HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-02-19, Page 3Jot- 40P Ape
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iiijililill 1111
Dot WM -aw W"
A:__. ed, thOW
14TO de&tll wh-.W WbtMg dete&t in d4OGNSM &y to %he we" -
%X 'AA no- park. Deliver, gar, &II&I they fILVO w so. Itey
tbree ljourg alut A% uljuutem* mmon at RiverfrOut 5 1805. U VIly@jC&1 for
ocreat, I took ,.SAe Jan. Dow 01
CoL The b6tt with Ilan by snb*ra"
count of thjs battle OW of thp :1 ,& alliance
jutor'y of tile jort?,e 0111 James DufDr. who WSA killed at *0 ting, law
a a t an PRIZE e" in tile 11 kthletic Club OU "turd" Men and IWOMP secure pubue SM-
..... jollshed rtwe-utly- . thir-1 and Broad'" ' the IRA on tb, pemw- Itso ond
whi yew wAU be laid bdoTe- yo, Ilk L,(.Xt deatt, W til night Jan. 2nd. They PM000do'
the a 6rly day. rovillee, 11 11 he result Of a IWr10-- �oufjy's death WaA undoubtefflY tinwat by Stirring UP the 1
leia ve Lpeuditures rted m t tL14 1110- i1st' titut�m. as
say": The PubUc ftccoul to c' tile I n -16t IM -113`0 the result 01 a weak eons Jews were remarkable for their sod' Ott
Ipts g6ad el
amoulicing tile fact TRI �t 0111 tile rece* I Have Lost battl.�. rhe will W
Who knuckle a, dou jmj�uwg. Thim P',Ot w"
IM4 tllfN PX- said W have tainted ""wat- y
sbowtag aloo, be prompt- J6�
past year, W -Three fUgg -liker, kn&m.12 -11 he he VAned 18
W p"perly qualified Per"O a cljo Twelity In NN. l People were deepl
DUB f UM 111ovet9l, feble argu, of the tween Jot After hile training. lie never tui. T ehe people
ar ot eater 11 &Dd
P00UTO 0 yan is ly laid befoTO YOU` W, a ad Jam" W(-0dO'3- ad to'1101 timeis w on Permit -W The 00we against Sk man
offer & few coinmento 11P011 r tile current year of yw4ou.; lialuillor It ha ve b4
uyeiats. I (If for"tlkC*WIlt, v The estimated for a strict re- 1heir Lim in the 9 rounils -IlPeled aut'l ,Mt, cry
tile otrangfo Nvallt, wiliell lie ell- Premier r bave besn Prepared with Its back lk tile in- Iwiuuy
I , Kosvr w' riag.-N. Y. WOrld' lid Uot
ti they to
prudelice our �v am is conalowt Wi h 11 Ills hend@ whic to eam Out tam
cuurag" &Rd reCk CFO gard to econom. ile public service. mfww k Upo the tiLrect cause Of OL TW waited ndt per sworeed
hibiteeti." the efficiency of t f tile queCLI overed tl'4-' fam of trial. but in am
itmuen qumt allow"I w" eiv nus, A SUNDAY SC"O
Allv lioneycoull", e *ijjA reading 0 "1 1140 ff am %,,.Pnt for
oreat Britau, 1*4 &� JLIWK ealaw, , 1114 tienth. rouu NO. V111. I wimt If
lje� tanillw fluld I-- premier RardY killm MUIUI !Lb�uving jews! They rdw I"
1., 11 of tillio. awl for two more LESSON Us
m,nrity. T anneell, In kA,%nrWjou16 W A, MY N AL
eU WL All
J.rly f6275,000, proposed 'he eleCtJUU UL le "a boat I lZVA-XU1-% 1PRE. 21 love tor the disCiPlll� VLAM&"
ILCIW- flee f3peakr, Ili suceftialonto 1 fought whoat I"L
1)10%%,. tie
11 ad Ill! oil the
10,()4)4) daily. Evanture as W. -
jag at the rate e NV 1). I;jjlrour, 9 Upon'.the Jaw the p4obt Prolitic to pIk.UpAeIpbia-
io(ilinolul lubile THE the late Ron. - the IUO- Blow of Fatal Consequences some on bL3 wav Ute
Lguisli the annnal deficit NN,Ilitner haAA09 Hec�onded It.' cause W) ncea to k4L Years Vt. 6
acheme 'to exti it a .4 be*Vl Canada tion wat4 nnaa11ln0UA1-N" P:144skd. of tne Victims Were suffbrers From W(%A011 waA ifmi mix illouths Tim 1% 416017 Poo*
L:jiutoysia of the 1"omon llfwpktals U 11V tile pper 0 --------- weakness World inipriWIltment. litlarY. -upal L i
s Reign it 0 and i llg t
t1l ejltljU-AaA4l The Queen plague imss. Donstitution 0 tile pen"
takell P DaILV TelegraPll's Cantgnary gi y poR BUSIN--- st Little in Any CO -se. tA-r 901 I(JW)ll Wals killed bY Time --A. 1). 37- I'lace—,6 ,CCUiWr8- Tht Old. Oid Story crowded
Of St. Pre"s ajo tile con Monday. 110vr er 1 -rivY Council ALL READ __ to be Lo Da nmv I)&v of Paddy McDer, erisons—stelibou and I , jk% a *on., West
uter hil&g flUlIkI, 114tftrted a(V t4 Painine su Law Aniend- SPeech blow. froin tile ri,t xjeDermott a The Snabedrim. Saul. ol ths Tb*Y Met last u*bt F. He in a
aluounto t-) 160, ()00 shliftimm, JudginOnt!' rdini"111) The Ontaeo I%udget George Tailior, Dec. n, vott at jklptoll. C0MMAeTltarY-_S. SUM )y the church bil,11 *. i.M towy parted
0 Eadt sim"oe by abooit 5,W') 4 Labor Ill 5h7vt- Delivwgd Next Week bww, 1!�nglajid_ 1, 1832, ftl4h :1 (,olteY. it wam tea � 0
_10. Att IncreAA1149 "011y piLper-4 arp nl�o 1(jtjilLg LJ144 llk�- want we @even denCOus Bet 1kP`art to i that anolab
01 k>rity - tile other inful. tl isigot, the al),08tift, by TWW both reMembeT0 elved in Be
41k, ung". -tit THE llardy tuat lit, "u" bans, England. Ileull'O then In tile ring Of the y
trual. Llobcayg"Otlm receiving coMitr1hutIO110- inieu �If' t1ko baAe 011, tile Addrftw. uihed C,()Ur- John Walker. 30, 18743, ()eorge Larne Atl Club of San the distributiull (A Money &M()Ug tile thought they and (jeutit iletic IPoral affairl, of tile 0001k. :S"ker ith tile diating 11d Golden ORtf as knocked poor and the t00 ity to perform W601 theT.
ear% pleawd w ppomition, Grove, N. J. 5. 116 w -1 du LVsffirted. )OUSS11, coil
of the 0 Ills head
Tate IA�j temporarY -he leader Ith the 1876, WmtOu- FrancivIC0 In 188 churell. Tile right &Imj rt*tricted broken
tul .4t Lawrence I te0y of t Dajuly Davld[4011, 1885, %,A tbls w( hitijertiO
A)esk&uer. pri 01, to _a,,, Fralle- ads in this Vi
i I wr. 7 wqueuce ious fault W ro M Con' and v on,% ellanged In t46 WeI Ill, -culu down by Robert 111'eUrett _)rk IlWA been
n tne4ged by eut-ouverijur. tile I lit not fillding Ow rone. lie took It "rge Lerue, nd be died f )ontleg (chapter tv- $.YOU baT
the f loor, a
the czar of the cre,'W Of 1A e ouveruor- apeeell from the till ell 1885, Cit. JOUI14, struck U) the a be WAd,
iming nien, in of rick. t pkeapied to tile -opee Cal. cussion, of the, brain e rilig of the fllie number Of tile membm avey in her
The M arrived AkreY KirkpathaA been aO tribute to i� wtilell ity in th, 2). W U011 IM wuld 110
roll Law i-gued. an the steamer CyauuA linve ral-Ill-coullw ng Ilao-i bew told in Edward Allreu, di Cutts killed increased, and Qel apoot AA be noted t IA took t he place
it the Glov- tend to every c'affie Lnd the rOU910 thl" LEAF
the Ifulift falaule Gelle Lk, nothi Ve beell made and that Mo. ly at
olut, ine adju.juistr1itor jam, Cre�more Theatre Odwal red f rom ionger Per"W hat, an officie
U beaai,4 France- consitlered tl'ttt a Llott. After the 4rrival of I all(.)Uki not Ila OmItted from It Thomas 13, 18j)0, Dal Thomas Avery. Avery sufle over Df w t -hey Propoeed t of the bimb bsd beem 60 Wr.
1% is hat. ()tllillg had been blow C all Lich weew on ber Cheek, that
an 1-:uglaud Ito WSA learned t I Ve CAY11tained., lie exam. and " light &ted, VD Wil htnald AL If
Pp t"m tlw Ntown will 000n etarV Honor in severe it - n it ououw Ila of it in tike Y, 1886, Sjul Fran heart disease organ callo0el' hill mhould be c" in order
hor*e anti 150 wItO frotu 4 % hiel a^ Tomao ver bat led, with a sm1mu
n I.Ld�ve beellk tie. expedition. Ito gulierlua ;1W re%;0%'W Illil iseeal. 110 Cr1tIcWm WTI, the Pent t duU08 should be ojWiV with 4-N or You ho' slaw"redshe ever the &WADI
ked litealuer .�nglotma - tile Now- 1,1, lutelligetmAo v ith 4.1eep Ac opillions Which San- Clow. 490, Not- dent,11- they m,ght dedico0we A's &.be wondered how CAJUA-
Dr. Nanam aeosis. T W. rgasw of pub) . JL)esty, U&y 13, IL E. tile ministry 4 1
%S1,1 that yed t 1'rovi"Co sonle attention to tile Arthur 'D ON rnE ST;kc 4r mtreugtll to ely landed. 11r. Ferrfs have wegian explorer, Is M11011 anno througuou , th'L eatly Plea6ed to.11k, ally devoted were "Iville Q. while %rtivellitIg ail Wc I the g(*- I CO have 0AW foThornIoioun &list ifLgWt% Fitlis sees bijuself reterred to 16 t,. I am gr Lie throne, it there 1890, Natick. Bez`nah. t3iac lilig ul as 0at*
rcv re .. fare, , lie. 9 Eugoue V w proyer.-L&ILIA" MOUPI& neverl
unweated frolu the when he t t 11W health ib lope j0peecil from A bill Of ..Fox,' McGlolle. 91, 110"W11. 101rain'll r4thleUc WMI'luft- t'be Wor%pritmhae illn. tapd i t row
gwellie. working able to !tilto ll -.kW exprewit; tjejectk� 1j, it. TI ly Mpl. They had Jac I ith Jake met i ack pel, but Id Iftiad symboliow falvaligiik. Sbe could unden sm
h council. 1,. gtill and 8160 tiloughtt wagi fair Ly-na. wvoao stance. 0d
k., hathaM wlillan pro% 1116. Ll return to I tile cvw, a4id �they` *Jack Bunw., 1892, 92. NeW tiOn tbrot'g)v Tev"o-in 1891 and awl,
,41"Ytit- of Emperor [u"flilliellt Of %%-ill S001 ully *rto- t(Alelled tile old (111e"ti Ow -u, Dea. 19, divine Iffwellce
oc Henry ainst ng about theo l Olat lie ,is pulilic duti'm f eW qUOO- j a os Bir and Mir&6ew-TIL,3 Alla they talked U1 *00'h O"er
IlarAl to bri pt)werfill till cliarge of Ijaj been great wondeim am that 1W tie w bile. Dan V
soured a thirl action -Alt th al I. propo&jed to d6a" W1qtuh88sojMoa a 1893. L"d graAted b-Im re intemelY bored week
IIIA drealli of Germany forn"T lical sue 11 9T weq
turtid - to h6 pr
PI&nst, for libel a tI0jjs!;.. Tile 11COn"I f act Harvard ind pallY, DO bo tile ta" foir it
be built from ,,,& as oil laml. I tI'e *LUKioer wTongbt Miracles, tot-
ftue Lis to igor. tulati e out And be timilked
,L -trolley Erie i- L)rgcry 4A I" k "" lgra at, a stam&till Ow" to had I W, 6 ton- Uad wife rho for'
Oftebierg to tike Uew Fort n extendivO f' pkac-e 011 1 t W IV bmweet ting Her tile rights of theo Provklce Cambridge- ke, Oct. 23, IS doubt, in Ci&lies (A owe" young, 1,4 ta ki 11 g ILL 16 litigation, Bills re'- willmlett Bur preawt 10
gliand LL),0 noteb are, chlony that milice your 14 lllk*,,, entoered I hung up in uOug, to Woo- ing.-Iallge. I - And SAW for her
jeftey Club ground*- c4fttinen - �, 3joilit urac Ij4 Majesty i jug tile I CAVitor , N. Tbero arooe cvrtain-StOP 'on ex
t. T lie nou'" :Orpors 'alousy of tile un -
c County Liix-ral U60- , ilina. alid now approse 1atW9 t -O loan " and weveral Miller, arcil 24, "IVY and Joe 8
The Froutoetul, I od in Prague . h yeaz Of children In shom Willift.111 cited the C yOUR TALL BNAUT
K"19"011. lbrohloleut circulat\q ponOtile bixtiet ra a�d, ining and San Frailcilow-0- 4. 1893t not only by the wOD- ends i
"t rough
dathou uwt imitation Is, excellent jjApitilege ulpletloiLl tiler mng them the n belieyllig JOwb,
reigu. our ijit be taken. up. Tile qjC
lJoCcolluin w " reeJeCtRAL W ecwve (loodr der,* alld miracles iiiiell lie a HOW 101: Queenly Wms"
I It Is exl'wcted that the at, tile �. hr fjohery lAllos' would be dealt wit,, etion for a
Mr. hI�Ajll- of 1-011,1011 ro\%, 11b, lip Woduce in eilhauL"J by tile COUAld f1wherjeo Would ha.4'e t ��Iou which 4ew Or U�� and v� hich wou distill wwge and Her StatOly St'yle' f thd "A" tjoverinlioLlt Will In' erial Diet the event r reign ha* I)een tile tile id but aj6o by his gifts 01 kno re coutall
W" ejectiatt 11remidents 0 lit blk),-giotl of tile luip 0 eratIOU tilfit' lie Wid tu4_44t progred: give effect tO Abliallitig in lielair- (rwj W (Anall a'
prwe tile e,tablisillu011t f ijlngeot, happlait ,Mpire. -An- to Iltly been given eol eloquelicO. which he employed became &UU4M t 11 at b
Itkidlewex Liberal &,0ci&tlou- j fur of One I of tile L rec tile I a or (:hrljjt'. '11key wintw With the
hathe 111011"Urel rovillm in 4pd witiles now -d nature fives tbom over their OhOr**
I lidard. at Llle ratio tile alwals I an O'k w In tile P
A Montreal. deopavh will be tile go14- "t -ft bivo ill. Rer itRielity Up(X - tile rigill Ulland wtters I ted, add
Qvisobee provincial Ole to tIiirty-twO- aAldram I e' IOVIU9 fisherle" of tile exe, Ill diw9a0i49wAJr autem but WM % bem W
t mouth. C1611CW , 'rjvt,fy1lg to LLI 1, r rivers. There wail �Igeod ,Lwtic Jews, owt owrmt lashlorlso give
evetilt, "( ovInco, and exprew grcat lakeo allid in. They were tiolt itage. 'Me lice""
hv6d ock the 2th Of skes ul, applicati"n fro" IraltY ro, ubje:ts in this 11r,y ,lLd attacti'mont, ating U-) tile 13niversitY- WU k4when, I
'Oup hat, previunsly kw I,MITW skirtfil g1v
BarrulgU-M & -% . trunk jLud bel i Govellinkelit tA) tile Affm d Nive Of your a I)III rel, tjle menwreii which Ik inareill" tbe:r &4Taj owua a good
tererio, of Uuntreal. he I a Britirill naval all W your C011141der&' Tile@,* were tit tile v4_.ry prtAmbly it Iiallojiii.114 for tr
lowis mawlac 4 & re . a bo t co,inmk%kk . t1j)"eilt (If Capt- w.jlj lie isubmitted f would eugage tile, attelltiou RU It K I: W IV) WAM F
amigue,LL Th#� rlltultoot Ln tile ft"W" rLlv,?% ,Sk tile OR fe_Itj, j4ure Would himAelf. 1'roedulelt or the 110- P. ofL "M
Dutiollrail, 110164 of tile 111"k I:,1llglWXI ;. f irist day.- "xt w1II be 171OU'se alxl whielk Ito t I 1'e me M- Likwrt
Tl 61 the Ilott try tile rew)urcA30 -Of IRIgtit, on chial -ere thought to C011 -
t 01 &1611L C, 11toribut0ki t-kke Ul) I �dredtll le would aim. 00 'I-Iley adauta 0I the
fund Niger Ctql"t- Be w hull bers. lie was "atAHfjea that. I
The amoun ),I I,elmtutry tile olle tile leader SU am mbws
Famine at tile vt of tilto. It aUamejilt of Upper ly of t I ie de: CO
to the jndi&ll lut ( hief of t'lle tile alwayd be able tO look to Dallad and engaged too Put Wdt chief umieu priowners b),
haJ3 P&jmed U16 C wing tile% lAo were
vskriouja mourees tile Pt -*4t Of lea'I --Naval Ad- i'aijada LLI tile prow-Ut 1111il iltervoulng 11pho _)rfelt *r)0- 3ewo W utud to Rome.wilk) do�lar Mark. t. lie DurLllg all tile the OppoeAlcm ill tile dignity ur rounds or f% f tl is 1,0ii1pey. atid 41ep,
al teadenly 8j"d hint Out In to i Oil the stage
swelre thousand a It*- L) iPrviJIL Lee has "tead alld di4illty of tile ll'ou"'o ajl(' IegimliLture Tito flgllt Occurre� UberdUA1& and re,
rawad. offieLal rmaij, loin ti yea,44 t4le Prov U Llation. of on 3iar(!h 17th, were afLoerwards though st.)we oet-
Mr. S. 1,, 0. Bert P0PV pilatoo. Tbere w1u4 "I"
is jitill Iranclod In wealth and thv eontiaeat tll&t 11aid move opera Ronne there und floored i turnod U, They &ad
ecoud ro
fig DIE41if, of sh navy, huwtitu r
tO con- . twils willcil
for "�oovu tive list tile 11ritit OIL Ituents 1wrinalk. in the 10 lab On the *it the Llbera.18 (A St-* 00ming 1pye- Riviera record msaq f history ere illeom- i,, CA491donce -01 IW coll"t t -hand J ek witlluut doubt,
Wing, WL thO Advi" ftOm the aCo. Never its eazil . - -011 Aml t' eglislature Of Ontario. Tills onuelly by a righ' out. Donnelly was their *olwo
Wat tA6 r c4 unusuji brillis cor9tulizati . thall tile L e Ito legislatlof, knocking him 0wilk welwrat Y'Llig"gue.-
sealsou Iete liave ile becaus and died two' ju jheir kretflaus -k'yreue W" tUs i Ulli-4-vr re so great, a cro*d 011 cele- P tileir been tile above plejed up i0sensible. ring con- ting
-t Monte in their operatiodw" r It nd Lauge. great
be chaMs W AS tilt, a Carlo. lialt;ed lld lulProved Ull- w ty" IA14MI raj without recovOl in North Africa.
T on Wel9t PubUc $ britics oojourn-ng reatly enlarged that haj& a1wr jue Ito jeXlsI1Ltj4)n llad ours later. hat he died Chief City of JeWl'
A,juj)ng them a" LD'
Uk:alooatt, of %h!61;)190 groundh1w, J'Nice and canio 11- , 9 iifluellf-6 bcqwd ; bees Of jobbery. @cionsuess. DoctOrd foundt N ullibers
e f OWXJ W Ile , t)ury. ljonj Rosep- tk.r t lk,� benef icent It, whiell we of the brain esu"Od JewiWl cillully 0 alld Lire "I'd by low book a
&-booL wer tile c-omplainant, ellw�_l ,aiw W kleon U, of Governmell _llLOt twen ill tile direct,1000 JAMES. front cOncuiwion .;ettled t1lere,
L7. Rivera for - bem for -tile Publ1c go() i%EZINAII d strikilig the floor. were. fourth IP&r%
bery. Sir EulitL4 ba4)Plly enjoy. you ulwjn laot year's but had n lie lidped, that It by bin lien JLs that of Artilur I joisMilus to have twell, -ft 1 0*
n, 31r. elfare, an th NN hbitalltis of tile c4tY. Ales'
W1100 ke and w tile confi- The next dea
JAdy to I codli died in 8, '1 of the in lluud 041-iecijilly men,
aricIL A Mhaw gratulAtO do ho
AA!or t' tnia6e to deweve
_GoTer40lr anti of lva"rly all, of Tole -The Ta
L.JeuteLumt iitu leave tito tK*- I the America" PrLLICO Salty- bUnt6I liarvk*t prOvjjlee*,&nd fur- w0uUA con people 1j, its integrity, April 4. '11alestY, on tbe uurialj�, or tile Jews Who
whue not yet &4 - tiou prince Or a. rupm oT tile deuce of tale. Daniel D(Alcoval prizf Ang at, Nelsonville- fight- tioni, tile qmgugue
Te an opera (of Aost staple el 11: tile aAIvdlL0e_ju tile pri" tk-%4I"- pl: 13ay, N. Y. 4, yra- ISth. 1890, while iesaWria. ilk which city
Loadoa w he jlowagio-r Duchess holwmty asid fair L nliAl tile so bw bm
Iii . 16, 189 ht of C.,ulko froni A Ttiey
Agley. Ord theill VILL Coil Riordan, Nov nig Seaville. ot Columbus -d
tiler Upo WaA meently yerformed Christine Nlll*on.- Lai k3sillivan, of some 01 them. ly to The quest4on was Ing with D, about 1401.4)(K) Jew
17-. - zir rthur you will regiet, xceOdlOg tion carried. Y. Ells- 1)en advbed by his Phy- lost le&r,,LKi tit their ra0e. &6
oflicem .1 (!uw, *,, 4zwItli, Doe . 1L1�.jca_-paul,&j njktive PrO,
r tavrab Silrewijbury. &meron.. MO by Col. MLtll- 7. IS' 1jajeaty had be likely to fail is were tile i
progreedn' Peere, Urs- C t tile .,habitanto of "Owe ly too, a- qut%tit� lie George that he would
CAjd4,_jate6 for tbe w quar- I Mrs. Bernard De L�hl- ' In repl that jAuge.
iceim 14MLru tit& m oald New Lpopletic fit In the violent exer! 0 nokwued
Ulder th*1, tk' the Mother of he 11rh bul i,,M, Mr. Rareourt, the pub- IBM- a. prize fight. I It WILA t4e long, iuirruw istrip
ptemall y BoDwev, L�cc. 15, rlL parto of hoped W be able t(y ),jonday aou-bd
Mr. and U a tile plague, and 1-41"Al and 16temell't (of r blows iwry lilting tile ljorthern o4liore
tjL* regulalt'OUA 'A y, a nd quaie tLo, meet, by a blow 0 f te
OLL kletruaxy aU are Iliad I:Vlly rely 114; , accounts nt later th&R al- orleano- Kid, 5'. 1895t kpoplexy Induced t)t death. After tjrj4L! eaAgteru lwart, of tile M -diter- we& the
Lon" JW X8 VIP UX %� c(ultidellt " that thO flo"kil" wOU41 jai sailor no doubt the call"e'
ILU JVV r&ourcc cy. I
go n 02nd.- kcocuullu 0 f 10 th eakerge" Itioll to nes t tl,4� ful"c -,,fa)eaty's rameau Kea. r"jjt,-Not that 00uple d
t,h. Kulsatc, & DOT d1opo" OW him W deuvec COI. 'N, e W WRI4 low from *,aville
of tile L -IL your genevve On Tumlay, Wedne"it-ty or 2, 1p" a and It WIL8 jo. Not ablP tO
AR inveatigatiOn he P. R upill tlw rellf, of �tatpnlfdlt Janwo 'DUff-V dropped - hd W1W C,ophler For*vth4l. Of t reveab� runt pouch Sid for tg, aoo tile cir- hand's . seavilie tilt lw thereby
art�Lkeikt in Loudol Foul I; I w w1weew wid ThuralaY Of nest week* York. tropu& that lie Could 10t Nee ad tiK,y
freight dep alot fe 10 IA illillIVNIP. the the face a Wugstaill tild.h. Ito-Itioll.. ey
& in. twice Tnore on
need Appear 11W Nil -flilowilir njofward. Submitted
VVIO 4.walabd - 1, l,OWII I U-0 truth. but that tl'
of Ur. Forp. suspicion lil per- R KNR -LOVD. Uta Passe" -
shortage culilets -posal W file . -
eek. t, 4 nwan" at your dim. .00:) F0 fell. lie died %")n f. or killing could adduw U, 1LrgU the
bgsolk MLftW6 fur a w play. 11 UET9 SW Sef never tried State - r
Is 110%v ill i!otu ell Ville Was r�nt U) th1P liq. ally fol:eA!. ill optxx-itiou to he The Goernor-Ueneral i Lie,llenaut- tilie kt, lias r4celitly 91v Verdlet.ror jai-okor COlwel t ule k rt�aukg of Majeoty, but w a 8- 1;1 icill"OUg wisdom and tile spirit where"'ith
,.vith a the Canada 1k11 the A Larse the record- to
ED jusliginel
Ill rega apreme Court Wite-s Admirer. "a O rt PrivutelY 0
rd tile S, Vr,
HUW NOTH" ";Ap veell the ;overn Againfit 11. rn,ey
of the pruviuceli BALLAR tile prim ring 011aws son
Goveruore Cal D let, are fewer than is generally Prise 12 f Ight.
lie has reeekved trum ti 011111% ed deaths , ve&rcll thro"ll to %ilie cable anL(la awl tile 4rdlet azef S-WIFrr lid iiitructcul..
Inig til LanadilLn ut.litcoo of C Y(iork dPr-lRkteh #QLY'-' one or two TR oe mcolone i briboeol a e
t gi inviziltiga- I . in of their righti,; obt"iw A c F
,Mtta re"Pect tlle -grea 'for tIW "'k-terminatli or tirred up tile spait
oil It I 'broker, ar" the r _Ords May dimeover kt Natick. tile IWOO' a, t&mjus fund. _u,Lario C'kw' r.. - tills Village in tile 111111ilie on to lit, 1 4)00 agailwt I -Ir-. Ch (jeatim traceable to injuries re - killed by Jack BMM6-/- He was - t tllW time 10
W f-4urew tile gia-lid PcOLIe 0! -Tiluch imAlifact or *W.. of more I,ardly pro- w akil wj6Wjkt recov- 1 A Of III-114upprel"49d
,ru* off le jjWt1ce In tile ring- It and 4ied were i a. btate
t,i,,* yt,.booy reCOTerlAg flom afford-; 1110 ighto; of ' I.e., ceived . a Iftobt pell%itive It-alowy
uraboam, n kk ttble to Inform YOU that tile r i Tiliker. hough. that there are many knocked Odt
give Ur - 'I here j have bl�e d noijkrylrLse tat6r th:M Auj)reine� cuurt to) -da, imble, t ring c0nsclOulsaeAls frt*zY# c In"ti-
-majr,tT cd 39- of tilo moon,
& 'on tj e%citme ly tile t1w for tile houOr
ZgLudiolatoe, 110te, anti the k- tile tile 11rovillces are gre tjotL4 of n)(00 tilftn tile 0-3 well authelltleated le In
ihe ota tc ft by hitherto rec(loglitzed t tiLm, or tile affee tutitaw-feeling,
P re)ec ted b* recount as I I 1,roker'o 4 -which IlTo" Out
We" 5u, were throw t olily n allena tIlL1 here giv011, 20 are tile r(1- WEAR.
-11 W11.1 into wilielf 'th"y ke4l tile no L it
sm-T&tl " t illar Governinent, of viev ClWpll, tile 2,3 faftl1tlft4O FOR TALI, AN*Ubt&
Us , w4wit uf klenoatkAl'i tha nd wt-tter"', Gem er6jet io f or Of tile aad- but two' cuawtant revolts Wall vriok Uk-
_,,u Tuesday DexL Every day fj,4heries Of the t I[Atkeo wife. TI,ie v ver- U011
aWaoetor-&A k ,illliltkr power. TljSb a4cc tlwy could pwtuni ty, and
Albert bl' limilutry tile tile Of tile cirre ult. Of glove fighta, n meo 118 M- 6ppe&ranOe Of
ration 01 t I W Lult of tile claim tile de- datebeek to the'd4Y" wh" OPI
re tlo cr(wo- into, w ao OIL fore tile most 1i ly 0er up an a
that, u "tL g a I
ra have *,Pent I Of tile llavp pitched '%N71th(Alt lavre an=@ is by wisrin, W the he= A, de.101 ted on Ujuidwro k wl"ll, I pf I- but, 0`0 kPIW0 rtsidered bef"re bo&m belt wit&
L)eliind riveri. All 11 - "' 'lie
DOW Mea WW Her MAI Ui I I Itial-
ervitw a% Winnzpeg and urge*1 -is t,,,dl onjIltence of appeal 11.1�,e been ""'do to Tile lie- fault Of Dr. Tilikk4r, who with tIW *a* 'SpeaLce. CA * eods floating DMrIY
&Ad P& a,41 te for 'Lite jivQ joriwx gloveli, at �e, tile peopie aAd mL unujuai. but very
W*),, bar" nit wore
W. IWIway .ct M, jccomjplic,�14. R in her.11rivY Council' tho"s W form of A I OWN
"At, Go t C*ty V irequire that e skirt- W&M U" -
t 'I
(A UW jLi..ir but briug`4 &-w fault Opj*1ek1
ii,ert. it #It*- CM . t of the cao er war4 arre0t0d deaths 0 of con8ti the good Man, of t KOO
om�WUAO lav conkki- Dr.., TInk fault was n1ne were the result I(Mt r tied that
kton pv nee A re n4 It it 4- - tile judgmmit (Pit de to 10"t weftkjW,*;Ft. Three men wagietratao r gilt him to & pm%ty GW6 for this PurP
frj�m Yor therelo iditional evdence agailAt tirw bill upon I'M the Pr0'4ellt will 1* #rubjeCt f tutiogml exhanstlon canoed wt4 zed h I in, and brolu om in t he eluded in the 000"mm yel-
WLom 4A 209 M�kv- I a, ilod') motw I j.,Tvd bY yoll ilur! i -oligi k who, tllougil they &rtis pictu2w
.1"d c0i "Wpiratorki. w -Ifter tllc. pxplrati(Al their live" tIll I" by the forte -ere ready f (W %& with piiwted
rs who r tptured at, tnt il w burs, gj()U. - 44 l"Lle"04 IM) by weak hearts, out - bow waun jiird do OW a
ftrgla or 11 no kt1kg years Ila& been kirt tt ma
I ies .ati,,kfj%ctor_v to. You t) arrtvt agalAl rece :IaziLe. Wad the trfaulsd 0 '
y %.Vre CA a COMpan It ill IL stay .,,,f thirty day, judgmeRt, in- le I)U)Ws tiley ,Ted. six. am "eat'cd Judgm --4 Tbw 2=9
were a I Ld I lee it tht, of ti vere due to every evil baw
*sum a ece tile Of tile w" yellow igilk.
as the,, and, Manner. lern that the C 1110 I,rl)- Pay*4 the aujoullt C a,- sh<yweA, V tilat ,ul that bat tile coul evon&te
Pleaded gill to tile turned with old 90001n on
Fun Erie jujt evry conceivble of ce tain nil- eluding ccwtiit fwd all aikiltio tile InquOsIm upuu
Buftalo. The,) t keeping itil f IK am not pWad by vest ww Wo , V) ren- T I ie Crown %v evidences to r of tile, le hail been 11114 -As Ilea V that lowaile-0
jas. Reece lie u"t 0 r r.4,payment, were 1juctrica- lit ISW he falle. -4tephtol- Ao 140 ow s I and w"
ry for four years 1 regarding this be, v teretoforo Paid b. C a 1103d t E oe hif"1011. EMuleln of
I counw nult&w aner - tllf Hub- The Col"il" Dr. Tinker r. KNUCKL t4pkrit 1j, th calom nearly Wd
Ltentiaj ear*. o r, ildealeatReo4V- lit, to Indian. n4i "Vo e BAR kal, the spirit ad'One tbOrOd wh
for thr eT1111141 It ina f or "Ov- i bare knucklem began Ill tile hour of tr t. t'o'tff, of is U: @&till edpd
r1layelhactuleiv gicallett (A the j-xteut Ili mtv. and for additional their phylth! ept. paying I-jgllt*; WltI1 N 1) puffs. -Sod ow
'U""billi 101 ill ,,, br,,411t.101rward �ivscoh tim UjtijN4. which is .11lege I V,0� Ilia face ooveied tt, cbVIOD sleeve its gloves.
Tj� for Newnd K, lTAI Colw-11 k ly 1700014. wiwJ' Tom out Upton tahme were M.,t long wh
that W -lice UL the wide-, I , ..,wd ann f lrf4t wbon elegs,11611
Molly MO Yonrl rvi" bjark in tile OaT w am the Iffe"elice witllill. to tile heart__
ouffragO cad2e up ivitle Llicm IWCO ly f(w limmlicAl I` ro I Figg flotiriollOd- Figg hig cut 00MA01IL
sootl � trial. . -1 V Ileri-aftoe, I by thq larg4.', tvv th.,h best
toile N(YvA , thc - racy Id nOt nit 4allowet. lit" ljlllia� I ftbe
given tile at of tile ow"Pi nitil within 54. They were clk torture For dressy
readlik t WSA I -opmali gtat,-!, 1 the 11poll appe been 0 001- 1 CV ogr " t, - Wn CI
m vow of 28 (.eu uow tint all the Priv.T COun- to. W14. )Iwell, 5. whon '17A3d Champloll. Tile
%4re C 't%v I tn I Th0 were Put mu e martyrs of cm-turne is We
- all% , wanting, but Ix t judicial columittee oo W4*k.4 of Jan. 8, 189 twire-kUmckle fight ws" ht 'in their inindis ever th poem mop I
three inont.16 (late (,t tile trial tile Crow" '%vill VU quality burk
*1 e,torts t4) ,trengtheil tile ell. frleolldO- llr'okc Into and Kilrain foug bdj,,.. Titey were fillAd
to tile (;*vernm ter all it 1"t gie.-islon tile lout midnight and w ilem SnIllvadn were in their Ve button RJOv4w, favor, aid tile remain, UP fortli tmplit'.) hilve al- tile unalwwerftble t-bN j.,ys a"od forul ()uly 16*
8, MiMil, 14 since your give,, jujgtllent on,, ,,, ,vifels roolu w &Ould be iWk6d,
voted Lil itm It 'tr bill W&_ I Inker littlignatiot, at ed for their clowd, Is *X) 14
it. WIAO 4 it., C.kspm on which COMM tribunal has �erlY submitted fewiml her asul Dr.'T oected Dr. unitv'W Stoepilen urg could bm-t quality alid fit
again"t Ity, for &dy 1g,en 111:1de, appeal in the CIL.-LTform fir" 64ROF are Ilwy � delINLte Crey, rad
tilo Mjkjor re iut, that ha -4 ft 4 Lilada. M Colwell lonrio; Iwo when, lif -jetion. aawl tll&t - SPLI mods c%A0"-mou0' tile only
earis, & ourt of CV two Y ge. ()no valuable PO nrog-ard to to tile suprell 9 1 Sul 'IL.LS jDjjOW N x%Ai% to agallwt tlwqu
W'(10 t 1 Tijiker On,,,JaDe -JUker 11111d 110tidw 00i Ith wW dw. With abor% and IbOw
npt 960 W I t 1.7--1994, witll Ill" TH t, and I)IM*-illeern to prvtty cicavy tractd ers of tile VarlI&Men um, Dr. kin Blood Veowi-1 1.
k3TAT FA te I origAn which wan - opectillt tile POW . tile proVilleit1l 1,41,gl K%,yj4, , 11*6 jig her. jef t (on Neck. Br" They we" 'mt' to tile w 6" A , ow J. 1-willar,t. De- of canada, and of .4r)llt %jrj4. 10"ll evil osqueU00 is W% so
to the right 'All Iof an. pr( _y A. ure, 141LIe.und d heart ralm &M fury C, 60ilt, swevw 'hoo smooth f1high, bat
Mr. of NOW ti -Verl Ltee 1 .11, tile varl- islatt" respeel Anufact A (,(),well, on,,,,,,, t,,,,t Ilp . going Ind the aut')P"'Y 'howe of tile ow as squetsb* is alw&76
tireer h;LP ri . his In- tile M drinker 57). Betilg f1lII jelded 15b Just D
&mmanY Ciulkli,la" 3" U etive, I-ri-grinatiLAW 01 to prohibit ICALtilig liquors- be. IS9.r), prtell Wife (iL)ked up -While I& 110arer's y gtyie or Dot t1be Mo fifth -
T Aunny Ili time� it W"- Importation of Into, WVI bp laid da, I �)Rlt 114) had 1144 �a ri4 lator Burris A,&js killed ore to t4eir violetit P60 bwmlng. BiOck- !:tm 00 -
from tile to Philadelp, Two Y4 by Rarry Tracy. The more a -lid w, amd on
Burns v%,Rs odalle, fuid v%,,e filled WIUl a car"ll wblt
that tLere On" hiotory (A Of - tile that wh:hme y
. . in favor ot trument 1. a n4l tho copy �d d. Pr. T formt t t Lynn. Maw Ll in I"W&l1 bought by Ball -Irl keii; qG lure YOU- mAld- , 0 a h is f,$r 111st"I tj�e round witli a aVirit from tile esions demanded or brip:11M
United Ite nit In- C ow o- - It fire, Haut In"ee' re4l
vival feeling States. t I interest Ila tile lWell lie 1181A twt 'ht tim # hme vwvemeuto M it Ilais been IncreasO tb4) room and iever
tile mu)ry jill itA#,Ll. lie ast year door Of 1,11TOPinn. itnocked senSelel 11 wais due bottomless pit, the P061 of tills falth am vult,&bw- They
la�t tit tit*' rgan Was fejotetj durli4 t oil Railly Colvvell n a ;f Inker't, wav claimed that llig deat yea0w. kAW 910vfA rjeseb 0411
the thin (Y treatilig 'Mrs- wak filled. 1).v the 'gr&' PLOnDed g"wr
10 Cliriotl.-; ,I -,t the otablielle4i thit f ter- in Al90M1`L, Im" of Ilor wogk beart, ful wiuwm fire.-l-"ge. bie long OD00911 too kleclum-
Ch,arlk all(Irtrels, 411 in three di now oettlenients t near (.Od with a I
yeam ingue, and a At the e0ne-1 fW soked named poster, f ud f,.(,uA Cliriot ag" 1 1 and Paid for I.,i,I,Y located River, at Tan't-4c&m b and con- tt).41,ay lie W rd mtud"t d itil a lo wwsod potnt, but Dot So wrt nt
jiftlialas City ito�-Pttall 41T ak, i taken evkWoce tile c' A Itarva K)Ut the, _11arvar 0 �4. �rjed out made tk.te 4pique with Pate
Ast e000 it i trips anti It wad re it wall Dryden, on Wablagon L in it Practice st,,ideut, What, jis wapti;W in reeks011 Heavy close vride *%"I' -
.or owns 4 tn d
WIUIAM Waldorf I villaill. is now in .,,if you -,Mlljl and -had another ily a with
and had in Dun the Crown and siderable farn, land I'm beet k killed opped rl uP tb*
al or 111*mling oettlers* Yon Of R �ivarrtml w'( Would gymujislurr v kiloeked
Iuder WaA up bn tuMult---VIOM' Com' t4 had UwtOml =k, wtlt* Or pea d for
in New Ytff 0()0.04)() a Neized by A's.lent but vald- up bv. actu lw p 11 e r named Lin&r ood. their fturw--_kp a proof that lie ing In
hou" 1111" their jolidifewl*'on. mked to appropriate 11 "14- guilty relath" it you to 4' the hrdw V bpe&uw lie Kaid back Im1by dT or
uleame of jingt the pr.sousIrs- will be tile purpo--4e Awt (wior peri Ills head striking ie4p. I am the a Ut clelicate 9"y
ncw a9l) 1. that for your h dow ific �jorce. Be lived utt&Ted blav4pl iijig at tilt right tb s&=e use V(47 a" DO% 90 edWiT-
en- able wit' iWed art,ul biollablo ip-.Ulll ation (jof thexe I Lew with terr
iCar .%nother iniurl, cl R$Wward floor 110 14aw Jew"'
f riCtIOn a g(,Id et h. This lit tile C0,10111Z lot 110 44dol. t, y"t" ,Wow wal do, bt Loma. Wlor-
Considerable l,eeu I(Walre I iA and iug "No. odr - untruthfully NOVAN Wo days. blow of 0041.
gendered ( tile rivalry between W; ir in,.%urailee papers, "ottlementill- atioll betwcell. tile GOv- I ..W(fflj(j yon,, o4wCAr ILLS DAN DO Janie" Brown was killed by eL lialli( Ctwt ilifn yut-No V441"dict For t&O 6*"eet, b* tabie
-)ver ured I JOE' DU *1d
L n f 4), It wag lie neck Ill a mad414 Wvdking
tile Vace fo tile big h !NFEIE Y tight wit" w "'an' w&A& prolloullcOd' etoe., DOt&U*
fig On t
ttLna [Right, Be
l(i flot IZO
b., 'Ctivcl in age* yet been brought 'to woui Smith. at Ily tOO ldh oWd 110
V00W . 1), A da a4ditional ---- Tile blow "o, far, t W" brok MOTO
eaw Tho arbitr Ontarto and Que, 999 f t Ear] 10 Sentence
oon r in tfireg A ernniollt'A C &n.V0 her to tl,,, 1tent Of 14DVV tIbO 1A New Orleanil. JOH&AC law k t6w the the bes&.
the tk't' r lie I Tno kid
lie tins no several nly relati(ttL-4 ------ ruptured & blood vemel. oloucellter, lAlt they carefu dWW red. ab 000"
welry ,Vre In this century and 'd Cbtaiman 0( the itll',4 je% there but
br . just in -e 11, bl- de'nylflir Purbig ion. at into sbawing no grain. allows
1,4 r ton-cluslO lilade John Renry Johni nown w their victim Ileyotul tlie city Vk-&1K It I
,three recorded al require- ith, but '160 just
fis Pill by tile ar
eleelA, Tr8jfjc Aj*40, (I W4 tiestroyed have been but
CDC an EVIL MYE -quazter" tumett 0 tile W9 begin
tio escape tile awards rH three be found- N. J.. killed F E)w oil ttle chim to coffifortu t firlat-claw 910".
Of trator". lno impretnent In unt de dontho can menced 44 Sliewold t with a bb .vily, and so al
V-bere ory Revive of the Co I it (leatlo com liking mts.-IiiirlInit. len-The ewigh is L tlnie CK)MIng
o_n of tile lumber trade The WO fr0qlkel dopted- The
RFST1 rd. Bontoux when tile gloves were a
little hoM (If tile artbhe Burke 1,;� been dri ubl. HS tolied Swill, By mosaic
There L being 4ig,14,Al by %N I NT 1:1 that, a vie. coff"t Ferronnays and mining paradox wam found to have hert trO 59. S t f(W Ill"PiwMy. t lTut Little D*nt*
Aty pr0fi, ig. V tarbigenCY and I)wdneoii; I Curioull St tioil for this W -loultiolinben
tratiOn tre S.1law dnring tile 0116. interestill;4 dep t ti n The monetar revs,led In . tile \4,wg tiklit Me i nved three daYm- �tlwwmev Ilad tO Jr rMtienwal
ratted im-tate been talken 4illee- the ill -we" aeprewAOR wl"cll 1 1895, cuntrary , i '"'Pl=- in tile "good old day"" Only Doc-- Ilawkins Williain Idil-
i)le, sa.v" - tile w, 7. joill,
only L chance rven ca onuays Wh(*O 101i'lon to id tllo moot rugged IlesUll and was JaW inlady t of YOUIV th" aft
.t,U3jj durlm The battle fr-mn(b
14 ent, Coll usod, that IS contipued CounteW de I& Ferr i IrKt Pull". crwd-li t4p $bey am
4V*`11- a tile Vhlo- its-" ca fro ectatiOn, * joist in Par* k&d BWAI Of Itile ring- Then tile ler. at San Francisco' terribly . Kraw.led d()%VT1, if
11C heavy ice 1 11, llavigfLt, IV V Dave 11allartl ILnd an accom her in edieral ey-IP ild the sawn one 04 the toren: fortune, Ikkk i5trmgtli ellWr" lie I Miller 60 tile cliurch tobe One.
pensio,on (I Ballard -14 ()Itl tile � pa,4t ymr, wam I j4ta,141 lyw1jollnusit and t Ved, our trieUdIll Or
VTIX iriclueratAlIg f rward 0 remained nquande-red her be a aidlity t( it were tile re- and after each round his sele find 11(lot pra. --A 111ru"titr'. Ve to OU140 Yk�
tota I our' b()a W a to g tell 1, t.�otr,ur Ift lift(i 1'8111 AU1.) Of h~ -
a upper and lower lqjj con ber traile c(ay.,equedltlY f I ', - with -key. rek-koll
abIV '1K;6etY- 14trel L9 - not
ove year ju th to returi n eitller dr4lb Will
�b� w not, Don't strI
tabe Alex. Sk"It"U tile ab glad to be stock ex on were 11116t- onds dotied him a few �,_,Ot 'lave -weigh not; 1WAgkbon I
the canal. �w &A lllf- , I -ay am un -
UP ill. lieariug Of.the and dillx*e(l th" in 13al- (jeprewwd. L am of it fighter MAAWS Of almi did thy bal:"'Ce alwaill rab&W your busboladle tnesom
for the r1e ),%iirever, Vint there urecog-WzILlole filially fell t lin will ell
,r,,Ie petition t'hun(ierbol"u Yinall of t-m'MI a u W#.. Mmindd. 4t1euT1*eddtAw Tbe 1*14, will Blvd t4'41*. P , &dmit Of it and it
awl Walling, house bwte, 1( was a shrewd %'4 their
he, toy arraniceinent latter'v4 t.On. anti W yet urn after tile figh it 1 110
,not jackl�oll la _ .6 sefor our timber and bleeding -) I George GOLIKIrich W" killo I)y RD' ank. is thAt not
f pea r r4l, WAA t4l hUrU were pnidng (lea 1, 1 , L, 11 with birth. to de0irs, quiverl.11K, f le"ll, ho � t1wm.-C clirk-tift,11 for & bubble.
a , lisli n Lrket. It is eliabled tikem tL a t Now of tile
ehArgw `19,y of the Murder The Ijuildill9d ill tile that not- uw=ingly tile lant Person GreeN ! tiLlivnit 1, 1,114, otill V11 bappluaw
found guilt fumed. anil hiLruP. rrangement, and Ilimber A too, the pro- wmlderful stalul"ll, . in it few dayi, I other nsg"- George the C -minvll"il ,I. Don.t ask tor 18AW6 or Son tiOnliall
ati0factory V) 1010w 0,..IV to obou'd
ILfW been re al up-' aCL-0rding 41 W)Ule 0,; verige colldition to gamble. She bas retire, or quickly, 11.1111 A Goodrich 04
otart U14
made 81, form - tile ad norifano W. 2. TIT
I, ft.40 the fire- W11114 1104tallwWw eipts; villak*, whe3re ollO ou the pe"I recov 'it blo 14)11. 4. fjMrnjfthW
Temier canoVaa h&A iatic.1118 for a t the ld woman ,%v I t reC tIley were reaAiY V) f I' ng" wet (I avoldilig IL -,Uville proW
a ot Spain ,,,e dia4covered thil of tile lum&:er tratie, tilt! have dou of a The iiyident reGallm man with & wenk j1part, weak Ill 0or ill floor, "using C"O"'. I'rjLblj4jA t('t CN)lUIX1114140. -_ spa iwo, tolmit
n ruished into tile pil foretit" ot her huslAild- immo ptruck tile SILe w a
rom tile wolls 11
d aty beloween .141L,IL4) c death
ealak tha thnated o'r dj**Mj#oe oI any kii(i knew tha.t lie to & njoe Euerci:tj tre heard groallk' f t1raff ol tile C)OUnt, de Is ly tile
ww (.4)ml progre"69 w and *0 Oil MOIL 11toot earreet, form I"
aiwd Sta" aburning ouilding. and con%jklerably exciPP(led tllf jfn%structor W 110 wfla a fric-11d - -ranging the bad no chf0ce to will. t. ill ilght. with 'pt-irkc. (4.,1 tile lloly toot W get- them
anAl the the I)edroom. enue. Tile work Ot tile Int- bord. one day, In al he JOO Duldoo. N. Y., land- We it t)Mo% ~P yow mild It isL 10-
r A)"Int, CaA_ iK%Uing f r illf lieu ty lie PU, C. etled, 1,1 reN for whO@`0- Wo Chain for a 11111.1ting patY, t ca.11y Pfryect DWR t be- to bdp us ftil tile nio@Lt. hul"hift Pfaf`lp aru; It, (j(jW lie SIX)d
alleged. Rkyw
Invitatit.) w
IAM,*Il C %Vi,ll gre rola in road Ma w
an f unayd TO-d.,,lL after ifight, tile DonevallL. at UP -08 ito we are
who ladelphia, )4114-14MA wan MWIe, I"t me" ,:,A ., ninrk. IleknowA4 Tile blow ill the dukir . OpWike. to
I the uU..( it pursUPd sumted to I)e la, YOM 1 act a blow oil Don0vat"'s )a w file UtOre t -
A 11AD in We dragging Lud tillim by till, writ provil I Count ou ous, w ho WaA ,,gll1$t har"lly I,jjjow timt brtwil lO tile right e&r- It Aj(,410p our lierwee Ole rmet to 007 you"
Mir soltosynsk O.Umptioli. ae* ag buiikN914, I I ws idoin, ham beW vilgOrawly - to jilvitt) NJ. Bont men do entit round. V -At Millid, Dm-% ! -
Pulaski. Ullkzll -I&I Dove 13811an JKl, I am pleft#4pol t( aild stterwar& horw to d"It"'ell avmi in tile me f.' the 11righ W be" wafted UPOU
Of 0) 1 A114 learn liam, dur ich did lia ht -4 the braill. eill It I ave fjpo 40M
Depliew 1 narrowe"t, PA111" -been CPCplvvl qelebrat&i eigineer. vV11 a CO I the ordin- 1 neumion of trut. 24111persou a1w
dartso that he is a revolution from tile P"t Year o ,e of.pulgic rtp- und(.rgO. for CRUSA)d CO tit. 1F<U4- .10414111; re ve ft ls emwe nconducted a I)ropaganda Lave to :)f Nov. 16 n *Word. simply b
,ht at, w*,Il in tbLf le Oil the night dCon Itar1wr tlln 110 F
weep in large mea*4u? 1 11" 1 Th 6; Uff4tr for ug in tA& 6
on LO&Xd tile rij)ic that tile tile royalists a Wreat (18&1 ol "rul' Fitzisimmons I's tbmr UT1 t APPqW4&t
,w bo fOUS murder. With IL roull1l tile *all
&r1t, d" at, Beft 'r.1) INQUEST- to'-k,,Ow growing ..D, You no+, knoNv that 11. BOU' ary Hill it the ld-tinrs 11111i't lit
C it N .t9s k-erronj3& -ged ai4jarring partner.
DJO, ys tr�jning thE Robert 4 glor:k' t(l (,hriAllkl' to pr&T f(If WlKy they WOUIl'in
1779. Neuing the prov'al. I relo'ce as tile evil ey 1.40 Ilundretis of all Itiord FL11 e3adbitioLk. When 111ni. It V T*Otlt io is a livtle tbing. 100 It-
BRITAJN. pa*t year 1111 been ()lie of h 1,%-p otir t ekabore to
01U&AT W Ill At even o'clock this e the 11 Ing affairtil- Furila" toux lipedis endure. pruni( UP- ,,ell were g1ving I with M(
lquiring Into activity copl*.-r MAked. havo not, litijr(j the gtory,ft boxers flud pparrerS have o tile law nuol f,)IIr ilito f4vr Ulon'S w1W YOUr in
anil Amrican b1911011111 cal. adlourued jU(,ujis% etr Feuton w nickel alid 41I_&jPntA3 and practice nil lit. Fits lilt FUordiLn 0 Ili$ kneft hilt tile jinorwsY Ping'. pbvili (14"o
6ch Lt, ozrord g F.dwurd tor &Melt " No en jifter is iht. R1ord&uw0atWj0&d nl& trown� mbap
Cu,oala r" dL'LltIl of YuUU1 U66 Wore 14)r reduct"19 and re- They LjebancherUwt and r n. f1jillifili.
invited W V 81,qting at,. the tokkrt hL' or*". allo for tile treat- Mlied ner of nier tike ver likP a W
, auring th? coutinklUd vict that ores Ch&Mb(ff1d strange f"t lgb" ayfl, work. 0 then rollwi 0 until fq-
this year Depite tile fining 90141 have been Well it In & lit at any two or three d. not Cl- worked over Ili", %vork sind wit"~ t& no
versitY leado" - 104, en preie ni tired 11hY0ClQJw rilen lie Ined, 4--tA�11iLl-It"I Don't, M -T
L Oroner Norton t wan e3L- njolit W 6 ti"t ror4'igtl Of tile L&Mbettl Conlerel jic interes of otllpr Mkiiera ,own limit" the my It
ajr1ji C te k whenev;r he h" be the Tilorning, M tbe3w to 110,
uke, Of S&1eW)urg otha ery k1ttle Of Pub' Zion. tile room Was teakjily operatfli, T' been I ie of the loembers of, 'bbs$ ring Witt' 3.30 in n ud liad froll, ill
Tbo D een louffer- ry party AN., (ijed tile name day- wna a hard 4.1rUll'or' N1 edue"U"i
(An tillis me gold 1*arLing Collptl . d r iordan The g4wilaw. lie had 100 0110 )f their ftaft%.-
flIll.ki , etiom by Tile hea The R! jX during tile (lay- K
has b peCLe(I fr oin (jifferent ire party intended. nkin ulmot PIS& to got 01geet ear
vv�th a severe to tild. jury him; 'Uvlte him, 'IT d been drl rere "-Ith tile In: t1li-Ir jtlk not let th., o4Jievv Off fir",
Wbat esplaill w It jelwA InvitO *'POw and thO blo()k p than the bl()wg ro who vp N(IrV)fl ts exertion ULQj oysicial
Ail *4 is now some Dr. It 4tato ()f tile I tile enterprimig ppirit of pro4w lim deatt, told &W I
via tilat, ill tile preLe work l develofom"nt imeans, sald Chal his evil eye 01n 110- unultual pakenetj arteries tO KI've man untift I blow, cauped the flatimal Kift" Ills lellow Ptud- or eievawr q*jjd find ear"&O
atut- quiry it wao not th"119,11t advisoebie Oro OJUI tile reral DPW localltifs lie will turn nd Uot lie had reelpi't', D43011 act
Idbly t1 n, ircl). , burl4ta In the IrIn or wa,
een app tlir testiltiolly than earri4-d M tilat In the and I shall die. 4Lkj,j Feirrutl- way* all plely, acqutted. ejlta� alld llon't, bolit the led ow
too 04U c- ft or the heart over training, wbon YO13 g%aTted
6d tile lunr, givo"Out ioi-ly frqvnl -t do
prvow"t "fly re are, e0courgg"; the -4,ntcretl Ilatll(w "poll "Lled death. Fitillsimmona ri n141' JP%+411 Saw V*ev
Wn tjk4 lue(licl Tile Iloue willcil we have. to L;;OMZ RECENT INSTANCE& ige varied w
..tter kpown ,Pon ncp will tile caertt t14 -11(i of 1114 r aim
Kid" and arwe SeM.00"trol
sopper W importtLilt witn"i"'" W b. year j,V elp-rie Days a find 11111114 to tit with
re iltillil*,r Qf' 0 -Ct"l was invited- When lo- and death OOMM' f tll(v�e (If tit had
who havo. already 1*"R capital eulploy� NJ. Boontoul e hnt count de this ip on %- Andy B0wW In IL
)d V odeatf On Aug. 15- jOlLes for
allit profit began tile could not
or t1W0 flild Ut*ful 41 TI, TlW only reno PlIvs1clan of "Vigne. Mel tro' lit eat,
%iiere are ollw vince offer" to I turtling from t not. Vk
ta i 1AA(I title many Im- Indeed, our Pro at I Tonnays dropped dead In CbA ,,,jllAtjon 1hT ft rcPl er the 1994. The Dight, b8ic" bis wall k1wk What tlw!r had rewiv"I Afro," DU k1w Ine -
the na4ura her Private ()tlle- who@,je ewkie. nilit. explorerP4 tAild ullneri; Fer bey ent -------- ndqrptand. lie 0 thttlu, and if yq Lit
b;La writr r wofuW hinge, &lid it knveistorj4 eltwwliere I boriop cariftgOo tile figlitero before t o not in gtx.)d to, nilknown t well- ,It p4)ljlti4 V --- -_ ar (In
&A- porUv before their a pea roel. - that k I r tho nim f thv Kvirit en- ood-ki0king
to kno,%
pefflell. W(Wk or tWO)tftLne(I. Dr. trRcti()' e COXrdUNjON Cup. ring. hey allould not tlu,.ie Klecial torw 0 Ong tile IF! Ptil I a you bachelo" be"
%0 open thS W OU Id I It Ie an, gratifl 114 receiving tile t WHISKEY IN VHS (40TI(Ittim, t tn I(-) woondt" &m' do I d(MA beillp"
BXTRA"TI. t" could w2th to es. we hoLvie
the4l calial Olt to,read th# I'l we(LIth For hiin 1601
jh9guin f(n. in May., Ita muler I our O%vll uxi to fight. #'Atcpheu hnd fallen in n ny h4m rts.
trieC IkLrr in eXaMim- .t atteii-tholl RIN P( I jowl'
leader, findo I)fWt_Moit0 eftri Strong Red Liquor 13ubstitute4 EARLY V4,ri, of tile f of us have uibs� b""t
bioan rf"ft'4 �tf tile the Willa in church. entioned the rs --r-hool Of Chrb4 Man (Mo never tell whe4her
b foll"'W
J? I C E W,,, with hpie. tit(! m1ling tile of tho dcat,110 M 1L.t t3t. All- In th um they
0 7 1, Uent, Of IL t4O,n were ggeov-d nun are fri
exallill" Anienjillients (If I ter reloort were low to Ili, tilighty. tw �endw, be0ft I other
Nluklw Les village is took Vince 17f5log. p(*Volk in t" two W, ell
Le necessity ,f hich has been "" in tills I htl other or hatdo 08 ,
up Fjt&injlje into the T1 anki charri- 1"llally fet -"Cotw glad. Tile and im like effoh re ail %be
een in puell it burti"I . Of by the experience of 'in' I Ill C most pious tic vjfbo wam recently the banse Eon and Tom Fajknert dMgrslae We betco 4t,,MIL�ft
betw Ruiow, ,,t yeart. '758. 1104itop tnto 4`16rchf It, MW9
tl(�ll aAj to niake lly John Forremt, 1P6"Ure which T%Yior wlej%� lie Put f the tApIrit. nbons an ft
uy rge al Kitty 0
lef Ine. 'o of an , �aco Aug. 5th- I _k ,Ubt0w_%b&t YOU NO
lble 10 OperatiOnif In the P1 41deratiOnt and t nill took P1 th, CII&MplonshIP at1wor WWI
1P. a —Will d. aliwolutely inip(w" I tel for your con] I to unw Itting CIL virbo saw 'no I
gone, as al'40 4ubnilt I asket 11 perturbation Of t4l (It faith. FWVheoil dear.
11hursda3v (urrie fro Tile li'llim vk-eore way,4 '%vill Yml he bam Ca"Od muc a staunch 6 battlO wft'4 for deoPera su-pili-11 wp a empioyfti 11 b&Lrd we o00111119
in other 'L But tboY
onta"U00- (of tile head. Tile doe generous The good deacon I* It' wM le science ,,Ili of 10OW". hiis, ous.
WFL1104 tile back -rore, iviieth" give *.too Our mining illd""rlep mind. of prohibition. although Tor England. was a I jtA4 to
.3rtaku. It neighbors and brutal exhibition. -tual KI,
t ,ny, tikere all And the You.
bury is die- t0 C()vila no ,all lleen atrUCIL or not encouragement- bSAO to advocate re godlei-s John fighting Falk- rrell t ulboolou of his lw Tlig PUL-P'T
dece was uWN, at tile end of ono hour the
the tile arA%I your cOnsider=1,)n MoMe of JILS MO d minutc" of tile thrl
[% [)ulrll theige chsw
irred from "ffOCIL Lpart certain Of the have been heard to, declare th of goo ftd� f1f t. ricoTodous f roll, Spirit, moerating find uu,Lngwer- RVApIGINLIdT D)
r to Wore of many, and for tile nw*s eftrrt.,_�d Ul 111111 114trOU61 fte
transfe ineamure to ct
ti(M. It Wa14 thl* wild lando of the crown �to, thfa pro- ; wan no, above taking IL I and cir- nor, w. veredf and no the llills, It and bev(md tb5p
gift -t evillen", Oil lie never recO auung lie pbl,1017 103LPressilod W16b at
VIN 3UB54,' it 10 tha, lity of Tor013 aprPlied to- I liquor wheu eirellinkltancels rable. On rtng. of the Inhum[Ln in 01,11%, In U. N%W IL ovanvid at Felicity - 01LIO,
u1sce In the ot 1�0 agiduc*11, that Fell' of the Unive" 1111all be glike favo )d TaY lor W RA n triven Ill"' P0w-T XM Wo.
4811111101 have great poijit will Y biow (A, tile lWad ecellm Of which further Provision for cumnPeCtl0n wam for Med December 14 th 111411tv. w wul"
ionintiol, and t.(111 wae4 trilek IL aking engineering, a recent Sunday in question tegoold Twult nAreles. I-Aelkttyl ().. dempawl, -
,arty purl, lit tilp building, wards in lore tile COKIncil giv" Fee. &gw wife of ROT-
hanics, to jurnish the wine ver". and it wan IV- )hen be' U11111
,uction it, Mee d for the (jencon WAN Instead of 1 niont-111% In r"3o lie again "te"ed RIORDAN. S" Ly in by wtnw 0DO wil lyle to eacape. ingtr ail 1h briMP GUS ska QW ped thead on 98SO 13118D3, M02111cri"a" afflod th,., milered una letail of the lOgy anti ge0Iogy9 tile col"munion Pervi'Oe* ihe strog- (..I YeAr" ]VITZ1NIMONS KILLS whif soongqgMted 1. Fee, droP Ch. Me now
ininera c inventiga Ingly gave r I's &ft4ff IL woul wholl m -A in ti, metbodlostCbw
CARRy(7je a POwl'O k elow- inve"t1fat'"'n thp encouragement of he-entif-I with. wille lie unwitt whiskey. - the, TTA9. dke4i three d6V (11p*$ 1100k cm Jaw.] beAuties Of nork. He w" do AMM hiskey May , *ntj4 of tile fire revealed discoveries Ill connection Ind of 'Vermont ' 0 until "ev' Flnion to 0-od and film w f Aud pmyed.. jLad OA
ev� ot foully tjon* and )Urce" Of opt k wam not noti(m toy the Ch tim am MW
lolwilpility that Fenton, If n eveloped inineral. real Mintake q& Then left (A God : C 11170 big ti, Wag" W -a SOY W
P ve effpctcvtl hl* the uud been 60r by Tsv'iV'e in Uli`4 is irif, for
age, @Alls, I tward Grey, cuqat %-Itll. migilt Ila me, that this province. 4-ral persoOns bad ruth. and ed out no fainted wih 1110 eadowed by the . I hope I nmLy to tl& ch
Ight by go, measurem to be called to the t round. LATig Ls DDWW djqVped thZio". Wile man
,overed . Aniting coulsideri
02 Morris,the it in thou lave tue (*,tiler ition Will tion was then the and I lie we* Dot.
ted fwape. � atteh substituted. Since t for the b0dyo h square WMI i fear Oe tato" 01 Awl" men before M*r 604, Ow OWS
appow yoking Ffqlton MIL1 to submitted for your .1 nluell amuleTnen Ills guard he eaugh is fU , their f -W410 tbresta It is MY prejo
I * butid-Ing DM Witbe& be to
We" in- olle about kLle -lating to the julinigratillu, wine wag to the deacon -s under ke Lee
im tnle ul have be a bill rt ungodlY have foum an the point of thO law' "0 Wj* be 6owmim of *bum War&
their Wll()M, If lie had IlTod, lie e are of IndiglP11t Children; a bill telling the 4tory mpertiftent quefl- "r
_"jj0h1g Curtrish I that, and or IiOeu$e In 11 ft like a log and WeA Carried ou% unow fclr chrwt in MW %
rime, all( , c linprovf, the liqu fort. ked, one be- he fell his head atrusk the a JAG so- her rMil body dlqrwgv�
and OrouP Cure, Of beg'n' )ro, Kilt h4ome fellow life further to d ber of great db4coln gejous. Ais reseaft Of all, While tell itteleffill U) 00 DOW of
e being nd
tilio, the bill too re ill too tions also kentUg tb" faw In tAo 1114110 law"; It 1; a b it that RUP-11 floor with & 6it ode sod
Pookes $j-,izQn ificed. in i4mall towns act's relat- Ing. 1:10w con -0 whiskey sm The Pomim stcoed biln. like rx-awnw.- befort 'any on@ VIA
diamond W" NACI ie nwilleal evidelld" couticilh) rewTered C0086100"
260. C b; other p(AJ,tA4 in t join f tile body. nsolidate and proldbitionlat CftTne tn died tf'Dm cmenw'm into the tam ot Do Wto son pem6n"d LOWIM rt WAt unorganized districts; a bill to ? showed that be At the boam Of tu ry =A jivith his swilt Of dw
#1 Coott ion addl- lated to tile C(K and normal be- Ing 1A) tMPTOve tb J04out in big hOW9 &Dd henjoriblagG. Wh1*0WAITtephen b to lay do" a
beelthy o till tile evidence orksolidate and -All reiatilig The Vtt&l sp&rk- when the head 06rulk the their tmtlL " eurled himL be 7=41 I . __
e. On which W" Thim was tock ComTmnim Act a I king _hratni Was Qund th&,k blood bad lips_ Wh,19 tbeY they -0 b many
England f (we dea th - wa a(l)(mrnpd 9 Wrationm A bill to make zine, in iwell, f lour. It d for W'A'a VWV:
Tsmsers- WI tile, inquegt to loan col wimion respOc 11 *6 rrI 1xv10 A the -.I. of
takrAl, 91 091mi Tbe, docv)r Im" ting Women 1,1PPI11cott'j; Maga njugt be I &.-A *&lison "dwTing
U.,til Fetwnary bring for- further P1 U hope ; ft Ln that Bowen Ing um #0 641 rw to
Igh- In I.Shn� wbo sphj#_ Will% be 9"k "Pm *W rITUM6 I"
the wove�. 9. nnintler Of W IU~li to hqdren emPlOYOd In a eatabi dvertiOling vitality In a coato twrim form. ftatL ble twk
in anti It Im pretty certain and c 1 yrovislOn for the 00TWiderable - win F1
war4l tile t will be making I jW schools ; and a bill for two thousand Smith an in phyalw-
t (jeal nuwe ut of taAn after lkwywn. ON onsu" iady
the GOV- greah, myoWy ate. it of municipal Ike- wWh hno purvived With its 19 ; W a -
A Coo Catholic that X Lt tilat d we the aud .90 7th tO &n4 sh" ut
on t respec And &dvertWng- AVERT- died
(own e, Is not CUFFS XUALS short fWbt, died 04 t1W "Mlt 01 Idt in "Ut
tion. of t1i r enough to contain 0ounts. bem made during the Year" turies of pedigre r He"t-1 ,W ,to OWW WIN SO OW 06 69 Ob8"'M T
IW verge progress hAF ksting the pullpile twenty cen f IV ,Right Rand Blow Ove ---------- sip&tbw skud U4k Of tr&'DM'
AJaoka IN larV d jrdand, Gers&W A f tile survival Of the a Mlklr -kW died
on and t year tu oonsc Ths Ift Imt
They b@824 -
in 11 oped Only a PrOOf 0 sl1who emPI03M 0
In- (41eat potsin fix" SwiUlerland, wit;b of t&e pro ana it
GTeece and y be, tog, but It M&keP wit th ft"
F"bwel tbg work Of 00nmOlkUMon M& of his fight Imn& tha#
Tr*- M to ava". fought Ukwt
0000 VW asUM says oompWed durl r t_ in their buxlu� It
64 PILPS, 0 1 the ve'rious depw an me prUmftle
0 prol UJI& trula- I.. vise PgLps--_O_h. 'r be reports mvies for the pap4o 00
he WvW me nuva Irm&-" ,.t. (j t69 public
ail Irou" Iwo