HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-03-12, Page 2- x - V band8d It to he dete ve with bow. and tupned flereely on Fanks. UT THI.W "There'd nothing wrong with the "SeWLstia11, Melstane be-,, ER MYST -al"Elm-medicine, I trust,-, he said, I "D01"t." Interrupted Octaviu, hold- nervously. IIJ: up a warn -Ing hand; .. i- 4 ara-ahem-mast Care. pertlap" lie ,VV0111ala's Fealty. ful. aild my assistant, Monsie r Judas, Inuell to Le --ahem u :What do You uxun -trusted." He hi Two Y am or "I don't know if Anything's wrong :'Dead !99 Had Not Slept J 171th the-Sle P11s." said octavius, touc 1"al-vte7m: Aiwsob of c h- CPOQ tered, I 9 I fil; foreamt cOat-pocket, but YOU cheoter Mystery ugal,6 f rob You read tile Jar ter hokis kAS Few Boxft 0 Sind well. I scare(). know tl)e jjaying. l- I Five �1 Port ieled with taw ob M011si -ur thin than ineets the eye., Sbakempeare, There are few- I Ou en bound, U stf, to, I tl 1:11- 'There is more In ,:tThat isuicide busIneHs? or course; I A .A, Of OW of Juas wil I di er Published It -*r vanity, The people of L,Llm i be f to tell You obberve. Wonderful man--ap. d not think papers YOU all &bout it droviii him 'Wisted %hi, - . 1 i doni of Portugal, t. J III the ikpt with I 11 a ve t 110 havo the -ahem propriate remark for everything. Mon. "The dead man was Melstane. %Ih rtsul ta. aga it, of another cesi* "I all eel -like ich is nearly 5,000 t, NAd'o Kidney 7 ji 310naleur Judas." Confidence in sleur GUIllaud, I will see you to-Idght, Ne"theT (lid I until 1111 hour ago.- 0001ned to T --ee and contin- A. f I -0 L3 1,11%ot know .i*- 66 V Mr wrls-1, * "HA)w di fps 110 Ual MIDAb" same as ti,,a+ 0 V.9 0-inorrow expect me about Ru out, r "ked J&- ther, rancifat Cruse, ca, t s Moro than I shoulti her and whit,h the these pills. Pix, gravely. ffl-ft total numl -Tzen of 11rcooklyn has the larg- buildiligg, wl, in ta n %0,7 .1 fact. the as. thh a,,,4,athave,11 (100d-afteritoon.11 44 Oreat Grandfather Had Died Frona ' A 0, Whe- ule "-otik, ut 1@11_ AVIJOU lie had vanished into thefog, By MM 110 ()t a.nawjpgd the Trouble Relea Paperb Published In 1,4 Wn CW'8CUOU Of 1,1111.18 of la.re. tO "Y (,I[ the mat, Cure Looked re over 4,000 in te collection. " For (,vpr twu Out- ta ble. Upon as a an liltell"L, ibuffer, she ter ad opened it JJ a Fank*� pl,,I,,, tile, pill_box on tile Age The se COMOB in Old had (Of which ently tQDk the Pill -box frotu his Mae. whIch lie did as soon as e we t easy kind of un. olde, Mr. Wook turned -to I Miracle. Green To& Punc' "aclugverylLhing, 1row Itlie crack- COO&CiOusne&s), aud as Mrs, Eight P111,110G." lie salti. coulit- ant witil Some alarm. "Tonle Pills," read Dr. Japix, wf�n­ At ealw­ which ocoasi, 64 recepti a mining camp dugout too Wook rulftl Mr. W0* k, inelu(jilIg Ing tileuL . 11411 trust, Monal deringly, the morning -101self, but ided entrees with whichl or innnimatio,, or repile(I Pills -the pills -11 es. eight Pill. Newport and Bar H 0,0*1 X J Ulft G U Lan ut tht. Y eur Jud", that th, I Of', Yet4, of course; (From thO WilltbY Chronicle.) arbor4*0rk of p1V 9" r#, turia. fattened her subjects lla%.e been coulpelled ftid to have I may have Lec.n taking a seat Faks New York Reco nut under doctA ruled t,)Ie Waole bou der, reserved, wit nfound out h6i name I)y tills, nor ]low 'ftcl'I'W - d&y alld Ule CL&r gorged lilist t e Prescribed toldc PUN for Melkitaiie's For Years storis or flimous Cure,, 01 COUrsO. whe by t e counter, but: "hey are In themse,ives qtii'riglit nerves. Rut I don't see flow you hold. ruinelital relief M&, Preacriptlot, 13 OU made UP the T -.hi oft. yes replied M. Judas, let. ams, Pink Pills libli, greel) tea Punch," madet 7,1 thousands. th wrought by Dr. Willi' hard "a ale 'L" Pronounce, 13310M. ere must have beea I ting ills eyello]p drop over ]its -*;cn mp freeli tea, boiled 414 he ltaken e espe- I 66 yes. YOU connect the name of that hvb appeared and strained, mons. I Weli%ta.ne with the mail who died at ill the Chronicle. ,, Worm .1 "raordin DO To -morrow I to YOU will spekee of During tiiis time we ha ar, juice of 12 lemons 1, refere Wlelks, where French Wile Jarlebeeter.11 ve fated sug 14.41, ary su-WY (it the cre! lWd'u Kidney did e leur weeth de PlIulea d:d I dis,--dis-ell ! le mystere-vous 11.een oranges, small b1tw of pineapp Itb resuits. bet owa,tligue, eeve dem tO1jIOQAl6ur" monsieur. savez, "Was Melstane a sea nip ca4itilig for a luelti ase uart of champagne, half a p anisk, La Boutheru numbla, wher*- dubUrb&u Ironfield&4, t)y common want to know the gentle- "That t1i Ig In th Jaricesterre," 640,ut and about Of nuft"n Pasants Wnlea ,ruts **ut C cou_ No; Le Mystere Of all suffering., thk- iiurname of the a,asi,4t. mail's Ganb).01 If 0 Paper," cried Mr. phatica out,,, &aw Japix, 4�.W- buch a nature -uld to leave Benedictine or anisette, &nJ er &"% an" C�11 6J Win, In friendly 'An Wosk. agliast. fly. 6 whcal-3 little 10 -year-old g,ri Stnawr X"o fashion, %or w -y. 111011dieur?" I Why -ahem -what m&mt have been Ad it y doubt of the efficiency ICO- Juf;t before serving ad ym 66 ham I t got to do-abem-with us?,, OU the" piils. We of of AP011inarls water. 0OUSUIted a witch doe- T Waa ioleft' by which al,spellation I,(,, Nter You mind retorted Oc- M. J sPeak I]] of him have t)J t- he r1r,4t NPOmb mride J L 4o%va for a couslt-lerable gavlous coolly; ..yo uda Fibrugged Ot'wrved F found wev- "d to aPPIY gunpowder time. , 0 eak his elloulders, flectivefY', '*kli�l or l an k it, r c- eral, but iU each .riln the cWW'S eye otid ttwell it Ott Man ldamQu cu"Villseid the ff llzisl- Woak, however, %N,I)u Meddled a ' ask �dO what you're i.spr I Out hits bands with a deprecat. case itproved tlu be To Clean 011cloths. de'aJ w'th tile 61101) and maw a Ted- MY good fellow.- Ing gesture, and spoke imlowly: ellemle", I suppose'?' a deanditive WIt4 a nmtch. She obeyett IJ shocked wime or the more M of the "I Should say Plenty.— Unding b""- The MiI6 Iiiji wap un, ho " ICOOLI ft'1101v" gave Mr. Fanks "Ell, 10 vOIla,! I myself am no go(xi body who Could not bear beeut iDtO Plecft hall all ounce cilol and injurwx herself. awistant, being an Ugly 14x)k ; L)Ut in another moment ts-lea rellil. is wax, put in a saucer, cover eu. "Iderntdou an(l it a ri day, leta lore (as tho.. wfc to read les Journaux arigi, "Humph I I -tiftre a." ell In Bibi � to IlavO his or her name ant] diveasse tirel bland ant] 4m'lhg as eve "DzLre say Mae public. Rece Y With turpentine and place in ]The groajm falut, Sunwt Coi wa. W 16, Prinie, and waa r. 1 fetOns. If You so kine vil be to me. what Talk at�out the i UtlY, however, a the oven until melted. After washing 11115nable wedding in (I twice at a lash- famoum for filj Ifound a cerk- r. Wook (beckoned by th Jarlcli�ester M.Tstery, Mubt striking C&,e -came to our ars. thO Oilcloth thoro 1AXII116ton, Ky., Speaker Rred M"on V) tbe taJu r%emblalice sugg,,.ated by the bead) had gone into t 's monk4leur, an(]' rread de MYStere Jarl. you ?" what are and repartee. "me and alpearance of the a,7�lelst� back pro- Cesterre, I vil U9111Y"with a [Ian- betweeu IL jooleea to You exPlin m h, Mr. ,Solomon ThompKOII lives n nt l Ppea keem delb Mr. "But what flag the Ja. said Fanks, with a smile. ,Well, I ,,In by tberuient wit, she riches i Mold Lake. III Carden town rpentine there Take him down a 1At ftnd make "A mystery also, ell, d,octor a ce Iscar- Instance -11, ?" � beautiful farin oil tile wekt shore Witt, a bit of flannel dipped "ght"Y Prety allair in pink and follow COX. ant mise'll, so the two men were quite ell It ekit blen entendu' A and mlueste lot anti J.Utfas alono. u,f which circu &Ild fOrgot the ring, but Otherwise, a d him to whereupon, With vi I Fanks took avantages by ter M won fit the L)elag, SIX LrIdesmWdll all latter name to 51. J lam In Fren speaking tery got to do witil us ?" repeated Afr. 't givO,YOU tile trouble of gue#*1. 'hillp, North WIth a dry cloth Then rub Joolees bva Ch. In order to Wosk. helplowly, like a large child. Ing me- I'll explain myi%elf.,, A Polish Is produced hOGOr, and the ku malJ Of Mill) House laugli at film " saAd Speak- 11- J 4dat In-' widely known' understand him better. VICtorl.u. 114) haS r(*Ided there for Gnd the surface is lightly Coat Usti, th ot was oulte islocurely er Reed You know 6; to do it. 9 mon aml, qui malt?" replied U. with 0 970uZU's father lli;llig one ol VW which IN' We pleased the Translated. the conversat.on (guard- Judas, enraged at him Master'd at large chair$ Place(] file large liands on arouW be cleaned the wax is wash rft to IW-I&tiug clergymen. In 1112 rmarks Congrswmaa Cox had Iftaflettis Atled himself In file forty Years, being the firisit tettler th wax. When the floor re(lul the of Wlicni lie Ptop,, I WIII SOMCnIze You." The dt)etor W ed or t'h as, being eAAY tok Pro- I Od On both sides by mutuiLl guspi U- "OunCe and coutlililin O.. PI(fity. "Do man dead' is eacit or Ills large knees, and Ohaerved tile lake. He vy' ed off. to. A bet W" Omamiutl to rrfer to ILis Satanic Maj- 9MMInatic flavor. 9 at ceirtaln epl- I IOU) was as follows: took ze pilules.- 1'e w 'to III 1110 large voice: Crdn and Dalton tow, " reeve of gPther , with the dust or dirt that r*Ceutly Md. 11, I -aria The agime sui*1 h,m tm, Will monsieur ermit lahipm thirty. inay have gathered, that an me to ask "Sebastian Melstaile.r­ "Now, then I" rs while the oilcloth xpert could not cut up UP der, man w, tills slen- hini a few questions ? Oth cried Mr. Yea u9u, befo n o Coat ill the atealthy said Judas, Wopk thunderstruck. (To be continued.) Peterboro and 2.(Wp &audwichas a4d panta of blue. so toep ol a cft t ; 'with a shrug, ­ e Ise, w'"Jill twentY-four Arid a little hoie IL110 IULfttesady gr+-*ui@h I Tnot "011i, C'eat le noni." Victoria were separ. 1%.tl,O,tLU too ff" hope t0 find the name monsieur re. ' And M. jutls Cure For Snake Bite& "Ourb, tile amount of through.,, 0- "69 thAt 11PPeared W see quirrg.­ "eyes Wki, and lie used to attend the 2,000 francjj� to go to the expert COX had uMv(l a duty on, r1ce, tmg narrowed Ills the wager, Yet, took In everyth jig; the nothing. preaf I out Ills lean ban&, a nd kin) Raiford, of Melbournie, Au.9. Cewful and the kandwichem to bedis- wax 110t, In favor of proUrtjug wool. tied Couutic�A' coullcil at Peterbor. Mr. traLl "'JulD9 rftl flair when comwacentiv at the 10(* of horroron Thonliam)II ila&, been a victim of a, 'as becul makh4g a Most re- tributed among tile IJOWItAW emootil, "Ask wbat­rer questions you like. "4 U�Jr�j it nue- dowil n1) "itered tightly L)Oe@ Monsieur know e99--6Ila4)c%d skull; anti tile IlMlitleman left t the 010 face of Mr. Wook. maxicable oer" at experiment4@ with The V of ParIA. '"'lien COngre-ibmiall Jdason %.am re - delicate, PLIik-au(l-%%1I;te cmp, I his town ?" for forty Years or inure. How- I I r*uLI iielected wa., a wuma CO"t" lie mbook 1xick 116- filack curia h4irle" face tha t b(, ' exined 31r. 1-ULiks mado a rapid calcula- enAPTER V. evWe Will let him 0111OTide Of lime, with reopect 10 it& emPoyed it' One of tlie Caren. n I and xt<pm " high aA Illis fstocky figum re tile imprtft Of tion, a 6he a klud of eril Leauty-veg, the I fid answcred promptly.* Japix Speaks. story oil that he tell 111,� wn actio'll uPKAD human uubjec a COMPleted tile ta&k in ulieteenbouris would perinit. in aLIMIrubly, a�ld an utme not (fulte ure; alter the 6th T11 E Cure or preventive of the evil efff�ctlli and forty minutes. cutting Up In CletLr. ringing tos)wm a nd bef VOICE OF of intake bites. He Is "ending quan fiamt, for the Purpose. set COR. no exception to it, bei le took ore tile 13th Of the presen 0C't a %'I u Fanks had no t1ifficulty In Oil October 15th. 1896, we took a ti- 29 he Pr(x4w1f.NI to harp. fun wi&ll Sun - ng t" of Immunizing serum to India and t nIklIlIg thO residenc* of Dr. Jacob�ja- lie. trip to Mud Lake to vis t the haullt&i the Antille& He f inds - that by inject- A the latter's familiarity vt-ItIl the In suburban 111,0rith. But Your bcvt plan will lie w" Dot fiston6hed at t; I de"ll. He called the atteqtion of tile n correVondlLg to 1-10 ; niember froin N;ew York to tile fact ber.,, em- was well known In Trollflels, liot alone never love but thee; duty and found it a pleaKure to '000 Of their Pa B,blical sig- , a Ing into rabbits a dom of the serum including OWWOU an atheist, anti t be MR. for. that kind-hearteil gentleman I never loved before we rile long faiulliar tO Urs and ivade It btat'"IcIall SaYs 12,00(i "'Orel0re lVi-orant of tIl to go Nick from lio 13til or Nov UUk'w1ce Of thO title, noe sb call 8POOO Omnibuses, that even the ruler of the kyw*r f*- IXxIy tbought Certainly. monsieur." - but througli- Your voice, your took, I 11 ne'er forget, through the Strand, 80 $Poke Zigli..1 moterately well. Out the gret city Itaelf, where his Whate'er Lny 131r. Thompfioll and I W01ght, they ae emabled to endure, Loundn. in the glons wak PatrWtic enourtL to patro- pi I�Y tiny other. Jutla.8 ti;SaPpeareoi behind the neat fate may be, eurn from Without dealg*w, a done of veriom ca d"y, and the narrownemi and ra AY turned tip with a foreign book beg the ilia open 6pell lia d were much ap. him and hearing his account Pablo of kilILW untre&ted #ipecimene Caus(* each of the G3,L)o f the utreet Riw a home fnmrket-tllZt In & #Oft, sibUant voij_ screen, beaming face, ilia cheery words, and , order n Slie. In from three too four liourK. 0 hil' I.Ortwilew in hades. lie wught scOeflt, anti somet;mt," used '"ning with tile 13th Preciated. ek:pecially in Of It how he had been cured. to waste, On the aver 1'reuch 01.,XOrember, as directed. the quarters The thillgi; You say are sweet to hear; twent f For uge. three min- it t lie Irentlemall in quot f the poor. ot a profemional Ob u te*. The to pervl.0 - w"Ards-whlell were to all aro They are tonic pilli, I see, Mon- 0 Phil- 1,17ould that they Were true; a known him Napol tl waste of time equal,, Ing poetry to submtant te his pod - WIC Yes large lidrt, for H, With the The otherfj imid teal, too, eon's Heart in a Rat Hole. ta Z:,Y,,, with 11., ilabit of ii1iruggilig ilia be,called out. alithropist. tills large ma Ut ve had three divorces, dear- asping LU the A-IL50 -ho%M the uwuey I -Lu (if "On." exclaimed Mr. In IL pantom uIld y. Ive Years we 11 I It Is market) on tile box.., lie IaWred among B as a 9 Hering alithmatic When Napoleon died him friends "ked whicil, at the moderate -rate (,f to tillinmpt pOx, turlitaic 19 6,hOulderd. his Method Of wav- worst we ever knew who m whr doe -o he n(A rim 611m 'a aJ)Othc%r moment Fanka heard an Poverty and vice from an Innate de. live at all, anaged to 'permil0slon to remove the remains to ea.r Per annuL11. Go(we, "Od white hall";d wheb in eon_ exclamation of fire to (10 good, and not from any Europe that they might be buried on ing h is bililling an "Our, im $764 Per fla. to th )leIr veftaslun,, and a certain t&lent in us,. surprise bhind the In Class. We Often wondered how In flue frenzy deolan 4Cr**1Q. an," shortly hope tbat his wor 11-v eyes &-) convey him Mf.&Ging. Judas afterward !kS would be bla. Prufet&or D:Iulnler-H,, 4A he lived from day to day. On, Calling the banks of the Seine according to Ib Ne It() Blue. Iloar M- ' Soiled fortirg in the papers. 'A' Y or k 7 er no wire. no numbered 41,632, u decre horn nice, t and prMilege the Britfish authorities re- Ill(,,A- h-11 out, of Y �f [ruin udon't falIY', no rilatlous, sohe Young Mr. BriLetliot--BY h16 ar. without dIsPlaYluff a trace of him old fu-�ed to grant. Even Mme. Bertr the preceding year of VWII our rice.­ t0d, and lean haudi trembled an ted film molle , Ills time, and ilia duous labr it, r wur,Ls ul wiKIOLU, Mon 4. He, was v!a. bly with 6ir the wislithe had often exprewwd. This d city I&Nt year tile drooping dOWnWard, '-I li.,teU book eMPr9ed, carrying the Ord He had Hower luse his tlgbt ? tLe poet lie met us with a cheerful aspec 0( humbly to yvil S 64 counter. talents to the service Of P&upers wilo in which to be borll. entreatlea to and s Dearl uddOnlY ru.-ii,,g tll,,w so as W lie pfnc,ed iiie book oil the IlulltillAr, ul; it place trouble. Being at once ushered Into allow the heart to be isneuwxon�a beenis to lia ve be. -1"Ile djaPL&Y f 11 uPt'c, "YeA, YOU way look What i could n0t Ufford to give anytIling in me to France were Ignored. CAPIUe a t, me Fan ka, matter T' asked t taken ho I y aJu A Ince-t guilselaw tit -moll. 6u";Iy, rising to his except 9r&tItUde. and did not his hOU60 we naturally made it our Strangely enough, 1wwever, when the city u more deadly di6eame in th&t give even that. first btwin" to enquire If It were than h-rb Grundy LT&y. t'O a ulere sfit.- like th feet- With the Dear Girls. all body waA being embalmed the heart caubing 5, consul"PCon, the furmor Pu" Of A Clilt's eye, ­L;owaxe, I Ulu Of 6urse. lie had rich pat, true about the benefits lie had re. disappeared. The ba -sin In which I 402 deatlw and the latter str&te LLUI, %00 In 4,f which on." t0 h. y es enta alto. t 4,Ujo.5. It ll6,gta Tliat, #K)LW4 wen'st "La c many there were who came OcuJito come every I mbalming purt, m!r a trfe rsjot of all o"Junct.on with t4le aoreslla' At Preeent. however. liere is what to b0 cured and AILS" Wanpjoh. process wav going on that the - and i,K) forth, all sald Judits, with a sicklysmile. 0 iln had been placed while the e tile health re' W'll exPlaln tO monsieur later UL* Autique-The,.st-. borrid 17 -3 -ea td by '5400ruglil &U41 PaIltpmjW;c action film You want. Tlit*e W'ent &way satlsfW, fa, li generally je. Of course, it was at was quite empty. theria, II&g nwrt Years. usillt Dr. Williams'Pink "" lek Made the- Coll" of P-114 were madq up e was a -vow IUWreqtL11g! Did PiJIs- Deyoikl (toubt." said I first thought cent. ulAY from diph. That, Verzqitioa of X for onsieur )astian clever phylsiciall YOU really have Much Oexaslon to n(j, decreased 1170in JO per lievr r"Ive, Ju,A�w very ,,It,# ell havIng the How lung have, you used the that some one of In IbV3 to 14 per Cent. in j8.460 t I ye 'of we" the dead emperor'ie a change attributeo, V) tile new form an a hawk Intuition eGalen 8ebastr Me6tane.11 m, and he GUtll0r% Of iluinoral and alldeoeLit 311 t-6ta ne,', o tililea they I lit1w, I "ka. f-'re,ga accent Ljl.t Fanks. tilo m u t teredl of a here ? friends had stolen It. Search Was made of treatinent. - A t oftva 9,11 O no, French Ou.. ulghtfully- " Oh. that was 10i ll kinds Of MYxterfOus diseases Many I)OXes have you Used To everywhere. Finally, someone noticed i 49 frilli "(Aw of tilt- kk-butallt.l. 1,L"tA I 's tn1'1:r.1 filml murIP than their his n a Me. 99 But tile Was asked. '!-I ctartd a year a trace of blood leading to a rat ho!e A wil Molt w u raln;mg c, a should bolore the Legifilature oif Cul -r, of asked him If he felt that the cure was tIg1ltIY In the hole, rovIdes that two Photo.graphs All regu dW by tile tiaI1(,,j1 fal "it"tus this Particular Sebastian m"lley wilicil tile rich tooi t care," Lhe kicker ago, and took ight boxes." Weilext In a corner of the room. There, stuffed M,Astane.ft said from the Poor In the way of 8,19hed, no mouit bie wea Tudas cant ALYMeat for Labor done went, ba About your I Z ad rain. wetit, all oll to Ck was found the Oc 1111w ; bu 1L ap fa slOwlr. " flo bought them pill , V deep,' i ifornia P That It is &ad WIAM, Je the 111011tild were t4e a,ame 11th Of ovember 8 ' UIO Pockets or the po CoUJ4I I but tilluk You'd ever tried permanent. said' he, 64 heart of the man who had made all 6 11 be taken At Public expense of hplonV I W. Ig C1,14is Ube t Yin, Dr. Well," ha -ii Irou- dOw" to J.,Lrlclle@ter 'tile .- anti we P illustrated or Europe tremble. Tile rat had taken every voter regAitred. one set coft for 14 Ills own fl'ell* anti & thick, black fog Pervaded n Ja 1XI '90 To at i filnuli way tile la oi') t1lat talking III your sleep99 have not taken any of the, pill$ That nuctl�)Iu 1ri, lc.ammy ro.)g, Jarlelielster" he went to k - w Of Compensation. for it from the b"in, but could not get it p la colid In a I*uk W be tht' Kale ar tilillg,s, h&,.e the atmosphere. t (10 You know % i to a sooty a-sked Fanko, e0nald- new this doctor very Too True. thrft or four m;uth& still I am through the opening leading In a1pbabetiaw flJVOr, that crept erably tartled. well. 11 You hee fie"t- other bouk, ea. AM the uLber ku &a - slowly t noit, eatimly batisficA yet. to it4 dw Of IIAZU d use for. brOugh the sEtreetd and Into 'LvLftg Met I -Iia' In connection They guzed sadly at tile numben of arranged by streeta and That, t,o mliny K,, to ellumh " Because I know with & celebratetl Poisoning case at the football vict body Of MY father. t 1, rounu In houses. 11& 6 pro. a)parlently W t4..lvlj tht 01(lir lJow to like A Wounded snake stane- MOUSIeuIr. We Malichest;er, w1jere e had attended cumbed to a III John S1111til the World Over e, ,rc� samo pens,;(.. 11ILt Im who ad sue. grandfather (lied Of asthma. vidsd thAt t the expeage of tAking the Mig lt,44-41 along. Here and th looiged Utsht an a 'vitae" In the character of all rush. He inak0s file the con- Llr90 In th�-- fl(lence that he. (-,xJkrt- Oetavlusi "And Only I"t week," they mur. re'PlItutiun 64 dlf- ery "xitier or later and 1, a OMto and the purpose is to prevent f'cult to Pl1t t"gether Kad-IdIIIIN flaring 4ireur.ly !it the tilk. with Ill eve, took Ahe.;;e -pills at chance having ru&lled -to death,,e _a goot-1, strong wid holiest Eng s'Ow Yoll h.'IvO the box. but' ed murod. " lie vrro holue that he was it, AlWaT their days. I have is cdten traWormed into Jo 'is)' name, rePGAtlug an iruiliduleut peraunat #'-"A'lue cloud like g g�lrltic al�I)arltioJI,, Place. and I bel; Wr" going to tilat much dellgilt PeOPW &11 take It Tho Well-known name John Sjulti Lwo PIIOUAgr&Plm 6hall not ex4e&I 5 Tiolt a b1nowt air, Cabe and k M' -N thro,%yn japix III his way broken ras.e. al, moving caut7ou:jly . 114pecl for tills hu Smithe, carts and earr:ages my frientfl, where bi he?" at affair. as he was In tile light of ex lost three 'brothers [rum the fatal SmYthe and even That it I" along like'ead- begilLnilAg Isting fact It SMIAlle Himiaker oIII - rd all eec'elitric 1wople tA genlaw And only two O'eI6ck in M' Judas tl'rP%v Olft his bande with I to -W troubled u-Ith seemed. Prophetic. forme(I Illto other IWIguages it wA,�Ms eb 0if Atlanta I�Sor. - darkilciab bid Crafty fi xed ifttence 6f which lie pe"lgt- it in hard for to climb the Loider o( rcupect-abilA sguime. Surely tht. 41 sture, and the ex all a400CiaU0Q for protection (" In dlil a fine drainatic ge -vague fearto thing' KUOWID9 MY fainily h Lbtory b a ve or. the &3erno-on. callized yes on the impasLil '-T I I 1E STORIY in a h That the effleac3 or OPreft.1 over the Wid of j;gypt Of the tfetective. ve face ell tly r.'Ofuw(J to heknoe.wledge to C" tell ou lot nearly thirty years the ItaliaJw IsMOO`tlI it off into uii� rsm lZraphs in rna"Ig -wopit. an this; Day, per- DO Yoll rea(I ]Dr. japix, He fO, Uever slept, LU'b9d Until I took Pink herealter applying for credjt W, coU!,l be no TrOre th. lilmeel F THE VIOLET. I In L4V1n It Is Johannus Smithu;- &gains& bad debtan. Every pe h-" it w" better, &6,yp% Wilig Octvlu.4 with lia0erm ?11 :10ked. 11 bcAng a li'19 mail, la- Und. a. violet,An the allow. Pi" vAJnni Smith] ; the SPallia" render Ito colifruilLod 1),y an array of 11 be waning. *at an LIckin,- abited a big hout And took it. to ills breast; que�kitioilx, ttLe ellill Ullwhole- ad 9'reat, 41PIlbert.-On. -40 J o on, I Juan f3mithus; tile jDutehma ado That e or site J* an arrolmt wa 64 Get re &ikJrtm Ust On the out- rul EngliAll go bad." the tOown, aJud on ringing de- no' ibrinill It, a lnov_ w0isture wb.cl, perLeate,d the ',Poor thing." lie cried, "by late alwu-ve *IePt 1-ittilIg 111 the Chair you It as Hans Schmidt; the yrenc pt*' involving '"ns Of his Vast Call keeP til-pir etizill 80me One'W translate for you, I a noIj,4y w occupy- I I'aAl a 41409 fmm that ter It irmo Jean Sniep 11 fla t- "But hiffitOrY. limides big and Pra" Inz cable ca r. ad the Rus- rfm1deuce, occu. name, age, "'. 7r."Op,119 th,, dingy 110use-o, the Funks, C"ly. 66 Y a big ro,otman Wed 1100 In the celAng and always giat sian sneezes and Ixirkts' �atjon salary, t114 That tile 9u4-1ng irollluu 6. th '*Il, OCtavIuG was aLftitted A softer couch of rest!" 8 Jouloff SmItt,- app.icallt mugt g, and,you l I with my hea,d r"ting, in It while I owski. Whell Jot and 41W"ta la a dull, %odden I a com ("ce, that tile doctor : in Smitil gets into merc&n lolay fouakr'e" and V60 cheerhw WIFI'l Aft that an unknown M, Who, said, fit at big Uan glaed in t1m. p,,,,,p 01 Wook 'dWt* I now, retire W my bed when the tea trade at (:ant<m lie b Us with whom be liaa dome I w Led Aallor,. was ongagf-.d, He wrote a Poem three yards long; � Ila M unere na It Piliark 60011 And soon NO . at liberty Bid Wife, blie knockeil It flat-- tile other Members of my fanilly do." Jahon, Shimmit. If lie clam about fo em fOf the Co., behinsi tile glanti dor. w It was, for Just as the "That, violet tillit makes How old )�r, 'e'r re Mebitane." L*Ts Preceding tweuty man wu gefmLstian itor. That J at' Pr(3**nt, but Would eco Usi" tted suicide nt Jarlelie. .0 ship- hich kept big to T11"t tile bftd Illazia4minetit or Irtx lsol (;ave (k-ath Your song �11. Mr. Thompson?- othe amount of rehl evta - oerriintim nemunt,$ ff)lr Illurl, trouAe out' ad much Of t-110 fog as they were flat!" to pem w Is cloth from Off M. ad the reply, nJallile Smithmen. If lie trqA" and the laumbrance With I "-Te-q; r4'0(1 the pa Fank,,Otlnan was about to f Mount "ekla, thO IcOlandf-re say he sho thl"as %-hicq gave forth a silim 1ray- 0111110.ur right-' Into thQ waiting -MOM -OU th fuel Younger thau I did thirty years the Tuwaroram lie beeomem T. mong t-110 Jell9th Of time he Ima r%I it, Thatitlis an eniWIn, lillw Your I a 'Part* of three `9 r- x6t the. Emergency. I ago. I W" troubled a great deal Smitha. In I-Iolan,j lie Is known In (4-t tI10 City amd the t,&rmm 01 ded In whO tLm Impecuntiou'-i "llow "ght too Mr. Wook behind tli� .1L1Ibe, I belleve- and of (twO ladift 041 nial11, settlement, keel) !,,p wit lenian, 11 dCJ4*n, IJGkiJlg over Prc*criptlons, and "an VeLf"tIftne. I as You kinew eba*- i gentoltmn), accompanied iDy, Hotel -cleri-The Old geut - I with rlieumtisin and other niisierie,j. Schmittiwelski. Should jle am Iv8D to which be agrem 1.01(h Prom&slon. to X intlAw ft"Y*W.int twagk I JaPIX, emerged from a door on th In I probably Nvalk!er a m- at the counter Making up Y011 sorne qustlofL,4 left. nervous, troubles arl4ag Ong the WeWi moun ur from want I -- t,,packag(* ()f m"C'ne b0ttltvi. At about No. 20, aa -.Vu tilat bld , room is full 0 tains tfiey tall of Them i)i 3f- JudtL% J)uL1v4I "Ut card with w,me One ],,Itly t a`t4'GM fron, , tilci laundry. loep, but nearly ail JJhOM Smidd. When lie g,oee to Mexko adY In Augusta, (;a., All r1glit. (_,harge the rheumat,,,w Ifederate fl:ig. With a Word am tliere (It,11W it ance; for a Turk]Wh, bath. Ciao& turn, lie fingers among Greek Her name is known, with a Horn. Wilting on it and hande.1 it to -Fay It IL fi,wrlou cast of counten, roprLetor- Who lia n,ever been trout under the xta IAIag looked t!e window at the back Which dark anit it I'nto the Wook dwell,ng S tate­ 0 gone- with tile he ia.booked.aa Jouth F'Smitr. If all of ltrtp. Wo"k.; house with a flourl ik lyl wit fill like that cd a cru" Mnl,;T_naZW- WmAeilr-mv babitation CIOUH, a veritable fairy, all Imparkle' T During the Converbatioll Mrs ruhis, he turns to 10n 811n kton, and in, but by request it head appeam tile Other, small, fair a id viva. Col elletrUb, keeping 1 ur: If 111011-sleur i%;ill dis, me tfi�' Etld -sunsiline; an i;;Zoed ap Yoe an4J as& -1ic-r eye oil Chemist flonor to e,,Ill at M�r d the, kentleman Couldn*t be Better. homPbu% a La10 Old hw.*. the mother* Walking. Witilbeld. Whether .1stant. puw7lon. 01 thirtc-ell ChlLuren, calue in and Nighte. 19 or eating t1jere im says t�ell hin' Whatover. ) I Will Iva" a long, lean man, With a tiatur- Father -HOW, about the gas? Is 1% tOr Listening to er hustmwd's recital alwa-l"% a Co know." 10 de4i res to "Ine exPre&slon, 'lot by any improviDg in quality ? nfederate flag over her I ISSUE NO u im M. Jud&s, blowing on meens t ead. Whiie walking oil his le&a fingers, --it is 01 hese nlatters she took up the Don'ts for the Nune. there L-4 always a flag W her hat, a,nd to me the most; u mr) h PrePo"h6mbing. Burly Dr. Japix 'With Daug the iitreetm Ful t , "ter -It couldn't be better.- theme- never expecte�l that Yond Your Ptnvert, C '* Ills big frame, his big voice, and his When It's turn&l on full you AlillYthing could cure Soloinll' L iLli 04)"4*0 Of Slums. ha! le Laubiarj! hat's'- be- 09 110 Juatter how ynally " the place rppl"- F said ej.teuI.1tiOls illklie. It MAX64 Iteelf t4) be a 1, @ can't see y(Pur pati(.11 .1t,ve 1pf . hats or bonnets d^y.ft ahk-% gla U'nau4l-7 f 1)14 laugl accompanied the trin to acr"&4 tho room. We were alwaysi tr�Lag to - fie 114a tbere I, always BE WISE ND �UM nellig , V.-Ird. 4! tile door, 4 111011111ell SemonaLle, HOWIPTer. I'll - At t lie C talkLag In a Hubdued roar find something WhIC tary plip-ical coll(Utioli a flag Plftlw3d on the lukii to be found call ro,tInd thtq even, I' the %vl'Ole time. Ll would give him Waaoliable.f­ ml 66W 9 de Of the W(Ak, -wabbilig hi, h hut at prt-�t-nt redel' DOH't w4liap, Your [in crown. oil tile lleadp()Kt of u!"Murit Ing at 8 O'Clock: want The ange as a Substitute.' 00 that, lie w(Adi be aljle too totiell &.OVN.tll,rIg hot. �vlieji IOU ie r bed im ands in a to know about ti, e 11 net him up -get film up, miss Robbie­-Vamm,l, hJeep contemplative fa*,j.ou. 66(;O(w 101- Of They one MIN." r1orry, tivver fe."r-nerves-pooll ! lia I Your hands doesn't it Make i4l1w, UU& nothing everwemed Wcurely f"W110d a large flag of the allern:-KOW for ha, I li�a I me� ? You spank Don't kildver if YOU notice a rau Confede On the lwl'ere bought kv my friend 'llervou In a bridegroom. W!,O warin whuh I tO make inuch d1liereace. At filet lie ht h bebaa� tQOk 0116 Oi the Pill* after each lueal, files chill.y. never Nurrelidered and never will. -alivjur- the entry. th." alti Judas. 14110whig evef- heard Of such a tiling?90 Don't Yawn audollily if yt)il NIjr)uIg t)us1dIAftW In our line nionifeur, tIlf_, "Ah, but Mamma -Wil but, utter a time lie 1ucreased tile dcue or tho rwnn bec 1';h, Monsieur %-Osks: inais Out, mon bOOk RPeaks it , you we You're a bachelor.1,9 Robbl,-WOUY. Yen, Robb:e, it d". to wt,�. l*COIne i'leepy. The Emperor and E.nil�rem Ger. umwered the Frechma said the golden-halre It In't it, do 1%�O LIOUC6 he was greatly a. ral.,- #6 Wh() f'197111ed *tllP Prescription ?6111 "a� hoirld Old bachelor who (I ly ;, then, mamma, It You were to go and UY 4160 a chair It y to give a cotstulue 131011clous. In&; his eYebrws. a V -C & ad [or vlc%ur, a doetor. r I know oetai't hold theru over the kitchen range ? we simW and tllrow our"t-if LVI' dI Y Ila deci -a de�-what "A doctors MOM -(j,falry. gay jl'At as W011, -ImProved,aiter taiiing two boX,-s and OEYLON TEA. .F(ju call de corruial, I itilksly to." Isn't, beg&" to hve lit -VL& Later on %%hea OU are tired. tift funernUlcg.,* it is barork for per toe the one bull. hold I11111-beftled Leaa Ulan. L'boinme can not-say''the namp a-nytblug abOut It and DOIIL't Ailiow br your face that a b�'U -to COLUmemora 1110m. ftessein Ica Wr tongue; but. beyOud 4JOubt that he was fuzue' or odor Ls unpleasalit, to you. drEdth 00 IF. Air. Wuik, itil" wit I a AlitkIen a fleyl now, ha! Ila! th4t'S toobqA. letter E9,- she softly said Much better. I reaunitilenued the pills, Don't, N t4 --Ort, Protrude yourbel thC lte Empe rY of the birth of By Griocors rinly That. Aheni I" an ld ruon�l�!Pr "---otruck " From out thO alPhabet I'd all f or 't till You're a matron, I'll make " Aeft�ie, it is tile ell(, of lure., lied into' water anti tly way to alwtain froill, tl&. Lest -n t. BeCause " e bi(xid th e and Ualfornlr. try and Prew ;Ve� t �,�,10,-a niece of "ky, vour Gwil Personality, and e . are to be exact "R ra'sPlng tf)UL,-,.h, wliat we Mil,,t h14 oWn writing."i ou glinil Nee lway" make Yonr Medicine ii1ce. and title blushed rosy haAI apparen a#i dremes ror William I. MI the Sold St 24, 40, 60,11lad 40 a" tg pW The undertaker- I WO' not corfl.,ia mail, N101),ii-lir Judowl, that On(�p Tn()re ht- vanliblf behind tile I It nasty." -%v Ito Is to for- I'sep"Chentatio1w of tl)O#,* rii at tile 18 n`t-11 bell,-corr4-L't Anglo-szixun - ftreen' and shortl after. ", I itiluartl run down ill Ilealth and get, Yourg�lf: 11rukiijan Court it, the car 17io7. Penred with l -v w-flrd rea- matron," wild spirits kio baAltliat jilif) did not care Ilut The Eln ror wil aPpear Iiiii great Ld 'he last- tlie very laAt leet '6t note-pnp�^ I FlorrY, demurely, 1)On't allow` lit"90" to Pillueak, PC of � rick man. M-0 vrillch he pl,,tee,il before Octarlits. I IrIlle "I'll take no me(ij- to Al ve. Liclep them well oiled. gra nufa t her, em- There it i except $Polgeris NeWera-l` thought Your 11 11, idle got as yellow ad Don't leave bureau drawers o1wil King 1'rederick William 1-'m'vVntiOa-ah urce 1-9- Soother," it wife *�af . ron. and looked its If she would nnt evell a 'Abile tile LinPreft will be drew" C 'n the Per4CM Of ourselves 14 better a t wax a Now Woman ? cr abein-dear me -I lan man scowlesij, than %villell sPeeell the doctor like the famous Queen Louise. Thi old th - I Ugheiti, Ur. AIUCI'611111t�We but, Ivlu a week. You would liarwy I thill;ii behind Something else to I,e t CmPeror m app It- Arth paen, g. 1. la4lic*4, attended fly tile the two QbA hilm, wort or she was. But Ix,-Ileve It." baLl Air8. Thowpw>u, -- bu� I ack, all(] don't Nek izon WiAian, Gpowr the minark I think and 14 -a bem-a pl)l GlYcrrl gr. wl, depart-% given it up. a] waYd declared him new visitor. trelnelY like his Mother, rx. wl"le'"le doctor turned to greet it up ? rf*tle,* Pro f Y(lur invalid will find vr. x Mr. Newera-Nihat ruade her give J'A"t-Aulnest girl in the jjeighbor Yuoen Luise. 19 As thli monx�nt the glass doors open I. t at girl 11 It Proper place an hour It Lhat, the preden& 1.,,alprelstst il-rcyrr, ence. e "% F -Z t. G was t1w healthiest and was ex. W adfult a sLranger, envelopwj 1D -Alive ev 411V ill 111lule. Lt&*W, and 4* gave I - air -ba! 'May I 1,0 Mr- Muchb1cut-The new baby. 111i Irmu taking it cOmfOrLable fur cot, and�al, IN d. before three moliths had hOW it- If she In Patient and long stif- admLadon f(-rin,- It 1% -ill C;luse her another of. a to a cloud Of f09 that had Sig. Tonic evindemiled to Uv; 011 my Own P rd. fort of forbearance; If she lom not. tile [in pa "CeutlY PubliWied book Regi t"n waiting for the PPortunit.v for one to he taken 1w.forc I It it "u"t 3101"Aleur VIdoeq.09 IlYNIC A'Horse on HinL Thompwn wam Called from the =m Id Brett, of England, 40MO Ulue. The stranger made Ill. nightly. rettring I ray dear docto The CA=fbw Chief -We Wl" at' tWO Nueture to attend to in mult need no be dwelt upon. (4uetla Vic 'Jays that "OLD le 144,b1.VC y the volel. Du- t Ile. toria once impatiently re. , bEA4k.V 4 APPeararboe like a Howeric deity, In Jamb Japlit, . D. Ina Y (fear physic P open "Ous"-'bold du&10m and Air. Thowpoou �k Study In Black &bg Whi niftrked: 11 I C A 3 Cludy fuldon, and when the at- I E 'n firee Mutolue You've read cierem011ied by stabbing tile vie. r-e--LL,uw the vub.ect, or this jiiur�vlould to. an' no longer Queen. Air. IN CA k WrIla nt " 8*�" You Made UP-Awelve T Of cusurse.11 tim. theit ecIj In turn will drink his " , "Y04 CuA have tio M foig� ul'4Perse1J' M. Juda.s4 fln- la I Ila it YOU, (:u,*e Ca'- isaid be, Why was Daine Nature is() Unkind tt) Gladtone to The Grand Old and Mr. Wook (mournfuliv Farlkw after lie had peraii,p""" t quoting al- am It Pours forth. what it is to go through twegity- me? 'U" alWaY had an air of aloofneaw document. d tills ra dY,". roared Japix, rolling Onder_ The Vict:M-It looks aim If I about him. even %,b, (rid4ly Into bts atu(ty P n YOuBg geliVeman with a aharp, twelve 11111A. It'ja. Funk. 1-1 give I P ed by u)eep without *pail,. 0 eAm n een- Yes- mOrLstPur, follow be stuck for the drinks. fiv'u Yearlg wit'hout a good 'ght"a Insteud of curly, as it ()ugljt Pr ce of royalty. 1"411"remut) 14aw tba"le a ni to Its Just my fate. Ile was it k( *%.a# in the the Usual nu Cali find U b lie8cul;l4leld. on ,kV1,;Ive manner. mber.' 0 ry, IN I r 11 at OinCO; Your mem- 110 to L" ak e plain MY hair im stl.ajgllt. the other hand, Was alway; welcomed "N'took a co., Octavlas 1001ked thoughtful - Thlef-catcl*, Io castiron Pun-Dits. I t'O Each night a row or I)a1wrr; with &t Win" The queen djun,t I,ke ,1LU eb ?" queried the for, a and wine ign,t. go I YOU the coutrut between the sitraAger moment. thn, turninz Ill.,; ba surrender at di* comfort.., pinsm ck on eretioll. Prleftor-Wily dOe4 a duck put her awful 11 I rw enJOy anti the My lead environs. t firiist, it is true. but he gradually I be Great baft 'Mr- OctIll-Illif Faak& -No'w I'll tm bount)," heud under Witter? fe d w(m her over. HOW It Mr. Brett puto J'al, tore who `a-'4 "One other than the assi,tant. walked to tile door. tillne(i tile docto,rf ,waggLI,ly I ha for so long. I =Z� &Ir whem lie . #itood gazing mit at III" 11 M reasoni. had a big family of mouths to rsi� 101114L InZ-. I tile the U90 Chair, "you _.ed ry of ting 6um chealts, t09- and tliliikfug on -t Profemor-W d to work when at tim can blow ii, ovZ staid Mr. Wosk. advanc con it Pithily and wittily: ,In trilift tilix in PUPII-For dive My lifelb One elkilem" drudgei 1lAmc-afi(,-m-nIy na,,,. 0;1r, Ion leeply la thle faAh_ know wilf.re, Ify Atrul Curling Iron& DIAIr"Ji never forgot the wx of his No (* W ignite or ex hp- #;Jr.-- "Them, were G.j 1 A thollmal"I ways W curl It I've de. ao'ereigU. In great ahairm he No 6urnime up at Completely I or YIY- ftning over t4C Counter. I I th of this moutIl. after a at wus np 0 L* the fog"' rPPIled the detret- 0 replied Famkis, frxft.- the 91uOt&tIO1n - comea LaM ? felt, more like lying (town to d1e. alipelired W reLueluber it. "ev r P twelve I)ill,4 in I'UPII-For Nuliolry reas(_)lL,4. wouhl come In at, night vised. n X 70ul'-vlf. Your towil elsta e Isou Ilt It I)n tl I � tuckered out, but even tit I've UP&] curAne adverti ad. The col YoUrpropeM GooduRbit uld hardiv see the sliop, According : sitting down; An Old Friend Gone. guaran tee of rest. There was no rest 14WON fttablLalled ill paris by owilw to itt, 00U.4t rucuon. to "Core 01ne, my dear doctor But still brain With Ii6pelf%,ne" ij, We ciaim it.& k's" th name." Mile" 1114 state -went to Mips ChIckleg lie the - By Kansas Farmer 'or lue. I beemed doomej to torture IN whirlatil,- (tv idualo (yr C0LIpani% t -o k way. don't -1 don't know how 4, ,il,lietlier bout 15re "De fog 14 still ll�,ay.er. a tOn1C Pill regularl.v every Catcher." call me rrIllf_ it is, but I don't feel Comfortable a and contlutial naW.ry. It won't &taY curiM ! eel dle power. 0M (W llloa4eur nixtit. When my CAlth0li r 1)(01,Cattiolic, find it im dilllall-. smadle waj 1w, 80 I'll J a(UA6 taking ,,, thp On tue 11th, roore. The old place aln9t what It ny fo'ka UrIZVOLI me, to try Dr. Williams, P(AlvAble W fgWe ",,@nLI d*LyL bend uf, a r)p�,,ar. "Certainly not, Jonathan Wild." to be. uwd Puili Piil.4 I tilought it would be Ube Wily did de Lawd diiii ma4le Iii!g wool &ad we will mail P"t .tnee tf)<)k one. V14"refOre, lie 4 &N fiflelds on the or that 61ther." London, OU nine ra e. U paid I rrzaw, 2be and lig. There "The third Is t, trouble? left, but I had to do something or 1.40 full] ob kinks ? the- I;Wie 31AMW*, a on- We wi:l selild ampl,@ 'rat, Irm. 12th, and must have slept to "Wily not, Visitor-What,,s tbe ob I t -State emuibliW1 (if -Mr- Funk,; in a coniprehelialve fash rJeft Iro CompetitAsua With As the journey ifii AlOn4eur F ehe?99 Octa'"u" swung, &IiarplY round at 110 V^k nnotilel. 140 10 Kansas Farwer-Well, you gee. - my (ilv 40(gi. and here I am as riglit, &M Hold ItI14, (;&tlltyllc Ifttituti(ml, wa Ordinar7 I&Mlp the sonjid of the I an(I at Ja riches- he Worst Of &It. At a fiddle." The old gentleman shook a&4 well ult Illatle it 10[ig all, W tile InUJdCIP11,t handed over trot r(JrLign voice. and terd. (it, tIj9 13 PretwIlt I'm nothing but Mr. Rixton NOD Its Come home a few days ag chifuney counpletw the antly took n lnt,litl%-e 4,L-41lk4! to Dr. limlVey a th, he took a tillni. -njy and h0'Paid 0 up Ills head to add empilasig to his last, fine Lyc4* Carnot. N Y a3ld became tile lat)wrn. Ag*ctoot &gd nalyztql tIle,6 W) t(Il(I YOwn, name Doctor Japix, as I ff tile mortgage. An' mtralght, I t,inks, Ow Uie Government dealerpj6 writ& up rw tbe aPpear-,ince 40f tile resil-flalred tljat.it mix a Ou.,, I "Blitence. and lookW like a man w1jo bilk; agreed Young man. ecoullted for out of -tile W felt Joylul over a rellewed to buy for 2,0w),(") Priow &M dimmonlA.,&d. twel :: i 1.1 ,,Of,ta. q Vanks ?­ ITED VAUIIY. lease Of It back frajjetA 111e C"I'"LIC Q)llege of t�t. drte-F - he 84(tty Lwitem -111--mo thereouglit The lifo, W,tll All Ili's Old miseries removed. Babe, whi.ch wag fowulft, in 0 A<e1aldcotreet Weet. lie - r4jillell. tooking at film ,,,re. Exactly 11, I;tL enth Circle- (if Hell- 9OOdftt woman ever lived,- After Coligratulav * I'zf% 011'41 arld oli'd di -4 %.00j an bretabed 1460 rharpi to he 4z. left. , e Says Baby Nall of mamma. fig our oILI friend A heap. I kinfir. 111.1 4i�- a' C. e InPaning of thosoe 11lxton IN.— Mr. The b(stest man C8 from the hereditar e4`Uc6tktI- The vengluft w1j, now. Good hea- ubfbus--ftnywIl(r0 destroyer. lak tt lwaucoup, de Penetra- vcAnAl what L4 til 141 and IA)yoi� Y: Pas Frnc.-iiil ?,, e191"t In the bo3g But there are at th0 back Of the Nortil Wind -In of oil IlIX Wror Ab* tried a POW'ful a4ght to trick I &a that ever Was," t 'd Jll-ram- "tartled at hear- twO extra pIIIJ8 ? Says Baby Nan of papa. away. (A bia kindred, we drove 'a PoIrti"n Of the promjw rent A Ifirg his ()*n tongue. n - % I-') Ordrr 8 T U D Y a Cal buftw�h6bWAM Tur 1119 sharply roundl, fit.. 1t,il "lia. I lia ! 114-y! Yout re (town bere oil "The sweetest tiling In all At many places in the nelgh- 1)0 White, folkti' lialir. to ule JOVI-er is'el UL4 't'yes h-'I(l narrnw- lked the wold," b0rhood we oened soul. RON ED b"k NAA wed Into thoNe back to the colaDter. Is BabY �,Nan-t;oth know it, th d1w-umlous upon I.z(' used dem drug Puro'kipliuns frum A~ L-Wrste&t4t fm T"Almumma wnww 0 cam, allR found that all regarded rlidecad I dawr"us alit" willell betokene(I that And Willie each one is modest, f de stol- 111linluess.-I ' DITAXTASTRATMR.s6CsftwBft..8dimb.Lf. he w,LA on 144 guard affajnmt Are you sure You are not making a 1r, It aj4 a marvellous 'Cure. Tit;b 1895 <V41issol" or tile (;,artlim, clever-t(m tlis a flit -stake ?" lie said, qu ad her.name "atter"I doea no to Where the bu'taln't no use Iko inre rsevealin t how It, Ttiompw)u family are known, no per- tal is' DOW r-Quiftd in clerer Fngl Ickly; YOU She In a 110lu"emaid, ajW I love her, Their love runo round and round tbk mo Ishman. "'Ll 6MIlle iftiustrial tvwo rwn t 'n l P' lnult 'lave made UP fourteen p way, 8011 WOULI have believed for a moment, It am no uw% ol"Icle" WhIlch are (Awrva every OMM 00ale to trit f-ach ot,sler stcatl- I tier lipart I woul(l that anything but deat funs, tO brtwll dein kink -a an United ble in tile j1t, PZ' [IJI( InNifilted and repeated. 11 would "- Dey Jujif Central I usinesa liv for a Iwomc " But, MOMIeur, bebol(i!-, sakI and two k)pam pcluting JVj�. discover I Pabaw I Ileve lilm from tle get Stalow. Thys the riumbp HUT WU!,1L r aged in gvUnful uccupa, nallefil raP1'JlV'-4ftrou9lI tlwir respect, X11.19 to 010 Preacriptio 'llence. vain Till as a whole the family grip Of aAthma. eIW Olf np delud 001/spe, IVO minds. Ing JOY#L' 1JlltOfI, MY (fear doc- Every word th,av is St".9ftrd. Oat,,. tor! his best 1) 'Written here can TbO Fanks i "YOR, that"s twelve. sure ellollgil,,, W.ant to be OOM- 1311t really, I 'Grow's r('ally quite conceited. be verified by writing Air. Solomon tj(*Ib as opme to equett about L-0 per ffAND &Dd g*t 'be beat tnunixis -P trYing to appear 66130 serious.", Tholaptwil, Dalrymple tion, whom The 14ftfitag q.,0M1U0r*iSj - , (to a detective) Calm, but NerlO`118, by all A LITTL SHABBY. and Office IISIS:! It wam (Mily sebool I nPpearanr ed Fauk8. of V- Judas: fc*llf)g excited an In 18.4 stullitstA ni&y enter si man ban a t houjrl at the Japix complacerltly; 66 timate acquaintance Of smaller prportikvi o P"r Ceftt. A 111,12Y Urns. Circulwo rpm it that lie had , x -tumbled on plea " twenty-five years enables the writer Ulat4an the lemale pop - Now too vouch for tile facts zl&rr was "gaged As domeutic Pa.4t, and Is mur(l Afterward fl;mt, Warrie,I a Deserted Woman und f wftro 'on bW guard.,, tangible evidenm- at last. to-nIght I- D1.1le with me at641 above oat W. J. L"'M?, pribolpai 64 1P naturally 8TW1clO1M,4 inature: N6, son In any F, of Mr. Thomp- L'uniber of tile popul&tLoll NY a "Yen# monsfeuir.10' got &11 engagement. c;ny An examination Was field t( (Jay be- tatcment lie a4Mioulturop 11 ' I'q'o'r ]ED 1:3. I'lild YOU make up the pillm ?-P RefuNes to SUPI>ort Her. and for the varacity 1895 than In 1892. The We May make. � in &P6. morrow and I accept." fore ('Oul1tY Court Clerk McLawm, Dr Williams, I)Ilik PilU cure by gx). am fallm fr per Englishninn O&D(j You Ore sure You only n1atI(_- Oluma L-4 "Possible up, twelvp, je found *make a 0,)te must be carefill. cftlt' of tile total workia Partift , Of.v 99 an 41`3100 entered by Mrs. ary Pagen Ing tO the root of the (lisea&e. They ti w POPU ldt,- hal'ift whtl3inff rodf. 01D ban& thm remar the doctor, and %erlbble a * , rellew and build up the blood. and On in IS& to 4.3 pow they , , agailimt "ll d'&Ps*e Of 014II&P. write &he usder reallv no scround for all,ch nal(I juflaA, ()Pellilg h, few lineA in ig memoraA4111 I)O,k. ,F tier husbad, Jo�epll Pa ge, of thilt the nerves, Thim repreowlt's Larger rv, a-iPe6&tft(*. SS&90&bo,,( bow siny &et, There, "On my 1'"r'll Of 110nor. mo Of the townlillip Of Dunwicil Cou .yft with their A-uthor ?90 strengthen thus driving latJve decline Ijl "Il"w in boxes or 0011 M. C. WOU,,, Bois uDcOMPIlMentary on the part of Suffelfm look; -1 1)Ut tOwnshIM' for alimony. damages diwame from the system. Arold Im- Is there a ticktn tn the agricWture stb M, Ch&th&M, Oat. for Itatiolm by Insisting ,that 11" taken P111ce 1,11 the United pt " thegs"'- two men wilo jl,)�%, not ask non-muPPort and maintenance. The Wery boX fl"4 tinle. except the m0frivur to bellevo Captain CLuttle.­ that last me If he has wjleire flow -Rtx)ut 47 per eatit. of tile from Y faith, no! Mon- 46 ard before a Jury at YOU Purcham In enclosed I,( It a V" "PiDI'll"13 whicli xpriii­s F;e t I ve doubt. Eh, Very good -go up top.., Case Will be he throat? Do you coug t it)?. of tvvo n the i6twur, my Are y tile I a wrap. Master, also counW tile Haiti F 011 Ping bearing the full tr &4 CSPeCiA11Y Vvhcn lying PoPitiatiOn *91gUeed In Ceitntul occo antlpatlwti�! pill,ft.to, going tO bO wrioua?P1 fl(!Xt ammizes. lute mark, Dr. ankm, In deepair. The Plaintiff tell years ago married iim')Illk Pillfil for Pale People, down? Are You hoarse at PIL"Im fire farmers, ngnilogt about 4 GEN TS the elwtolil. I "-UY dlear I'Ixt(mp I am sierl()UN,, a mail named Jamem HughKon. Hugh- times? Does nt-atly every cold 50 ppr em t. in 1890, 11150.00 Ina 4die't. wan "'Oak, being %varnf-fl 1)y tfle a b.P111ve Not rn&W1bS sile00 eir w"fa &ad &Akin# til(Allglitrull:v. #. -P replid I)r. japix, COMP I t, he kind Of -check." proc Ulan, %van waxthist little window, thht he P- an Id mr. Fanko. Boll deserte(I her, and PU l'or the Trade. you take Uttle in Your throat? Bradstr6flUm on Trado. W wrl t tol, Pmrltl(-Yn Of Mrs. Wcmk',i 08 Ug is no nb,eir nt once to ilia doubt.', tiumki. at C"'Ptomer In a I)uodnf*x faahlon: t I'Prt am I came in that She 1 fea t1j rv* - c.,e(l I-, 810n for tile SuPPort of their two ellil- A wtch-mk(Irlis a(I Ighoul(l be Nvell- Thes At Toronto the advancing pric* of VCHOLB 4 C0,1 time, nddrftVW "P'ut Ce"nint-Y, withou "Flrimt, wI10 wt -re the people whoo dren. After lie had been abiment i4o long "thro Cou ghs " an ;�, otr Is I "t, At thought film dead, tahe rnnr- A Jowelees ad very decePtive. Don"t neglect stimulated ii�41es of leather, but. 33 Itichinond W.. Torollux "What can I (jo ror3ou Pr**wnc9 waAre(iulre(i, ried I"age last September, and lie now gem& harowure and thi"s rll()tnf'nt, nA It hO knew lits what VIO dOuce do yolb should be rull 01 the 11loveillent of Oct4viQx withdrew bi,iii s -v l r k Ll to know that for ?" bald Japlxj her PrevloIL4 marriage as a rea- A piano ad shoul(j Dot be tA00 them. Troclics, or rough other staple lines is, restrictot--d. lion%- LORDIS PIRA4rZR from ie ed Intti tile shol), w1jereu walk l(K)king plizzle(l. 8011 ng ontribute to her tonect. te .1 voniniandmeaft tant- and product 84 Once explalue.1 th, Pon if. udam "Becautie I "re are shiPPIng dry C ram of t ho amd., For him failure to r PS won't toucl real J()blx twelve a Aors &ad L", dn ififfs idm- Matter to aintiff was examined Must lakc Medies that awl kiloe@ On bpring orders. At Hall- phaw ft hmvy Plato Panw. fbeovurvu a pill -box, 11kid It down on tba cr),In I think one lady Is ]Ulas support. The pl M 000U Illustrated, %ft beforp Mr. Wosk. J'uMtll Varlinim, n k3aturday. in A frult-dealees at] shoul(I be trult� 907 the volume of trade to I mliwapkWam &&Rau price and the oher MIrA 0 (a r FlOrrY Marmon." Journal. caAe.-St. Themam IUL WiD cnricli the blood, tone up 1611t. 100 3k Is sUbe want to know the name of the aheill---cormet, Wenther cojidition in New Bru " 11111WC-PreaL IvnLe rcw tiosan W A P0111tIry-dimler blioujd advertise in R -Ick favor lumbering, Ila- y 4901410111 8ilverwat "ntf*Ymnn for Rftid Mr. Wook, "Correct so far; but llolv. the-', the ncrves; and heal the in- There %%-ere Qmiow wIlOM You made up regrett(mi it t,,,',%a(1ly, fts If 110 rather t1~1 P11140 Otherwip4e. re- "And t110 96ntleman�s name, ja- New Spring coat. layK 50 faill"rem reported from the Domin. Inember Mr. Melutane'm PIZI The lean, lank man The n Asia for wvkp should bo devoid of all fiaMcd mcrnb�-anes. Ratber d1fric,ilt to mAY, air." maki ew spring 14 I'M*# 101, Of Canada last week, against 5tR Mr. Wook. taking lip tijo I,�Ox : %we I-allem-did toll'c Pllm- And like tile Allcient tfint l(x)kt4 va coat will hare of the previoup v%,0@A(. rJ1 in t4e week 1i Count tilem. riety I,, style to recommend It, blit M290 up w) rnan-Y boOXP0 like t1iLm.t ero­alle 1111- twelve.,* There elothaLl, ,ariner In ills lihOre til one $rIllch 18 expefted to leatl Is SCOTT EMUUION Year ago, 44 tw - y1as They w*ft "You are sure?,- A modeller should hve a model ad. COd-Uvcr Oil with Hypophos- made tip for a gentle- tmit tll(! " Watteau-, sacque, A florist a(i ghould ot be too flow- ecimpared with 0 ye&r'4 ago, and a,* tann wh,) leh rourl; &M certain." 1.0 niedl- 39 In tile like k W M.00 t Pank clearAigs at Wintlipe ' A Papa SPOlger. Large Fortune, d back, and cut so that it outillle@ the ep f mli#)rtly after- "Age I to mY#wlf can ltmure It." ro. I Rtrnigilt fronts with plain hites contaitis Such r Toro,,W, Montreal, H&MIIL0n and lial, ell millionaire. Inherited it rom cry. Of 1 &94. and a Plait In thj� A dtslgner should have it good do- urisbing The chf-ml,sit. never ve" clear -head. marked Judam, in ElIgILM11; "but it awromable ninn, Bligag(A L"' figuro at the altip. sign In adrertlidzg. has worlditrful nocme4i" Ifa "M to marry pow x amounted to F17,2590(yj InOnaleur would make to himself visit, On the order of the reefer, fit more ditmwed. 'Aeek, am rOmpared 7,621,00o ad &t Any UMP,- IOOkPAl 31i Marw)n.11 Jack-etq are A c,othlerd and heahnZ er. Thc cause U N NS perfectly be- InOnseur le docteur att should be well of the cough is with il 'lag CnIW uPOn to make actjy of tile nurn r 085' Y in tile backv and are reinoved; the willdered �" tw Ile Could kIlOTr ex. "BlOgIraphy in a n k#4, nutifthell." Raid tile 1wevioulli week, and such W-1,111slift exPlanatl,)n. and turn- erobii.­ singic or double-breamted. One pretty dough. 'whole Systern is iven ncw III tile week a year ago. b1pil. je le calmly; "IPUt surely not en_ elther A ha kWm ad bring the Life 'J7 (4;01 Vlmf �u tj Jer old 1wA L A DA 01 u Tfir je7 1911S atood working awy below the darigcr ed belplesly to b14 agolvitant. who gaged.99 oat fastens on the chest and A bookkee,pers &d should be Wand from th "I @&w ]Wrs, H*bbY stmhoillng at the AKIN At Ilia M�adle does DOCtor Japix live?.., "Why not ? Are you In love and vigor- a tIPA wtth dowenat ey" Ine bot- axkfvi Fnnk, picking up tile pill -box lier yourojelf wl t) nea th. to show tile vest under. Ito pay. reatening lung trouble 81nd Putting it In Ills l wi:ldow weePlng-" " dOn$t bi&uw tier' I'm afraid -ahem - relly. my call round and see him. po�cket. but I tbOught ,'Rebalinimn Mel- ould be well SWept away. Mr. Ijigbby wag cle&ning &IJO Pal. POWI) memory Is so bad," he f9j. "I Will eta ne-1- The 11 Old Bfid,,, - planne(t Book about it frm ment 'Witt tht IlAnd-mirlw e- 0 Mr. Wook wrote oWVW Addreft and n Dr. Japix uttered an elacul Of tho giant NO'luOlas 01 Caiiroma, is A &d should be c&sWuny For " by 411 druggjw &t Sat. &a shovel obe gave 41M Christmas.#, S BES 8 -tion 26 feet 5 displayed. RIEND &F. ot cOMPLIMeatary to Mr. MeIgtafilm It Illelles In d1&meter IL,,4 A 11-M A faftf"­4 0-6 LAII111GEST SALE i A,440 ",UQW rJW.1 ot gnWtL a 4bould rasp Wh&* % u 01 some e3rUnt SCOTT & BOWNE, B*LWvMe, OML 94"Ift Of &nImal rosent4y, sound to Osd&r 0ounty' NW, WOOD 24 1-.9 L S- rOIF off IWAk * &iujai 11116W, Now rorir trft "'We ret Alwas RUPTURE we 511F poxaft sell Ineli t I fft t Th ofy ty one(J 0 1111tella CA fb&1t a to &6- Boom te k6ftlei .4v li InUat not nftj It 64re - 6haek, north of a trbe of #AL id in