HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-21, Page 3WOR1111 t -olly long - while back. 11' no stall" I FROM SHIP TO SHIP, er. Kirsty." Ali' what will I do *1 Mr. Hayseed, What abotit the cooking ledsons"? London Papers Have the Chu, "'Hang the cookin' lewMns, Kirsty. lies- IE ol ud Let -the hale drap, yao liae got sonte Possible to Send Telegraphic Problem up lg&iD gy1d cla(w an' a hae,got anither les - eek in 11anY 0 V son ; noo bet tae a it milk us a sell sageB Through the Seal L'Envot Ing wie sible breaiif"t for am istary Iiiinger. Itli no ''very hard for me W I Ien e&r t We laAwt picture is painted RLUGION OF CONDUCT NOW- IA. ALear tw undentatin 1100 wilat make sne all d the tubes am twisted and And M" lAxid(jil, yeljgious� papero ariQ diwus- (How ill niony o' tile CiLY fol white Ill t1le WIRES JR1 NOT NEUSURY8 dried, 011A11 IT QOST A POOKLE 0' 9 were half I -W11y 0, ta ke from CUUED dD OUT FOR THR BUS11 TAKEN ;Aa LILLE face an' Itik am if they Whein the (Adest colors have faded a4id sing aniswerm to the (111404tioll . ' (A dark browv New I ork y - in O'Brien mtarved a' the tillic-." � - the youngest critic has die(, do not the working cla~s 90 to And keefto me evoll0a ilarseed. CANADIAN. ,.Reedy and The Message Searches the Sea Till it We shall rest, widl, faith, we stin't 1--rRd problem hLw been anti Detectiv It—lie down for an aeon or two, church?" The same (lier lamt year's a Page of Reilly believe i� JoUnd the What Kirsty 'Leartled From thas ]INGLAND'S RA0*1NG BUSINESS. Finds the Right ship Like Till the Maistor of all Good Workmen canvamod, too, in the Church papers St. Patrick'at Uhurch, Sherbrooke -18 Make it*- to put my t maged by fire JAll the extent of murdei-er of Ai n C'MI111110 Weldt', Teacher Bodies -Puree soup - Thin Romance The Prineiple is Also AP aliall set us to work ainew! rA tilo United StaUoi- Perhaps it (2"e., da Stliff With Foreign Names The Something Like $3,000.000 Annually plicable Ashore and Trains May unfortunato iThe Baii Dervelta! Ahes Any- Won by Successful Owner& $1,500. and Flowle 31U -.I the man who. Speak :,ia h.Other. so far am a solution goes, ProWt me from 'Ul vanit-) &.1 Pauline Barnett Graduate Abead the Cie ully. Coll- And those, that were good cliall be that the conmideratiotill of thW i4ub- (Nice pattern for a w&iPtlf Mr. Francis Seibert, one of the oill triod t6 strangle :NO on6 who, has not caref way -1 .1phia, an liappy; they tiliall sit Ln a golden "d `to 0, blem me with Thy biding 10% eet plont*rs of Ilerth *county, died at fifteen momnthus bidered. and examined the subject can It-ittor Or I'llikuk ject should have been c6lifinc rig 10 Ont., recently, aged 94. k1i'villuipeg Nor'-Webter..) even faintly realize how enormous all luveutoor who has already contributed chair; (Spring flat and wintoer sP Sebringville,- . I This Inian, ace Ing to Mrs. [ linljooftaut und bucceadful ill- They shall splahk at a toen-league can- papenj avowedly the champLOW 'A. And wheon I die take me above -- A carload of juiteiiinery lias beell Carberry. Feb. 17, 1897- industry racing Itas become In Eug- several beience, has, vam with brushes of CaMO14' IjaIr;- orthodox Christianity. S011110 lig lit (I know her hais!4 a wig!) bent front tite car aliol*i in Ilett's Awrtion Tualle litst flight, Iw I the -ither llielit, Land, and to what a vaA array It di- vellitiOlLs "to electrical Incob. Talk*-, % M says lie J,4 front "Kirsty," iays reckly and In' ewiY6 t-IsO No. Y. lloraltL devided. a They shall find re&j saints to draw might W thrown UIKAI it froul, a ow- 0, sp&c1i me not to envious I*- Prantfilord tip the M4 slit I's :" "0" frae Carberry. directly furnlAwd means without wir&4. from -Magdalen, Peter and 11oul; .1,11iladelpilla. He was caught toy Mrs. .#Jter I cam halue of livelihood. The preclie-amoullt won 1110au.6 Of- Wlegraphiing lar source. (I winh I owned that milk') ;,ey shall work for wi age at a sit- C u I turned i tbtlle�reu great excliewedt W10 the His invention lappli4m either to land - . lition, of '.Sir I'txiald �-lllitll is iiiqwrta tl;at Barnott III Central Park aw in stakes under Jockey ('Iub ru" I.a4 ut electriclani re- ting and never te tired at all' In tlo fLmt placv, tile alwtel wervieft But keep nke meoill's my lowly Pi" -- 11 t'anada ;Lll4t 'over to -the police. the park women u . the, village. Yae hue liken season Is returned at $2,4411755.609 -or oeii- IlromWe ble. and the Frank- working pouple from church ishe lookm like soured skim milk -flit %% ill fe rimililig ithin, Mrs. Flarnett, isitting.Ju but, these figures do not include the gard it as practica, us, k, far more wmajoli in large toWns Teach me forgivenew day by dAY- Great 11rit. in t�e papers tills %vliUe back that, Utoe. of 141111tAlelphia, which And (mily the Master *hall praiee t%%tb years. with her husbanki and brother, shW, prizeo wcured in steeplechase wid toll 111astit atment and only tho Muster shall I.Iame; and cities thati In % illaagem and country (0, how I fiatA that thing') jullong otllt,,rd wito'p:uded, a mail with a. 11 oma it had ea w. frae Bokituti in thO hurdle races, nor the awards in flat W very cxmtoervative it, its tre oney. and d6trictos. The reasou lor this differ- tile hallowed way - Mr. -lani-o J.'. - HcH try. aged prop -'i fresh colored fact-, brown Moustache sttte--a, an' wtt,4 teachill"the leddles taken the liviven- And no one idiall work for in pparently 6 VuLt in rurlal And lead rne in %V1111lipeg on beleu- raCes tt) lwrses that ran i4ecmd- III of all IA!W Itlead, Ims 14)lauded its no one Khali work for fame; 01.1ce a d (My knaii laegin too sting') *ij;t-lzji I. -mil �tirveyor, of I 'anti a Ini'lo' %N'ii%uil)eg hoo tate cook tile principal events these L iuixed an tlie Winnipeg Itiver jaeculiar stoop. She ran I tii are- gauu last are �ion seriowily and 11A s al the But each for the joy of the working, tOWIm fsuciOtY in far more educed wit.. drownt,ti III ftrabb.-Al him and tried.to tear MA flue tiric principlos, all' they often comsiderable. The second in the revultii. Mr. Kitwee bolls r and each, III Ills separate utar buctul d1fttI=tIonv are Lem enaP11,11,111- Please cleatwe any heart of %% rone de - oil Twvday-_ with her hands, Owe.tring lie wasthe We get her in Carberry, Sae I W" Gold Clip. at Asoot rceelvef $3,500, Old ideas Of long distanced t44egraphy i7A:xA tLala. In citho. L;ur%Wl (Aj000ervers pire- Mrii. 34aripiret. I lunkett, (of t PttawA, 11jan wixto I tritql I to.) murder Iter. At the thinkin' maybe yae wall fikt! and thr-third $1,500; in the k1rincem by lnductiou tO a Practical bamis. TIO Shall draw the Thing as be sees It, for know that the modern church ioj pre- il wonder If lw'li fllAo ipg lieroelf ack, W Imitentod, Mr. Kitv" the God of Things am They Are! LP, With lore for Thee my soul mi4iolre- VA)IIIEftitted liollicitto by hang stzrti�)n idie ren. -wed laer att tak it 'In yer6el.- Kirtity." of Wal a' Stakes tilere is ecinsolatiolt welit, ham bee 01111nently a social klwtl.tutiOu. I-ro w th' airway livilig held back by the pol'im". Ily think sa.e. Xtr� Ilaysew." to t1to beaten oWiters of the placed "lla'ving takeTe ut ill -all -Itudyard KiplLng, in , "Seven Se"." Church wam wo -(I'll keep one eye oalert!) i a clothposlille ti) . th I e ot. *'J liar ty. ­1*aa tliLnkiu' it'd jist a I his patentr4 o u Jan- ably. the primitive iI*r reeid�uee. UUDEl,". eFays Kira liorses to theo handsome altio "it d f large countries In tile world I t"o; at all eoveLLU, duglua 11" re- And holld tne'In Qae narrow lwath- trac. all* 11 uary, 1895. But 11WO that time the W^.iley Warren, farna, k1lborer, tum struck the kin $5,000 raid $2,500,-wid tile 091,11le is A Queer Incident. m4Jed frutq relatIve imllourtaum, and 41 t1jlr& I caught his eye!) was otruck toy light- 1-:arly yesterday dt-tectives were set 11111 that vliilep y k1uh. Stakes. 141ea jljw jail, idle, for Kit*;*4,. lacked tioLl perforMA That I may 6w-alw Thy chastoituitig itlixtr Oxen;len, ijivivtigating tile vircummatances. it 'Wull-blaw oivoer in It wee % tho cm-wo in the Jocke oil time 100i ult. T. Crawford, ageod 'LLO modern congr mair about it. Be- people to - .11111 it For NomethIng like, nine niontlis ill'the a backer of bi wrath - off, . ) heatiquarters au' ye'll hear uae street.- Mo4wild. Lauark- the function g .14,thinic t-tirn 'fitiko wwj brought 14 auld tae bother wie, year racing under the rules of tile MeanwI410 Guglielmoo Mrcold, tile r acqua-ill- Would lie have hear;J we "I!) I *he IN fittally. Injured. nd put through tlu� third degree," sideb I'm ovter 134 carried ybulig italiall experimenter. liaitigone shire. Scotland, was found dol.-callottat- gether, (A pruLuo oistill& plaft Of '�%fontreal to, Yorkville Court, , th"O thing" IiOO-" bays 1. Natl6nal Ilurit ComillittOO rand Na- toed the at- etl ill tlio Haymarket Tunnel. Edin- Lana% of furiliboh. and of - And wJwn temptation twareth me- re 919ILS119 i,.n asking the -re fornially rraigned Oak ­Ita-nae fita ava K irsiy," oil. Stakes range from the -ute*i to London anti has attrac ific -orld' burg1l. III his pocket w1w; foun� a fur young peuple Of Loth bex0b, R -Vatfi, thf its aufu, su ceddil, tkl�tiootl of t1l" Eagl6h, owient (I t1jought lie looked again!) under or cif atu-niptett intirder -intl re- "they imy Ole W tional, on which $15,C00 Its dimtrib c hearing the heading IfDanger teu of ulaililuXlUg f"bL1101119 and One's (Pher, to in Winnipeg. an' tllZLt WIP, Could tb the first three hoorees, to very small by the wolitters lie propoe4eto to work tra t d bwL.0 importauco. III the country the Blind Thou m eyou that I 11MY1011, Sulpiee. niantied for a further hearitig. - _lIkL ),It In the aggregate Vie total with III,, new electric wave. Now Kit- Ahead," anti oil thin the deceased lia #;ee- t)f St. 3enI% , ie the banes n' ser. thAV tie O,Ulrw; congregation btill affordmi the lwly ngtmt of the J1141 xt�at Talke as I r*. Barnett glre awa' Is large, mad it to doubtless within- the wo hv back&] by a Inoneyed syndicate written. -I am saved, I am t4aveil." o i. dtW, thomp liorrid men fly, 3oluntreal, and titellopebtl up' to the Ixtr. ANked by tile nar' Iioiuuek(-ej*r throws I Lid lick toe ng lie family a chance to row out, of obilicur- Oerlook my faulta and make taw. In Pa it ih�lt'that Ylte W inark to pay that little short of anti its memb6m are Wit I'd t ity und clam isolation. Tiwre it gets Ninkr of the %,aixth ruoilierv, %v as agistrato whether -ishe wak, Im-losi- mak Op I Ilai it'li a great 0()O,()00r a yeai is dividiad between In the Vernscular. reeA)guitiun; there it lindb ull Ol"ell after., all,' t ,�ourse Qf affa4r,4 in England too see -truck by it train anti kliled. t.iveo u4 to llio4 it!*_-utity, she replied: $ae'r III*; UP .* � 14avin' oil the 1.�ug.rr.an ither Costly successf u I owners. Last year 3,189 whether Marconi does not run 1'eligious item ill tile i -an Fraiicisvo (kx)r W otlw-r circ" then thome (He'v butiling i%urelY then ­Tlhit is etagainmt tents wheat lie In I A power on -the credit Thine - .1 the KiU4m Pa (,itizens' Corpoi will 010 III4LlI who tr 14 to inur earth Tho *-Utrtlog Invitation to -it- tier tWags. that lwurekeepers. USO liorw% rah on the flat. 1). N%'ii-: of iw own istreet and fatory too 1) Adnen .priobal-lY. -IrCk-Pt the muckle 0' 1100'adays. I thin][ yae IM The number of hurdle race" avid olelm up li,ir,; mysterious filol. tt-lill tilt. s4ileeli'm jubilee orelebrationd 1VOI'Ll.) KNOW JIVNI -ANION11.1 10-000. TheAmprican inventor I). ip., voo-ror isonio year,4 huoo t1jou cities this ill not go. CongregatiOlild grang. K ira.ty. Yne I-- steeplecliaers is not obtainable. or been doing film clerical sprinting to- am amorteu iuw the aribLmratle, the On anbetter oo, kin. to estimate e of the New bodices Nit,ntr*%t1 ou June 'am aa eiure its I call be it chunce tae lestril iscientific C to it, easy approximately lar form o energy all4i familiar ward the locarly gaUts via the 11'011- plutkwratic, tbe fabbionable, the mid- rn gla -it the d*­clasb I*ople, Lind mibuiona, dull and 0`IPP0`e e'r noo. ow a o wavw ar gregational road, hax %hake Thie bodies, witich 900v with a The lotodY ullul 11 U tWlg ill. theo world, that tlii,4 1-i thf) I before, er aulit tae Ie it. - Oil frequent occasions 60 or juiratus. Th e sent throu o)f Toronto, willa nd , 0 its bit I r. that Ahaek Siftilwolle num whoo tried to titranglo Mo an for the tuike o' tileb girls. horwe run during the -day ; altogether. water anA To 'oend waveoK led film and turned dreary, for the Ix.)ur. Ju vain may tile go%% n of blue z1beline cloth, couadwta e'Brock,' richt. Yae ach alto, lligli ijit4 nihil"Wrial -w r tito rear (it it liotel� at Fort whoo. I believe, killett Aunji t ute Ie-arti.t.ie be 9111d. p0obably wiome 4 000 allimills 90 to tile througli tile itir tile, current u -*d u)e..; intA) the weldwy cliurch dixcard Ix eau and of a short touave of velvet i a deqnjer tie. r�'tllgulation. post- ever a t tolle, the frmto being arranired ila wil-11111111 -to] friont st wild Mrpi. Barnett later W a rej;orti- . r., ecollonlicaj *JjocLseko�epers-'. y ye ; -fit 1-'.ngland, not in- WLst be* of high frequNICY pl path of righte4plitimeM, long invite the humble to I" berN im lie i %miwrvatives it 11'a -St Ki'llt. "I "wuld have, known Idill, - ag"111, Mr. 112�yeieed,'* s.ty,4 Kirlity, tiuding those tilat',take part iii local potentijil, ll afternating current (it liv, purpo*" to cavort hore- only poor It wIli got are t1wim who Niltsoll, of., %Va-v 10,()(X) men. JIL-4 oriotjwi re. forty years i-illce. we_ were hunt and poltit-to-liol)in races. The minute v(Autne and immenAe, prera-4ure. church alm,6 more thum they Mr it W01 Lg nearly . UP- tkxie on a dynamo of or- after." want in their differol11t; the lullne lie gave U) he' a muckle cftrcL� of tileiRl. animals Ili trainilliC 0�C This MnY b0' cure for. their own betf-reispect. The q (,,�jit4vit the coulit. murried, nit' tilen we had boys In -oarae ;it tile nest' -illy or dinary form. Not Too-Amblotiour. not k1to own IoU lit-, ISO the tae cook t;cientific therwi.,;e, pies -regitnelit8- of. lilt'It --and workman will "ut dkCluw Li -i t pol I c*e i14 f ohim iiiince that time it. hate dutle ma be" jnllnmtiate.� - attendance on their THREE CUjt1t1;..NT-4' 1�'$ED. clotlit-%, III" uugloved hands, his "at- oPame.'Tho mail , IL-posal- Noo. chargcv; anti tlltc�re swe, bc-aiijes, sad - to me Ls. it mn wllk-t c.1JJt,.tj oil Annie wle the means :at ma-( The pri- dear niatlatir," %aid the proo!em- row aaluaintu"ce, to ouch, a gatlier- ;te Thrbe currelits re used Nit,ittreal City Council has vOte4 and Stat d only to induce hor or. music, " your daughter Jinja 110 jug. 1je.IlLv in the Engliosil call%mis of I Broo:k." tell me, '.Nlr. Ilaysoe-ed, w ttwarLUi the exPeultles- of the ! -roo I it e hettor, and innumerable (Aliv li'dOn- mary current Is ube ct for in tiLe liocit�ts (or tho. priz-oner w( trouble all it'll try t secondary, and through se, e or melody and- no histin tLW reasong why the wurkWg "aaded jiibl!ee celebration, and $3,000 . pers. -With ri Kirsty, cerned with the productiolt''.-ind. car- waow in the tile tertiary coil. time. She couldn't play. Anil she do not go to churca tho loremov;t l.16 the members of found $Vk7..­o0 alld 111,1111Y IN' - "Tliere's nae trouble. ivv� t1jeo sopem(lary in Jinja flo volee;' tlierefore, site cannot t,,%AartVA entertaining pgalloefs,tile detective. -104 14 an age 0! wonderfu` PI -0-- riago of 11.1y and coral. and break signals are givau im: ­Tlw c"te i�ydtem, which " I%tlt til In vverytbij 9 're.are. make primary wet to ging." .­ Well,..or courme," oft it w.ar(h ' 4or tht- I , an' to) ll tlltw-, the The coil. .0XI warkis- wicial uux-i cla" distinctions." st#.amerw Ruth and Gwendolene.1, ioiVirtetl Plat grev4s on the e by w no t I to But, this ib far from the ulkule came. up' wie reeding madD re complacent reply, tlios4e� jewelry oatolen from Mrs. Mirnett. finct co.okin' W 'keepin tilt,, w-rvants * emPloYe ry cur nt joi the on l*-twi-en Jenningla, INIA"Ilt., alla! t4 w trt' ivantige 4%tltjllshments.� At variOtis 9tuds. last TI 10 secOuda f powillile, it mp,;. we shoolti tak ;kt 'jell gignak aro, sent through air facts are drawlackiii, but You call go Illying wl Indeed,thlA reaoLlin is highly bulwrficial. topcle, B. C., have WU COM with tile view, i Ce tile ti 5100 dift('M-Ilt by i cal giving her e. If a wait Lelieved that lie wam a &%inner Fort 4 was owitel fly knbip year,foalai by ( d III the Kcootenay that which r. 1�in-* re . tile Stud 'Book. and water. Tile third I" tile One ber perforining-or wrwke a'. ree(yrtled In hown, the I don't care al"ut in inallilnetit, danger of e%erlwitittg pilia- reatly iml 'ette traffic. Brcwk and Whar -xiii it t he -I ii.1 daughters were which the ibigua6 are h �,.iljgillg, as it would moybo take her dry it, %%ouid liol, be Idd jimoverty nor River. Tl!lvi will 9 V, bon't any Thirty-f6ur iwons I 1111yo4oll?" sa. .4. Krrsty. t return wave caming a glow t3*1 to De- fit itites n that dit4trict. I . wl, liorn cuum (X-ray) 910be- away from home. All I want is for hill, clothm for which lie wouJd coil - DYNAMITE. IN A.% sCliOOL. br*-ad . willte ni lolvoolne ? ()If, 30 ill theo va j),-q1ljjXit)l1 vett-rinary moat cooked o stilt You Don't rpair: L13 -to 1. some Ono end of the 6;econdary wire on lwr to learn enough to Initke a 470111- tu, it4xily lune hib k4)ul. The truth is tlw 4-011ti.-Wating allunl-. In a great copper foortable lix-ing s a teacher." workmg cludow's do not take any buch, A 13c.y Causes all Explosion and'Panze i. I sr -t a-4 gul-I a table a4 . Onybod o Adieu, 26-t() St. IS clla.) int,110- bVilig; find 'to tileo mamthead, where irrived if) Ot- I r wnste :%GJ0 foa 110 other is on a 1%-r to( 11,11nats &aid Losts an 14ye- 1,00! ank o' life IIPP(ls') A nevP doctriam seriously. ui taw of the f 0 r l 111)- heard yae tend tilt -lit, gitpotlic-r -trimy (if taieli and diisk is hung, and t to tile. keel. Big Locomotives. tilijbt, on,_ayisto, among thu L4Aidun v% ork tawa.rroni Vl-� Ufvt, thiielled Actlillillit I onythIlig, 11.11, :1 hao llolytbr plate faistened al)r1ta,I. They. were flolifill too bv it 'school i c'ounphtin !io yo'r stome'li. Neither you bos art- neoressar. (,A ippel of. an. induced impulse Is I The heaviest 10col"Otil,'" flow in tase Pool) to 1* oectirrell ill tile firist war I . of rack- hormes- riout The course le LLIIY s4feritiz front lump-lw. lluiltling In tJjj,4 city this morningthat I not: an o' tho family is- troubled'wic Thit, transport-, 11) 1 tlip ordinury electr are the mountain locomotives of the Tho workilagmaji am iiot, u1iiVeM Do- for ye'r 04 , country adL.; enormously to the .110 that,, of the. r Do of t, I alw ya clwose Tho official -4 eameo very near ret4uItLug in the death dyk;P:,P­Y, nIl' y( -!r ayi- readY j. - -iil%%*.Iys, an -.1 not a, etirt-ent, whicl Mexican Central Railway, wI upixiosed W Lh. wtialiity. They 11 ve a- have received a �l ste I,ju kj,.l',o4' surprised. rev of kc r. t circuit- weigil 104 tolls %%.itllout the tender, Tault u) find Joivub Chribt;J%Atl�er partmout In ottaw . I of tone of the-. teachem.awl i�evern cattle stflP MID- path, and would shor id- ng Sea. It Well. wt1l, Kjrlo�ty, - if yae diaina littlo to.,that of tile steam. votufw Wa li(oll rroll� Itelirl. I I -in travel' any wm ajid tho eight Ariviiuz of would they take up any ulreCtly hcwr- mifortunately too big to be got children. 9,1. ;a line mair paiiiiis, Ily III,(' �hns -it proportion itoseir rather t1i, . ghip. The 0 -arLI the Chrijguall Died rXillecke, while at Ills'! wnnt tao gang we atchvd. to erable djotance to 11110thel which bear -a rombin,i d %% eight of St5 tilo attitud to" A boy na of tliiv;l,- alliln.1114 and mast- 'axle atid 11 tpiw tnto* the intwum, and 4lie officials ate H t. But y a;,. 1we kef)t IL" ilia Woj I for there Is fit) electric imijulse@4 from keel Mo. tons, or tow lwr 1witircli. They simply go tht-4r own way, fa t her'o farm yesterday, got illt(i a' at 10t I t all, selt'd tilt parts of tho, en its 4imid tire ex directi place where dynamite wui kept ali(i , frae year -St strength till, tiv, crop -i at tile' Aliggt thend upward and out,-- quandne loo; to IG lit -fore. las erted in everj per wheel. The greateoit weight ignoring the, church a" vA)uipk,-W1Y LW o R EAT if R 1VT Al N t(,k)k two munli Capp, putting them Ill r1it I (Ck,ltl 111ford,tap, stuck' with tlae 1-;IigUqlt from tho(lo ma" rd and out- permitted (xi roads is. iwven thougli adie did not exist at 411. lib4 pocki-4. This morning, while in the gat'll, 11-11' 1 thoug It coorse of thoroughbred, To wllt ext9fit ward, from the keel dowuwa tottat Ix -r The next largp%t Now, it, 61 iw adeouate exl)la"&tiuu mor tv, I t11:1t. I�riti-h a4viltS tile I Iet. ea gang all till% h 'd instru- atnes arc- th%w utool-d Ill tho! St of tIL% pheilmelion - ro, lo Pichoolroom ho wan playing.with 11lay tho dividefaLLs of the railway t-dinpniee ward. III to attribute It U.) i4ent 'to Buentil.; .%tres t( sending ou !air Tunnel, at IDetrooit, v1 I ic I I the-ilic, tilat the Chu It hak IkA Wi&d vid gate one to a companion. sojo. liko tile inen. who ment W t an inconceivably I Ca1*L a it s wepi ag goine boo-iiefit by the th( rf Illiv, e;l lry to_ Ili I (.�Il affotl; it yell daily in ll Arec-- rapid f4lec'0114siOn Of lectric impulties 'e igh togas witilout the tender. uilWi ttie poor !it tWir iitruggled fol, '%Ik*i May Smith, otlll�m but if want tae are conv( I a tort of don I u toed rever, otioeu- The teacher, e.,4 cannot return to tile tattioe coonpounti freight go) --tice, tioiLs... for tlr� ake of . 11 I tho boyo exchanging wnrietbing. I attell(ling races, Thee impulis a tha , I a better con0itiou, or t4i witibiaterial g over a veoo,& of koftest white @a - "a a' Iovolli iv of the E.r In -W dlAlt;II- I ith titc. j;jjip unlegm tiley find another ship ie neglect, or W the hypocribi(m of church latt, pLtl, up, to) you g. R le- 9-t119, It flouill' nio ourning for th, n., elneeke, I liae made up ma 10111d. fae gangio l'or oil (.S;14 just aA the first, and trave tin, Covered v1th cream lace aad fin - t helie banded -the -to eml- equipped which -ei 11 88 VNIA. wejK�rg, or to unattractive vervio". it' gang 1 t;port, it wou-Itt be b.- -C(.- until next 1'ridAy. manded article 1 g.ly-. Kir- ty. A � I ulasthead. They will go 6-ijed with a wide folded mash or rib 'Earl tof Dartrey, nell, lipoll the end -'-%fr. Hilyove - - a It C, It(; doubt, are froin keel to and 1 1 IVorking lwople are iiot, foulo U) bPitoe boll, caught Up on one side a slate pe Many of ti w j..4 within th Ir reach, W10tAl ie dynamite'sho 411(l. a i not; . agreoral)l but to vesw e thquiwiveoli. They ure not envious and I butumm. The back of the bo- T4i*- ttt�- earl Av" born oil of; wilich, lie ti ,; week -i -after I tmt by tile power put enamt 7tit. IS17. an -I wits � mAde IL eap 4nd in doing- wA the pencil dropped It wns tw. �)ie truth is tlwy are as cut In fra her tellin' -me tae sent ;I- w) titage a,concoursa- must Ilecii-s9arily t.Iiat 1,4 only limited slileellimit, The atiall dios w- CLlort tails, witil two 9 ile we . Into them. , T kers armor plate, an i� that %% IticiC the church p-er in Ili's family io one of Ul to thel floor. :In(* 01 tht- laoldl;% for her next RY an 1w iliixe(L- , To ll -lying of -very I" t1lought best for new Vic udifterent, W pleate down the Centre, narrowing in ground lndlords of F.Ilgland, Tho cap expl6d6d, and he_A,Je4 nenr- e Jump2r wad -inany t(�lowpj i -i v:114tly every .Ualf an ampere - Eng I product, 6 stated to be, ..as has too of fer. at the waist. -London Madnale. gmat for thous -ey the, Sic � ality, superior to- ly blowing out one of Reiiiet*e'o* e�, Ings she-,%vaiil bring- by the nionvy .#41w.nt at hotels, tea' signalling, and about ten regardo resisting (lu. fitat why ttilb intliffertmice I" '10,001 acres. .1 a - tile th -!4, and volto, or isIx or seven horse power, .4 flirlit 110' 11:11a L' jell slic-did tid-ug 14' lolgings and --linp..; toy visiWrs to ract any othor In existence. By some rip- 0rtIxXIoXY appeais to a inan for his to. the 1AntrwlI' 1;-Iily iore, off 'the f Irst f inger 'of III Sftilth'PA It,, ix)t. Am* sure, ell' 1( L116ught necessary for signalling cent tr1al. That Rare Creature ilat the bu� hanti. Tho 1wir-cit o4ruck L-A - nd tlii- bviiefit vxtend4 largely tO. fly 4#3 1 s , laWly publithed by Iroa adhesion it uvowet-ly mtarti!i front &W t -6 fill' pali,_,ttyll J;Ittles imary c(Irrent Jim, Bert- are liaome li4lily LnterenLiGg in tho wr6t its mony, st('amei fifty miles. The pr and Indust1ries, it was shown that the., unProiatle, mid Mificial ground. I'll, ;naki�ng fearfid rav-.i arm, malling fl, gaiIA fro I start a I lard wartV itore, but proprii4ors, Wl 'others. istruthent facw abmt a rare creature: 111,.14 Wtt �ept turned on. when the IJ Holtzer projectile, with a muzzle vel- te am itis growidwork a In Alie UntellImIlldvi di,4triet, to tho -elfiow-' -is 110 Flelit ol Kirsty Iteral-I'Allat sending, to and signals are made by ha -to Wa Man im an oniniverouot animal. *4 i I I I I WISIDOM LET LOOSE. ocity of 21,000 feet, completely failed VI,Icll "Ifemewy only osqloer- -tit ll.tve S�Jle was reei ing .14-vil Tito Peli(x)t children infill I tIP 1) t 0, ded on the Be- I re t dlIjl1fUFITlVrt vie, theo Morse key and isoun Some smart people call him a bilm-4, -fortnig -lit 014, poptilat1m 4tricken," tile eplcolon, occurred and to penetrate It, the shot in every, natural grace, ca inistill. A man must n -a 11, t. W furR, 'a new, ? i but thiil is a zm)logical error. f Happy Wo'rld'if Women Couid Not ondary. Circuit. d1wil for the- stair -Way. w Tho induced waves ca* being broken up. The armor ec- Ile's juot a plain, every -day two- storin braw new dr feiel hinVit a #�inner, not in the ordin- IIA4 fled. severa were lighi 'ma bralth Read or Write. at every touch Of plate Is, however, by no means perfect,` tly, In- I ary oenaD of adtaitting iiiis ituperf An ill1p:ll Fignot by tim" 1A)rd 1 ;,,,4 1could draw ace It Is liable to @pontaneous disin- legged aDinuil. I W. fi a Vs tllr,. lll(.,.Illjlig_ , 0, ?y tire dis-persed in sky and sea. tioun,but III the wase of deverving Pterr - found In nto.,t part* Car ttlol� %I., i rj­ 0 . it E %-en if public opilliod Is , itot - yet -tl10 k4 o r and Li Man 6 Alzayor'of Dilblill. jQILII I.,eilutol-ILL J lili-11 They g togration on something of the same nal retribution ; and thin lie is to tute -xitial frielitto; of OA 111a Kirsty ready for tlw abolition, of all educa througil it, lizeking some path through world. It., tlkll vVie'r influt MATCHES IN LEDNAS Mr. principle a a 1'rince Rupert drop. Of -11arnell. --wao just obeying. ortleris, . but little oplocliml- can satisfy Itmelf Jrtrantoed on the teo--timc.DY Of ft DOOk He L-4 very tame. tile Ilto Uharleo' -Atewart tion.. there could be wlikell their force ly produced three Pi- claimed that it is - n felialf cif t1con on..4 Five. Hund red, Cases Stored- Near W h ere site says in re.itl guili Eng.- ng t1hinking incon to a pro- n dqnc -through Jtimi fiVe platem recent for whiell it U., He roamis at will. feed* in Vie dfiY- has bti�n Lsue,l IlieliscotcIl- tongue tiOn. amo pi(xied within -I i.,I)ort tinier of their unlikealloother Wvkpill LL unitlue'dut1ii" t4) -I filli,l to a#*6,t Mr. Delia J'arnell. the Thir. een Victims Were. lish., 'Sit#) "at to forbid women and girls to *;ucil anot'her v`eosej as *the olie by Manufacture. Moreover. the aalv&- time and oldeepaii at night. you witilte'l me 'to go -it tural twotlier of tho great A'tilegitlifr- learn to read and write. Apart frojai -,viliell tiley have been sent out-� t1on a inalt i,4 lliddeli to waek is not fzome nigliU. our hand lwrq of the fADfLl-V- te) take. a course ot10 deterioration of the rac* wilicil Tho current I tile wCondary Coil you can go up and put y 4)t)A,-r nveo!y inem rie and of the l0eftl Vtiarll -.to 0irloerry n Vth* 'Coca Lear. primrily a rellovation f character 4tg-vtv-4 t a cooking,, anti to Ile as the la- t1lo education . of women necowarily' ill(juexv another (if #;till higher vilt-Ige him anywhere, w) long ad you by (r4.4-ijI,_- 4)" 1 Ijit4ld St:ltt'.'4 11VIN,etibrs of Sto,itill. wHIS 11 Id 'a ineasure of distal lit boy natural mealla, but a r#-,, 00 theie, 11I1(1'th4,t you Cou illvdIvesi, there are -Other evild which. the tertiary i The cocada io wroug icity by meaus of jit4q. n.1 ,th -r 01li- anil oniall-r volume in I"* don't, put it on his pocketbook H ht-ld, ll -41164 (town I t. IlWt 1KNAIIIIII)OU111 fel .411i.L.litly I Ij;t4J to get of current, s It P-isw% t a f rolot.1 It. ConA flow from* theo. misituken policy. Milo fly the 1eruXiait Indiano. plall of 4§111V ti - ham' under such conditklon�.. bow t the fire (Pit the alit)ry tier 01K., all el- wit ar4itrary A on & ill ' inday c0IllpI4 - ite (),lifit. you W43tliol liot bave. to�aclflng the alphabet to tile gen ifirtiougli the receiving 91' W the dirtance that all Indianeatgo- kn�wn ci kick. 0 F_N F11W.- WI St tile i,U-,,a (A the me t6 vit among a lot of welldresed jex'. If women muld neither write - let- purple sloark can wnlk under the stiniulat- 4.Now, 1i A He i4a like t1w dog-liowlio; a "I thirt,64-11 Ill fashioned Latural w Imm-ii more f tally ieu4, there -would be, till. X ray. ilig effee ri t Coarse all t of the coca leaf. lie finflool reign Of dmi and rurw around at night. f. , I i ladleo. WWI my, r. term ii�)r read th wgins in received ain(mig the working -nilo4ilrtant vt 14-amed -4 clilotI104- ljont I- l400k wel , I virtually air 6ild to all divome'buito`a- The long and short glows III tile that the nervous excitation I ' r all ill I Like the elephant. lie hiw it trunk, Jeff, Va. e 1allord it like It brought Joy men, and tall breach of pro-; vacuulyl globi r# prtw-lit d0t- and figlit to ten mililite-s after introd,wing Tit ir miechullicat iow-4-1 ? HOW (to yflu "'beat, too, otiedience t4i i�uc' ia t1to V4_ "Fin 116, vera.wiro a&-1 like yet' nilse emes . brought by s-voinwi., for the dambuia, fresh quid of leaves into tile 1110tItIl. ti letian, that they Gymnasium Rxercise oI'm no muckle III Wl' valuating it woulit not do) t') tilt! signali they will isay, Vvi I ,r till. ionler exioutin- *4! i4a ys reation that no ucri I �4 ti,4! -vaii, ame-ent and lstm from 3:'o to 40 ininutoes. I". to-Wfinjr the #'#;111 0 blir puffs, on yIr TheY'l letters could ax- placed in 10.vidence. glob at the is. this tinio the Indian will pa.,w over have nevvr Lieen bad enough to do- In kA keloof t1be 1" -ere� produced In the Hell Is a young girt, I fir4-. i big aA a huAlel urely'It. would be LL great gain If frour.whiell flicy are being -sent, for -1 three lometres on a level rond. nTiti wrve rudic", punimliment (,I,- Al g.-Ittle the st-Peragel ri.servalat to luar- aro 4,it4 ki 114-y %I*.tl devil with f or In is cono two lometrem oil nocending round. MYth' to tlic'm ; t -nlil-t-4 ter -4. well m r'di-wovv�ry' %v:l,, "'I'lley are all the fwahicion. '.%1r_ ILlay etWil fruitful tiource,3.of scandl-im di' thi-re'would be trouble and eotiftwion kil very a dotwr and III@ mr1and It is tl buits and breakh of' promise second ship began *to, an- retim ill t lrj� Let v-torceo At the end or each eocada the Intfinn a mw'll " d." All this may be i I -4.,,rip '1YI)P tile had, and'We do not care to accOIJIt tion '11114 111:111V it, tile t hey it re pomWble. othe IjukP t i44. v tjla,a*x� the accoonts-"� 'Jiuitooi should fall into di4use. Tlien again It jig itreeNutry,that the 1910be sto;*4 to rest arid regale hims,-If V! the W* try -e Itast the orth t4ell A A 0- lack 611lere OPY are, it ma I afety be said, that at leasit uiue- Along tile for it; but the nakod fact im that the work illolfhe 9T.mT -'fiinerdl 'of t114- D114 iti1011t iLr eed jw)ld only -to the top 1,1 y 7 in tilioulil rem a fresit Chew of coca. icry all kt-y I li -)eruvinn higlqy;iy#a are oJefinite re -.t i stire.. 1 9,14 telitts-.0f t another. Ilere is where tile in thp I?Aum-i I - tile twc-114- "I ft of In (iderte, lie matital quarrehi whielf Ameln bly of -r viel cre rt Wildo .0 L *Oil were' -t 0111- ilig plarea, fwtalilished by this doz- tradi a.-ttional ril-turn 't4) is tiow The tion. They (to not 0** that 91 itarly lflew nd.11;r9t -lilt reasoit Uiko plaL Id. lined min direction i toln. aW, called coc thelong Ps" Tho v4-eret titruggle at the Ru.44sian 's'-* Indiscreet let- Colls it ro wotind in a Adas. it concerno thein. Ir a mundane life toe of rX or, fire. ulider the stiIIef)IItiIIu*,*.4. (-Ount 361tiravieff, )ulltol� all' or t46 read. lettem which -tliej opix The pri- one of probation, they w0uI3 like to W&TO y(lars I -Niiiiister, wilo lins- ab-� o fire 'I ttik the WiW to the- fictive -rti.ary Delmonico Sirloin atea know how to make the I*wt of that; b -ign m. ThPy, w r t be, F on t 8 i#.t4 lot, tile. victillis. ought not � to rc,01. 110(v often has U iii.try cum -lit, V k die " lk)we e) u rray w" ILPPoisted lnt3ftm r .116stiall h0nie boJx-ii broken IN11:11lets the ef feet. pr(ioduced Jay the two iliCI14-15 but they am not untler 1716 over the tirc; (lo,4)r sir tits�i �'u t front a sirloiji -I door of the Aftsioll tlw lflu#qH-e (of tlie Dowager owt fit r ... ().0 I'lly othoer oripilti. (fr thu world V) come." tws�%tt--e a . wiro. -Iuw Teud a letter w4-widary current -it' tile .. ... ... ... 0 g ie efore, thick. Beat It to till Inch nd :tAlalf in*tq m64t e( hh11.114 found , in her gi(obe (10"A "bt low, tl 1 p- thick. Trim This fact 6 i4lovnI toy thP attitude fthipley, and instrucW to dci. I remicr (*4,jlILt. Ito. Jap. still . ... ... Tit it - nicely. This tos lf)flv or a, i4oriii or it reaches tile a tit&ak of working people towariA Univerwity fL who ortontrolloidthe 111111k ... ... ... . ... lLwb.tnd'j4 l.ocket; and. how iiiioillY 41104*m extra currei not weigh over twenty and the Ila + he'141. - &bMd U'P't vaftut On June 27 To un(kirwear, e.tir..;. )0 W -u ruffled Ity lett U sides. Baste -It, Sttlemellt,4, Toyntwe Halls, a lonoo4seliger wivo4 er..4 paratus from another strip. %1%-:klr with i. chain ... ... ... ... r 75 11"I'lly �tv 11.4 ounces. Salt oil I ke. This tx)rt of -effort they 1-c- t. Ortu re to the GeneralAwillL. 4.:Mpri#14Am for which has BIG PRICE FOR A KISS.. . 6217S5 1 i,,which have fallen Into ttle.hanth4 of This covers the #I( over wlth oil ortletted butter and li tItA.11slis and, atUA for telt- t and rewive, IwCaUL-ekt deals with* 'Ig delay it, tile appointmlat of rima. lie 64 oll llit' waY - 4 I . . � I., I eould not or t110. Klti-ev- appar ate f ire for four- 04" loft yi,koh. 6 their hur;Ixiui191 if women bro;,', it over a moder. .4 which thev en - n g $200 for wretched accl-' ing at sca. tile life und condition elit edi t o England, to repre4ent Japan at Mr. Hai -ley oti.jected to Pay;i ratit or write., thesic re; an of Sabbath od (X,1 . ... ... ... . S.19945 -mile kwtrument teen minutow if you want it very ra (I understand. It is by T(lot, 9 IPI (I �l -for a fifty counter all -imt-1141 a. Konie'nt'�; Blis& dento cvuld not occur, and. virtue nnd ortwil t 4. arm"an? dizzy' by.1 (')ur feet long, built 18 minuteL4 If you w1 ­h i� medium donp with lwylCtic&i;dre villiti! "10mirlations are 1. got bit W. woul.1 flourish in tile lioluie- about f u wirdi it well 1"ch metltotit,, dif-Ming 1:,W. .1 Avi!hur D. D., (of i0 U would always have and 20 minutes if yo Ill I call to. 1,010 time I was through, and witho t , 11old. or rourti if Women ,%verc ignor- 'III of-etions. Vemsels lift-, that ltlwY will toe wOR, If tileY.ithe Prf-A,yl,%rioE* of the cilul,-11, fins rect-ivii ll:trley. a grcx-ery . . I I al IfZi- A)ther d6ne. Put Ule Fteak on a hot platter 'A GeOp. F. Penteef*t, D. D,t , was.; before on y I n a w ord went tae he stable trilt of the ui.;e of the 1kil. or the- pen- -tlipir curreift on I's :t sign n the pilot with, a -little Clear gravy or waitre ever are woon, for orthodoxy ngp?;r�!- OoPte"l- iul#A 11.4 -i 1. jail wittl 1�eottle a bit. When r. i g I (,be I aryletx)ne 1 1; till ma - in cil tiley could not keep those amaz sill1w, uil an ext IIt f t I I ,Wjlt tA) air .4w ie guld w I butter. Wasi lialf a pound power of dogma has w4ne 01 Iad hou$,� would, at once give notice of the, d'hote take tv wqre app,in,,d -in Lo-nilon. 4,ne (of cam' tao I tI10cIlt son flig 11(�Count, books, which bring the tion 'for Aire and conduct mu"t t* SUpport Pro*trif�vtprj, Mrs.` Edward I" it, ot. We Wad line the It" - resetim of another o4hir it, the fifty- "-1-4111adelphia lievAlrd. Vrture before &,-4embly. ring r\\ill. tim. wi theo ilowwhold into such P of Carolina rice, lout it into a sauce - k! � I i!.; ; como 0( two qxuirtm dir water ,and Illacle, of it local ormstomer. Th- hu -ball provement an' econonq In the cook- fill"llew of Ile fiell. Am tli(, w:lves w-titthrough pan with 0 -no 1. ljopeless confusion. land drive to mad- in 1:lg" ooinewhat, tl* -Juice o the rice or)* exPressed Its appirftiat,' o1oirrhoo III tlip wtmt beelic:4 a f%tory on. onywle. It wad tak' me owelt HOT WATER AS A MINVICINS iq irk 6 -Ippy buitiband w1lo, tries i4alt, watoT wit av bovery' till tender, keeping the grains whole. �burs A *kwpatch fi�m_ Auxerre, he centre elgie,-pear Arf-tic. taeo tell y. -le. *&I tile changes ompreliend them and to anddm4les would have to of list Murdoch e. I - lang- to ec find,the dots ct in France, li-tt 11:1ri .%I Ir' Ilt, them is done by not stirring, it at oll. I Pesses*;es Many Virtues land Cures of Rona ii, I - visiting go raililly Of tile wine--crtow.,ing di;Ari MM lr'%,.-in lle9ft-i t Kirsty Illande, for he. b oc f rom kwig. A tipc�ed of three words minUte, Tlllil rel. wa.14 a tud(!en- anti general o'correct, tot.-Ij which rolv;uitioi WI*n done drain on n Fleve. Vour the rervat r-ayA the* .104opteol taloiA ff,cwtionato, 1 oil gradually. An�aang the first things I rs of glove4._ eight woiald not Ii difficult- It With a complaints or Long Standing. loll Ions wit -bin the bous I adding threo. pit f rfwt on Weoikeowlay evening anti the Wit gfxilj�, Inliwinte 1. k till ne 0 . Fog and mist ind storm wcAild ri(* in -W a bowl anti cover _110 did wa,4 cut tile breid In Ell s far more medlMl vir- Ix)uptis of -.beef and *;even oliffling ha VO 110 im-A. A dd Uot wnwr Ila. 'res to convey to him its gincere to-fore,..wilich 4*4royed t1w Crop loargain. the working of the Ikot, Fugar syrup of 28 (ft D many believe or know. Be - night her lilitt. t J�efll tJ14 thin. slices -I had tae dooble thein up ad %Ix-lience 'together. 'As . to the effect $ion Lel The ekinail, could got :11 nii-nds it 64ome orapge and lemon pe . Let tu0s thil o an4l vege Harley' ellargfw Ilia tw4 :or. thri* times before a linprovemesilt t I w MOT:, of #;ystem. a Tact which recom caut.* it IN &o easily procured thod- therefor. aniount of damaze, ir4 4*ttimatell IlitlitC1 IL letvr from 1 MtV. At the�lnj4t n'bite "Kirsty,l, j*ays 1, ',1dInna cut hrlee 6*itand til iand;* think it ajue4cos. The uses Of which WOUld foll(x%v if 'for liglktllouw'% uw- I &nd Sutherland -I nes. t r $200 tile 'breld sae � thin. the conlinuill-ty moment before #;erving, take the.ri re%zat d twenty T0 USI'S. liowever, many. For millicb fr. fering. too), t4e tit! 00 matter fo, wollielt It hot watem are 211itment as cornmjujoLerl ill-64ed the.price too Itigh, I Pd." '91le says, 1 were unable to write novehit, lib A I'l i it Ile e6lone Wily, 'Mr. - nflyf-ei it neeflu'lao e ) out carefully with n tzkImmer. put to I who 10'e its Lwoo o6vious that mpha- 14 into a (jeep glaw dish in layers. al- i example,, there is nothing that so' nal. haiii lngt�r gestion of t1w J]y, nd the following Volnoill V�#, (:M(no' and thle slilt frAiowed. Recordpr tileo f"Illon to cut,the-bro�ad thin, t tile times to 941s.. it is.ratfinated that on 'Rvery 1a6d l4ight varia- I with Pmall fresh strawbr. 1 Promptly cuts short coil contr.-u-t for iiie nort 64,11 ip4 )-l(pl:ling, the nritter tinolt,r ad- look6(1 01)bn at, 1whim i4ingl illay ill the year at leamtoeven tioiw,' and clailkH t4i IJAvO It jlnotholl tern a Ux umatiam as J% rl I'll Illissioners: Revs. 1). jB. tilp St. cut tPlip bread thirk now'a-daym." lungs, &.,oreo 'throat or rhe I tbroe-,% frotit traiiks, 1). Perrie &nd Ilicil ii I ries Pour ga, 1111ork v..Trup over tilt, I L 1 J4 iniforoveincrit hun-dred ,%aid fifty-RI110 -olume o 4 telegi.-Illotling with hot water when ninille proMptly and I lm-twevit Prew.-ot.t yev. not c I witole anO decorate the top % wee)." saYA nen tiloroughly. Headache almost tilw"YP owk A NEW 4GLASS. tilem a rea.,*nable, j4ze a1l Just hae lk)vel-wi are completed toy the woi reafl.v practiorAble. wilipped cream .-Cll.q Pl(w Ranhofer. I 'Aiken, elder, tlt4- The w I writ4,-ra. of E.ngland. ' It is trm tlmt K iWi v propo-to-.4 too wild, (or lit least vields to the simultaneous aPplication to� be Ca �able of Exeludin tao double them, llats aL er I)ility of sending. 6f hot wator to the feet and back It is &Lld p y a small proportion of tha4e.ev X"I 1M THAT PAYS. MacNamara, of Ripley$ ft 69 oon for. 0111 I)rol)oww tTw- I . PEARL FAI nt Heat I - we 'tile -light of publication, but It ires to any rtw-k or. it di'stailre Radia iKsure and lie. home At n without I oart of tho neek. A towel folded several i0d " a student within gobe )oiit thrpf­� Itifiell sho says. 4m going to make, lie mental times and dipix,d in hot water and 'throp inilem, and %vili ('(kt -If I jo.appd1ling to 'think or t v oniv one in the World. a I rile disc6veriem rem6fly Inalle, toy i Pomeo beatitiftil purve soup and Iwant of ilie orarth'b. Bu. it Yields dr� ZNigmtolal sitow that toy tho- Sdiliti011 e 1:aIld moral condition of tile authors, -Tho great fitclio forward ill tele- Handsome'Revenue. qWckly wrung tout and apPlied over Tl� tract7 of small quanti . ti(v; of protoxide (if ir4l, I you to got it witen its ready' to b , I *o, liad they never learneAl . the grapify witilotit lie saidt4l` painful part in toothrXile or Vert rece ra Wryed. N0011,4 tile time for, dinner wl th There it- N.lid too boe only one pearl the' ford prom t wA� abet, wo, flay e umralgla will generntly ftf oroduled may,; 1, we� never.- think bn uld never have under- _-Itimation tonal pprehaiw, gla.*m can beo 1) irsty, Us vc ie farm JIL tho worlo, but that pay" it,s rollr. A Ptrit) of flannel or napk11V F-11,41tim&ting their intAwtioft lyfivission oor rays of light -K pt In* harvest tim(.,, t 9 with ti in 114 lot forty so( impr*oed ad- sutficlent trans in' Itinch exce akon to Lioeminate perniclo doC- (br tilo electric wit ' fall convert- proprietor flandoomel. This4 far foldpAi iengthwime and diM*d In 110t "w4tr (he General A,.gsembly avrory , line writing prof6und philosophi- Tiid ne, 1% v"actilini gh-do) a OWT to paAKage OVIX Wevp, g(Xt to keep up glolie into viounly pur,- MA010 all tl with the f trinco by ill tho -Torrem a4rait. at the northern watoer and wrung out and then ap- -Ne the tract fire 1, olilogical novek. NN' lien V.I,ClIUTn t1ipm-Utters of Oe Presi-bv. ititV (of �jzt. Such glam atitl phyist Ing the rays or the extremity of Australia, and behongs Ill" nround the nek of it child that imm. now giving flual m -31r, Hny4ed.; that in lunch ot cAI C% We I,, for it lage cially to tho manufActiire of t' a4 ' Fix. The old -style the nAilenfilum arriv hall look nosland. Mr. lap tile M-oup %-ill gwmetimes bring Dr. Blunt 0*6 m1wt wake h4w, 4110- 111,14 P406-ty (on(- mile ofillarp- (of Linde noon and dinner at admiration at the allow,4 the rewat- to Jamem Clark, of Quee.. protecting shadw ageinst fa6lating tiliar by everybody with unalloyed 16 Tlilx n orthod Chark, vilo is know" 1w V10111. king Of relief in ten m1nutet,. Hot water tak- cause I w&az -to ask her if she hw of tlip locrenne in 'amlilingm- is lookemol upon nj4 v nor- I and therefore their heat, wlifell woultj Joe of great 08 good, beauiful, and profuundly 19 Ing' of mewageA9 -(originally i4tocked oil freely lialf :in hour before bedtime obeyed my orders. The patient'@ bulao- iA to urect 111141 itan! ries as ivell its who tl4iiks anything' of themk-lvl , oil of the period, afitl shud- f it otlier the pearl tile ant,. wom, llitolliatle retratisilliK.4ion to , I tor have too.�many 111(iligt and -we May as 'well be out of the it with 150,000 warl itloyotprs- o W is bejI)fuj in t1w c.,Lw or constipation, Imnd-Er-ah--doc it might 1100 as tarimn fbfl vrolinols. I Of similar Ina- 1,% light'Ing liolit-Ii4w. hion." der to t1ilink that there wao once' a are divero- whileo it 111w 11 ni(wt soothing effect well to--ah-Put that quwtiOn In ft the finem . to vlew In tilat wctl(on. The Piing . __ vbries for the world -as out � of thO tam 'women werei actually. eft- As, folir Planili'le: -Let A bp a 1,*(*) nieu-20() oVed In liar- UIXXI thopo titolliaell nd IK)WeIM. 'A gb- somew)lat different form. p1jr1irp fit portainco aro tht*e disco At noon ishe met (1owTl the puree sall1r. time 4when . fpw -and 250 verels; tire emido.' plan ltivolv#* the. on ri in ro `13 priloduction of got) I . w iJId0w . gla-sm. A m, tt tmted 110 gae bad,, bilt it was roo6leaged to learn to read and write,.-. smiding statl I rt f the erqo. "I have been fift(vll let, of Itot water taken Jumt after "Goin' skatlu' Iforp longl" "k4ki !400.000. wull known, Win(10`%V;gIft,1-N may 9110W '116gazIne.' lies, B, tieing equipped w1th tile T(%"r'4 engilged ip pearl fishing." Mr. little JimmY of �his skister's b6an, who gr'e'** as watrr. repeating dpviire, wl't I)e rii4ing before breakfabt has cured thou r oo�rttilln waiol lierf4ififfiell e Pi'lark, toold it correopondent t)( the nq# tin simr4e a rather struffig it say.s.l.t."ii4 this eceived saudo of lndigwwtion. v% -1w waittiag in the imirlor. "I don*t ws4-k toy tile fittenilinLr :piq' irins. t Its being notil"c4l much or. A NOTABLE A#NNtVERSARY. eg(LI)IM to st-nd the r My Pxperli-nove had'; #"up All olleravlor) a Mellx)utne Age. remedy to inore widely recommended qwltljout tho aid or led mp Very ie my if you w&nWi Iler you'd twt- ai,ly when. pqt In theo.willdt)ws. Isy pli" "IMIl't it 'deliCIOU14 to tile, be to dynwptics. okaw. my boy. Why lls&Pd JPtl- 4timi, time agy) a co!ored nian named lier that, with proWr by physicians linil file feet frow-n, and tai..'ing glass coll (Aoxide of Yes,' says she. wc;mall, The 260th Ann Iversaly bf t he We tmin few'% miles further. Stich' automatic intellige a place, t�ft une Nforew-a IN111ler tainitig pr fq)eelmolut", says 4)e i3tationed nm in -the owlection of licit wnter will titcqo dangerousbieed- ter lw jrpttin, .Tour "-a on. %v.,W taken to. the hospital. ' It wall irtion it, would, therefore, 1w.' 1x**;IhIe to -:In It 'It's no tae ter -0onfess ion of Faith. relay ntatloni inay be (hie can riiilme pearls4 and pearl sIWIIX Ing. there'm naethITT' -it in- th�py Waal other* fodaid neepw4ary to, amputate b0th -detain o the greAter extent tile raAl- ' Ye used tJI4 Year will occur tho 2 --,0th a It- aerck4a tljo w1jole continent. or and a's #%Wily am one (*,all raise oysterd. I that young felivow witil M111111 t(wa. The akin failp(l to grow iant heat prodtjc&t in the Wteritti-of compared with UIP a Nc%t's otarted my farm three Years 'ago), anti The Narcissltts a ravorite. "Who to mak there,4 -napthin' Vulwta, litial In by the,, 'tervatx 'alolig ditingerous coluds (on t1149 en -1 of ono toe. 1�ys niverlotary any Jim Scr&99111. �nd the doctor of Uie adoption loi?al circulto Inay bo clovwd at t Merridew That's 4 well aj4 the caloric r 10 Use. 0' 1411111- have stocked it with i4liells which iof grnfting womo skin "on, It. the room, a. thi.-4 ava, an'- syll 1 Vritit4h. Var1litment of the, WeAtmill- 'uninterrupted Tho IK)etk' uareWsus, called m(" wlio Inve4ited the artificial arm for of 'the gun Wing' rontt110,dutmide 7 Whan ye W. not, point. Thererore, all - obtained In many inotane4w far�out at frequeutiv the daffodil, is cnsidered idt-lit volunteered togive I pin' a* pint o' colored watop oter Collfcli�sloit 'und Catectild van be elitabo driving a hor#k--'* "' And why iP %L11111111 A 'Im-4114-M Rtl -1p. and a pifceat)out 111km the'wIndlowo. T14, liowevei, 14- 1 1' WAueo- path of communieation seMy pearl i4iell farm covers 5W to ?�. 4417WIM plif-o of him entit ut inak it again atiffen It up W celebration, of thin event. in which* ojip or th ni(wt popullir hivorites th Merridew immiling Po arCIll-V y from r stomach. wlimited - through a sloce, covering "(1unro mil(w. Over m(Wt of it thP w -w t redno%v- tiltv ilize of a . quitrter %Vm taken cryday gla*4 of orom- tlllll.- ye Can feel In yet -byteri. W all'over fhe warl-I All,, next tA, the brillian I kJ.4 14 -ft arm. anti aldlfully grafted on* tent with the ev Hooevo�r, for a)wfx)t a- week KLrxty . I hila- lirnetically all 1w)ints desirabl." watrr to ediallow. In oidiallow *ater eru and dainty 'vioeU,. It %%-III, (in ae, a re goi tkg out sletelirld t of I t W Lrrow I n r* in.. will lirobably be Iwid -in P .9 in I me CO. RELAY S-rATION.S.' shell#4 obtiiin. the largest size. I shlW e(�unt (-i the continued populhrity of gaid Jim inwn(lp to take te arttfl kpt wrvin' up hale stuff. it wUl too made. If poo-w4ble, cin I arm alow" 'it". 0' a fe%v infles my pearls to I[Anidon in my own es- the deep and delicate yellow dyes, re - official Carrup"t6ri-in Chind xvl' foreign names all' ukllk' We in co-- 110 suggests stations lb of the.final move - - t, Jmnie Chaffle was entertainiag Mr. dishem tae liau!lra.4t I tel I ther than % large. avid cThe oratorb rach Ye"r runs, rough in Its voguo nil #Aumnwr-firot as a f ". w I 'a Inenti Pre#,lbyterLin general its- I apart, ra -P pictilrO or'. tilp �44` i(.Ihl think 1hero was It. d terminus, ly o4peaktilir, from C40,000 worth tit) to. geAijlilx� tilow(an. aftervrard not an im- C, tuil de Smith, anti ';iw thought ids ill .0*4 m1bI it In this wuntrY together. looAverful statLotts at each int." itatioll, ()r,,Jn doterenca to the mar- cold get along very well vk -it hout tim Dise�u4e in ttie Dress Skir�' f-firrupti(xi - tit 0 liae n- jadke, :us tile power re- itinitwt five tinw% that itna tastco bad, but mliiNter it sm-mbly was for econoi -ter, hLa- rroodool bY looll 40ploina"tic reliorts duanco in It. Yeo e a8 inuckle "M The IV opetate the indlictive &P- Vel(lous likill of tile . Parisian flower- a*wistancp of Iter ounger sib tile metroix6tan paliers lias Polj1lljlitt4.d liy tile, English of� Called by -tile 61,oiig parliainellV"� of quird to WRITING Bt -THIN MILE. uct4on. The lack mie, Po she said. Come. little pet1t 114- VA I'afilit"Iflit at ye . thoclit wao- re. all! ye 4 _4 makers. fw a me been devoting attention too the mic 1g,4 it w 6d be 'I G4 Weather Bure if , at rioo to * t: 3. The VonfO�'Dll Of J.'idth, framed paratus. incre&4w m the square of the prod of t the is time your eyes vrere closed ill 0111111111P." -he street 1Vk*4v4tnflFwtrr- . Ali am hungry am ever III ah le, a or. vitality, 'like that of many - M Ittle Imt. " No- croscople examin. )n of t ioniz 41jer - illin by that aptembly,. was reported by distance. T1 time Ma!ly Miles a Year the Steally Writer a t be discovered "Guew not," �T)Iied I dirt found adhering to the drew skirt is &tio.,vll tilat--mc)-great. is the HtPal- lIour's timeo. I'arifament, four yearm later, wasitJngton alld tlie Marl artificial roties, oralino d mp to ke*p my &Y00 1411111111 A w"' begilinin' tae feel tile ef fecUq ork could by thi a lady' afWr an afternoon shop- il,g tilat, ere tht. adopted June 8. 1648. The, Catech6m ellange in I New Y Itho beall"tiful ")py until one lind ther tol De Smith were to- ping In ew York. it reports to have vil.F.Tat to Alioli),lia, tile o't, an' wam feart dympepsy was get- WnN 8flppted in December of Uie same meajio be placed lit - coill in I'll ic-atioll Ilmoi it ever jilruck you what a touclw4j ttw nower. It demlvem the eye when you and Mr. obtained from onei skirt, bestdon In- - t1n* In, bit I dl4!na 111;4� tao let oil, till e'r. It Jig thIs ad6Ttiolt, botli t)y the ith every vemel. that came nvar tile diostance your 1* -ii trave6 every time, putirely, having nII the freoll, fragillo gether." 14 of King.-iii.and Cliviii k f lwt. Site y a i you writoe a letter or even when nppmrancp anti inatural delicate irlow the Proviner of tho Ither mornin' at breal numerable Innocuous and unclammitled It wollid errect all' economy oot a Cupf u ; 0 0 Scotch Church find ItIle Etigilsh 11ar- const. ct the true blowom. How many? organimaw, the gering cd fever, In- $Z,00j,00�), which 1:4 t 110 not doon before me at, n, stuff, an*: Ilament, that the llresbyter�ans of you sign your name? If not, hote are #.(-lI(Ka4 in hirrienailir the other fluolrza, anthrax and diphtheria. TIA . st somo thin, sickly lookli tile world re to celebrate next year. Parental Diplomacy. wome figurem thatt, WiAl aAUXlisIlYOU- I Want that Its coliectiOn, nOw 'em , %ugar '01sh menno of trimsferrinx virulent matter 'leku. alonpide o't sho set tlw the westminsteir Father, did not Nlr. Illithers-twk Eacb you write is about tilt Ifer Second Thought. it kvison III Friimular wits In pro- alld 'Olove the rcvcnue thatit 3 &W cream I)outio an' a Waxpcion'tae The originals of indi long; wxne words, of course, are 114 your Viftina bread fresb iz 11ow Inally nunihiers are from the streeta to the house In with- t.lIjd#nIi; in tile official rewrda of yon for my lialld- last %%-Mk tlwrp 9 asked the teftll�her- "Tva"O," jit one, and very Two Bqyx for One Tooth. sup it wl, is p psem�%ly were long .41 Ho did." very muh o nAked Mrs. McBride of t4ie ba ker, What are out "bt a freque K I raty says 1, "What's this tili#4 Welitminster a 46 imarly as t)owlble I)ut before lie could reply she lidded w" t1w Unaini"10`11114 shout. naturally 11119ge"t" two very Impor- innitor of , a Lelf!mitpr j,-uppo-01 to 1wre been. lesticayed In A ot hPard from him till your words W as Mary ?` addroiviollaig it prim -look - Tito )lend "That's'llaunji a la m(xie, 'Mr. Hay- a;n jjicjI in length. Taking Into -How stupid of me. to be iKure I Of they. tan Panitary reforms, too wit -clean- I In I ,Singular &nd 0111'W" board seborA wag starting out. the Mo,,] of the great London fire of 1666. but sinep. Did you limult III ieratloon, howeve, the numeArOUA wurow it couldn't be very freoll. -for ing IAM11ft er h d shorter mkirtsi. other morning to go to his occupation d only a few yetkrm ago In Me? Great' Scott, nol I alMIX 40011041( 81plied. ­ Quite corrvet: nDd "`.Y�'d better lay it,"ble tric i,4x). I were foun it takes aboat ton dAm for It to Mary Im The aeme of Vpreme Becurity which when he saw two liny-to.-Idlers coming ayo like my.-parritch firt4t thing lit tile a private library in Locandon. hj; hand and told him I wa highly curves mmie in forming each letter. to Tomm %V11min, how knany T"41- oman feels In this particular I towarti topped blin p eased with your cholorp, its I vve your pen travels the space Of about come from Viainn. You may trive rne I w, t Its ne w w � of them a I *(MtA am tlj�ere t*' - Thrine," was t1w, aided m some compenna- mornin' ye'keb," maya 1. Play. I of working for my own three Inches In every word. two loaves." m U-14 t be mg .6 tub, All In the xetting tiro4 W " %NNW imm. and said: 14 I)loase, sir, Bill and Jack a to!' inod,io the,scientific .10 - F The lmker gave her the iwtalftt he Isnawer. is complete melfe� 9* fro, ('Ol- . fffif Now, if you are a fairly rapid Ftither Foon anti Holy tion for her more or low can 0 to school this morning, bf. Ilanio for Porridge, Sir. Ilaywwd, and Scelle--Aldersliot manoeuvre -.4. living." WMLW.," donial of the ordinary fimale gar- calmo they're going to have a tooth 0 to have bee -it wounded writer you will write thirty words bad. menta. e why both should that in the article tip to daW.- dleir mulwaied , every out." Falling to so aking it )it'); tent by bear- Above Suspicion. j)er minuto. 7`11at Is to 88V - go to have one t(K)tli u master g(nitlenitin ever-thinkh of t is brouglit to ourge( mInuW your pen travels a (flAanre of Followbag lawdeLions. why Sho LAked KIM. any other way., There's the 'titagar erm. Ilk-arer (relmrting)--Severe %calp Bigwad-It mwst be Wrribly 7 1-2 feet, or 150 YRXLN in tile hour. Parental Diplomacy. sdBut what's Bill .(the elder of tuid ere woultd, sir, accompanied by inmenxi- embarrmwing to be as poor am th pen Mr. '%uweA`1-1#4 all the 11ce VOue o),I y- Re&lly, do you thimLki Advo - 'Mr. Bitl)4-rm ;lsk tild, two) going for?" "Please, sir, Kirsty," tays 1, jitiniloill' up, "t1lb- bility. Surgeon -Well, what have JoIleset;-they never give anythingto Clerks. or tilope, who wield the Mrti. Nuvred-Yep. 'nbe 800k book n&i(* car*v for me ? "Father, did JiI4 tooth out." 'Be, yoll (](ale ? Dearer-Dremed tIl0 Charity. at all vigoroumly, writoe at least Ilalf in cold - Yes. Ww saim do MV68ft it mile a dny, or about 120 milop In a k I to bol I the Bill's going V) lailvo is earryin' tile thing ower far. IJ I V. potatoes mildred you for my hand last week ?" " Then Whitton Jack (the little oe) yo want tae starve file tac dalth. ? wound, sir, allot gave I'll" a little Mr.' Blgwad-But we dm't, either. I ter. and I uped it fit PePID9 your comP"Y to tb&t Of WY 6913"110 - He did." going for To " I'leAmP, m1r, 'e'n goln' to ImVn - d(asin' file this while %villinkey and water. L Surgeon - Mrs. Bjgwa,d-Well, they ean't may the worklag yonr. To see tIli" pera- wa atex edd wliUe theyCXre boil- Inan atait knows, beeWMilla it "And I have not Iward front him 9 ear lin 'oiler," was the reply. Yao I uze -Jame, an' and watoer! How did you t1lat it 114 becaui* we haven't got it gra4loh in print, you wriuldn"t think t lie w lie borrJd 011W ftr0 110t ouch a small n3MUJ back wto fricaial4e4ev4 an' Jam that the pen ot the writer momie a Ing, an (I t since. Did you Insult him ?" igs, an' puree soups all' 141c oxpect wi IllseTIAlible man to uivallow to give. wIndIng 14of t yet. 0mversaucin with you. bolig b(A tour of sixteen ynr(is In Me ? Great Scott. no! I iiiii I. Tho largmt American stock farm d(3voted to the - breeding of trotting clanijainfry till ina, stomach Is com- tilat -P flearer-lie axed fort, mir! rd 'covers all ik rea of 226 square He" pl&ye a I&Mr paA ft and told hAm I wan igill that at 11alo Alto, Cal.0 and pletely spiled. An' ifoo yae want tap. Alabama's capital takem Its name tj ugh the eurves of the 1ptte a sit L(mvion bw-.& ehard Montgomery, will) he wrotoo them ; but it I" a f a et, for with your eboice, am I W horem 114 -men think Inore of their wives front C miles. 111116 tkm In a own 8"t" tired of wwkiDg for my tho next lit hize the Jewett farm, In deprive file o' Ina parritch, the only Most eil. thing that wam keepin me alive tills than they evor admit. was killed at Quebec III 1T75. all thalb.-Anobrers. ovrn living." a ir T 0 u n n c Iva, T Be %v r _IIg I i)rod rV 10VM Th;t In the whole secret of long life, Quem Icoulm, of Denmark is next Mont women wouldn't ob)eCT, so istm- # P, Aftar Cilleen Victoria the oldest of the Shakespeare knew It an wel.1 as any- uotwly to their husbands playing poker nger WU1 Cillum-mL-or "N0da, -4 "t bo died at 52.-BrItIoh Med.: meor M Ilk ter - an toe r a towc lf tb&.v received a part of the winning,& I '-'o t ho P""e'r through whose in a %.M Mo irlm yne's ejotlaes -I Imelt I to a Church formed thp. aneiatw WIII last much lou"s- I M"