HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-05-21, Page 2_0_79p", �_
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men, actors in the drama it olly longr IN46
tive SHIP TO SHIP 0 -
he Jarlehester Mystery,
as t Hayseed,
#U met together in order to explain 4o Mr.
king leasoius 1P., London Papera Have the Chli,
711eir several. shares in the same. IE
- ' I
ER %V t?h(%tani 0 Kirsty.
Octavilus Fanks had described the lemgons,
CHESTER MYSTER V Manner in which he had first become I ll&e got some Possible to Send TelegraphiC lea- Problem uP I&I'l
involved in the affair, the methods by got anittlier leg- 0-
a Story of a WOrnan's Fealty. Wfilch he had traced tile crime, and 41ak ws & Oen- gages Through the goal L'Envoi OR L.
the reasons he had had for bid several AGRICULTU 1,4r,l,lg Nv ie ture is painted CONDUCT NOW -
RE or nie last Pic ELL'MON OF
butpicions. When earth's , twWW &nd And M"
elusion of the detective's A little shrewd management �nke sne and the tubes axe r*4
ne At the con ligious papers tire di"Cum Olow ill
to a statue of pto' , and for the space
son op. ke. low and tim was speech Roger Axton took up the better than a year's labor. We, In the wings NOT NEUSSBY dried, "Why 0, take fron,
its feared tits words would of a minute not ft mOveme"t oral study tile moll we cult 114 When the (Adefft Colors have faded a;id t4ug aimwers to 'Lie
actors in this thread of the story, supplying by A (A darrk brow,
ivate. lialt Uture L.Vem go to
made by any of tile testimony ill tile, points of , which always endeavor to plant that 4t the youngeat critic has d10, (k) not t1AD'T"eZLue lawti. - And keet me eve&
ted forth to the four quar Strange drama. �ted I, as been
accusa- Faaks was ignorant. Having f inislied tilt- soil will produce beat with f needzi rckau We shall rest, wid, f&itll, * "hall 1--ce
ir i
'What do you sav to till" The Meap 'VelL Till It for an ae,011 or two,
the world. said ranks. In a his story, M. Judas arose to his feet lig It of Its strength and ferl Ills blood b� 'age of It -lie down Lk"Pl1r: Ugislature tile pi.11 palwis
Florry better ?0* tion, hNgs Varlins ? " tile Wtt takes bralits to farm right. '408. Fiadilin:4 are, especially 11 Till the Master of all Good Work I
and revealed all he knew about o Ap- merNof bill* pamised is one In firtee;1. is blake 111p, to put MY t
Itt VIO� Cultivation (if Allc MI. A,�and do better wb I '� tile PoPulist I*gislaturom have
No, I think tihe i-' wors,� t. -night t4.)nL of deep pity. came. ieu give�v rday fillall set us to work anew! -ely few bilis. �The ban I)er%,elW I
ury exciteable awl rebtles." -I pay nothing., 11 But firk5t, my friends," lie said, grain odr hope lies Ili Improved oh&lly ,i& dally Jn the ineadow or ord poiliparatiti g0os, Protect me frOln all vanity,
The words dropped Nlowly from tier They are -d ci. -.ub-
+strained with 'ven0mous walignity, " I give to I.Aet w eien wAect tile heads bf b;. too cramped if Penn*. And tll�w that were good PlIftil be (Nice pattern for &, w&i@t I I
"Oh, Judith I Was it w,i.%* 4)f YOU to white lips. anti then tile ove and Monsieur Fanks the congratulations or wheat which we are to sow,'-eui ly in AL run. They are the steadili Ltl )iappy; they kh&ll sit in R gOId0V1 There are In France 2,150 womeu4 0, blem we with Thy biding 10%
"To her ?V9 nerves of the NFoman. gave wall ulah, on him talent for loolish fancied. Eh'I eluding all other for tsvo or three years layers of tile large varieties of fowl od chair ; � authors and Journalista, wid aboutl (Spring hat and wintoor eprlk!�
octor'.Japix with 1% low moan of acute .91,119 lie is a grand detective, this until we fix the.typ�% A single head Every poultry raiser should have It.- They shall splasit at a ten -league can- , And wlien I die take me ftboVe-
Sbe to in gk-,4>11 ItandA. D t on the floor. Yesp J 0"I wo, ii artiste. The PrOvIDCs4 mint 1 4)
mhe Hunk down ill a fain young man, who thinks all have com- of bariey has produced 1,600 bushels liatching house, be it ever so small ;%i vas with brushes of calnOt" "Ir; (I know her hair's a wig -
Is with her." Roger sprung forward and raised her mitted the murder but the ireal one.' In foqr yetirs, and �this alone shows If a little dark, so much the better. sliall find real saints to draw %jutei m(at of the writers-abou -
`Japixt" repeated tL,-, Old man, in his arms, but Judas. with a mock- Conceive to yourselves, messieurs, the tht, Importance of cateful selection. Any place will do where the heitismay from-Magdaleii, Peter tuld PALO 1wo-thirdii-while Parls is represente(T 0, teach me not to envious be-
th�jt. On ing. anedonic laugh. tossed hid long It does sot cost Much In time or ait In peace and quietneiW providedit i ,ey shall work for W1 age at FL sN In the same vrowrtion among tij*e (I wl"ll I qwned that milk!)
'jsuix.tIng. '61m sorry alA,)ut md in the air, and burst otit likto blindness of this monsieur artWts. But -keeli nw ineek's MY lowly Plan,
th!a night of al: I wiNh no one ftr 0 1 admit all your abuse," intA!r- trouble to keep a farm free from be clean, and the floor covered with thig and never te tired at (Slie lookm like soured "Im milk
it jeering speech. I rupted Fanks, curtly; "go on With weeds If It Ili gotie at systematically. loomme, ooil, a little moist 'rather tuati 4ikLl.;A. I
Yes. yes I Take her in your arm $- e -Pnem day by d&Y-
,ki the housel" When "Whar I call German scientists have re(*utly fur- i,,T ach me forgi%
"It docon't lmitter," replied Judith, I,ift. tier frinu tile ground, but YOU What YOU have to tell." theY7 get full possession of a dry And (mity the '.Sfaster at*- alit to. u6bed Information In regard to tile mb(-)- llo%v 1 "ato@ "a t till
n not lift her again to her purity "Ehl I enrage this Monsieur, me,"- sit'910 fit -11 the owner will lode more IIORTICULTURJ�. and only tho ma#401;i top [low. nd lead me In t1w 11&lIO
was fa r ea thero3 thAn It would have* cost ),Jul
1feJgu'ng all ludiffereiie,-. ohe 'Iogt, tile woman said Judas. with an insolent iaugh., y And noone shall workuliin, s aged ut trees. They amsigu to the pine
of a woman. She ig ind the " Bab! I mock myself of his ger.. to have t!leaned the Whole farm. I-)rofit in. fruit culture haid Ith twgin- 14y kneow begin W" Ry
from fe*liac: "What we kndw to-nigilt you loved. In her place you V an ning in the Careful selection of the no one shall wor"want to 'low troe U)U to 700 years &w the mail -
.5 Behold. mewdeurs. I tell you the little. Good farm help Cali be had, -and we boot varieties. Investigate well before But each for the-`* aww cleanse Iny
all the worl,l will,illt)w to-morroNv. murderem. Ah! it is ii, gtA)d play I " IMUM, 425 years t" the &,ilver fir, 275 P1 F&Lrfis t b hk 4 be
This cowardly triumpliing was Vio tale of all things. Me. I loved thls� should not lot a few dollars stand in you plant. Nothing to more discour- and each,,AT 'LAST. Years iZ the larch, L45 years to the ooire,-
heaveriA. I hove licit!" -)r the phlegmatic Vankg, angel that now is dead; but she her tho 'Way of procuring such. lie can aging than to throw away two or ^all draw tK tWAropo walker red beelah, 210 to the ampe wonder if I nt zVents.
6 f rom Inuch -even ft a. 2W to
"We C%Wl expecV llo-thillg lok� heart gave- to the dear Melstane. She add more to a farmer's profit every
and* -with a suppre�sed outh he strode three years of time and faithful out- 1. love PW
ver kawwn too fall the bircli, 170 to the ash, 145 to the TIA*'
a6 Julit"'.", tile G Viant puillic will"m
ouk-4 a Dian returned from the Ile d6 Vite and month than Vile exceed of wages, over tivation and care ulx)n trees which He Itudyar I great glaelal moun- eldc-r, and 180 $o the elm. Leel) 0
w tit) to the gibiug viiialn.- Ill I lar ,,, d _%ie or the handholneot
"You mt-ayl GU;11, it you say anothei-- word. you de- tell" Mel8tane that her father Is poor, a shiftleso man's hire. On the other prove, worthletis at last. e(
"I mean Ju(,,,q24%, The li�i'IA4' anu she is to marry this amiable hand, u poor tuan wl�l lobe thiti differ. Na one need hope for the beot re- ill tim -111 f world, is the PI&0e de
isucih a trattotjr." spicabie blavicguard, I will k.ill you It " Spolger. My friend Melstane In en- eilce qui&e as easily. Df4 lite IJIacce**4ible; A Brookly-n man sued another for Ia ( otlel't 0. In tile centre ri*e*
"'But why tihoul%l 1�1% inct is i' -A 'file FrPrichman turned on bhu with o your 'Do nut make tdie mistake of so care- sults In gardening without a liberal lit, 11 Itittlown an inclitie W,000 for aliorlating tile e0ectious
w�, obelisk of I,uxor, prvuentcd by tim
the snarling ferocity of a tigerr. raged, and says: "I go t -use of manure. Twenty-five to fifty oul La iftly mooving hall
doing father to tell him I winh you for JesslY stacking the wheat or clat Of 1.1.14 wife. After hearing a mass of
4 '-1 th)n't know." "Ell. You will kip me: My brave I mine.' But the dear angel Ia afraid straw that ninch-of the time it can- large wagon. loads all acre each year Danced -upon a iawLbglug trapeze Ilasha* Lgyl)t to IA)Ul% I'llihP1J"- It
It Is ag1,11il4f, n,,d ow1l interest." 14 it that I am a child you can rage le none too much. To stint a plot In With grace Inexprewiblet. testimony, principally ditiereditable to
ct�11�11_ at with your big words ? Miserable of the hard poverty. She weeps, she not be used to advaStagea for either tile use of this article is to I* diaaP- But It rained oince iii. midwinter, the plaintiff, a verdict was given for Is fianLt-d on either side by a largle
'Heaven only knowo X% hat IV! ngli"ll. tila.t you are, I t%pit u entreats,'. she implored the cruel Mel- food or bedding because too wet. It is Pointed. Use all you can buy, beg or With a zero froe!it to clieck- the defendant. The cuurt then not foutitaiii. The Place de lu
ts", 1,4041 Judith" E s Pon
ers to be hN wten-s your must not drag me to-poornesal I am too valuabic a fooi to waste, and
th4u you Jule* Gifinau,l, laugh dt get-*omeiiovr. fie walked to the ley paveln�eRtHlld oLUy ordered Umt tho oomplaining wenis loulewhat wr4migly cul.ed, in
Htterly. 'but WlYthillIX is I*tter largeness. b4leve V01- YOU are afraid of myself It he does. I arm like there im no better bedding if dry; Most orchards of whatever age need fle fell upon his neck I 'Idstory or the opoL. 4.914,
that Ito slitoila niarry 1.'Iorry I" her.' Then. messieurs, I hear but w1kc wet it Is of. no,Cwe vrhat- - . hutiband pay all the "U of the suit, view of tlw
ullsent ' to afraid ot what I say, but I keep not MY mot a certain amount of pruning at this but tined him $IOU for Us lulpadence
-Do you thInk i;e would c 'tile silence. lioly bluel Bab! your from her sweet lips that madame, her ever. t'&me of the year; in fact, pruning Why She Pawned the Kettle. hundred and firty )c.arti ago it uas
dead mother, wa
t" -o money Inat&und'" ept- English lik(ly, she is a. erlm s ' mad. The poor STOCK.- should be aone frequently, that excess- In bringing it. all olwn field. I;ut in 174b the citY
thiiLk it'd too late'''to t4fer 1 angel is afraid she will be mad some A poor Irish %voitian twk a eop1wr J
deal Inal. Urain crops sown for pastdrago or Ive cutting may never be demanded. Tile Ith wh
emenii)*,r, to-itebt We Jay also. Nevertheless, I love her; I to kettle to a pamVilsbol) in order to se- Lue It to be tapped at, Augist &emptoed tile gractoto permi
ter me. R, 1 *6 You lie shouted Rtiker, madly, b6 cut. early f0r hay g9metimes To prune heavily le to debilitate the soine money. "I should tilluk- to furnish power for un electric gen- Louis XV- to 6rect & UL"Toue
with the law." you lie. you wish tier [or mine. I am the friend of cure
,B1116 yal'ixs lo a fritnd of itcCer AI-. iltarting ;L; We feet. Melstane; but him I love not, beca hC-IP wondectully. Tilt.% wise stock tree and unlit It to reoist the cold you *ould hotwant W put till* tip," eirating plant for the town of Basis. there. The place then UxA- bid UaUkV
Nivretch! Nlarson! Fanks!Getme some use furmer Im ever cadeavorin t(; Lave a weather, dry ape][18, or the attacks -of
aterl she linq fainted. , And ad for of this dear one. I say: My friend variety of feeding stuff IL to uard fungi and insecta. remarked the pawnbroker. NV halt Thet chaunel which is too carry the suid retained it till t1w new reeiwe.
"Judith shu,k1ered. and ore I tier w Melstane will pull you to the cold, tO 9 will you coft your dinner lit Sure, - An Ib7io, melted down the statae alld
'T,jwe with her lifuitlo- you, scoundrel- the street. to the "-alit of bread. De- against suffering froin Zirputh. Chestnut trees should be planted In it's to got money to buy 114eat to put watiar to the turbiuL-houae will be converted it into 1-1-cerit pieces. Ott
?Qli4l. 11c. advanced toWUrds Judua with Attention cannot be fixed too Ju- groveo or rows rather than 6-iolated, about . three-quartem of a mile in I
-Yew, I know he Is," sht' 11- fend. yourself, thy. beautiful. Kill Ili it, that I*ni pawnin' tile tIJ5 13t1i of May, 1770, during an ex -
low vtA(*; **uut Roger ewl uothaV I elinclied fists, whereupon the Frenc - him to teutlr upon the importance' of know. If expected to Yield perfect nuts. Or, length. At firat 7,700 cubic feet, of hilittiou (of fireworks liere, a panic
sk , help us.' , man, with a lo,,k of fear In li-is gray 6h!'Il erlet"I Roger, In a tohe of Ing V10 (x)mpl.*itI(_-u of food, and adopt-' any particular tree, the Pollen does A'TRAGEDY. water per beCodd will be available, re- to(* 104ce and 1,200 pe(g)lv AeM
'-face, recoiled against the wdll. 'But Ing It to the e Aa Prehenting about so.000 burvie-power. tiatupled to death and 2,00) HIM11-
"Are You de of horror, "you put the idea Into her
lid f�r which an atii- not seem to ripen ' t a time when
sure b ls tLf- not even tire threatening attitu inal, is kept. There id no department tit eistamens are ready to receive 3t. He berit to take h -r ankle anti
%erely injured. The cx-casiuv
"quite 0 sure. Ile - tol., the'young ivan -could restrain the gib. head it[ modern. farming to which th' e iti so When in clus.ters, this derect W not Reimove her loosened tilioe. Tile prohlbitionl4d of OLio polled less were oe
t1cirildlirm _1 A *him v-1110in " Eh I I may jibe was mad like er %" tile attetulot of the pL"ile to
ing devil tuab wi— aklug W LIAN preoptit. than I Ix -r cient. of the total vote cast expreme, by a grand celebration, their
Y U saw h!m ?" of laughter Madame, her inolher. I told her Of Muell U1111culty iu 01 .rDem was a sound (A u A
-ith a shrill i4cream . w I
j anti 'is in, Cho rationing of live stoelt. And somethtng skyw=rld fl 19 . I - L ti ri
insults. the etarvation; oil, -but -yea, cer In tile state at tile presidential, eleo ullI)oundt4J �jy at ti oQent inarriagW
pl*�ak, I)ut tht) lie went on, with h Whem prices for stock are do%u :ig da uj) I I -ith tile Auo-
arooll wVA alsouti I tainly, I did say to, her: 'Mademol-4 r or the your
0e " Vor rue,. 1he box, monsieur. - But, farmers -hast*.�n to unload for ear of Kind reader, he was called a iall, I tiou latit fall., and do it wiU Lie neces-
f&M furb. 1140 Certainly. you are w4ve-you are ver sellii, If he liveg, YOU will be taken to f HLRD STUDY IN SCHOOL triaii Prim blar �i!Wlnette. 4 ltk
,7 - But, was Indeed a foot; sary for them to g*t 10,000 signers Ilet of 7a uar t1ley ga.01-
What would YOU# lower markets, which their haste In
U) ask furtiier que--ti,f xvise_' Vome, now, It YQu are bold -I poornem. Kill him. the
led tAl fly by '1>11 llide not the trutk, I declare -if your messicurs? I but say to 'hot What aure to bring -about; when priced, are For she that had tile ankle wum to their petition to lifive the candl- red ere again in iiumeiwe iiuwberw
,the millilt" oevn 114Lppy, angel Is not the olie Who killed the myself I would. do J11n. the RAme - way. on the rise their oeramble to stock A Lneek and lowly tutile' dabas they have Just aominatoed for to wie tile licad or tile saine dauphin,
il.,g.4 ot Ightning, U1. thid u t ? De- i ly suggestion with fear -she received, up Im alually great, a`hd t4ey aid In Brings on a SEvere Attack of' Sts i "tatoe, officeft, plamd on tbe ofricw tow JOuim XVI., chopped off by tlW
dear -Melstane, Kay. Who s ballot.
R1141 Wit-) and -went weeping awaj. But again carrying prices stiiii 'There are Ruined. sharp giiihotivie. Ijuring tile next
read for tile apprixtell ot clare the name."
lie dear Melstade, and he no greuter bullo tuid bears In the --%%Lat are L�IkLJI two yt-armi the iblxg well Panted Ito
e6uld Roger, uIth g1l tering eyes, a nd a 8 h 0 8PE'S t Vitm' Dance, Proprietot 9 Lord Rovvtoll,si octwwe for cheap title -- plam of tile I'Levollitioil",
that _hrrur fruin' wLicll. they fierce took on 15 face. Would lia%e tells her lie -will j�peak ) her father. 'wck exellangt*. back the"? (Kine had not ceased its work -
t ralce pe. sprung oil Juas u
ill I-ow-wii limb proved tile
him b She implores,- she kneels, but he In A little patience in.the spring will io4'"9 11"b""
A kn4wk at the, I wor, then 31arkaf hard stone. I wish't6 _bave all the bring Ita own reward in the greater aeit tbis mteak Untis XIarie Antoinette, ('harlotte.
three the throtit. -Ulien trie * ansiver to the place to myself, so ais to . love this ejUmtalning7 powe7r of the pastures dur- A Young Girl's Life for a Time Made ack ; baya he couldn't eat it. ��to' be remunerative, four per cent. Mine. ylizalwth (tile 1�ilig*m vioter).
flung it witle -open, announcing (lueotioncame frotu n ML)st unexpected Proprietor (examining it) -Take It- Itaving been paid oil the investrueut
vim I som angel, and to Melstane I say 1: 'GOP Ing thO 1.'Lter seawm. To turn on too Miserable- Could Not Use Her Hands Rollelirl"r", and inore than .8.0 tier-
Monsiour 41u,"rter. 0 back to him at once and tell him he'll frow tio start, and capital enough thou. my friend. to some town and early lit but to Oeteriorate - the worth and Found it Difficult to Walk have to pay for It. We can never use it having liew saed up to start tvv saW ba4*twrished here by ilkz dl-adtyt,
Outside -theL rix.)w there was a rkhrill tell the afigel to follow thes. Then of the'pasture field throughout 0 stroke ---Cha uta ml tat i
11,1i7it h- to, herself, vieream, the.heavy traniping of feet, Health P.4stored. it it all out of shape. new buildiLiV. The balance for this
finid and a woman in her night-gown you can -demand of Monsieur, the hoLo summer. 4
WIQ ti, Gut1*11 Pfk1lg at lier lieart, I as dly into 'their midst. father,' what you will.' -He Is eu-. wIf you have had more stock during (17- rorp tile Napaiiee Could lie Accommodated. rear is over *23,000, which will pay TO DRILL HOLES IN GLASS
the PerTant retire.i. oil, lite Imml i-. i.lashed ma. chanted, this dear Melstane. and tome the last wWter than YOU could keep 5 tier cent. (Wilividendo and leave
It was Floffy Marxioh: of in- speaks With 'Ell, but tile well you have probably learned that Nervmisneeis Ili the frequent,(�auseof Ix-avou Goodinan-our inifibster, if $7,000 over. The three houses 1IVw Here is a Hint That Idsy Prove Useru!
Is! tor In her eyes o4hon the fever
Iden t� too beautiful! This I Will do, this"iti tile reason you are to have a much nilw-ry anti huffering. One of Ili), had selected Iiii% 1)r(4)er field of provido dloepitig accoultnodatiotui for to Itany Rouseholdh.
a gTave akild they all i�-at sanity. on her dry lip,4 a fearful laugh and If the fAtlier has vjiy -of tile millimurd profit from your labor. Over- this effects or tia.9 break"ing !1P of t'll*e lalx)r, ought to linvo 1well a luimion- 1,861-1 persons. It sl)miAlmes toeeur.-. to tile :tukateur
t!.iW1I IL aiItqit*. 'I h, re -%vao a ithorrible laughter. -and she whirled e jy to tile %*outh ea isladds.
moil# y, thou, my- friend, will be, to id stocking io as bad'as understocking. liouw- director and furnisher that she
juq,�10; ft)r ho ft -It, rounAl nd round in the middle of the nerves. particulttyly among youngpeo- think- By the earth'* rotati(xi oil itui &SAN
i an �L brother." When next he mpete; I'Ve vannot afford to, two cheap '(;oodman-"%%'hy do you
It 4 4( oa t4w wh)!,.: JaPix. who t1li dear CIIJICI,,L Ile tells lier of tile PlaL dingireely Which will ju bed- 4 9 - a lwrhon at, tile equator iti carried woold be able to tidd very much to law
IC n Ills rooia like a ple, being chorea, or St. Vitus thince. so ? V1
thjz he hall two -ft U'rit'1101011ult: jure the man- iso 040 beauty of a piece of work upon which
%vitb t1&0 tlet4�vtive, nlill that had fkglo%% ed her, tr'e I -vainly to VLP- It Ia that tie Is to depart.to Jarlcej�_r uro pile, neither anything which will A correspondent UAW' tq a young lady - lk-ac(xi Goodman-Becaue lie eastward at tim rate of 1,037 miles sho might be engaged if %lie* couldem-
-111 b;* we.1 J.'Jitt bCl*DICS W(�uld. Come t�y proach.
A motlier!99 terre, and tbore when writes lie, Oie not dd to iw valua, Again, a'good at Selby -who was badl afilleted with foild tit getting into a stoew. t h In the latitude of Phila,- play a little gl:i&.# for decoratioli.
aow that It!# *,ecmt '%v-1 rom the .18 to bonle. "e says this 6110 Will (10, absorbout Is I
The cry of horro'r came Irom the Y Fancy brackete anii book stsuids that
kiw,wn. 4ut I.' inewleurs, t1! I smile to my- not suffer lit hL.alth. Nothing will this trouble.- Ile_ tutys 1, never saw A BALLAD OF A HATj delphia the rate of this eastward car! be so succeshfuly manufactured at
0mi the otlier hauit, raiiks�riptwar�,d lipt4 (of Marsan, who as holding a self. Ill her liciart, bilie liatkv where clein- out a stable, better' than good anyono suffering o badly before f roin trRveil in 7U4 miles an hour. or 1,164 home woul 16ok still better finished
w4,re giass of srater t � the lipP6 of 'Judith J umt toell them that you saw ine,"
-14.nt, Allat t1liIIAS once 1�he -Shc,has f(vr of tile absorbout bVdding i reet a m�e(xid- Were the earthero-
M. PoorlleMN. She 1!;.
in u u-' but his daughter did not lie y "I Will nervous disorder, She was violently was what tile tomor wulg. tation to bo eitopped suddenly, A's if panelm of looking gkulm. or tratw-
9f)ll.g as he w6bed tlwni, t,u myself kill Feed4ig IN rttutiDe work day after parent4glaW, could be called into rt -
fie With bhriek sho &44�plted tier Insen., Jerking and twitchiiig all 'tile time, His voice rwig out both clear nlid
ejiby expret4sion oll bi fae-e 811 1 thim cruel'ont�, ansd no ope will 4Pow day,. anti % % and our surroundings wold he shot
whirling. vi dashed forward therefore, often c4releimly high quisitioti; but eiucli panels require to
g�uical furtively a, Ju. Itj showe4i satL of him dyltig.' Behold, then, on tile doine, On�' advantage in having pure anti eould not - use. her right hand at tile hat from Its surface into space with th@ ly) screwed on. and gitum drilled by a
'irlm witil %ith dis orted featurefii to M. Juda& But the man w ho wit behind - velocity of rifle balls.
that'he ild 17 110 11.14e. night belore goes tlie.tk�ar Me6tane, bred %tock is that it� leads one -to all. -Anything sho would try to pick -it will add W tile expen9p.
Hold tier! hold her: cried JapiZi @aJd: `*Nay, uiy tunieful-frimd, wofewitm.
U'lexpo"CU-0 114Covery lie hat] made. she comes to tile Im-iision. Myself I we Prctice pure brL-djeediug. There lo� -up with it wo 9- It should be good news too stich a one
I,ut sat loi)klllg 6. t;he is mad-raving.9 her I . wait at. the window and bme- s1wh a t1lilIg .W scrub feeding an w iuld iLtrintly fall. Wlien Because, you see, I caruiot tell a lie." Two hundred and three lo��al author- W find that glams call e"fly be drilled
vj-�, the Judas was to) U�rrifled to do any- ell sho would attempt to %alk )jer limbs
at the earl)et wkth t1owticast ej i : hold. She demmids from my 80"t4in " micrub stock., , ities In Great Britain and Ireland break -
thing. -and t,.U)odL uer�(-Iess anti para- 116 Merely a Commercial Phrase with tin ordinary drl!l, without
y aial tk,k. What lie has llot, lld-to 0146ill it Ile '01 would twist and turn, tile ankle often -o
pair. ik" are so 'much trouble" _to�some Ing. if the spot where the drill IA t
wj" t0 kwlo lue, I un4lcrotand iYzel, facing this Xha.-tly spectetwith ork8. Of these
goes frin, the apartment. Then in tile- people. The same objection -and throwing tier. "He 1p, very cultivated," said Nlaud. dwork be moistmened with a few drops
the loliie the frantic gestures applico to. doubling th wn
from your letter, s1r," w4l MV84-111 tO box Of p3ls on. tho table she placed `I'dou't siee evidence of It," replied 1W are In England and Wales, 86 Ili
9 �Yeq. I every department of farm lire. Those, Lately I beardthatsbehad I I of a mixture composed of twentY-rive
the detective Ill a 11111, voice. n,] blazin .9omethlng. What'l know not,then, w h(.) f been cured Mammle. Scotland and 7 in Ireland. Besides
-Yee. with regard to tho dvath Of What' bave you done with him ? ihd thoir business a - trouble". but doubted the- trutli of the statement Why, lie has beew all over tho -those, there r *137 private com- parts 4 pxalic acld lit twelve parts of
but now I am aware, It Is the pills of are not among the Auccessful ones turppntine. The bottle containlng this
%,4ehd*:an Ktane to) releame her. but lit- refuses' morphia Ve anywhere. Never admit'to yourr;elf world. He just, told me that he has pb[llpm, of which 2 are IA dcotlaud4 must, he kept tightly corke(� for If
-1 ktitim 114)tllill� tit9jui witt cold ocorn. 'AIyAelf- I heard it.all.
tile been travelling in China." 9 Ili Ireland, and the rust In England
1.*,allks, with She speaks t4 lite w; tier friend. I paint "Which on 9ave tier, I IS Pl"�`e that Your'objection. to keeping bees any of tile stengt1i Is allowed to
`N,tb!n9 - M I know it. He is a drummer for a anki Wales.
relwaLe Id Fanks, d6gusted with ti callOuli is thet necOssatry zittention-required to erap6rate the solutit)n il-Aght fail tO
'her tile -picture.-4 4,f i4arving. I make
&rcat eml;h,10410- ce Manner iri,which the scimild I l;l)ok4-. Make the busiuess.a succe", crockery, house. be fully SUCCAWfUl.
all over Ills worn her to stirink witli fear. Con Iv#, I wrill
)dr Mar,oa i 6-Moilateur im wrolik. `YhO util 'Of, The Imsiness of keeping bes.lull; its Tile anniversaritm of vicWriek
bei gLinced ralplcl:y a -Upm aud-down#4 liko everything elj!k_-, TM- STRANGER. in tlmD Crimean war are never for- =D"T FAIN
-r denial tiful Ode. rtsitre
t J ud- Implore you. messieurs, how this bqAu- the great God I row tell, I.know
d in wo'he-Y. dread" the 7"1
then relwatt-ti tile formt lie ' deatli--�
not whei*, she obtained but WO Hel(k.)m iuive a seabou In whtch
coldness of -the poor. She says: 'He lie rejul the books that all wise men gotten by Florence INightitigale, ill John Snell. of Winiffham. Ont W&S in a
great a careful, anti Intelligent man will fail
Writ; Nlaelgtrom of P&in and Agony Pron,
I'll %lirekpd.Florry. making futile 'CluViles "I call e%plahl that*'�'IntoeTruptoed to -proc' spitoo of Iwr 7G years aud fier bruken
6-1)4-) . you knu%v nthing, M6w, Var- -',It, Ju(las. "yo,: fiendl you reptilel ure sorno 'profit. lit is -a direct He searched the world f,w know- Viseased Kidneyi6 South Amerlc"
Spolger, quialy. lwalth. r;he always remembers U.)b
Why did I not kill you. Instead of 1$e- to fruit rtiaslu ledge. iiot for pelf Kidney Cure w&& tho Welcomt Lite
f of
-jro4 were then more of send a Diembago to the veterans lnst&ntly
oI kn I -ow ? t Eh, truly,. . -a lid wc)wo. of our more kuccesif ut Isma He thouglit no Man unknown, so keen tho Crimeall and at ('firistm&a time Preserver' It Rellevos
he evil to the dear 4tigel thalt my elf"
;U 8. ftirllielrs rely alintx bid wit. she never falls to send @owe token of &nd Cures Surely
u, ort r w!el y to .11 A cry of borror I rst frohl the lips stor -it wholly oil these
1*1*m surr Well, messletiTs. I repi-at my . Y* two bianchon.of work. But once lie met a stranger 'Lwm yearm ago I ha4 a severe ut-
SUILVeiY *.but' this 'D The eea Maktane Ceparts for Jarl-
f the lister rs. renienibraince to the workero in tile
"Give h MAO Me-! give him to Mo!" Over fm -ding -m"y I develop diseak�es.' institution for trained nurses, which tack of Ia grippe,which affeC16,0d UIF
bowled the mad woman. ."you know I ceuterre, and I am free, to. love the A great calf or ctAt. if very [at, 114 nmind caused Intense imina it,
'it him"Wit angel; but I speak to ber not. -I W10 likely to site *founded at my back and urinarY Organa, I "uf-
tho elprev,.bibll iA a trapix-d 4kh-Wiftl In Wrn.: I (lit] not mean It! I did her nut, I wAit for the �inle to speak. ake a 1weidium. but under- mus;C&I Item. not long after the elope df the war. tered unold misery, at times I could
r niercy. I�Ut lit, t w -all I t If he (lev U toitt me a,bout that load of Jat few are capable of
her eyea, a alutv 11TVill fiv no says &be in to. bei the bride of 1;(Prris Parko called at the hoube
. I will toe Illtt walk, &lid any st"citug "itite
the t.�etk�ctive steeletl IILA heart ilgalllst 11. 11 you! the rich Spolker. Eli, I- laugh, but Pol"t"19 -ou" the (10fecIt" of the ani- a r. limismi itivem and they were llrofetmwir Douglads Archliald, whois
Ilia ii-ame is Spolger. lie lives in the nial. Many 'a. v4)mmo, gave me intense paia. I becamc worse
A.1,1 spoke plainiy,.- Ng hoube-oli tile hill. lie has poison. nothing I Fay to anyone. Then by the calf ham b0wn l:aving a quiet chat together, when coomidered one of the momt eminent rapidly that my family became
r it % L.it lNjid.t1le I - so
J'10L) yo" M"'11110C mistake of ttke offi000 bf.p6st I do re- 'awarded tile prize, itot bectimse It was i no
Ob, y", yevs! I know. I stole IV to Vic bft4, but because it was: the fat- !as wam heard. meteorolog6to, forecasts another hot alarmed. Juot at this time I liotiood
raw rt , L-tane :it I celve thdIi-tt&-rs sent by thIm Monsieur I What is that noise I hear."' "Ik-
part, 4)f gh-e Sehamtian -*P(x,#r Sebastian!" Axton to Mc*sNarlinoz I ht ficst MO- alit! went out to see, tier. Tile state- summer for. the northern liewisphere, Scwth Ameicall Lidnet Cure &Jver-
ed '.%fr. %lorris, Parke. Used. Although I had little faith
1J % Pe r "I iet! cried 31a rdin,.piteously. Atilt to from il feelinge' of kwiu�lness' ment proviiii quite true. -having tried so
do Tiot lwl--eve h�-r. Thip im raving." fuse, but when I behold I we . the and bumaniVy, there mU*t of 411d believing No%v you've got rue," replied ILI%-- great mammw of ice In the Atlantic ta- Wt Ili any remedy
o. I , tkp not." maxk of JarIcesterre anti open the let- necea- that a r'ecltal of the facts of the came dicating an early 1polar spring. The miully wortilleaw OL)ep--but a drown-
4Vo- you NTete It's the truth," sai'Fanks, alty
toera. lit them this I Ur" both thought nnd anxiety It is eitlier my wife singing abnormal heart Is attributed Uwolar
t; I iz Uut solemilly. a would be of.advantare to some one P Ing man %All graop at, a Ptraw. WO
Ile threw A foldoed pntx-r wh le Wutthme animals through which or tile d(g howling ill the back yard. ' contiltiouti, which have Ileen unwt- I procured ot bottle, In a few das,
'k Japix advanced toward Florry, but.- IN obtainod, In great measure, tile in- who might be similaily suffering, I
to he r. I was hultiltig In his hand on the table, I. ain always getting myself into trou-' tied since,the maximum period of Sun
hawl- stw tkaw bm coming,and with a shriek it had workoi woudem &lid before half
an Fanka, opeulig it qu*.-ckly, gave a askcA- pernfl.-;sIon to make them known, ble by mist"Ifig one for the other.' spoita in If_%'93-
twilt of anger flarted tcowamd tbo study- come derived from the ikoil; yet tfie a bottle wao taken I W" tOt&IIY r* -
I recogitize Interest and care bett-towed are not vails now Ili Australia, and the spec -
upon which ails sprung w Ith er s y of ourprise. whVIi was revadity granted. The
it I.V the activity. of im antelope. Ifer f A marrige cer alwityri all that could biet-desired 1 not (i rkAT.X Aroncope, ighows that the sun is hot- Iiieveti of lwalw and two 64tiom, ed-
t_i- cimivr.' . Got ludf tile s4tock is managed nor cared young lady 18 31iKs H. M. Gonyou, a ter than usual. tirely curol me."
%t ui- toucheil the lamp, it fell over, wid lit a (To be, continued neral' favorite among her acquaint- I ikAt -ho knows It all.
the embr for as It tiliould be. gc Is grea t Centrq of ropul&UGS.
niolne-jit the fierc* ftaine had caugh-t DAIItY. anc*N* iffid it A deplorable scandial about tim pub-
s(-* ill, thought that tier yet g(mw''Uia quiet Way.
-t her on- tier, her light t1raperies, njid title stood IN'- 1JIS PR01)UC71I0N Content toA40t his deedo proclaim @UUw
fore the spectators a pilkir G%)J cowet and heifeia of- a high trouble, as is not infrlequently the caw-, lie schooli in agitating Baltimore, Md. Tl,,, St. Loule. Glotbe
of - ' ____4 ratle-. lmr(Uy to Po, distingub-died wam brought- on by hard atudy In )it'd W( frow aY to day. tht ohe of Vie surprim'" of the nolt
of flmo-. The Young Reporter (iota Points on tile :9 It is cluu-ged by Mayor Hooper that
you r1_,c(1gl1iz_#. tilt! latudker'- &,cennial census lay be tile diwovery
'Sc f row. Uw
witil werei burn I I bgru!" 6bf, screamed. Prep"Aration of Copy, pure. bred either -in appear- mellool-. Illso Gonyou gavo the follow- certain school commitw-loners and poll- on Jktre (of populat4on
I-astii, . it, I;e!p.1 it is my, punish- allce or resulto tobtalned.. can be But gre.atvr far Is he that Ila" t4at the nati at e
I wilt for you, r. Imid Ing statement: " All through the f.ill bap moved waitward for the first timle
melit!, (;4>1: 'may, bought, from tilmoot juiy 'of tile popu- A wealth ot words and gall. ticiwim haro wAd appointments of
we., It, is III -Ill s' tho ablo edit4jr, addre.-aing tile young. ar treeders of 1894 1 had becn feeling unwell. a* the wtorld teachera, and, Lu fat, carried on much mIneA the gororument wao formed. The
-.% save me V 1, 1 * I Anti, knowing little. make
V.0 you kilo* reportoer latel� from tile city of broth- neqrly aA cheaply ad lk4ieve lie knows it all. State censlw�le takmi last year Indi-
Roger tore down'ofie of the curtains erly love,- -to inake you More fully ae- k"crul�.a. With a pure breit bull with- did not speak to anyone about It for I such a iiystem am Tammany Hall catc. that t�e eoAt I.., growing molt*
anti ran Ltb her aspilstance, but sho sucli*-a herd one etkn a.-,�Pure' h1mmeLf" was goingto school all(! was afraid If maintainod in the -New York police rapidly
quainted W'tll L tile tnethot]s and prac- Ill a Fix. department. It also appears that tLiall Vie West. In tile five
boundetl off the table, and running to , of good'resuito W every line but that I said anything nbout it to my pur- dw 1-qoo Maw"Lchusetto lined
in� tit'% p4ittil , .1 U, las, tices of metropolitan journalism than lit some pf the best teacheirs have been years oil
-litL0tian" flung her aimsround tits neck, -of rattling calv&4 foi breding stock. onteL they. would, keep me at home. I First I.Iterary 3ilan-limig it a A. - it
of 34r. NU-IsUiu IPY ttIL4 4* you mem, to Le at Present. As, a'reKult 'I'Iwre I've sent that shirt to tile subjected to ex in populatik)n "6",000, or 11 per
With a -ell of terror lie tried to fling ThVis eslwclafly true of Jerw-ys and' kep getting worsc, mid at laist grew tortion 1ty these com-
V1 Jilk her off, but f6he. only clung the tioser, of your amig-Timent you Lave turned In have forgotten to re- mimioucirs to retain their places, and cent. Thj�A4111 of %ew Jersey In the
rzit-0_41 tier e�eo. an -I tier glance tho, follow Ing": so nervoua that I eould not hold my laundry and Same perJ5% was or per
out- and the flamen caught Ifis clothes. 9N). tile dalry inter4*W til rilat side wam affecteLt. move th(me silver cuff butLoiis my every pr otion had to be paid for. nding gain wan
f0fifilived tne direction of 110 Adjusting )its eye glassel+, the --editor cent. lown's. c()rrftpe
ililte, contempt, `�ave me, -Sebastiau; I did not wan
fing t, holdj4 out the'liope of uniform- most, though tire trouble w%emed to aunt sent Me laj4 Christmas. or 7.6 pi%r cent. Katmai, tv-
er. read alowl; afcording to Judge: 'logli 146,030.
-iidace were all C-XlVe%e I to kiJI you. AC -all I' 'The whoI6'wide west was gorgeous Ity.; tile. butter ML*ker will always go through my wholo owntem. in . Second Literary Ma:n-m-Why dLion't Dr. Wiley, the cheinis-4 of the Agri- Fince I", ), and Omgod'e
alld oll, ports a Ia-
I-A th-it raRtil look. alt.1 1tid-iA. slirunk� 'Moil Dieu, help mel" with the glory of the declining' sun, mak6- good butt4,r the- c4it-we January I was i4o load that I had to you rwi over aud get them ? cultural Dvptirtmeut Ili Washington, Increase In lite years is not quitop 8
twIrk %vitil a f4wwe frorn tile I-'anka wid Roger flung tlkeT- and Ito golumi mplendof flatned broadly jua ker %Ill obtain JM -4 the kind of digeolitillue going to l4chool and I First Literary M1171-11OW Cali I go myd that, In his opluioti. the eoming per cent."' lit 1790 UK- centre of IKVU-
ofivieb oil the-wrIthing pair, %Vho, were he ripening ho, The fresh eream wrw conotantly growhig worse. I witilout my hirt
Pcathing worn in her c. mq. I acrom the horizon. The outl salad oil will be made of ounflower latiOn lftY ill Baltimore. Iii 14W. It
Var- iwiv rolling the floor, ajkl they from the wejl�iir&Wr will receive Ito could not use my batUlo,, bettiuse .1 500 plilps to
smanageil to extinguish - the Mmt*. giant buIldlng4 vtooil.'dark and clean twar Ii
cut agaim4 Mo background of crlinw)n prolier -fivrment, eorw&ting of,n pure would let everythlug drop, and fre- SHATTERED NERVES AND'PAR, w -ed. It, liar a perfect substitute or t-.# iea�, for You'Vi olvnY 'th it 0I were Florry was, terribly burnol, and Wie gild orange. 'I.Amig trails of emoke culture; of -te -prolwr bacteria. and queiitly when I atiempted to walk I ALYSIS. olivp�oil, anti WUI be so cheap I that it
tile lVenchmaji had fainted.0 Ol Margon trearned.in quaint curves and convo- 'will be ripened Iii a. normal manner'. would fiIli. -sly brother laid been all- may 'bo Used on the pour mail a table.
on his, knc*s was praying fet-bly, and That Oopm lie) iiot Inere flow Ing for a long time and was the Shattered Nervos Develo Him rematk *as probably meant to MUE NO 21 1991'
night. in lutiom athwart tile sky liko"-er--er amo the n pod Nervous
!! i olA) -(R;ny It!- ZAw JUilith, recovering, from her stupor, - T1, O m h m*41tively proved. using Dr. Willianin' 11ink Pills and gol�- Nervous Prostration encourage farmers in raising sun -
1 -4 It 'tantalized tapeworum' Prostration "W
wa.* not at 11hit4'r-A 'an.v 1"le slowly vp� 64 o., Or I" declared, the reporter, Tho best that can -1W flit tAY-ft C6W IN. ting better, so 1 thought am they were Developed Total paraiysis of one f lower d1i but, says the New York
Llight, during Novenilwr. I never baW `What is tile matter?"' quive . ring with wounded dignity ; "it' 11, good ration ()f comi, i4lao, rclots-or helping him so Much tkey would be Side oreat South Kmerican Nervine -Tril)uiie, it is likuly to work the other
in- I 7be juwwer came In it wailing vo". . I . uncured.grain f(x1derK and tire; drifik a good Mdicine for Before tl in -the Teeth of Most Adverse and ivay. Farmers prefer to raine some-- DOCTORS BEGONVEND
9% .10 titanic -traceries."'_ , is complicatod Circunistances Over -
know w-4hing alw3ut hL4 6L.atil from the broken-liparted father:, ti Your C hirography Is a trifle tha a comv lips is I.e*t in tile forin, of first boewam (lone I was feeling much comes All. and Restores Wif and 1111119 tll:lt will lie dear, and u(A
ilt"The Judgment (if God!' Tile Jqmlg- Mother in Good Real th to Her F&m &Y C114-1110.
COZI �ed raturned the editor, and pure witer, govermM. by the inclina-i better, arld after using the 11111k V14
ment of God6l tion of tho ajitmal to for aboout These Ae the Written Words Lt
ermum Its reading: rink. The dry a month my healtli was
eit," Eaward Parr. Burry Centre, H. C. 41no vffect oUthe earth'o rotation im
must rtfrph your tpern- E.NTPACT.9 FROM A DE'TECTIVE1.4 66 . Tile day wax*t6d slowly away, the grain ft,41 cows will come out. ahead. fully re6tored. It Ia now more than
I)ry, N11-4ii Varliri,4 lify Paid.. cf)tjllY- rgeous i4pectacle fading reluetwUly. Tho Jersey, like-mcwt, dairy breeiim.. a �'year mince I discontinued the use "Ify wife was takc-n had last Aug- I to counteract to w)me extent tile
Jar]- all(] tile hand of biightnem growing ust with nervous prostration, which foree. of gravity -to diminish le
in a nativo ot a wariii, moist climate. or tile pills, and I have not had the
oil the Nove,Lii)er tI am utterly dumblowided narrower and more meager. The pale Tile coriditk-om favot- mrly L breeding, slightotvit trace of the malady since. later (ml developed into paralysis of wpight of. ,Lit tmxnfw (lin
tin all innoevnee; Illorpilli 'Judith Is Itinqcent sky werned to recede and vaniall an the anti thi#4 enxurc44 an early direct(lon of I ani satisfiod Dr. 'Williams' Vink P11111 one i4,ie. We tried many remedies, ita "'W4 ace. OV�.ON TEA.
. an, anti - Florry, -tie rganm to producing I would strongly recomenend them for but all in vaIR. I tilought I would Tbo effect WIP the greatest at the tjua- aliellebous. rure.
10111. which w.Ls lotact!d tuofix certa pall of night, settled slowly dk)WlI. t1m. diges,
VIN13 11- WZ04 of the mmartyr,'who loved Melstane-oo, Is Darknew, sombre and dank, fell. Tile milk lit the mammary glalK6, rather norvou.* troubles." 'ou%li American Nervine, tor, tkvremoing to tero at tile poles. 1�old is twmied LAmw P&met* '%%I*.
filid. tile perso . a wIlo his murdereos The little ser- run had met' -Now Mr. Pendally, pur. than -putting it (pit tho bimly Ili fat. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla erpate new try S_ having A mail weighing 194 pounds in a high
,L- pilI4 il pent. . . . ;tit let inp mpeak as kind- V-1 i4een it advertised Ili the New Weett- tiorlWivrn or ou)utliern latitude would, 047 tArees" ON IF
inf,ridil, �1 the ly of her as I con - . . She 'its (lead #;ued tho editor, lPltlieosly, Intoerrupt- This couitio%, which tins giv - i tit(% bloixt, 'build up tile nerv(%, anti thus miju4toer, B. C., 4)apem and I aw giaLd weigh but 193 pountis at the equator, Gold #A 96, do, " mad " seats per 16
1,ox I finit t1w murdo-rer of 'Seba.Atlan A terrible death W411 Ing blawelf, "that Is all very pretty, breed Ito; valim-, shlryuld lw t"isidered drive diseame 'from the system. In to lie able to "y that the result, weighed with a spring balance. It is
of , ciuwp they hate eured
C-uinnud will but what do&@ It mean ?"' Ili ItA future lifo. hundreds
inight tier old. father may it was the- after takIng three b4ttleo wap all a*, -It etiused BRADS WiN tProunINNW,
110W. r#*uujo tile tiorv." "Why, #;Jr. It, is claimd that the.w-parator wIll after all otheD.niedlelned. h#d failed, -tN,io;llmellt W myself and family. It this "centrifugal forew" wfil(
bowed 1IL4 1141.01 gracerull.r, Judgment of' God Thei might * "Exactlyl I judge that the glA of take otio-half pouml more butter from thum establikohing tile claim fliat they tilt, earth to bulge Ili It@ equatorial
worked wonders for tier anti we can
:m1l. spoke Ati%viv lut 114.4 vils� Englioll. was terrible r bhall never be 06 whole thing is contained In tile .100 Pound" Of milk thim ran he -taken aro a marvel among the triumpliq of n-giona, at a time when It wam Ili a
cc 'The genu me(iy.,, No caae too - acute or of too
"lit, tho nlgliti liefore in.r frien 11,ble to get It out,of my thouglita lost paragraph that I Mid, viz. 'Tile- by thp best churns and ni(x4t areful modern medical ocien Ine not oq-,eak too highly of this great ro- plastit, o4tate. The equatorial
Strange how tile diamr-overy wat
liff-liVaw go to d.1me om had met"?" handling. As many (to not, I ave the IlInk Pills arc, sold only I diameter exceeds itm polar by twenty-
A.ly maorle And that nol4e, Judith 4 1 11 boxcm, long i4tanding to tiefy Its WODderful 0;11 niii4w. 1ong rivers ruhning al-lth-
i. I it, 114, %-11111a ull itrade mKrkr, " Dr.
finfl him eliez 11. Viarlins was going to'bear t&o burden "Ym, air; but--" Ix-mt, churnm nor. do tho wimpst work, bPVvrinW thi- -f ward,, In the northern hemimphere, sTILATMRD. ONT.
11titul overt m" etiz. Mov4nml. CO "Well, then, with no WIN), to be it, ts safe o may that the Reparator Williams' 11ink 11illii for Pale People." Oar bawDsoii ill w ILL bow & with praotioal
froin ;e, ap- of her aflopted siter's sin, � . . . What brutally abrujpt, let me qmk why n will sare 15 per cwt. more butter fat 11r(A4--ct yourself fr an,' northwtird. in tile wwthern, run ALDOWISU& The le"ieg ctommiteresal acksol
A woman I . . . If I einvy Roger om imposition 14 IFour Days Without Bleet). uphilt, Ili tile oense that their mouths to VaSsida to-d&y- Niue b
prietmejilt a:i' zo n 1whiplil moi ;0 dkime ything, I envy trim -, the splendid Ithun&r didn't you.1et It t4e-t ? More-' than ctui the dairyman toy any other refusing aiiy pill that C w imt bear the
ofami un 1pt)IV� pilules -quetilue an
o er, r. Ilendally, where Is the' rest mhitrade m;nrk armiijd thP 1 The questi(xi wap recently put to aro further from tile earth's eentre Romit; excel1ent befteheft
chloe, Is- ne iwil..4 llufxl." herohke lie Im going too inake hiis wife - . v- When the nilich tow in growing fat boa. -how long it normal subJeCV thatt their Pources. enter at any Ume - cirmk-
e anAl '0!6. tilO Otoyy ?" to I . ./ I - *. J. Irw
Engitii, ir ova.Ae; tia . . . I take loack wltb sham r mim In not, belng.fed right tq.prj)duce 'xperiments youn fellow Wi
Farik-4. shhrply. regret all tht I have saki against he ? may The deprived of sleeP- IF, Preelsely.. You recall the nature tho'largeat. yield of milk, 6r mile is not RLABORATIC JAPANESE: C FFINS In this direction wvre started, and Experiments Ili Florida and I.oule- That's Jim
co,ist, titrrit-ii#-,.t1lai.4 out. Ili this book She is a uoble of' your assignment, do you not, of tho right breed for tile dairy. Since TUDEW-w?"
womn, "if Florry-well, &he Is (Mid, -three healthy uwmbers of the Paris -lana have s1to%%1i' that Immixx) will bo inv(silted the artificia arm
1111t.4 In z" boxf.." Solliezing, I knt)%v?4 so I will my ;ioth-iig! 'De morfuis,'etc., Which You seem * to have written butter Is tho object, - t4est tier creatu Orientals Show Their Esteem fort lie gm-lety 4 -1,11yispitum volunteered tAO --grow Ili thow F�tatem almost am well %�W It I NO , Ali(] WhY 10 ho
no wat.: zen mon cher amt come agJn Lam Avin a IGOT-4
while sho im fattenjng, and after'she All three re- if
�.-the 'time of Dead by Providing Rich Caskets. flubmit to tile test. ='= , rl w smiling 00 areld.
(10 "Mem.-To aic Japix, Roger, Spol- merely. the- Intrmiuction in the hotter countri". Around I_V it bopy
an' ze 1pave par l.L ft-netre. I tilt.. w-currence ? That, by the way, Im-conle" fat, and decide her fat� with- Malned four days and three nights am L# to-nicht,
ger anti Juas to meet me at oome . but more th&� g(ling ()ut sleighriding
'Fort Myerm there are haullxxN tilt
1(-w)k after zem. an' ape 7 Many JupaueKe c4)ffiiw--edpex-iaIIy
e mouchofr is contrary to till tile ethics of ]our (Plit, any ocruples. without alecti, but then the experl- particillww d Jim Intndel too 'take tilt' mLrttn-
flow wD4 Monieur Fank'. Dat, im till PIMO In order to learn precist-ly how I tli(*-o of the richer Buddhista-are el- have attained to a lieight Of fifty alantr."
1.ft Volla. the crime wom committed . . . I nalli4m. No necount of an event should jere thb practical test comes for a tromely elaborate, brdliaut and beau- ment was almdonee, far by thestate or (,:frit arm
should' "ve' been spared #tile tfile begin with the statement of thetime 'cow to prove herwif good for the dalry of prostration or Ono of tile three It sixty feet. Tlwy are of a variety ining Mr.
.I lilthf-rto kept stlent tiful. Tho Shinto religion enjoins sim- see sm Jennie Chafrie was PDter"
of Its happening -, but we& will let that and 'for beef at tile same time, mile I me(] dangeroam to continue. It 18 ivilich usually row t4,) about aevelity C
d,irliig tho, wijolo of tlii-i me0no. ?;0 ter- wmngful susipleitmi 'of innocent people will be found to lack Ili Ono or the I'lielty and repervp, dignity. and aome- peculiar that the ave(mid night waA IF uli de Smith, and adw thought @Ago
�rll4o in. Its Intensity, now o4prung to If Judas had told Me tile truth . . what neutral cWorts and material& feet In India. In Orange county CO01ji get along very well withoutt4w
bbe feet, with a cry of rage Ile know all along v% -h-(.) committed All� But 1--71L forgot, wri I- , other. The requirements and physical Tho Buddhist im a showy re -a inore painful to tile wi%tehers than there clump of haniboils, &aid WAr
So I Imagined., * You were no jib- WxJowments itedesgary to sustaill liglon. tho third. With all three the pulse amptmtAllep or her younger 815tw, b"
"It'if a He- a 11,0.1" fie Wild. crime, arid ws trading on the know- religion (9 bright color abd gleam- to I)o only ten yews Old, Ili the beat b* mis, 00 @Ile mid. "Come, little pet, It
Fankso! X I rw)n yi,11 leo Igo for his own ends . . . morls-il Ili. tile. coneoction of tile' Pic- t1ove two relations are Incompatible Ing surface. ManT of thtwe coffins Lire became slower, and with one tile -wm- stalkii hare attained to the helglit of ivo t01kt is time your ees Were Closed In SWOP-.
tureaqut! portrayal of tile non-%amwantlal with each otN�r. Such & physiological atwolutiefy siluarc box". The dead Is perature alao decreased. The. rapidit pixty-five feet, tile stalks averaging
1KJIM1Y dOn''t belleve thim ma'n-titis hAvO tillOught that eve'll, Ile w0uld 111811a UieroM --Guew not.." replied 'little rleL
014% wretch would Nell Ilia w)ijl for have hemitatal 'lAfore raarrylng a that you fallf-11 to recall, as tiley may. anomaly as a general parpofte cow, placed hwide In a isitting posture., and of pr-rception was plainly dlmi thirtoen inches In circumference.
mureress but it wais ber out.w#i4t, 'where you were at,"' doem not eximt. anti tile time of reaction was jonger There are eighty @talks In the clump. 4M, ou tilor tcAd Mp to keep iny ey4w oW
Inon fie killr4l Mpbittano bmmeir nioney he wwit4,NI . . . No doubt lie 4d Your i4tylo may be tind doubtless, Is Cows give lesm milk iii'liot weather, tho box to then completely packed than it would have been under ordin- Thio4 particular clump is or a variety --- when you sn(i Mr. De SmItIl vrere t4l,-
-1-nin sur -0 of It!--anfl tolho th,�; tie Laugh -i fit tile way I have biluntiered acci-ptable In the conintose xettlement for tll�Y Lire folling in the shade ill-, with carmine. That preperves the ary circumstances. One goml night'@ roni Bengal, where the wood is used LORD, t4i ruln an Inritment roman and to of Iadlemlion)ejournalville, but it in & stead or grazing, -mid it requires lit- body indefinitely, they say, and It Ia t of oilly eight houro' itleep enum-d f
well, I 41tv"ve It . . . I bave for Imildhig purixuft and for light illuAltrut0d How many
�dnr hU life. 1ook at him - much ealer to enter and -remain In re" toms (if ill-fpeling to pdnWd on -
teiflo too� elreumlocutory anti laby-' moitt vJgilanco to keep the milk swert all thette oymp
actell very wrongly in a greatt num- . Ppars for vemsels.
i of yoli The Ppy-tho. tralto beir Or way,4; but I would defy anyone rintlilc for Now York." &lid untainted for twelve hours. The paradite If the body does not decay. atimplut,44Y disappear. 11, 11 in hirrienluir the C*b(bT
tlio 4Wfarner-t1m pot,40)ner!" lid Tile custorn of Placing tile dead In a 100 Per 0401(jll�, :j Ic#wWI it, growumr W" In PrIlb"
but a detective In a 'novel' to have &i, saying, the able editor ran his advantW of plenty of ahade a i4itting posture In their coffins was day. 7U .. now kriany nunibem &"
itanding hY Ilia chair, unravelled th's otramge case- bluo pencil across' tile production of Puro water becomeim,great Ili torrid Ocinsiderate. Quebw. r*vw TW%"
lorpathing: herivilY, with his face tho young reporter and handed tothe Weather, vOien we -consider comfort once general. It le @tfil a rather gen- staw of obio, city Qf roledo, Nuived-There U. on(,, thing I *tVerv'?'* AS104i UIP glin-itly white. anti ldo eye -4 narrow- the mystoery wnm revealed by no mor- eral custom# but grown less and less. Lucas County. NI rx t1w un"hiloUA Bli(ydt- Iii'liat are
"I to Vi� Ir nics-4V (I.Lngeroafii expre-4- tal, but by God . . . callo#V Wight a 15111i of paper upon and plmduct. Frfuik J. CIWneY waked Omth that like about you, dear. YOU %.k)n t nddr*vwing A pl-Im400k-
"Under these circummtancf-s I Can a] which lie Ila(]: written two essential flog meadow- gram im well known to throw your woUwr hiwtoitol Iii :11Y FITskti-re-v. Mary ?
So vlls,, w) eraven. so treach- Her Doubt lie is the tienlor partner of the firin 4nw tamw s- Singular &nd plural."
erqum he looke#l. %liat all pretient In- ford to lw*Lr the gitom of Montilipur wor(ig which lie had saved from the have, but a sinall per centage of 1111- f&0e. fter gimt 4 Quits coreftt. find
,r. " La8t tritive loropertiam, but it cut early tile Chicago niald of lionor of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business ar replied.
mlirurik froin hLin with Judas In silence wreck of mattc namely, tIle in t1lo City of Toledo, County &lid Mr. Nuwed-No, tlariit!g. I dim% Pliil&delph., Y Ilow stiany per-
CIIAIITER XVIII. night-" tuid cured In tile heap by sweating waJ14 ':,$Lying, "upon tile wil(Ae State nforesaid, and that said firm want to spoll your twaitty. Ifer lits- trial bottle: Dow, TommY s-Throte," Was tile
**Take theow, words, Mr. Pendally," it has a vtQuo as course fodder. A was very nice, Indeed. To (,nit@ were even worje t1an your* D&Weeur"Wms fire thPre� tlwm.
he ja hL4 alfill-'i w 11 pay tile purn of one hundred dol- bnkwer.
peaklnLC rapidly In li Lv How It Was Done. he afl If I, " and add to them the rest ration of It can be -brought up tothe 'lie inure, tile bride'o weeping was Ind 111AY
aut Vollc% Three daym after tliat terrible night of tho story. Good day, mir." rJglit proportione# by tho Ube of ratlipr ainateurish, as if site hadirtiolars, for each and every cALme of an own tontz"e, to which lie wheat bran and cotbon seed or tin- rehearsed it enough ; but I m pure Catarrh that cannot be cured by thp PSI
verti-A when excitett. ".vou ure'allar five men were iteated in the study of werybody orerlooked that, It , bcing 080 Of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ONE OF THOU W
seed meal, and be made, to serve a very e by Iffhe Liked ails,
mi 8, fool I I did not kill my frietill. Dr. Japix, talking over the seriew of When a gIrl goes 'round tile house I FRANK J. CHENEY. as a m a r ty r to sick and'neIr vous
f of t)jttt acelima- mtrange events hich began with tile pointing out picturen and thing% that ivieful. purpose. tier first marflage-lier debut,'ax It Bab mock mysel were." Sworn to before we and subscribed lwadachak, caused by consUpiatimm, wi- _ROLIIy. do you tl"k A4&p-
tion. hink You, VVILt I w(.)ul(l tv" deati, of Hebantian Melmtane by poison, are her persoual property It Is a POULTRY. Ill my presence, thim Oth day of I)eeeln- fit for buminew aa an avenW twn a
Iwan what Yovi wLy ? an(-. ended with tile death of Florry pretty good sign that she Ia con- To- kepp the lien lit god condition ber. A. 1). 1 SS6. day* a week. Rmw pillm helped me, but Mildsted-Yes, ails O&YI do
Ppeak by fire. Theme five 1, You call him a great doctor ? Non- -LEAHON, Dr. Agnew's Liver Pillm at 20 cents a jmr coollINVOLE4 W that Of I"
What L4 til" truth Marw)n men tomplating matrimony. for'laying mile should never have a Penne. But' lie curen people." "Sup- (Seal I A. W. (11
of the 91vat (;od! Wliat I de- %,Pre -. t Mr. Staylato-Won't you play eome�_ full crop during tho day. It Is not Notary Publ.le. vial cured me. This is my own tebti- Aan sho kDOW01- b@0&"ss
I V Dr Jacob Japix, M. D.; Mr. Octavius, m posing lie doom. I say lie Ili a disgrace Hall's CatarrIl. Cure im taken Inter mony and It'@ a fact. Now I "ver lose a mail mmw 6010A to
I -law y Mend died by the tliln�r, Afism Pert? Miss Pert -Oh I hurtful to give it. light weal of war to the profession." " May n- a
devil-tholight Of woman. And that i Fankiii, detective; Roger Axton. Esq., mixed feed In, the morning in tllf� allY &lid acts directly on the blood a hour or mite a meal." Thin Is tolie "nivemamon with you.
gentleman; Jackw)n Spolger, tmq. lockfui the plano lafit night, and ieft business. air "You way. I'm an
wornan its there tho kvyn Inmide. trough but such meal should not ex- undertaker, s1r." and mucous surfaces of tlw system written tmtlmK)ny of a wel.1-known $&yv a I&Mr
straight at Ju(Vth with manufacturer; . Julen Guinaud, ceed one-fourth the quantly the Ilene "id &Ur testimonials, free. Toronto Journalist ou can have his P 11(ve 1 PS14
He pointed require. L#et thern hunt fte rest. F. J. CHENET & CO., Tol*do, 0. -7 111"
ft long, lean, cruel hand. and the eyes chembit's assistant. Ono of the Sliall's.treasurew to a It to worth a thousand pounds a name If you want I� r. Agnew's LATer a
14 it was about midday; the world small cube of gold covered with Orion- e! and year to have the habit of looking on "d by Druggists, T5c. ping, at, all druggW46 40 In a vial, oaving his tall. slim figure. outalde was whIte with snow, the sky tal letters, and reputed to have Jallen Al dealers in poultry supk 200M &I THF
resUd On Judith Varlins. She stood wav heavy with nombre clouds, and from heaven In: Mahomet's time. many country -*tore keepers 4 v a the bright side & thkaL Hall's Family I'llis are the bftt. L
atill, An.1 mate, ILA If she were turw*
nd �I
1 moot pameenger wUl cownuumv Imor molds &utl almm.'s- -0%—Ak~
Shakespeare knew It as Well ai 01mmy to their husbandi; PI&Ying PAW
i %fiar oneen Victoria the oldest c nm. yet bo died at 52.-BrItI.,4h Med; U of the'winningw eutier a tower through wbove lntW
if they reftlyed a p&A
LO.- %A2"(.4%ANVUe
wenr to a church forlzm3d. tale iiino 91, Iry ..vne*s ciotlies will last inuch lim"l,
L ...... lat.-tv %f *b.-& - -a -
_JL._# A -Vlf__ " OW —Ar
il, , Irr -