HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-02-05, Page 3k .0 .0 4V wo low rforms JH118 I 9 PLIT WHIST. WOMAN95 f Its priewn In the Q15UNDAY SCHOOL The Liettoer INTZRNATIOFAL LZ890N NO VI. to the Lon on a toLL- A VOW RUIOS Th&t May Holp to A lettoer, 00619 more frow th* ro the FEB, 7.1897. my dw, L9001"— - 037"MRSPEGS success of ex- tiou to tile ex- odor of oraao, radaka- Nes of per, melit,8 in oolor photography by the I Now L R8 triv- traordinary Ix-Lra lie p tiand. LBarnardo Man Who is a great Instruct Yong Playm. ini vines I Inventor of tho, process, Villedien Chas- 11 shin& in the Higilla"LLs Of Sco tagno, of PArW, "in the laboratory of where there is cujitom iiu%v wellidgh Heart Smasher, 1,111.40 itild Vat-tv 4 ;i% kig At -to i *2 it) 11. AM 10 1 the so" vr Ping's College, Ili the prewnce of Pro- extinct, but once extremely preva- ships Now - the go'J U10(m -4K fiessor Thompson and Captain Abney, lent. known aw the deiAiul or deamil. Time -A. D. 30. Place­-Jerufta lea'. CAVEND18H IN A SMALL - WAY Aad the Nklift where the gTeatiemt living authority on 1010- nke He qtloteS a paragrapli. frmu 6ir Will i-ensone--The apomtkw, -loseb, ablueel , , I IST of HIS GANADI&N VICT1981 1. I'Tubt slu Wait, but P 01%% U The beautiful, mae"Is tography." Wood says Clia"agne did ter Scott describing tho lilgh laii b"plika. not reveal ths nature. of the materials H OF THIBIT land doctor came Wnverley ('01Lm0MUjry_8;!. U;ultJtWjt� Uf thelil K;Allte iudependetitly. hem;w1wr the sklea. 'AN. If yoll wallt a thing done, do Aud your clamp, &.Ad your k W4, Bud with which he produces colorm; but lie had been wolunded. Ile o1werv, ed tllL6t believed -The whole 5,001) wed'- :'('Lage, I eall#oJ Uw nleet anwts that the result of the lyroceve itull it, 'approitehilig How He Robbed His Honor Judge Drew, t1vitted in verw , and pro4ably 111101Y it Y(Alrblelf." your eloqumt SY111111 great ceret ­. Ituie in & fnihful reproduction in color of ; WW though uar,liero was writh- Who Was His Benefactor, and Fled othervi, who ImAl Immmi colivertied by _is its, to "& tire so ikumer, Walter Power Utilized ward & 1,W li tj I it lea U 6M & W%t*W, UCe more from th' completed ar- this object photogimphe4i. Hand Pow GIV with pain Would uut proceed to With an Unsophistioated Country the mij&try of the other apoutIp" I ouo and v r u a to r t 0 wvuld be sheer vexati(mi. Ttw *WW my dea r, by tile �011l ok rillboL Not a 1119 Were of one ' ace of tile 14urvoy of Frnser 6ZNBRAL. ! any operation w1iiCIl 'night 'ANNuage' Cirl From Elora Watched by Oftl "tco that time.--Ciake. I omuit, too, IN a matter of With the glory tind irr Preak to, '.:,,Ism A Tlraveller's it unus be had perandmiated hiAeouch (ials and One of His Viotims Ileart-Though of differtwit agas 4116- ! opitiluLts differ. it to best days that are 90m, The Carlos Quinto, Spialn'ti itew - to it efore they WNW, and an ii t.Wnd ie ironclad, It" been flnidbod. Story rv, three times. wovitig from e1wt ptadtiolim and Conditions I nuke a rule to lead a certain C&rd 4" he" is a sigh, love, and hem ip 'riln t ve� ll(*qe Lame is woot, according to the Courwab or the 11ulfer, the faseinatiU93-011119 Waeved, asid perfect 1%traligers to to I y the third from the right, & "ar- dill in Mr. Wi! uioso4l, %% '1111( V,iriLardo niii, w1p) L4 n 11 (in o ww anoth4w, yet, wlien they "Let III ti I w 8 ys--"a Irlimmer l"rincess Lonise of tielgium is I imn. This, which Wa, called 111alL I t e Tor t nuite ft(!o_ wheii our had im sorted. A gloom Of the I itneroin allyk-abetical 110,1)ital _,%-itll typhoid fever Glirist, they were latti ly vary your rul pil)rted W harp pl,qw-d with it military decorateil tho detwil, both 'tile leech ftUd Ilib Omn. NetitheT o -aid Is, of dawn I the f lowerp, ir will o Itd off icer. . niuch too merit the*e agollstants sesenied to cousider am a (14 You may, however, t b, e lec- The ers have pre,*,,nted it draft saffixes, hat, ot^i tnivellerp matter of the last importance to the aW;kItiug ills reliloviij tu' jail on it any of tIteni-Tioere wam flot a Iiw and Indulge in a little pleaAantry ILt BU& & Memory OW"et IM It j. A it as your fwt, 'honorary to %Ild ili,AL eliarge of is 1*iug carefullY iWaUng Member. No ffucAi thing as di*- tinm*i, Much am tids: If you hold fIve hod hF"" of the l3ornis tiptuanded in irkey tp 1 41 as a writer, he Ilan accolliplislillient, Of It cure. load of Uveg that have parted t011 priotimers RC- the Sultan. i an artist, noto lie adds. "To go around a per- watwhed by those w1io are illterOdted ciord oxIstd aln<mig them. They had headed bY ace, knave; that shall ow" uch th peit Bud peitell W kmave. The king or queen ill pr0- e Iwen locked tip ill larmed at the decrea8ilig popula-. 1110116 much sou in tile oppusite direction. or in h1A future movements$ and he will at thkWs cummmi-Timm-to I i batny fall. Your partiller wilil collicludill put4l, tion of Flonnee, 11rrinier Meline pro- make rwd nuuiy 1% jitIrring peene, of witherdhines, 114 uulucky, aud a ourt, holve considerable difficult), in tw- well cogaid"im fit eitch other, an( 1 you canot, bold t1bo ace, and you wIII A letter. Once mom front tili, si K4,y* it is ru- lxwept that prisep should be offered for Dr. Mack�od also re-,,.-Oul)tllg, as hid wcond wire h-imi pob- much loyialty too truth, that wing 'him my den r, trio the loattlflol4i and many U. curhous of lucantatio lgh- ha"O the flati"faction of Kilo &ad the glad ;III 14t)oll tw a Papal parentJiotxl, t,;Ide the pomp and (!0rd" that when a boy in the H vatilon (if hill clothing. feared that amAher would take ad 0, OLC UAI it 9 Awl tbo night is 901100 A01. I alieti ceremony ou iatuis tho parlsitionerm all caule to hid A%,111le. 111viestigating the charge Lht vantage, over him, and they atwiited am1*10(lufIntlY tillit I" c( 1 '(P 'T%r L"ads. Prince Blomarck is reported unu*- Ckreumstanee ol war. I�e now turns futher's illlwe on New Year'd day llujfer had marriod Edith Chuter In fmell OtIber 1w members of utke fiLmily. Incorrect. day boa m. WVL1a,vl4. tlw nventilY-teieeted ually strong and well. and In tI10 London, Out., aftoer deserting his 38. With great 1xwer gave the 8. Whes, yootj call for trump*4 adOP Asd tht flOwer that y u ]d 1 of' Mtg4 to admirable awl performed a deisui round a certaW maiuierk4m, ~h an pro- the paA*. I wear ,Iwwllli. ll;ta reptigned spiW of the hiul weather he takes. both 'these Instrume I1rYillg house to bring good luck to the illill- wtfoo Kato Limpert, In Uhobla-Y, Out- apoptim witriewo-WIth no difficultlev on my heart, &od in dreams--sw011t to avoid trial of it protesL long walks anti drivtv daily. account in "The Buddhist Ing the I police have unearthed evidence alliOng thetivilt,,Ives to absorb tuiy of longd hetAtati(mi fit I)Iayiug the first id Ilall:iffl. has Leon. The proposed visit of the Czar and Whf-01" (N-Lafmillan & Co.), III Inter- ister aiki his-fRulily' for the ellsuil witem were en- card of tlie call, or excewive energy dreams, ii truest pretatiou of a reinarkalol-6 group Of year. Numerous other lijimtraiolui that thill young Ulan spent the great- tbetr time, the alx I uttitig down h m- I orift to the one who wa comnilt"I to Ptawl his trial lit the Czarina to Rome and London at the I customol which, kAill vi9OT0us In have been added by more recent ob- 'er part of his leisure moulClits hi e- coumged toy it p4piritual, praying In P IN im much alure effeOUTO and bept Ilk%" murt of Competent jurLsdiction. end of April ham been cancelled, owing al I let uMOLlo vigor, pletet. it. Tit the FAst, haVe their faint rel)r"wtlt- serverls, especially Mims Gordou Cut"- celvlug rfmpectable Young %v church, W pr~h with more thain truotting to your ImwtMm 11-0 A ud roam with my love In itim gaz- The Torouto Board of Control lilts to the health of their Majestles. tions- in t&e Wc*t. Tito famous Pray- Mingo the very title of whose book, hu-%Jlig commenced operatiolis while apirlt asid coturage than ever loefore, a the tartU. Alwau recollect dw Of ciest! 12 a be- loan alst Buddhists " From the Ilobrideo to the Blum- otill fit him WuA. AlthOUgU but 28 Itil cmvincitig, permiuslilig effect. waItch lirw% to -FTILnk L. JiLtantou, rveommended that the, klu Couitell In spitoo of o ficial tie al It to Ing wheeb of the 1Or Ulat people have ot4er ti gralit .11.01X) %4) til, intijam famine coming generally known that tile Lave looell famillar to no ever since the Layao,,, judicatea her belief that the years of age, his marital experience 91 the rewrrectical of the &tchtug for a cond th:,.m In his delmul eeremollies, were lit a0me way has bot!u a great deal more than'the Jeow.-All kgww of the dvititii filld think of I*W(Ies A Kournins Gown s healtb4 is cri- Abbe IIUC 1"Irrat deli-cribed w1i "er'- burial of 3ftmic -But tjio milelnie" of for trumW tical. and that a Regency I* pro- I'Voyage to ThIbet." These, It will 'be connected with the prAying heelsof, law allows, and 4113 firitit knO 4. It you 11(ild the ace Of it lotiftin a liandsomp cowu tit III&LA ELeCX1U1t1 Iloetiti(JIU-'; ill tlkt� St. kli%nne blei, remembered, are instruments for or- Thibot. ous epiou& extends back almubt ten ij*aw, the Jews, would iq)t belielve jigult fit hich your partiwr it" failed, wwhmere, trinniiied down each Sid@ Of -4 and t. Lawren-e t,f MAdPir- L)**,patchew received froak Goa, the fering prayers by meohlulical melills- The Wufires,' which III 1111111Y Parts ymm at which time he tied with a I,[,. the remarrecUou of Jesus. I one. Your bsnds of crepe. finished 'L, IlIt" loe"I 11 ht Lit 15 of don't lead It; kmd it &mail skirt a-Ith real and in tarlot,w. capital city of the Portuguese t"i- They are of various olutpes and sizi,14, of Great Britaill and the Europeli ofariner'19 da g A!r, who was lil 34. s niguiy am were pumewKwu partiner might n(A pA>ugll tho ace and with rooettft Of the same tUo loodie- dismivlwd.� toryofthat name in India, say there from small ylinders turned by t-110 colitineint are still lighted ()it St. earo of age. liere is the ltito�-Nt 4i8t Win& or bousom sold them -We are The whaler Niniml has been sent are th casem of blltoolll�. plague ill I haild to huge ones driven toy water or John'si Evo and other occasious fur- of his victims: (wrtainly authorized toy the liberal your gzvL&t object 10 to 9(A hrom, St. John'*. N.H., to search for thf. 11rotal there willd. liong strips of pa.per with a nish more anaftites. It Is, frequent- Adellne Bowskill, eloped frotu 11ar- import uf tile pamage tO assume that out of him at all cAORU the steamer St4te 0., (ieorgia, over- written or printed formultL rePOated ly the custoul for the celebrants to i1wton, with Ilulfer, 1868. a.11 tho ownero of real ostate who 5. if yo,ur paxUwr for trumpto Advices from Agorat my that the f V Mee dl- Kate Ll . mpert. of ftarboro'. ittar- joelodilgeti to tile churelk w)ld pro- and you arc, looking forward to a due 1rum. Dants g. undre(is or eve" thou'KInt's 0 dance around them lu a ibunwise powdble rough, tk),u't answer Ilia XaYu:r of decTishes, who were believed to be ad- h wrapped round those eyllndk�rs, rection. Torches are revolved rapid- rivid Pulfer In 189U. lwty, but not tllat they oold all of call. It to ollevitme. that, it you W" vancing on that place,have atandoned am the cylintlem4 revolve the ly, go as to give the alirpeatarice of a AlLanle McDonald, eloped with Pu w,hiell they were powww4ors.-I"We. Montreal', mid proprietor.of La Pat- their fortified camp at Amideb and are and as 11, 111,41 w) t4te prayer circle of fire. Burning disks are for from ChesleY In IW3. 35. 1ald tilem at the apwtles' your trumpbi yuu woll't Iw rite. la slowly recovering, alld is now retre6thig in t direction or Almotibil, pAper rolls uneo F-dltli ChuWr, married pul4�r in Lon- be dimponed of am tiley should rough. quite out of danger. D U r.4 Uleid by the fried0ly natives. is said. writers tL.,Lve looked whirled Into the air. Whects and bar- , U,) 6. Don't rough a ioulitful card B Moot EumpoilLn t for, lighted don, in 18916. t lw Wrect, They woulid be bettAv able It, doubtful ear , I"t llejt�"l d to Meant U no w it c Tho I)onllnion # Petitiow47 in. Thi- upon the PreYeT wheel as a strange anAl rolled down hill am.globes f fire. Nlla liegan. employed In detairmitte wi&--re there wom nothing to you owing to Weastmorelmul anti lZent, N. LL. and notinced that there will be no adjourn- -are mt*tie LaundvY, witom 11ulfor vourlo- rcvuef fillid. the Conveys I freak Of superstitioll, ft quite elc*P Blazing torciies, oarreis or disks engag-ld W 3(mr fallhtg to -i rectAlect, %%lietiker It the ft. Ann's dIvIsiotl Of 3100tr"al im-ut to %an Pranei-oco, llud thei tak- i tionaj Win of ritualism. C40yle c0n­ carried around a field or a towil in ed. gare presenta and was 0(puld draw "loor", it Wit -110"t llitik"19 it, tlie or tlw fourtli ititne the have been dismiseed. Ing or at Vivttirki% 114 C0111- teloptuou-41y alludw to I ao; the S,Itotr. (irder to blew 4t and keep -it froni be married to. J ex- every ciwe public. He is the oJit am bimi led, The pyinWiUl niinprs* aitrike Id Vot Ilix-i-ioll will 1** reached I atory Cakibash.11 Travellers have goil- hitrin during the ensuing seaw)n. -All of tite firs4t four libmtIORW 36. itniem-or Joe,-eijoh- 7. Alwnyv& rough it 11tti card. kes- a L arga- he g7rindilig of pray r- riettled, and the Limon ik&f% Called out later Q tit ti, - ofill erally.spoken of t - �Ny, nuty we not find another our- cepting Minnie McDonald are now re Buritabats. wlio afte in liand. Yertir left ilatiti ttdver- the men who were fightlag the fire ill Illent. ill a mill as an excellent dUbJ`1!Ct 11.1 ill t!le custom, wellulgh univer- idding in Toronto. -ind until tile first warid frequently welitiolled lis ft" al',- (AlL1 ers ru to have Bp- viv -rOugll you, tu"d your one slope Vf the miue. i The ne1v Ilamburg-Amerlean line fLr_jokes. No one appea gal alillnig gamblern. at turtling altair exposwe hi the paptem no one of 1611001 *OcLate of tiae apostle 11aul. That lie burY Over wylv,ulla, maid to be pliett h.mself to litudy or comprelind kiA,-w- that the other cir- partner may powibly be tibie to beat tab- or walkiijg around It Ill. order to bring exIdWd, Al- was a 1evite. is a remareable At a meeting of tile mriinitoba stoeam6hip relin. Par icular form of worship- it may be though Pulfor'o first victim had cuinstat%ce; we are sootl afterwards him. ThU4 will &Mowit too your draw- luet, vn Thurvolay it w" definitely the largt*t frelght-carrying Ae in- this t show About it Ouinge of luck? heard of his marriage with Kate toW that even iiiany Irriesto believed. Ing two trumps for one, bUt 018 111801d tog�tlle`r ghip in the world, left W-Ifamt yeatet- Now comes 11r. SIMP61011 to noted that thlo turiting Is not litturh you,. You will ha-veshown dimided to call th , a H01111se t!ay on her trLal tr:p to Now York- The that the prayer wheek -is but one on- from iert to'right. Liniport i%hortly alter hin deertioll ClLap4-r vi., T. The isurmaine or Bar- url t1w ist of Fet,ruary- 00 motecentre of an . I 1 -010*91 have chli- mbus, which the alit-wties gave Ililll,. that ou kilew the card led to have ,1W Go of her. Each of tile 'A the bewt of tilt eralors ..11 tile lletul8ylvania iii; 568 toet. long, nd- to sh t fromit t in d ren to educae, and I The Margentbaler op infinite vairiety of myth" and eer9- I it each Instal0e alluded. without doubt, to an extra- bw-11- at Winulpeg Nor' -wester �Ceniiervative of L3(),000 toils dispLacoment. whose ramillicatiOlks reach GERMIS CAN EASILY 13B KILLED. * A su I t. 11aris nimies. , the father's departure took place al- ordinary gift of tile Spirit S. Alw at a re to avh cLaini h(nmars., 3 Lwgita)Lt went -out on the refusal to ReporU received on into the Christian ritual. His the arrival of the baby,. was nianifouttiil in his addreasies n nd Swito axtillerY r6- ev mov,&. Ntw Yurk Doctor H;xplains How M09t witil of (,ypruN_&n lome and uiAT gain. bY It. pay the union *Cale 0i wages. the effoet t1kat a . that the circular Adpikie Bc�vmkill, Poulfervii first vle- exhortations. -Lange. A, new nifirning paper iis thortly to gin%4`11116 10 eri*4s at, is symbolical of the "ar mo- Treut the Bubonic Plague. tInl. who lit at prmawlt employed A01 Imland in the Med1terrane.an- Sea. 110t 9. Alwa% play out the lawid to this, 5,004) feet bigh, me I I elild, ieVegl if 'VOU lifiVe 11MAie the Odd LiPPO&f Lilt. McAntreal. it V%-iil tie :t f0ur- nearly it, may be, of the gr6at re- York �desputVli I)r. hou�kkeeper for Branch. Wal- very far tiiotalit from 'ill 0- 1WLxgliini: front gile, to Thur. The 00011. or- th`c' Jewlst trick a2id played for hoinom If YOU page, Wm)-cetit da -11y, and %% VOIvWg circle of the heaveno. ill United tosi i4treet, says that Pulfer to one of coro t. The Jews were very itunlier- iuu)wu astl Vie MorninK 1*010iltell- soldierri Ilave 1u)t leit heard of for a subordinate tra- I MUD, surigton general of the the MC%t consummate hypocrited she' ous in that land. liave to pay for plfiyiakg You lul-Q Ilulsmuell as heavy enow' which the sun. 6 States marine hcepital service, has ieti well have yo-tir incolwY`44 worth, &ad 7%0 petition against the e1ecti%1lOf alled ilurkng the 1Ast ve0ler. ever met, that lie deceived her wl 1. But a' cortain titall 'if' luc-4 I *%ltJe)4 yoki give rour ))art4w.r W Mr. J. IL--mijis, conoervative 31. P. for @tormA prev STUDIES IN THIBET. been* making a special study of the was a mere country child of 14, idas. with Sapphira-Here is it ig,' In which 0� alf,de oil Be. tllr4*b tjl6o. a disaster Is In the now I,y malE g witemn promiscis tll&t he c1laace of revokit Annapoilim. haa beenset Ho began b.s investigati4xis black death, or bubonic plagde, In tramt, between the honeimt, liberality of ou'wili I* In a p4wition to jmr A4 coulut. of irregu:arltY la trIP 6ervice. guiumf . To cd It -60 anti 1861. which be rtq*klemily broke, and that altl bas - t r6y 0i Ann- y raging in India, the deadLest scourge tough BArna a nd lie hypoc him. The protiti oil the silver ami C -)ptk,r B L ODT HIS TONSILS. ppent in the Himalaas. cronshigover fl*cted the ea'rth. It has *;be had toiled for him ad had given rilai, alitl Ilia wife'-fturlbut. Pro- 10. Fhould you Juit-t nilmw�_ m&Aing lkililujikill (,�Ov_ tho boundary into Thibet lie villited that ever af I him her earnlngw lie Itad deWrted her fewors of the golspel�obut certainly not rem&rk to yoor coinage aceza-lig to the ies anti made sketches ot already been brought by infected sea- I at a time when ishe was utterly lteIP-' true, belleverm; for all that truly' be- 'i 'the gfLnIO always L- entirely of cftpe. vrith skiort fluW orummut iauring tht� t*olo ycar am- the Lamamer ,We c(AiLln't quite do It." As d the so-called prayer wheels. He men to Marseil.es. Franeb. lu an in- I loomque; pointo of feami and a stranger to thut;e he left iteved were of one Ikeart and iloWne partaier, cashmere satseld ountot%l to the doctor says., Te. lie will most likely have forgottell 811 from the right tilde emm and are fin - prayer wheel and terview her pwinilem among. 1K) I.-Bonson. Anaubw nietills, . lie play of t1w hand, lie will ished with rooettem of ribbon of 111tiout t I Horrible LUMP) at Suicide With i boug4t, a hand In generl, the illis~ is spread In ther'ei far u 114S -riL., r 1­�irlil4ttrick. learn6d the proper method of using It. In 1888 idie left -her fa in hova is graclous;" Sapphir obably aree wItli You. sloeves of crepe, with puffs to --Vh; t - - k i u%i At Soonum. lie saw a mointer cyLuer. tile same manner as cholera. except and went to Barriston to learn liall- beautiful.,' '17heir names were fa- pr wKierwelit ilk a Dynamite Cartridge. t that tho cholera, germ mus� enter -0 Int 1L :if your adverbitries have f or xot- elbow of cashmere. privat, liobOtAi. cOuti"i about nine feet high and live fee 11110 tho germ- Grlig, and a.t a party in Drew WwR vorable, but Vieir ptinCIPI, "I to beore bonore, engage ttien I in itilameter. worked with string and the Intestinal tract lv� itilip she hiet I>ulfer. Site WaS '111WY Balgel. d . - , A-%,P&dding Death to BeautY, make prkgrepal tOwartim of the plague may attack any part Interer%t1qg but lr"IeTant eonver r"covery. crank by a Lama MoUk. of the mucous membrane or be 14 and lie wao about 18, and the two 2. Kept back a part Of the pric sation until the trump carI (of I w uo exercise bLiter than hits twon u1jere,t bthe rHE VICTIM A CRAZY ANARCHIST. The monk seemett please -I ano tonded by even the utinatest abrasion becamo abwrbed- tit each utlber* while they pretetuled to make an ,kxt detill 144 turned up. i rMr1V11 A nionsuit. tered by the interruption, and his While courtVig her Pulfer was arre4' fering of all. Tl&.was hypocrisy. Rud lie ink* swimming for dve4oping the bust. . c4Lx of the L)Uke of the skin. While this gerin in so vir- of otealilig I)Iuclt- In called a Him wife- 12. Shuld you ever linve t, but delicate, nervous 'women sh0QW civil riLinal in V10 Bade, of pleasure re@�)undmi out. into delight to,,) the syw-� ed on a' charge fortimle to fill4i yourielf in partlier- only atu-inpt iwimming after they ie preseP16 I)QlLe lio anti so easily taken fit ken to Tili sin wam preineilitat(41 by both 01 Anjou, who sued 161 30C) N0rtllam1)t4)1l strwei, tr'ted wlibit the new aff.val presented him Win i V 10i On -mith"I tools and wait ta pro- with a twientirle whb4t have bwo examin�d &Dd pronounW e -of the most easily killed lb 0411 ip 44 Orleans for using the Royal Arras is head the 0xperiments partim. who takes exception to your game. to kili'lilmst-If In a way tl.at rucalls with @,-)mf) coins with thi Queen Guelph for trial. Judge Drew free from any specialized weakneAm of 61 upon them. An the man, in that out of by idtifection. In gid,pil, Bnd when Pulfer wam cq9it.- 3. Why hath atan filled thiole. beart Ih!cago Anax- gpo*@, had perhaps nevw wn now beA;ng carried o., in tile labora ted, His Honor took a fancy to 11112 the father of 1109. It liar from tre" t h6, retnarko ith tile c(AltfomPt Image and heart. It in imDoftlble to 11 that deed of Liitg.. the C tile way with It' tile t I;ey 0twerve. develop the blot where tere if any aud M.r. 3.xuwo suthert; I't. M. I chist, who. whileAll lait Awailolvir Beni- i such obj­ctis before, he gazed 'tory of the 11(spital. serrice has and engaged him as his CORCIlinan, beginning. -Bib. Mu#4. Peter i been fouu�l . t1lat but, One pathogenic im. to his home In VAora, 1'.. 94po ice at ViU14 ill.t1w, bouO-)-throw- an expression of wonder upon them., traem the shi back to its motirce. the stricture about the wairt or chest, vajidiiil:�W In tence with the other t lie limi of Her organism Is, as easity de6troyel by. taking It - girl, atlY at,, heext ilito which Satan had Ileen d- TASTBrUL FOODSL therefore the corrot should be loose. of Raymarket, fame. 1)ut, a -,lYila- ovkiently takinj J("yd gum as the p!q�gue bacil- The youlng who was gre h to the Majesty for a derl, or doddess. 80 fOrma ller beau, threw up Iter initted; I& que6tion recogliiws Atia- Padding of any sort io deat soath Farant. i Iblighes Which Are Inviting. Ccst Little 'overn4wr of mito cartridge In bi moulth. lit It deep was him Ititerest, lie forgot to. -jug, . namely the staphylocoCks, PYO- taell6d` to �o Elora, niam" Im)wer to reoLi4t thew eil ill- natural Loeauty of n woman's figure Sir Herbert -a and thus ulow * heaoJ off. !keep the "precious wheel of the law". genes aure,1114. One per cent. of fiu;ck- situatWn and propeede4l atai. kitock(itd; AllaninA and Aiv Heialthtul. John .1 where site was employed by Mro. Me- fluence:4. blamwgt- in very effective to the mt Newfuuadl,ind. will le"ve -%tt- Bade, accordij% to repowt, placed.'L In motion. A f V .-on he lime will also destroy It. oregor, widow of a clergym". DOT- Tto fite re&t ,%r a cl(ve itispect' opetled Itis heart.-Huirlbut. P*ef nd tatV_) make it very noturlish- -physical culture and (43,4 t melkt� ov. Feb. oth for ifalitaX. It, is Otated in 11 There re known to be twoforms It giing mawage. vrhict should fol- tawa, to Ai_4cu.se big cartridge, lleaxly half an illch In wrapped the coffill up carefdllY A inating Ing her service there Ilulfer 'paid to tile Holy Gbost-The allooti(wilts- Ing brotli. ILave two Puuu(W of beef low tile tibiutions. it Mum% be remem- that he to going to 0t � deraSoll. d1amoter, on the red coiLls, in a cook- part of his drem and commenced to cif the disea8e. One -is the fulin iy attouttorts too her and gave her claim any power in themselve.-. It another propooal U r conf L r it with tinue fom, called I petus major-? in which maj_ It rou .1 cut inw small piec" bered that the brea&rt ip es"�&Ilry wheel. That did. not con 'form th6 disease acts VZ, qnIckly numerous prewnts, which lie told ber is Clirlot who *orka.%boudracles; th(v' n with two The money it_*40 joy tile burill-lig ost-ove at his home, bent ove turn the he stoppi4d again and un-. ry to oave up for their marriage. One God or Abraham who'givcw tlie 1liower 'mid put in a 041lueean d cook untAl delicate and should-4never be bramwo. uatc-41 it o1wn mouth and received tile bullet- long, WK %tus (partp oi watii.r. Cover an Ube Roberval ciollve"t la essit az ip very tatdi; the other, ' pe directed liginist of heallux. alul ths.4oly t4ptrit who is , i over $30.4 N K). tructil"n (A all i; And tile wonder is, he lives to tell the rollod the coiluli, to g e upon them and The mechanien), appliant* Pold for the The ties, taintor.' In which 'the symptoms are day nueq)1clo" was nem is all extructe from I purp~ of df-veloping the bust, In the conf ined Pulfer, nind an investigatforl tallowed grieved by Wr il)le tole, although lie- cannot tell it with onco more. When 31t, 0 mpsoll lPf _� hO like that of Ananias. lue WMI bookA awitt papers niakeh It inllKlos with evi- mIldi; tbo patient not being the weat. Strain and @6a&Kxl with form of a glam bell, ip a most d&o. h:s mouth. Thi -.i orl.d nki frightful act i'am sitting looking at them t 'lie had robbed hio beripfactor, , -Lumb.r. r cup 01 SO gvt full nformation a,4 V.) the in ing -at w . ght. The 'probability in that tw tho bed. whence th`s class are tha. very articles lit' had 1 4. Wlki',O It retimIned-&-stherham dialt- %I(.atlwlliie aoiak one ver A,; gerous lustrumput. Tht glandular wits itiono last Thumlay morn (lent dell, called ambulant easce. The period for � stc-a*lg th0 5 oclock, but it I,,.Ls lli)t gailxd pub- I the coins, w1ll he pl-iceil onvme of their Ull fie491) eo structure of the breast makes it peft- of Grenfell. MAn.. was wiil be- Incubationfor trio aClltP­Vl@e8 ap- i given 111#4 pwoetlimrt a14 Preseil trauislatem thi#4 verse, Ren atid it to thi straLriva ilrotill and r4l' liarly sensitive, and many terrible I:citX l* fore becauw� of tile strict nd that tile Queen pears to be pretty well f,xe(i at mider Ju(W Dre�, whO wam ll()tLf'#"' did it llOt ill till,16 own loom~ion re- senuencett to it ear ia jail for tbhu0t� Illik-tie of the fmily allil Of tile at- altars, a that IAim-inery at least, a h. lgtArtol for the vIlIaW, tuatu ? and sold, ditt it; not W tbille ow'n turn the In-oth to t1le I ire and 1" maladies havei been Induced by vari- Lltly, and Como, 111 ten days, while In the ambuipAing Guelp one hour. Add the YoLks Of ous brutal infelmnical dpvi" of this lug a woman it, -NICIA"I ruce t*m4-linq doctors. 1311oidilist (k,ity, tind recei*O suitable prosecute pulfer, but thfi latter got 4 anthority continue? For w1tat rea%on ght. Let It tenced to I t 0! c 10c. k this Coll- C."We. the 4pparent period of incuba- uglily fri two qM bea u very a m&ns damed cuwleY sell Last, Tlitirwlay morning at adamt1on. wail W tO In willd of it and tboro ghtea- di& -t thou In thy heart contrive this to for titnt ma.* bo very much longer. remaln a moment take Imm the tlit- penitentiary irl, deed? thou didbt not d0al falwl�" wit), with unger p.*M two years 110 got. out of I*,d, (4tengibly to drew cluslon alte". -ard froin what I aft other wil to.'s, ambnlating cases. may too Ing the. unsiopllistkateli 3'011119' 9 lim.Serve at once 'I he Buttonhole Watch wounuing a man-. amd go to work. A few Minutes I&tOlr In other templeti. where I -found that afflicteo] tor a period o( tell to thirty she agreed to fli?e with him. MP:132- ulm but, with God." cc thin butuvw toa6t. (if t1p. 1;1tuk t)f Brit- 11, Joud exp'.osion wa heard and when European article had been picked up Ms Illive de- while Judge D wts borw% ran waY 5.'Ananias....fell down -gave ill the his wife reaelmd the kitchen he was _ b3rtilemonke andplace-d nmong their J.days heWore the gympto and 'broke His%onorn arm whle lie CYeam socipb are R 00BAL1,119 ce*44on I Ing on the 1, ligureq of gois (mi their shrines. In veloped. wbich call attention to the too tile jillage, and ghoat-The immediate InIl all death after plain Vrotll-,4 tr toftio. Sag% 6.41 T4,rsPllto it' 4tw y " bleeding copiously dseape. The actite form of* the. infec.-� w&q oil his wfiY of Ananias, whm Peter had addressed pearl. tappAA bfLrl,,-y or rice MAY Ile 1,rillillay. Mr- from to n)olltll. sthe wax terrbily on() temple I iLt%v brandy bottles so tion may caust, mild attacks. while the del&Y eimbled Youlfer to mc:'Pe- him, must bo viewed as a direct act used. Take aLy white stack wat Ift 1.riiAft,rd. wil l.frightened and knew mot which wAY bonoreid: and [it a monastery sit Lar on tho other wo walked half the night, took* of God.-Langvlti. Great tear same - to turn. S t had, mayuru the monks pointed wltbprIde hand -the ambultint The t eacised r,ck anti w*41 seastmed. Put istoo it h ask�d Bade wha inay cause the acute at �k "e refuge In a Wayside but, and r This effect on the Christian &-vm- -pan a 4ut of the sto4k happened. but lie could not, speak. to a gin bottlo oil thelit altar, which CAN* - i tr h qly station next 1horn- munity in thought to be the chief tie- saum hall I Ile N -Aly Of a M&R IU'Pletl blood. they seemed to prize highlY from the Tito ambulant there -ore, n Goldtmw rajlW. quaintity to cream. T 111g, wbem they caught a train and sign (A w) xUrtling a j1idgmA1t._j. and tho t4ame t4 ount.1 un4erneatt She tricmi to check the flow a ich Phone In gold find bright most to) t*% d"aded." to Toronto. 11"wo -monthi tter When it comes to) a boil am one table- iies from Rowtie t She kept at work over the Man for label , w h __ $ . came de- F. & B. @pooalul oil flour thoroughly m0ilillt- hAytack two m -fore she hought colors, and prominf-fit xipnn it were UN hL_r soil was born Puller coolly I Man. when lawt "*u I about two hiroars b� THE SHARK WJTH X U 6. Young men -The earl."est churtl with cold milk, pnd ItL& it bOil Litotou pootoffice, I he a cat anti the words FOUGHI young men and ened A11%e, whch was October *_15th, lie was of writtling for. it doCU)r. The the f1gure of serted tier and married Kate L-mpert- wa's not w1thout ir what, uplK,.441 ient. tier Idtle five-year-old'daughter Old Tom man Eater Invades the Raritan- and -the young girl from Warborio, the oung women. Acts x1l. 13. Carried up ouco. liave the tapioca dedriell of work, ujid it im r- I well, th;lt the inti%-Muction ce - having lwv-n performed at him out -just beyonfi the walls of the ever you wish to use in the w>uP Cook - It woult remony the, ha. to got a physi N ffikes a Desperate Battle. oil and add it too the wmp and "rvo. he "x !ilielter umit power Into Thibet would par3onage, of Rev. Dr. Sutherind, -eat in Brockville, The child ran to Uie offlCe of lwr� 04- ,Of. s4tomnl ention of tile, the city. -Cook. That the body was not Uariey requires two houm U) cook. A report 10 curi ptreet'.- lljollopolize nil- thru tt Britn5wit-k. N. r., of No. 1,266 -Jefferson with the latter" wife no witilmo. AdtN. taken to his home is Indicated Vy his com,ug originally fri)m Mallurytowil. The doctor wellt to thO divert 06 (nil menAllre all-0JMl)fk)at, wit& only h1% young line, Bowskill ham OM*fullY (xiticated wife's igucWunae of what had oseur- r" one hour. SaV-) and pearl tap- 1,bAt tvyo or tlj-*-,e chdreir were froz, it the heado of the w Ilo im wi exceetdingly bright joca mumt be wmked in cold wutelw& one (9 tIW kieAeon's tiovelued in quickly ag he C0014(i gpt tilpr. Whn of jii-t h1rinsink w1w) 'goill to help hini, Jowpll O*Idil red. IAXXkxl is a tiny gold on to ditatill ou sunday a -tilt 00 NNeLls he arrived 'he R*9w a 141glit that 'native4t, which would I*b unfair to the I I I and jood-lookilig 11d and a favolite 7. After three houra-Probab half an Itiour anti 000ked the o,&uA Parilitt and effect skocked even thLq man of medicine. He rpNt of thn World. -Thank Xomine"11' South River, N. J... li�o An exciting. 'One (if tile iftgth of time. watch! worn 1ky ladle* no shn*n io the IsA" The story is t" tile with his in the next limr of prayer. Under the Chicken jelly wily be uiel iu a wt and by ineu iii the lapeiN of their that ttke TiCtILL16 were tile chikiren of und the . mail' Fitill blewling from thP Thkbet will not for v loi4c tinw� be fight with a large. shark iW the Itar- city schoo4s. -Y tla,lvo -to idlock of the death of Aramias th( Chat&. Hagerman. a sort of Cou mouth antl saw lying on tile floor near ynfficientIv ndvae"t for 01%. not until two or three chil- -Cook. variety oi ways]. TO make the )vIly ott Canada Last lie epi- to voyagings 161r. 81nilwon re- Han River yesterday alternoon, It wa8 that Pulf-pr had haid Dot dispersed. toako a fo,%vi weguing about Ulm wtlo, VaA sriven . oult the stlove two tolLsils nd , t From It dren had been born liquor sell.ng , and f0ttis, whiell h.-vt 1*�en blown Or binvacir --w a.. one,of- Newman i4aw a diLrk moVIRX Obj4Vt n with Kate, Lim- 8. Tell me -The question was SaP- poutitia. t'lean aild remove tile skin Jok4w tor W omein seemon for ij.egal turne4 to -er * e. -I I leti, severed Jkla connectlo the t IWW 11114 IL011W, and phira's place for repentance; and fat. Cut it into PLOCION Bud Pu Dointpey-When your wila get& tile ik;land8 which bag filially borne In the rii haill aluce tWen CaMPILLS on drawn from Bade* -4 tbr(mt by the ex- InvestIt-ra tiOn pert, f or Minnie McDonald, nor was it Holy Spirit strove with tier in Peter's ptoolon. He cent for Pr Myntei and frult In tile Pr.~nt work. to big @on George. They JuMped into- in until he haill. tran4ferred is vArivings. them into a i-alIevPall w1th %w0g9a­ won't Nile Apeft tt, you ? e river. their boat and rowed toward %he ob.. long ziga words, but she ree'lilted H oroug quaru (Pt water. ti bay Waf rry ynter weri not at-bome. rro bogin tritil. ie _tertw praying. an and committed bigainy -Perhape Peter (Nittle-­C%he won't di) AnYthiug el,*. U.NITEI) STATEkk Lor. Myer. Dr. .11 6 ject,: Newman bad ],is shotgun with big efecti Lindnay. So much d some pieces (4 celery. Cover Z� ' I)r. Myer came and later sent for two wheel stnick 11111, M it 11,1uzolner. th by mjL"ying Edith Chuter, the F.ng- here an Ell&-There'P a mau in our towti in Jurita, L-4 again -witdilig praise rather him, anill, am, the son rowed, the, inau Potod to the money still lying w heat t4lowly up U) the "ling PO-nt- 1812. The Cubi more targeorm A quick, emigultation wilfiiii+4 being vellicle-.4 -Of lish waff, at *London, Ont., for whieb anias had placed It, V. ).-Hurlbut. Let it simmer for four houfs. ThOu who rememberu the war of out from Florida IK)inte, pietur+1144111,t* was held hfter they had done whBt than- 'of praYer. for lthough some st(xA In tbe boiat refLdy to, shoot. b 6 11P An, 1 stella -I @;upp(we you and be are . aro fill" with Instead of swimming way, an New- Tea -It had bpen in tier power tosave Into . awrl,ito of tl'O way- iru they c()uld to check the flow Of 1140od- of tile , lnmpt ones , the nwrry est: man expected, th-1 f", which proved coven from his Ul her husband by a woT41 of warning glaiw and Pet away to 4X 4. When i quite chunimy. The lowei-4 ptk�e on record Vir c4 FxAmination. of tiibo Interior of t)ook.,4 or rittial.'(flencP ng iihark, turned priatist; it was now id'her power to jelly ln&y lie -In anyfWtig wrtiltitig to wiLks uched yei�.terda3l* Bade's mouth j;llowed tilat the roof "Circuln'ting liforarlets,"' which r. to be a large man eati b THE INDIAN FAMINE ve tile fat. Thie in .A t. - Lo U 10 -*V AA to a ve sarr. anti . rm cold remo complete, my door! -8 to The Interior of Fint1won should 11 %;he -Teo: alu)ut fourWen yards of -wati biatily lacerate]. A up for bed for the boat. With Open clear her own conscleticie by OLM your happinevin When It moist o!iowa %P mouth, showing its Pharp teeth, tire f C04110n--IlumPtret be used cold or heated atid iserved like ts4lo- hl,4 lips also were cut. it,took HiXteen the ninjoritY colltalu a MaTi- loughedthrough the water a Qrett Distress in the Presidency of 9. Horw is tt that ye, have agreed soup. -hite meat of the silk at *6 a yard. atitc-hes to mend the lips. But they tra,,* which nipan4 "anY, word or shark p Bombay - Cholera Feared. Iwcec of the Nit A bill ha bt*-a 1a1tr`0k-iUC8d Zk - a -pace that struck terror to the ! -8applitra's answer proved to Peter jowl may be cut fine and put into a Whenever it inau hie wile Win . began to @well and lymtrutle from ble conlillinti(m or wworol-,4 uqPd US` wnv �)f When It Bij, inbay, an. that their isin had been premeditated. TeiLan floulmle oi i.epremeutoaloivt�s pro )m,4 way. Pus invocatloiri duringpn act of worqh1p." hmrto of thosel In the boat.. mpur, Preoidency of Bo Jelly Jar and tile liqui,l poured over her friend@ that he was Wo coiwc*u- hiLAUng the manuhi,�ture or viale of UK* in a Wilief also formed -xf hate or ignorance. 6. appetim-ug tious to succeed. What she t Its 1111"i 4 of the"boat -The special correspondent of tile anti not ono uTaler them Bud caused the surgeons I, 11allplujah" nnd lloqnnna," fnrex wa,4 within about ten fee ' 26. them. When col.1 it patob in that State.'* d sent, Associatp between thin crust in privatp ia different. ing Ilan con- would be elft.-WeAl bY a Brall- Newman recovered his nerve an d ptes% Ivilo it; visiting the Silo *as equal in the sin with her alleed and put oj�*Ouij Irom B&th, N.'Y., days much trouble. The swell ample of shot into Itis side. 'The big dintresoed priovincem of India has ar- husband. IeU,r's (luestion gare the taken off, or with slices Of Jellied on the tillue*d ste"ly 11inco thin, and yestelr- Tnill a Afantrap. The well-nigh un17 a charge d NPw- rived at . BIJaVur, i(biout 245 miles firstr, knowkxige U) SaWhira, that 1 1 Mother --Why did you accpt Char- tbLa% the west buantri fler s iday tho lips protruded 00 fftr al" too ver-Ral Mantra Af the Thilw-tan pra.v- fish otopped for an Instant, n southemit of Bombay, and finds In their guilt wam discawred, but her chicken u-ith, toasted crackers. ley from amolig all the YoulLf nib" Lackawanna was i1tpped by th give the face an, appeaznee trimilar prwbePli4tq "Aum 3L -Int Pailinihum." man hastily Shot a gecond timd.,The rPAW he Boiled rice with egg w excellflot. who have pa it] you attention Daugh k)w. ou intestiffat'011 fir -4t Ren- chrge struck the 4nimal on the limul, this disstriet the keenest difft eWP`c- answer was 9'ven. 7`10 tempt t and generally liked. Wah thorioughlY tr-Beentime lie w" the onlY one 61*wm ge mug r T.110 feed pipe to nd to6 that of an ape. The dootorli 11AVO T1*4 mYl4tic formulao* the I been In attendance on him regularly tpnep ttnglit the child and.the. 1118t tearing awa.Y a part f n ially among the people of the lowe Spirit of the 10"Wnley saw thati 0 its 0"o h#11 a cup of rice, and put it Wtoo & I ILI,at 111141 the fz04141 taste to Iwo - n Of tile a"tles li&Ai the gift 07 t,0[19110111', JkWt enough Water to be choked by an eel. wliiCh hA41 ev tered by the (lying, ilte.mlir n domoliW boiler with . into the water since then, and their elforts have beeim It i en ns The water became dyed witli blood, castes. The latter are on the verge i POWL" doutty been sucked 60 succedKful am to Insure a cluume of .A(loritition to tile JewPI in the Lo- but th- shark wns st h, starvation, and are only s&vPd from but luot they the giJt of discerning to cover it. When the rice is nealy I "Xio, Mrb. Plimber. a woluall ll� 110t tiank which supplied the ten,leris with Batle's recovery. Tb chance ib said too Inclident'allY - Mr.' . f4impflon and, itter wltIng a few minutes, ad it by thv Gdverument rellef work, spirits ? 88 ot done if any water remainis Pow Site knows how W&WWA." - . wor1w refer to the If U11(lecided what to do, Ar4hed again which enaj)lm them to earn ellough 10. W - off and add oak) Cal) (of milk. Let the Rt to utarry unle" be very slight, however, but the re, 0,inki4 that th ~ at the boat, and seized tile gunwale Imoney U). at 1past keep body and soul through Peter'o worids, nor his pra to cook." " Then a man Ull"t fit to A canton demixi-tth eaYo:' It May suit fit general of the surgeons' work InYr,".r of crntion. n the an- ill iV4 jawic Betom it multi crush the tAgether white awaiting the brighter er, nor tiaeWil vilamp. nor through rice clook idowlY ulitil done. beat an be knotwo how U) saw be sa�ely &swuulod that 3L-tjor McKln- - cliont Prulpturfm Buddha 1.4 rppriloent- I thoroughly, allil the last thing tbuj far In reganied by them am won N W ap wocod, the mail, quieted it with a. shot state of affairs which recent rainsare reoxmipie, that this guilty pair died. egg taking the rice irom t4le fire wood." r ly Law, decioed at preAent 1111POn Nix dwW, in thfLIL it has remued the 191- ed up sitting 012 the 1,A)tus. 0 The charge entered expected,U) provide later in theyear. but by an Imm(%UaV- Judgment of bolore FAltrOlt—Timt J.PkiA da" frow this ilaou for his Cjibinet, though he IUW r Uout from a comiltion tbat was L*-- tile Lotus represenU the female Rak- at close quarterrs. the head, It. 61 estimated that fully one-toe%th Gai.--Clarke. i-tir the egg into it BA' lightlY M ori"t-How AY tondered all ofhelm port- wer. Mr. Simpson ribads into the sharks side,, just back of d serve hot with *ugar and time of Pharat)b. Hum not forma 1118ved waa utterly bf)[Wleftl- ti. or po ­ I fear -This Jaitigment e '011 foaniii. The nwil who are regarded The ctow. from a phystelano stand- the combination or tile two) phaille and cau.4eid IngUint death. The reports of the cattle In this district have al 11. Groat CJV-*M - areieso I as to sul3wit it to 3i .Of ap ii.itment, are: John point, bi one of tile intat retuarkaWa significance.- of the gun had attracted to the river ready perimhed front lack of fodder, answvwod the end for which it, was oca ),Ily is excellent T.) pre- when I 11jiilt 11:1ve kliown yon would am car ta In tlw prorc*jjlon ill tilis part of the coull But 0114 to digre-slon. Tile vir- lmnk severnI persons, who mw the and �the number undoubtPdly I* inflicted; a deeply rpligionis I gi:nher It :3hsrmaa.. Lymau Gage, athan pare it soak one cup (9 tapioea, in rem off, iuk,6ph cKewia, John D. Lour That, a tuo of the whekil Ile4 ID ita � hAng end of the fight. The shark sank, and, consideraW Inereased between now cupied every mind, and__Ii. Lby And three cup!j *of cold water over night- stitiell (if Li 1. � try hare had to it() with. ul Men drngsted. the and the advent of the new Cropd. In dcoeption were banimbe fr)iii this Aw Jamea Wliwill. Of fuwa, f 84C and epigiottis turned sunwW.-I. e.- from eaA to although P*vex. in the morning put I& in a double suppose. Bridget. it in all right G e n.A. A U14ill whose tonAls im aliouki west -or, to make mittt.-M mor;@_p1aln, river,'tbe swift obl). tkie lind carried the fields can be i4een lying tiuVibe biDly am*vubIy.--C`1&rke. bcoilor with a cup cA hot water. and fi the dIn ng room ? Bridget -01', Ys", retary of Agricultare have been blown out Of h 0 &,goes appointment am Secretary ()f*, live. kw maid to bo something hltb- in tbe direction which n tnan. would It awak. of careasses of animals being dpv ured rreachino. - True chrirtians it re let it i5immer until periectly cloa, Inum, I It otit a long timt, IWO War is probabie, but, by no means exto %luknowil lwie. Bade has lost take if lie 1wrambillatfh(I It, l(d-ping by vultures. There are, many ganis t.11clughtful f4)r Sirinprit stirring often. Sweeten to taste &Dd lit there objec ftlwav8 on litg right. Ille As You Like It. of robbers, engaged In pillaging grain for t1lpinwtvcw. if we would not sin. flavor with tho juice of half ienm Then .11killie Laughwl -`Jamie." hlo!a volte, but If he finally survives. brings Pvll and undoe4 n he -never n opportunity arioes, we 11,11,Kt not heed the tempter's voice. and two tftb1#_*-poonfuls of wine. ealleti Iiiia mother sharply. "You're RNFAT HKITAIN. tile eaAc will go (]own in surgical his- y- it previoui4ly acquired by There is no woman and the prisons are full of thieves scolnetimem umem severe measur444 Pour into cups, and set away tory A a record-brioit%aker. an baAl an arithmetician that she couki lu pl y 1,1 A. SmitiA. ttle Can*aa itier - ie orth(klox not calculate 11tow much her husband who Ittive been captured while wteal- upon ninnerfi. W protoTt 14is fftitbful Id tmer, ltwfing n1i day. gatia1l) alwaYs )CAMA -r i ot bpbg ilble to speak. Bmie tunling thi maelilne in ti ing grain or ill atte:ml)ting to (10 'go-. diiiciple*- We should learn by the min- perfect!y cold. Whipped cre Y. find#4 wime work for Idle hands to do. =mAwitotio . has donated the -11 the icturd ot.smoke. CUK r may Ile served with this Take thlo; Itaoiket and bring in oome ire hundred pounds ko %be could llot to (Lk how the direction ardinal featurpx ao; data would save if lie did il Among the Inamseti there are many takns (of others to walk In riglkt, a. fty exploilon had happened. Nor di -L he with thepe c no. -Why are you so sad, darling? If preferred. bhuic mange in kindling." Llufne fund. Simppiln, nftpr 1paving Thlbet, cases (of illness arising from lack of pa UlK. made with tapioca and m Iii by so" - tell, for it iq sald he would Air. Stio-1 was just thinking, dearest, rded Y. Papa, Mr. Weaton pro Is," -r-ph Arch. the leader of the wLh to I went iD search of other examples of r nourishment, and it Is rega, cup@ of i res, t Se no% ev#.n write Ttu expl4tration. that title U tho last evening we can. PFOPe Ott. Molly! YOU as certain that cholera will reach this chief char. lug & CuP Of taploc"t 'a twO In rit-.jal. He looked Since're deotion was a water ovt.r night. 11ace over the fire labor movement, is about act L,4 thoUght circular movement be together till to -morrow. district sooner or later, owing tothe 4,steri"tic MoW the early Christians ? why, is memoirm. which will be to. be, topinpurary ImanAy. Neigh- Into Brahminic custom ind creed. d -I hope, my dear, that Ito dmad In a.doublo butler the so&kfid tapiaft don't, mean t1118% Y001W Warwick. since that religion Is older than the Rusban carpimstiesm of the people, w They were devoted to . Uod, and to ir into it two generous CNN be'p a frep PlIver ninIL "Y41111to I knOw the Countew of boro 4ay hL4 hotne life wits pe.rfectlY oel trtp abroad has benefited you. being taken too the I,il-igpitaii; 1wovided IL Ru% I 111g4le him put a gold cletume eff your each other. The apoistles preached an" *t wa" ot telling milk. three tablespooDfuls brxhda gtntai yentc-rday Buddb tie. and* there the wh Van It.. IA4 it In before I arcepW hO." happy, arul tbat lie hall no troubl Wife, --Indeed It has. I met the for their care, believing that they are with power. Tlwy gave themwIve tA) 01 sugar wA a pinch o4 ca arno known. Ho Liam hil�d "teadY found U) be 9 widely recognized ooym- thp -evcwnmen't iii; stUl conak*T bol of circular movement, - 814 alpo ()f Smiths, who live next door, antl they certain to die within a fortnight If work of the miniatry In i4incerity. cook slowly 15 ulinu". sti"ing aev- "Wilors making all that racket (out entiorl cir continuing 1whe pinploynwnt at -the Noye Milufactur- 1 .4 - - ead mutki. calole too t4- West I Ing (,Oml)any*,* works for yearii and ethical- teaching. - have asked me to call on them they enter a hospital. e vital lloints Of cral times. Remove from the tim and there ? I want some chalm t4i r rk- A cetemool Of almopt univernal,tioe A numbei of ChlicagO girls have Beyond doubt the utm(wt re#4ourcim (hribtianity, for the purtxwe of win- f lavair with wine of anlla. Pour liito and think." "It" me as to galfi to be a w)t*,r, stuadY wo tovPrament will be taxed be- . I P ttAAI t4&at the Prince of mail. He own.,4 the prettY house III in BrahminleAt as well as in Buddhint f(grined an organization for the pur- of the G ning wxils for Chriot. They gave no individuuil nl<#Ul& and tm-t liway to imapped the witqrTat of tlw kitclOn: i I . ritual Is that of the pradakaxhina. pope nif substituting a five-yearwed- fore lOng In tke Pffortm which will anxiotto thought about tile C()Dme- hmzdft. suvd *"and wlint or it?;' "Olt, I beg yo-ir atteiml ojwi� of the sPriw i which M fawfl.y live. lifins going round with thp ding contract for the present form of have to be Made lo) cope with tile fluencet, wlileti 0-y inight suffvr All Orange jelly will tAteil tempt pardon, I thollght It wAlt' 111Y v%'1fv." lftoltwt-4 th it ' Ambito"dor This me re, which 114 marriage. This attempt to lengthen steadily increasing distress. who would accept ('Itrist under their look inviting. To rimAe it, soak half . R% wife's milliner hill 641768,1 from gtve to bL,4 friendio -it tile, PAID THE LAST PENALTY. right mholdder W the. cent In ill Cilleako probably , London. Jan. 1,6. 'A despatch from pripaeliting inight find a welcome a package of cox gelatine in a te&- flngers. '"The ec"llo- the same turn as that given to the tile mariLtl tpr tl�e Chronicle, regarding and praying wheel. Towns and fIPJds and will M t with littib encouragemeut Tubbuipore to auntiong the company of Itellevers who cdp (A rud I water for an hour. Select quences of your extravagance," lie bccoome evident that there He Butchered a Whole Family tomnlier obJectlit fire circuinambtilated, there. the Indian famille, says: Relief formed the early church. While they pwlect orangw and cut tbsm solemnly exclalanc%i, "be upkm your commutation of the eight Deserved His Fate. in this manner. witil blessing both tO Thre w.ls oylcj� a yontig man named measurps wpre neglected -in the central preached, tho chiireh provided for the through the centre und remove %M own he"." They were, wit'll tile Px' -1prisonment passed 11POD de- provinces throughout 1896. The latest temporal needs of eitch other. They Inside, kleeping the divided orado ceptkai of Thurwiay a ft4briinont-, %hri% lut. 31. Perry the devotee anti the ObJeCt Of his gtatil4tics up to the end of * October of4mr libelling her "An- -waus ye"terday. The vOtIon. 'The greAt pilgrimage of the Who start(ml at poker to Play. hfml fervent �charlty among them- bkiiw whole. Take a generow b6K till. cook wore thers. tcussell. 11anch-koal, at Benares. one of the U(j, stt In at ten. m In the mortality wives. They were given Uj hoopital- pint of orange juice, beat the whitli butchery (of tile awyer family oil the oyer the previous ten yemm 82.8W, In- 1 Ity. Th6y were fervent in spirit.oerv- It anti Foreign Arbitiation meet important observances of Played all hour, and then cd an egg to a &;tilf froth and add to Klition Bout) rl I"" s"u the in a 'o tile d a 7,tt,1r,0a dillary Ix.Lra lx� prVA eL m t -11 it, W o" ,lie Pa it and I th 0 p t1w farni iienr Avit, DuWlaft County, Hindoop, in simply a long pradaka- He stopped at the break of Day. elusive of cholera cases. %fost of 06 Ing the Lord. They condescended to ttio juice with a tea Cup ud granal- namcabled to WAshington itIght, -May 20, 18943, ar,ound that city. exwA.,% is due to famine." nien of low estate. They in hoiior pre- the ernuiliv (or F". Ates Senate cAll ohina Performed I ated sugar a scant pint at hot w&tw to the United St of this atr(.Y,,-ity tho murder of the Here the circult lengthens out abOl't The society editor, in describing ferred one another. Til all thingsthey and the 9oakod gelatins. get thediah te`ndor, lealk nleat. and put the 100110w the ratification the Taylor brothers. tho bel'o of the ball, coneludeLl, say-� wi�re approved of God. wid poor portions Into co!d water to call arbitration treaty. Jifeekti family by fifty miles. As an Pveryday Instance ing: " And her dainty feet were In- Traveled Half the Globe W containing the mixture over tile fire Fri"t sa*yer, the w)sl, wax aloout Mr. Simpson eltes; the case of a Hin- Itylxwritical pretpnee was the first and stir cOre'r- Add one onlon and it little, Air@ continue iti the fore- lie wax murdered in z tdaka- eased In shoe that rpsembled fairy Find Health-mthout entoring wedge which Satan used to' In a p&n olf boiling wa ter. �rain P&lt- 81111mer till t1ke tw)"m #4"P clut'* whom tin saw mak-n aDr, It n # I vff no i Pip Ircin until it in thamughly heaw. 81 tish politics, Dut it Is geu- tlic, mattlile, after a Itard mtruggle. 11(b is DOOM U III a I / ___:X niar the lote.rfection ol tile in.11111116 it then Ptralu Blau WILYU1. XILAJILPT� ohina around a tillsi plant, which Sue"". and fill the orax"p eqw, and IM tted that the party mad@ 11641 loii�ell ottabbed In tile tIlrCMt "tv- held sacred to Visholl. 11 it was grow- the next morning on glancing down church. He did not oppose the syptem cold p1w5o to hardeu. fat, armi pit the liquor oil too INA1 mintake, lit withdrawing tilibm, and n1wo, ill %he right ing on a mud pe4leatal carefiffly I)re- the column of hiii; paper to see that 1 1 of giving, as chosen -by the church. again. Add half a& much itonatw. nent, an lreLuid's over -i era I his blundering printer had set It up Took tliv Advice or a Friend and NOW nd to taffite. Add a brom4t. Both Jawn were broken and i Ho wanted Anaulax to receive credit n Poe aw gait a pared for it. and around this he Froir for doing as liberally as others. tout More Tha He Ex tod. P= toomato be &Cbd. t he addre*L Ili* facto was beat4mi InW an unrecog- with his in this manner: " Anti her dirty feet isimsil.tt vrtorn the,HoulletOP '-Akiu stontlo one HtU9 sugar. if of George walked a number of times, 'were ineawl In Falioes that resembled it %outh American Nervine I he wanted film tcy have it -without An old mail %% as Ion Wbou holltylit, thllbW with flour wet -i is announced le He alwo thaal .4everal 101!2701.1"ats.to lie wanted too day on a country rtmel In VaIlElt-whillic ri ht hand to the centre 46WO cook tten UAG- It Earl of K10,11CIA11. I gw4he" (at hin sk'nil. Young Sawyer it the 4eved My Life." really meriting It. to & little cold W 1,;th. and file found that to go round i e left What, first k,41 you to (luestion indkp a hypocrite of him. To succeed a gentleniari cittivi riding along. ger, aM With crilow and Ilewry bad gcotw W %he Imrn to opposite direction, or with th at your husband'@ sanity?" inquired the Mrs. H. Stapletion-, of W 1119 kam. and -Bother th~. stolke*! Take thels 10ol - I - WmatoD. you Lther in 1864S. lie wall me at)(mt 'tbe hore4w after the ekler Yr.ucl ers4bers ff. -,in irt tile Firitit Life hand to the centre* was the rule dithe Writes -I higve been very in thi#16 he would inake a thief oitlit of my way !" he said. wltll go bleft a LuLlf 68P �Capt. Stilwyerv; had ret-Irpd. After makling death ceremonies. It wits on fther court. 11 Well." replied the witnew. troubled for ye&n--Aw30 1878—witti liar of him. He was not content to "Whom can I take them to- Your may boi I Inwnt- The titio alui Ow Purw that tile, youtw man was (lead, occanions productive (if evil. became fliglity and itiment-minded anti debUlty and dXMep@M. Had entrap, Ananias aloue; he IDeluded him Honor ot vermicelli, cor qnsvfto eup of talA- onm tto lit., 41414.4 oll. Lori had queer hallucinations, and &tWt nervous lot. He is willing for Perry returnpol t4o, the houlm, where SEMITE CONTRADIL'TIONS. began weatIng motV) buttons.,91, been treated in c4uuWa aad Digland wife to thO P ee when "I don't care where. Take tiaoin the boy'a parientim wpre In be4i. He te the by some of the best physiclarm %­ItIl_ hu"nds and wives to agr to ha" If you like." OtV) TreveOsin, M. P. dealt Lafayette Sawyer a tolow with Now. it puxzled him to find that That settles it," In rrupted out permazient rellor. I was adilmd they agree to efftertain his schemes. ",Don't You think. Your Honor."' peft" the Public. 0 ase, stivi4lon (it 61aAwow, �m a", which crimbod 10#4 i4kull, and among the Semtea, botlk blotilemsand judge hastily. M; a ve" sad c Beneficial results follow the Judg so tust kesping ulgetion. on a to bout three months ago to tetke South sold tlw old man, "that Ird lwtw Is before Mw t in the kJouss of tite, pee4mW blow meattered tim brainn Jews, the custilom is generally that of indeed. There h only e w y cure of Ck)d. Tbough'severe, they t,d It Is aea AnmW101LU Nervine, and I fIrmly be- mento take 'em to heaven 7 They'll he lew YOW NAM going round % Ith the left side turned that!' re just. In this uLse it was mercy -wing tQ Ill-boalth. Sir of )ftw Siawypr over the bed. TI)e believe, I oWe my life to It t0-dST. I M1,11 a . ja Your HoDWA WaY thfilre." "Ogle, we N: 4P tt W" promiwnt figure in INA- 1"Itm were piled muler the bed In the, to the centre. He given a tentative my theA I have daTIved to the infant church, to spare them I" am "y wt - New York, truthfully - - - _? ­_� 41jhh" "A fuirnwastl mrit.1% explanation that as In India the left Rev. Dr. Huntington, of f-- wreater sorrow. By this lesson Ail i r4ams MLA- �v ny years &nlj 9-W, eoriwr of the %, it ca a(imits that the law ham'done little more benevT, MOM 'To law' any `LA";AV&- 'maintain t-lchla ja&nasl Count famagats w y felt fly the bed ciothing and carpets, and evory- hand to the Centre is the rule in con rl S, rf�_ they would be prompted to be the appointed representat4ve ot the a WTere I ment I ever W. WtrfX4 thing Portable of value wn#o carried nection with the dead, the Semitic to check intemperance In that State; the high plane of experience which and he addn - to We faust not rely upon oommmid it, and will nevfr be njoyed, when they we" Xik&do to U0 Qum% jubUss. TOW 10 -or" the 11oulse of away by the murderer. Robbory was custom may have become the stereo in out it myself." they then 0 *&ebsr__Wh&t In the llsadimg Blftft 10119 rialn. In otive for --the crime. t1ped rule from the praetice of wor- the arm of flesh." Dr. Huntington all of one heart and one soul. CroWs S. S. T and Ow Owt W ullskill said that the the M lie i4cene m Ipping at, tombs, w li lch in known to not t1w firut worallift to make this doetrins of ChrbManityf 7%0 Lane- WXC_ M_ had made its Perry was captured near t rag be still a marked feature of Moslem discovery. The arm bf flesh Is just as The little monarchy of Greece col- warnings are also His blew4uge. This WW No I" ft" wtitti - the son bject of the crime. He confeamed and in vr" God's strong 'defenes against dryman-Kid thlow stone-enumbse WW It would be falth. The ('aaba nt Mecca, f or ex- liable to not, to crook Ita elbow too lects $4A)0,6W from its tax On dwillil- to" up 6§dm waftalald "41 "ands i* Ore&% muvicted, and natrowly ewaped be- "tan, in behalf pf His shureb. CIA" --no calm cat4hes,-forctmu. Ion bet We" ample. is built In the semblance of a aften or its own good. b r onise he was un- Ing lynched sevwW t1laws AL- -A- 14 4f POO' 7�; W11 'N. A an in vinchan, tics eaf : 244h. IWw 44- 10key " OW beir L&A&MM. law ligm bra 't I Men in good @I e thew on ard a" .0 on W� IiAg ( latem UtAWt in 'rext, pro 4he W&ULM wftk but h"n't l" t Can boaa boys. 0 a graind at, Feb. 19 one too.ni$* ly 10A M Juight &at rp_� the AM R. D. MCIAS aspectively ix Wincham ing contmt Finghaiu, to 111t second a itird. aF I of &Y Oil I 0maino Im or at Ru, and anco"t if &S. No )a and boa i"t .. mmoths silo. ow, fo a was V eir. A. k. &ad forwr - ` buraL red ia at al ed to I& 4 Wed� gi into Dr, he n0pp. wound in so 0=V". ki hi't 4 of As 1�-_ L" Blia 4d Ut mi is loa mdd 10" 1"4 I P@IP - MA to tie 4 ut *W567MM&L r-," L --.A &Mao vitit "Mia. . trip hoe" 1 0(, - td to rem- 16TY 4 a