Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-02, Page 3a -Mood - 11 Will that region. 71he multitude throngod WOMAN'S WORLD. it doeswith the various departments no dirilfied or governmeutal answer SUNDAV SCHOOL to see the restored paralytic and the I de by With reference to the civil at tand with the church of w9T THI WORLD, SOMETHING LIKE A STEILs JJ N SESSIONI of municipal and national life in Enq- to make. ripien betieractraw. Then opeulytbey �ged that it Will land. Bell's "Dictionary of,tLLe Worlds service, Mr. Foster alle took their 14 ft en Press," for 1897. a publication deal- wad " gospel truth" that the Depart - NO, I Chribt. You win be what You will be fourth estate in Bri- ment of the Interior was permeated INTERNATIONAL LESSON Let f&Uure find Its f&I" coontent .The U ing with the very In- with spies from top to bottom. Be- APRIL IL Iffin. pj,RCED HER DgiD HgkDqi In that poor word .. environment, �amon�ies Aunded the tain and the Colonli0d, Ila" a would IM of the NOWS of I Chicago Financial concern which. teredting article from Mr. Porritt on foru the,wosion was over cases jLk JL But the spirit noorm it and Is frft the press gallery at Ottawa and the be stated In viach Ovil servants had of been dismissed without charges bay It mamters t4me, it coniquerm @Pace Owea, $130,000 pening. Sewiiate alul Hou"e Of Common@ ated. The lKmwtfll1 trickster Oven Da,v a. Canada. ing been made anfl itivestig Pewr Working Mir"lt*- Actxi'L-12-1�3- It Cows that Of t1he thirtlDen vacancle*1 in con- Government had Indeed launched out 40. 1 lace Chanog last session eighti Ili their immigration �ollcy, as pro- Time—Probably A. D Countes8 Zeldieka's Dying Instruc- And bids the tyrant CIrcums"nM THI titituencies since niised, commenting by establishing a. Lydda, Joppa,, Sharon. Uncrown and fill a servant's place, HD ONLY OWNS ONE 810 BILL, Thl Ca FROM THE THRON& have been filled by re-election. and Air. CANADIAN y Eneas, Tabitlia. Cer tions Rog, rded. _ttuLt Of Mr. Ben, sanitarium for sick poIjUelans. Persona—Peter, V 0 in one case otil utive Devlin, who resigned as member for IM* human wid. that fOr0e UDA*etl- 9. -d —waoi a Consery Case of leprosy i-, rv1xir_U nett, of Silucoe taiu disciple& Simon the tanner. The offspring of a deathl� soul, I Wright on account of 111 -health, bay- d ManitoW. Angry Moni and Wunien Try to Get at Work (,Vl- �jut For the Second Session of returned. nt. He Commentary -32. As Ileter passe Can hem, the way to any CMI, Tariff, Cold Mr. J. A. C. Ethier, the member for ing received an * opointme NTFUL CIREER IThough walls of granite Interyene 0 throughout an quarters,­N'imiting d Greenway, of Manitoba, In thfdPresident Cries of **Lamp Post I" the EiA;A t h Parliament thought that the real reason why Mr. all I ' HER STRANGFq EU Ottawa so�a on public bwl- Secretary $130.000 Short EVen the Storage, Canal Enlargement - The Two Mountains, seconded the addr DeAn did not face the House was encouraging the churchesi. He did not Be not Impatient 16 delay, 16 in an elooluent speech Jn him native rov- Otticers'Bonds Were Stolen. Queen's Juttlee An English Press tongue. beftlise lie could not support the C wait at Jerusalem until all were coit- But wa,it aA one who understande, on tile school question after 14yeaker I-Jgnr and ex -Speaker Sir ('Lhries Tupper tated ernment vatted before lie went to other places. 4 Ca-tepresentative. cougratti on Once an Imperial Favorite Her FALmllY When spirit rWes and commands, tho speech lie made In the House I te have beeti io-vit: Privy Council- A Chicago detipatch says. 10 A the movcr and seconder of Lhe addrew the subject last semlon. Lie (-oii(:Iuded —11eloubet. The churches haviiig reist Troubles -Hoped Till the L"t W The go(k- are re&dy to obey. lor" drawer in the office of tile Columbuts In front 'of tUe larliument Buildilig on their slA*ch(w, at the manic tilne lie ce e- from persecuUon, tile aposties ina'do I 3A, - J. 11� Dvbdoa, it dtffl of tile ex- Building w", received commisorating with the foruier in [by piaking a fwtv remarks on t of this interval of quiet to visit I Meet Her Wayward Son -A Weird The river seeidug for the me& and Loan Asoociation a $10 the 11ce-Regal carriage Ion or Her Majesty's diamond ULM 'the End of Her �xwtmaster of lork%0e, diett rit NN'ill- 'Ov- what 110 termed ]its, difficult task as brat tl.e different congregations, in order to Funeral Marks Confronts the dam affol precii)ice. nipeg. bli.1 was found yetiterday by tlie�re-1 by a guard cot honor from the G An ideal free trader in preparhig UK! jubilee. build them up In their must holy faith. Waiting. Yet known it c&nnot fail or, mift. cvi%er apIxAnted by the court- wheu ernor-General's Foot Guardio. The House for his acceptallee Of a prote.C­ Mr. L. N. Champagne, the ruember —Ularke. Peter wam not a regular pas- You will be what you will be A police cetlalus 44 tile SX)PUlation of cle, ,ht, as then introduced Atlana doeq)atch otlyn. N liva the Toronto will W taken on SitudaY, 110 Itook putweLsiotl of the premides band of tqLs regiment was also pres- tive tariff. The leader of the Oppo- ct for Wr4 tor, but the itinerant visitor of mal'Y —Ell& Wheeler Wilool. And sLwelled thew for v 'A ento. Prewier by r. 1aurler anti Mr. Sutherland, churches, to confirm the doctrine of Njuains or Countems Zeldicka were in- V April 11ti- alublee. Ition lso congratulated the adjourn - 1 `1 Aberdcell 'entered the build- *4 n bint Ril,t took his seat, the House inferior preachers, to confer the Holy tqrred at Wftt View ectuetery on SLZZVBS AS THEY WILL crowd of angry jinAl weeping , men As Iord 4 way to tile Senate Chain- 11poil tile tionor courerred po Ing Immediately rifter the ceremony. ohost on them that believed, and to n one of -Mrs. Liouis Uyr, of lrontilideti, put a and wouleti, stockhoiders in the asso- ings on Ill. a.,4 well t; upoxi the eduntry i)y the Thurbday thek curtaui fell o leaf of totacco on a ctiL 'iadd unit ber a salute wits fired firoiw Nepean .111vitation to take part ja -the olia- ordain ministers. ills headquarters novelties in Orgardies, IndI& Silk oLnd ciation. stooitil outsido the doors of the baddest lire dramcw ever emwtood died of blovd-po6otiing. a Field Bttery. rat but, like his MALO- Challies. tho office, at No. 1210 Yullerton live- Point by the Ottaw llioli(l Jubilee celebration as tbr., V_ were at Jerusalem, d-partmentAl stor' The Senate Cliaml)er was rrowded, e -f it- ONTARIO 8 KNERALSo Ing good. Lydda Just loefore she died at the Grady The es of MO11- i uule. detuanding to know wheu they r of the mo -4t importatit ter, he went about do! _ Old Tcw- Now ip the time for the woman whu treal are being pr' ecuted for i�elliug they had onved the invitatiLlus sent out being more [lv. 1paming oil to criticisin; ir —A city of Jfadea,caaed in tile Hospital t4he re(juepted tUat the direc- OL.- would ge4t tile money 0 - ham premerved her 41ght skeeves to d1rulp withuut a licenbe. from scanty eatruing-4 au*l place -I tht-re numerous than for some years past. Charkm claimed that tile mlstitutlOu_ tament Lad. Ezra ii. 33. It as lo- tionti sho hao g!ven to bier execu- bring them out and put them to prae- Tho galle Red Chamber Tile Uinkk)n Str4-t Railwy Coul- ior t-afo keepilig. Arthur'Nollu, the ries of tho di(I liot bear' the Glovernnient out Iii catW In the plain of Sharon# twenty d tile whole scene t a. settlement of en Wr rogartiing her burial be carried tical use. Those wto keep old dreme" pany prol"w extewiing their Spring- receiver, said he could UOt WXY when were also f illed. an it,, riglit to effeci Official Statement of Their Extent five taiien from Jerusalem and t out to, the btrietest letter. i Them di expecting tlwm to come in Ftyle agadn bank litie towartia Byron. arkyolle would get tiny motley. was a bill'.1aut out-, am Lord Aberdeen tile schoo, question am it;* had donq, miles from Joppa. It was �ike seat 0 a octions were unusual. dhe had ul- will be amply rewarded by thp saving P , he. delivered the followijig and lit) n6o couiplained of the words very Tamous schuol. Tradition auwrtv Ift Rey- Mr. Ramsay, of Mount ForeA "'I'lie associatin OwOi $1-0100," the mouth Of . and Richness# that Ist. cieorge, "the patron 6aillt Of wayti felt, a horrible, morbil fear of to this seamon's GtY - f treatin vukl, "and till the asaamett; I have been I Speech From the 'I hrone. ILaVilig . been put Into being buried 'ali%o. This dread I A most charming way o 9 'eneral, f rom hicit it Englapd," wam borti thc had accepted the cu)l of the cungrega- w -re- %!on of Kaoi; Church,. Ottawa. able to find so far in this $10 bill. Hou. Gentlenten ()f the Senate, tile Governor-( $3. Found a certain mun—Ile fpund Preyed oW her Inind continuoumly anda an old tight ideeve to by covering It That was takeil in by the clerk after iniglit be Inferred that the relaVions at timed alilioot drove her cr!zy. She Mr. John [,c)stt' ano0detilea the truth y, or it -is Gentlemen 6Y tile Houme of Commons: ofjlglisli an(k Fretich In *.Ohio. this man. He was led, by divine pro' made her' executor, Judge 4 F. C. 9 Ilk�-retary &-tchisel ran awa. by % i,.re country, had not always been thosO THE GIOWN UNDS REPORT vidence, to this lam" m&u, not of %he story that lie is to entar t, tKA certain it would be here." In welcoming you on your attend- ie palay— Kbiltz, Promise her that ructed Cabinet. of ew Bruno- - .. q- (,at coni recount I wash for a living." saikl aged.and ance at the seMd oc4iisioll of the pre- of gr lie tariff. Sir word would havo her heart pierced after wick. tile question of t is a contraction of the fort and enjoyniellL Coln- chaace.—Gioag. sick of ti "trembling Anita Janovsky. of 1131 ent, I desire to expreva hig to who took disease which 4ie- her deatit- to -make certain that bim sent Varliaftf too said that, as one Showing That -the Past Year Was One s-paralsim." It in a Mr. A. B. La0anto, advocate, Of Lill avemue. "I am gettillic too OId the gratification I feel at the evi- ( liar on, wak; dead. Valleyfield, 44ue.. luts been apiwinted JIBLI work here. and ll. I dencem whicl prevail throughout the a 1;roininclit Part In promulgathiX tile of Great Activity on the Eve Of IL priven the parts affected of seusati to watili ec NatiOnal Policy, lie felt that It had Development Twenty- or the power of mutioll, or both.- Dr. JuhLb G. 1.'aruest was mummonod Great Era of an- by Judgo Koutz to go to Barc4ay's A**6taut Clork cof the IlLmw uf Uoul- t; tile Canadian Ixx)ple% never oce than undertaking carry had in the world is ill this -tee. Give I Dominion of ie loyalty and Aff tiOn entert ined by tipi6dl a pr0Uqer position Schaff. The term waa used by t lie estublishineut nmonl@. mo iny money." deficit; of $300,000 Nine Mining Companies Were incur cieut physiciallb in a much wider neuve 11 Tiltoveint'llt oil foot for "I can do nothing for you now. for Jiler Vnjesty the Queen, or the it did to -day. The Government had poratect in the Province. than iti our day, incluuing cramps and Out thid last request., before Dr. There 1,4 the dt'sire to join, with their fellow sub- whiell tile present E'firrie6t 1)icrc*d the heart lie made tan -.18 the appointment of liecoud Judge en - who. wore ()it th ir I , . mrts of the empire In collip ill-witli could I a(.count-ed for Tho annual relmirt of Like Coull"i6- lockjaw. The diseae In its extreme of tho Excliequcr Court to as,�L_t Mr. t -cars df- a lifetime of hard and unre- jfwts in all I i very careful xawination of tier celebrating the diamond jubilee -in a hy the iincertainty catised by a It bioner of Crown Wn-,6- for 1696 waj plimw was conside budy for any biga of life. The body Jubtice Burj)idge. witting toil forgot their own 104Ne". then t Ire - maketh titee whole cll;to them. at tile rthy to( the joyous evbt. eral election. ]Put since re presented to the Leg6lature yeriter-- 34. Jesus Christ wws cold and not tile slightest evi- manner wol chantre. nguage in Mr. Sifto. Nl.ni,-ter'of the Ititerior,. Which meant NO Mu to, be able also to had -unfortunately been a* t)f tho Urown land.4 proixer it -Peter had used bimilar la of, %itulity were . t1ght of tho pt.or old woman wring-, Anti. I am Vl0fW0 avored ttle Govern- chapter Iii. 6. 1 eter 4.4d not, beal him arhanierit to 9 ve It tin Fverythlil had 'f o following sitatisticui. pr(4m.)-wo to r -k announce tlutt in accordance wit hesitation in givas th power When Dr., E.arueeit inade sure that all A Oulu of mollt.y t,) t!ie Wv.�tiqrn Im- , ing. tier harulls. In anguish. Invitation from the Imperial Govern- -nimli, nT lie lint] no ']'he strea of Crown Ilill(is sold cfairing in his own strength, but by t e life wakA extinqt, lie wok all embalm - migration Aot-ocidtioll. In tito winilow cc the �jfflce was- a arrngettivirtm ar beltig ilitatle eaving that. tho development of tho year wais 49,47.1 L'icre,aggregat- of Jessue Christ. lie wao UOu'll chum" in- ing instrument called a trocar and card hearing the Diformatiort that a "lent willell walfi g�j- I,lle cul',ec- aasuri�d him of an ink .Air. Julan Kt�nnetiv and Mr. Albert would he for .,Oil effective representation, Of the ItR universal reia.ourcen ilig 141 alue 1-:45,0T7.:.7.. strument. He meeting of the st(.vkholderw ctI,)l1 with the com- i1lg oll. t.110 Illmlic.0 tradb,-And t -he -oil aceo;lut. of thesc and males mediate and perrect cure; not he J with thit6slender weapon pierced the th heart of the -dead countess asi she had Wieks wi re elecied aldermen in heit.1 at Kronetillergvr's Hall. -N ."I DOM1111011-in cut,,,* lic-at, the commercial Pfod- ",I to -si4,303.- will make thee eaAq, but "make ( it 0I tilts 11storle Occasion privo or w f ftwuler years aLuoutitc ate lit- L;Upk)ll to fill tile ktiolin Ai44 memorati' i t4 Fullort6n avenue, at 9 t;clbck. 11try shotild be the ba,4t 0 6. There was aiso lua6e as uAlling the restored to coo- ro4l uested. lie fLolk .1 get eaq4tal of the empire. tion of tile cou .0 whole." lie was tie i"trumeut lwne 6litised by dbolualificatiOns. many or tile titockholderail as could get at the, uncertainty thy trated lit wh n the 1111tuediately after tile last PA-asion ii, lt44 hwtor:F. Uut tile lands under the le"ing t1auAL-A of.the plete health. Arise and make -Mr 11ti-li A. Atlaii, In -if) intvr%-iow into tile 11.1n were prev;e Government of anitob was in-. ail to the taria had paralyzed every- 6n which, bed -He was at home, and therefore tlitwe wasi nut the islighteet quivering Nliljw Act 13.22 1-21 acreo, ,at outr`val, coullwatlY "a' Pret-ittelit of tile tt,;s�ocoltion Istopped the circulation ded not to take up his of th(I fixed cold museleb. The count, still ill tilk. lit I I to' tender for tIlP fa" th ast night. Ser- I to hold a conference -with -ulY thillr, andhad the OI)Iwml-. and lando prov kased, reut was etxmmal; Ise of the paralytic re Oob wao certuitily dead. For a mo- - of i ioney The- leader of bed, " n tl�e CJ meeting to ortler 1, View, wao 3ilinisters,-ori the k;ul,Jegt Of the griev I aillutliltilig t �46,94U.09 wa&4 rulleCt- mout the physiciftu and undertakers pr%ice- geant Cherry, of Lke or - Atlantic ot, . t) like v. 24; but he was ,tell to prevent ances 9 out of the Act of that tiotl ists e&I al. The total cullectitai.4 therefore on corde -trol t ariphie - )ret**d Itia rt�gret 'that d in was stood aroutid the' body. Then Dr News been received that tile. 111`0- t1,1\rc with six pa ucation passed the (;tP%(rnnient intendod-to bring lit ulkt of cruwll tutid.4 wore 91,- dered to wake it. Thin invalid (:I ed to bUjILl 1, new the anger of t4e crowd from finding, province relating to ed lie said, would 4 (1*0 ,Ip himwif und to Earneist slowly drew the troearout minion lie has de in the year ISUO., In response to that a frane1iisc hill which, !4:1.35. commanded to lit It it the Nearly 200 moro umiliat- And lie of 'thd body -i bringing wit steamer, wiricil will twe' the large2iit vent in vlolencul. trif,41 10�get into I inv itatitin three. members of the 11aul- plaeo Canada in the lllc*t Tho two nev� Fettleinctits atTemi" prove his faith by exerc6 heart's bluud of tile that ever otti-ed Into the port of Munt- 111pl, pind women Ing ixwitioll ever oceniried by any Par- -d the stainiv of the the hall thnn the wa-ce would permit. t0ha_ Government cume to.ottawa, id he calltiligue and Dryden ha%e wade -sat- arose immediately -This i4hewe dead countem. real. I / and after many taitt Protracted dis- Itainent. Ile wOu .6factury progreom during tho year and completeness and reality of this mir- -1 ED. A youal Montreal girt named Greta WOMEN ARE EXCII was reached to mee same meam to avoid the considerable aea of land have been scle, and the strength and falth of The booty wam preptired for burial it 8,UILf'e by unt sys- the sick man. Baron Sharon, a rich at.; tile Countess had always roquest" Tayiur tried -to CL911M -k .4vork. ol WoRIVIi crowded iieur the between the two, Governments which rx-Yo4e aftendant on the prest sold to actual settlers at imall theme reia. 1�ho wau attired in a white witio swailow jag I Wis gre4hi tin accoldat U; N%.111ell w1i* 1 laced in'the rear of an a retr(Wraoe and Uaesia Was the 'Iwmt urrangement obtainatile tem, lit� regarded place"_ vale between Joppa atockingo d6ap, omtmcnt lu juvg. Slie % III prob- liall for the use of tlie gpeakers. under the existing couilitioll" of.- this 14M). Avlliclk mould lower the dignity MINIU AL!TIVITY. This plain was Lioted for Its fertIlItY burial gown w1ith white ably �Iie. Twice tile lolice hatl to use all-theIr disturbing questiu. I confit ' I ' elitlY hope Of tile Ilotioe, a law by which Parlia- ty. Isa. xxxv. 2. Saw Jjim and awl bhoos. According to her ingtruc- .settlement' 411 iut all end fil(lit ahandoncd ontrol of -itm Coiltilluiug. the relmrt says. and beau ngth- lit keeping the excited wo- w the e turned to the Lord-Tilere waA tionti and tile customs of the royalty Citurch. it t r( that this g tb Local nitilling iudustry of tho provitice it; Ch, inen from tangling their hands In 010 to the gltati(m whicli,has niarrod own fratichisO. wIliI0 g1vi' general conversion in conEsquence. of Germany, the body wais 4rawn to rrued in Lon forw.ird, and there oroes .new ti -r- (if 1'reoidefit JU411a BrIeske and power to mallUffte- IlloVilig�14teadily Joppa-A port, or town, on the coast I her grave by four milk -white h don. It is all outgruwti? of the W. hair the harniony an.,' lnipd�,,d the develop- Legislatures- tile Mr. tent Thmiodiwo U'ustorbarth.- of the Mediterranean Sea, thirty mil lou treet I-'ev nient of otir cu�trtry, and' will prove ttlro a law to awist whatever Party are bigius that we are uow. On U10 es There was no funeral sermon. The . I I Ttio- %'jee-PreoilletIt' told -tile assem- beginning of a new era to be they avored, w..Iliell could I* repealed eve of an era of great activity. Dur- from Jerusalem. it in called Japho in dead woman had asked that there lie to pastor. -it lie di,l not know how the 11'rovineial. ing tho Past Ye u:Pln- ift. 46. Its mudern name is none, and there wan only a simple Dr. B4_Purinot:uf Ottawa, 11:10 I.een blage th, characterized by generous trpatgnent before _onlillg into force In wider the on- Josh. Three Styles of 1 -_'lee v ON "tion we're being olf etiolls. '1r Charles '*A -Id it few i0w. were 4"licorporatei Jaffa. 1�s present ropulation is 15t- praj*er byo Undertaker Barclay. affai*ra of the ". -'i, 1 0 and. 11 org&ndle, The organ te Iv i4itrreli appointed li norliry fe. low t f the Wy al . f (4w another, mutual coneent,401114- Ill COU1111L 11411t,on t1f t lip -cold tPrin Letterb Patent ct, while tur- rw) It ham been the seaport of Jer- It wa-4 a strarqp burial. No nilitliti- and David - utordi e Colonlal uf managott by the Sellretar r6elprocal gotld will. since 'the dt I d tile Ila Long perpendicular @111"Ing his umefu,,,,,, Ilain `%r[10 1,:Is disappeared. will be submitted to you sorage rebern, and colinplimetswu ing of Solomon. ter wam allowed to attoetid, al placed as thickly a@ podw1ble. .*s a-4 a u riter oil Callat yzm ditin*1 ericiLl Nirs. Hengst. "Is A - rueasure , I From thdrice Jonalk took ship to 90 ent caused d with -cyr- tho Montreal Str upon Ito con.lpituies wer, i unu,ual quiet of the inteirm e Tho chief intere I,, 1witig taker anny feeliug thrill t1te Another Is similarly covere and Ublunial &W-jectO." that the way you looked after my for *the reviolon of the tariff, whichl _,gard tit th 111kil-11,11 a !it- down to ** Tarmhish It 0111 the presence all unc. Fndie. Over the toll there IP draped it im believed, will Provide the neces PffortR in r( in gold 111111illi;, and wo goid-hearing gatb- 1 U. jk-aubien, a tttniecutter, of harkl-4�nrnud niotivy ? A,i4d votl (IIII I I -of the Lord." Certain diwiple natared frame, ut th few at dalitio, wovmred ribbKm ; at the alioul(ier tirt, A 0 vU [low , I to tawa, lillii taken ioi ct Tabitha ... Dorcas -The Syro-Clialdale ared ara--,pd thiB grave. m thpre the rib - ion. sary revenue, anti while having due ine rel ef fund Y,ourw-lf a nin n. do you ?" As site "aid regard to industrial Interests will ChArlim- wlr,4 still i4peaking' at 6 atreA of the Province in three large loop@ *. fro 'Und t.0 lar., zigauls% thO e House rose. lie very large. unieroit.4 1 ropertils-8 were falling thou, 14witland words it, a loud voice it, -caused o'clock, when th and Greek names for an antplope or The ispade" _Ld !k*llt I to poln ta stuilecutters' Union for theoe I tated make our fla4eal - -*ystem Aore satle- % ll� gaid'that the are Lit course ot IN4119 lirlivilm-eted. the boo takes three little IMPI braiiett of t4e th.- other womll to-tw"Olne 1191' it lie masses of the people. tinuing after dinner gazelle, which from its loveliness was when the burial party the elbow, and Ip finally bro"Ot alleged illegal Pu-4Pellsi'_"l two yea," '-pintl thvy. rai4ed_ 611rill cries whic I factory to t record of the Liberal parf'y In thi with in mo.,L cameo vcry riatiductory frequently employed as a proper name ' I.nuke 1:08'aw e 1, reaching You will tw, twked to give your sup- 1 cenietery, ad this served to down In one broad pan ago. j4A of the men. Mrm- country w1w 0110 Of violated promises-- sh6wing, but iiecciosaril� tile opening 'for woman. -Meyer. This disciple was tll(4 four white! liorrze*. whiCh dreW port to a bill abolihing the Present (;f ores do , not r GeDerid Hyo. in belialf Of Hengst - reflithed for the Vice-11resi- i expem-41ve a[W unsatisfactory fran- ANSWER. of Allined and willing 419 an amiable, Industrious anti beauti- the dea to it.,4 lait restIng johice. t -to I(xig rhow as, raidd advallco inlix- the Urantlrullk Rllilway. 11, ed dent. A 11:11( dozen women formed a t, and adopting for tile elec- ful Christian character. As Luke wad look unreal and ghostly. p� COunc tnet in the Council chamber All eyes werp tent -red upon the Prem- andcapi- o 4)oke. Tivere not even her. on AL a for peruii.,4sioll weAlge loq.iwl lwr iniol maile for the cht trl`e:i.w1,ich require IW skill a petition at ottaw, the tion of members of the HOW* of COm-* id the writing tliitj book for the Greek@ lie o 0" pril 6th, all the members pregelat .1 pat le. ier when at 9.30. lie aromie am tal for their developule.nt. translates the Hebrew and'Syriac a wh6per.-sWheti little cloti of dirt to c apititlj.,& t.�e revenue Overdraft. tble. Wasterbafth turnet the iranchisies of the 'several I admirers and the reeve in the olitair. use , tdie borrowing policemen intervened and forceoill the mons plaudits of 111,4 followers -an( INCREASED proper names isto Greek. (;reek and became lo6sened and feH into t lie t. anti to increi, provinces. lialf hour'n reply to tile two stfood of the previous two Mee powe-r,4 of t1he collpally I)y 1i . n ittetie women baCk. Goiernment Ii" - determined that to make a It of' the Opposi-I Until tile fltll'or IM1105 only one mill H�brew, or Syria, were commonly grave it vounded like the report of a h)sOn. o U11811 read and .1er -bum of 4 per ctnt. con- Pre*bteut told, the erowd to and -a half hour speeC. t4poken In Palestine. lloss personshad c 1 o4l alund nerves of the 11 of a furt' the advantages to accrue, both tion leader. He jq)oke *It1l more dellb- of 20 &;tamps was treating gold oree an i to the *�tr mot'00 of Councillors Eldivigou and -rest that the committec� ha6­rel`lorWd that two mills two names, one Hebrew and the MM who jumped rtled. uiter- Thompson, duly confLrme& "Idated aellevituce stock. the Intf were our western, prodacers affll,the bust- eratlon than b4 hit; habit, and therehy in the province. Sinde then T on wllicl, All.til tiot excee,1 E.-,0,000 'tile riecolplis of. t1we $ecretary- DeFs, interests or -the wi,clie Dominion (le- of.� ten tamps have been working other Greek. Thus Feter was called., Counteliss Zeldieka -was born in St. Mc- Aecounts preamted :--John hiervased the effectiveness of his inn du- Me. yea r ly. �9. regularly,and four otlrerA with an ag- Cephas in Hebrew, and letros In U'.%'ITFJD 8TATEAL How Dial-lk I+ his bon I I ?" ked from the completion,or vie 'works for llv;�ry and tlib pleas-ure of those wt I Vetert;burg in 1817 of a Ger,f Garry, k0ep f imbecile girl, $1.bo; the enlargement of the St. -Lawrence listened to lilm. Gracefully lie compli- grt�gate of 45 stampt; at intervals on *Greek. I'aul was called Saul in He- cal family. willell had attached It.4eir soms-one. rred, melite(I tile moveir and i;econder of the orep of mines in prdeeis of developiWent. brew, and yaulos in Greek. 8,) Taibitha to tile Russian Court. At the aire of L&r- Jmes Lyons, lumber &c, $14.42, 1 it �s for �20,06), canals, should nh longer be defe In Hebrew aUd Dorcas id Greek. 10 vbc. was married to Count Willeka. .31, t, - Murchison, tro"urer, $53: J N Ro", l -r, has It - b00 and liam, subject to 'the approval of addrew, who, lie said, had acquitted A mill of 20 stamps is just aIK)ut e0m- irrer. Carl Krouell,1101-91:(_ taken the tuitial 14tePs themselves creditably- tot themeeficil and another 0ar N*Icllolnt; 1. furnis-heoi her dowry &118easor galue, Parliament, pleted on the Selue River iweful People sicken and die. rm- y $51-60; Thes DotjgW, -r lino for Vis- for a vigwous prosecution of those and t1wir, constitu,uts. He commended in Hastings County for treating tile and gave her hwband a placo- UPOU ary, $100: H Morrison, registrstion,V, The Greater ew Yo)rk eharU " Where 'are t -he ks and for the perfecting of 06 U relgard refractory gold orem of that di-4triet fly they,,, liaAl wale4ed.-,mis iA the ctili- 141 stoiff. For yt;nriw fortune W Con passeel tlie. &-nate at Albany by a vute Tlwy are in a 4ttlall dri"Itwer in the wor Sir C-harles Tuppet'o words I toill (if Iiii civilized .1111tiolui , toivvard 1 "10 Imper couple until the death ZIUI nell, auditor, $10; H HOMWI, p I.canal #4ystern by, the close of the year allacity f�miled upon the auditor, $10; to thp Qud ei64 Jobitee, and gave all PI- a new proce will. I.iave a e The prialitive t'lirititins 1 yiva!i 31). I 10(ked thelli u their dead. I Henr Mather$, wood. L"etary',4 1999. premion of I1W sincere gratitude for or 75 ton4 a day. lx)dje (if -their d -ad, uOt Of tile o14 emperor. $46.80; rel* -al Cie l%rs ilgitilu4t there." I have much satisfaction In In- his allumlons to" himself. Commenting in 18,93 the bullion production of wasilled t1l" lonate Zeldleka offended Crar' AlexamAr-.1 mc- W Alfin, wood 1895, $2.90. Wthili-- this W -1-A IWJIIL� P41111 -!()fill only oat of deC(UCY -.111,11d liffeeti For years forming you that arrangpments have speech of Sir Uharifo, lie Paid the provin�e wam 1695 ouuces, valued 1(wilig lits place at court Moved and seconded b 'Nletzger, the butchrr former 1'resi- UP(M the e insuf f i- at $:�')',960; in 1891 it was " 022 rmpect to them. Ilia ,4 a tok-ell rward lie ronaorted vrith danigrer- sin -4 tile lilliloi Of the a4l"Ki-itiliti, %% as been concluded wlitch. if you approve, that where arguments wer their firm belief it, th" Davison and Taylor that the above &c. sL,iteg Senate lia,.4 de- d4'llt - I will Priable Vie Intercolonial 'Rallwa -111wtituted for them. a ounces. alued at $32,776; in 5 It ou% companions, and In 186. wl" E' The Lulted bY tiio alwaker's table. y cient lie had 1. The was :1.030 ounces, valued at �50,281, -Clarke. K-arakozov attempted �Ite life of Alex- counts excepting that of Wm kUiya be chiell to take -the'final vofo oll tile Pystem td reacqi Montrpal and t1lu14 eopiwis do -0 -of vituperation. ---.�I,ollt tell illiles Ic- -7 amentimento to, It tie arbitration Bt 11 A 1) B F. EX ST01XV. share In the hirge traffic centerhIg and hi the �year just 'clo.,;ed It was 38. Nigll to JuIllia finder, It was deemed prudaPt--46r-_, Passd and ordered to be paid. that of Premicr replied to U16 19tatemenU Of to 111111 krt t 0 "'lie crielf, "The 141itl6i in that city. The ma ntaxel" ay. The discipleri s4mt ud wek rafety In flight. ny adva about the 7,154 ounceo, valued at $101,848. Count Zeldif ft Mr-Allin to be reforred to the fin&nc4e treaty on tie tile Opposition . leader -,rilat is. to Peter. il the disciple" wied Itim ve 144 Ileit. willch will flow from this ektension ries and spies Germany nod Ungland , ref ittee tO L6CGrt4LiU Whafl­ (of Vie fate ilf 06! are not tbere. They lia of that Rallwny are apparent. --and I ploymplit - of -emiam The G6vern- IRON, INICKEL. COPPER. dit) Miraculous gifts. They refuge, w) lie.journeyed to New York, I ok -or joeople In tile led low- 1,11py h.live; I -ay against tile civil service. Con-iderable iron ore was raised In pniballoky i4elit to Pcier while %he wao where, with lits wife and the younger Arknn.4.1,4 and lland'womell to the irtliPet hnvp no doubt you will gladly - ap- ment had Investigated the eftrw lis time the.&Ix*4- of tho' W;1te, art�i of tho itall. rai-Aed a groaning prove -of the proposal. t Members of VIO civil service, the County of _11asting" during 189 yet idelt. ('10 to tl mem agains leo had 110 live witilout lftnwian Pi4pionage 1wra of his family, Ile ""tlgilt to Black in Arkati&is- for FmOting at the. blat furnace at t t raised any one to life. Prink lie v(oieeo Atten eneoun cry. 4)ver t Appreciating the diffic.i and the only reward they had go*t wa;- ig lip v. It 6 i4tatod vit the Furne.-to U ne. ?4- . 13rimilton, which began toi-ii'make p They had bealeAl w)me-�-30 finally drove Itim to Ftlicl(k', and death and cried, "Tell ui4 uA livar it." tered-bv our farmero in - placine thpir that the comml-4410�rs,wlio had t:I iron at the. beltintiftig of the year. 39. All the %�ioows--AV1101111 Aie hftAl now rtilininig bt,t%%eeti Man,10 ter Itlifully were deprived the muntew Of a!I her chll- ton will estatillill .1 routP diprinw- etzger got oil tile ta I ble and p-rii4fiabl- fool pro lucts on tile English charged their dutlesi fR The Canadian Copl:er ConimnY con- lad Or retl.-3., F. iqlowing the dren save one, a bjiglit boy, In whom gleeres for Day and Everling Wear. weeu Montreal 1-Wiwii the iiah! W.I., to-daY it markets. In goal c. n4lition, my Govern- called emiwaries and spiet4. "We shall Vnued to be the chief producer of, t4jaU and garnit-lits--111CY %%ere not the coming 9-.e,-L*on bet sys- Premier her hopes were centred. wti, ' tliat the i-linall _1rawer ment ha arranged a complete � disml.�s no man," gal I the ge thjlt� they lining, po as to be li*ber on the t0P. and Liverpool. i the honidarii hail been kept ll�ad tem of c'61d otoragp acrommoolation, at -t -ery charge iliali nickel and coprer from itm uAtten-at R.%1j.11neAI w acknowled In 187:1 lie Ahocked I other by n h 11 whicl except for cause. E% tho 11 S'enate and near Copler Cliff, in the'Sudbur were, indebted to l)4)r(*.UA f�)r arrylTig a dancing refuied Tho' Coloraillo State O.o bteit prilb-I opeti, a t.iisb bondx wtre creamfrles. on.ilallwyiil, ftt'ports nd be,ilivestigated. Jilstice- will be oiorte,. M r -A f ull Puff 61ttliPred region, and its operations were car daughter- n raiment they more to meet tier new -law. and ]Evgnlng sleeve g for the to a fitting lining. Then this Is set psk,oaed the bill providin ort MparnPra. by which tbese product" but o merey'shall be offered to lie ried on faIK)n their twuaily Iargewale. joilt Lllso ber illd-,114- I Ilt;on of cal)itill pulli?.timent. Tile only her charity. forever. mewnee Who took tileril, sa,chrel call be prmerved at the slesir teju- linquent officers." Then the PXgmier bade her sion fluit lier j Into an open embroidery band, anti "The demand for iniging laiid-,I)ar- ti Y. The lapse of a few , days, however, mt,a-ure now awaits the Goveriior You call glies.% as W'!Li as �-Perature during the, whole' jourripy -ed to contain d with a pleated frill. replied to'the charge of Sir Cliarleg ticularly those' supFoi- 00. Peter lint "thein al' fortit - lie dif w)ftpn�d her heart and t4ie sought her edge signature to become Iw. Lorenz U. 6chagfman '�tldre:owtl th.e 'fr9m point of :ournry to I;re':it Brit- t1tot a. Liberal Admilil-dration had gold, bas been very actiVie during the icerwit" tile Will o - ! It 6 Ue intelftion of PreA-1prit Me- crowd an,l tiai-I that the for,mer aln. The contractm innole for this pur- never teen kno*n to put its princlp!es tho n order t4i as am. To Philadelphia, Chicago, Vincin StociLings It.mbroidered by Hand Kinley 11(f to, recognize cllt),,t. Tlbw I. I V(" will'be laid before you. laot three montnxfthp year, and as God in 1thia matter. lie wanted -to nati. St. MuIA and arrom to San Finn - A tient uiet Iiiin lai4t week and-tolit him into practice. He d1rected, the Opposi- were for tin- I le Ilan dered gtocLingp are 04 111-4 a4lihinistralion W11 hO that: the a4iciety 'wao; rotten flitan- It Is de.-irable that thp mind of the- tion leader's attention to the present cli-co and back i,,.fie travelled. blit all in d embroi and girls who are filarveyed ]art&, netessitating sur- ti( I simalar iii- I fad of tile hour, most (if the apl;licati(ni free from o1wervation, interrul -ur- )n and distractior TRIP. it w" -ftp If the earth had swal panlarit.-o nd- Vic- in The- f4)riner people of Canada should be clearle as- 14P 4 - The years paAsed oil and skillful in the use ljoedle art - to let tile S cially four years ago. ectaclt,- of a LiWral Adminttration 16wed film up ypys, and the 1.1Y e �are recordeil in tllv work of tile pres-iflk!nt to* wiloin he referred wtw -certained oil the mild et. of- prohibi-I -e the OrInciples the filing of I)Iatw go it out betwevri JP carrying out It, praicti, Ing down of the applications on the I., the old laboratie h.n.A been re- Nifetzger-,'who stool of' the tabfe besiole tlafi, and a mea8ure enabling i -lectors expresed it, opposition. In opl-oAtion Iiolla, avid iftus Christ. It. Kijig-4. U hope seemed gone. Weary, hard at work, g�tting up e The 'wIJP11i89-1)0s0 offive marle, 'the work of the surveys 4v. 33�1.uke viii. -'I. All -the. weei 1_ a aearch, but ILI- hosiery for a vpry small ;um. The ed jD after four yrar,4 Of I i - till. tO-�MtO uP011 tlw,' tlueAti011 will li`e"�ub' tile -Liberals, he *;aid, had woman gave up the viv 0 branch -of the departnipnt hs been i'lig - Idows" wem- exclude. Ile Ptit . vrays exclaimed: "He will t4eek tne favorite ftocki4 for hand embroidery 1110�t 'if tl,"14e wl'o are wh4pi-ed a lie, a lie!" yelled rilitted f r your approval. tti(.mwlve.,4 to,. repeal the Franchise very mueli congested." them forth that loe Illight '"t toe yeU* is not tile silk, but the very fine eot- aimi4 convention j4. A few d,"YA 119" it y4l"109 _N1ptzi;#-r. are at liar!" anill'the Tlw B.-hrl;ig ea el. Act, and that w.tx thO very first thillg ante to At- i ton and little. There Is ft weight that are, negr(w ce to thg­ 44hould (10. it wais'now prop(med, WOODS AND FOIL E.STS. disturbed or hindered'bY their latnell- Twelve years ago site c OP ;j to work in tl!e Ai0e.4101). i,ig ltitcher a -hook his fiAtin the fa coriatitutip0l 41tiring the pawt year y tatiotix and milielief. Tabiflia. --trise haudre tb&u pilk, and is 9 trie(t to frc adjust the. fianthgem payrible, to tile lanta and mettled down to live herm to easier to anti wl.en 114, fpripma ot tile tqwaker- Mr._Laurler stated, to.revert to tile The total rpVenue -from motxls and de The very d ktiocki-d him j. i. 11och, the attorney for the of- owners of Uritish waliiig veimcls admirable oyistem which had prevailed ft*eit * i -Alhiring Ilks prayer lie undouhtedlY until death should come and relieve I just an fine it ra him to. f"11911A s for,t)ie 7ear 1896 auiountA4 her of hrr &;ufferings. Site led a very dustrioft embrIolilerer begins thework mn was 4,nt ficeris,uf tile company rpi)ke adViilIg by the crul.4er,4-of the Lnited State felt ssured that. she would toe rnig( the down. The rerractioril 9 during the twenty yparg following -to Of this $45.520 was lie #qiould siwak the word to I lire,&dd round to tile w4;Ipping-lw*4t at once. Wht!n tht a committee le appointed o Jay on the h.igh. sew, has comp:eted tak, Confederation. - r. Laurier took oil account of bomisos and $7.4,547,91 Ile raid t I i e4e secluded Ufe here alld seemed wrapped by running silk t ke t1ripell. I unl-lied with t414. rilets bs-fore tlie'States Attorne-y g the evidence o4ub tItted to. in-ue with the statement of -nt, leaving tier lifeless forni. lip in one mysterioum tilought. leg of the stockingli W n1a, tile calf. lie tiad been 01,,r, 1:901 Y it '-11y direct on account of grokiii(I r( wordim ho 3mu name. he Bat Up- Throughrill thes, years 4 -he rtill hoped or up anti down from p wi-nt back to 1114 aud a-ecure tile inilictmPrit of sachpel. thfj respective (i(wernmefitm -of Ifer ir Uharlt% Tupper that the country In tho net revenue from timber due,,4. lors fIlle gwiectA tile gown to .4 of AcUtil Ilerp ..Her strange For co 11 by 'rho tate will theii bring lkim Unite -d Statf*,: td ill doubt a,4 'to tlie charaUer. (if the The grapliie minutenes, to some day find tier oon tx�k In4l %vorkpill Ir du,tri- u ly. in ab I.. "That a etc.. to be 171L,44 .87 :w' now been tit imparts to thp narrative all Air (of figuro and peculiar dreAw always at- which the otockiligs w1ong. Suppose baek nt itA owt, cost,r lie v haac*adjourned f6r a time to fwar tile wtiling tariff reviolOIL There were Tite luinbe'r' irade It -J., * F. It. mvered with CAUlvam ght had earned fifty 011tel f, r the -few doubting Thomase& oil the other for charming reality. tracted great attoenticAl wlien Ale wenit & green taffeta State. Ir* tetter th,an -fitling- as some of tI10 arglimejith thereof on behalf of, 11"li it more or lesm deprPsw.d com the L�ordl-Thlsq r tile gre" tttrilwo have raise a larg6 Goverlimentg. I indulge the licipe that side of the Howie, anti Sir Charles was 42. Marty bp1lieved In out, wlli,h was seldom. She always cloth. Afte roundfrom GRF_-AT BRITAIN. i pelikrrm nitviAD, tO IL period of four years. elt-, as well as tile One Itt LY41d", wre a q'uaint little cap and a Pretty been Industriously tr.,Ukld ft a filla all. detectives t . I and F-ati-f4etory at),judicatJon tie pattern of money to hire 0 1 chiefest sinne The yedr 1896 opened without much inir. U)e to top there must toe a sr+)urning In findhim. The. tdri-eTJ40fthe tate wit, of ti.oft long-dii I.tye,l claint-4 will now "There w not a business man" Raid strengthened the faith Of 'the dis- little proln. cv,"tonp holm'. 'of improvement in tile %Ikwll d. JU 11 a ll.tiii its.47t recov- ti;ill an4l then yolt can �punislll speedily be reached. tjli�re In 11c. ciples. and addi-,1 nially too 00 1A)r dge Kotltz ham in hip pomposion put upon the front Here come@ kk .. , I - the Premier, -with emplha� luniber rride; ing Mecti(lin year in T%tprehy the churelf was greatly edi- now a few of tlw treasured relies of chance for scroll work and aniall d@- - +*f influen-ra hmTho chlatulty which hao befallen' flot a, cow4umer or prooiucer In doubt tile 1,nit,&l tat." r c reecen to ftm (Ww4f ereil frswv a Vttl& 'fellow (Ju lAg which there And builded up. happler days h h idgum. Fleur -de-.'" aud etigineering man In our Nubjects in India I k-()tjt ibthe. '41. With one'Slinon. a tannur-Eight trade We'll 13-neli him," criel a has 'a4 to1what It gliall be 4 hall belll alwayt4 prevmilo an uliMattIP(I l4tat( 4. by tier side all of the time. There ba a the favorites. When the stocking is ivand t4o crowd, i�lld forty more repeated evoked a widetipread -t;yml)htliy In oil thee lines we have laid down. We of buidnt*oc The 0ituation wam strange old German watch that once nnishea it lis a very pretty tiling, fto Frithly. lligi individuals of tili,4 name 4nrp men - of 1-:n,,I;tnll b -r - furtliPr unfavorably -nffOctAll 'bY the I h1.1" F,,"ir to IntralY"' tile trade of the tuo cry. tlii,4 country. Tho gener6us titannc will etWeavor to alleviate the burtlens tinned In. the pw Testament. .1011" 1 belonged to tier son and a fine old I elaborate ata any twonght for twice tile "Ir 3-oll can get hitly out of the in, which the appeal for practical to- which now prom upon the peolile with, money flue-4tioll, in which bimptaillf4m '1g, 11r.tt. xili. 7#5. liark country. 141 h pii ()r tho ImMee you can (10 that, kens o( this feeling has been respond- out at* the &ame time impairing tiny ve-rou%- gold mtrindard wax tittown into 1. 42, 1lark Ill. brooch. The most valued of a.111 her coot The- lar�",t ajamoml in Vie vt"or 3L I v. 3, Luke xxiii. 26, John vi. 71, Acta i sacred keelwakeii; was the picture of at&ortivy, with aotnile.* f4i to li.-w elicited warm amourances or tile Ulterests that uow exis n1ready F-Pethling caldron 'of Pre- Wit for Won,,ell 1-�inilw-rieY. It I viii. 9, Ix. 40". 'This Sinvul wfts' "y 'her Fm, wbl�h t4ie almost worphipped. arrivs-11 it (,I%.0wDS sIlOUT 6! LA -MI, 1108T." of grat4ul acknowledgment f rom Tho lion. gentleman, speaking orMr* f:I(j0T1t1nI politiem. There wao a gpn- I when a woman gets a letter why to 1,e %vorth t%,.o p1juion nda S. A ocenpation a tapner. trade regarded Is 9441ii'll tho uovernment of India, which Ruswll, referre(I to him, as an enli Pral expectation that AN and con- Lopbefore site OPes' 111tif illotUr.4 un -lit. Iso been. speIcially and heartil vernment to ovir, by the jewn as half unclenn. The DA,;advantgge of Plagi8irifflu- does sihe alwILY1181 I wonder who this a y 'Mary of the Canadian 00 the Presidential electJo;i wris : 11 Now, jr. ChumberlaIll yplied front evcry (Inarter of tile 11, w,quently disreputable, fr(un the ron- (if It and sa it 1.4 runiored that 3 etter to Pre... -speakiyig crowd and dorsed by the Imperial authorities. thee6art of Rome. I do not under- F:11ouId tile Republican.4 obtain powpr. t . et %vit-h oft -ad animalli *Wd blooci A rather -111111sing %tor 114 tAd raw tia.4 writtPil, a �harp 1 It w. -I..% a German Gentlemen of the IlQu.se of CommonK: tal . III wilat tile lion. gentleman means. a ted with it. Fqr it eertnill so-voilled popular preach- t to slent Kruger ref,uking him fOS iolat- all the gpr'echt-watull dialotue waq in Tho account44 of the past year will' a mnrkeA Improvemprit In th( which was eonnee the Rev. 111r. P.--. wh(w filer- The Giddy young ThIng-Wha if lie will make a charge plain and - triulle. as well am l bilsint-SIN geH- other natiorts, it er , -npoit," when thim even b. verb -bou% there being German. Tito cry lanipt n tionot t some oliptance %-elims 1kiwerb ikte in% -a III,- the Ltivion cunvc substantial that wo can uiider#3t&nd (it 4 'kAlue beavm? Tito Uhrmk. - I tA, -rman crowlt, Prally, w(milill o -pt In, rind repar. airriod of] a il'Lv� sm lby an ('It 41 Gc 0 111 usually c. rryft In E ruger I- vury ev, it The e�,tlmatem for the coming year I will meet lihn, but I will llavO 11 were made to take advrintagip of tile Sinion'm gathered him targre udiences. tud Foolm rush ib whore angels Inplaln- 1-4 oml,101114. It ruenns that the cr-)wd from. towns; ac'cordingly, saebelor- ireP13' oNlr.,( bamberlain co to a lvtmp. will -bo jioresented at an early, day. cowardly ini4illuations in regarl to g000l ilmfvA by talking out Itirge 4ock,4 the genoide." lite watitteretl at ills wrinoup i Ing of B4)i-r violation. of tile in ants h *otne fine house wam " by : aw to trm& I IV n fra M'E41 with,'every III,,, as all intellectual Ceti- go ar, of a Tranw' lw),4t. The wme one"that crowd 'Was They have bee COFINIAtellt with that matter.' so rin lhmt Tr-achings.-Christian-4 shoul:1 Ix, fte- procliahapd a Illngiar- J00" (Picking up) -it's all treaty, awl there Is fe lilliking of waA,Davi-147 Sachmel. tile regard. for e�ononiy Sir Charla* Tupper rose to Ills f0e' wintnir (pR9t;_9G) heUw thp largs44 All It1k.. the dtwWr wtu hurt ;tAoG14 10001221- t o efficiency of tile Public service. I and Paid'; I ma7 say to the hon.gen- tively engaged in Cod's serTiCe- patched uP llipi own exiX-Pd- right, mia-I'm 0 vaal war. 111ming S&retary, w1lQ 18 wilit tobe th t In the history of the )Province. trut- Christian" ore holy. Dorcris i�4 it 113- jiTtroducing or -it's all right ? MY new suit 1111, The Lord aYor-tf I, - ubd� hal.- Lsmued I Mlowliere In Indlana, now, with all regTet hat the -receipt,4 from ordl- tleman that I based my statement niQdf4 for every ( lirlatian woman. We illgiy Poor terinons ruined I You meall UAInI. didn't You lnvVtf()ni to a IrIt.'et'69 at tl'e ',,lily- lit.4 pockeU linIging witli money tnkpa nary vqurce,4 continue to, be Inade- Ksag*w f rom the U " that heo"Was an emissary of the Gov- nge, however. did viloill(I lm)k after the limoor and needy. here an(j there pa -incs, imt t lie bear me ring the be olon ll()tldp 'arnell ra (,(pluml,u.4 Building andl,-)au qu.Lto to meet the charg&.4 against ortiment to Rome on the telegram The expect( -d- clia person's twat motiu- aermotim ()f Colonel Carter, to start a I (;oo(I works ar( %ftMr& Parnell anl Mr. Jo4in 'ar- fron consolidaWl revenue. The 'pro. that was publimbed In tile llon.-gew 11ot come nbont, for. notwl Jesuo Christ has power U) Ilea) ingelitiould waY it' "llic 11 lie Qeroltl- of Kentu-,k,v, i" a A.-4;()Ciation. r P ven ted diaco%ery- remarkably well-preserved old FTtle- y eirciinistatie". poseet revision. of the tariff, and the 14tice(Nw OU th' 11P Iiiart- A committee wJ1A -il)lw)lntel tr) se- t1ornan'si own, papers, I think, In which tAils Pre y ig both In need wration for the b<xly and impart life to Cite dead. plielied .,n4 of the application of strict economy in the it waim titatol that he had officially nntl the natiolljil deel. 9 Jilustriltio Theit. Uw-#4 hib audiencfwg lie calrulat- man, said one young w0mU12- ep ORElhe reconimenilati iro tile Indlitniet. admin6tration of tho Government Coln ull Cated to the Goverpment 461.'Follild nitiney," tilc luniller tratip rt.—Whml tiliver Cromwell silf illetiltogy, and replied Mim Cayenne. 4, lie retriltideme of Canterbury, the original ust, reotore the equilibrium I a-nd hideed all othrr trades, have re- Visited York Minster Cathedrnl, Iiiiii ed. w0re not studento )"detect Ills Rlw- of a branded pe"b." Mayflower, no%v in t1l e� 11, the result. of his mimiOn. ted to twelve oAll- therefore not likely to I I FAKE OR HYPNOTISM (I expenditure. delme.SAP41'eanditiou,nnil attention wni4 diree 1111t ill t1lis lw innde CARie Lambetil Palace, will be I between Income an Mr� Laurier continuod-The hon. ver--statuea of the apostles which wvre liropriatiolil%. tC"k When a woman's firpt b&UY Is (cKir weachu- -1101t. Gentlemen of the Senate, culati4m to tile TxwltIon has imen furtlipr errm elixi*ure happy till site 1FI&a%#qa*c6,.o the State of Ma, A London Mail Slef--ps a Week Doctors tlewo�u waim to give cir gitation williell 11Ao &,plam, I in the nich" of one apartment. ilis mistake, I wontha old she ion oentlemen.of the House -of Commons: surprised plicatetl 1).y art'n those fp1lown place s, follows: takeis it to a photugraph#3r avid Lisisi i Suspect Fakir Business. a newo4paper report. I'am ,p Pked: ady #kn I e son'. MI en recuntlY t4prung it favor of tile 11 a .00. Iderly 1relitIc"'all en a hokir Among the bIlla whigh have 'be that"an lion. gentleman of hi,.4 years, (-._1m,wwitjon or a dilty`on standing yonder W)ipn lip wag. In- One ito picture taken sltting 01n ?*ted in Lond#on court cir -rri,4, a Av* U seAt in I ier return "Prid. Ft It prepared and will b0 Submitted for of ldo4 reputation and experience on -.r pntAng Into the formed. lie @nid: Take them down tered the church and t rug with all it4 clothes Off. ie Queen on who tiaod oeell giving your approval 'are bi4is Itmending the her I ling good." -1 tilt% fint row. AR the dx-tor Pro- an ancliot inn tlie.flpor of Parliament, in discu&­ 101 hap -Wmin- ond let them go about dt 11 k At Lucdh, France, RONIFUlitil ftf 'France will PRYR falled it b6en nna iltitil 119 -11 down, luelted, and i ceeded with his Perm(mi the gentle - L siiow here for day14 pust, 6uperannuti(Ai Act atill the Civ ing grave iluestlons AP lie hab h ba& for its sign "The Four Tlitngs to william Walsl()rf A."Vir -rfrtnance -111 -tile uelic liall st-l-vice Act. Thooe nod other tileam- Isciiiihing thent should make chargon ated in onp way'or tile, other tho They wore tak( ;.m.in broke in 11OW nd then wit *I ii recognition c,r hili 1111uni- pc Vi restore tocon­ your earnpot (1, nrr:ti" �remnlll unoet�, pl)t Into the treasury. remarko ai4 " That's Be Fsaretl, wldeli is the 1!lgesd und&lr tofi suturday flight ulft I commend to Again latiell a cat, a r, whij hud. beenin oil more newspaper rurnortu PRACTIC" SURVEY. L4 Now it,@ & painting representing J udge. �Wi4mwlloqsp A Atlhj�(!Ct conoderation and express the hope I iopeat� th4t if the lion. gentleman tied. h, from Tillol on key, & WoM&D ftDd a during ltlair,� etc. 14F.RAU -tie sit") for 1"U hQurs. The 0 )f clericy Mon ot h tions und(r the 11 't may, The nren.( Tito missioll of Christianity is V 100 A OF J.0 hypno will inake a charge, I will fit %vllile, t)ut undergund, Grumpy, thAt your Be tilp e-ir 1,299 Acrem. -agarpgat-' to the boilieli and'souls of ell. vft" xbrtc4l from 114 lloolty that 141111�*Wt is "JABleS Miuy, of Barrie, who divine guidance will ten4l to iticrea mako e'liarge, but put a question The doctor ot0od it for a was *but up in a folding bed." of the Thi- good like his divine '.Sfam- lie 4aid: o ideep at, tile elum the happinetsm and prosperity (A every now, I will be prepared to give him 1119 in ft The aposffie Peter, #it I&Xt4 full of wrath, wife earth can attacking Eurolw!alw waoi, put t opportuniti(v to hPIP Nil not r6, Shut up? Nothing Orl that city." entertainment on* Mc.uttuy- evening. claiw -in the Dominion. an uii4wer, but 1 (1() not wuut, and I collected -on' necount ter, sought 4pas 14 i r, you lid) veiled till hyptiotist orkel t)ver the young Ilaitrax. ingendoels mer snitw 3F1,2011.57. 1kis fc-ilow-men. lie found his way. luent remark$ sind phut that wotnaD up. She t;eat b4oard stea'mer Utrpe4t, wilicil 1-4 � T' - Mr. lcui*,e'l, the member fkSr proteot against 7hav -e. 'tra ny linve Yoe I the policeman On the next D1 - hou Twice Ferris will move the addresid. In the Common" riN'ANIAL -STATE34I-'N1*- when i lie entered Into a new Phil hold your t,lilg - I'll Manor.-= have foundered 11.t Wn, itearly an r. - hal't to be as- Ethler vA,.l Fecond the same. thrown ilito, jjlig diat-unnion. The lion. I . I , - di-psirt- into the homes and sanctuary or the PjActeWl ! ew, (4 thirty -*41 men, hn't mt weak that.he I an(] r. gentleinan i4tated before 0 o'clock 114. tothl revonne of th( nt8. He wellt there alWaYs tO I I IcK)kIng tho , -As William J. McCaffrey, Of the town- til * )*37 o The elderly gentlernan Jowit*-i'm sorry, F-dwin, but I will t4t&I off the i-tage. japt lie. _at there was peace anti 'Unity melit for tbp ear w" ),262.93 gal NeWtr,. is -11 in a faint on tile *ktake floorand hip of.Vinosta, up the Gatiileau, has diehurKements comfort, to eilhort, anti to. reprove. dortl)r - calmly in the facta. 08111 be a sister to you. Edwin -All right. Dr. to among tholl different raCAM and crewle tl1j, total ordivary , togt4her Christ came to seck and io save. hat'll !tin Own. Just mend them gloves and twush off to a r. 11 House, It kniollilted tO *253,5111-92, 11 T Imper. th� Czar 1..4 ne- wn.,4 reinovell to,the Tectimse been appointed Indian agent In t e of this country. Tfiank God there 7 for tits religion ill betiefic*nt. The bio�: my eoat, win you ? I'll send around vt-hilo tile awlienC6 disliersed, gr6atly place of -J. Martin, tit 34aiiiwake, Who In, but4 It it is to there Is too mucb Ith a.ppe-ctal votp yf $3.429-k very Honor Grad- wife -and havlAillig I0,11 -1it- - s not Yet. ..was disuilowd. such o4tate- w drill, 1111w,ml o4lide n"All graphical miretch of DOr`cMR 1'4 lie Wanted P-aregorte nome handkerchiefs to mark andw)m* 11'satistryandlMi"". Sybil Sanderron. tits excitell * an Rikeo of reason to fear that If dininond e it Lnk brief, but comprelient4ive. Two pen- darn in the morning rima donna. awakene.1, and the profew�or was con- , Chief Thomilsom aad Lor metits an the lion, gentleman has n'd rolonlzritioN 114111-4 strekes he natural it to a good tiling to remeniter tile 'oe" to D E N fillpd tA), his twtl all day ye*terday. St. Regis Indiana, were here to -day made, If the poHcy of the i4o:11001 Of Temiseri inhigne. but It Reductions in commiewtont, 'ed that %he ex-Qiieen of physiciarw were on tile seeing the t3upt.-General of Indinn at- tho h0ii. gentleman ere to pre- workmanabip In Dorcam--4dlo wftP right vrord at the right time wan banished from the i*- elcmely w4ttellied I. -i under- diwiple and a Saint. She was Mary m it by such Ad operations account of 4MCP Itt tile time &11 fairs. Chief Thompson, it -in- itil, we would not have peae-e nnd A Good Sweet, Martlia, in one. is not eTOCY08P who doe On and &f ter 41le Ist at April tille witk car,@ &� French on hypno,tf.it at work. They were stood has been deposed by Order harmony, I)ut civil war nwongst us. a crious Imuccession of ideas RA tile ratw 4 01nuliftion On all snooey or- con.,pirpey, In - lilich tin Eurleo, 51pore, Drake, Iloolge, Fer- he Indian Act. EvI_ For a pud4.1ng try a Prince Albert. Tile lw)wer of Christianity is seen In r" were M11. FOSTER. old completo mail who daoht-1 Into a weptrn drug ders of donwwtic 1=06, tlk&t III. &11�Or- w nd thel, mimiona WilLiants, Now, J. B. U6u%Pbell deuce wait ubmitted that the Chief Probably a pudding broiled In a m the recovery (of Ene,-w to It with: dorm kwued by and payabie at all (i- FfLLIXG--Wi-.J and Tea-miall. Dr. Ferguw*n thrumt ded by r. 1,�Iomter, has not been tried for many a d&Y-It lion1th, and the restoration 0i Ta- 4ore, and accosted the cler I fice in Canada, will be an fallow14 interfered with the service of a war- lip was sticcee . and s en ra the wit . v spoko with much vigor, and a1w) --eyl -throtigh each of Alay' - He took is well worth while to buy a ' melosk- Ilium to tire. Peter i4aid to Eneas. ,say -1 want some medictne, a pper amalgvof the treatle% betwi a. neef lie rant 'iipon the r&4erve I But for the life of wn" Al I.,(-pu1)ljc awl the Or- Without vi%vakening him, but It W -ILA ground that the courtm had"tio Jur- with , tnore bitUrnew than in . his slia�ed inold or a tall, 400119 one, and j(wup Chrixt maketh thee whole; 1 want It quick, too - lie natue W "' 210 and up W S 5 4 *Ate have- been concluded quito evident lie felt paln. None of imoliction ulK)n the reserve. worlit Ile Inaisted ul;on knowing wily to reinstate the Prince Albert pud- and to Tabitba. " Arie"'. The former I me I can't tell what t1l Oer .4 6. Peet 5.00 10 4 e tile phyi4icians would exprem a de- 3 Edward lorritt, wilt) is the repre- Mr. ilelding had gone down toMolit- .46 Imme(liately and made his bed. Well, flow on earth do you ex n6a'2� ANPIn, the capital of -th tc ent ding. alway% particularly liked by the i aro, 4. q nalisr. lie, and are pubIb4hed ciole4l c4loinion- about the Inat br, m Pentative In Canada and the United rpal anti made a public announcem men folk. To make, rub together It u-iiijo tile latVr"opened lierefooland to get it, tlwn,?" deman4ed thP dis- 10.00 20 ...110 X jETp -+T I give -the hurgher4 of oach thp el.111nel-I tlipy had not sufficient Stat4m of the Morning I ost, London, to the country fit reference to (me In- pint of stale broad crumbs, a large pat up." ThIA power as not In th guqted clerk. 'I can't help you!" 100-00 So ...12 A, y f n- ,ypd, you can, too," sald the W10111 3003 genuhle Eng., has arrived In the city to at- dustry, while Ile.had for nine months Apostle, but lie was the ella anrlitse in either Repub- tablespoonful of butter, three partao iro the ruin for .- , pr(x)f a-4 tti whether it I wns every a cup of sugar, two tAblespoonq Of net by wilicit it wam applied. it waiR be customer, promptly. "Wll&t*u the 40-00 two epubli" agreO to or a fake. tend the opening of Yarliament. Mr. waleil 109 lIpR It reference to been triod Is xy. Did on the lower part r10.00 61 4 anlither in caAe i l'orritt will represent the Post, otlif-r 1hdui;try in the count raspherry Jam. if the jam is proper- 1 tile power of Christ. It was derived name of that bay 44 ,)f a tr- Oregon*9 Vast Prune Orchard. - and o8ter asked, that this 60.00 7o ._28 0FFrC9_ In ;.treatiei4 mlist he Tati- neveral otlipr English Journal* in the lie think, Air. F The iy navored It Is better not to "Pe 1 front Him by faith. Power belongeth of tilts lake --eh?" 70.00 8 -.82 ()1k.,,-raarLj of both Ropub- fit Oregon there aro 1�5,000 acres of press gallery during the prepent ses- wrin vithor honest or decent? splem. Bind together with two well- uIlto God. All power In "given un- Do you mean Put -in -Bay nd what's or) 00 it 90 up stairs. prune orcliar,14. They go with brPad gioln. During tbe Feiwlon of. 1806, when (oa! Industry had br-en Informed of tbo beaten eggs and put In the greamed to jellus, iLnd it was Taith in His "That'sit! That'm Itl A 90.00 100 ...40 and tell for Kupper, and young ladles t1MD debate on the Remedial bill was Intentions 4f the GoveYnment in rc- mold. kPepIng boiling and replenished Power that led Peter to Pray. The the name of tile old fello* that Put ID gard to the tariff, yet thp pork -park- 0 , yo kn)w Celebratopoll 4 —Will wb ror Manslaughter Who ;�oul,l acquire a pleasling expre* on, Mr. I orititt was attached to the with boiling water for two hours. D bereaved frienda dwelt upon their lon. there onve it I I it ]Europe the XrOWU Of w IIII&S n or the moilth for photographing prew gallery for somp of the leading (�ri4, who had to buy 'their raw mater- lot omlt a stand In the bottom Of and recounted the psxxi doeds or tlieir chnracter, you know with an Imag�nary line em - 64 COW" -ial wax c ided 0"Irofor entertaintnX visittwo are tullght, dailies In England. HIA article In In- ial nine monthebead of the time for the boller. Serve hot with sifted sugar deptirted simter. Peter,.d ruttlk claimp(I Art! talking about Commodort Ficotland, L&UtWe Electing 111VOr"Mat (nclu(k-d last y " prunes'* and hold tile expree- dependent Lond.)n, descriptive of that marketing the protiuct, *ere de or hard sauce or brandy sauce aa lier restoration. He prepiented ttio Perry 1WdegVg"; Drootheim Norway,,11"b. -SUoh's Cure,, J*rating till 111901t, the to Na way Into a broad 08- liked. This pudding should be ligh ease alone before Gott, anti In the namp. "-Golod I rot it I I've got It I" sion until It melta a debate, was utilized with gocd effect any information whatever. Mr. F I've v t of gull t That's What I tude 64 dgress, and St. lie Md Croup Cure, is A verdic ty bread-and-butter anillo. during the lamt general election by ter, receiving no reply from the Min- and wholowmS. it is very nice with of the IA)rd Jcwus bade the taint sbout�ed the customer. " h of, Rumda, latitude 60 d FookeS size eon The pri.w)ner wax the 161berals. Mr. Forritt In the Isters to him questions, Paid that Mr. want I orimme ten cents wort ta currants or raisins Instead of the artse. UtO& Oats rose Child joix yearn. -In tile Wm)(Istock indecent rAxwtult author of "The EnglLshinan At Fielding had made his statement for The Influence of Christianity to paregoric I" vatin ja latitude. Barley and rye I torn ren 10 e g the deatn of At- cap! McLachlan wan found guilty and ]H(wme," an excellent woork, whicAi has thc exprew purpose of Influene g the m- noticed In the expremlons " turned to There will: be & congrew of Greek Latitude 70 but requin a fe- to two years In prit;on. had a large circulation In the Old provincial elections In Nova, Scotia. the Ioord," v. 5 and many believed to pro - who, It sentenced aj,l on the American Con- Mr Laurier, lit declared, had made a The Earl of Ranfurly liao been ap- April, to dW vorable aspect aw elilame am LIM (at a wolreo, whlxpertng�-Wllat Country pointed Governor of New Zealand, to In the Lsord, v. 42. The fame of thew, women lir Athens in raw due@ tan axe by t1nent. The book in -well written and -school-6boy reply to the question an to tjLle reform of the Greek d 4 , a jury found has become of Aunt Lucle's habitual s what the tariff -bill should be. He had sucesed the FArl of Glasgow. two miracles spre&d throughout all ounn r afull of useful Information. dealing a natural tausew k_#A ILLS t