HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-09, Page 3"7- Z ­ r RMW PF Elk do 1i t at en - 77 merchant and OUMOUT THE Rentiaux, a gas litter, .mom WORLD11 �Cljarged wjtll the purde r, In April, 11&146, of llaroiaiftis W of Iferry, a wealtily TRE ;,d ING AS A BU IV I & CTejM of the cood Position, wtw was SINESSo GOSSIP OF T E S "ds until It was no uncommo NP fOull't strarVIed ff TAGE, I WS of revidiVnL-e I,, III her , bed at tier for TO to receive tif t n tiling SUNDAY S Y cen ta for a u"ej,j, *has elided.- fliglit a entertainment, Yes sir. But I ("Our CHOOL THE tene"geo"' al?d Lestlaux eel test Criminai Revel would come to t I Happe ed. were sell-. BICYCLUT COL tO tleAth and Devoli Ivas ac_ Ini; seedy f lie office in the worn- U11111 �qultted at'djl. 'of 11arshan P. Rder Tells of so day roln late hours, anij one 4� - Tile m1urde-rero obtained a I me Of � INTERNATIONAL LESSON No. Da Modern Times$ t 118 WOO said: "ailit'ty Of jewelry and plate. See here, Marsbali, II., trial beglill On March 10th last. His Experiences, I what are you APRIL 11, 1897 0 11�o'ng to be. a funny man or a sten and Jd 71 grapher ? You can't be both., 0- vice lor Riders of CaADZd IRE HORRORS Lip HU Tills set me thinking. I took the j Coll ""relioll tif Corneliu.-, btfilding DUIN OF LjjD19 bull a0on I$ , I * , I by. t'lle horns and resigned my rill x. jV-44. S lent Steeds. t*',% very 6"y ojte-llleot.�--d '1 6 -- 2 NEW Po"Iti011 and hava been AL*.% -4" TV t. to COXIC OPERA COX ie. -:-A. AJJJ(Njt tile many , A w a. ce.sw .1 . . -)lace I't, 'lie Ther' Curn' 'Gr&Vty&*4 Insurance SYsteniaticauy ING, I laughing 0ver -if tire for ft Wall Canal will The ready Carried Oft - Aged and Jopl)&' ludea, (;ablee. N-azareth. i1mi'"tautly being Can for 'tile Ror Only rauit al'lgatioil by t1le GUr Alleg, Infirm Dosed balern. cotafbrt and couvet' I 11arry ICU* Of ie wheel- As '"ng to my bachelor chajukier eek' or at -With Arneate That the Insurance Items of luterest a tt Clay Blaney origin- mail in 41ttle April. w ,ed Next Governor a ore back rest .1ol'Ilich 011e night, Tj About tile part Qf Jim Harland. the Per*�0n*l­CQrneljujj, jeter, Sir n tile cut'. It, conji6ts Of 0320Y May be Secured A Midwife PlaYs and alubitioul@ tile Is SUP01104 thO Poison. Opej.at. GOVernilleirt Mer enger boy# Q'Ow n rf 00111kin at Favorite with saicon Ke8perq Players BlAnbY a Telegraph Llinj ted In -6 The tanner, JentLs btlected t lie '4"1)1, -,rt Mr. OP -John L. Nullivan Agrees With learn . te'l from jol Pa. I �,Ac i; olef. Otlrftl) designed to be tilrowl, Put out tiw t ou'all 13 --- Afall lie was dbliged to light, 11 lat;or bill. 'London c4tAe ioays'-, T Byron - The Big Ofrel, Made to ritz scene. 'graPhY [Or the telegraph the tack arid shouldeil and under olved that tile c' Tile efeettOn Of 31r, JO@wPli Lauzon to OFULA 'trial which fit, l)4,?1S4#lljllg He still COulluentary.—jo. Me arm. to" would vj&lt 6 still conth sit 'Vornelius 1%'llerW the Ptrap 1110 more, R juing Morse," remembers tile an seful a few One, hundred. a Leg6lature or st. po6j- od' and found It 11, captain of ,ade quite ljro.,�jj, the 3danit0b, 919 GIN PALkTABLE at. officer, "A" till! ImAY, It In n But dovot report, akiy' tat , 11kft0e- 11114gary, lilts developed came lie called tl* dore. 1P [&ce "a, WeU protftted. f I 1,rk 1% t" &freefl., to denr Im. Over 0 thO greatest criluillal revelation.'I. r(*,,* the pond tile 'Iftys ago' W11110 PlaYing over the New talian Oft the Cie by London 'DI 'ut.he ay England circuit, it seems that ,is batid,', liv- Y Ulan Cap! , I t I et, -A tile vicinit' modern tj t"t 31kw Julia Arthur, gage cax was left behind, and Mitil. Of -fijdt,&, 1(,va * va 104) buffalo have been &,tatement rijas; "Ill"I'L ::Ild bag- Ing at Caesarea. tile Ro She im faul meen In Truth that tj IuOs- I L is begimling - Atli&ba&. j M te past winter. ted thirty miles In face, &Curt and io%-ely I f that Inuraer by poj�,on is a Hejjry Irvjjjgkj (,,,,p,,,Y, 10 froin tij& very PerrecLiun of to tIJ6 Canadian actress, r Vance WAS In great fear lest- and for'Wseven fro a ca, duringL ti 10 Duke of Leed* is to nPI)eur wil(i I's ill "go' .1 'fien Terry a" leading )al llu of 1811creed Lord Aberdeen as GOT-ernor-I alt"Y custom �jn ceed E to nuc- It 010111d nOt arrive in time forthe 1011j. A, er u.,a - cot 6 at, the approaebin General V41t, part of Ijuji- tile evening Performance. Mr. glan' vocatiou of Queen*.e 9 Of Canada, tile World to -da garY,, Tile v Lyceum. Y at AIr. with the stey livil to Illb character and pi4�ty, r,�o all -erifity imis are juumberW al- orig itated In e 0118 story ubborn I_caa chapter x. No doubt Vance argued ­T11"Aotal C* by' hundreds. - Terry our tU'Y#s ago-- Awd asweet, y MOA.- act that XLw tralnmaster� for over an h r to get Tho time r�ferred That lie Vtojen an b"Inde all LL- D- llippropriate jn,the'apj(jllEMent e -110-4 of' the ne-, 1"" Off tile continent W Lady Aberdeen 'Will U111% says: " There is boulething 0"gularly th LvA Of the wQrk done by Duke of Leeds to of tile cuied title Miss Ar- to in verie arf, all at tho I)on In' PersOUs denied, evejythiag thur played Lady U, - I I thO car over On the faist tZan Whi' her feet. I ion Government for the Jill- suoqe�d the Earl of ri * 1, 110 tO Sir jUe -' V"Ould arrive in time. but clj ""t'llg llntll this hour—The 11111th PrOveliveat tjf r #-berdeen as rst, but when tile 1voman at Ricliard III. (A0 lot W,,liry1j , the train- r1r U'W.1 d A, -f j C'Sordits, djA4peI tile ty It to MaOter could not tiour Of Vie day ir I Like tile wjtlg#1 or t To otito -harbOr wile e viceroy Of Vanade or driven 11 -ee It Ul" way, i js juarried to a granddaugli 'intO a corner and seeing that, ansports Of the 11anjilton Air, -I... 9hat F,,arl Of Durham wilo ter ot I.N110 Cou,ld-not 0. PAPerh Over tile As they left tIl6 Office the operator thc' hour s flujul UK -bird, triampil Ir 0 chief ell- hat)" the m' ad cape- began w re- thur, wilojig Of Julia %r- onCtion a -t which the baggage" cording to the f er ta[perin glileer of tlw' Grand Trunk As sunig owt famous Or all the Bri- veal fliew a ROWAH niet)jod aill'"ford, tat was per of tile j Of "Olefull prayer. t-hapter W. i. Fly - I Over Ule key pany for dLjm,,Ige, c"ed I tO huplicate the ae- ReenIn tile natural beirebog t,0 .51jew and M Murrin j,lstA,,d loot Of - I Wdj1j1nL4#aI. jil aT.otlilt .'On- 310reover (MIY- made a full confession t tile Lyceum, but it' chief. r. Would' be throp She excelA, on tile 1411 ftud tite span- tIM6 Cow ti6h GOvernor-Generals of tile Domin ilidwife, Jager, the latter not Terlry'al place a Welwk I" the jLfter f 0 ""111turl girl, for KIIO ca r wam lying called over the wire reck(;jIjrIC time, tbil, BlanOY, in a fpirit of mis- tile Duke but answered the Call. The oper- nO011. 'Tile menn- des being a ah.0 Is pretty well un ator li"11 guitar. V. agi-d fit), inall Of conisiderablolk been bu,,,opectell. She "What Rhall I And tier .,Olcp I I tal Loo bS- ri-1,ferred to catieg W11jej, had derstOod that Terry fwid: VII Wealth, of I not even 'J19 its 110V that Ile mw t of of repa ml ell geniality, and 81)lrit [a' 911ve names and Purpo&e of taking a rest'. but also - but ]lad continued his faht V for the that "BOY Wanted- -ar ? No. 6 Is- frotig the 1. track (�jle 's Oil tile continent hot oul. r olo with tWether, f"ted four jaytj fa� or fit), tilat a such that the court to start." Afr. Blaney i4eiz(4 O'Clock tile PreViOus day '419! Valler. Qu�. rtee, brings to tile viceroyal detall eady Ur"m killed. hilU e e �clock-tllo ffmtrit)ute nnot, but 4rok tho OPPOrturiftY And answered day- lacke. "AlOn the li V I tQ Prepare IlCr8 If for a great ( q b0ufid to order Ire" 1 arredto in 3dadame 6ans-Geue whicil I I as not pug it on No. 6; It will Well 'Compare %vith ve 11fax ex- A flavor Of,h-juor wfilell ca I Mr. go the gwd humor and tho exhumati ',%.jtt r McKenzie of Jqviality of Ills reign, and bodies. On Of twelve more n I., 13 Yet beep Played I be 0. K." beforf-. A wall sto(xi m1A n," In al),* Ought tile, I.:jIgIlsh klNll mrallcoL urnsijts. tile field 6. 1 --ugland. left With the car. and now the all attgel but Ajjd itillf Tile n IrVing 1 e- nutnbpr lia,4 increiwetj still fur, idece nearl e IL19*4 ca%jAt liam 4 all the ac three years Junction Ous Z Is! 1"Ilgland Ile goes by tile name ther,''aL to of th lk'u,lelft Liberal c.k"kjitjat0 of t I'le - ill' reality. —I k',unon. all Ind e- (du Duke., bell, cued are noiv vy y trainmafiter and tile Operator at the xiv. 4; J011" Luke I)Artfler and managing clirect46r of a - Lag l(si Terry.' Ll- 'I -join k!ulla"d cCMjst:tU4,nCv. 9 tile senior ago for ATO trying to settte who Briglit -e IvIth el"Ch other Ili maki j tlh t 1#VhY there is -all- gavo tile order. iIjg—.%I4rk IX. Luke ij. riontiou in -4. IlaviIjg-(,n revelations ng startling this delay in rtigillg It I call,t bee, and Freuu-ll Two #ipecial Ar;tin, w L'LO ; Actu 1. fftn suptalft Over board U�Iiiell has probably tbp largest A Pork butcher named ludew Irvijlg is Arid I," i tsaveled a kt&ly, 1,;Cypt alit, Spain %Va way come u) Iri sl anks wn'on the I,,(,ntlgylv-tlia un- 0 er, pa ren t*- garda 31lon AS a were 'cord a t f-VmjL*-4I lie- tho Ill Orflizect Ile where fabteam tu l. P*rt Of -tile world, civilized and y poisOnel Ills in ther, fath having 'It tile stOckings of NaIxi"It.- Or- —111 verbe, 4 it readno Come UP for down w look tn tile vaot. ture. DOW tittaids it- Imbific ww not balk at Ilia , n fil a GoMorsakea Individual& Alma'had In remembrance A i.1 orioo, urrived in Win- to tile CV&surver of s1drits In evern � -accu*W of I llt�lor- to ness In tile L',jilted Kingdom,' nick-ijaintmi the ErafigelLst -NaliOle011 craze die out no C 31 * Thy viuce and Territ tryi"g­ to 'let tile (IRY ail actor found tinet- prayer if' heard—That lif 5()o 0c'%r bettlerio for Via I 1ro- Tile otlif QiPeg fro and willell. bears it name that is know beea use Of Iris habit of quoting icri that tile I PPeted (]Jver#;I' relief of aw. anti fjI* Artijur's fore We t tile teijdor 'ferery now-rea, ht-@ e derl PallY Ills Wife,-�The wl)P.- nouncemell t U futuie, ti He wrl.tes nip that someone Inemorial—Allutj a #*Pcured tO the f Were arou#,,, $17,5W:73 Milt fork. Thimtrives Painted a spray Of r Lev. I,. I ie c011IfOrt, -of a Vaimicio I adore iado filat NI had JuOut-offeringsl liou '6 bere- nl&d. tu Cie rider tl panels of tile (me," Off one or t lie is clillk rell. a jgqfiliani to do gave, aline, illy 4A wilivil ve" IfIrge Profits from tilts. "'an UP-Orkill" Owns to having po6olied been engaged fly Charle ol: E cult' 111 00arL for the f&ilr tier #'ister twil n i nellus fasteLi. pr Cor Rot) rvok, I iti, t I % l" -) Amerl dO0t If the ronin ayc from tl,,. Ilearly Is I 80urce, and' whenever lie has been able­� lece. In addition to return U _lot I)PLek, whilO gliding to spare a nl()Vaent From erline.; Of W - lie tO purchawa the 13 or Ills liftirlia- I ly aCCUt,4l h;cll she'was ofikinal- trtiLr- In .1gre, ca n"xt and Occupied. in tit "M44 at full gpck.d, t1w Over tile I UlentarY duties Frances pf -Bpala. t ILhalvatiun, but it was @ftlll,. ol, are Itip- telegraPher,ol �,-- i it lie has been j- * 1 She *also jnrr�ho- -j [tee. 0 best 110tel Of - the A16 IL njeallo t . jitral) 4111it t1lo rwd in th. 11 14 1 tLife llfIL of a "I Mc iIj9 tile .11tont real, tli*cu.4*� us ourt tilat t1lo Iday, "A LAdy 'Ire l""ribe(I tlie ledge. ultir to itsknow- ahviisting -ry inateriali or ag r- tile "I"Cl ;-tile d1 --tillers are, tt) k; f011(ywlng lines: . . . . a. ridt-r to I PLr —in ee how thin, oil from a cheinjot'14 iks- To me it A ".!- Seflitt to greater po,,,,er Lu I are going on. LFIQ J iIV midwife Jager pro- With Jok;e as leading ma ipart lault (4 r hing off u) Deptford, where � Quality by permittillg tile ve dr Ildr Ski cureol the 'poIN' P i , rn seek roses in Dece ber, fee Alld previou% lesooll. g' In - 1(, : ti�e I d. ;he zn I1W likeiy that thid story Tho rest Ilan been 11OPP, constancy otrap play, Ile lind,,r tile Wia-NeWfoulll., 1 4. T ilo youlIg plik, t or- is true. and that Irving and - rj%e in in it I -Pprtatt to fl-Illilig re-. Wati --Peetetl tiult, '. the have generoum)y given njind, corn le practi- ' Ill POP,slar %vitil , rry in chaff; believe wOmaD. or an epi- truo piety, 'be " cullul.-le-tP failtire tisim ',dealer-,. ca,%es under 'tria" jmlne llaUlyl beht--Where p ally Inviiii- whel'o woman DOAN tb* i tl�_ li(itior alid - great 94 lle 0 0111jr.,a clRve-ted clitulce ur zt. tap any Other tiling that9tv false dietlee to G(xige will. It 6i,trt-.,,a It i I wouldVrov Miss rtli h, or e11stm we filid prompt A file. duriag. t1j., evil, iitll 1110 tefil- portion Of* the crimeil to come to the front rom f6lk, 10. "ll 1)e flulcklY dewellpf(0j"I note 111 aLure refers W tile cum- COlumitted in this one tow tually a "I'le, at tile Lyceum before float- "ore You'll tr4lqt Ill efitles.—Byron' Thou 11,Lj4t, t4oll but tile In anQt1ser -A Phruse, of n, d tr 'I** tilp ent t1jat tiley new disclosures are No far Jliconveni- A Ifterica, n was written:. Presc-lit-The autij- illia" If ;'lit is 4, , %% 110ndwritln Alt here One I'r0ttY girl the IndifiAl I the Iliany will -probably nee Ing of"ifiallY on tier Pivn account I 1*01ile ' ha%*4e ulkA, 1,1,, e%81- eliane k -es tile Say. Invited frietid., ]-earns to ri& : ttit tO tile adJournment of the tria6. 0 to bave a Recemary rj�,jt filid, Youse Is r' They Wer n."? . For jjNt&jI(w IK*wLjon of wo- which Of, CIO grp, 91 iouce conWWd oelifvri�e tb# e "Jile Atim Terry ta Pierre tilkIll, hilt 01a 1147(111iri-d jL4 f A. to eflulP bV%Wf a for Madame SwIs critics. Ight about drtnAft present ill 111,4 street- llrifk joi cIllf tile would_tj@ t lit I rs t 10111irs in oirresPOndent*1wYlA there im"not Geiie Sul good, see home. Before,,(it)d to e Taken a tj I I d,,. W4 Le rs. In *?-John L. Tills w.xm hear all thing, ridland et flectioni "jul tile.tralle in tllc. city, a bOUSV In. Hodmezoe in which - mum- ally event 31im Arthurd 'an encouragem(- Tarflit'lluiarl Inspector. left '4�)tt` f" I tk" fOlmder %%.L,4 tilit. Pillion doem not exi..4t t1bat nt for Gallant Man A-11 djan8 Or N(ortherti a W:L Oil deat O i re--Tor� -to r speak free Ire tile Maiden jo, 911111- Frolln THE "GLORI Iall true wor"lliPpers Ili "'Aster )4 (lit Itiog back meveral Years,are the r� ly b0ldlY. Tile On tile street tile Mr - Saturday fliglit for R won iii, I's OJI tO 6atarday Nigl,t. placo Le will that or1�v (Iii ing, iritf) tho arid ftimentla ly tilo, take r (,th- LS" OF 'WAR." I P,acm her allie stage or civilization is rep, ,34* Peter opened Uu lxm feet. fielittd by tIjV Sencm Illd,num & njore tweaty 1pfiullWij pu, froill 11 %%afilry being broken. right find IWOW what' God reQuIr" ti;� tof foul Play. azid family ties in Th6 Serenade Did YOU Ever See it Battery Take posi sligg(mtk, a reCula (jiscourse, as 41,83 .11 enien tile- Vu_ gr r Own ar by Ila rry, B. 8 a new comic opera, I k On &st r I t: t. girl %1,44.4 at) Oljjy 11ila: 10t. r Ills 11101.1th-Thi., tribe than 'n'tit ahid Victor, Her- t ion Ili Action 'lie t*rt, Waa producedt tillie Nile I Insurance, for tile amount of y the gmtonjans They unite, interesting - fig r ixtrried In N lad beef, tIlIgultiied from A simple COnversa- to 11"te that U -here Col piq0t I tf� tilp , t. Owt York tIlI6 *eek and made edge th- I tioll Man ajid wife, 01 4 ut- ary burial expenmw furniehed the mo- tilt. e. -Sea Id a t t. V. 2. (; od fat her- in-l:t Ire a Tho stor is 114) rc.- Ride a tandeal degradati,jr, if rY cartridge *­11revious to n 'Utst a life. 'It for 0110e or more 14). 1eter had believed al allout a serenade,,which, and One fourth of t�f jep&4 ured by tier son arid r tin ung the brigade 011& 4*oul(i be Saved but the, of the. YOUtIg Girl TjjejLt I* jpro4ek. ap upon an interlude- by Goldonl' I bo]' had been emptied i cO connitalit. tile of in neafly all cases. Of 'the Woods. XVe ordln- fightig P hited jt,,NiAt- or (1 3! .1 vt r of It In bOme case N& Y (r tlw - 1119w opera ' tile IV - ant Vr6f. ba I t-er T wam an aged mother who was to of perbon al1iVg *Ister by her brotile by An Opera baritone Alv4raAlo, melted awa a no danger -of efeling. to) wbiet, L)r. Dairy I llfr 1 1104,4 a-4 11.1 daughtr. o a eircurnelsojon. JeK's and Shad t-'alla, jail ITarl -tiliprit to I F3ome- won tile, jot had WItvr of Pri to on.- 11r.1 -Oun(led an r ward of knew that, We were Lie- zine, is apeudle, In a wag& - ..thankful to be received into A, 110 for himself. He setij ()u -we broke onoe more the, riding. lie tI1 calliwed by bicycle oDuke or Santa Cr Ing Urive Gentile. He that feareth Him -Not a times It w1W a Poor pefton w1lo had - ing wey I'M dea(L % wejl Callm attention e of Dolo�`ex. mw id vers rond Of 111111, arld 'for 10bOdY to 'care- for him and was uZ, Who foot by f00t, and in \ew eril ye;lr!4 Ile 'ha 91 , me 11 35. But in every natign-Jrew or recukratilig 1r,,w ILIA rkeent ," av wAP her rail eriulld. Often that slavish e ftaYsl: " The numerous cadeca, ay,ilcchk�ljt. Ile %-Ili abld. tO OlaY tile seren4der-, but no enti of if al lea r. Ct use wh rd the rabult of eye,. or: moderate sum,;.- usured Other Persong have learned the tune- Ij. z- 10; Vhaim 1. exhauistion, headache oil any terms. All thene were t Would 96 tO Pieced anti the 28: 1 rov, I of t line Job. xivor ce Ish- but, a fill 40 arniurit* the city. it rievee Pour enemy I I I Eccles. Luu,tablo W, One inan, through tile gap. Ile e Afalacill IV. 1 bitude. ner4ous deprep liji,11460111111U. lar, - On ad mt Con- 2, 0 Which. are nu i"I'D Jittir- ere and does good. Tijee ad ced by 4 mother died having Inau id 113' �lllgers of th rtion but tile eflect, n t 4e Clarged Wit)lr when IIIJ tration, 1160>11 btatea tl' IVM in extreme Voyerty, got $4001 tie. Duke is tonfronted at jill all evil te"ne'48-Abwtains fr Murdering a y (of way glil- - i 10;w a batt ry. The field fence Is seat, tiCulars include two par - who ! ful Of Adoration, and tile fran help. Down pollie ung Pri 7,ra :1 1_141 is the in fire f0cletle. ' Polntn i tered, t e the crowded W71 11 Worketh righ told him lie li'd 111dwI c serenade. Ileav bougjj Z .he a sV fl,ijr 1)rv-tty 1110t flotr t I to L9 he ammunition revolver for 13ervo" Of olh(lot ` A nd And to Ills fellOw-ruen. 11( Is Jager, enge.q ' chests opejL MRn`4 duty vald, al uP011o one after alau t-huld al-rve the pur- n rilf for th"' rio",fit t j-: (% . waYd Nuplilled arsenic, ''in tile -end lie lose" Dot another until 9 Our lines runs tile d ktO God, t Ing R U, I Willett warning, partiQlarly to wheetwolinen. kiell Grover. dijKe, Ion, !wir tor, elle Wall ready When tile - iMsured erably collap. res. anti jills. m ne litore Volley all rder, the I a w perj�on be eeps all tO une thim new )tll(,r. catue Ill, anti it could Ile giv_ back to SUPliort tile guns.., d (ILU 36. Tile word whiell k t bro-i to. tile ecretary a Count Mina raulltilig serenade iare Mewage . of to alld f4catel.r I', ver. lng l�usl)100n -)tL4- hearecly obeyed, wile the Goopel.-Tije record of only 'tile berves willell are td[Octed in P )r , 0 inarriett 1�1t ft i (n witil tho medicine Without ar( music of the we lot locomotion years 1riv;tt0 8 ftw�,, Yflar "Od sent -Tho witil tile extrcm&,t caution. it is not bi t 11 Among tllf-iow 1'resoidelit of '.I K When death took place Who haraw thO unfortuimate Louic0 b(xni tile work the- tile doctor Oxamilked the body and tje�. a brigand chif and Ills secretar are Opens tile battery and 6 u. IT411 n tee - if' 1-tatore jir' 114. jew of fire Jump do 'of Jcfuls Of Nazareth I r V,ntO tile children Of --Clarke. Many ca"no but it %Veukilieto or hVLl q,f 4, Of -North Wit:l till, . WID and scorch tile :ceDdantm Of Jacob, tile choen I)eo,4- tied 'very a ho's. Z clared that everything was in order, tallor,; a played -out ope y, a greeu treas tifider willell we TOO heart's ftctJ011 'is abso If byinjitm Ne%v York 006 sitrilpf.- ant ra tenor lb -Tile des a Irery "ricluo tterd Old brigade has Ather nipti1hpnc nr Nlot till W lien chance to breathe for tile first t1ine the i4inates of The hba f0ugh L W God. To then) Produced tile Insurance money was y a and throull, d bit in ilr celved. in morne re- not t(�) and those, Of a convent, exercixe. laklil"Dalole form the Midwife wam lland�omely paid a nionaster' ter, and Itwan firist prealie tile effeet,, an'l 1114 (111,119h d cases Persons f(tion a practicali, In three bour,4 U's till race JOh thern salyd-tiOn came the temple by riollsly 11L,;ure& were asked Pre- rot. Par- I lift down. we -form 'a hI10 and n iv. 22 ; Roul. to' Ila r oI)reaciiin It asoltGZA's VILE and recelved Polsoned rood. to dkmer What grim, -Coul rellows ral—Meyer; tills tile 11 gee- tile wuglj y-'WhftI of all 'MA i tilo.,%e c, i Peace -Salvation I bud "Kille RRIAGE LAWS annoneers are! Eve -wliile t1ir h3g. and fatal According ry man is a Arid ti injur ly noy o Perfwt machine. Pei truth. -j Mum of all (�ov- It, A'&[ i In tile lm:if U ci It a I.j 1 0 seri- THE BICYCLE; Rjr 3f to icritli cos, but tiley do not d je author, giver.by JedlusChrist lie I rc,*it Is Coluffig up, uu--Iy Ilukt. Pes With 11,11-d''Marries LL libretto is every in their'La Ijullet" Wash ust -He tj And the roa,jj; are full of fllu,l, ways not Age. -s grant -e-1 �,-,,00,- flOw to Ac. well In hand. is carried along with Col. Eph. ba - The narra ve, aj Bullets ging. oyer,and around, theYd) ii. 14 ; Luke fi- 14 John liv. 27 um tli`0 (Jay 6 acar al, bali,j 01ri of 14 sense caPital tt wince. Peace. and medi t When You r4eet the 1qu Lner Arid tile 4 two yourig" Ill not, unacquainted, Witt, Aft ull ' flijpal lay tj* tolie lyrics are daintily worded and do- I Clio will be lial)PY proi - Trullk for the JIU- 14COV(11 f t wo.,+ ous, adralrabi(i MIS and precision; There goft at word ... Ye kDow-They were eldi will till lie I ag" clear 37. Th I fit Ono W the enilth mllot I't!-)ria Brikige, the coti- Wt4de trough the -bead am 110 %Ponged 111j 111Y bil(A)& W110 M. bo .1"arrieof, will be na iyl0gue. (subordin Peace. It haj been emage irrijai,illbC Vower,4 -ver Strattoll,14 lightfullY character tic; and the (Ila- through(jut .91, Proclaimed a:thwart tile iv I tejw. frotij, Le% Lf the rouil rried de.spite i bicyclo bm was to th "tell MOie than Is liqual That MaCliffiery-lo.e..; just one be. -It Judea and Galilee, Irom The bicycle faw ham to, t.110 authrVit- given It. -4 e lyrical featuron bo"tg an an I I Mlwee Just Ofte ' tile time 3 ut -tile' Ills cog ill tlie wheel, ol i n bega a tile b1cYcle gone Ott ; and IT, pa ren t.4 now r bi 11 ig of sucli ge, able freedom fr eftj and 4 - cOnimend- -u-,ver;r gun for t h kI sent Ou COMMOU brighta rk again a before Ltiko Iv. 14, 7, 44 sbteplolnig to t'lle ight to pfiblish L4 bco k Publiitlers are �.ftuyo.11ty el�e. or "10 The them wo ana Ix. tO Preach. t 0 who �rovetj th _I froll , a0e text for the new i Old trutil -;Iro 1 1 tile reprellensible,1 alonful"'(19 tulle 81w11-4. The g 10 Caeftrea had 11 5. Thjy of ('"lng W Wheelwome., (,no, 31an i to ba. t(,r(!,A thilt it,4 adjectival form of g gs. Willell has tremblos, ti, ro nd snake#- Preached to I eard of Itll being da W 1.1"m "am Maid At, the. firot a YW14C ill(le"ll, Till! here gi re i n2arre 8()undh roar tibut@ out all of I)Iillll) by tile preaching littejuded la,+�t teaOn the Ill fall: more tha W recent efforta r,om a line three miles long c ce as Ut "rulk-lAy Offer to lorovio A t li Ikyrd, 4r,4 of In tlle� n a fe M Ills - Joe 4o ' .. I way or and&he -Whedo tile evangelist. Al t4 Vill. 40. cleb of MV leffoll b med to retual L t*ijlg IIxxl trtellill* to cut t I a col"PletelY i4erltv anki to up- Atkin., 1:1) In,j ca. libretto writing. 1-4 90 shrieking n. all the e P4 fovery but 17 Mr. 1Dr0 the swain;+ 1 .3s. VeGift'g, arid I w am really un yenr� ow. 9 or Herbert's ficoire Js a char Ia rem short off, to 4 G(j(j nn,)jtlt#..tj asus 31ainitom he" lie derietfilim wow gre e"Y, for I tjAougjlt I a frF* copy. with fatis-r�*,s auth(wity Ile' lighway it, tharge of a Of brilliant, eftectjye Welod in ng ell to ga Pis I a t, fig butibes at - 1,1118 z Ori3ja, Wok ,I, Atoll .'"i"t v "t tilt' 6overnor t;efprgit, batter 4Lud mangle unt Out and (is tile Apcwtie 111i'" Into 1"14 Offict- we J.lulf% A;Uy Of -in. j6y Partners glared at liefied" tlje,u.u- moeu, it perston tv, lea, tinbrok- IngliguratVI arfAll ed rheumatib had Contracto- ti ­* * Ivelling up. elm by a &jingle note that mlg to�h all, (-"I aw bili-Yelo- Or 1,, 1 1 High rlYL1,41119 Atki the r&ure 4Dr lit repel !1orpi" . cannot 11,� men Until their Christian filid none of them eatue Goverijrsj*, t ej W.1410W the poprojon niertiment ghtneso, hurnA 9, A Fecond dauce.91 13ut there were dan- day 111913 from an hvPnOtjc 141eep.qof I - "'Ilere- joractlealil Popularity. Li I recognized I of th back for 1686 Jn wbieh 1,(An and Iriv-.jt0 -Secretary, ra vetlink and Inelojy dance through n. as Accordilig ul-4Ai a blekle or q1qtle the Wh0IP Opera in -tation (if _be %-am piaced to cheeriest Of You" wOuld think PP( t Ule joropliets (bx-. E*rel (it tills bort lbefore it oiltte uffitiellt rtK)rn 'In till! tiraVelled revelry. howling througla it tornado wna je %1.4 tile Alum i wheelm - ad, On tile whole there were 22nd by Prof. Ferrio, tile- preven't "' "Lik4rt) :Silk. flypnoti w1tol Of tile tile to tion (if tlip highway to His giv-iflg performan 10�eflt office1w a 11 t lie forest t" wOt* rrilraek-4 a t I te effect IOver t -Ile c g, #,Uh to tile -i"ne mumlC or tile new 'oper ar y folloed LicYcle IL" been to �dd tor -4 attenoeti Ati.11 '141ght h 're been ImProlved for tile Pu thro an d ye t' n0ft arld -everal (joc ountry between by billOW0 Of fire, Of For Young K ILL Pose )land. Vany nul4bers In t r ug 1. The 'Danner of "9111ty to 19ith uexce. to cap- njill u-Iti) deed, -the ard la'as -%lth tile 1101y (;,,(* . lu-1 A lr�' too l�tA, leg among 0 own I f t Cart*,rt4ville and'. offere(I avellIng up I altogether. del glitf ul More ca lie tile battery. We can hear their Ilint -t4) 1�e t dreaded an the -J:r.r not to I ZIAO awakening, 1�ut 3illy lak, 114P 10,11i, Ca,,;e a pe ture It -aye, pless forw ilve ancinti "eil pople 1 (1)) In nv r "k'war'l arr,*t, tr "te heartily Ii tO heMine lmmen4 th Pam, - iind tie tho Olt a fligil"UY lin a, I VYcI0 or tri .4ely Pop allo t Is no more t be tile ('10 overtakip c uts aS they I U-NITW STAT VwLil* But -A �e or llor�ie ' - i ' ular,.a orm for� rtimh. Now .19 ('111`16t. Lulke iv. IN 10d charley borije tlW look- at 14rher very youll any Velde y Serenade" hanged 1101rgrape arid We a re W I arm 4inung Inem 11 uek. a lid trkLvell t elkludeff tile Officerri -a n -6 Ifig a le��, ,an thera strongly canister A Met their custly fujil JIM 11OW oouggestive,or the 900d old'cAmpm fuid guns Lire fire Wert. 111,4ructor olfc.re, the ftA iture. nce, tO cultivat Ing large a p" c le coutbitied eet, that V11 repoeta blelld lut simply votl� "ggel�t'011s to beginners: 41 -or a Permon 1-iniC air eet- 411 16upenititl Try .We ti 66 1 Will Believe, J elling 01, IL I e Perr011 tray- to tfactft Ur na(l cj lieve, etc., I ust Into one miglity icon. k bl"Ycle or tricycle I to facts to ti tile Pandle bar," jiglilly. L)O -hig much To ttayi!i, ago 30 give to til 1.1119 'it t n 1ef t Other will be Be- roar. he'shriek of a 0, u"11( Which tile the airrogarim til. bily Cart* ;Ile. sonlj� M to TIje '13.' Land of the-Fewo Ada's: COuntri(v ot .1u,k,&. 'Illgings Purring, Jertia.lif m tj 1;0 e'ty' and. I t turns nt 1119 Of 116 �.tttpnjk- Evil crwl like the Ppr`F""' a WIMP, warn. a month or two. ou to wc tile fl war; but nOtIlILIg makes geIlalli(j),ti istiffell Lire llllk�cle-% Of the artud Try 'to 0kv Ileard evOrYwhere edentuoun(i in hell Is the wluk- to Of J119 to pam 4, liouldem. oid tile t4o J.j l0h i 11a rsh: demoniacal making j," ra, lo. 141114,, helpe(I ho�. :t 11 e.w.,0 a Ill P. Wilder whistling grape shot eff4)rt r a - tile hunioriNt, 1 0 wil0el p�ntly in t4,e 11 lirre a Way r n and tj -T 1.! to (r P* 11 travellflig ecen t Interview, 1 0 le � We. lld - canijite -oil goilig OIll 114T gran,11110thervo. 110 .be or n Pelit-like 1166 of tile Jews. ur)Olt a Ktrert or Ilighway ()n dr )qrPlits leg's , ail d I leads � a lie torn 0 r. 40.- ut t cirt, the ljojjj(* #gllff#ring Ptx)r %% 1wrl lovep hicrelt) or tricycle 1,4 Overtaken br t1lingm- me #4)Me their I dies. A roun(I j4h fr al tile. third gen tty? t Abraijanj j Pnper, owll(l. 11 in title Alen'@ le Wr Do flot, 3 are fall :P41,rajLa L -mer, uf Utica, oilued bf CaPeculilt "Natilre (fen it to and vialt lea t, greater #il*. ge, a -ad the ola seerpt diabatisractiOd undred no fifte 11"j"116 to be one it. and humor- Wdk appare 0 t (Ir accorIng tO tile repeated'pre.dic- '00 n(A hi� a frij lid Ie r do wn ()n #WrinC al). en yeaj% or a any v011iclO Or hor ntly -.311% pf takes JO shell 0 111 CoE-ei Nco0r&J, tile CO travelling at When I Wag tjf)rn. ]Rutt In the United Sta" untry 1per$", w) ew"two m"l out of tile ran" Its it "I Pr"Pliet" anti of C4j thO Pedals. 1'he fawter you t'wlc*fk tlanta a. b& taken gf * over- throtigh. Tile lot about n(j( rill Carter.ville.. But . 'all flill"MY turn out to thp Iram resurreCtiin Of hrNt luore ea#4jly will 90 tile Try W Ile tile U*legrain: right th(I seat Of Ills "'urt oi�ktttroyed by fire J�bolred trolled, but do Ot attempt #%corcIL Iu niattorr how awy Tuirty bminess LOLI,,es ant] a dosen Govortior Atkinou got a Imrsionan to jet I lea 11. * I tile hufq writer sajif, thfrp erumil tiful 1)"'nee lit the univjrf*. (iraPe and caniter --m te be con, I cirl-1p. r dwell'agn ow it Alwath I a to are ri.,' ant' I tl'P - Ktif I - veblele or. rf�uf' that ature 'in puttilliC to a nd PilO the dead on top of ston. illn'. opely-14ee -Revimed -Ver- � IV ftw" Careit land tite irrie,f. U... arm flut lilddo--n Olr ftie ter of tile wheel. trials. "'Aft" no life tile Oi*rtakl' e, of fee each other. Ing until you [Pei "Wit You are In 810 tile Person on 6f feet Under me'l,ft a -couple, Through the smoke nd fig tile bicyc4cor tricycleoliall Off t-111-4 top. But ww t of men. It In not a W& see a sw a doing :52 15,OLK) r forgive tile turn out to tllO le g4re we it gre.,It -- Nittle -ij Onle eViijence (j)f Try to cc)-tipplat, damage. UP Property; ;Overnor. crietl tile to M) In r bglaugh., A l.tugl a -inob ne, but K) Oir rather to.� rafizing, Lim werfully "Oeft*iary to IInf�.Cuo Of men desper "On Christ I#, 111(4§;Pu tile- regurrec- Alw43.% 1( k 11iete'w law " nlay Ile knOw. UdV Yclu battle their bay -3te CuOugh. to 41. Not to a n ... i ward tile p6int Y eipe A, 474,111.4ion. I b table. I Which yotj Nha arid ,'"PIe laugli, and -till CO i tile I Wltljcww��R elikiwil , to go- If YOU look do any: llervsxary w-ir- DV Georgia. Ill ' *1ve rriat�, I a great (xJPt-4 In flame of Tho I " I he 1, t -a te I i ri"I or u o"eli"'r-itte th"In. war-, PersOn travellInK, up di -Of y, first Ile fliparatively The* g Cor- x r. 4-8.- rpow. I YOU flre hililio,,t rii,o: I � W J for the pu wit 'It tile wheel And Ormloinift; 3' to Un leap fraW the grou is) ure to lie a north- small kid at gcll(A as Own Himself t(j. fia a terror-%,, trick ell WL"e People inotio, fid al- all t1l'. P(,()Ple Ile I 1 11 ' ' With Nkilft jr r,;ay tile �st' y Ilaving betrae.1 )ver 100000 111habitant.-ii in WAS a 'very. an(I ir y "rattleti Try litlyin., ali L 1, 11 p b _g1r 60k -)Il 1u4 a 'I'llarriet1:11 whor (41 a bleyelfil or tricycle in citif" 11 to t jai tile butom. 31r. nn. -I erly or ;�ek4erly tilre I Was born ilp t theY are-depre8w-,d on tha fprru tD t.l,.e r," fa_il . Toll, rs. Atkins()n were ction lipon tile I foe, and slirlekit and s an,, tic-cOn rejectlo,)n. fihave bati It on any Oiect You wwl to Ira te #mulitt Y central �trjp I)et t but j I avoid YOU tilf. 1MLI, at first' ee 4 bY (Viers Ili I.-Onie I ither move,j 4 C i a -WY ifilouts Ito are ajInc*jt illure to run into it. Vva" vry youn.. went- to n -1 and 'stead . one - awful Ohowm Corn it it comfortal Tile weeping brioles other perW)fI On e rallway meet old' y - erl. - Ornmand.1 tO tile Invariable rule that were arreLtf�il a 1%" .1 thO doubt New York wile are blended it -Nat*i43t'0n At 0 - The -y Orf. c Ween terduy. �jjn lOckkxI. Up In bile bor4lei, I act Oijus t1lo few ininutam Of TIC Pec tes 1 0 or tricy- -Pt. You k 1001 ut (If tile battery a Chrlot, Matt. XXVIIi. 19. Anti too Storlllfr it PLAT11 CRAZLr tile lulntwr fleet I$ ux- hotc.l. An ageoi lelo travclllnc in, a , bleyel all- 5 In Thirty-rifth stre -.: Twenty men 0 " i's cOMID10don from ir n 'A -114t boys arr (town and the rO t"Y-They were not, Oilly tO, expoun(l to N'tt Oui on Thurstkjy. It ficer i4tooj ul 0111ft tie ail OPI"Ite. diree- It woula firing is interrupted. 1, several Year,# oince borkatg ril over her. of- 110 Ahall 1�rn bard for fluve- been Tile io� begi gling 'wit" '".ObtIlY 11tachine cleares?'froin cWc;l am 10(-kC%l 131) Tt"' angry,j allowing t(j tlo 011 accept it rim to A jlzaad G&th to, maje -rushillir on. er1w Dellente Bits of In allOther room, ',�et tr bicycle or tricyc ' them all. 'But Us it W68 , 4 '"9111 Of -Waver- tft I bleto". but by which lie to prevent 10M.,if bl* Ware 011t- to) the rig -lit tlaugh m(r It i find not been able to, 1 "10 t'"th c(meerning 00niprelind tile prjnclple n1elling F�outlj r became the litt 0 bantam Tire al"40 tO bear witn i failing. 9 al" early in Ahe�- ai-turdy Wic0luan at the floor. Suell are not tp the"e fulidanien- frq 1010 t I _a feet, aw y wile,, to what they e- 1 WA the unlijilipy,, or lie W11091- 011e realin, eock (if tile tile a had 'Keen. heard. :111(i thO al"Juai in' , I re"tra-I vtHip.. was 111 Only A Nliort time eetijig orthi. l!otAte Cd affillr4 911118 give them jo-hilli 1. -- I quitA Pretocious -at Isellarge picke a 1"t "hot. That 1. 16-18. 1'etr hO ftavking'of j -rae lad Wamfor pug doole throvVIng r - owfi tlipIn Intt) the L nen. find later calne the &— _14wamll, 43. To Film g1ro all The Inarking of linen JN quite raze, --moup"Pe ea0tal .44tfwk froru lase tile #.(Prt to- nullify VIO InaTriji7e. Raise P. now, as th but alf dirmtlally Particular prophet, 1 a RIX, Of @;"I"Ptuous trutis. a roomful of t1lem. an Ila "Aw t Trad oted to 11"Crt It Daily emember thitt one day the princl. I a - blac kenifl., 1. � L400 tile proplietg I ne" in these tillyp 1 IN14. One New Vork wow l(Jif;erj4 Of the.Anierlca� Bell TelePlione Governor tkint�nn ow.4 o I was 9 I)ri(-a Ill 4-oHjL#dIjy to k- la. -t nigkt. 1)p WIll U..;e RIC DojqH BY Tliz jj; t et and t 11v'11g, men Off their the ape" lewere rc-elect- all NA "influence. ,In(l every legal yl,- I N. , Pal, called for a, boy to beat a druyn _dy ulaw. . WjtnO4-R­N0(, s 246 Billion Tn ot ifIrnit'- -tw�o to P"ly fluto"" for 'tilts ma are ;I y 0'r Indirectly bore: tI. me in atore's wlill.-I, 1111114kre a s jwv - flud Perha on bracket4i, tabift It niew that tile poun(j of the gun@. inong laity of It If Water. tile e "n][110173' onivrs fire taken crase, will,%, however. enly illiftand THE; 01IDDY CZAR. It Ilan repeateqly been 1, flutes duld be mOstly drowned by then th silence for ten ant, for t K cliall". Since the teap(n Ti.* Unitej fig. timony to "llf""t no thO 811viour of -all 1' '1119 1144te b:L4 nu- tile drum Ill. 7; lilt. lie w4wk ro nd pl.,Ino. 20; Jc%r. xicki. U in iWipetel, Ae tile Seeretry of th 0. 1)ose(l to Illu'll anJ ro line tpe dies out, e(jmep tile plat e N He tn Sitla to UD IV make ume Of the In rmou&f lafth do 80 what did rittLe ar lix. W) that It �C'an be craze and now every woman im -b' Dan. ix. 24; sent ljonjj� In ttfi P14CO a Y&.&*i of 42191ccung jil Pwer issu- Ut hold up his hand Inusketo. aull tlI of 1. Ren, tile- boxcr, rk,ftkj.$, fl)r se war an 4vy Cavtivatedby,ap,-jmC W11 -e Ing from the pull it, lky 111tit, d b 3'(k�o "'call' V11- 18; Zech �jlj. tured mepellant -h 11YOnets. ro It of wkm One wiij Ing with ererr other woman in the I!,onna. tile shape Ot'heat about all'X' was a Iltitist, -altbugh kor what? 'Vie, _Th" taking It two unprf, Uriety and ujinber ol q to t t ie ra' COUIJ do Iva, n Pot -al of t110 MIlector of tile ,,t. Y8- What enorinoum aim' - get Ither On the det%patell 'equeal out, ()f tile tior Ill-- front of u. rlgllt nor tile guilt, but al way not "Ifl-v te"tl()ll# Placed o4do by Ad daft a ut Inakes 9' mope NOw York POA Of btirg Aecording done by tile mun on ount of labor tile Power, n.-ItIlie &nil worked In ho the wMall boy tributions of - storim now -ell day": tills earth ment. %Veil,' W lniAru- Tliere are ; co livilig foe! C0110ftluence or 'Plain ralwd -Itin over the "art', Postera! lie it, collect. for Irarig-1)(jrting contri alne me e stoOd,up before tile ha, rPWH aroun(I us wlll$�,h Inan's rrmt"t nefti. T4,1js An(,ttli(-r largvr lett,,prg. them tiI Club L.-Illd, ti court, eircles t by thelirculation VP beetl struck by four and 44. Tile 11oly I Vour anti corn All(I In rre"S In tO 1 evidenced tn par ace. !, ry 11001 every morning, I blowlg away Ing. Of water On the earthIm surf At. IL great r0te. arril comIng even oft builetA, allj nowhe - fell (on Jill oratel.j Worked Ing Of tween tile relatIoll lw" a trxit a t to be illterlacPd and elat Ereryth to 'e"eve"the fa-n'611ing poor Young Czar anti Ill* cotLu day tile heat- of th tile efftl UY r-01tiptirion, 0( )rt 11 witti Rere Of ground is re Oq this 1101tr1l,As at r "th 110tll willd .Ind cOu Pkw, eiren av" 0 'IUD turns * into (,pen 1. ill I-lates find tile o- am(:n(1jn('A1L tO tile Angl. elinilge., vaoa large am Ona day tile of tile InPastire. Tile wheel; of th Wounded man. Ifug ()unt of Water oil 11nar'n, n1lot J-Prilozalem. inonoZr -e ornamomIlt:11 Inn n of very Mo t 4. S. 17; xix. wiio (OUNPI"u011s it, a r- MOTed. re- %V01 SAM me, over anU said ' 1 he re the ewl Cur # Play thlit to Ittin Without Olu ea lwon Ptv�rw fire burg troin rentm of air I' Ila I to Make a if W a and the Monroe doctrine troin'the TKarsco(-.�4 c:l (If 11(m fit. pe t el ds hear you Men canni.)t Paso fr Or of all WhO are ulneere before 111jil. clOtIlK -Tliree there are tile Crown Derby at $1()U natlunal Ml- cOlI10,011c lilto I want to j@ TFACIIINGS-Goll Ile4jr, arbi -ciariji 60, )surfaces and theme rbong Plano call0d blockade of dead nnj)flr 111100 a met of Hariland PiAt48 8118 her eilin- mut'll of. 4D ln%alid til.it bile 1saa not Vallors are far gbove'us converted to I the Y $1 till NA lim-n. as 0 ceramic ideal, while for ttie Wealthy A=erlcan, treaty fit MIO wa h0 Played - the untif, t e gung cannot mo, dem ;:pIratlons looks pity. and itiving tilp Senate general ter. during tile entire win- Carry overland to COuntr bre"t Of All t (leam 9 liver Win. (--(Nt aepta ilit.0 ,IN fanlil se linen, ofli. Forilic a d0ZP1M Add tile fkwfu.iy rich woumm ligi-or gu4i I,( -!�Ot blewied wit fes Which are Every ; rf*fwctjvo 1.111tit,184 OHer la I frOws Of (lead. e1j"IbIn Pq, c)I nil matters to bp It plenty -y (lid -to 11 Ftmearcid -with 911 and wheel Ir"1130 to Ilia, tillrough yeY all who .- " wpaknf*�w ent and tidditlonal gramm )as It,@ 110 blooti us .4t. flIttlif, of t1jr bri4je hrisitin ri fillt'4 Into nn ecwuay a b,'Lli become ftjot of ReviraN come I'altpd St" Lfullt thillo wit UPOn further condeipa- "intige it' tile F-yfX Of the b( 1111111 tit, oerrep at $1 00 1 P, but far the - a dol�ted frii- h 10P, 81111 kite )ys. rrlbie stain. falth Peelve in-' tifir(l f(or of n *Ace tobitration, wax sub- laugl" will'" I hAd gained Chri Over thowe in su it ro extre Of tile fluid the Goppel of jfsum (-hrlat. Thf,. %rhelniing ranh,rity. M �vne would recogilize Dtiril partl' Holy 611O.'t IS t1jo girt of clod purme there are m.,Wr bean Iful &*to do lj(,r face J,4 po fall upon tile earth. 111sWriana writA, Of the glory Of war average Mhopppr, UAL11 thp average Senate by an 1 141" ll&i Clou L*4 Ill tile Phape of raln $a - or TY(wt deligittrul Ili Nair murilir w` e Did With Eltr E nvict&. in.1 rger (ju.intitid water London reco.,lectlons 9, Of MY to riarl" W-11 glory. -New here Ills- 'Ili peopi Vel,. Ot lll 1 If � I- r frou, In uniallei Among tile S W Ila t Sh trea t t" It Petitioli froin M')en1lN.r..j ()f I Anti lolplrits. wil AytJoW U0F%Vht lal" lit in@ agahl Wilder contiaued 31r. call. Y41rk Anipri- PRACTICAL An Itiqui-Itive lltfw and n art e1i' Ile tMothlif. pnr- are 0011n Of Sir Ill-nrr trV. ew York Mail and Exprew has lieen there -91")Fls use for thAft P(Mes. Tile lariv The a 4. t lie in tile elaborate tablo &;errice ()f t4D- 8 '1 JV4 inakin -L Matter Upon n0telf nday. giving %V Ith his wife uq. hurctoroee- InOteorologist, 11ro- Women, and #;eemed so Intelligent that I Advortistllg to in 4t. rot or vkt Pf ff*aor 'Mete ric I it estimates tile fluan- 1 though Y work Would be exceed- Cornellum. Ing. Then 8lie -d- ro-'pp-ed--t It ell, to tilp Thpre were ru) Irl vololm tAiltifull dowrateo] I k will be taken up On nit# -r- 1101' (Vinpanioll111p, I tltY Of water inriled jisto I. 'Ugly­�)MRY- But for hair an hat, ;e- rpirito among floor. to Ile hV for every plates, ci(W to relax tile regulatiofis oil t' thO listefirn. They djjj Again Phe ralsed them. tilue, e wiletc, hi con- Nea alone not- came to Nee or to lie #Wpn, to Ile owered them." lblo Deed and Tiler Idea Im tlint . fpor by 'M tie r(wcetj to leave tbia-4 Colin- on a clear hot sUnit tried 11 Ur lie agaill I lie nt,%v I i4pentim the hull In the Idditbrratipan There was Dot a e cubjee't my life. But it was 'Pr their relo-jiie. anil wek new useless there I`a0O -or addrem i4l(10 Of private lxmt and tO bO edifled. They did not cOmp "ller eyou burned.-, brPad Illites- entertained or awage(j. made tier eyet, fin,.), thillIke t tnuxt hqvp-tjj cake platec r arder otill; I mada tile f permissible Printing tKI the Frery SLL-terAburg, al of 114 to than J,28�) 000,000 n r day at ljot le&w of ffort "Slip well -regulated t4Lble '11111cwt every flight at the the quafitliY Of water taken from the test manifestation ca r( Im I I )atoising, between oil b"t tO bea r Cifffte I Intel. find many ra where tptlre globe on one bot day Or ftpj)roval. it W, e Place nd tO hear the eloqut-nee "Her eyes I roze. Dj 1`1101eign land% they Inay. not theatre, especially INt-the ul* I - WRA not tile 1311gli of lefir)[01 by Yanfamillarity ith Ili` un(Jisguimel adruiratioji " Within the t Ile Ineweliger. (Jf the .4 'm W)t till I had given avlotilt;r In Cana(la. -No 9b)eetlon will, American priana-tiolina, limits of tile telnpe,�ftte Up In (lel4pair 'It I learned that therefore but to hear the frim"ge of , penee. "Her eyes glowed like burning The imle cdors lave and tropical -, th- Ill futuro be made to I)rIjIt 9011438 would anipm none Of then) mpokp I _ Their rainds wpre "She cast her eves on Amen &he v,See OXF-AT 4ftrrAI.N. , 'a Ing. jjeAj untrarninele'd I his cliept- I"W Pn0VCJj now to IMMrriken UN lift ex"tillg W11c), comment two fin it to not 11PJw than limb. word of Eng- glis, etc., Provideq aniple Prejudices, unblai4eil by their dropped tlw* tamte for iraer hufm, and tile dpmra- ndreff and forty-five billion toflN. d6i space is patch Trm Wimbay oayll "It' 'reh1tiven endeavor to elIC4)u I - dogmaA, 11 I:yd "His eyes in W tile fender." there be a pert Tht�y crowd heroq. ikil.1 ra" InGt'the Prince at Wales ectly clear vpace, free ired thern." 111"w Plate* ionot t1j&t, age an far r- left for the addrea, an(I that unfettered by unbellef 9110 ll.0 broki-n oat Among the as P01*16le, W,,re tl()Il Of 401DO Of tile rft every udo'ki, frorin bordbr I neither Jews nor Chrii4jans. Pre- but corgeoull. w -do -yo 1dXt00Cn times by actual counto Only brilliant tVO0p@ at C Jaba. uation that call tenj to estrange" havo nd 4tamp. It is If t for tile pared hearw and reverent vpirit4, they 1111m. from 111.4 vvire. ajn,.,� tr1ey botb 31tQ4 t amusing aro tile sty" of jjjLI always found film tile ";OW in- ijnP(*tant t P0.4tage �"re with Me accord At heart ingwS w0juea that lie po"t- rf)14C'Iit allot fear n of Any ag" stamp ah(mld be as conspicuou's Inn r to 11rinee iltx)n ete f are a I manlier putts You at your eak4e linme. I The sermon i eontalnti -tile, traffe returtlip Air Febru- tile Plales of Daulwa, W)r he-alt1f. alj#1 tier X(xxi ew tjLat, have been recently brought j diately. Once I ac -facilitate Ito rap d anti accurate can- Deter pracheil I' 1krF Bud for nine mOI*ll. ( and Wcw- - The following Is eamy ff d am floutw1ble pa the card. in orde Md VQL 114' , Lanall. ILzetw Of barbiii-le, ,ad when (,ne turnip from pon him I very Interesting or hey we""nOt Quilfferent, hu tho Prince of w.i, tile Influence ivljlcll I onin different countrleo, and also company Ile is tn. dainty of one pla(.e. Ing for those primal or010re Which UW All "tatt"I tbut tile Duke of I-f u tit formal and genJhl gentlema, T Ino Retux-111j. sit - %h& jubifee ce.ebratjol,. There arf* m)nje Wit(, I, b0fore to DoWe: ception, at W 1,1, compariled 9 to a re. cellatiOn In the Ivanelical. t rp T EmPiPe otandard pronouna&d "O'"'MOT Kir4atrick, aPpear-ture of tile 1111-90 that the The CIIJIleme gentleman, meeting a ent, those pr I Poist Office and for He Preached Christ I) the fiwa i celotoer to tllrme of jndi 141glittni, ja,, 110 feeld ttle ,Aranger t curroun e spr-e ImMediately reth, 1111ft And a r"Ir days. lie %V next. molitl, njay iierve to re- ter& Tile made qjs Highn a- arrangemento agreed to b M- He showg that his mjwjOjl %aA, ke bilist ,I 4L Zlind 611metd"to return to IAm W tile wtprl,l in ex- unflerdlng It PhOuld be quite clear. th 5100.0oo (ilitr tll&t lie thought 7 10 sing an eleverly, the Abbott mi ' ink or tile 0 itolvent, dil friends silak&g 111H own hand, and in- W1 Y Uttle American girls tile appointed or GOd, waij I a- 1&97. lruport,,4 s7,j1j0,()(o() exporgs *f3,- j blind rilans sayinF inuch Iluires in It the I'rJjlee was previo. "I"(11()gy' not ertet". J61�09 Of a7 "t ear- The figures for tile inorith arp: Japan- It mfikem of Inillerial cf)uple, tile iii(mt COMIJIlmentary Y u about hia friend's beal.th. TI States rogqt office IMPOr" S7*73790009 exportv bu I fopr a fortniglit, ill reinnin ir tl,(,,, baby PrOY&O trn, le very heartily CON latigb I I t 110 Un I ted jI y divine Ill IW origin, redemptive In For j8p6- rImson rnijiot Arid tlwn. to be a r en ch d obakes ilia Own )land and anl4wer to 01ne Of them, In I private poet cards Will be allowpd Pijrposq also. estlon I Universal In its a 1gs (Xjtjl "tr *1,61#3.000. Tits return I ;F11: -Plate fad is Certainly wore 8ZTf*jdon I,aj anilwers that lie Is Well but calls him- from tile I`rin- trunimnilss-lon klirolugh anti riFfitooUly ill its filial PPIlCation 4 it arch Towlt, &&y1jq it 10. W11,14 of the dignity of 111,R pe 18t ftre- a follows: IY Stail prinw a de- "ell tile m014t abusive iiamev lie 0as t no DtJier countr1eq multb. or uw,f uj Growth of Cities, not twilis, anmwered: Is the Uniteti I the eight' nionthis Julr "'t to V- "lle than tile tea VOL erkize and in- cNIN Of Wales as to whether they Were 8 ta tes ma I ; bu, be 1-�Ojagf)& Bay 1e The rae think of, and tilpy pass on. having so a r8on, th: For 18io7-jjuporta finit01Y more than tile pug lt tll;lt, tj,#, igTeed, cards bearingl, perfection Of Ills char dog. biTile French anti Uallan gentle ffideed I Aren't we. Blarmliall V, acter, tile A forwarded tO Ruch other I tile i-lilitithletif.IA 6.,700,000. N obody w a n go. rent European Uch nfl" Of Hitt grace, an( r 1 6. $10 citic" have 'III-- POrta $93,19c),00(j, iluty" Britain fo)r %o yettilt.; than thot8b0eerntg,l'�vlI1g much fastr kl-" find embrace their tnes later (we of them, who countrivo For I $7497S2,,0iX). al. ram rinal rpntal I( lialf men friends little wuld be ILable to be rt -7 port44 $87.616,00,,) (111ties $jS hadn 't Of 'His sa ration. - been formally Preoented to tile turned to Canada. rho effect of this sermon wam won. 56-1000 J)'"" Of eYI­We-ArItW le wanted to rfuL for tile Holy GKist fell Total trade I arid that the rran#4vaal Gov IlOiuted out by I' Ullited 1oatew in when they feel great defig told me that Q "OuP t'O the tweet@ w)rved tiom IjW recent boo Pr Albert killaw. in, Ing. lit at meet, I 11ri, , do $146,471.00o r, 11hPP and pattern, sc In w*kWg I mft- film and to go ajid find him. An till S97 not aware Of thP ar- men t I I k n municipal govern- Tile American fool gr"pm his friend's r"911811 ��Onlan Would linve, held up In it All Evii ? thOm WillCh heard the Word. Thiaam rre&ap pretty pe -S for every cifferpat ooum rit nntH it 1vas completed. n Europe in 1870 ew York tile level with his hat,# tho divine endOr"ement for U110 current fiscal year (W h-J0.0oo hand at 'FI61,598,000 for 1896, all in peclople than Be- -, gently j ggleg it. and I itlerughaDds In 11017 horror at tile The bi nearly tile woman W 0 takr., pride in her I 10 t Of I)eter'n 11 rk. and it stll ,,, totripped I e4i.&Ing Llt_-bt five M111101is. T)) r(Irpnile (11, b. , Ris4inarck. is 4tili confined to Now Ya - I 0"ly 111 F-urOP(VW countrrem, but in 000. ow I I ()Of' that Yleldp grnttfjr.,V resufta w1wo in 18so Bcviiu r The politician, jul4t be[() Of tilt) sacrilege of asking til Preachil1g. "The gvt.,pel Is the channel table Is pursuing a tainm it" re election, Prince, of er to be Ameirica ai#406 an statistics ollow, through which the Holy ppirit flowii Imliorta is fS50. 14"Jwut task aad t1jo New York Medical Timos. -In with cold and rheumatism. 143ad- Ili 187.-x Hamburg PH )Jim viguroualy Preaented. But, I thOught tile 1'rince saym aetfo'arjama W-anda,L had 3".0W' On the back, and shakel; his hand at would aeo tile Joke, 040 1 obeyed 000 tier treaourf)p the of lipr Poe ly reviveit In 4 have loeen tructlonm. HO did we it, al)(I was duty UAW fitates was 80.95, Paris, PJ69-260 and BQ4tCM Tile Gambler aud Hamburg had , imoul. revelatione are pmmipe,l. , 448.(NX). nopAw. prewnWdio ell (;Iianjlwr or l)#!Putj(* earty, the Port Daes I)ill "'IrtaLicAmL Bretilau uhftl to-,.. sinuIlL few pkVou(hj, breatil (or a tile Eaffligh being IZIv to apprecia tV!)ars. The deceape was gfeatftt in works through tl1,9 Word. It prooluced an .r and tAien give & Most a t to lie Iwo low alarming sniff, thereby silowing great Came at all al I ginia, 7.76, and even in New York moral effectos, 11401 forget. thopn. Inn than Cincinnati it te You would Ilf—MY 6ad troubles we ft RainbWas but it b" ImIr beM they each ry 11 "There is a goOd deal of talk about �4-27 per 1,000 Of Population Ill ten 10111 Purposes, but for bialvation lie prove It@ llenefitim, practi t a hold tbel It Is no Jokles on the HrIf abell BaltirricIrO Wnm onee aA big aild It their welcorrig Is vf, 1890 it was Only 26.68, a decrew4a of Good works th-rOugh all nature for v,,r- j bobby or wild notioll, but if Lx*ple &nil B0fttOn 842.000, Ill 1890 tile same time. in- 319180 the birth-rate per 1. in the enevaies, and to bring it Pror. Bellai &ayoi.. Enough cannot t* pronounw DeetlUg a voter, sla Wales to coine to 11 into tile @out, the chariot on which tile pach Of her dear 5W fr*nd, divine (10n,luror go� forth to cruoll 13"outhe Proptl.l.v vpry the aou 1, h4lawk-,rs rub while, In forth to fr"edom, light and glory." �Aald of full, (leep breathing. itax upon foreign ,F-*4eis. Joke* 1 "ave not found tha Ce I daily, deal- 81W-1 fte ; a sort Of &chlug void. tftnCed It. Clevehin,l asure at meeting you. th thou aw t lie r dix- Alaw"lluNetts. 11.67, next In tills audimoe both miraculoup and purify tile blood, and solid that your Itrallan Confederation Con- 1"ItUburg and Buffalo and pie 114fituan diti coin� to me F I one Eng- In VLr- "They spake with ' a You will Incre it rich and master ie a colcmej.- hOt W warm the feet, makf, ruby 1JM dlers, ina-am.9, I a doff ow for ail exptan- It- wan 1.76.11 ThO Tllnee t0uguftk and magnified God." 1rhey and plant romw on the cliepka. it will tn Adelaide were ajl LR 1880 bigger ----------- ation aitr 1 had made the remark a questlon if tjljs laot week, thai C(Aogile� b"t Cologne W The County Edltor-x Puzzle. that 'I drea deereai4e in the wer'p saved t0o tile utterm(ot. Tile editor of tile ja, lued one light that I was birth-rate im an evil after all. norti- ld n wa.4 drawn up, to be much tile biggemt in IEW. 0 the several colonlem. ytown 13W a Your d4owtion. &n(i give you growing More quickly tl"M ew Or- War- dead' but It Wag RD hot tIlat I woke cufturtmto; do not think that Clan, sweet breath, Nell -The Ph&ntOw Party heA 14wn ch, Mayor of Vienna, hAA lealir. Hanover. t1u)ugh a otleepy W1100P pickod up one of hiii inetropoll- londed with fruit gives as fine tree I F I ]KN E W. gIv0n up. Belle-Timn w won-& jare f k ca In -ord Place. IA giowig re- quiet the nervou vystpermomot@ 'Jeep, 911001t of a show. er to provide d ead: beg kour Pardon, Air. Wilcie l4trengthen for tile election 10TIlle or jerpey Clnoi quickly am Lou- "Tile Charming Ile Said, IL)ut It must lje Ir ' suits " when the culture and the If I knew tile box where tile pan the throat and vocal org&lvk an(' In- A 4rornnn Rlwarb koallis.h. a^ ty. Noubrette, E deuced ljoi strength of the tree in ce Ilea lKI, tile anti-8emite U0116 -whopper, liam i va In Your c0untry.0 ntered In a are kept, erO&w the Client capacity. It will almo Kraphs of Ik,4rgeIf--,W 14nmUl P tab" Mw bulldog." " When I left Or RITIOunt. In the latter, thp No matter how large tit,, lent* your astllm& catarrh and bron. 8114 a Ypar old, pitting elecum to the of- "EJSY," Snid the gentlenjan Alstfrow "It's darn funny," 110 said to him. was, Whato 8 to "P-11001 the question fruit im larger, fleber In flavor anol 0jr 81trM9 the bOlt, I w" ChJtIN and prevent rug nnd 1100tifier it an W" annulled by I purgatory. who bad dropped in to gee do ? I couldn't ul(j try imo 'lung troul4e.-Ilopu- her w be a fTiOre valuable thnn In the former hy Was Mrs. what be had missed, - ga and the cat. sot.�at theme Prizefigter, ho became hard- tar Kelence NewiL Y, tills ain't here Kra,l,,. U Nteno- 'T would oW, 00 bafl.' ld Sa CRY PaPfte publWl such gtuff But then teols, a tornwr A IPPrNIAD OfflOsopher, being asked t would you eAll 19ir Of the luccensful manager go about by wh' Cast, produced "Ber-aum obop wlleu two bodies come Scla around and zookke much knowledge, anowered: .,,By ot gether ?" asked the teaeber, w low we the fact that Soulre Jim Brownll outertaining people IV the evening. I at method lie had acquired oo I'd w -atter the PmIles to play. - tan, with an I hadn't forgot- Then over the land and tile wa, broad wha Pr"Ai(IOnt Of Your wzjll" og I then make fuh of me for chronjelins my laAgh arid I utied to the =MW DOTCO, Is cOW are giving a pretty hot show.;; Cow bad a c&lf.,, " W44 glad at first to do th cm Mug ber 149- Then I bqpa to �IW In for noth- being prevented by shame from fulk. That the children',% f&CW might 11 r as 11 Usband- There W $A IN - I t ylng to exPl&lu what a 110fee Is to In the busl- them fast her pupils. "Oh, a ki4W ma'am. about Mbe jRr0%V%V11 t I It r 1 149 guestlont, when r am Ignorant.,1 aFor many Ins4nY day, Plied th@ little girl. who eide I older BUY had emid it baft W" "117 110�ft