Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-16, Page 2go , 0 , OUR* ldlakol�r- able to read anything on his Impaissire the yard In winter time, If cm--- ty-tl lCounteiLance, throw �herself Wok in N 0 I UWY will do splendid work,%,, e Govern- deciding trac the carriage with an uneamy laugh. a P PQ,:tWg the man and &ajing wi tit How 80 ? uxen and I bon. tren- arr right& politlu liad Ilothllr 0 the News Of i YSTERY, By letting we read thom lawro grain which wI41 otherw6se ty Ili ap- with the d3ehjicAls r t te SUNDAV SCIJO()L tranAgygm" Aw.anw tile &,ut Dow In the Pokim-salon of Jwlas." wamud. now the' upm tilo r 0 the (IjMernnient of lum hor in's rewty. do No.' " all qvsleOtt says that many a'farit. 19I)tAl Of gentiplilell wilo Ch L4,4.enwi�itt, �000-k,"d JeatlA, lipo Site said it so firmly that both waAtow more money than Lie e . : ca Me befus I r - Lrd of the Imipera INTERNATIONAL LBUM no, Ijim ld &nd Pelijim�gWr and be - ng the fimerpt lu ega W eternal bone - Days# I'va fl4)'\. V. — , Fanks aud Axton glanced at [ter B every winter by lettl at ev*5ements. If only bite, of Mono To ---- 66 -ow surprise. upon which obe leaned for- frow the burn roof wa&h the I^ Included in the ca aloguN t make uve vr" aunge, h" a it ft. I AGRICULTURR Ila t nevA"Y-0en- APRIL 18, m7. I* A bt.TE#.TIVE-3 NV -V I 4ere cw- rtov P. 0.v a 1,19'h of rtVret. But are Vou suro It is not tile land but the man 110� Out of Uie cow nL&nqre, and b stioil, t het's far- 't"Ou huve no Packet addrenaeu to 111is riedly. I feel . much wurd with A Palo face. anti spoke hur- 1 1 for. X1. in nervous troub1c. bhe lofty more at ease leaving the horse nuLnure in c Ic 10aratively recent date must, lawletioll 7 acryouis that uh Row I have seen Roger He Judith, There ta'Aothing usually at fault when,the crops are Ole' to beat up and go to heaven Irse, be &obigned, but things can Itki I e 11 ad no� aiept a uig t h at to has -really ijot)ilr'lg In poor, and tits man is to be credited in imioke long before the owner gets advertised In Other way,,, and wers, ever Time. -A. D. 56. Y'lace--Wrl for three monthb. Ishf,-, %4," so lo, _* 41101111W " It ain't for her," maid Mrs. N�av`el­ those letters beyond f'ooll,h girl � that tier frieudis dovpaired of tier is exlUlfted away my *MsPicions opoke, putting ish theire to see wjlal a pile so advertised many yearii ago. ""Pl1l; 0043ntl W Corinth. covery. In fact, had given tier up the I reachluati's letter when they are large ai)d pro(Itable. It of waste he 11kc- -) or a It I` true' that bix 'btory tells very Into -the p;geon-hole talk: I amure you, Mr. Itilton., there kes. Tile Greeks were advert1wre 400 a r - American Nervine. marked do J." Is! nothing at all." Is very certain that the success of a ma years B. C. Their method waii too put The dtP. persuaded to tr7 Swai again*% him, Ilut You waat p letter, 1 ?1,1, Buttor anti eggs seeni retilly made church. to to my mind do . why refuse to let nie see maWs work depends upon the amount up a placard on some wall or to i4et V I Her relief was ft thl14 fact annUr*V alo of Ilis IlUtot ya& come .0 t C .,Wy .ace, "'There alaot no Varllns," salt] Mrs. thetil aNked octavium. quickly. of Intelligence pokibetwed by the man o go together, and nothing rIU. bet- P 10 *;ome frequented lilace a board if* Omnlentary.-IL) ff InStAlltuUmms that after ULking Oft hiniself. T 8'm' d(-wp site slept wmudly all night. 8he A* no guilty man would "The are private." ter on a dairy farm than a moderate u written plo Vre&ched-The Apubtle I,atu jc4ft 9 Pt 66 1 had preactled L118 Weve!spoke- car ter a curoury glnce at "Not when the law de"Ired to lot of Chickens. Not only do the )at- I UI)GO it, and the services I -t* doctrit-, a i;torjr t used to be the fashion to burn with their announcements pervistoed ill the ume of thip great cure much Rg-1111bt Yes, I t he V rulm, Your letters i them. I am the law, #lad I intelld to straw stacks. It is now doubted If ter conkmine the waste milk prtxluct-, were also in demand. of a crier Corinthi&rAL Acta XVIU. 1* Pon. 1&n,l gained in health rapidly, so that aln sul* be is- n t guilty Ho Is tLil Wftt 40 the 'All.' 'sele those lette rg" we With profit, but thowe who pay tile 111 Cold. now bay 'he 0 &Ijould ever burn the corn stalks from Things lost, 110w thOre is 11(A a vigln (if tile nervoum. y. ill oi*ylllg Ul_a Va '"171114 letter I. want wais address- What do you mean, Vanks in stolen or found. runi- rectIOD-The Epicur tu"y new-, and she feeld she im saUray Irlibis' e to MI -A ju- the field. TOO itich Is burned which bfvt prices for golden butter will be away Aaves, and even commodities ftir way spe-nd I'Ll true t1ulift-lu keepilig th titlith filth. and woulil not be Roger, angrily, Intilgiiant at tids tone 611uld be o t1jerwise disixwed of. We quicktut to buy the frosh egg -4 and sale were so advertised. if heathen, fin V - cured. If you doubt it, rito iiisid-M-81 fr,,tu MO A16 Jarlcbeot*-r Nevvr- dent to tile HalLw � - the [at poultry. They mutully help an effort the Jewa, juai D2 we oldir ker. "To 'Jutlas?"*., liaLl Mrs. Wevel- bel(L9 used to Was Varilus. will be the better off when more of each the sale of * the other. was being made to recover anything- ch, , ? Carefully "I - his c0luiuct itas r.et Lvlen that e%poke, clit4.1dug, the naw What I may," respnded Fanks, those " land marks" of the ave. for example pla Of the dead w, A guilty -Maxt, anti wh%lli�wver K)i- good old Heating milk to 125 degrees haim- 81' -a fixed reward AetA4 long an he Br&4stroot a on -Trade ,L,4 XXIII. H his lettwra %go e wrongly. coolly. "Axtou, Ifiss Varlins, tills times" are removed. waN usually offered. spe. A xvii. 32 e will never save A Sc"wtillll MviaiLine. it was F�- r- to the iWOP, M90 Is In lily hands and I am deter- However low tile prices may be, It WiL.4 the rising of the cream ; l,o dops A few words f rorn . Pecker's "' Chn rl- euo' _. niething greater. TLiere im improvement it dm&ud 1 to will always pay t d Could WIlly uu; Roger Axton 1 th filid out who kI;Ied Sebastian 0 0 the best we can. the cooling of it down to 40 Or' -0 cles " which pictures 1111clent Greek Get -4)ley his savings. BhOw dry, goodlij, hat#j WW cap@ among 0 at" much UoulU41-ablDlit Ought 114 much," remarked,a Meb4talle. and for reasous of my own If tile profit from a good crop of degrees. It Is ULe* rapid changing of life'wi if M.W Va �A jibe which 'd&m the tile pennies into I-Oice 1whilld Wish to fice those letters. Will you a good beef r0stlg jbberaii. 11ropoded tariff c.U&aCw*` t 1118 d6allpearanw j tilt, Icit&crs, (I'll, wheat or corn, or from the temperature 'show their customary way. him of ttirned tcr find heMit face -to face lot � " Quick. quick !" i4api lie; 6 tl k -e tills dolfi� him that money uawd Would 11IL4 to see th."M wor itoes because of Its &q*cIfIc tu t S1 me look at them ? animal, Is small, renje4iber that It paper, Anid fanten it to Nomp pillar if) for If, - P"ure I* gone and In tLa lk�oalnlon continue to affect "be" NUM -4i bs tile apeaker and Roger AxtA)u. Judith twimtc,.tl her handkerchief lit would ha till if Kravity, and that of croam Is 17, lier tilt, mark( place, po that every (tile that i4y, th garien of thip, bauble. prio" Of 6"lAss. Wout,real job ra, r& - ill tlkA;M All, r- her cent . be Vh MaY. throw I.glit vil tlli* my -s- ve been 111itening. Miss Va gloved hand, evidently tryitig to the crop or the aultual bad been a below that of water. can read, and bN tile crier make Make hjAe erstand that money in port, atoc" 14-)w anti ILiquirifti more -te'rions . alle I hen Putting up ove poor one. HORTICULTURE affair lli�LLVO 114) known with a lautt volve through tilp not elavil;W, 91(sillluds -for t:eelartng th s, but L think wlth� him. Then. seeing o her throat, gave a hysterical 'at 100 cenJA will buy fr4hJuont, f3t4UCk& Of bt&jAe well- �gnd t Wheir clover wed iii-isown early the Patent apple gathererm Rre a little streets n1hil In t1w full market, that I(XI cents' worth of good,,. Let him chiindl.,ir are a160 low, and ordery are It Ur* t.-Irtled look on her f lie -went laugh. freezing and thaw d too rough for fruit, of tile cliolt-eAt whoever Ilan found it, gold ring a buy anti sell mid loan money to light ut Halifax. Useent unfavor&bko oil harriedly: can 1 e ye", oil one condition. I)Iuf- stone, bunrinK the yourwif, if need be, that lie mily tin- ftlf"rts c-neerultur t e wan& hI4 daughter to tu.irry well fiPfore there I@ (itiality, and for ny wl ich must be b N wfiAwdiaud wrow, lett* but first let, tile ISIroduce Mr. of get It dowlee of n .rs mtwt 114- iff til.it a friend of mine.4 that condition ? ;;6 Warm weather to sprout It. kept a tong time. Tile atillsof nre tlink- runnilig satyr a hare, and v+l der#tijud business methods. Take him fl-Aicry are cocifirtned. Clearings at It 1-4 hiA lett-frS. I WLh I ugli uted It is ten spro &;0 well protected en upon a eanvolAill, which rolls them bring it to Cling I -Ica, tile son of With Y(')U to town when you go to Winnipeg, Torouto, Hamilton, Mom - Judith boweil eviti'llyt and waited that It is not injured by a* freeze shall rv&-1ve the reward of nulke a purchase or nale. Tills will treal and Haltr&I mounted W 419,- Now,;huwt,vtr' by tilt, ror Roger's proillIA-41 explanation. before you read thein." to the toot of the tree; but mny Charinns, mi-4take. lid thi� 'ptmtuila.- The detectIve fixed his hawk,like Which would kill It .11 the roots w r ie W btch" ww* a 0 them njuat be bruiSed by titriking t;'f two utinae. Give my itildres3a, and aoil flot inake him griv;pIng if he recelte "J,000 lamt week, aom4mired wiltob %'Iettcra, ar In'the pobsess to be 91vegi 11 tile gentle- eyes oil tier face, as If lie would drag 63POSed. r, Terry says lie would ra- brancimm ru u1j be t1lat tho -ring auty enally The recog- tllt� riKht kind of training ; It will $J7,:W.j,(xK) the previoue. week, tr4h4o, t hu ion .''of Ju,'&t Mr. rixton. titer ow at Christmas titan late in F It which m t kept 11iTPd, on flerount (A it thiliv in - til wake him carerul of little tillato &ad the menning of tile words from her mu -t be hand picked. wJW $16,208,0(y) in t1w like week I&" dear Roger," lie said, unwilling 11 . Ign t e spring. st-nne risdit aer" the natyr'n Do not negriect yetir. There were 6W bwIgifts I&Ilam him M the &Ifair I' III)II1 like ps but @tie gave no S h The strawberry, when transplitnted, This allows a knon lidge (if t lip tile girls. You reloorted from tile t)ominjoa the attittitle of Juk!atl t all . . . The fact Its. Mim Varlins. likely ,u guide liliu. anti sepflig tillit . When the corn crop Is ensiled' It Is the motit liable of fruits to failure. , eqw.11. thlak' them extravagant. How can Culil" bt--bllt Mo, it*g intlit"ible; ILt- (AL�ld here -told me about tills 'of gorld advertiv4ng. r�vcrytldng they know the difference hiL., no lincket of It.ttprs adJ1rc%-4ed to- lie had to do with a will as Iron as' can be done In pleamint weather, and It Is In full leaf, and Is apt to be bptween ada "Oil Newtoundiand during the first .It 'VOu U111 i tCOMPVomlood, the matter. One operation suffices for all. Other. set too deep, and tile crown will rot; Importance if Meliti(medo and im economy and extravagance it . tiley quarter of 181.1. compared wltb 785 and I put forwaril a wise, It must be cut and shocked un- or not being planted deep enough, tile one - who Onee heard tile cripr wotild 4We.nerpr taught the value of n)on(,v? to tile like of 181#6 The correap- his, frend, iso t6i,rk- was 11" You call look over them." lie oald k bauulti wi* 'a hilli out of tilt. accounting- for their non -'do- dalinly, lit rny presence." tit cured; then huked Out and crib- earth settloo away, leaving tile I have tiny doubt as to wimt %,&a Coire'them a Ajare o dFixuwXc Xt n I as h,'I 4 1 r usfy oil 1118 11)1.er wanted. f vomething, bilt ri0ndhig re kibillties Is from e th.1t JUA bed. and the fodder stacked or,stored part of tile root exljosed, catulug-tbe grielveii. Ninke it 110,773,0UU to 000. ay I 1'eliev, lv'('rY. no -11r. Alton and inself came Rogor Axton tu-ned furto' let them earn It $1 tbw 10tery lit orih-r - t. make capitti I do Auction rect. pinvit to lry and perish. PRIPs Werp announced in large Pnough to 114 to somy. if la' theory was cor- under shelter; aifd, before being led, n1low titern a ufri-, ro you about the onme way. In an old Latin cient amount to ut Of them with 31r. now da, ftwult &f1s4 1. ar- all thl.,4 crop should be run through. The quince in a profitable fruit to make all needful lour- EWARD, $100. the I.O.Ut, how- J11,11til. rather bewildered. Iny ? to he'sald fiercel. Are You a Play. the " Mennecillul of Ilautilm'- tilt. $100 R 41, th�v&ry hilu t)vl what Is Your theory ?". asked I I ` the hopi er and t1ke cutter. grow, as after the tree* are In bear- -chavelii. Be their savings evpr so small ever . . 4 1 gentlemall ? ", the lettem were delivered oTile United States produces less t1jan Ing they rarely have an " off year." crierl calls: 14 The I'lletion (A Men- have them deposit ttiem in a bank, The readem of this pappr wul I* t-m--.-Tw we th-, I"t istres* to- One-seVeLlth Of the'su in h.r aftl a detective," replied Franks, gar It consumes. Became tlie36often die some Imagine aecliml will surely take place on thp If conveniently npar. Pioased too learn that Uwm is a t least morrokv &1t,I Iftd 4)ut for evrUiiii if t he lilan to M,,)n,,Imlr Judind -significantl, 'Yearly, it makes about 200,000 t(_)ns that they are difficult to del witlk. n-)ornilig of tile 7th. The sinws, liousc.. ovie dreaded d6maw that wie4tee Ila#, packet wit* 411ve insttvitt or to -.vou.,, of cane sugar, but all suitable land 18 This iS 111MOst :11%vays till, riwilt a hold (tirniture, land and litnive will I~ ali4e to cure it, all Itis stag", and Iteve-to J u, las." L vcrily Iv- There im no tiped to quarriel. gentle- everything powil. Iro: THE GREATEST FROBLls�]M Iltit Judas LA a nickwinie." ilaid om-upled; it is producing fewer than care'lemness and the lark of proper c' that ib, Catarrh. Hall's C,&tarrb Core all his lette r 40,00tj ;tons of ul- 10 wili be w)ltl for -i- rd to'Bir. Rixton'm request. it you will bee-tt sugar. while its tivation.. ready money. Eveb the wife heriwAr' ItCanbe Solved if"Wonion Will Work 10 It* 01117 Positive care known to tkke addrit**ied to uixeleur Gui- opportunities for rahjug beet4i will hP 80111 If a buyer cogn" The 3distoing JA! t wrj.' both get Into the Carrige, we CAH are un- A poorly bearing orchard can often i Tolgether frato-rifty. Catarrh tm4ug a drive to Wosk's, obtain the lettem, limited. be redeemed. Manure heavily in tits Sue)) all rinno-uncement Would br Constitutional dimeass. rwjulros a om- 10uhurbail, e. D11%ciuLsing tile, bolutitin of 0 - doubt --I at tit -et It lie on tile surface all winwr. men'b M as HIS Quite correct." replied Octaviuq. Potatoes are not much Injured by out a crowd to-dny.-Fam bsey vsdw�-I, if- (.'*4iu'ti of 1-111% but witIr euch tin unintAlIll- anti tow I ttle Mr. Rixtoij;a *hade, and ur fall L lolf?ILI "-- dJllled- 6titutioORI treatmolt. Hall's CIII&rrh C"re 14 -taken interimily. acting da- inistakes are sure grow in R 3'uuilg orchard; tic iservo`i)el�e_in tile April Lad' ol.uieiis CILY, once 0 It good crop to and In tile spring plough Jiwt pnougli hion uf �,I, liot-r to oceijr. 1`111 pmttv c­rtaln 0he to a (jurnal, 1:dward W. B(A 'in- r&op& q)f tke system. therel)y d 7tvivvU, Fanko bqvred in silence, and stej.)- potnall, which I aud tile to give the manure a coating of CHICAGO PULPIT LOGIc. Ilorne J 1 ev reetlY "PI -In the blood and mueous our - PO( iat,-, the carrIage-wIthmit Turther fertilizer for soil. Fruit buds will probably @flow in I(ev. J. L. Withrow prea0lied In one -insists that, fimt of all women uttit-t mtroy_ rvin cry c-oluf(Irt, evo ry uxur 10111-cred tile packet to oui red-heatled this crop, Is al*o' d mnrk, but Roger turned mu lenly away. for tile tre.es. 'tile fall. nnd If too much gro 'drop elier iw1jr,)vleiu ',it p irta lliglg jO llillz� :111.0 I'la Koluir to try to find cort. i's alsola 900J -crop to wtll Of tit() Clileago churches I"t Sunday t a, luC tif Outside proWeium aviLls ilig tho f(madatWit of the dilnewn, an (I "lall-Amjitury liv'.w L4 �_mjt. "Thatik you; I prefer not to collie,", grow made pinch back the lending aboota. 91%'llig tile Patient etrisg4rtit by loull4ong IL)0:141 -all I YOU posted the packet at, jael- Ike palf;. stiffly. hpire, anti it (!till bo. grown two or When the trees are bndly Infected %vinch they are at lirtment gruppling, is%llif.elths M-e.f. I ut the 4luou- t,h**4tvr on tile 1:ttll fir tills month. oil "The llrinclp:tl Proo4s of Inspira- up this cOwtitutlov and amsisting Oat - "I want ou to come. ob- three years In succession. With btirk lice, there b4 I,erhapm no I et- tion," saylng�tliat " tile I hilt %%Ilicij, after all, only ilad-rOctlY ure Ili doing Ito worjk. Tbw propriewre daul vli,.tgt- ir,,w Ah li.of aprun '"ll You not. Itogiir ?" Has doctrine (of I concern thent' Intportatit, tbc-y lituy to! W a gxx)d ter remedy.than to wash their trunks INN ip a geue*rA -seuse, but not ro taf:,*., w,' 1Y v! it faerve Fankis, quietly. rliurij on'the- morning of tile 13th. ;. Investment, payin the future life' nii It low spoken of haK) much Wth In Ito mirative It W601ti gfwt to London late Roger flid not reply, but looked -at ' 9 a fair Ijiterest witil a very strong solution or' to- In hundredth part an Important fta Is POwvlm that they offer ow Hun& -&I - amount N)IIam for any e^ae that It falls W I b is wa.-k tjo cal4ve In the afternood an t upou. the - of Its cuNt ? It should bacco, to which Is added a like por- d go on to Iron- Judith. who inade hiTp nit alino. m' do so and will. it you ise it to fully 'the scriptureo could not be (if man. A this, problem which, is exclulotively Cure. Send1or lint or Uwtimonl&U. &(i� operceptible mign, 4pon wilict, lie i4pran ' tion of equidly Ftrong goap buds. plit grat scientist has recently declared theirii. Foreign allmlons, tile ballot. IA at - once. shouNl think 9 Protect tile crops from the wealber, 0 dram, F. J. CHENEY & u) TqbwM. 0 &W b U,V *Ilu** zotl il" It IR_ withodt further objection, anti titer to shelter tile cattle 9 thoroughly with sn old broom, that sci,-nec has no knowledge a the higher cducatiou of women, i,.,Of)ql P�<Ad by Druggio4a, 7 to nit tAld ct-raer w614111 lie - read for delivering here carriage Went bn to the clierui-stlo at from the CCU, and blhwh or a cloth. of- She crt�t.xetl ou the 15th. Did you to keep tile manure!froin wasting until, future state. But the Bible Ili Opel, govertilLICHt, the antelioratioti of tile 1,y zt�a el ! 'r -y lilitly named cuill lwrt-, ou tile 15th. Varlinw?" I once. Octarium had notleed the migtq It call be OPPLIOd to the land. and positive as to a future life. The lxx)r-it will be jK-ell enough for wo- s F&MiIY 11WW 48W the bat 'vt the placket "let, to labor for all these cauwIs IN. kV Ali-, tl jr ai it v2p, I and wondered theiceat, but like a wise I man said nothing. It is Well, indeed, to be an honor.* ew Testament speaks as c*nfldentl rs ill - Ot V)011- B 11 t I Came next da.T." ore Immediate lwob- Ali the Time 1* tho Right Time Iurl.liil Msi...eefe.� It 11,1 th. ville I "I Can afford to) walto he thought able twd honored " 119my handed gon FARMER'S WIFE - afralif." said L)cta- of toll 9, Of life after death an It does of any lenia'are likettled. The servanL-girl The Alit'.411kPolim Journ&l tieum Umt th ir v. rr, e % 1:!*. , advancing, to the raoidly; "but 1 wi8lj 1 Ra ' the end wl lei 0 Yet therq ja a knowlodge to -morrow here on earth. So the Ptobleiu im far more important at bicycle Munufacturem ased to advisr- counter. I Lra IL- r t., t, ki, i. Lcit, 1. L i of thin case. I'm afraid of W 1 Lkie" not'cume to US bY inature, w&q there a lette fin,, out.,,- iu&7 but by careful Prt*;ent than any o( thoije. Other r study. A uccewful of the scriptures concernt 1J1 t bt- c - t y '1-4 ',1 U t L i, 1-s 'I ti- 1 "ll votlic 15th. tu Uhm I - at Problems; are general In their effects; ON` Only Ill the selling season; but oOJall must 11114colrer upon w17at fuod *ftclllngv Tells a Story of Years of Pain and I ' "llpy htLie tfj�%ij, At the door of tile sbop, of Wook & .1114 O%Vn planta fl, -ed, and w the future life came directly from God, this one strikes at tile very heart of experience has taught them th&t peo.,_ nrepill.-M Mrs. We%-eL.,pokelfo they all alighted, and Miss Var- hAt degree 'or man had no other way of getting tile American home. We do not be- ple buy birycleA In their winds months lult, 111%, Wt,%c -pi i9v a�itl h r wuail-i' for t lie secollAl two me e tered of 'au IY lie Ilan for theiffr He mus %if le. Drnt Ito ling, followed by the wak& t sufffting. gin to realize how Intimately a&N),- before tey buy them In the intores. rd a); the I Vs C011W to want i4r, s no UP'tO tile facts'wlileb murroun(i them.", futite-I .4VIL. Judali came forwa 78 41 1) lid, y C, mill"InLi tile Counter. and on seeing his Y him. Tile Egyptlaus ciated in thin problem wiLli our IA&P- Till@ is true oo not oinly tim Weycl& It 1,1 1 oHe'a at f1tord The potato is tile , 4nd tile Persitt.118 pilie"S. I& concerns every watt, wo- Lbe Wnt narrowed him eyew down at Once O vegetable most valulible Doctors Utterly Failed to lielp lier and b'Uth had as Idoa of a future state man and chl trade, but of many others. Willie their luomt.,flaugerous expression. We have ; L Id. The heatlienin In Af- th: 0�ict& Wao C tlit 1W till I and no pjILs h IT1 yol sf-rul any letterm till, 11111t i1should be ispared Morphine W" Continually Resorted 1(:Llg before Moiles wax born. And do' -V rican laa& bught to be civilized. o there is muci, advertit4tig that must Hu _tll Ila tultivatioll. wo I,Vll-re Ul-k-Ly ij�i4..rz lot- Oil I it . 11 Pit - ' thought Fank3,. grimly,, Ths!. i F ou I Y. quality (1cpands inuell upon to -Became So Weak She Could cur Old Tf-stament gay anything about T11116 will dihljute that. But true y1c4d Immediate resultm in order W be 1110. lit) a&ielitilu" P�iid to �thvir '*1A%ttt-rw! 11 etter,4 go to 'tho ".Tudits knowN our errand." tile clar4y begins at ljoraid, and iialie Guinaud," said Judith, land where it jo grown. Very heavy Scarcely Perform Her Household till' expectatioll of life beyond death? heatheno in a few of our kitchellp profitabir, there, I@ also much thag "a ill L:wir 6%va qu.q. sects Ili who w�ed civilizing must be planted alte&d iso as an.1 Mrs. Veveltipoke-, ot*- c-Ilmly, "' there wall a packet directo�d duce a lueulY tuber. t It(- time of our Saviour, denied ajl#: Awr *.n itent, clays anti low, wet Dolls cannot pro- DutielL Certainly one of the Jew6-h V%jle. CeLveri%-, lt-tvri lau�-,*i1e4ii%eriji 110 W Mise -Judith at the post -office here, &lid educational to g1V Wem t. ber ny thl4 (From tile Deaver, �,Nupaneej iliflueneep Juidt aw inuch an do the na- it t1inf- to take root. Lot t1jose *he thw-ul to nd vtry which. I learn. was delivere4 to HORSES. Idea of a rcourrection of tile body. atpl-i I r. and 11MRObt.8tone have been Again we read: tivm of India's coral Ptrand. I have sow ads. in thim; Daper note that It is &qivcr Lig Ila "t at crivnt the poetmlw by raintake. 'May,l w4k you to.return wIll0i ripened be I 110thing to say against wonianot was it tA) rue T' - fore being residents of tile To therefore, none too early now to start some of Pootini,tft." itcr,4 if I cut Is not a safe food. The stems are " Parts of tile I;Ibie, are work it) foreign rnl%ionary wxletifes, J;r..k,. t t tl"It-L-6419 her'bonnet. "of course Judas ahot a glance of woody and n5ot of much value. The Nap- what'God gave direct w miul. But good g(wernmeat clubs, or charity (or- waslilp of Erne4- 4111116ity %tJlW-UA Uf ntiquAY4 r reniegilber-I can- remember thlngd amazoinekt town, about ten miles east of all parts are " lie would have them. the summer aee -ling. 'with 0110 1filre "(all were JK)rn. young mail. at Fanks, with whom lie credited seclds are very rich, and are apt -to anee, for a perlod of' about three gatilzatioris of % Itatever vori�. But like' Lh,-w u; cit, Mr. Jud.aA t till thiii tracking of tile lettem nail opell. .1114po It would have boen differently ulade I I - �Jk, V(_, a tuoth- -4-mL* all _ 14�tterg to flotiner ho , and it riiiuldy in tile Years, 11J -in that time bave gained if wasi [lad writtcu do i�.ay thiP; that beores or ironten Russlari Sun FloweraL % lu uth.,Alht' a Two �tl,L4 mouth. and thove Ing his crafty eyea to- their least dej;rce have in bad effec ' its they write dro eniployilig offortA tit those direc- gray grj;er.,..y looktlod guilelessly at the .1a kidneys. their lKx*m now. Take Ilible ljio- Tile Ittumiau u , t i it . r fluother. li%�altlll' t UPOU the, esteem Of all their neighbors. 'armer co"ders 1111111 fe X dy. W11(fil 'Cut at the proper Lime 411iigY citat:9 tr.tw ab rw-ty Ift4s olli, mademoiselle." he-, gal * 9 he best paing o(ab IA't n'4-* st-Nq It I" w0d Faukalt ilulek- wit, do Iis a valuable 1001 [or -all stock. V'lous to this time the i4olution of niatters ibearer Itonip. For six years pre riLphy, f6i i1wtance. I 6#ms I'l-hiell ought M I* employed in sun4lower crop �v re a %ouit- Altrug, I'de lettreo you dcv I` ptiau historian write o 9 f all I lie 11'4)111(a al sw�-ialations. In nParly 9IM1471119 t Itoger, may i a The attempt to,wu'ke a team draw' they had lived 1,' 11 call bolve this ijoineutic prob- Adi; allnu AviAy acqu-red . . eme of'a ro with me. - Cht bien cer. too' "'Oavy a I(XVI is 4 waste of tinje. (-4' 1 GlellwoW* ISpringa, had actif,and Illelillohom of the 11har- teni If tIjey will. But t1ley must get every Part of Rumia, anti especially in grvel...h id.l,ge frk ill gr, zt; at -Weve6poko, ta'n zO P(*4tage w1114 mistook. Maim Three trips With moderute- loads mily ilemad"JI, and It was during tli(-,ir &0118 as tile, Bible writes of 11oves ? lie togniluir and Work unitedly. tt tiley the agrVultural distri ", sunnower taMill h-tvvi ut Villfieki- -Iiarpl�'. ", you don't steal here, why 4) you I gif 2em ?11 ; be inade Ill tile tivie, required for two residence there that Mrs. tone wpLs t"em the life. of an L;gyptian &lid tile d(Tf venture to say tlk&t In a year seedh fire it PrOtItnble commodity. A hr uolly aaki r"ty' 41r! Beeltuse the packet iva's Meant for , vt'ry he-lvY Ones. Ik)tii bible writes it down againdt hun: Lie or two t1jore wi full, 'ripe crop of tile best am% ur Mo- niitteis oil be no tgucli tll,, R9 flowftr i valued at Wi an &cze. As - tea= - and attAeked with an Illnew that made twwanie wigered at the rock of Horeb &p the hervant-girl Yiroblein, for It houW9 woman, lain." me." driver will be saved a g'res wi)re was And 'a very stupid one," said " Yes; "ted it." said -Rog6r, tlflPleasantnet�a. tt Aftl Of her life miserable for years. To a and struck it with a romd,, and Vie lit- vrtll har bmn solved." Failks, ruefuPy, In despair at get- quickl.v. The risk of inj e mostile market places in the pro- Lcr L-,gii col author- V119 1111Y Lulormation out of t "A" given to you.by horse and wagon I'd too -gireat. ury reporter *ho recently Intervie6d Ide wrlt*w it down against Ilim to U)Wllm of liussift pedlary offer Ity . dlLtj ii this mistke." .1th-ugh. lihe did 014 1 da me%, We twe pure bred lier, she story his dishonor. '.%o matter what be, t1writ for wile, awl they are readil ires �aftogetbejr tOI4 the following An Auitogmph by Whittier. to de n.lrq( e In swineiand tilimp, i t it Tlie'New York World priuto, a hith- pure "Nindemolwil certainly "Dtiring the early part of our ra*ideuce down agetinst hila. it Its unnatural ltnit Uil -P i did or said, tile Bible writer pu Judith,"' Isbe WAV to�eul, "), "fill r-ljojk rl.nd, fully. Ow lvigvle 'Colorado, erto unpubl6hed poem by vi,bitti 6 certA.Liy %ur�- A ob�;ervi,d '(;Uivau(l,, doub witil t110,11911t of 1prewmit I ou t harp seen Vie letter abe talks and' hased by tile poor, by whomthey r- Rixtorl," sai U'as Va t_ arP eaten Ili their taw clon(lition, ad- o. ro) utLit r quick!y, -lant'l It is not tho one we for till but, tho bmt claM of horded ily i3tiess firit came 'on. to RUPPoo6 tills would have been donp though nowe cruph theva into VeoPke in a ,h.11, Ivili. Vk, tva 11 L" Ilow� the mistake oc. InIPOrta"16 t:O breed only that t the outset every two had not- God Inppired the writer. %%'afs found ill an auWgraph and Make CbLkes Of them. queruiotu wilul, a.,:_ if VLhv6'tnvuglit, Lw curred," explained Fanks.. easily. to pure. or th ree German libitorlan ever wrote of 0 bum belonging to Mrs. Saruh A. Bar - At, this Moment Abraham rolled into It takes from three weeks I would be attacked with -Fred- t)&r. of Northwood. MdAw., who ied T uitrs to get thela.into war- pain An W gtopmach� a erick tile Great as the scripture mets she 1,1141, t1f4t 21.,ey-buf4-n(j ITk,M the t Come. 31-onifieur Guinand, liand over tO five 110 Office. anti Fankd at once pounc- tliop, a few weeks ago. The vervew are as o letters at once.'If you plevwe.11 t Out tile mina of Solpnion. No Araprienn follovrg: 'a"t'"Y' z�_he tloubt- Od-Ou him as being raore likely ket, and this niarket is elklling every greatly 'Increased In ow Issue NO 161897 ful-aos t;j La ter on I ito tres-bien," answered Judas, Year for #;oj,,et1dllg better. verity, *and at b1storian ever told all the talesthat Itthati his vuWrior. promptly. May 110 Who ever keeps eAwl etwi'Y 6e w, it th it ttic- -S�-burljau "Oh. the 'Voiftman,­ lie Cried, Z I bar no wig to them keep. niubt bavL '%eight In tile coliar 1toes -was so bad that I �4'ould screa I told of (general Orant as tile 1%,atcl) over till, nor aJumbereth nor tells Of vVollat call lie said -of pootman, did you ey lire' D08111 U) me. I did not know tO�PrNwl the Wheel,; of industry, and, aloud rh lletter too onsieur Gu; ze &4 Person 2ey -*%;ere to.- wO call n0t:fcxJ the 1jilyerij W-1th a with tile pajn.� A doctor waa David, tile XInK of Israel." Do near Llioe jot'll. with 1114 1.Uport- DOCTORS BECONVEND W44 a at, Wos,,99, nand fleego. beginning i4htrply. calleil 114. but the only benefit I ever Did r- Withrow ever read Thack. Ing hand. &b(,)Ut tho you know W)w.'* crieI.Failko. 1,500-1ktwid horse. ILuLvIer horam, of uotwalg AAUL eaLt.tlg" "a. 1. till ly tl "I'leame give them t�o thim 1.600. received from lild 'treatment w in). on L11v iv t 1K ri 6tv - ill mouth ?11 r 1,"j potiluds, are -A-Unted. The Four George*." 401 h,.ui a,i aflwt.te fur Iji-4 in big lat. vo.w. Itod Id "'Mitin certainement," draft mares can do good %%,Qrk u-vY lady Witbout dela replied the and InOrO Of''them. - These Marlborough? Thove ED limll 1111or- -Au,e w.111L Lig zi%'o ad or Mac� Thy C001 rOCk shadow 1 a weary I clID"t tell state secrets,"' a& y- atilay on James 11, and tile Duke of I-eler hurrilull.4 L, two,if,.al,u �k& tile P4� tree- Frenchman. with a torw. do I),ardond P -)n 90 811hit, thou In thy dultly dutlep more the farru and ral.14e a lanis di not con the let�' lie retired quickly. and in a few min- A -fariner can rnibe! a horme to three arguing against tile Iniaptration or tile And the true lwace which He ahme bA Iwad t their recipik-utaj� gool_Il-ljlm# I tm 'reVirned for teilifig rue this, with tile packet, of. let, years 010 and bt let' 1CLU UlLt.1 v",d y tem-opend, . I tuakeF good money on BiblP, but would merf-ly auggeo4t til can give CEYLON TRA, el -16 111.111011114111L Kas tAI�L*raL.ji9.,&w monsleur." year. *00d MIL every ceal tile ishortcomings do oh JrOu Won't 00mo to Tower fVII their subjects. Tlop Tim" le not love, to By till,* 14ill wataro of Our at, there must be "I doWt know nothin, about your Have , you Iiiiii at $75 is in comparison 1;� P4 Fttronmer prooftit titan In the deep quiet of th &;plrlt 11re I)Iiwd Mr* Yow#-r B I s.1, gl�owlj..41 the rx)rtly one. read these cried" With Other farm j)roducts. 'We should thosf- adduced by tljp Chicago preachrr' Yo sulkily. 'a, but I ' Judith., Indignantly, as mile t"A nd wit" at lat;t the t4ummoom shiLli Vold to oe&loc Losd 1,66U010 #lieft� KO1119 to U-11 packet. the. 110t 1wk a 110MO to inake a farm phy who Might lwtter have left tile gul� tnilpd get &iu't," gt(,w:ed Abrali Slotlr and me's ll. Judas P' In a deprecating $150 be gi ren, fOIr Itsel' rach ject alone than @top where he (lid. BY firesen oety we can Thine eyes shall open On tile bliss of 601411 st 95, 60 &ad pW M there will I manner, and shoo a pretty; Ima veil, did not want flLq triuN 0"0- am a , A his bead. profit. buy Yu wo." go,"' Witi0tr tt) be knowa, t,ut he man of the lionor, rnaderu- r Origin of Women. And ea - thly pomp and earthly joyt-I sa w pe r- wax dim yuu*Ve go I great, dig fIla(] a m tradition he said. bre" Mid ii.iLtrr" "'CLly well, tlla*t lie u oth wo I I get n nity, If laiubL three or four yeart; old are t u -11)9 out of tile An' I haf not, reatl se lettres. I ta %%. t fed ligIltly cotwernii;g Before tfiP whlte-Tobe4 %aint and Of 109ted stroug ntea8ures, so ty. Feraphl in. THE faithful *lprabam un- tie lettres pokir wol. and I did i)pen ground Oats, 'gradually , in gtx�d. for tiia ta-lill'� of It 64 lie t first on bran and tile 44119ill of ;em. But wen I (lo ze'win I creasing lijo day, they usod to isay, Pro hath not f~ it, nor the living U%<U1. ulid MA to the buLter, it hP niiide Upr hia Milld hOW to ae their ration 'am they becokie cwcuo-. to e&r g, t at, I lee it is inigU*111 n Aft 1, an' read zeni ni)t.1, tomcd tv urion lier BOW PARK CWSO rLill Dut 1preuiil utoi ijuL t, -6 b"Ust kanks kep4 him eyes bn Judas as lie eating, they cftn be materi- bicycle. , k�he neard the glad rnu.,4ir of that won - all, brit-AkIl I-A)ok lipre MY man," lie salt). tak- 11,opok allY helpicd in their -growth. Letter was gotten up iregard,; gru-iltbi e, -to nee if be was slieakIng tile err Ill hali*ing thein a little Ifungry ran out and gave her a good look Nor mind o man hi It's at)-gil, uUL alilk lip it." Ing Al r,lhatu to bu_- at le arid speak-, truth, alld ball-lirally empagi, till tile gqkAs dr PrIjere. ma tk,-tective. and but was (Illitc unable to arrive than to give tA)O illucli and have them Axcel)t Ulm, who gave her t-Ao o� thought extreme t H ME GROWN SEEDS ll 6; t t any decision. so k!alm the through r 1! reWllman'tii ek. W24 PULLillIrr 0 h6 Ila ou must, g.ve Me a Z)Iaiu answer to ()fr their -feed for a we thc' I11JectlOQ of Morphine three. twir. I alti't. I'll- i a voice- 140 imnwb.ilel. the If a t4jeep It Into my arm, as te raiult of which '%vflK tI10 hclief of tile Grecks that One glimp-Le uncloude4 of its glmy Wkite Flint. . . Corr) .&& expremmion Of his face.. I not likely to'pay for Caught - Lill' 4-f iLawil iike 'ift�( , I Atill't bill 1101,19 noth:n' wrong." _ I t4f - feed Wisconsin lwt-reli'l, freaft *4 whifuWred Abraham. edging at :111 erenta we have' g,)t 111"tt0fl alld 'Wool, It .18 tile pain would "gradually pass away- aft Irot We rest -of her good looks Tito Joys prepared. tlje infinite r4o. AlOrM nakota ta' away th" lettem," lie p.11id to Misa Varlins. I11,111 -POlt. The, medlettle wlii:!h was given =oo, a ii,.ouiv drug store, as she cagne long. waril .................. corn eas. fry 'Ptu, 4jr bi e-1, ttivy -get wornething, for Oent ia --te Uf froin tit#* repretwist., tire oi the Law; "And now -go ThOr'e fire constanil' 'attimaL% wiliell Of th(" Whit#* ............ Oats tile charkell." y You a0Ytll1O' You like as houid lie weeiied 4mr, it itept in nanA however, had not the Slightept ef- W110 love the app6wring or Mandecheuri ............. igarley ral!l Um gir- k Now you can take -them home to- E' - Literal Construction. our Lord. "119 an' it isn't state secrets."' read." rePI:ed Mis,4 Varlini, contempt,, bers, to avoid expense of feeding alrd "fect. and the doctor appeared to be do Fodder 8orq6um, Itild [ter ru..,t�- 6',tmet a jilteil. pickill, This &Wt, a i4tte secret," to ot-cape Jane," said tile mistre&A, wile,) -John Wilittler. I "Id uou#&Jy,- tomin, tIlp pn(.ket, to. 11, tilp %yorbe danger of per- greatly Peril' I Amftb uP tile lettcra. which YOU dou"t, do, Fanks, qt',CkIY. putting a hillf c W IM. lexed, Wnd tile' that door WI rings I , wailL yt)u ury. loth tiny, 1st Mo Japanese Millet (thret warietioe) 'urr. tijere',% iA,. good ro u But are you not going to examine Pettlatilig its Poor qualities by breed- reaftercon- to Tbi� plaot Produ(w ocormou, ampe I into the U'tl's fat hand; " Just tell them luLT tinually resorted to Injectiou.; (if mor- drop ever) -thing anti attelid to it. of forw fnr oat" bo-i.y.. imi WUlLill* MUST BE DISSOLVZD. for that I WO if You delivered a'th;ck have done o." Ilan a- round, solid Pillue whenever the 4ttaeks came on. Illon't let we have -to tell you again.,, PRICES LOW. im FiftPA"l Minutes later there %V" ft1jL )rder r&f.11, 8,. we to 31011swur Gujnaud on tle 13til ot nit the letters the body *nd a god fleece of six r leigilt Th(vie attacks contin Kidiey Disease Cn Only be Cured by a UN (AU PPIY Ule desuftnd looi. o*ia auji- 1rum'Austrilly thin re ued at, Intervals criwli of c1iiii.,l, and Jane lit Xemedywhtchis in Liguid lPorin-- 60"m For pnow ao(i ouw in that, till" 11apper uti, ;Ljj* The 1ajt1jfljI cripd Judas, "do you P0131164, and is all circellent 4lipep for r- Common Sense of Science. fortnadon apply to thure*s Drip servant of th n to Canada, hen they rlo-d to the door. Site liad olwyl.d DOI tink-1 Awl Vairk oild %%oif 1111 waitib, to) statei a 61na If flock upon -the farm and for Increased In wam not pnx)l agallidt bribeery. st4 Varlins." re- doniest-le use., frequenc.* and Intense- orders For a disordcred ;,f.k.5e Ilu time, 11noweroil JLt otice 3 I'm addre"Ing 311 Its BiZe. and tile' na- ncm. 'The result wall that I grew stomach or iock of Moo guy uspicious. headache wJthout effect, litit when thtw name and It Is 1110at often w*n at ppared -to be giving Out. My - cogil- Gad6by-1 Ig" iToary.­ turteiii F,,Inkg. coldly. "Are all tbelet tlW0 Of ItiFt Inuttou and wool slilt-tlia very weak, and my whole system up- seems S [tills :111d Po)wdery are not Yls. 0111Y the etter s teris me no let,- to .1litnisiour Jutlas.- Pre,,,Nfjm Varlins?" a;l right am I 114in't ll� w 1h breatford. out. mar," reti,rteoj 40 NiA tAi M.1m jkj.11tIl yed- I think w)," she re' thA fain and In the market. pect they've got a rPtnedftm are said to curp lildney (i44- plied"with Plexion tutned a yellowlisil hue, and I baby up at ANorrin house. eaw, tile common senw- fir sAf-tice re- tO tile Coor. am. all Where Aheepmen believe tn(;re In Asad little or no appetite. Latterly Walkink%-AVII 'It makes you think bukry tile claign. Thip InAMoun Ril 4101i know; mother u miAton t ban -in fleece they Should sholw. 1 -would be attacked fallitilig that ? grow d ibaek bY #ix. niar, il "A do bee tirter tare not sure?" Vo tripe -yourej. it 41,.ju,T. agl.ee t1wre"m oilly One Julian here, I keeping her tempel. lar: -from* tile ny@Wm unlf4w a wedicine is vtf're Slons eur Judad and their faith by breeding up witil tile SPelis, preceded by Attackii of diz Ing (UWAN* will a" he, driren to�* ' As sure ao I cab Iled" she replied. bfs It to blult." k wonde:rtully. mutton bticktif. Indeed, w1wn a new. I becameutterly un' Zi- Gad0ty-01P. ljotiling Particu Gold i King Wheli brallaill At, Wom k & Co, ? think tIjey alre all tllere. W.,II flock is on tblm basis It will prove much fatigiie, anti coul able to stand ofilY I haven't herd him brag abotit -givell "Ifit will t'im#Olve tlw hard stub- ho Plant Vour ' YOU more '�atlmfaetory than When the pro- d with the grea"t hiv dogfor &day o ricid' anti o3Lalate of lime Kle cla, ni Witte yfv. e* difficulty purforin my fioinwh(Ild duti.-B. l4i-rowif triVi'tiortifig the and then r -1 Plelise Mail tile lettermt, fit depends wholly upon the Idjupyn r two Dill be Mke It turn them to me ?,, -that give rise to the distreve wid 'w1wetive their rd'- Certalrdy.11 cracleAs of the wool market. A doctor was icalb-d in WLIJO treated me Posalls, in Chalk. Patti, that is common to all who I our ff-r St"le, Briggs Y Thank you. While ii�heep rOr some time without benefitijig Lap A from kPilleY complaint. South Amerl- Gow, morning." re- from will get more Pufftenan(e any. Then lie gave me what I low Mmpdgp(l of foisslis. 11 ney Curc is n kidney specifie. "HICk Grade" Seeds, poor land, and at tile Pame time know to be Dr. sold bl. I 1'erxei'f 411"Jull is#' Ale 91-alle4N).nt, the ad- V*'Py wPI1- that will do. said plied Judith, col(Ily. Mr. Axton." I 'dr** -;.*e* un,eacti. Faiiks, 'in ' gratified tone; Ilink I,ills It (I)MOITIAN fllips�k a You take the ti"IeNt I It 4nd place It chr K1 Ijard eading deaws. now Roger, bowed a do tile land more goo(]. than any an(. af ter I had used two boxes I feli, under a powerful m1crosco1W ou will s(lbotabcM atid A -k f,w them. he pd- conducted tier to other stock we may pomwsR, it mul4t while It dipeolveo it fllol() heale. The he Ijobl Your "'guo and sAy'n0thing to the carriage, w1file Fanks, with somewhat better. I th6n purchased 000 an Infinite nuffiber of extremely invOSIluenL to tood -re's no"W" ly-" the nbt be forgotten -that they will aloo tilt- pills myself -and colit diminutive shellm, and no igpectcle on, merit. tli* do But motber, sir 11 bundle of letters In Wb bandit, a Inued tile. a targp scale 1,4 1 cur$* effected leave no question tf It* 1Y write repay liberal feeding. Foot) wisely led treatment. I found that th . e looking after her In an irreoolute P Patti uore beautiful tilitil OOLDEN RETURNS ? wo,re a Board chool . mother. it YOU manner. will always come- back to us doubled, wail gradually tt&re the varled for if fed to a good animal. get rest "ti slop asilig. could CArAL�DouLrS pXZ& nil"t. Id :-choul-board 'el", toil) hf'r. all the town would #ear, Suddenly be felt a Ma of tlle"c tilly 11"m(10 uniber of stamps in the Dist-riet, 41*0 thir-ir (nirly 1p�.4* anti an C01d touch on ble _p at night, *111ch. of anlinal life which are dUclosed by 80 Abr,illam hand, and turned round to see Julian DAIRY. had hitherto been &IBI(N powerful glaaws. Following if% a li*gt gil-Ing the nuln- e St tali. -4 as ever w" to *ay the faithful grinned. t I jlB tit wle, Briggs sow Co. a looking at Ilign with 11 strange smile A good cont1huf4.1 uWng Dr. Williams' I -Ink ber Of Ottarnpoin o1wration, or in place, 'I'01RONT0. ()TT. tile , ile liff t's un. sIlPVlDg his half a crown into milch COW has broad bill(] - t IPocket. retimi. while Funks went YOU ty face. quarters and tbln foreq I'llis for several months, and tile result Tile Rumlan peasant never touch or I n p roefa. of being put In place (that ,tone ft,r want of dot ill,.* *()w do they On 11 in cral uartero' thin expect 'elli o be 41.el Outillide. where lie fp6nd Ju(Ilti, pe.Lt- arv, afraid," lie Rid, In French. and deep neck Is that they have effected a Iet* rocia or drink without making em is, On the ground) at tie preprnt tim& cure, and I ant now enjoy "lip be in Northwem Ontario: Of ' what,?" answered Fanks. pointed bet;�� pointed wlthel�� blad Ing tile t"t #4911 of the crow. t e4l in' tier carriage and Roger talk- cold) and well to read their n tile horns, flat inir to lier. Y. LIttle American, r, 64 fluo Lxxwd legs anti fine halr. Of health. I can amure you 14 Wa a Great floods contintle Ili IN'asIling- a full. rleh a- of 9 1 to be� free from tile trou- ton. KZADS Wiy INIBUtsINAM rwjkp," ml,i j; (Mo udiiem well forward wide "It, Ili as I thoukht"' ]&aid Oct Of thow pointinig to the letterf with Choose rest relle Lyle, 10 ptamp, now belfW moved to ady on the .4 -pating their licating Judit), . Of apart and lar ble that made ray life miserable for A Falkirk man thiuke the beat soi- FOIPY, 20 stamp. Voico proceesiiijg froin a vius. antic her." in4 l ' Little American. l unter. PoAtIlMll tA)ld qw-stioll"; ')'in," "011dhig Ill tile dirvietion of grasped. A go evougli to be pasily so many years, anti I have to thank ution to tile old age problem is for Perguam stamp. me lie delivered Roger; "of all. You are afralil, nioll- more milk uleulum sized cow will give I)r 11rilliam"o Ilink Pills for succeed- everybody to bo,gin t�a%*Ing when Vreston, .9, Werel- Judw. of sleur, of what You May Ill proportloo to tile loo(l tainp Alocha, pfua upoke, s:owly, not livaring Mint JU411&h uttured an exclamation of she eat4c In when doctors lidd failed." I t a 1.11 WV I Fanks looked steaAl Y may stamp. no't les,-Ijjg tll.lt ally g TO proe- fir- Wililains' Pink Fills act directly be dependent on no one. Luck Coon equal t.0 1-1 otamp callfml, and "lie bor -Ij at lom, made n ure tile. cream from cows long : Young w) that In old age the ack wh.cll thd de- no reply. and walksckq ickly out (4 milk, UNO-fullY olne-fourth its vol- and nerve@, buildii VM1, TFORD. WT. "tie waj4 present by reae4in of tier 1). Uictive ghj1lc*!4l sharply at her. upon the blood ig being turne#l;* 14. tilat "'Are you alraid Of Julian seeing the Shop. lime of Pure told water to dilute it thern anew, and thus driving ditieaw, Saw bill, Our butane" to T.0 1311 heads Wilt praoinflij It flon't,look like one. th0s)'Iettery ?11 lie asked. quickiy. (To be emt1nued.) sufficiently to allow Uie butter fat to trom the system. , There 1.,4 no trouble I-ake Harold, Io ptamp kinollaisre. The leadins eemmorew awkeel 31ary. I dare 'may; 11. for M-16 Varlins p"sm rise, and then let it Fit in a cool place dup to elther -of t1lese, Emprem., 20 #*tagnp. In Canada to -day. Nino b"unrui oolli"t her liandker causes which thilig ait ChI64 across her dry lip@, and after for 30 hours. The cream can then'be dreds o Ot eure,'and fit hun- Sultana. � 10 gtamp, expected enwr at anytime: tircularp tree. Ito, It's for tisat ill1.1s UNTOT,D--AGONY, Pink Pills vrill'a 1111wk Bay, st&mp. 9106liest t~klero, Wi0domto r&&w f ca6e8 they have restored Wooka. a r Moo answered With great delib- Distracted by Excruciating Rheumatl en"lly taken froin the deep blue milk. Patients tO Ilealth'after all othef rem- C ream to 40. W. J. 11CLL&M. Priwipfti. to Pains SOven Ye&rs'Untold Misery_ Jt&'"' Whytilo er Keep In mind that a dairy well man- Gold Hill, lo ptamp. bo cail himmelf G_u 4� att"fl, Showing thereby howstroug No Remedy to Help No physician to edlep ]lad failpd. 'Amk ior Dr. 1111 e liuly. rapphig her umbrf.11'.1 on tile Golden (;eLte, 10 Ptainp rr;,eate(I self-eusitrol. Thwart the Onslauht But South farm, for, irmtead of hauling tbe 11was' Pink Villd anti take not)j11,g If 'You have had th GripM STODENrS AND TtACHR8 tile Was her aged will Incream the value of y m 10 Regina, 10 ptamp. e; but ady market at home Fepawn, 1() ptaillp owur-L. ou for the sLAMIcia Suffering Slave is Mmanclipated. Ophir, 10 r-tarnp. rt.-unter yul-eitl Id that letter n," she said. qtilckly, beyoull t: AwFLy the Pains in 12 Hours and the Itil tile else. The genuine are always en- you know its aches and pain4 IF H I NO a WORTH Y *wA PFLorTTA,=A "I don't know anything ol tl American Rheumatic Cure Charms hay and other feed to t1i oIM was a friend of Air. Melatan You havo a re e city market, cIZWed In boxes, the wrapper around Tito P0PtmLqtren. that in itself Is suff.cient Lnd tilb a 11rhich bearm the full tri k, the fever, the cUf wriulia :we 40 aft �Iqe "Ame to make J. D. McLeod, of Lelth, 011t., says: pparen& waste -is We mar 12% the cough, Crawford, 10 DA tilizer, addlili wo- eo- but more th" thAt _VV_i I 7stas aw ,Ard sonip 1101-e. been u victim of rheurnatisin ple." May be had from all dealers PwUcul&n AAdrep Idea that ohe hp ra 1 " t MO Anxiou& The letters the land als a fer used UPOU to Dr. Williams' I'Ink Vills for I-Ahle 1, thle dcpression—you know 11fticock. :-' Tremani, Pei tGriNvI rmind slowly. wiff sthw Slibm tic tn usual roman- for seven yeara, being courilled to I lit an tly - to I tie Val ue. or sent ixat paid. them all. Th Grippe r qul Varlinn le-ftning forwai-l.witli ita eager th.11011wime a girl woul4i write. At lwd for M011t1w at a titne, and ny 'Ilie price for tbe.best butter Is al- cents a on receipt of 50 _xhausts sta m P. J. L NICHOL8 & CO.. Irot)k on her ra ' I - vi rne unable ways high enougli to ensure a profit box or 6 boxeg for $2.50, by that letter for easing the Dr. W11111anig, M di. A customin mill, peated. pointing to ti Die?" she rp-- mall to be, as I verily be3eve. an ull- many of the best physicians without poorest. is always low ellough to a- c Co.. Brockville, Ont. ce. -Cme. knowing tile French- to turn myself. Havi been treatet by to -tho.mgliker, and Ole price of the the ncrVOUS System quickly, "'at Portage Reduetioll Worka, 20 lit addr lowers the vitality. Two stamp. 33 pichmew SUVA WOK, -ftreew fti. berupuloug lope till Zu"y &ad w7f4ch. I am afr4ld he benefit. I. had no falth ill c e things should Lie done at o=: Vi-orinatiou proomm, GKX"t-"VTCWFtIA MIXTY YLAVA u rem I va w sure a 10 --is. Thew facts do not iihow A lk Qvmw "-tbe besk of tho ymr - is goigg In-Mm'Wevelspoke"a hand. uso the letters for hi's own ends." advertised, but my Ife Induced ine that 'there 18 any troole with the A Common Case. —the body must &*- Strength- to sell -defies om "Tilt" un ?" saki Mrx. Wevelapoke, "But what can ho), gain b� 14how- to get a bottle f w iAoiri; orw w-Pluir by thla gemVire wilat was 64 South Amerlenn bulllllel�d of dairying ItsAf, but rwher Di GarrY-I Call A on Tom JaA n,ght M4 and i force Must be given man OIlly Hftfi a Nose� u0nd. elegant bt 1141 1 PC;UIST Priem; &Utah Ing thern ? "I maid F anka. Nagaefously, Itheumatic Cure. At that time I was w*ing tj' 0111y Glic, wribwe Q i FIN. time to the wrv'ous system, n In tile only allirunl that lia Toroom . suf1pring agonizing PaJns, but Inside I.&A us -never stop preaching that it In all my life. Do you know What'is the "Oh dear. it(), 3ffss Varl) ley contAin nothing of"Im wit -if the Methodi6 of Mally dairymen. and I inever saw such, a looking Ito Ma G Rodz nnine ain't Xiry-no . r july, I portance ? 1, real now or chin. ljorsox have I take' It." , - of twOlve houre after I ]lad taken the to poor economy for a farmer to keep matter ? liver Oil will d:) the first; Hy- WRIDIS PRA I MR "Ifilt It'Pe Judith." f do What?" a-4kfxl Wrif. Werelapoke, Paw., am deany. an all r ce p t hat 9 &rustic pietam 1111011" ...... maim right to #4pe4k to me ill tIlL4 matiner.11 rejoice In having tile opportunity of glvc-. Every 'stop awnected W they Call their "I;allenn- RnYthing that can 1w d 1r)w 110opw fient. ran rits ter bam tOkI You. ofir, but I queetionyour biottles COmPletely cured me, and I titan t v no nPvr women, who neglect everythl itme ling organii, but none of tile,,) pwinted on nmvy law - Three 1xior anImut,-,. who,_jo co Merrl&t-He married one of t)," and elePhant* t4runks'; li(nu have ramt tlustril6ted, tvWvv � all I don't knolk flow mlich Mr. Aitn first dome tile Pallin lert me eed sta more Pophosphites thos=nd- Thae that are all now; swilk, have snouts Oil, Fankm doemot nie, Ito - al of the milk they are permanently and t5kasantl I Interliomed Roger, uptillilkIngly. Ith oppirate Judith." said MIm Varlirw, very wrought in me.ol able rl CMbined in SCOWS EMulsion a ncoe. It Is suverwam ythingos" telling what a great cure It .14@ dairying riluist bo conducted upon their faces and "lied day Tbo Mil L lonfily. Fanks I cried- Juilith. with bu-41leow principles in order to get It lifts the despondency and eren more true or tile chin, which In "Oil. yotir rirpt name, mimm. o4tart, IPOkinig at Octavium I though% Discovered at Last. fair per cent. of profit. A Long Term Engagement. Particularly human. You your nail)" wax R speak so muddled, like. mum. an I lxti)tl ?, Bec-awe feeding tile cows a 11beraWl -11calS the inflanied nxmbTa= I t 1VW John r Judge-Ilare you anything to hay, of the t' FBI TWUTY-SEVU TM aly regLI O&EN Is Rlxton.1' pal(I I andolph, fit Roanoke. ration ood hroat and lun can't InAkO out Ynar 'ollerin', mllwI& Fail Its, who mail] Of highly Conemtrated f P1 frotier ? BUV If yf,ur ruxt nAine's Juilitli, 1011im, Roger, 11 I)Ilt I use tile UaLne Of Oc. glanCitig reproachfully n Congrem that lie liad there Is no re"on for omitting plenty- ud.' wan very simple You 1amt aln't-aln't (o of hay and toddler. All the hay they married. NOT A QUARTER, at (%wovered Perpetual m0tion, tLnd tilut Prio�orier-Yes. I'm e4ngaged'to ;)e But YOu need not Eve LA t4tvioup Fanks," it I*Te I*en engaged for the GRJPPE. -Mrx. Welirpliqw?k".. let tile look at that* being tile fact will out clean In Uie morning, the laAt toon years., the letter, Jileakie.11 Im- lift do For Your detective btLAnew," fin- clean straw Qey will pick at noon YOU Mn PUt your system in DUNNPS patiently, takirig tile efl' 110(1 Judith,'itoolly. PaPeP makFw money, Judge -Why aren't Ou niarriled? velope frorn not look murprimed. idr. Oil- You need %fonf-Y maken baiiksq, and good corn fodder at night IA 1'risoner-Becaune we've never I -X -M A Conchtion tlftfAvarablc to it. But just 20 cenfs and 40 dose tile OA woman. enn tell you it It's have rsad tile about wbat they should have. out of Jail together. g1le comes out s in a IlAllks makep povert, Not tile least important product of to -morrow. me lit a moment." 0 46110 , Jarleliewter Mye4tery. and I knowyou YOu can have richp red blood; vial of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pris. for her. as tile have tile e"e Ili hand. P verty makes ragm, the dairy Is the cattle manure. If rcsiSfivc stren h ; Steady brain AKIN direetlon wan pinill enough It that Is so. perliap,4 you will Rags nialges paper. this manure. with the ab-�Aorbents used Stranger -There seen -m tO lbe a nd nery Money makes banks." No pain, tie b&d aftereffects. pl"Oure in e,,@ Paper makes money. to save We liquids, be spread daily Sunday law In tills to.*B. Resident- prcvents as well as Cums. lle!P me In the matter? " es, ttfs EmuWon "Care Wcwk co.. -1 can not 1101101 YOU." Pile said. In a flat Pile under cover, with the Yes, sir. If YOU Want W get tquled dose- L-ttle but awfully faintly. again paasing thso handkerchler An Atlanta - embo4dor dii"Atm from Uie hori-e @tables In nl- w it until Monday. And whedwr you send or go 90". POWDE Suburban IronflPitt.q.to over tier ilia. wan COMIwIled 111BY8 that he ternate layers it will compost into .64tranger-oll, I don't want to get for Scott's Emulsiont be surc THECOOICS BEST FRIEND you 060 in one wajr.11 SW Fa tl stiloAl In order to one of tile most perfect LAnacvr SALc sag G&AAO&. No, We not for nw, malid Mi#6 V&r- quietly. 14111ne 10 "locif-ty- I -Ike 4 Wan holding u1,011 tI10 farm. fertilizers fithaved; I want tD get drunk. RW- you get the genuftV., Cure Pick headache, c*ofttip&t1on I&M banfling It back reluc"ngly, with tO goliVitnte battery ones in -dent-Come with mq. I)II10twilow, n&lmw,&, 111KIlOwnilles. They he PO Cft1d no14t go-sln-&H had been lost, era SCOTT & &O'WNF, B*n*yMg, out. am purely regetable. In big dWmad as" 1111101101110 summm 810 106W at him 611a4ily. butun 110r.and Chickens are useful work- Consul -General Lee denies that he Affistle 11 t b&ruyard. It lat run in has bM UWJTIUY UVAted by Weyw. and all drulMisto we them. Mftv granuko to sl�& 41. r d e nlei triot c av�n Ifer "oeng lie ent ie *SALADA %