rik IN't1telinkil anniversary. a 91" Dal ed 4 or fir*;t electrical hinw*lf io, very partictibir in Ile! 0 U4.0nilk-li' tik�ollglit th the NO PLACE LIKE HOME. by the st0V4*_-ftI; Jifte ill W!e ftll�lwt eviell lite. BrilmidwaY was, by the way i,uyii4r buttpr. h4t that h�4 lipighbor 7,. at was obeerved la Rome in At4tor conikkierable Fize- ane or a btrata of rock: - - I nta.Iq road 6T -atul-Alay by ile celiebrat C4`11sloicu"I'slY nwil 1ollem," Will take allything Tile I-mell of moap@uds In the air, a brift-Any untlergrumid horizontal., It: niking ove-17 Cluliluittoo" r A Ii tie litter we Call (Ilk Time floore and wnlim entirely bare. rt-inple",io; lui lielgill-it or !A reo lem mape. inarkiet! and lit- U-1104 IN tile lb "' Tilt TRIE I)ROJ-117T011. Tlit' lllg�k.xcavating driftoi, adito or threo t!"41tiliti,0164 41e) mot I Tie pile" (A ex,crymt i llill I- - her, and ullgfrau 1041iiiie thi suid oo-wi it witi, it ,acaot stars. 4t itar iii ro,ligitoll., lcv.cL* diffultzi- froin.sinkin , which AI& , T I to I (_4 it tijklit the inn - 9 twith 'gil' 1111"t t� vitplelArp With of Zur- g4ws. 1%nktip im sit i kee, Cully to", a bla%ft. are 1111,1114hre or Iefo'n tiyer-Zeller, And handkerchief tkd oer her hair, li 14 .11 Well 1114 Railrotld to H.err 0 lien I)Iat*d jority (of are nfraid (of glV- Are Piglim Whiell men all fear. 1-1 in propop J t Of' orc%.. generally _ low f .41itt t t 1144 tit ich. ition, w I provok- ing- (Iffeace tAl it vii-;t4imer, stith it 64 grimle, taken frkau a mine.- ti ta-tiloll 'wit), the. reld facts 1.4-forc-the S'wilis GovernInlell t-knowli fat't tilikt fitriiier#4' They knoW fluit, when they wtungile Itut tile. niore r,.( le 14 le - they Ilded &A"lishinent. it ro-rtain tli-it Dykc--A fit*ure f1le4i with (or od unbou -'*-- tAo the quality oer 0 igneous itv Irispect 1. . I rp thpy are vottlN UP Alv atioil -fi3r aro very ownisitive =I t ter. J t i red or -Ilid %%-I(('. Atre the mo, -great 'jig Jungfrau'tii ' rel)"t .01. -,fr V if. Lutgert r"4 - i I t�s er it am (o their butter. n the floor that it w -ariv lu I:xl4"tutiAAi-TIve. working ofanijne i4y Inid'had freijilviit* wlym*j prove IlilythilkK to Il They'll clutch a fremlily rmiinted door cc, invemtl�atioiis mailti for, thaii Itait ttlohra0ed Ilim at first nd wildly thirst in vain for gore, ilk T inexora tA-r are often Wilght without 4 regarded 1A utterly iiiillrac- The load anti th- inmool Irratler; or It -r. tirary Becauw, an in the days of yore, purpope. wit,, ticable. J wl 1whig Char 41urckly plit it -in tire aae A -t t -be ri,*k er-Zeller Thiat'part of, the rock (xi .641. tf.k. I vogether, nd to -re ace- Guy Owijlg -to t1te, fear (of hydrol .�4F. Which A114, ir: .0. lirse to But i lie esplained ti -At lJouseocleftning time is Ill work im bewg 'done. Plali k- Iwforchatill t(Aci.11111- I C.ortoell sill a ligilt whel lglailit, ;an AurLkr. tin '114,41 ww Ilig earw througIV R talklow, or dumpf"d -illtO I * ben isdued by Fault -Tim abrupt -dierictitm -of a . 11111odt.l.. fir prelottreoi the tilk. ni o. till; wilt Itsil ole hyllwitliesis 1141valle- 110 meant to run Ns for the Britia-h! Wxtrd of Agriculture, U- lillt- 10"411 eI)y the -late FeiiX who lnf'%- tullnel loored througli tile solid rocky.' there to . reniail Ills. Tile Couldi. Er,('.ureit -nuty be up or: down or mitle-,' avid 11, tllp, :APrioi!iXllt In A actilLK VWch 1;t1ringent regulations ad veui lifted Up tw. ni the vil. to-foore finally tu --Hutbaud went to the I;t tter, %tstpli(micallY alit, litain fro I,nert�l , tit' ,,lit-klimi The- Iwart of - the mou amoQut to tho proll-iloi- 11111p; sullitilit nd him and other roonim ill which 1141ttPr I I -14tollf" of Char][4)ttv,- Tel club lamt Wght ; tile flrttt time [or a tiou of tho import I"L--ktmre U tile %0t. fill grJIV# lifis. , W11114 Inge of soclie0cixg to th -it cootitantillitted yatio;1 of flog* Veiii kny mineralized crevice j�llilyfi#,4 t tilitt, erikettial 'is stAorell tire (orto it 1 mllovfiki of tilo upper levehot could never wee k. t rimijr that 110 ild stornin and. 11 it I,, reported that the Britiah cruP­ ill the rock of great depth. Wr a fair--yoling. At the tIl1lP foul follors and where these c wr lowerfulo bailt,to be, the or tranbw.rul por- ii, tiir. oexist it 1; ImIxWsible to ave 4tint M- urm. hil-flow W" that? 4 largetot )If �141­11)1 N WAb(I to IlgiVe We lKliggeot -it -ui&�Or ill,tl ' world, will whortly be tiot-L4 0-1 - bowlderk of rock or . Ithe: little pleeping the "ffit, interfere itA Wor tile ftollowilig friod. llicka-I t-tarted to read Ida r Ile Now York oluiirU, ratryuilg cor Jildica . ting, 'lie so-iZI-41 Irk,.r by t14V tllf4x1Lt :k.,*Ii t.tb_ -ill tlie Trinity c1lurchyard, surveys were -made and lCu to. if ad"ere'll w" a Iot (A newspaper roellies for keep - it fuil joc#wer ruti to it "I isel.. alld till itrou.1141 it for nially 10i"CICA, Was y r4 inarrietl nien fit lioniv. to 0P, tilt- ell -fire Iwated arguffiellt,* Lwere indulged ill. -riall i is We alld, b�tck 'to omulate tile run, of tile of lanterli, lie it wlwt�. ruliw,' front the -resit tilt, quality of butter 114 -- igi,t a In tho rail or lWjt the.tiovernment think will 11441) to nWitf -�,Fluor-417he sAiruta w 'Ierlyingia cuLn ly I Ilanillf-it loy iowr- crukoer Uolumbia- eral iyar, et ildi- coficetimlon. %N'ork Judged From What slle lie&rd bel t, 110 1 it y 1-a ro, f roin t -of 1776. A -ioontewit-It sill' eollmnited to the al %Wler. cof the'Upitetl 4�h � I o(p,'j t u, I it iii the vat, thill 1itn,vlIJI,k-(I there III tilt rQot, Wall-Faa of the -'rock 'bel' was begun tile rollowft room In tilt' Holeti-Your hut-4band uw- L, man or Clow t t4 w I,#.Il thf- 'clicidegg ckou.n t r y it t ti �a (4 uettn'b k ii"almd, ju bi Thi- tiny village or ter is stored C u t N illstl4rati-iiii the nw whape many excellent qualitiem. a vein. 4 fI(Vati-114% I it L- r4.iKllr r I cellar fit which oulY but Ca ei A- CIL Disorder 'iger, the smalleSt 0 1 -statt Na vy. wW r* Mt ILW 1 .1 ilt'd to coll urelli'-waiot 11),11141illit. at t110 ro(yt of 1. jif chilled of Jacket, with it,44 large L' SIOM111. Helirk.tta-YeiS, be WH6 a good M&II. lajiging Wall r -The' a I I i0f rock- soitn4VI. lelf -1114, m .1,1 f. le' a Were or jun6ftraii. I the room if p(*wiblo should t %xUl civnnuinkil the cru6wr Itif.tol.; %%,itii f%l, llito - tile toillikstolles tlw - three, grelit peaka I Ike thor-, It Is one of thie mivel ino,lec, wid Evorlkody Payo so. wasll,t much&c- aibove'.tl* vein. Illpt 111.111y Were 44ut iff tIlp Cil%m. it with icop. Triis toot" shoah IN IN' wiiqi t1wi lie has been I -Les. - 114 agg * it. 'knil(iSoMely L braided, lit; mout of the t -lyll. it - to' the bri Pkil.-n - re tilat the road bel >d % Aro"I . of 'n i unnei eu . t iota th I 1 AftA-r thP siew structure 11 lie oil the surface for a cowgider- 111glily wilitewamilml otice or QUainte, _11th Idin m&4.1f. fie belongwi provi,lokmi'witli liberal mum of niulls,y lWa rt iy, wisi-trir,1 toi. bi1ru. it I t too dd bpmt cloth Jaekets in- likuly UA be to kven dMerent clulm. order 'w:w gradualiv cc windilig In, and olit during likes atile distan 41111iiitity4of thim seAtson- ft�r t-le-jjurIA>4*i-of entertaining. joamage in a viein- -AlLo. fire." tlie graveyard. jol ru'r ledges and fil)- t'" we I I t. But over convenient The salt Will IasiAt ill A mems ecat is ma4e of royal jourple Tho I-AlikitliAl Daily mine. numberNI fr*m the servieq. its, 1-vLI)T'-*4 ST.%Tl aploearanit tt illountaiii by IL rUNNY .11ARBOR OU STORMI! SEA. . 1 "1'19 tho wilitew.,wh dhere to the lioowlel"; that Allosqueell 1�ub X dr if t. t t I# r i ii ir4 than pro�ilclling tile gre Then it wtfit nade a 4 verlwntlite collr0e. to the prq,F)(*,a tI! 14110 Live Qtuirtz-Quitrtz Carrying. 1"In- sllt-:kW 1 Ieeps- Ig- or partitlimis b4-tter than if th Sol-flotiluft I vton;ier %4iich is beng Jor ielb as, 11111CII Igullgo into tlle solid rock-, traverim. . lillit. 64 use4l ajolle� fit tile water. to every part cof IA- W Clit me- m"wage, r eraL rs. Luetj;i-tt . w.w vertainly 141tsilille- wor too tilty flothillor (if 114 -11 tullnei for a wilile,, to emerge agaill The stinn3r harbor or- the jotormy sea. Jubl, U'lien r(-ceivftA Care rihotild like aly during thiep ee Locatlolki-.k. mining claim. slit, Nlrs.'Luetg(-rt off I by I the TrMity fig 4111 to ollien air at a itigher tLititude, alld wrvice at, �4t- I'aul, 1 4. For this p"urj.K*�e, ill ttuu-Temt ot valuo (d a quantity uliglit 1, -foilltil ni it farin geni-ral readji tfiii-lit ot ar again. t., kell to class the lotitter ccording to HOW ula v tile a )ul rest, yet grow t I' b rftl;� brave collillitillicating. ith,fill tile 4,4- frequently disappe of (sr4,)­.tn noway oii a largti scale. itt %%144colwill- mit rempll(41 in - tile cdthe- !.0 Themis glimpsed of mountain scenery oocablei* Will to carriett re-Stineral of ally k ind of oiu;fict!-nt the Ild all(i glorlouA ill tile time In the packing Prom -it... The 1(1� %1,00 call". Yet li-i'ttle %%Ith Pitch war - 11 VarlUe 'and JIU. The- lioiiee kve a liecoitookirily ensUP11. 'tit P119 ring wave; drdl htelw, P 4 will lie w fouttor 4hould bl- joacked every dity. Iii i t y i -i 1 to (k),r of it- iw or gre4it litiloort-. wit iri� it ys wao tilt hr treme, . and tile -pa&wnger will Ile- 14wictuary. bly wArAxi. lic" itaillie i* witillif-H slatio. Tito liletill memorial ti 16-t hav- . moened long before he really I UL come frig tilit, tile butter may Ike Worked ofl 1 kind tanolard it lvrAt-f 114 lot Ore Shotit-A jjirgt� nil vf-r-y rLeli. wellt t",Culotain Sviieuet- li*';t or itol it, Felix i&l)le altitude. aven Itmelf. yet. twar tlw world wilL VIA let itilVillIZ W4L) attains an appree no ordhlar.� table miletai; Will lie minim of niixiier.-�l in voin. . n4l ;tolld hl�4 story. rk�nan, or will lie Eigerglet- '14-r, tu-da-Y A ouirini-*44, The firot station, Iplit ill tite haildbi lot, lot mind? Ife I*I.L* Illade in Truth Outcroppivigs-Whc4i it ve4in Wipwu- li%-j. ilk itvigliburhou,l of the wlitinwntallyt inclined a ie ge of Eiger pprhallmi soollip Heiler, MrIA W Y UP, t1 - mIc urti otle 11"It � ex- ttiv S411t 1-hrough the turfrtvA-. Crol*4 ut. An charge Deductive ict.ory," the lilght. fit vi irk i of and L-1,280 metreo above sea level. - Up agnin.-t for. I:uiher- flutiout-11r-f-olact o tell o'cl( et. li,:il a. of f I I'l- ngineering perienced g0tid Jildg- % ity Itt, alljolit. llalf-loa-t jek, rilvitooration, Conceived to t1164 point no special e llwiit o4hoald be allowed to (No tite 'I'll- Jolittay-l'op, io -I wii 1porn to I*. I ,B.Y ,4 t rm k-niill la,yer Of v('= t wtw colvilng jltf� ilk th4l"blan , It with) the fie it*'-lIalllP (lifficultieff will be' met. 'It will be awl a 10-atfillir .41Ar . It. in the lLicII carricii tho txiy Ore. Temple. f4ifnple "cending railroad varled with ing. Care altoulti be taken that the land a lole ? faettiry I ciiiiiing front of� (. Tit would lotittoer is not overwtorked, as ill tIli4 Did Father -Yes, my bott. Priti.-Ii stmVi frica I'Itateresl j1inch-Narrf)w.izlg of a veln-lierica _.tlt4.. office. It wwo at wooniali'm have gufrICCA to lilloturetile vsprva-, I t1w ftiLfAcki.viker- hitviny. re- ltinl"l out tliean*4 vei Itim nar- -r ' aitge *4at the oil the s pliositioll. a few short'tunnek& tiv- grain' is t4tt4i dvioitro.w-d- Johmly-Well, t1w.n. io a mlin ixwu J tlimiglit it rittlit i4t r. 1. tiou or tilip i4toine, i UTLOOK 3. The perwon will) i -i working tho in Hollitud a ilole. fll.�4-1 t4, 'te-tify- roiwi& I till tho will -a tneet, and time, lout 4ii4t p)t re.kilize tho l4gliffi- tililt it'repr#",ntold FAMIP- nvnilier of A SUPERB 0 and, ill lioutter olitlould !)Y his li, The 1'rlrwfw I'll"d, mtartod M ore, im found. A:zxfw#� (or it. nutil I 14'.trtA#-,l it( Lilet- tilt. olot -alill VW -4 -11 -known Tvilipie r.-nnilly A magilificent outlook w lat W Lade b e Dij it. ion, whicil will doubtiew dinary pickle, which lullY 1 11 y gert'm, itrrest,itivl file- f Now York. fro-ni'thIsstat -1, It, t %%-() 14 -it, 1l,e,_muKge@#ti,Al t.f" Ro-yal Ifigh- Vitch a 0 w4ing three P(A111141114 (if 64. flullef velvet lined throuMout with g4ace 14Apro%J1te--n oiiiiiwr or toome mub,� Illaeer-LAn aceuniulati on i r illailt- 1plill-St I- It'll) is IOU ry wwopular excursiOu hade of the neari, of the water - in tho twol of mtrea-.'or where All thisk, Ilowever, IL I volijPc- prove -to lie IL ii4aitpetre and one gall4al t he I' d,,xi't %\ ant a wtoW, mo..11 durin' the week of the loot.;itive it initt have toevit thesiereituis ture; and, lacking-avii it. doill-9 tI1P elfvl� One looks forward over a wel on. It Is fastenea wlth hookia tind', I.-opijed his stutbint daughter lubilt*. eomnit-woraiti#4i fbr thepoorvat a %tream or, botty - of water. Or of 1@..A Wirik . tivtt I liefird, tIllIt give, vitality to Vivo tradl-- ulwrh v y stretell- A istuall, lioortiott o4hould, too - oolorin- of *ived to-daY all tvmtinuw1-r4k", %vo all UlkeXIW'(*te I piece of -1 tit disPlitce til*'Dl-' 14 ally miles, anti baekward upo- be froom time W YoAl,ve allent W) uluell I r(afly rtvt )n,l(1*,4 p(,or, rce Tlit - --%k lot hk4 ilig for ni time as It Is mixt-41. Thim will- serve ilk if I hadn't oughter. Jungfrau, ort'., ra%fir -ChitrItAtor, Teniplf;,14 will oin the maselve walls (A t1w purpose of waohing the tisitter tll&t illoaey III tile bailk ':Pockot-.� rieli antl'�Lrge Ixuly 6 itle ftoot4qu-Im alwolutelv If Y0.1-tiaCt mind. I'd ratlaer,' Lorol Mayor Phillipsil ilam announewd of e4l* to-auy. trie-of to .110t C41-1040 to attract gt-1 willch. bere appear to it . e and freving it fr4oni any botittermillk 1LUIiit with tho receipt (of this donatioii ore lit a vein. g*A LttetgJ'.rt'#, 112-yetor-old son Louio lill(gig tilitt whiding pittik, 211111 bid thern llnpowitjolb of asicent, jail tliat may the loroduct. The 4d titan in it deep faint sank t1w, fund is el(Awd. The Princemm cof Prijispect II,)le little 41tig to o idelitify the rinip-b round iu the va. paue*� for lier-inemory'o-sake. N()ne Lbaving 'EigergletoCher, the r( 4. The firty-.41 imoirri (iovetow4l minumt, kwed rather hPaded. the- - tain kf t liere- be any ore beneath' nA tIlq4t. of 'h6 mother, lout the boy llcvd think their i4y'PatIlY wasted; will skirt the wountain for a, Mwrt Wal rAvi*w-ription li--4 the murface. In lany. ally plunge I tA Iit to of wilic.11 witt, Ile 11.1,11 never ioweit the -in before. for, Alito! there. were on.11y too 11 'distailce and -fin illu) y it lt(lislovtIng-Lo(oking for pay ote ; t. if there A otrotig curve will carr W f -U I rarsaast 11rofe-ssor )v La tilt -eniplPA ill file heart. test quality 4of Imirchinivit, ls.iper, "I- Charlotto T a %)re tho tl,4v 14 -ft in a steep Went up the the I (111%ifig horeep @ft$ Ex.4'eoverwAr Altgeld i..4 sufferiiig mcouting country for ore indica.! pert to W1.10111 'Wlu4�xuljlllIt- W11,14 110t OUO W rging o -1 i" t lip lw.(qwr loacksige for butter oil- Briti.-di Ina CIirf of Eiger 0tuetim(14 ginf tel#led for tht of f roin a attack it( iWrvouo4 prom, tc-41 a 'Itortion 04 tIlf 140111- lleur-, T% rrell -in Le" rket. We 'rompect-W fiat appears- from Invilea- tioll Ill_wl,JcIl. 'the police Luet- milow tho tra�ejler a view of Immense Yes. tration. 4 )o 'not timm am to tho value and quantity again plang- however, ravor this Ibilckaore ly 6f NVM. S. Ladol, a Port- k4l-tt linnierrieA tiii- imilty t. -A w ire HARD ON . SCIENCE." extent, and majnsty.'and A i id % onw- n a re en K% i i ig liken o t'u II, T he bJ of oro that may be found. hi orlk-r t4o tlW-,4troy it, It" not yet ex- the r6ck. 711,44 It wiu'W UP for tir- hwAil trade, aill I as tIiP of lal tim 4r.K4 johin. It not inlificonaire, lian been stolen from ouller w1i.-It Chlok.en-Hearted 11 Horses - Running the ity of tilij., cl:ttw of Iput4er is 11,4t%l 0 see 144t.-thitcropping of a vein above the I 1~ 041410 until the station of ye#1. , 0 gravo. Itmin4_41 it. In order to prou tile i4llow )ocally, tim- orwrtfivittry fifty or eixtY %%'oil, after a there won't be lrfacc- and i4milar as a, reef at it io, 11111; he S'11141 to-Ilight that 1140 Business of Hypnotism I"iger hi reached. loolilid tut) is n.u-,illy preferat lilv. A"Y I Tho ( ul,nri appropriating MO. 1106mmall- allythi, 0 kno0vii"is strong Tho followilig is taken from 'the I)e- ThIs'la alloilout half way up t jig loft lotit wtmien id trtilley for the rlief of the dellititiltP 10to)f-T mtratilm overbead in a ellougli tA) iii, lootly in tillie ept j*ak of Jungfrau aiiil :11,221 niptrem -4- the ea r#4. 4of the ordiietry woo -At,, #,U"ll :tto' White T wjltte will #4-r% .%n"icaju# in t,ili)a, lawoed the Sen- tillmol or.(Irlft. Iiiietgert, de.4troyetf -dorm ith IwFut divimlkin- When- one �ecxwidi!r.-j w,hat profes above me& leve!. atop W it 'Salting -Placing in a inino or jlacer; tliat of Iiis, himnc Ife will o . to coutend with, Eiger will doubtless prove one of the Ittirlia-e. �4 be forwatioll. 4 of llyponotI911111 11MV in the road. 5. Tubs t4lowill I 1W iCut No. 8 shown a jacket made of wain) t A I or. e. foreign ore or mineral to give a proolwabli, nviks- h6 r#-p4ort ti)-nirorrow. it bs a matter (if wt*ider�that they most attractive pointm t we lw.�ick'itg it it I A lipt'll Billgo'--1 wlike up the other night ill *)ptonoltmill t4o fictitioum, value foJr. selfing itur- arp�e patron- twelve hopurto Iv -1`4 t1ne English tan covert cloth ; tjoz do not abandoti , their plillanthropic It in bouliti to haveo a 'I out Witli j itr(plig wilt pickle, fly front., coat 1jack, lined through- Ilourglar'iii the -ioune. I ti,i- I's-il TfLlf.1011folle re tip- now. erfort&6 entirely, nd leave �jle science age, both becaume of its acce"sibility 411J."Itity 4 filw out with fine chamgenble taffeta. have oftell willitilere.d! how I should fell Iw takeii i1i 111 it.Pp"044 Steam -A layer of mineral. Australlaw N or uttinvr Pt4%Ae to sleep U) Opiato0s anti It* magnificence, large hotel tQ,lt, inny top rubloed over tl'i,- i4ides of I give Cut No. 4 shows a very stylish caW untipr th(w vircuinst4itit", here. you my word I watn't frightened top There, a I I- Shaft, --A perpendicular opening Ir,,m oino I)ig nuggetm of gold have eeii and drthodox prOachenc. iol long (W will Am built past tilte tull. if tjlp rame the imrface. -lew is ma(je of fine quality faille "lk. lined ity of w.r, found in New 8outh- Wales. Amoiqr a pypnotic qw-rittor -call take h6 Front this stligitil tile A a rid 4po sub�)e.ta aloing with hini lif 'can inan- ll quire tA) he wbaked- der effect all around of wide accor- Kingley-But tIaN Ifittr gh-111-11ouns of a lays ork-from 8� the prippipal.4cre a nuft of goldfound lI jerl torn, the Shieckborn . d the they are loreferable, :11, 1 14) mot re- ti,rough with Patin rhadame; shoul- I blit. DI;N,T on V14) Turon River gold fielt6 In JulyJ ell, but to Il ve to rely Fieschergrat are here of I obtained, and is go it very es 6. Butter lie Well PArked if'- dion-�plalted chiffon ruffle box plalto tent, Old Mail. ri 8hoot-To break rock by and- hicil-*e1glied 106 If*., or. 111"t . sit . pernumerarl" In ery tofwh fourteen 'to sixtN1111 hull(Ired inetr tul) by lllealv4 of :1 linrdwotid Bingo ­Why not ? a ohot. 1 272 ozo. In November, 1858, -at wilo have had little.dr no experience below lie Varegg. Zlisenburg and other U) front and J)ack a ppl iqued with e. Or t itair an Ktligley-Yotir lie -An Incline. Ituilde i-bope-onenot lavr, I)eell nleave ttlxlu straps of K-Ime goodin; topped with iiurraiidong, near Orange,' -another In sliop window slumbers attid hury- resortm� that, iieretotores In all illeAl #41):ICO at 04- tA)J)'XA each tub, -wasn't MW ? -1 IL reaching inkrface. amaller buttoons. large ruche collar. D.D. 6 nugget wao found which, *when nielt- ing.4 nllvo, it; a wearimm"m tile flevill. regarded -Dmi tht- nio"t elevated tot) tat a pat4tv (or title malt nilay lw eyee and !uts a row of tiny round �,wwp-A merlepik of cuttIngs into .vein ed a� the Sythiey mint, gave 1,182 Tadke the flame() ill Ham Iton. ont., that region. after tjw Joutter 8IGN18 (.W Ifte- a series of steps. I , a ) I& C y ield.-A to -liergellalige, WIUVII Only r, side, ex-, ow. 6 dwt. ci puro gold, Of tile VEL1116 T IM c4ottion Cloth. %x)uth when every liesirt 6, Light T-Prlont--j SchOol f)f w1:ke---To.fin4I ore or. mineral In, a of �: 4,, 1."L for example. Tip ubje ge Fvien Gletc mbitiolls itA I a blew tending from the neca to the walbt In . P_ �. I Od. A third nugget, -at tjie QJ*ra Hou alld 11 arket wililimi,lit 0*4ny. w-4 but- The okvis*xi well lie knowill 11,on r the hypnotle spell expert climbers, 7. NL 1. ninon called the llreniMln, waa,sohl In SYd- witllfmit a deviaticsi. . front tile Pro- at tlint,. attain, Ili* On a lower levf;l, tA-r will not keeip fre-4k idi onfliviry line. The sleerep are bell-Qlalwhil at By featlit-re,11 toorkUpwro In their pritol-Dirertion of a vein. inbing of the wrist, and the couar Is it high- ney In 1-851 for L1,156. In 1880 and gramine as relip In Uie after- -and the Klubliatte, the clJ 1+419till, (If tkw' 4111�- h htinnel-.V horizontal pammage into a 1882, meveraJ nuggeta which were noon, and late Igprn*o*?1C nerve -did not willch to regarriled am GOD Of tile grea 14tanding flare. both of whic And laowiw of Uie ro.,ie. e mine; differmi from shaft, which In weighed frork P -a est feats. It"OnlY Mvelity-eight metres ti-linme". with lace effect In later yeart; wite unearthed at Teniara _n mlighUy buld. perpendicular opening, andi an 11 roil Idni W19411 they Wre hirn to I owe r. J9 to jLaq All eudeavijr t,) (14) work IL j 07 alid in IM7 tioggerta e4l 11ITh PeNeral higher,, and oteprus actually Uses for Salt. e%j Am wintr nbmt4w fmuw by, a vacant lot and plant wigi-Ary . incline, whictil in be.tween thei two. bilt lie i4poiled the Him millid W May da -y i& recall"I ere- were found hy fcmickers in various feet under ground, AT THE SUMMIT. salt puto out fire in tile chititney. iin-A niftwirat depcwlt filling a w JU cf! hours later vico or f1mure. parta of the- country, . four of hich, wl,461p perfor i , a few tilim point the road runii III alt In tibe oven under baking this By tAke advent of the fiy. P,)rc4ain, S�Iver and wbighing rexpectively 357 Ozm., 200 , by kICL-Ing the box like a mad man % F rom the a � - 'G NVi' ('uld, line toward will prevent their scorching on the ir VILI,IN -- -h - all -The face of a fimure. 32 ozo., wore obtain- and yelling for help. They had to nearly a straight C opper smialgam. 'Small underground shaft f4unk ozs'� .17 o7*., and whom op"ite tile 00 The Noeded Change ;Inze, ed st Hargraves; and another, weigh- dig If1m; m? raid Invest 04 proceeds siApreme sumnAt. 14 bottom. onch, tile third Salt and vinegar will remove P-tall's TZETH-Mallto with a view if prepwrvi"g from an upper level. h4C 30 ozo.,'at LinwNtono Crmk. The of tile entprtainment In relievInIZ 1110 second great peak, hill in called - (11octAor frit. I need a awl 4A thebe-it �'orklng-Any underground flevelop- Jubiltm nuggpt, wei Chicken-hearted subjects station Is reacllbd. T from discolored teacups. change of climatt". Ci -q nktAr-%l,appP_%ran,ie, - giling :144 Oak., flunger. 0 MCAA f roin w1liell --, OrP i. twilig %ehm also, dimeovered In t1uLt year at wilo, refulile to remain kin , and Is 3,623 thetres above sea Ralt and so4a are excellent for bee 0 .0 Hasband-Well, the vky Woko as If taken. etl� dimtric.t. tile length of -time stated in ilie em- level. Here will be built antherl'Otl- we ahttll have It In it few hourb. I)Ii,;ati4)n mliodit to Maitland Bar, fit the Mildq ore to '41serptlit a This station will be a general stOP- Ilich has 4. ajid wnm about E11,236. tract are doing in Salt thrown oil soot A and tile great will prevent tracting. It has Then up spoke brave Kost&kask, Illn f,pr is tin104411 eX Exercise for 01�tldren. 11 he common ping place for climbers, f&llen (m the Carpet th'! 4 nol)lp science than a its 440-5 metres of alti- stain. 46 Whb P61d t4je ripe banwi, vv�th iluce"s- Every m4other edioul(i tegWil hi -r The Secret of Long Life. wmar In the world. Monch, with ached with the lily spilled Salt put on Ink wile" fres 0 By all tile gods that Hellam ke") ii now blo-6k.clAldren the value of walking. am tude, can be readily re es and good (lin a carpet will 111941) in removingthe SP U1?F1CF,_1n Mr. Allin exerchw, if idie wishes them to have On the whole, it must be cow -hided aid of prolwr applianc 0 1 am a fighting mn guldes. And how can I die braver up stairs. #4turtly tee:%. All clididren except little that the real secret of longevity Is a 1�()ll't let our stfwk to From tbis poill r Salt in whitewas Than facing fearful odds sound lug- t there im a g adual spot' It makes it stick. of W" a dur- constitution prudently ) dencent to the Gugglgletsc Salt thrown on a coal fire wiliel, Will V1,41t RIPIeY,, OVOIr houl(I waJk at, least a m1hL cf. banded. The only general rules that -it the d her Galerie, r%ft For the aslies of my fatber Ing the day In the open air, anA twi lkgiTl l L Ileight of .1,893 lntre,, is low will revive It. aftell 11110011 that diatmace im not too much for can be laid dovvm are th(we met forth w(ork down. where, at n tot) of ol,,� ilsome And the temPkS W 11111 906?" r g the itit used In sweeping earpet#4 kiieps Cut No. 5 shows a very hnn Then I'll well " fast " *VW I a" In these daym chMdren by Adam In "As You Like It": Ta'o Only one room at 4 tin*. the cars will pass Mon tain. Ones. 06 to of the stee"t walls of tile moun ca fie made of beautiful brocaded sa- INNUE-11y olit Indths. lamlona rU)e &Dd gMd bammm weeney A. '41 lingeor too long in their c rriagw n n(i Though I look old, yet I am strong The store-rot,ont to a: apdd pla it precipice of 1,400 metres slicer tie- tin, IiW through with fancy vIlk CIL 1 1. ,�hiloh'a Catarlr' in tb-ir nurgem' armA, wk -n thpir own and lusty twglh. here a tunnel carries the it nd of your hcent. From t So Pleasing pboulder effect; ruffle of late should be elerclRing vigorously Fcw In my youth I inever did apply Induco the M11,145 lllcmbcrs rooLd on a sharp, Incline straight to phitted ribbon all arollind; collar of Rauxudy is the first me(licino I his a n'll Hot and rebellious Ilquor In my blood rimiling during hoom 4,100 metree 'Myrtle --What (',Id you (otwider thp lace and r%baln; fbdsbmd at thrmfb A N*pwroutAland tog is ftVQ=NUYs0 hal. would do me 61J for the devek4kiment of muwlf- Nor did not With unbashful forehea, ffLtnll.v to 90 tho summit of Jungfrau, Illogt charming lefitures of the wed- fouild t wymmetry. a cleaning week. sea level. witil bow &nd rtmmers of ribbon 1lik tl4at for t1le bowqw* at a VMS - eye: abovo ice we, at DUTY 00116. woo terminui of the ding last night? gel to tie mteen e good* Pr clever." The means of weaknem and debillt, Police slagintrate-Have You ever And yet, at the yet Miss Caustic. -There were Peverat. to match. mist white at a t tills amob "Your baby in getting so dn't Therefore, my age In am a Illsty wrn- goem the primmer at the bar ? Wit- road. the actual eummft 10 not and I yem tills time last year @lie di -new-Never, Your Honor, but I've seen reactied. The real apex is a ledge of Tho bride's drew fitted badly, Womens Fun or llull is perceptible is 'Go GOOLWAN ter, i ber of unpleasant remarks know moth balls marshmal:- Illm when I ortrongly suNpected he'd rock tllat shoot," up isixty-eiz metreo hean a num Young ife (wishing oI& the spectaele a( & venaL tIW FromV, but kindly. about the gifts. to of which a i basking In tim Iowa higher, but with a crown so narrow ow, dear, what drew would you ad- Wnlaffi ro IV . That In the wbole secret of long life. ')mn aT' tbiLt the railroad cannot reach It. N concert this sunrldne, vvitil the tmmw below e4waft Louisa of Denmark Is next Mmt women wouldn't ob,%ct so stren- f3hakeaskeare knew It as well as any- n temper. Tke cold ban- v1W. me to wear for the tam to stern 4 ;ulll*, 8 - t 110 ir ro I ilft*rr oumn Victoria the oldewt of the Uo"My to their husbands pLaying poker F30 the pamenger wUI dimount a d Keep your red-hot Iron. evening? Food husband -Well. I think f Min 9 fill'110. Yet ho died at 52. -British Me& (M) Inter- mer moldiii and maisters If tjW.y re4vilved a part of the winning& euter a tower through w1k a Afiff*V Vvy Clothes ",III I "t m uch lcm ph^ too,