HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-26, Page 4• • soar .• I "OMAN'S WORLD. • i MARRIED BAILEY.b REATON- In Detroit on March ' nth, by the Rev. Mr. Scott, of al Presbyterian church, M -. `N to Mi.. Flora Beaton, eldest daughter of Mr. Angus Beaton, of Ashtield township. 11; EBSTER_EDWARDS-- At the residence ,of James Edwards, Wednesday, ,1 John ch 24th. by Rev. R. H. Hall, - Webster to Miss Elizabeth Edwards, all of Wawanoeh. PLUNKETT- RUTLEDGE -At the deuce of the bride's brother, Rutledge, boundary Vise, West W awano& on March Illth b Bev, J • W. Pring, M+ Robert John Plunkett, to Miss Maria Adeline Rutledge, all of WeetWawaaosh. DIED WILSON-Iu Dungannon on Tuesday arch 23rd, William Dungannon, aged 73 years. entinei, Bruce County Friday Lucknow � t •day, March 2Oth. - 1CillaCk ckck-.11E.15;114Ptrizkiai;1- c*L4Acii;* MUTUAL BE EFITS1 EVERY SIi.tREF10d.nEtC. The - Canada utual 'ter e FARM TO RENT Mining and Development Company. Organised Under the Imperial Act of 1.$62. BEING LOT 9, CON. 4. KINLOSS. TWO and one half miles from Lncl;Dow, 011 the gravel road, containing 108 acres. Seventy nine scree are fall ploughed and 9 acres of fall wheat in the ground. There are a good frame house, barn aad orchard on the premises, and a fist -clads spring well. Ter further paiticu- lar►I apply ou the premises or address ALEXANDER Bor L82,, Lucknow. 1209 -Ip FARM TO RENT SING LOT 1 3CON. 3, OF THE Btownship of l inloee, (containing 100 acres, known as the -Dougall McKinnon" farm. The whole farm is seeded down fit f for pasture. It will be rented cheap. that particulars apply to ALEX. McKEBoox67 Luckuuw, 1209-2c FARM FOR SALE HE SOUTH HALF OF LOT 11, CON. T 5. Kinloss, containing 50 acres, 10 acres of bush. good soil, no hills, good bank barn with stone basement, and good house with kitchen and woodshed attached, also nice young orehard. The farm is pleasantly situated on :the Kinloss gravel road. calf $ mile from � y three miles from Luckn ow and lying d un the proposed line of the new Electric rail- road. . Also lota 498. 499 and, 500, in the village of Lucknow, containing one quarter acre each. There is a snrallihouse and stable on this property. For further particulars apply to 4uth.Qrizerf effrplial $g,5QQ,0Q0. President—DR. LANDERK1N, M. P., Hanover. �i,p.,"Lindaa Vice-President.argill, M.P., Cargill. 2nd. Vice-President—Major Sam Hughes, y• 1st. �'ica-Pn —Henry7General Manager —M. O. 1"thbits, Toronto. Secretary—D. W. Jameson, B. A., Barrister, St. Mary's, Ont. of Montreal, Toronto. solicitors—lt�,af, Curry, Gunther .1; Greene, Toronto. Bankers—The Bank Trustees—The Trusts Corporation of Ontario. BOARD OF DIRECTORS TORS OF CANADA MUTUAL MINING 8t, DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. John D. �I.►r r. , M.P.P., Rev. Alex. MacGillivray, Toronto. Oronhyatokba, M.D.. Toronto. Dr. Futheringham, Toronto. Dr Landerkin M.P.. Hanover. Hong Cargill, !f. P., t'argill, Ont, Toronto; !Samuel Heeson, ex-M.P. Strsttor , 1�IECL TrvE BOARD -Rey. Alex. 11iacGillivray, � ' Personal o n � I �.-1 abs j -Sty. Absolutely No Assessments nor f with the Trusts Corporation of Ontario to be sold only under authority t out of the Boarded All Stool; placed i A permanent institution that will keep on year after year making money for its shareholder; y taking Its fields of operation—toll the mineral belts of aada. s greggting three hundred acres, I . • P. Galt. A. J. lter.wo.xi, M.D., Brantford. John . Moore, 13ruker, London, Ont. I Major Sam Hughes, ., Guelph. l,iudsay. .f•. W, Wneldell, Stringer Bros., Wholesale Produce, Chatham ('raids. Kloepfer. M.P., Guelph. F. W. Hay, H.'y Bret , (.rain Mer:bants, Listowel. Frani- C.Burr, Burr Bros., �'urn.3�anufachtrers.hus• 1pb � t2.F.illart,.r. 11L1'.Y.,'1'.►rc►rttn. I K. S. Box, Banker, St. Marys. ' ' d• Dr �V,F,lIaatilt, Toronto; fhos.Vll.Lya+, 1'urs►nto; Di.U.Tibbits, Turunt'i. Terms . . . Strictly . . .Cash r e the Pub. -- HARD TINES t'e'es Ow dueler to buy tight AM) tiILL CHEAP. . "g • POPT.TLA IL, IIAILU W AILE, with those facts ;44/Ott:king 1 1� bawd purelissed dwir $ ?Thg goods and aro before the pub ro a�rs<i to estisfy the moods and suit the -pockets In this li tbdl a we cam/teams the goods me handle or the prices w ask, but. will be glad to do so for all who call at the gore. o a f 1 o .o .. o .I► o id. C. TA YLOR, -.. LUCKNO W. brae mintn c� Valuable wining properties aide y owned outright, , minin camps to be started immediately and development pushed as rapidly as posp,ible. hrQe Preseut price of stock, 10c, but will positively ads-�ncz cas or about For prospectutei and reliable reports on properties, apply direct to the Company, or to • Piot Directors r A Record -Breaker! IIaxch 25. axch 25.7) NO Our Great Dissolutioniale a. BigSuccessi J. A McKENZI?, Boz 61, Tiverton, Ont K'DNEY Troubles Lawreuoe & J�b;nstolle • Ma JA • R Any person residing in Lucknow who may require a sure cure for Kidney Troubles such as Lame, Weak or Painful Back. Distil - nem. Headache, Dropsy, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and all other symptons.of Lney Trouble can psocare a bot of Doan's Kidney Pills, somaeociog the 3rd day of April. 1897, pro- viding each applicant will cut this out. /sign his or her name and address at the foot of same and present it at BERRY & CO'S Drug Store. First coma, first served, until Sri full sired boxes of Doan's Pills are diep'sed of. • Name .....•.•......•.:. ............ Address... THE LEADING thiertakers and Furniture Doalors and moat complete stock of and most complete `tock of Have the largest Fine and medium Parlor Furniture, Bedroom, Library and Dining - Room Suits in the Town HEART & NERVE Troubles Any person residing in Lucknow who may require a medicine for Heart or Nerve Trou- bles. such as Palpitation, Fluttering or Irreg alar Beating of the Heart, Distress after Ex- ertion, x- ertion, Smothering Feeliai. Feeling of Anxiety, etc.. also Sleeplessness, Nervouseeee Watery Blood, General Debility, after effects of La Gripe, lopes of Appetite etc., can pre ease a full sized hex of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pi1L ER EE provjding each applicant will cut this out, sign his or her name and ad- dress M the foot of same and present it at I)R. D. M. GORDON'S Drug Store, We take this plan of distributing 36 boxes of Mttburn's Heart stud Nerve Pills. ci.musencing the 27th day of (larch, 1897? First , some, first served. The distribution will continue until they are all disposed of. Name • ` _ . Also a full line of Curtain Poles and Window Shades. C RRIGANS Is the place to make your selections iia CROCKERY, Ca -AS WASE, C OCERIES & PROVISION' I have. in stock the following : Apples Blacking Back lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath 1 hck Beans Rro a ►ms Baskets Brushes ltiecuit (!offee ('o►nfeethlner Canned Goo& ('.cocoa t Ch ►colate (torn, canned Corn meal Currants Carrie Powder Cream 'Tarter Cocoanut Datta A-1 Flour always- on hand. Dried Anple Extracts i Fiore 'Fish, a.►ned field, dried ! ,G7elotine Gingers Hops llosiey . Ink Indigo licorice Libre ,iuice LeDllrn, Lard Matcher Mince Meat Meal - Macaroni - . :Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia Nutmeg Oil, ((liver Oil, sweet - s)il, castor ()ranges 'oat Meal (t'a'ils feels Pipes 1'ao.•kle l'eerline Peas, canned l,t•)piwr R•iieins • Stier Rice Flow Sago Salt Salmon Sardines Senna - Seeds 'St;gar Serum 'Soda. 'Soaps Spices Starch 'Strawberries, canoe Suli►hery • Tapioca 1'omat nes , canned Ness Tobaccoes Vern►ioell . Vinegars 'Waehhoards Washing ('ryeta Wo odenware Whiting Diriaer Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Reny Setts Toilet Setts Last week we sold more goods than 'e ever did before in any one history of our business. People are cooling from all quarters. week in the They come to see, and stay to they can save lots of Inon'ey by doing so. Last Saturday our start'• of hatjds were unable to do justicq to the visited our stores, many -customers having to wait for hours in order Wo will, however, endeavor to remedy this defect its future. Remember, this sale lasts till the 1st of May, and as much of our lodge stock as possible must be turned into cash before that time. - - buy, because crowds that to be served. Camoron Murdoch & Co, tncknow, Ontao. Seedy T - Syed t AT THE • UNDERTAKING - DEPARTMENT is complete in every particulars. Calla promptly attend- ed to day or night. FREE - CRAMS J.Elliot'�; Lucknow Shop . Next Door to Post Office. Campbell st., LUCKNOW. A. T. DAVISON, NEW FURNITURE Address In the High Court of Justice Rs M Kc g zts. JOHNSTONE VS. McKK ZIE PL R3UANT TO TH 9 r ►RDER OF sale made in this cause bearing date the 10th day of March 1897 there will be offered for sale by public auction, by R. M•rCharlss, auctioneer at Young's betel in the village of Pintail, in the County of Huron, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday the 27th of March. 1897, the following pro Day: - The East half of lot number nine in the twelfth concession (W.D.) of the township of Aaha.ld containing 100 acres more or less. There are sixty acres cleared and to $ ir,04 state of cultivation;the balance is principally slash with some standing timber. Thera is a orchard sof one sere. Fifty acres have been oontinnually under grass for seven year, nand as pasture land. The soil is all a clay loam. The buildings consist of a gi►od cedar leg barn and log bother. The farm is situated about seven miles from Ripley and nine miles from Lucknow both being excellent market towns. TERMS: -Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale, the balance t) be paid into Court within thirty days thereafter. Possession can be had on the lot of April. In all other reeRects the terms of tbe sale will be the standin ditions of the High Court of Justice. 'Dere will be $ reserved bid. Fur- ther particulars may be had by applying to the auctioneer or the plaintiff's solicitors. Dated at Gioderich this 114h day of Marcy, B. L. DOYLE, Local Master at Goderieh GAR13OW & PBUrDFOOT, Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room. I hays recently fitted , it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The price is - sway down. All goods are Nought for snot cash, therefore I con sell at as C19ee a price as any person in the country Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can say T• DAIVSON'S inspect and be con ,inced. IDOLIEB - OATMEAL - MILL ItI PLEY We are In hret-claas order to supply you all with the beet quality of Relied Standard and Baking Oatmeal. Clean your oats well sad we will sa:iefy you iu quantity and qual- ity of meal. Large ►►tusk of feed on hand and sold at these prices • - Oat Hulls Oat ton Dat Dust6.30per ton Oat Chop 10 00 per ion Pease&Barley!'hop 13.00 per ton Neal Seeds4.00 per tuts Bring a load of oats and ,et the meal home with you. e this at home' When at -- — L THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT I.., ducted at the "Id stand, which has keen entirely renovate!. Embalming, Preserving sada Taking Care of Bodies a Spee- laltt. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances 'used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used fo. the poet twenty years. WPlctnre Framing and all kinds of Re- pairing done at the old stand. rq'teeetriiant Al/lista.:A MoKENZIE .) braces anong its Baker and_Confectioner• of the leading. Pre Groceries, Canned Goods . Dealer in all kinds lof other .Canadian repr nfectionery, Etc. actBread, Buns . : is the chairman 9f the Rev, Dr. Warden, Fresh Daily . is playing with edged w - --neal always on hand Floun Oatmeal an , d —Corn a e Crest DVIVVIST Ronne Graduate of Toronto School of 1 'artistry and Doctor of AU operato,ns Dentisti•y performed with ear* and an . endeavoe to di) all work FILLING -With Gract, Poreelaiu, Silver 1111W bpper amalgam. l'ICETH -Made with a view of f.reserving the natural appearanoe. and of the best gibe gum for painless extracting. lt ham baps tried with success. OFFICE -4n Mrs Allin's new block up stairs. P.S.--W111 visit Thuniday sad Croup 4 Pocket 4i10 no. cadde a al*, drugs Ripley • FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 700 ACHES. Shrubs, Roses. Vines & Sued Potatoes We have the largest assortment -and employ the very r►latest ani most cimproved r v d methods kid for ppogatt K stock d tinder our poreoonal ani►ervieio$, and .01 new varieties tested at our trial farms before being catalogued. 'These are the only testin/ or- chards connectel with any Nursery In the Dominion. Agents Wanted to Represent Us. . Special attention givento Park, ('ernett ry rand Boulevar3 crdera. Estimates furnished for supplying entire orchard... Why buy of foreign conce+rus or• of middle men when you cart purchase a, cheaply from us and get better value. Our stock is Canadian grown and acclin►ated. Catalogue (English or French) free on ago plication. Stone & Wellington, - Toronto. Fonthill Nurearlea, The Leading Canadian Tree Men FARM FOR SALE OR RENT EIP1 BING LOT 16, CON. 11, ELDERSLI E. LP 100 acres, frame house and barn, d orehard and good epring creek. Posseesion given nn the lst of April, For terms apply to 1207•4p 13,McCLU RE, Lucknow. and Cakes tries to circumvent J4 V lain in diplomacy. T1 rotary fur the ColGnies workably patient withni our but the limit has been Mr. What is it? Who Makes it? D. C. kfcM9RRzeIN, flisitar Clartonet Far terms, 04., call at J. W. Atiaastroas's Concert Work a Specialty ?V 1 Mandolin Ogilvie The most successful miller in Canada. Who Sells It ? AGAR, The Grocer & Flour Feed Man of Lucknow. LOOK HERE ! From now until the first of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, of yourself or anyone you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photos T.LITRELEAVEN. CheapllryGoods L:,,t•r}'lltin,P going at cost nrrdnuaHy Ir'ni s Ices tlrar;cost, We have told you before that we are GOING OUT OF BUSNESS WE.,sHAVEADOPTi0 THE C_AS-VEE— SYSTEM= And ask ter a continuance 4 your •aided patronage. We will in the- future' as in the past, endeavor to do all we can to please you and give "you i full value for your money. If we have $ note or an acclunt against you, we will thank gnu for • . a settlement of the same . . . and in order to to get out as quiclilag as possible we have begun a ,Swoopin � Sacrifice Bale of Everything, _ DRY GooDs, aROCERI ES, . BOOT3 & SHOES, HATS & CAI -id, b READY -Y. ADE CLOTHING POSITIVELY NO HUMBUG AS WE MEAN BUSINESS Everything at and, bolow cost. NEILL - - CO, DO NO_'I_'�Ci-S FOR CBL''DIT THOS. LAWRENCE, LUCKNOW. Have you the grip onReid's offers for the holidays. It is not too late yet for you. He h is goods that gladden the hearts of the young, the old, the rich and the poor; every- body in fact, and the gladen- ing process don% cost much either. Ile has now in stock new Fists, Persian Dates, 'Walnuts, Filberts, Shelled Almonds, Oranges, Lemma, Kalov Grapes and a Choice Vaziety of Creams ma othsT Candies al- ways on lima. The right spot for wedding cakes of any size or shape, quality considered. FOR SALE rrIPIE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOR SALE • ant -art blaastnith stand, house and 'Sable. The property is situated in the village of St. Helene. The blacksmith shop 1 a good frame building 38030 and the property has 6 mires of good land in conneetion with it. Ls the soprietor wishes to go out of bturniess burs is a map for eomebody. 1206- 4 p THOS. PHILIPS, St. Helens N.I3. —For prices see our large bills. People must ave Groceries MIA The great qu-estion is Alen, to get them, We keep the best qualities to he had. We -don't pret3nd to sell them below cost, but weldo sell them at a very close margin. Black, Green and Japan are unequallod in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of :tea peddlers. Compare quality and price.. We have a fine assortment if dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prieea. HIMMD All kinds of flour and feed kept *militantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mallough, .5 1416 fi Ibe Spring GoodA Spring Goods are arriving daily, our store: will soon be complete in the latEfst sties PRINTS, DRESS GOODSI and MILLINERY its We have some special prices in allwool Carpets, which will convince intert purchasers that it is to :their vantage to deal with us. Wm. Connell, Luckno44: bo.d