HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-09, Page 2treat ourselres; we elt'i BRUSL Ojot&rrh Of of letters which he bad evidently been what we can do to-morroW." their needs or we negi UGHOUT THE if "All right; but wiy Rxe YOU 80 them. We give them too Lem tre" Relieved in a un R=Iom to get the packet?" P #vHOOL ,*How did you know it was the b littlo drink and foo4 orvp the you wanted T' "For several reasons. I believe that such thingi as come W THE BICYC alia. They m Houm G -Because I recognized Miss Marson's packet to conta-in letters to Mel- out thouglitt of their hurtfu ugh a littleutein, it is not alone the V ""...LGHESTER MYSTERY, I writing oil the top letter." stane, not only from Miss Maroon, when datqrs proUwto we rest jug tile purpose of own countr find "Well, seeing that was the bundle but from her father al"O ; and I fur- firt quacjk remedy we run a"V NO. 11., guowu as ,the �1, I �J
The Story of a Womares Fealty. what did you ther believe, continued Faulm, sink- Do not- plant fruits of any ' like Urban iple,
you were in search of, Nas and A Que,. and other memb,'-ft of Ing Ills voice to IL wl,IKW, ,that In AGILICULTURE. low prepared to do battle me
do bret nt, who, having used Dr
t her a mean thing -I' stole that packet to contained the sm Tile United States Pays Out an- crop against Inkeet pests I owder, pr otatioticlan has caleu- Catarrhal $Mou
CIIA.11`171:1.' IX. both be on common ground for the them.-, of Melotalle's death." suspet Mr. nually more than one liu4dred millions ea"o. We must expect tbeft�w,i. most effective remedy 3 the human eye travels over
better understanding of our explana- 0*8tote them I Upon my word, Rcger, "But you ourely doin't of dollars for sugar, and yet Ili cap- future, and while they make;- killof" %0UT known, but people e i rd in& A Terrible Suspicion. tion. Regarding tile death Of "this you axe a nice, young man." Marsoin "T cried Roger, agliast. able of producing all that Is needed. in the business more difficultZacwurea, reading an urdiaury expreming their gr* Eight o'clock In the evening by the Me6ttine, I own that at "In fighting with a man like Mel- Octavlug rolled up tile paper Upon e average human be the efle,�tivenemb of thif 1111or chawber
'I ',r rewer, lkf Jarlcheotff That country certainly ban a far forts will be the means Of 'L%li, Jerij cotuf(
;orreet o'clock 'cn the I was half Inclined to believe in tile stane, I bud to make use of his owl' which Roger had been writing and wider field suited to the rai-Ang of still reater profit to those w . up�� to get through'- )00 6. Archer, of B
remarkably ine suicide theory, gial had it ,lot been weapons," retoorted Roger, coolly. `It threw It Into the fire an he answered$ beets, and it will be her own fault if ergettealty use every prol.er fa mail 0 f lug in a lifetime. h atarrh for se
the latter -lull tile o read put out the mantel -piece, eight -thirty by Mr. for the nanici Ironfields On that Pill- seems d"onorable to you for me to with marked empIwAds Ou European countries longer outstrip for protection. Water would run froni mi never I Id The low orchards 'have to do cipleio ited daym at a time.� About Fankd' watch. whiell was , box. which gave me a clews WOU go Into a mail's room anti steal a part of his reply: her. lie number of persons In the Vii; DOL -le
wrong, ai;d that 'gentleman was 1 probably have acquiesced In the ver- buti(ile of lettem ; but I wam dealing 6*1 ouepect no on -&-at present." A fanner's prosperity caii be pretty wandering pruners the better. gdom of Great Britain and Ireland montlim aV) I was indUced to try
diet of the Jurv. FolluwIng UP the With a scoundrel; those letters C011- (To be continued.) accurately told by him manner of car- true principle of pruning, except w o use Gaelle dw their native Ian- AffnPw1#4 Uatarrhal I owder, and *I seated in a privnte room,cf the Foun- clew. however, 1. Nvent to the chem- tattled the botior of a yuung and Inex- Ing for tile tools with widell. lie wprks; it Ili done for the purpose of improv ur4ug tile wouderful ro-medY I tk�w
dryman 11otel. awlting the arrival of Lats. W !o.. where the Pills pwieiic*xl girl whom he held at tits and, again, how many needless fences the shade of the tree or to renew fted age is much larger than to common- d d ot be
M osk & Co not had an attack.- I woul
Roger Axton. were made up., *ad dLicovered that, mercy. If I had awakened him there IN STOR he might remove wtogether. The vigor of an enfeebled one, is to Iiin wupposed. It Include* 660.0W In without it." It relieves In ten mluut4m
elve In tile would have been a row, he would have growing scarcity of timber c*rtainly it to the removal of all weak and I Ireland, 350,0ju in Wulem and 23D,UW
The locivarymn was not a first. originall-v there xvere tW crowded branches. The Test That Tells
box. I could account for the dUP0110- raised the alarm, and I would have leads to a closer consideration of the in Scotland.
claor hotel, nor was tile private room al of six.- so that ought to have left & got Into trouble, so I did, the best fence question. If there is any work which requires i0mao-How do you kniu", - L111it
ly thing to The done un- atove the (101119 of It Ili the best %ay pug- Fire bt,arting lit un ul*tuird hearth a first-class ap.-irtii3ent, bqt It was blance of h:ilf a dozen." to Did you prepare the summer's 46. 111ra'Jul Is wife im the head of tLM
le t he Life on a RaUroad CondliciVe 0 i in tile houite of Ull1tA1,I St"t0al Mar- ramilyef ember. when der the circumstiancee-and sto wood in January or February,? Then sible it 6 the setting out t fruit tre(
comfortable enough.' and r. Fanks "True: But if I rem tiester there do It now by all means. In . all tile It Is a work wliicti Its expected to HOrton_D1dD,t %lie tome MW tlw
I couittf,41 thew at Jarle or shal Tallies McKay at Tampa, Fla.,
'h worr.ed in Iii.4 own mind a
too mue wero 6,DkI you see the pLL-Wx when YOU nkachinery in oriler? There mhouldnot endure and bring profit 'or te n m. office yeoterday witil qII the butidift
I - twenty years, and should not be done burned through the floor at. 2 a. 611
to pay much attention to his personal FIxactly Two extra pills W'Pre were Ili the room be an liour'a delay when spring work hastily. Every id e had boaght und leave them
o persi a n uck a h urtY to 90, precaution 'it Is Vow - anti ievered tile curd of a picture, tile that ight ?. And
wants. He was mutli diatarbed aboiAt In that box by sOm "No. I was I opens. So many things can 'be done ,i be taken. fail of which urouawd the futullY. %.Iio �or him to carry home ut 13
bell3ve to be the niurd�lrer baving once secured what I wanted, ttacked now which must be done sooner or ble to take shoul dirge an of 4W his old achool-fellaxw, as everything "hom I that, I (lid not- stop to look at any- Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Kentville, A later. The truck patch. like thf& gn.rden. wought burglarm and found tile fire did be . f t Y m
or .00 Kidney Trouble - So -Called I Ai and valuable to I Let that cey-
now seemed to point to kxtoii as 11 46,111hy ?Ml I)II6 to thing, but went bak to my room With One good way to do in to manure should be too ri Notwitim4tan-hug th6
Dt. leaving the do -or of No. 37 ajar," said t, Dr. Willa It to remain i(Je for even a that Cures Proved Useless, Bu a onr ruation at �vca U.,. took the heavily a clover mod, and when the allow the gr(wing season. Where - Czar N10iolas iti 41totermined Ion teaA have grown letfurmOtuoly "sible niprAerer-the c man." lamp, pink Pills Restored His HO&Ith- ' through it a few weeks part of tile law nbollbihin ll lip public favor and demand Yet it Is AL
Jaricheater. the evidence OiTr- Japix, ajid he nilfied the wholet Faid", rel)rovliigly, "foolib"IL clover comes have grown the)early potatoes, late of viclit: seven were harmless tonle '*Ah I you see I was not, experienced later -about the 1bt of June -Plough t in the trai* tl'&Lt
the del.cately insinnated (r.rom the Kentville Advertiser.') futulub--rs, squashe and inpkins van dolullilons shall lie otmerved. A wag- well-kIllOvIM111 fat -out Of every -i, the 4 -4911th cOm'POuntled of dead- In modnight burglaries." It down, broadcamt about 1,000 pouiid4 n(ft one tea
Judas -i seenled LL.4 thtnigh no doubt pt! I )ur I rfilswoet, corn
-Well, alter you got back to Y( 7liere are very few employments of phouldiate to the acre,, pulverize 1w, Plit"t0d ', with ti e ea y istrate who recAntiy beliumeed lk citi- PerhaP8
half, dotm that is n4ld is' the pure
could exist but that hogi�r Axton was 1 1,., riorphl." wbat tlid you do" tomatotm way be grown, to rilk-n after I zeii to receive fifty strokes ham b6ou Of e1V a tea& being
the perwon retipt)nsible for tile death I ^ crV41 Roger. startill-.3 ti). own room, i health than that well andl plant in l.otatoem. A satis 'tile corn is gone. diinniamed from lijai joust ad benteueed PrOtiuct 10n� ek'
of Sebastian Mel---tane. Ill,, ft,4-t. "and MeLstane died of mot- ( "I went tA) bed guld slept VOUndly. of a railway engineer. The hours of actory crop is alm(at certain. as potatoes are dug from tile to six mantlim' Imprimmiment w1th in favor with many klealerm becaupw
Road making consists of as many *ice they are of -
In spite. however. f all tills 'eir- plita ?" Next morning I sent tb.& packet of let- uently long, metils Ir- home lot for table use hilin of cwum- hard labor. of tho very low eutilatantial evidence. tile detective 1 " lie (34. NO%v- do you undt?rstand ? terd to Juditb, and went off on a labor are freq problems am there are different ma- berm canbe planted for w1iiter pickles. rerp-1 Vit. It 6 muct safer for the
hoped against holw, and reso(ved The murderer- whoever lie wa'4. pInc- stroll. NVhen I came back at night, I regular,and rest and khep hurriedlY terialo of which they can be built. when tile last cultivation lit given Ili Switzerland frow Vie abitialitA c0fto-umer to demajid oome world Cele-
wo niorphia, 111.4 stifficlent, to wa.4 h�jrrified to learn Sebastian Mel- i,natched between runs." One of the It Is a profei�sion, It should be taught Evell c
within his own lboi,.et heart not to fit t P the late potattwa a good variety of brated brand that is Pa ked in rP-
canse death. In the box. Mejotane iltalle was 41etld. The n%t YOU know." f;WUeDily attack In thO d'O:Iegem, and furnish lucrative too village it 6- nu%v limimbibie to �elephu -v-red lead pack-ela. suet' AN believO Roger ru�ity- until he had heard ou troubles 'Which very sweet- corn Glan be planted between un * and ,*when you spoke to me, did y pol'itions to those who have success- U), luty place in the vouiltry at a fee �nija. "Gortble" or; --1-:.andapolla."
his own explanation of the aifair. Ile took Pite Jn complete Innocence kidney di!ae rop (i ':vzed by Ja- really anti truly toelleve he had cum- railway trainmen is 488� fully mastered Its difficulti3s. Thou- tile rown, an,i a profitable late c
evi- fll�41. til, otlier' wam an:,& procured with well knew tht e'reunistntiai ,little trouble. from ceutAs -to b Lseutli for theulust In thip way tpipy tLre eertain of get
suf f iclent lui&tvtj pu.c4le p to a idte period lifts been Pan& are spent every year in at- f tile finfwt
deveb was Vot alway-s Uj be depended 1. to contalu which U It In hard for tile beginner to under- distafit ix)iutb on suntrutueuts 4AU ting tAw, pure produrt 0 ix and foun, et Lot I -yeA. replied Roger. honestly. tempts to build roads by tlio.4e who be world
upon, and'Aiton's prompt arrival lit inorphl:1 to kill two m looked upen &lfi a disease difficult, It stand the value of frequent cultivVitiOn Which One van hear wAtli perfect dw- tee prodqeing CoUntillY in ti
allow A) I i is letter hatil inspired hiln.1 I t's W( -.v you have work- ,I thought he hAd found out the.ludd not Impoesible to totally cu do not know [low. Ili the garden. L Ili titur- er t mderful ho re. Al- it Is evil enough that tinctuasis aud are kei,
with tliq 1whef that the young man f4l It otit." with henrtv of the letton, alut BL-tvill9thut his hold In the future progressive farmers and a crop (if vege- ougti repair. Cigars of f4warl
to Or. a crop of WePdo
must be innt)cent, t)therwise lie woi.ld niltuiratlon; "but how do You connect, over.Florry wtw lost, bad.committed tliough there exisr, numerous remedlei will have their fertill).'erm made Ce 1paper cigar fILL-
-if in a oosl- with, tile. murder?'# suicide Ili debimmation." be tables olloilld be growing tit tile same The exii,ten of a
ardly dare tsy place iiinist 1110 unt, for the m0r� claimed to b� cures, the truth'is that der, and progressive dealers will time, but a grourth (;f weeds il-111011ft I Major J. 6. Lee. 1A)ub§iana'w Com- tory, moibewhere" In America Im
h, 1. Fanks. with *,I t4l not say cOnfwt(41 YOU '*How dLdL you acco had been found to AucceAff- ready to fill thope orders. The farmer stirring of tile miatlouer of Agriculture. &ayw that ligain vouched for by tile twwdPRper'6
tio--, of ich perd. ,o NIl 'slio%ving with the niiirder." replied Fank%, phia, r Dotillug mulit kno%v even the varying wants that there hus been no I -
the perl,l.t,x;ty (or iiis inind sa ere "I didn't attempt to account for It. fully cope with this terrible dl.�,ease of every field, and the task will not MOJI, anti this sin of omission Is fatal. t 8 The paper is, steeped in the juice Of
ssive face. wil t ha?atIlY ld thero w garden crops are large i from the *),Z00,0U0 jLcres in tha
even in his usually illip. agalust You- All I kitew weis that I had tecuml ntil the' advent of the now world- be a difficult one. By constant te,%t- As won as I there is ruibed= the commonest tobarcom, cut too the
%vatch in hand. awaiting Izoger*d ar- ft pills the letterv, that U,lstaue w4a dead. U iat ele- cnough cultivation should begin, nd 1 under cultivation shape, and imprinted with tile veins
famed Dr. Wili-lams' I'I'nk itills. Cliatic- *7:j.0W,0UU worth Of - �of ti ie tobacm leaf. find, atraW rival and casting abbent glancesruund For littancet you hail morpill. ing lie will know Just In wl % begin t I Uuully about
In your and th:it Flarry was bale." ments tits land Is poor. end ouly'when the vegettiblc LAMM thdt it thum amluirft%an excellent, Uv-
,4ked Su thktij wibb you had told Ing to hear one day that Mr. ripen. it is a maxim that a f ield "Ift,de I different proJuetai. and Ile c may,
the room. How do yon know' thn't T' a. I Wm- A litinge is -readily noticed when choice Havanam-a
A cumfortable room enough In an surprise. me all this at Jarlcfie,,t*!r." t of thliq town, had with tile hoe from early Liu otiter r3tate in t1w union cftU bljuw or, reminimeent of I
Lurnit,re floger. with a start OF �-Taylor, a residen olNis-it,i,, a locality where one or i familiar fers f rom ultk;. Tile State ' contains &;trong testimuffiff to tile virues of
old-fashioned %%ny' %kl titt spring to late fall ncver inif equal reL _iWe' wa-serpent, und a
Geelued to have 1*)ecn in that "Jnplz -told. me." I teli you L was afraid to do so. I been ciin d or kidney trouble thron 11 more titutes have been held. They. tll(� summer heat. 2b.000,OOU acreo of lund. palier. Like
ye -4. anti -JaIlPt prescrlheoV them, . p -illillm,4' I Ink 11141, iet the people to thinking. Tile con- -t(" unilL a�lmilar crops ,
primeval peritid %%hcn Ironfields w -Is 4.4 reet. .. I 11 a the ngenvy of Dr. A% I Carrots, pota few other marvels, pailer cigar,- crop
lout livre Rail there 06Mie cri-d Axton. starting to nLue...1 Lght, wit milli here; a reporter callpd upon him lit IltP tointed xnan b, not tile one who makes v When Edison was 1pformed recelit- , up occas-Ionally to relieve the tedium
ti -r; I ta - will - iell niore than double when per- own tht d(". loi)k a4ii!APlcloU@. I tollow him down to Jarichi When one doub the wic, weritriciiiud hott-1 0veoristiou 1�1 home to hear froin filin personally progress. ly cultivated. Tldt4 is especially atin by i of everyday life.
Ilitit- yo7ir militi.at rest.011 have morphia p.1 -s lit MY 19bWelfill-00* ig viethods.; he finds ly of the success Of IL11 oper the' erlect of tho .% Will you permit like to wttil- I go into his routu at night. and in wilat lie tilollglit (if hin cure. Sir. doin of prevaillir true in dry seasono. Ili dry. soils, weans of the Itoentgeu rays. lie "id: m;ihqqany arin-chairs. Ill-&- Taylor Is an engineer on the Dom- better one". It isthe doubter'who jidture, tile I -
y ujilla)gany drAw for a motnent"" the Morning he is fouiLd u"d '01 nwr- tuakes intellectual lFrowth. which soon kee their in( of 6urgery ; a tri liogany tal4c. a hi-av t iAatd ph-ka. wily. h I IMW told all Shia, The farmer should know far lw-tter Gnly hope the -It jej a tritimpil 1. I am d�kloboard ittAl on a gaudy carpe farmer bp.s lied in constant cultiva- umph for electricity &6 wel
'a Ointment will cure all
"of cotirse than tile agent what Ills 4arin needs continuing my experiiaelltd
wIll.", wouki have biceu arreuted. Flurry's all the Dr. Agnew
prtln- lant food, however tion. ;ith a dingy white Kround. � ail l 141 have c4utt up. Thut in- pruwling re4l rtwes us',led with Axton Said nothing,- but lef I name Wou Ili the ay of p camw of Itching Vileto in fr4)m three
lititiltie, carved rooin. it-a%ing ranks co terablY PI'Z- ferijai Uonsieur Ju_ad wtouid have w, -1- t,tile. ,Lud before k)ilg I am confident cation brings
well Informed that ugent way Ile. to jaix night&. (me appli
uliy gren leave.4. .%n A I g, -
go all fl(o%%ers and zl(Nj a.-; to t1w cause or 4.4 departure. put. tits spoke iti, and I would very % Livz ON NOTHING tile appuratus will be perfected tl'Rt
e farnier inust know for himself, will enable us to oee everything Jubide comfort. For blind and I.Aeedingpileiv
1�u on it a sturinix square In tt fe TrInutes. however, lie return- probtil)ly tLuvt,. btell hangod, on �cir- T'd there In no escape. It I,@ a lea- A. U. Priiiik, luf Buffalo, Doesn't Do QuItO to It im peerless. Ali,to Cures Tetter, Salt
w rbOU.
wirrt,r %%ith, tin ornate , gilt fratue -,I. aild tile detective's hmilil cualisumtiai evideuce." son. like every other lewon, which no of a tw Rtieum, Eczema, Barber's Itch and
I- That But Pretty Near it.
were afraid," learn for lihn. ce ts
nfind I ill - look- announced that Oil and after all eruptims of tht kin. 35 n *Wa .1 1�0% of 1-tillS." 1*1 cioult, wander you one elte can , cvat of tll�m i Irimcrack Trencb Vine- There." - lie vold., reeUming hh4 replied ()ctdvias. tilouglit.aily, 64t,ut hern, ciiniate, Mr. Frank, of Buffalo, 19 a flite- if you live In a nort Lie clocks On tile Industrial I;xPO4ltl(Ms
rk. it yoii emint thoe3e% plIN Yoll w-eing A was your fileall. yo.A have ail Ice honse before next will- �Jng old gentleman, with thckughtful April 1st next all t _h plece. wi, jus� as�wcl. have trusted me." in E�c.jgjum will be pro- Tile orig ter. You want It for tile dairy ; It
cuar,w chinit, %% III find thre are eleven. . Ily took y to. To." Iw way In preserving meat and eyes, a lofty forehead, flowing gray railroadmi ()lie f the moot; encouraging fou-
r f1mvers, Mid In -d ntimber wa-4 twelve: I on. ou tire a detoac paye al beard. -vided with dialmi marking t h
rAinta.ritig ta%%tlry ptive am your 01.1. lichool-fellow, hair and luxuriant patriarch lie hours timed im We woney
)t dft,,i.11n4 it did ine no g vegetables from waste; t bhowd I kindly face and'& Nllhaan- tliat, -the peol)le of the
arL* 4&pcae He hai4 a
t%%o rag%rv�l It, - tial figure. He is nearly sei juigbt. Not and eergy
toft the. reit your city vial; 3r,3 can -enty-four �4 (.)*clock. mid
The curtaituo of the %%ere ill tllfg bol. AM'.1 "Thou you believe I am humCent?" that farmers f roiu 1 to . will the Mim1wippi Valley are putting Into
r " I 4" li you were gu.1ty. you would urer of lint4l, May Ist, however,
r rI1 -- A I I fe 12act ILI
re. Imirned un(h �,ht tro -ho had ot have the comforts and luxuries i yearn old, and Is a niarl iccording to the new CrOiLt dustrial exlx)sitionri in mie-
I-p�#-c., %% All its Moil- You replied Fnnk:d. w not b;& ve. told a story so dead agaii well an they, and this is a worthy woodworking ma(-Iil.'(-ry in Buffa'o. trains Ile run J allA
the ntique ip tile au- bmthon or their gireat progredo
devire. "In regard to wy diet,",he writess me for the ttihpla.V Or their vat,t rewjurrAm.
ern bairl-arsnod. n -t art onvinted tile "there are eleVen. yourvell." tiwe peliedule. 11'reigumablY
I*nless a fariner can grow Letter -nn6sfte*. at Na.,bviile,
lamp. With a dul" yk�.'Iow "I will bay tLat i!llv food conristS 1.11 thurities wit11 the public to bew
to theae The State of Tt
tainated tlie aipairt.,itnt. VA YDO ,aked Roger, coloring and holdlugooUt swd than lie can get of reputable nute. I thoroughlY accustomed
.Nir.'Favike then the main A gralqs, fruit, al,u
you elinko hands. -11r you ny furthei 41oub r.:lutiratherly arm- en n-Ak Wasik & (-*o.. who ma& up tile his hand. d dealers, lie would better buy all before tile traiukA tillftil be re- oi"the Ut of MaY next. expects V)
11,111self i4at in g' Ree eat few Vegetable-, Fuch #0 VOt&toe6, cklck OPM her centennial ell"sitt(All that is
clulif drawn k1i*ip tit the fire. and pit 1!4. 1110, "By all means, replied Fanks, Inion,oAtlantic Railway, his run being tbo seed for hii;i garden. The few lip b&,te. cabbagei4, turnips. pttrailps, etc. gulated by them. to excel any Ftate effort of
lemnly. awl the I;w,) -friends shook between Halifax anti Kentville, and will require will not cost muth, and Intended
Vbnolered over he* citrib'0 11SPect .0 _*!There in no need. I believe you The cost of vegetables is AWUI, three chaff- the Mild that has it. 011'alla,
lie -raila- witsille "wept D�ut I woulif pr fer you doing 9%" hail,!* with honmt fervor. lie 1.4 one or the most popular drivers if 110 can know- they have Imwil times as much as t lie graillai. I cciln- I The great bAl lit the dome of 8 wIllio t nlletrap"�Jta!4 f Ne- La
r. tbe"crimiked votro,et. -inil tile wind said Voger, urgo-ntly. Now. then," i-ald Octavlog. when on the road. When asked by tile grown apart from otber closely relit- which bear* in* tile t ;ta:
Cal, alluer the grains preferable. hausen, Switzerland, if it wanted Very well'." replied Fanks. 11_ this Ceremony Wav concluded. 66 tile reporter ccneerning ilia illuess liesald: ed varieties, they will be more than I grind the brakka, backc0 by. th and
h4)%vied at the winilol%v 11 o p4 ockot litxto th..ag to be done In to find out -, I w in the spri g of 1896 th t I enough better to offset tho extra "I eat fruit Largely. Nuto te f or Latin tile inlicription: "I call others to the Wcmt. annotioce* traue-
t4 tret in. to tit#- C llift)rtable warmth ly putting. tho box In to as D a and Use the weal as a suloetitu r h1joe,immippi exposition rop� 1698 that. e9l ur for tile tiead and b eak
wIll va-e aix)ut it t,o-iuorr1w. Vat 110 t 1V who kilkxI Melstane." had a severe attack of kidney trouble, outlay of money. 'N u than liVilig, UIO
()f 4116 da,lbp C. It's an impossibility." cried Roger -continuous running 02 - fariners butter. ts are mucli cheaper u cracked af ter in pxtoent and chatmcter, would be A knock at tl:e dd)tir &Jillurlbed the you hilve pet my m:nd tit remt on V14 I ' - brought (in V We hardly realize flow fe% butter and morp healthful. It requireri tile lightiling," has bee go aw d is to orreat In the twvoln t1inesi of a .Irrow-
llave %oki you my story. In tUpair. and I supliovd It in caumed J Ye&n
mminilwr mp(liVitisins of ' 4k-t;lvius. and Ix,l'ist, and I anAwered, the road, motive. exel In their method,4. Whell 'tl-te a peculiarly constructed m,II to gi Jad it service of over 4(Y Ing eouutrv---ChlCa90 11[lber-OCMD.
rtviNmitse to) 10,4 li?i%ver. Roger tt-li Die yours." No. I don't say that.' by tile-' 01461lation of tile 1000 average products of onr farins np- nut&, Owing to the amount of oiI they give piace to ail exact LluPllt:ute, Ill w Ise. Tije old bell, %alked int4) he room with Roger luil"I IL little at thbii request. Fanks, -coolly. " At, Jarichester I had It affected me but AightlY at fimt, proach tile best records of the flest contain. I constructed one for iuY Wne &lid ol4er e motto of Lis Tbe Plati ties of, life Insurance peo-
a oomewll&L and r-eluained sileut for few mo- nothing to go upon, and yet look but gradually grew worse. I consul- farmers, we shall be, able to feed own use. I have regular times for eat- *hIch gave sk,,w1ler th face what I'vo d,scovered." tor and then tried two or at least four thues &9 many people ing, and do Hot eat a nut or all alwie fanioub 11opm, will be pri%erved, of ple tdiow that in �the Iamt 25 yvaro
.mi r. Ife did V 'tit ments. ted a doe Ill -
I n?, tile averAge at I*an'f life has
it Id at laqt. wtth You are a genius, Octa-Vius." called cures. Some am we liow feed. or other kinds of fruit between meals- Lvurse. o wholao
J ttenipt tp Phakt- . (feeling he Fanks." he sa three varieties of W- 4 creat*d 5 per cebt., or tw
b.1.1 no righ-t tAJ dO -41, U1ltJ 11.6 had gri-at, bolemnity. " you have your "F41ad! I've nee'd to be to unravel liellied me for a time, but after stop.- STOCK. C(�ra by the bu h .1 im worth twen.y- o 4 3.9 on re.
exjlipirie4l hL4 previu-.4 at onispitimis ol me now, and perhaps this caw." said Octavius, su.uling. ping tile Use of them I grew worse ng anhuaLs heavy food six cents, or half a Mit a pound. Dr. rthur MacDonald. of Washing- yearg. from 41.9 Jarlebvvterl. but _61t ,lowu 6er tht, when I tell Tou all, voil may cim- it's tile most difficult affaIr lever tlian tever. I had noticed numerous B giving you thein Wheat Is worth a third of a t*nt a t0q. 1). c., hs making experimental e 4 hat I took Ili liand." the papers concern- in much qnantiti" as to burfeit thirds of a cent. fire. 4),,poksitp to bi:A frk-nd, aild looked Pider th m to be confirule I. W I "Do you suspect any one?" testimonials In tile digewtive powero are often per- pound, and rye two- tudiew In love. lie Jai employing WhAL ISSUE NO 15 1897
rath+,r 41eA'l:ifltQv �jt impw-wive face then ?" Ing Dr. William.,41 I Ink I 116, and read- inanently lii;ured. Therefore, np%-er "A quartoer of a pound of any one is
Pchned Fanki, eheer- I can't say at 1)rc*ent till I get Ing of one cure that was almos% iden. atural hibt,ory iueth- of Lht gent'ein:irl, r;ho gave him a. What the T' Knowing your things more Ili order. Tile fi*rst thing I dec de ve ce hein, and give such food as of thew grains Is sufficient nutrliftent lie -terms t IW " 11 coot tiod. fully. 168imply this: _ tical with my own I d to give o rf d t I ge individual for one od," and is coliectiug love letters and
to, I ijotilt believe I want to know in, what were the them a trial and purchased four boxep Is. eamily digested. Thin is the Only for the aver& ually eaten various other datu relatiug W ro- EISY TO ORBEL
h4- It iellgtli, 14i -eking chraett-if ils I t cold-bloodeti contenta of those letters?" But it was $2 well warranted procedure. meal. A little fruit is ub � tauui&Liug theui
a yt-mewbit "I'vc you wouti be guilty of a your at a cost of $2. Tlie� busitnem of mtock fep(fing has With it. I generally eat apPleti at thIb wauce in real We. ologilit Jost o tinie in your I�ttwr." muriter. so,- when you tell me "I cannot U 11 you. I dlil not read ppent, for I wam completely cured by Aver yet been overdone. Home pro- time of year. and *Ludy!Ug Lliew as all euwtu them, of cA)urse, but simply packed t,he use of ihe'0114 and liars not been A meal of ap red ou id
,I,nl gia-I ()r tll,,.t. re4pulld"I story wewT pat otir heads to"'Llier y1ce and corn prepa would btudy iusecto or a ciletulbt wouid
I., - a t Out the true crUn-. -them up and sent them to Miss. Var- itil my kidneyo since. I duction of food anti the feeding of It Fa,:k.-ii. vem me IM and try to found trgubled w to to good sto-k is a remunprative branch In (ftffereut wayis costs three-eightlis auuiyze an uukuowu CoLupound.
in a L" can therefore recommend theui A meal of unleuvened gra-
of agriculturp, and one who follows It Of 9L clell t -
'How ? That I'm uot a cr-ImInal, I bo only too glad too do tliat." Oil, then kilip has got theta?" others similarly afflicted." oteadily and Intelligently rarely has ham bread and ground peanuts (O -As Dmtor Ofempiqk the new Archbishop
4UpIkJa*.t*1 sald Roger. gratefully. "' If Only tO No. she hThe experience or years has proved to complain that Iiiii calling one cent V%'hen I eat two ounces of of cantoerburyo is brusque in Luauuers
Faitka sal4l nothih,,,r. 1,1it 10oked sadly 3(,)!ir whil-'11 tave %%'Ii( -re are they, then T' that there is abv011ltVIY no ditzease due reason m - ;but CEYLON TEA.
f the yuuug loet.,i it IAAt�"` to a vitiAted condition of tile blood does not pay. corn and the same amount of gralia tWd has rather a rough tongue
. U!iyICi6uA L,co' 0 Well. go Story." IAI@t ! UOW to One advantage of stock farming lit flour the cost of the meal Lh thiree- U, and a..i iducu c0ulwib Pure. eanAlAwsm
on with your so ? or t4hattered nerves that Dr. Wit- ile is a Just ma Deliclocis
l expenses for labor, Im. quarters of a cent.
)Mptly that Incident. IocU)r lJold In-Viam1@4 lLAMd'k"&0ft&94'#b%1V'
CI)T nt. I we," Mid "I told you a g, %&I deal of it at I can't ti -11 you," sald Roger. lielp- liams' Pink 'Pills will not pri leu t4ays all exchange:
-asly. " You we. Miss Varlhis id not suffering plements, etc., are It -As than where "I first grind the corn anti ti reellect. -iling a illy OVCW*n Outy
AxtolL thrtMitig 11 lit -4 it hack in L6 Jnrichesur," r9adied AZU)n. R*4 Ic cure, and thot4e who are 1rempie llilwwlf deliglitA ILI tA
"Well. I'm ing at tho fire tholightiui,y; "but I want them twnt to tjie Hall. as from.sueb troubles would avoid Much di'veradrif-d cropm are grown. harvested make k)1iniiy cake, using nothing but sold at 26. 60. 60 bad 60 costs per ib.
,chair, with a liar%ili I all(I #(Ad. viluch of tile harvesting Is water and meal, or e6v make LL por- t,ory of tile old daYs "'ilf"Ll lie wa'"
wj�"y a man I thd)1lgi,t to my friend will revital now what I conce-ilell Flurry Nlarson =Ight liav-- got hold mL-ery and 'save money by promptly one by the anlaints, nnd they alsh ridge. Tile sweet corn I parch in a -headwastr of Lite io'.ugby, Aind abuy -0 b, . jiil�t thiri-k -o i!l (of then. The first tline I met JUdith of anti It' ishe had, she's such reworting to this treatment. Get the (I rket. coru popper wid tlien grind and eat %%-Iiolu e had Lad tu punibit exPrew- :*What e6e cll I Rogr Varlins was in this town. I c.ime a little fool. and yrds so much In love genuine Pink 111lls dvery time anddo carry the crolm tA) mn f ruit. sed tlio % igorous oPiuiul', is He %Vll With It-tters , ot 11jtrvxIuct1OQ' vil'Ith Melstane, that she probably, not be, peranaded to tnke an imitation If the United Stati-A had inore cattle dry with appitv or other TELS
call,# me KIM Axton, do n- just m a I"don friend to Mr, Maroon, woull I havo sent theta istra gilt back. Or some other remedy from a dealer Of tile proper claw more would be Px- "Tile vcgetarian L'iet Ii vtry cAmVe a beaAt, bu& u wAth aq effort at g1tyety. 11Y 110t fro hi; house- Weh. no they did not go to tile ported. -and the entire m-arket wotild ient for one who is travelling and ics have
the pri.4orier at the nud ho made me free of who for the sake of the extra profit respon --her wishes to be saving of expense. I have Recently pul)lihed istatint
-90 d to this relief with a lih, BOW URK GWS4 in the J.a.1-the vve.r.-t in fact. lie Vranted ine to V aY ti,ers Hall, where did tile-* to him -elf may any is " Just am go(kV �-&n Francisco and
�'Becau.w I Leliuvo You to be none but ttiough I am pot)r I am prowl, 64 7�0 thO I'st-'Office if' this Pl-"Cs-. Dr. NI-111inw-4' Pink 111118 cure when level of prIeps. Not 10 per cent. or that made ten tripis to I'lorida. where I thrown deep gloom over the French relilled Fjuik,4# mo preferrEsi to ptit up at Billterom tile postmistress. - however, k i tows - other medicine@ fail. taken at tile city markets is of the as many aAl twelve to Autiwbatco League, for they bhow
of the three, my*fris Mijis Varliiis, and had the packet quality demanded for export. have neveral small groves of oranges HOME GROWN SEEDS
cali'Li'lly. boariting-hot1we" apidly increasing It 1#4 easier to keel) away diseame and other fruitAL Oil my last trill I an enurnioug and r that plac&. tic weed in -r looke1 at him.iVIX11 ti; 14uqtlen a. I . k i low been addremied in that name. would Bradstreet's on Tr@4*. than to drive it away after It ham was three daye oil the road all(] liad onsunlption of the uarw Flint...Corr)
PC have sent theta up at once to tile French North I)akota White
flu -b of vilialue, an-.' illvol.-mitar.ly held How so There DO ispecial Alvity in To�- once got aniong our cattle, and clean- eight meals, on the way. "flivy cost we tflat country Ln ltwj out hi4 liant'i, I:ut 0row it h�iek iluicAly, 1. went, there too mee a Monsieur Hall. 'To mako thing's safe. however. 93,00J,LU franc* in- Wiconsin s falli"t White Gultinud." I 41irectcd the letten to Ili,@ judit11. ronto couimereial circleL4. where wer- linem im one of the . bftt means for In all *4x cellta- y food was Hle ,iuokeri# th'rew J by the pat- .....Corn
-before th�c'oth4 r c(wftl c!a,4P It 6. saw an uneommonly Ilost0 Lee, Suburban. Ironflekla, and 'CljuiiW are awaiting UCtIOU by the accollipliAlilng tfilic Keep tile statlem pound of rolled oat&4 and a pound and to tile tre4wtiry of France tile uuvern- Oent .... I I .. I ::.:.....Qat#
not yet," h_� ,4ald. 11-1-St.lY - I These 104 Siberian Wh'W goorl vilme.men of a scoundrel. He sho,wam to cali for tl&m." Tariff totiimia.*�iuu- 'file breaking up clean. tind use whitewash liberally an a hall of graliam flour, made iiito Wl- roiiage hich theY glive
will- not cla.4p ywir h.iiid In friendslill) of country roatU4 And unfavorablO a disinfectant. leavened gpinat I uleat*s tobacco shuPol and tillis id 12,- Handscheurl ........ **.o..Barley
uht:l I elt-Ar, my,vif in your 4_ -Y4 -F4- You wills a gr,at triend ol Meldta,ne. and "I siipIx*_* mile cal e,i -!" "in trave,ling, twelve or fifteen ou,uUd frtuics wore Ulan they spent Fodder $orohai-i,
lexplanation. We.l. I aim hei both hatell we Lke p4tLeme I "Yes, every tiny, but the postm:9- weather hiLve robtrictet] jjules ul, the So far aA the results of analysis are - fur that purlooze the year before. 0 i e varieties).
Judas-tliat!@ his treom .uald no packet haol arrived."I 11roviuco of Quebec. and Montreal known, White corn has 'atinit years ago, food to ltwt me from Bur Japanese AWW (thre
h4�re to give It." dtmi t know wily - Nielistane had Strange I The potal itrrange- WeTChants, reIK)rt collections unaut- cent. more i)f the muscle fornilin fala to , an Francit-co ut-ulLIlY cost me IL Tilk pi&,kt vroduce- econnous GrOW
,I lim g14141 ff thrt,".replled Ywilu mcknarno liere-411d, but Le t- 6factory. Business is not ext*cted to ments than yellow. corn. It I@ e I - dollar. Now, with my preatent way of A York paper prints tiome fig- of fome feir call,le. for tb,!� -tecond Vine. a grutigo agail:111t, me becatime I pUt, mento tire Ypry goo I as a rule. itin avilig, tw to twenty (ents would be - It PRICES LO W. --Order e&rly. mosi wo
ning of unvi- ered as coming nearer to -oats ures are remarkable if true I&A
Ills weret meethig-4 with Wro don't otten go astray. Addressed revive until after the Opel uppiy 6ne dom&nd
a,I*m-fIU:te Aw.,ire," ct,nt*nu4xI 11,094T. a 14tv.) to gatiou . untl tile ta ore, er sufficient for my ratloits if I pre- ootild clot a .1tirs.)n by to .1 ng U'A"Ith." to %I -*4 Judith, you say.,Ill rift id isetLied. The tile, yellow, and 18, tberefore, gayt, ttrat the production Of bicycles sp-wic For prioe� ani otber in
nil-bilig. 0 that How YOU are at Iroit- Florry .4 I NOva lor working animals. pared them beforle I left home." 'IF W
fll"'.4 You WIL"t Le aw.tre tlbtt I (Xill- %%,Iiy 4lid yoii d.) tht?" Y(IL" roadd iixe in a bad,,conditioll in , 1851 was 6u0,u1,)'0, against 11,00U for oil &PP
canse SIPLstane was such an Fmike pinched his chin thought- Scotia. anti country collectiono are Ilie fat hog and the milch cow are ceal"i co-rviiii Lacta4 in my Collvtrma- irhis ? The capital, now Juveoted lie r1W Fill CO., LTD -1
oint-nud-out wA!uiidreI that I did not fully between Ilia finger and tliumb, blow. St. John. N. B., reports hicrea*- the two great ractom for converting How's ag
YOU." ad lutuber t3hipment" W tile Ullited our grain. grass and root crops into $,.)(i,(M,0U0. The estimated output for 'Yeft! you ,ald you had not 1*en-to want him to mirry that silly IASI) k)i)kv4I frowuing,y at the lire, aud We offer one hundred dollars rewart isrs at ford. Out- ,thing. it lie had done go, he would theii looked United Stliteti. Tile rL contlenspd merchantable product. It tile lweteut year I* wheels. Iramflelt's, alpt th,lt you did not curre-; up -suddemy: "gdow and tile for any came of catarrh that cannot I uLlic ROadd Of now ' otate- have broken her heart. Well. when Is tho pobtmistrcss liee lntelll�- f6hery seahou opens auspiciously - In Im a hal:py cofti(Idence that while our be cured by Hall's Uawrrh Cure. The LowiHisbiouer of CC) spot,,] with 111is" Varlins. Botli t fa- stock depends upon such a conibina- New Jerte) abks: "What better argu- faL F J. Cheney & Co., .11rope., Toledo. 0
.W.o,D Juiith 1weame aware of these meet- Sent Newfoundland. in fact the mov, meiits were thority You iligs. she took Florry off to Veatimr. " No. the reverse. A enuffy old vtorably for many years. Bank clear- tion of ftood stuffs, the lands arekept We, tile undersigned, have known F went 1tw tile speedy improvement of *-May I 1wk un u.bf*e ou I tiscort&l th . am V) U)ndon. where ldiot." inga . at Winnipeg. Toronto, Mont- In a better state of fertility by hav- last fifteen years our roads than the noceogity of af- peak ito CV[Lfti!Clltly ?" delualliled Ax- 66 J. Cheney for the SUCCES
J1411Y. - �hey i4tayed for a t,me,. and Vien me Oil I" said Fankq, smlLng to him- real, Hamilton and Halifax aggre- ing produced thin variety in rotation. ant believe him perfectly honorable It, [L) ill& liambage for this Immense num- toll, 44 191wrt- then I � woul(!n,L I)e surprised gu ted $17,22U,009. lumt week, only any farmers get what mtock Li ijt of eltieleel" ,-CertaA�idy.' Cia tb,o authority of Dr. went on to) thp 18L- (of XVight. all bin businew transactions tindfillaD- 0 Japlx." A-rward I fo!lowed them. I it title deilverwi that packet to the *157,00ki tuore than tile previous easiest to get, and keep what they cially abic to carry out &ny obIW11 -I
IY aft have because they have It, neither The most Incredible stories are tolt orlic tsfi S '-Japixt" repe,-itoNl Rogt-r, starting, told you till that tA)ok plia there. wrong Imre.ju." ,OUU more than being a gooil reason. If a merchant tlof* madt by their firm. n. Thus the fOremau
But there'm -no one else about here in the corresponding week one year 'ussian Jaryme
6%!o yuu know h.rU Oil our return to) Iraidields nbout tjie - Went & Truax, N%'holesale DruggiNts of 1% "ye In miild:o of .Octoolwr. I be3eved Met- Called. Juith." ago, and aluiust *2 000 000 more makes a mistake lie geta rid of hi un Toledo, 0. uf a jury declared ike would not wend a,: I met him ioc,&ne Cme ago tniie met Florry by stealth, awl I Mr. Faiikij (lid not reply. but leav- than in tile like week' of 'ib95. There profitablo wares, for lie cannotstand Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whold-- an I I rq-nowed my ot ac- 8 Ing his chalr. went to the sideboard the low both (,f them and what he &at(- Druggists, Toledo, O. a poor fe,'low to prkwn becautie It haP-
I L. I Lim- -with him oldwn here. tniorl hitu -witio it. e hail a furioni were forty busineski failures reported
by . I row, awl I- went off ' to London.* alld brought back p n. ink. aud pa-� froul tile Dominion of Canada lap-tt nlight have sold Ili their place. On Hall's 1ratarrh Cure I@ taken intep- penetli to be ilia (the juryman's) birth- 4,LL
auie I wailteo! b*m to analyze W hille 1wre I received a P,tter from nally, acting diree*tiy upon the bhxxi day. Another jury per, wh:rtl be placed oil the table week, compared with tliirt)r-tix tile the fariu there is rooiu and feed for IBM foulitl 1j, llclj�tane,s room 311@9 Vnribis. tell ng me that Florry near Iloger. previous wpek. rorty-rotir In the week only a certaln aniount of otock. and mucou" surfaces of the myetem verdlelLrof gUl"ty when the church belle ALEJZS lit C
thfow Ivills wits 'eligaged to Mr. Spilger, and "You're a vc-ry I*ul writerl"t he -nine In the last It will not pay to buy- old unimalA Price 75c. twr bottle. Sold by all drug- begaii to ritig. They reviked their ver- CA ?',44.CiQ iltA-r h14 4!eith." a year ago, and forty to feed up. even if there t room to .- A lit 5 F, -to A that ulstane was leavaig IronfLeldo said, Calmly arnuiging the paper. week of ifaircl.l. 1893. gh4ts. Testimonials free. dict because a holiday had heguin, p*e4r
lie ItA)kp*t nt I1,,(;gc,r am lit lay fleish on their bonev, as It will re- free because et lilm for JprIchtster.." wortie thaii t1w ubual run o f Ilaille Family 11111s are the best. I?urglar -A ab alLo%% ed to go S06d Co. @Tm)ke, but, t6at y4ji"19 111;01 in .1 asked JIU-rury t quire too much food an(] too much bbed had apse Wrerwly nnd with lit fI lictling, 81 I i4l m I ie k now tll.�t ? HEART RELIEF. time to get them sta.rted. The great- tile man whow lie had ro at wit.- Fanks. ghiLrply. "I'm morry for the prLutere, If that ()Slt EJOAUTIFUL WOMAN I Y. biell oc*rn#%I to g vs- Fanks gri! EI_7,ht Years'Hanging Between Life'and ewt gain at lea THE M refuseb to lend liiLu M01le, for b+� with-Irew I tloii't kn(Ar; pKrhnpe 17Vwry In the, ca -se. Tile letter you ment we Death With Aout.e Heart Disease- st cost *111 follow the tile opinion of tile jury, was a direct AIY lipre, imayijig you were bu
tol I her. She,- of course. could ea coming, Is And in 30 Minutes After Tak iq$ nrst N�'Ing of thrifty young stock. Illty Kept a Furnishing Storo in the Cttv Ot incautive to crime. W'.tb a 141;rh'0f reliCf. learn it from [ter lover: but what nitmt 1114*1ble11 Dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure For tho lien stoct cannot prove Ito ab Dublin. 0 TRRW APRIL IST.
40 6 ck-taviu:4.'! a -IL- I R., ger,af ter a Imuse plizzle" me is why elatane went to "Well, that letter luis.notlAng.to Heart Relief CoLnes-Wn&t it Did tor to pay for lt#4 fooil get rid of It In The figures show that there ib no SPRIN en, you rememler our cotiver4atlon at Jurlchf4dA-r at ail." (10 With tile Alfred Couldry, Went mbefford. Quo., Pome way before tile holiday@. Tho -e Ili lier LAA of Irish beauties 11M.
Jarichemter?" came," maid Roger, -Im- It Oan Do for Amy Sufferer From the n the world. The area r. 41041,erntely produced his You have no Iden T' gakt Octavitm pa tiontly.' Sa-me Cause. who are still feeding find It expenidye Gerard quotcw Gladbtone's story of lack of land I As
littl - fliptel.0fik aild kiiig nt him v*-n!y. "I thUik It has & gxKxl deal to do worko -at tfils season. It In folly to the t-urpawing charins of Ilrs- DiCon, of Texas lia 274,:17G equure miles. *ecreti ve tapped it 100 I had been suffering from acute who kept a furnishing guG store tkvww rVA-0 I dellentely. with Iii -4 loing fingers. "'Not tho least Ili tile �ivnrld. Irm With It, welng It told me you were heart trouble for over four yeavL fc*(] good corn or hay into dry cows ds M "U to- 4L Me.- arAl trsirwd for
comkna down here,- rsPlieu v or jina m out. k1re MY Vitt Maltz'" "ut!'"" young llidiop lialte, nt opa am to Ilia reasons." V' I lt:U U%A- bk) A 0 SA46 1-01 � — - -- - - - iniate of tile popula,
'The cotiver4ation L4 Pwt dowii I'Pre." q , Humpb! Go on I- coolly. "Uosvever, thin Is not to hold of Ituid, the Viceroys Ih-ife, drove up in The highest eat 1,500'"'(W. butinsaw ifbau0no IrrIve of O;r rwent stv
.Ob,,* *ajoi with wirloille po- "itwith asked me to go to Jarl- I _.. give me relief, I le procured Dr. Ag- but when they (mice get %vcut into thesholl, tion of tile worid -is dom# d popit OuP im Ofie weq*. 41anedsoo
.1 wapi 11t)t -ire you- carricd the point. Take up that pen." Heart- in thirty LioOd, they, like the a grand carriage, oillull, who Divitic 175 Odd int,o iadlag v4)u%m#ry &I sebool I wrtw ew cir
tpllcw. , ww. new's Cure for ti thoroughbred - i t
estpr anti await the nrrlval of Roger did so, looking considerably minutem after the first doise I had re- bulldog, pever let 90 but to get a and, looking hard at Mrs auLl it will be found that I cular". Y(,ur detective priiie Ife'stane, in order to obtain from I thpre was hoehind tile counter, 6aid: Yes, millions, bona to tile W J. KIIAOTT, Prim1w.
tke a ticite of Inte . rvicW`4 with your )ewildered at the nuumer in which lief, and although mine wam IL case better Wd. What a stride the you are tile 111064 beautiful %%-011la" ill gI%,(%v less titan nitle per -e any ency- him a Vackot of Is-tters written by his; friend was behaving. of long standing, eight bottles ef will be In this directim during She then init,TP- acre. l,'or these figures w-
rlIp, respon(jetl Florry. which ho had.li his'pusI110110- Now wr I too me down the address rected a permanent cure, and I firm- next generation. three kiligdotim I" Hilt authoritieA allOw
4-1 ilon't-Jo It ag It wap eoh- clopedia. The Be
ITI.,4tillet yuu put on-, tile packet." Axton W - shop W the poor only one-Umth of anacre STUDENT6 AND TLACHERS
I�y; ,joilt, I h�l.l tin ! ly believe, after knowing hat It has Usually it Is best to make a young dintely left thP
Fanks, Coo Us -y, excited by the Duke's
um-rui Ili Yes," said Fairks,* eWAY; 90 olwed quickly amd produced an an- done (or me, that there in no hopeless boar which I being Wed for service Jugal JL -810
that our Inwrview floght b0 to's tile fair IrLshwouill,", that for their support- it, H I NO a W ORT H Y &06 PitoFITA BLIL
gular ocrawl. b
viV:tion with Mel-4tam-*s Cax-�- I W-10 came while thin great cure Is to be had. for tho first time with Old, matured praase of Lies for t he S IJ UM RR MO 10t Offillse .1
I went (town V) Jarleheater 00- "Idumph I" %ald Fajikm, looking at ome cc x ned the viMt. Ecitoft frotu tile OX-, =UUnwfig ug. W� dc not ptomiff P0 V! DAX -
r4.rbt yfru %4.e -Ili- cril4l. with - "Most I cheerfully i4anctlon the use of my tee- ,owi4. or at Imst with th which ca Ili the latest pei WICEIL rl%4 tar iDunt or Thtunil feeling, "why (lid teonsibly on a walkt�g toiir, and re thit impecimon of ca11graphy. timony in whatever way It way do have had one litter of pigs. This will me of the liumorous' but more th&D th" (,U 1,4)t trtk4t ftle ?" 04ved a second letter from Judith CaTelem writing. Observe; you use tile most good." generally give better re-bults than to ford ( tile p"Ucula.-v Addr"P.
1y hl.4 face, upon tellirig mp Nlelstnne had left IM11- tile ol(I_f1Wlli(mmj '".I you don't dot e both animalq young and which tliggtVits that iu J. L. NiCHOLS & 00..
fields, and wao on him way down. On hav the first time.
yuur tsnor cross your 't's.' and, Ambiguous., ichm(,nd 4,1.-vot wew4 Twellft. Oat, which bur1kcmi a fill -41, of thme.. are wied for breeding %hen ti'le "U"erbity Up
he replied, tll#^ (lay 110 W&A elpf"Cted to arriTS. I moreover, you curve your 'I' toward The following " in Memoriam " no- March or April pigs should bi givell over to )'(lung lady teacher"
retnrn tice. contributed by two daughters, November ilig the I niaemitv Exten&ioll -r*,41NG 14013b.
went for a walk, Intending the n,ext letter in the fashion of 'a lbs. attvid ( 1,10 H
in a low voice. I "It ready for the butcher In 50 iiouid be calied a ooParlAe@ who took s4reney wid bave them
�Of lelng accused of "o murder early. tn!ortunately, however, 'So far, so, good. N(irw write Moiilir in Illmory of their father and moothery Or December. or even earlier. Give lectures, it o 0611 thLm it ob by
my way and did not ' Nt back untik sicur Judas." paper this he of Flirtation." Tile examiners Ill left ou t,b* ir h8,11 dd ('" Yen." 1p ppeared in a Liverpool them plenty of red clover for t pare their 41ufm- a, dreftift N, C- W*114. Box 4X
'But you can exculpate yourself Intop at night. I foun I Meletane had Itoger did so with no Idea, of what a its. and then it should then lore arrivtwi and gone to bed.0' , other day and helping first -fivo or IKIZ Mont a along tioup in the following f&&WOU: Mid Fankm, Ili a mUirtled tone. bbi friend had In lils'mill(t. Wf% mi" their kind RIA KIXTY YLAKS
to fatten them with Indian Cor view
�Jstane had "Thtre, observed Fanks, when thiff hand Ith tile clover. As a result they If A he 900d-1001 .0 Queen --tbe book of Lbe vear; it. going
Zvgf r, g Did you as:i If Mr. Mc 0 Co 4ing and w
I arrived ?" Wag completed, "do you mee much qtif- fmd and tender care. 0or 300 pounds by if B be divine and 18; m wit -. defies 4m%r 100 '11ustr*
Obt on mv word of bonor, Fank,4, Their hould weigh 250 "row; vepul&r priew, outfit
A;4_11t. L,ve you read 'FAJwin No I I asked c1lumally f4ence between Judith and Judas, We M63s their helping. 9QI(Uug " wth profitably with plenty 4. U. ltokdK & BONIL
aius J11114 late fall -a 900d g`rO A day would kgcp your r00= If bwell-50, iionv; elegant bin4 a
strntigpr had arrivPd and then accurding to your writing?" hand- r. But that (if wit preternaturafly keen only W; writa quick.
Lyroual' from tt looking made. , Inaell,ne to Con- warm ill wit1te by %%,Ilut uss of quoid- Toweete.
"Yes,"' reolponded F ,(I come 46NO 9 said Roger, bonemt!ly, What 19 home without them there ?
ank.% rath--r puz- thPY told me. one 11, Tive licig is but (,an you show ----------- sl,wl at wbat appeared *to, tie an,irrel- Lwlik)n, and de4crIlm&I b4n, so of COUI`88. at them, "I Cail't say that I do. But peace. perfect pence." rk. SM,,di Stove WIM burn OftlY raties AND M
119 opot vert corn and other food Into po
evaat quesUon, **bev4ral VnIes I knew h*,m at once." what do You mean - -are moot -five. HenCtI&SComfort Tile 041ual�kllg of C mlly lie 6,)rx? TANT9-A09NM MAIA woodiii, N
and pork bringL4 whAt wo twenty eveg"'.towu "A
j)O ou reweinlwr what 14c'kems "BUt Why all till -4 MJVRterY?" 6*1 mean that the poetmlstresw Niagara outdone. in need of-m(x'eY- If tile bog is a and miwry. And when IlY applied niathetnatie* Mil the famous W "t
In that said Axton, "JudIth implored me to be careful,'" old and stupid as You "fly N110 10-hal was taken by an machine, and we are going to keep IA,ill it� aiid 20 be I ? tum Usht��tsZwLftlz circilim4ancm may no- 4a](I Roger, (luickly. "'You fee. Florry's ivade a &1&take and delivereit the A Scoteliman we A certain amount of fato t stake, and I wanted n friend to visit Niagara wine of these maclAIRON fOr use. C1111JU11te 140 strtingly even agaimt, an gool name was , packet to Monsieur Jud"." America feelings an a patriot surely want the very best attaintible. burned dailyp would ketp your British Kodlc&l MO", WKD11 VKA 1i VR &a.d I-i--seft
man that, directed. sharp- to xet Lbe pakge of Iett4T4 back "Absurd I". Falls. Already Ills �lg should make a pound a day body Wirm and hwthy. But lanociput little frosted by,the per- A
h m With an lAtle publicity RM possible." - had been #L I f it does According to tile Idelticai Register L13upwalsk tw0vt OOW
m.(I. anti point "Neverthelem, you rath" overdid "'Not at all. Judith Varika in gen %istent blofwlllg of 111m conductor 00 for every (JILY of its life. digution is b" iLnd Tcou tered priawd on b"TY b"I blin."' erally called Ilim VarlLus, I presume, y for market at your 1997, tile number of rMib CLUML 90% bmAnesn I Well what did greatness oif things American. tl,Lq it will be read a for irustic Pi . it True nnswercst rankx. 111),- the my% te the Chrixtiaii name,Juditti would th" ret it from ordinary t- with British qualifics 1w pw mal 4AW tw
tru4." " such you do when you found MAO e hatt 80 er behold anything oo any time after it. is 911 months old. don't g practitioners Vol "am hipi head. itot occur to tills old woman. On tile -44 DId you ev lience you arc chillyt lie day. The go" sit
pro% InglY, nodding gone to bed ?" - tha t ? " asked the guide. ean pork we mu;t begin f OCA. tions in 34,4TS. Tile number in t
!% .,I before." other Imid, the odd naras Judas wonderful as if we desire I llog, and ,Ito occurr4 tile grazing
thing -4 11. ji,gnln," cried Al- "I went to bed al,4o, and mn(Je Up would, and knowing that extraordl- 66 Ay. man, at Pebble.;4, I Fiaw a Peft- to enlitivate Perkshires; ou c4tch cold casht YOU have lwgister of last year is 33,CA)I. or"
-And luay occur -I () I 1. 1, I my mind to see him the next morning. cock wit a wudden 19g," wfw tile wl- none are better than the must T ton. with a look of al)pr*3h4,n I L, now Thitiking nr tile lettelm, however, and nazy-looking Frenchman to be called atid the dixroiltlou to exerelie coughs and shivers; while increase of bT7. The Particulam of -tb.,%% You NWV3" me.,toulil i)o knowing he as In the n46xt TOOM-1 Jud", she -I mean tile pomtmimtress expected reply. tills huge total are am follows: New FOR TWENTY lenow I evid,mce - -would naturally hand the packet be encouraged. ftnagement a HOW PftCUM0614 bronchitis, or con- regiAratiolls-EllgiftWi, Tq(); Scotland, tll,,Lt circumstanUil w(Juld PlIt could not 4leep, so am It was not thn With r!ght M, you with no re- :%; remtorationP too tile
tlrwight ngnlil*4t me which Ov+*r to 111M." ters of pip sumption finds 477; Irelaml, I "'
; hilto oil MY soul. ton o'clock, I tZought I would go In "But surely lie woult% refuse to re- allould produce two lit 8 will sistive. power. Rogioter, 5'") ; total, 1.4.37 From th1P
my life I a &tner nt of 314-1441.][1614 and %ee h1m." celve It ?" S @ each year, and ton or three sow, ago Intigt be deducted for reusovals bY 1) U N NS
Fankov. I' ani Innoce '"Curiown thing too make a vWt too & "I doin't know so mucl) about that. Umually #;Upl)ly all tilat the aver I)o thh6 Burn better fuel. death, r),32; under section 14. 25;
denth-11 ani mail's room lit thrnt time." have fnrmer will care to reed and fatten. EMULSION under lwnal section, 8; total, 560.
- re, wered Use SMTTPS ber on tile Register
"I feel cert:tln OU you may, I dare may," roplle4l AxtoN tnrtly; Ln the flr#4t place, lie might order to convince the public that With care in breeding and In foster -
gently: I, bnt, no to gpt the thought the packet wam for lilm, and In tributed that A tite and Tile actual nuin AKIN
oct,avIlLe. alcairmt g1ty Dr. Agnew's Liver Vills are fur 8 P- Ing tllei&e can be so dis Illerly an-
-inom are stronlC. *'but you "", I w" amxloum ne bi the secod, him natural curloi u UA of Cod-liver 01 P 1,0 affWW by tile removals c
eircumat. t1lout re- lettern, and knowing that Met8ta liver pill ever lilaced on Femp will be preparing for Ur revive * ctitmi 14, w hich is a mere piostat
you. T1.11 me everything WA ouq mail, particularly at would make him take It home to ex- erlr to any the manufacturer I'M market at al I Fea, 00 4. Ctipstive power Wr of dpr ote variation ab -
141 1 maV .1w al,te to ptivL4e w&" IL nery niiiie. When lie found what, the tile market* outhd sold them at HORTICULTURR and &oon a Warm 0&ting f matter, and subJect to
a I pletely in nIKht, I railcied I m1ght get them 8 lt.611 for the past Piz W cordiRg to circumptancell or tile OWDER Von ; qt1torwi4e I am 00111 back by playing on his fears." packet contained, lie kppt 10 cents for a vial of 40 dON814; Or &Lt gDod flesh wiu protect the VitaJ
,,Bllt wily should lie keep It ?" object In planting fruit ftetioil of tilp efuncil. Though the
the dorL mv friend- Fankfi," "A m(mt original Iflea I" clear low of 50 per cent. of their cost Tile f Irst nily with am against the cold and the ntimber on tile RctriAt011' CrOws fr`oW HE COWS BEST FRIEND
-1bell v67OUftre . a altatber wild, perilayn, but not 'flow (icgu4e you are, Rogerl" nald prI,-e. The truly wonderful merit of Vr- aliould be to supi ly tile far tile exceps of new regis rations over 4FT *ALIE In "WADIL I r. 1 believe y Fanka, Irritably. "He wan a friend 41ch can he LA@tQERT switi r,ot-relloo, earnewt . I Without mezit. Agnew's t,116 in now recognized In everytlilng In tills line vi My against dixaw- f% me too well to think or Mel"taiie, and seelngt the letterm d tile numlier of deathN it dow not w you knin'r of such h crime. ttihigs, took my candle, and went into em w1dremsed to MLeSitane he very three-fourths of Canadian howes, an grown upon the farm. Those only who TWO gzch 5D Ctl6 MO $1-00 l rqtw Iwo wMan -P;O^ IiI.-I room." Y from this time on the retall pricis grow tl*lr own fruit have then *uT)- I would be Vilty t im im
ill go and w the ssWtd- For U110 I" likely kept them b reatat pe! Yfol wil I tell in n you 1,Ho f bo! go it WVA you that left the 6I.-- _d%J%.VV% 0 Vv "a a Amu !"I lrol&l of 40 down will be 20 OPO4, remg luxuries in 1, r BRuisL f
( le -
Z by @ham@ plied the little girl, w bo evidentl had awaW It beft biiiiiiiii I 8 Myself de psvt10�1 awl 111flow." cow uo Tnis jor notti. be"IC p ev aoAt -46 Ing. Then I bftan tO HAS In the busi- Ing questions when I am Ignorant." For many gwd riany a day, older @UterL was "ry b"le at 11L Avis,—