HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-02-12, Page 3P_ tJAI 41P Owl -1k ask t f givatoe of conclusion to tile name letter she WORLD. b@lwf- 1 oauL"r iia=rx"t of - and m1ld Ili my exprefaloni; ?" 11, tllf! I WOMAN'S p(*Itton In I H1 wo , BETTER THAN A PLAYI CERS Vrar, SUNDAY SCHOOL AN ANIL1818 OF LOVE to my arins, fio& but I have one UT Tiff Just come r next letter to the A Predicament. He seeno to profer-- AMONAL LESSON --NO, Viz.. In li� k - - There h# great newm frow Fro 34adana (Interruptl1W)-4 60 00"I INTERN same man shp reniar' miro. Imt I nover inter" Witt) Mv tho ITt for a long time that womall I can tell at a glance, -a 18T8 01'The larital idyentures of Ir. Drunke unaturai conduct FE B. 14, 1 W7. Dr. Irthur MasDonald's Novel and alk 001 were synonymous terms, and 1'ei, hoopskirts, my dear, will tie worlD butiband ed Father, - m o*n exrwrlenoe eonfirins the opin- in the dane*; Applicant -11 I wftV A0 Pr"ty f'" Interesting investigatim, ion. I hare plaYed the pat of But, pray, do % ou know -he Is I might— Magowan. Vie Prison upened -,Aets 17 -Si. I #� lfadam-43be! firpt-clamm idiot. it makes ine sin'l How a later -day beau Time—A, D. 310. Plaoce—Jert at tljtv mommst at mY Owl' Puerlip Can dance with a girl who In befted Applicant—Tep. waftIM. my c0niPfti- "lem. tor lip a most bewitch" girl. FORGIV MET 'WITH CURSE& Pemn&—The Council, or 8aHlie- fflith, that I could think that -i inan about so ? id r, Tffl 110TION3 of LOVER& cared for rne. I think it mail woul(I My Caroline Xadanu—Jwt call tO-mOrrOwl have a more serlous taak than lie In crituAine ? in for You DIVORCES THIT DID NOT DIVORCE, Otto i, who, in his drunken. dim. The Apostles. The agel of the and I . may hAre the pc*JtIc ness, reA "lit dying father, was Lord., would care to undertake lit coliville- 011. [to! �t tile Mixitreal ct)tton Uommanta.ry-17. The High Priest ijig Tile of it again. Bah! I t's ft I I A BAD HUEBAMD dug down for Uiree dent to jN r three months yeater- row up, that in, procowled to employ a farm." Her next letter begin -4. AN'ith aim odor of *cent lie is Now Reunited to His First Wife n -_ systmate u. 31on treal. day i ,U. N. J.. and his mother. active measlurem; Alulus Is, uo, doubt, Deductions Drawn Fl-oni a Great Num My dea rc* t boy I have I-een re- And a smile (if content lit GotAils Wife's Koney by Mrs. Barnes Left in the Lurch Her who lit ven his treatment of her the penoull, menat, accurdiug to clillp- 'at letter U) 71-sud. I-ondon wotuan of to fox: & ber of Letters Gathered b.V the In- pentinir my brut YOU. Each maid will appear like a small It occakionally llaj)peji6 that the with a Husband Suing For Divorce - A Com- beventy' tillm seven, is sorry that he ter iv. 6, aLthoWh hio ai�ill-1 Nv, vestigator It Makes People Fools, you forgive tne.'dear circus tent, plicated and Plinny Yet Sad Case. in behind prison bars. He stood yes- Ca4&P1iaj% was at that, time 001111 he Says, But Evervbody Knew TAat Where'@ an old beau to teach ? rich girl who warrie- an impecuniould 4MIay. may pomlbly ro. y the High THE EFFIXT terday unabashed be -fore Judge and X1. 49; xviii. 13), actM&I Befora Bring him here, I beseech, young man daWrmln#m to keep her ew Jersey The return spectatrs, and went away with* Priest-Lasige. All that were with NVI aked b.V tile writer what "g- To explain )low you waltz with money carefull under her own coin - negotiated the pur- ermodile tears courtdng down lit$ It,im-With him ill OPPOsiti011 to the F,,r the fimt time'lu liM eventful 91=ndthe Idea of making this ex- girl ou can't reach. trol This Is unfortunatA3* not done 'I, to his family of Frank A. Magowan, 'I Montreal Patrle for Ilia cheeks. for lie was much grieved be- apostles, with like purposo.tO perse l*-rimental iitudY. Dr. MacDonald re- I Often, and even when the attompt I and varied career Cupid Is playing the - y CaroLine 't a cost of thirty thousand Trenton's most remarkable citizen, Sect of tile Sfuldtloeee role -of oubjwt Ill & " 11 It is well known that Youlig In itrinollue In niade xneop*w ia not alwaYu att&lh- A attend iiis fattier' cute them. with respftt laboratory of piled: I I Oh, no! after an absence of close on three f uner, This second interference n-A,!n and young women -young liten ad. A otorY froru Parils illuatralpm 'Lut, W tile affaire of tho church ma be ficlnoe. Of all Investigatlulls which eMW 11 pg -very often do the length@ to which a aliendthrift The elder Seq)gen has been a good in y, perha 71be re tdi I merc III - 4 of Ottawa drO years, has . created. a sensation. Ma- parent to his graceleba son. He had diathictIl tracd tu tho influence of A COSTLY PUNCTION husband vrill iro in order to nwet petitioning the Dominion tiovernment d here last Saturda. He tiuve, ever befti aerioutily amule by foolt,ih things bemuse of love. We tgailiat. gowan arrive for the right of garnishee , old given him a good education. When the SaWticean party. w the resur, learn I n, that which wa" lately hare instai"* or thk effect all the gamirig tatile and trther expensed. Him &be salariew LA civil 6ervants. was, driven immediately to his the fellow failed at everything he rection of Jesuls was the central fact el we time. It 18 a Constant evil, Althougli The Bradley Kartiii Ball About Which roung wife wub ibliowing a fr"d of -AA a reviult of tLie new quarantille hoWe in -North clinton avenue. When undertook and came back to Paterson _w whielt the precloelki,tig of the apow beguin. by a well-kii,own scientio4t of *lch cat" are extreme. Tile ues- Much in Said. hers over tier gorgoouslY furnished without a cent, the uld man fed and tie c4mithitially referred, the most thiNi-Cit�' IN TvItIL(Alt (101114 tile 1110St tioll is %%,fly should such a great hotel. and In the dravi-lug-room dre,% regulations largedroves of cattle are. he was wen to -day lie rpfiiw,d to say clothed him. lie strted his son in vlolmt oppoodtioll which #they -eu- amount of suffering and pain b" enuo- The Bradley-11artin ball. which has her attention to Ve magidticent Wing driven acrow the Ice from anything about'Vie reconciliation. 130 -tied f r0fil mvel. I I excited so much dimcussion In New JV -it kkockviiie to the United States. Ad Mrs. Magowan. Later Mr. Ma- the grocery business a few months countered naturaLly procec ed by utureciprocated love." in chandelier. Piqued tier lack t Upon the lalx)ratory now book of Have you made any experiments York, will "t a pretty penny. enthuiasm. the brkle remarked: Dr. S-elwyn, Ili a paper read at the 90%wall modified his determination ag(x tho wet of the Sa4duceeis- I estimated that Mrs., Martin's bill at Mining Engineers' conveutioninSiont, long enough to wiy that lie It" Otto Seipgen got drunk the next IS. Laid theLr Imiulls on -Exercised a phil000pher the writer a (lay or U-ith Jwtruments )of precision 'Witt) the Waldorf will be for rent of rooms, Well, you don't aotmpm to say utach A- overcome till business difficulties. and day. -The old man, howed down with their official authority upon them *9 the object of a,seertaining the effectm, about my $200)0 chandelier!" real. hold that th Idea thatC put them under a,rrwt, fuLd perhaps two ago saw inscribed this heading: of love upon tilt! human couxtitution." $8,250 ; for '5uPperml $18-000; for fifty - frwenty thou"utl dollars!" maid 411 wan exceptionally rich Ili mineral. was that all the companiail of which lie is hib three-wA)re years and ten, had to wime vi(>- EXPERIMEN'TAL STUDY OF LOV&. servants' costumes, Including trumpet- the fripud, witli a 1witte maser Wn't President are dcAng a -big and muccess- carry on the business. There came their asiger led them to use Yen. In a number of experiments ers, $1.500, a total of $02.750. Thres a fallaey. ful business. His fortune iti estliziated. day when he could work no more and lenw, either 1yy their own- liaodk% pnie ma who is makliw thli inter- whih tile iubj4v.t* endeavored to orchestras will ciet $1,000. The floral ithat pilinir It up rattier high? TU&t The pricipai risa, ,expurting mer- at from *�;00,000 tj $500,000. took to his bed. : or by tile haluim of their officem e"ting study it; Arthur Ma&Dotniald, concentratP their mind,s upon theidea decorations, which will be raore mag. very clitindelier wam oftered to mv chu.i.it6.uf 8t. John'o, Nfld., have pro- The history of the Magowan-Barnes' Otto Seipgen regarded his father's Common pri#*Ai-Among the worst of loving sioine one, experiencing for nificent than any ever beko* seen in for manted a memorial to tile Govrnr complications lei full of occurrence* ilineft an a personal affront. I . crilukada. thum trying to disgracol) who has been called tile "Loombromo I tile time being tile. emotion of love, New York. will coat $15.000. The That afternoon the bride drove t4o ux4it, ailing for th6 enrureement of The old man wants me td do all them. or frightAxii, tholn 111to subi-illo- of America." Vow, it aity, mon of iici- I tile effect of tls eoneentration was eotillioli favors will cost $20,000. The the allop from which tile chandelier would lie met t1rowu a4 Pxtravad, fulce are better fitted to handle #,-ucit g of the breat1iing. Thim canw and 1*gan aii Indignant speech 09 Bait Act aaiib4 the French. Want or islpoeoiblo if found ill fidtioll. the work." he growled when a mew ion to their wi. lie a lesiwiitn numerous sundries, such ail the cost, of imine fund is meeting The- ambitious, bustling 1r. Slagowan. moenger c4uue to the saloon where he I 9. The angel of the a delicate subject than Is Dr. Mac- e about the wickedusiow of charging her TIte Indian 1; Donald. He hais been a student of ffect m*mx to lie more intpi" t Ilan engraving and meuding out lnvitatloni4 with much critic am Ili Moutroal. it with Ilia wife and children. spent the wao drinking and aaked him to go to awigolm, fire sent. tA -,) minister to, Rig that caused hY hatret tu noriiial lit- and such inelde,ntais am fees and per- 10(WKKP fmnm for a chadelier offer - Is * streda summ'pr of Is9131 at lkjwar. N. J. There tile store. w-xvaintm, even thc*Wh they be locked law, theOlOgY, 11143dicille, PH,Y010109Y, dividutil.a. but Ili criminals that of quisites, toog(-ther with the expen.se of ad to monw-one else for a littie more 64 pointed (>lit tlla% thel He wient hosme last, Tuesday even- Is, for they. psycho-pliyoics, metapfiy44icsi, insanity, seeTm to be In excess of that costumes for the arious members of thnll half- The &,aler 1nt&rrQP1A%l Venough in that k)ca',1ty loy all, Sir. Magowan met f Mr". and ., Mrs. Ing and reeled into Ida fattier's sick up with viletot criwitia hypnot6w fuid crimiuology. His �;pec- 'of lore. Th erroc or love. like that her: V ed In their smils tile precious %,he,,cii&rAkxb1_- efforts aud fiiavalidd, Barnes. garnes, when lie married, was carri the Bradley -Martin family, will easily "36adam, 3-ou &M mi#Cri,k*m; that able, an employee of the gu%ta - perella room. There, before ilia motheramO gift of ills Holy Spirit. Thette, med, laity is tile study of hunimi iiature, of, any prolonged efelteinent. "Illy 'if- raise the total of the expennes on Ups works at 11arkdale, a, suburb of To- the ijur8e. lie cursed the wivite-balred were not Influenced by evil, Nurround- both in Ito normid and abnormal do- ter a white caus4e pallor nd exiiati.4- tilde of hcist and hostess to $100,000. chandelipr waA ehowm loy our bumo; The ova eotiu Hou.0 f relopmeilits. band. wam it not"' routo. his wife being Helen Edith old itian wild lay upon the bed. He Ingo. A ion. The aggregate amount to be expended saw yeoteri.*y pataried a 11 -ill aPPoilitilig t's face. lit his, experiment -LI study Of ! ov e th"t by the invJted gumms on modiste&, con. Riddell. a daughter of a syell-known shook him- fists in his paen 0. Speak Inehe temple -TI pre;its it 1,; generall.r triw, siL*). ,he relgied : "ll uover July lot a public h6l*,day. This 6 the. 10 ay out of tho temple, RM he Dr. MacDoaviJd io employing ao far during high teusion of f4telinic 11,110 de- tu it tfil it was put UP." arkdale docior.. He maid, his fattier &;houId go to work said: St men, tallor-4, shoemakerot, halrdreso- fiirst time ditwe cuilfetkralkm tkidat Do- Shortly after his wedding Barnes that very day. sillent witb reAcTence to the "pet. iu,; posoible what lie toeraw tile "iia- i-tre for rotid hvwis. perhaps because 4. ers, fkwiuto. perfumers. waiters and mluion Pay has 1W*R Iveognised in rpinoved to . L levelaud, Ohio, w here 110 "You cun't.fake_4 t3ick game with O(A sa.1d: Go Into t;ho templo and turarl hisitoidy method." lie baA4 been tlie systonin untlt-r nervoui stralif 19 livery stable keepers ba estAmated at to Z -for It Witt, Nova Motia a.4 it Icgal holiday. get liec it e dig,eAt4on )0 -ma king the tootal cust Ceftn Inly. was connected with a large rubber me," he imid. 11 Yotl do your share of speak openly the doctr�np w) dempl. I cj)l t 19 lov letters a;nd various nillell 1111lit4m] ill its power irif of There is it rinuor that the cotton firm. in tile summer of LmP3' Mr. and the work or there'll be trouble." among tke eldeTm ad rulerm. All tile I other data relatijkg to romaxic&4 ln anti ajo4milation. Where there i,4 alt- tl,,, hfill about Jaw,000. We offered it to him fur 550*1 mills of L'aluula. or many of ' them, Mrs. Barues,dpeut their aiqAtion'at The fujully : eent for Folicetuan worti" cA this lifer-Eterrial life, aj4 ob- real life, tabulating them and atuily- mrtilitv as to the outLtonte of a frtince. Imt he twat us dowW W 50,- are to be c,obed down fur three lklmar. Barnes was a beautiful Struck. The policeman had started W110i through Jesus. ,*Spetak it aim big them. am rat oziWmologlist wo-ild love. affair It k n wearing proce*c Well Thought Qui (KKI. nnd t1itit'a till we ". You hJul alontits, the proprietors c ainting. that foung w(iniin. with. large bltle eyea, for the station hutime. w lien the mother persons resolved to stand to It, to I,ive o4tudy ast anthill, or analyzo ail un- �On the 'whole, love, even of, tile hap- beltFw nk him t sbow tm the re - they have a rlock OIL halid that war- i . I and a delicate, senitive, emotional plewled. that tier mon mig'ht nu�t be I and tile by It." known compootind. Ile Ilan Ioeri diil-- Pl(wt kind.,io not n4vemarily re4flil. cxApt- I t hink ill %% ill risid 1w, ha runta their thL4 ill view of dull na. lure. r. Magowan admired -her. takeu away froin the house. 1 21. The high pr*est mane-In.tent 4in geintly collectlTig detallis of love af- "Love has Its pat-lioVogical and Ito hiat It." tIM40. Ile wus a millionaire. He found that "He wI3 be sorry." site cald, '�and kl.s scheme against, tile apostles. lie falm whIch have come' within his nornial midem. True love may have- A littie while later the bride re - r ' Otis Il li� 1wen both. The patholog',cal side is tent- cedved a 11411 for 40.0W frana for a .krichl)ishop Langeviii, who is 'it 110 and she Ae e aflinities. Hei -bus- I want him I;ere that he may a.4 wM on hand at tile appbilited Pluee. ow -it knowkx1ge or WhIc ave preeent in Ottawa. h.ts received at um bfind'wais not much of an *&Ifi4l%Y- He 'futhern fqrgivenew, for lie may never Couneil...Seinate­rTko council, includ- reportod to him directly by tile per- porary, as a rule. We &,By. gob! lie peart nm*laes. 'Me husbaM h9Ai of money from France- which, vith wam a. hard-u-orkillge, plodding perooll, get another chance." Ing all theeldeT% who were members of wvm concerned. All of the letterio nnd wfll do *thIs and that unusual tiling Oven it to ber am ei lArtlioday prownt. the amf-)uiit alreay ;;�itritjuted by superintendent f a tubLer fact,ory In, Tito policeman left the hou.se avW !"It..-Lallge. other data have lewl liamlled with t*cauge lie im In love.' The-firmt, steps and Phe waffi ploliamed ulth the kindly tolle Vall()U4 diOCCON1 04 the Dominion, Ohio. young eipgeu c uttered to his room. 23. Primon...fthut...keelwr� standing- tile great care which exidence, in of love seem to produce a form (-f thought, although 0w kniew well otlw 116 sister came ail hour later and ; To all appearnc*m everything was as -uell ca cames demands. ,tit and tuental alw"ation. would have to pay. Sh wan rather will, he him to keep - r. ago%vau awl Mrs. Barneisepent I; 6, dell te emotional I 0 ether ' uAtmiring - thO summonied him to the an wh4m t1ley leit the prison. nam4m of persons and place.4. elatoes wmnetinies manifested in extreme actq. m4artled by tbe p?irla, does, t -hough JkLa dcuoo6 in operation until the diffl- inucli tialo-t 9 6ick room. The i secure f culty Is settled to his sati6faCtkAl- oCea 11 Ulki exchangilig fragments Of old man was dying. , The keeper wam keepllw- guazd, "up- and'other rererene(w which might in making the person quite teside lilm- the pearls weiv fine. two tows did not Lady t*rdee-n haw received a cable -411x*try, and quoting fiom their favor-' "Otto," o4aid lie, " you have been posing the apostlest were manner betray tile idelltitie'll self, seeming for it time to have a Nuo- N*m to represent anytidws like Igo L ite authurA. 1101le6t, Mr. &trnes saw Wayward. Tlils im no thuo for re. - There was no trace of any broken of thome coneernc4l have been care- den indifferVitce am to tliiligs formerly lanm a pm ; Po &he wemt to the jew- uwvjba-g6 from Sir rthur Bigge., the Private :Soec l, nothing. rs. Miagowau saw noth, proching. I forgive you." lock4 or 1,01U, anti none to witness W flilly omitted. of interest to Iiiiii. This sometIme8 eler's to remotiptra.tp wftOh bim Inr %vitil regard tu the Victorian Order ing, or if "ho 4114J, she kept ollent Tito fedow istrucip U) tile be&.We the escape of tile, apostlim. When e I AVI IAT LO V I., ltI-T0PD8 SHOW. takps the forin of extreme melan- cbeating tier hu"'Imild. while for tho iatke of the children. aiki bliook Ida [Wt beforp the di oponeA-Thls'wuld indicate that"; - it rule, ix (,lily "But, madam." ani(,Io the Jewc4ler. ut HaM9 Helperiji, saying t.hat. no uZit )tnitil early In 1894 that' fic-era liaAl 1K*awsio;n of tit(- keys, lit tile doctor's rcvor'do tlw love af- eliolia. but 91 th:p. :1% five Wed fr9m It w, ming eyes of"the dying TAan. He the of temporary. "VIWIY, taw in** IN vory fair: Her M&)mty bass refra ex- Mr. Barneo -was offerod & large malairy so that none could open the priti fair,4 ate outl1iied briefly, ouly bUch Do you believe that then- is low% of Pueh penrim, &M very fitir prtwaing approval Of any &rt�eular poured foith such a torretlit circumstances a.s might cause turn- aeLleme for commemoratinif tier dia- tLy com to Trenton and be tile super- blfig;�hemy that hid mother a-iiAl r4s- doon., but themselves - - lot I ing pointa Ili tile careem of tile par- hypnotic force In love pearbol, are Twt (kiar at 40,(" fraum mou jubtlep. any project, for tliCl re_ intelmlerit of one of Mr. Agowail'a terd stopped their eaxo. 24. They doubt&,d-They, ditt There seems to be such. A young `*But t4here are only Vem I'd 1� f ()f t1le b:,.k in Canjula, -will I* -m- largeot rubber f6ictoriet,. Mr. Magowan The old mail lifted %Jo lianti, ill re- know what. to think of the apostles; tiapaitto being given. The copied let- man, by his conversation. manners or 4'Pardon me. wadanii. fivel wbm le I u iii -ore than kiwi. He nut only had med with expiwia- the affection cf Pold this neck'Ace. I emiin ntww you oin- murt-d of Her Malevv's sincere -Ym- w buie. It fell by Iiiii slde.,Tlw light whether they had isaved themselves by. ter,4 are intoersper his wife iiitrWuee Mrs. Barnes to tier magic, or whether they were delivered tory note" and. ("luctions. Each came appearancet may gain fuded (wt of h10 eyes. lie went to UIL_ a young woman. Thim force w-eins to' book, with the demmiption mwid nuni- ofriends Ili Trenton"a, most select circles, ot.1" world with the cu of Lul by a real miracle; anit they were at ill itself otiggesti,; a brief novel, none overcome woman's ti,,;tjal negative. A ber 4( paurin." r. Ji -din Ciiawwul, a rat�p but h6 iwovided Mr. and rs. Barnes a loss to tell wwit the ismue of theme the lems romadittic because ail expert- Woman I,, usually negative, &a. of He @bowed tier the hook, mild Mit 6 �Ve_-t, cliargcs, Uea&Iluaj.U-r aud their little dauiliter with a home. wiiiatural%on ringluglu lihol eare. thll)C,4 would be. ence of real life, atid. all tile more Ili- courselwoll know. in courtshi15 tile now thoughtful over how IiiWisM's villaw 1"Uhlic Policetwin Struck, who had been 6's bWltIIllg....teavh_ toerestIng on accLwnt of tile mystery k'ormuretliaii a year Mr. Magowall hgati, o4uiumoacxi, took Otto Selpgen 4.5. Th4i men....azo man says the woman says kind attienClom." Achoul. N%Itll illiluulanly treating hil'i e4tlIeKI amiduou1y upon Mrs. Barnes. Ing -Neither tile a4losties itor tile suggested by the suppression of the w.iit*,, the mail says I Immedlatoely.' It .daughter bN niakilw her %vwd for tin Mr. Barned was often . travelling on tin- to tho police i4tation, ajut theve was identities (A the herow and heroinea. Jokes For the Pair 110 I gelitlwiem In the grasp of tle; people feared the council. The`hali of the onian iays � later'; tile man hour in a rojoin with the thritiolue- prtant busil*%4. 31r& Magowan made judgment," where the &whedrim mat, few casm might be briefly out- h 'to -day', and the oman hat lie wr ti timelow zero. 'rho Chairman of I . blluecot'm. lia-ml upon tile mans col- . %d tu illustrate the varying n)O<Xim say hschool lk)ard. Sir. Glover. maile no complaint, though aho often. s'aw. lar. Tho mother again *pleatled for was neor Solomon's p6reb. where tile limit mt�rrow,' and so it goes." kmwb much about womm a girl be, froill tho win,dows ot'lier own deerted apostles were, teaching. Both were of the different oubjects of the IIIVPw kmilar cliargtv. A Committee Of In- him ill vain. Sho plewbBd for ad wa # " Do you believe that, there can lw gins tfo think ho Liao a papt dihing-r6om tier huA4bwi#J dining with enclosed In the mer -es of courts, which t1gatkoi. For itaitance, Mr. B. falls onic love This bit ad 1wadgear has it rowid After a wonuut in 85 she ceaves to who wae4 evai tlwm oixt on ball for such a relation as purely plat wil of black straw the frollt is quiry hao been appointed. M, Mr.4. Barned. - EvierytKxty Ill Tzelitou etivironed the sanctuary, and were idt love at first might on meeting between two yollnK Persons (of 01111lif)- cro lo - brutally otriking he:r three iv&_-ke bed! � I orange and pre&rictite about hqz age, and dk-oatt, utterlY denied the ace except Jolai Albert Barnes wastalk- counted a part of it.-Huribu. MINH C. He sh,ort,ty i-avites her UP w -z, i%ho are not related" trimmed with knots o UorL.4, rinki courted investigatiow. Ing About theaw things. Barnes woke lore. 26. brought them, witfiont vtolence drive, w1ith 'tile purpow of prol"in. Yem, but it Is iilinornial. I think black velvet, three black 04riGh gtTa t4i tell )low your4K 1p* -r childreii CNITED STATIa5d kilp One, tiny ill July. 1895. The word Yortuig Seipgett i0iowed no trace of It, in not likely that the apmtles were "to Jlter uppermost lit tile inliki. lie be- mcwt spccialiNt-S vilo have been tips, oVrey and or&nZe-ookwed ehrydd as*. t Jar" occurred, lit a conversation be- penItence in h1d face w1ken tile mtory disposed to resist, 'the cab of the Of- eoin4%o Inipatient, however, and CaIL,4 brought in contact vitil phenoweita of santhelmums; the neck of thle dress Clara musit Rave im*41 talk- fiesrs-to appear before thlD counciL at tier It~ two days previous to y; the collar4AW Is Of Ing &bou t me. &Wu&�--Why imi ? woen tihn and lLr. Magowan In tfie of his conduct waas tol(A to liecorder this nature conAder It to tie unitat- ko Ymy pret% s"d yet6terd". He had t*ezi ar- hMe latter's office. anod Mr. MagowaT4 who or I since they were following the Wm- tile expectelT drive. He proposes Ural or abo3rmal. It is to be discour- Lmlght orange ribbon with bmm at 6,Wbal I mpt 11pr Wif. kl#mg&i raIgned on a teelmleal charge of. the back: the ple&W ruffles round twice." Judgo McKesuut Ilan I*en -offered is a giant. found It expedient to knock' (I udlikenriew and divorderly conduct. maild of God in prcimiling; and It, is to greatly murprimett. cancels the t1rive aged. The question is. flow long wIll l bot nre of Crean u.nd has aeceptoed it "Ititin In tlw IlLs arriiaty1m hu.,band down. Mrs. not, unlikely that they looked for an- sind forbids him lier. liouPe. Comment- the plat,onic love laNt ? Such cases V 82,000,000 wonvic should claft Cabinet of Prerie-lit-elect McKinley. &trtiet4 left town a few d,ltym, later.so d h other opportunitf to declare the truth Ing on tl,W crime, the doctor my" that usually lead arter avthilv V) mistin- )nee. hands tW eouM reeich round fte 'id '. I Otto. was crazy wul , begged that belore the senate. while they do- Bi, and C. appc4ir to liare been - well .*p bkjlbe; but they had bettw be at lt in tltiinut4�kj tiat President-elct t, Mr. Magowan. . bercy I* ohown to film. he pleaded, n em. adapted to each other. It lit Iris opin- dervitinding (if love A Lace Nevktie Reports soon reached Trenton that " 14 What Is your definition bome attending tho familly mattom McKijtk--y lziten,6 to 11PIXAnt Mr. lwing too" that 1w be 'permitted to 28.- Did n(4 wo comamnd-They I(xt that B. might have NVOIll C. had 1f. N -pew AmUmosador to 31rs. Barnedwa lit Oklahoma " We may call ltwe ot certain mental The Conntemp.-Do allow me thie Chauncey - for divorce fr I oin her. humband on t1ib , tittemi hia fattier's furberal, and the I @peak U) God's servants an though -he been leas aggress�ve- " It beems to and physical state in hich wefkre eorociet! Tito F"I-My dea.r, I'll F.Ugiarul- ize figt1til1g ground of cruelty. also thatliagowan fellow in the priaoner's dock snivelled tile command of the council Wail the be ijwtinctive Ili yZia wo.men," isays lost. Thought, feeling, duty, the paip;t. Wjow you the ticket low the corcamiA wli t4, prev"Ilt pr Wild ad(led Ills pleadingts to b.er!a He highcgt authority that might be. he, "to rejeet tlie impetuou-4 lover, tiiia k'allfurilia -ellate wam euing for divorce from h1i long- present and fuVire---everything in um Waal paaw!kxl by was; takm to Jail anti the -mother Tile first, charge is for dis'),bedience. WIthout tile kqiA cos*ideration of Ilia it wags hy"Immated to Phy (Or VIP rday. and now igues to the Aw- @uffering wife on tile groun of In-- unitem with the mingle Idea of land, engagement ring. Y#Mte compatibiltty of temlwr. LXc� f turTied weeping to tier home. Tiftelling in JESU8, liame ws the character, abilitY or fIt3~- It- llluL4- other being. Train love, of which the we,mbly fLyr actl(;n. the 0klAhoma courtdi were Poon pub- , %%. foundatk)n of all tlio trouble at hand. tratoom Intpetlin love, which at tile' p6ets *Ing, and which is eulogized by According to tile feminine standard, Lad.y lleory will iw aolied I and I jOHN WfLXIgS Boo,rH Yo have filled Jerusalem -a testi- m_ . a boy alwayu taken &fter lit@ fattier I Ilshed, showing that Mm Barnes time Ilax little rtmisoirt and less 00 all, ham nevertheless many Illusions. so, preach the ajuival ioernwn uuring otiy from the mouthil of enemles of whm he la up to wome meAwnew. the nau+oiat convention of tile W, C. Mr. Magowan had' been freed. from A Man W�ho Says He-Esenped and Went In rilon senke.,He was conmel(nis Of tIlese, Two persons can sincerely love eacii When tw� I@ bellavbW hinwelf be it. their matrimonial boti4low. to Germany. he he apostle@ In fact#� &ilt '%he time, lAtt Ills, IMPUIPP0 other for a time and yet they ihay' not %uamma's own darline." T. U. Ili Buffalo, next f%%U. 5 their mission, yet given to prove I Mewtwhilo Brnes begnn a suit for al desires were V�o styoug." be adapted at all to be life cA)mPan- Fblks nebber in satprefled." G&W A fight Ii.1i occimmi neitid S1j)(l,i)0() agaltist Mago,wan f(c aLlenat- Christ' -r C. Ititter. a German that their evil Influence had a wide AltE AFFECTE115 ions. Lovers are generally convinced UDebs Ebet er white *ht W6MEN Mexico, between it blud (A thieving ing Un. Barnes' affeetioll. .Mgowan i butclicT. ag(Ni 50, to -day, after much e6feet, an4l st<x)d as a lawful charge , - llt,*,Ig that they are tlie (Aily ones who p($H- lady 1)1,%ck ma i 1. t reluctance, talked concerning repotts agaillut them. Intend to bring- by superficial thiligg. In comme IN &l1W U7iu' to ber Yaqui ImIUm,4 and State tro()pm. tienounced th+-,4 suit as His upom this the doct,or says that E was sibly could cherish each other a,,). This git wan to Twelve In-!laii4 nli�! flTe 1001114#'n w('re Neverthlt-so lie was arrested on, Aug. i that he had had recent, corresipond- They had very daringly cried, 'With little visible meting of is tin ill'i"Jon. it simply meaus that hair, an' do ealled yomw lady Is 22nd lavot, nd hoJ to give bail hof6re euce ith John Wilkes Booth. -the as-, bk)o,i Im on us. and on. oar children." IxKir. tryin, to cis Ism out." IIY sam8in of President Lincol.n. Ritter's when they were determined that .1 asus mupport, som of bid C1.0thes being neither .9 llae oianceA U.) meet but -It a P, w1io, liao trad wev- I he wad releaw4l. The suit was fina -called superficial perpm. Faabkm&W doctor-Jolm, try and -s with Freneh Xiniw i settled out of court a few we4-ka ago awry begins. in Germany. where be, sliouUl be put W deatlu threadbare. Thepe ho 64 As criminologist, have you not eral Intervie%% est,fthings, In ItIN opinion. affect omen a I Umd out from 11&ronew IAMr&th's -ration, as Barned' met Booth wh,le, tile latter was in 29. Peter -In every time of t UPINMW love, to be at servants what room wris a,nd.poLitVians oil tile 61 -metallic I for a cash coiluddc - all eyes -turn to hinL Lie seems, by i unconsciousl, hether they admit it found lore. or s sin waWd like mucli comisel admilted. I'Mm4o p-beed th,,! Europo sciLietting.ald for the Confeder he root of many siocial eyils to go to next slumlDer, Po mav nt,t liwetilig Witt) amount . of the coiwideration " $10,- ato Cause. Ritter's father. with Carl Ilia coura.ge, ever ready to atcone for I or not. ]Lon*g enforced economy in life, t, agenient. ake one "A great deal of crime meems to know what to prescribe for her. "nCOUZ -M)4). 11agowan returned to the, west, Schurz and David Enoth. wcre andd Ilia past, failures. in him the Holy i be believes, tends to m #1 ppearance and often in COMO Indirectly from love. The moral Why," tile young nmLn aftked, "do 6raco itawthorne, railijig to where Mrs. B&rnes was living. Her ished from Germany Ili 1852. Enoth Gilost, W complete control. Othbr serious In gtatus of tile wmmunity would be think that Miss Ashley will Mwer get her L50 W week ha.lazY as brothe apostles -They agreed wih . his reality. Thin fveling. lip. says. can be- CU -r-In-law, Mr. Winn,-obta.1net a going to Brazil and Ritter to Amer. em an they conic so extreme In love affairs as to higher. it more young peo,ple marrIed, this wife of aziroine but lbs.rry Chriatlan, ill the collapsied dramatle statements. anti gave witi, d the fair .19 licerLse In Chicago Ili Julie, V-96, for Tile Latter'o son, be�ng. In gympatUy anti if thow� who married did so at an Wakloey?" #413eft=n,99 gal verulon of "The I'llgrims Progre-49 the marriage of Frank A. 31agowan with tl* ConfederatW came here, at- were called upon. We ought to obey be morbid, which morbidity Cometimes earlier ge." . auw 81110i the Lie"lle myruticate ftor. the God -We have received our eammis,- rellults In terrible crime with ppriwns widow, "'bar paivintal are both atrovig- ajitt Helen Blith Ricklell IL-irmo. For ter being persuaded by Booth. Young and Impetuous What other reformw ,io ou eon- ly opposed to h4w ImLvmg anything t 11MOUnt dU4e-. some re,amf urn#,ycA to '.%lit- Ritter landed at Btifialo, went wit Ii sion from (Jud ; we dare not lay It witli morally weak si&,r necessary too make love do with hlm." ,)n the pdJr Jo affairs ed se should. says e. be The last mIdP of the Ullit4xl St"t waukee, mnd the ctremony was per- Booth to Louisville. thence to Uxlng- (town at tile command of inen.- characters. Thp navy to get h4a trouble Im, the bav- formal there. WithIn a week MagoWan ton, Ky., n't joined Morgan's troopa. Clarke. a good natured dimposition on bo h and marr.agcv ideal?" t"h appeared alone In Trenton, and defiled Three modtho later 11"itter was wound- *A). Thp God (if bur fathrs. 11qter midem, rspeciall I y when the emrse Nf " Them seems to be no proper PRIME RID ROAST 6111112111' IV IiAUana- 61ie wLw unable to rue love does not run smooth, for atwthetical way by which young mar- ;Acwmpwiy tile w1uadron-to mead and that ho lil mnrried tile former Mrm. ed wid sent, Vj *.I Cilicinnati !io,,,p tal. was its good a Jew an Annam, and look- t vishes she coul(I riageable people of like Intercats can Tile inso,rtlon in divided fnym fmad A RuLchor tj Way of Kakins it Mazy to tiad W return to Hampton Roads af- Banioem. Hid d ftl liack a* (firectis to mometimeR a w(oman % I enial wits so vehemnt After recover he returned to Ger- t tier. although frOquently meet. Their meetings ap- to hand by ribbon velvet spir&I 11AC41 Cook sivid CoLrvo siie rolled dvaiger that it wlig acceptell. Then Magowan many, to which country him father Imnaci, and Jacoh, as " the fathrrw love tile man who I( ropoweAl to dock ber I' lad lowed re rn. (11,11, tho old pri4wt.-Hurlbut. Th�y she feels It impossibIb to do so. appe". am a rule. too be accidentg. if tlis Ja- lhmlwk4 was writterl oil his fww oubly, It to now p 1.99 hurrleol away to'll'Iffladelphia, ail(] i been a 1, too ta - And ma he 3fism F. and r. G.. another couple. them accidents hap; ened more otten boft, anti akmg the lower border of &M put on a new 11btlge kee lived in a hotel near tile. oue in which, 'Tito bon., after receiviit,g much prencheAl no istrange God Id have many more well when he entered a buteber's aboP aad ( I who, so highly honored tile patriare!" had friet and corremponded occasion- wo WOU - I Rive UQW. NichoLas Nelson, 42 years ohl, of No;. it was dimicovered lived his affinity, money from Ili,% mother's estate, came yet -aUy, without the least exchange of matched cmples. Tile married wo called the proprietor to one e6dw 15io Uhri,,4t.e street, wam arraigned Ili Mrs. Riddell-widnes-Stagowan. Sla- back to America, repAning Booth at !%tow" at.id tilt! proplic4.4- iind oentiment. They becinne better ae.- men of society woulti be tile proper Contradictory Proverbs the ceiltre Stkc*% Court, Now York, gowan surprL,al the piiblic by annowine.. March 9, . 1865, ILiKi the more highly honon-d Jc*iw Christ.- quainted at a summer rewrt, where OT'fw to develop some remedial scheme, says the New York San. before Mag-t,strato Sims. by formr- ing in PhilaAlelphia two wooks after two shortly W421 to.. Wbultington, Clarke. Rnl*41 up�--Tlie resurrection tating ris I.ttle machinery Marry in haste, and repent at lei- Look a hw4N" I* &aid. - F ve bow Mr.4. Bnrhes-were married gain Ins6t4NI upon me a. witnem they walked togetner almoet every DIIM4181 and my betectIve-.6crg%. Cottrell, wkv.) stated Qmt lie anti where, Ritter Haym, lie took the oath 14 a hey frequently quarrelled in atxmt It as popsible. In a little town sure, �rried for twc4v* yeaza, tj3 til A pridoner was none other the day L*ft)ro by tile P.ev. W. A. of the Kniglit@4 of the Groldien Circle, of jc%uA._I,ilul_ day. T thingv are more normal than in a Happy is the wotAng tll&t'# U0L long bmily insimts on haTIM roast billet thau Ar�dliur Palmer, who murdered Hanoberger, and that they had alao odi %lie third floor of the.old Pwn- 101Y. t argument. After one aeri.ouo quarrel G. a -doing. muti,er, giater and brother ri been ina"ied Ili M.ilwati1fe lit June, t1w 31.J1rInm and Savlour,He wLs ilot went away, but returned in a few largo city. Among the lower Manses, at ishot tw-loo a week. We have had hid 18U6. This ajuiouncement, ttylvania Hotel. Ritter still ham weeks to fmd a greas change Ili Sliss generally speaking, where there are Out of sight, out c4 miDd. it on an averW a& oftion that Mamarot*ck, N. Y., oil the 9th 111.4t. whieh knight's badge which was givaill Illm the blasp."inr they had called Hint. ret*l. d&wp&tClie8 gay:� A I geemed to clovie th�! Iticident, was by Edwin Booth. Ritter oaym Booth Ile w.%* no guilty of dWoyal$y to F.. who now became much less quar- fewer fcrmnlltl;�, there Fe -m to occur Absence make* the heart grow for the whole twelve sars. &W eve" . really the bt-girlililig A -It. fro relsome. They appeared to have a a greater number of happy mazdn�airem =lug Awl ama,l 11,surgev t, foraging party% of it' Pl'eO-. told him at o4z o'clock on the even- ooil. Ht.,4 exaltation pfoved th, stronger feeling for each other, and than in the exclusive c1e)ea. The fonder. tuim we hare it the IrInkLng water from the well uP01l ent, phame. 17 rien4 is of Mr. Ma- Ing of the ammKs�atlon that he would give r-f-pentance-Though shamefully fell in lore. Soon -they quarrelled conditions shoul(i be such that YOU119 A rolling sume, gathers no incies. has WO to work overtime W got L1 gowaa, hearing of tile recent Okla,- 'lie, a loyal brother tWateft' while He walked among men- down the remwd of tLw remarkiii I" an tut.nw where a pantsh coiumn hma flecisioll that, a divorce in Inval.id, expect him, to, orters again. while on one 61 their custom- pe0ple of epposite sexeR might, liecome A sitting lien gathers Do fe&tlWr& forced to make when I have W carve had etwaniped the prevlouo# Hight, If either par0 thereto remarries that night, Init 1tItt4z- mym he did not Ile linp,poirer to wi.ve, ' and ary' walks. Both returned from their7 acquainted when cmigenial, witilont. A stitch in time savee nine. it. why, it's a fact I ofus stay know what was t,o occur. He ppent gracp to HD murilerers. A) were a4l, &%imulta1180usly' attacked withilL six outim. assured him that 32. So Im lAo Site HolY 0,rho*t-­Tli(b walk single filf�- Coming to a bartwd W ming to . be - a.ggr"MvP.1* IV@ never t000 late W mend. away from home &W go too & Tftt&Q- & few hour& 1&toer,*,1- 'th ex- lit_) vt-oul(l be guilty of bigaLay if he tile evening t the circle headquax- Holy Spi[Mt witnemaell, through their wire fence G. held It up while im F. rant and pay a dollar or two for a cruciating painti, "N vocalt, marrie- Mr,4. Bar".- Anoker Ok- Wm. FAwin l3rink, an ctor, went' workst that tile apostIN were. preach- 1xiMsed under. Slip hesitated before WEIRD FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS. There% bonor aniong thieves. dinvier in day4i? I know there If ross% UDg. ��Vefl (AtIt (If tlLirteen diied In with - Booth to tho thOatre. Ritter holding It up for G., hot finally con- Set a thW t catch a thief. LAI of mall- inhoran, dtvi-lon holdo that divol"V8 k-arned of tile a#wdsmilLati(m by the Ing tile trust). bw w&itiug for me. Now, Ili&% I fearfill, "c4ny. The iqire. whopie, feem are not paid are invaild. Teaehh�s*-We tire alwa.vm, sarei*t In descended to, 4 mo. Slit held' it too Parisians Have a New Fad in Which Discretion Im tile bettoer part of want too kbow is whetber t4ws is pt)z continues at a mo -4t &In.rmilLg Thl-4. It is said. deetroYx Mr,4. Bar'nels excitement on the streetm, abd by tlie line of dutY. We aire most succe*w- low, causing the back (YI Ilia coat 140 Phosphorescence Plays a Part. vakw. any POWIbIllity of getting a priess ra te. anti Mr. - Magowaii*s d1vorcew Booth'm rushing Into the circle room ful for (RA when we are moot forget, be caught and torn. Thia wad, the I . rfroloux Paris cowt* to the front Nothing ventur*% nothing have. rib rosist that can be carved w1W of combined Shortly after these thingw were ad Paying he hati brokn Ills leg' turnIng pcint of renewed affectiou. ran. Mollnp, by a xcr:es Ritter nayn he went to Kolb & Fox,s ful 'of melt. with a soeiet.v novelty w) original av out cuss word& operations, hn defeat*,d tile Cuban brought to 'Mr. Magowan's t"tion She relented and rep--nted and love Venetian Cloth Cloak Here the butchw lauetwd IMID041- ind tne"while P@J d got three saddle horses, IPRW again grew up between them. to 1xvouve a rage aIrWst Immediate- limurxents at Zarabanda, Province ot hI,4 frienik who . I - nble an emlely. The ewtomer blimlied and Matanwia, at Punta Guamo. Whelre lie tAl 119 1141 lip hf.4 companVii affairs. ig- and allo got the plasterers' multi; The,command of es,od w,149 tt, Leisure-. time, In the doctor's opinion, ly. I'loixt-sure w*kers even with tile Booth and Iiiii lic4perN donned. They got angTT. disiodged them from the hill*, &n4l. jesv*4tattilig his prt*ence in Trenton, went to Rr. Muild, a wlwl 4YmPath'z- np(wtlels all-Imilortant. To obey It- Is of gTeat incidental Importance t4o 11101.4t, jaded appetitiva are foroad too ac- It &in's a 1.9ughing matuv", I* I&Uw. be delillitely defeated them at ho iwttlenw.nt of Injured husband they befleved to be their first duty. fAr as love affairs are concerned. Ili t h uDdered. Tumb&j�elro. Several of the Imurgonts ' 9 Ault wa effected. Then Mrs. er, for treatment, fuid lat*�r to tbe n -obe(lienm to thlo,coinniand, they the country, lie saym. the beauties of knowledge that in the '*5 u'elol-k jumphig into the river wore (fro sarnem ddt,-n1V home of Tom, Jones, 'Mudd'101 hoptler., �1 and ma' versa- pho­*plioriescent tea " the.v have found' (M eatime it aln'u" miaid the but,- wned. lert the on,,,] their high(vt jo.vm, w their witure give a direettipm to con ther, " but you're the third Eon UMS FUteen men, it In believed, lost their Barne*-3fa90W,'lll RU delpliia,- at Booth Rmit Fy1win Fox, an acto;r, back hearts' debtre In the upbuilding of the thin whicli nader Other conditions (as womething new undior tolie, sun, Hotel Ili P11118, to Wao4hington to secuTe film citispn has told me a stmy like that 1110441, Ilym to tbW wsj. LW 2-1 othern we'4- vvhlell i4te- ham, -lived. aml It w -u# mai suit faul privato papers. Fox put 'on church of Chrift. : Filled with the tit a reception) would not be w) nat- t hough It qUht fairly be callext a cow- aiiiild I got Ism every day. It's As mud. The umurgents turned to her fathers Spirit. they went forth.. fenrien of ural. This case, in Ilia opinion. illus- asisimt tiling in the ocold. Lok hwe buffocaZelli In t1W ti):kt she had re the clothing, and n1teT havilug stoppod le oUxk in trado of apir- absndolied 69 ita4lied b(mms. Tile -bolne In Toronto.).' reed, w&4 shot. all opplwitlon or threats. Wilen left trates how depentlent love -Ili upon bintltlbn Of tt let me fix you up a roast." iffe peNed troops loixt tw John lbert Barnes L at the Harold farm to -&on' - Ituallstle fakirs with o men killek) and had 4 hr Cleveland to rof lect lit prtx aulOng crimin what lie terms mpdciouv propinquity. the whwAgirl a to (Jeath. In the meantilme a Five skile of beet from tile " box WA --,yeu mo-OWunded. He iins Instruct-nd I& couniwl it, Tren_ 11"ric a64 they were lilal to feel twore Thew few caws, given In outline, tricka of a juvenile partv'. cut off two ribs. had kicked him, breakWg 144 I&g. - jil, t llt)w m& tile twi- 1EATj RR IT A EN ton Up PuLsh tile suit for divorce from On may 4th, Ritter saYm, -110 anti deeply the grent need of 'gettijkq the ary sufficient to Illustrate tile process o'clock In Frano-4 i "That's exa"ly tim kichi of rowt pa.- In ortle light hour, whk3i eurtaia* AILY. 00 ge ion Bia oed lt,-i first bL4 much-marrI0 anti 'divorc#N,1 ooth went to Phll.aAllelplil.a, and oil U Isn't it wife. P truth before melt, r to Of recording the varioum data anti the a ro Mau l British commono. Ho L4 anxious to rEdgaln custod.v of May 6th glled for Rmth America. The t4mil"A them 'from the jutii`% ' terribIP method of drawing tile deductions. drawn aail InmIw are lit. ltwt4-,,fld of That's I t�" am t lie cuawmes -4 littlo daughter, Beryl. who tins bot toolc fire anti landed at Trinidad. fato which awaltd those in chninal of course the doctor inut hve in lanilw, thf_- &,,uc*t-;, tile fumiture Lubd Now watch." &aid the buteber. -evallb ill tW valleys h1l; br*,n with her itiother ever #Ince Mm linve your butchor cut orr the eu& Riverm, and from there they went ove-r1and.on twtlide them. This event oiilY en- -midd hundredn (if detailY4 which for tile cue� arul dancqba farnish thei light Barnes' f1ra4t flight from home. given V) tile sit thp pho.-q)hor*vcent toea-4. df the rily- like thW." and lie eall W donkeys to Para, Brazil, whom they atged thOm tO take oil more fullY the lack of space cannot b( iracto of laitiot are oub- The not re-mult of tho. Barnewlia- ' Booth hnniem for lost, liumanttY.. To thein. reder in order that lie may lie fully waills, cvJiiug, chairic carpeto. tillootit, four luebm of rflo Pajo, leav&W rent olamage ba,s been "all coniplication ui)'to ditto im: met Daniel Enotk or UnOth. his thon, nothing wax inore Important equipped for him diagnol4m, so to speak. nd cc * b4times there i.4 spread a ph(w t lip leull 4 -ye of tile swat luwi a Vow, -rty Neither Oklahoma divorce is good, and' Ultimawly recovered, adopW thnn t1dw work. SOME STRA.NGE SENTIMENTS. pholdew4wnt sulatance that alworls little fn$ on. the 64luall "ad. NOW." n1liatol by t1w, Brititih Mri%f rigawan are wife's family nme, remained In South Thp cominand #If the- roll"ed wa.% ; light durli&S the nd at night lie v"nt on, "have him ko*" S&P hopy Mr. awl America, ano,] then went to Germany, The love letters in the doctor's col- fur increamillig t Ile no cload haAl Pa. not under divine tnrpkratVm. ' causm the rooni t4) g Iow %% ith it m eird. efficiency of tile navy hui�bctftd an(I wire aA wibero, Ritter RAT.81 lie attended 91v They did l6etion, or rather the copied portions. Unhol light. honew in this hig i*w ntx)ut lialfwalL P%-er er'oQmed tkeir Pky. The Oklahoma Booth'4 second wedding at lianOTer but In anger and hatreoli. tire. Of course, the most interesting of The-effoet 1,4 &0d to be so) unearth- up�- mo," and Im eut t4r. r6b boew tile- conatruction of fivo divorcrt4 to -Ing inval4l, 11m John �Al- not magnify.God In their office; they about ii,or wnr ullo. " ow 0" dw. Germmiy, In 1888- 1,.Itter finally drirlwNi used their authority to itereen them, all tile data relating to this expert- ly that every one move* aWut the vxmr roast wOl wt rl" in UM wl t1iree fIr4t--clfL98 Ix -rt Mrncw must forget tier Interval back to Amarica, CA)mLng here three mental study. A few extractm taken lie ad-litim' Of 40,(A)0 of Bariww'llagowan, -and selves. Thpy gave command againi4t room with a, cdautioupit. timid step, and and nat oin t1te pliske ,041111W APTO He talka IntelLgently and -it random will indicate the character 4 -fend mi bowt mho itin:v tier lnji)r.,d Montbo ago. the command of oliod. They peroecuted tho conversation is involuntarily var- roasted. Id"t it #Pt bonpl�ddmm. remya, commenting On 1lu#41xl.1kd'*,vuIt for flivorco with accuracy -that tends to force be- the ifien whom God had favored. of the correspondents: riml on in sulxlued toneg. apt though A Instead Of CArVWg 11111116110" yd6 NOW Wift llef.-Am;erson, Ind., morr. Vkleigo Re- 1�, want you to feel you can come -uw-, 111**ch, says Eng- con]. The-alarin of tits council was great to me with anything and everything. funeral were the nubject under dist the knifo flat ou hold your 1"f wilmi -fast-A to consent to the Gladstone as a Theologian. I when' they saw.their power ovPrruled. Keel) my sout and I will keep yours." "on. Wmatly anti ffhomtly wwm the tbo fork kxmto mide tlown and 4" 410 Glacistonei'm r4went work on Bliop THE STRE14GTH OF METALS. They had umed caution in providing 66 of courw.t MY dear boy, I want to gtw,.-.td. weird and woebegone t MW A& of tlw pWop. Do "a VOM10- t4s it now. Russia's for the wetiAty of their prisoneriat, and face" of t he w%rv*at* W 110 w%kM? 'You ave lo -en usW tA &AW is changed to-daY. Butler doa4 not pleame the exponent" An interesting Comparison Which yet they had "caped their hands. Tile mee you. nor do I want the ' eivilisecL hand around the gleaming Ing our low,( orl the plate tim Df the 911heral" school of theology. , eo-Aegenerate world,' as you term It :trA territory. and can One of thew, Richad A. Armstr(mg, Shows Their Metallic Teiiacity. s ent Increased the tw) enjoy that pleamure wit,41 Die. o : tea cupet, while tile hostess in tier way anti wiciug it front the wanto lit the nature tilubjwta him t(.p k*view. Speahig for a given (1�4tremm of tile council. Everything dear. I only want you." phomphortwnt costume lookm like nAi btTee't you r, The man "M be rom Turkey pe"efally. The utmogt mtrength elw% hild favored the ap(mfle", and now wilioly wanderer from %he ewpirit Well. that's Your migltalo%" first in the m(wt glowing hulguagO " Are you mure you want to mee me q ' 71hWe WN weigitt Im requhAt in inany kinds of thi's event would be another proof t world. All that is tweded to make tile tied tlw butcher. 11. Beware! I wonder how it will ffffeci of Mr. Gladj%toomho'm wndviMs as -Illy import. among the people triat dGod wag on take that most peoW Make. to be. muffering Wid. Arm- construction, but is in(, to ttee you again?" Illuw4on of urmmrtliIUww complete in -,orted progrepp4ive mtetteKwiW1, atit iu building flying ma(hines. I)IM their side, and that the truth they taln pink th:lt thepremeillpeofthegboatly musir.Lavo, butel1wr mends the rcbw^ with the tol. otrong goes (xi to may that Mr. Glad- �feoo-or Robert 11. Thurston in the proclaimed was frcnn Him. They knew I'm oftly a. tilotul wh, halt hidden behind bankii (vf of the boti(w br)kon- but 'lot rut Off. Amie CallUiet ham rO- sume'o mind me,emo to lie built In arch Aeronautlirs, di.;ctisws various not -what course to purgue. Their con- grows Ili out-of-tilf-wav homplioreacent �hrubbery, produce i and your 000k ragAta th4i w11019 161111120 wateT-tight compartmaitek, between to reach -not n -VY taki-n. from Its P '*� tro will form a -Mill, which there 64 my ititercommunicat- materials %ith thim XPecittl ObJf-'ct In sternation outweighed their Indigna- 111(illig Once." slow wid mstAcal molodleos from Ili- The a The ecde ths,10 I have cut Off a tion. Mr. (4ailigUyn-P, tile mtAtOmman, view, fout makcs comparimonm of inter* tion, and their accusation to tile apos- 44 How I cling to you alld w;-ap inY- struirmvit,s that t4parkle anti flame, I i, may be of interest to the com- litterly wortl*�w for roasting; but probable that e,4t too other lines of ctigineering. tion wam an actual confession of their with tlw oam vuboWice that Illu- ther tim fluest hones llieA and party will re- 1164 a broad wid frank thinker, a pap- At the outset lie gives the following guilt and fearm. It seemed tile only ml4f up In you. I'm kind of lioxtal millatt*, the ten'room. Tile substanep Ing bride to know tIwA tile bridal Mi 'll ium tdociatoo lover of freedom, a ardent generallY accepted figured: Castiron way out, to make tho apostles feel chameleon." uwd to a PoLtMA misture that in I rell is of eastern origin, beingarelle I tour hair grow. and ou hare boo )n country over win- a"tie of progream." Mr. Gladstone welgIlm 44& pounds to the cubic toot, that they were ovAind and unchrid- " Emotlon,4 callnot 191 gkyt 111) to *Or- wamung them ft)r twelre Years." df -r. nd I mur-t omi..v You lia-ve jar- guaraviWed not to emit an obnomlow I Of the brkial canopy lield over tile tho t1wologiart In "a thinker only and an inch-m4lunre bar will mumtain a tian to exposo them before the world. odor. With tile ordinary phowphorew be" of the bride and bridegroom. Tho mail took bin reaft aud -emian well at 11amoy, al(mg pr~rlimml llnem; a very cyclo- pounds; bronze- The courage of tile apomtlea row red my feeling -s in w) comPletel.f '"is- Among the A lo,4%Lzonz & *iWi&r rbs of � Parts, f Iowa weight of 16,500 understanding me." In her following c*,jnoe the company would either 411, and tile lotcher remarkaid ShOA peWa of the Angilowi6on. Of the Ax- CU -P wast , 00011 high above the emotions of the coun- stoin existed,tut, if the bridewas 1 ate of 5,600.(M till- weight, 52r) pounds, tenacity. 36, letter thi-4 corrempnirolent 140ina-what have to meet with doom and Will.. tlmw i't anyhing to t1w WorW teeinth ad o4eventeenth centuritm, wrought Irod-weight, 4SO, tenacity. cil. Intead of being afraid of them, a w1dw, it was dispensed with. A&- far am he knew. ahont 49 but of tile ni�w learning and the new P-0 ebangm her tune. `1 should like to dowm wide open to allow We OW- w) 0,000; hard "struck" steel -weight, tilt! apotiltles preached only a few 4e 1400 y ou. I feel n o6trong Imloultie to- phuric smell to emcape or ruit the cording to garum n -&Am, a fine linell them we* Do MM6 ignoranoe as thwe ion* for meniters Of thiriking of (mr own day, distrumtful 490, tertacity, 78,0W; altiminum- from their amembly. It was no harder ard yott. dearest." risk of atilphyxiatim. cloth was laid upon Me heads of Ilibe 1, vtftp about fixing a prime rfN-At for .1chaerath have been aild wwpiclum; of biblical criticism We are eir Indignation, w you were r. just brIe and bridegroom, sAd was not enply t000king and C'.1rvfl* lace, March 9th. and and comparative philology Pdrigular- weight, 16. tenacity, `6,000- to face them In th here. &a. Eki much of & sucop" has it be,. accuptomed ) think of metals as being while their own Pouls overflowed with W. I do not undeiwtand ra.Vwlf wine, ill, fact, theA tile 01094;ihorew removed until the benediction had ;ra%1l YrUl he summon- ly Ignorant. Mr. Armstrong pay#4 tri- str011ger than wood, and so they are, lioly seal, than tO teach the people. no been said. The old DrItWi eustom Proud ot One'a BushUM. why my thoughts turn to y 11 emp Mazell, 27,11ift. buts to Mr. GlatUtone'a " larg and generally speaking, if only pieces of Indeed, It wan getting at the root of not coweilve it) poov� qui for I eftit ball Is ail event that w I , Was to use nature's veil Unadorned- ties 144 ammms pK,gutp the same mize be tented. But let equal things V, tell tile guilty murderers Wle for m'.V off in Paris shortly. The programme that is, tits long hair of the brift AdrvwtAaftg z m&ypl that 1 ateurate learnl.ng," and "very con- did for the ball is bamed ti me w lia" ordered tile idderable plillopophical fmbtlety,"but weights of the two materials be com- directly of their sin, and the way out J",41 soul to be again flr(;U*fx`l with on is sa which As 60 wam. b I&Uth "we@ as well m Its dkWA y of his gra.lulfather h veal atmos- pared, &rut It will tlipn be found that Of I t. Not with enticing words Of tnterc&t. Strange. verY strasige." Idea as tile tea, and the effect will royal, noble and simple & y an 4091&080 J. Phere in wideli lie in Immured" an ct, " An go, dear, you have been; ' enio- be still mre weird aind striking. In- Ism -A meveral varietie,4 of wood prov alx)l()gy did Peter reply, bu ne behold the tromm of the awa publiolied in oonnew e t in dire I �jntl0n"Y.of Illsbirth. that Of Occleodaptich4m, and even Ills stouter than ordinary steel. A bar of cletir, convincing worda did he &et tional In your letters to me. How stead ot the xalpliuric guests sitting.. maidenhood La, their entirety. &W Ow pabut In $W011111111l &VA 4� verL�&tlm autograph etlile.al standp(Ant Is unfavorably af- pine, justo ass heavy an, but no heavier forth their sin and tile doctrine of 'I'lu'ry obtums I mmt be. for I have quietly around a room diacuming tea for tile lam% time. as &fW MAMW diVAtied 61 aw wbe is 3.4 opinions and pro- fected thereby. than. a bar (4 mteel an Inch square Christianity. Then lie clinched It all not notload nav traoft of emotion and excharlging gonsip couplem wrap.- they were neatty dinesel on the of r*h 6 to er a mild. pod in gwa rni garmainte of dull *1.4tile defenAve power ug that lie and his brethren he&d. A n1l none. tkw blesseewwo Is a Not of k will hold up 125,000 pounds; the be"% by declari unadulterated sort of emotion, flanw will gUde around tAie darkened mo wmd it." IV msi,y All the knowledge we mortalm can "Iti, 175,000, and mome hemlock, 203,, were witneRses; and tio that lie added cut and AcAremlly 80ow Tmir an a me W&DIA I* 60 *4 not knowledge positive, It ?11 hallroom like q*Its o( the departed acquire L 0001 Wood, howpver, is balky. It tho bold assertion that the Hot Lvut, knowlpmdge coeVarativeo, wd occupieg ten or twelve times the space -- I am In one of my &operate moods in tllp (jegwted Ilaalp o( a rulned man- wom&n's becoming a th" U-r,l 0host aW witnessed to the game. 7t eagtomwy in Sam" for village MdWo formeliy ben I r -11, ly England, and the oubject to the errors and pamdon" Of of stefA ; and for a machine which IN was a positive declaration of their IV mply would defy the de* sio,n. to &hear their locks on retur tAr 11. CoLlinm, a humanity. to move rapidly through the air, wkin- fellowship with God. man, God. and do what I plfmAed. I "How Is the pries of cattle In your from church. that may- friction and the rpshitance of cross- reAl glorlously' free." V_ A Va"" *W1 Bench I)ITIV-06111 Un. Newllwed-Wkht Is A, joun woman In the opaning of town now, Mr. R&yseed W L doiss *0,. Ing about tjlrowtng yor brmd upon section require that tile material shall The way to wealth Is as plain As 9 It's party good senee fts rafl= A btroke Of 1XIlil0um". &y Tn 0% tier letter wrIUM: Do You -. know iLve been ChOmqj 7 Mr. Nowl1wed-d-Wel,l-ab be used that log at com'Pact as possible. the w to ark It depends I to waubw When tbe 04bev 4W a" of Great RM" t1w W&ten that, heamforth I'm going to follow eome tbro. got $00 for a e"W I have callood to W* YCH t1W C4MW —1 Vt I" it, Wit% your brao, Hence, *ood is out of the questiou chleny on two words-indutry and example and be very moderate they killed Mot 11i"W" ow to am your inneeiiiiais,ta way bo onsh, after all. trVicauty. your it wauW work. or WNW io 19 10