Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-04-02, Page 2r that region. T'he multitude throngOd timental answer UNDAY SCHOOL to am the remtored paralytic and the WOMAN'S WOW D. Ace to the civil S ri,�.on beuefurtrome. Then openlY they I UTTHE WORLD, 'SOMETHING '-;*I that It k tfieIr stand witil the church of Will. part- too Christ. You will be what you win be! eated INTBRNATIONAL LESSON -.NO. L. 001l.tellt Be- I IAt failure fin that I uld APRIL 4. IW7. I 11�,Z DUrTY OF Rls, f r9e Im of the NOWS of AChicag In fewer tl='-tliirty mmu go PIERCED DEAD HEART Bal ' - ~4 while Roger glanced rapidly from one 4 had 'I How KanY aw "ually at the expenso of quia, T_ _TA Women Do VILM W the other. not Aw elated when the pa.te 1 V way*mter to ered the a n -arrauted to brin Justice in 1rhis chine is %% 't in ten or fifteen ininut4m. ,�: Fayh the WOMR01 Home E%0e, room. 5ZA TI! ut T I mpfUi 0 Agricultural ana-111V It`R MYSTERY, Florry is better," she said, ad- make gilt edged butter ch" Counteu Zoldieka's Dying instruc, #-.di- Yen Days. I r vancing; "she Is- What, Mr. Ax- catus Ion : Once a f rail minister who th. ton ?" #-lowly a4id carefully titat tile a mental UnioD, tions Rep, ?dad. tre. By Kroman's Fealty. Yes, I came here to see a friend, rarely comes under forty m I u uxi. I the progressive wh4kv of this v6- eported and thought I wotild look In replied Beware of damp floors Ili the dairy Any kind . work would stop If lie took a v&C AGRICULTURE. rooin, for they not only develop, but in a talk akpt and dreamed a dream. Roger, an she greeted hiia. Werea-ae organic, funguid germs. A THE LIST rOR THE YEAR , Mr. 1:,,iigon dreamed that lie, died aue aPVw L i Im-)ctieL a horri,Ae little &-uuli ca,Wd am very glad y.,j did not forget The moisture accumulatp4l tirinfr tittle lime scattered about or lacea HER STRINGY, EVENenion tenti)a to the converSatlLm betwpen " Til I the Doctor Comes," and was us," she remarktd. quietly resuming the winte; Is In dasger of being LaM in a box In the dairy room will ab- Upwards of 1,000 varietiew of far before the Lord. The Lord apenti fatber and daughter, as she wam evI_ never so delighted as when he fouild her seat. , Will you have a cup of when the gruuuu &..v .iuu6iw" -pluo moisture; eropl� have been teated'in the Exper; nlw)lutely new In primed to am him and asked: & sufficiently Ili who wuuid tea." spring, wW the subject of kipring sorb much of the sul did you come so sotm for ? W I ly did k dentlY thinking deeply, and her BOn-le One V9 but the first important step I-, tooee mental I)epartment of the Ontari%irice an imperial Favorf ply a development not tuke noeded rest and recreats- permit him to prescribe one of"the "Thank you. ploughing Is much dibcuw.,ed, develup- ,vere ex- Ing varied opinion& The weight of opod TL am Eu &Ate along a and so prolong your life?" The thought.,4. Jibigilill frolu the oiL ks. He They were seated beside the tea to the drainage, aru have it as per- Agricultural Wlege, Guelph. Withil- Troubles -El i mystoem. In which remedies from his precious boo feet w powlble. ter waked anti went to F.urope, rew Pruftlin of tier countenances were not preferred a chemist'& shoP to his table, and were quite alone, as Mr. teotimony is 4jainst it, aud, am a A cow is largely inrlueuoed bytrain,: the past eleven' yearin, and 600 of Meet Her Waywftj�wl bad thouglit out ered liw health, Is alive Wo -day, a&: 9kirticularly plewsant. The last own house, loved doctors above all Maroon in company with his future ru16, one deep ploughing in tho au-, Ing and habit, ama ny ctiange in cua- them have been grown for at least Funeral K&rkshe machine im)we years known for Inspirlug'worde all other men, and contmplated Passing son-in-law had left their seuts, aud tumn Ili counted sufficient. toir. ill feeding or milking will affect fivo years in buezession. Nearly all ',Waiting. telphone cattle along A mericaL f words of Mr. Iturson, however. en In lo%v lit- hono.vmoon In a. hydropathic ew were now talking tokether Cheap lands are a temptation to the milk flow. It is not a good thing e. A business Luau de- "I wialt that every mother chzilm,d her attention* anti slie made talillihnient, -where there would be whispers at the end of the. room. own large farm&-tou large for the the Canadian sorts and ieveral huu- anta dmpa la practiew escription tile remark about the prince on pur- plent� of fellow -sufferers with Whom Judith handed a cup of tea to Roger good of the owner. In most cases to have the cows eaLing while being dred new varieties imported by tile* %inq or cou dry goods. printo or In dream tlih4 dream. The worl,- inilked, but to change the custom is &pare tier, but tier home cannot. I and looked at him stcadily as lie t1ley would yield doublo the net f make his meaning readily P`J�W to dea if the old man knew how to compare notes. too) lose milk. We must usually be ]Experimental Department from dif- 14 at NV I are no c101dren but need a mother a At prewnt he w" clad In a heavY stirren it with a lidtless expresdion on profit If the labor and expense laid content to have the cow as she ham c, er the telephone. Alxmeo- di,agirbeable tl'#3 1'�POIZer allial-tee"A twWd gult, and wore a�tliickly-linod , his work(ace. out upon tile. whole were, judiciously ferent parts of Europe. Asla, Africa, say th rwards occurred to me that eare and love. Tlwy Are more re to his child. on his feet. and a " You d4,n't look well," she said. at put upon the half. Tlii� Is a hard bdwi trained. Australia and the United k3tates have tMddeot tion of thlo little Instrument lve and obed&en%,, to a tie of blood tiumn fur coat. gah)ched - length, dropping tier eyed. - lemon to learjL- When food Iii scarce and prices higli been included In these carefully con- m1dore iefit my frieDdill ill the news- to a tie created 1)y law. Does adke In- Prium-!" echoett Florrv. to-,Wng of red riaunel round h14 throat " Mental Vvorry," hp responded. with There Is notking plainer than that margins of profit grow narrower; but ducto experiments. Some Of Lite new D Pt ofesolou. an,l It in ft)r them quire, then, how #41e can (-conomlze tier her livad. -'Anil wiiat u. prince! Ho's How do you do. Mr. Marson T' he ('0111petition drops ()uL and trade grows ceptionall esigned It. I want to forces, Uint they may ljwt ; liow she ruore like an otre." said. 1w a thin. Irritable voice. aa lie a sigh. 161 trdve undergone a g(x)d yotr can not afford to eultivate wheat istroijger, and profit8 are Jw4t, am sure varieties liave done ex Y witll ihat lave d can hurn lew -fuel, Vint her little fire -Vry shook hands, 6,1 I ',ope you a of life may burn brigittl an I I - devoteol ogre. at till re well. deal isirice I last saw you." for'nu average.crop: The only wise its %%iien thues are flusli. It is esppci-� and linve already been disitributed y d long? r h the medium of In connection %vith &Iiat ?" she thing to (to, eVideutly, id to fit you over Ontario. throug 0 said Judith. SignificatitlY. You don't look it. Your hand ie ally true of'dalryig that time evens I My answer In, let women try to give Spolger's a gtxxt fellow." obeerved moist; t'hat'a a bad Agn. DrY ? Yes- aoked, in a low voice. [anti to l)r(xluc40.au exceptional crop. all things lip. tho Experimental Union. with very to t1iingit their true importance. it Mar -;on- hurriedl.v mine is dry. Fut afraiki It's fever. Yes. I received yoUr 16 Lou- This will certainly pney, and It ca list is large, but gratifying result#. Tile Siberian oats. will make Do difference lit a week's .; **a little rough. 'Mi The moiling crop Wrhap*. t)ut Ili$ heart Is in the right 111.ienw* are so subtle. Miss Var1in8- dou, and went at once to-JarIchister be tiontiq. this suinnier be ready to sow a onlall Alandsclieuri barley. Horison Bearded or a year'j4 time how windows and P 1: lee. Diratity 1,i tonly skin-deep." you' look healthy. Florry, niy dear- Qu a walking tour, that In. I made Tito chances to mako money by lot of harley about tile lot of Aug- Spring wheat, and tile Cloud's Early woodwork look to -,day ; it will make a farming (to not all lie far mmo Cubau,W i)4- dupptlae You - inean began est. what a thin dress for this weA- MY walking tour itiVexcuse for beitig 41"'ialty ust, and In abotit Lk%U nionths, there Yellow Dent, Ma th dirference whether the children are Vloirrv. %%-lien tier father Interrup _ ted ther r, there. I stayed there a, %% twk. and away from your own region, The saine ill he art abundant crop fur the cowe' consin Earll(mt White Dent. and pprfectly nourl.,lied phyodcally and then received your second letter ouy* oploortuitity exist* rig' u C-alzer's North Dakota varieties ber fillickly. "Oh, It's all right, Mr. Spolger.." lit where yco witich will afford pasturage until shut of traiiied mentally.' ing lie was couflug." iiqre, which you imagine,can befound *ow - corn. which Are now becoming to to do tile most important Florr.r." he &-ild angrily. I for- "J.ickson." he itit,erpolated. Ith only a thou ad miles away. off I)y tile allow. %i lieavily with -e imported by h1k] Yoll to Ilwation that'nian?s namil. It's all rig,lit, Jackson,* said, FlOr- Anil he came ? ' "ked J udi t It, 'v% ma tile last plQughillg Of corn. or af �er t tie 1K4oular In Ontario. war thing^ firi-t, an4yXour strangtit el)bs. a quick Indrawn breatli. If we will rotate anti keep one- r, pilbor thingi4 wait; I wotild sootter see you In your grave rv. ga�ly. I'm quite healthy." oate crop has been feti off. tho Experimental Department. andaf to let tit yen, now replied Mr. Spot- lie did.." fourth of our land In clover and gram HORTICULTURE. ter being thoroughly tested were dis- Aiig in.-piring wnign. Try to get oome- th.-tri fiiarrV-d to ' %�4 Wel All. I lie continneii, -in timall quantitiem. ger. but that You saw him ?" N , . T. Lt wight looking 'nervously towrd the two alse more on the three-fourthe than More hard work is to be done on n The present svAt,-ru of co-operattve it. Enjoy momething to -day, for to- hore",4 no chnnt,e of that occurring thin dn---w mea 3 a chilL F-4 to on the bigs, and You, might %%hisp*ri09 figures at the end of the we have heretorore done upon the &Cre of strawberries tlian upon till exl*rimental wj)rk lit rigirl(ullure wA14 suorrow inAy not be yours. I people now." hiterkleted Judith. with 160111- Wtt I 11% "> N-) -1 a t. -i rie all tile time. *e will soon be abie to tributood t1lilig out of life for all you put Into to acre of any other sinaii rruit, but It I" T bpr fs)rnt%tncw. be In your'coffin befbre you know room. whole of It,' Let u.4 not 'stlek tatarted In 1886 with 60 PIOU4. which �ougllt to get r tn 's Yes I" o.ur old ways iv ban there ard better equally true Vint more iaonPy and were situated on welve different j e % soorig aiid imuthine, The* rair� looked from one to %he where you tire." "And got -and got the letters?" ono%. inore pleasure call be derived rrQm farms; In Ontario. Since that date. witil 14uck lielp a. otht'r with a warett expression of Marson. Ln a' tile that same acre. Aiantire the ground 0 laughter and frie%W01). countenance. anti twina how severe hearty voice; tlie rooin -is quito Of course," emid Axton. In a tone T hose hard times are unde4 however. the work has increased from t it-iX poe. well, but not too heavily, lest too take off that hea- f surprit6e. sent them to You- guiso or a blestilng. Ili tha theiv both looked. sullpI led into white rarm. NVOn't-You at a plant gro%vtli be induced and ftar to year, and In 18t)6 there were How's This? henp, on the"hearth . y 'coat?" to -the Ixot office, as you desired." Able, for poor people to get 'Cheap gre 11.124 plots, which wore i4ituated on -rug and burst, Into t V " ce - run, the st invited. 2,2W 9nrmi4. We are again nrepare-d- Wu ofter one hun(Ired dollar* reward nt," aw-6rerbil Mr. , My God!" she on id. in a low voi , roo(i. Moreover, in tile 143ng black ru site .Spolger, empliatijall.Y. I always Ae- of agiony.. " 1-1 have not received pricos of cereuLs May be a Fall plainting of strawberries In not to distribute material for co -opera-- PICTURE OF GFOR(;I:' WILLIA119. for ally case of caturrh that MOW% "How horrid you are.-pnI r.ttu�e of them. I.uent to the Post uffice every recommended, aA It means a I)at-kpd C ert,41. - th-,niall v nd no. L4 111j%th., cu,-;tt)lli illywir tA) the teinpe lienerit, to farming in that.theycom- soll to start with 'tire next mprItil. tire experiments witit fertlflzeri4.fo4 miy that ab newii1mlier has or will tie ured*by II&JI'li CatArrh Cure day to ask for' a packet directed to pel clieaiwr ways' or pircAuction der crops, rootts, grains, gragdON and have a '110QUOPAlly of tile atlt,oteie- F J. Cheney & Co Prolm.. Toledo, 0. -% Ilia' b) degrees. A sudden chill -and I'm sure Mr. Melstane'.zit reix litee. HP's ce P I'llanting In the Ppring gives all tile roe iss Judith, but have been told it had tillulto better work. 83psho-1 farm- cldrar%. graph. I shall -reserve tile pittentan(i We, tile untlersig M, have known F. so hanitrAne, an,l Vilk.,4 so nvautlfullv� 14 w 4 than'damp, feet. -set ' - sell the machines to any iciewspape .1, Interested pers(me in Ontario yoll have some te. Mr. Spol- not come..": er-4 will be crow(led out, and only -the season to obtain a strong, well r J. Cheney for 4he last rifteen yeam about poetr. He's like'Conrad. nd row; fewer plants will bw. lost. All t Mr. qpolzpr anti - I wi.41 I was nisked Judith. for the footmaS "Good heavens!" said Roger, "ith ritto,t mur%ive. wish to join In tile work, may stelPc at cares to buy it. ant believe him perfectly honorotbi� in -ger ?" a @tart of surprise.- 14 I hope they have ti.lings conxidered, plant lit the spring. r* 97 1 th' find filMD- Ilad now brought In & teapot and 4 1 HORISES., - pertments or IS - The all lilto businew trititsact,P)wo with a tombstone and it broken not gone astray -1 ought- to have There are no trees like tile wigar -ally one of the ex "The pr4ocess lood t-iniple enough. - to carry out any obliga- hPn rt.` 'Ooncluded I M plate of toabt. some 'indly to a and Norway maple for roudkilde plaiit- and Inform tile Director at once of 1 art4t, makes his gketch in tile usual Ciflfl.% abit 1,-w Marbon, tear- men never siwak 111 3ti ahswered the Ily- registered them.'* iorse.- and. therefore. never have a tit(% choice made. All material will be manner. it does:i't matter what it tiont- iina(U by their lirm. uo. thank 3-4 1*lf.you. but.] F could not have ob- Ing, yet people will expPrIntent for- I­ munder- Jiulith lookftint Mr. Marson. nd lie poebroudriae-. polite kind horm Frocure the -affection O If ever with others where these two furnislied eTitirely free of charge to iiiiky be. Directly tile drawing is fin- Wpot a Truax, Witolesale Druggiots. felt gping -,a course of mediclues JULA now, tabled them," L replied Mim Varl-lit. each applicant, but lie will 10 exPectPd ished lie wrapd It around the little Toledo, 0. looked at Judith. - Tiley botli- 111il tt.:l la t contlitioa mea no hurriedly; "you forget. The packet your'liorse, anti you have taken the will grow. These never reach an ob-. litiuct tire test according tA) the Walding, Marvin, '"'bole - quite belpl". in dealing with tilis . -lay prese was ad . dressed to Miss Judith. anti' *inost important utep 'toward procur- jectionable iiize, and need never be cut to co cylinder at tile tojp of tile machine; plice of rrivolitY. whoe very we . a k - death." Ing-lils tet services. P Instructiollm sent with the weds, and lie prf-wes it loutton. an I In that oanie tialt Druggists, Toledo, 0. ""Then. have -some toast-` sualki the postmistre**j knows, me so well,.1 down. Not iliMr least beauty show to report the resu',W of hila test 1w Instnt, wililp tile ninchines re-v(ilve, news cons-tittited tier streni:tli- At Not only are tile growing eitiew re- are un- . j Hall'w Catarrii Cure it, takeqVinter- I �114111W dovn. Florry. laughingly. pirtsieuting. him could not have signed any but my In tile fall, while other trees: possible after harvest. Lite inan4 in the iwwspaper room, say �,ftally actlug directly ulpou the Wood )as% Mr. n rao n - A I . . own name without causing remark." quiring the heaviest of horses. but Noon 8.0 1.000 ndies awity, Is reprutiucing that ant'l tnueouiq -vourfacem of the system. -rontily. and with -$he plaU'.. lie horticu LIST OF EXPF-,R1' 18I)7. lorleA. 75c.1per bottle. Bold by all drug- omotAhed FlorrY'a hair . �6,. B - "You ught to have allowed me to in those regions - where f arm popu- oses much unless ENTEr 17� O It utte;wd,', Mr. polger. l6ok, O' Iturist I sketch. spokc- poet hingl v to lier. la:tlou is increasing the farms are lie is acquainted with Ilis c011st, s MT dear quietly. Ing at tale plate. Ilorrible I.Th' @eind -them here." tilt 1. Te8ting nitrdte of wda, ulwr *6 I can now say tile inptrument to Lrhitw TestimonlaIs free. elit](1 - � "Yet, I ajid- then Florry would have adapted to the Improved implements eompailiolls, the hIrtim. Their luterestv pliosphate, muriate of' potw-li, 1nlx_ ready for use. You could handle it at Hall's Family Pills are the twat I q1k-:.Ira L-4 yonr wor. Dire! I d-nd maelAi e there', should b� Toxi know tht nlIJ,,P st thing In the world for nery. and the. requIre are so mutual that I ture, and no ninnure witli corn. yoll will tiike dry to:%st for breakfast, with, a momi them." Ire' I once with abodute cert.iiinty. Before hnppine_�w. and. twlieve Ill%-. "Notimoeivie I'D hormes of weight to operate them. an, Intintate acquitintance. At a t -itL- of soda, super- I attetnpt to put it (in the it -it I Class of hut water-nothilig more" ne 2 TisA:ig nitr. markeV I 0804%noughtless. thank ice in aftf,r lift, for w o "There Is alwayi anti] Tito sulky plough. with two or more ame time It Is a 14ty that every o -It, mix- I ' eas ; Ilarriett Mpl.4tine **I -hope you doU*t,IntA-1uI me 9 it pomitilliti, phoo-phate, muriate of Pot"' . shall try to reduce it to a p,)rtat)le i lkluud-l-m so tliouglit ' arn now t like, th�&t,,, juld 11orrY oau- Judith, quickly; "'but If tiv.* !etters, niold boardg. the broad press drill, is not interested In birds, be Ido occu- ture, atid no manure with mnligels. I size. ic- that tilt- arthit aient to Chi- A-unig to -day an my nd a &-pen44hrirt. . If You breakfab have gone astray, what are we to the @*If binder. the cutaway plough pation what it mat. , *1 Testing six leading varieties or csig(o or St. Lou.8 lilRy carry It In his came near drqv him. lie woultl 'negleet -vou elly- a eat �vhat you do r. aud harrow demand heavy team,4. condtiLut igilance I* absoluuly es- n. kind of and niake xou nil-*,rable- - Jck,son MT. dear. you ca 4etittal- to success in tile orchard. lit- foddereor pocket. t1unip it down on any ilauline-11ow is that Spolger will niake :votr gooti. bu* like," n.,wmt Mr. twlxer. ooleitin- "Well, if-" It to muscle rather titan meat thAt 4. Growing tnree leguminous crops telegraph table and tranaiiiit the Maud -We wvre skating, mhe went age, hark, root 'anti hnrfil. anit protect :1 ilelloate flower ly producing his little book. " -sirould I 11nuish Vt Ae work teams fleed--tylgor it not secto attack foll. for green f(Akier. drawl"'K %vitli Just ad Illuell eame and suffer fro'ni your IntIL-Wetion- I he [hid [ter had omddenly on lils-1 strength rather thnn Utt. For colts fruit. When the orchartHpt relax" Ill" 5. Growing three,mixtureill Of grain through tile ice, I had forgotten my U',p roil from tlull bleak Winds Of ad- Ou IS." atm to arrer4t him speech, for tit tlidt -anti brood mares there will be mati-4- watchfulirims lie Is surprined to find as Lttle ceretu(iny its lie woul,i ume In What to Do in Cam of Acel- versity.X bilre 10w.13s got tile reniretly Ill th mleo havp taken advantage of for green fodder. telegraphing a 200 -word story. denu," and if she hadn't crawled otit the voice, Milli anti 1)eevWf, furtion in bran and oat stiorts. with his ene 6. Testing four varieties of grasses 4 so u rly sobbet] Florr:r. IA the nietlicine Doctor 3apix Pre- momelit. I " In less tban f-tur niontha, fr4ini thid t ts_hjg_ wribed do you good"" aAked Ju,"ith. of - Mr. polger, was heard maying a *tome 4inseed meat. For the driving Itim and Irreparable Injury to for hay Phe %v V ould have drowned. childlahly: " likit ike tlici' w ka some tree or plant. t7me the iz�strument Ili its p�jrtatAe I var cloven ft)rin will ii; ready for tile wtirket. i The ArchAtiort of ctnterbury re- a- llt.,, tinld 41x)lger, slowlY slame: horse-nothIng ba better than oatw 7. Testing four letles of nnme Iii 'Notre Dame Ir.yon have uelk nn aversion -to taking off his coat,'-' still uffer Nothing Is -so gool. - as alternate for hay. varieties of buck- We can now use the Int4truitient at 'veivea a Falary of F75,000 a year. ,eplew,wso. However. I ve got I Judltb and Roger lwtli looked at (Peds of torn' -and bran fur -work S. Tt*tlng three 500 mi.les with eaiqe. at 140) with wlcle the ArelihiMiop of York and the marry him. Flov'ry. then don't 0o, from tile out. each other, their cheeks pale, tlielr horsee. d -,0,000 I'm oture a new Itlea, I'm going to c. SUED- HER LIFE11 wheat. reawmalile accuracy' I Diallop of London receive ieado and rv,t%rns%r- FiLrit�itpi ntid lip Was 404111t To avold Rcratelies or grease het -I 9. Te8ting four arieties of spring - 4 have finished I will trfto sbpeatiorethel your fntli#"p wou!d not force You illto Cold wati-ir band:tgeo at tile I t6o &pea* Lgaia when islie mtx)pped 111m keel) tile leg,4 and feet clean. A good wbeat. year each. a marri ige Pgain-4.t your will." a bot briCk rLt tlie..feet. There. now f or t he AL oecond time. Wan is to Wlsli off tile ilnib-A clean ley contLnent from 'Frteco to New York." st, m iones define@ a negro aA a I llarmlon' bast- m off I f6el beatitirul." .0 10. T. stirg four vrlItles of bar .4 colored By no mranA." salt] 3 y coat Is . � said lr.- Marson, "Liaiten 1- 4r� at n(glit witli cloth nd warm -water. The Narrow Escape of a Ferns 11. Testing five % arleties or oa t. man and a flidwer as "a blask v. I pl:lml t1w eazze before YO1J ". Wtllo* well "', of nll t1iis medicUl Tue could hezz quite plainly, for- wiping thom dry. Tile comfort to thp 1 2. Tmting four varieties of bea BRUSH THE HAIR. the i)tiwr daY. Florry. an(] I plicle rather Impatient . y ties of bea��Is. �o 'Treatment is More Conducive to I have had talk. 1* I hope. you'll be quite well for the pair at tile imui of the room. had borsem only will well pay for the 13. Testing three varie It now.' A,,4 Yoll knows. Merchant's Daugbter. 1 14. T eFting five vaiieties of car- jrr*-at, lo -4o," latelT. nd iink*.6 I can your we&dag.! moved unthinkingly noar them, anti: trouble. Luxuriant Locks. sum of o4pdY money I thope go, SpLAlger wa,% talking edirilly to Mr. Tito 'Scriptures tell us "The 4right-. rots. 18WE NO $4 MT oh,taln a large too." retorted Spolger. I - -the I. -P. Testing five varieties of man- any absurd directions for thecare Irretrieval1v ruined. ack- with : gloomy foreboding. 4 I've ar- I Marson, ab6ut the ma11 of whom they eoum nian regnirdeth his beast"; son Stx)1L:rr has-protir-11J%4I ti) put mon- rangrof all the tPur, 11orry. go i wero then hitiking. proverb of the day Ij;. "A melrelful Had Boen Weak and Sickly From In- gelm. of the hair are found in the toilet 'Into the h1-,_j1"e*,,-ir:rou I*come his. first to Malvern. a very healthy place. "lie came up to see me before -he nine is merciful -to-his beast." Th6 rancy-Neither Doctor Nor Friends 1G. Testing four varletift of tur- 8L WISE AND TASTE directions of the day, and really In wtre. t told you thi-4. nn(t ou con- then to Bath -to drink the wnters. weitt away. I was very ill, lAit lie former 1�; the stronger way of put- Thought She Would Survive Dr. t4.tl. w) chilolhoth of X613 V) Afu�r that. It you like, we'll go 1**oiiltl to* ine,-tuid we Ilada moo4t agi- *tlng It. any who are gom rarmerm -Williams4 Pink PiUs Saved Her Life Material * for eitlW No. 1 or o. 2 Jurious washes and lotions are often much d.strust thO tatLng -interview. Told me that lie In other.re4pects do.not proTterly ap- experiment will be ocut by expreslC recommended,, but only the plainest go on Ilke thl,4. I.f ron dwlike t4pt?l- abr(kall. tholigil I -Advice to Parents. - -ill I;e gri-r 40 nutch. I %vill n(vt forco Too drainage of thive foreign tA#WUJL loved Florry-told me, her afflameett prpelate tire liorge. He ahould be tuid for each of the others I., common-wnse rules need to be fol- -t4) warrY Km: hilt I warn you that 0 it. lot us go, abro�w I it t once." said hue;band- �SW(l that she would never. k1nd to all the live (From the Fergus ews-Record.) f(rwarded by mail. All fertillwrs 'lowed to keep It luxuriant. To Improve Florry. eagi-irly; "to. Parls. 11 yolu nAarry me -that lie could prevent lie Care. and seeds will'be Kent lit. gw)d time for the growth and luxuriance of the hair yotir r# arrv-Sehm4ti-in fluil kt, too lively. you can walk eve marriage. Tlicvi lie liwultied m@. 41 , I T TT. -P., Mr. C. M. II(xit, fruit and C0000- Ppring weding, providing the apiflica- When lauguld or defective, tile only *6 Tovi won't let 1,14- ir, tiorui ire received t an early date. OEYLON TEA. MeNtane." cApd Fln*rtY. olwttnateiv. day in ti.je Pere la Chaise Cemeteryi li-em out a box of pillo and wikett me Regular feeding and a steady Vunaxy dealer, St. Andrew otre*t, itig'iiniited, natural and perfectly safe inetliod No. T won't." ri-tortf,d' tier father, 6 Don't ji-st on suOi it subJect. If I had any Ideats I*yond such things ) a The supply of matcrial lw that Can be adopted is to promote j)o1leloult,. Pure. renes"M . " I Irrowth make good wool and gootl Vergus, lakit week related to. rep- those who apply first,wtil be suretitt tit(. healthy ac4lon of the skin 6f the @old to Re"od L0&d Pm**" "ISIV- tin- - Florry. wild Jwflth. reproringly. -1 knocked the box out of I& liaitt 'Inmb-4. Experts claim that they can, Toii n#*41 not P rry Mr. . "Oh, I don't mind., . repl.11 the alld 11wis" upon his -leaving tile rebeutative Of the News -Record the or obtaining the desired Outfit. it scalp by increaNling the %Igor of the te-10 but ycrii-ynit ce�rtatrilY tPll at about what#perI&.1 of rrowtri. by Groomm th"I U -in. N14 -U. --tans? lov"r; witli glot)my rellell; llouae'.. lie went,- for I wam firm-refy tile Rheep had been kept' 'upon .11 a�atl btory of the terrible iuffering iiiiglit be well for each applicant to circulation of the blood t1irough Its pilvill not marry soid @A 11a, ". 60 whad Goseeste PW W vq1th m on�wat: I %%ould rtheroee ha go, to tile cemetery w)me (lay, 'firm, though much agitated. He left liour ranize or Phort r tions by aad sickness of hits little daugliter malce a second choice, for feir the min vew;els. For this purpose noth- Irflo, In vour 00 to gp accustomed to , tho box bellind him. Yes, I fou.nd lit noting with a m1cro-Qcopo tile thin LIIa, his only child, now a strong ancl firqt could not be granted. ing U or i4o simple anti- effective as the ---' 0. the Wea." after lie wa".gosie, and sient my wr- Particular varieties need not IM well-known rule of gently ex(Iting the T b,.- ni 4uppoee I MILst marry lfr. lAnceR In thd wool ntny)le. boalthy little miden of tea years -ineutioned.'aA all the kh'ida to be dis- said Florry, dolefully drying a-,, three IlAeners, looked rather de- vant dolrn with, it to lits I.-oarding Tito real eoRt of kepping shr�ep IR the ciiiii's tributd are tho..ie wbicli have (lone n ontinued friction THE ber P vm. pircoted at th,s dism,al prophecy. but house. Oil, I was terrll)ly agltaite(L crimparntivPty much legn than thnt of age. At t.Le time of ptionally well upon tile trial plot& with the hair brush. -p'l-d Mnr- wiw nothing. w1i3e, Mr. Spoiger U11d He wa#4 i4o bolt]. But lie woWt come The same object may be further p is so ynn plene."r* or nny other fnrm sittock. for., to mn kp illijelit, Ux. Pubt was a reiiident of exce aoTi. ri,,-ng to his ree t e won't come back." pork. a �Jzrent e food In BOW PIRK awl , v�nlklng ciseeiful little stories "of how b.11 liver * liAck again. No I It the Y'xperlmii-ntaf Department. moted by the al�p!icatlon of ,,y GO so 1*1 olf,n't want to � Hamilton. His story Is Eubstintifilly A. Zavitz, DircL-tor. ple cosmetic wash or other prepara- so Anti fro woulil trf.,It Il,ni ii lie did not look af- do you' know that?" cried c,n1l,;uTnpA iq caAh xraln. -airid to mnkp 4wh my for moyi-ey. I simT)IY 141.1ce Wr it. Thio It -it ilim to talk or medi- Roger, i4tarting to Ilia feet, In spite toef. butter, or elippoe nearly every- ao follows: My daugliter had been RIGHT WAY TO DrARN tion tilat will exLite and stimulate Aho- ea.oq lwfor,,- you. wid you are free C,ne. whicil suggisteol.chemists, %%hieh of Jiulttli'ti warning 4oucil. thIng ivzed Im that which would bring very delicate frow childhood until the skin or exoreise a toide action HOME GROWN SEEDS to ref" or areept s yoti pl#-nAw. Yea lit their Virn ouggeste4l & Co.. '*What I yon ere Ili-tenifig, salt! ninneT in tile market. about three yearts ago, anti the mouey 4he Secret of the Art is in Placing the upoll it without ciosing the pores. nvom,t-4 lornpip"Ity 110 1114NIns ruin.' and so 1),v anti by Mr. Spolger began to 'Me. Spolger, agrily, coming 7 uear to Wlien. by tile expenditure of a few it coet'me for doctor bills made me Thread Well on Either Side. Strong rosi-mary water or rotwmary North Pakota White Flinf...Corm .%be eh^lce 1-4 entir ly lit your talk of M. J10" - the, you.ng man. Pytrn'dnIl'nrt: pure hrptl ramn 'of tfip tea. mind a weak solution of the emien'. Wisconsin's farit"t White but Ka nn the able ywing nian." lie "I could help hoaring you, r, as it was.seldom she wait %yltli- rowmaryy oi ;.Irden, Vlf irry 4W I notti fig. "A most e#.t. m. rPry h, of breede can bp olvtalnc�A, tb re 1100 Tile secret of thip homely art ties In tial oil of elther Dent .................... C0r07 1pooarsi, rug twNti-g her li:iw1kerchief' orild fe*-1hig his om) pillse. ill a Pro- weing you your voice," retort- 1-4 no Pxrn,;e for the farmpr who will Ill out a doctor's care, and at timeis we running the thread of the darning thme are popular articlee of thW, Siberian white ............. Oats &11.1 4'L-1rl1lg t the tre. teoa:onal nianiter; "lie Ims liad t1111101d ed Roger, sharply. .. t1ir preent day place tin Inf"lor or kind. They may be reiidered More 6*1 wouloi fike tA maY olle 'wlrTli, -fever twike. nd suffers frorn cd)rns." 6-11f*t tilihonorable! mo4t dishonorl. have had as many an three doctors cotton w) far on each side of the hole little Mandscheuri. .... ..... 8004V monarpl I)rpd ram at tile fiend of hist I stimulating by the addition of a fodder So hum. in attendance and hope of saving her t1lat it does not Immediately fray and ammonia. or spirit, or both. Tile ukin V1, rry." sAid J-u!!Itb Uen-!Ing forwnrod, ­Tiglit boots?" asked Florry. filp- able I" flock. lie demrves no i;ympathy In Ids see Zlet (three varieties). -d with Japan 'if y')a #11#1 not iiitentl to marry Mr. pantly. ir!" despaired* of. The doctors buc,ceeded pud out the goods. of the head should be niolt4tent I hij, pk&nt producedomormsous ore" you *honld luive mild sQ all, No. hf,r(411tary.! 'Most curtou came. "Oontlenien gpiritlemen!" Sepnirate-the prpgnnnt ewep from all in keeping her alive. but site was rake a long tliread of darning cot- tl"4n oil earli ot-cai,I(m (,f drevimingthe (if foray* tor cauk. ni) y I-.; n stm i ror ]But, , 3tlik rig of onplour Gumaull-" Franclo Maroon, plainly, "you are ill thp otlierm at lea,.;t n nionth before litiir. rind theif difluslort and action PRICE8 LO W. -order eariv, as we Vex�'we*�k y-er Or ri­ re -1. the said Nlipts Vnrliits smiling. Mv bouw.-v wenning time, and gire rzome hone irudually growing worw anti we all tot' to begin with au(i run it atleadt promoted. by t le me 4 a good hair I.alf tin inch aloug Lite goods on 0.1ch could not supply Lae deiu&ad WS ins# -,to are Invite Jii,las thuught she was going to die. Our brush. hVI'llic For priose and othw is si, it would be Y, a I [tear they call hiln "I beg your pmr(k)ft, 'Mr. making food and plpnty of exerrime. vale of the hole. Coutinue this utitil It in -r0d hair." replied k I When tile s1in In pale, lax nqd farw&uon apply Loo r.itber 11.1rit ois the p4mr ni-iii to dAll oil ncrotint of wild Roger, ceremaillollslY, "I 0111Y -Corn and ennflnpmfwnt wl'I nia e 1, rgp regular physician had given uphope Lhe hole in bnugly cotered. Now cru -41 be skle ap nf liappine4.- from his lips,Just Mr. r. Uon, perhapA, but witil littip hing care1i1lIY--*'W0Il- ao;kcA Mr. Spolger a ,-Inipl(- queotion." 111mbp of saving tier life and remarked that tbei�,e threado in regular darning wrinkif-d, astrbigpift wabilies may b4- Is. triaii,14 it." ato a chumipt. lie Lakes a great linter- "To which lie decll.ne*4 to reply," 'xtren�tb or vitality. The larger thf- uovd; w1ten tile *kill and hair are (try. Tal BOW FRK CO., LTD.1 aal,l Marmon, AtOrl- est ill FlorrY." 1. .1 1 replied Mr. .Spolger, coolly. proportion of onta. wbrat, toran wid if it were only warm weatheir (11, 8L.Tie. taking care tbut the same pre an(I t1be latter i,4 iticlined to lie un- 114ractiford, Oat- pleig hi hi.4 wAtk. 11;ite s,lt 64, rinrry,. In me ?" cried the damseL bft- i -Wily el(tvpr tiny whirli can be got Into the was then winter) there might be a caution id oboerved. A tockilig darn- mainagrable, n little glycerine lit nit tf-y!,u Lh-iok tliat yoti c.mnot make ed in Lids way will w4mr. as far as appropriate additl oil to the precedlitif nrintly. JudIth haid r1mm toAier feot anti rtitioniq thp better. Chance. But ieven eummerd had tije darning is concerned. a.d lung &A Jack -um Si,olger a V041 wife, I w 11 .. Y, a - 1'r, #W ­Ire 'r".1 Iry k 1011poto" W -ft" cillighig to Francis Marwity'n G000l wptheria Pliould give 1114 evpry pah&etl 6duce tier birtli and she h" If U0 1101C 11ILd,exii4ted. waslif4, or lotions. The oevisional u4LV break off'the matcli wittiout 414- 1.1 Y. Patti Mr. polg r. complacontly: "Ill- arm, while Rotrer and polFer looked Vi'ar ror toar y,a" wo ol enough to liall' To darn very large holes. Ptuch of a little bLind oil, mtr(migly septited '"I*u& that metio ruin," cr.ed Floirry, (leed, lie suggested several remedies. ah otiler. The whole �ny for oemseives, and at five ypars gradually become feebler. and my are likely to occur frotu having bet nry or origanum,or God is King tetarruliy. And If you wf)uld soe him-", tent upoTi old tlipy are at jti#4t the riglit age to wif(I an.1 I thought it was just a with the oil (if niace, or xrry Plightli I � I N ()"Jr 1,ye" !" Paid Marson, ourtly, -"ruin." No. no lnt4-rp4"1 M rmon, the eonversntlon that VIPY Md 110t makp the beat of M�utton. Therp vitould pulled or frayed out in Lite laundry. tMetured with cantlairitim, Is MAO hon ic t_ ,.i I i ii % itij king a34 Oeep'y ns tier qn:ickly. Jnek&)n. I'm niRtA in- little flizurp enter the d(wr nild be- profit in niiy j4heep of a good kind. niatter of time until the child would something more than a thread of- wlu-n t4iero lit 1koortiew or dry - Pee' ft About darning cotton may be necAftwary. and. goo"' nhow tier. imli"I at you. If Fl(�rry rf-quires to panw oil the t1ireodiold at -the sound It pays to fped lamlw.befor(- they are be called to a better home. ness of tile skirt'and hair. Steele, Briggs Williams' Pink Pills a patch inust be useti. Such holeb at- Sbe i4a%v i4al,11Y that it a -lie mfused to iv�e a 'meolical mmi, there is Doctor of tho nnary voices. weaned all tile grain they will eat this time Dr. most tturely occur In tile heel, as this 04111110 Grade" Seeds, wairry Mr. 81volger, 6v would. never J,'1p4Z; blyt nN V) 11-tt'lliK a nian like , a4yrn, agitntA. me,,, F.,Ilsl tile valptu- witpri oin good Mue gram or clover were prominently' brought to our Inirt of a stocking Is UbuallY worn GERMANY'S POTATO CROPS. j� sold by leading dealers. lzaii, her fittlier'4 c(;m-wnt V) her mar- that Frenelinian met tile with her dbiarlaii, angrily. "I m not 1k;"i te, pn.%tnre witli tlipir damp, and It paym tontirp through a cure they wrought, thin first anti is more likely to tray. i W tb 114.4talle, lift W a rvftwal health—why. th�- very look of him is I* agitatt4l, sir. I wao telilng my eppecially well If they are on dry feed. They Are Largor Tliazi Those of Any Ask for them. nwaiit ruitt with lut any ellance of ob- enolt,gll." a.nd you tdioulid Any certain amount of grain will put Imighbor'd child. i- thought I Ili treating of the method of mend- Other Country, afe in94mtnwnL taitmig the w6h of tier heart, *he 411d "Cotmimptl(in," otild Mr. F -'p ­1g friend �a priva W story, more weAght tipcin Niieking lamtw than wouid give them la trial a tliein, It Is bAfe to take tile bee'. er. , not have iltened." nd no In- Mg Germany is the greatest potato- GOLDEN RETURNS -d by aone4vusly; " he looks (If-lica "I apologize," repiled Roger, bow- I for a model. te upon any other animal. formed the doctor but he only laugliml riA)t oee Avhat wnj, to Ime galm From tile leg of an old stocking. growing country tif Lite, world Tito CArAL.OQUES PREE beli,g perv*-r4e. frIvolow4, sel- kDOW." ing. "I did not Intent] to give offense, SWINE. ut tlio �tlem of them liciptug tier. 1.1,,)w- i of Lite four principal Lutier ritlo- f6h w slie was, *he wtw all this qi I think Ito In a very dangerous 6 Ig sue'a as Is sure to be found lit your Vrt)l The Steele, Brins Seed Co. 1�) t, = hut I w(wridered how It wni4 you All rtints are' not horn runtq, but ever. I bouglit a Lox of the Ilink I'l, --uhaped piece of Ing countrietil of Europe In 1896 pl.aln!y, awl, moreover, Iwirug W mn." wil i Jiidlth, in lif-ir quiet. &)M- 9114N%*^] Melstane would never . re- many have their runtinem thrust upon and began giving. them to tier. lialf it b"ket, cut a kite to 68,9:-16,Ouu tons. otwillch ToRONTO, ONT. V) 1pro4ok h4 -r ratiier'4 ollsploaare, bibe powil voce; " lie was a grpnt friefid turn." them. In him early fife a pig will go 11111 at it t1we. After a bliort treat- g000lm about five'inclies long and four a moliqwd ) of—" 114 --re she checked herself sud- hev acroKs. Turn tile stocking a little more than lutif, vfteov mi0e up her mind to yeld. Rising U Tli little flgiire stole nenr(-r. backward or forward very easily. At- ment there was such an Improvement ne was lirtxfumd In Germany; 4.4 40 stole Wward tier father,.J denly. 'Pot- neither fier mother nor I could wrong side out and lay the kite ulooll b4 -x re* -t. *lie "What (10 y(Al mequi?" tkc4I ninot every pig will irt�ke a kood l,ili,4 the heel so that the long -pointed end 000 in 11 -'rum; 7,(KMA") in rnglitud, am b o* tt)o I I n g I ou m y 4' lence loriking '*Of fi ' nl:shc4l Spolger ger. quickly. porker fr started riglit. Cive the runt doubt that Dr. Williumm' I"ifik run,, up the back of the leg and the anti 2,95UAX) in Belgium. Fouryeiiry O' koirling. " Y#*, I know that. Aw tost n the vribtry Lawn, and threw. F ;0o Judith leaned on Maroon's nrm with a little ititextira: a li�tle boiled milk were helping her anti I decided to to tile tootal pr4miuction Melstanc— eeN: alto- RING TRRK AJPRSL LOT. her arrms ,iround his iieck. talk,iW alwmt r. abandon tile doctor's Nervi luwer rounded part Is at tile base of 8111 sp 64 " tier rate &.1(ily ,viote and lier eYes sevprnl times a day cometimes orks tinle 511,0(X).00) touA (or the same mh,, wills-pere4l, 1*1 will marry Uoii't t:ilk n1w,ut Mr. Meletane. I The Pink VIII treatment Lite heel. dilated, waltitig—waltifig for what wonders. gother. Ituo a stout linen thtead down the countrieo. Tlw Unite�d Statem ranke. df_ Mr salti Niarmon. mharply. all#- dreaded to tillillf- Dmijite the general opinion to tile w" continued anti altimugh the pro- terEngLand. "Of y-,ur own fTc* will " bko ask#41, W fly [lot ?*1 gress towardm health and strength et-utirt of tit(- kite. taking !arge, loo. -e "I. mean &b041t the Jarlelimter '.NIYFI- contrary. corn Is an excellent food for a trirle 4t*-riry. Florry nii9w4-rfq] him, for "lie wan flip sow aft,er P -tie has been bred. -1-1if- wav necetwarily Slow, it wits noite the otitclies. Now run in the i-ame Wity Uertunny at the head of Lite Imita for 6*Or my tivvii free will," -4he repeated, evidenVy strugg'Ing wAh IL lit of bY- jkjl�l it wa� aerolw Vic lifte-shapettlPipiece, letting I producing countrift of Lite %orld. .4 cotitillup(l, Mr. Maroon Mid nothintz. but wltll i-hould enrr.v considerable flesir when le%i4 certain, next V&- firt-c.0"m tuber Is atit only em- WMATM11t). UNT* kw)"y fo)r Seloastian, stor�rja, and nio he "poke mlie aroft.- ale a$ that or tilp, %roman slie farrows, and their it will be envy until #411a Is " well and otrotig no tise thread be very sla�k. The quain- a face no p, t r,, to joloyed ftir rool. but enorintoup for I ixk4ove him ; but I 1(j"'t w.-I"t . from her wnt anti fled rnplilly frocili y nt IlIngpir to curry lier along lit good condition you see her 0-4 ay, 11114i I am thank- pteli is to k4ew tile patch lightly Young ladies andyfasueliiiies WOLD" tot to Vel YOU, 4!e4lr#-_4t,,W) I'll tM' RwfUlly thP rOOM. fOlOWNI by J1ldtll- 1. . coi blo nrm, Ktared Ktendll iul to say mile, has liad no occutdon for thp heel by stitching it around tile title*; are requIred for Indumtriil pur- bu,inw nit clatiesk. V's of our repeat so iT- Axtri,n. At the niontiml of JnrIl,Pr*, during lier nurmiiig pe.r1w. 1:o -es; f(,r instunve. for tile distillifig donw neound poettlotle in one week. Vamade'D nice to Mr. Spolger and mrry hito "Thure," Ft.9 I, I %farwm, In an an* ter the f1grurp belilyid ennie #.:lowly Tile first thrp—e toontlo' of a pig $ 4 nic4lical tre:itment miiice. I am n outside. If deftly (lone there will be of @-&ding commercial sebooi I Wriw for str ii,ext week." ed tonp. how foc)liph you, are io neither wrinkle nor creape to tell the i Of an d the manufacture Illy okmremt," &-%lit 3iLirson. In a Wne mjwnk of Vint scamptoo imtll Florry NInr%on, with n life �,ettiv its Worth. Tile flow of milk strong believer lit the efficacy of earer that so important an opera- rterch. Tite to&l productitin of f)ota- ul&rg- W - J. KLIA017. rdest"L -r faee, sto(xi NtIll L-4 then at iU bemt, and Lilt- C:lp&elty Dr. Willlam.4' Vnk 1111,4 for weak nd w toe" on tile globe is estimated acon- of great relief, 4*yf)u- anii't know haw I 41,on't w�e why Florry sib(midnOt 100k or terror oil lif t;on has taken place. halopy yon' lulVe Maffe Me." get ust-il to his namf-." repilel Rpol- ax n statne U* -hind lier lover. or tile youngwters to consume It in delicate c101dren, nd I firtnIF believe This to especially useful with clill- ididernbly more; that is about 96,_ '*Vlorry," crial Judith. rolling,up her 1p�r, eidktly. " Of courpe. I know she I hnrp rinol In thp PnPerm alwAlt yet i-liglit. SomeWhat delpendr; uron It was this niodicine tht taved my dren's stockings. Boys' shoes are til- 000,000 tons. 87VD)WTS AC TLACHER8 'i�) irIclwmtvr my,tery," sald SP%11'� the ntimber of 1.1g.-* in the litter. Tile child.to work. kpv"i li,m, but Wit nil imer now; he the , momt sure to be harsh nnd in-ritting ger. in rin niteri41 V)ne. rub i4hould not coine until they begin Dr. Williams' Pink I'JIIR nre, n nil. For liousew-veti to Try. WUHING a WORTHY Ind PROFrrAKA "yeo4, ullth," w'd Vlorry, learbig wofi*t troviblo her n1ra n." guesmp(l rim mi -ch, and that wam �to look for ustenance from aome round -year medicine and nf(- quite as at the heel. Till@ method of r ewupauon for the 13 U MM91K ca et eiiiisio ber fatlier, aiml comilli to..her cou--an. - Wily not?" demanded Maroon. lite heel will be round very upeful in Try hauging brooms in the cellar- writing u& We do Dot U ]DAV, "You a" quite stiv- you mean wht quickly. the renson you said Melstane would ouUlde source. errienciou.4 In the ense of childrPn an ruch capest. nnd they can be worn with way to keel) them t4oft nd pliant. butmore tb" that Pei__W_Z3U(- Wax 1W you sy T' a),kel M -as Vartins, looking 641 Becusp lie'm gone away. He had n(,)t return." !to A stunted ifig means ninny pounds lit adults. Thoy ret4tore to tbeblood pwgcu1&m AAdrw at bor iotendlir. the impudence to e:il! on mv be ore lie "No. no! Whnt do you mean lew pork at 10 nit ntlis fild. ot only it,m lacking contitituentiq and make It perfect eomfort. Try taking the teakettle from the J. L NICHOLS & 00. # "Quite sure." went, but I soon RAtled him, thong h "'Mpn that eNriptian Mrlmtane died must the right food be givfn I,, urn- rich, red and pure. In thim way they The Old Story. fire tile moment it boils if the hot n Richutood street Week W #"L "No or crying after Se- be tipmet me dreadhilly at Jnrleli"ter. and you know it." 61-00y, but with regularity and loro- strengthen the mystem and drive out water is to be usmi for cooking pur- 09 "Sebnxtian!" per rrel-oenvy. Tliese tliree elementm disewe. There are many cases like Pofice Magistrate -1 would not like pop". What did he call Nout ? r" )I 1*Df,n*t talk or Keetxistlan, said Spolgi-ir wris going V) rpp'y. when Thpy till turnpd rotind. and thPre always F-nter Into tile making of the tile above In wilich t1iis wonderful to tlilnk, prisoner, that you at- A ry keeping lemon@ in water until 0111111,11p, , 'I stood Florry, with one liand clml)ed pigm, whether we know It or not. No medicine ham revtored health d tempted suiel le. Yet witnemwe testify they are wanted for use and tliey GOLD MINES. Florry, arigrily. "I'll n4irry Mr. Stx)]- once more the (14)or wa tlorown open@ all er &iKJ I dare wiy b# -*Il make me anti the footrnan announced in Fiten- over hpr beart, and the other grasp- C.Lli afford V) watoe time and xtrewth wifter tile bept medivil tiley #4aw you on the pier a millute will be improved. Ve r T.% ILI eat I )re it Mpy.- tor la n tones Ing n c ' hair to steady hery*lf by. money by doing thing); lit a wrong a(trice ha4 failed. The genuine -Pink before tile accident. But why did you Try wrapping outtlery in coarse Get in On the Ground Floot Jallth ma:d no more, but rtwumed 64 ' 11 Rehantian," ohp whippered with way. Pills are sold In boxe,�, tile wrapper go off—" (!_1 browh paper to keep it from ruoSIng. r. Rogi-r Axton." white lips, 11 Im—In he (lead?" A xoiv RrIdeli brinirs IL good 11tter round which bears the full trade Tankey—Imli bw work with a i4igh hut Mr. Mar- Oh. how do you (to. Mr. Axton c— Try Petting a pan of soft water ILI Want to Make Money. fW,rr4r,_ 0�1t,rqrl *%r "r- '"-e gn1d Sir. Harowm. gf)lnz forwirfl to Roger turned hIA liend. of pigm—seven to nine In number—to mark. "Dr. Willinms' Pink 1"TIR for P'pose I didn't know was—lil, the oven If it seems too hot after a c A limi&Wnumber of pronoWn 1111660110 Is atx,ut to %T)P:ik, wheTl t1w #1or openoed mept tho yomig mnn. " I did not know ',Dead!'* iihe cried, with a cry of a got)d, kind and careful mother, und Pale People." There are ottier pills loaded. I cake IP put in. It will prevent ocorcb- amt-claffampany tw 6&1& rrelllkowwl� 11111110 terror. " Ppad—murdf.red I" and fell eo good a juckiler that sire will supi.ly colored pink, but they are base Im- and a fo)otman anitounced: you were down here." I 0 all. if 1. inw. AgammdnI-M. iaekiori 81)o1ger." 44 No, I came by thIF4 morning#@ fainting on the floor. tier ng wlLh 1) enty c Au Rations offered only WCAUF449 t, -.1 MA W laxwe ABU they am .. CHAvrF.0 Iltrnifi from town," ri-p'IF41 Roger. (To be continued.) ishe Is prol�erly fed, Ili uno-of themost Vie tile dealer n greater profit. They Try saing every ocrap of tI..wue pa- nwd. al"dard stoot$ at lowest PeAssi slinkIng tho o1ol mitn's h-ind. "I trust 4' aluat)le und profifable animals on i4iould always be refused. wr that comft into the hoti4e for IL s. WRIGHT & CO% Mr. Spolger Tell.ii A Story. you nn- well. Mr. Spolgf-r?" The Way of the Bicycle. the farm. Ui4ually - they lack In one willing looking-glamos. It gives it 111a R&Y "Seek T� 1W Jacluon Spolger, proprietor of tht That geqtlem,an 81100k bis "Bleyclm grow old-faabloned about or more of these virtues. A Sure Sign. Your peculiar lustre to the glaw. !--vICTORIA siXTY YZAIN c4-I4P'rat4%ol paWnt M4'(lic.ne,`8pol&er'* head an Axton eat (town, &a quick as anything I know, re- POULTRY. "b thore any infallible P1911 Of Try wrapping a bared potato In a GENT111 F3,,4)tb+-r,­ w&.4 a long. len, lank man; anti lights being brought In at niarkod an agent,. ,Some Improve- asked tile pretty towel no o400n an It Is done, and pre= A& Que" "-the bookof the Year; I* 6 'M It im not wine to hAndle pure bred great wealth T' le se,l; defim fempetil,i0v; Ov'*r 10 UkIN011011, witb a somewhat cror facei anti a th is ax)mf-nt. looked sharply &% nient id always being matte to keep fowls u4ly unless one has a distinct maid. slightly until It buruts open, anti It lions; elegant bitiottax; 1pepular V146"; SUM mil Ily rritahle mmijwr. Spolgvr th- tit(* new -Comer. anxwering hh4 ques- the price up, anti each year Ne a taA4te and capacity for tile bukiluers. N "Thpre 18," replied the sareastle will be sure to be mealy. only W; write Quiell- 0. 21, Rods a am& f,nth4,-r hatt lven cli4 nil,4t, but having tion In the Socratian fashion by mAk;. new high-grade machine. It Is only the object is eggs and fowls fur mar- bachelor. V Try taking out tile grease PpoU 'T0`010w ted the ma4le h6 Ing nnothel. n few yeiird ago that the ordinaries ket, Nelect larZe grade liens, of good What is it ?" asked tile mald. froiti.wall paper with a piece f blot- e,99 R S,hLff,-DRAW LIKK KTLN. Wit birtuite Lberehy. owiitg to Lavlah nti- Are yotf-trPli h0ld for $17,0. You can get them for laying'xtook, kill off.tlie scrub males "'An old man -with it young wif Th csw= of I& is fOrm Ling paller and a hot flat iron. rwhi" lime"ne quamy. 1111h 610111- abijost nothing now. Then the safe- A41141111111 vertinijig amt witty or tcwtimonials Oh. yes I" rel&ed Roger. hurriedly. and pm�ure Nome valuablp, active anpwered tile bnClielor. Ities by rail or waLw us"M=r0a"o, (paw ri,r) hm)rn-kyp,,chondrIjt&tI ce'ebh. " perfpctly. 'I dbif'er ft good deal from tie -A came In. They were lleltvY with breed be nd She langlied and shook tier head. Everybreathvm breathwvC7 Try rubbing knives and forks witli Oat- rit on Haviiiji tbu- hip ml -ion sleeples-unem." The result will a hardy a V motion f a piece of oraW or lemon ix*l If -'Box f . Wbm sc-lid tirwo at first. but tliey ojold for prollfic flock. --you forget, site said, "that thP heart bellp C o tile taste of flWi Peenis to clIng to KAIA As a V& Ili thi!4 w. ri.l.-aisd 4,nefiwt ht% fellow- Yo,u shwild try-" $1.-,O. Then came cuNhIon tires nnd There Is no reason why a farmer old man might llnvpr a your hand, talf form The WA?FT1CD--A01[N`M meii hy the lie departed "Spolger's impposite?" lighter we4ght, an(I the w)lil tire", j4hould pay 15 cents for beef and Nell Ili that C0.8e," lie returned, " the them. M&16. in eve tewn�wiilll V1111086, to tb4-refro-m, leaving hizol money anti Iiia "No," swild itcknon. s4plemnly, "IT went, down a notch. Next catne the him clilekens for loss, nor should lie young would surely have �lie measurc of for" we cau vital_ Try waxiiing oyster 8hells nn4w nil the tamoup ,.= YOUL W ftr 1*8,,4)tht-r­ to 14p#,Imer tlw 4mon, w I to neer "imnwnd that to illy frit-ndin prieumatlem and the best of the,4e. be Content with pork and potatoes wealth, and tile rule would still to ity. If this Lis lackin , there Is keeping them on hand. am two or eroul&r a" premium lift we wft"= still Car"r4ell on the advert6ing 1jual- You shoidd try morphia. Wily, what's commanded $lt-)0. In the meantime when lie can have poultry on his 9'Ood." loss of f lesht Uck of resistive ti.ree bolted In tile tea -kettle ontv a 110681, 00- TOrOOtO iteov. and Oeriv, a large inc4jaw rrom the matter T# tile patternm have been changed and table. If tile marketm are dull and Slip pondered this for some 11,1111P. week will prevent rust from forming. WRIM PRA I RK au I 16. lie hil.1 w4 -II eduedted, had "Not".."-anawpred Rogpr. raintlY. iinpro%od In various wnyis. 'Art(] titill prices'low, the best 14aee to dispose and the more she pontlered tile moro power# a tcridency to catch di- lnudwabw� twelve Odom 6" traveled u good deal.and had a kind of for he riad started violently at the tile wheel has not reached the stag of the surplus Is at home. ontisfied site became that there wag scaX C41ily, espedally a ten& Tell the "Help- priaw 6111 bas 114140 611111wic pi=" czrwmtwe� 1 social veneer.,wh.cti, %vith ItL4 m0nipy, I mention of Ue drugp " only I'm rather of perfection. Probably the best one I t 1.4 a fact that a moderate nock Ito answer mile could make that carcy to Consumption. For low To wour steel knives and forks with a psr owt red&, wrlgt ter ei,titial h m to be call -11 & gentleman. nervoun." in the market now would luirdly be of fowls can return a larger profit ould be piftetly satisfarstory from sifted coal asheo. 6m. "W_= summmites C6 == -al from You've been overworking, viUUty nothing is better than Alth4jugij he Pu3cred gtxAl dc I slip- accepted am it girt two or three yeam up(jn the cai-Ital Invested and labor her point of view. To put cornmeal ln.-a tub or bucket 060wo lil-1walth, he never by any chance pose." said Sir. 11ardon. Looking at hence. People amk us when the pat- required titan -can any other live Scotes Emulsion. It supplies to keep It frum leaking. uied the le.Sootlier." wlilch leil Ili- him keenly. 11 burning tile nlidulght entm will run out and Wheels come Pto�-k. When properly conducted poul- International Exhibitions. force by furnishing the nourish-$ 710 vegetablee in Wt waterif F11 TMMS"D112 Ilia niltufftl people v) remark tht It waA Oil-" down. No one can foretell Mutt. It try keeping In the most profitable Of This ip a year of international t1- gthni CJefflentS of iro itible, ap liard water is liable too Inade to *-*If ant, 114)t to cure. Mr. No. indeed! I've been on a walk. w(juldn't surpTime me to use an elec- all t1le , ide Issue ing, stren e nj i SP019"s however, (IIA rult mind Ill- Ing tour.' s" or main itsues of hibitions, no lem than five bein i ",.ta f.rm; touglien them. 0 'I fo6d in an csili tric wheel next. You never can tell the farm. r To keel) the tea njltur+.tl Im. hPnIthy exerclee," otald Mr. �wlint's coming In thin line. And %he docketed, not Includitig the Fectric, -kettle boil;ng when lip with 111111fteir, lina w* a aped more water It can be added whth 'S ople.'betng too much taken Very A careful Pozi',Lry keeper lias found builds cooking; then it meat or veeptables jillient*t, of Spolger. 41,provingly. " I can't Indulge tuyers *Iwnys spurn the old for the that, by ubill and E'ngineering 1.:xlill)ltion, lieldlast enr"es the blooc� and 1) U N N' 0 which lie wA always talking. He In i% ruyself because I've a tendency to new 11-Miffato ExprewL f Leghornii, and kt*pIng month at Newcastle, and which luto up the System When ordinary thent In ania flocks, lie van 1)rodiic* be iRupp,lemented by one of like char- out stop, ln� tile e(wking provess. cll:ttwi cotLtantl.v about 111.4 Own v aricosc velax. What part of the eggs. at an average CoAt of four cents 11 Will Joe OpPil i6od is of no av" Scott's To " cilop crackers in ttie oven eL4e',4 livIer, prewrib- cou n t ry were yoti wniking In acter at, Blackpool, whic 11%,ero or i4mw one hi* r)own Winchester wa *I To Drill Holes In Glass. a dozen. DOUbtleeiii other breeds will and Emulsion will supply the Wy when titey have bpcome soft or daw- AKIN oil rvnimAeo, t-alked 91001ully Of �i. replied vield as well. What farin industry from April to ()ctober, 1111F pened, and they will be as nios W t Roger, raising Ilia ir-yes suddenly and �q designed to Iflumtrate tile &U the vital e' nts of lik. npnr death. and titogether was no The Bullatin d'Apiculture states that * loi)king at Sir. Marmon steadily. In glam Nvill leld a better profit? proveinentA4 made during the reliii of with wlien fresh. it pnrt1c, l,irl_v agi4wable per,4on. lioles can be eamily drilled IAAthelicits go away from thefPed To try baking Poda to remove IA,-I,1X t1jus a tiLwamol egotist. he Oil. indeed '" it nowered that gentle- with an ordinary drill if tile spot is trough In the morning uiia&tWtpd. Queen A letoria. Ali Engineering 1:.'X- Two Aw 50 cts. and $ 1.1A All real.* spots fr, m Vie kitchen floor. POWDE curri(.41 hi -s mania ror ii,ealtil even In- man, with a @tart: '4 then I suppose moisened with a few drope of a mix- that they may seek their fo6d, mid lwle.1tion In to be held al, Stoo)ckliolni. AM99i" Voi,.tezi tile soxia and rub It an tile tit. and you were near Jarichester V* ture composed of twenty-five nartm and an agricultural and Indumtrial to blo awtirlwonlal pro"POC T nan at Jarleliemter," said Roger, obtain It grain b3 Kralti, engaging in machiner grease spots with a cloth. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND or oxallc acid In twelve parts of tur- healthy ex6rcime lit the pursuit. In exhibit will open at Kieft If y" will "k for it we wM w0d 411111111111101111111110� r-irrmnstanniv; the food will Oil i uly t, closing (X*tober rd; slid rw a boA tenin you 4 abmd ScaWs Thfte are 700 men of the British LARGICST SALE ill GANAg4L be t11P mopt Impart4ot of &II is th neet now at Simonstown. Socith Af. saw vll�s zmt Iftitlarw, ram-