HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-02-05, Page 21111111FIPT� _; � , " - _r- ; 4ft __--F1 - -
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10 A - It - Tho Loettor
.,, .- . - I . . —"-... - __ - - -%NATION.&L LROWN NO. V1. rom tile 04j%u
,, - "I., - t— - . Help to A 1"toer. OD" more from tile 4111011 ;
�, TI o - . a .'I-- - — ---Jm I A Few Rules That May y dw, � bloomw-
M" turned to the crouched form of Ca- lk an odor d orange
. - nevor paid and never will. Tliem(mt wfth
. . Ne,W8 of poilmeats In clolor phc - 4- ,.�. Y_ I
Inventor of tke pror d(Wau and rapidly cut,the stitches .-- - common cauae 18 sta,rvation. for the In8truct Yong Players. )MOLM120 Tlliiieliil the brare
, sague, of Parld I I of tile rougli covering. When' the . h P average farmer who planto an or- (;kil1j; .kc16i%.32i(1%,I1. . Id& d I t" "" wbWV le
TH course woollen blanket of the soldier I A �44 chard or buyis wio goed on treating 4 - "W,;;� obw .P
11116.1 PI ng 's Co I lege, � A A P � 4% � I? �61ngw tho I&L-g-
N ACK I j 1490
'I fedsor Thomp- PS wax cut loome and cast aside lie came 1 J""V�" the la.nd am If -much a thing did not ex- tb,f 30. Plae*-Jer.U'ft*hrkr.r 1"or "Ll DISH IN A- BRALL.WAVIpercha. kies h
9 to tile rubber poncho of tile Infantry. I I iist. lie crops the ground, in rotation blin, * m* lk t8ha
A I k It 0 apolitkelq, Jq&d. spyki that may ALA_ I ,9
I the 9're`11tOld Tkieoso hy. Ile examilned It carefully, and when I or out of It, u&411 it W a wonKler 4 llo Ulhij, btit play y(All' I-- ..
P " .. kP
tographr-- he discovered Its material lie looked I that hits orchart-I ilvea at all. music qw.�Wtle Most important W. ildently. Itememlier Ime t4X, t U
iiiiiiiihils ,nn t, 1
40 � up and smiled and sald: � L coml,ng into Jr'3"Af�ieli a bl.nd person can - i!i t7ad e u p -
� --�m" thing . tiolr_ I lv&jlt a tiling d
! .kpPle trees are slow 4 I
-1 - � CHAPTI-.11 xxi. "(;ood: It was very wise. It was AURICULTURE. Vearing, wid a crop"of peach tre"m turn hW attention. As an evidenee of wart.141M 0 11 IN then
. ' -,�Iiall I obliteru to tills sentence ? ubed to prevent eva,poration. Think Twu-thirc6 of the U. S. "Witial ex- planted 1.*tweeii tile r,ows will live this. of the $115.000 eArtied by his plam' � tu 14mids axe so 13 ft short Cure
The Knapsack Again. -NO. let someone know that what I olj(!c 1 -In time he wot;ld be'dessicated portti are agricultural producte. The their ishortoer life, beariong severail 4raduatoe Pupils last yedr $110,000 tittle a %v 0 I a t to I cintb finds
I VIjere is Something hoiy about tilo "lay have been ib as nothing to what 1; ke wood." farum yield about two and a half bil- crtip,A of fruit, ajki be out of tllQj was ,earned by t4wahjug mugic. it0i way IvIoxaticul. OTat it jaw Into
I UL11 now. A lover c.! my kind, an * As If encouraged by thi.4 discovery Lion dollar4 ft year, of which the I*o- way before the appILw crowd them the lio:et4too, is a ; th6i growth IN
'"fles which 011CO Mnstituted the pro. earne"t seeker after truth, - a sol- it is W93 " t gra4dualiy tiluns difft�r",i olds the tooth
. -onsume greatly. Tile latter will protect Vie hat the Guli (A MeA.16o In poF,Itlon% lead a certa �l timt It does s 2msect
4 Of ,I pemou. dier of princip.'e. a*1,)ver of-Goli. I -,tile covering of rubber and came to four-fifth.4, and the other fifth I*, "ent pea.ell tr~, while tile pe,aclies will b as risen one foot, since 1830. With
pertiew itlid adornment, lie turned nil(] hurrIedly tore away ple, not of tho farming claso, c ha
10ty." it, t-kicre a Ill"t of the will try to asic*p ag,Lill. not mattethird from tile CATitY in
. E resur- I L'110 lawyer looxed up to.tLumi.and a white linen covering saturated to feed other cuu.ntries. About one- check gro-wth tit the appleN and Ill- expert4i the question is as to whether wiliell tlle� to
"`L�ctlozl ill the vffee6 %vilich binkla tilf, with oil. He looked up and smiled third or tile lwi)ple are tillers or tile f e sorted. u� pplaced
. lie kaiiiied and said. . diuce earlier fruiltag - it contallis more water or has tile one from a � tooth I
,remarking: doll. To have strawberries Ili pe '" the
,zir,,e retl baby stocking. "You see you have not found your 46It is., tit erosion cd the great area drulning been recent liether It
I litmLrL W A cc again, e purannyatin. Had tills Them is not a farmer Ili tile coun- tion requiren a little more rf(-c- tie plea"aut
ur tile fiattelled and failed petals of I protege of the poetic anti vagrant ca re intoo tho gulf fillod the bott<mn to Uie ha*4 been I f' yeam
tomb been opened as lie expected, try to -day but ean do better than tie tilall most farmerm are willing to . if you ho
� " ftuwer [k)Nv long ecetitle" Ili its temperament. I have known who Cadogan would have been found is now (joing.'Most ciertainly there is � depth of one foot. Possibly selsmatic ---- knave; I
I 1('aklugau Wad f0r some time. Go on oav clear give, and yet a good variety III w 11, action has much it not wholly t4) (lo @queen will . .
privacy uvt%veell %he leayes of a for. I with the diary, but skip all until you alive -but seren years! It h4obeyond not one but e1w make ni well enriched, will, with a little culti- with tim ch&u PAX
kfu"etl tK>uk ? -NOthifig Inheree in it I Come to 'W. the year of his duath.11 our art." money by studying how to run 1110 vatlum given at the pt-oper time, *;P- .Ca. vAr will c Em-%nrimental
'�t was curo to tin this motit delightful fruit A remarkable phe1l0MellOL1 was CanadL&n AW, Help� PIZ`
,rho lawyer turn9d the leaves un- lift aN nd nce , of hl1O , rta from Ili-
Ilut A uiemory and the mewory only - last the shrouding linen faxtu right tund getting Ii(Ad of the and yo
uf uQ9 or a few ; then there is 110 til lie came to - lai!d aside, and we all crowded for- viial principles Of his profeaslon t n in i a In JtA4 meason; and wil ell witnessed in Jerusalem recently. A (, %% ell autllellf�. 114,1410
ward to 1�)ok upon the face of the he clan by devoting his time to 'tile t .ILL milow th ca C. 1 u f tile faullas
May. '63.-I cannot endure polit'es of his Government. be Nwarm. of flying auta settled upon stricken diat :
littlividuatity to It only as It appeals we ta.ke hito ccwwI(lemtton th Air 0
t" &Otte other k,ow. I suppose P14sical atiffering. tills dead. Mallon took one look and sald, foutl, medicinal value, we idiould . ,r C t.r I Himply UPPSAI- Point
the '�e ilwr. It 6. twtl
refining procL I find that my with a sigh: Aa I&bor, savt beat, save� prompted to give more attentloti to the city, and filled the air from sun- I lut six millions M
y the ashes of ,ss hgw ivade me so sue. "It is not Cadog-an." I vAve money. The cared for machine or f British sub, , . on the verge of
I r -
litle Clellietery as lie Iv,)uld the clay CePtible of paill that I ish.rink from a C* longer than their cilltivatioin. � riso until 9 &clock. Visittse to the "' jec
lluml stood with foldol arnis and ve'llictO will last tell tim . POULTRY. holy 9ept1l4ehre were oblized to use lttarvation. Already tile tamine Ila&
L4 *0 weadowa; but. isti.1, in dowe far blow whicl, to ordinary men would be sneertngiy said: the one expotied. The well houped clairmed thounandii of victim&. Tile case,
I:k)uy)trY Ch4reltyard Illay be a little a tr if ie. Tu we it Is Intensest "You judwe too quickly. You forget amimal or fowl ,wIll do better and eat l'urnierly. when chicketts were their handkerchiefs constalitly ill or- (if I adia'a fam6blug ml Ilona appee Is too and
L41JOUISIll I as z, der to ep b insects O, uj L
willCh even lie lum adorned agORY- I have stilled every human that seven years have elapsed. You le" than one not cared for. It Im its lititclaxi. cornmeal dough w ml ed ke t a ut t eir thosympathlep of tile whole world. The — m
witli f awere. In4!ioklj Ij_Atjd,j Opened Passion until anger, lust, envy and I expected to see tile youthful features essential to do Ili the beort itianner as it up with cold wuter and bcatteerwt oil euvem and DONtrils. alnmftl Im being headed. The people of I
J�.- "60 tuLab Of Charlemagne. and com- hate Ltre words witli no taeaning for of the young soldier. I told you that Is to do the tc%t thing. a Im.,ard for tile little- things to run , ____ England aro eAgerly engaged in the -
f - - mlonw oll tile gwt!ell crovyti that tile. buZ I dread boWly pain. otir art concealed an art. We arrest ighted tile over and soll. ,Sucli work is excood- Itussla'o Cz"ina, a wtwtlly Krand-
adomed the dke'.eton mki skiiii, but MaY. '63--lu my eastern studias I tile decays of life, btit In the proopectis of thouwands; whiskey wid ingly twelaiis and unprofitable. Neiti-or du � work of relief. and Britimh people In is now
LhO oSed Who 10% -ed _ ughter of Queen Vlct6ria, ja fightr all quarters of tba world Are w4iding
the dust and had Learned and practiced a secret. which iomb outraged time and cheated tObWcO hAve stolen many a man's im it. wWo to* keel) a hopper of tile fat- Ing the practice- of stieking wh&(!,co .4ticcor to their fellow subjectm In t1w
lieki it sacred were theiii.,elves long shall now be my friend. I will give naturo assert themselves. IVII&t (10 ra.rm ; as pok4tively can it -be added toning eereali4 before tile lietin at all prevalent among the wotuen at the Indian Empire. Even tile 1)eople of . I
"vIth ZLO 81,'elit sleeperic Ilerhaps In to Campbell, the great, true -hearted yoll kee r A head of long, allow- that fast horsm are ruining as many time". court. She lo said ali4o ti) linve abut Rumia have joined In the relief movo- r
� "110 u'41711.1119 of the resurreethm we comrade. a lettpr, anti In it shall be white llajr. A patriarchal bea.rdf more. It Is a Mot, no k*m true I Iran Ill judging of tile age of Immitry, namt, and are giving money andfood .. ec0_9A1z(X1
- ho white as snow. I told you:that this 4ad, that the onuie of tile fiLriner's d:o- tile olze anid alliwaranoe of the topurs I mnww� 1.
;all depend upon the affection which it formula to be followed. Six moat down oil her Ijunhaod's allowance 0 Cannodu Puroly wIll not tmWleet to
' cigarette,4. She Im nim4p *aid to be not 4
011ALA bind ub by tile Illagnet of love . IL[ter iny ilecease lie shall open. It. The man had been known to the Brother- content uitially Ile@ within himself. form a gukle. Again the mkin outhe no populur nA she %%,an, Eviductly tile 1wrrorm her imirt In tills great hu- 0,ft.
I � 7%0 strativ of tike kimlanck which Generak shall also have a hint of my 'hood for seventy years. In him diary T11,ought, ivid stutly are harder work legs of a lioullet or cockerel is i4mooth ' mAtio work. The Montreal Star
they 689mlY ILx>,erivtI hall been pulled intention. Let me think thid ov(kr. lie hinta at events occurrIng In an- for some met' tlluul mlintuil labor, but anti Ila* it fresh appearance, while Itu"WiLill court objecti4 to lwing Allade newmIntpei% ham inaugurated it Can&-
WtO PLW* on a May morning seven May. 'W. -A. human IOVO llcaxlY other century. It Is Cadogan." It pays to think and plan. If farmers that (if the adifit fowl yearly grown the i-ubjPet ,tof r4orm. (Ilan fund -the firmt to lie started In and,
� Y't'6r% before. The uniform ooat which turned tile from my purpose. is was llunil stepped forward anti peeped w0uld, titudy nutuagement more th, �y coaroor and more shriveled. - tho D()tijlnj()n-dLtwI luo publimher has
.- 01OU unf0kie-d and shook out had still my iust temptation. I '%hall now Into tile face (d the dead. It wa,s would not need to economize 84) much ; Tile gristle forming at the till (if llrofa4" I'lieltachutt, a (,ierumw I~UA tile lixt with a toutmeription of
depending from ito4 pocket the coarge die. I will leave to Campbell In his ver.v strange. There was no decayt If they would Ile mom. litm-wd in Im- tho browt bone Is stipple atul tender liattirtilit4t, ham discov(rowl it curioum rivo ljurmlrfvl dollam Thp lion. WU-
tmt al0an handkerchief of the soltiher. I letter and in uiy parting words proving their stock and farms they lit young birds. Ducks which have end6n3ed
(ti- Tile riivh wa@ attenuated aad shrunk- Way of nVellizig tile lLttftCkft Of WOW frid Laurier. Premier of Camida, has . I
lts bluttons were now greeti ill OWU. rections as to the disposal of. my en anti the eyes had receded Into tile, would make tiollari whem right ecoll- arrived at tile age of two or three writtowi to tile Star. ezjn*omng file
0110 by one tho gmnnenvi which rt�- body. A few sweet, pure natures skull, bijt there w,%x,uo eviderim of OIAY HAveN COT'ltd- years 'have it deelp depremion down quit(wo,i. Tile little pest, has dendl,y h(wirty approval of the relief move-
vealed so clearly the pure personality I will mourn the wanderer'ji doom. ' decay. . CATTLE. Wlow tile brew4t feathers. and their ewc-my ill the dragou fly. wl ch JAW- ijosist ntul contributing to tile fund a
Of tbedr owner were lift*A out amd la,id " What became -of tills Campbell?" Huml lifted one eyelid anti lookt�d it sonwhow hiappente that calves are w1vidlo becomes wore aiid more un- vuem It asul feeds ujxAj it. lilt, prole*- lijilit1w),lie clieque. Tile appeal for
f 1%"renbly on the table. A "Wdom, asked 11unii, in an excited voice. long anti closely at the eyeball. it more gonerally jitglected Ili their wia- gfunly. v I " has rowid by "Mmy fe�z lueut" amiwtatiao in meeting with a hearty , i?5�
I "Ile died at Chickamauga. Sam. a wn,s without exp callpmge is mie of the very best that %lie dried lKmitim of a few 119011 r(w4jonise tit all parta of the rountrF
-tn eotate� a life, is revealed toy it, wil- reiWou and turned ter c&re tihiui -Luiy ot,her stock upon . I k:�
dier's luu4uack. Here Is the button colored nian, attempted' to bring the upward. fle turned the flesh of the the farm, yet a stunt4XI Ctilf Will not voget4l.blt-_4 tO fe0d U) poultry, as -it ri". vuo4I*,,dtxI toy thrqA"Ala ar( id a aligi among all ej&�sileg.
NA" a.nil chailk for the polishing of letter to us. but It was taken away arm anti It rotidned- tli�3 IinpZ"*Ion turn out to be as good a Leef or milc& keelm green a very long time and the bed kmj) tile nximiulowt, a -t a a1w All tho ProUwtant clergymen of Cilervvmen
. 9 D_ -a- I
QW gilded buttoilo. Ifem. imp the black. and buriltNi," said Mallon. L� like wax. . cow &4 it would had It made a thrifty chickeum enjoy picking at It. Hang ta,nee. Montroal have writton a joitit nw- am
Ing for the slitxw. 11ore in a neat case "And t lie Generul lie spea ks ot, where "Too late," Ito tolghed; "but once and uninterTupted growtat. it tip where they Can eat It readily, - moriml up t1w Star mulq)ortIW tb,e
. WO the thread anti rw4-dIti§ for the re- in Its?" screamed flumi. It would have shamed any fp(Lt of � The day of extreme price4 for without Heattering it atioutor sioll- The profitis of the Couitnlle YrajL- lIj()veWeht. 0
j4dr of garmenti. Hero is the -razor, "Dead albo." sald Mallon, solemnly.' the grents,ot Fakeer of this Fast." - well bred cattle, such ais practical Ing It. A isu4ntly In ubually abundant. ChU44 for tile year IWJO were 58t,O()() Evory sulmerk)tion to the Fani- , Physicians
comb aad brusb fori the toilet. Here "'be- there another entry in the Long he gazed at the uak6t], farmers want for improving their The bet4t in best. By the introduc- frujic%, of which 42,000 were Init hito irx) Fund Ant to the Montrml Star : � .
I* a portfoLlo with 1xi.per, onvelolwo, illary*.'." askett Huuil. reaching itfier crouching anti statuelike form. and tion of improved blood an Increamed ;4 �
. stock, in happily past. #4,*ood eattlo weight of one or two pouimis for every the ra*rve fulul. Tile i -harem for the no inattor how small It may be, i
I pem, t,ta.mpm a.ikl the curtow-i ' liard rub- it with a trembling hand. then lie muttexed fiercely to himself can now I*) jound withih the reach 1w. joublirly acknowledgod.
bw tzlkst,wid, fotwil muly for u. -e- "Yes."% lie screumed, " here It ij4 In -and drow from his pocket a sharp of all. Thim ensures general improve- chick raised. ant] au increase of one socletaim entitled to part elpate and
i 'Here Is a 1-mittle of letterw witirmsed Coptic, addree6ed to any Brother. It Instrument nn(I began cuttlag off the ment along the whole litte Ila the or two dozen eggs f)roni every crl.*w 1,11 the profitai are 24,000 freuics each. 0
in Engll*h but written iiv &II languages. in the puraitayann. it is the . Perdian.- hu-ir from the top of the head of the L10-mir future. . bred pullet. can be procured. -_� " �" TJW MOMbers complain that their OUT OF THE TOILS.
- -
over tb _Vie lawyur ponders for a liatw I donie." , . Inan.1mate niati. When he had shaved A great fuivance in theory andfact tlIIlW is not good enough. pOrtiolift are smaller than ttiey idjould Physirtans Valtvd - Cure - Uts Fallod - hut I 0
. -ed otock Lm not im-ces"arily
time, bout he caumut rt�iid them. lie is "What (it) yi,lt ineitil b% thut ?" It smooth lie put Ids Instrument In has twen made over tile old notion I'lu re In have been. on account of the large
.9tartled to find that Kmw of them emo- asked Ma!lon. :� V his pocket and ljJ,I IjH cheek against that gooti beeve8 'Coull not be made the best, but the comm(m flockm 11UMIMr of new membem ftpIx)inted tho Gf*-At boutb Americas Kidne) Car*. Hospital
abated from the L-A)tirvi tof kiaijg*- lie "I mean that Cutl(,gaii wars Lurlwl , t he fiert d. For a time there was before they a" four yeard old. Bet- ishould be crovaed with pure-bred ---a greater liumloer than in tiny a Speelfle Remedy for a spoclike
studled the Moll,()-gj-,Llllj%, aDLi thou alive." 04ald Ilaml. Ili it efiriek, "and ' silence at tlil,4 nuid and sacrilegious ter blood breeding and manage- cock#4 or cockerels. The larger fowls prevkAim year. Trouble. Cured Mrs. A. IL Toone. i
I looka up to find tht- bi�wk. twinkling thode wlit) lAot the secret died and act. but we wero about to demand men% now make them most pr(Jit- ut;uallY 9`1TO us 0011-l'"m meat. sumd fpf bartistoij, 11. tj , tjulckly **. AMLCI
eyeii of the Emit ILA14-1,11 fiXed UIX)U IM WW" ziert:r taken out anti resuAcl- that the corpse bo' again covered tile farmer's wife herself will choose ____ and PermaniseLly. I Execuf1t....
tval. Ile U04.4 Ili$ heatt and &Anys - tatod." . ablo at halt that age. Tile city of JoLckoAA.ville., Fla.,
itud the tomb meale,41 forever when w9 Smo factA worth repeating are One of a mixed kind; lAit prol'ItAi can IKW � - _W
,,'Yt%. the Brotherilow has It'd ertu- "Tbai,k Go,l : I wa.4 litoLba uitirderer, saw a change taking place lit the fea- very paWnt to the observ,ng. enter- tie Increamed by Kiniply using pur(-,- M14 to haVe ft g'OW tillUg Ill its Tk6 6 her tastiummi: "I wap toake" I
itn.t.6 everywhere. 'CaAlty.an knew only then." said it, fervent voicep- aiui the -tures of Humi. 111,4 eyet4 gleamed pribing iitockznan.* Scrub cattla will bred niale". elect-ric p1wit, %hich it owngo.i. it is ,,Ick In Jwivary. 1893. 1 employed omev- I
itien. Kings wxl peitsaut,d, beggars or blind Cuptain was on bla kneed before like d1amondii, a smito broko over fit-& not pay, because fed at a' loss; they -------- - _. derIvIng a profit ul about $1,0(X) emi of Ute b*wt kjoal phyiActwo wW i *s an
Rlm treatal by tAwni for kidgwy di*- , -
� vu"cl,.ori were only weik to him. Ile the hearth, whege the' fire burned low,-, dark-- featurel; like sunahlbe, and he will not sell at the top price at any a mouth Over operatit4g expeuties for '
-V-40 a citI2011 of tile wurkt. LA,t me wee &lid himi hatids were clooped, Tile first aql,oke in a tone of Joy. - e4we until t1lie autuian of the mime
LaiftO letters." ' . . . faint ftlit of day was coining In at . "Run. bring from tile liouse the time; they have taked the same GIVE iWAT HIS CRUTCHU commercial liClithig. Tile coist of the Y~ witshout recleiving much benelit. I
cam as better' ones. have required 4 . plant w" $ILK),060. At the baLue time tolien began using your Sout-li Ameri-
fluad tuok them in 1,L4 hwid and Vie east window. and we ent late and warm wheaten cake and the melted longer time to mature, and, In cor*- - -_
vicked cut a uuwive written ou the thoughtful front our night of watch- butte, r. 1',rIng afso the -ILttle bag of "tience, haviI consumed more food. it lkb 0r:.i*hIng tile city wiLl, can Kidney eure, and dwived g7eat absolute
tra.aspartnit dilkeii pal*r of the Laot Ing. .%t last Mallon said, laint aDd leather. 1, ,brought with- me last of 14ijt worth, it im estimated, $17,805. Wriefit almost immocldiately. I Airwa
aW polated to his uwii rignature %%ith low, . I Tho wotlit Ili over stock (I with � , J. McDongh, hi other wordis, tile city'a electric 'low t4kat I am quite curled. I lid Ve
" . night: bring'al-4o hot %vater hinbun- grain. anti tho prite doe4j nX pay
IL 9 til" . . - "Anti how ,,on& would lie live thus?" 4�nee. . for its pmluction ; it in also cur" 141it plunt is atiabling the city to takell Ho medkAlle for slume lengtAi. of
" Luck in thtt portJulio; it, 'its thet* - " Who knows ? It W be thi - I Then lie turned to) tLe cold forin of with a surplur ot scrub stock of all Tiverton, Ont. light the streets aimtot witimut vo.t. time and kave'not had a return ofthe I cure for
you will flial his lait %riting, and if e*t triumpt I t bf theosophy the world ' Cadogan. and spreading the blank- -iiigut-mt @ymptom of tilt- dwesive", � I
' I kin(is. and their prices do not pay - -_ � . -_
i you wik,.h a clue to Lid. kientity You hatj ever seen. Here In Am- ' eta on'the ground, took up the Lead for the grain they eat; yet we ftud I Isilice "chapel" Was LuaJe'a volun- I
w� 1 I douiic'eid find it.4here," said Hultil erica' may be manife,sted tile , ,to If lie were a chlid atul latil lilin tary laititand u( a wmpulsory otmoierv- Boor Drinking
The portfolio was emptied, and in a triumpli" of our artz4. cadogan . on tho lolankets. n1a iy raising grain to food to this suti-el-ttil From Two Severe Atttwks of *
same poor stock. anti abus'ng tile Rheamatirm Doctors Feared the anoe at Ilarvard, atten,daneo at the Dr. Bollinger, direcU>r L4 tAW &ULJA- 1 Rheumatl.sm,
pecket at orie skie was foujad a thID was a Fakeer of ,the highest rank in r When we,cauie bacli with (Pur i(iatbil marketi and every one who banally tomloo-pat&Augleal Institutiou in Man- I �
. L)o4jk fil.ed with iiiie writing. The por- Jhe FaAt. Bako nio instantly a chke of arCeled for wldcli we ,were sent, Trouble Wws Going to His Heart dail,v exerclues Ilan ceased to lie the i
tion wh:cli wits an urd-nary thary of of wlik-litc4i f1,uur-1- (;(%t- me meIW we found 11umL kiweling 1)4*tde Cado- interest In them. All the while the Pink Pills Cured Him Wid He Ga ve perfunctury anti ulnloot entirely pro- ich, amoerts that it in very mre to fiud I
pawaU4 �vents was writterl in L'nV butter and wine anti lamps, and lead gun and challng h14,&rms rapidly. He busy' worlil in cl.runoring for - horeas Away "His Crutches. a normal heart an(i normal kidueys In
and cattlo of n better kind. � fitlemis task It used to be there, Wid &it adult rekident of tbat city. T'he ' Bright's
110h, W�,.,',e p)rt.ows �*rt=ning to him me to his toiub. Sm it Is dayllglitl* took tho melted butter from my,,hand, still Is lit colleges where the old my*- reason for the kidney diseasle is tile
uccult !ituthft were writutti it) Coptic, Hasten! Seven - yparw-alas I I am anti r*ttin-.. It down at hill adde, to,)k S I I EEL". * (From the Tiverton Watchnu-Iii.) toem aturvives. Now the studentA go tax put upon t&aw urgalw toy 1 -he
Hebrew or Latin its the inclood @ft-med afrald It to tou long. This. thei). is a knife atul Inserted It between the I Probably the sheep ,wam the first Anyone seehig the robust health uad � to chapel In a apirit quite different drinking of excewdve amounts of beer,
to oe,zo Inni. IlLs %io-%d O" I*"ing tile ovason that the Proitht6rhood teeth of the corpoie
A 1) . , pried apart the -ODrixoticated animal, because in the activo form of Mr.. Jack McDonogh. from that which they w.) oftm plain- and the cardt4c Itypert.rophy and CAP11a
evelitX4 WeTe U1114lut.. . . isen ine,
i his spir - -n lie Inserted his finger ,mrfiest written lilatory tA- man we ,..,�
hearl nothing fron i t. Hamte�ml A wis Thz who is ma.liaging Mr. A. Gilchrist'* ly ishowmi lit the paot. generation are wAcondary Icisions for I D ______
I July, '61.,, -Tho %% , ir wity o -et Lu a Let 'us find hi.,4 tomb�.-" wild liumi, as and drew out the tongue, anti amked Marti of hia belug a keeper of sheep. - the m4t part. IF)Drmerly tile popuLa- :
I � olgiob of Ilitcortv-w t�etweeu rival por. he d"sed hinjoelf for contaot with me to hold It. I remember that it � With, many cg tho remains of ineii harntsi bus.*nms during his absence in TIw facility with which the Eng- Lion of the city was recruited by tie -
L i,ickas of a continent, I-rit in reality it'*the morning; air. . w.1A *tiff a6l hful ft tendency to turn found In ancielit eaves anti mounds the Scotland, would be eAmmiderably ear-
. w a war of pr;ncipim -1heme'Soath,ern back Into the throat. I had to nee bonewof sheeq tire also found. Doubt, IliKil laswifige allapto niew word" is ce-4-slon from tAe country, Imt Vie Kidney
XHAPTER XXII. ' I 0 pr6vil to learn that only two yearis u go abu:4e of beer has s1wead now to tile .
1*�uple by slave" were A'Orctvl Into ac- Ili Ile Alivp? .. . Ponle force to retainlit in my grasp. lose their Wooly r,kitis were then used lie was a confirmed invalid and u shown lor the reralinett8with which rural commutiltwo, Po tAbat this noures
I L*ptazoe of an aristocracy by the lie- I - I Then Iluml pourett the nielted butter fbr C' ,4qthing. , na ble tho troe'lla 14aP PftsmCd LlIt1O Popular of hea,lthy new blood is cut off. I
ow,Aty wLd'habit ol'ruie. Tile .North- The him was ju&;t lighting up the Into Ole opep mouth and forced It No animal upon the farm requires &) U) walk without tLie aid cd crutcheiL ut*,-. It Is a :-�-jpajdsh wurd &,ignIfyIng ------- —
twu people were made practical and eiut a," wo left the.house and hur- down the tirroat. 1. observed these long it t,mo to overcome the e.fect,s But such is Vie came, and hearing of and a hoft
liberty -loving ty wt enforced equality rwd to tho grotto, Yellow shrivelled operation,4 with great curi(isity, anti of over fewling. an doed tile sheep, him remarkable cure from the excru- nothing impre tlian a ditch uir trench, ('ATARF%H CANNOT HE CUMAD I �
ul toil. `f ha age ajid tender,ey of Ideas leave* of the autumn time-, now damp! I the rest stood'itpellboun,l. He next anti wheq a steady gain is necessary but ul Uw S,piuii6li &rmy moetming a %vith l(wal applications, as they am-
will give victory to the principlo of with tile dews of .night, made & DoLse- took the warm wheaten cake* and, in fattening special care must Ile ciating agony of Inflammatory rl,(M- fortification, with moat or eLul)ajik- ii,,t roach tile seat of the disease
well-paid aml ennobled toll, wh.le the left antl beautiful ciftet beneath otir laid It against tile Ilare head. , 714se taken In regard to this polnik There matism by the use of Dr. Williams' zut-tit or (Aher metum ot defence. Tile Catarrh im a bioo,d or constitu&iona.'
peuiciple of c.!&io distinctions 6elongs feet. The air had that vital life-giving OPerntlom4 compfete, he took the is the s6m risk in feeding growing Pink Pills, a repre#entative of the troclia wais bullt acroas the narrow ditwame, and in order to cure It you of other
with tue tlm%el erowzw wid Ivory sense in it which wo often Dote ig -warm vrater anti began bathing the L&MtXL . - inuot take Internitl remedies. Hall'o I
lfrfibiiirind sepkIng to makp the joints The pi(xilletirm (if muttoll Khouldal- oat of Catarrh Cure Im taken internally. and
thr,neti of an effet#- Piristocracy and those faTorext temperate zoties, everM Watchmau called ul,km him to learn portiodi of the Iolasmi for tile purpose
' I keeplaig tile Inaurgents
Lauri -t go down tu t!twt. breath we Inhale P-eeming to carry it fleziblo I,jr* rubbIng and I -ending them, irayn be profika.ble; it call I* grown tho particulars. Mr. ildcDonogh was 0
the rich Provinoe of 11inar del Rio, actA4 directly on the blood a'hd namous
Septeml.xer, '61.-%%"twther under the new power U) the Iting-4 an.1 a now, . As suRe jw I a m a livIng man I iin w moro cheppl-Y than p.)rk or boof be- [t)ujbl workiLig at tile liarne:w bench, an object which It w*ms n( -A to have surfue*w. Hall*a Catarrh Cure in not, Complaints.
guillotine or the sl*tLm and acythes vigor to the Iinibs. while the ell"* thi� IlUe. Of fire --begin to come Into .Camm thu4 ,w(*jl vo IarxvLY'twt,ys the as well &lid active a4 any young inan accomplieshed. Uke arroya, camyoti, a qulkck medicine. 11, wam ilremcribed ; �
vt the Kentijih Icndtiieii. or the gra4* expan(L4 aA it filling an,j. feeding to the co!d- rlmh. I turw�d an -1 rmeered COA, of ta-ding'.. Tile Sguthdo,wn is by one of the beat physicla.na In tills I
&nd canister of Nianaimas A_)r_ Ng rePletion on the un.-eVn but InvigomV Into the fac** The eY,eb&fL,4 were ipn- . doing morO thail all -other sheep to Ili- in the, c(matry, and In rt -p ty to & bayou and pueblo, it ham come Into country for years, and is a regular �
kiethol, I perceive t.�, our lasiguage, wid, evIltietlitly like the I
1�at the price of Ing loco] of clean, ppre air.* Oim one#. . .Iargtr.g and- ill1int the Pocket,4 of the ti`OdUm :gmxi luutton Int4) eotitilloq qucation about him cure said: " Ym. pr*%deription. It in composed of the I
*Iood mvst be paid. a morning life -peocomes ZL prieelfto � eyes. At L"t the rigti limim I*- 'UM Ili Amerieft. . . .1nino was qult,e a rVmarkable case. I otlwrs, has come to stay. � he,st tonjes imown, combined with the
bcv4t blood purifiem acting directly ell I
Novevut,*r, '61.-A,% %%ri-li might ihe boon,'and a lu,w Weahing coems Into , Came - plial -I--,, ' a&J the . form was Slmwp kept ul.4)n rjlrinj4 Ill killiall Two y*wzFj ago last spring, while at Tile common purislime 6- one of -tile ' The
imven In the Lica,ure. of ruf,*l amk If t he old 3I(Wa le wonts, " and bo bron t'll. - -traicht~1 .fiq ur�on the blanketA. flocks Are niore. profitable lm,r capita tile mucouss twurfacew. Ttie perfect I
Lbe Ioaf w1II I.e Worth tile heat of tile ed Into his n(istrils,the breatl,j of l.fe ".Ulul ke-pt .1rilitung In bliq out!nnfl- than thome kep; Ili large numbem for home in Wingliam, I was stkkJOILly wo,wier#4 of I,otany, its far it's Pet-dware combination of the two ingredients Is '
ferme4itatlon aA for men to ask if the and lie liecame a living Soul." i.,.h tOngue. rind occasionally sLaI(I In the retisou that they are inore easily taken down with theumatism,J11Y concerned, at least. A single deed of what protlueem much wonderfal rfwults:
i4aerifice. In the party visiting tile tomb was EnglUh : � hat)-flifth.A&I ft-rO coWwqueutlY better Imt anti ankles swelling su t I thiss plant ,will prtmdu�e about twenty in curing Catarrh. Send for Uwti- 1
The klea of literty must produce its the venerable form of Hugh Mal.00'. i '1114*ven yerinit; It Iii tt,e triumph canxi for. Largo fl66ko are lo.-tter cmld not eveir put, on an overshoe, tii(iiiinin, free.
iralt regardlo-Am of oWt. anti the thrpe strangers Jolloweti el � (4 the.erwtprn pblI0W)phy. veed-pollpd Ili it smoon. Tile arprogle
Irlm Ile will guiteo to thr- range. , & I waa in bod far three ,4veeka under F. J. (Iteney & Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
NorealLow, *61.-Ilaiae atikod me once behind. T follow" f beh Ind a!I tile rest bo the king'among,tho BrOtLerhoo.l. A bild,ji, whieli starto to go down tho care of the tioctor. and had too number (if weit, Ili each of these, by Sold fly drxqrg1sU, price 75c. I
tf I tkought him exprewrion., afterward with but little Interest In' tile pro. Seren yea"�., ftven yeam!" doew no rapi(Ily. Dry ft�wl - I* vu)t good uso crutclief for it, lotig time after aetual cowit, Is 6,000, making 120,- 'New
tweil In tbwai Declarati(in of Ind0pen- ceedings of the- three strangerij. I At lax -t b4i� Jald h1s cheek upon the forP,lI#y%i)9 mn their flig**tioti I%, nw, that. Tile next spring the rheumLa- 006 iii all .%,. !ar -ij% we trive t-eeti ab.,- Making Phraseb
dezwe, that, all men are "born free anti had never given much- attention to lbreast or Cailo;ran. al)ovo tjLo hoart, 4rong #qiough for It, and niany of tihm. Came l,lack agail.l. worse than
oqzW,*' wa.s Uk) compmhentdve. I to!.d psychological studkm,_ a.nd Ahe airy awl If-tcrtf,of long snil pat4entIv. thpIr d[genoft are JLttrij)utaj)le to it. ever. attacking ali my jointa. but V) lea.ni. there Im no inritance of siml- Tile making (4 phraAsea hap f rao-
W m It w a,-4Mplietic, wid that w -bat- and iny6twriotls toi-achi4gly wilich of, Then hP. a "lose With a scrpam of Joy, Thoy t9led greent succuleut .foexl to principally my ankles, knees, hips. Lar fruitfulnt*o III any plant found QuolitlY 143en tile sole distiZlCtIOD of
hbL: W . A
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tpver 942vuloil I'le, IN)ILle lame woula I.M. CUPW vile attention-bf r,scu(jo.-re_ ran to. i.14 'Pittliern grip"ack, and tak- kfw',P the IK)welW and other oigan* in elbows and wrixt& Tile doctor gave growing In this etAmtry. A i -Ingle many a prince. llerliap*, tile most reo-
litiml looko-I at rue with a bmile and religiOnlata I lind e"t aside -as un- Ing a vial froin It came and dropped K(mxl working o'nulltion. Root* are me re" little OnCoUragement, and plant of either the Jamestown weed inarkablo phraop uttered by a mod-
" ki : I r worthy (A notice. il-,eligion to me a few dropm of & crimson ,liquid Into exoellent-- %o %fitil e1WInge, it, m(xj_ j*aid ho was nfrald of it gonig to iny ern sovercngn was spoken by KIng
.. # . ("Jinwoon"), tile lAitter woed, the rag I ngred ient
You ti,utight him it young man, meant only a lirfe, Wujid,M and " Cadwan9a open mouth. In mv excite- eration . heart ndl lkillinar max Ir ha,i vnnrl m �;, ft�rl ,& ^r * I W wlru�_ , Humbert of It IT a few yeare thwo
autl he wais; I)ut lie hazil stood wiVi trolled by niaxim-i and crew* -which ment I may have exagg . A . TV 19V &" Ilu �& ra 9
. , - erated some . 110RSFA great deal about Dr. Williams' Pink (tuce ain, enormotw number of seeds, when cholern wam raging In Naples.
ilaine an -i %atcfwd the tuntults in were sutficient to form fteellent eha,� eircumiotancen. 'but It seemed to me G.oml hor" are -'not ra6etl -by 111100 11.1101 tlw cured t1ley liati wrought Imt it im doubtful if asiy one of them He had beeii Invited to a banquet
/_/ I -ariv._ aiters In thotie I had 10%,efl, an'd that I heard a craekling sound In ChauuL,.; e'i-L&u shieed winners intint and I determined 'to try them. At proditie(im oiwo-fourth maity lit & by the muiti-ic1pality (of Gecoa, and
Ut,-ember. '61.-A doubt has clung to Inherit4ml my rAlgion when I did =jr CAAogaa`s fraine an of a fire devouring eollp! fn first I did not notice musil, change, " -
mil xr,eiI %, Inning tlams its well .Te&r a#4 the purslane (14". declined In the foll(ywing wcWd": Q
ute ali through -1 fe. It may be that name anti My nlo,k*4 patrinurmy. I brumhwoo 1. I knew,* at any rate, that " f.,Imt o4rrw . lUmmul for draft. coneh. but before I haAl taken a half ti(jzeii "Men "e fc%&tJng at Genoa. Meal M-CAOCsters
thii otputiltsJ tiupernatural phenomena had heard (A ififi,Wk and skit.-ptim,and I heard a ireat ga.wp and that the 1411(�Ile or oqw4bli but do trot hr4",I with boxeAl I wax so much improved that Acleonling to tile rooently iw,kied re- are (I.Ting In Naples. I go to Napleo."
I baiie my eternal hopes upon are only I iwv" know one perponaliy, but _cbest (if the de^jI movPd in exhalation Indiffere-ace to aw .hom I had given away my crutches and port ft tile Rtmolau Prisons Depart- I
-ft them all together tim netive grt-ut' inspiration, and cheap or handy; yoti Will be sure ,to have never required thedr use since I When it Happened
uaturat laws which uiore actlLeminds classe Which Is
)Palle" alliong tile diinger s, cing .,4. Callogan a
I mwal to get Into a ou se bf4an to breathe. I still took the Pink Pills for som;
tlavp utiliz&l. ' L Unil 'th"' inL k*W a ehenj�) horAo If You --do. ment. there are STO prii4ona in Asiatic Ili a civil action on money matters
vealin above my fellows, but I am as When mou apoke of tile elitirch I took HaNtAY Humi. commencel to wrap 1oft ft not Iw forgotten ,I#y hirm- time longer anil I have never had a aiiti Europenn RumLa. with the tot -oil
far away from G"i &.,4 erer. Quer It for grantir4l that tlwy to thu plaintiff had stated that his D i s e ca , ,spe,
YO nw,ant the thp r"tirrecteil- in hij; blanketm, er* anti all who Im-od horm%o thrit touch of rheumatism since. andhope nuinWr of 100.918 pr1k,onel,4 71, financial ition wam always satiw
ht&P4 tile use of steam or electricity OManization known a.4 tile pr*eby- generate beat. Hastil,y lie-ttirned a forin. di4litAKItion, :L.4 well an tho c4)111- I nerer may. I can say that Pink maintenance or thin vast army of inctory. rne'rowa-examination he wits
flift(se Lie any hoLier (,r Lett,er?-and t*riaam. Other ruligions societies were few more drop" of the melted butter nion blenjislifitit-4ilrb, jwnvii Pills cured me of a bad cass of rhea- criminals, many of whom tire iherely aKked If lie had ever twen bankrupt. I
yet these things wimi I have been not cliurcht*, tney were n. rin inatism ailid I cheerfully recommend [political offentlers. Involves &it enor- -0141-V
"Isms." I Into the opeti mouth, and then. he said hows j4print,alkring-lialt-amag h=lf 1
miracle" to mf�n (,)f (4 i. I must think did 'not know th(m t,jat thi,,re .was to as : %. ttary as tile c(ilor of tho hajr. it t4kem to other4 mifferijig its I Old." mous coint. for which adequate provis- " No," was4 the amwer. Next question and enlds
.j this. a great seething ae.-I ol honest'thouglit !' It'- Im over, anl yon paw it. Dr, Williams' 1 -Ink Pillj4 Pitrike at was, - Now, be careful; did you ever
YOU f4hould tw- kept Ili mind, t000, thab the ton is not made bv tile State- The stoll payment ?*, - yeA6,, w&@ ,,Ile D
lit,. tho rut -4 of the disease, dr1ring it consequ,�nce in that in tile niajoritY reply. " Ali "' exclalined the counse4.
- Re&,t that .Igait.. please," snId without &,ptui(Im and- without charts. call tA_ -11 all liten tha% the secrets of mare mut-t bear half the rempgnsillA .
flaim. wh.'19 a look of &tiger made his I 110ftte(I MY, littlo nrg(mr of falth on lifO are with uI4. Beholil me, I am the for the clin ractfir of tile fbal. from the system# mid restoring the of cajtm the Inmates of the prison have "I thought we should get it at last.
cjtes sparkle. He lifiltene I intently and a safe mill polill; whero iliere. was no Valiatina lof the Inner circle. You If horme 'tr6utdod with tentler Ug h 0 0 endure tile worst Coneeivablesani. Wlien did that happen ?" " After I the chcw-rm
- .$ n rp patimt, to health ant] stre t . I t
them allowe.1 tjietu Vi go on. rbOm for ti(ral wavem or equinoctial h1irf, r4een w1lat the worl,I hall longed cases of paralysis. sl)inal troubluO. tary cojkjltio�m, and the official -
.1 fewt or coutmetet I - b
Vie highest storms. Had I be,om a thinker I might for. what '%Age@ have dreamed of. bf) iillqjwfbql to. starml tilmm nil earth locomotor ataxia, spilatica. rheuma- figures, wiiich are invariably optinds- - I I
J&nuary, '6:.`.--1 Ln , I likx)fx theY shoula Paid 11,11 I ovved." wao the answer
types ut. human setif-,,ucrifice and pat- have told thiffil t4torY bettwr, but I dare -you. can sweilr It N true. See, ur floo#, or the PU11.4 Hhould 1w f Illed with tism, (Arysipelan. acroluloua tnmbles. tie, uliow uo low than 80 per cent. of Diplomacy. :
- riotiam among those of tile simplest ilay a stenograpliev,ft'can report a limther opens filso V-yeib What ISOM flvi� or ,-Is InCh-H (If 1041til- Which 14110tIld etc., these pills are superior too all tile prison population suffer during tile .
Inith. The morals of' the Nazarene, speech, on tho commereial relations my broiber ? Can you Ppeak ?" be leveled off am holcio ar.- ather treatment. oniey are also a .Nlrt-- -1(avw---Oh, deaz tile; pleam, vell of health
cojull)ine-I with hi,o inspiring love, have Of tile civiliwel world when Ile (I s . worn vmr front tylphold fever and kindred a
oe Anil he 1paned over and placed tits thiveln. . . Ppecific for the troubles which make epidleluic.s. me flow to wojml this telesrra.m to �
lifted every people they have tollched, not know a protocol from an Impost. our 4t �hp mhulli of the resurrected. I *
whiie the secret teachings of the A40 I have told tho story and shall VVO henrd a mumbled . Every draft coit will will a % a- .,tile lives of so Twmy women a burden, - nly huldwind-1 want to toll him that
tientence. and paying price. It It has not tile fash. and speedily restoore the rich glow o( The Czatitut. wiio 1.4 it. %killud tspe- tile Imby im idek, the cook is drunk
adepts kave left a world to A-rithe W-11 It. I ani aivaro that a scene was tho Maliatilla Huml saiji: health to pale and sallow cheeks. the water lotpeo #Lre leaking. and i to
� % and l4i"IL into aniniallem. wIljl6 they enacteA here In thim little valley at " lie Pays I have -been Icing on tile ton lit cohmr, of .ha,4 a white fare or writiz. ordered a muchine in Paris
rnvelle.t in secret In dreams thIA1 gmttO wh1ch I do not untie leg. or Ile rA)armt or with a large hend, lion', broken down by overwork. worry want him* to come home at once. I
wave of . r- rowl. 119 wa,4 weary waiting." he will not brIng as timelt its a rinp Or fzc*�- will tind to I)ink 11114 a ,With 'Jill up-tq,-d:A,! litsiprovemento. thO. Telegraplier--Oli. if you want jklan
14mL I arust otu ly the Christ more. stand. If there was trickery or de- I "ITrius, lljy brother. but your com; da,Pple gray, LZi it(! ivill have a fair' certain cure. SoM by all dealers, or tviliebaro of wilik-li are to I;e of gold to conbe home at onto, you 118d bet- 07-1AM
January. '62--1 havq ItAiked upon a CePtlon r am not deep, enaugh to un.. ratif. (lied, aDd your letter was neve sent by mail pclstpaid. at 50c. a box, ter any, "Good hmww--mm* Im.mine- C113
.-o.ia which this people liars ruinte. value for some (Innyinan. carter or and thn franie litiald with peurlst diatoply." I xwleizPC2,
_I ravel it. it I ui*) the wrOng wor(Ic. it rea4f. The General. your neophyte, other teamster. or six boxes for $2.50, fly aiddresging k— V
ana it h" a new motto, " In GW We is belcat'40 I am a surveyor iwfl not wa#4 amialwinate.l. You (lid not dream u e Dr Williams' Medicine Co.. Her 1Uajt*ty*# favorite genw. tier
Trumt." H41r6 Ure milli4sus who drearn a lingub4t. it I - Keel) -the. colts growl g to develop th - royal grandinainuia douto uot sharo ill
d fail to describo emo. of till,'. Blit I found your knapsack. early maturity And other good qual- Brockville, Ont.,or Schenectady, .N.Y. thI14 tatite; tit fact, site loatlim type- - - __mm"O�
of the Edwace as a ptruon. Am J tions anti actloaq In a graphic man- I rpaa Your words, and I am here. Itles; give them Hilielter at night. and Beware (A Imitations and substitutes writtoen documento. j8he has given 0
wiser thad a rave %%ho thirst f(jr a tier, It is ll*,caaw� my profeggijif?n had It la enough; sleep gow, anfl rise up to gw much handEng and gentling iw pom. nIfted to be "just as gc"1.1' ISSUE N 61897. __ - helplee6*,,
. ____ -.---
t'uther ? caused me to drive trade ataken on tell all mien th4l triumph of our cult." This will make and break tile 4irders that no suoli docume-lita tiliall - __ -_
Hum.1 *at with Ili* %%euzenwl bicein ailwity Cftil(Wan said In a sephulchral tone: good C,-)Itx rea4y for work at an early Bradstreet's oil Trade. Ili future be. lald before liert aikl Lione
for a r. sible. , ,our*% be sent out, by . li,-r " Ila" I I lb 1, � 0
kits hands and hN elbowd rewting on rather than to nial) a history df a " When I Fleep again, It will be my. A". will, Of c -
0 1 General trade Is quiet tit Toritnito, officialm that are oupposed to Oman- invcili&,
- human tragedy. You will lin(k.rutand, lamt sleep. -Give me more of the red - N�� have horses grow ()Ill tind -worth- th4)ugll meMhAftt4 a" hoPef"ll Of a ate front the sovereigi! All the I
itid knees. Ifis apl*aranee was start .a
Ling. ghoul -like and terrible. Th non. that the most marvelou.4, Pventil celet4tial cor-lial In your vial and let lew on his hands IN It loss to any Wrly tictive spring tnuic. The mild p%-t,tIm4.ylt A11L imp Iv evapor-
flickerialK light of the fire se.emed to of a century Phoulif not be disero- me speak. for my Journey lm over. I farnw.r. Itather let film buy and raise I n --w on"
t)rin;r changing tints fr(nn Ili@ eyes &a dited b0cause of tile failure of tile tinve much to may.- weather and lack of snow am in part ate from it document or lctter, pro-
.,ght , 41,oem from diamonds. narrator, but rtither tile 14implicity of cro IMI continued.) young atilmalst, timing tlipm with care the mw4es of dull triale. Iffild w4mtheT duct%] fly a rilachlue, ana thia Ili the I n Cj
I., I IALAD,k It hCA40
Go on." he i -al! I in a low tone. MY GtOrY should win Your credulity - . ____ . I until their prime and then bell them at Montre,al has emphasis(O the dull chief rfkamota why site Quvea IiaA pet -_
"This Dext entry in the dairy lit lit by Its rude, blunt metho(l. do I at their highest value, tmiyIng other jwVNson, a.nd IlinilicTing (qw-rationa at her face againtit' the ty1wwriLten , i
t Langnage I t!o not understand," said I am iture that tile tron door of -tile 1 - H . AD NO FAITH," e(oltdt in turn. DAMY. the nortliftut have Iwwn curtailed. poperm. Puro.
Llie lawyer. ljandim� tile book to grotto had not been open(ml for "even ll,,t my Prospects for 111194TIeSS during tAb,6 next Delicious. . . EmMOMICOL
liuml. I yearm. The key which Mr. Mallolh pro- Grpiilt Wits FOrguaded Me to Try tke The dalry intereot of the United two moutdri am not rtVa.riled ap en- A Mokbcow flentlist htw w)lved tlie Sold is 10valod Lead Packets only, made I
"It 1P Ilebrew," fuii,f Huitil. as he ducetl had been hanging f)u tile wall Houtli Amerlean ittieum*tiv � NtatA,w, even with its low average couraging. Getimt.1 traAle is quiet at . By Groe*re only ann"M
P.cann&l the few senteuces. Then he ever since it hail =11 uAed VD close Ctire suci My Aizonialat Pain I . product, is of more value than all the 11allfax, the firth market being unusu- problem of supplying Like hunian bold at 26. 40, au and 60 cents per lb.
hiseed Im a tone of couceittrated till, Iron door. The lock had rusted W11111 GOlit' Ill 13 Houroo I . gold and sliver minm and if all the 9LIIY tklnles"Od Owing t%lack of demand rgOuth with falme teeth which will —_ — I
it ager : � �lltt` Its IN)"itiOn &91011mt the hasp I asid tione for tjoed. cowk4 were up to the standard tes4t from the West Indlem asid the United - - - - ___ -_ i a thousand
Thle nuaster ;,D- %hat the oxidized mam had to Ile the yearl toutput would he more StAttvi. Heavy exporU of ap0es from - - THERE IS NOTHIN&LIKI
wa,4 turning pupiL .1. 1). micl.4"j, ()( J.'ettlk Olit., Mays. - � KnB-C �
aud weakened for n Ume-that is all. Ivr(Aen wIth a hammer. About the T4
01 heumatis illi - than treb ed. t4w Provtwe have been without pro. I I FOR
1(ye lit an excellent f(m)(I [.)r dairy fit. There were 65 bush~ failures re- - "AgfFyE94Rfi11 Pc0y694f1kt!'A ,
-)Or were for seve-n yfvLrw_.co,nfiued to my -bed HEA , 0 ,
10 of w) Importance. It is fI06r outsidc the gritted dr "I hAvO beef] a victim of r
- tit an experience understond only by *#ou.venirs 6f love In the forin.of laded f cowot, and in some respects Im worth ported from the Dominion of Conadd FREE 6AMPLES K D C AND MLLG Wri " thwn.
.aths and bouquptm, nly,%elf. Have I* last week, compared with 87 the pml- I 14 0 C. Q0 Ltd. "%ton. VS.. and %4rw Glasnow
"ng wre Or M(Alth6'4 iftt a time; unable to turn cures of
thoee I& the Inner 01rcle of Influence." a nd decay, I I I by I Ily Hume than wheat bran; It has less a =100�
Then thp lawyer took the diary and left toy lovNit maidens *and w " tMea to( na digestible and mineral matter, and viotti week, 53 in the firut Week, of - -
wait'"- p,byWc1&_ns w1thout ruiy benedit. I I )
said: " Perba,,m we had better only was applied to the Ito falt,b In rheumatic ctn4m I w had more which in rarbonaceotts. It would January, 1896, and a like total In t4m, I I cioflsum lion PODEWAko- 0
read that which i.s in English. This lock It wat Tound that tl;e functions Vwtised, I -Alt my wife LIU] w a4u be- cheap at $16 a ton. corresponding total oir 1895. Bank P STUDYesob-ip", `Aw=bnM- 6k Shoot
ht- tntist have inten,!eil of sprinig anti rilfwIlanimm were ruined umt me to I NEb&".4,a2hMr6vVWrftWMb�yS0Mw
for whoever got It bottle ot - It I* unfair for tile cows and for cleezing4 at Winnipeg, 11amilt.on, ollo- Out -door life and Scotes 2001111006M CAL 6"L Tv"16010110 Rheumatism
lie &I'd thatt tile lock must too broken ut-li Anumrievin Itheu- the owngrit that a few good milkers ronto, Montreal and Halifax amounted
o t(Abread, or so I
n matle Cum from r. Tnylor druggist. NYAN a C0WWft-.9&*aWL .
w4-uld have e,oncealt,611 it In it more (bf. IfX)se *, which was done, a d tile tomb it, ()Well M. shotild haye to support several bad or to $22,967,000 lamt week, comparlad EmuWon of Cod-liver Oil with
ficult tongue." woo, entered. When the door was I I I ,nig . Sound. At that ti'me I wag, Indifferent ones. but It is so Ill almopt with $16,751,000 in the Invoedingr Hypophosphites have cured or.
.July. '6'_1.-0u the 1-iji: march U) t"rncoi lack the mOrning light ulione alter OTIT with pain. Imide o( 12 howls every Iwrd. A Baheock U-ster would week wid with $27,048.0(0 In tile c -WI-b
lAmfloville Ky. What a vitat country! Illt,o the little cave and lighted It up 1) I had taken tho f1r4 dow. tile first week of January, 1895. T)w thousands of cases of consump. YOU W AN T an
Ifere lit �h vr.'tll 1huff, mr, b,,Ul all k4t m0. I eloatinuod un- reveal it *;taU- of thingm never dreamed -y a ro �
lCiptit radiance to make til I "I u%e4l th7ve bottiM and I of, sometime". only a trifle largrr t-han the tx)rre- tion in the early stages. They
uy oceans asil cradled In mountain tverythli,g perceptible. n0%v C()II-*fok-r myowif Ilabita formed (luring the first o4en- opontling U)tal In IR95. CleAwlringis at . I
range# that frame a world, where an 01, tile da.1a of square mtone In the . co"ll)lf"t"'y cur"41-'. son of her milking ure sure to cling the five CAutmilan cities durIng 1896 cure old, advanced cases too;
j :#I.#:- Ll.i- hitereut man shmiZI bo centrp ()f the cave were two objects. AlwiLys p. V; the cow as mile grown older; there. wem 1.4 per cent. smaJler t1vin Ili � E Bright s
OU i, "" had tile 141199eative form which Silver Lining. fore, much depend.4 on how the lieffer 1895. 1
lo.wtht . biftel frona tile fingera of (), " Vill ftfraltl." i but not so many, nor so prompt. THAT
48,4P . here shali be mingled the !,4 raplily rceogitzable_ In tile foldiii of remarked WL Stall- is treated. This Is notably true of ______
wvIl'i4 friend. 11 tilat I have a touch ly. When a case is so far ad. . GROW
Hebrew. the follower of coulluclujit, the falled cloth we knew reposed all thitt" of malaria." . the lidbit of it continuance of the THE' POWER OF ELECTRICITY. IAAVFX TINK AND X9?jj[T
atudent of llpfthoiiie4 tile trustlul wor- Pe'1116111fti- on earth (if one of our mce. 64 Thattiq v(Ty ba,d," flow of U111j. I vanced that acure cannot be The le"tig Cataloorue in Canad, Disecaujume.
Phipper of ( ' 'hrist, anid tile dry. jdull Tilt: othrer obJect at It4i idde was replied tile The fact'that old fashloued dairy ' By thla ngency Nervillne is nimw YOUrs for the asking -write tw it. 10 t
i-tudent, of setenco. with his dust -pan (VOnel. sympathetically. - Mad4 evcn then SCOTTPS Tells a u
I'llddIP'l up In it rude bunch, toug- of Ing was practised only during the to penetmte to the njost remote bo t best and Rarest see& knolm
crouched so thp Smds by Mail -sak a.mvaj guaranteed
sesift, anti here shall be' fought Costive or a human form It's a most disagTeeable malady." iminmer hohis such oway over , nerve very b0He9 mumle and liga-. EMU1017 checks the rapid
Yes. Tile only thing that I can. they Itre nwnt made to feel its beneficent pow --
114 popwibly think 01 In favuh of mal ity of the discase, reli,evcs the TNt SteWe, Bri crov SeW Co. In
',���, the last battle (If faith Anti Lm- tfirutlis,r ar It i4itting with Ita arr minds of many farmem that
111ortallty. A bubble (if truth, a crg&m aboutilta knees and head reposing oil aria averooe to attenipVtig anything else. Or. Nerviline in - a wonderful rem- 661V Send for Chart Book.
Lo tho faCt that whinkey 1 LEADING MEtc-HA"TI, Torollt 0 t.
of morality. &L flower of hope ohall Ito breast. 30f`All0,n Ppoke In a will*. *xI a gOod medicine foh I a consider- They will not give �roper heed to feed edY, pleasant to even the youngnm; pains In the chest, reducc,s the b F L. L T F,)a W 0. n
t,ioom pitx-ive this "thing mass of per, ton Star. t-"-WamhInjr- and housing 'rhe animals are going child, yet no powerfully far reaching " Canada', Greatest Sem 1100ILe "
ttiought. Oh, tollAt I might live tO 11011111 '"rho one on ther right lit Gadogan. - tso Ile an expensie., anyway, and they in Ito work that the moot IWOnIzing night swc4l:4 and malres the j I
ti,ijo cononnimatloti I will think of The forrn on ,%be left Il; that of tile � JOSH IIII-LIN(; SAIJ) reduce It to next to nothing. Internal or exterritil pain yip" an jr cough casier. In thm cascs it �' 40-�.
this. I havo arL-ien an#] lady Who died, broken-beartal, when Next to n clear co Good feeding in the happy medlum by mng*. -
8eptember, '6;.)-- lie died." 1180011ro for oolid between forcing anti neglect. It coo- Comforts and prolongs Iffc. LORD11 PRA 3 ZR and ten amm"damto
fitful glare of the comfort givo nip a,tj Old shoe. I, Iflul"rated twel 0 0010 and Now. @No 14811111,
auk writing by the Huml, tile adept, took tile lead In ut- 14INtom Of gOO(I food properly c:oncen- The Old Bore Unhealed. prisW ev lli�vy =16
Lf lover. A brantOW WW
sleeP un my ali tile rest of the curious proceed- ractor re- trated and mixed, and red 'Inainounto Nice 300. avesip 1pake
CAMP fit0- I co,ul,I not nam'IR I'ainlem Corn 1,:Xt Don't experiment with curen itrustic pleftre. a
,jamp 14pj of mud betoide the high. Ing -P in 'the tomb. Mf)Vf* tile worst corlis in twentY-four which will keep the cow up to ller ssi x yearm ago tile Legimiature of 101 pw oent. rat . Write for tioalan tw
. ., Wsy, thmgll I liave %%rapped mYgelf With a gentle han1 he opened holir". Putnain'M 10 tile onl.,r slurp, filgliemt normal mark atul not over- Arkanias 0ammki a 1411 appropriating that &stroy the digestion. Mai day The= I silvol w (z Maistrakt. So 5. RuGkmai
- ja MR% blaWmt- bolofe this &Ud GlePt tile cerementm of the g'rI and turned onto and Painb" 00M ezt4%6bDr. tAx her producing power". $350 for a palnUnx of Jefferwon Davis your fafth to the one rc=dy Quebor
_h ____ � a ...., - __
vpw e steppes of SlberW or cov- them back. Time and kindly nature I 1l0RT1C1JLTt7Rf',. ind instructing tile kWge&ntat-Arm*, which hu bccn THE STAN ft" vv� as" of
vr,ed my fa,ee from this bale(Ut moon had done the;r work. Only tile frame rield Was Improvident ' to hajW it over, this Speaker's chair 4
The acid Of &11 frult@4 has itm valv* In tile Place pmvlously occupled by
a Zgyljt and siepto beside the PYr&' of the oneg beautiful form remained. Another, sail eonimentary on tile Ili tile demALn o ju my I DARD FOR OVER 20 YEAR& 1ANUA
ad" What a Jf6 M, & picture of George Washington. On -800" Pulse n a -GotI ,
fact that Many literary men b,elleve and It Phould be the duty- of every Wednesdaly a mmW)er introduced a Book about ft hu for the -skin .
I W lio that Is Tile giorloux treenex of hair, grown (10 f,tl'O hum i ite
OVUM as to woUd"s of history and to an enormous le th, lay In nhiny In letting the morrow take care of farmer to provide for Wet family all resolution calling for the removal of 1.
- &W res& qp1n tile weird folds on the stone.TU71mi refolded tile. Itself is seen In the ease of Eu M8916111b
a# a prWasr whom 81IOD" ebmudLW cloths and then turned Ili@ thO atei-ndtiLrd fruits lie call possibly th4 pictu." of Davis from Its ositlom tor"byaD &vcghbat 50c.and
. Fleld's widow, whose friends are cultiva.te. apes and -of honor and the tra.Wer o Wash- VOL TIO
� - to y the, M04111ths Of All face to the Sast muttered some soft deavoring to obtain for her a CIO stm IF INDICES
jMd is this p&Ie is" 1rutturals in an unknown tongtW MW amp in the ooverzmext PNW be ivVCV=$6 portraJt to Its old p*A)a SCOTT & SOWN&. bailvz% " CONQUERED
9 .. a . . 1.
. 11 ___ - - � , ww'', �5. I I . . a .&-Ambl.. �. I � - ���.� __ — A -
.. . .. .. _. 71"ftWW="*, - .- Ths Rome, by an overwhelming vote, IT P ME= nyKeDeCe
- . . , . "I I -1-01 *01 . -ANNINSINNIMIL.� �- ", : .. -�_ , -.,�, - i;"ZL VnIOLA Ova" AMIL ON --
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