HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-26, Page 29
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in prof ulon, filling the air w ith their* will'give tile gizzard a vailety w*, Althbul(ATI99 CURED.
On of heavy odors. out fumilihing too much nutrition.
Four windows at the other end of It Is claimed thaV a pen of pull' —_—..ikhteen Months I ryi to Get C
Seven . Indlit. In an area of tilt.- room looked out on to the garden. without the presence of a male W -he Bat D"re 9 e r
if HE W 10 RLDe I 75o,wo perdu but were now closed. for it was a cold produce eggs at about one-third I (-f Pr(+l(-IC8 4 cap& ble Of Had t
1 �;wltlg to the"150A MYSTERY,. t than where�co_-kerels are kep Jeflus WO That is Making the L tIm 's Kiduey
afternoon, and the driviog rain beat coo ftaks U bat He Wanted in Dodd I
THE gra6p of the *k*n&n,4 1pe<y. the glass and oif the leafleto' Where kept alone there will be som que@tW' It Id
RgAil.114t piII&
C elit tIld not trees outside. A* blazing fire In the Pulletd which begin to lay a month t6a'v grow up,
AINAD of Thousands Miserable,
NOWS of of death r tat or twu earlier than if In enQlouurcv
case of L the old-fashioned fire-plaef with Itsqua . AGRICULTtR'E. all tl eAd (ioderich, Marcl,
whole J)utcll t&s. a low table drawn near with males. xn�Me in case of great interf�11L here )list now
1. jWw'but monsleur." lie sal 1. gently; 66 whelk the hearth. on which stood the tea;. Few farmers can afford to be in-- If you have heavy breeds and want rw in tiiat of Mr. AAP tider J. Kliarkey,
Ulfiaild'ij ice, and liss,Varlins In a chair I %ely
Days. otiva'Our Axton cilnies you. will.�vee sery tereeted in any bu-sinet-as but their eggw Dext wlnter� bj. all mealkii have t Brings Ili Its Train Nervoutiness, too re who for sionle time
feel. line been an ex-
ba� kfiltting quietly, while Florrie flitted indmirs or rheumatimin. Hill
tbat I alwak truly the broo:U come off in April, that Pains In the Back and Side, Read trume sufferer frodk
4tig- that Ike must "Till that timo comes," ri�piled Oe- atiout the rooni like a restless fairy. ' own. It you have surplu!i n10ReY to tht, pulleta may mature In time for aches, Heart Palpitation and Results faul, as Good aA Yo own statemput to timp "poin&nt im ar
either give cotnuience, for confidence or tavius. 1jultilig t)n Ills c�,jkt .7 wt, Llt:ed 'Invest, ptace It where it will be mafe fall and winter business; In fact, there
id the wanhig light. follows
Fatally Where Efficacious Treatment halij, it you ever
rolualik ignurunt, chose the former al- not, um*t." is very little chance for it profit from 6 t to t nv-t A htt i "For eighteen m4
A handsome Judith Varlins, anti draw a fair interest without, do- in Not Resorted to, In eom-
ternative, anti spoke out. Ad. hionsicur pl�asea" witl. a proud. dark fa7ce. and a some- ng the later inbuthij. UMA libi of rheutskatksw� and durlug th&
manding much attention ; or it is pos- When hatched early the surplus (From the Suw*.-x, N. D., Rcword.)' pan, a Nil 1k
�'Gootl-bye, Monsieur Guinaud." what stern expreasion, which alwayoz yviaphipil Ili
"Very we.l. I w.:1I tell yuu- what I wimpatiewe, whole of that time %%aA trying every
-Ible it can be employed Ili making cockerels will attain size for early
Uiluk, but of courbe you whi keell, An revo'.r. monsieur. relax:!4 to, tenderness when it rested i - - There are many ways in which poo- whijo ed wrdially ac- mPatim t cure it. I ;,lad the I"t (IM. -
"I said good-byi%" on the diminutive form of Florry. the farin better and more proollue- fries, and will sell readily for good iwd frxAiek otiler alld IL*g tors In Canada and I took ttieir Pre -
I ..' tive. prices, saving food, care and risk, be- pie may prove benefactors of the hu- CA -,p A
uur cuuvematiuu secret." Ell ! ytel I ruplied 'Au revolr.' I Anti that young lady was very titty. y ipttonA ulth faitli and pit tience
man ra". Iiiiere are those who of noble wa , liv t4t r ver impatleutlY Herl got tired at LaA. for I found t1w
Juitsm blew an airy ki&4 with a monaieur." niore like a piece of Dresden china The three forms of plant food -61- side giving inore roonk for the Ijulleto, ELAN&I 6t ag
Octal Ylus tur'ned on IiLj heel with- that; anything else. with her delicate trogen. phosphoric acid anti potash Better sell the younitcocks early for their abundance spend large i4timm lu blame hilplaT. esence or a third diotappointniptit im-&dy am killing as
light touch of t1to to. tout, another wur,l, anti left the M)M. plrxion, tier piquant face. glitter- really form only a smail portion . of 15 cents than to for twice tLiat erecting public buildings anti beauti- partp? You CIII& 11 Lb more selpi- he diveam
aluuth. and laughed plearxutly. ' Coln) y 4 t be pre e t price at ThanksgivAug time. Im "But orke* triend qriwr than the
"My fulth. 3va. b1oltsiur i_4 thO In tho via -;age lie met Mrs. Bintero ing golden hair. aild ojumty fiure. our crops. but the Hum s n Itefore the Ijusy days arrive let the, fying public parks. Others spead their tivo to b he prceence of others others corivhiced me that iny (iiiiie-ase
r *r4- hovering n)tin,I,Jhi the. h(')pe of supper (Iotifed In w1kite-Allm Maroon ski- in sufficient qualititiew. or drops will
6oul Of hollor.alli.11.11oluileu, rakIlL bt-ing or. Wred. Site at oiice took Faiikg ways affected white -in soine lacy fall to grow properly. If one or two. farmer prepafe a building for settin InOiley In charitable woj* lind Ili al- than it prit when the eendure inust be cured by w#y (A Vie ki4ifflevs,
Oh. in it not tile 11alll6'?- I till tile restsitt- liens. where th6y be apart from till leviating the sufferingo of Itws fortu- conkcs frolad P
hi cliar6T. anti conducting hiin to tile material. soft and del;cate like a cb- or Wl of thetu tire missing, we Luust ela I.pp ?' Are you and recomillowied Kidney jjt6.
blallCe Of tIl4l,t k tkior_. released him f.r0j" prijou with web. vilte Gorivied ft oitrt: g Contrast to call our land poor. othar chickens, -anti so arranged that nate fellow&, and for thew acts theiie ever c silent, lil your own "I bare uned tw(i kobxeii of th~
this niglit tirups.iLiVi tl'.e 1,111irt Ir twauty of "Jiudith in tier Wtty uiay go off for ftxid, water or r"M I mallifest reluctance. the sioullm. Our farmes are an, intellectual. Itowo With -ne to entertain but pills to effect a p ect cure and I
-ty you ,I-' t suitable _I!l
of :lie. Suip, m. Meanwh.1j.� if. jililas. 'left nl(ine. ws plkiln. black otilk drmd. wide awake class of people. but too dust bath; also see tha People are honored. The perm)n whu your husband. yet full of We, wit and -dm't care who 11911 a I it,
clk*e tile lie -art.- TlAt, tlill; i6._xUfe; btl.t. jece with 1. Anti the 1ittio firtire went flitting often they spend more than they shelter and yards are ieudy fur th6f having obtained relief froin bickne" amiability Ill company ? leuning Aainst the mantel -p
yeb-yuu understand." a, smila oil Ills evil face, hero alit[ there, now at the window, make. Buying "on tick" is ruining young broods, for this will well repay an,l makes public.the meaus by which Whlio It is J"t that husbands PJRIN� C11 8T8NA OR AS PW;T
"Then that'**zil, 64 Eh onswur Axton. lie salki to: looking. out into tile chill twilight- matky of them. 'If our fathers did all l4bor glven It. health was regained imi riolie the leow Should listoon and receive this CA;LLAWA,
grimly we may i. %% L-11 prt4ect.Lto, la%vidsper. "you give me.1 then bending moine great bunch better in "the good old times." It HORTICULTURE and by tho lesoon It toetiches endeav(w TW ky Thank% in _V*r�
to: 0 n u Public benefactor. Among these
tho fluid tile of flowers Inhalinir tile. perfume, at was because their -wa t wer ot Just Ili proportlotk,� to the fruiit�zige l t home, should Preimemnt ot ltover's Xggz
YOU,' tile- pal)er�, wi.y C4.1111illit- I ilito
t-bt-iu part! 31busteur Ax- thO p'Ano strAing a few r4ndom nearly so trumerohn all Xhose of tile of the 1j"t season yraod there a 14)Nd la tter Is Elena O'Neil. daughter of not %%,two at.*) take Itis truth Une -oil tile F, Its, wkielt Princie
P -day.' anti they. bought lit tile vital ty of Bimarek inv, r*celvee on
t)le. flashing into the red fire -
ted agic-de-gave lkniak-lf to t ' oil eve Var-rtins I. bold YOU7 chords, hovi-ring- around tb tea- farmers of to the treed them- Mr. Juji. O'Neil. a well-to-do farnier their own hear.s 7 Are we not equally u =ru
can ta likely to tei-paAw in the same way 7
Lomprehend W1110.1t 10 1, Juk'" Gulndukl. that, alit] sold oil a cash bami& belves and In the fertility of the soh li%"Ing near Millstream, Kings Co hill birthday Is basket of 101
1p-ay.no. It was a 11,_istaue %i.Zis light, melting into tile cold o4hadows, Truly, there must be retrenchment, which joupplied buch 4 tmrden of Aye, wore 4m). For home is our king- )Ioverj-i, e"re. Fo,
-strikew-when I wish." dom, r se I*fore April
DETECTIN -tj-tIk,e-w1sp, sx)me phdn- tnt it is a common thing for a farm- fruit. If the thrift of the trees and N. 1B. Miss O'Neil wait attacked wit whe" we may r. len supreme if ,.,.t these egg., are diligen,ly sougtit
-And by W110M. EXTRA(8- FPOII-..% I tom. Nome re4tjois shaddw. rather er to chew up or puff up enough their powers of fruitage are to Ile 1111aeliiia (poverty ok tile blood), a wo have wlaivul, ILA) hol:1 the ncepter
**That'b what. I*vt, got to Unit NOTt-11001C.. tliap apything-'of this eart4. for, sin I there Ili frietidly c(jtnl*U-
nd tIW tipa.011 i f '.)'@ 4. - - ' 6# . . 6. riorry.. rity pet," isaid Judith. at. Money iq a year to. keep the-hou,e- kept up they call for. a specia, ' I at- trouLle unfortunately to � common with U jutticious hand. I have been tion between tile T l—townh in SiNk
I %lout, txLeve second -thoughts 0" hold supplied with the - best of lit- tention anA culture now. The young jx_�ope begiii life %vith every Empire W bring ether tjie neew-
aruorig the young girls of the prehent
expilu., 3I*,.j-.t;luV hati-a 1X01 btst. I always �go by first ttupre*- length, panz-4in- Ili lier'knitting. 61 you erature upon much subjectj4 as ohokild time to apply manure Ili the autumn, PronAw- cuirthe most pprfect happi- owry number.
running. al)60 *0 -come before him and Ills children. T.,et but it Ito bietter now than not at all.
of tonic p.h.4 wiLli hini 'contai 'Ing. 1, tire yourself (lay, Lind one which id Certain to ter- miss, and yeV make e.it*re ithipwreck
dious" 'My . first, impri ss.ou* of w , I I Tuis year :Lhe 11 e town of Jever
%Ihen it It-ft-yOCir Jutiam-1 Sire lijill 1is nickname -are nilich,. I ; not the reftding matter be the first If Its strength Ili not to be dirt. -ted Luitiate fatally It not promlitly elieckeid of it all -by their own unguantet! Was muc-e,-sful in Kforts, and�tlie
-It i,4 trie, knuns.eur. Wlieietlp(;n* the, fairy floated- -airily I - I wortis.. impatif-at Look@ aiid unre-
ba. t a slimy ocountiftI, . to sqff6r., between the trees an;I the gravok 101 " Kiezitbeier" uly arrived at
10, . toward tho fire.. and settled- down. .* I sk1j,,I the blood enriched and renewod.
"I can account hir fJ 2L 1),l very difilcult, to deal %vith In frequent cultivation is nece44nry. trictM tenijwric A talent for spicy I.,riedrieltisruh wIt A poetlud dedl-
the tx-.z at pre�.,e_ut Cwre are hd to I�ke ihistlPilown, on a footstool. where Woud' milked and' raw bone meal Having discovered a remedy tliat will an(] bri'liant, repartee intly enliven a cati;;n in I latt 1�*u
I uudvr*tund.' jctit'i'jild,&A� qwculy- our. interview of to -night I he should she: sav cl!ttiping her kneed witb lie It farikiert; were dispo-ed,to make WI . It hot show their effects wi isoon, ''achieve thim happy result, 391--m O'Nell partytond give the filghtet zeat and I*e u lie, t r ljow (;er-
I Wil him wore- tliau I cared ot eon r I Inan Acl-ording to hP Vienna Frew -
Two lij,ore 1, li-i .%,. 4:re ltilt% kikow Ilut. it was my nyarni-4 with crows expression n- the* mixit of'circumstance they cer- but they wHI last -much longer than Is `14-111.1ag that less fortunate piquancy to social 'Intoi-roclurse, en- deub-att I lrin(* lismarck relied In
t %vo 1) L.4 tninly have It in their,liand to put s_fferery
box by &a unktiowil. The: -e tenci-ice, -.ii very dj�-coiitetited 'fitiry
.anything stable manure. It poiisible, it Wi dowlag iW pmeesoor with a certain
tile following versq:
f g out, Way reap the benefit of her experl-
conta-ued po.b4o, - What' I - ditl find out looks Very bad it. ulioi; thel'r farrits for future uie h6. t* well to supply -batli. position. enriable or otherwise. but
I d1LkL M 'It- Julngidt empring I I tur Ceburtatag*-
tjUk One. P Ll Or 1-10j.' ji:1 I ... 1j.)r, I:ogi,r Axton He was ut :xlie'sald. a.t length., clapm of licirsem which will meet the There ishould be- a oystent of a+ple enCe. To a correspondent of tile Re- u the home c:rcle It Im a dangerms
te 1).i.s t mon*ieur pur.-iiing tr:6n of thought #11AL"wan deniandi of mod6rn day metbolic The feier.
tile Doctor Jap.x t.. fAvl Ironfit 1-6. in ilip�te of his dent.ki . 0 . P be Uilled present lull I' . opera- culture whicli will make got)1, somid cord Slim O'Neil related the story of gift- alld. unfOrtunately, more fre- Alm ein Zeichen Ircm4er SmpatLie,
stayof at B.titer?s bo. i rt fng-lioasel in.. tier sballow- inind.. to e n horse breeding fruit, fruit wlilch xill. not ll drop her illnew and cure. She iiaid: I quc4itly tiestowed upon the wife ti,an i flundert friw-he 1� iebitz, ter
Jackson Ppolger. It's tions -Is conducive to the general ex -
and kncw Welstakle intimately . . - I ' frotp tile trees from the effects of upon the litaband.
You are perfk-ctly loarn irom JwUts tliat, they qy4arrel- In. lie. The nionster!" termination of thp Perub. drodth and wind. Grasses anti grains believe that had I nq begun tile xW "'flow often have we romiled. rts Uwl auch eltie Rimplionie.
L$hej astt,n.phe,j j, 1. Nictit sio gritted haett, leh* &uf-
Fank.i. ro led bitterly -T-Idd is very bad Florry, I-'It')rry! don't, talk like tilvit, They who handle our horses should shonid be 4-ept out of the bearingor- of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill,% my trouble from a blow, when hearing thow who
Wity with r I(It IMulielda tit- a rage aiximt y6tir fiitftre hesbitnol," remon-- Ile Careful and skilful, driVers.. In- tile "lioule, be one in lwart draw mmpfiri- cf,commen-
%he caae. Itogi, trated Judith: not nice, ray first 'place, only such can obtain all clifrrdi4. The - treeii dema nil tile uncils- would have en(:ed fatally. My illness "udicial to their ax lwmerk' ic elmnbel-
.1stage When -next %. mins . lire
a h uld be comlielled o" oM- Hatt, tell bun
Ell. rulon.-4icur, nt gablat, t 11 t- ,
sten lie L* doWn ' at'slarlcheoter la dearest."- the titervi ms-- are came about +,o gradually that I Ca liamcsi find to tbo cre,at of an4)tlw_r'w. 'imphouten lieklim-
- I to divide with. * any- growing crupd Dien,
lilloul * 6curcely isay when It began. The first I and we grieve to ozay that such ro-
kepk.ed J ildais'. PlLr' lKLUIP house as eutalle 11 X!�ithi�r bt hi -r," rottirted MW II a r- capable: In the.we(vid, our propprit Whell windmill irrigation bowmes
der4,; "'anti now to Is much less lial le to suffer from ace Un I ein eirizigas iehitzel.
- on. Nsting hiar chin on her. knee#.
ban -a gruslgto ngqin.st, 11i1stitne, wis T perfected its best effects' will befelt symptoms were a loss of color and a I.warks are quite as often heard froin
irin int(i the fire;
4ind the U 'I i ii1aced t! I e 1, and St:' ",lie's so -dents and Injuiles. t1w- wits- n from t1w. Imsionrid. Fin Tl te fo3owing 4L rough tren-1-
w h ilo lie iti tiuder the same. 4 el n in the orchards. In any event, to feeling of tirednems following even
of Po-_*oU In tile 1)"S. stane GoJ forgive me if I it skp.ls4on, and so erablied If young team,4 are overloadetl the Qay ever refth that when t1wy Save tion
Exactiv -Aild to ilk) crabbed t" are apt to become dibcouraged or r-ro merchantable fruit Pome sys- moderate exertion. Gradually I Ike- tile marriage %,ow they took Lite care
slioul't IX. suspecting my old school- tern must Ile adopted to conserve A birtliday gdt to mv waki Ln&4,Jt-
you to ttl Ile all fe',Iow %v rong fully. but things look lie 1()YP4 you, dear." rl?ioum. , Fr4m sucii treatm Clime am pale as a corpse and wai; ex- of each other's hosor and rcwpecta- 'Twati of ltpve a admoultiou-
4cre. ail- Yes.. Lke a dov loves lx4ne. .1 our balky horwa. and Imes which they moisturp for the seeds of the trees hility Into their own hands to cherish A hundred ploverm ei;gv frtw.li laid. .4
L.s tweretive very 'suspc.ilous agaulst, h.,Lu . . . know 1**.,4 onr of tho@e Tnen who lilt might be taught to move with eame while the apples are maturing. tremely nervous. Ttien I wits 0'_
frota Judas, or deiaroy ? Got] has made that lbond
th.ng I Pigs dd a good turn when they An,l a mubical cottillosition.
'Ativ 4"te-wVk. 0naL.d their wives over the head with* a become a terror to them. A little. pre- tacked with a pain In the tilde, which ljo inseparable that all lionor beoto'#%'ed Ttie gilt had had IeK 1!oer , 'y- T.Z..� that iliw+ Varlill" correelp gather up the windfalls from the
with Vop,r 'aL JarIcliester. viker *. lie Ifinks like a ptker man. I vpntion In thli line ii worth, any fluan- trees in late summer before they daily grew more and more Intense. I oil the one pdaev over and is bliared If it had thus been made:
the Ure. triun wl%ft lie -*,4ehnstian, and Sebastian tity of cure. by the other, and all dipgrace or error A hunired mu4c6i iqM14ionie"
Qpery. Can blie know anytLIng e breed insect enemies. oreover, p1ge coughed a great deal and finally grew
about- the death was lie." Take.th horse to the harness 14hop Uidt is charged to tike one is equally A41 Qji!y one'oi�fresh laid
t4k -tile qeb.i%tian, uly I Rild Fee. that a collar fits him before. In the orchard, Intelligently managed. iso weak that If I went up-staird I ln:uriouR to tile other.
farw uf 31r. Vank.* 1�'l hare to Axton, asking dear Floreneet" aid Miss Varli . nA. se- you buy It. Hip,working capacity de- Iead to economicri.1 pork maktqg and had to reest when I reached the top.
It- him, too) coula 6,Arn here anti see ibe Witil, profitable fruit growing. Pre'utlice "t fu!ly understand all that lid said Howe This
C 11. It he rutuses. I'M -draid my verely-tiiat 0z, as - severely am mile pendi much upon hi -A hnrnFs j My appetite famwook me. I was out)- of man's rough, abrupt, overbearing
menceTfivnt, I lie -,ti L. coulI to 1-T.rry yotir father would galiled #;houl(ler% lie will not pull "tead-. ciould npt hinder. Clover -among tlie We offer otte hui4lired clioliaris rewairti
a, if he.we.g.hed vvpry �oprtt- eollf.rmeti . . . 1', In a good - Jett to spells of diLZIness and oevere wayA. There lit too much truth in it. I for any case of cfMarrb that canuo
w,6'.1i I coult dlAx-Lieve.-Jwhas never have grc*1 to you'r marrying, lly anti squarely, anti the pain wl'I af-. tree,; thing. and pi" In think there is, naturally, a llttle #;p1ce
nion%ieur. I' tulke t 111Ybel Stich a feet film -whole nervou-4 organi?atic)n. the clover are -excellent cultiTators. headaches and was gradutifly wasting ()f tyranny Ili every man's be 4,urel*by llall'4 Uitarrh Cure.
U %Lis wa A I W, looks oecret4ve 906tilldrol . 0 . no Worse t) an other people," and lead to general derangement and conip(isi-
_# . Nly poo r. lie 6 1 and yet h.4 stoiry against IN')ger is I othing Is more Larinful th-an to let away until I Icat all interest In life. tion, and pe0itips from the days of F J,. Cheney & Cp., Prolm.,.Toledo.0
an axti"L. 1-:11, nk. :t w "'ZI-t yuu C111 al inuttered Fbirry,'rebelliously. Incapacity. tile orchard become soiided down to We, tile unders ed, have known F
coitif,rult,41 by.. my pwn ex�ierleiice I had tried a number of medicines but Queeti Bess tip to the preset,t time we -v for tile lAst fifteen years.
`j don't.know about 6ther topli�" - Toting animabiA, Cramped ab(l' co'n. o,
great rl.i!-t for thr blue grass', it must be kept open to but go&)d it, tlit- jvut rt -A. '0lj I think -no. I dare not thl-A Judith. coldly "'but I'm cer- fined. never attain the highest sym- isture, Ilglit and beat. foftd no relief. In this apparently might find enough of tile Fame olual- all( lwfl�ve liM I fectly honorable Ili
replied Ity In our own nex to e-stablibilt (our
I w1i walt to* hoar the other all lijo busip(-" tr imietioni, and flhan-
mucla of the -talvi,t sido of tiM story from Axton tairl - Seha%tian ellitane, -would have mi -y. oitrergtii anti Titality; ta thilve hopelem,.condition while reatilug a claimN (,f i4sterhood. But,'I�adnilttjng
in L4,,n,loli,_ fie i-eii it. pre-tty* Uily. wadt, you a bad hvi-band. Howevr, well theyL b4lould be at eave.-and abIL-- AMUSE THE LITTLE ONES newspaper I saw a statement of 'a cially ablc- to elk out tiny (Atiga-
ti�k.,igliter tit VII I that theik. are purely masculine ele tioni, ma* by i
motre now. and you'll never see to change po�dtlon at wl.1. Comfort Is,, now how to con- ir firm.
the very ricli An UU.w.1 Ing Trit 14). hilil again.": esiisential to health and well doink. Box Dod't Send Them to bed With a Scolding Young lady wlioee symptoms wereal- Wowt & Trdat, 'bolt -sale Druggiiiia.
A jut -r and molten thei4e uncomfortable
My friewl lia., the pas.slotj fijr ever I", staI14' and o0en yards are neces,;ary for And Ili Team. most identical with my wn, whose i Toiedo, 0.
Fraticis out, of the ai id undesirable characteristi-s? By AVabing, Kinnal Uarvii:, . ut, - men la " No. ni - ver! r. elstaue and 'beneficial -to Tile mother of a happy fatuily wait healtli had been restored through the gentleness and love woninn may, if.
n tile cliarni;ng riwot, promint Ironfielde, . growing animals,
J.) ri�L.A 19)t% n Lu b�iy. ell mit of your life entirely." Raid these which are grown. These are site will, a -vert her power and find salf, Druggist*. T
ow,ult t4b' li,s imih nse weltli. - h.s telling some young matro&w how use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thi. liall'is Catarr!,i Is takt-ij Inter-
oCe; ir head. nd -hid peritional -attri- Judith. It -poking . ateadily at I:Iorry.' cheap luxuries for horses.. beat to louk after the little ones. 6he 01-: t WA I I ing ro-
ILI u*) cliarwi.ag klitc.- S-tu ii&irry tile who appered to bd rather beared. statement was so encouraging that I mull ta t�uhjects. but ar I upou tile blood
butA-s. H.s lat-h-er, 'keen- tuan of busi- laid especial, titrew on ' mending tile ganev and fmpatience will find rough fictillg dir
fl rich Nitowoeur horrid . 'thiggs you say- determined that I would try tlili and stubljorn opponents MoLu is no- tink: Mucous vurf or tile I%YA*M
yt!Zr Engli.-h nf a,4. lia., I twesi Wra - An(I brej- in ule Juditli. till It In- folly to be bontinually 4cliang:- cijildrbn to bed h4ppy, holding that Ilri(4- 75e. i-er 6(itt�e. Sold b.y all drug-
tt littlo ill.ige froin Ironfields yovi horrd ug.'! she whilu. Ing our breed of hogs.'If ou have a tills' iihould be mothers nightly care. med!clue. In my caae, as In tilat 6( where found bo true to bill natural
Opriing. -aa.l. wheri the pered t length. " I don't know ihy No little one,*' sald title, "Khould tLe young lady wiiouk I had - reao -Impulws as In tile mered recinct@ fit gioatic Tpowtinvonialil free thc beA'
iron In tho vicin3y hatitlaid tile ure. - If we dread tile bedtime hour nor fear tile V
r (1L4e6very went away.'and I flon't lipme. if one would.be Pure of !lip true,
But atm b
th( : 11; -kind, stick to It. , -Almost any lFamily P111ii itr#
good 11.
is t., ricli mou- of know why he.Aia;sn't written to*me. I loreed is better than'a mixt about the result was marvellous, character go to tile doweiftic circle
Li aieur but foulliltl4ws t)f tho, -preoent world- thought lie loved me, lout if lie' had. start out to get a little*6( the good- dark nor tie allowed to go to lied ull- unexpectedly. It im not- when away Bradstree�
&s, i i1cie is tl i renow-ut.41 town. arwig t,he lie w(,illtl ave* qualities -of all the -breeds. we are tier a A;euse of disgrace or aUe"aticu Tile pain In my &4de from which I from- home or in the purstiftlit of bumi- 1mitreal reportsij Improving trade
Mock* Iiialmi"i of 1! lis writtell' Put he"ll- likeily to wind up with nothing but from household love. Wha , had suffered I too much disappeared.
re lia4l been one of the first to :t.k Lever the i
'buure he ittzly.,4. nA 1-u-.aku I,Y' tilt- watelled a awl explain every thi ng.7 the concentrated in'eanne*zses of the child's datime nauglktluo�w way have nosk. or pleasure that one inds him In proalwets. due in p#rt to tile apimusch
rrieml,-h p. tie tcl-o 1 --it zLik 104 ION(' I'm' certain he answered lot. my -nerves were mtreng�tlienvd, my all- natural condition. In the bowini of liiu tile opening oft navigation. Tl*
The fatiier t4- Mly Cl,.Lruiing ineti-s im hill opportim'Ity. lx�ugllt lanit (with j udit.h. sternly. been at nightfall he should Ue for-
-lx)rrowe(f money) on which he :be- petite returned and my whole mystem family lie will be found exerci.,iing his voIulll:' of Iwujjne4 ih smaller thwi a
eara&W, ild tit -veil rich veinai 61 iron " %%'fly am certahm It wouLl wern that the chief point given, autt'go to rest with themoth- I true spirit. Th n tile i ylvar ago The ement of merchaij-
ore , mlFht -toward which the ork producer mrst er*i4 kim ou Ills lipm and her tender m*med to be stTengthenei and 're-
t see' to ript-A! WAII tho' LWW'- hP found. aRLL %'lion Uicy were fowid. have my rew-ons," Ni -I Jud . itil., centre litA skill 1-4 tin warding off (3s- voice lit his ears. Hardly anything call I newed. I am now am sictrength of conjugal ti", and there diw. at Toronto"ill little more active.
tiful C . hill. 1,.uc #jit. � a -s ji 1.*.art, this. built a foundry. turtied over tile uwell as any his true character will #4tand liefore and tile feeling id budidnew circle@ 6
alagihp and ()Vt., &he iii.,ght.lidve bettri the twilight or ease. This Is a mattiir for lndl%-Ii!ual be wori�e for a young child thall to member in tile family anti have not you. I glowing In excellence or %hriiik.
mohey. pai-I baclk what, lie flail tx)r- effort as well as for combined effort, be scolded or punished at beittime u 11 that the Ppring tr de will Ile. of large
liolera is Uound to be abroad In the The mother does well to Ile a, little ing,latc lusilpifficance.- volume. Merchan at Halifax report
han". "lie roWC%l,_nnd Was w-x)n On Pile h gh road the' dandirig slinobows of the fire, but C k ow what sickneiiid wait bince I dI.,_
wey Xall" wr-tc tile ImstrR. find t�) forturie.. When firmly estabitoll- as all(-, sproke herjace seeined to grow kind., and there e ain condittoni continued tile use of fir Williams, littli- chaligP. sitteow faitures re -
old anti haggaro . I'for a nioment, even blind to Pink Pills. WILLIAM DONNELLY DEAD 1NPrted from tile 'antidian Donlintou
:r some things, remeniticring
lit Ills 01117 oun to college. to n,
(41 Ile Re, whieh add to tl I Ity of the dl*- that a go-od deal of childisili culpabil-
TLeu to tlil.-4 Nh-*i unubsertant wyes. - lamt week number C rigainict 51 tlie'
an I then Ux)k Ii.ni Int., � thp buwinesm, ease, and other* whic tend to thwart, ity is superficial only, anol washet; off My gratitude towarde this grand
Monz..eur Axtun-" Florry with lier,o,*%-n blue eyes, wide it rueuichie is unbounded and I'liope ruy His Death Recalls One of the Foulest of week. rS i, I tit, week a year
N which 'henceforwar,l as known as ulino,& as e&,Ally as do,% tbe cirt which previoum
Rugcr Axtuu ?*'. I ago a tj (1 3 5 1 n t week two yearoo
Z -M-1 1", nks, I" open, a terrif ie4 expre!-vion of her face,, Ntatement may be the means of bring- Canadian Crimeb.
that of arsinil & -Son. In tile ftilness and al trejaulou.4 tinder -lip, mudde;ily i.14 full grown lie will tile eiening ba'th removes from the Ing encouragenent and health toatime a6ro. Bank cle, ingv at Winnipeg,
of time lie nam gathereel V) hN fa- burst into tears. and. rising . from hery not require rich food. although lie skin. The main thing with children other isufferer." At iijidniglit, on Fell. Ird, ISW, oc- Hamilton. Torfont Montreal and Hal-
tlit.rv. nuil F-ranC*s young- shou , Id be allowed enough-to.keep him is t4i have them well VitarteJ it 11
It Is strangfe, foutsto(it, . flung herself on lier kRees The gratifying results fullowlng tile c�urire-1 ono of the darkest critues that ifax amounted lam
tively. er steppe4l into the - enj ymeiit : 61- un- &t tile feet of. her coul4n, mobbing in good liealti.1 and vigor,, and should goo,l principles, which they will carry ww (if Dr. %$ illiams' Ilink Pills Ili tile ever staiueJ the lFages of Canadian week-, agaftimi $1 S14.000 the pre-
limlUil werilth. cerUtinly have enough of sqnje "kind through life. Ohealence, truth, unsel- ious week. ahtf compared with
It, i Z; wel, it i.4- tL 1.10, 1 violently. i came of Miss O'Neil prove that they ld-story.- It v0kja ubat is known as
Tho youngi-r arwxi (now. Iron- to fill Ills, stAimach. It It; true'that If purity are eswntia'N Lind
replied Filrak-, %% iA v n-,,, - lysi Ii.aild. itil- ! "Contie-, come." said''Ifiss I-arlins, ; irte lineflualled its a blood builder and $1,L2,479.000 In till Vreek a year agNp
1111laud." gray. and switelv) married , 4noothing tile goldeu li(;na as it lay heavily worked -he sihould'be fed ae- the -se can all Ile lovingly cultivatoe-1 : the/bilidulph trag9dy, in which a Uody
puLteatly ; gto,va. At, onaii.ear (a ijerve tonic. Ili the came of young girls
thi- Only daughter of Sir '111lem Can- in litir ]al). " I did notrinean to speak cordingly. ish . In, the right home who are pale or amillow, hatlem, trou-` tV ma-4-od jueu* broke Wto tile Um. of Vantoa Hall,'anil. on %he deatil It i�,' ewl)liaticallk-a'-vO*n'ct*usltin that I
ha.,4 thd flue ISSUE NO 3 1897
f sexerely;, but atmosphere. 1 -led with a fluttering or pAlliltaplin ing of tj*ie Ilonne* oil the IN)-
.; I lleally, Flurry, I .,wa&j
at t N I ar,rius: 1.3k: of tile 0141 breniet that prdperty vvry Piprry that Mr. eIsVtLie luted the hog should iftever, be fed beyond "Wheu, the nurbery brooil Is tin -
of tl,c heart, ueak und v&sify tireii, Inau Lhie, town-4tp of BidiluljAi, and
p-skiesdion of r. alit] You. . eight anti nine monthi; of age, and the dremiwtj and in Uedi,, the lightit turned no titue should be lobt Ili taking a butchered
J11 goett to tilt- an -1 1-4 ft ra 1111 4 -f -Mre. 'Mar4on, the inknates-the fath
luou."),jeur the Ivitir Sews;, who huncelorth F- I can't hell) It if lie (lid flobb�d largest profit is found In a weight low, the room qulet for the'night;the er, 8L WISE AND rASTE
up their- r(sioletice in the old Tudor which does not exceed "003 j)ounds. or the coiirhe of Dr. William-,' I'Ink Pills, guother, one 'bolt an,I it niece -a t;oy
Florry, pasj4ionat(ly it'll not my f Fo,)d for m6re supr.ort plays a very mother or nurse or elder shoter Ott willied WSU sp3edily enrich the blooJ nawo-J Connor belug tile only one, to
Gs tel., tile fald-V if P"oI)le Will love me. Therea I kind auntie, who is still to be lou and bring a "y glow or health to esct4w--- Fire am then vet to tile
tune ha*vins: lxvn thus kind tb , Imr-ortant pnrt In tile profit or low 0
dear Meed Var-rl--u.-4 -(-A' -tiw n.mt-n;,- of w' . r. ys niokipg love. Ili some fortunate houses, should Ila%
31-jr.,on, thought It ell Ito re,- al.w the cheeks. They are a tapecific for ho&e, which together ith the
ees Mar-r�kn i"114 1A..V anti that horild, red-liaired Fiench- of heavy weLghts. a little fund of stories oil which to %Mbj@
t nwul b m peculiar 90 fenWes, 611110h 04 i bodiea 1)f the victitua, was totallrCAm-
ra Xlar-ruti im tkeu aw-tY ti, 161le llq- Ile inan; every tiule, I go.00.t lie never -11gs now nlread.T littered will !lave draw foi th's iimali listeners' plea-
??ot thE- 14.1t' of wy mcrtil. "so robbeil a good long time in which to grow hpplpres4ioum. irregularities and all bunw-d.
bu blitonsteur I 4rr bin, or hi, takt-H hi -A Pye" 141 my acc." sure before they embark on the train, forms of weaknem In men they ef- A few minutes before, another t�nn,
August. jan.' lie . . .4 w if* NOW year8 " What! that nian at Wo-sli'm Tv before cold, freezing weather Fets in for dreamiand. Fairy Norles areal -
Pr ifter. 91-vi'119 Ij1rth to Flreiieci 31,nr-. cried again this fall. The t4ows will not re- . yed fly children, anti : the feet a radical cure lit all cases arising John, who,happened W lie with libi CEYLC� TE
w ek, hiumwit. anti kuim�_-s n - t. 4fyn. Oil *h,.r the youlig. -11itfith, with great indIgnation. , ways en"o f rom mental worry, overwork, or brother Wlifiam, about three milleo Delicious.
squire much more food than th I , alryland is not far to I #.x ce*,em of whatever nature. away, wait called to the door
he ha4 Mot such itupertin.. 0043 literature of f.
hur Ila;-- Ithout litters If they have a vig- i�eek. Imagination is very active,j laoid to bealed LA&d Packet a 'be IV.
ctlap�.-ri!rk q -f tit(. aj;.l efice, I" W y
Implorell film to bringhcr orous start the tgs will Ile ready to
ti n Florry, Sit- Dr Williams' Pink Vills are jobld In wMe one IV-etendlug to seek tolielter. ]my Grore" 41itil�
nut wy. frienti. Tilo, he rPp1 Ili little children, and occa6iouailyone boxe'o (never In loose form by the an;k- ishot dead.
'Junseur iU)W-r UP,With JuAlth Varlhis, the daughtfr ting up anti drying her eyes; "'but, lie wean by the time the grass ham a meet.% it mother who (toes not under Gold at 26. 40. 50 anti #W emIA pw W
.er Of a d6tant relation. Judith, tvht.) good s4art. nild they will grow at I t-, dozen or humired) at 50 cents a box. Subsequently a number of ineii
and cbm-ieur I.'(2j;1er dr-liavto; in.Octo- wil! I-lx)k at ine in im' rm I or six boxew for $2.50, and inay be -charge,l with the crime, werearre-A-'
fri wa4 nt th.-tt'tlm twefve years of ag,!., Ch a way. stand tile ClAhl'o world. having for-
ber." ajid.gravelwy.)nif her ear -i, nk till,; uitv he*x in love with ine-the horrW tie cost. gotten her own early days and their had of all druggirt#4 or direct by mail ed, taken to London, tried and ac-
hno I)epart,4 f. or wil.10. I Ince hrrself tht little Florry wam SnEEP. illusions, or wli" ia afraid that faney from Dr. Wil,iamm' Medicine Company, quittp.l. Frin that day to Ills
4!5 G re
Fank,s. wakint, 4'r th(,, ftl0lith --r cam -ind fenci,forth Ile wa,4 it friend (if r. 'Mulsta 'e I at damage way Ile done'. to a and It. -i Ituagefles will lead tier child THE
in lao, 14juk. confi-fell 'to 1i n Brockville, Out. no evidence could be *ecoAm-1 t 1"t-
Ue u� w her fif to the vskairdlanglilp .,said �Juditft, u-ngrily, " amid f 1,ock of sheep in a sizigle night by Intoo deceit. While the most exact
'0 too elr*4e cunflneillent. Ill %%-arm, rai ell their guilt upon the murderer". D
I do not k w w, " rt plie, I J yoii. n ilvq6t, �;aw hiln during those ny and rigid truthfulness should be vrac-
the Ax -year old ch. lit. f'rnncts.Mar� lip wenther-:he sure that the pens are
ra a cliaruvtoer.o3o; iortraj; Slonmicur foolish ineetingsAvith that 011n. tiedd in our dealings with children. A HOME FOR CONSUMPTrVES. In--tinj-p the remaining members of tite BOW PAIM
lieger m fri n i. Iii N�.vember. mon, Imoken Aown by grief. went'awny 44 NtN I ilidn't,". oinid anti they themselvew sliould,be tautrilt The Queen'#4 suggestiou that her family move,l away fr,,tn ILI,*
12 0,11 hlo traveL.4, ari4i - tile two chiltirvn Fl()rry. going %-veil ventilated; the air be'romes Aug -
my -Sabast,an. ho s,iy-4 U) tue; 'It,L grtl%v ull tcotbr went to f4chool to- lhack to lwr never saw gish, anrl Ili alit to be Impurg from to altun equivocation awl every form scene of the tragedy. Thf.*e coiiNimt4ftl 1
ATI -1, . Aill we neetl not fear to let jubilee year idiould be celebrated by or wimarn, wito ham for meveralyears i
well -4 g,_� to 'Jaricheiter." ppth4 % t till Aud our weetings weren't t1le . exhalation,; or the i4ieep. Keep of lying. r HOME GROWN AEDS
it -r, w hen U14 Ilf 14CII(IO1 d.-jyj5 8 1 . . #.ypteniatic efforts to relieve tile floor kept hotel Ili 'Appin ; It"'ohert. of Glen.
whut did 110 mcall by 'it In -were over,*returne4l to Cant6in j1aIj tin f , 00lish. -1 love Sebastian very intich-, irfftw' or *d(x)rs open finagination give tbe'm pleasure . They
an and
wou r cornmny with It. masu-r. only IJ.Li):i W 11 11111ke ine marry this Of- all the farm tinimals, sheep will learn too (1.1kicrinkInate - Ilietween tile and the nick pieets a hearty respotime, cop; Patrick, near Niagara Fall.,A, A(or th Dakota Whi tc FhnC Corn
'DuU monaLur. I tilt In 4'arkness. h(irrid polger thing." bear clo--e ecnfinement the least of false nd the true -,or perhaps It quarters. Conada is speciall Onp Nister, Mrs. Currie, of St.Thomas. Wisconsir 6 t 41test White
N(,_%v Flo"y NL-tr-wn was'a charm!ng in many y
Tea (ru1j. Lie hati v.'44ite.1 t"6 h6ume ahY thue-4 d`d yod see Mr. all. Frotc6t' them from cold, and e@- woul , I be better to Nay that they learn Interested lit tile plan to erect and ell- William. who wad the elder brotlicr, A ........... Corn
gvPen-haireol f.ilrj t)f twenty'yearsol ?-9 ben r .......
til and is saippo#ted to have 1wen Lite
ed 31otwk-ur le 1*1 ule. atoely brun- pecially from i1t)rmm. but at the to find the truth N%rappel up lit I e dow a Hospital for Consumptives at - . I
419e, VvWle 111411th was a tit. Five' or" I' i Sibefian whfteT... ......Oats
"You awau ette g(line'Ai yi-a' six thilea here and once In -same time tirrangeniento should be hask or the story. Our �alry I -ore is Muskoka, Wward tile. cost of wiliell particular one whom the vigilatkti!- Nandscheq& ....... So r/ou
rs 01fiCr. 1110TIde and
Pr Yes: He seeto Motiviwir le to t ruiette, #fay London." made so that the flocks can be turned: older thrin cIvIIzatloti. This game Mr. W. J. Gage thitikit at U'a"t $250 wishe1 to reinove when they called I
speak of his love f r 31ces- Mar-reou. I Florry I" out en tile range every day the wea- at Ills houm*e atid shot (14)wn his brother ii
ond alwbt, (tnrk and'fair, fodder Solgh
All. 1:0, hy were both etivally charming in t4wries, %%%ith variations. [lave In all ought, to be obtained this year. -iefifs, 4
ret.;riLs tf) tl.i, livii.,i " "-Well!' ?:Aid iss 'Marson. petilsh. titer will perinit. John,waA4 a funifflar figure Ili Westvrn Japanese Mille( (three vat
01 11 t heir owri, way. but as 4!Ifferujill(In (14- ages And clinics been t...jugjit ,Inli told lie iss very much In favor of the Cot- 'I fii� platit prod" stioritioLwarogpt
sayll: " It IN well . I go to Jarlecaterre' *6 Yin; - asked low ? t;a w 11 W in t�)n- While profits are n,) longer great
w,,It oil ao4 In p- W.irance. .1u:klh was Y to children, and they ]lave their origin tage PY"tem, the separate cottages i Ontario ever i�itice the tragcAy. 01
be -114) Mort. Tljvn my Jr.e..41. tile brave nji,t tion " that 'dy I went to with sh0e, late years lie ham lwtvn confineil to of lomict for I Ut.
re#�& of the flail lofted'aff4r the Bee Aiint p, it is equally true of eat- fit the needs rind the heart of tile for Hamilton, IA)ndon or Toronto pa- PRICES LOW. er (arly. && we
received ti�- e(impany. qnd whOn lVe stolif)Ctl ill IA)iid on or w a I round the i Ids le.1 vrith' a lingering illuesim, alit] y we denk-stid
Sebastian: goes i Jark-e.-Aerre, and - tic heat. tind It can be It mat- race. Childrun thrive on fairy tients being grouped muid not au
&* hau not mi -pre." if' rArt actel 'no the elder While on our way 'to. Ventnor." . tpr -of. only- a little -tfme until mbeep f4tories aiDd are the better able to central administration bull(iing, neftr 6n Fuittlay morning last breathed lit@ i�priug Yor V 'Or# and oth*r fin
ca An interview betwoeu %jelstne I I rr. bright eyed and frivolous, 411d d.'dh*t Aunt Spencer tell me come' back to the natural wool and grapp other literature If early fed on Gravenhurst. Dr. O. -ler, of 11#1timore. last at Ili@ home, the St. icholas fartimuou appk To
awl Sp)fwi-r 'CoAd hardly lukve 1,1een mutton regions no; surely niq cotton Hotel, In Apphi. Ills remains were
110thing I)ut amuse herw�elf. , rancts Ven T!, thege." who is a contributor to the Canadian , I
ut fildn'*t know,bt answere Is grown iii. the South or wheat -in I taken to the rer4dence of his brother THE BOW PW CO., LTD91
satin: actory." a.-ki I 'I :L:.k-, kp,k.ng wa.,i f(vid -of Twth� the girls,, tiut vd Flor lico
op ry ital scheme, mays tha . t "nothing I Robert in Glencoe. on bratitlord. Out.
Ittwuly at. the 1'rencianaii. -41ml-ly w4 r hippe-I Florry, who lighted penAelitly. I 111pt Sel;astian on tile tile orthwest. Baked Ham which has been started in .4 anatin %% lit i Monday, and war il ul nd we were together A practice too oftevi prevailq which 'in do more practical morning at all early lit)
"Elf. nloi.s o-ur, I know nfo Pioa (ut �.!Jng of the whole house like a suribern. for two Trim the ham neatly null good." That tlw- fit- , ur.
hour -t. Werp
-utlas, w3li Usgat-e- IVtb Ju!Ith &qd the father combine] cut oil to Aunt rongly Condemned,, coid water over night. Then cover It fe,110-i of consumptio:i can be couinvin- I
on that." atiewered J Then I w' cannot be t(x) at taken by train to Biddidjoh and
Ispencor and. told Ijer notbijig." an I It Is that of n1I,iwkng grade rqm al. over with a thick crust or flour leated from one to another is beyond hiterred lit the Voman Catholic ce4
Pr look. 114) si"I her. and up to'the it of 910 Wpy (lid 3klst.-1nf)-- go nd -ti)ld me nothing,* lumbF of till description,4*to run with- anti water. Bake slowly froin five to dispute. The establishment of a tPry. The deceasei was about r,2
to Jarl- twelity thf! lire of Florry had twen no-' Kalil -0
eloewr. ot al; places in the wOrl l!" tbing 1jut--pleasure, gayety and bun- UIH)a my word, out caxtratich, not only deprediating, eiviit hours, act:ording to mize. When tarium, will therefore not mily be Ww"p- rea�rA (a age,,and lenves a wife and
0 1 havo t4)lA nloiivieur I-14)rry- I clad in(j-t think Y* t, %lipir value to the butcher, but being -(k)nE remove tile crust and outside so I 'n SLT
tto on w decei fli-lal to the lidected per n, but will fay HY.
Is a"I M. OuInauj. o ly lio-It. ni-lba 'I hn Came tile or Sebaistlan f ill ! Y, -11 niet r. elstane in lAindoij, the cau-ie of many Inferior rams going skin and cover the 'top with fine during the periotl or i.-K)iation prevent
"-Bumpil I I'm doubtaul of t I arld t, luto i6ervice. Clip T!1IS Out
-Melitan, wh,) hati met F:orry In I on4 h i -; is the first' I hear atx)ut, it." Cr3cker crumbd;wnidightly sweeterted; him I eing a &ource of danger to others.
NvOl.'you were so horrid. Judith." 'talic
t4f inatured F.-rike th,u_1AJly. "And lion, anif she, reckl4--44 In all . iliiWsi, Vo 1141t I -lake the jinis of fe-,t1ing wheti nicely brc ed remove frorn the Consitumption ls the ex)mindnest and To name t lie (lay of a week ()f a The S
Lis is that al. you know Wul given away her frivolow; little pouteil Florry, playing with hir hand- eorn to 1+0'edill- eir". A ration or oven It, can he used warm, but wIll' most dielitructive of Canadia" disaases,
kerch:e corn. once a day, with clover )lay and
Ell ! what woul. 1 you heart to thl.-4 handiiorne, dtark-haired f; "'_dud Selldistia'n told ine to be better Cooled lkild sliced thin. alit] the only way to battle with It I ghon date, divide tile nuiliber of the
exercise.- will Ile all right, but a full by 4,jejecting the remahider,jif
It doesa't throw any -1*.Cht on the artist. Oil making'insluirles, Mr. Mar- j '*ay Both' Into take It In time and time tile I"t Yea r
of mur, ler." A 0 1) had found out wiffielent almout Ile*d a lad Mau .1" ration is Pure to he Injurlotut to the Surprised. applian" for Its mitigation or cure. any. To this dividend anti quotient
G a No., lie's not.'� retorted In ral bm. Oatb or barley, with a little
Wait. monsiour." i�&;#1 Ju fall. ear- r let-itane's pant life to make' him ar. " Whdi,t are you doing, Uncle Mr. Gage begaif his worement for a add the number of itayd Ili the year
I.0 Kon. angr;ly; " he'st a very i slit -lied 'corn or corn meni, is bettpr
Delm ly. 6, a moment. one night 60- rfmnlve hh4 darling Should never marry 111Ce man, Consumptive Hospital by giving a lib- to the giv4,n date, IncluAive, always
Joi,.hua said pretty An4abel Dim- ZRADIX
fov4- oif frien I- went, way. ees Var- 4uch s�camp, anti lie' fort) and I luv6 very, very much, In ddaPted to the time. ' A little oil affe FI(wr 1. ling to her agricultural relative, who eral s-uhscription--showing his raitil reckoiiing ."'S days in February. bi- irriago at tile tdiop,_ tt) Oink or him. U n WhiCh MiM L , i)f r. Spsilger--rthere!" will be a good additiom. by his works -and lie has Information -ride the sutu by 7, au(t the figunwill the C�
fa rlins "top her C;' ) pn , 101litv cake %v - #4 "owing whPat. , 't ICA jVA
res She wpels ill to m" nA may*: 'I 11o"y, with- iter %illy little I- Judith . was about to make� some Never forget -that by feeding oil tile to assure him that tile iiiistitution once lie the number of the day of the week,, t"i 04
cannot, get. a tit . m., -vV p4mitage. Have .4tuffed full of poetry and romance,'re- reply, feelin fatw Iti. produce I'm Planting flour Partin," replie4l
9 thorougjily dis.. an(l, i4ending it to the truthful granger. established will before long receive a- 0 sig'nifyiag Saturday. Fur Instance,
inarket on the hoof conitideral,le fe ti- good working endowment from giftit take Auguet 18th, 18JO3:
you a stamp oll lx*tirfj?' I may eyes.' gari ledMel4 ta Ile a8a, pcmeuted hero, gusted 4t -Florty's duplicity, whei tile r Co.
Oil. my I In thin big field!" -
and givo tier a ntalilp of 0*4'Lge- nd on his coming to Irk)nfieltin met dixkr was, throwo dpen, and Mr. 114r. lizer iss left -to ho returned to the and bequests. 4)1893
w�n entered the land. On innny a farm abeep are
Sh" phieen tile ptam,i W "t.ige fin hm fly stemifth, wrote hinx letters, ex- roin.
iL servrint who was told by bermls-
a letter. and g(w* wny in %he car- changf-41 presentoi, und �n fact liki A tall SeVere-looking mn. this worth more than their co-ist Ili what tmes. that tier wages were out of pro- CANADIAN CORN TOO CHEAP. 473
riage. I see the letter." everything a foolish girl would do Niarson. with & worn, -,vorried tbey do In making the foxm prodde- 230 "ANTED-AGEN11`8, W&LZ AND M
Arf4l tho namo- oti the letter?" wh#.ni flatteml and loved by a ro, The farmin' editor who it; #4o much
islon (in him face. lie sighed ,tire- not paid for what I do, but what 1 7)2596 Al male, IQ ever
expre portion to her replied: "I am
M%jjieur I1.og#-r Azu,n.-Jarleeg- wear.ly a4 lie mat down rivar the fire. DAIRY., 41%7, to we A" TV imp, to
top miitle meamp. Roger Axton, knowing .66 an- able to do." This sentiment prob- afraid that the repeal of the (anadiftn anjollp W , V "4L W roe ftr
rre. sald Judas. quitly; Mel-4twie's bad character, had put an Oil, what a sigh -what a big circular and premiu=- lag Pr"1111. rem
i4lg 0 ' Dairying comes in am a great pro- ably accounts for the numerous mine- eukitorns duty on Indian corn would 37G-6
eb !" you step end to these stolen meeing-4 by tel It cried Florry. recovering her moter of economY in marketing pro- carev being successfully filled all over TIT Nlxtli d&-y-Frida. Temat Co., Toroow
-"I twe noth ng." replie I Fankq. Ang Judith, and I-'It),rry wag cAarried - k;p. L anti polming herself oil the old' divebta. for. the . 'Conden"Iner of - btilkv tile land. resylt in tlw production of soft pork Datow between Janun�y 1xt mn(I Feb- SPRING TZRIL Aram LRT.
h1untly. " 31 @4 V a rfln,4, wroto to-) Al- to Ventnor. While there she oti I man's. knee. "What Is the matter, products for shl and spoil the demand for Canadian ruary 28th In lcap year, both inclu-
papa 7" linient -are -necessary
ton at Jar!clit ster. What of that ? I L-41ghed after her lover, and when mile othing, Chili to. sus;cew. 'Transportation in one of bacon in England Ili in for more trou- sive, mtmt have I substituted, to
know Axtofi w;t* at J.trIchcatcr; I returned to Ironftekle omw bim witill 1. nothing," tepiled the farmer n " reatest 1) ble. Mr. Edgar Judge. of Montreal. balance tile 1 added by the even di-
ea%v him there.10 Marson. g u rdens, and
, I difficulty. an Judith was too vigilant liamtily. sin00thifig- tile goldei) mamive crps have a sin. -I it value coin- writes to the Witnc%s that " it 18 not vision In tile year, witle! is not
Is th tt no?" gal I NI. Jiulas. ungrr- hair of Ills darling. -1 Buslue Y"
U -'let bf--r remain long out of -her as worries, -paratively.' the duty of 7 1-2 centm per Immliel offoet by February 29th. All datsin
j 1Y then, behold' monstilelir! Axt0f) -41ghti. Then Me6tane went to Jarl- my dear; what I spoke about the People. d6ni which preventa ()ur farmers ir(mn bu In 1W)0, and any other terminal year'
is at other' day." - anj llufter. and It they T - PTRAT . RD. UNT
Jarlsesturr� ; e �tane goei eh- ter, ati4f Fli)rry salif too Judith can not get It to their tastel they will Scott's ot ing American corn to feed to their of a century, except one equally 411- Young Indies 40d poUrsKm trUnsid tee
down also -to J;iricc*;t rre. Vefore lie with many tean an.1 tighm tht she., cattle. It in not the duty which I)re-- itrthle by 400. must be similarly but iness. Fituatistrip. Vi%e of our room% am
take that. which eclibes naarest to its,
9MG." Pursu&l Jus:kiv. I e -A n,,, -or' -ul,i iie, trile to him, although @he rlorry drew down.'the corners of and that Is oleom4rgarine. By fort- vents them rroin 'fattening their licielf treate(l. as these are not leap ejir� don t* owcu r, d pobi Uoaf- ir e ne wepk. Cismadsell
Ward e
,p Jee
'in qW
I 11L
!I e prc
w lit-
% Oe',
21 tent
_kle to
le I
u 13,
t It
u 114
a��,h r
. 1.
r OF4
AM will- hpr 'mouth as if she were going to trading "wimervial arbooi Writ& tW air
Kw"king lit it, p r. he buy ILi,l now I;een engagmi for some time cry; vien, suddenly Changing litg w much Inferior butter on tile animals cheaply, or from feeding up Date!j in 1752, sifter lReptemller 2nd' cularv.
o* morphl i ell! lit %flat not tiblo to Mr. Jackson SpolgpT, the w�rl of a her market as they do, dairymen' have their milch-cattle in winter.' It must have I&Mdoled, on aceount c
MY friewi and Axt4ni jjrc enemi;� mato wh ) hail mt(!e h6 money out of a mind,,slie, threw lipr arnis Lround her undermined their own trade 'by in- Emulsion Ili not the dut W. X. KLUOTT. Pribelpa
y Vhich lead,4 them to tile clifame from the old U) newstyle.
AL J_r1&-et#-rre they the* poo- Ixatent meflicine., an(] placed tier soft face viting a butter subotKute ill eomlm,-- sell their young cattle to the Ameri-
.Ne"ine tile* C4 morplita! Whai Yrancl.-4 Marson h,W ket his lietirt on against him withered titlon. Ls made up of tne mc;t cssential cans, anti than lose tile 1)r(jfit of fat- M"ing a Record STUDENrS AND WACHERS
11 0 1
woukj you "hL,4 match. and alth' ugh Florry *to- Don't talk about business, papa," (ill meaJ, corn meal, wround"or eut mo-ntc A2t n fn n rtcll tening t1jem." Ile says "the admide
of a 46
Liu yo4i ms%nn tow Peri.v townt Rnmer ntly proteted agalikst, It, iuj.&t4-d 1� IV "L911,19 coaxjvFjY; -1 liate It; it'n oa.0 call be al i --o. "-line^ you Pay the pristmer IVIIIINU a we" I - I ano FIR077TARIAL
Axton mur(k-red M#-In'one"?" cried that-ithe should becomo engaged t no, disagreeable.' ways timed to advan- the body. Where the apprefite fact is that Canadian c,own im se Iling paAwd you at n rapid gait?" 00cupal ion for the ISUIMMICR can got �e
0 tagpwith bran, esile.cially with milch now, and has been f or some ti me past, writine uL M's do n , proml
WOV10 Ir
Fanks trying to control himself. Mr 811filger. &4 hp was; anxi,oum So it lit for a'frIvolotU young per- cowp: tile skillount must "Yon, Nir ; wlwn I oeed film, ol r, 1 14
to so be deter- is varying or lac"ig, it in- for lew money than American corn I but more than t4at :Wl to tw
Monaiwir Juilas spread out liLi h;Lnde plaft ber beyond the power of Sebam- Pon like you, dear, Said Mr. Slarson., mined toy the conditions in which they call be laid (1k)wn in bond. I' am de- wpre a-goin' faister'n a ton of 8Z pmUculam Addrap
XX1r oneo msAre. CIA.,i MeLstane, andr m(Avover, Jacksca cheerfully; " but It's very ripeesi4ary, are fed and by what is; given thein creases it, and where digestion livcring Canadian corn all through the coal.0'
6 "1 oak nothing, nitri-st -ur. But ht- 81VI war; too wealthy a sultom to all the same. What wolild Ilec( J. L #1CROL8 & Co..
_)Me of In addition. When cream Is -a ape, is wcak, it aids it to perform towi:kships at prices; for whicAi I could Alam! I now realize what I t is to 33 MebmaA strao Wso. Tom"M ont.
Nf"M - ltati a fast life," wa1ed the convict
eacta) M MLss Mar -r -on they 11wi,t— Lf -41 fthv. your thousand and orie wants bat for clal item too illuch bran is a detri- not import American corn, cost and
'thim' saine business you oo d! o MW g I " the primon door cl-inged bell
they fight flie;)erate. Altoon had the _,Milime t la Y 4 V GOr F.-inksl-visit to M. sappr ve it. its function in a n. ore vigorous freight. Canadian corn Ito sellin n Inif WRDIS PRA YER And -bej
_%H at the evid of Novembetri JudIth Tile dairyman olten overlooks the way. It enriclies the blood, Chatlitim and surroundiiig districts Iftstrated twolve
'a of morphia. Melittane- died of the .1u, him.
pit, of -?" ooftn am
pit,@ of morphla! Uu& no, I say no-- juid Florry were both In the dr -Ing I W LA 11 1 11.1(1 1L faIrY. purw, pri awd ou V�Kvy Z
a,%% - val ue of Ills bypro4ducts, ant) does not for l0w money than Awerican lit In P . 11011K. Im �Udtw 8"
aftelhoon makts healthy f 1csh and cures HI NIANL' EDUCATION. artletic PicLum Ra 11 price sk, SOON ta 0"ke
thing." mw)m 'Of the IWI having cried I'lorri, clapping her hands, make tip a very accurate balance Detroit. The isupply of cd)rij
nI I !ill ta ewmSh." toeiL Wpwoetlt. r0fit. Nrildl f�w
"I think ymt'ro it ,%vfth old I)iee-4� in It everY, time slipet of ]its operatiptis; lie dops not chronic coughs and col& by lit abundant—the quality excelleiit— ,Amoikg the noblest i:1 tile land, 61W. 2u Igeft bi've
peiA 9
IN retorte(l Fallks. col ily. " I (ke't be- It waA a large, handsome al)artment, I o ( It. It would save such, a give film cows credit for the full vabie the price abnormally low—the yearly Though Im may count Unwell Ww C
1*,Te w h I at -you may." furnishe4l with great artifftic taste, lot of trouble.", of their'productiorim. Tire skim inilk rfmking it possible for the body production in largely Inerea4rig."I
X principally flue to Mim Varlinji� w1ho I r
onqwer "A falrY world," mald M - Marmon, and butternilik ha%e much to do wIth to resist divase. Our frien& tell Next thing we %hall bear tile fah"hin' at man I honor and reven
DOD it
If ruf.1a your fi-athers, Mon- haAl a Wonderful eye for color and ef- looking tit her fondly; "that Lki w1i. editor' clamoring for an Act of Par Th FOR TWUMSEVIN TIAM
You would like. the question of profit,"._ Their feed- us "IT WOM WONDERS" W Ito, witbout favor, without fear
eleur Gainni3d; I inean what Tuay. feet. A curiouily cairved oaken celling, And you tho lovely Ing value In not less than 20 centa a liament to make It st penal uffenee to In tile mat city dares to st4tnd
Po - and in order to prpve it. 1-1, ask RoApr wall -4 draped with dark -rot velvet princess wilom tile handsome prince hundred pounds. but we never like to over-.Aate raise corn In Canada.
Axwo ij�) o)wpe 414)wn lipre Luid give which fell lit heavy fol.ts to tilet velve con" to aw"-en." The friend of every W.endina beast."
t If dalrymen aekno*ledge that when
11's vtr,&-)n of the at-ory." pile carpet of the sam4! color, plenty of Well, Florry hajo a prince." ounid turnilm are fed to the coivs a few the merits of our remedy evcti —Lotisfollow.
R-4 ean but var- wh,it I declare." womirre pictures In oil In tiarn6hed Judith. quietly; "the Prince of the hours before milking time the wilk Is when it has beer) tested and Bobble Iturns in'Georgir, DUNN"S 4
64Thjjt1@ a maktar (A ophdon-" gilt frarue,4, m..'my j_.m.111 tablem cov4-.red Gold Mines I', A Georgia editor: Higricr Grimal0l, thr Italian stntes-
witb kwck-knack,i (melecteti by friv- (To be continued.) tainted therevvith. what shall we say trW for over twcrity-fiveyears. "And would some power the giftle gle mwu nod ex -Cabinet MInhiter, Is dead.
64 014im# F10"A Llumbers of comfortable - of tliv bad tastinT weeds which they I The President of the National Lib -
BIT." eat all through the day? Surely one If you wil ask for It, vre wil AKIN
The turo men had r sin t" their'fe0t. limiighig-cha r4, Inviting re~, and a An Important Bill. To as our creditors before they we eral Federation 14tn" tlint Itome
of the links in good butter making send you a book telling you 118.61 ruie 1p nailed to the masthead of Un
an,I wer! standing rn p04tP V) each luintloome grand plano littered with Any Important bills In the Leg- in the surnmer tilne Is clean pnstur-
otiler; I ajDkx co)LI an -1 e lr;J�il. Jul!&* 14K)4e music W10"Y agaln)—it wila lidature from Your neighborhood ?91 age. more about the subject th= WC —La Grange Reporter. Liberal party.
vWbly n9itated, W-th Idif eYPO flar- truly a (lelightful rooni. Tlien there "' Jest one. Old Browups distillery to POTLTR Y. can put in a fcw wor& Am Unfortunate Pl*&. It' has been decided to "mafer Ift POWDE
rowed ds)wu into a t1an9prolls el- were cabineW of rire ch:na.monstrous 10 n)lkm frt)m town, an' we wanto bar Hens meem more greedy for wheat honor upon the hew. Dr. Bell, of K
:prenjm. He kx)kowl 3ke a %nake Pre- Jar,4 of tin itit t'e.ign and bizarre colors, fotclled in I" than any other grain, probably be- Go to yow drugt PrIsoner—I hope yer Honor will be ston, of placing his portrait in THE COOKS REST FRIEND
p&jjA9 for a spring. and Fanks was and fluvvert, flowers everyw h �re. causr taught by InmtInct that it con- &t for Scott's Ern ul- lenient wit' me, for I am a poet. Quenti'm College gallery. LAnairsT GALZ IN GAftAGA..
an kis Suniml. but at Li-nirth. with a N)th ladies find a perTeet pasdion for Th( rer happy wome in the tains jwt what they need for every siam. Two six� 50 cts. and st.W. Judge—H'm--?vor pubLiah any Wild goem Itav ago
flowers. a It r9* of
ad even In this bleak month I %rorl:1 nrpl�n poem ? numbers at Mite iea a
Ifiecil. Judas supp--d uacA and I A qrjil lien fat -forming SCOTT & DOWN E, Meville, OIL 15 md"
0"Oblu Itlen one Harry Yelr6ftnn Goring, a tobacco- succeed. 01,
e M air : lot& from Chatham, and tile to of tbat
religion. He heir a unvw wwry tat Wit %%p
06&;[ it was' no wonder, - for 'sin' nist of Tamworth, has succeeded to a a:r , underAWd and bei- "rly Irpave. jfe�j(l eeord. WISC
had been carefully reared, and had baronetcy by the death of Sir Craven lieved. if" an altageftar y 9b- dred
rhe rurneva Lille i4eanier Halifax Lemon XI. Redeeming love can melt Tile Nova IScot1w Islature liam oWle interpowd by the m0thers Of A "nr WILOW
ver N"n anyone eat pis In that Poring, the tenth baronet of that City haA arrived at Halifax '-'3 dayo lay hearts. It sheds-& light surp"sing, been dissolved,
name. which nod &%n"eral ebw their- CINW90L 119 w&y be taken as to as 06= Z"