HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-02-12, Page 2wit= them, either on the floor or in the BRUBE on TO us" IOLA" meaning," and her arms encircled me barrels after taking up, with an equal in a loving embrace. quantity of dry itand or road dust. AS S y FWAIC h coin The Brideirroom Oouldn't, Gumiss
ranm U will I And I shall be satisfied with my They thus become a most valuable They Wara 1MAnOw"60d
environment while wrapped in Your b�k t lie YOU ha% -V )USIL UWWA VU"frWlL&' US arm8,0. aul I bent and kissed the full, fertilizen. I WOMA nd to our 5- of -
W red lips. and pressed the rare, WO- When live fov-is are vi be mhIpped be#he 25 cenuum. as" as as ittopped ou We way Gown do not make the coops so large aii to I North imerion Liffe. con i 11% tlw rallway ear and addrembed &Wry or V, J�Ove amd The"ophy. manly form to my breast. be hard to handle, lest they receive At o French eoln be- " if you are going to the station In rough usage from those who have U) tw ej There d a j()_(*ntIme, YOU09 mAA who Occupied a oeut witi-1 the conveyance of Sam Johnson you handle them. Let them be strong or 1w, I can I a young lady. 7 will have to hurry and get un your AGjtICrIjTURL- eb, hoopok 4 � " J:iow did .vou kuow that � a,-kt-,Aj
vU Ajomu xA i I i. wrap," sald the cheery voice of old enough to be secure, and light enough in the Inat the cam, the young man. In surpride . P. iI \ I bl"_ tor- coln, while hlirewder llwwever true the old wWA19 that to avold heavy express charges. The annual meeUng (A thJ2 Com- Austi "Never uAnd how," replied tits
men took- the world's wealth Hugh allon behind- us. ca nnot be pany was held at its head Off Ice in tomo But, pra . country And Sure enough, Sam was turnlug Into "any fool call boa farmer," It, 6 ChIckenji, like bheep, How a la other. I know that You lla%le Just
N% hea enjoyed aA no tool crowded togAther in large- flocks with- Toronto� 11 Tuesday. agreed L&ll lance wl a
0 F"
fX WS4yg hll�
e L
I t oc
these operatiums were com. bloomed and the yard from the pike. Sam was L,4)%%- ju, certainly true that Janua" 26th 1&. T he aCt ba -u married. go hA.d 'Lb 6 YOUM uAturally as nower$.L Frum the h1n% out breeding disease and becoming all t t until J you have ju4t been married W
Wets I It was, n6arly nix -m. and the of a God in the hewed timber with getting very [at, and stories hadbeen can be a good farmer. -%Jly fool easy prey to prevailing maladies. Mr. Tohn L. Blaikia. President. was does not about y t ulle, ladY. '01 him, and Mr. the barmai, each other you are the brideerrm'"
iling the -6*u eyes of red c:ay, up to the echoing e tj
warm unl4lit N%as floo,4 told of his sleeping on the seat I*, a laWyeT, tm)x10'Jt if I'(! k4 Keep tiiiem awake and the bloo.)d stir- appointed Chairman, Wm. 18V9, but My tion to defend
wagon and the muleis arriving at tile Call ieir W o has In e and #Aw to the bride." Jour ut the grotto. and making it, aisieo of a cathedral with its Pic- eaeMy and good 4euse ring by making them hunt for tl McCabe, Secretary. 01 r .1 station. turning up to the platform, Lie her, wILl Oil, re in t I te an- You tire right. Ara tured faces. I was after the inner se- P �,tltute (A food, even it it laust be scattered a i;; i,ght. within. Lucy Nlal.'un had heard and then backing tho wagon u e The Directors' report presented at Cret or mall'is immortality. Fromthe he suoln goes to tile w". 1-arais ar among the litter. tpodes. young ninn adiultlted. " but of Lae Incredible events of the morn- raving, against the stepii with much force as properly ak;ylums for human the meeting allowed marked Proof@ ed if I k1low how you foUnd It out."
ignorant upirits giving scan- Ilu wore Linseed meat is excellent for Poul- ith t
ing. an1 bad cutue to hx�k once more to hurl the sleeping driver off his seat fallures tLajl UTO Ia..v ( - a lon, made uf pure "Fil tell You thlit later. imt )UK
Ou the fave she hi.1 never expected da I to the inhabitants of another backward, to the intense amusement gficem, dissect try, wntaining the nitrogen which is of continued progress and solid pro+- A MinliLtl now j III n*-K-IY - dd that you W1006 t4pliere by calling his inwane bab- uly, rooms or 11#11s Of commerce. of . benefit to them. A spoonful OIL109 a perity in every leading branch of the 9(ild, mOuntf ma, a carriage of rtne- of the boys And passengers. numberls cftJ1 marriod thimi morf rig and that Y041 M a
tO be" again. 'Sam. Juhnwu had en- Lra-sted tL-e mail wagon jjutl fAmous biings tberis message*, to the theos- Good morning., Sam," I said. " We Neither ill word," n -or by week is not out of proportion, and it' Company's business. Detaks (A the "Od- inlaic. 'rc c000tly gems, Is IL rour honeymoon trip. Ani
are now on mules to a subartern. , UW "L6UX)d, hat ophibt with hit hints of au upper are off for a trip to the North, anti 1*3 t6ld the work aCOW.Pli"110d will serve as a *tomie tu the boweis as by the Uluque baubl warta re that ,,am I right Ln the Open realm and secret force, I sought and fazm journals Ill Uplifting tho agri- well as a food. It in not intended. as substantial gains ul" I" 11 auor be--ide Luicy. pondered their words. And I weighed then we sliall settle down here inold lie coutry. hea daily food. pany dur"ng the past year Are =MO Vome iuw t *w-,wion of the im- "You am sl%rangler. but vroint YOU
t. f
:t was wo*Lh f remark that Ca, -4.Q- Tennessee. No one could take us to Culture Of t perial army i&t rlin. It IN valued At tell us how You t1weLro"W tlift*
carefully every Idea presented. waichLag falls ilLtO the "Uil, and we ' Done, feathers and shells eontain San SAW the U01 of tne'cw1ored man '.1 peeted into t4e cell of the mon- the depot but you, S,am." behold the harveist jAl tile better re. and demand phosphates, therefore particularly referred to in the remarks $25,000, and could no,& be piirchaw,,d thingm so accurately Add made a movou fur 11im to ap- astic recluse and listened to Ills " uch 'bleeged, boss. an' I wish yo gather- lime should be a factor in feeding. To cd the President and the report of the for twice that sum. 11 Too, I v% III tell on. I diwoveml
Pruach. Sam grkme,l a ghm,tly smiles much Joy an' a lung life an' a large tur'114 which are reaP43d UM te;� thent througli lily cultivatett, power,-
ALAO said a,# he 6acked away� 4courge anti prayer. Long years I fambly; but yu' tell Mi'm Lucy to ed. They are eli"61IR9 the farmer thh4 end broken uyeter sliell is valu- Consulting Actuary. Four months ago there am a rule of obowvati(m. I noticod You two-,
Dan ;wa---�wa--wjL%, I kad. 1DIS dat at the feet of the occult 8tu- hurry up er tie postoff,ce wilrbe late." pla&A) the fowitiatiojui of Iiis methods' able alid easily got, usually. Elements Summary of the Financial 6tatemOut placed in efill-et ou Vie Galveeton, IA snuggling up to each other. regard
C1240 ain' one ob ke-,a- niggerzi dat III- 'ient and found every word that had Here she comes," and radiant In Lui t1w rock of correct principlen. fe,-(I- instrumental in the growth of boiie and Balance Sheet for the Year en(led
a jueaning lu tile transmitted knowl The dead plant 6 prepared for are more needful at times than food. Porte & Hourtom that engineers would law of whether mchool kept or not.
trw*.4 h,"elf on tie privacy Ob a her Imposing beauty aut; dressed for December 3lut, 1896. Wly-m on thought no one wa.- lo6k-
jpu'leinaa. Ef you's got any import- edge -of the ages. My life has been an intr(xiuctioa to my northern Lng the grij,wing Plant through tile HORTICULTURE. be required too pay for all iltA)ck killed Ing. I an W you steal it, khm. I 110ted
-Yu* kia :�en' me wor L actimi. of thiLt, which we dominate 1;�r Cash income ... ... ... ... 6-11,788 03 by them on tkut line, and mince then ac -
ant, met -sage on a, fai'ure." aln hissed Huml. friewis, the pure, sweet lily I have the wune low orLWr of plant Do nut think it a wasto of Ia the amount paid for dpad cattle It&* tlw Koe in our hat when you pl
-I pomtal kyar,l ; I ru" tie niail." 'A failure "" plucked In the South comes forth. A- fermntft ad �ur ripeom to give the orchard attention be- E xpenditure Gncludl.ng not exceeded 4;?.O per month, %% lide eo it in the rack, and I pereelved
,' said Cadogan. kiss for ol,l Mr. Mallon, who stands lifo which raloom bre fore it comes Into-yearm of bearing, death claims, endow- tha% sonis of It had got tang" hi
1-a,'ogan buretl his breast and point- "Yes. a i�ilue"Fl Oki to the blae wound Sanr liad cov. was only a greater fool becuuasmOre leaning on his staff. and- then site cream. There is muelk yet to learn, for during ItA early years of growth ments, matred in vem*,- before it had amoutitt�d W Dearly your lmide'* shirt -waist. I olmerved.
persistent and better iNuiPPl0`d What touches tier cheek with her handker- but, we kjtww tli&t each i-AlcCMISWO the care in needed mo�st. A well- Y1,200 per month.
,eMi with a"bautfdge� seven years be- has been the curve of mau—is It not step Is takein lo.T a dAfferent living t, policies. profits. too. that the lady Is driessed in dainty
fore. I chief to dry a falling tear. A spring grown, thrifty tree way survive a men white, that alie takem tier lavender
De�maak Is alt'right..Mr. Ca, . 4 1. the search for the supernatural? into the waitiiig wagon, anti weare organism. few years of neglect, while tike yowig- a:nd ali other Paymen tit Starting with a freak Luember of giore ort her left lwwd ever and anou
ipgan, What had built ma tyr firemandfur- off. The pr;mmt c4_mKI1tjtmj of our road$ his herd (A thoroughbred Herford
tin' I taXes yer wont, 'but yo' bin egit appeal er treO would, die of such treatinent. to policy holders) 436,54514 and admicrem thep two rinco on for
a par. ub`(�h-akem dat'gits me. Walled fagots for the burning of Only for a time, thuugh. I have ajul It is aji urg III The horticulturist of the futurewill 2.515,8" 4.1 cattle, General W. W. uuthrile. of
fuly 0410 W AAMIDU ... ... ... ... third finger---(xie a plain gold circlet.
apse, it all Come , fum k�ftt vuoAOO witclift*1 What has made the mira- bought an interest in some of the to our �1,3e� jistance from any of bo an entomologist. His kuowled-ge ... 1.991,526 00 Atcll.iw"c6 hus e&;tabltshed a breed of and the other set wtth a sparkling
btaness. LL'I)b: t -s foo C!e the weapon ol the church and a A Nash- travel for aJ1 t criml. Reserve Fund ...... ... polled Herefords, now in the filth gell- stone. I noted the lalwful expr ton
Dey uin' no r a mod- great factorle now rearing In or citie" he win of insects will enable h1m to d6
gwine, to gt�t a%vUy Nvl-1 Miw -11yra's the emeux-e for tyranny. What In ville of ttfe new South. I 4ave a home our Casiadla t,ow'104 ebatable nato between insects beneficial to Net, surplus for policy- eration. only two of twenty-three In both your fatvw, "I tiwjrapt w8LY
co.)njar;n% tij, yu.,, bz�l�l :Sall,. �jj he ern thueo has been the recruiting in the new Nashville, with its clanging not consider the 0ubJCCt ja,wo need horticulture, itild the deadly fous which holders ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,21,54620 ealvem dropped laot @*Fj-4an bAd homb. ill which you gesw. lnt*o,.� oother's
station of the Ulsane asylum but this bell@ anti roaring steam and scream- whether or liot our rom-I . wrt;rk his holw of profit. Science will His will lie the only herd of the kind
*tiL hackk-1 away. Lucy shuddered, * to our chaoliged conditlow WM. McCABE. Managing WreCtor, eyea. Besides that, I o4mioerved yM
fts she con te-Lit plate, I %he strange Cursed longing for something Incom- Ing trains. I @hall sooin be back in reAu1justing ilk %3cience IleIIV Win to isuccess. Us will know in this country, or probably '11 Kuy board the train, aM I noticed that
toeing who had Aiati such a powerful preliensiNe '! Thc spiritists—the the centre of these new interests and ajid our lli�ghleir P14)grew frietul from foe. Audited and found correct. . Auditor. coiuntry. you were escorted to the stmAlon b7
Luiluence on her iiie., NvitU cures by falth, the healer by Cbris- Lucy will have a hoine for her father. am CV111zatioll. imtraw It im an old, but foolialh practleetoA AS. CARLYLE, M. D. a ry throrm of young UWU and
There is nothing super- "Stop at the cave, Sam6" Always avolid growilig twO One %% ho has made a study of dys- maidwia, and In addition too all this
tian ocieiie6. t, r. W. T. Standen, of New
rapithty oi thouglit. &.4c% comprehend- iu),tural. nor ever w"" Sam nodded bis head affirmatively, crops an tho samo latul in succ Want the needs, of cucumbers, melons I York,
ed that the t1reaul4tanetv which had tern in rota.- and vegetables of this class upon hills. C(tutpittly is Consulting Aetuary, Pel*iir claims that in a large number I saw your trunkm put on txmrd the
-IolomLA htr wbk,lo hie were blit an The Mahatma stooped 'and peered I and we pulled out Into the road. I. 9-occew domandm IL 14YO letwtands Wtter plant thum In furrows below of the of cahes tlw disturbance is due tothe baggage car. Their harmiles were dfL-
t-pisioxle in the hie� vi- thia rmarkable lito CaLugaus ace. ant en m * w o - -eel) up ie I t* On. 'y und of the level of the surface than above' in him full and detailed report use of lard. He saggeato tlie liberal coraW witti white eaUn how*—dell-
tered & warning. in a, strange lan- i anti said his hvoiMew would never think lil retain moisture better. and year*s operatioum, said: " I have ex- use of b"i tiihu�v W the exclusion of caw a ttowitions
man w hose I.te sp-anni�d an age, and iere a, They w from thoughtful
IN !j oik, the- guage. Cadogan said: "'Sam, ai-e you trying to get a pen- ralstng anY cereal on 181141 wl C11,11 be Irrigated, If desired. all pork fat am a remedy. Ue says a your
deduct.ons camo froru "Do not fear -1 rementher iny oatli; ston or lxmnty-? I we that a now law similar crop luo loo -en gr(vwn the Tbo larger the tagar beet the smal'or amineLl the iffyc44ment policies perw,,u who its fund of " grea.se" can frlm&, who wishW too mate
study ot ja race- auld wt, 4otu acqua!n- dividend petiods mature In 1897, and launch open tile sea of matrimony as
ta.Lce with one 'or' more individuals but I must tell my mess4ge more entitles the colored troolm to come in I year previous. t114, maturate his food in this with no re -
Ir Tri , , 1"t of the ratio of sugar. for the reasoikthat jlortioutd t�j 1hein the divi. arpiclow an oecas0ri am possibW I
nwiTio, wflak again. fnip e4ival honor4 -wd arnoWments." crinv*)n CIO 1111- i T, vur, vw%"*,mN:*_1%1n havc aul sultinit dhretptive diso-wiler. of
A Smile involuntarVy moved Her lips, j- oil . r#4 r, ILLVYv %;%; as %J %; JL ft IL � — I may aad, tne lspeaker went cnt,
" she thought oi her abooq)ing What is supernatural? S6methlng "W'at's dat last wort] YOu ' said, Agust 0r tI10 f I t ePtembe do,%vn tho sugar contents with the (lends ccruing there(m. Theme wttle- 4. #&while expreming my corgratitila, time
�Ovej._L,,ut thIs cljajjgcAI* to & ILA)L. ui we do not uo%v comprehend. Here Is bostj and never wed It wItIl fall grain, as Mature contained. The praetical ruents, like't'litAw (of 1'896, will be found A product called wkre glam,"
clover is in 1 and b*wt, wlsh4w, that lam ReriOck
Ia misit, ait over the vitiley. You are perluiAtes. rights," I it maturew tOO early. Thim tAugar grower tries for it, regu*t§on 'in I Khoateii, the great deteeUve."
reverence as thlie jitu,1mt- the august 4 6 wing, alld tA) c(pinpare very favorabLy with the which, it is amerted, presenuis
featartw of the seer. EV wa., lips strangers here but I am at home. 4@vJd. I of little value sotv-1i Ili the #q this time sizo of from three-fourtlim of a pound by tbp belst Luanliged effective IALrrier against fire, con- Mr. Khnow went on into the a k -
were wreathed in a sa1ilo i" lie wiid As we stand amid the mIdt. I say, -Now you'd a-ehoutin', bow, I got it has, proved a falluro at to a Pound and a half. results attained oijbts slitilply of a meshwork of % Ire Vm- Ing car, land the bridegronm turned
in- a feeble tone. yonder is, a anountaln, over there is 'am. all ob dern 'molument4, INo tie in whatever cliniatoe triewl. ursery trees dug before the leavea companies. Tbis is cautie for con- booitUled In a glam piat,e- Even whOu and "Id to tAke bride In an akre-struct
just beyond roils a free"ot nigger yo' obber seed." e Filtent, in turning under My tr.,eiui, my a forest; . anti O'But, Sam, if you, wem wounded or T ho -ti m use will bring baeli have fallen hare no commerdil value. gratulation on the part of your pAicy, licked by flantem And raised to a red whbqm: He sat propped up on a bundle of river. wee4ts and otiv.-r r(.,f VogOtalge After roots leave the ground. the hAders. jig. notwitlimptandingthe large heat It does not fall to pieces. and It "Melbvivi, iVe no um I They are ou
"You wait tint] watch and soon the tnJured In tho wur you van ako get a diuch mom than its Cofft, draw the moisture and nutri- ut
the wrappijigs with hi,s- face turned I , II* leavem not uiLly reoista %Us heat of fire. b to us."—Rarver's ftzar.
LID mist rises and ou. see the n3�puntain pension." matter 1.3 nature's fertilizpr, 'I paymelita for investment poLicies
W the sual'alit,. and. jive ail stood in ore6t dud the, Sam reached out alit] flicked the off whicit call.not be trim to 90(ul purp(W11 tiop from t ' Ike' trunk, and the branches -qn able u Iso the shattering effects of cold
froct of him Humi stootijuimeditely I debcribe. 'and the f T exhauxt it; an(] then a great uiimtke maturing in 1896, you have be water poured over it while it IN yet M'T FORGET
M his front With fol,iot arms. and a river.. Wait there it niirac:e there? mule so that his attention was secured turned and, In feedinle should be �ry is often made in planting them on 11 g Ig h
studiou,t aud puzzled I(KPk--0n histiark 6. but I bad been thein and you had for several minutes, as was. evinced by This. Is a rule Wiliell ground which to to,o new aivi [lot to elose the year agal with 11 I -; luwii 9t. That to removP cOrnA, w&rta, bus-
Ct,ji- not until the mist ji.rose. The miracle, hL active tall and expressive ears; few exceptions. - creased surplus t4l, your credit. The iorw in a few daYa, all that kv required
Ince. Them was sorae�liing in the tler- of ti)-ttay -becomes the toy of the then Sam %aid In a thoughtful tone: An item of knowletig-e Is not a Jewel properly prepared. ; Two weeks ago M.m. Mary Moore, im to apply the old and weil-teAsd
duct of Cadoigan not Un school boy to -morrow. What the In- "Dat's wba I rulWe a tur'ble mlis- in every ones poj*wsslon, fur he, who It used to be tlioui7lkt that an or- large amount of your new business j of Muncie. lu(j., wam smoking a. pipe In com cure—Putnam's Painlew as"
otaud, anj yt-t, film its his list should be, it large raiser ofr for 1896-2,603 puliCles fur $3,554.-
a rzie dian feare4l ali God becomes. the light- take," reMlVeS goOl RAIVi(!(' Must be Iltble to char( bed and bet fire to ths clothem over FIxtractor. Sure, Rafe, Puinleft. 34W
osuperk,%r he waitod to iwe what co er of lanatm and the ringer of bell$ 6*What do you uWan, what mistake, fit ills own stock or buy large quantities of vf)o—being half a million dollars in kem W
he w ou:d tke' as I Ott reour- atijwt it 140 that It will I her. alwot lusing her life. The uew riam"m Corn Extrsictur_ ma 1,,
of C.. - stable manure In order to keep its .41 1 #_ t^1K1%
for inan a few 3-0ars litter. To rank- cam I utle and cond"3011R. jrV4Vj-.y a QWV rection. ltit 4 thriving; either this or feed 11114 excess of any . previous years sho"a skin gruwlt on the burLied platen W I sore oq)ot* uar wu
aw. . I ie thinking for lilm- trf* 9
in a lt)w iin a dibcuvery. to us it userul- force. "I done forgot to ibe swrled 1xito do Wer mait (10 a litt f late the that the plans and operations of the soft tw a c2d a. T Lie family say 1drs. i and painlesuly on harl anJ soft eurn&
is the miracle ? Something army.00 self before endeavoring to tipply the -sheep In the orchard; but o M(x)re*s silver locks are turning the 1 triomuloum tow-, but as ho On N%'Ilftt atural lwd. Then In that "Fonot to be sworn in!" I repeated. wisdom of agriculturl teftf herb, nd use of commercial fertilizers on fruit company are becoming better known jet black they were forty years ago. Trying to see the Wind
ai.s lonc iin-a*0*f;Ac Lill t.;4 o, worked More 'ab"e it, trtmts Is becoming very popular. Your results show a smootLly. and, 11c. tzlikt.-ti .�t ti rap- iiense there is no miracle nor ever O'Dass w'at I said; -� I Jess hung WTjten. - Liu(i appreciated. I The old lud says she In recoverwg Did you ever try to see the wiDd s a, (,I. ws, for nothing can be aboveGod? aroun' like a wart 'on a guin tree. un t 100,000,000 acreA de-' It IA a ver pretty experiment. sayd
7 With almos good tourplus-earning power, Indicating her youth.
id -y ana in a loutl iiercu, t.,n. ftell - I I have been a theosophist. You ask tout un fout fur do -'Won an' Bar . 0 de voted to corn culture, III t.he United payin Karper's Rnad Tabk, and Otte estsw
** I wiAh first tu s;ly tlat my ap.- declaration ob de Nualted Sta aps not One-fuurth Of 'tile LEGACY OF MIMI that your business it, of a arent dt-ath was vol,iut�iry- Cap- uie of my own mysterious acts. Well, 8 ta tee, per h. I g The Ohio Legislature Is tv con pwformed. In tho nrot iiism choom
p character.' Ift wilidy day, tbm swill
tala WouilUoon wa-.4 not lij�e the tlie000phist uses more of the fo'got to swar IjL" @talks was illst year c(Averted into re a PoUsibed
rLvspoms rge-ell6ugh - —_ 'Kide'r a bill forbidding the promiscuous i
I'a %r s, of nature th,an another man. I saw ixistantly the rldlculo�u fact cattle fo(xi. The waste Is Ia' The President, r. John. L. Illaikile . A handeaw w 11 be Um
!or my death." lie tia. that Sam had never been In the army, rse's repo;Z dimtributlull V patout medicine van- Plem Of Metal
A -sigh of mat*sfa(-tI:1-w.1A heard. that is all. See. in one age t to support all the ho and COws In in mofing the adoption of the e&SjW& to get. Hold lb- mct,allic ME`
-er t of an 1,41and eat the fruit of a except, aq camp follower, and was the countrY, aAd yet in many,dbitricts der -d of pamphlets and bills descrilting face at right angim to -tlie direction
&ad up%ehr il Veterans of' the War Mpaid said the sympt,outs of dlse4w. There are
=7� The white man comes alid fintle occupying hL-4 enviable pcwition of liero contiguou1 to tke CCTjl Ilelt thousnds of UW wind. For example, if the wind
to the dpeaker. He wtilt on! uo a am h folfowerw only on ouffer- I of cattle starve W dwth every *.I am fully #karrauted in wtigratu- cases on record of well persons who d
Th�* suloraid-ion to, ileath anti bur- Lto forjune In the w d of the tree oug Is Suffering and New. La have worried themselves Into a decline IW in t4w north, hold the, "w east &U
lal h&d lor.g twou by few yeare later, and another finds ance. ting every policy -holder und every over fancied aywpWmu. and people of west Inclined &bout forty-five degTOW
me rtA a fulai su-p- in my b4titlies-,of a filir for paper in lto4 leaves, and so "Heab we is at de cave, SIIEEI. Company, to the horizon. Now look owvtfullY at
lifetime in the occ.111% anti inys'triou)3. Ut to laws are revealed." Preperatto,na are being 'nifulle, for It requires but small amount q,f person interested In the weak nerves are no doubt often much the gluLM edge, and you vill allortlY
The sufferhigs. both mental there then, is truth ?" adke,l Ijugh sealing It forever. Workmen are wull- eapital to get a start with sheep, &'it' For Over Twenty Years Wr john aher- upoi; the splendid position to which It Injured by seeing tlwme ugly pictures we the wind pourjr4g over it like a
sindphyacal. to wtiicli V 11:141 6* -n sub- Mallon. Itig up the door. An Iron plate contain- lit opening UP R 110w favul th,E-y will ined, and upon the results of aud uglier descriptions of disease. VMAWqjjlI. Do not try thov exwrimebt
I Cadogan howed his head and sald: Ing the name" of tile OcCUp8jlt8 in to manSought Rele&se From the Tor h" at" on a miny or a murky day.
jected, made me hasten_ the time of be embedded in thentone. But first help material.ly to cOmmOnce tile III- tures of Inflammatory Rhe.umatis at the past year's business. A liable paper complains somewhat,
al an�l resur- "in the on of Go,ot-In the Son of come, colisumilig much wll.*cll � would on or the figuros bo -
my experMent, in b!irl, Mary. ru Him was the We and the life we are to comsigm to the tomb all that otlhtrwjje g to AvaiNte, both lit the An bitterly because some good people of Now and Then
rlection. Ly this expettient I coald e'l link.; our livfm too the past. We lift a turels and In 1,110 stabl`em- (From the 1prescott Journal.) fore you revealili many most interepV- Its, town g
eape tlw tornient.s a� wa8 the light of inen. lie waq the ot up a bhow thitt cost $20 (()fr W coliege�-41olud-bye,
encl my experien--e.4 tiie mll:tary true light."' package from the wagon and look st- POO nre vluable property to have There Is no wan In tho Tow1whip o'f,, Ing and important particulars. i's iierearned the lently upon it. Lucy's eyes have in Lamils to raitoe $6 for payment of the ma,juma. I'll write every daF, alad
life which had to3oui to n -Le. I *'Traitor-mCoward.!" In tho fall. If kept growing gradul,illy )FAlwardoburg who is better knowu If we collip.uv the hu,strib*, tif the freight, (xi a barrel of clothes worth dwit, forget, to Send me OWNS
tj iti not con tA.mI)IzW tils. terrible co- M,ahatina, pointing his finger. them a mist, but mLne are clemr; I Jul, gener- $110 to be wout to the Indiam of cookiev every ume you bake.
Irlg !,Is feel that a dark, mysterious influence through the wintoer by ewe than Mr. John Sherman. He is one 0( year just clowd -Ith that of the preo-
oequieuces to th(ee ivil'o' iove. rue ant) "Wait," said Cadogan, rai,,; Ous feeding, th,-y will double In alue North Dakota, wimm the clothes were Cholly (rewrnittg a vear ta,ter)--
-4, tf _Virn, or ; -should hand. "What we Call miracle anti is now to bo tALI-en out of 'the life the many Canad;aiw who at the out- %ious year. viz., 'we have %rhorn U k)i -iji re of One I love. It is a knapsack'Nve are or more9 I)y spring. Flat lambs 'Ire al J,Aued greatly Tweded by tl )r arpund Aw, bow 60, mother 7 *eLuy, rm dw-
not have Uten rtol tho Vor- wilat niuy have occurre,l In ; to lace In the tomb beside the form way -i in good deniand at tobat season break of the Amer.can rebellion following results: home. lighted W -we Yolu, Y'ktww-
wx o( do-atir-1 to -the Vir and the life of the azare'ne W a14 I of the year, anti at 900d lmiC`04- the �army of the North, and to the ex- Amets increaed $2,15,315-26. or 6�
hero�e woruan whor !A*de me what perfected man my yet ! of Lim who bore It. The tveary feet It will be A stroke of ent4-rprime If a ich he en- Bein"i wtis,'Kai wam lll*watoti from urea t Was
Lere- " 4� do. Abldein Illin. *tud:v that nior- are still now' and the pain alid tur- farmer will go about h's regiwi in the posures anti hardships wh over 9 per cent. The A I iglo-Vene Z11" all . 4e ld
A b4in6k hLs frae, talit which %va.; the life forco of moll no lon�;r mar the face of him law summer anti buy h.ilf grown dured during that trying and per3olUs Ca-uh, Income lacreamed $i;o,309.84, or �a WatAlijigton State penitentiary signe*t toy Ainh&stdolor I'llullect, but. he rvisumed: the religion of Clirts. Love and Us who wondered so Iong at the mystery lamt*;, whether tit good flesh or poor, Unio, does lie owe tile lo'Lg Yettrd Of 4 1 0 per cent. Auring the holidays on a pardon, al- Minister An,tradv :it Wal-11419UAL
broken with over The I mployeti to sim- lovc4l; gather children like olive of lifo. The gentle heat, if he is prepared to keeP them cheaply. oitiffering, which lie has silice ulider- havLiig served two year#4 of a long I the wow of men, no longer throb@ at ew Ineurance lwued jacrease-d Wr -ilate tk:-ata are, known to all who p1tint-4 at your table, anti lot no the woei of life. In the life lie now To fee4j allti lwepare th,,*e for the godle The writer remembers AwPillg mentence that he had received on a
bave ade a r early. spring warket 44 a profitable 110.00, or over IS Per cent. ISSUE NO 71897
,Lutly of vie curius arts ignks fattius draw you Into lie pur- ago when -k*xi cosifemsion of murder. which lie had
of edstern bngtv. I nvv(l not toil, of Puit of dreams anA %1ions. Okh lives be lian fulind the secret earth labor. Mr. Sherman a few years Total imsuranco In force incre, tuade to shiold Ida father. The two - -_
them here. It- is ejux;g1i to know that wasted life, I 1,1�aye tht�e behAnd. I could not roveaJ. Was he wise In his To keep the flc*veo of your sheep lie was no crippled.with rheumatism $1..11*14.785.00. or over 10 per cent. were charged two years ago with L was sucecisi4ul-in faet, -easo like pierce thp future onfy with a eeazch ? God knows. Was it heroic to free from chaff and g-ni8s beeds, haveF that it was impossible for him to the murder of-Beint(_�n Wilsou'd bro- ADVIMTMWD KOIST
Mine Is unparallO,vIt in IL*story. I at- thou,-,Iit. I nin a planet erratin In shun all elartli's alluf�ementa in the the hay racks- for them rc%ting oil t I'Ll unther-in-lanT, ftl the fattier, twing by Its loving fftends
Its ct)urse, scorning the orbit wlifn* search of spiritual truth? (;od a' walk, and having hc-aj-d that a cure or over 10 per mut. triai firo& asid the proppect being
tribuU thv. vivility, ch 4,oro me 1, tht the sheep m y eirt from
t4) my lifeilalig it might have swung through knoweth. I Lay the knapsack at lito grOullt had been effected. determined to dark f4Tr Illm, lag eon got up ad con- through th.* urs, A tand with tile top, or sh", Dideavor to f III t hese Payllientm to I policy-holklo-1`94 In *SALADA
I, -ht, skjo, w4ile the workmen 8
r+-gimvn ot al*tin#-jj-'A_, an,l a pecul- little circle In freedom. jo:7 and alwayu while tile slievp are awa lAnualf. I that lie did the killbig.
y vcntigate the matter for
-bared and bowed heads. So shall all foillilig of creawNl *1:1�0.159.1.j,ll. or fft**X lar owitAtion 01 %-,t, i f.a,:t;o6A I had and pluiging In It.4 ambitiouit flfght from them, mul avoid tile
iLiduced by my li-tbitj4- Ulit tho j4tatc- Into the aliz,orLdlisr furnce fires of our burdens sometime lie beside us, un- the f leece. Wlitvi the reporter at 111r. slwr- mlit. Lit iew of tile many attacko up -on ment I w,sh to U, m4ore in- ltd central sun, and tx4ng quenched nOtlew, Perl,A'xg as our bodies. The man's homo lie found him In the yard In no former year have such 111;ig-
aL I ve hinted at. torever. outer suallglit, woom us. We remember handling an axe and chopiAng wood Iliticent "Ulw been attalued, Will" Ilfbeltuele of the allegv-d itica- CEYLON TEA.
erefliat)lo thrin . 'y Ii.1 Walt; I %dll tear aide But first, ho'* kmij havO I lain here ?" the gaudy curtala.4 which bedftok the tho pleasumm God has spread for us. For several reasons it is more de- pacit of pe4vond making them, a
" This is the autunin of' lS7U," said jibrine of our mystAo craft and bbow We spring Into our seatis and turn to sirablo to have coAd C4)me it, the fall like a young man and lie found IAM The financial strength of a C, I'll- C Iticut leglailat-ur proposes a law DelIC1000. Foreo. Mal" in a low Tole*. Y(,u the liv$n- lie nf our priesthooi.- the realities of life, leaving the dreams. than in the spring. It is no little item. also quite willing to relate his trying lujily inay Ito, 1.9:1-uged by the mla- 11, Akild to beaked LAwd FacketAlr1`9117-
t effect that every individual
Seven years,".1kaitt Ca,141.-an. "Then Thk�osophy iq a[Fo a frau,I, anti I wjII ,auid reverle4. the madnesm and dellr- that they are not a.) worr"eil by illes. experience. have suffered with, tjoij ()f Ito n*4-to too itt., 11211)0104.0. In who makcm a will may dc"It it 111y Grocors Only
I have lam in gravel, In a 'tell . You era I dle It-* most prevwum Ium, in the 4hadow of the grave where �and licat. . They seem to stand the rheumatism for twenty years," mid tljlq with a wgal offiew who aliall give' Gold at WS. 40, 60 1111d 60 0406C011W-1 rt*ptet the North American ex -
perfectly cui CiGua st4te, -seven iweret." le
I$ we ave Wogan's knapsaek. change- better *when weaned at the, that a will haft been'
years." His- v,& -e wa-s a - wream . hl..4 long The End. springing of tho grai4s than It taken 31r. Sherman, " and I have doctored eff.AA that of its chief compeltitolls PUblic Iftu'Uce offerovi said that all Perwmw wI0
A shudiltr of Incroldulity went meag-m arm was lifted In denuncia- utumu. with four dift.-rent tloctot3 and yet In IMViW' $120 0I A%a't- rior w6l, to question tits telotator's cao- 6TOINACH FLATU-
G SKIN DIS- from their mothers in the a M SOURLEN N"RTSURk.
turough,ilie, littlo. group, and they Von and hl;; bird -like talons Olutch- iTCHING, BURNIN It is claimed that nothing polishes I kept getting worse an4l worse. I *each sioo or lialtilitr." pacity i%lia,ll have a oartala time In AND ALL OTHU FOOM e
a ste� bckward. Cadogaa.�ed at the air; liti face working in 'a liorw�"@ coat, I.kv an oCCajjiotl&l PSIA
the madnew of a thwarted'and de- ENTS. ' feed of carrots. This nourishing root was bent double rith the Pain in my lion. W. Allan, In wvj)RdIljX the whici,6 to Ao Ko, and if no objectim DYSPE
isaid : EA31ES CURED FOR 35 C to 4moie then the will *hall noot he 4=6
You are horror-ptrickun at aa:evU mired search and the disgutit of an in fino feed for horses, an,l it, can be back and both Itgo were so dmwn up "o4ution. The 11re*;Ident has cured by KeDsproaTHIE MONTY CURE11
a t, you can exTwwed frawl.' Dr. gnew's Ointment refieve in one subject to atWk on that ground af- '-,,O v,is% and terrilulo th. egmily alld clivaply raised. that I was unabl,) to gtraightpn the1n. tq)-olivit fullY oil tile anti-ifactory posl- ter death.
r, salt rheurn, piles, araly give it 44> � gement In your The Xahatma knelt down, a,nd In L day aiml cures ttte 9 Whenever a horse it) compelled to and for four months waw I wanted ti,in of the Company. yet there lipe STU DY8 "I Wint-W. 1, a livijkc.la.up. lill-re fol- serpentine crwl tipproached IjI,4 mcald boad. eczema, barberm Itch, wait for film feed lie begns U-*,Iret. A Kather's LAwe ebuch.- ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of I had to do so on MY ono or two poitite; to whiell I will. HOMEW b"b4merang suerthe"A
,ow -%J in im.riginaVon t!jfo processes of anti this means a certala iom of fleali; to 1110VO ALbOut, Ail atiglei once cam. too thib earth at 00MAN0,661ml. low retm Cw fna TVW WN=&%;7r,j0
decay in her I at my gide. tstt-r!" ho cried, - t* Flilt-nt." tho skit). It in Soothing and quieting therefore. alwavit be punctual at the hands and knees. I tr*d many med- briefly refer. There are our inve.-t- M iWd OB 4U4 mercy. His toask NVANT STUTTOIL 36 mom Simlilatteill (U-atif -a a con- 0"will not, lluml," erled Cadogan. and acts liko inagic in the curo (of fill stablo. , Then, lie should be kept es nd Upon a "CAOU4 coutrol - of .the 'jicuIW*--' I iwo bphind me the wasted years. habylkuynor8; 35 centp. ck-,lan for health's ske, and the tluar-' idnt* but got no i-niefit aJkl I had ny-tits In which all -am- inter ted, wided, he was aboicit to wing his way "o -a iri Inpwriaibilty. Schoolboys aro the n1ght of ntudy, the womr1rie4k; ters pure. that lie may live in a given UP all hope of being able to nij, ItC, pleased to learn tht theY home to the skies, when lie pa.used rrigUened at, u, irefully made, nd haTe ajid told: "I will carry back some YOU WANT
portraiture of of deprivation. and tho world shall` High Pressnre in Chicago. healthful atmosphere. walk again. Ono of my KRA tried t0O wer4 � v e r.v c'u Menlelaw of this falr world." As he a ifteral hell. Tll*e dipacity man has know that the taimpie flth of the all condl- persuade me to ube I)r. NVil.lams' Pink turned (jut cxceefllnglY batiAfactory, No Ono ration is befft in I(miked about he saw some rare flow- 410- far beyonil the child which the Nazarene i4et In their tions. Tho cimt must always be Con -
.,r suffering, lie.,4 Ho wam in hurry and Ids watch Pills, but I rdused to take aDy more as e%iovllceii Ity the prompt manner
4 ers, which lie plucked, saying, Tlj�pse
painted f'awe,# cf heli wi s ice lies mid.,At brino more pet" than nil the was in fils hand as he sprang In sidered. for what will be best with
to mautif 01
I-eyond our litt!e jj:anutary toystem. of men. Leave me, Flun-d- an elevator In the nineteenth floor of one farmer will be too expensive TwAliclue. At l.aht LAse day Lay w)D lit which our inte"t hst& beef' paid."' wil( re IM Me of this I EED
eurth IV
r have 1*en a brt.)tw,r, to the worm "I'lie Maj4ter i,4 weitry," sald the a sky-slerapo-r. with another. Rather let him make brought homo three boxam of the pills, Them is another point of compari- .9 Ibm lie came to where a S THAT S
and a companion of the vamplre hat dark Mahatma, and he put his hand Him weight and the momentum up a ration bust suited froiq, what* and aiter they had been in thebouss son which %%.III how favorably for ",ddened *oul was t4hedding te&rs of GROW
seven mprings hav* upf)n lits breast and presand- him ack -r two webko. I at last COLI- P(-nitence. "Ali," lie said. "how IKML*- &AVE61 TIME AND MONrl'
ft,r seven years. b which he had acquired onaplwd the hei has. as a foundation. for ovt our Cmayinwr, that V4, -144 tO the tiful these tears." So lie caught a
corrxe with heraid- 8ong�ters and upou hO coucli. The 1creat mitil thelp cablo which suspended the car. On neither horsen nor blue gram neuted to take them, not because I The le&ding Catalocut- in Can �ift
ro, -xfy in -t arnings, I am witisfif-4 tear to carry back too Heaven. But. Veloors Iler the siski 111"a for It.
huruting buflL but Vicy have bi ught left the frll bi realty, A Like a bullet It shot downward. does any 8tate have a patent; both thought they would do me any good. t1% - profit c. I I-
no ne w hopew to me. Summers have zamp heaved thp breast twico-, the n�' rwally lie came too where a yowag Tells about Best ailid 8"Pt *me& known
rf*qme,,l th The elevator man shrieked will grow wherever the land is r.ch More they were gone, however, U that thcme Interested ill the Comp mother was Imerid.ing over her nrat 500& b) ht&.-I--4&fe &mVIBIrweoid
mazed ni-i wa-fie-1 irid -men lutve limb,4 (julvem. I. ttio hanol,4 c e "We are kgt!&, emough. if you have plenty of Oats. could feel that my back was getting ecry, reason U) feel , 6ce.-41_ How bean- lxmn In tenderest liove. IT*
.1ounged teneath tfie,.Aihade of treen breast and Cadogan wm dead. In, That's right -let that duffer c.over anti corn fodder, buyers will stronger an.i I could straighten up. ingly gratifif-14 at the very pro-:.,I)er- tiful U4 this," sald lie, ajid lie took it no StWe, Briggs SaWAP& In
and ortitiled at the i0ow filoit f if odor- a moment after hq (I ceascil to wait." rcunarked the man with the tomo to ou it you have a large o -e ec- It requireod no further permuLasi011 tO LXADING §122CH"Tb
-Am free alnd happy, hourg, ariii I brenthe every Indle*1nn of 4le-ca.v watch in his hand; "lot him walk I tion of horses. whether the Indivi- got me to take the p.je, and from on* c%milition which it holds at 0,44 for a mernmW with him. AA lie came SILL.I. THFU Toronto , Ont.
I "ve !ain a frozen, e4_)n.1%:clou.i i*ufferpr had com'menced. It was horrible. We down it tie's In a flurry." dual animal 18 better or not. that t.me on I began to get better. Pre,4-nt wom0it." tx) the gate of Heaven, lie thought. "Canada'tL Greatest 1.�-,d llm,rt
throngh seven suefi iounimers, each looked up antl tho EaA Indian waA The momentum of the car was Beat three eggs into pure fruit until no w with the aiti of a I,ght cans before I einter I will examl.ne my an age In ieiigth.�Xutumif ha.i Come Xone. We ran to t ' he door of the trightful. vinegar, and, after about three days. I can walk all over the farm, got in r. J. N. Lake. in. moving a Voto(b prizen. But lie foqmd the flowers hati
anti 't'.1e j-e.l()w Icave-s- nave sifted scrott" and couid am no one in any Suddenly It brought up at the bot- when the mixture is well together,, and out, of a buggy and do must of of to the CowpanVa Provi- faded, the tear had vaji.1shed away, Jowp lorr rry couch. an,l low wailfng direct.lon resembling film. We Ca mP tom of the shatt with a force that add a pound of stra�nf-d lioney. This the chores round the house and burua -It InApectors anti AgeucY wilike the mother -hove wav evem A GEN TS
winds have VMd we f -,f anoitier i4um- back and stood In a groulN look#ng shook the building. will 1w found an ex�;lletit reme,ly for I feel twenty years younger, and I rqore bright, aind beautiful than be -
mor gime. - fit imaginatitai I have down upon the dead. t o4rigfe spot The elevator starter, wAh Peared heaven. A tablespooritul can be consider Dr. William' Pink Pills the tarr, ro-ferred in very complitueutary fore. 8o with tUls lie entered, aad No, njakift ste09 per WOWSS&d am siskies
0 co' .4 fled un- (if Idwyl upon tlw_,� wtiltA ohroud at- telrmt4 to the-hplendid work lone by tile ajigels gazed- upon his tmphy am
4t KI In harvest fle�.I. and to' face. Qpened the door. T!ie elevator mixed with the mealm three times a. iuoisL wonaerfui itiediclue for rlieu mar -Idenced tile mopt lwavtffni gpm that earth *SO -00: 4DO Mitre wastee i whte fcr peltir
anx pean,i of an tile out--lde staff in -no e%
til I fhlnted,,rLn,'l I o., j _V trncted the attention of the Eng man, white and Ump. lay In one day. %Ian% in the whole world. I beg Ulu%.
for tho priviege oll tolling In ll' It -h lawyer. lip stooped over and produced.
e corner, senseless. It In bettfr to keel) stallion where them only to please my son, and it by the Smind bu-imus owcurN1 durhig J. L. NICHOLS & CO.,
-annficht I thujight I 1%hould riever see looked more clowlir at the breast of'.1 The hiiay man, with the watch In they can have free access to open was a most agreeable surprise to me that ear, tind -Ilso statoed tljat the Winter w4j.ed about jny vive Cadogan. Ile turned back the ohrond 'him hand, sprang out and started space, so that they cail take exercise wlwa I found Lily legs limber. and my Her Presence ot Kind 33 lliehuton4 w.. Tentute.
d I thought t.f warra tire%l,!P-.4 and an -I o%v somethin- gleaming on the
Ln down tho corridor. at will. Confining them and rubbing back gaining new titrength. I Can ww butIncw In January. WiT, was al- NVIth tut awful craslithe t4hip e(A- -
burran cubapanicaud,irm --ana meivily left -bren-st. With a genle touch he I woul in't, mind having an of floo them (town ekintinually with briash cheeirfuliy recommend Dr. Willl,amm' ready largely In exce-tti of the whole IftpocA guLd sank and the maideti, was
I,d tCWNf jljgjlLj4 4pokp greetingq, a n at drew out it long noxile of gold which away up If thow Confounded elevaton and comb ma kes them Irrit- Pink-,111lis to the awfering rheumatice amount rc4x1%*ol for the witme mouth left %trugglUig alone In the seeth- FARM FOR SRE
chamler doors n.) q1touted IlaiA of had. with a firm. Ptrong hnn#l. been weren't so beastly slow, he was -able, and in a I)r1mc cause of- t eir be- uf the woriki." huft Your."
new, rouLrh Ca-d(aan'iq h saying, half too himself. h shows that Dr. Wtl 1innes Thorbum, M. D.. Medical Di- Ing. angry ocean.
bors tn the frosty..morning air. driven th Part. He eam9ng dangerouiL An analysis "Ali I" alto obteerved, "this will ike"r tarin in OuLbrie CVU61
a' r told tho seerle-ta of him oce A ableloe " catas =1
en. I jorAyed Por rt' .%, d4-tth as neve ult But, of cotirse. he waA a Chicago U,wu fariij,:rs keel) too many horw.,. llama' Pink Pills contain in a co.m- rector, prevented a full and interesting must look for vomething to low,, Good Nme, rmlkarY.
U4pray for Choicest gift-; (-)f Ileavpn. chool. and the Mahatma Iluml, man in a hurry. They are always They are cheap. but it costA to keep denned form all the elements neCftil- report of the mortality experience of g&b;e. Ig ejL wind Iniij. k&g&,,, ete All RN&W
warch am we w(iursis was never %pen hard Ott elevator men.-Chiengo Re- tlwn., for a ear, whether thev be. sary to give new life and r,chnew to the oompany from its organization, stick my gum to." 16666MAS
I l6nged f(,r unconcioiumess a.4 (lying With which site struck out $or cultivation. A cb0i06 f#81*
gain in America. 60n�)e are V%
travelers on 14alliara drt-;itu .of 1,rooks a gwd animalm or jtoor on4. When I the bkx)ki and restove shatter*d which illustrated fully the care whieli , volcanSe Islets which lsbe Prim Wrl"
had been exerciwad in the selection of deAj" led in the distance. ARTHUR H. MOODY
with white pe.hb'"- ti,14 gleaming ('11AVrEll XXIV. it horst- d(xm not jmvy, a, fair per, e*nt. nerves. They are Cd' unfa-ling sjAl�-
minnowit. ThPn.1 beitr,l Fteps4'ring cific for such diseases an i;;;7r�toor th- CouipnnY's bulsinew. Keokuk. lowaL. U. 6. A.
End. CATARRH.CANOT BE of M)fIt on Id*,keeping in; services, It
on the sitone pOrtal, aii-I I tried to fol lows tha t hiq cost muAt 1* dtdut-14A ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' After the usual otea of thanki4 had No Use For Them. "W 191 proflt-. dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheum&- -ction of Directom
break the icy sts>ep aml, call ou, btit It h local aipplicationo, a-4 they C, bw-r pawed, the el#
This is it Iwautlfui from the gvner Col Julep—The werg two dil,41ktv L0RD'8PRAYZR&fvd too commsb&R�t*
I was In an eternity of nigbt.inare.a. w. -w apeaking to Lucy Mallon, who 0t rewl, the seat of the dio�ase. che, the Wter lef- took place. whereupon the newly-
DAJRY. Vain. nervous Ileada on the table I dOn't towlt. Wustrated voelve colcrol and auk. dw 1621K
C tarrif bloold or contitutional and Mr. John L. , ��vy Latta
f milence. 61c:e of weary, cle, stood at my ide Ia tho open (ICK)r n Is IL -eeso- in that fectoi of Ia grippe, palpitatioll of tll*! elected Board ruet, prinial W A b, autVILI A"
_,icrv4_w su( Mi. Nlloper—What were tho_.4e ? on The ollAry de i, elected Pre- arUsUe picture. somw =&be
of the fdrmhoue. It was a fate and In order to curo I t '.%* thie enterpri-40 L-4 ctredited wibli retalit- heart. nervous pr(wtration. all dloeso- Blaikle was unanimou ly nd Col. Julep—The olives and wftt*,%r 100 pw mott. profit. Write for u0sims %W
L * Va-sped an fe.1 bck pon MR Ilutumn (lay, wheu all tile beauty of must t4tke Internal remedies. 11all it Ing nil tljtl fertlifty of the soll on tile Ws depending upon vitiate(i lium-)rti sident, and the lion. U. W. Allan a rve no twe for such thingr. that eel & meawma.
Couch. The ahat-na upru-nic trtI04 Catarrh Curo 1.4 taken internally. and in the blood. such as scrodula, chronk r. J. K. Ke", Q. Vice-Prealdento. day The Queve BUylitrwam
expiring &ummer st-emed to be com- farm. furui-hing skilletl lbor for the - I for an acquired taAe. side and dropped Into Vie oPell MoUtil lirectly oil the blood anti mucous re also a pre%se4r into. the royal day of I;eauty tict*4 ( I ople. nd effecting IL mysipel". etc. They a Ift f, vivilra t*,afnirvii Vure 6 not P(' VA " I I dk 1p td -1 t9lo. 141-ImAnt-rdbet*6 on Irlsde.
. 1%�, - 11111,�4 ..w �. I'l,
01 a v, ii.y r, outream
froln the via[ in h,,.--4 hund, anti lie re-.
before ltK aixtiction and the. oronar.
tion or wInter. Sucill day ijq like
%J a A t4%,% -
a quack riledicine. It was prescribed
f1vight-4 upon ra%V-Product.4- O&R,-Wpum I%Jlv -W V--
Tlw oleo intere'st -must heneef6rth malf.A such an suppress.ons. Irre9u_
There 64 an Improved dewtuid bor
sumaed In a lower toise. of vo:ce..
a, parting ki-4s of young love. All tile
bl, onoA)r tho best pll.r4cialw In this
is it regular
riae or fall upon ita merite ofil-Y. It
larities, and all formo of weaknew.
W116101nabie, goods among wholesale
1*1 miimt hajiits-n, arit) I m,i.-t put 4.n
rew aif ivord-.4 aj4
meaning of a hundred caresses Is
-country ftir� years, and
Pr"�criptlon. It is compoNed (tf the
1,4 Interf%ting to note tllllt t1jo klue,,
They build up the blood and restore
the of health too pale and sallow
mercluilita at Toronto. Collect4olin
n.. and pf,mikible
tile melwage .1 wamll you to Ijear. I
manifested In tliij la.4t embrace.
white mist was ruing from the liar-
best tonics know' n, combined with the
tion lit now viewed from a, purel.v
bujFjne#*,po1nt IjY the dairy interedw
cheeks. In men they effect AL radical
tl"ert" cuffitinue backward, but fall-
are jess numerous. Lack of snow
itare told you the motivs4 for my
peth river,,and curtaJullig thO edge
best blood purifierm, acting directIv oli
The ifect
or the couptry.,
cure In all cases arising from ment I
lias prevented farmero from market -
burial and my ot-range experience in
I ts-11
of the foreA bel(.)w Uo. The khrill
tile mucOW t4urfactAg. pe
of the two Ingredient§4 in
fly inealLm of the separator L.4 tile'
worry, overwork,or excemom Of
ing produce at, Motreal and chocked
the torub. WIll yoa flow of MY
111ai its failure."
cry of t he blue Jay came
with .
what pkadiwem wich wonderful results
mo,4t cleanly ay of
ever nature.
t .-ade corresputiolingly. The outlook Is
repe I the, '. .
atK %taliatma,
it sprt of distributing mock-
cry on tho beautiful WVne.
Send f or t
In curing Catarrh. oe4ti-
CWTIM. It In taken from the milk
and the bulk n4vo*ary to hold -in(]
Advice'to the Young.
for ail improvemen V But4inesm at liali-
fax cotinues dull And fe&turelem,
w"Ith a
14Ye% failure," an%vvers,41
Down on the o4mooth white pike the
henry-ladeu wagons made a musical
m0rilaIN, hVe.
V. J. Cheney & Co.. -Prop".. Toledo. 0.
Xuard againgt destructive formeutm
M at leaj4t oeven-elghtlivi.
"D(xi't forget, Etfleiiruia," wild NIrf.
but the*0pilidition of tite country
the operator. Thiere
I am xpeak'ng not In tlj,! pregence, of
(P'fv;, &nd I �m now on the timemliold
,eh(. itgaiinst the woods. FroirL-p4he
cornfiel-I on the hillside came the
Sold b:V druggigtot. price 705c
The milk front enAlage fed cowshas
I"'IL found to ield as much erlea...
Parvey New to her daughter,
everything depemis on nialingago0i
roads faVocw
wcre 57 I*wbwm fallurew reported
I)Lgilinion Ia#4t
of eternity. Of my hirth and, 1:neaze
t4weet, meilow baritone of a negro at
Football on the Styx
im, an PwWt anti good H8 that
lmpr~k-m. Reinember lbow
from th 0 ()Ixiadian
fewer thein tlw previ(aw
I dare not speak.' I am imiler an
`mY I 4ay 1
-bi,, morning toil.
64 What did you think of the game?#'
from cown f0d upon mummer grasp - A
got along."'
W`1 I Y, DIFU31111fit, What do you
week, two
week, five more Ulm Ul the week a
alib. Of ge neel only
a dyba*tles
have Alved througii three
This is is t)eautiful worlds" I said.
" Yex." said Lucy,
aske4l Thack4�ray of Brigham Young.
Uolcheater man� fec4lo 120 cowm froin t
da 1�y
ear ago, alneteen more tha n In the
ro Fnrfp,,, mn have seen three re-
pressing more
clOF;ely to my al,ie and looking up In
" Oh—it wusu eXaordinary,"
nine arul clue -fourth cents -a Y
ms of hL4 allo. alld fintia silago nut]
mea I
S,he alwaym put tier best f 00t
corresixmradIng week of 1895, and nine
tjian In each oft the like weeks
burm That ia'as near to the
-ray I dre tf> come
illy face; " an(i I have been reading
the books
said Young.
" Not extraordinary ? cripd Thack-
cotton aecA * ruelal a perfect forage.
ist 1894 ain(I in 1893. Bank ck
of blrth as
a, Justice to otho-,ro. M* I:fe has I*en
Cadogan gave me. One of
them. written by an Engllmb sage, has
eraY. " Tly JoVe! Why. did you ever gee
A supplY or succulent f000l for eowi4 I
at WIMIpM, liamoon. 7varonto,
U uillu#, in that I have twnght to pler(,e
that ene'rcle the thr 0
something to say about man's happl-
ness depending on him adjustment to
such a raw In your life ?"
" Yes, " said Young. "Oh.jes. Plenty
Lj a tl4Teft*Ity to mmomical
dairy Ing. Farmers Wive been ,wcu*-
A Graud Arnty Man cre"Ps kwords Withi
Mortreal and Halifax animnted
$20,050,000 last week, ag ainot $20,-
thl.- CIOUkId
of Delty-j wij6hed to gpt into Xle
his environment. Dom It not seem to
of timm. You see, I had w1es.99
tom(m] to look to ths root
to thio; requirement, but
Heart Distane and Win* a filorlous=3
697,000 the pre viouis week, aind am
$19,667,000 In the
white ftht of etern*ty while still f,D
you, dear. that mAn, In his eager
croM meet
enrtainly In ensilage wo appear at
Victory With the Aid of Dr.
compared with
week oTte yeftr AgO.
j,."th. My plan wa' to prolong life
search tor hidden knowledge, gets
In4 to have found a better and a
Asnews cure for the
un%il I had xtudled and t)ecome Pro-
In the relijelonvo of earth.
a�vay from his environmAnt. and In.
stead of hanging like a star, sup.
Rheumatism for yearj% an(] Nervil!ne
cheaper artlele.
Celent all
the i woulf I evolve
jx)rteil, by mutual attractioun, plunges
jJ4 tif! 0111y rp to Die
'Inedy t1lat Ilas do) I
11alf the milk eow,4 of the eotintr�,
Dr. Agnew'm Cure for the Heart can
Then tr(,m masm
$be secret Of God- Wax it a strange
Int(- darknew anti despair ? Hence the
any gcxA." Ko writes Thomas Mc-
GlahntL North Pelham. and his ttw-
tire continuallY cheating their ()Won-
em and iheme ownerj4 are nonO the
inot bo overestimated. mays H. hL
0. A. It.
Adds His Teetimoby to the merits of Dr.
Ides ? Beh" id my ewl. My life waip
insanity, the suicide, the terror and
stress life."
timony Lq supported by thousands of
because the rowm are A milk-
MinowAtnaft. a well-known
man of Welwiport, Pa., and lie Con-
Agne%'s catarrbal Powder for Ce
aserifle#41 to th-d IIf .&. I Kaw
of jruraen their
of m&lern
" You are right, dgLrlIng, I said.
other* who have experienced tilf)
led Into one common pall, and tile com-
the -)wne'r
tinuem: 11 My ailments were Palpita-
turrb and ( old In the Head.
n the ion'les
bawking I rmth of
naturse unfold!nw in the wa
" Would to God we might, as a race,
wonderfully penetratLag and pnin-
mubdulng pawer of Nerviline—tbe
Itopite pr(xiwt, 164 all that
han for �Oetermlnllig the worth of his
tion and fluttering of the heart. I
bottles of your valuable cure
me says it is reerlom
iove. To we it wa,4 ()Illy the iorpur
upon tile lisel
measure our capabilities anif curb our
desires so am to live am simply and
great nerve pain cure.
herd. It L-4 not 1x)wlblf' to) locate
umW two
and feel like a neve man. I have taken
Mr. John McEdwards, the genial
f the C. P. R. liner Atha.
wbjCIj bilture had put
dr.�ve Ug to the pro-
sweetly an the antedlitivians of whom
derectit, dMng thum.
bottles and bottles of other medleinew
basca," say": "I used Dr. Agnewes
pleas-ure to
saw bab"
we read. Tento And flocks and morn.
No More Trouble.
without help. I Introduce It to MY
Catarrhal Powder for cold In the head.
of & race.
creta tif.)" rn1ty or
Iggdood on the lap of matel
Ing and evening prayers and simple
long I Ile.
"This is pretty stout butter," de-
clared Mr. Newly, frown
man who keeps 70 cowm nnd 400
friends at every opportunity Ivesible.
Is medicine. Inalide ot thirty
I& is very effective, P
d&XdW 0S the knee ()f patern ity, and
no more In is
food and
"I - think I understand you," said
withi a that
wax deep for & ma,rh who had been
lierw imys that the hens pay the mont
profit in the end, and lie feeds them
it a great
minutes after the first dom I ])ad M
mild and plesititLnt. For Catarrh. It
ba no equal.- I have tested nearly
ftWbo nature saw
jj,9 Wap:ngi c)f cubs about
Lu". " I have brooded over the dark
anti subtle reasonings of
married but a month.
" Don't mold. dearle,"t urged him
properly and han a stream of eggs
to market all the winter, when
every catarrh cure made, and found
I darOKI let no In-
draw me from a c OD.
Cadogan Until life became a cures In.
Pretty little wife. " It'll not oe.
the demand Im great hnd the prices
The Inter-Ocown wayw the joint
AjvWC4&tlm in on the vergo
none to wm�pare with It. I room
mend It first, and alwals."
tion I
ste;T—of a blensing; but I am a real
ear again. I have bought, a Clkurn
tiottering oteadily to lie
of my problem.
aarve in a Coo-
A mVj_
Woman. I find. and In your love and
ea re I find the present so happy that
and ordered buttermlik W be, do.
livered regularly. 4vereafter wWll
Keep the dropping@ under the roosts
well cleaned up. There in no better
of ruJn and
fall, beyand the contr Its; Board
What seel= to be Vdft Is ame POO
0%10 in UNB%l V
Aevv@i8M9-.1 allt-TVA. NLrrVAL rklXCLInA
The importamit, aUnOuDicem"t 116
Alade this morning of V60 'Lm&198L-
tuation of the kANARON Of Uw I'M
V111cia.1 pr,ovident, 1XWtitutwe of M.
Thomais with 00 Mutu&l ROWW"
IFNmd lAfe AMMOCIA,tilf Whom* ERUJI-
ager for Ontario is, - W. J. KO�
Murtry, of Tioranto. Them a" %be
two largest natural prem.lulm life in-
atitutioam in Canada. Ilipir aggrlb-
gate husibmaw in the Dombdon
amounta to $36,000,000. The Mutual
1twerve Fund I.Afe, wbICh 1110 th@
lairgent natural premlaw cOMPSMY In
the world, has for YO&TV1 I'D I a
large budDem in Cau&d&. SW apaAd hem in death claim 0TW 250,000. It is ftlY tim Dombilon At, and bw a d"Wait
in Govlernment, bondw with the In-
eurance Depsirtmeat simounting to
$108,0m. By UAS ellaxwe the mew
bery (A th-9 pr0;jn(j,�_jA�ovjd=t bo -
Come memilms of $a With
one hundred and Ion thomi"o new
bem am Over $81.000,(W of 1886jr-
ance; an imUtatioD that 11" Omrly
$6,0()0,W gtavow am an equal a1b.
nual Income, and wbAth has P&M (M'b
$27,00-0,(*O in d0sth cW11sm It Is
Ilar,(Uy pmWb4@ Ulat they will fall
to gipprecla,te the advant,69400 Of this
clwwWe in the Inaressed peffmi'47
wh1ch Is tbap pULegd behind! tbe& 10-
ruse. a VW 40W pet,, I Oka not search the future for I tis nave sweet. fresh gmvwr.'t way o( ca.ring for them than to mix of xaAA9W% an businem Wt th rites forth I'm 16 mplo and be rM7 rl��ta *4 W0 . �& 1b
r 0 AIT
C1 -S